------------------------------------------------------------------- Oregon Marijuana Ballot Measure Learns From The California Experience ('The Associated Press' Suggests The Proposed Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, Which Would Benefit About 500 People, Is Superior To The California Compassionate Use Act Of 1996, Approved By 56 Percent Of Voters, Because The OMMA Would Arbitrarily Limit Physicians From Recommending Cannabis For Many Life-Threatening Illnesses, Would Arbitrarily Limit The Amount Of Medicine A Patient Could Possess Or Grow, And Would Require Patients To Register With The State, Like Jews In Nazi Germany) Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 19:23:19 -0500 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US OR: Oregon Marijuana Ballot Measure Learns From The California Experience Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Wire, The Associated Press Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Author: AMALIE YOUNG The Associated Press OREGON MARIJUANA BALLOT MEASURE LEARNS FOR THE CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCE PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- The spasms in her back and legs begin at night. Half asleep, her twisting, jerking limbs rock her awake. There is little Jeanelle Bluhm can do -- legally -- to relax the grip of multiple sclerosis. So every night, Bluhm draws her curtains, props herself up in a chair and fires up a pipeful of the only thing that gives her relief -- marijuana. "I don't care what has been proven," she said. "I only know what works for me." Bluhm, a 46-year-old former nurse who gets around her house in a motorized scooter, helped gather signatures for a ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana in Oregon for medical uses. Opponents say illnesses will only become a ruse to allow the widespread smoking of pot. They point to California's two-year medical marijuana experience, where cannabis buyers clubs have sprouted up and local ordinances allow patients under marijuana therapy to keep up to 1 1/2 pounds of pot. But backers say they have learned their lessons from California, and have drawn Oregon's measure to tightly control the amounts of prescribed pot and ensure that it only goes to those who truly need it. "It's absurd that doctors can't prescribe this centuries-old medication when they can legally prescribe morphine or cocaine," said Rick Bayer, a Portland physician and chief petitioner who worked to qualify the initiative for the November ballot. Under Oregon's proposal, marijuana would only be allowed to treat a limited number of illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS and glaucoma. A letter of permission from a doctor would allow a patient to get an identification card issued by the state Health Division. With the card, a patient would have the right to carry up to an ounce of marijuana and grow as many as three marijuana plants to maturity. If the initiative is passed, Bayer estimates that about 500 people would apply for an ID card in the first year. A group called Oregonians Against Dangerous Drugs is putting up a fight, arguing that the state is not equipped to deal with the bureaucracy the law would create. "It will make the policing of these marijuana laws extremely difficult," said the head of the group, Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Noelle. He warns voters to be wary of any initiative that is part of a national effort by "people who have spent a lot of money trying to legalize marijuana." The measure is unusual in that it is being financed from entirely outside the state. It is sponsored by the California-based Americans for Medical Rights, which has the backing of billionaire philanthropist George Soros of New York, insurance mogul Peter Lewis of Cleveland, and John Sperling, founder and president of the University of Phoenix. The three men worked to persuade Californians to approve marijuana for medical purposes two years ago. Arizona voters also approved a similar measure in 1996, but it was blocked by the state's legislature. Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington state are all considering medical marijuana laws this year. Dave Fratello, spokesman for Americans for Medical Rights, said California's measure was written "more as a statement of principle than a law," that included nothing about how marijuana would be supplied. "We decided to write the laws more carefully in Oregon." For Bluhm, who smokes marijuana twice a day -- once in the morning and once at night -- the law would allow her to grow her own weed and give her the peace of mind that it is pure and safe. "The most frustrating thing I have had to deal with is the bureaucracy," Bluhm said. "Why can't they be a little easier on the disabled?" Craig Helm, who also suffers from multiple sclerosis, was convicted of two counts of felony possession and manufacture of marijuana in May, after police raided his home and found eight marijuana plants. Marijuana, he said, is the best way to calm the violent and painful muscle spasms in his legs. "I can't take another pill to make it stop -- that's when I smoke marijuana," Helm said from his wheelchair. Helm is on probation, but although he is under minimal supervision, he still smokes marijuana. "There are so many serious things going on," he said. "Are cops proud of busting people like me?" Copyright 1997 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Measure Foes Say State Costs Understated ('The Associated Press' Notes Backers Of A Ballot Measure That Would Nullify The Oregon Legislature's Bill To Recriminalize Marijuana Are Trying To Correct The Lawmakers' Underestimate Of What The Bill Would Cost Taxpayers, Scheduled To Appear In The State Voters' Pamphlet)From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: OR Marijuana measure foes says state costs understated Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:51:02 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Marijuana measure foes say state costs understated By CHARLES E. BEGGS The Associated Press 07/31/98 6:20 AM Eastern SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- Foes of a ballot measure that would restore criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana claim the state's estimates of cost effects are too low. They argue there likely will be more courtroom time used up in small possession cases by such things as evidence challenges and that even revenue from fines will be lower than projections because of a quirk in the law. Oregon broke new criminal ground in 1973 when it became the first state to eliminate criminal penalties for possessing less than 1 ounce of the drug. The 1997 Legislature passed the measure to reinstate criminal sanctions, but opponents mounted a petition campaign and referred the measure to the ballot. That means it doesn't take effect until the voters decide. The cost impact discussions Thursday were before a panel of officials appointed by Secretary of State Phil Keisling. The panel holds hearings to financial estimates made by state agencies. The estimates can be revised until next week. Estimates of financial effects on all statewide measures on the ballot are included in the Voters' Pamphlet that will be published by the state for the Nov. 3 general election. State agencies including the state police and the court system estimate the measure would cost the government $585,000 a year. In addition, counties estimate an additional $229,000 in costs of jail space for sentenced offenders. Because the offense now is a civil violation, there are no jail sanctions, just fines. The measure make possessing less than 1 ounce a misdemeanor carrying up to 30 days in jail and a maximum $1,000 fine. State Rep. Floyd Prozanski, a prosecutor who opposed the bill as passed by the Legislature, said if voters approve it the minimum fine would drop for cases in which prosecutors chose to handle them as violations. The minimum fine now for possession now is $500. But Prozanski said that was not kept in the ballot measure, so the new minimum under the new law would fall to $250. Authorities estimate about 40 percent of all small possession cases would be prosecuted as violations even under the new law. "For every case that goes through the system as a violation, there will be at least a 50 percent reduction in fine revenue," Prozanski said. Amy Klare of the committee opposing the ballot measure said the state has "grossly understated" costs of providing indigent defense to people charged with the new crimes. She said the jail expense estimate assumes a one-day jail stays for cases prosecuted as misdemeanors but that sentences could be longer in rural counties with more jail space available.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Democratic Party Of Oregon Opposes Recrim, Takes No Position On Medical Marijuana (A Portland List Subscriber Relays Information From A Press Release About The DPO State Central Committee Meeting This Weekend In Tillamook - Measure 57, Recriminalizing Possession Of Less Than An Ounce Of Marijuana, Has 'Nothing To Do With The Real Problems Of Crime In Our State') Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 23:32:55 -0700 Sender: owner-hemp@efn.org From: "D. Paul Stanford" (stanford@crrh.org) To: restore@crrh.org Cc: maptalk@mapinc.org, drctalk@drcnet.org, hemp@efn.org Subject: Dem. Party of OR: Endorses stopping recrim, no position med mj The Democratic Party of Oegon has made its endorsements for Oregon ballot measures this November 3rd. The following is excerpted from the DPO release this morning by Oregon state chair, Marc Abrams (marc6138@worldnet.att.net): "The State Central Committee of the Democratic Party met in Tillamook this weekend.... our SCC members worked hard to study the measures on the ballot. Here are the recommendations of the Democratic Party of Oregon for the November referenda and intiatives: "Measure 57 -- Recriminalization of Marijuana. Vote "no." This measure does nothing to deal with the real problems of crime in our state, and deals with an activity that is already sanctioned under the law." "Measure 67 -- Medical Marijuana. No position." FYI... Yours truly, D. Paul Stanford *** We are working to regulate and tax adult marijuana sales, allow doctors to prescribe cannabis and allow the unregulated production of industrial hemp! Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp CRRH P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone: (503) 235-4606 Fax:(503) 235-0120 Web: http://www.crrh.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Camel Turns Up In Portland Nightclubs ('The Oregonian' Is Shocked, Shocked To Learn That Some Portland Nightclubs Are Accepting Advertising Money From Tobacco Companies - Just As The Newspaper Itself Did For About A Hundred Years, Until Recently - But Fails To See Any Double Standard In Its Own Endorsement Of Similar Events And Promotions For Alcohol Manufacturers) The Oregonian letters to editor: letters@news.oregonian.com 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Web: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Joe Camel turns up in Portland nightclubs * R.J. Reynolds and other cigarette companies are promoting smoking in a number of local nightspots Friday, July 31 1998 By Crystal Carreon of The Oregonian staff Cigarette smoke thickens the night air as a young crowd spills onto the sidewalk outside Fellini, a bar in Northwest Portland. Next door, the Satyricon nightclub regulars wait for the heavy-rock band Morbid Angel to play. Ingrid Ohlson, who books bands at Satyricon, waves her Camel cigarette like a wand. "We try to appeal to everyone," she said -- 20 and 30-years olds, "yuppies who come here after work to people covered in tattoos like me -- everyone is here." Tobacco companies are here, too. Although cigarette smoke in bars and clubs is nothing new, what's new for cities such as Portland are contracts between tobacco companies and clubs for brand-name sponsorship. Forced into a corner by advertising restrictions and accusations of targeting underage youths, the tobacco industry appears to have found a creative way to appeal to a slightly older crowd. Fellini and Satyricon are "Camel clubs" -- among about 1,000 such nightspots across the nation to sell and promote Camel cigarettes exclusively to their clientele. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., maker of Camel, was the first to use this marketing strategy. Beginning in 1994, R.J. Reynolds signed contracts with popular nightspots in Dallas, Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles. Now the network has expanded to include smaller cities such as Portland. Philip Morris Inc. has joined the trend with sponsored music events at its "Marlboro bars," places such as the Caribou Bar & Grill on West Burnside, East Bank Saloon and Restaurant in Southeast Portland and Space Room, also in Southeast Portland. At Fellini, the Camel logo appears on everything from ashtrays, napkins and coasters to glasses and posters. By contract, the cigarettes sold on site are Camels, sometimes offered free by tobacco company representatives, often hired from the club scene. "Once in awhile, we'll have an event and (the tobacco company) will do anything. They will make T-shirts, they'll call around for sponsors, they'll design and pay for our ads -- whatever we need. They will help us throw a party," Ohlson said. "We would not have been as successful without their help." George Touhouliotis , who owns both Fellini and Satyricon, signed the Camel contract last year. Touhouliotis said he recognizes the dangers of cigarette smoke. He quit smoking 15 years ago out of concern for his health. But he also recognizes that corporate dollars can help small, locally owned establishments. "It's not like I sold my soul to the cigarette companies," he said. "It's business." At least five other Portland-area clubs and bars have signed contracts with R.J. Reynolds, including the Gypsy Supper Club and Lounge in Northwest Portland, La Luna in Southeast Portland and E.J.'s in Northeast Portland. From trendy downtown nightspots to alternative clubs, tobacco companies are there. "We want to be in an environment where we are able to interact with adults. We have a presence in age-restricted (over 21) venues, and we hope to reinforce brand loyalty or convert adult smokers to our brand," said Carole Crosslin , spokeswoman for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in North Carolina. She declined to say how much money the tobacco company spends to promote its product in bars and clubs. Although Camel clubs sell R.J. Reynolds cigarettes exclusively, people who frequent these places are free to choose what to smoke, if they want to smoke at all. However, sometimes R.J. Reynolds representatives give away packs of cigarettes or encourage smokers to swap their current brand for a pack of Camels at shows sponsored by the tobacco company, Crosslin said. Prizes awarded Philip Morris has a policy against offering free cigarettes at its sponsored events but sometimes awards sweepstakes prizes, such as vacations at a "Marlboro ranch" in Montana or Arizona, as part of its promotions. Scott Ballo worries about this new tobacco trend. "(Tobacco companies) have the best market researchers. Their advertising campaigns are sleek, sexy and cool. It's smart advertising for something that's not only dumb, but deadly," he said. Ballo is an account manager at Pac/West Communications, a public relations firm hired by the Oregon Health Division to help develop a $2 million campaign to warn about the dangers of tobacco use. Ballo said tobacco companies are using a form of "social marketing" to hook the people who frequent night spots. By placing brand cigarettes in places where people go for fun, smoking becomes associated with having a good time. "It may look glamorous now, but the consequences are severe," he said. In Oregon, 27.4 percent of the adult population smokes cigarettes regularly, according to a 1996 Oregon Health Division survey. And Oregon taxpayers pay at least $116 million annually in smoking-related illnesses, loss of productivity and other tobacco-related health costs. Both firsthand and secondhand smoke exact a health toll, Ballo said. About 80 percent of smokers start in high school and develop brand-name preferences before the age of 18, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 98 percent of smokers begin the habit before the age of 25, so the young-adult population remains attractive to the tobacco industry. "When it comes to smoking, I believe in everybody's right to go and kill themselves as soon as possible," said Jason Angelfell, a Fellini regular who plays in a band. Angelfell opposes any form of corporate sponsorship. He said tobacco company dollars are killing the authenticity of alternative culture. Others disagree. "I don't think these ads and contracts make too much of a difference," said Nick Mondrut, a customer at Gypsy. "Everybody who comes here smokes anyway, and they smoke what they want to smoke." But he acknowledged the marketing could be influential. "If you see Camel everywhere, it could be subliminal. It could sway your opinion about the cigarette." Still, smoking is a matter of choice, Satyricon's Ohlson said. "I'd say that 99 percent of people who smoke cigarettes have smoked before Camel took over the bar scene," she said. "We all know it's bad for us. It really is our choice. It doesn't start with Camel and it doesn't end with Camel."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medicinal Pot Measure Makes November Ballot (An 'Associated Press' Story In 'The Seattle Times' Notes Initiative 692, Sponsored By Washington Citizens For Medical Rights, Has Been Certified For The November Ballot) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: WA Medicinal pot measure makes November ballot Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:48:21 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Copyright (c) 1998 The Seattle Times Company Posted at 04:13 a.m. PDT; Friday, July 31, 1998 Medicinal pot measure makes November ballot by The Associated Press OLYMPIA - As expected, an initiative to legalize medicinal use of marijuana was certified yesterday for the November general-election ballot. Initiative 692 would allow people who are dying or suffering from debilitating illness to grow and smoke marijuana if it is prescribed by a doctor. The initiative, the only one this year to rely on paid signature gatherers, is the last of four to qualify for the ballot. The initiative, certified by Secretary of State Ralph Munro as having the required 179,248 of registered voters, will ask: "Shall medicinal use of marijuana for certain terminal or debilitating conditions be permitted, and physicians authorized to advise patients about medical use of marijuana?" The initiative was pushed by Dr. Rob Killian of Tacoma after last year's defeat of Initiative 685, a far broader drug-legalization measure that was soundly rejected at the polls. Also facing voters Nov. 3 will be Initiative 694, outlawing certain surgical abortion procedures that foes call "partial birth" abortions; Initiative 688, which would raise the state minimum wage to $6.50 by 2000; and Initiative 200, to abolish affirmative-action programs in state and local government. --Copyright (c) 1998 The Seattle Times Company
