------------------------------------------------------------------- Measure 67 Bad / Measure 67 Good ('Willamette Week' In Portland Once Again Shows Its Utter Lack Of Journalistic Ethics By Printing A Letter To The Editor Opposing The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act That Is So Factually Challenged Even The Newspaper Flinches - Plus A More Reasonable Letter In Support Of Medical Marijuana) Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 20:42:01 -0700 (PDT) To: DRCNet Medical Marijuana Forum (medmj@drcnet.org) Subject: LTE: Measure 67 Bad / Measure 67 Good Reply-To: medmj@drcnet.org Sender: owner-medmj@drcnet.org newshawk note: Patty Wentz, who responds to the first letter to the editor below, is the person who wrote "Dope With Dignity," the subject of both these letters. *** Measure 67 Bad / Measure 67 Good Willamette Week 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com Web: http://www.wweek.com/ Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less. Letters Weds., Sept. 9, 1998 MEASURE 67 BAD While it was reassuring to hear the good Dr. Bayer say he is against recreational use of marijuana ["Dope with Dignity," WW, Aug. 12, 1998], he apparently doesn't understand Measure 67 will allow exactly that and much more. Careful reading of Ballot Measure 67 shows it contains these provisions: 1. Allows doctors, massage therapists, tattoo artists, bartenders, coffeehouse operators and others to grow and provide marijuana to their clients with impunity. 2. Prevents state licensing boards from disciplining members of 134 occupations who grow and use marijuana (surgeons, truck drivers, teachers, boilermakers, electricians, river pilots and others). 3. Does not require a person to visit a doctor to obtain marijuana privileges. 4. Does not involve a written prescription. 5. Bypasses the protection of the FDA drug-approval process which is based on scientific research. 6. Does not require a marijuana user to have a registration card in order to be protected from legal consequences. 7. Allows marijuana use for conditions as vague as general ill health. 8. Allows marijuana use for any other unspecified condition for which a user chooses to request approval. 9. Allows marijuana possession in any amount. 10. Allows possession and use of hashish and concentrated hash oil. 11. Provides protection against prosecution for other unspecified criminal acts if marijuana is involved. 12. Allows Oregon prison inmates to use marijuana. 13. Allows Oregon children to legally use marijuana. Marijuana use by Oregon eighth graders has tripled since 1990 and is 36 percent above national use levels. It is the number-one problem drug for teenagers entering drug addiction treatment programs in Oregon. Teens who use marijuana are six times more likely to bring guns to school, four times more likely to physically attack another person, three times more likely to engage in sex (unprotected), twice as likely to attempt suicide and 85 times more likely to use cocaine. As if we don't already have enough drug problems in Oregon, some misguided persons want to add even more. Measure 67 is not about medicine. It is about legalizing marijuana for any Oregonian to use with impunity. Voters who understand the impacts of Measure 67 will reject the ill-conceived proposal. Roger Burt Southeast 17th Avenue Patty Wentz responds: There are some points in Mr. Burt's letter that need to be addressed. 1. Measure 67 does not allow public distribution of marijuana, and it explicitly prohibits public smoking of marijuana. The only people who will be exempted from state laws against possession and distribution of marijuana will be the patients or approved primary caregivers. 2. The measure requires doctor approval before patients can apply to the Oregon Health Division for a medical-marijuana card. 3. The debilitating conditions defined under the law are specific. 4. The measure does not address hash or hashish oil, and it gives specific quantity limits on marijuana possession. Patients arrested possessing or growing more than the limit have to prove that their medical conditions justify the larger quantities. *** [Portland NORML notes - The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act doesn't stop police from arresting, or district attorneys from prosecuting anyone, except maybe those patients who obtain registry cards from the state and who abide by all the onerous statutory requirements. Even then, it would seem possible for a zealous prosecutor to file charges against a patient/cultivator in connection with obtaining cannabis seeds or starts illegally. Will medical marijuana patients who grow the legal number of plants still be charged with child neglect and/or child endangerment if they have minors in their house, as illegal cultivators routinely are? Note that prosecutors can also hand off cases to federal law enforcers, as has happened in California. But even Mr. Burt doesn't seem to have a problem with AIDS or cancer patients who meet all the statutory requirements. For anyone else, all the OMMA does is provide the right to mount an affirmative defense. Even then, the defense must be presented in accordance with the narrow limits established by Oregon's "Choice of Evils" statute, which poses such problems as the "imminence" clause requiring the crisis to be immediate and dire. Thus the most recent case in Oregon in which a medical marijuana patient was allowed to invoke the "Choice of Evils" statute resulted in the defendant's conviction. In fact, it's likely many bona fide medical marijuana patients would still be convicted under Measure 67 despite the trauma, expense, and risks of a jury trial. No public defender is going to squander resources on such a defense unless the prospects of acquittal are realistic. Such patients would alternatively need to hire a competent lawyer, and all patients would need to have their regular Oregon physician testify in court on their behalf. McCaffrey v. Conant is still being litigated, so such physicians also still face losing their medical practices, not to mention professional accreditation and ostracism - and losing at trial - if they testify in bad faith during court proceedings. Why would any physician risk his or her livelihood to enable someone's recreational pot use? As the history of Proposition 215 in California suggests, it's more likely that any attempt by patients or caregivers to push the envelope would result in prosecutors and judges simply ruling out the defense before a trial began. Dr. Rick Bayer, the OMMA's chief petitioner, has estimated that Measure 67 would protect about 500 sick and dying Oregonians, about one third of 1 percent of the estimated 150,040 past-month marijuana consumers in Oregon. In that context, the primary importance of Measure 67 is that it would "send a message" to the federal government that the people want cannabis to be made available to sick people whose physicians recommend it. When marking your ballot, though, remember that Measure 67 pits the real suffering of 500 Oregonians against the imagined fears of zealots and liars such as Roger Burt.] *** MEASURE 67 GOOD Thank you for the interesting article about Dr. Richard Bayer and the battle for physician and patient rights to use medical marijuana for sick and dying people ["Dope with Dignity," WW, Aug. 12, 1998]. You did a good job preparing your readers for this important debate. Medical marijuana is a complex issue and an emotional one on both sides. Learning the known medical facts and rebutting the myths and propaganda we see and hear often will make this issue much easier to decide. God bless Dr. Bayer for his compassion for human suffering and courage to stand up and speak the truth in the debate against the powerful vested-interest opponents. The scientific evidence and patient testimonies are persuasive. In September 1988 Drug Enforcement Administration Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young, after reviewing the scientific studies and taking testimony from patients for two years, issued a 69-page ruling. Judge Young called marijuana "one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man" and recommended the drug be made legally available for some medical purposes, including treatment of cancer patients. "The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision," Judge Young wrote. "It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the D.E.A. to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record." The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act will provide physicians, patients and society a safe, natural and inexpensive solution to this controversial question. George N. Whittington Southwest 10th Avenue
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Considers Moving Inmate Visitations To Video ('The Associated Press' Says The Oregon Department Of Corrections Is Considering Forcing Families To Visit With Prison Inmates On A Television Screen Instead Of Through Glass Partitions) Associated Press found at: http://www.oregonlive.com/ feedback (letters to the editor): feedback@thewire.ap.org State considers moving inmate visitations to video The Associated Press 9/9/98 1:53 AM SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- The state is considering a new program that may one day allow families to visit with prison inmates on a television screen instead of through glass partitions. The Oregon Department of Corrections says tele-video visiting will cut costs, improve safety and make it easier for inmates in Eastern Oregon facilities to have contact with their families who may live elsewhere in the state. "Inmates aren't getting many visits out in Eastern Oregon," said Perrin Damon, a Department of Corrections spokeswoman. "It will increase the number of visits inmates can have because people wouldn't have to travel so far." Prison reform advocates, however, say video visiting is inhumane and would take away inmates' rights. "It can and will have some really bad psychological effects," said Portland activist Jordana Sardo, who is helping organize local opposition to video visiting. "There is a huge difference between being able to actually see someone, even if it's through glass, and see them on a television screen. It's a lot more isolating." The program is at least a year away. A corrections department committee on video visiting was formed in July to study policy issues, and staff members are studying what technology will be used, Damon said. With video visiting, inmates communicate by speaking into a camera and watching a live television image of their visitor broadcast from another location. Inmates would sit in special video-visiting rooms, or a mobile unit could be rolled to their cells. Anne Rose-Pierce, who founded a Portland-based prison reform organization, said corrections officials simply want more ways to monitor what is said between inmates and their family and friends. "This is just another case of the Corrections Department wanting to control inmates and record what they say to their loved ones." Damon confirmed that building the long-distance sites "is still quite a ways off" and that the visits would be recorded for security purposes, just as incoming mail is screened. The Two Rivers Correctional Facility under construction in Umatilla has been equipped with a room and electrical wiring needed for video visits, although the policy change that would allow such visits has not been written or approved. Prison officials hope to have a pilot program operating in Umatilla within a year. But even then, visitors still will have to drive to the prison, Damon said. "Basically, it's so we can get experience before we make a big dollar commitment to do another site," she said. The goal, prison officials say, is that video visiting eventually will replace all non-contact visits, including those conducted through glass. Inmates on death row, in segregation or other special housing units get only "through-glass" visits. During visits at the Oregon State Penitentiary, two corrections officers escort an inmate in disciplinary segregation to and from visits. "If there were video visiting, they would roll the television unit up to the cell," Damon said. "It would mean five minutes vs. several hours of combined staff time." (c)1998 Oregon Live LLC Copyright 1997 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Buckley's Summer Of Errors (A Staff Editorial In Denver's 'Rocky Mountain News' Recounts The Seeming Incompetence Of Colorado Secretary Of State Vikki Buckley, Whose Responsibilities Include Certifying Signatures For State Ballot Measures) From: GDaurer@aol.com Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:01:44 EDT To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Editorial: CO's Secretary of State Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Rocky Mountain News Wednesday September 9, 1998 Editorial BUCKLEY'S SUMMER OF ERRORS The secretary of state's sins of omission are becoming increasingly notorious: Twice in recent weeks, Vikki Buckley's office has failed to certify signatures for statewide initiatives, putting them on the Nov. 3 ballot by default. Such incompetence is a scandal, to be sure, but at least it doesn't obstruct the petition process itself -- which in Colorado is a basic constitutional right. Far worse would be official incompetence that penalized the citizen petitioners themselves. Now come backers of a medical marijuana initiative to claim that Buckley's office has succumbed to this more dangerous variety of incompetence, too. Specifically, they argue that her office, using a sample of 4,482 signatures, undercounted the number of valid signatures on their petitions and that a proper sample count would have required her to go on to check every single signature, according to her own procedures. A hearing on the medical marijuana claim will occur Friday in Denver District Court. Unfortunately, at this late date it would be unfair for a judge to require a full signature count, even if the court concluded that petitioners are correct and that Buckley's office miscounted the sample. A comprehensive count, after all, would take precious time away from the campaign; and this is one issue on which voters really do need to hear both sides' arguments. Of course, the alternative to a full count is only slightly more palatable: put yet another initiative on the ballot that technically may not qualify. But as we suggested above, if government is going to bungle in reviewing petition signatures, those mistakes shouldn't penalize petitioners who conscientiously uphold their part of the bargain. Perhaps we sound as if we're expecting Buckley's office to be overruled Friday. If so, it's only because of recent, sobering experience. Not only has the secretary of state put two initiatives on the ballot by default, but earlier this summer she threw Senate President Tom Norton off the GOP primary ballot in the governor's race on the basis that he hadn't submitted enough valid signatures, too. As it happened, he had submitted more than enough -- and the secretary herself was forced to admit this at a hearing after Norton appealed. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Norton's treatment was the manner in which his campaign was apparently kept in the dark regarding what had been done wrong. Norton said at the time, for example, that he was "baffled" by a lack of information from Buckley's office as to why he was tossed off the primary ballot, pointing out that it was difficult to dispute a problem "if we don't know what she thinks is wrong." Meanwhile, his campaign manager, J.J. Ament, complained that Buckley had failed to return his repeated phone calls seeking information about the petitions. Although Norton prevailed, the incident set the tone for what has become a summer of errors by the secretary of state's office. Let's hope that office hasn't made yet another one.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Urgent - Will Foster Parole Order Going To Governor! (The Drug Reform Coordination Network Asks You To Write A Letter To Oklahoma Governor Keating Supporting The Parole Of The Medical Marijuana Patient Sentenced To 93 Years For Growing His Own Medicine) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 00:46:40 -0400 To: drc-natl@drcnet.org From: DRCNet (drcnet@drcnet.org) Subject: URGENT: Will Foster Parole Order Going to Governor! Sender: owner-drc-natl@drcnet.org (To sign off this list, mailto:listproc@drcnet.org with the line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or mailto:drcnet@drcnet.org for assistance. To subscribe to this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.) ALERT: WILL FOSTER PAROLE ORDER TO GO BEFORE OKLAHOMA GOV. *** Date: September 9, 1998 To: DRCNet Members and Other Advocates of Compassionate Drug Policy Reform From: David Borden and Adam Smith Re: Parole Board Votes to Free Will Foster, Letters and Phone Calls Urgently Needed Those of you have been with us awhile may remember our alert of February 6, 1997, informing our readers of the case of Will Foster, a patient who used marijuana to relieve the pain of his rheumatoid arthritis, sentenced to 93 years in prison by an Oklahoma jury encouraged by the prosecutor to "pick any number and add two or three zeroes to it." Last month, an appeals court judge found that Foster's century-long sentence "shocked the conscience" and reduced the term to 20 years, which under Oklahoma law makes him eligible for parole now. Last Sunday, NBC's Dateline news magazine aired a 20-minute report on the Foster case, featuring interviews with Will and Meg Foster, as well as the prosecutor, and reporting that the parole board has voted unanimously to set Will Foster free. While Dateline reporters expressed skepticism as to whether Foster's case was purely about medical use, the show's unambiguous conclusion was that the sentence was unjust in any case. The parole board's recommendation is now in the Governor's hands, to sign and enact, or reject. We often ask our readers to pick up a phone or pen a letter and urge their elected officials to do that which is right and just. This alert is especially important, as a 39-year- old husband and father of two can be reunited with his family, soon, if only the Governor follows the parole board's recommendations as he normally would. Foster gaining his freedom will also serve as a symbolic victory that will energize the drug policy reform movement, proof that we _can_ help the undeserving victims of America's repressive Drug War, and that we _can_ go on to change these laws and end this cruel chapter of history. Please, call write or fax Gov. Keating today and urge him to do the right thing, to sign the parole order and free Will Foster. To reach the Governor, call (405) 521-2342, e-mail governor@oklaosf.state.ok.us (the governor's e-mail has bounced in the past, so we don't know for sure whether it works now -- click on mailto:governor@oklaosf.state.ok.us if your browser recognizes URL's), fax to (405) 521-3317, 523- 4224 or 522-3492, or write to: Governor Frank Keating State Capitol Building, Room 212 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Very important: Be polite! Remember, there is no reason to assume he is against us at this point, and we need to always present ourselves as credible and reasonable. Also important: Please send us copies of your letters, or send us e-mail letting us know that you have corresponded. Contact us at alert-feedback@drcnet.org and send us the text of your letters, or just a note letting us know that you've called or faxed or mailed a letter or sent an e-mail. (You can click on mailto:alert-feedback@drcnet.org from here if your browser recognizes URL's.) This is very important to us because we are now reporting these statistics to our major donors on a monthly basis, and we need to be able to demonstrate our effectiveness in order to be able to keep their support and bring in new supporters. For further background on the Will Foster case, check out Adam Smith's article in Reason Magazine, May 1997, at http://www.reasonmag.com/9705/col.smith.html -- the first major article on the case; the Free Will Foster web site at http://www.gnv.fdt.net/~jrdawson/willfoster.htm (appeared on last weekend's Dateline report), and our original alert at http://www.drcnet.org/rapid/1997/2-6-1.html (also appeared on Dateline). *** DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be sent to 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or made by credit card at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html on the web. Donations to DRCNet are not tax-deductible. Tax deductible donations can be made to the DRCNet Foundation, by check only, at the same address. Or sign up with eyegive at http://www.eyegive.com/html/ssi.cfm?CID=1060 to raise money online for DRCNet for free! *** JOIN/MAKE A DONATION http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html DRUG POLICY LIBRARY http://www.druglibrary.org/ REFORMER'S CALENDAR http://www.drcnet.org/calendar.html SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html DRCNet HOME PAGE http://www.drcnet.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Focus Alert Number 81 - Will Foster - Time To Act! (The International Network Of Drug Policy Reform Advocates Asks You To Take A Few Minutes To Write A Letter To Oklahoma Governor Keating To Sign The Parole Papers For Medical Marijuana Patient Will Foster, Sentenced To 93 Years In Prison For Growing His Own Medicine)Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 16:11:49 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: Will Foster Time to ACT! ***PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE*** DrugSense FOCUS Alert! http://www.DrugSense.org FOCUS Alert No. 81 9/9/98 - Will Foster a Time to ACT! Dear fellow Reformer Let's Just _DO_ It for Will Foster: Rarely can we take action that may secure the release of a drug war POW. That time is NOW! As many of you know the parole board has granted parole to Will Foster. The only thing standing between Will and Freedom is Governor Keating's signature. Please write a letter to Gov. Keating his wife and the media contacts below. REMEMBER: This is phase one. BE NICE! We can get a bit more aggressive if this phase fails to get action. Express outrage at the sentence and the lack of reason but please, no ad hominem attacks on the Governor or the state. (see sample letter below) You CAN make a big difference WRITE A LETTER TODAY It's not what others do it's what YOU do *** PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF YOUR LETTER OR TELL US WHAT YOU DID ( Letter, Phone, fax etc.) Please post your letters or report your action to the MAPTalk list if you are subscribed, or return a copy to this address by simply hitting REPLY to this FOCUS Alert and pasting your letter in or by E-mailing a copy directly to MGreer@mapinc.org *** CONTACT INFO Contacts for Oklahoma Governor Keating's office: Phone:(405) 521-2342 Fax (405) 523-4224 Fax (405) 522-3492 Web users can contact Gov. Keating (THE GOVERNOR OF OKLAHOMA), via a web form at: http://www.state.ok.us/osfdocs/gov_mail.html Gov. Keating's wife, Cathy Keating at: cathy.keating@oklaosf.state.ok.us *** "EXTRA CREDIT" Send a copy of your letter to the OK media list below: Here's a Bcc List for Oklahoma Newspapers AdaNews (ada_evening_news@okpress.tfnet.org) Ardmorite (ardmorite@okpress.tfnet.org) Bartlesville Examiner (bartlesville_examiner@okpress.tfnet.org) Capitol Beacon (capitol_hill_beacon@okpress.tfnet.org) Chickasha Express (chickasha_express@okpress.tfnet.org) Cushing Citizen (cushing_daily_citizen@okpress.tfnet.org) Duncan Banner (duncan_banner@okpress.tfnet.org) Durant Democrat (durant_daily_democrat@okpress.tfnet.org) Enid Eagle (enid_eagle@okpress.tfnet.org) Henryetta Lance (henryetta_free_lance@okpress.tfnet.org) Hugo News (hugo_news@okpress.tfnet.org) Lawton Constitution (lawton_constitution@okpress.tfnet.org) Lincoln News (lincoln_county_news@okpress.tfnet.org) McAlestor Democrat (mcalestor_democrat@okpress.tfnet.org) McLoud News (McLoud_News@okpress.tfnet.org) Norman Transcript (norman_transcript@okpress.tfnet.org) Okmulgee Times (okmulgee_times_editorial@okpress.tfnet.org) Pauls Democrat (pauls_valley_democrat@okpress.tfnet.org) Ponca News (ponca_city_news@okpress.tfnet.org) Sapulpa Herald (sapulpa_herald@okpress.tfnet.org) Seminole Producer (seminole_producer@okpress.tfnet.org) Stillwater Newspress (stillwater_newspress@okpress.tfnet.org) Weatherford News (weatherford_news@okpress.tfnet.org) Woodward News (woodward_news@okpress.tfnet.org) *** ORIGINAL ARTICLE: (From MATTalk) Meg Foster says let the attack begin. Bombard the Oklahoma Statehouse with a snowstorm of protest about Foster's outrageous 93 year sentence! Submerge Governor Keating in a storm of protest against Will Foster's incarceration. Mention the Dateline show as your reason for writing. (as per Meg's request) Be polite, but be firm. No one deserves to do a day over a phony Reefer Madness law. Tell Keating that. Hit him with the medical issues. Demand that Keating sign Will Foster's parole immediately. Keating loved to say before that he had no control over the situation, well now he does and we want this parole signed! Immediately! Contacts for Oklahoma Governor Keating's office: Phone:(405) 521-2342 Fax (405) 523-4224 Fax (405) 522-3492 A lot of netizens prefer e-mail, but a fax lands right on the Governor's desk. Send a couple of Faxes in addition to your e-mails. When we bombed Keating about Jimmy Montgomery, he shut off his office phones and fax for a week! He also caved in and granted Montgomery's release! Let's see if we cannot overwhelm Keating again the same way. Sending faxes at night costs abt 10 cents a page. Web users can contact Gov. Keating (THE GOVERNOR OF OKLAHOMA), via a web form at: http://www.state.ok.us/osfdocs/gov_mail.html. Gov. Keating's wife, Cathy Keating at: cathy.keating@oklaosf.state.ok.us according to the State of Oklahoma's web site, http://www.state.ok.us. Cases like Will Foster's cause the emotions to run strong. Please remember that we make the best impact when we are polite, even while stating the issue directly and forcefully. *** SAMPLE LETTER (Sent to all media contacts, Gov. Keating via fax and URL, and to Mrs. Keating) Dear Governor Keating; By now you must be aware of the outrageous injustice represented by the 93 year prison sentence received by Will Foster for growing marijuana to use for medicinal purposes to treat his arthritis. The recent feature on NBC Dateline indicated that parole has been granted and that it awaits only your signature. I implore you to act reasonably and sensibly and let Mr. Foster return to his wife and children and once again become a productive member of society. If Foster lived in California he would have been within his rights to act as he did due the passage of the Compassionate Use Initiative Proposition 215. For him to be spending more time behind bars than Oklahoma has been a state is beyond ludicrous. I am confident you will sign this parole document soon and help diminish some of the negative nationwide press the fine state of Oklahoma has endured as a result of this travesty of justice. Mark Greer PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (805) 548 6223 ALWAYS INCLUDE YOUR NAME CITY STATE AND PHONE - ONLY YOUR NAME AND CITY WILL BE PUBLISHED WRITE AWAY! *** Mark Greer DrugSense MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.DrugSense.org/ http://www.mapinc.org *** Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 17:33:21 -0700 To: ukcia-l@sorted.org, mattalk@islandnet.com, maptalk@mapinc.org, drctalk@drcnet.org, dpfca@drugsense.org From: R Givens (rgivens@sirius.com) Subject: Foster Parole: Keating's e-mail address ***new*** governor@oklaosf.state.ok.us Contacts for Oklahoma Governor Keating's office: Phone:(405) 521-2342 Fax (405) 523-4224 Fax (405) 522-3492 Web users can contact Gov. Keating (THE GOVERNOR OF OKLAHOMA), via a web form at: http://www.state.ok.us/osfdocs/gov_mail.html Gov. Keating's wife, Cathy Keating at: cathy.keating@oklaosf.state.ok.us
