------------------------------------------------------------------- "Marijuana is Medicine" Rally April 30th in Salem (Stormy Ray, a multiple sclerosis patient and chief petitioner for the voter-approved Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, urges advocates for medical marijuana patients to help solve the supply problem by lobbying legislators and showing up Friday at the capitol to support House Joint Memorial 10, a resolution introduced by state representative Jo Ann Bowman that would ask Congress to reschedule marijuana. Plus the current text of HJM 10, and addresses for a short list of key legislators.) From: "Stormy Ray" (mbpdoors@cyberhighway.net) To: "CRRH mailing list" (restore@crrh.org) Subject: "Marijuana is Medicine" Rally April 30th in Salem Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 12:30:52 -0600 Dear OMMA Supporters, What a united message was sent to the Oregon Health Division's hearing officer. There was no doubt the patients are advocating for their needs. I'm so glad we have this Oregon Medical Marijuana Act to protect patients that choose to use medical marijuana. But, help is needed to get this wonderful herb to patients in Oregon. Voter Power has drafted a resolution whereby the Oregon Legislature would urge the United States Congress to move marijuana from Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act. Rep. Jo Ann Bowman D-Portland has agreed to introduce the resolution and other legislators have agreed to be cosponsors. The conventional wisdom is that the right wing Republicans who control the legislature will never pass it. However, we believe it is important to lobby hard for this simple step. Feedback on the resolution itself and on tactics for getting it passed would be appreciated. This represents an opportunity for medical marijuana activists to flex a little political muscle. There is no doubt that the public is with us on this concept. Voters have already accepted the concept of medical marijuana. The next step is to create the supply system that should be available to patients. This means rescheduling at the federal level. This resolution is step one in what will be a protracted process. At the end of this battle patients will be able to get marijuana from a pharmacy like other medicines and doctors will be able to prescribe medical marijuana without fears about it adversely affecting their careers. Voter Power hopes to work with other organizations to coordinate a serious effort to lobby for this Resolution "House Joint Memorial 10". Come Join Us! April 30th, 1999 10:00 to 11:00AM "Marijuana is Medicine" rally on capitol steps 8:00AM to 5:00PM Galleria in capitol If you can come, bring 2 friends. Let me know if you'd like to speak 2-3 min. at the rally. Have 2 friends call their legislator 1-800-332-2313 and ask for their support for HJM 10. Listed below is the committee members to contact. Any Rep. can be contacted to be a supporter of HJM 10. Here is the resolution: HJM 10 (House Joint Memorial 10) Rescheduling Resolution A resolution from the Oregon Legislature urging the United States Congress to reschedule marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. (Long Version) Summary: This measure would memorialize the President and the Congress of the United States to enact appropriate legislation to permit marijuana to be prescribed by licensed physicians and to ensure that a safe, affordable, regulated supply of marijuana can be available at pharmacies for medical use. WHEREAS, an increasing body of scientific evidence concludes that marijuana is a safe and effective medicine with low toxicity compared to most prescription drugs and it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, muscle spasticity, the nausea, vomiting and appetite loss associated with chemotherapies treating cancer, certain forms of chronic severe pain, and the AIDS wasting syndrome; and WHEREAS; the voters of Oregon have approved the concept of marijuana as a medicine by passing the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (ballot measure 67) at the November 3, 1998 general election, and WHEREAS; the only way for a patient to obtain medical marijuana under current Oregon law is to grow it themselves or find a caregiver who will grow it for them, and WHEREAS; this system is unlikely to help many patients who need medical marijuana such as recently diagnosed cancer patients suffering from the nausea associated with chemotherapy who do not have time to grow a marijuana plant to maturity or find a caregiver, and WHEREAS; this system is unlikely to help severely ill or handicapped patients who would benefit from medical marijuana but are physically unable to grow marijuana or find a caregiver, and WHEREAS; this system will not help patients who are hospitalized but whose physicians recommend that medical marijuana will mitigate their symptoms; and WHEREAS; patients should have the option of obtaining medical marijuana at a pharmacy in the same way that they obtain other prescription drugs, and WHEREAS; doctors should be able to prescribe marijuana to patients without fear of arrest or other penalty for conditions which the scientific evidence shows will be ameliorated by medical marijuana, and WHEREAS; the reason doctors cannot prescribe marijuana and pharmacies cannot make marijuana available to patients is because it is mis-classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, which falsely holds that medical marijuana is extremely dangerous and has no medical utility, findings contradicted by scientific evidence, and WHEREAS; the experience of thousands of patients around the country, as expressed in numerous affidavits and testimony at public hearings, indicates that medical marijuana does indeed mitigate their symptoms, and WHEREAS; in 1988 Francis Young, an administrative law judge for the Drug Enforcement Administration, ruled based on extensive evidence that marijuana should be rescheduled, and WHEREAS; the Drug Enforcement Administration ignored this ruling and WHEREAS; Barry McCaffrey, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, threatened doctors with losing their ability to prescribe controlled substances if they expressed their validly held medical judgment that marijuana might help relieve patients' symptoms based on the best scientific research available, and WHEREAS; the mis-scheduling of marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance inhibits research which will further clarify the extent of marijuana's medical utility and methods of using it most safely, and WHEREAS; the people of Alaska, Washington, California, Nevada, Colorado, and the District of Columbia, in addition to Oregon, every jurisdiction that has considered and voted on this issue, voted for medical marijuana, and WHEREAS; properly scheduling marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act will ensure a regulated supply of pure unadulterated medical grade marijuana of known potency, and WHEREAS; not properly scheduling marijuana forces some patients to support the illegal black market in marijuana, and WHEREAS; rescheduling marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act is the compassionate way to provide medical marijuana to patients who will benefit from it: It is the sense of the Oregon Legislature that medical marijuana ought to be rescheduled from Schedule I, under the Controlled Substances Act, and therefore the Oregon Legislature recommends to the United States Congress and the President of the United States that marijuana be rescheduled. Therefore the Secretary of the Senate shall transmit copies of this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to each Senator and Representative from Oregon in the Congress of the United States. Kevin Mannix-R Chair 503) 986-1432 District #32 H-290 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Floyd Prozanski-D Vice-Chair 503) 986-1440 Distr. #40 H-495 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Gary Hansen-D 503) 986-1417 District #17 H-373 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Mark Simmons-R 503) 986-1458 District #58 H-292 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Ron Sunseri-R 503) 986-1422 District #22 D H-386 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Jo Ann Bowman-D 503) 986-1419 District #19 H-383 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Juley Gianella-R 503) 986-1438 District #38 H-391 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 EVERY CALL, EVERY WRITTEN COMMUNICATION, and EVERY PERSON AT THE RALLY helps us all. Disabilities know no barriers. God forbid you join our ranks to soon. But if you do, I pray you never have to fight for your medicine the way patients have had to. Help us get our message heard! God Bless, Stormy Oregon Medical Marijuana Act Chief Petitioner - Stormy Ray (541) 889-3876 715 Canyon 2 Rd. Ontario, OR 97914 *** To subscribe, unsubscribe or switch to immediate or digest mode, please send your instructions to restore-owner@crrh.org. *** Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp CRRH P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone: (503) 235-4606 Fax:(503) 235-0120 Web: http://www.crrh.org/ *** From: LawBerger@aol.com From: "CRRH mailing list" (restore@crrh.org) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:01:17 EDT Subject: Re: "Marijuana is Medicine" Rally April 30th in Salem To: restore@crrh.org Reply-To: LawBerger@aol.com We have had a public hearing on this bill and are considering re-writing the whereas clauses to gain the support of the majority party. We *can* win, but urging Oregon constitutents to contact their legislators remains our best hope. Lee Berger Portland
------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you help? (A list subscriber summarizes Friday's 10-minute Oregon legislative hearing on HJM 10, and also asks you to lobby lawmakers. The chair of the committee, Rep. Mannix, indicated the rescheduling resolution would stand a better chance of passing out of committee if the wording was based from the standpoint that OMMA is the law and that marijuana in Schedule I is federal interference with Oregon Law. With amendments, the resolution may get a hearing before an April 30 deadline.) From: "sburbank" (sburbank@orednet.org) To: "1Sandee Burbank" (sburbank@orednet.org) Subject: Can you help? Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:27:35 -0700 A 10 minute hearing was held on Friday, April 23rd regarding HJM-10, a joint resolution calling for the Federal Rescheduling of Marijuana. The Chair of the committee, Rep. Mannix, indicated it would stand a better chance of passing out of committee if the wording was based from the standpoint that OMMA is the law and that mj in Schedule I is federal interference with Oregon Law. The amendments are being written and with the help of Rep. Jo Ann Bowman and staff, it may get a hearing. Resolution HJM 10 must have had a hearing and be voted out of committee by April 30th. Take a moment to contact your own legislators and Rep. Mannix and ask them to support HJM-10. Call, fax or write, but do it NOW. Time is short! Oregon voters have spoken. Marijuana should be available for medicine. Tell your legislators the best way to deal with the issue is for the Federal Government to reschedule marijuana so that patients have access to a legal supply, not with a costly state registration process that still leaves patients and their doctors in fear of the federal government. The "Marijuana Is Medicine!" Rally scheduled for Friday the 30th is even more important. We will be there the entire day from 8 AM to 5 PM. AT 8 AM in the Galleria, main floor Capitol, Rep Bowman will make a short speech regarding the importance of the HJM-10 and how the current federal scheduling of marijuana effects patients. A poster display will feature medical marijuana patients who are suffering from the effects of the law, which puts them in prison, takes their homes and other property, and separates them from their families. There will be staffed information tables with the display from 8 AM to 5 PM. At 10 AM till 11 AM there will be a press conference/rally on the front steps of the State Capitol Bldg. Featured speakers will be Rep. Jo Ann Bowman, sponsor of HJM-10, and Rep. Floyd Prozanski, who will be joined by several patients and other speakers. Voter Power is sponsoring the day's events. I will be in Salem all day on Friday, April 30th. I hope to see you and a car full of your friends. If you can't be there, please call or fax your legislators and Rep. Mannix and ask them to support HJM-10. We can win this one! Sandee Burbank PS. Bring an umbrella in case it rains! We'll be outside from 10 till 11 AM. Pass the word! 2255 State Road, Mosier, OR 97040 phone or fax 541-298-1031 sandee@mamas.