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Initiative On Fall Ballot ('The Olympian' Version) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-Hemp Talk" (hemp-talk@hemp.net) Subject: HT: Marijuana initiative on fall ballot Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:42:36 -0700 Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Marijuana initiative on fall ballot ELECTION: The initiative is more narrowly worded than last year's failed proposal. 7/31/98 By Peter Eichstaedt The Olympian OLYMPIAN - An initiative to allow the medical use of marijuana was certified for the Nov. 3 ballot Wednesday, making it the fifth statewide policy issue voters will decide this fall. Secretary of State Ralph Munro said supporters provided 198,378 valid signatures - 19,130 more than needed. "I'm very pleased," said Rob Killian, a Tacoma physician who has spearheaded the drive to approve Initiative 692. Killian said he's optimistic about voter approval because the initiative is more narrowly worded than last year's proposal. Something that has not changed, however, is opposition from Lt. Gov. Brad Owen, an active and vocal opponent to last year's more broadly worded initiative. Owen, who faces an October hearing on alleged ethics violations stemming from use of his office to fight the initiative last year, said Wednesday he will fight again. "It's a dangerous approach to drug authorization," Owen said. "I will continue to speak out and try to point out to people what the.movement is all about and where the money comes from." According to reports filed this month with the Public Disclosure Commission, supporters of the initiative have received $379,912 and have spent $236,685, leaving them with $143,227 in cash. Virtually all of the money has come from three out-ofstate millionaires, including international financier George Soros of New York, Cleveland insurance executive Peter Lewis and Phoenix businessman John Sperling. No organized opposition has formed. Killian disputed Owen's assessment. Killian said the initiative lists the diseases for which marijuana may be used as a treatment and prohibits the use of it while driving or in any public place or school grounds. Peter Eichstaedt is The Olympian's political editor. He be reached at 753-1688.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Washington To Vote On Medicinal Marijuana ('The Orange County Register' Version) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN" (mapnews@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: US: WA: Washington To Vote On Medicinal Marijuana Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 18:09:43 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: 7-31-98 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ WASHINGTON TO VOTE ON MEDICINAL MARIJUANA An initiative to legalize medicinal use of marijuana was certified Thursday for the state of Washington's November general election ballot. Initiative 692 would allow people who are dying or suffering from debilitating illness to grow and smoke marijuana if it is prescribed by a doctor. In 1996,voters in California and Arizona approved ballot issues legalizing marijuana for medical use, but Arizona's lawmakers blocked it. The federal government considers medical marijuana illegal and has prosecuted its use in California.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Use For Medicine On Washington State Ballot (The 'Reuters' Version In 'The Los Angeles Times') Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 13:50:10 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WA: Marijuana Use For Medicine on Washington State Ballot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Author: Tom Banse, Reuters MARIJUANA USE FOR MEDICINE ON WASHINGTON STATE BALLOT OLYMPIA, Wash.--A citizens initiative to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes will appear on the statewide ballot in November, Washington state officials say. State election officials said they had certified 198,378 signatures as valid, about 19,000 more than the required number needed to place the proposal before the voters Washington joins Oregon and Alaska as the three states that will put the question of medicinal marijuana use before the public as a ballot initiative this fall. Similar proposals are pending in Colorado and Nevada. Voters in California and Arizona have approved measures in recent years to legalize medicinal use of marijuana, but legal challenges and other controversies in both states have prevented full implementation. "I'm looking forward to a good campaign," said Washington state initiative sponsor Dr. Robert Killian. "There'll be a lot more media attention probably nationally because of this. And I'm ready for it." The Washington state proposition permits patients suffering from terminal or debilitating illnesses -- such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, or AIDS -- to get a doctor's authorization to smoke marijuana. Patients would have to come up with the drug on their own after receiving authorization. Killian said most patients would probably grow the plant themselves. Non-medical use of marijuana would still be prohibited. The medical marijuana legalization campaign in the Pacific Northwest has been bankrolled almost entirely by three multimillionaires. New York financier George Soros, Progressive Insurance CEO Peter Lewis of Cleveland, and Phoenix businessman John Sperling each donated $125,000 to the Washington state ballot campaign and gave smaller amounts to the Oregon effort. Last November, Washington state voters soundly rejected a broader drug reform initiative bankrolled by the same three men and run by Killian. That effort sought to ease jail sentences for low-level drug crimes and legalize medical use of a broad range of prohibited drugs, including heroin. Killian predicted better chances for passage this year now that the ballot measure has been narrowed to the concept he claimed has the widest popular support: allowing people suffering from intractable pain to use marijuana. Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Jailed AIDS And Cancer Patient Peter McWilliams Scheduled For Hearing To Reduce Bail Friday, July 31 (Fellow Medical Marijuana Defendant Todd McCormick Says The Los Angeles Author Will Be Submitting A Motion To Lower His Bail From A Quarter Of A Million Dollars To $50,000) From: "Todd McCormick" (todd@A-VISION.COM) To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: McWilliams Scheduled For Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 03:04:53 -0700 Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BREAKING NEWS! Jailed AIDS & Cancer Patient Peter McWilliams Scheduled For Hearing To Reduce Bail At 11:00 AM Friday, July 31, 1998. JULY 30, 1998 / LOS ANGELES, CA: Los Angeles author, AIDS and Cancer patient Peter McWilliams who was arrested on July 23, 1998 at 6:00 A.M. Pacific Time when Federal Agents stormed his Laurel Canyon home will be submitting a Motion before the Court to lower bail from $250,000 to $50,000. McWilliams, 48, is an outspoken advocate of medical marijuana and Proposition 215 who suffers from AIDS and Cancer who uses medical marijuana to ease the nausea caused by the "cocktail" of drugs he must take to sustain his life. "It was months ago that he voluntarily offered to turn himself in to federal authorities at any time for questioning!??" said a member of McWilliams' staff. "There was no need to storm his house--let alone at 6:00 AM--handcuff him, expose him to infection, leave him without his medication for 5 days, and then set his bail for $250,000... He has AIDS, must take his medication 6-times-a-day, and is weak from the disease. How can this man possibly be perceived as a risk?!!" When McWilliams was first arrested, Pre-Trial Services recommended bail be set for $50,000. It was only at the request of the Prosecutors that McWilliams bail be raised to $250,000. "His health is our biggest concern" said McWilliams' attorney, Bruce Margolin. Bail Hearing Scheduled For: Friday, July 31, 1998 At 11:00 AM The Federal Court Building 255 E. Temple Street, Courtroom O McWilliams is the author and publisher of more than 35 books which have sold more than ten million copies. His books have appeared five times on the New York Times best-seller list, and in June, celebrated 30 years as a self- publisher. His books include How to Survive the Loss of a Love, How to Heal Depression, Hypericum & Depression, and Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do-The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country (a book openly critical of the drug war). These books can be read on-line at www.mcwilliams.com Contact Numbers: · Bruce Margolin (Attorney) 310-652-0991 · Todd McCorrmick 213-650-4906 · Ed Haisha 213-650-9571 x125 "One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." - MLK
