------------------------------------------------------------------- Oregon Hemp Bill Appears Dead (The Register-Guard, in Eugene, says the industrial-hemp bill sponsored by state representative Floyd Prozanski apparently has been killed. Prozanski said Thursday that seven of the nine members of the House Agriculture and Forestry Committee - including Chairman Larry Wells, R-Jefferson - had told him they were willing to send the bill out for a floor vote. But Republican House Speaker Lynn Snodgrass told Wells not to take up HB 2933 again.) Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 22:53:15 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OR: Oregon Hemp Bill Appears Dead Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: agfuture@kih.net Pubdate: Fri, 30 April 1999 Source: Register-Guard, The (OR) Copyright: 1999 The Register-Guard Contact: rgletters@guardnet.com Website: http://www.registerguard.com/ HEMP BILL APPEARS DEAD The industrial-hemp bill sponsored by Rep. Floyd Prozanski, D-Eugene, apparently has been stubbed out. After a hearing last week on the measure, House Bill 2933, Prozanksi was optimistic about getting it out of committee for a vote by the full House. The bill would let Oregon farmers grow hemp, a cousin to marijuana that is useless for drug purposes but whose fibers, seeds and oil have a multitude of industrial uses. Prozanski said Thursday that seven of the nine members of the House Agriculture and Forestry Committee - including Chairman Larry Wells, R-Jefferson - had told him they were willing to send the bill out for a floor vote. But House Speaker Lynn Snodgrass told Wells not to take up the bill again. Today is the official deadline for House and Senate committees to deal with bills originating in their respective chambers; Snodgrass' action would appear to doom the bill for this session. Wells, reached Thursday evening, agreed that Prozanski probably had the votes to send the bill to the floor. But, he said, he had previously assured Snodgrass he would hold just the one informational hearing on the bill, and wouldn't bring it up for a committee vote unless she approved. "I guess they (Prozanski and Snodgrass) had a good discussion, but she was not comfortable with moving ahead," Wells said. "I don't think she wanted her administration being perceived as sympathetic toward the legalization of marijuana. I can't blame her, because when I first heard about this, that's what I thought." Snodgrass, R-Boring, could not be reached for comment Thursday evening. But Prozanski released copies of a handwritten note, written on the speaker's official letterhead, that he said Snodgrass sent to him Wednesday. The note reads, in part: "I fall back on my original feelings, am not persuaded to have the bill move forward at this time. I spoke with other members of the committee prior to making this decision." It concludes: "Keep educating the public. Perhaps future sessions are possible." Despite today's deadline, Prozanski's bill may not be completely kaput. Measures that pass one chamber can still be amended in the other, and proposals long since given up for dead have been known to reappear in the waning days of the session. "Nothing's ever dead until the gavel falls," Wells said, "but most of the time you have to have the approval of the speaker or the president of the Senate."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurers still unfair with mentally ill, study says (The Oregonian says a study released today by the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems and the Association of Behavioral Group Practices concludes that limits imposed by health insurers on mental health and drug-treatment coverage increased in 1998 despite a new federal law meant to restore balance between mental and physical health benefits. "We call it organ discrimination," said William Dalton, director of the Oregon branch of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. "There is still a lot of stigma and antiquated thinking about mental illness and chemical dependency." Employers have found little resistance to cutting benefits for mental disorders because of the stigma. The cuts have gone on so long now that "There is not a lot of room for employers to decrease benefits any more without cutting them completely," said Kathleen Hessler of the Hay Group.) Newshawk: Portland NORML (http://www.pdxnorml.org/) Pubdate: Fri, Apr 30 1999 Source: Oregonian, The (OR) Copyright: 1999 The Oregonian Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Address: 1320 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 Fax: 503-294-4193 Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Forum: http://forums.oregonlive.com/ Author: Joe Rojas-Burke, the Oregonian Insurers still unfair with mentally ill, study says * Despite a law meant to curb coverage bias, the share of plans limiting office visits and hospital stays for mind disorders jumps Insurance remains unfairly slanted against people with disorders of the mind, a national study released today concludes. Limits on mental health coverage escalated in 1998 despite a new federal law meant to restore balance between mental and general health benefits, the study shows. It was financed by two psychiatric caregiver associations, the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems and the Association of Behavioral Group Practices. "We call it organ discrimination," said William Dalton, director of the Oregon branch of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. "There is still a lot of stigma and antiquated thinking about mental illness and chemical dependency." Dalton's group is one of the leading backers of a mental health parity bill introduced in the Oregon Legislature by Sen. Len Hannon, R-Ashland. Hannon thinks it's needed to prevent health plans from denying necessary care to sufferers of mental illness. Employer groups and other opponents fear such a law would drive up benefit costs and force some small companies to drop health benefits altogether. They remember massive increases in mental health spending in the 1980s, including clearly abusive billing by some inpatient psychiatric facilities. Senate leaders have avoided the debate by refusing to hold a hearing on the parity bill. Although the study didn't track changes in the quality or availability of mental health care, it found that the share of employer health plans that limit office visits for mental health care jumped from 48 percent in 1997 to 57 percent in 1998, when the federal Mental Health Parity Act took effect. Plans that impose arbitrary limits on hospital stays for psychiatric care rose from 86 percent to 88 percent. Critics say employers are more willing to cut mental health coverage than other benefits because of the stigma of mental illness, which makes workers less likely to resist benefits changes. Average costs of mental health benefits, calculated in 1998 dollars, fell for the 11th straight year, hitting $69.87 per employee -- a 1.5 percent drop from the previous year and a 54.7 percent decline since 1988, according to the study by the Hay Group, an Arlington, Va., consulting firm. Mental health accounted for about 3.2 percent of the total costs of employer benefits, a slight increase from 3.1 percent the previous year, but half of what it was a decade ago. The small gain last year came only because the costs of general health benefits dropped more steeply than the value of mental health benefits, said Hay Group associate Kathleen Hessler. "There is not a lot of room for employers to decrease (mental health) benefits any more without cutting them completely," Hessler said. The firm drew upon a survey of more than 1,000 companies. Hay originally developed its statistical method of comparing benefit plans for the National Institute of Mental Health to estimate the costs of the 1996 federal mental health parity legislation. The federal law stopped group health plans from imposing dollar limits on mental health coverage more severe than those on other health coverage. But in Oregon and other states, health plans got around the law by converting to limits on the length of hospital stays and the number of office visits. To comply with an earlier state law, health plans still have to keep their durational limits equivalent to state-mandated dollar minimum coverage limits. Hannon's bill would close the loophole, preventing health plans from applying limits on psychiatric hospitalizations or outpatient care that are more severe than those applying to general health benefit limits. The law would cost Oregon employers $1.27 per member per month, according to a study by the accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers, paid for by the Oregon Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. At that rate, employers would pump about $31.5 million more per year into the mental health care system. Business groups say that kind of mandate could undercut the state's gains in employer-sponsored coverage. "Raising the bar that employers must clear to provide that benefit produces a negative policy outcome," said Kevin Earls of Associated Oregon Industries. "Some people who have insurance today are going to end up with no coverage. "You have to look at the greater good," Earls said. "In Oregon, we have made a very explicit decision to use the concept of basic health care coverage to keep costs moderate. We're covering more people by making those kinds of trade-offs." Dalton said employers need to recognize that mental health care has become more effective with advances in science and more efficient with widespread use of managed care. "We now have a system in place in 1999 where you can affordably provide mental health care," he said. Other states, he said, have passed comprehensive mental health parity laws without harming employers or eroding overall coverage. Minnesota's parity law took effect in 1995. State officials estimate it pushed premiums up by 1 percent. Under a more limited parity law in Rhode Island, total health plan costs rose less than 1 percent. At least 19 states have enacted mental health parity laws. You can reach Joe Rojas-Burke at 503-412-7073 or by e-mail at joerojas@news.oregonian.com [Sidebar:] Crumbling coverage Average per-employee cost of mental health benefits paid by employers: 1988: $154.48 1998: $69.87, down 54.7 percent Average per-employee cost of general health benefits paid by employers: 1988: $2,372.01 1998: $2,098.68, down 11.5 percent Mental health as share of total health benefit costs: 1988: 6.2 percent 1998: 3.2 percent All values are expressed in 1998 dollars. Source: The Hay Group
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical marijuana policy still fuzzy (The Seattle Times discusses the problems faced by medical marijuana patients in Washington state, despite the passage of Initiative 692 last November. Today, a group of patients who receive care at Harborview Medical Center's HIV/AIDS clinic plan to protest in front of the building. They say that their doctors have left them legally vulnerable by refusing to sign letters authorizing their marijuana use. The real doctors are willing, but the medical director of Harborview's HIV/AIDS clinic, Dr. Thomas Hooton, unilaterally forbid clinic physicians from writing letters.) Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:17:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Robert Lunday (robert@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: Seattle Times: Medical marijuana policy still fuzzy Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net This is the lead story on the Seattle Times website: http://www.seattletimes.com e-mail: opinion@seatimes.com Medical marijuana policy still fuzzy by Carol M. Ostrom Seattle Times staff reporter Gregory Sheffield, an HIV-positive patient who is crippled by arthritis, asked his doctor for a letter allowing him to legally smoke marijuana to decrease his pain and increase his appetite. He heard conflicting answers. One was that his doctor supported his using marijuana for those medical problems. The other was that the doctor, who works at Harborview Medical Center, had been told by his medical director not to sign such letters. Voters in Washington last November passed a law legalizing the use of marijuana by certain patients, allowing a physician to write a letter or statement "qualifying" a patient to legally possess a 60-day supply. Many voters said they wanted to protect cancer and AIDS patients, among others, from being arrested for using the drug for pain or nausea relief. But nearly six months later, these patients are finding that in the real world, it's not so simple. Today, a group of patients who receive care at Harborview's HIV/AIDS clinic plan to protest in front of the building. They say that while their medical care there has been top-notch, their doctors have left them legally vulnerable by refusing to sign letters authorizing their marijuana use. Thomas Hartley, 47, who has AIDS, said an elderly aunt with cancer first told him about smoking marijuana to control his nausea. But without a letter signed by his doctor, he said, he has been hassled by a neighbor and by police. "A letter would get the police off my back." Dr. John Sheffield, Gregory Sheffield's physician (not related) at the HIV/AIDS clinic, confirmed he was told by the medical director not to sign any letters "pending the development of a policy by the UW on this issue." Personally, he has no problem writing the letters for some patients, he said. "I think there are many patients for whom marijuana provides relief in a way we haven't found any other substitutes for. We're talking about (relief of) nausea, relief of medications' side effects - and I don't think that contributes to any societal ills." But like many physicians, he believes it's still unclear ". . . whether the statute is binding, whether the feds would prosecute people for using marijuana, or prosecute physicians somehow involved in that." Dr. Thomas Hooton, medical director of Harborview's HIV/AIDS clinic, has similar worries. Hooton told clinic providers inquiring about writing authorizing letters for their patients "to sort of hold off until we get a policy." Hooton said the clinic has drafted a policy he has sent to the Attorney General's Office for review. But now, he has been asked to head up a joint Harborview-University of Washington task force to write guidelines for doctors throughout the system. That group, formed in response to physicians' worries, has yet to meet. "The bottom line is everybody's not really sure what we should be doing," Hooton said. Threats by the federal government to lift doctors' licenses to prescribe, though the government has never followed through, are frightening to most doctors, he said. "It's a doc's livelihood," he said. "Without a DEA license, you're sort of cooked." Some patients and their supporters wonder why the UW could respond so quickly to voters' undoing of affirmative action in the last election but still be muddling around with a policy on medical marijuana. "Now they're telling my sickest patients, `Just sit here, honey, and we'll get back to you,'" complained Dale Rogers, director of Capitol Hill Compassion in Action, which delivers marijuana to qualifying patients. Passage of the medical-marijuana initiative took UW doctors by surprise, Hooton responded. "I don't think anybody thought we would need to prepare a response. For one thing, most people thought the initiative wouldn't pass. And the other thing is, they thought the initiative would clarify what we need to do." One health-care provider, the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, had no problem sorting out possible conflicts between state and federal law. "Since possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law, (doctors) can't do anything inconsistent with federal law," said George Tady, assistant regional counsel for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Since federal law doesn't recognize medical use of marijuana, he said, "a VA doctor in his or her official duties could not prescribe it." The initiative, however, does not ask a doctor to "prescribe" marijuana, but to document that he or she has advised a qualifying patient that the potential benefits of marijuana would likely outweigh the risks. Nevertheless, Tady said, he has advised veterans-hospital physicians that ". . . they are not to recommend its use, because possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law." At least a "couple of dozen" doctors in the area are writing letters for patients, said Rogers, Compassion in Action's leader. The Washington State Medical Association has created a sample letter for doctors, said John Arveson, director of professional affairs. "What we wanted to do was provide something that really mirrors what is provided for in the law," said Arveson, "and also to remind physicians: Don't provide the documentation on your prescription pad." The state medical association ran the draft letter past several agencies, Arveson said, including the FDA, the state Department of Health and the Medical Quality Assurance Commission, which licenses physicians, "to see if somebody's hairs were looking to get on fire over this." No hairs ignited, so the letter was completed and published by the medical association. The Washington State Department of Health has also come up with a "Questions and Answers" sheet. But questions seem to outweigh the answers. For example, it's unclear how much marijuana or how many marijuana plants make up the "60-day supply" specified in the initiative, or how patients are supposed to get marijuana since it cannot be legally purchased, distributed or supplied. Several problems with the initiative involve police and prosecutors, said Jerry Sheehan, legislative director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington. "What should be the police officers' response when they come upon someone (smoking marijuana) who says, `I have documentation.'" In meetings, law-enforcement representatives have asked doctors if they want to be awakened in the night to verify a patient's identity and that the letter isn't forged, Hooton said. "We don't want that." Graham Boyd, who directs the national ACLU's drug-policy-litigation project, wants to protect doctors from interference by the federal government. Litigation in California, Boyd said, made it clear the federal government can't stop communication between doctors and patients about marijuana. But if doctors don't stick strictly to their role as physician - if they try to help patients find marijuana, if they "prescribe" marijuana, for example - they could be in legal jeopardy, Boyd said. "We want to make very, very certain that not even a single doctor gets even investigated," he said. "Because if that happens, it will send a chilling message throughout the whole profession." Carol M. Ostrom's phone message number is 206-464-2249. Copyright (c) 1999 Seattle Times Company