------------------------------------------------------------------- DEA Agent To Stand Trial ('The Edmond Sun' In Oklahoma Says Kevin Dewayne Waters, A Drug Enforcement Administration Agent In Oklahoma City, Was Ordered Thursday To Stand Trial On Charges Of Making A Lewd Or Indecent Proposal To A 15-Year-Old Girl Over The Internet) Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 16:57:30 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OK: DEA Agent To Stand Trial Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Michael Pearson (oknorml@swbell.net) Source: Edmond Sun (OK) X Contact: letters@edmondsun.com Website: http://www.edmondsun.com/ Pubdate: 9 Sept 1998 Author: Mcnelly Torres DEA AGENT TO STAND TRIAL A 36-year-old agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration was ordered Thursday to stand trial on charges of a making a lewd or indecent proposal to a child under the age of 16. Charges against Kevin Dewayne Waters of Edmond stem from a May 9 incident in which Waters allegedly used "a computer or the Internet" to proposition a teen-age girl. Waters, who was working with the DEA in Oklahoma City, had allegedly made numerous indecent proposals to the 15-year-old Lawton girl while communicating through the Internet. During a search of his Edmond home, officers seized a computer containing a large amount of pornographic material, Commanche County Assistant District Attorney Bill Riley said Wednesday. Waters was initially charged with attempting to use a computer network to violate Oklahoma statutes. Those charges were amended shortly after the preliminary hearing began Thursday in Comanche County District Court before Special District Judge David Lewis. Waters has been placed on suspension without pay by the DEA and is to be formally arraigned by Oct. 9. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison. During Thursday's hearing, Cindy Miller, a relative of the girl, testified that she contacted Lawton Police in April because a man on the Internet wanted to meet her teen relative. She said the man had talked to her relative in a provocative manner for a couple of weeks and was insisting on meeting her in Lawton. The man, she said, had expressed his desire to "come to Lawton and have sex with the teen" during a conversation in an Internet chat room. When Miller talked to Lawton Detective Cliff Blasengame, he asked her to print copies of the conversations. "The detective had asked us to cooperate and talk to this person, but (the teen) was scared," she said. So, posing as a 15-year-old girl, Miller said she talked to the man numerous times for a couple of weeks, reporting her conversations to Blasengame. The detective said he warned her not to initiate any provocative conversations. Miller copied the conversations that took place through America Online's "instant messenger," a feature that allows people to send private messages to people over the Internet. The man with whom the teen was having conversations had called himself "Squirrel Shoot," and Miller said she had placed him in her "buddy list" of friends with whom she talked frequently. She also testified that she placed the number 15 after her user name to represent her age. Miller said any Internet user could read her online profile, where her alleged age was stated. Miller, 41, said she knew when "Squirrel Shoot" was online because her buddy list would indicate he had signed into the Internet. "He said his name was Kent," she said, adding that the man began talking dirty right away and wanted to meet her in Lawton. On May 9, they agreed to meet at Central Mall. "He wanted an address, and later we decided on a public place," she said. Waters had asked Miller to wear a denim skirt and a purple blouse, she said. A 12-year-old girl was to pose as the 15-year-old during the meeting at the mall. The decoy was instructed to buy a soda and sit by a water fountain and wait to see if the man would show up. "We instructed her to drop the soda when the man approached her and identified himself," Blasengame said. Working with another detective, Blasengame sat near the area and watched until he noticed a man walking by, staring at the girl. Blasengame said the decoy's mother and grandmother were also watching, in order to protect the girl. "He sat down and looked at her and then went inside a store, but kept staring toward the girl," he said. Moments later, Waters walked toward the girl, sat close to her and began talking to her, Blasengame said. "They were there talking for a short period of time and then they both got up and began walking," he said, adding that the girl then dropped her drink as she had been told to. Blasengame said detectives moved in and arrested Waters. The 12-year-old girl testified essentially to the same story as Blasengame did. Under questioning by Waters' attorney, J.W. Coyle III, the decoy girl said Waters never asked her to go to a secluded area alone with him. The last witness to testify, Police Lt. Charles Whitis, said Waters told officers he was a DEA agent shortly after he was arrested. Whitis said Waters indicated that his credentials were in his car. "(Waters) said, 'Can we talk this out?'" Whitis said. The detective also said a videotaped statement was taken from the defendant, who insisted that he didn't know the girl was a minor. Copyright 1998 The Edmond Evening Sun.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hernandez Shooting - Marine Mistakes Led To Death ('The Associated Press' Says An Internal Military Report Obtained Through The Freedom Of Information Act By 'The San Antonio Current' Indicates US Marines On An Anti-Drug 'Surveillance' Patrol Who Fatally Shot Esequiel Hernandez, Jr., A West Texas Teen-Ager, Were Not Adequately Trained For An Anti-Drug Operation That Placed The Combat-Ready Troops Among Civilians) Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:45:53 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: WIRE: Hernandez Shooting: Marine Mistakes Led to Death Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: kevzeese@laser.net (kevin b. zeese) Pubdate: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 Source: Associated Press REPORT: MARINES INADEQUATELY TRAINED FOR MISSION THAT ENDED IN DEATH EL PASO, Texas (AP) - Marines involved in the fatal shooting of a West Texas teen-ager were not adequately trained for an anti-drug operation that placed the combat-ready troops among civilians, a military report says. In the harshest official criticism of the operation yet released, the internal report also said commanders did not do enough to prevent escalation of the Marines' encounter last year with Esequiel Hernandez, Jr. The mission ``appears to have been viewed at every level of Marine Corps command as more of a training opportunity than a real world deployment. The failure to appreciate the difference had tragic consequences,'' wrote retired Marine Maj. Gen. John T. Coyne, who investigated the shooting. The report was initially obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by the San Antonio Current, a weekly newspaper. The report specifically said brief training on the appropriate use of force did not balance combat responses drilled into Marines. ``Basic Marine Corps combat training instills an aggressive spirit while teaching combat skills,'' Coyne said. ``More is needed to place young fully armed Marines in a domestic environment to perform non-combat duties.'' Calls to the military requesting comment Wednesday were referred to Lt. Col. Scott Campbell at Marine Corps headquarters. Campbell did not return a phone call Wednesday from The Associated Press. The Marine Corps has previously rebutted the report in a written response denying the contention that military officials failed to recognize the operation as a real mission. The rebuttal further argues that Coyne arbitrarily concluded the training was inadequate. It notes several investigations, including those conducted by state and federal grand juries, which concluded the Marines followed established rules of engagement and civil rules regarding the use of force. ``Mr. Hernandez is dead neither because of inadequate training, nor insufficient training time, nor improper adherence to the ''rules of engagement, the Marine Corps response said. Hernandez, 18, was killed May 20, 1997, after crossing paths with a four-man Marine team conducting anti-drug surveillance in Redford, 200 miles southeast of El Paso, at the request of the Border Patrol. Hernandez, who was herding goats near the Rio Grande, fired at the Marines twice and had raised his .22-caliber rifle a third time when team leader Cpl. Clemente Banuelos shot him once with an M-16, according to the military. No motive was ever given for Hernandez's actions and his family disputes the military's story. Relatives said the 10th grader would never knowingly have shot at anyone and only carried the rifle to protect his livestock from wild dogs and occasionally shoot targets. The shooting led to the suspension of armed military patrols on the border and a national outcry among civil rights advocates, who said the report Wednesday proves the patrols are wrong. ``The whole sense of the report was that the military should not be involved in domestic law enforcement,'' said Kevin Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy, a nonprofit educational group based in Falls Church, Va. ``They are not prepared for it. They're not trained for it. They're inappropriate for it.'' A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Jim Traficant, D-Ohio, who supports the use of troops in drug interdiction, said the shooting underscored the need for good training, but does not mean the military should not be used. ``Just about every month in America there's going to be an accidental shooting by law enforcement officers. It happens,'' said Traficant chief of staff Paul Marcone. ``Does that mean you stop doing aggressive law enforcement? No. It just means you give proper training.'' Coyne's investigation did not address the appropriateness of the Redford mission, focusing instead on the specific actions leading to the shooting. He agreed Banuelos was acting according to his training and had committed no crime. The report did question some of Banuelos' actions, including his decision to follow Hernandez after the initial gunfire. Coyne also said mission commander Capt. Lance McDaniel, who was tracking the situation by radio from a command center more than 60 miles away, was too passive in deferring to Banuelos' judgment. The investigation said the commander and other supervisors had disagreed with a corporal's decision in the command center to authorize Banuelos to return fire, but did not immediately correct it. ``He (McDaniel) should have made a more aggressive effort to obtain the facts and control the tactical decision making process,'' the report said. U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Immigration Subcommittee, who has launched an independent investigation, said the report shows Hernandez's death was the result of a botched operation. ``There was poor training and preparation, inept coordination and a lack of management control,'' Smith said in a statement. ``While I don't agree with all the conclusions of the report, at least it is an effort by the Department of Defense to find the truth and hold people accountable.