------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter McWilliams - Issues And Update (A California Physician Discusses The Medical Situation Facing The Incarcerated Medical Marijuana Defendant And The Doctor's Attempt To Go Through The Federal Gulag To Learn More) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 12:13:57 -0700 (PDT) To: dpfca@drugsense.org From: "Tom O'Connell" (tjeffoc@sirius.com) Subject: DPFCA: Peter McWilliams: issues & update Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ Peter McWilliams, well known author, who addressed the Libertarian Convention on July 4th, publicly announced the following in that speech: In 1996. he was diagnosed as having AIDS complicated by non-Hodgkin lymphoma. For the past 28 months, he has been on a complex treatment regimen of protease inhibitors, oral agents which are difficult to take because of the nausea they produce. Use of smoked marijuana has controlled his nausea, his protease inhibitor therapy has kept the AIDS from progressing and left him feeling well. McWilliams credits mj with saving his life, a not uncommon belief in patients it has helped. As reported in the LAT on July 24th, McWilliams was arrested and held in federal custody. The charge is conspiracy to grow large amounts of marijuana for sale. His bail was set at $250,000. McWilliams has been held in the Metropolitan Detention Center, ( Prisoner # 13835-112, P.O. Box 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90053, Tel. (213) 485-0439). A communication from him dated the 28th and posted on this list the same day alleged that he had not been allowed to continue his medications in custody. Conversation with Todd McCormick (out from the same Center on bail) confirms that, but Todd, whose access is limited, said he understood that Peter was allowed to resume his medicine on Monday. He wasn't sure if all the medicines had been resumed in their previous dosage. I discussed this with an infectious disease specialist; current thinking on the management of patients who have exhibited a good response to protease inhibitors is that scrupulous observation of schedule and dosage is critical. Cessation of all agents for no compelling medical reason, (such as emergency surgery which could interrupt the ability to take oral medications), while undesirable, is probably without risk if it's only for a week or two. What would be risky is sporadic or irregular resumption, or starting back on fewer agents. In any event, prevention of McWilliams from continuing protease inhibitors while in custody is a step beyond preventing his use of marijuana; above all it's a medical decision because it needlessly puts him at risk. (I'm not aware of what specific international conventions this practice violates, but there must be some; for example, the Nurenberg Convention forbids any use of prisoners for research on the theory that "informed consent" is impossible while incarcerated). I set out to speak with the physician on scene at the MDC; his name (I learned eventually) is Dr. Sinavsky; he refused to speak with me on the grounds that he didn't know who I was- he referred me to the lawyer who turned out to be on vacation. I finally reached an assistant warden (Linda Thomas) who eventually returned my call and refused to disclose any substantive information, claiming that any answers to my questions would have to come from McWilliams' lawyer. I have since relayed all of this to the LA Times and the SF Chronicle & hope they will investigate. Anyone reading this who is as disturbed as I am is urged to make whatever use of this information the see fit. In the meantime, as this is typed, a bail reduction hearing is taking place; it could result in McWilliams' speedy release, partially solving his immediate medical problem. Even so, it won't solve the problem posed by a punitive and brutal government insisting that arbitrary inhumane treatment of alleged "drug criminals" is justified by their own best interests. This strategy of incarcerating true medical mj users like McCormick and McWilliams, then insisting they undergo urine testing as a condition of bail is diabolical. It places the government is a position to physically punish advocacy and also allows them to anticipate the findings of the IOM study they have commissioned advise on this issue, a "study" McCzar refers to when he falsely promises to "let science decide" if marijuana could possibly be medicinal. Tom O'Connell, MD
------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal Prosecutor Lies To Judge About AIDS Patient Peter McWilliams' In-Prison Medical Treatment . . . Judge Denies Motion To Reduce Bail (Today's Second News Release From Todd McCormick, McWilliams' Co-Defendant) From: "Todd McCormick" (todd@a-vision.com) To: "Multiple recipients of list" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: 7-31-98 Release Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:22:56 -0700 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BREAKING NEWS! Federal Prosecutor Lies To Judge About AIDS Patient Peter McWilliams' In-Prison Medical Treatment... Judge Denies Motion To Reduce Bail. JULY 31, 1998 / LOS ANGELES, CA: At an emergency hearing to determine if AIDS-cancer patient Peter McWilliams should be immediately released from federal custody on medical marijuana charges, federal prosecutor Fernando Aenlle-Rocha told the judge, "Mr. McWilliams has received his full complement of AIDS medications since July 24, 1998, his second day in custody." In fact, as the prescription bottle supplied by the federal government's in-prison pharmacy clearly reveals, McWilliams was not given the 3rd drug in the 3-drug combination AIDS therapy until July 26, 1998. "Prosecutor Fernando Aenlle-Rocha looked the judge right in the eye and in somber, precise, governmental tones lied to the judge," said McWilliams after the hearing. "That the government failed to provide me with AIDS medications for 4 days is appalling. That the government would lie about that fact in order to keep me in custody is reprehensible." The judge believed prosecutor Fernando Aenlle-Rocha over McWilliams and remanded McWilliams back into federal custody. The earliest McWilliams could possibly be released is Monday, August 3, 1998. Prosecutor Fernando Aenlle-Rocha also misrepresented the prescription medication Trazadone, a major antidepressant, as merely "a sleeping pill," therefore not important to McWilliams' AIDS treatment. "People with AIDS walk a tight rope over the abyss of depression," said McWilliams. "Prosecutor Fernando Aenlle-Rocha is obviously too young to have experienced life-threatening illness first-hand. Either that, or someone slipped his compassion a sleeping pill." McWilliams had praise and gratitude for the Los Angeles Chapter of the ACLU rising in his defense. "Now that reason has failed, I hope that the ACLU will move ahead on the legal front as soon as possible," said McWilliams. "The shoddy medical treatment in federal lock-up is nothing short of the murder by bureaucracy." Although McWilliams now has his AIDS medications, he has not been given an effective anti-nausea medication, so keeping the life-saving drugs down is difficult. McWilliams has also not been given his antidepressants at the prescribed dosages since his incarceration, a situation that continues to this day. Contact Numbers: · Bruce Margolin (Attorney).....310-652-0991 · Todd McCorrmick...............213-650-4906 · Prelude Press Publicity.......213-650-9571 x125 "One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." - MLK
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Clockwork Orange - Here We Go Again (An 'Orange County Weekly' Update On The Kafkaesque Local Prosecution Of Medical Marijuana Patient Marvin Chavez, Founder Of The Orange County Cannabis Co-Op) Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 02:18:51 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: A Clockwork Orange: Here We Go Again Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: OC Weekly (CA) Contact: speakout@ptconnect.infi.net. Website: http://www.ocweekly.com/ Author: Matt Coker A CLOCKWORK ORANGE: HERE WE GO AGAIN A judge ruled on July 24 that Orange County Cannabis Co-op founder Marvin Chavez cannot use the state's medical-marijuana initiative as a defense in his upcoming trial for allegedly selling pot. OC Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzgerald also granted Deputy District Attorney Carl Armbrust's request that the defense be forced to prove that people who obtained weed from Chavez were ill. (Note to Fitzgerald: If Chavez can't use the Proposition 215 defense, what's the point?) The co-op founder contends he gave grass to patients who then made voluntary donations to his operation. Prosecutors allege he was simply selling dope. Chavez's attorney vows to appeal the judge's rulings. David Lee Herrick, a co-op volunteer and former sheriff's deputy who also tried unsuccessfully to base his defense against pot-peddling charges on the medicinal-marijuana law, was sentenced on July 17 to four years in state prison. Armbrust also prosecuted that case.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Millionaires Push Drug Legalization ('Arizona Republic' Columnist David Leibowitz Rants Against The Financial Backers Of Proposition 300, Pretending Two-Thirds Of Arizona Voters Who Supported Proposition 200 Were Duped) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:31:57 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US AZ: OPED: Millionaires Push Drug Legalization Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org Source: Arizona Republic (AZ) Contact: http://www.azcentral.com/opinions/letter.shtml Website: http://www.azcentral.com/news/ Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Author: David Leibowitz MILLIONAIRES PUSH DRUG LEGALIZATION The stoned voices screaming didn't bother me. Nor did the screeds laced with curses. What bothered me were the sharp ones, 50 or so readers who still missed Wednesday's point. That column concerned Proposition 300, a ballot proposal funded by a few drug-friendly millionaires. The dopers have sold this and related propositions by claiming they want "medicalized" marijuana, prescriptions for glaucoma sufferers and the seriously ill. My opposition totals three words. That's a lie. Proposition 300 is a Trojan horse -- a "no" vote would "medicalize" not only pot, but 116 Schedule I drugs, including many familiar names the millionaires have sued to keep off Arizona's ballot: Heroin. LSD. Ecstasy. Mescaline. Peyote. Plus derivatives of PCP and meth. Those drugs have gnawed at America's heart for decades. Those drugs the millionaires want us to embrace, or at least accept. They talk about "harm reduction" or "normalization" -- euphemisms for what they