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At this point, e-Mail is the only way to contact us.  Eventually, we'll be able to send and receive snail-mail thru the postal services, and get a phone line for communications.

We're just a bunch of regular people working on this action item idea on our own with NORMLs blessing. 

We are volunteers doing the best we can, so pardon us if we are short on resources (like Time!).  PLEASE!  be patient, your contact is very important to us.  EVERY item will get a  response, even if just an acknowledgement.  The project team is committed to making this site an accurate, relevent tool for cannabis law reform. 

Post your thots, leave a comment in the NORML Monthly NewsLetter GuestBook

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Contact Us Comments, questions and suggestions about material?  For issues with CONTENT, or to communicate ideas, changes or requests for further information -  contact NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws:

1001 Connecticut Ave NW, #1010, Washington, DC, 20009

 call them at (202) 483-5500 or visit their site at www.norml.org.  

For TECHNICAL issues - compliments, complaints (report broken links!) with the documents or web site in general, eMail the Librarian at: librarian@pdxnorml.org

If interested in official NORML activities, contact your local Affiliate or National organizations.  For the latest list of Affiliates (and how to contact them) or to contact NORML, visit:   www.norml.org.  

Perry a' NORML
NORML Monthly NewsLetter Project

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PLEASE Give us FeedBack on the website, or whatever.

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Comments, questions and suggestions? E-mail the Librarian To communicate, eMail the Librarian. Also, feel free to visit the Guestbook and leave a note.  
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