the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project

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Where you can sign up for the NORML Weekly e-Zine.

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Welcome to the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project home page
  About this page ...
Welcome to the home page for the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project. 

Subcribe to the NORML e-Zine and stay in the loop on this and other action items.

Go Ahead!   Make Our Day!

The NORML NewsLetter Project gives permission for NORML people and Affiliates to download a version, replace the contact info - banner, header, footer and masthead - with their own, and print batches off.   If that's what it takes to get the word out, clone away!   Need Help?   Let Us Know!   Email us at:

- Get Yours -

--see Places List

The newsletter is for informational and educational purposes.   Objective is to spread the word, get news and info to people who need it and - hopefully - spread the grapevine itself at the same time.

Coming Soon:

Businesses that are willing to carry the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Newsletters
Businesses that are willing to print the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Print Services
Businesses that carry hemp paper for printing the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Paper
News Sources Sources



Tale Action Now

Orange NORML t-Shirt
Direct From NORML


Other Ways to Help

eBay Auctions
Tell Congress
Cafe Press Gear
Direct from NORML

-What You Can Do
--help produce
--download, make copies (offer place!)   Got a copier?   Can your Biz run 11x17 copies?  Do some!
---Affiliates and Hope-To-Be's - Steal This N/L!

The latest NORML Monthly NewsLetter is ready to hit the streets. Get yours at -> these Biz & Orgs <- that are willing to carry 'em   (our thanx to them!)   if your place wants to carry, pls let us know!

You can see it online, along with back issues at the newsletter library archive section.   Get yer copy, make copies, and distribute.   (and tell us where!)   Drop them at -> these Biz & Orgs <- that are willing to carry 'em   (our thanx to them!)   Please Help!   If your place wants to carry, pls let us know!

Be a part of making it happen.

go to Bottom   ( skip to End )  |   ( next )  |   Monthly Archive    |     ( prev )  |   ( go to Top )  back to Top
As Of (Date)
Page (Name)
About the NORML Monthly Newsletter.
nl_info.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl_info.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for April.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0604.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0604.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for March.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0603.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0603.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for February.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0602.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0602.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for January.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0601.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0601.pdf (Adobe)
  click here to see 2005 Archive listing  

  Home  |   Archive   |   About This   |   Making Contact   |   GuestBook   |   Places that Carry   |   Places that Print   |   Places with Paper   |

Comments, questions and suggestions? E-mail the Librarian To communicate, eMail the Librarian. Also, feel free to visit the Guestbook and leave a note.  
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