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical pot comes to Auburn (The Auburn Journal, in California, provides an update on the medical marijuana trial of Michael and Georgia Baldwin, noting Ryan Landers, a Sacramento AIDS patient and trial observer, obtained the permission of Superior Court Judge James D. Garbolino to smoke cannabis discreetly outside the courthouse.) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: Fwd: April 30th article from the Auburn Journal Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 01:51:20 PDT From: DoctorPot@aol.com To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: April 30th article from the Auburn Journal Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 23:58:43 EDT Medical pot comes to Auburn By Dena Erwin As the medical marijuana trial of Michael and Georgia Baldwin continued this week, Ryan Landers was smoking pot -- legally -- on the steps of Auburn's Historic Courthouse. Landers, a "full-blown" AIDS patient who lives in Sacramento, said he smokes marijuana to increase his appetite and to treat the nausea that accompanies his disease. Although he was advised against smoking near the courthouse by Baldwin attorneys, Landers sought out and obtained the permission of Superior Court Judge James D. Garbolino. "I knew this was a small town and I didn't want to get in trouble," he said. Without the jury present in court last week, Landers said Garbolino told him his smoking would be tolerated. "He said he had no problem with it, but I was told not to taint the jury," he said. "I'm not going to taint the jury but I don't want to puke in the courtroom." Landers described himself as an outspoken proponent of medical marijuana, and once tried to open a cannabis club in Sacramento. He is director of the Patients' Access Clinic. Landers, who carries his physician's recommendation in his wallet, said he has been discreet about smoking outside the courthouse. "I'm only trying to take care of my personal need," he said. Inside the courthouse Thursday, the Baldwins continued their defense case. Testifying were Chris Conrad, a medical marijuana proponent; Bill Logan a former attorney who wrote, "Marijuana, the Law and You;" and chiropractor Duane Patterson. Georgia Baldwin testifying in the afternoon, and will be cross-examined by the prosecutor on Tuesday.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana Researcher to Speak at Forum (A press release from the Lindesmith Center publicizes a rare public address May 25 in San Francisco by Dr. Donald Abrams, the only U.S. researcher currently allowed to conduct a clinical trial on medical marijuana. Dr. Abrams' topic is "Medical Marijuana: Tribulations and Trials.") From: ekomp@earthlink.net Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 17:04:21 -0700 To: dpfca@drugsense.org, tlc-california@soros.org, aro@drugsense.org Subject: DPFCA: May 25 event Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: ekomp@earthlink.net Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 30, 1999 Contact: Ellen Komp, The Lindesmith Center 415-921-4987; ekomp@earthlink.net Medical Marijuana Researcher to Speak at Forum Prominent AIDS researcher Donald Abrams, M.D., the only U.S. researcher currently conducting a clinical trial on medical marijuana, will speak on "Medical Marijuana: Tribulations and Trials" at a forum sponsored by The Lindesmith Center West from 5-7 PM on May 25 at the San Francisco Medical Society (1409 Sutter at Franklin). Dr. Abrams received a grant from the NIH in October 1997 to conduct clinical trials on marijuana's use by patients with HIV infection. He is sure to present a lively and informative discussion of the state of research into marijuana for medicine. The forum will include a review of the medical uses of marijuana, a review of the different pharmacokinetics between oral and smoked THC, issues of concern for patients with HIV, and an outline of the tortuous route Dr. Abrams was required to take to gain approval for his study. Dr. Abrams is chairman and principal investigator of the Community Consortium, an association of Bay Area HIV Health Care Providers, one of the pioneer community-based clinical trials groups, established in 1985. He is the Assistant Director of the AIDS Program at San Francisco General Hospital and a professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Physicians, students, health care and treatment providers, patients, and members of the public are invited to the free forum. Please phone the Lindesmith Center at 415-921-4987 or email tlc-west@ix.netcom.com to reserve a space. The Lindesmith Center-West is a policy and research institute and public interest law center dedicated to broadening debate on drug policy and related issues. The Center's agenda focuses on issues and strategies that have been overlooked or ignored in public discussions and government-funded research on drug policy.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing up for equal rights and Pot Pride (Mikki Norris, a co-ordinator of the "Human Rights and the Drug War" exhibit and author of "Shattered Lives: Portraits from America's Drug War," shares an eloquent speech she will make tomorrow at San Francisco's Million Marijuana March. "Today, we demand equal rights. We don't want special rights, just the same rights that people who smoke tobacco or drink alcohol responsibly enjoy. Today we say, stop calling us losers, stupid, lazy, and unmotivated.") From: MikkiBACH@aol.com Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 02:28:36 EDT Subject: DPFCA: Equal rights and Pot Pride To: DPFCA@drugsense.org Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ Dear Friends, I'd like to share with you my comments to be delivered this Saturday at the San Francisco Million Marijuana March Rally (details at http://www.drugpeace.org/mmm). By: Mikki Norris, Co-ordinator of the Human Rights and the Drug War Exhibit, author, Shattered Lives: Portraits from America's Drug War, SFMMM Committee Title: Standing up for equal rights and Pot Pride As coordinator of the Human Rights and the Drug War exhibit, I have seen lives shattered by drug policies that are anti-family, anti-community, mean-spirited, and un-American. We have documented the stories of non-violent drug offenders who are spending cruel and unusual prison sentences away from their families for 5, 10, 20 years and life. James Geddes is serving a 90 year sentence for 5 marijuana plants in Oklahoma. Will Foster, a medical marijuana patient, is serving 20 there also. Marvin Chavez was just sentenced to 6 years for providing medical marijuana to California patients at his Orange County buyer's club. for Scott Walt is sitting in a private prison in California for 24 years for a marijuana conspiracy. Jodie Israel is serving 11 years for 4 ounces of physical evidence of marijuana in another conspiracy case. Conspiracy means they don't need physical evidence against you to convict you, just knowing the wrong people or having someone say you were involved is enough. Jodie's children are sentenced to lives without their own parents because their father is a Rastafarian charged with distributing marijuana and their mother was married to him. These are only a few examples of the more than 40,000 marijuana POWs who are sitting behind bars today. In the name of the Drug War and the war against marijuana, homes are taken away, marriages and families are being destroyed, and lives are being wasted filling the prisons and the courts. Last year there were about 700,000 marijuana arrests in America, 85% were for simple possession. Who is paying for these arrests and incarceration? Our tax dollars are. Students are paying higher tuitions to subsidize the prison growth. Did you know that in the last 15 years or so, in California, we built 21 new prisons and only one university? Today we say, we don't want to be part of arresting and imprisoning these people. We say, stop arresting people for marijuana! Free the marijuana POWs! It is time for pot smokers to stand up and say, enough already. We demand equal rights! Over 70 million people in America have smoked pot in their lives. There are approximately 11 million regular smokers in this country today. We, who smoke pot, are a significant minority. We know that people who smoke pot are basically like everyone else. We work, we pay taxes, we have families, we go to school, we are generally law-abiding people. I have a question for you, should we be treated like criminals because we enjoy pot? Does pot make us bad people? Some of the nicest, hardest working, most honest, decent, productive, interesting, respectable, and intelligent people I know enjoy pot. I know doctors, lawyers, teachers, students, musicians, artists, athletes, working people, professionals and CEOs of major corporations who smoke pot. But, yet the government wants to treat us like second-class citizens, like scapegoats for all of society's problems. Our politicians want to lock us up, take away our homes, our children, our jobs, and our rights that we deserve. Today, we demand equal rights. We don't want special rights, just the same rights that people who smoke tobacco or drink alcohol responsibly enjoy. Today we say, stop calling us losers, stupid, lazy, and unmotivated. Do you think we are losers because we smoke pot? Of course, we aren't. We are better than that. We say stop discriminating against pot smokers. We are good people and we deserve better. What do we want? We want the right to work and have jobs. Stop the discrimination of pre-employment and random drug testing that bans people from getting jobs, not because they are intoxicated, but because marijuana tests positive for weeks (even though you are not high). We want to work and make money and make a life for ourselves! We aren't asking for the right to get high at the workplace on an employer's watch. But, during our own time, we want adults to have the right to enjoy marijuana responsibly for own personal reasons. We want to have the right to use cannabis as a religious sacrament, to bond with people, to enjoy nature, music, art, food, or sex, for relaxation or creativity, whatever, as long as we aren't hurting anyone else. We want the right to be left alone and not be arrested. We want the right to have a house. Stop the forfeiture laws! Alcohol drinkers have that right. Even murderers have that right, but if you grow a few plants in your garden, the police can come in and wreck your home and take it away, and all your money, and your children, too. We want the right to have a family and to raise our own children. Don't put us in jail and put our kids in foster care. Custody battles that say the parent who drinks alcohol automatically gets the kids, while the parent who smokes pot don't, are wrong and discriminatory. We want the right to have an education. Kids shouldn't be smoking pot, but if they do, they should be helped, not expelled from school and put out on the streets. Students should not lose student loans for pot, but today they do. Society benefits from education. How will it help young people to turn our backs on them, in the name of zero tolerance? We want the right to use cannabis as a medicine if we need it for stress or for chemotherapy. Why should we have to go to jail for relieving our stress with pot rather than a few drinks or some valium? We want equal rights. It's more than the right to privacy or the right to our own consciousness which should be our right in a free society as long as we don't hurt anybody. The marijuana laws are discriminatory and treat us like criminals and second-class citizens. We, pot smokers, deserve better. We must change the laws. It's time to come out of the closet, stand up for our rights, and assert Pot Pride. We deserve equal protection before the law! Equal protection before the law. What do we want? Equal rights! When do we want it? Now! Free the marijuana POWs!
------------------------------------------------------------------- Shooter Used Often-Prescribed Drug (The Washington Post says Eric Harris had been taking Luvox, an antidepressant, before he went on a shooting rampage last week at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Judith Rapaport, chief of child psychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, said "There is no reason to think it would have any relationship to any unusual or violent behavior," ignoring a similar case in Springfield, Oregon, and failing to acknowledge that kids' brains are different than adults' and that such drugs have never been thoroughly tested on children. For some reason Rapaport failed to recommend that parents try switching their teens' antidepressant to cannabis, a much less toxic remedy whose worst possible side-effect, amotivational syndrome, would have saved a few lives in Colorado. Plus a cartoon from the April 28 Daily News, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.)Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 08:45:18 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CO: Shooter Used Often-Prescribed Drug Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Pubdate: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 Source: Washington Post (DC) Copyright: 1999 The Washington Post Company Address: 1150 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20071 Feedback: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Author: Avram Goldstein SHOOTER USED OFTEN-PRESCRIBED DRUGThe psychiatric drug that Eric Harris had been taking before he went on a shooting rampage at a Colorado high school last week was prescribed about 1.4 million times last year to people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and associated depression. Luvox, which is in the same pharmacological category as the widely used depression drugs Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, is praised by health professionals as an important tool in the treatment of the inherited disorder. They agree that while Luvox is not a perfect solution, it does help rein in the recurrent and irrational thoughts, impulses or images that interfere with the lives of an estimated 5 million Americans, including many children. Some children as young as 5 are given such drugs. The maker of the drug, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, said 6.9 million patients of all ages worldwide have used the drug, which increases the brain's ability to use a message-carrying chemical called serotonin. Although suicide attempts are listed as a possible adverse reaction in consumer information distributed with the drug, government officials, private practitioners and the manufacturer said yesterday that such episodes are rare and likely to be caused by the underlying depression that led the patient to Luvox. "It's considered a good and safe drug," said Judith Rapaport, chief of child psychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda and a longtime researcher on obsessive-compulsive disorder. "There is no reason to think it would have any relationship to any unusual or violent behavior." Jerry L. Rushton, a University of North Carolina pediatrician who studies serotonin drugs, said patients who stop taking them typically experience withdrawal problems, including increased agitation and anxiety. Some reports say Harris had tried to stop taking Luvox after he was rejected by the Marine Corps because he was on the drug. However, Food and Drug Administration officials said that they have seen no evidence linking Luvox to violence and that its performance has so far been clinically acceptable. "We see hundreds of people using this family of medications," said Charles Mansueto, a psychologist who directs the Behavior Therapy Center in Silver Spring and provides counseling to clients taking drugs prescribed by psychiatrists. "I'm not aware of any particular problem with Luvox." One Washington parent said yesterday that when her 12-year-old daughter, who has the disorder, stopped taking Luvox for two days recently, she began having thoughts about suicide. The situation was remedied immediately after she resumed taking the drug, the mother said. The mother, who did not want to be named, called it "an absolute miracle drug." Doctors and patients said it is unfair to associate obsessive-compulsive patients with an increased tendency toward suicide or violence. If anything, the nature of their often bizarre symptoms makes that less likely, they said. "People with [the disorder] are by definition aware of their irrational obsessions and virtually never act on those obsessions," said Thomas H. Styron, a clinical psychologist and executive director of the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation in Milford, Conn. "While their impulses are scary and anxiety-provoking, they are not reality based and virtually never acted on." In the 12 months ending in February, Solvay Pharmaceuticals sold $145 million worth of the drug. Luvox has increasingly been prescribed to adolescents. Some critics say that more clinical trials on children are needed and that some physicians should raise the threshold for prescribing such drugs. A Fairfax County high school senior who has suffered from the disorder since she was 7 struggled with various drugs until she began taking Luvox in a clinical trial in 1989, said her father, who did not want to be identified. The improvement was dramatic, he said, and she never had any side effects or thoughts of violence or suicide. *** From: "Daffy Duck" (dopey@accesscable.net) To: (mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com) Subject: A cartoon Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:24:42 -0300 SOURCE: The Daily News PUBDATE: April 28, 1999 AUTHOR: Theo Moudakis, Political Cartoonist, The Daily News, Halifax WEBSITE: http://www.hfxnews.southam.ca/ CONTACT: letterstoeditor@hfxnews.southam.ca Cartoon URL: http://www.hfxnews.southam.ca/Mou/Mou04_28.jpg This cartoon should win an award for concise, investigative reporting! It reveals PRECISELY what is so very WICKED & WRONG with the United States of America. Peace, D.D. Attachment Converted: C:\INTERNET\Mou04_28.jpg [See above - ed.]
