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"Grow Tipz"   Information and assistance in growing medical cannabis.

ACT UP! Washington DC, sponsors of the medical marijuana initiative Congress censored but, according to exit polls, residents of the District of Columbia favored 2-1 in November 1998.
Action Class for Freedom of Therapeutic Cannabis is a class-action lawsuit currently being litigated in federal court in Philadelphia. Lawrence Elliott Hirsch is the lead attorney for the constitutional challenge to the ban on medical marijuana.
Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics, information about medical use, clinical studies and reform efforts.
Alpine World medical marijuana archive is back online! A large library of information created by Steve Kubby in California includes lots of news and information on Proposition 215. See also the Kubby Files.
American Medical Association medical marijuana recommendations.
American Public Health Association endorses medical marijuana. Drug warriors like to say they will stop arresting sick people when "doctors stand up" for medical marijuana. Guess what? They already have, in a vote of the membership reported in the March 1996 American Journal of Public Health. The American Public Health Association (APHA) is the oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world. The APHA represents more than 50,000 members and has been effectively influencing policies and setting priorities in public health since 1872. (In fact, however, according to the DEA's own administrative law judge, Francis L. Young in a 1988 decision, it's not necessary for the APHA or AMA or any other organization to endorse medical marijuana.
Arizona Company Medical says it has an Arizona cannabis and controlled substance dealers license and is in the business of selling medical marijuana to doctors and people over 18 with illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, anorexia, chronic pains, spasticity, arthritis, migraine, or any other condition for which medical marijuana provides relief. As always, buyer beware.
Berkeley Rx. Cannabis Growers Coop
California Compassionate Use Act of 1996, a site dedicated to documenting legal and other aspects of the medical marijuana law enacted by Proposition 215. One big attraction is the "Lungren Updates" in the "State Government Responses" section.
Californians for Compassionate Use, associated with Dennis Peron and the now-defunct San Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club.
Cannabis Helping Alleviate Medical Problems (CHAMP), a medical marijuana dispensary in San Francisco.
Cannabis Research Library formats most articles as Adobe Acrobat .pdf files.
Coloradans for Medical Rights, sponsors of a medical marijuana initiative that the Secretary of State kept off the November 1998 ballot, but which will likely face voters in 2000.
Contigo-Conmigo is a medical-marijuana patient advocacy group based in Monmouth, Oregon.
Dykes For Medical Marijuana mentions marijuana's medical utility for some people suffering from diabetes.
Farmacy, in cooperation with state, local, and federal government officials, assists patients so they can obtain or cultivate a safe and affordable, lawful supply of marijuana for personal medical use.
Floridians For Medical Rights, a political committee formed to sponsor the Medical Freedom initiative which would allow for the certified medical use of marijuana.
Green Cross serves the Puget Sound medical-marijuana community. The Oregon chapter of Green Cross now has its own web site.
Hemp is Hep, the Crescent Alliance Self Help for Sickle Cell, a peer operated organization devoted to researching and developing remedies and therapies for those whose lives are directly affect with sickle cell disease.
Hyperreal Medical Marijuana page.
International Cannabinoid Research Society
Levellers' Therapeutic Cannabis Section focuses on the schism developing between voter initiative campaigns around the United States sponsored by Americans For Medical Rights and others.
Lindesmith Center medical-marijuana archive, a variety of information, including scientific studies detailing marijuana's medical efficacy.
Los Angeles Cannabis Buyers Club, directed by Scott Imler.
Main Medical Marijuana Page, an independent site dedicated to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
Marijuana Policy Project's guide to the legal status of medical marijuana in all 50 states.
Marinol, a company site dedicated to the synthetic-THC pharmaceutical medicine manufactured by Roxane Laboratories, Inc., which is owned by Unimed. For a different perspective on Marinol, click here.
George McMahon, the home page for the fifth U.S. citizen to be furnished legal medical marijuana by the federal government.
Medical Marijuana Magazine, published by best-selling author and cancer patient Peter McWilliams. The Todd McCormick saga is covered here.
Medline. Scan the medical research yourself for free, courtesy of the National Library of Medicine, a part of the National Institutes of Health. Just remember: 1) Medline does not generally include research more than 20 years old, but the U.S. government has not allowed any clinical research with real marijuana since the 1970s; 2) Marinol, or synthetic THC, used in many experiments, is not marijuana; 3) Correlation is not causation; 4) Not a single piece of research purporting to find significant harm from smoking marijuana has ever been both A) published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal; and B) replicated by other scientists using the same methodology.
Medical Marijuana and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A related page is here.
MedScape bills itself as the No. 1 free Internet medical site providing thousands of articles that are Web-enhanced for online browsing.
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). "Psychedelic studies" may sound far out, but MAPS is one of the most rational and respected organizations you'll find involved in medical marijuana issues.
National Cancer Institute, guidelines for use of medical marijuana.
NORML's medical-marijuana page
Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative
Carl Olsen has some excellent Web pages with resources on Marijuana as a Medicine, including the 1988 ruling by the DEA's top administrative law judge, Francis L. Young, directing the DEA to transfer marijuana from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. Olsen is also archiving documents related to the the lawsuit against the federal prohibition on medical marijuana being litigated in Philadelphia by public interest attorney Lawrence Elliott Hirsch.
Oregonians for Medical Rights, sponsors of the successful 1998 Oregon Medical Marijuana Act initiative campaign. Includes a good page of links to cannabis-related medical research.
Patients Out Of Time.
Research Findings on Medicinal Properties of Marijuana, January 1997, a review of about 75 scientific studies on marijuana and health, by Kevin B. Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy.
RxMarihuana.com the site of Dr. Lester Grinspoon and James D. Bakalar of Harvard Medical School, featuring excerpts from their book, "Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine."
Clifford Schaffer's Library of Medical Marijuana, research papers and historical documents, local statutes and resolutions, organizational statements and legal briefs.
Science of Medical Marijuana, an online library sponsored by Americans for Medical Rights.
Ron Shaw: "I smoke Marijuana for medical reasons."
Shelter From the Storm, a collective of medical cannabis users in San Diego who have banded together to share the costs of a community grow room.
Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana, in California.
215Now.com, the Libertarian Party of California intends to use this site to pressure government officials into fully implementing Proposition 215. The heart of the site is an online petition that visitors can use to send e-mail messages to designated officials.
Washington Citizens for Medical Rights, sponsors of Initiative 692, the medical marijuana ballot measure approved by voters in November 1998.
Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, in Santa Cruz, combines the efforts of patients and caregivers, provides information, facilitates education and offers safe, high-quality, genetically controlled, organically grown, medical marijuana at no charge for California patients with a letter of recommendation from their physicians. WAMM is a patient collective, empowering the terminally ill to care for themselves.

Non-U.S. links pertaining to medical marijuana can be found in the International section. Much more information about medical marijuana can be found in articles at other domains, listed here; in Portland NORML's own Articles section; and in Portland NORML's massive news archive.

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