Thursday, January 28, 1999:
NORML Foundation Weekly News Release (Justice Department Rejects Judge's Request To Expand Medical Marijuana Distribution Program; Minnesota Pins Agriculture Hopes On Hemp; Governor Rejects Parole For Medical Marijuana Patient Will Foster; California A.G. Won't Intervene In High Profile Medical Marijuana Bust)
Steven Dons/MTF Fiasco, 1 year later (A commemorative news release from Floyd Ferris Landrath of the American Antiprohibition League, in Portland, says Colleen Waibel, the Portland police officer killed by Steven Dons during a warrantless break-in by the Marijuana Task Force, died a meaningless death in a meaningless war.)
Drug (Warrior) Reform (Seattle Weekly portrays Chris Hurst, a veteran King County prohibition agent who is currently a police officer in Black Diamond, Washington, a newly elected state legislator, and purported opponent of the war on some drug users. "I've worked at this so long, I've put the same people in prison three times." That's how Hurst came to realize he was helping throw money and lives away: "We're going broke, and we're not dealing with the real problems. It costs a fortune to house someone in prison, and we're increasing our prison population at an exponential rate. There's got to be better way." Hurst is among a broad coalition of House Republicans and Democrats that wants to expand drug courts, which the free weekly shopper apparently thinks will make the drug war more affordable.)
Marvin Chavez sentencing tomorrow, Jan. 29 (A list subscriber asks supporters of the medical-marijuana patient/activist and founder of the Orange County Cannabis Co-op to attend the court Friday morning at Orange County Superior Court in Westminster, California.)
Letter from Dave Herrick (A list subscriber forwards a letter from the California medical-marijuana martyr sentenced by Orange County to four years in prison after being denied a Proposition 215 defense. Herrick notes, among other things, that Blacks Law Dictionary defines a "care giver" as an individual, organization, or entity. Herrick and his lawyers are asking reformers to write letters to California media publicizing his appeal.)
David Herrick's Address (A list subscriber urges you also to write to the incarcerated California medical-marijuana patient himself.)
Advocates Of Marijuana Legalization Split And End Rift (The Blade, in Toledo, Ohio, says the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws will resolve a rift in the northwest Ohio chapter of the grass-roots organization by splitting the group. One will be in Toledo, and the other will remain in Port Clinton.)
Weekly Action Report on Drug Policies, Year 5, No. 4 (A summary of European and international drug policy news, from CORA in Italy)
Bytes: 42,900 Last updated: 2/14/99