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Ralliers Need To Find New Date ('The Wisconsin State Journal' Says The City Of Madison, Wisconsin, Wants To Limit The Constitutional Rights Of Marijuana Law Reform Advocates For The Convenience Of Officials) Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 14:19:35 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WI: Marijuana Ralliers Need To Find New Date Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Wisconsin State Journal (WI) Contact: wsjopine@statejournal.madison.com LTE: Editor, Wisconsin State Journal, POB 8058, Madison, WI 53708 Website: http://www.madison.com/ Pubdate: September 9, 1998 Hawk's note: [In Gainesville Florida during the University of Florida's homecoming weekend this year, HempFest '98, an annual event extolling the benefits of hemp and marijuana will be held. Here in Madtown hopefully we can convince the mayor to relent on this.] MARIJUANA RALLIERS NEED TO FIND NEW DATE The city of Madison intends to snuff Ben Masel's request for a pro-marijuana rally and march -- but just on Oct. 10, mayor's chief of stagg Enis Ragland said. The annual rally often attracts several thousand people but usually causes few problems. The city, however, doesn't have the resources to police the rally and the UW-Madison homecoming football game that day, Ragland said. The marijuana supporters may stage a rally and march any other weekend in October, Ragland said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Couple Ask For Bail During Appeals (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The New Haven Register' Says Lawyers For James V. Monaco, 79, Of Branford, Connecticut, And His Wife Of 50 Years, Mary, 72, Both Imprisoned At Medical Facilities In Texas, Asked An Appeals Court In New York Tuesday To Release Them On Bail Pending Their Appeal Of Federal Convictions For Laundering Illegal Drug Profits For Their 'Evil Son') Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:18:34 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US NY/CT: Couple Ask For Bail During Appeals Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: General Pulaski Source: New Haven Register (CT) Contact: editor@ctcentral.com Website: http://www.ctcentral.com/ Pubdate: 9 Sep 1998 Author: Associated Press COUPLE ASK FOR BAIL DURING APPEALS NEW YORK - Lawyers for an elderly and ailing Connecticut couple asked an appeals court Tuesday to release them on bail pending appeal of federal convictions for laundering illegal drug profits for their "evil son." James V. Monaco, 79, of Branford, Conn., and his wife of 50 years, Mary, 72, were convicted in Hartford, Conn., in February. Monaco was sentenced in July to five years in prison, and Mary Monaco to five years and 10 months. Both are imprisoned at medical facilities in Texas. Monaco has about two years to live, defense lawyer Jeremiah Donovan told the judges. "He has congestive heart trouble and can't walk a city block," Donovan said. "He takes 11 different medicines every day." Donovan said Monaco also has high-blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, gout and arthritis. He said his client, a house painter until he was 70, lived in the same community virtually all of his life before his imprisonment at the Federal Medical Center for Men at Fort Worth. William T. Koch Jr., Mary Monaco's lawyer, told the judges that his client, imprisoned at the Carswell Federal Medical Center for Women, took care of her husband at home despite her own medical problems. He said Mary Monaco has a heart blockage and needs treatment. She also suffers from depression, hypertension, numbness in her hands, dizzy spells, and back and shoulder problems, he said. Donovan told the judges that the Monacos "have an evil son in Florida," a reference to James R. "Jimmy" Monaco, 49, who is serving 55 years in a federal prison in Illinois for drug trafficking in Florida. "Every time he went to jail he would send them a big chunk of money," Donovan said. When he wanted the money or property returned, they would give it to him, Donovan said. Koch argued that prosecutors had never shown the Monacos took part in any illegal transactions after the October 1986 date that the money laundering statute, under which they were convicted, took effect. Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark G. Califano said the Monacos carried out dozens of transactions after October 1986 and had hidden assets, including a Ferrari and large sums of money, that have never been recovered. Califano also noted that the Monacos continue to be able to afford private defense and appellate lawyers even though they are in prison. The three judges reserved decision on the bail applications. The Monacos have four children and four grandchildren. Their son, David, and their daughter, Linda DeMaio, also were imprisoned in connection with the conspiracy. David J. Monaco, 38, joined his parents in requesting bail pending appeal. DeMaio, 46, did not. David Monaco is serving 61/2 years at a prison in Lewisburg, Pa., for his role in the drug operation. DeMaio, a former Middlefield, Conn. town clerk, is in a prison in Alderson, W. Va., serving a 5-year sentence.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Treatment Works, Should Be Funded - US Study ('Reuters' Says A Report Released Wednesday By SAMHSA, The Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration, Shows Treatment For Adult 'Drug Abusers' Works, Is Cheaper And More Effective Than Jail, And Should Receive More Funding - But Drug Treatment Programs Do Not Seem To Help Adolescents, Who Increased Alcohol Use By 14 Percent And Crack Cocaine Use By More Than 200 Percent After Treatment - No Mention Is Made Of Who Was Coerced Into Treatment, Who Sought It, And How Their Outcomes May Have Differed) From: "Todd McCormick" (todd@a-vision.com) To: "DRC LIST" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Drug treatment works, should be funded - US study Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:01:36 -0700 Wednesday September 9, 3:53 pm Eastern Time Drug treatment works, should be funded - US study By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent WASHINGTON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Treatment for drug abusers works, is cheaper and more effective than jail, and should receive more funding, a report released on Wednesday shows. The report, timed to coincide with the final budget battles in Congress, is the first long-term look at whether treatment for substance abuse works. It does, at least for adults. There is a big exception. Drug treatment programs do not seem to help adolescents -- who increased alcohol use by 14 percent and crack use by more than 200 percent after treatment. But Camille Barry, acting director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, told a news conference that the long-term effects of treatment are better than expected. ``We found that five years after treatment there is a 21 percent reduction in illicit drug use and a 14 percent drop in alcohol use, in spite of the fact that 44 percent of those in the sample had been in treatment less than one month,'' she said. The study, based on interviews with 1,799 people five years after they underwent drug treatment programs, found a 45 percent drop in cocaine use, a 28 percent drop in marijuana use and a 14 percent decrease in heroin use. ``What we found was that five years following treatment there were 156,000 fewer users of any illicit drug, and those that did continue to use alcohol or illicit drugs used them less frequently than before,'' Barry added. ``Alcohol and drug treatment programs produce results. They have long lasting, enduring benefits for people in need of help,'' said Nelba Chavez, administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which conducted the study, told the news conference. The report found criminal behavior by drug users and alcoholics dropped by between 23 and 38 percent after treatment. It showed many had better physical and mental health, more reliable housing and managed to keep custody of their children, or win it back. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who heads the Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the study showed treatment prevented ``a gigantic amount of damage to American society''. ``It certainly works better than locking them up,'' he added - pointing out that it costs more than $100,000 a year, on average, to keep someone in jail. McCaffrey noted the weaknesses in the program. ``We're not very smart about dealing with children,'' he said. ``We have got to do better on dealing with adolescent drug addiction behavior because they are costing us a fortune.'' He said he was meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala to figure out ways to get more money for drug treatment programs. He said both House and Senate committees working on the budget had turned down provisions for $200 million for drug treatment programs. ``If we don't put that $200 million investment into it I guarantee you there is going to be increased suffering and you and I are going to pay for it,'' he said. McCaffrey said about 4 million Americans are ``screwed up beyond belief'' by drug and alcohol addiction. ``We manage them through emergency rooms and the prison system. If they get HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) we'll probably pay a quarter of a million dollars to manage them through a painful death,'' he added. Treatment facilities included methadone clinics, which give out a legal substitute for heroin, hospital inpatient clinics and outpatient clinics. Long-term residential treatment programs worked the best, the study found, except for crack and heroin users.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'My Kid Doesn't Smoke Pot . . .' (Text Of A Television Advertisement From The White House Office Of National Drug Control Policy That The Federal Government Thought Was More Important Than Funding Untold Drug Treatment Slots) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:22:53 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: ONDCP/PDFA: "My Kid Doesn't Smoke Pot. . ." Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Carl Olsen Source: Des Moines Register (IA) Contact: letters@news.dmreg.com Fax: (515) 286-2511 Website: http://www.dmregister.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 09 Jul 98 Author: ONDCP/PDFA Headline by Editor "My kid doesn't smoke pot. He's either at school, soccer practice, piano lessons or at a friend's house." "I usually get stoned at school, after soccer practice, before piano lessons or at my friend's house." Office of National Drug Control Policy Partnership for a Drug-Free America Just because you know where your kids are doesn't mean you know what they're doing. So if you don't want your children smoking pot, talk to them. For information or assistance, call: 1-800-788-2800 www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov - www.drugfreeamerica.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sick Smokers Cost U.S. $73 Billion Per Year - Study (Reuters publicizes a new accounting by Dorothy Rice of the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California-San Francisco)Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 07:39:15 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: WIRE: Sick Smokers Cost US $73 Billion Per Year - Study Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Pubdate: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 Source: Reuters Author: Andrew QuinnSICK SMOKERS COST U.S. $73 BILLION PER YEAR - STUDY SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - It costs almost $73 billion per year to treat U.S. smokers for medical problems caused by cigarettes -- a figure which dwarfs proposed settlements with the tobacco industry, according to a study released Wednesday. Health economists at the University of California went through published figures for all public and private health care spending and determined that cigarette smoking accounted for about 11.8 percent of total U.S. medical expenditures in 1993, totaling $72.7 billion. ``This is higher than was estimated in the past, and we think that we have used better data, and better modeling to come up with these higher costs,'' said report co-author Dorothy Rice of the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California-San Francisco. The new research, published in the September issue of Public Health Reports, indicates that smoking-related illnesses cost the United States far more than just the estimated $12.9 billion spent in 1993 by Medicaid, the state-federal health care program for the poor. It also estimates a far higher total cost than the $50 billion projected by an earlier research study, a difference Rice and her colleagues attributed to more precise statistical analysis. According to official figures, roughly 23 percent of Americans smoke, ranging from a high of more than 30 percent of Kentucky adults to a low of 16 percent of adults in Utah. The report analyzed health care data for each of the 50 U.S. states and found that California spent the most money treating its smokers with health care costs reaching about $9 billion, including about $1.7 billion in Medicaid payments. New York followed with $6.6 billion in medical costs, while Wyoming spent the least at just $80 million per year. Taken as a whole, however, the costs of treating sick U.S. cigarette smokers over a number of years are far larger than the proposed -- and aborted -- $368.5 billion settlement the states' attorneys general negotiated last year in a deal with the tobacco industry. That agreement, originally intended to compensate states for their smoking-related Medicaid costs, was widely criticized by health groups and politicians who felt it was too lenient on the tobacco companies, and eventually fell apart after Congress refused to back it. Now, new dealings are underway between a number of states and representatives of the tobacco companies. So far, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and Minnesota have reached such deals worth a total of $36 billion. But Rice said the new research indicated the states might not be asking for enough. ``Most of the states have just been suing the tobacco industry to recoup the Medicaid costs,'' Rice said. ``Having the total picture really indicates that there are additional costs to Medicaid that have not been accounted for.'' Minnesota, for example, this month took the first payment of a record $6.17 billion settlement with the tobacco companies. But Rice's report shows that Minnesota spends a total of about $1.2 billion per year treating sick cigarette smokers -- meaning the tobacco pay-off will run out long before the state's supply of sick smokers. ``My feeling is that we really must strive to be a smoke-free society in order to hold down our costs,'' Rice said. ''We must convince our children not to take up smoking, not to become addicted...and thereby not be subject to the health hazards associated with smoking.