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- Juvenile crime package revived (The Oregonian notes a group of Republican Oregon state senators seeking to exploit for political purposes Tuesday's bloody rampage at a Colorado high school has supposedly "revived" Gov. John Kitzhaber's flagging $30 million "juvenile crime" prevention package and vowed to fight for its success. In addition to $30 million for at-risk youths, the plan also includes $20 million for alcohol- and drug-abuse prevention programs and $7 million for early childhood intervention. That the senators couldn't really care less about the high-school kids massacred in Littleton is evidenced by the comments of Sen. Gene Derfler, R-Salem, who says any money spent on prevention efforts after age 10 is "simply wasted." The newspaper fails both to describe the "drug abuse prevention" programs to be funded, and to explain why state politicians are linking "drugs" with school shootings, when the only drugs involved seem to be antidepresssants.) Juvenile crime package revived Newshawk: Portland NORML (http://www.pdxnorml.org/) Pubdate: Sat, Apr 24 1999 Source: Oregonian, The (OR) Copyright: 1999 The Oregonian Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Address: 1320 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 Fax: 503-294-4193 Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Forum: http://forums.oregonlive.com/ Author: Michelle Roberts, the Oregonian Juvenile crime package revived * In the wake of the Colorado killings, a group of Oregon senators predicts action on the governor's prevention efforts Spurred by this week's bloody rampage at a Colorado high school, a group of Oregon senators has revived Gov. John Kitzhaber's flagging juvenile crime prevention package and vowed to fight for its success. Although the $30 million package had already been scheduled before Tuesday's deadly shootings in Littleton to go before the Senate Judiciary Committee, lawmakers predicted the tragedy would ease partisan wrangling and prompt action on the bill. "I scheduled this bill three weeks ago, but what happened in Colorado can't help but affect our emotions in pondering this bill," said committee Chairman Sen. Neil Bryant, R-Bend. "I want to assure everyone we would have done this anyway." Kitzhaber appeared before the committee Friday to testify on behalf of amendments to Senate Bill 555 that outline his proposal to gear prevention services to children ages 10 to 17 who are considered at risk of committing crimes. In addition to the $30 million for at-risk youth, the plan also includes $20 million for alcohol- and drug-abuse prevention programs and $7 million for early childhood intervention. "The sad events at Columbine High School are a powerful reminder of the tragedy at Thurston High School almost one year ago," Kitzhaber said. "It underscores the necessity that we act in a definitive fashion to try to intercede with children who are at risk of exploding into these acts of violence out of rage, alienation or frustration." In the wake of the deadly shooting May 21 at Springfield's Thurston High School, in which two students were killed and at least 22 injured, a groundswell of bipartisan support for juvenile crime prevention emerged just days into the 1999 Legislature. The session kicked off with a three-day seminar exploring the issue. More than half the legislative body attended the workshop, in which national experts lectured about everything from juvenile crime rates to infant brain development. But philosophical differences soon emerged about how early those prevention efforts should begin. The issue reared up again during Friday's testimony, but lawmakers on both sides said compromise was more likely given the renewed political pressure to finance juvenile crime prevention. "We may disagree on how best to get there, but I do not believe we can leave this session without a significant investment in resources to try to prevent these things," Kitzhaber said. Sen. Gene Derfler, R-Salem, who also testified before the committee, said he would fight to see that at least half of Kitzhaber's $57 million total plan be earmarked for younger children. "Our natural tendency is for dollars to go to the squeaky wheel -- the 11- to 17-year-olds," Derfler said. Kitzhaber's proposal divides the $30 million among Oregon's 36 counties, which would determine individually how to use the money to target at-risk youths. Derfler criticized the county proposals as the "same tired old programs that don't work," saying that money spent on prevention efforts after age 10 is "simply wasted." Sen. Peter Courtney, D-Salem, Senate Judiciary Committee co-chairman, said he expected SB 555 to easily pass out of committee next week and go on to the Ways and Means Committee. But he said there was plenty of room for the kind of compromise Derfler and other Republican senators seek. "We're not going to walk away from those county plans. . . . We can save those kids," Courtney said. "But on the other hand, Derfler's 100 percent right. "We might split it down the middle . . . but both sides are going to have to give." Sen. Lee Beyer, D-Springfield, agreed. "I think it's going to be balanced" between early intervention and at-risk youths, he said. Earlier in the session, a House committee revamped Kitzhaber's original proposal. But House Bill 2268, which tilted efforts more toward younger children, has languished since March 1. SB555, which will go to the Ways and Means Committee upon committee approval, is closer to Kitzhaber's original proposal. The Legislature rejected a similar juvenile crime measure from the governor in 1997. The governor said he hoped his current plan would not be "weighed under budgetary priorities." "What will I tell the governor of Colorado . . . after all the brave statements about letting it end here?" he said. You can reach Michelle Roberts at 503-294-5041 or by e-mail at Michelleroberts@news.oregonian.com. *** [Sidebar:] Senate Bill 555 THE ISSUE: Includes the budget for Gov. John Kitzhaber's $30 million juvenile crime prevention program, part of a total $57 million package. THE STATUS: Currently before the Senate Judiciary Committee. THE PLAYERS: For: Kitzhaber, 503-378-3111; Sen. Peter Courtney, D-Salem, 503-986-1717. Against: Sen. Gene Derfler, R-Salem, 503-986-1950. WHAT'S NEXT: Work session planned next week. If passed in committee, will move to Joint Ways and Means.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge shuts tap on strip club's free beer (The Oregonian says Marion County Circuit Judge Albin Norblad issued a temporary restraining order Friday that prohibits Scores Entertainment Inc., in Salem, from giving away beer. The "nude dance club" doesn't have a state liquor license but argues that it doesn't need one as long as it doesn't receive any financial consideration for the beer. The TRO remains in effect pending a May 18 hearing.) Newshawk: Portland NORML (http://www.pdxnorml.org/) Pubdate: Sat, Apr 24 1999 Source: Oregonian, The (OR) Copyright: 1999 The Oregonian Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Address: 1320 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 Fax: 503-294-4193 Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Forum: http://forums.oregonlive.com/ Author: Cheryl Martinis, correspondent, the Oregonian Judge shuts tap on strip club's free beer * A circuit judge issues a temporary restraining order that prohibits the Salem club's promotion for the time being SALEM -- A Marion County judge on Friday halted, at least temporarily, a free-beer promotion at a Salem strip club. Circuit Judge Albin Norblad issued a temporary restraining order, effective immediately, that prohibits Scores Entertainment Inc. from continuing to give away beer pending a May 18 hearing on the subject. Scores doesn't have a state liquor license but argues that it doesn't need one as long as it doesn't receive any financial consideration for the beer. Since April 7, the Northeast Salem business has offered up to two free beers per person for customers ages 21 and older. The state argues that the giveaway is illegal without a liquor license. The state attorney general's office went to court Friday, asking a judge to declare Scores a "public nuisance" for serving alcohol without a license and to make the business stop serving the beer. Norblad said state law on the subject is confusing but granted the restraining order based on a city of Salem ordinance that he said clearly prohibits the activity. Kevin Lafky, a Scores attorney, said he disagreed with Norblad's decision. He said that state law pre-empts a city ordinance and that the city ordinance involves loitering. Scores previously filed a lawsuit in Marion County Circuit Court. It asked that the courts declare the free-beer promotion legal and prevent the state from pursuing criminal or administrative action against the club. In 1997, Scores started to apply for a liquor license with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. It withdrew its application in response to heavy opposition from the neighborhood and an unfavorable recommendation from the Salem City Council and liquor commission staff. It has operated since opening in July 1997 with nonalcoholic drinks. The club is open to those age 18 and older. The free-beer promotion has boosted business significantly, manager Dylan Salts has said. A key issue in determining whether the club needs an OLCC license under state law is whether the club receives any financial consideration for the beer. Scores has argued that the beer truly is free because customers who accept the offer don't have to pay a cover charge and don't have to buy anything else to get the beer. Assistant Attorney General David L. Kramer argued that there is no such thing as free beer. He said the consideration is in the form of increased sales of other goods and services. The club sells food and soda and charges customers $10 to view a "table dance," the state argued. He said in a memorandum that since withdrawing its liquor license application, Scores twice has thumbed its nose at Salem. "First, it opened its strip bar to 18-year-old kids, enticing them with nude dancing and charging them $4 to $10 for a soda pop," he wrote. "Apparently, that did not work well enough. Now, they want to entice kids and adults to the same establishment by promoting 'free' beer along with sex." He argued that the restraining order was justified because the "unlicensed distribution of alcohol, in a nude dance club open to minors, poses an immediate and continuing threat of injury to the state." In response to Norblad's ruling, the OLCC issued a statement saying that if Scores' practice of beer giveaways was upheld, it would allow minors to mingle with adults in a tavern-like atmosphere. Businesses licensed by the OLCC must have areas posted that are off-limits to minors. Do you have news of Marion, Polk and southwestern Yamhill counties? You can reach Cheryl Martinis at 503-399-8540 or by e-mail at cheryl@open.org.