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News and stuff for December.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0512.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0512.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for November.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0509.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0509.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for October.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0510.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0510.pdf (Adobe)
News and stuff for September.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0509.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0509.pdf (Adobe)
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0508.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0508.pdf (Adobe)
NORML Unveils 2005 "Truth Report", Comprehensive Report Refutes White House's Top Marijuana Myths
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0507.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0507.pdf (Adobe)
NORML Comments On Supreme Court Medical Cannabis Ruling, Taxing And Regulating Cannabis Could Yield $14 Billion In Annual Savings And Revenue, Increased Drug Enforcement Associated With Higher Levels Of Non-Drug Crimes and more.
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0506.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0506.pdf (Adobe)
Bipartisan Bill To Legalize Medical Marijuana Reintroduced In Congress. HR 2087 Grants Leeway To State Legislatures, Would End Bush Administration's Assault On Medical Marijuana Patients
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0505.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0505.pdf (Adobe)
"YOU ARE GOING DIRECTLY TO JAIL" - New NORML Report Takes Aim At "Zero Tolerance" Drugged Driving Laws. Says Approach Is Not Based On Science, But On "Convenience". Charges That Many State Laws Falsely Define Sober Drivers As "Intoxicated"
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0504.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0504.pdf (Adobe)
US Appetite For Illicit Drugs Is World's Largest, UN Report Says; NORML Director Calls For A "Regime Change" In US Drug Policy
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0503.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0503.pdf (Adobe)
Register Voters and Get Ready
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0502.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0502.pdf (Adobe)
Under New Management With Same Philosophy - WIN!
NORML Archive (Web)
nl0501.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0501.pdf (Adobe)

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