want but won't say. Legalization. Marijuana, yes I can't find words to tell you how wrong they are. I tried Wednesday, and though 100-some readers understood, what lingers is the smart ones who didn't. Their counterarguments were three. "You're a damn barbarian" was most popular. The gist: How dare I suggest denying marijuana to the deathly ill or anyone in deep pain. "My brother was born with a (genetic) problem in which smoking pot has helped him control his pain for many years, and I can assure you he is not a doper," wrote one e-mailer. "I think you should find out the whole picture before you start criticizing people who may use it for real medical reasons." Listen carefully -- I agree. I'd never deprive a seriously ill person of a joint if that joint could end his pain. That's why I think Arizona needs a "medical marijuana" proposal on the ballot. Too bad we have a "116 Schedule I drug" proposal instead. An honest proposition would be easy to craft: Marijuana prescriptions, and only marijuana prescriptions, for the seriously ill, once the Food and Drug Administration OKs pot's effectiveness. That version would obey federal law and not depend on anecdotes and junk science. Such a proposition grows more practical by the day: Doctors in San Francisco are conducting the first-ever government-sanctioned study of marijuana therapy. Getting a fix The millionaires have another agenda. One laced with heroin and LSD. Those drugs came up often, in sentences like the following, penned by e-mailer "WSheik." "Next, find me a doctor who will prescribe heroin, LSD or cocaine to his patients? I think doctors might know better than to give a drug addict a fix." You think wrong. In June, the health commissioner of Baltimore, Dr. Peter Beilenson, proposed America's first "heroin maintenance" program -- free fixes for his city's addicts. Support for the same idea in multiple cities was all the rage at New York's Lindesmith Center, a drug think tank bankrolled by "philanthropist" George Soros. Don't recognize that name? Well, you've already met 400,000 of his dollars in ads for Arizona's first drug-friendly initiative, Proposition 200 in 1996. Incestuous, as ever. And suspicious. But not as suspicious as the respondents who demanded: "How can you support the failed war on drugs?" Answer: I don't. Some elements work, like drug courts, intense education and treatment programs. Others I find unconscionable, such as mandatory minimum sentences. And such as lying to people. That, sadly, seems to be the strategy of the millionaires and their mercenaries. If you want prescribed marijuana, ask for it, and it alone. If you want legalization, say so. But don't hide behind the sick or behind piles of cash. In short, don't play the voters of Arizona for dopes. David Leibowitz can be reached at 444-8515 or at david.leibowitz@pni.com via e-mail. Catch his commentary at 4:35 p.m. Monday and Wednesday on Channel 12 (KPNX)
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Takes Baby (Yahoo States News Service Says Oklahoma Has Taken Custody Of A Newborn Because The Baby And Its Mother Tested Positive For Marijuana) Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 20:59:39 +1200 (NZST) To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) From: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Subject: More barbarism in Oklahoma Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Yahoo! States News Service July 31, 1998 State Takes Baby - (OKLAHOMA CITY) -- The state has taken custody of a newborn baby after traces of marijuana were found in her and her mother. The woman has admitted to police that she smoked marijuana during the first seven months of her pregnancy, and says she may have had marijuana in her system from inhaling her boyfriend's secondhand smoke. Police say the 19-year-old woman gave birth Sunday at University Hospital. The baby was taken into custody the next day.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Is Found In Mother, Newborn ('The Tulsa World' Version) Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 13:40:31 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US OK: Marijuana is Found in Mother, Newborn Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Tulsa World (OK) Contact: tulsaworld@mail.webtek.com Website: http://www.tulsaworld.com Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 MARIJUANA IS FOUND IN MOTHER, NEWBORN OKLAHOMA CITY -- The state has taken custody of a newborn girl after traces of marijuana were detected in the mother and the baby. The woman, whose name was not released, told police she smoked marijuana during the first seven months of her pregnancy. She said she may have had marijuana in her system from inhaling her boyfriend's second-hand smoke. A police report showed the 19-year-old woman gave birth Sunday at University Hospital and the baby was taken into custody the next day. The woman was tested for illegal drugs. The hospital conducts drug tests on all women younger than 20, women who have had no prenatal care, women who have a history of drug abuse and prison inmates.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Kids And The Politics Of The Drug War (An Op-Ed In 'The Austin American-Statesman' By Kendra E. Wright, The Director Of Family Watch, Who Critiques The US Government's New $1 Billion Drug War Advertising Campaign From The Perspective That The War On Some Drug Users Has Failed) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 12:50:00 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: OPED: Kids and the Politics of the Drug War Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Kevin Zeese Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: Austin American-Statesman Contact: letters@statesman.com Website: http://www.Austin360.com/ Author: Kendra E. Wright Note: Kendra E. Wright is the Director of Family Watch, a network of individuals and groups concerned about the impact of drug abuse and drug control policies on families, women and children, based in Washington, D.C. KIDS AND THE POLITICS OF THE DRUG WAR This month House Speaker Newt Gingrich and President Clinton unveiled a five-year, $1 billion advertising campaign to combat adolescent drug use. Between cartoons, America's kids will be bombarded with federally-sponsored anti-drug commercials. But while Republicans and Democrats pat each other on the back for "knocking America upside the head" on the dangers of drug use, both parties are guilty of grandstanding on the teen drug problem without contributing substantially to the solution. As a stepmother of two boys, I am extremely concerned about teen drug use. Over the past six years, drug use among the nation's youth has continued to climb - despite zealous investment and commitment to the War on Drugs. We currently spend $17 billion annually on the drug war, yet half of America's youth report using an illegal drug before graduating from high school. For the past decade, government surveys have shown that at least 82 percent of high school seniors found marijuana "fairly easy" or "very easy" to obtain. The President and his Drug Czar would have us believe we are fighting the War on Drugs to protect America's youth. However, no solid research exists to demonstrate that multi-million dollar anti-drug campaigns like the one launched last week change adolescent behavior. And, if they do, it's not clear that the change is always for the better. Since viewing the ads, my 14-year-old and 10-year-old have learned it is possible to get high from everyday household products. How many other children who would never have considered such products as intoxicants now have the notion planted in their heads? This is not the type of education I want for my children. Research has shown that when it comes to anti-drug messages, scare tactics do not work on kids. D.A.R.E., or Drug Abuse Resistance Education, the nation's most widely implemented youth anti-drug program, is a prime example. Study after study has concluded that D.A.R.E. fails to prevent youth drug use. Even more disturbing, recent research indicates that the $650 million-a-year program, which uses uniformed police officers to promulgate often exaggerated and misleading claims, may actually be harming kids by creating distrust among teenagers and ostracizing children most in need of help. While D.A.R.E. does not reduce adolescent drug use, it does expand law enforcement budgets. Some police officials repay the funding with photo-ops during election season. Politicians get a two-for-one deal with our tax dollars: campaign photos with children as well as with police officers. What we do not get is a drug policy that protects our children. Politicians today are more interested in using children as props than in examining the reality of how their policies impact young people. Research shows the most effective way to prevent youth substance abuse is through alternative activity programs which keep kids engaged after school. Unfortunately, our leaders still see political profit in shouting "Drug War" surrounded by children and police. When adolescent drug use goes up again next year, they can just shout it louder. They've been doing it for decades. As voters, we must not reward politicians who feed their political careers in the name of the Drug War. We must demand that our political leaders start addressing drug issues seriously. The first step is to recognize the Drug War is not working. The second step is to examine the complex social and health issues that contribute to our current drug problem and to develop programs and solutions that respond appropriately. In the meantime, let's have a moratorium on using children as political props while we develop a drug policy which truly protects our youngest citizens.