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge Rules Marijuana Test Invalid (A news release from best-selling author Peter McWilliams says that after two days of exhaustive medical and scientific testimony, federal Judge James McMahon ruled Friday in Los Angeles in the case of Todd McCormick, McWilliams' co-defendant, that McCormick's bail should not be revoked because there is no way to distinguish between Marinol and marijuana in drug tests. McCormick originally secured bail after agreeing to submit to urine tests the government claimed would distinguish between Marinol and THC-V, which is unique to marijuana. McWilliams also notes the Society of Neuroscience in October 1997 said "New research shows that substances similar to or derived from marijuana, known as cannabinoids, could benefit more than 97 million Americans who experience some form of pain each year.") From: "Peter McWilliams" (peter@mcwilliams.com) To: "Peter McWilliams" (peter@mcwilliams.com) Subject: Judge Rules Marijuana Test Invalid Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 19:35:48 -0700 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE--PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY April 24, 1999 FEDERAL MAGISTRATE RULES THERE IS NO WAY TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PRESCRIPTION DRUG MARINOL(r) AND MARIJUANA IN DRUG TESTS LOS ANGELES. Federal Magistrate Judge James McMahon ruled on Friday (April 23, 1999) that the test used to distinguish between the prescription drug Marinol (r) and the pernicious drug marijuana in urine is invalid. There is, therefore, no way in which to distinguish between Marinol (r) and marijuana in drug tests. The federal government had been using an experimental procedure to distinguish between THC, found in both Marinol(r) and marijuana, and THC-V, which is found only in marijuana. Using this test, the government was attempting to revoke medical marijuana patient Todd McCormick's $500,000 bail and place McCormick in custody until his trial, not scheduled to begin until September 7, 1999. After two days of exhaustive expert medical and scientific testimony, Judge McMahon ruled that the test was invalid. Marinol(r) has been authorized as a treatment for cancer chemotherapy and AIDS-related nausea, and for appetite stimulation in AIDS patients. Marinol(r) can, however, be prescribed for any condition a physician determines might be of value to the patient, since physicians can prescribe any legal medication for "off label" uses. "Off label" is any medical use not listed on the label of a prescription drug, but for which the drug has indicated some medical potential. Considering that the recent National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine report on medical marijuana lists nausea, pain, anxiety, AIDS, and MS as legitimate medical uses for THC, doctors should feel comfortable in prescribing Marinol(r) widely. How widely? A report from the Society of Neuroscience in October 1997 began, "New research shows that substances similar to or derived from marijuana, known as cannabinoids [of which THC is the most popular], could benefit more than 97 million Americans who experience some form of pain each year." (http://www.marijuanamagazine.com/toc/articles/manalgesic.htm) "Until medical marijuana is made legal, and it will be," said federal medical marijuana defendant Peter McWilliams (www.petertrial.com), "I strongly suggest that my fellow patients try and use Marinol(r). After all, General Drug Czar McCaffrey has called Marinol(r) 'the REAL medical marijuana '--and we all know the Drug Czar is infallible."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona Shows The Way On Drugs (A New York Times staff editorial recaps Wednesday's news about the Arizona Supreme Court study documenting the benefits accruing from Proposition 200's requirement that drug offenders receive treatment instead of prison. The newspaper says Congress and the legislatures of New York and other states should take heed.) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 06:55:37 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US NY: Editorial: Arizona Shows The Way On Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Rbtfield@aol.com Pubdate: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 1999 The New York Times Company Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Forum: http://www10.nytimes.com/comment/ ARIZONA SHOWS THE WAY ON DRUGS Arizona voters, tired of paying the exorbitant costs of imprisoning drug users and addicts who might be helped more cheaply, voted twice to provide a treatment alternative to jail. Now an Arizona Supreme Court study of the first year of probation with mandatory drug treatment -- instead of prison -- has shown the apparent wisdom of that decision. Congress and the legislatures of New York and other states should take heed. For a decade and a half, since crack cocaine and its murderous dealer wars frightened the electorate in the mid-80's, the knee-jerk political reaction has been to pass tougher criminal drug laws, build more prisons and put more drug users and dealers in them. Many states now spend more on prisons than on higher education. More than 1.8 million people nationwide are in prison, 400,000 of whom are addicts or chronic users. But punishment has not solved the problem. Addicts, untreated, emerge from prison and quickly return to drugs, resorting to robbery or even murder to get the money for them. The approach approved by voters in Arizona diverted people who are convicted of or plead guilty to nonviolent drug-related crimes from jail to probation and treatment. The treatment and supervision are largely paid for by a tax on a legal drug -- alcohol. It is the kind of program that an increasing number of law enforcement chiefs, including Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, the head of the national drug policy office for the Clinton Administration, have been advocating. The results of the new policy's first year of operation in Arizona suggest that it is a success. The cost of prison, the State Supreme Court said, is $50 a day. The cost of treatment, counseling and probation is $16 a day. The amount saved, it estimated, is more than $2.5 million the first year, and more than three-quarters of the people monitored on probation have stayed free of drugs. Arizona is a politically conservative state. Its voters showed that they were tired of paying the costs of a bad idea. In requiring that drug offenders be treated before being freed of supervision, they may have made themselves safer. By treating drugs as a health problem, they have shown states like New York, which spends $700 million a year to imprison drug felons, a better way.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Smugglers To Get No Dignity (The Globe and Mail, in Toronto, says the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday that subjecting travellers to a "bedpan vigil" is a fair price to pay in balancing the right to individual privacy with the state interest in detecting "drugs." The ruling overturned the acquittal of Isaac Monney, a citizen of Ghana who arrived in Canada on a flight from Switzerland and was detained in a "drug loo facility" before providing officers with the self-incriminating evidence they were hoping for.) Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 17:22:23 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Drug Smugglers To Get No Dignity Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Pubdate: Saturday, April 24, 1999 Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Copyright: 1999, The Globe and Mail Company Contact: letters@globeandmail.ca Website: http://www.globeandmail.ca/ Forum: http://forums.theglobeandmail.com/ Author: Kirk Makin DRUG SMUGGLERS TO GET NO DIGNITY Bedpan vigils necessary in border searches despite embarrassment, top court rules Suspected drug smugglers must be prepared to suffer embarrassing searches at the border as a necessary price of keeping contraband out of the country, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday. The court overturned the acquittal of a man who was kept in custody at Toronto's Pearson International Airport on March 13, 1993, until he had eliminated 84 condom-encased pellets of heroin. The court said subjecting travellers to "a bedpan vigil" is a fair price to pay in balancing the right to individual privacy with the state interest in detecting drugs. The defendant -- Isaac Monney -- was detained after arriving on a flight from Switzerland. A customs officer found it odd Mr. Monney had purchased his ticket with cash that day. His suspicions increased when he saw Mr. Monney's passport showed he was born in Ghana, a source country for narcotics. Mr. Monney became nervous during questioning. He modified several answers about his criminal record, his reasons for travel and the route he had chosen. After being detained for several hours in a "drug loo facility," he provided officers with the self-incriminating evidence they were hoping for. Yesterday's ruling overturned an earlier decision by the Ontario Court of Appeal, which had itself overturned Mr. Monney's conviction at his trial. In concluding Mr. Monney had been the victim of an unreasonable search and seizure, the Ontario Court of Appeal said that while the customs officers had grounds to suspect Mr. Monney of being a drug courier, these fell short of being reasonable grounds to believe an offence had been committed. It also ruled that the search amounted to a forced conscription of the suspect. Writing for a unanimous court, Mr. Justice Frank Iacobucci said yesterday that travellers crossing borders have a lowered expectation of privacy than they would have in the streets. It said that while they are embarrassing, bedpan vigils are analogous to strip-searches and less invasive than body-cavity searches, X-rays or the use of emetics. "A passive bedpan vigil is the least intrusive means of monitoring the alimentary canal in circumstances where there is a real danger of losing evidence, and where the protection and safety of the public are of primary concern," Mr. Iacobucci said. Turning to the legitimacy of the customs officers' suspicions, the court said the inability of a person to keep a story straight leads to a reasonable conclusion he or she may be lying.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Easing Drug Laws (The New York Times briefly notes yesterday's news about a Swiss government commission recommending that the sale and use of marijuana be legalized under certain conditions.) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 12:37:17 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: SWITZERLAND: Easing Drug Laws Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Pubdate: April 24, 1999 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 1999 The New York Times Company Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Forum: http://www10.nytimes.com/comment/ Author: Elizabeth Olson, NYT A Government commission has recommended that the sale and use of marijuana be legalized under certain conditions. The recommendations were part of an overall study of Swiss drug laws, which have failed to prevent a rise in marijuana consumption. To prevent the country from becoming a drug haven, purchasers would have to prove they lived in Switzerland.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Swiss Panel Calls For Marijuana Legalization (A similarly brief Orange County Register version) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 12:37:18 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: CA: Swiss Panel Calls For Marijuana Legalization Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W. Black Pubdate: Saturday April 24,1999 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Orange County Register Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Section: News,page 34 SWISS PANEL CALLS FOR MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION Switzerland should legalize the sale and use of marijuana,but with controls to keep the nation from becoming a drug haven, a government-appointed panel urged Friday. The committee's recommendation to the Cabinet will be considered as part of a continuing study to revise Switzerland's drug laws, but would probably need approval in a national referendum.