------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Court Overturns Juror's Contempt Conviction (The Associated Press notes yesterday's news about the Colorado Court of Appeals reversing the conviction of a juror, Laura Kriho, for contempt of court. Kriho was indicted because, during jury selection, she failed to volunteer the information that she had pleaded guilty 11 years earlier to possessing LSD, and is a member of a group that supports the reform of marijuana laws.) Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 14:38:36 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CO: U.S. Court Overturns Juror's Contempt Conviction Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Pubdate: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 Source: Associated Press Copyright: 1999 Associated Press U.S. COURT OVERTURNS JUROR'S CONTEMPT CONVICTION DENVER, - A Colorado appeals court overturned the conviction of a juror who was held in contempt of court because she did not reveal her opposition to narcotics laws when she was selected to a jury in a drug case. The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that Laura Kriho, 35, should receive a new trial because the judge who found her in contempt in 1996 improperly considered testimony about what Kriho told fellow panelists during jury deliberations. The judge in the 1996 case concluded that Kriho had obstructed justice and ordered her to pay a $1,200 fine for contempt. Kriho appealed, contending that the jury system was threatened by the prosecution of a juror. Kriho served as a juror in a 1994 case in a rural mountain county west of Denver where a 19-year-old woman was charged with possessing methamphetamine. Kriho was the lone holdout in the trial, which ended in a mistrial. At her contempt trial, Kriho's fellow jurors testified that she argued that drug cases should be handled by families and not by courts. She also urged jurors not to convict the methamphetamine defendant because of what Kriho considered the harshness of the potential penalty. During jury selection, Kriho failed to disclose that 11 years earlier she had pleaded guilty to possessing the hallucinogenic drug LSD and is a member of a group that supports the legalization of marijuana. The appeals court ruled 2-1 that Kriho's conviction must be overturned because the judge in her contempt trial improperly invaded the sanctity of the jury's right to secrecy by considering what Kriho said during deliberations. If Kriho is retried, evidence of her opposition to drug laws cannot be considered because there is not sufficient evidence of it except for what she said during the secret deliberations, the appeals court said in a 62-page decision. It also noted that contempt proceedings against jurors "have been exceptionally rare" in the United States.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Wars, Part Two (The Austin Chronicle notes Texas is such a closed society that the Drug Policy Forum of Texas has resorted to offering $500 to any drug warrior willing to debate its representatives in public. Alan Robison, a retired professor of pharmacology and Forum founder, complains that the unwillingness to debate has become a way for drug warriors to squash public discourse.)Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 16:29:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: Drug Wars, Part Two Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: GALAN@prodigy.net (G. A ROBISON) Pubdate: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 Source: Austin Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 1999 Austin Chronicle Corp. Contact: louis@auschron.com Website: http://www.auschron.com/ DRUG WARS, PART TWO The Houston-based Drug Policy Forum of Texas believes the U.S. war on drugs is indefensible. To prove its point, the group is offering $500 to anyone willing to publicly and intellectually argue in favor of current drug policy. The group is looking for an individual to defend current drug laws -- and argue in favor of punishing possession of small amounts of marijuana -- in at least one debate. Carl Veley, Drug Policy Forum operations manager, says the reward is an effort to ratchet up public discussion on criminalization, mandatory sentencing, and other components of the nation's drug war. Over the past few years the group, which favors decriminalization and regulation of illegal substances, has contacted dozens of government officials, elected representatives and civic leaders, but no one has been willing to debate. So the group offered the reward. But still, no takers. "We've had zero response," said Veley. "We can't find anyone who will become informed on the subject and argue against changing the law. Nobody will argue in favor of the current laws." Alan Robison, a retired UT Health Science Center professor of pharmacology and Forum founder, complains that the unwillingness to debate has become a way for "drug warriors" to squash public discourse. He pointed to an incident in 1997 when U.S. Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey backed out of a State Bar of Texas Association meeting in Houston after a drug-policy critic was added to the program. "We began to realize many years ago that we can't get these damn guys to come out and debate," Robison said. "This is a deliberate strategy. These guys know if they don't come, there's no discussion." McCaffrey did not return calls inquiring about the incident. But the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, the nonprofit famous for its "This is your brain on drugs..." TV commercials, said it had little time to argue the validity of anti-drug efforts. "We don't run a speakers' bureau or a debating school," said Steve Dnistrian, Partnership director of public affairs. "Part of the reason they can't find anybody is that nobody takes them seriously. What do you want to debate this for?" Dnistrian said the organization occasionally participates in public debates, though he didn't know how many. "We can't honor every request, even with a $500 bounty," he said. "Are they going to pay for travel? Is it the Sheraton or the Best Western? But either way I'm probably not coming -- not because I'm ducking. These issues have been debated for the last 25 to 30 years, and the debates get us nowhere." The Drug Policy Forum of Texas has a mailing list of 1,500 and about 300 due-paying members -- mostly doctors, lawyers, ex-professors, and other intellectuals. The organization differs from the more activist-oriented Texas Hemp Campaign, which is known for less cerebral means of protest like candlelight vigils, rallies, and marches. Veley said if no one steps forward, the group may bump the reward up to $750. Besides trying to hammer home its point about the Drug War, the five-year-old Forum is hoping this reward offering can heighten its own profile, although Veley said contributions and new members aren't exactly rolling in. Any defenders of U.S. drug policy interested in cashing in on the Forum's offer should call 210/641-6819 or write Drug Policy Forum of Texas, 888 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S. #248, Houston, TX 77042. *** Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 15:58:44 -0800 To: "CRRH mailing list" (restore@crrh.org) From: R Givens (rgivens@sirius.com) From: "CRRH mailing list" (restore@crrh.org) Subject: Sent LTE: Drug Wars, Part Two re: Drug Wars, Part Two Nothing reveals the hypocrisy and dissembling of illiterate prohibitionists better than their refusal to defend their policies in public debates. The reason prohibitionists won't confront hostile views with their logic is that they have been beaten from pillar to post in every single public discussion where an informed repealer appeared. They won't defend prohibition because it is indefensible. When the drug warriors are cut off from their fables, fictions and falsehoods about drugs by a knowledgeable opponent, prohibition is immediately exposed as a morally and intellectually bankrupt policy that has caused nothing but needless trouble for 85 straight years. It's the lack of a single convincing argument supporting drug prohibition that prevents Steve Dnistrian and the rest of the sanctimonious narcomaniacs from debating, not overbusy schedules or universal agreement that drug prohibition is a success. It's time to end a prohibition policy based on lies, dissembling and propaganda. R Givens
------------------------------------------------------------------- New Jersey's Trooper Scandal (A staff editorial in the New York Times says it was outrageous when state troopers were found to be using racial profiling on the New Jersey Turnpike in an effort to intercept illegal drugs. Now it turns out that the State Police have enlisted hotel workers along the turnpike to spy on guests and report behavior as common as speaking Spanish. This civil liberties nightmare has all the earmarks of a program out of control. The office of New Jersey Attorney General Peter G. Verniero says it is reviewing all drug interdiction efforts. The fact that this program has been in place for nearly a decade without a review shows how much institutional reform is needed.) Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:12:08 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US NJ: Editorial: New Jersey's Trooper Scandal Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Pubdate: April 30, 1999 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 1999 The New York Times Company Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Forum: http://www10.nytimes.com/comment/ Author: Editor NEW JERSEY'S TROOPER SCANDAL The racial profiling and drug interdiction offenses at the New Jersey State Police keep looking worse and worse. It was outrageous when state troopers were found to be stopping and searching a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic motorists on the New Jersey Turnpike in an effort to intercept illegal drugs. Now it turns out that the State Police have enlisted hotel workers along the turnpike to spy on guests and report behavior as common as speaking Spanish. This civil liberties nightmare has all the earmarks of a program that has spun out of control. a.. Thus it can only be welcome that the Federal Department of Justice has decided that there are grounds to file a civil suit against the State Police for racial discrimination, and that New Jersey's Attorney General, Peter G. Verniero, has agreed to negotiate a settlement. The two-year investigation by Justice initially focused on the practice of singling out motorists for stops and searches based on their skin color. Given the mounting evidence of improper State Police operations, it is imperative that Justice use this hammer to demand a thorough overhaul that will root out the institutional racism that seems to permeate the agency. For years, blacks and Hispanics have complained that they have been subject to illegal racial profiling by state troopers -- and for just as many years, New Jersey officials vehemently denied that such practices existed. Only last week did Mr. Verniero and Gov. Christine Todd Whitman finally acknowledge those patterns of discrimination after Mr. Verniero issued a report on highway stops and searches. This week The Times's David Kocieniewski reported on the little-known hotel-motel program operated by the State Police's drug bureau. The program, begun in the early 1990's, recruits motel workers, mostly along the New Jersey Turnpike, to inform on guests who might be drug traffickers. The program trains the workers to report to police on travelers with certain characteristics, such as having Florida license plates or paying with cash. The troopers would look through credit card receipts and guest registries without guest permission, and would even offer rewards for tips that lead to arrests. Although police officials deny that racial profiling is used, several hotel workers who have gone through the training say they were told to look upon Spanish-speakers with greater suspicion. Given the agency's proven use of race-based criteria in traffic stops, it is hard to believe that race would not be used in the hotel program as well. But whatever the case, the hotel operation offers a disturbing window into the police agency's philosophy. In the name of crime-fighting, the agency has created a vast surveillance network that engulfs large numbers of innocent hotel guests. Mr. Verniero's office says it is reviewing all drug interdiction programs. The fact that this program has been in place for nearly a decade without a review shows how much institutional reform is needed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug czar warns foreign cartels now high-tech (The Boston Herald says General Barry McCaffrey told an audience at Harvard University yesterday that "Dominicans, Mexicans, Nigerians and Russians, and criminals from Southeast Asia are the big drug pushers now and one-half of all people behind bars for drug crimes are foreign-born." He said the latest smuggling trick involves black cocaine, that is, cocaine with chemicals added that make it impossible for drug-sniffing dogs to detect.) From: GranVizier@webtv.net Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 06:39:29 -0400 (EDT) To: cp@telelists.com, november-l@drugsense.org, restore@crrh.org Subject: [cp] McCaffrey Preaches Hate Warning! McCaffrey Watch in Effect! [Czar McCaffrey blatantly preaches ethnic hatred and wants to watch your kids, so they never have a minute of free space. No wonder the kids are going nuts! Not to mention that he'll grab another 17 billion tax-free tax dollars to fight the high-tech others and to "take care of the kids. I'd rather have my kid rollerblading in Manhattan than being taught by the likes of this guy.] *** http://www.bostonherald.com/bostonherald/lonw/drugs04301999.htm Drug czar warns foreign cartels now high-tech by Paul Sullivan Friday, April 30, 1999 New foreign drug cartels, now smuggling black cocaine, are high-tech operations, highly organized and dangerous, the White House drug czar told a gathering yesterday at Harvard University. ``Dominicans, Mexicans, Nigerians and Russians, and criminals from Southeast Asia are the big drug pushers now and one-half of all people behind bars for drug crimes are foreign-born,´´ Barry McCaffrey said. ``They are very dangerous and last year, 156 drug enforcement agents were killed and 50,000 assaulted,´´ McCaffrey told about 50 people at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. ``We have to go after the drug labs and the money-laundering operations´´ to break these new, powerful cartels,´´ said McCaffrey, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control. He said when drug enforcement agencies come up with new techniques to detect smuggling, the cartels answer with new solutions. The latest is black cocaine. McCaffrey said that's cocaine with chemicals added that make it impossible for drug-sniffing dogs to detect. ``Vengeance and deterrence doesn´t solve the problem and law enforcement in and of itself cannot solve the problem,´´ McCaffrey said. ``You have to sit down at the kitchen table and talk to your own children.´´ He said kids are usually by themselves between 3 and 7 p.m. and ``We´ve got to organize someone to take care of the kids.´´ ``It´s amazing what drugs do to our families,´´ McCaffrey said. ``A 12-year-old smoking dope on weekends says, `Oh, sure, I smoke a little weed´ and it´s not seen as a dangerous thing. But it is dangerous. ``Of the kids using grass in high school, 15 percent become addicted and people say that´s wonderful but the chances of lifelong difficulties are significant,´´ McCaffrey said. McCaffrey also pointed his finger at the ``Cadillac´´ of drugs - heroin. ``We have 810,000 heroin addicts in this country and an addict is a mess,´´ McCaffrey said. ``He or she is a one-person crime wave. It costs addicts $200-to-$300 a day to buy heroin and $60,000 a year.´´ McCaffrey is against the legalization of any drugs. If some drugs were legalized, he predicted, ``drug abuse would double; they´d be disastrous results up there with alcohol abuse.´´