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Compassion Club' Applauds Court Pot Ruling ('The Vancouver Sun' Says An Illicit Medical Marijuana Dispensary In Vancouver, British Columbia, Has Applauded The Decision Of A Vancouver Provincial Court Judge To Give A Man With Glaucoma A Conditional Discharge For Selling Cannabis To The Club)Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 06:03:53 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: 'Compassion Club' Applauds Court Pot Ruling Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: chris@thecompassionclub.org Source: Vancouver Sun (Canada) Section: B4 Contact: sunletters@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouversun.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 Author: Neal Hall, Sun court reporter 'COMPASSION CLUB' APPLAUDS COURT POT RULING A group selling marijuana for medicinal use is pleased An organization that sells marijuana for medicinal use applauded Tuesday the decision of a Vancouver provincial court judge to give a man with glaucoma a conditional discharge for trafficking marijuana. "I think it's fabulous," said Eren Coyle, a director and staff member of the Compasson Club, which sells small amounts of marijuana for medicinal use to its 500 members for about $8 a gram. "I think it means a lot for people growing their own medicine," she said. "I think it gives them encouragement that they will not be persecuted." Coyle said she hopes the decision by Judge Jane Godfrey will lead to the decriminalization of marijuana for medicinal use in Canada. Godfrey granted the conditional discharge to Stanley Czolowski, 44, of Vancouver, who was caught growing mairjuana worth up to $50,000 in his Vancouver home. The judgement appears to be the first ruling of its kind in Canada. An Ontario judge ruled last December that Canada's drug laws unfairly denied the right of a Toronto man with epilepsy to use marijuana as an effective medication for his condition. But the ruling in Czolowski's case was believed to be the first involving a trafficking charge and a substantial amount of the drug. The judge said in her ruling that she had "extreme sympathy" for Czolowski's personal situation. He suffers from pressure in the eyeball, deteriorating vision, and fatigue from drugs other than marijuana, which he said helps him combat the crushing pain and nausea. The federal Crown, which prosecutes drug cases in Canada, declined to comment when asked if the Crown planned to appeal the Czolowski case. B.C. Attorney-General Ujjal Dosanjh also declined to comment on the case, said Curtis Albertson, senior issues management officer with the attorney-general's ministry. Vancouver police, who did not return phone calls about the matter Tuesday, raided Czolowski's rented Marpole-area home in August last year and seized more than 60 plants. He was selling the drug to the Compassion Club and using some for his own medicinal purposes. He was charged with possession of three kilograms of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. He admitted he was guilty but argued marijuana was the only drug without side-effects he can take to combat his condition. The conditions imposed on Czolowski are that he keep the peace and be of good behavior for one year. If he meets those conditions, the freelance photographer will have no criminal record.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Decision No Joy For Accused ('The Province' In Vancouver, British Columbia, Notes Stanley Czolowski, The Impoverished Vancouver Medical Marijuana Patient And Cultivator Behind A Precedent-Setting Court Decision Over Trafficking, Has Been Traumatized By His Brush With The Law) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:47:49 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Pot Decision No Joy For Accused Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: chris@thecompassionclub.org Pubdate: September 9, 1998 Source: Province, The (Vancouver, B.C.) Contact: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouverprovince.com/newsite/news-c.html Author: Holly Horwood, staff reporter POT DECISION NO JOY FOR ACCUSED Charges, court case 'extremely stressful' The Vancouver man behind a precedent-setting court decision over trafficking in medicinal marijuana isn't jumping for joy. Stanley Czolowski, 44, who received a conditional discharge -- no criminal record, no jail time, no fines -- for using and selling marijuana for health purposes, isn't a happy camper. "It's been extremely stressful," complained Czolowski, who had $2,500 worth of growing equipment seized by police and must agree to "keep the peace" for a year. "I live basically a life of poverty. I'm struggling to keep my head above water, and cannabis has always helped me with my situation . . . it's difficult now." Czolowski, who pleaded guilty, could have received up to life imprisonment. But at a one-day sentencing hearing before provincial court Judge Jane Godfrey, Czolowski's lawyer, John Conroy, said his client used marijuana and traditional medicine to treat problems of glaucoma. No appeals have been filed from either side. "I have no difficulty whatsoever in understanding his personal motivation and I have extreme sympathy for his persional situation," concluded Godfrey. Czolowski also sold his home-grown pot -- police estimate the value of his plants at up to $50,000 -- although Czolowski disputes the figure. Down at the Compassion Club, an east Vancouver storefront lounge that distributes pot -- some of it from Czolowski's plants -- as well as holistic medicine and services to its mainly female clientele, the ruling is being greeted with joy. "It's a tremendous decision, allowing people to take personal responsibility for their own health and the growth of their own medicine," said Erin Coyle, who helps run the non-profit club. Godfrey made it clear she considers the case unique. But her decision shocked Vancouver RCMP Sgt. Chuck Doucette, the provincial co-ordinator with the force's drug-awareness program. "I can understand a judge being supportive, but it's another issue altogether when he's selling to other people," said Doucette, who wants to talk to prosecutors about the evidence they presented. "It [trafficking] is clearly against the present Canadian laws, so the judge's decision is very surprising."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Case Dismissed ('The Toronto Star' Says An Ontario Judge Dismissed AIDS Patient James Wakeford's Lawsuit Tuesday Demanding That The Federal Government Supply Him With Medical Marijuana)Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 08:39:42 -0400 To: mattalk@islandnet.com From: Dave Haans (haans@chass.utoronto.ca) Subject: TorStar: Marijuana case dismissed Newshawk: Dave Haans Source: The Toronto Star Pubdate: Wednesday, September 9, 1998 Page: A23 Website: http://www.thestar.com Contact: lettertoed@thestar.com Marijuana case dismissed FROM CANADIAN PRESS A judge in Toronto has dismissed an AIDS sufferer's request to be allowed to use marijuana to control the side effects of his medication. Jim Wakeford, 53, launched his suit in February, saying laws banning the use of marijuana violate his Charter rights. But yesterday, an Ontario Court, general division judge dismissed the application. Wakeford's lawyer, Alan Young, said he will take the application to the Ontario Court of appeal. Young said, although the judge clearly recognized that marijuana has medicinal value, he suggested it is up to Parliament to change the laws. Wakefield [sic] has been using marijuana for the last few years to combat the violent nausea and appetite loss caused by the AIDS drugs he must take. Wakeford was in hospital twice earlier this year, once for malnutrition and once for liver failure caused by malnutrition. Wakeford has said that anti-nausea drugs don't help.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Colombia Calls Drug Crop Eradication A Failure (According To 'Reuters,' Ruben Olarte, The Newly-Appointed Chief Of The Federal Government's Anti-Narcotics Office, Branded The Country's US-Backed Coca Eradication Program A Failure On Wednesday, Saying It Had Done Nothing To Halt A Steady Increase In Illicit Drug Plantations) From: Ty Trippet (TTrippet@sorosny.org) To: TLC_ACTIVIST (TLCACT@sorosny.org) Subject: Reuters: Colombia Call Drug Crop Eradication A Failure Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 13:04:31 -0400 Sender: owner-tlc-cannabis@server.soros.org BOGOTA, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Colombia's new anti-drugs chief branded the country's U.S.-backed drug crop eradication program a failure on Wednesday, saying it had done nothing to halt a steady increase in illicit drug plantations. "Unfortunately, we have to recognize that crop eradication, in the manner that it has been carried out so far has failed," said Ruben Olarte, the newly-appointed chief of the government's anti-narcotics office. "There is no doubt that there will have to be a profound revision of the crop eradication program," he said. Olarte spoke after a ceremony at the presidential palace where he was sworn in as director of the Colombian government's anti-narcotics office by President Andres Pastrana, who took office last month. Olarte noted that Colombia was estimated to have about 111,193 acres (45,000 hectares) of coca leaf crops -- the raw material for cocaine -- four years ago. But using a figure included in a U.S. embassy statement at the start of 1998, he said the total area of coca crops had since mushroomed to 196,565 acres (79,500 hectares). The increase came despite what the National Police called record eradication efforts last year, in the most ambitious program of its kind in Latin America. The United States has strongly backed Colombia's drug crop eradication program -- which focuses on aerial fumigation with herbicides -- by providing the country with donated aircraft, U.S. crop duster pilots and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) advisers. But Olarte, alluding to recent statement by Pastrana, said the new government would be looking to come up quickly with alternative strategies to the fumigation program. He did not elaborate. But Colombia's leading Marxist rebel group, has offered to assist in crop substitution programs and manual eradication of coca and opium poppy plantations as part of any eventual peace process. Pastrana himself has referred on several occasions to the need for a 1990s-style "Marshall Plan" to clamp down on Colombia's booming drug trade and offer poor peasants true inducements to turn to legal crops. The late Secretary of State George Marshall organized and directed a program named after him to promote recovery in Europe after the Second World War. 21:56 09-09-98 Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Ty Trippet Director of Communications The Lindesmith Center 400 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 212-548-0604 212-548-4670-fax mailto: ttrippet@sorosny.org http://www.lindesmith.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- Teens Ready To Run Risks Of Drug Use (Britain's 'Guardian' Says A New Book Published Today, 'Illegal Leisure,' By Fiona Measham And Judith Aldridge, Which Took Five Years To Research, Shows British Teenagers Are Not Deterred From Using Either Legal Or Illegal Drugs By The Risk Of Arrest, And That Most Teenagers Make Rational Decisions On Drug Use On A 'Cost Benefit' Assessment, And Are Aware Of The Medical Risks) Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:41:02 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: Teens Ready To Run Risks Of Drug Use Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Source: Guardian, The (UK) Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Pubdate: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 Author: Duncan Campbell, Crime Correspondent TEENS READY TO RUN RISKS OF DRUG USE Teenagers are not deterred from drug taking by the risk of arrest, according to a book published today. Alcohol is their most popular drug and regular teenage drinkers are consuming more than ever before, according to the survey. By the age of 18, according to the report, around three out of 10 are regular illegal drug users and twice as many have tried illegal drugs. The survey found that most teenagers made rational decisions on drug use on a "cost benefit" assessment, and were aware of the medical risks. The book, Illegal Leisure, is an account of research over five years which started with a group of 700 14-year-olds at eight schools in the North-west of England. More than 500 stayed with the survey, which is the longest study of its kind in this country. "We live in a society where recreational drug use is becoming normalised," said Fiona Measham, one of the study's authors. "There is a blurring between the illegal like cannabis and the legal like alcohol and tobacco." Fellow author Judith Aldridge, said: "Most (teenagers) are careful and rational consumers, who plan their drug use to occur with friends and in places they feel safe and secure. They often report feeling relaxed, friendly, happy, carefree and confident. These good experiences many times outweigh the bad, especially for drugs like cannabis, amphetamines and ecstasy." The book notes that the risk of being arrested, fined or jailed is not a major deterrent. "The illegality of drug use is... rarely perceived as a key risk factor. This, interestingly, is despite the fact that, in 1996, 40,000 people were cautioned for cannabis possession in England and Wales, compared with 4,000 in 1986." Alcohol, says the report, is usually the first and the most widely used psychoactive drug tried by young people. Around 42 per cent nominated it or tobacco as their "favourite drug". One boy, asked to name his favourite drug, said: "Alcohol. Saying that, I'm not addicted to alcohol like I'm addicted to cigarettes. I really enjoy going out and getting legless because it's so social and you can have a good time." From the age of 14, six out of 10 of those surveyed forgot things after drinking. About a third were worried about a sexual experience when drunk. One girl said: "You know when you're out and that and you're bladdered and you think 'oh, that person's gorgeous', and then you come home and you don't remember a thing. And then when you're out the next week people say 'that's the fella you got off with', and you're just like 'oh, I never'." The small minority who had never had a drink by the age of 16 gave religion, mainly Islam, as a main reason not to indulge. Howard Parker of Manchester University, who led the study, said: "Young people make and remake decisions about drugs from when they reach secondary school right through adolescence and into their twenties... Even so we find young people who have said no to drugs right through their schooldays only to take their first E (ecstasy) in a nightclub during their first term at university." The authors are critical of government strategy on drugs. "The important public policy issues - about how we deal with otherwise law-abiding young citizens caught with drugs in their possession, and about how we ensure the health and safety of young people who use drugs - remain unresolved."