------------------------------------------------------------------- News From Portugal - The Government Announces Decriminalisation (A list subscriber forwards a correspondent's e-mail saying the Portuguese government announced two days ago a decision by the council of ministers to decriminalise the use and the possession of drugs for personal use, replacing jail terms with fines, community service and driving restrictions. The decision appears framed in the new national drug strategy.) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:43:22 +0000 To: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Peter Webster (vignes@monaco.mc) Subject: [] News From Portugal - The Government Announces Decriminalisation Subject: News from Portugal - The government announces his commitment to the decriminalisation of drug use and to the harm reduction policies Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 14:08:07 +0100 From: "Sergio Inacio" (drgmap@writeme.com) News from Portugal - The government announces his commitment to the decriminalisation of drug use and to the harm reduction policies The Portuguese government announced in 22/04/99 the decision taken by the council of ministers, to decriminalise the use and the possession of drugs for personal use, and this way to abolish the imprisonment up to 3 months that is stipulated as punishment. This decision appears framed in the new national strategy of combating drug addictions that apart from the decriminalisation expressed a devotion to the establishment or strengthens the strategies of harm reduction, for example, allowing the opening of shooting rooms. Returning to the decriminalisation of the use of drugs. This decriminalisation doesn't mean that the use is not sanctioned, but the same will become subject to a fine, work for the community, prohibition of driving, or similar. Even though this change in the Portuguese drug policy is not perfect, it is a small step that places Portugal in the vanguard of the respect for the citizen's rights. This change, which will come into effect after approval from the Portuguese parliament and transported to the Portuguese law, may also contribute to the necessary development of a European drug and addiction policy that is freed from the American impositions via the organisms of UN One last and particular appreciation, is that this decision came out in an electoral period that usually are used to promote more repressive and aggressive policies in a clear demagogue attitude. For a new drugs and addiction policy http://come.to/drgmap
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue No. 88 (The Drug Reform Coordination Network's original online drug policy newsmagazine features - HEA reform campaign gets boost; Report: District of Columbia drug policy a disaster; Heroin in Australia: a conversation with Brian McConnell of Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform; North Dakota becomes first state to legalize hemp cultivation; Oregon Supreme Court to review forfeiture as double jeopardy; Book: "No Equal Justice, Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System"; Report: In search of a new ethic for treating patients with chronic pain; Seminar in NYC, Friday, 5/28) Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 05:47:38 +0000 To: drc-natl@drcnet.org From: DRCNet (drcnet@drcnet.org) Subject: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #88 Sender: owner-drc-natl@drcnet.org The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #88 - April 24, 1999 A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network -------- PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE -------- (To sign off this list, mailto:listproc@drcnet.org with the line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or mailto:kfish@drcnet.org for assistance. To subscribe to this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.) This issue can be also be read on our web site at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html. Check out the DRCNN weekly radio segment at http://www.drcnet.org/drcnn/. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HEA Reform Campaign Gets Boost http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#campaign 2. REPORT: District of Columbia Drug Policy a Disaster http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#drugstrategies 3. Heroin in Australia: A Conversation with Brian McConnell of Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#ffdlr 4. North Dakota Becomes First State to Legalize Hemp Cultivation http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#northdakota 5. Oregon Supreme Court to Review Forfeiture as Double Jeopardy http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#doublejeopardy 6. BOOK: NO Equal Justice, Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#noequaljustice 7. REPORT: In Search of a New Ethic for Treating Patients with Chronic Pain http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#newethic 8. Seminar in NYC, Friday, 5/28 http://www.drcnet.org/wol/088.html#seminar *** 1. HEA Reform Campaign Gets Boost The student campaign to repeal the drug provision of the Higher Education Act of 1998 got a boost this past week, with four new endorsements of the campaign's resolution. Student governments at the University of Wisconsin at Richland, Illinois State University at Normal, and the University of Texas at Dallas, voted to adopt the resolution; and thanks to the efforts of the student activists at Richland, the United Council of University of Wisconsin Students, representing 140,000 students at the 24 University of Wisconsin campuses, endorsed the resolution unanimously last Tuesday. Other student government endorsements include the Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), Hampshire College (MA), Western Connecticut State University, Pitzer College (CA), Western State College (CO), and the Student Association of the State University of New York. The HEA drug provision delays or denies all federal financial aid for any drug offender, and the student resolution calls for the provision's repeal. Over 30 organizations so far have signed on to a letter to the Congress calling for passage of H.R. 1053, a bill sponsored by Rep. Barney Frank that if passed will repeal the HEA drug provision. Signatories include the NAACP, the United States Student Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Council of Negro Women, the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, the Center for Campus Organizing and many more. (Visit http://www.u-net.org/supporters.html for the complete listing.) Also this past week, students at Ohio State University, with supporters from the organization For a Better Ohio, demonstrated against the HEA drug provision. Visit http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/ohiohemp/demo.html to view photographs from the event. Over 9,200 e-mails and faxes supporting H.R. 1053 have been sent to Congress by visitors to DRCNet's online electronic petition at http://www.RaiseYourVoice.com since it was inaugurated last week. If you haven't yet filled out the petition, please take two minutes right now to type in your name and address and let your Representative and your two Senators know how you feel! And please take a few moments to tell your friends -- visit our referral page at http://www.RaiseYourVoice.com/tellfriend.html to send a note to them or to cut and paste our referral letter into your own e-mail or mailing list or online forum posting. The e- mail your friends receive will have your name in the subject. And don't worry -- we keep no record of your friends' e-mail addresses, and won't contact them ever again, unless they decide to subscribe to our list. Many petition visitors do decide to subscribe, so sending people to http://www.RaiseYourVoice.com is a great way to build the movement too! For further information on the HEA reform campaign and how to get involved, visit http://www.u-net.org/ or e-mail lotlikar@drcnet.org. *** 2. REPORT: District of Columbia Drug Policy a Disaster The District of Columbia spends more than any other US city on drug law enforcement, yet it ranks among the worst in rates of substance abuse, drug-related disease and crime, according to a new report from Drug Strategies, a DC-based research institute. "Facing Facts: Drugs and the Future of Washington, DC" found that the District spends $1,257 per capita on drug enforcement each year, but a scant $42.45 per capita on drug treatment and prevention combined. Drug Strategies President Mathea Falco told the Week Online that such spending priorities were not justified by their results. "Last year they only spent $22 million on treatment and $2 million on prevention compared to well over 1/2 billion for drug enforcement," she said. "Despite these massive investments in enforcement, the crime situation has not improved, because most of the offenders in the city have serious alcohol and other drug problems which have gone unaddressed." The report also blamed bureaucratic mismanagement, poor recordkeeping and a lack of cooperation between the District and surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia for high rates of recidivism among drug- addicted individuals. Along with recommendations for increasing funding for treatment and prevention programs, raising alcohol and cigarette taxes, and increasing support for drug courts and court ordered diversion programs, the report called for the repeal of the Congressional ban on funds for needle exchange programs (NEP's). "We believe NEP's that are well administered and carefully controlled can make a huge difference," said Falco. "In this we are joined by the American Pediatric Association, American Medical Association and the American Bar Association. This is definitely a mainstream position." AIDS is the third leading cause of death in the District, and one in three of an estimated 15,000-20,000 residents living with HIV or AIDS caught the virus by sharing needles. Nevertheless, an amendment introduced last October by Georgia Republican Bob Barr extended the ban on federal funding of needle exchanges to include even privately funded programs run by organizations that receive federal dollars for other work they do. One of the District's only needle exchange programs, run by the Whitman-Walker AIDS Clinic, was forced to close as a result. The exchange program was re-launched in December as a separate entity, Prevention Works, with the help of a grant from the Drug Policy Foundation. Despite the report's grim vision of the District's drug war wasteland, there may be some cause for optimism. At a press conference held in the wake of the report's release, newly- elected DC Mayor Anthony Williams and his cabinet pledged another $26 million for treatment and prevention. "We hear you," Williams said. "We will overlook this problem no longer. Left on auto pilot with these statistics, this is not a pretty picture. We cannot allow this to happen." Falco praised Williams' comments, which she called "terrific expressions of commitment." She added, "What's most needed is for them to keep their commitments." No initiatives have been announced, however, to scale back the prosecution of the Washington DC's massive drug enforcement/prison program. The full text of "Facing Facts: Drugs and the Future of Washington, DC" is available on the Drug Strategies web site at http://www.drugstrategies.org. *** 3. Heroin in Australia: A Conversation with Brian McConnell of Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform An escalating heroin problem and an attendant rise in overdose deaths have put the drug policy debate center stage in Australia. Alongside tragic stories of young, and increasingly rural people dead from overdoses, the Australian newspapers are filled with angry and frustrated letters to the editors, editorials and political opinions about the right course of action. Last year, a move by public health