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Where you can sign up for the NORML Weekly e-Zine.

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  About this page ...

Objective, mission, goal, strategy(s);   Get the needed news, announcements and information to the people.  A number of those effected by cannabis prohibition are off-line. They -

- can't get good news from local main-stream media
- are rural or otherwise don't have inter-net connection options
- are poor/disabled or otherwise unable to get and/or get to operate computer and/or related services

Some activists have gotten into the habit of gathering and printing off the Weekly online e-Zine reports from NORML off the internet, making copies and handing them out as they talk about the issue.   This is in lieu of a NORML newsletter with basically the same info.  

It's not cost effective for National to mass print and mail when only a percentage utilize it.  Thus the effort to make printed media available by thru this system.

Idea; put the info into a standard format for printing, like a newsletter.  See below for examples.

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About the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project About the Project
News Sources Sources

Businesses that are willing to carry the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Newsletters
Businesses that are willing to print the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Print Services
Businesses that carry hemp paper for printing the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Biz w/ Paper

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About the NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project
[ What | Why | Who | How | When | Where ]

The Process

  • Take weekly e-zine reports and copy/paste into format.

  • Do minor editing (someone needs to decide on the banner heading) and make printable versions available to use as is or for "cloning".  Affiliates can download a copy, replace the contact info - headers, banner, masthead - and print as their own.
  • Make available on-line in all needed formats:   WORD, PDF, +? to start.

Strategy: k.i.s.s (keep it simple, silly) - copy and paste with a minimum of thot, decisions and - especially - editing.  Want simple process so volunteers can rotate on the duty.

The goal is to create a simple, systematic conduit from on-line to print;   from NORML to the public, members and affiliates that are off-line and without access to this unique source for news, announcements and information.

Objective is to get the news, etc., out in printed media form at a minimal cost - especially to National & affiliates - by only doing for & sending to those who want/use it.

Financial Support

If there is anyone who wants to contribute financially we should be prepared to accept it but the thots on this are as a donation basis only.

The team members agree to volunteer their time and resources to set it up and push it as far as it will go.  If someone comes along and desires to support this project specifically, a structure could be set up to handle production and distribution as necessary.

For example, if a new affiliate in Bumblesquat, USA wants 100 to spread around town as part of their start up - or existing affiliate wants a bunch for an upcoming event - they could call up our local printer, order a batch (3 newsletters for a $1), add some for delivery, and make it happen.

One idea, this could be handled in a number of ways.

Benefit / Risk analysis

The cost appears to be just time for volunteers - for basic service - and risk is nil.

If volunteers able -

- set up basic Newsletter
- any special versions; ie- help affiliates swap out contact info.

- print as many as possible.
- distribute as many as possible locally and in any requested mailings.

If vols un-able -

- others can grab the template and try it or
- go the old "print them out & staple together" routine.

In summary

With NORMLs permission - we're setting up and printing out the NORML news in a standard newsletter format and handing it out as we go about doing NORML things.   See below for examples.  Other NORML people around the world may do the same.

If affiliates would like, they can swap out the National contact info.  If they need help, we'll try to do it for them.

Contact us for more info or to comment.

Perry a' NORML
NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project
For more info on the NORML e-Zine visit the NORML News (e-Zine Archive) section


Where you can sign up for the NORML Weekly e-Zine.
See also ...

NORML News Feed page:   http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=5858

NORML Calendar of Events:   http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3425

NORML Newsletter Archive:   http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3419

NORML Library home > Liby Ix !:   http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3444

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