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Portland NORML News Archives
About Cannabis and Drug Policy


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1998 news articles 1998 Index


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1998 Portland NORML
Daily News

(For more details about the other news archives at this site, please follow the links to them, above.)

Portland NORML's Daily News archive will attempt to compile significant local, national and international news about cannabis and drug policy throughout the year. A new edition will be posted for each day. Additional stories will be added to previously posted daily editions, and the long and short directories updated, as copy becomes available and time allows. Full texts and sources are included whenever available.

After trying several approaches, the editor has settled on a system of organizing each day's stories geographically. (Subheads would waste a lot of bytes and add a lot of clutter.) In deference to this site's provenance, Portland and Oregon stories lead, followed by news from California, Washington, and/or other Western states. The organization of domestic stories then moves eastward, ending with national news and federal government developments originating in Washington, DC. International news follows, beginning with Mexico and Canada, the United States' closest neighbors, and moving outward from there, usually from South America to Europe and then Asia.

Portland NORML hopes you will find this the most accessible library of its type on the Web. You have a choice of two indexes listing every news article for each day - the very long but complete index and shorter, weekly indexes. Both indexes allow you to access an entire day's news, or to go right to a particular news article.

Headlines in parentheses have been added by Portland NORML for the sake of clarity (allowing people to figure out more easily what really interests them) and to facilitate key-word searches. Use your Web browser's "Find" or "Search" menu options to research a particular subject quickly and easily.

The weekly news releases from NORML will be included at the top of each appropriate edition - usually every Thursday. Similar weekly news releases from Portland NORML's allies at DrugSense and the Drug Reform Coordination Network - whose e-mail listservers contribute the majority of news archived here - are also included.

The articles included in each daily news file are intended to be archived at their particular URL permanently (another unique reason this archive exists). Webmasters for other sites can link to any particular news article without asking permission first or worrying about link-rot.

If you are aware of an important story omitted here, please send the editor a text copy, URL, or inquire how to fax or snail-mail something for scanning, or scan it yourself and e-mail it as an attachment.

As a source of current news, one weakness of the Portland NORML 1988 news archive is that it tends to post articles a day or two (at least) after they are available (temporarily) elsewhere. If you'd like to read the latest stories that have just broken in the last day or two, your best bet is probably the Media Awareness Project's MAP Drug News page, accessible from Portland NORML's Links page listing all the other known news archives and news media focusing exclusively on cannabis and drug policy.

Another disadvantage to Portland NORML's news archive (depending on your point of view) may be the relatively large size of the files contained here, often 150,000 bytes or more. And then there's the long index, growing at the rate of 200,000 bytes a month. If such large files are a concern, several strategies might help. For one thing, consider a faster modem. Perhaps it's time to consider an Internet service provider with a better, faster connection. Turning off your browser's graphics may help, too. Usually, files download faster during off-hours, for example, in the evening. In addition, be sure to clear your browser's memory caches just before you access this site. Try to let pages download completely if you might be coming back to them. And verify the size of a file before printing it out or saving it to your hard drive. Anyone who can cut and paste can avoid wasting printer paper on unneeded text or filling up their disk with unneeded information. In its defense, Portland NORML notes that many casual readers as well as researchers find it easier to deal with larger files - that's why computers, hypertext and the World Wide Web were invented.

Time will tell if the 1998 Daily News archive is worth the effort. If you like it, bookmark it and tell your friends about it. It's hoped that the time you save keeping up on the news here may give you more time later to write letters and make telephone calls in favor of reform to elected officials and mass media.

The articles Portland NORML has posted are generally copyrighted by the source publications. They are reproduced here for educational purposes under the Fair Use Doctrine (17 U.S.C., section 107). NORML is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization. The views of the authors and/or source publications are not necessarily those of NORML. The articles and other information included here are not for sale or resale.


This URL: http://www.pdxnorml.org/news.html


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... Our undying gratitude to them and their fine staff.

DRCNet link This site is part of the Drug Reform Coordination Network Online Library.

For Affiliate information, contact your local NORML or similar org - you can visit Oregon NORML on-line at www.ornorml.org.

You are visitor # 116940!     (since 3/15/2005)  Thanx for stopping by. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies!   This page ( /news.html ) was last modified on:  Tuesday, 29-Aug-2006 13:26:09 PDT

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