officials to implement a heroin prescription experiment similar to Switzerland's made it as far as the first trial phase before it was quashed by Prime Minister John Howard, after US State Department officials reportedly threatened to close down Tasmania's pharmaceutical opiate industry in retaliation. Earlier this year, Mr. Howard invited FBI head Louis Freeh to Australia to make the case for American-style zero tolerance drug policies. But harm reduction advocates say the battle is far from lost, and point to a range of innovative programs springing up in states and territories across the country. In Queensland, for example, clinical trials are underway for Naltrexone, an opiate-receptor blocking drug that has enjoyed some success in Europe. In New South Wales, a small drug court is in the first stages of a scientific study. In several states, first time drug offenders are now given the option of treatment instead of jail. And Michael Moore, Health Minister for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has waged a very public battle with Prime Minister Howard to re-launch the heroin prescription program, and to set up "safe injection rooms" where addicts can find clean needles, access to health care and counseling, and learn about treatment options. To get a better grasp of these developments, the Week Online spoke with Moore and with Brian McConnell, president and a founding member of Family and Friends for Drug Law Reform (FFDLR). This week we present our conversation with Mr. McConnell, who became involved with drug law reform after his son died of a heroin overdose. WOL: How has the tenor of the drug policy debate in Australia changed over the past few years? MCCONNELL: When Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform was formed in 1995, there was virtually no discussion of heroin as a problem. But since that time, people are more concerned about the overdose deaths. In Victoria, they have a very good system from the coroner's records of the overdose deaths, and they can tally the number of deaths very quickly, so you don't have to wait a year or two before you get the results. One of the newspapers in Victoria is running a tally of overdose deaths to road deaths, and right now they are running neck in neck. And the debate is now more robust. People are putting forward more thoughtful suggestions for how it might be dealt with. Around the time the Premieres' conference was going on [a national conference of state and territorial leaders, at which heroin policy was a hot topic this year], for that weekend and Monday papers, we had a hundred and twenty-four pages of clippings about heroin trials from newspapers from around Australia. WOL: What influence has the US had on drug policy? MCCONNELL: By and large we seem to be tied to US policies, and I think that is largely due to our Prime Minister. Rather than call on experts that have some evidence with success, he called on the FBI for advice on what to do. Now, to say the least, that's curious. There is no evidence that the FBI has done anything that's been successful in this area. He is also keen on the zero tolerance in New York and was keen on it with no facts, no figures. And zero tolerance is a city jurisdiction and not the FBI's, so that's curious as well. WOL: What can be done by the federal Commonwealth government in terms of legislation? MCCONNELL: Drug issues are basically a state responsibility -- outside of customs and border patrol type activities. It is the customs end of it that is preventing a heroin trial from taking place. But a lot of work can be done without touching the legislation, much of it in the policy area. Here in the ACT, my son's death is directly attributable to the police being involved when he first overdosed. The paramedics and police took him to hospital. When he awoke the police were at the end of his bed. He was frightened and discharged himself and went on a hurried holiday. Two weeks later he was dead. The police in the ACT and in many other states don't chase ambulances for overdoses anymore, unless there is another reason. That puts it clearly in the health arena. WOL: Where does public opinion stand on heroin trials? MCCONNELL: In the ACT, support for heroin trials is marginally over fifty percent, with four to six percent undecided, and its been that way for awhile now. What has changed is the opinion in the rest of Australia. Back in 1996, those in favor nationally were at about thirty-five percent, but it has now gone up to forty six percent. In Victoria, a state where the Premiere and his government are supportive of a trial and where there has been positive press, the percentage in favor has exceeded fifty percent. WOL: What has changed people's minds? MCCONNELL: What has turned some public opinion around is when people like myself and others have come out and said my son or daughter died of a heroin overdose, and they didn't have two heads, they weren't living in the gutter. They were intelligent and well educated and had a job and all those sorts of things. Here we are as a family and we are trying to do something about it and we would like to prevent this from happening in the future. It's a turnaround in the debate and in some people's minds. But it's still not far enough to do something. We are only in the debate stage. We've got some action happening because we are researching other treatment options. We're certainly not as progressive as European countries because there is still a stigma and a marginalization for drug users here. A lot of the calls for changes to the drug laws and the ways policies are administered are coming from the police. The politicians are the last ones to come along. (Visit Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform on the web at http://www.adca.org.au/ffdlr. Next week, our conversation with ACT Health Minister Michael Moore. *** 4. North Dakota Becomes First State to Legalize Hemp Cultivation (from the NORML Weekly News, http://www.norml.org) April 22, 1999, Bismarck, ND: Governor Ed Schafer (R) signed legislation Saturday allowing local farmers to "plant, grow, harvest, possess, sell, and buy industrial hemp." North Dakota is the first state to remove criminal penalties for hemp cultivation. House Bill 1428 reclassifies hemp containing no more than three-tenths of one percent THC as a legal commercial crop, and allows licensed farmers to grow it. The House and Senate overwhelmingly approved the measure before the governor signed it. The Legislature commissioned a study two years ago that determined locally grown hemp could yield profits as high as $141 per acre. North Dakota's new regulations are modeled closely after Canada's, which legalized commercial hemp cultivation last year. Bill sponsor Rep. David Monson (D-Osnabrock) said that local farmers are eager to grow hemp after seeing the crop's economic success north of the border. Farmers who wish to grow hemp must have no prior criminal history, use certified seeds, and allow random inspections of their crop for THC content. Farmers must pay a minimum $150 fee to apply for a hemp license. John Howell, CEO of New York City's Hemp Company of America and a plaintiff in a 1998 federal lawsuit to legalize hemp cultivation, said that "the future of hemp in America now looks much, much brighter." He noted that federal permits to grow hemp require applicants to answer whether cultivation is legal in their state. "Until now, every applicant had to check 'no' and applications were denied. Now that Catch-22 cycle has been broken by North Dakota's action." The Legislature also approved measures allowing university researchers who have federal permission to grow small quantities of hemp, and urging Congress to acknowledge legal distinctions between hemp and marijuana. Twenty-nine nations, including France, England, Germany, Japan, and Australia allow farmers to grow non-psychoactive hemp for its fiber content. The text of the North Dakota legislation can is online at http://ranch.state.nd.us/LR/text/BILL_INDEX/BI1428.html. More information on state-level legislation can be found online at http://www.norml.org/laws/stateleg1999.html. *** 5. Oregon Supreme Court to Review Forfeiture as Double Jeopardy The Oregon Supreme Court recently agreed to review State vs. Selness, which concerns a 1994 marijuana arrest. In that case, the defendant's home was forfeited along with his receiving jail time. The defendant claims that his punishment was unconstitutional, on the grounds that it was a case of double jeopardy. The United States Constitution protects citizens from double jeopardy: being punished for the same offense twice. The Supreme Court has previously ruled that civil forfeiture is not a punishment, and therefore does not constitute double jeopardy. The Oregon State Constitution has a wider view on double jeopardy, however, and the Oregon Supreme Court has never previously ruled on civil forfeiture as a form of punishment, leaving the possibility that the court may rule in favor of the defendant. One day prior to the Court's agreement to review State vs. Selness, the Oregon Court of Appeals overturned a previous ruling in a lower court that stated that the practice of excluding drug offenders from certain neighborhoods prior to sentencing is double jeopardy. (Visit Forfeiture Endangers American Rights, online at http://www.fear.org, for much more information about asset forfeiture. The Cato Institute is sponsoring a half-day conference, "Forfeiture Reform: Now, or Never?", on May 3, 9:00am - 1:30pm, Washington, DC, featuring US Rep. Henry J. Hyde, ACLU's Ira Glasser, and others. For further information, visit http://www.cato.org/events/ccs99/ on the web, call (202)218-4633 or e-mail forfeit@cato.org. *** 6. BOOK: NO Equal Justice, Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System In recent months, various criminal justice policies and practices, and the racially disparate impacts they produce, have begun to come to the fore of public attention. Last week DRCNet reported that Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) had reintroduced the Traffic Stops Statistics Act, and had introduced legislation to end felony disenfranchisement (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/087.html#profiling and http://www.drcnet.org/wol/087.html#disenfranchisement). Five weeks ago, we reported that Rep. Charges Rangel had introduced legislation to reduce sentences for crack cocaine offenses to the level of powder cocaine sentences (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/083.html#rangel). "NO Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System," by Georgetown University law professor David Cole, analyzes the nature and extent of racial disparities in the criminal justice system and the dynamics that contribute to them. Cole puts forward overwhelming evidence that not only do disparities exist, but the problem extends from the bottom of the system (cops on the beat habitually using racial profiles) to the top (a Supreme Court that has set unattainable standards for invoking protections against racial discrimination). Cole doesn't attribute the disparities to deliberate racism, but rather to the unavoidable tension between law enforcement efficiency and constitutional rights. Rather than staking out a consistent position for balancing these two concerns, Cole argues, police forces and the courts have picked two different points on the spectrum -- one for the majority and another for minorities. The majority, then, doesn't pay the cost of the policies that it enacts -- a cost measured in disparate police searches, no-knock warrants, convictions and incarceration rates. One of the reasons disparity in searches exists is that courts have given police an astonishingly free hand in conducting them. On pages 48-49, Cole lists drug courier "profiles" that drug enforcement agents have presented as "probable cause" for conducting searches: arrived late at night arrived early in the morning arrive in afternoon one of first to deplane