------------------------------------------------------------------- No Drugs Or Alcohol Found In Man Slain By Officers (A 'Houston Chronicle' Update In The Case Of Pedro Oregon Navarro, An Innocent Man Shot 12 Times - Nine Times In The Back - By Houston Prohibition Agents Who Burst Into His Apartment Without A Warrant)Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 13:39:16 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TX: No Drugs or Alcohol Found in Man Slain by Officers Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Author: Stefanie Asin NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL FOUND IN MAN SLAIN BY OFFICERS Lawyer says family offended at dealer suggestion A suspected drug dealer shot and killed by Houston police had no drugs or alcohol in his system at the time, toxicology reports said Thursday. Pedro Navarro Oregon, 22, a landscaper, was shot 12 times by officers who burst into his apartment without a warrant July 12. The officers said another suspect had told them he had purchased drugs in Oregon's apartment. Attorney Paul Nugent, representing Oregon's family, noted that no drugs were found in his apartment and the toxicology reports. "The family was very offended when Pedro was labeled a drug dealer," he said. >From the beginning, Nugent said, officers characterized Oregon as a narcotics supplier. Although Nugent acknowledged that a negative toxicology test doesn't prove someone isn't a drug dealer, he said the report proves something about Oregon's character. Oregon was the father of two children. The toxicology report was negative for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, metamphetamine, opiate and phencyclidine, a hallucinogen. Five officers have been relieved of duty with pay while the investigation continues. Sources have said the officers' mistaken belief that Oregon had shot one of them prompted their firing more than 30 shots at him. Oregon was shot nine times in the back. The officers said Oregon pointed a gun at them. However, his gun was never fired. The case will be presented to a grand jury in August.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Corn Cover - Too-Tall Marijuana Plants Bring Call To The Sheriff (A Cautionary Tale In The Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 'Journal Sentinel' Says The Clark County Sheriff's Department Had Little Trouble Finding 35 Tall Pot Plants After An Informant Told Them She Suspected Someone She Knew Was Growing Marijuana) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 00:07:45 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Corn Cover: Too-Tall Marijuana Plants Bring Call To The Sheriff Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: July 31, 1998 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Fax: (414) 224-8280 Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ Author: Paul Knoff Special to the Journal Sentinel CORN COVER: TOO-TALL MARIJUANA PLANTS BRING CALL TO THE SHERIFF Neillsville -- "If you build it, he will come." But if you grow it too tall, police may find it. That's a lesson learned by a 38-year-old Clark County man who authorities say tried to turn his neighbor's cornfield into his own personal field of dreams by planting about 35 marijuana plants between the rows of corn. But because this has been a pretty good growing season in central Wisconsin, the marijuana plants grew to between 8 and 10 feet -- much higher than the corn that surrounded them. And when an anonymous tipster called the Sheriff's Department to tell them that she suspected the man was growing marijuana, detectives had little trouble finding the huge pot plants. Dennis Kopinski, of Humbird, was charged Tuesday with manufacturing marijuana. Kopinski, already on probation after a drug conviction, faces up to five years in prison and a $50,000 fine if convicted. Kopinski, who remained in the Clark County Jail Thursday, is scheduled to appear in court Aug. 12.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Inmates To Be Sent Out Of State ('The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' Says Wisconsin Soon And For The First Time Will Send 120 Female Inmates To A Prison Out Of State, In Virginia, To Ease Severe Crowding, Under A Contract Approved Thursday By A Legislative Committee That Will Cost $58.30 Per Inmate Per Day) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 02:08:25 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Female Inmates To Be Sent Out Of State Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Fax: (414) 224-8280 Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ Author: Richard P. Jones of the Journal Sentinel staff FEMALE INMATES TO BE SENT OUT OF STATE Panel allows move of 120 women to West Virginia prison to ease crowding Madison -- In as little as two weeks, Wisconsin for the first time will send female inmates to a prison out of state to ease severe crowding, under a contract approved Thursday by a key legislative committee. On a 12-3 vote, the Joint Finance Committee gave the state Department of Corrections authority to send 120 women to a federal minimum-security prison in Alderson, W.Va., about 65 miles southeast of Charleston. The contract with the federal Bureau of Prisons will cost the state $58.30 per inmate per day, or about $2.5 million a year. The state will transport the prisoners to the federal prison camp as early as Aug. 14. Until now, Wisconsin has shipped only male convicts out of state to ease prison crowding. After the vote, Kristine Krenke, warden at Wisconsin's only medium- and maximum-security prison for women in Taycheedah, said the agency had no alternative. "We have really exhausted all options to try to keep people in Wisconsin," Krenke said. With no single cells available, she said common areas of the prison were being used to house prisoners. The Taycheedah prison near Fond du Lac has an operating capacity of about 430, yet held 683 inmates Thursday, Krenke said. Other Wisconsin facilities for female inmates also are crowded beyond capacity, she said. "It's a real unfortunate reality," Krenke said of the unprecedented move to transfer female inmates out of state. However, having visited the West Virginia prison, Krenke described it as an excellent facility offering treatment and educational programs, and she said that as many 40 Taycheedah inmates had expressed an interest in transfers. In selecting inmates for transfers, Krenke said women who have children and want to remain in Wisconsin would receive no special consideration. "That was not one of the considerations in reviewing either men or women for out-of-state transfers," she said. Krenke said inmates would be sent to Alderson if they meet the camp's guidelines for placement at the minimum-security prison, and if their sentence is long enough to justify the expense of sending them to West Virginia. In an attempt to provide some relief at Taycheedah, the state built a 150-bed barracks at a cost of $1.1 million. But Krenke said another barracks at Taycheedah was not the answer. "You're not only talking beds," Krenke said. Besides bunks, a prison should offer inmates programs aimed at rehabilitation, she said. "Because Wisconsin definitely does not see itself as a state that warehouses people," she said. Rep. Spencer Coggs (D-Milwaukee), Sen. Brian Burke (D-Milwaukee) and Rep. Barbara Linton (D-Highbridge) voted against the out-of-state transfer of female prisoners. Coggs said he objected to the transfer even though his position probably was politically unpopular. "Obviously, prisoners don't vote, and often times the poor families that they come from don't vote," Coggs said. But Coggs said he felt compelled to object, primarily for two reasons. Coggs, who was one of the state lawmakers to tour Texas jails last summer, said he found out that Wisconsin convicts in that state come under so-called Texas rules. "Texas rules often times treated model prisoners from Wisconsin with less regard than the most heinous murderers and rapists in the state of Wisconsin," he said. Coggs said the vast majority of Wisconsin's inmates come from Milwaukee, and many would return to Milwaukee after serving their time. He said he was concerned about their attitude upon returning home and whether they would commit new crimes. "The vast majority of these prisoners, whether male or female, will be coming back to my community," he said. "They're not going to be going to Brookfield, Whitefish Bay or River Hills." Wisconsin's inmate population now totals 16,429, yet the state prison system has an operating capacity for 12,628 inmates, including cells the state is renting elsewhere. While female prisoners amount to less than 6% of the inmate population, the number of women imprisoned in Wisconsin has been growing at a faster rate than the male inmate population. Since January 1996, the female inmate population has increased from 508 to 952, or 87%, according to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau. During the same period, the male inmate population increased from 10,777 to 15,477, or 44%.
------------------------------------------------------------------- O'Hare Cargo Gets Custom Search Job ('The Chicago Tribune' Describes The US Customs Service's Elaborate Search For Contraband In Every One Of The 37 Passenger Planes And 11 Cargo Planes Landing At O'Hare International Airport Over 24 Hours That Ended At Midnight Thursday, Which Apparently Turned Up Nothing) Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 01:28:44 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US IL: O'Hare Cargo Gets Custom Search Job Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Steve Young (theyoungfamily@worldnet.att.net) Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Section: Metro DuPage, p. 1 Contact: tribletter@aol.com Website: http://www.chicago.tribune.com/ Author: Rogers Worthington O'HARE CARGO GETS CUSTOM SEARCH JOB The task is gargantuan: Check for contraband in the cargo of 37 passenger planes and 11 cargo planes landing at O'Hare International Airport over 24 hours that ended at midnight Thursday. "You're talking about looking for the needle in the haystack. . . . It's a tough job," says Larry Shirk, acting port director for the U.S. Customs Service at O'Hare, as he watches a hydraulic lift lower another huge pallet of boxes and crates from the yawning cargo bay of a Boeing 747 just in from Hong Kong. Chicago's O'Hare is one of the largest in-bound customs ports in the nation, with 6,552 international flights a month and 1 million pounds of cargo a day. In addition to drugs, agents are looking for undeclared U.S. cash; banned plant and animal life; and counterfeit products, such as knock-off