------------------------------------------------------------------- Law Barring U.S. Aid To Drug Offenders Concerns Administrators And Activists (The Chronicle of Higher Education examines the new provision in the Higher Education Act that will strip students convicted of any drug-related offense of financial aid. Championed by U.S. Representative Mark E. Souder, the Indiana Republican, the law becomes effective July 1, 2000. Colleges, concerned about institutional liability, are arguing - and the Education Department appears to agree - that it should be up to the federal government, not campuses, to ascertain students' criminal status. Meanwhile, a national campaign has begun to try to galvanize student opposition to the measure.) Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 18:32:47 +0000 To: vignes@monaco.mc From: Peter Webster (vignes@monaco.mc) Subject: [] Law Barring U.S. Student Aid To Drug Offenders Pubdate: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education (US) Copyright: 1999 by The Chronicle of Higher Education Contact: editor@chronicle.com Website: http://chronicle.com/ Author: Stephen Burd LAW BARRING U.S. AID TO DRUG OFFENDERS CONCERNS ADMINISTRATORS AND ACTIVISTS Critics Says Measure Will Be Hard To Enforce And Will Hurt Only Low-Income Students Under ordinary circumstances, university administrators seldom see eye to eye with students lobbying to legalize drugs. But at the University of Virginia, a new federal law that would strip students convicted of drug-related offenses of their Pell Grants and other forms of financial aid has both the aid director and the leader of a group that wants to liberalize marijuana laws crying foul. The aid restriction was part of the Higher Education Act legislation that President Clinton signed in October. Championed by Rep. Mark E. Souder, an Indiana Republican, the provision would deny federal aid to students who have been convicted in state or federal court for possessing or selling drugs. To Elizabeth Myers, a senior and president of the campus chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the measure is wrong-headed. "This is not going to stop drug use on campus. But what it will do is punish people who are caught with drugs who can't afford to go to college," Ms. Myers says. "So a rich kid who gets caught using pot does not get punished at all, while a poor kid loses his college education -- and that's just not fair." To Yvonne B. Hubbard, the university's financial-aid director, the provision -- right or wrong -- will be a nightmare to enforce. "I don't know how this can be administered fairly and equitably," she says. The concerns here at Virginia are being voiced by college administrators and campus activists around the nation. Under the federal ban, students would lose their aid eligibility for one year for a first conviction on a drug-possession offense; two years for a second conviction; and indefinitely for a third conviction. Students caught selling drugs would lose eligibility for two years for a first conviction, and indefinitely for a second. Students' eligibility could be restored before the designated time period if the students satisfactorily completed a drug-rehabilitation program, or if their convictions were reversed or set aside. The U.S. Education Department has announced that the law will not become effective until July 1, 2000. In the meantime, the department is working with college groups to determine how best to carry it out. Colleges, concerned about institutional liability, are arguing -- and the Education Department appears to agree -- that it should be up to the federal government, and not campuses, to examine students' offenses and determine whether they should be disqualified from receiving aid. Meanwhile, a national campaign has begun to try to galvanize student opposition to the measure. The Drug Reform Coordination Network, a nonprofit group based in Washington, is working with activists on 150 campuses to persuade the student-governing boards at those institutions to endorse a bill, introduced last month by Rep. Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, that would repeal the provision. The group has also set up a World-Wide Web site, through which students can lobby lawmakers to support Mr. Frank's bill. Representative Souder, the author of the ban, does not understand what all the fuss is about. He says his provision is based on a simple proposition: Students who receive federal assistance to go to college should not be using it to purchase drugs. "The bottom line is this: Actions have consequences," Mr. Souder wrote in a column that appeared in the University of Virginia's main student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, in February. "If you receive taxpayer assistance to pursue your college education, you will be held accountable for investing it wisely." Adam J. Smith, the drug-reform network's associate director, has another explanation for Mr. Souder's action. "One can only surmise that legislators pass laws such as this to look tough to their constituents, while counting on students to simply roll over and accept the fact that they are being used as pawns," he says. Mr. Smith argues that the law will not only discriminate against low-income students, but also against black and Hispanic students, many of whom receive student aid and who, he says, are disproportionately prosecuted for drug offenses. He cites statistics from a study conducted in 1995 by the Sentencing Project, a non-profit organization, which found that black Americans, who make up 12 per cent of the population and approximately 13 per cent of all drug users, constitute 55 per cent of those convicted of drug offenses. "This law will deny an education to those for whom it is most vital -- the poor, the non-white, and non-violent young people who have had previous contact with the criminal-justice system and who are trying to turn their lives around," Mr. Smith says. Mr. Souder denies those claims. In his column in The Cavalier Daily, he accused the drug-reform network of using the race issue to agitate students and draw them into its campaign to weaken the drug laws. "Hiding behind the issue of race only serves the interest of the small minority of people who would like to use drugs with impunity," Mr. Souder wrote. "In the past, these organizations have used the sick and dying as a front to promote the use of so-called medicinal marijuana in their continual effort to weaken drug laws," the Congressman wrote. "Now, they see an opportunity to take advantage of college students who receive financial aid by enlisting them in their doomed campaign." But the drug-reform network's efforts are beginning to pay off. Organizations such as the United States Student Association and the N.A.A.C.P have endorsed the network's campaign. And the student governments at at least seven public and private institutions -- Hampshire, Pitzer, and Western State Colleges, Illinois State and Western Connecticut State Universities, Rochester Institute of Technology, and the University of Wisconsin at Richland -- have voted to back Mr. Frank's bill. The Student Association of the State University of New York and the United Council of University of Wisconsin Students have also voted to support overturning the law. Here at Virginia, Ms. Myers hopes to give the Student Council a petition by the end of this week that has 500 student signatures backing Mr. Frank's bill. Her biggest obstacle so far has been the large number of students here who haven't heard of Mr. Souder or his measure. "I think a lot of university students live in their own little bubbles," she says. "They don't know what's going on in the outside world, even if there are things happening there that can affect them." Another potential roadblock is what Ms. Myers sees as the relative conservatism of the student body here. For every student who opposes the ban, it seems, one -- or maybe even two -- supports it. Joseph Draper, a senior, believes it is counterproductive to make college less affordable for poor students who have been convicted of drug offenses. "Once the student aid is gone, then many low-income students can't go to college. And who does that help?" he asks. "I believe education is more effective than punishment in helping those with drug problems." But Jason Giovannelli, a junior, agrees with Representative Souder's provision. "If you get student aid," he says, "you probably shouldn't be spending the money you don't have on drugs." Ms. Hubbard, the university's aid director, would not render a judgment on Mr. Souder's measure, saying her view didn't matter. Her job, she says, is to enforce the ban. And she is just not sure how she will be able to do that. Students come from across the country to go to the university, making it difficult to check their backgrounds. And there is no easy way for her to confirm whether they have been arrested when they leave campus for Spring Break, for example, or summer vacation. State and local laws vary greatly on the penalties associated with different drug offenses, she says. Many college lawyers have been especially worried that enforcement actions taken by their aid administrators could leave institutions liable to lawsuits. Lawyers worry that students might sue the institutions if the administrators take away their aid or give them faulty advice that prevents them from getting their aid back. They also worry that institutions could be sued by private citizens or conservative watchdog groups, if they suspect that the institutions have not aggressively carried out the law. For those reasons, college groups want the Department of Education to let students "self-certify" whether they have been convicted of drug offenses during a period of time. Such an approach would force contractors working for the Education Department -- and not campus-aid administrators -- to determine students' eligibility for aid. Representatives of college groups who are negotiating with the Education Department over that provision are restricted from commenting on the proceedings. They acknowledge, however, that the self-reporting solution is not perfect, and that many students who have been convicted of drug charges will lie to protect their aid. But they believe they have proposed the best solution available. Education Department officials agree, and are now considering whether to ask students about their past drug offenses on the aid application or on a different document sent to students after they have been initially approved for aid. If the question is posed on the aid form, department officials and aid experts fear, some low-income students may be scared off from applying for aid altogether. The university's Ms. Hubbard is not so happy with self-certification as a solution. "It comes down to this: The kid who tells the truth will lose his aid, and the kid who lies will get his aid," she says. "How fair is that?" Congressional aides to Mr. Souder have their doubts, too, but they say it is too early for the Congressman to intervene. "We left it flexible so that the Education Department can implement it as easily as possible," said a spokeswoman for Mr. Souder. "If our concerns grow, however, with the way it is being enforced, we can always revisit the issue."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: Cheaper Heroin Encourages Addicts (The Orange County Register says a report by Dr. Peter Bach at the University of Chicago, paid for by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and published in the May issue of the American Journal of Public Health, found that the price of heroin in the United States dropped by half from the late 1980s through the mid-1990s, and that the decline in price was apparently the sole factor that caused an incease in use by "addicts." The fact that only about 10 percent of heroin users are thought to be dependent isn't mentioned, but Dr. Back's study reinforces the views of drug warriors because it suggests that addicts as well as casual users are sensitive to price fluctuations, justifying a drug policy that attempts to drive up prices. Unfortunately, the newspaper fails to point out that the decline in heroin prices was inevitably caused by such policies in the first place.) Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 21:07:29 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Study: Cheaper Heroin Encourages Addicts Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W. Black Pubdate: Friday, 30 April 1999 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Orange County Register Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: Laura Meckler-The Associated Press STUDY: CHEAPER HEROIN ENCOURAGES ADDICTS Drugs: The results pose the question: Would driving up the price motivate some users to stop? Washington - Heroin prices dropped in half from the late 1980s to mid-1990s, driving up use by addicts, a study finds. The results are significant because they suggest that addicts are sensitive to price fluctuations, meaning drug policy that drives up prices could stem drug use even among hard-core users, said the study's author, Dr. Peter Bach, who did his work at the University of Chicago. "There's a lot of evidence that casual users are price-sensitive. The question is whether it affects hard-core users. Are hard-core users going to do whatever they need to do to get what they need?" said Bach, whose research is published in the May issue of the American Journal of Public Health. While the price dropped over-all, at certain points it increased. When price increased, demand dropped, Bach said. The research was conducted in 19 major cities from 1988 to 1995. Not only did price drop, but during that seven-year period, the amount of pure heroin found in a $100 dose tripled, the study found. The study gauged heroin use by measuring use of methadone, which is used to stabilize addicts. The more heroin someone has consumed, the more methadone they need. Researchers at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy hadn't seen the study but were skeptical of its findings, said spokesman Bob Weiner. Other researchers have failed to establish the link between price and drug use, he said. The new study also found large differences in heroin prices among cities. It was most expensive in Atlanta, where $100 would buy just 77 milligrams in 1995, and cheapest in New York and Philadelphia, where a buyer could get about 316 milligrams for $100. In Los Angeles, $100 bought 267 milligrams; in Phoenix, 244 milligrams; in San Francisco, 195 milligrams; in Miami and Chicago, about 121 milligrams; and in Detroit and Washington, about 104 milligrams. A casual user might use 5 to 10 milligrams, while a hard-core user might use up to 10 times that in a dose. By contrast, in 1988, $100 bought 29 milligrams in Atlanta and 77 milligrams in Los Angeles. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the research.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Weeding Out Canadian Criminals (An op-ed in the Toronto Star by Dave Haans applauds the recent decision by the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Police Chiefs to press the federal government to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. The CAPC didn't always feel this way. When the feds were looking at introducing the present Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the CAPC was one of the few groups opposed to softening marijuana laws. The bill eventually passed with only minor modifications, so marijuana offenders are still given a criminal record, rather than a ticket or fine. What changed was that marijuana offenders could be processed through the courts more efficiently, actually exacerbating the previous situation by allowing police to bring even more possession cases.) Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:14:20 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Weeding Out Canadian Criminals Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Dave Haans Pubdate: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 Source: Toronto Star (Canada) Section: Opinion Copyright: 1999, The Toronto Star Contact: lettertoed@thestar.com Website: http://www.thestar.com/ Page: A25 Author: Dave Haans, graduate student studying drug policy issues at the University of Toronto WEEDING OUT CANADIAN CRIMINALS Something of a miracle happened in Canada this month, in its implications for our national drug policy. The Canadian Association of Police Chiefs' board of directors agreed to start pressing the federal government to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana and hashish. The reason? Canada's courts are backlogged with thousands of minor possession cases, and police across the country are finding themselves without the resources to go after traffickers and other more serious criminals. They didn't always feel this way. When the feds were looking at introducing the present drug law (The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act), the CAPC found itself to be one of the few critics of softening marijuana laws in the county. The majority of groups, including the Canadian Bar Association, the Criminal Lawyers Association, the Canadian Police Association, the Canadian Medical Association, along with policy researchers, and addiction specialists, argued for the rethinking of marijuana laws. The bill eventually passed with only minor modifications -- marijuana offenders are still given a criminal record, rather than a ticket or fine, for the possession of even tiny amounts of the drug. What actually changed was that marijuana offenders could be processed through the courts more efficiently, actually exacerbating the previous situation by allowing police to bring even more possession cases before the courts. Since marijuana possession cases make up the majority of all drug offences prosecuted in Canada, the courts remain clogged, and the ability of police to go after bigger drug offenders remains diminished. Now, the Canadian Association of Police Chiefs has opened up the debate considerably. In doing so, it has also implicitly allowed other cops to finally speak their minds on the issue of decriminalization, where before many remained silent. One of the most vocal critics is Constable Gil Puder, a veteran of the Vancouver Police Department. He has argued publicly that "the silence of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (on decriminalization) makes me wonder how many senior officers built careers in drug enforcement," earning Puder some friends and probably as many enemies among the rank-and-file. However, some Police Chiefs have spoken out as being for decriminalization, notably Ottawa-Carleton's Brian Ford. Now, the silence is no more. Vancouver, Edmonton, Sudbury and Brockville's police chiefs, and even the RCMP, have all come out in favour of the decriminalization of marijuana. Given the willingness of these police chiefs to voice their opinion, many more officers will undoubtedly follow. The federal government's response has been equally startling. Justice Minister Anne McLellan has said she will take seriously the opinions of the Chiefs of Police, stating that "I think this is a significant move on the part of the chiefs and they are a very influential voice." Of course, there have already been some voices of dissent to the proposal, including that of Calgary's police chief Christine Silverberg, saying that such a move will send the wrong message to children. But what would really happen should marijuana possession be decriminalized in Canada? In the 1970s, 11 American states decriminalized the possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, replacing a criminal record with a fine. Research noted that while marijuana use increased (this was the 70s, after all), the decriminalization states actually had lower increases in use rates than neighbouring non-decriminalization states. As well, California enjoyed a 74 per cent drop in marijuana law enforcement costs, from $17 million to $4.4 million -- savings we could certainly use here in Canada. More recently, several Australian states have also decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana, and the effects on use rates have been similar -- almost non-existent. In the Netherlands, decriminalization of marijuana has been in effect since the 1970s. The result? The Dutch enjoy much lower use rates among teens and adults alike, and much lower law enforcement costs, than either Canada or the United States. Gerald Le Dain must be watching this with interest. His 1972/3 report, a huge study commissioned by the federal government, recommended pretty much what the police chiefs are recommending now. It was shelved. Hopefully, federal politicians won't make the same mistake again. Dave Haans is a graduate student studying drug policy issues at the University of Toronto.