one of last to deplane deplaned in the middle purchased ticket at airport made reservation on short notice bought coach ticket bought first-class ticket used one-way ticket used round-trip ticket paid for ticket with cash paid for ticket with small denomination currency paid for ticket with large denomination current made local telephone call after deplaning made long-distance telephone call after deplaning pretended to make telephone call traveled from New York to Los Angeles traveled to Houston carried no luggage carried brand-new luggage carried a small bag carried a medium-sized bag carried two bulky garment bags carried two heavy suitcases carried four pieces of luggage overly protective of luggage disassociated self from luggage traveled alone traveled with a companion acted too nervous acted too calm made eye contact with officer avoided making eye contact with officer wore expensive clothing and gold jewelry dressed casually went to restroom after deplaning walked quickly through airport walked slowly through airport walked aimlessly through airport left airport by taxi left airport by limousine left airport by private car left airport by hotel courtesy van suspect was Hispanic suspect was black female Cole explains that "[s]uch profiles do not so much focus an investigation as provide law enforcement officials a ready- made excuse for stopping whomever they please. The Supreme Court has warned that the mere fact that someone fits a drug-courier profile does not automatically constitute reasonable suspicion justifying a stop. In practice, however, courts frequently defer to the profile and equate it with reasonable suspicion. As one judge said after conducting a comprehensive review of drug-courier profile decisions, '[m]any courts have accepted the profile, as well as the Drug Enforcement Agency's scattershot enforcement efforts, unquestioningly, mechanistically, and dispositively.'" Cole goes on to argue that while the majority doesn't pay the cost of the criminal justice policies that it passes, over time those costs come home in the form of decreased respect for law and unwillingness to cooperate with the system, leading to a diminished ability to control crime and heightened social danger for all. (Buy "NO Equal Justice" online -- just point your browser to http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565844734/drcnet/ and follow the instructions, and DRCNet will earn 15% of what you spend on the book! Or ask for "NO Equal Justice" at your local bookstore.) *** 7. REPORT: In Search of a New Ethic for Treating Patients with Chronic Pain An article in last week's issue, "Doctor's Undertreatment of Pain Draws Penalty," discussed the issue of pain treatment and the war on drugs, surrounding the Oregon Board of Medical Examiner's decision to take disciplinary action against a physician for the undertreatment of pain, possibly the first medical board in U.S. history to take such a step. (See http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/pain.html for a general discussion of the impact of the drug war on pain treatment, and visit http://www.drcnet.org/wol/087.html#undertreatment for last week's article.) A report published in the Winter 1998 issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics examines the "ethic of underprescribing" and steps that states and boards have taken to begin to reverse it. Author Ann Martino concludes that underprescribing for pain is the norm or prevailing standard, and describes three principles that contribute to the underprescribing ethic: 1. Just Say No -- a generalized fear of narcotics and addiction, known as opiophobia, on the part of both physicians and patients. Martino writes, "Opiophobia has been heightened in recent years by the rhetoric accompanying the government's War on Drugs. One of the central tactics in the War on Drugs has been to focus broadly on the horrors of addiction in media campaigns and anti-drug and prevention programs, without drawing distinctions between drug dependency and abuse or types of addictive drugs. It is thus not surprising that many patients fear that taking any drug in large doses for relatively long periods of time will cause addiction." Additionally, doctors who do treat pain aggressively often face the threat of investigation by medical boards or the DEA, a circumstance that can ruin the careers of doctors, even when cleared. Hence, internal values and external consequences contribute to the Just Say No ethic in pain treatment. 2. Grin and Bear It -- the conception of pain as a moral good that builds character or an inevitability that should simply be endured. Martino writes, "[A]lthough it is hard to imagine that anyone who regularly engages in the practice of chronic pain management would purposefully deny relief to a patient experiencing unrelenting pain, the available empirical evidence clearly shows that it happens all the time." 3. Avoid Risks -- the decision or tendency to not prescribe pain medication in adequate quantities, knowing that doing so can result in trouble with medical boards, insurers or enforcers. "The be investigated or sanctioned by a board could result in a loss of stature, reputation, institutional privileges, or access to insurance panels, even if no restrictions or limitations are imposed on the license to practice." Martino discusses why efforts states have made at regulatory relief, including Intractable Pain Treatment Acts by legislatures and pain treatment guidelines by boards, have not yet succeeded changing the opiophobic climate in pain treatment. The report, titled "In Search of a New Ethic for Treating Patients with Chronic Pain: What Can Medical Boards Do?," includes illustrative quotes from doctors, pharmacists, patients and family members, as well as a chart listing the many causes of underprescribing. It can be ordered purchased for $10, including postage, from the American Society for Law, Medicine & Ethics, 765 Commonwealth Ave., 16th Floor, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 262- 4990, aslme@bu.edu, http://www.aslme.org. To learn more about the pain issue and find out how to get help or get involved, visit the American Society for Action on Pain at http://www.actiononpain.org. (Use http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/asap/index.htm temporarily if you get an error message.) *** 8. Seminar in NYC, Friday, 5/28 Bridging the Gap: Creating a Continuum of Care for Drug Users, Friday, May 28, 1-5pm, hosted by Mount Sinai Hospital, co-sponsored by The Statewide Black & Puerto Rican/Latino Substance Abuse Task Force, The Harm Reduction Coalition, The Harm Reduction Care Network of New York, and the Mount Sinai Based HIV Clinical Education Institute. Topics include "Situating the Drug User at the Center to Provide a Continuum of Care" and "Practical Applications of Utilizing Harm Reduction Principles Within a Drug Treatment Setting." At the Stern Auditorium, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, E. 100th Street & Madison Avenue, NYC. By subway take the 6 train to 96th Street. Stern is in the Annenberg Building on the mezzanine level. Enter Mt. Sinai at the 100th and Madison entrance, go up the stairs, then to your left through the glass doors, and follow the signs to Stern. For further information, contact Ralph Gonzales, (516) 979-7300 ext. 202 or e-mail nathan_perry@usa.net. (Due to staff travel schedules there is no editorial this week. All previous issues of the Week Online, including the editorials, are archived online, and can be accessed at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/archives.html. *** DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be sent to 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or made by credit card at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html. Donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. Deductible contributions supporting our educational work can be made by check to the DRCNet Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax- exempt organization, same address. PERMISSION to reprint or redistribute any or all of the contents of The Week Online is hereby granted. We ask that any use of these materials include proper credit and, where appropriate, a link to one or more of our web sites. If your publication customarily pays for publication, DRCNet requests checks payable to the organization. If your publication does not pay for materials, you are free to use the materials gratis. In all cases, we request notification for our records, including physical copies where material has appeared in print. Contact: Drug Reform Coordination Network, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 293-8340 (voice), (202) 293-8344 (fax), e-mail drcnet@drcnet.org. Thank you. Articles of a purely educational nature in The Week Online appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted. *** DRCNet *** GATEWAY TO REFORM PAGE http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/ DRCNet HOME PAGE http://www.drcnet.org/ DRUG POLICY LIBRARY http://www.druglibrary.org/ JOIN/MAKE A DONATION http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html REFORMER'S CALENDAR http://www.drcnet.org/calendar.html SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, No. 95 (The original summary of drug policy news from DrugSense opens with the weekly Feature Article - Learn from the Civil Rights Movement: Get organized, by Kevin B. Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy. The Weekly News in Review features several articles about Drug War Policy, Law Enforcement & Prisons, including - U-Conn star El-amin faces a drug charge; Srawberry arrested for drugs, solicitation; Study slams corruption on border; City settles firefighter's suit in controversial drug case; Fairfax teacher suspended after arrest on drug charge in D.C.; Former cop in court; 2 correction officers to serve time; Firefighter's back after fine for pot; Students face drug charges; 89-year-old man sentenced for selling crack; Ex-candidate faces trial in medical marijuana case; and, Voices of our time: Joseph D. McNamara. Articles about Cannabis, Hemp and Medicinal Marijuana include - Marijuana hoax; Ready for medical marijuana research; and, Cannabis has herbal benefits research can help unlock. International News includes - US company to build 2 plants for hemp processing in Canada; and, Treatment demand stretches clinics. The DrugSense Volunteer of the Month features Gerald Sutliff. The weekly Hot Off The 'Net directs your browser to the Marijuana Policy Project's highlights of the IOM report; "Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot" online; and an online transcript of the recent rebroadcast of "Sex Drugs and Consenting Adults." The Fact of the Week documents that 1 in 3 young blacks is under the control of the criminal justice system. And the Quote of the Week cites Horace Mann) From: webmaster@drugsense.org (DrugSense) To: newsletter@drugsense.org Subject: DrugSense Weekly, April 24, 1999 #95 Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:27:11 -0700 Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Lines: 738 Sender: owner-newsletter@drugsense.org *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY *** DrugSense Weekly, April 24, 1999 #95 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org This Publication May Be Read On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/1999/ds99.n95.html TO SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, DONATE OR UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS NEWSLETTER Please consider writing a letter to the editor using the email addresses on any of the articles below. Send a copy of your LTE to MGreer@mapinc.org. *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article Learn from the Civil Rights Movement: Get Organized by Kevin B. Zeese, President Common Sense for Drug Policy * Weekly News in Review Drug War Policy- Law Enforcement & Prisons (1) U-Conn Star El-amin Faces A Drug Charge (2) Strawberry Arrested