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe The Drugs Czar Needs Tested (A Letter To The Editor Of Britain's 'Herald' Wonders Why Keith Hellawell Proposed Drug Test For Scottish Medical Personnel When The Vast Majority Of Tests Detect Only Cannabis, And The Government's Own Studies Show Cannabis Doesn't Cause Impairment) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:11:52 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: PUB LTE: Maybe the Drugs Czar Needs Tested Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Source: Herald, The (UK) Contact: herald@cims.co.uk Website: http://www.theherald.co.uk Pubdate: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 Author: Alun Buffry MAYBE THE DRUGS CZAR NEEDS TESTED IN your report, Drugs czar calls for testing of emergency staff, you say that "Keith Hellawell has called on Scotland's emergency services to lead the way in the anti-abuse war by introducing screening programmes in the workplace". While appreciating the need to ensure that all workers are in a fit condition to do their job, I have to wonder why Mr Hellawell and his bosses are so keen to test almost everybody for illegal drugs. The only advantage I can see to such a policy would be to sell more drug-testing kits. Since the vast majority of these tests detect only cannabis, which could have been absorbed weeks before or even only passively, the results are clearly a waste of time and money. Furthermore, all the official Government-sponsored studies into the effects of cannabis conclude that it has no detrimental effect on either motor or cognitive skills, yet relieves stress and tension. Even a test which did show current intoxication would be no reason to punish the users. Maybe it is the drugs czar himself who should be tested daily, in case someone in his office building unwittingly caused him to passively inhale the healing smoke of the cannabis plant which he has described as "evil". Alun Buffry. Winter Road, Norwich.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, Number 63 (A Summary Of Drug Policy News From The Media Awareness Project) Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 12:33:33 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: DrugSense Weekly, September 9, 1998 No. 063 *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY In about 10 minutes a week you can stay aware and informed on drug policy developments worldwide. Consider investing another 10 minutes to write a letter to the editor using the email addresses provided in this publication. You CAN make a difference! *** DrugSense Weekly, September 9, 1998, No. 063 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org/ *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article A Review of the London Conference On Med MJ by Dr. Tom O'Connell *Weekly News In Review National News- Marijuana: A New Phase Medical Marijuana Battles Continue Police-Growers Enter the Harvest Season The Drug War Continues to Prove Itself Bad for Kids National Guard Lobbying for Bigger Drug War Role International and Border News- Iran Proves Death Penalty for Drug Doesn't Work Another Czar Proposed CIA Working With Smugglers Seems Premeditated * Hot Off The 'Net Medical Marijuana Initiative Campaigns on the Web * DrugSense Tip Of The Week "Planet Know" Does Not Know * Obituaries: AIDS Movement Loses Two Leaders * Quote of the Week Jello Biafra * Fact of the Week Your Money at Work (NOT) *** FEATURE ARTICLE A Review of the London Medicinal Marijuana Conference By Dr. Tom O'Connell On Sept. 5th, the first-ever international conference devoted entirely to policy issues surrounding medical use of cannabis was held here at Regent s College in London. Like every other item on the drug policy reform agenda, formal efforts to provide sick patients with access to Cannabis despite a reigning global prohibition paradigm is complicated by the involvement of multiple disciplines and plagued by cultural and national differences. Despite these difficulties, and the fact that what should have been a two or three day agenda was squeezed into one, this remarkable meeting sponsored jointly by London-based Release and New York's Lindesmith Center, was a solid success. By just persuading activists from all over the world to take time from their busy schedules to share information on the experiences acquired in their current efforts on behalf of medical cannabis, the conference dramatized growing recognition of a reality that drug prohibitionists are increasingly hard-pressed to deny: cannabis safely provides unique therapeutic benefits to a large and diverse number of patients. Beyond that, the conferees also discovered that many quite different approaches are currently proving successful. One immediate conclusion that could be drawn is that local realities are more important than abstract policy statements in determining what strategies work best. Another is that the importance of purely medical use of cannabis becomes most important as a discrete issue in those countries like The US and Canada where rigorous enforcement practices create a substantial arrest hazard for patients. In those countries where the likelihood of arrest is low, the need for protective legislation has not come up and the emphasis has been on moving toward the legalization of recreational use. The issues of prohibition rhetoric, particularly as it relates to juvenile access and use, were all discussed, as were potential alternative models for Cannabis regulation. As may be imagined, no firm recommendations in these areas were possible. The conference was recorded and summaries will be published on both the Release and Lindesmith web sites. It s clear to this attendee that the information will be very useful. Tom O'Connell *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW EDITOR'S NOTE: Many thanks to Kevin Zeese for editing this week's news and comments while Tom O'Connell was in London for the MMJ conference. *** COMMENT: Marijuana seems to be entering a new phase in the political life of western nations. In England a conference was held on how to regulate cannabis in the 21st century -- a change from the more traditional question of "whether to" do so. Candidates for attorney general in New York and Arizona admit past marijuana use and say it is not an issue. In New York, Republican Governor Pataki and his Lt. Governor running mate also admitted past use. *** TAXING TALK ON CANNABIS First global conference to address problems of legalised drug If cannabis was legal, who would sell it? How would it be taxed? What restrictions would there be on advertising it? And how would its use be regulated? [snip] Scientists, doctors and lawyers from Europe, Australia and North America are gathering in London for the Cannabis Congress next Saturday, which is being hosted by Release, the drugs advice agency and charity and the Lindesmith Centre, a New York-based drug policy research institute funded by the financier George Soros. [snip] Lindesmith Centre director, Ethan Nadelmann, said: "As support for cannabis reform grows, more policy makers throughout the world are being faced with the challenge of regulating both the use and the distribution of cannabis. This conference will address the challenge of cannabis control and seek practical alternatives as cannabis prohibition continues." [snip] Source: Guardian, The (UK) Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk Author: By Duncan Campbell Pubdate: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n766.a03.html Related Articles: *** A CONTROVERSIAL DRUG WHICH CAN HEAL Source: Associated Press Pubdate: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a09.html *** CANNABIS CONGRESS EXPLORES HOW TO LEGALISE Source: Independent, The (UK) Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ Pubdate: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n771.a01.html *** ATTORNEY GENERAL HOPEFULS ADMIT POT USE 3 out of 4 Democrats running for attorney general say they used marijuana in college Eliot Spitzer smoked pot, and even inhaled. Catherine Abate experimented with marijuana as a college student. Evan Davis smoked some weed at a few parties. At least three of the Democrats who want to be attorney general, the highest law officer in the state, admit to having broken the law -- the same admission that a decade ago forced Supreme Court nominee Douglas H. Ginsburg to withdraw from consideration for the high court. Oliver Koppell simply won't discuss the subject. Today, however, past pot use is apparently a political irrelevancy: Gov. George Pataki recently revealed that he used to mix his marijuana in baked beans, and his running mate, Judge Mary Donohue, admits she smoked in college. [snip] Source: Times Union (NY) Contact: tuletters@timesunion.com Fax: 518-454-5628 Website: http://www.timesunion.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 Author: JOHN CAHER, State editor URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n767.a06.html *** KAITES CALLS PRIMARY FOE A CRIMINAL, ADMITS SMOKING POT PHOENIX - Attorney general hopeful John Kaites insists his opponent's arrest 15 years ago makes him a criminal - even though prosecutors dropped the charges. [snip] But McGovern, while lashing out at Kaites for slinging mud, then signed an affidavit saying he has never smoked marijuana. Attorney General Grant Woods, who backs McGovern, also signed the affidavit - even as he said the issue of someone smoking marijuana is irrelevant to the question of who should be his successor. [snip] . . . His press aide, Kim Harris, later admitted Kaites, while in high school in Pennsylvania, tried marijuana ``once,'' adding that ``he didn't like it.'' [snip] McGovern was charged with possession of a weapon after police, investigating a bar fight in which McGovern was not involved, found a pellet gun in his trunk. The drug charge stems from marijuana residue found in the ashtray of the vehicle he was driving, a car McGovern said belonged to his brother. [snip] Source: Arizona Daily Star (AZ) Contact: letters@azstarnet.com Website: http://www.azstarnet.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a03.html *** Medical Marijuana Battles Continue COMMENT: The DC initiative won a court battle and has a chance to be on the ballot this November. You will recall that in Nevada the reformers also won in court recently. Now, Colorado is getting sued for the way it handled signatures gathered by reformers. The federal lawsuit against selected California buyer's clubs continued this week as a stalemate. The court refused to grant the clubs motion to dismiss the case and told the feds they should expect a jury trial if they want to hold the clubs in contempt. The agency relationship between the Oakland club and the city did not pass muster with the court. Too bad because it was a great opportunity for the availability of controlled medical cannabis. The proprietor of the Oakland Club, Jeff Jones, continued to get great press. In Canada the debate continued with the Pharmacy Journal weighing in while an AIDS patient got busted. In England a medical marijuana farm got off the ground. *** POT PETITIONERS SUE BUCKLEY Supporters of a measure that would legalize the medicinal use of marijuana sued Secretary of State Vikki Buckley on Friday, claiming Buckley has improperly kept the issue off November's ballot. The lawsuit claims that an embattled Buckley, whose office has seen a spate of resignations and firings in the past few years, conducted an error-plagued review of the 88,815 signatures submitted to her by Coloradans for Medical Rights. Using a random sampling technique, Buckley ruled that only 47,960 of the 88,815 signatures were valid and did not meet the 54,242 signatures needed to put the measure on the ballot. [snip] Source: Denver Post (CO) Contact: letters@denverpost.com Website: http://www.denverpost.com Pubdate: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 Author:: Howard Pankratz, Denver Post Legal Affairs Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a10.html *** JUDGE REJECTS OAKLAND'S POT CLUB BUT DENIES IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A federal judge on Monday rejected Oakland's attempt to shield its medical marijuana club from federal drug laws by making it part of city government, but refused to order the immediate shutdown of clubs in Oakland and two other cities. Instead, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer said he may allow a jury to decide whether patients at the clubs need marijuana to relieve pain and survive treatment for cancer, AIDS and other illnesses. Breyer rejected both a request by the Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative to dismiss the federal government's suit and a motion by the government to declare the clubs in contempt of court and close them without a trial. [snip] The club had hoped to win immunity from federal prosecution as a result of Oakland's apparently unprecedented action Aug. 13, previously authorized by the City Council, declaring club officials to be city agents who were distributing marijuana to patients on the city's behalf. In court, the club invoked a federal drug law that protects state and local officers from legal liability while legally enforcing drug-related laws. That law was intended to shield police from prosecution for undercover drug transactions, but its wording also covers city agents who distribute medical marijuana, argued Gerald Uelmen, a Santa Clara University law professor representing the club. [snip] Breyer called the argument "creative" but "not persuasive." He said club employees are not legally enforcing a drug-related law when their "purpose is to violate federal law." Uelmen said the club would appeal the ruling, though he did not know whether an immediate appeal was possible. But Breyer rejected government lawyers' arguments that there was conclusive evidence the clubs were violating his injunction and should be shut down immediately. [snip] Source: Sacramento Bee Contact: opinion@sacbee.com Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: Tues,1 Sep 1998 Author: BOB EGELKO, Associated Press Writer *** JUDGE REJECTS OAKLAND TRY TO SHIELD MEDICAL-POT CLUB Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: 1 Sep 1998 Author: Claire Cooper URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n754.a08.html *** OAKLAND LOSES BID TO SHIELD MEDICAL POT CLUB FROM U.S. Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n756.a03.html *** OAKLAND'S EFFORT TO SHIELD POT CLUB REJECTED Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n757.a01.html *** THE QUIET CRUSADER Jeff Jones has good reason for taking the heat in the medicinal marijuana battle As the cancer stole his father away bit by bit, 14-year-old Jeff Jones would sit by his bedside in their South Dakota home and talk about fishing and camping and other ordinary things a boy might discuss with his father, as though time wasn't running out. [snip] Soft-spoken and shy, Jones, the co-founder and executive director of Oakland's Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, seems an unlikely person to be at the center of one of the biggest political battles in California. [snip] . . Jones' cooperative has been labeled a model program and Oakland has willingly put itself at legal risk for the club by declaring it a city agency in an attempt to shield it from federal attempts to shut it down. [snip] . . . Breyer rejected the Oakland club's novel legal argument that it should be immune from prosecution because its staff had been designated as ``officers of the city'' by Oakland last month -- a status, attorneys for the club argued, that gave it protection under a provision of the Federal Controlled Substances Act. Oakland officials say that despite Breyer's ruling, the club will remain a city-sanctioned agency. [snip] Then he thinks of his father. And he is grounded. [snip] ``I know what I'm doing now is right.'' Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Pubdate: Friday, September 4, 1998 Author: Thaai Walker, Chronicle Staff Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n769.a03.html *** POT AND POLICY [snip] .. . if the polls are correct, a strong majority (83%) of Canadians support legalizing marijuana for medical use, while 51 per cent want it legalized outright. There is some backing in the courts as well, an Ontario judge ruling in December that it is unconstitutional to deprive Terry Parker, a 42-year-old epileptic man, of marijuana for his illness. The decision sends a strong message, and only the most stubborn critics can slight the ruling or the claims of AIDS patients, and those with multiple sclerosis or cancer, who say that smoking pot eases their suffering. [snip] Source: Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal (Official journal of the Canadian Pharmacists Association) Pubdate: February 1998 (Volume 131 Number 1) Section: Editorial, page 3 Author: Andrew Reinboldt Contact: cpj@cyberus.ca Note: The cover story 'The Case for Medical Marijuana,' discussed in this editorial is at: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n768.a07.html *** POLICE BUST AIDS PATIENT WHOSE DOCTORS ADVISED POT USE A Vanier man with AIDS who smokes marijuana on the advice of his doctors was marched out of his house with his wife and 12-year-old son -- hands on their heads -- and arrested shortly before midnight Monday. [snip] "When they came for me, I said 'Oh no, not again,' " Mr. Pariseau said from his home yesterday. "I don't know why they bother me again. I only use it myself and I need it to live." Mr. Pariseau's case received national attention after his first arrest. In November 1997, a group of doctors and lawyers filed a ground-breaking application to the federal government asking that he be allowed to use marijuana because it was prolonging his life. [snip] Source: Ottawa Citizen (Canada) Contact: letters@thecitizen.southam.ca Website: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/ Pubdate: 02 Sept 1998 Author: Jeremy Mercer, The Ottawa Citizen URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a04.html [continues: 86 lines] *** PHARMACOLOGY: HERB REMEDY Exploring ways to administer marijuana as a medicine The exact location is a secret. But somewhere between London and Brighton a compound ringed by high fences and razor wire will house the world's only pot farm primarily devoted to commercial drug development. In June the British Home Office gave a startup pharmaceutical company a license to grow 20,000 marijuana plants of varied strains. [snip] Source: Scientific American (US) Contact: editors@sciam.com Website: http://www.sciam.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 http://www.sciam.com/1998/0998issue/0998scicit1.html URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a11.html *** Police-Growers Enter the Harvest Season COMMENT: The annual ritual begins again. The outdoor marijuana harvest is hitting North America. Police in Canada and the US are beginning their annual futile effort to eradicate a weed that can grow anywhere. In the end, the police will get enough to make them feel like they did their job, but the marijuana market will have another bountiful crop. The only difference this year is that the police may begin to experiment with herbicide spraying in the continental US. *** MARIJUANA HARVEST BRINGS OUT THE AUTHORITIES Helicopters are a sure sign of a fall harvest in Ohio, which ranks among the top 10 states in marijuana growth. Law enforcement officers take to the air to search cornfields for the tall, green plants that stand out and above the yellow ears of corn and tassels. [snip] Source: Cleveland Live News Flash (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Contact: news@cleveland.com Website: http://www.cleveland.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n765.a05.html *** POLICE GET BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF POT FIELDS "You look down into a cornfield and you can see the pot plants in small patches . . . like holes punched out in the middle of the field." [snip] The target: a 5-foot leafy green marijuana plant nestled amid row after row of corn. An officer armed with a machete hacked it down and dragged it away, along with about a half-dozen others. Surrounded by rows of 8-foot cornstalks, the marijuana was all but invisible to anyone on the ground, but not to Wolf, who was looking down at the field from about 500 feet in the air. [snip] Source: Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY) Contact: gazette@dailygazette.com Website: http://www.dailygazette.com Pubdate: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 Author: Brian Nearing - Gazette Reporter URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n767.a05.html *** ILLEGAL CROPS SMOKED OUT Regional drug squad officers gave local marijuana growers a harvest downer yesterday after a pair of raids. In two separate strikes against the booming Ottawa Valley reefer business, police seized plants worth more than $1.7 million -- the bounty of a three-month probe. [snip] In recent years, marijuana cultivation has exploded in the Ottawa Valley. "It's more prevalent for a number of reasons," Davidson said. "The main things are that the overhead is low and there's a very high rate of return." He said police occasionally do flyovers looking for marijuana crops. Pubdate: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 Source: Ottawa Sun (Canada) Contact: oped@sunpub.com Website: http://www.canoe.ca/OttawaSun URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n772.a03.html *** The Drug War Continues to Prove Itself Bad for Kids COMMENT: Mounting evidence that the DARE program doesn't work joined by new evidence that the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act is being misused. The evidence shows that money we could be using to invest in our kids is being wasted on the drug war. Further, kids are being used in undercover stings and getting killed and in Australia parents are spending tens of thousands to hire spies to monitor their kids. *** DARE PROGRAM TO BE REVIEWED FOR CHANGES Houston's $3.7 million DARE program, called "only marginally successful" in a recent report, will not be instituted at area schools again in it present form, Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford said Wednesday. [snip] Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: S.K. BARDWELL URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n762.a03.html Related story: DARE TO END INEFFECTIVE ANTI-DRUG PROGRAM IN HOUSTON Pubdate: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n748.a01.html *** SUNDAY REPORT FAILING GRADE FOR SAFE SCHOOLS PLAN U.S. has given $6 billion to combat drugs, violence. With little oversight, money has gone for marginally successful programs, investigation finds. WASHINGTON--Over the last dozen years, the U.S. Department of Education has poured nearly $6 billion into an ambitious yet flawed program that has fallen far short of its mission to control violence and narcotics abuse in the nation's public schools. [snip] . . . the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act provided an average of $500 million annually to local school districts with virtually no strings attached. The result: Much of the money has been spent on initiatives that either are ineffective or appear to have little to do with reducing youth violence and substance abuse, records and interviews show. . . . taxpayer dollars paid for motivational speakers, puppet shows, tickets to Disneyland, resort weekends and a $6,500 toy police car. Federal funds also are routinely spent on dunking booths, lifeguards and entertainers, including magicians, clowns and a Southern beauty queen, who serenades students with pop hits. [snip] The Los Angeles Unified School District used some of its $8-million grant last year to purchase a new car, four guns, ammunition and an ultrasonic firearms cleaner at the request of a detective who rarely steps foot on school grounds. [snip] In Richmond, Va . . . state education officials spent $16,000 to publish a drug-free party guide that recommends staging activities such as Jell-O wrestling and pageants "where guys dress up in women's wear." [snip] Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 Author: RALPH FRAMMOLINO, Times Staff Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n771.a07.html *** TEEN WAS STRIPPED FOR WIRE, GIRL SAYS Testimony: She says the three suspects accused Chad MacDonald of working for the police, then robbed, beat and killed him. The killers of teen-age police informant Chad MacDonald strip-searched him while hunting for a hidden wire and accused him of working for the police, his girlfriend testified Thursday. The 17-year-old girl's testimony was the first indication - outside of accusations by MacDonald's family - that the boy's work for Brea police could have played a role in his death March 3. [snip] Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: 4 Sep 98 Author:Stuart Pfeifer-OCR URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n766.a07.html *** PARENTS HIRE DRUG SPIES BRISBANE parents are paying private detectives up to $20,000 to spy on their children and find out whether they are using drugs. The detectives are also using private school teenagers to infiltrate peer groups and track other students' drug habits. [snip] Source: Herald Sun (Australia Contact: hseditor@ozemail.com.au Pubdate: Thur, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Ali Lawlor URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n760.a08.html *** National Guard Lobbying for Bigger Drug War Role COMMENT: The National