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue No. 89 ((The Drug Reform Coordination Network's original online drug policy newsmagazine features - Arizona supreme court study: Proposition 200 has saved the state millions; Renting while non-white; Canada: Heroin prescription experiment debated in Parliament; Canadian police chiefs call for decriminalization of marijuana possession; Swiss panel calls for decriminalization of cannabis possession, sales; Heroin in Australia, Part 2: A conversation with Michael Moore, ACT Health Minister; Government's drug test ruled inadequate, Todd McCormick remains free pending trial; Media alert: May issue of Harper's magazine cover story: "Good drugs, bad drugs"; Patti Smith to play NYC's Bowery Ballroom to benefit the Drug Policy Foundation; Forfeiture reform conference in DC, justice reform protest in NYC and nationwide; and an editorial by Adam J. Smith: Arizonans ignore rhetoric, reap benefits) Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 12:29:02 +0000 To: pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org From: David Borden (borden@drcnet.org) Subject: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #89 The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #89 - April 30, 1999 A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network -------- PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE -------- (To sign off this list, mailto:listproc@drcnet.org with the line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or mailto:kfish@drcnet.org for assistance. To subscribe to this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.) This issue can be also be read on our web site at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html. Check out the DRCNN weekly radio segment at http://www.drcnet.org/drcnn/. Patti Smith giving benefit concert for Drug Policy Foundation in NYC this weekend! See item 9. Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis protest in NYC, forfeiture reform conference in DC, next week, see item 10. Sign DRCNet's petition at http://www.RaiseYourVoice.com! TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Arizona Supreme Court Study: Proposition 200 Has Saved the State Millions http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#prop200works 2. Renting While Non-White http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#hotelmotel 3. Canada: Heroin Prescription Experiment Debated in Parliament http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#libbydavies 4. Canadian Police Chiefs Call for Decriminalization of Marijuana Possession http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#canadachiefs 5. Swiss Panel Calls for Decriminalization of Cannabis Possession, Sales http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#swisspanel 6. Heroin in Australia, Part Two: A Conversation with Michael Moore, ACT Health Minister http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#michaelmoore 7. Government's Drug Test Ruled Inadequate, Todd McCormick Remains Free Pending Trial http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#toddmccormick 8. Media Alert: May Issue of Harper's Magazine Cover Story: Good Drugs, Bad Drugs http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#harperscover 9. Patti Smith to Play NYC's Bowery Ballroom to Benefit the Drug Policy Foundation http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#pattismith 10. Forfeiture Reform Conference in DC, Justice Reform Protest in NYC and Nationwide http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#events 11. EDITORIAL: Arizonans Ignore Rhetoric, Reap Benefits http://www.drcnet.org/wol/089.html#editorial *** 1. Arizona Supreme Court Study: Proposition 200 Has Saved the State Millions When the voters of Arizona overwhelmingly passed Proposition 200 in November of 1996, United States Senator John Kyl stood in the well of the Senate and told his colleagues that his constituents had been "duped." By December of that year, Arizona's state legislature had passed bills which essentially gutted the measure. A signature drive got the measure placed back on the ballot, however, effectively blocking the state's government from overturning the will of the voters until another election had been held. In November of 1998, Arizona voters once again approved the measure which forbids the incarceration of first and second- time non-violent drug offenders, and provides funding for treatment, allowing judges to divert other offenders, whose primary problems are linked to substance abuse, into treatment rather than jail. This week, the Arizona Supreme Court released a study of the impact of Proposition 200 which provides solid evidence that the people of Arizona knew very well what they were doing when they went to the polls -- twice. According to the study, diverting first and second time drug possessors to treatment and drug education courses saved the state over $2.5 million in its first year of operation. "And those numbers are conservative" says Sam Vagenas, director of "The People Have Spoken," the group that put the initiative back on the ballot in 1998. "The study only calculated the savings from first and second time drug possessors, who make up about 25% of the people diverted to treatment under the law. What it didn't count was the savings from diverting other non-violent offenders into treatment." Proposition 200 provided for a $4 million fund for drug treatment, with that money coming out of taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages. "One of the important lessons that we've learned here in Arizona is that treatment itself de-incarcerates," Vagenas told The Week Online. "Judges, who see the impact of the drug laws, and who don't have to face elections, are predisposed to send someone to treatment rather than prison where appropriate, assuming that there's a treatment slot available." Proposition 200's impact in this regard was felt immediately. When it was passed in 1996, there were more than 200 people sitting in Arizona jails because there were no treatment beds available. Opponents of the new law argue that the report does not truly reflect the impact of the new policy. Broderick Lotstein, a special assistant Maricopa County Attorney, told the Arizona Daily Star that the report's findings were "silly. No judge will send a first-time offender to prison." Maricopa County, which boasts over 56% of all arrests for drug possession or sale in the state of Arizona, had a program in place prior to the passage of Proposition 200 called "Do Drugs, Do Time." According to Vagenas, continued intransigence displayed by the law's opponents in the face of such a report is laughable. "The funny thing is that they had two arguments against us during our campaign to get this passed," Vagenas told The Week Online. "The first was that Proposition 200 would signal the end of civilization as we know it, and the second was that it wasn't needed because we are doing these things anyway. The truth is that this law has done our state a world of good, and that the people of Arizona ought to be commended for seeing through the rhetoric and passing it not once, but twice." Arizona Appelate Court Judge Rudy Gerber, contradicting the Maricopa County Attorney's office, says that "opponents of Proposition 200 said that this was a 'pro-drug' initiative. As it turns out, the Drug Medicalization Act (Prop. 200's title) is doing more to reduce drug use and crime than any other state program -- and saving taxpayer dollars at the same time." Norman Helber, Chief Adult Probation Officer of Maricopa County, said that he believes that the report may have significance far beyond the state's borders. "This report firmly supports a new paradigm of drug control for the nation," he said. Among the report's findings: * Cost savings to Arizona taxpayers of over $2.5 million. * A total of 2,622 offenders diverted into treatment rather than jail. * Over 98% of offenders placed in recommended programs. "All of these factors are resulting in safer communities and more substance abusing probationers in recovery," concludes the report. "The outcome benefits of this intervention over time will reveal not only fiscal and crime reduction benefits, but an increase in the quality of life conditions of this population such as improved family and social relationships, increased work productivity and wages, and decreased health system costs." The treatment funding mandated by the law is responsible for the rate of success in matching people with treatment or education programs. Before the law was passed, 12-step programs had been the only ones available to most offenders, whether they were appropriate or not. According to the report, "the 98.2% matching between recommended and actual placement is remarkable and probably would not have happened without the Drug Treatment and Education Fund." Senator Kyl's office did not respond to requests for comment for this story. *** 2. Renting While Non-White Issue #87 of the Week Online reported that Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) had reintroduced the Traffic Stops Statistics Act, addressing the problem of racial profiling in highway searches, popularly known as "Driving While Black" (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/087.html#profiling). An article in the 4/29 issue of the New York Times revealed that New Jersey state troopers are aggressively expanding the scope of their anti-drug surveillance operations into the private businesses surrounding the highways, bringing the same profiling and general privacy problems to the area of overnight hotel and motel rentals. "New Jersey Police Enlist Hotel Workers in the War on Drugs" reports on the "Hotel-Motel Program," an initiative in which hotel staff are trained by troopers to scrutinize guests and asked to provide troopers with access to credit card receipts and registration forms without a warrant. Troopers offer $1,000 rewards to hotel workers whose tips lead to successful seizures and arrests. Several hotel employees and union leaders have reported that troopers have suggested that hotel staff use racial profiles. Clo Smith, a clerk at the Holiday Inn near Newark Airport, told the New York Times that a state police detective said Spanish-speaking guests should be treated with more suspicion than guests who speak English, when she attended the one-hour seminar three years ago. The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey has a class action lawsuit pending against the New Jersey State Police for racial profiling in traffic stop searches. Lenora Lapidus, ACLU-NJ legal director, told the Week Online, "I think this demonstrates one more example of the state police using race-based tactics in enforcing the drug laws." In a remarkable concession, New Jersey's Attorney General, Peter Verniero, announced the state would not appeal a 1996 ruling that state troopers demonstrated racial bias in pulling over motorists. A report released by the Attorney General's office found that complaints leveled by African American and Latino motorists were "real, not imagined," and recommended that the department monitor traffic stops more closely. Lapidus told the Week Online that "the Attorney General's report noted a circularity: If you only search minorities, you'll only find minorities who are engaged in drug trafficking. But you'll go by all the whites who are trafficking drugs, and worse, will have unfairly subjected large numbers of innocent minority motorists to searches." Hotel-Motel has also raised concerns about privacy. Robert Field, owner of the Days Inn near Newark Airport, told the New York Times that he and his manager agreed it would be intrusive for troopers to have permission to arbitrarily search through registration cards and credit card slips. "It's like a tactic out of some dictatorship," said Field. "When a person checks into a hotel, he or she has a reasonable assumption that the place of business will protect their privacy, not treat them like a criminal." Jan Larsen, president of the New Jersey Hotel Association, who runs the East Brunswick Hilton, told the New York Times, "We wouldn't allow the police to look through our records without a subpoena, period. We have an obligation to protect people's privacy. I would think there's a civil liability if we start giving our information." Some hotel chains, including Hilton, forbid their managers from allowing police to inspect the records of their guests without a subpoena. Some chains allow the individual managers to make that decision. While hotel owners may voluntarily allow police access to their guest records, and searches based on voluntarily- provided information are legal, some have questioned whether participation in the Hotel-Motel program is fully voluntary. Lapidus commented, "Some hotels may feel coerced into going along with this program." Indeed, David Feedback, president of Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 69 in Secaucus, told the New York Times that some of his members have complained that troopers have pressured them to participated and to report any hotel patrons who speak Spanish and pay in cash. Last week, Attorney General Verniero announced that two troopers had been indicted for falsifying documents in order to make it appear that some of the African American motorists they stopped were white. The two troopers are facing possible criminal charges from an incident in which they shot three unarmed men during a traffic stop. Investigators into this incident noticed that the license plate numbers the officers reported did not always correspond with the motorists they stopped. The state of North Carolina passed a state version of the Traffic Stops Statistics act, becoming the first state in the nation to formally require monitoring of traffic stops patterns. The ACLU has a "Driving While Black" feature section on its web site at http://www.aclu.org/features/dwb.html. *** 3. Canada: Heroin Prescription Experiment Debated in Parliament Should Canada set up clinical trials to provide hard-core addicts with heroin under medical supervision? This was the subject of a heated debate Wednesday (4/28) in the House of Commons, prompted by a private motion by New Democratic Party MP Libby Davies (East Vancouver) that Parliament resolve to support the implementation of a heroin maintenance experiment. Davies' motion did not receive a warm welcome from every MP. "We are talking about free heroin for addicts," complained one MP, Gurmant Grewel (Surrey Central, Ref.). "What the New Democratic Party is proposing is a recipe for disaster. This is the kind of solution that was adopted in Switzerland. Addicts from all across Europe went to Zurich to live with their addiction and it created a mess." Grewel concluded, "Still, [Davies] introduces the motion we are debating today as if there were the remotest possibility that the government would listen to her and take action. How sad." But other members praised the motion. Pauline Piccard (Drummond, BQ) said its purpose was to "make sensible and regulated treatment options available to health professionals and the injection drug users