For Drugs, Solicitation (3) Study Slams Corruption On Border (4) City Settles Firefighter's Suit In Controversial Drug Case (5) Fairfax Teacher Suspended After Arrest On Drug Charge In D.C. (7) Former Cop In Court (8) 2 Correction Officers To Serve Time (9) Firefighter's Back After Fine For Pot (10) Students Face Drug Charges (11) 89-year-old Man Sentenced For Selling Crack (12) Ex-candidate Faces Trial In Medical Marijuana Case (13) Voices Of Our Time: Joseph D. McNamara Cannabis & Hemp- Medicinal Marijuana (14) Marijuana Hoax (15) Ready For Medical Marijuana Research (16) Cannabis Has Herbal Benefits Research Can Help Unlock International News- (17) Us Company To Build 2 Plants For Hemp Processing In Canada (18) Treatment Demand Stretches Clinics * DrugSense Volunteer of the Month Gerald Sutliff * Hot Off The 'Net MPP release highlights of IOM report Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot On-line "Sex Drugs and Consenting Adults" Transcript On-line * Fact of the Week One in Three Young Blacks Under Criminal Justice Control * Quote of the Week Horace Mann - *** FEATURE ARTICLE Learn from the Civil Rights Movement: Get Organized by Kevin B. Zeese, President Common Sense for Drug Policy zeese@csdp.org The development of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights provides a model that drug policy reformers can emulate to increase our effectiveness, efficiently use our resources and put in place sensible drug policies. The Leadership Conference was founded in 1950 by three important civil rights leaders, each from a different area of civil rights: A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (the first group of black workers to gain recognition as a union); Roy Wilkins, the Executive Director of the NAACP; and Arnold Aronson, a leader of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. Each had a long history in coalition building and civil rights activism. When they founded the Leadership Conference, they confronted a society where segregation was an ever-present reality and equality a distant dream. The United States military had only recently desegregated. In many states and in the nation's capital as well, segregation was sanctioned in law as well as in life. Discrimination was pervasive in government and business. No Federal civil rights law had been enacted since Reconstruction almost 100 years earlier. The Leadership Conference formed with 30 organizations from civil rights, labor, civil liberties and related organizations concerned with social justice. They joined these organizations to create the nerve center against discrimination in all of its forms. The founding resulted in the civil rights movement getting organized and becoming much more systematic and effective. At the time member organizations marched in the streets, sat-in at lunch counters, and refused to ride in the back of the bus. The Leadership Conference coordinated these diverse activities and made them into a campaign to make simple justice the law of the land. The Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 - all were pushed to passage with the help of the Leadership Conference and the coalition it mustered and mobilized. Their activities continue today dealing with the rights of other minority groups (e.g., Native Americans, immigrants), gays, lesbians and the disabled. The Leadership Conference has grown to more than 185 national organizations, representing persons of color, women, labor unions, individuals with disabilities, older Americans, major religious groups, gays, lesbians and civil liberties and human rights groups. Together, over 50 million Americans belong to the organizations that comprise the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. The reform movement has taken initial steps toward getting organized. Several years ago we formed the Alliance of Reform Groups (ARO) an information sharing network of leading reform organizations. Today, it includes about 50 organizations. Initial steps have been taken to create a stronger alliance amongst reformers through the Network of Reform Organizations (NRG pronounced "energy"). NRG is made up of two dozen organizations -- about the same number of organizations as the Leadership Conference when it was founded. The organizations in ARO jointly represent over 140,000 people not including the several hundred thousand members of the ACLU. Obviously, most of the organizations are small, but this only increases the need for unity. Just as the civil rights movement deals with a variety of issues reproductive freedom, the rights of African Americans, Hispanics and other minority groups, the disabled, women's rights, the drug policy reform movement also deals with diverse issues: availability of sterile syringes, access to medical marijuana, the rights of marijuana and other drug users, sentencing justice, employment fairness for addicted people, health care (including methadone) for the addicted, an end to drug testing abuse as well as those seeking to end forfeiture of property and other issues. And as the civil rights movement forged coalitions on specific issues with outside organizations we have also recently involved women, youth advocacy, civil rights, civil liberties, gay and lesbian, AIDS groups and others in reform projects. The Leadership Conference defines itself as leading a peaceful revolution. No doubt changing drug policy will require a similar peaceful revolution. The Leadership Conference notes that "defending and expanding social justice requires eternal vigilance by the widest possible coalition of Americans of conscience." The drug policy reform movement may be able to learn from the successful experience of those who came before us. Kevin B. Zeese, President, Common Sense for Drug Policy http://www.csdp.org/ *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW Mark Greer is editing the DrugSense Weekly for the next two weeks giving Dr. Tom O'Connell, who normally provides the editorial comment and article selection, a well deserved opportunity to vacation in Europe. *** Domestic News- Policy Law Enforcement & Prisons *** COMMENT: (1-11) It is a fascinating exercise to occasionally go to the DrugNews archive and scan recent headlines of drug related news articles at http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/ The news from the drug war virtually screams about the mindlessness and foolishness of existing drug policy. The most common theme that struck me this week is the number of people that we would otherwise often look up to, respect, and even consider heroes who have been victimized, incarcerated, or caught up in the "War on Drugs." From athletes to the elderly, from cops to firemen and from politicians to the Supreme court there seem to be so many who are either on the wrong side of the law or who are foolishly promoting a failed policy. This fact all by itself is a testament to the need for reform. If our best and brightest are involved aren't our policies very suspect? *** (1) U-CONN STAR EL-AMIN FACES A DRUG CHARGE Khalid El-Amin, who last month helped Connecticut win its first national basketball championship, was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of marijuana. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 Source: Philadelphia Inquirer (PA) Copyright: 1999 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc. Contact: Inquirer.Opinion@phillynews.com Website: http://www.phillynews.com/ Forum: http://interactive.phillynews.com/talk-show/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n417.a13.html *** (2) STRAWBERRY ARRESTED FOR DRUGS, SOLICITATION TAMPA, Fla., April 14 (UPI) - The troubled life of Darryl Strawberry took another ominous turn Wednesday night when he was arrested on charges of cocaine possession and solicitation for prostitution. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: United Press International Copyright: 1999 United Press International URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n421.a10.html *** (3) STUDY SLAMS CORRUPTION ON BORDER U.S. Employees On Payrolls Of Mexican Drug Lords, Report Says Mexican drug lords are bribing federal agents to give them information, wave their smugglers through border checkpoints and even employing them to bring drugs into the United States, a federal report says. After a yearlong study, the General Accounting Office reported that it found that drug interdiction efforts in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are compromised by federal agents and other field staff on the payrolls of the Mexican drug cartels. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Page: 1 Copyright: 1999 Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Forum: http://www.chron.com/content/hcitalk/index.html Author: Deborah Tedford URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n419.a13.html *** (4) CITY SETTLES FIREFIGHTER'S SUIT IN CONTROVERSIAL DRUG CASE GASTONIA -- The city says former Gastonia firefighter Karen Goff gave police the key to her locker in 1997, where they found a powder that tested positive for cocaine. Goff's lawyers say the search was forced and that there was no test -- and no cocaine. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: Charlotte Observer (NC) Copyright: 1999 The Charlotte Observer Contact: opinion@charlotte.com Website: http://www.charlotte.com/observer/ Author: Tony Mecia, Staff Writer, tmecia@charlotte.com URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n419.a12.html *** (5) FAIRFAX TEACHER SUSPENDED AFTER ARREST ON DRUG CHARGE IN D.C. A 14-year Fairfax County high school teacher has been suspended without pay following his arrest in the District on a charge of possessing cocaine with the intent to distribute. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: Washington Post (DC) Page: B02 Copyright: 1999 The Washington Post Company Address: 1150 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20071 Feedback: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Author: Victoria Benning and Bill Miller, Washington Post Staff Writers URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n420.a08.html *** (7) FORMER COP IN COURT A former North Vancouver Mountie appeared in court on Wednesday to face six marijuana trafficking charges. Scott Randall Simpson, 38, is also charged with possessing marijuana, psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and hashish and stealing a "cobra fashioned smoking pipe." [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 12 April 1999 Source: North Shore News (Canada) Copyright: 1999 by the North Shore News Contact: editor@nsnews.com Website: http://www.nsnews.com/ Author: Anna Marie D'Angelo URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n420.a05.html *** (8) 2 CORRECTION OFFICERS TO SERVE TIME BRONX, - Two former New York City Correction Officers assigned to Rikers Island have been sentenced in Bronx Supreme Court to 2 to 6 years for attempting to smuggle drugs into the correction facilities on Rikers Island. [snip] Newshawk: General Pulaski Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: United Press International Copyright: 1999 United Press International URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n422.a11.html *** (9) FIREFIGHTER'S BACK AFTER FINE FOR POT An Edmonton firefighter who was fined $2,500 after being convicted of growing pot in his basement is back on the job. Edmonton fire Chief Jim Sales, after consulting with city officials, has ruled that Dean Troyer can continue to work as a senior firefighter, said a department spokesman yesterday. [snip] Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Pubdate: Thursday, April 15, 1999 Source: Edmonton Sun (Canada) Copyright: 1999, Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: sun.letters@ccinet.ab.ca Website: http://www.canoe.ca/EdmontonSun/ Forum: http://www.canoe.ca/Chat/home.html Author: Tony Blais URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n423.a07.html *** (10) STUDENTS FACE DRUG CHARGES LONGWOOD, Fla., April 15 (UPI) - Thirty-two people, including a number of Lake Brantley High School students, were arrested on drug charges in Longwood Wednesday afternoon. Police think they belong to a gang called the Forest City Mob. They are accused of selling marijuana and cocaine. [snip] Newshawk: General Pulaski Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: United Press International Copyright: 1999 United Press International URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n423.a10.html *** (11) 89-YEAR-OLD MAN SENTENCED FOR SELLING CRACK KINGSTON, N.Y. (AP) -- An 89-year-old man convicted of selling crack cocaine has been sentenced to up to four years in state prison. [snip] Newshawk: when@olywa.net (Bob Owen) Pubdate: Thu, 16 Apr 1999 Source: Associated Press Copyright: 1999 Associated Press URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n423.a13.html *** COMMENT (12-13) Of course there are those who speak with a voice of reason and can truly be called heroes. To wit: *** (12) EX-CANDIDATE FACES TRIAL IN MEDICAL MARIJUANA CASE Courts: Libertarian Entrant In Last Year's Governor Race Claims That Smoking Pot Has Controlled His Rare Cancer. OLYMPIC VALLEY, Calif.