Gucci goods and bogus Beanie Babies. There's no way Customs agents can look at it all. On an average day, they rely on analyses of brokers' shipping documents; anomalies, such as goods shipped from a country in which they are not made; and other suspect signs, such as huge quantities of personal effects shipped air express. But this was not an average day. The intense search is part of the Customs Service's 6-month Brass Ring Initiative, aimed at interdicting narcotics but is the first time in the operation that Customs has tried to check every foreign flight that arrives in a 24-hour period. Shirk is joined by Michael Johnson, who supervises the service's contraband enforcement team at O'Hare, and Jeff Gabel, the supervising canine officer for the service in Chicago. Gabel has been at this task since midnight Wednesday. He and Johnson are coordinating 78 officers and 19 canine teams, 14 of which are from local law enforcement agencies in the south suburbs, Indiana, and Cook and DuPage Counties. Even with this much help, the task is a daunting one. Skilled smugglers, the three agents know, are not stupid. To give them the upper hand in this cat-and-mouse game, the agents have at their disposal an array of sophisticated equipment. A van full of hyper-hardened tools, such as air chisels, can cut a steel cargo container--or an airplane--in half in minutes. Electronic measuring tapes and high-tech devices similar to a stud sensor can detect a false wall or floor. A $193,000 X-ray van with a conveyer belt shows the contents of boxes and luggage in detail. And then there is the ion scanner, on loan from the 126th Wing of the Illinois Air National Guard. It resembles and works like a hand-held vacuum, sucking up minute traces of narcotics--or explosives--from luggage or packages. Its filter is then fed into a computer, which provides a readout of the substance's properties. For the suburban law teams, the 24-hour blitz is a chance to try out their drug-sniffing dogs in a different milieu. Falco, a German shepherd with the DuPage County sheriff's office, and Manto, a shepherd with the Hammond, Ind., police, precariously make their way across the floor of the 747's cargo hold, which has a thousand nooks and crannies. Smugglers have not secreted any drugs here. So to keep the dogs on their paws, they are allowed to discover planted packages of hashish. As a reward, they get to play with a favorite toy. Later, in a warehouse where cargo from the 747 has been hauled, the dogs are turned loose on a crate of personal effects in which agents found a bathroom deodorizer and perfumed candles. Drug smugglers often include such items, as well as coffee, cayenne pepper and curry, to bolix a dog's sense of smell. The agents won't say whether the 24-hour search Thursday turned up any drugs or other contraband, not wanting to tip off anyone to whom the goods are being shipped. Shirk figures that even if nothing is found after an exhaustive search, it says something for the deterrent effect of the more routine efforts. "If you've done a good exam and find nothing, that's a valid statistic right there," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Detective Is Allowed To Resign ('The New York Times' Says New York City Detective John K. Wrynn Quit After Fending Off Police Investigators And Federal Prosecutors For More Than Five Years, Rather Than Face A Departmental Trial On Charges That He Leaked Top-Secret Information About Undercover Detectives And Confidential Informers To Organized Crime Associates In The Bronx) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Cop To Resign after snitching narco stings Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:50:07 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net The New York Times July 31, 1998 A Detective Is Allowed To Resign By DAVID KOCIENIEWSKI After fending off police investigators and Federal prosecutors for more than five years, Detective John K. Wrynn has resigned rather than face a departmental trial on charges that he leaked top-secret information about undercover detectives and confidential informers to organized crime associates in the Bronx, police officials said on Thursday. The move effectively ends a corruption case that came to symbolize the way Police Department politics and family connections can shield officers' misconduct, even when it endangers other officers. It will also deflect scrutiny from Detective Wrynn's father, James Wrynn, a former inspector in the Internal Affairs Bureau whom other officers have accused of undermining the investigation into his son's case. Detective Wrynn, 35, was named by at least four members of the Bonanno and Lucchese crime families as the man who tipped them off about narcotics investigations in Harlem and the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx during the early 1990's, according to conversations taped by a police undercover agent. In a 1997 memo, the United States Attorney's office told police officials that it had evidence Detective Wrynn had compromised two narcotics investigations and revealed the identity of an informer who later died under mysterious circumstances. But attempts to build a criminal case against him were short-circuited by the Internal Affairs Bureau, said investigators who spoke on the condition of anonymity. And Inspector Wrynn, who was once caught looking through his son's Internal Affairs case file, records show, was transferred but never disciplined, and remains on the job. Although Detective Wrynn will not receive a pension, his resignation was accepted with the approval of Police Commissioner Howard Safir -- the department's equivalent of an honorable discharge, and a courtesy that angered many investigators. Deputy Inspector Michael Collins, a police spokesman, said, "The department thought this was an expeditious but just manner of removing a member of the service without the time and expense of a trial."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Youngsters Playing Drug Deal Get Busted By Police ('The Associated Press' Says Broward County Sheriff's Lieutenant James Chinn 'Rounded Up' A Dozen Youngsters In Pompano Beach, Florida, Who Were Playing Drug Dealer, Selling Slivers Of Plastic 'Crack' For 20 Tree Leaves - The Kids, Ranging In Age From 4 To 11 Years Old, Also Knew How To Flee When Police Rolled By) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:46:47 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US FL: WIRE: Youngsters Playing Drug Deal Get Busted By Police Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: (AP) Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 YOUNGSTERS PLAYING DRUG DEAL GET BUSTED BY POLICE POMPANO BEACH - Youngsters playing drug dealer in the driveway of a boarded up crackhouse - selling slivers of plastic "crack" for 20 tree leaves - also knew how to flee when police rolled by. The dozen children, ranging in age from 4 to 11 years old, were rounded up and lectured Wednesday by Broward County sheriff's Lt. James Chinn. "You expect these little guys to be playing police or firemen but not dope dealer," Chinn told The Miami Herald. "This hit me right in the face and ruined my day. This is what they see every day." The children built a plywood clubhouse in an unincorporated Broward County neighborhood north of Pompano Beach for their game. Police and county officials have boarded up two real houses in the neighborhood because of drug sales, and deputies raided a third home last month, according to sheriff's records. The pretend dealers charged 20 tree leaves for a small piece of white plastic resembling a sliver of crack, in a plastic baggie. A larger piece cost 50 tree leaves. And a bag of pine tree leaves resembling marijuana went for five leaves. "We play tag and dope dealer all the time," said a 7-year-old boy later. The boy said he collects empty baggies on the streets with friends after drug users discard them.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada And The US - A World Apart On Hemp (An Article In 'The Carbohydrate Economy,' A Publication Of The Institute For Local Self-Reliance, About Why Farmers Get To Grow Industrial Hemp In Canada But Not The United States Notes The Health Officials Calling The Shots In Canada Don't Have A Vested Interest In Prohibition, As Does The DEA In The United States) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 04:03:10 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Canada And The U.S.: A World Apart On Hemp Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Joe Hickey (agfuture@kih.net) Pubdate: Volume No. 1, Issue No. 3, Summer 1998 Source: The Carbohydrate Economy, A publication of the institute for Local Self-Reliance Contact: (David Morris)dmorris@ilsr.org Author: David Morris Note: David Morris is vice-president of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance His columns regularly appear in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. CANADA AND THE U.S.: A WORLD APART ON HEMP Changing the Rules In May of this year, a few miles north of Buffalo, New York, 50 Canadian farmers began planting 2,000 acres of industrial hemp, the first commercial hemp crop in that country in 60 years. South of the border that same month, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) held hearings on its proposal to spray the countryside with lethal chemicals to eradicate any hemp plants growing wild in this country. Two countries, two radically different attitudes toward the world's most interesting and controversial crop. Why such a difference? Maybe because Canada's hemp policy is overseen by Health Canada, an agency with no vested interest in keeping hemp illegal. In the U.S. hemp falls under the jurisdiction of the DEA, which receives over $16 billion to fight drugs and finds it in its self-interest to demonize hemp, a cousin of marijuana. Indeed, the DEA receives a reported $500 million a year simply to wipe out wild hemp plants. In the U.S. the policy toward cannabis is rigid and absolute. In Canada the government's approach has been much more flexible and sophisticated. For decades both Health Canada and the DEA have had the authority to issue permits for the growing of hemp for research purposes. But while the DEA has made it impossible for farmers to receive such permits, in 1994 Health Canada's Bureau of Dangerous Drugs granted to mechanical engineer Geof Kime and his business partner, tobacco farmer and retired teacher Joe Strobel, the first federal license to grow industrial hemp. Kime and Strobel raised ten acres near Tillsonburg, Ontario. The small plot immediately gained widespread public attention. To respond to the sudden public interest, Canada's