under their medical supervision... with the ultimate goal of reducing street drug related crime, protecting the community, and saving lives." Abstinence is a valid goal of drug treatment, but may not be a reasonable short-term objective, she said. Davies told the Week Online she introduced the motion to promote awareness and discussion of heroin maintenance and other harm reduction initiatives among members of parliament. "Along with all the other initiatives that are taking place, it contributes to the momentum and the debate that has to take place to reform our drug laws and our attitude toward drug users," she said. Heroin overdoses are the leading cause of death among adults aged 30-49 in British Columbia, with 178 deaths in 1998 in Vancouver alone. In addition, injection drug use is now believed to be the leading cause of HIV infection, and as many as 70 percent of injection drug users carry the hepatitis C virus. The Canadian Medical Association, as well as a national task force on HIV and AIDS, has recommended a heroin trial. Under Canadian parliamentary procedure, private motions must receive unanimous consent by a committee to be "votable," before they may be submitted as resolutions. Davies' motion did not meet this requirement, but she said the debate itself was key. "Even to get people more familiar with the reality of what happens to people when they're users, and how they're criminalized and marginalized, is very important. And I've had lots of MPs come up to me and tell me 'good for you for raising the issue, it needs to be raised, it needs to be debated.'" Ultimately, parliamentary approval is not necessary for a heroin prescription experiment in Canada. Under current regulations, such decisions fall under the purview of the Minister of Health, Alan Rock. "Of course, politically, he's not going to do it if he thinks it's very risky and it's going to leave him in a vulnerable position," Davies said. Elinor Caplan, Rock's parliamentary secretary, said during the debate that while she believes Davies' proposal is "well intended," the Health Ministry does not support heroin maintenance "at this time." Instead, she said the Ministry would continue to promote the expansion of methadone maintenance and other alternative therapies. Davies, who has set up a working group on harm reduction policies that includes more than a dozen MPs and several senators, said she believes it's her job to create political cover for her colleagues and the Health Minister. "Building political support across party lines is a very big part of the work, so that when someone like Alan Rock sticks his toe out to test the temperature he's not going to feel like he's going to get trashed for doing something like this," she said. Davies is keenly aware of harm reduction as a life-or-death policy. "Downtown on the East side in Vancouver, which is a part of the riding (district) I represent, people are literally dying on the street," she said. "And there are all kinds of things that have to happen. We need better housing, we need social support, we need other treatment options, prevention, education. What I don't want to see, though, is people just being further criminalized by the judicial system." Davies applauds the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police's decision to support the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. "They're basically saying this is not a police issue anymore, it's a social issue, it's a health issue," she said. "I just hope that people like Alan Rock and our Justice Minister, Anne McClellan are listening. The debate is there. I see my job is just to push like hell." Transcripts of Canadian House of Commons debates are available online at http://www.parl.gc.ca. Read much more about heroin maintenance and other drug substitution programs at http://www.lindesmith.org/library/focal1.html. *** 4. Canadian Police Chiefs Call for Decriminalization of Marijuana Possession While it "stands firm in opposing any type of legalization of any and all currently illicit drugs in Canada," the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) announced its support for the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana and the medicalization of all illegal drugs. Such was the curious admixture of conservative rhetoric and progressive policy recommendations in "Drug Policy 1999," a report released last week by the group. Brockville, Ontario police chief Barry King, who chairs the CACP's drug abuse committee, explained. "Over the years, there have been a lot of definitions used and interchanged, and in an improper sense in many cases, from decriminalization to harm reduction to legalization to medicalization," he told the Week Online. "What we wanted to do as the Chiefs of Police was to have a foundation for the partners we deal with -- we deal with Health Canada, with Justice, which writes the laws, we deal with addiction research centers, and police -- so we decided to come up with our definition, to put it on the table so that we have a foundation we can all talk from." One of the reasons the CACP opposes legalization, even for small amounts of marijuana, King said, is because the UN Convention on Narcotic Drugs precludes such a move. Instead, the CACP wants the existing penalty for possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana changed from a summary conviction, which is similar to a misdemeanor but results in a criminal record, to a ticketable offense. "Our intent was not to change the law, but to give police officers on the front line an option so that they may use discretion like in other investigations," King said. "They'd have the opportunity, depending on the circumstances to give a ticket. The person would have thirty days to pay the ticket and avoid a criminal record. If they failed to do that, then we would enact the same law we have now and apply the criminal charge." King said the lighter penalties make sense for first time offenders. "There are a lot of people who experiment, and after a short period of time, or if they get caught, they quit. And that's our long term objective, is to get people off it," he said. "But what's happened of course is that under the existing law, even though it's a misdemeanor or summary conviction, it's a barrier to employment. We think there's a far better message given out, not that we're lightening up drugs at all, but that we spend more time on traffickers, distributors, on organized crime. It seems like a reasonable alternative in the '90s." Last year, some 70,000 people were charged with drug offenses in Canada. 70 percent of those charges were marijuana-related, and 60 percent of those were for possession. "Every time a police officer has to go in and write up a report and dictate a Crown brief, that is time off the road. That's valuable time," King said. Court time and legal fees also add up. King stressed that CACP's recommendations for decriminalization were made with the proviso that any changes in the law must be accompanied by an increase in spending on prevention, education, and treatment. The report also clarifies CACP's position on the medical use of marijuana and other drugs. In response to Health Minister Alan Rock's announcement that Health Canada would conduct clinical trials on marijuana's medical use, a policy statement accompanying the report states, "The CACP fully supports it... We realize this is not the first step towards the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes." "People say, 'why don't we legalize drugs for medical use?' We're saying, 'bad word.' Don't use 'legalization.' It's 'medicalization,'" King said. "We have morphine today, we have codeine, we have a number of other tranquilizers that are addictive but they have been authorized for medical use. We have no problem with that. Instead of trying to draw us into arguments over medical use of marijuana or heroin or cocaine, we're pointing out that Health Canada has a regulatory responsibility, an approval process, and a scientific based assessment. And if they determine that a given drug is beneficial, that's their responsibility. We're not doctors." King said CACP's recommendations, which will be presented for approval by the full membership at an annual meeting this August, and then to the Ministries of Justice, Health, and the Solicitor General, and are just common sense. "We were not trying to be radical," he said. "We were not trying to reinvent anything." The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is online at http://www.cacp.org. *** 5. Swiss Panel Calls for Decriminalization of Cannabis Possession, Sales Those radical Swiss are at it again. In a report released last Friday (4/23), a federal commission recommended that the possession and sale of cannabis be decriminalized, and proposed that regulations be drawn up to license merchants who would be permitted to sell the plant only to Swiss citizens. "Cannabis is a drug, and the committee isn't intending to trivialize it or say that its consumption is without risk," panel member Anne-Catherine Menetrey told Swiss radio. "But consumption is rising, especially among young people." The panel concluded that occasional use of marijuana does not lead to the use or abuse of other drugs. Moreover, it noted that the current prohibition of marijuana is inconsistently enforced, which may be contributing to the "growing loss of credibility" of Swiss drug policy. A national referendum would be required to implement the proposed changes to the law, the panel said. Last year, a referendum to legalize the sale and possession of all drugs was defeated by voters amid concerns about health risks and worries that the country would become a magnet for drug tourism. But in 1997, Swiss voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative to continue a heroin maintenance experiment after a scientific review found the program significantly cut the crime, disease and unemployment associated with heroin addiction. The Swiss heroin trial limited enrollment to Swiss citizens, and the proposed rules for the sale and possession of cannabis would require similar restrictions. The commission's plan calls for the development of a mandatory training and licensing program for merchants who sell cannabis, and customers would have to produce identification proving they were Swiss citizens. As in the Netherlands, where marijuana possession and sales have been decriminalized since 1976, the panel recommended strict controls on the production and distribution of the drug, and said cannabis merchants should not be allowed to advertise their wares. *** 6. Heroin in Australia, Part Two: A Conversation with Michael Moore, ACT Health Minister Last week, we spoke with Brian McConnell of Family and Friends for Drug Law Reform on the state of drug policy in Australia (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#ffdlr). This week we spoke with Michael Moore, Health Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Moore has been a key advocate for harm reduction policies in Australia, and instrumental in engaging his colleagues in the debate over drug policy in general. He is the creator of the Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform, the inaugural president of the Drug Law Reform Foundation, and a founding member of Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform. In 1994, he was awarded the Justice Gerald Le Dain Award for achievement in the field of law from the Drug Policy Foundation. Moore has been a vocal proponent for a heroin maintenance experiment that would provide addicts with heroin under clinical supervision. In addition, his most recent initiative would permit health workers to set up "safe injection rooms" where intravenous drug users can inject their drugs with clean needles and without fear of criminal prosecution, and receive access to treatment. Mr. Moore spoke with us by phone from his home in Canberra, ACT. WOL: How are you perceived by the public and other politicians when you call for heroin trials, safe injection rooms and other harm reduction policies? MOORE: My first election in 1989 was as a prohibitionist. I was appointed chair of a select committee on HIV, illegal drugs and prostitution. I was responsible for setting up probably the most liberal prostitution laws in the western world -- they are still in place and giving us very little trouble. Then I proceeded down this path in terms of drugs. As I changed my views, and did so very publicly, every other politician that I knew said I could never be re-elected with this stance. Since then, I've been re-elected three times and more than a hundred other Members of Parliament have joined the parliamentary group, and they come from right across our political spectrum. I'm an Independent member, and we have Liberal members, Labor members, Greens and Democrats. WOL: What is the status of safe injecting rooms in the ACT, and what has been your involvement? MOORE: As Minister for Health I put the proposal to cabinet, have gained approval of cabinet, and have put one piece of legislation and a motion before legislative assembly. The legislation I put up is to protect workers from civil liability, from being sued if something goes wrong other than in cases of negligence. And the motion is to get the approval of the Assembly to proceed because I am a member of a minority government. WOL: Why are safe injection rooms needed? MOORE: We know that the methods we are using to deal with illicit drugs are not working. We believe safe injection rooms will reduce the spread of disease. We believe they will improve the health of the community as well as the health of the individual drug users. But because we are not absolutely positive of that, we want to insure we have an appropriate evaluation conducted by the Australian National University. So we are conducting it as a scientific trial. The scientific trial also makes it work within the context of the international treaty. WOL: So the ACT can proceed with safe injection rooms, even without the approval of the federal Commonwealth government? MOORE: There are some complications. There was some debate as to whether we have an international treaty that would prohibit this, the UN International Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance. Our federal government has responsibility for international treaties, and where they've signed an international treaty, the states' or territories' laws must comply with that treaty. We do have legal advice that we can proceed with safe injection rooms, provided we do it by directive to the Director of Public Prosecutions so that they won't prosecute in the public interest. WOL: How does heroin maintenance fit into a harm reduction or harm minimization strategy? MOORE: When somebody becomes semi-dependent on heroin, they have four choices. Remember, they are becoming semi- dependent, they are really enjoying the use of their heroin, but they are needing more money. They can try prostitution, they can try crime, they can make huge demands on their family, or they can find three or four other people willing to use heroin, sell to them and cream the top off. And it's that fourth choice that almost all of them make. So those four other people find sixteen, those sixteen people find sixty-four more. So what we have is a network marketing system akin to Amway or Avon. We know that it is the second most effective marketing system in the world. If you run a heroin trial and there is no increase in harm, we then have a policy option for a fifth choice and it's the fifth choice that is critical. The fifth choice is that instead of doing all of those things, a semi-dependent person who needs more and more money can go to a clinic and say, "I'm semi-dependent, I need heroin, what can I do?" At that point we can provide heroin and we can also provide what we are interested in, and that is the treatment and to reach out to them when they are ready to move away from heroin. It has all those advantages, but the most important of all is that they don't use that forth choice. They don't drag other people into the network and expand the black market. It's quite a persuasive argument, isn't it? WOL: What needs to change politically for the heroin maintenance trials to take place? Minister Moore: I think that we will have a heroin trial in Australia, and it will happen in one of two ways: either the Prime Minister will change his mind, or we will change the Prime Minister. I don't mind which it is, provided it happens quickly. WOL: Should abstinence be the ultimate goal of any heroin trial? Minister Moore: The critical part is to not get an increase in harm. Our goal is to undermine the black market. It's not to do with whether the individual is abstinent or not abstinent. Every policy option we have in front of us fails to do that, to undermine the black market. Surely even blind Freddy can see that the critical issue for us is to undermine the black market. The trouble is, the rhetoric gets caught up in puritanical approaches, judgmental approaches. It gets caught up in the notion that the only treatment is a cure. Yet we don't apply that to diabetes or asthma, we don't apply that to most medical treatments. But for puritanical reasons we do apply it to drugs. It is interesting to observe how successful we are with abstinence programs. But it is certainly not the key question. The key question is do we increase harm, do we reduce harm; if we have not increased harm then we have a policy option to undermine the black market. WOL: Are you optimistic about the future of Australian drug policy? MOORE: There is no doubt in my mind that Australia will continue with harm minimization. We will trial a provision of heroin to dependent users. The reason is that when we look around the world, we see that harm minimization works best. When you cut through the hype, when you look at it in an academic way, a heroin trial has the best potential for undermining the black market. I do realize there are certain groups that disagree with me, like our Prime Minister. But then, he took advice from the FBI -- say no more. (Read about Australia's long-running drug policy debates on heroin maintenance, safe injecting rooms and other issues, in DRCNet's special report by Greg Ewing from last summer, archived at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/049.html#australia. The Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation is online at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~petercle/druglaw/. Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform can be found online at http://www.adca.org.au/ffdlr/. The ACT government home page is online at http://www.act.gov.au/government/. *** 7. Government's Drug Test Ruled Inadequate, Todd McCormick Remains Free Pending Trial Todd McCormick, a medicinal user of marijuana and activist, remains free on bond today after a federal judge ruled that a newly-developed urine test -- designed to distinguish between marijuana and the legal pharmaceutical Marinol -- did not pass muster. McCormick, who is free on $500,000 bond -- money that the government would have kept had they been able to prove that McCormick used marijuana, awaits trial in September on charges relating to his cultivation of marijuana in Bel Air, California. The test, which purportedly distinguishes metabolites found only in the urine of people who have ingested marijuana from the ones present in the urine of people who have ingested Marinol, was created specifically to test McCormick. After two days of testimony, however, the government could not convince the court that the test was scientifically valid, and that based upon its findings, the government ought to be allowed to keep McCormick's cash bond and incarcerate him. "The judge made a fair and a just decision," McCormick told The Week Online. "I was the first person in history to have the test administered to me, and it clearly wasn't valid." In a stroke of irony, one of the urine tests that McCormick was forced to undergo was administered on July 4th, 1998. The connection was not lost on McCormick. "[Being drug tested on Independence Day] is just another sad example of where America has come to" he said. "I've battled a potentially fatal disease for most of my life. I've had over 25 surgeries. For years, before my arrest, I'd used marijuana with the support of my doctors. I've never hurt a soul. And here comes the government on July 4th to make me pee in a cup so that they can determine if my body chemistry is up to their standards in an effort to steal both my money and my freedom. I would say that their behavior was outrageous, but the truth is that to me, a person who loves and believes in the principles embodied in the nation's founding, it was really overwhelmingly sad." *** 8. Media Alert: May Issue of Harper's Magazine Cover Story: Good Drugs, Bad Drugs If you have a chance this month, pick up a copy of the May edition of Harper's Magazine (on newsstands now) and read "Good Drugs, Bad Drugs" by Joshua Wolf Shenk. The piece raises very interesting and very important questions about an American culture in which millions of people ingest perfectly legal mood altering drugs to battle everything from depression to hyperactivity, while other drugs, many with identical effects on the brain, are outlawed and demonized and their users imprisoned. The piece tackles the hypocrisy of our policies from a thought-provoking and informed perspective. Good Drugs, Bad Drugs is simply a must-read, beautifully written by one of the nation's finest and most intelligent young writers. And after you read the article (assuming you are as impressed as we were), consider sending a note to the editors to commend them for publishing it. If you can't find Harper's at your local newsstand, you can order a copy by calling (212) 614-6508. *** 9. Patti Smith to Play NYC's Bowery Ballroom to Benefit the Drug Policy Foundation On Saturday, May 1, Patti Smith & longtime bandmates Lenny Kaye, J.D. Daugherty, Tony Shanahan & Oliver Ray will perform a benefit concert at New York City's Bowery Ballroom to benefit the Drug Policy Foundation. Prior to getting her start at New York City's CBGB's in the mid-1970s, Smith made a name for herself as a poet, and as an actress and playwright in underground theatre. In 1975, she released the critically acclaimed album, Horses, a classic still today. Since then she has recorded six other albums, including collaborations with Bruce Springsteen and REM's Michael Stipe, and recently published Complete, a collection of rare photos, song lyrics, and journal entries. Today she is considered to be one of the key figures in the history of American indie-rock. The Bowery Ballroom is located at 6 Delancey Street, New York, NY 10002, (212) 533-2111. Tickets are $15. For more information about Patti Smith, check out http://www.arista.com/aristaweb/PattiSmith/ and http://ubl.com/ubl/cards/003/6/35.html. *** 10. Forfeiture Reform Conference in DC, Justice Reform Protest in NYC and Nationwide May 3, 9:00am - 1:30pm, Washington, DC. Forfeiture Reform: Now, or Never? A half-day conference sponsored by Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies featuring Rep. Henry J. Hyde, Stefan Cassella, Ira Glasser, Gordon Kromberg, James H.Warner, Samuel J. Buffone, and Roger Pilon. For further info, visit http://www.cato.org/events/ccs99/ on the web, call (202)218-4633 or e-mail forfeit@cato.org. May 7, 9:00am, New York, NY. Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis: Rally to highlight the need for in-house drug rehabilitation as an alternative to prison for mothers with dependent children, 100 Centre St., sponsored by the JusticeWorks Community. For further information, call (718) 499-6704, fax (718) 832-2832, e-mail justicew@interport.net, or visit http://www.justiceworks.org on the web. See http://www.justiceworks.org/html/mothers.html-ssi for contact info for other Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis rallies around the country. *** 11. EDITORIAL: Arizonans Ignore Rhetoric, Reap Benefits Adam J. Smith, Associate Director, ajsmith@drcnet.org A report released this week by the Arizona State Supreme Court has found that Proposition 200, passed by voters in 1996 and again, after the state legislature had gutted the provision, in 1998, has in fact been an overwhelming success. Prop. 200, which mandates treatment or drug education rather than incarceration for first and second- time non-violent drug offenders, and which required that $4 million in alcohol tax revenues be set aside in a "drug treatment and education fund," was anathema to many politicians. After its initial passage, in fact, US Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) stood in the well of the Senate to apologize to his colleagues, saying that his constituents had been "duped" by "legalizers." Not so, says the report. In fact, the Supreme Court used words like "very favorable" and even "remarkable" to describe the new law's impact in only its first year of operation. Among the report's findings were that 2,622 non- violent drug offenders were diverted from jail into treatment or drug education, at a savings of more than $2.5 million to the state. Supporters point out that the report did not even take into account the savings from the thousands of others who were arrested for other non-violent offenses who were diverted into newly-available treatment slots at judges' discretion. Critics of drug policy reform have long depended upon fear- mongering in the absence of evidence in support of punitive drug policies. Newspaper columnists, public officials and others have felt free to cast any reform idea as a dark plot by "the legalizers," out to bring down western civilization. Words like "cabal" and "nefarious," accusations of seeking to addict the nation's children to drugs, and gross misrepresentations of both act and intent characterize much of the rhetoric used to turn citizens against reform. The truth, however, is far less intriguing but far more devastating for those with a vested interest in the status quo. The truth is that people, lots and lots of people, are fed up with the excesses and abject failure of America's drug policies and are willing to vote to change it, despite the most dire warnings from on high. In Arizona, the people had to vote twice on essentially the same initiative. The second time, for good measure, they also passed an initiative requiring a 2/3 vote of the legislature to overturn the letter or intent of an initiative passed by the voters. So here we are, a legally-mandated report on the new law's operation in its first fiscal year completed, and it appears as if the sky is not falling in Arizona. Locking up non- violent offenders under that state's previous "Do Drugs, Do Time" policy was not, it would seem, the finger in the dike holding back a flood of addiction and misery. In fact, it's likely that a whole lot of addiction and a whole lot of suffering could have been averted if only the politicians were willing to deal with these issues as intelligently as were the citizens of Arizona. With the truth out, let us hope that the next time Senator Kyl feels the need to apologize about his state's drug policy, he addresses his remarks to, rather than about his constituents. *** DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be sent to 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or made by credit card at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html. Donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. Deductible contributions supporting our educational work can be made by check to the DRCNet Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax- exempt organization, same address. PERMISSION to reprint or redistribute any or all of the contents of The Week Online is hereby granted. We ask that any use of these materials include proper credit and, where appropriate, a link to one or more of our web sites. If your publication customarily pays for publication, DRCNet requests checks payable to the organization. If your publication does not pay for materials, you are free to use the materials gratis. In all cases, we request notification for our records, including physical copies where material has appeared in print. Contact: Drug Reform Coordination Network, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 293-8340 (voice), (202) 293-8344 (fax), e-mail drcnet@drcnet.org. Thank you. Articles of a purely educational nature in The Week Online appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted. *** DRCNet *** GATEWAY TO REFORM PAGEhttp://www.stopthedrugwar.org/ DRCNet HOME PAGEhttp://www.drcnet.org/ DRUG POLICY LIBRARYhttp://www.druglibrary.org/ JOIN/MAKE A DONATIONhttp://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html REFORMER'S CALENDARhttp://www.drcnet.org/calendar.html SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LISThttp://www.drcnet.org/signup.html
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, No. 96 (The original summary of drug policy news from DrugSense opens with the weekly Feature Article - Update on Steve and Michelle Kubby, by Steve Kubby. The Weekly News in Review features several articles about Cannabis, Hemp and Medicinal Marijuana, including - Libertarians launch Prop. 215 web site inspired by Kubby arrests; Another victory for medical marijuana; Bad marijuana bill; Hemp: Now we're wearing it, eating it, even building with it; Drug-war supporters turned freedom fighters; and, $10 million claim filed in pot arrest. Articles about Drug War Policy and Law Enforcement & Prisons include - California police forced to return marijuana; Arizona shows the way on drugs; Reno at large; Study backs treatment, not prison, for addicts; Drug treatment said to reduce crime; Parents key in drug war, study says; and, U.S. antidrug campaign's impact to be closely tracked by surveys. International News includes - Police chiefs want possession of all narcotics decriminalized; Cops can't keep up with B.C. drug trade; and, Police like pot-penalty plan. The weekly Hot Off The 'Net notes Family Watch has announced an online bookstore. The Fact of the Week documents that the Institute of Medicine Report discounts the risk that medical use of marijuana will lead to increased non-medical use. The Quote of the Week cites Thomas Jefferson.) From: webmaster@drugsense.org (DrugSense) To: newsletter@drugsense.org Subject: DrugSense Weekly, April 30, 1999 #96 Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 20:48:49 -0700 Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Lines: 687 Sender: owner-newsletter@drugsense.org *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY *** DrugSense Weekly, April 30, 1999 #96 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org This Publication May Be Read On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/1999/ds99.n96.html TO SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, DONATE OR UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS NEWSLETTER *** NOTICE: The DrugSense Weekly will be taking a one week hiatus the week of May 14, as many of our editors will be attending the Drug Policy Foundation Conference in Bethesda MD. *** Please consider writing a letter to the editor using the email addresses on any of the articles below. Send a copy of your LTE to MGreer@mapinc.org. *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article Update on Steve and Michelle Kubby by Steve Kubby * Weekly News in Review Cannabis & Hemp- Medicinal Marijuana (1) Libertarians Launch Prop. 215 Web Site Inspired By Kubby Arrests (2) Another Victory For Medical Marijuana (3) Bad Marijuana Bill (4) Hemp: Now We're Wearing It, Eating It, Even Building With It (5) Drug-war Supporters Turned Freedom Fighters (6) $10 Million Claim Filed In Pot Arrest: Drug War Policy- Law Enforcement & Prisons (7) California Police Forced To Return Marijuana (8) Arizona Shows The Way On Drugs (9) Reno At Large (10) Study Backs Treatment, Not Prison, For Addicts (11) Drug Treatment Said To Reduce Crime (12) Parents Key In Drug War, Study Says (13) U.S. Antidrug Campaign's Impact To Be Closely Tracked By Surveys International News- (14) Police Chiefs Want Possession Of All Narcotics Decriminalized (15) Cops Can't Keep Up With B.C. Drug Trade (16) Police Like Pot-penalty Plan * Hot Off The 'Net Family Watch Announces On-line Bookstore * Fact of the Week Institute of Medicine Report on Medicinal Marijuana Use * Quote of the Week Thomas Jefferson *** FEATURE ARTICLE Update on Steve and Michelle Kubby We arrived in the quiet mountain town of Auburn and were delighted to learn that we have become somewhat of celebrities there. It started almost immediately, as we checked into our hotel. A very conservative looking receptionist immediately recognized our name and told us, "everyone in town rooting for you." That receptionist sure was right. Everywhere we went, people recognized us and felt compelled to express their support for us. By the time we arrived in court, we were on a roll. The courtroom was packed with supporters and even the deputies treated us with respect. Best of all, after months of being helpless victims while the prosecution used the system to their advantage, we were finally able to take control of events. Without question, your letters, e-mails and checks of support have created a media storm which the authorities can no longer ignore. So far, we've seen first hand how the checks and balances of the court process have been corrupted. We've seen how nearly all the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the accused have been antiseptically removed from each step of the criminal justice system -- until one reaches the level we're at now. Unfortunately, most patients have neither the resources nor the stamina to make it this far. Thank you for helping us to get this far. Anyway, it was great to finally be in the driver's seat. Despite the objections of deputy district attorney Christopher Cattran, our trial date was successfully moved from May 18th to July 20th, in order to allow our attorneys to complete their current trial commitments and have adequate time to prepare our defense. On the issue of travel, Cattran had told my attorney on an earlier occasion that he would have me arrested if I tried to speak at the MoKan Libertarian State Convention this May. In court however, we were able to prevail and I will be allowed to attend. Also, Michele will be able to visit relatives in Nebraska this May. Several journalists, attorneys and public defenders introduced themselves to us and everyone wanted to know what we could tell them about the Baldwin's case. All eyes are on Judge James Garbolino who has suspended the Baldwin trial and is expected to dismiss it on next Wednesday. Judge Garbolino has certainly impressed us his willingness to revisit an issue with an open mind. It was Garbolino who, after raising our bail to $200,000, later released us without any bail. Michele and I are thrilled and grateful by the new turn of events and for the support all of you have helped create for us. We're especially grateful to the award-winning Auburn Journal which has given us tremendous editorial support and has published every letter sent to them by our supporters. Let freedom grow, Steve and Michele Kubby *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW *** Domestic News- Policy COMMENT: (1-6) This issue tends to focus on good news for those readers who are in favor of reforming our existing drug policies. This is primarily due to the fact that there was so much heartening news. Nationwide and worldwide the house of cards that has represented our drug policy for decades is showing signs of beginning to waiver. Could collapse be imminent? Of course there are always the exceptions such as the silly Illinois Internet bill HB 792 which, if enforced, could theoretically do away with the first amendment for this newsletter and hundreds of other educational Internet web sites but it is this ever increasing type of strident foolishness on the part of drug warriors that is making them look ever more ridiculous in the eyes of the public. *** (1) LIBERTARIANS LAUNCH PROP. 215 WEB SITE INSPIRED BY KUBBY ARRESTS SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 26 /PRNewswire/ -- The Libertarian Party of California has launched a new web site -- www.215Now.com -- designed to pressure government officials into fully implementing Proposition 215, the medical marijuana initiative passed by voters in November, 1996, Libertarian state chairman Mark Hinkle announced today. [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 Source: PR Newswire Copyright: 1999 PR Newswire Contact: Juan Ros of the Libertarian Party of California, 818-506-0200, director@ca.lp.org Website: http://www.215Now.