--Before the bust, Steve Kubby's claim to fame was political trivia at best: Just who was last year's Libertarian candidate for governor? [snip] Newshawk: Bob Owen and Steve Kubby http://www.kubby.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Copyright: 1999 Los Angeles Times. Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: (213) 237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Forum: http://www.latimes.com/home/discuss/ Author: Eric Bailey, Times Staff Writer Also: newshawked by Jim Rosenfield and Peter McWilliams URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n424.a06.html *** (13) VOICES OF OUR TIME: JOSEPH D. MCNAMARA Technology's advancement a boon to personal freedom From your perspective, what have been some of the most important developments of the 20th century, and how will the world be different 100 years from now? [snip] Newshawk: Jane Marcus (jmarcus@leland.Stanford.EDU) Pubdate: Tues, 13 Apr 1999 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Copyright: 1999 Mercury Center Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Note: "Voices of our Time" is a feature of the San Jose Mercury News to mark the new millennium. This week's edition is important because the commentator is Dr. Joseph McNamara, an outspoken critic of the "war on drugs". URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n424.a08.html *** Cannabis & Hemp - Medicinal Marijuana *** COMMENT: (14-16) The IOM report and last November's landslide elections continue to get positive coverage and editorials calling for reform. *** (14) MARIJUANA HOAX "Some dismiss medical marijuana as a hoax that exploits our natural compassion for the sick.," notes a new report from the Institute of Medicine that details the therapeutic potential of cannabis. The IOM's experts discreetly refrain from adding that it's an opinion shared by the man who commissioned the report. [snip] Newshawk: Epeggs@aol.com Pubdate: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 Source: Reason Magazine Copyright: 1999 by Creators Syndicate Inc. Contact: letters@reason.com Website: http://www.reason.com/ Author: Jacob Sullum URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n432.a01.html *** Our Opinion (15) READY FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESEARCH Seven states have approved the medical use of marijuana since 1996, including California, yet an unruly debate persists thanks to the federal government's stubborn obstruction of the will of the people. [snip] Pubdate: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 Source: Oakland Tribune (CA) Copyright: 1999 MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers Contact: eangtrib@newschoice.com Address: 66 Jack London Sq., Oakland, CA 94607 Website: http://www.newschoice.com/newspapers/alameda/tribune/ Note: Our newshawk writes: The Oakland Tribune several years ago advocated decriminalization of marijuana for adults. URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n432.a06.html *** (16) CANNABIS HAS HERBAL BENEFITS RESEARCH CAN HELP UNLOCK As a child of the '60s, I was well aware of the recreational value of cannabis. (Yes, I inhaled, but as a non-smoker, I didn't do it very well.) Its virtues were extolled in music and films. The biggest joke was that you were using it for "medicinal purposes." Recently, there was an article in The News about an advisory panel that has concluded that compounds found in marijuana are effective for easing pain and relieving nausea. It turns out there are very real medicinal virtues to this forbidden herb. [snip] Newshawk: General Pulaski Pubdate: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 Source: Buffalo News (NY) Copyright: 1999 - The Buffalo News Fax: 716-856-5150 Website: http://www.buffnews.com/ Author: Patra A. Mangus, a professional herbalist for the past 27 years. She owns and operates Bi-Nutrients Herbal Information Center in Buffalo. URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n430.a02.html *** International News *** COMMENT: As always there is some good news and positive signs that "the times they are a changin'" (or that they are desperately in need of change). *** (17) US COMPANY TO BUILD 2 PLANTS FOR HEMP PROCESSING IN CANADA A U.S.-based agricultural company plans to build two hemp-processing plants by 2001 in Canada's western province of Manitoba, the head of the company's Canadian operations said. "There will be two distinct plants located on the same site. One is dedicated to food and one is dedicated to fiber," said Douglas Campbell, president of the Canada division of Consolidated Growers and Processors. [snip] Newshawk: General Pulaski Pubdate: Thur, 15 Apr 1999 Source: Journal of Commerce (US) Contact: editor@mail.joc.com Website: http://www.joc.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n426.a05.html *** (18) TREATMENT DEMAND STRETCHES CLINICS DRUG treatment centres are being stretched to cope with the demand for help by heroin addicts, the Dail Public Accounts Committee heard yesterday. At any one time, 600 people are on waiting lists seeking treatment at clinics run or funded by the Eastern Health Board, the main provider in the greater Dublin area. [snip] Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Pubdate: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 Source: Examiner, The (Ireland) Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 1999 Contact: exam_letters@examiner.ie Website: http://www.examiner.ie/ Author: Jim Morahan URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n433.a06.html *** VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH - Gerald Sutliff This month it is our honor and privilege to recognize one of our most successful writers of Letters to the Editor, Gerald M. Sutliff. Since May, 1996 Jerry has had 37 letters published that made it into our published letters archive, and probably a few more that we missed. You can review his published letters at the following URL: http://www.mapinc.org/mapcgi/ltedex.pl?AUTHOR=Gerald+M.+Sutliff Newspapers that have published Jerry's letters include: Contra Costa Times (CA), Detroit News, Halifax Daily News (Canada) , International Herald-Tribune (published worldwide), Journal-Inquirer (CT), Los Angeles Times, Oakland Tribune (CA), San Francisco Examiner (CA), Skagit Valley Herald (WA), Standard-Times (MA), Star Ledger (NJ), The Bulletin (OR), The Examiner (Ireland), The Wall Street Journal, and the Wellington Evening Post (New Zealand). We asked Jerry to respond to a few questions: DS: When and how did you first become involved with MAP? Jerry: I met Cliff Schaffer in Santa Monica and he handed me a copy of his 'Net plan to educate the world. A few months later I signed on to DRCTALK and then joined up with MAP when Mark started it up. DS: Do you recall when you first had a LTE published? Jerry: Actually, I had a couple of LTE published in the Contra Costa times before joining DRCTALK and MAP. DS: About how many LTEs do you send to editors each month? Jerry: It varies a lot, depending on my state of my other responsibilities but I try for five a week. DS: What tips would you give to those who may wish to join in the LTE writing effort? Jerry: Keep them short. Make your one point, don't preach and close. (Take the time to let the letter age, proof again, send it and forget it.) Try to tie in the subject of your letter to something you read in the target paper. If you can complement or flatter, do so shamelessly. Avoid sarcasm (that's a tough one (;~)] DS: What else would you like to say to all the readers of the DrugSense Weekly? Jerry: Cliff's, David's and Mark's visions of using the power of the Internet to change the perception of the public and the language of the debate is now being realized through MAP more than any other source, valuable though they all are without doubt. Talking to each other is pleasurable, educational, frustrating - but talking to the public is where the action is. The 'net is not the Gutenberg revolution but it's close. After Gutenberg people realized that they could learn (especially about God) for themselves. That led to the Reformation. The 'net means people have an even better way to "learn and decide for themselves." DS: Thank you, Jerry, for all that you do and for providing an example we can emulate! *** HOT OFF THE 'NET *** Chuck Thomas of MPP informs us: It's finally done -- MPP's compilation of the best excerpts from the Institute of Medicine's medicinal marijuana report. You can find it at http://www.mpp.org/science.html *** Alice O'Leary writes: Your readers might also enjoying visiting our website which has excerpts from our new book "Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot." (Thunder's Mouth Press: ISBN 1-56025-166-2) These excerpts include the Foreword by Lyn Nofziger, former deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee. The address is http://www.marijuana-as-medicine.org *** Peter McWilliams reports: The complete transcript of the John Stossel ABCNEWS special "Sex, Drugs, and Consenting Adults" is on-line at: http://abcnews.go.com/onair/abcnewsspecials/transcripts/ stossel990415_trans.html *** FACT OF THE WEEK *** One in three black men between the ages of 20 and 29 years old is under correctional supervision or control. (1995). Source: Mauer, M. &; Huling, T., Young Black Americans and the Criminal Justice System: Five Years Later, Washington D.C.: The Sentencing Project *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK *** "Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more you must have of the former" -- Horace Mann *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. TO SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, OR UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Please utilize the following URLs http://www.drugsense.org/hurry.htm http://www.drugsense.org/unsub.htm News/COMMENTS-Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors, editors, Newshawks and letter writing activists. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Become a NewsHawk See http://www.mapinc.org/hawk.htm for info on contributing clippings. *** NOW YOU CAN DONATE TO DRUGSENSE ONLINE AND IT'S TAX DEDUCTIBLE DrugSense provides many services to at no charge BUT THEY ARE NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. If you are able to help by contributing to the DrugSense effort visit our convenient donation web site at http://www.drugsense.org/donate.htm -OR- Mail in your contribution. Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your contribution to: The Media Awareness Project (MAP) Inc. d/b/a DrugSense PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (800) 266 5759 MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.mapinc.org/ http://www.drugsense.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------
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