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American Society for Action On Pain, an organization of pain patients, their families, doctors, and caregivers, dedicated to improving pain treatment and ensuring that pain patients may obtain the life-giving medications they need..
Drug Policy Foundation, an independent, non-profit organization with over 20,000 members that publicizes alternatives to the failed war on drugs.
Drug Reform Coordination Network, the world's largest online library of drug-policy material.
DrugSense, associated with the Media Awareness Project (MAP). If you have reservations about the War on Drugs, explore DrugSense to become better informed and to become active in making a positive change.
DrugText, the latest international information and research on drugs and drug policy, including official documents and policy statements from the United Nations, the Netherlands and elsewhere.
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM).
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR).
Gateway to reform page, an introduction to the Drug Reform Coordination Network.
Human Rights and the Drug War, an exhibit dedicated to the prisoners of the war on some drug users and their families.
The Ibogaine Dossier. Ibogaine, a substance discovered in plants from West African rainforests, has been reported to reduce both narcotic and cocaine withdrawal symptoms while concurrently precipitating a process of abreaction that attenuates or interrupts the craving to use drugs of high abuse potential.
The Alfred R. Lindesmith Center. Articles, reports, unpublished papers and even books by leading scholars, writers, officials, activists and others in the field of drug policy.
Marijuana Policy Project. Current information on the status of marijuana-related legislation in Congress. MPP provides the first full-time lobbying presence for marijuana-law reform in Washington, D.C.
Media Awareness Project. Find out how to join the nation's largest e-mail network fighting prohibition.
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Since its founding in 1970, NORML has been the principal national advocate for regulating marijuana. During the 1970s, NORML led the efforts to successfully decriminalize minor marijuana offenses in 11 states and significantly lower penalties in all others. Though the decriminalization movement eventually fell victim to the "war on drugs," NORML has remained the nation's principal organization dedicated to ending marijuana prohibition. Ask not what NORML has done or can do for you - ask what you can do for NORML. Opposing hundreds of thousands of drug warrior mercenaries paid for by your tax dollars, the NORML national office in Washington, D.C. is made up by a staff of only six full-timers, just four of them paid. Thanks to volunteers and interns, NORML nevertheless manages to publish two newsletters, a weekly press release for the media, its World Wide Web site, special reports targeted to political activists and criminal defense lawyers; handle inquiries from the press and requests for assistance from NORML members; make legal referrals; and plan organizational meetings and an annual continuing legal education program for defense lawyers. Know and exercise your rights!
November Coalition, a growing body of citizens whose lives have been gravely affected by our government's present drug policy. Their goal is to make their voice heard, to expose the folly of America's war on drugs and demand change.
Carl Olsen's Marijuana Archive, legal documents on marijuana, religion and drugs.
Stanton Peele Web Site. Peele is an independent addiction researcher who has critiqued drug treatment, addiction theory, and drug policy for the past quarter century.
Clifford Schaffer's Library of Drug Policy. Of interest to everyone on both sides of the debate, with documents and arguments from both perspectives. We especially urge you to read Mr. Schaffer's novel and well-documented essays, particularly in the section Strategies to End the Drug War. Mr. Schaffer is uniquely effective at turning around drug warriors' arguments against them - in debates, no Prohibitionist has ever come up with plausible replies. Every activist should be familiar with the Persuasive Strategies, Show Stopper Questions for Your Opponent and Answers to Specific Questions. Also be sure to read Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, the DEA debate manual which was written in response to the success of the "Persuasive Strategies," posted here with Schaffer's line by line rebuttal. (It was originally titled "How to Hold Your Own in a Drug Legalization Debate," but the title was changed because the first title seemed to assume they would get beaten no matter what and the best they could hope to do is survive.) For a quick introduction to Mr. Schaffer's approach, read his standard speech.
Think For Yourself, Jim Rosenfield's library includes many fascinating pieces by conservatives.
U-Net, DRCNet's web page about the student-led campaign at more than 140 campuses to repeal a new provision in the Higher Education Act that bans financial aid to any student caught possessing marijuana.
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This site hosted by MAPinc - the Media Awareness Project. Our undying gratitude to them and their fine staff.  DRCNet link This site is also part of the Drug Reform Coordination Network Online Library.

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