Guard could search your car in seconds -- if you gave them more tax dollars; they could give your police a helicopter, with fuel, maintenance and manpower -- for more money; and they can build your grass roots drug war lobby -- for more money. What looked like cuts in National Guard drug war funding is turning into increases as the Guard becomes an aggressive election year lobbyist, supported by drug war parents groups. You may not want it, but the National Guard will soon be in your backyard. *** NATIONAL GUARD DRUG WAR HITS SNAG ANNVILLE, Pa. (AP) -- With high-tech bomb-detection gear, Pennsylvania National Guard experts can help police narcotics units tell in seconds whether a car door or even a dollar bill contains traces of illegal drugs. [snip] But counter drug programs run by the National Guard in Pennsylvania and other states are reaching a crossroads. The outcome of a budget struggle in Washington could shape governors' future role in the drug war through troops under their command. President Clinton asked Congress to fund National Guard counter drug programs at $148 million in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, down $13 million from this year. That would represent an 18 percent cut since 1997, when the programs got $180 million. States already have had to pull back Guard personnel assigned to counter drug missions, and officials say they cannot absorb additional cuts without permanently losing skilled soldiers. [snip] Once publicity-shy Guard officers, used to playing a support role in the drug war while leaving the headlines to other agencies, have stepped up their lobbying. Officers from several states brought their anti-drug gear to the Capitol in March, and some have invited lawmakers and their staffs to tour the facilities at home. There are signs the campaign is working. Before beginning its August recess, the Senate passed a defense budget that adds $20 million to the president's request. The House added about $10 million in related National Guard support. [snip] McCaffrey said the Guard has a role, through a demand-reduction component that reaches 8,000 communities, but most prevention and treatment programs are run through other federal agencies. Nationwide, up to 4,000 Guard personnel support thousands of drug-control missions each year, helping to train law enforcement personnel, translate conversations from other languages, lend night-vision photographic equipment and trail suspects by helicopter. [snip] Source: (AP) Pubdate: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n770.a08.html *** International News Iran Proves Death Penalty for Drugs Doesn't Work COMMENT: Iran has been a country that uses the death penalty to enforce its drug laws. With the addict population growing, it is one more piece of evidence that even the most brutal drug laws don't work. *** IRAN HAS 1.2 MLN DRUG ADDICTS - OFFICIAL TEHRAN (Reuters) - There are some 1.2 million drug addicts among Iran's 60 million people, a senior official said in remarks published Wednesday. The daily Iran newspaper quoted Mohammad Fallah, the country's top official in charge of fighting drugs, as saying educating the youth would be far more efficient in fighting drugs than using force. Iran is a major transit route for opium and heroin headed to Europe from Afghanistan and Pakistan - the so-called "Golden Crescent." Iranian police killed seven armed drug smugglers in two separate clashes near the Afghan border in the last week, newspapers reported. Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 199 Source: Reuters URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n764.a03.html *** Another Drug Czar Proposed COMMENT: How many drug czars does it take to win the drug war? Barry McCaffery, the national czar, is calling for another czar to handle the Southwest border. As if the problem is a lack of czars. McCaffery knows better. He was in charge of interdiction in the Americas when he was a four star general. He saw first hand that it did not work. Now he is proposing to beef up the failed interdiction policy with more bureaucracy. McCaffery has proven himself good at one thing -- building the drug war apparatus. A czar for the border will mean another lobbyist for interdiction money and the beginning of other areas calling for czars -- the west coast, east coast, Florida, Canadian border, mountain areas and deserts are all czarless but not for long. *** DRUG AGENCIES URGED TO TEAM UP WASHINGTON -- Barry McCaffrey, the nation's director of drug policy, recalled his astonishment during his first tour of U.S.-Mexico border crossings two years ago. "You've got 800 people working at these border crossings," he said, pausing for a moment as he leaned forward in his chair and whispered with wide eyes, "And nobody's in charge." [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 Source: San Antonio Express News Contact: letters@expressnews.com Website: http://www.expressnews.com Author: Mark Helm URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n749.a02.html *** BORDER IDEA IS TOUTED HERE A multi state drug chief, overseeing more law enforcers using better technology, would curtail drug trafficking, corruption and illegal immigration along the U.S.-Mexico border, Barry R. McCaffrey said Monday. McCaffrey, the Clinton administration's director of drug policy, was in San Antonio to stump for what he called a new, long-term initiative to "change the nature of law and order on the border." [snip] Source: San Antonio News-Express Contact: letters@express-news.net Website: http://www.expressnews.com/ Pubdate: 31 Aug 1998 Author: Susana Hayward and Nathalie Trepanier Express-News Staff Writers URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n753.a05.html *** CIA Working With Smugglers Seems Premeditated COMMENT: The explosive issue of whether the CIA knew it was allowing drugs to be smuggled into the United States continues to simmer. A recent letter from the Casey-era CIA shows they wanted to avoid liability for drug crimes. The iF Magazine website contains a series of articles on the issue. *** CONTRA-COCAINE: EVIDENCE OF PREMEDITATION New evidence, now in the public record, strongly suggests that the Reagan administration's tolerance of drug trafficking by the Nicaraguan contras and other clients in the 1980s was premeditated. With almost no notice in the national press, a 1982 letter was introduced into the Congressional Record revealing how CIA Director William J. Casey secretly engineered an exemption sparing the CIA from a legal requirement to report on drug smuggling by agency assets. The exemption was granted by Attorney General William French Smith on Feb. 11, 1982, only two months after President Reagan authorized covert CIA support for the Nicaraguan contra army and some eight months before the first known documentary evidence revealing that the contras had started collaborating with drug traffickers. The exemption suggests that the CIA's tolerance of illicit drug smuggling by its clients during the 1980s was official policy anticipated from the outset, not just an unintended consequence followed by an ad hoc cover-up. [snip] . . . the newly released letter, placed into the Congressional Record by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., on May 7, establishes that Casey foresaw the legal dilemma which the CIA would encounter should federal law require it to report on illicit narcotics smuggling by its agents. Pubdate: July/August 1998 Source: iF Magazine Contact: parry@ix.netcom.com Website: http://www.consortiumnews.com/ Author: Robert Parry URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n759.a07.html *** HOT OFF THE NET The medical marijuana initiative states are getting on the web. You can view the various campaigns at: Alaska campaign web site: http://www.alaskalife.net/AKMR/ Colorado campaign web site: http://www.medicalmarijuana.com/ DC campaign web site: http://www.actupdc.org/ Oregon campaign web site: http://www.teleport.com/~omr/ Washington campaign web site: http://www.eventure.com/i692/ *** TIP OF THE WEEK Planet Know - Does Not Know Forwarded from NewsHawk David Isenberg EDUCATION? Planet-Know http://www.planet-know.net/ Planet-Know is a federal government supported site designed to educate and encourage youth about the dangers of drug use. From: "Tom Hawkins" (thawkins65@email.msn.com) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 23:26:59 -0700 Here's the e-mail addresses for feedback to Planet Know, the teen anti-drug site, as gleaned from their feedback form. Let 'em have it. :-) bkeating@health.org lew@health.org John_S._Hale@ondcp.eop.gov Keep fighting peacefully, Tom Hawkins *** OBITUARIES AIDS Movement Loses Two Leaders This week the AIDS movement lost two leaders. First, Renee Edginton, the founder of the first needle exchange program in Los Angeles died after an automobile accident in South Africa. She was returning from the wedding of a friend. Second, Jonathan Mann and his wife, Mary-Lou Clements Mann, an AIDS researcher died in the Swissair crash. Mann understood how human rights and health were connected. (He made sure Harvard Medical School students were given the Universal Declaration of Human Rights along with the Hippocratic oath upon graduation.) At a Drug Policy Foundation conference several years ago when discussing how drug policy affected human rights he made the point that the current drug war not only violated human rights -- it also undermined health. His approach to drugs recognized that people who use drugs should be treated with dignity and respect, and provided with basic health care (i.e. have their basic human rights recognized.) An Associated Press story on Jonathan Mann is reprinted below. *** September 3, 1998 AIDS Researcher Among Jet Victims By The Associated Press Dr. Jonathan Mann, who became known as the outspoken head of the World Health Organization's AIDS program when the disease exploded in the 1980s, was among the 229 people killed in the crash of Swissair Flight 111. Mann, 51, was dean of Allegheny University of the Health Sciences' School of Public Health in Philadelphia, formerly known as Hahnemann University Hospital. Mann resigned in December from Harvard University's School of Public Health, where he was a professor of international health and epidemiology. He was also director of Harvard's Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center of Health and Human Rights. The Boston native headed the WHO's AIDS program from 1986 until 1990, when he resigned amid a bitter clash with Hiroshi Nakajima, then WHO's director-general. Nakajima's attitude ``completely paralyzed our efforts,'' Mann said then. ``It's a terrific loss for the whole AIDS community because his name and voice are very familiar to anybody who works on this issue,'' Larry Kessler, executive director of the AIDS Action Committee of Boston, said of Mann's death. ``I think his only regret was that he could never find enough money worldwide that would make a big enough dent in this epidemic,'' he said. Mary-Lou Clements-Mann, who was with her husband on the plane, also was a noted AIDS researcher who taught at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. She was working on developing AIDS vaccines. Mann had intended as a medical student to become an eye doctor, but fast became interested in public health when he went to New Mexico after graduation to work for the Centers for Disease Control. Two years later, in 1977, he moved to the state's public health department and held various positions, including state epidemiologist. He stayed in New Mexico for 10 years and was credited with helping control bubonic plague there. After that, Mann said he needed a change and took an offer to spend a year in Zaire setting up an AIDS research facility under the auspices of the WHO. A memorial observance was scheduled for today, Leclair said. *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK `Don't hate the media. Become the media' - Jello Biafra *** FACT OF THE WEEK From 1985 to 1995, the federal drug control budget has increased almost five-fold, from about $2.7 billion to about $13.25 billion. Yet, in that same period the percentage of 12th grade students that reported marijuana as "fairly easy" or "very easy" to obtain increased from 85.5% in 1985 to 89.6% in 1995. Sources: Office of National Drug Control Policy, The National Drug Control Strategy, 1997, Budget Summary, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1997, February), p. 22; Johnston, L., Bachman, J. &; O'Malley, P., National Survey Results from the Monitoring the Future Study, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1996), Vol. 1, p. 270, Table 30. *** DrugSense Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. News/COMMENTS-Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Guest-Editor: Kevin B. Zeese (kevzeese@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors and Newshawks. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Send any news articles you find on any drug related issue to editor@mapinc.org PLEASE HELP: DrugSense provides this service at no charge BUT IT IS NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. If you are able to help by contributing to the DrugSense effort please Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your contribution to: Mark Greer Executive Director DrugSense PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (800) 266 5759 MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.mapinc.org/ http://www.drugsense.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------
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