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n455.a09.html *** (2) ANOTHER VICTORY FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA A New Government Report Cautiously Endorses POT AS A PAINKILLER - And It Not Only Embarrasses Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey But Also May Help To Undermine The $17 Billion War On Drugs PERHAPS THEY DIDN'T INHALE, BUT many Americans gasped when a scientific study funded by the White House's drug czar reported in March that marijuana's active ingredients seem to have medical value, "particularly for pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation." As much as the contents of the report, its irony -- as if the 1950s House Un-American Activities Committee had paid for a report finding that communists were good guys after all -- attracted a barrage of media attention. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, was forced to put on a brave face. [snip] Pubdate: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 Source: Rolling Stone (US) Copyright: 1999 Straight Arrow Publishers Company, L.P. Contact: letters@rollingstone.com Address: 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104-0298 Fax: (212) 767-8214 Website: http://www.rollingstone.com/ Forum: http://yourturn.rollingstone.com/webx?98@@webx1.html Author: Robert Dreyfuss URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n446.a13.html NOTE: See related article (SF Chron) MARIJUANA AS MEDICINE: LET'S MAKE THE LAW WORK URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n447.a01.html *** (3) BAD MARIJUANA BILL A legislative proposal that aims to ban the distribution of marijuana- related information from the Internet could affect the Illinois State Crime Commission's efforts to educate parents about illegal drugs, if it is approved by the General Assembly and signed by Gov. Ryan. The measure, HB 792, would make it illegal for anyone to transmit "cannabis information" through the Internet. If the measure is approved, offenders could face up to a year in jail. [snip] Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:03:22 -0700 Pubdate: Wed, 18 Apr 1999 Source: Daily Herald (IL) Copyright: 1999 The Daily Herald Company Contact: fencepost@dailyherald.com Website: http://www.dailyherald.com/ Author: Jerry Elsner URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n438.a05.html *** (4) HEMP: NOW WE'RE WEARING IT, EATING IT, EVEN BUILDING WITH IT Trends: Growing the plant may be illegal in this country,but that hasn't stopped products made of it from becoming hot sellers. You know a little about hemp. Not too much, of course. A friend used to tell you about it, uh, a lot during college. [snip] Pubdate: Thursday April 22,1999 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Orange County Register Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Section: Accent,page 1 Author: Andre Mouchard-OCR URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n440.a09.html NOTE: See related Canadian hemp article at URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n441.a07.html [WESTERN CANADIAN HEMP ACRES COULD BE HIGH AS A KITE] *** (5) DRUG-WAR SUPPORTERS TURNED FREEDOM FIGHTERS Hartford, CT- Cliff Thornton hopes word of mouth will spread enough peace to end the war on drugs and freedom. Every time he pitches his common-sense message to a college class, an NAACP meeting or a Rotary Luncheon, he aims to convince one person of prohibition's failures. "If I get one now, it will be two next time, three the next time and then it will grow exponentially because they'll all tell their friends," he says, until public opinion shifts. [snip] Pubdate: June 1999 Source: High Times (US) Copyright: 1999 by Trans-High Corporation. Contact: hteditor@hightimes.com Website: http://www.hightimes.com/ Author: Ken Krayeske Section: Freedom Fighter of the Month (Highwitness news), P. 38 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n443.a01.html *** (6) $10 MILLION CLAIM FILED IN POT ARREST: Cancer patient had prescription A 71-year-old Fair Oaks cancer patient with a doctor's prescription to smoke marijuana has filed a $10 million claim against Sacramento County alleging he was illegally arrested for growing pot at home. Robert DeArkland, who suffers from prostate cancer and arthritis, was arrested Feb. 5 and charged with felony illegal possession and cultivation of marijuana for sale. The charges stemmed from a law enforcement raid of DeArkland's home last October in which narcotics officers from Sacramento and Placer counties seized 13 marijuana plants, $420 in cash and a scale. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Sacramento Bee Contact: opinion@sacbee.com Address: P.O.Box 15779, Sacramento, CA 95852 Feedback: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Forum: http://www.sacbee.com/voices/voices_forum.html Author: Pamela Martineau, Bee Staff Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n442.a05.html *** Law Enforcement & Prisons *** COMMENT: (7-13) When a medicinal marijuana user reclaims his cannabis from the police department and the New York Times applauds Arizona's proposition 200 can victory be far away? Oh and here's a shocker. Parents talking to their kids is more effective than a $50 billion "War on Drugs." Seems to me common sense could have taught us that lesson a few hundred billion dollars ago. Of course our beloved drug czar plods along frittering away another paltry couple of billion dollars on a first rate Madison Avenue ad campaign featuring a whacked out frying pan wielding heroin addict. The general buzz is that these ads suffice as the advertising equivalent of a comedy show for most teens. *** (7) CALIFORNIA POLICE FORCED TO RETURN MARIJUANA UKIAH, Calif. (Reuters) - Christopher Brown sauntered into the Ukiah sheriff's office Thursday and walked out with a half pound bag of marijuana. In what is believed to be one of the first cases in the United States of someone legally retrieving a drug stash seized by law enforcement, Brown's victory marked a turning point in California's battle over medical marijuana, his lawyer said. [snip] Pubdate: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 Source: Press Democrat, The (CA) Copyright: 1999, The Press Democrat Contact: letters@pressdemo.com Website: http://www.pressdemo.com/ Forum: http://www.pressdemo.com/opinion/talk/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n442.a09.html *** (8) ARIZONA SHOWS THE WAY ON DRUGS Arizona voters, tired of paying the exorbitant costs of imprisoning drug users and addicts who might be helped more cheaply, voted twice to provide a treatment alternative to jail. Now an Arizona Supreme Court study of the first year of probation with mandatory drug treatment -- instead of prison -- has shown the apparent wisdom of that decision. Congress and the legislatures of New York and other states should take heed. [snip] Pubdate: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 1999 The New York Times Company Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Forum: http://www10.nytimes.com/comment/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n445.a07.html NOTE: See related article: ARIZONA'S PROP. 200 SAVING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, CUTTING DRUG ABUSE, SAYS NEW REPORT BY STATE SUPREME COURT URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n440.a10.html *** (9) RENO AT LARGE U.S. Would Do Well To Prescribe Truce In `Other' Drug War America is fighting not one but two parallel and exceedingly costly drug wars. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 Source: Newsday (NY) Copyright: 1999, Newsday Inc. Contact: letters@newsday.com Fax: (516)843-2986 Website: http://www.newsday.com/ Author: Robert Reno URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n450.a07.html *** (10) STUDY BACKS TREATMENT, NOT PRISON, FOR ADDICTS In a report that likely will increase debate on the merits of imprisoning substance abusers, the Arizona Supreme Court today issued a study concluding that the state's new mandatory-treatment law has broken drug users' habits in the short term and saved the state millions of dollars. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 Source: Seattle Times (WA) Copyright: 1999 The Seattle Times Company Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Author: V. Dion Haynes, Chicago Tribune URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n441.a02.html *** (11) DRUG TREATMENT SAID TO REDUCE CRIME PHOENIX (AP) Arizona's voter-approved program of sentencing nonviolent, first- and second-time drug offenders to treatment rather than prison reduces crime and saves tax money, according to a state Supreme Court study. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 Source: Associated Press Copyright: 1999 Associated Press Author: Patrick Graham URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n441.a05.html *** (12) PARENTS KEY IN DRUG WAR, STUDY SAYS Report: Teens Less Likely To Be Users If Warned At Home, Research Shows. Marijuana Use Varies By 19 Percentage Points. WASHINGTON--Children who learn about the risks of drugs at home from their parents are much less likely to fall prey to narcotics than those who do not, according to a nationwide survey released today. [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Copyright: 1999 Los Angeles Times. Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: (213) 237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Forum: http://www.latimes.com/home/discuss/ Author: Eric Lichtblau, Times Staff Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n451.a07.html NOTE: See related articles URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n451.a08.html [Study: Drug Talks Work] URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n453.a03.html [Reducing Abuse Of Drugs Begins At Home] *** (13) U.S. ANTIDRUG CAMPAIGN'S IMPACT TO BE CLOSELY TRACKED BY SURVEYS The $2 billion federally sponsored campaign to keep kids from using drugs is putting the government into the unfamiliar business of measuring advertising effectiveness. [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 Source: Wall Street Journal (NY) Copyright: 1999 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Contact: letter.editor@edit.wsj.com Website: http://www.wsj.com/ Author: GORDON FAIRCLOUGH URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n454.a09.html *** International News *** COMMENT: (14-16) Probably the most striking news this week was the phenomenal developments outside the U.S. with numerous articles indicating a sea change in drug policy on the horizon from Canada to Switzerland. Many have long considered Canada to be ahead of the U.S. in moving towards sensible drug policies but seeing police chiefs take the lead on the subject is both heartening and significant. *** (14) POLICE CHIEFS WANT POSSESSION OF ALL NARCOTICS DECRIMINALIZED Fight Court Backlog OTTAWA - Canada's police chiefs are recommending that the federal government decriminalize possession of small quantities of all illegal narcotics, including heroin, the National Post has learned. If the federal government accepts the proposal, anyone convicted of simple possession of narcotics would simply sign a guilty statement and pay a fine, without having to go through the court system. They would not have a criminal record. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: Southam Inc. Contact: letters@nationalpost.com Website: http://www.nationalpost.com/ Forum: http://forums.canada.com/~canada Author: Robert Fife, Ottawa Bureau Chief URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n438.a06.html *** (15) COPS CAN'T KEEP UP WITH B.C. DRUG TRADE If you're a drug user, B.C. is the Shangri-La of Canada. Statistics Canada reports B.C. had the highest rate of drug incidents of any province in the country in 1997. There were 430 drug incidents for every 100,000 British Columbians that year, nearly twice the national average. [snip] Pubdate: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 Source: Kelowna Daily Courier (Canada) Website: http://www.ok.bc.ca/dc/ Copyright 1999 The Okanagan Valley Group of Newspapers Author: Don Plant URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n438.a07.html *** (16) POLICE LIKE POT-PENALTY PLAN The Province Vancouver police Chief Bruce Chambers says he's taking a "serious look" at supporting a plan to decriminalize possession of small quantities of cannabis products. The proposal was approved by directors of the Association of Canadian Police Chiefs last week and is expected to go to a vote by members later this year. "It sounds like an idea worthy of having a serious look at," Chambers said yesterday. "I would want to ensure that if this was in fact done, we'd be doing it in a manner that wouldn't be sending the wrong message to youths -- that drugs are OK." [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 Source: Vancouver Province (Canada) Copyright: The Province, Vancouver 1999 Contact: provletters@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouverprovince.com/ Author: Keith Fraser, Staff Reporter URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n439.a08.html Note See related articles: (CAN) COPS STIR UP THE GREAT POT DEBATE URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n439.a02.html SWISS RECOMMEND LEGALIZING CANNABIS URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n442.a07.html and URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n446.a09.html (UK) SENIOR POLICE OFFICER CALLS FOR RETHINK ON CANNABIS URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n443.a05.html *** HOT OFF THE 'NET *** Family Watch Announces On-line Bookstore For your convenience, Family Watch has compiled drug policy books on-line. Visit http://www.FamilyWatch.org then select "Bibliography." You may securely order the books on-line for a discounted price. *** FACT OF THE WEEK *** Institute of Medicine Report on Medicinal Marijuana Use The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana examined the question whether the medical use of marijuana would lead to an increase of marijuana use in the general population and concluded that, "At this point there are no convincing data to support this concern. The existing data are consistent with the idea that this would not be a problem if the medical use of marijuana were as closely regulated as other medications with abuse potential." The report also noted that, "this question is beyond the issues normally considered for medical uses of drugs, and should not be a factor in evaluating the therapeutic potential of marijuana or cannabinoids." Source: Janet E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr., and John A Benson, Jr. (1999). Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK *** "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither" - Thomas Jefferson *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. TO SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, OR UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Please utilize the following URLs http://www.drugsense.org/hurry.htm http://www.drugsense.org/unsub.htm News/COMMENTS-Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors, editors, Newshawks and letter writing activists. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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