ministry of agriculture issued a remarkable four-page bulletin on hemp, to this day perhaps the single most concise agronomic overview of hemp. (Gordon Reichert, "Hemp (Cannabis sativa)," Bi Weekly Bulletin, 7:23.) In 1995 the Canadian government issued permits for more than l00 acres of test plot in five provinces. These plots allowed local police authorities to become comfortable with hemp and gave farmers the opportunity to test hemp in different soils and climates zones. They also generated sufficient material for industries to conduct substantial product testing. In 1996, based on the information gathered, Canada's Parliament modified the Controlled Substance and Abuse Act to allow for the commercial planting of hemp. In 1997, when it appeared that Health Canada was not moving fast enough to issue regulations for a 1998 planting, the parliament made clear its disapproval. To find out how to handle the crop, researchers visited some of the more than two dozen countries that have gone through the hemp learning curve. In early 1998, Health Canada called together representatives from effected agencies and parties. These included the Ministry of Agriculture, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Revenue Canada (Customs), Provincial and federal police organizations, farmers, scientists and business persons. After two and a half days the 70 participants had hammered out regulations that allowed Canadian farmers and entrepreneurs to begin developing a domestic hemp industry while taking into account law enforcement officials' concerns about marijuana cultivation. Health Canada's regulations are more onerous than the hemp industry would like, and the permitting process this first year has been so slow that many farmers were unable to plant any hemp at all. Nevertheless, all parties expect the process to be streamlined in future years. U.S. officials could learn from Canada's experience. Under the final regulations, approved in late March, industrial hemp is defined as a cannabis plant whose leaves and flowering heads don not contain more than 0.3 percent THC (the psychoactive component). To prevent higher levels of THC, importers and exporters of hemp seed must be licensed. Shipments of live seeds must be accompanied by foreign certification and from countries that do not allow plants containing more than 0.3 percent THC. Health Canada will publish a list of approved countries. Only approved varieties of industrial hemp seeds (as specified in Health Canada's List of Approved Cultivars) may be planted. However, Canada officials understand that breeders need a wide selection of germ plasm to develop breeds optimal for Canadian growing conditions. Thus plant breeders will not be restricted to approved cultivars. Products derived from seed, such as oil and seed cake, must contain no more than 10 milligrams of THC per gram, a figure considerably below the 50 mg/g level set by the Swiss Academy of Science. To obtain a license of importing, production or sale of industrial hemp, applicants must provide information from a Canadian police force listing any arrests or convictions with respect to drugs over the previous ten years. The Canadian process for legalizing industrial hemp has been cautious but not paranoid, incremental but not glacial. It allowed time for farmers, law enforcement officials, industry and government agencies to become familiar with the plant and it properties without getting bogged down in red tape. South of the border, the process is stalled - perhaps even stumbling backwards - as long as the federal government lets drug agencies make agricultural policy. For more information contact Jean Peart, Manager, Hemp Project, Bureau of Drug Surveillance, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Address Locator 4103A, 122 Bank Street, 3rd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1B6 (613-654-6524) NOTE: After a most intensive examination, Canada concluded that although hemp and marijuana are both members of the cannabis family, they are distinct types. One can get you high. One cannot. The agronomic and biochemical differences are well-described by Dr. David West, who received his doctorate in plant breeding from the University of Minnesota, in his recent report, Hemp and Marijuana: Myths and Realities (available on the web at www.naihc.org).
------------------------------------------------------------------- DEA Official Becomes Rich At The Expense Of Agency ('The Wall Street Journal' Describes How David Bowman Of The Drug Enforcement Administration Ripped Off The US Government For More Than $6 Million)Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 13:30:17 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WSJ: DEA Official Becomes Rich At the Expense of Agency Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Mark Greer Source: Wall Street Journal Contact: letter.editor@edit.wsj.com Website: http://www.wsj.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Author: Phil Kuntz - Staff Reporter DEA OFFICIAL BECOMES RICH AT THE EXPENSE OF AGENCY ARLINGTON, Va. -- David Bowman's cubicle, usually a bureaucrat's ideal of meticulous order, was a shambles. His desk had been rifled, his computer was gone. This much, though, was left undisturbed on the cubicle wall: the seal of the Drug Enforcement Administration, the agency he had served for 21 years. "What's going on?" a slack-jawed Mr. Bowman asked. "I can't tell you anything, David," replied James Duke, his boss at the DEA's budget office. "Go home, and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Later, the eldest of Mr. Bowman's four grown kids, Donna Dunn, arrived home to find her usually ebullient father mumbling to himself: "You just follow orders. You follow orders." Her brother, David Bowman Jr., summed things up: "Life as we know it is over." Indeed. The Bowmans had lived luxuriously for years, thanks to the father's mysterious side business, Bowman Enterprises Inc. The company grossed $1 million a year on average. But investigators have concluded that the money was illegally siphoned to a bogus company from DEA headquarters here, in hundreds of checks averaging just under $9,000 each. In all, the government says in an indictment, Mr. Bowman stole more than $6 million between 1990 and 1996. And for years, nobody noticed. Not the DEA clerks who kept cutting checks for an unknown company based on incomplete documentation and vague cloak-and-dagger assurances. Not the Justice Department's credit union, where Mr. Bowman sometimes socked away $5,000 or $10,000 a month on an $87,100 salary. Not his boss, who couldn't understand Mr. Bowman's secretive ways. And certainly not the government officials who gave him and his colleagues an award for cutting costs. Nor did anybody outside DEA inform authorities that one of its midlevel bureaucrats was rolling in dough. Not his retinue of $12-an-hour personal assistants who deposited the Treasury checks in the bank but never saw any business conducted. Not the merchants who sold his family $300,000 worth of jewelry and $124,000 worth of poster-shop artwork. Nor was there a word of warning from his wife and children. They spent huge amounts on home purchases and renovations, overseas honeymoons, new cars -- even Rolex watches costing up to $18,000. American Express bills regularly exceeded $20,000 a month. "I never thought to say, 'Dad, how come you make so much money?' It's not something you ask your father," says Ms. Dunn. Rumblings About the CIA Mr. Bowman's undoing was a matter of happenstance -- an audit by an inquisitive newcomer, checking to make sure the government was paying vendors on time. The March 1997 office raid marked the unraveling of a simple scheme allegedly perpetrated against one of the world's most elite police agencies by a man so severely disabled from muscular dystrophy that he can't eat, use the bathroom or breathe without assistance. Mr. Bowman denies wrongdoing and claims that a now-deceased former CIA official authorized his actions. His family says he is innocent and is desperate to keep him out of prison. Nevertheless, many of the facts in this case are corroborated by records at the U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va., and interviews with law-enforcement officials, the Bowman family, friends and associates. Mr. Bowman is scheduled to go on trial in September on multiple charges. But however his criminal case is resolved, investigators estimate they will recover, at best, 20% of the DEA's money. His health is fading fast, and forfeiture laws favor innocent beneficiaries, such as, by their account, his relatives. "If he drops dead, we may get nothing," says a Justice Department official. Investigators wonder if that was the plan all along. A Devastating Disease Mr. Bowman's disease was diagnosed in his childhood, and he tells people, "I was supposed to be dead before I graduated high school." He was in a wheelchair by age 30. Yet, even on borrowed time and bum limbs, he sought to live life to the fullest. He lettered in high school by managing track and cross-country teams. He was good at target-shooting and handy at sewing Boy Scout patches. He acquired a taste for good wine. As his legs and arms weakened, his wife and children dressed him, bathed him and helped him on the toilet. "There was no embarrassment," says Ms. Dunn. "He was not a naked man; he was just in his birthday suit and needed to have a bath." By the late 1980s, his health had deteriorated severely. He was permanently hooked to a machine that pumps air through a tracheotomy incision. Bosses encouraged him to retire, but Mr. Bowman refused. "Work gave him purpose," says Ms. Dunn. The DEA hired her to be his aide and nurse at the office (and later gave her another job), but Mr. Bowman felt he was being pressured to quit. So he became more tight-lipped about how he did his job, thinking that would make it harder to fire him. Transferred from a supervisory position to a budget job with no one reporting directly to him, he took on some new duties and ended up in control of an account used to reimburse the State Department for supporting DEA posts overseas. Around the same time, Mr. Bowman's own expenses jumped. The Bowmans upgraded to a $421,000 home in 1988 and later spent $100,000 improving it, partly to accommodate his disability. As he became more ill, the stress wore particularly hard on his wife, Pearl Bowman, who hurt her back moving him and seemed weary of caring for him. "She still loves him," says daughter Jennifer Bowman, but "Mom has been less of a wife and more of a nurse or caretaker for so long that I think the whole wife aspect is gone." 'A Sweetheart Deal' In 1990, