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Cannabis Culture, formerly Cannabis Canada, based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Drug Money Times uses a colorful tabloid format and a heavy layer of sarcasm to publicize various scandals involving the CIA, Contras, Clinton, cocaine, Mena airport and so on.
Drug News Index gateway to the Media Awareness Project's most recent news from around the globe pertaining to cannabis and drug policy issues.
The Flow (the Netherlands)
Hemp Times, "committed to the legalization of hemp for commercial and industrial uses."
Hemptech, the industrial hemp information network.
HempWorld magazine.
High Times, founded in 1974 and named after an album by the MC5, is the oldest publication dedicated to marijuana consumers.
Join Together Online, like the Media Awareness Project, maintains an e-mail news clipping service and online news archive. A project of the Boston University School of Public Health, Join Together is "a national resource for communities working to reduce substance abuse and gun violence."
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
Journal of the International Hemp Association.
MAP Drug News Index, gateway to the Media Awareness Project's most recent news from around the globe pertaining to cannabis and drug policy issues.
Marijuana News, "a personal newsletter on the cannabis controversies," with daily updates, published by former NORML director Richard Cowan. Highly recommended.
NORML News Release Archive goes back as far as January 1996.
Portland NORML News Archive directory The news archive maintained by Portland NORML is huge, more than 70 megabytes at last count. Though not as comprehensive as that maintained by our allies at the Media Awareness Project, it goes back farther and is organized chronologically to make it easier in some ways to navigate.
Rand Index on Smoking, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
Usenet newsgroup: alt.drugs.pot.
Usenet newsgroup: alt.hemp.
Usenet newsgroup: alt.hemp.politics.
Usenet newsgroup: alt.prisons.
Usenet newsgroup: or.general.
Usenet newsgroup: or.politics.
Usenet newsgroup: rec.drugs.cannabis.
Usenet newsgroup: talk.politics.drugs.
West Group Daily Law Highlights. Up-to-the-minute legal news, with sources cited in each article.
|   Just the FAQs (links index)   |   some Hemp links  |   Contacts - Action Resources  |
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This site hosted by MAPinc - the Media Awareness Project. Our undying gratitude to them and their fine staff.  DRCNet link This site is also part of the Drug Reform Coordination Network Online Library.

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For Affiliate information, contact your local NORML or similar org - you can visit Oregon NORML on-line at www.ornorml.org.

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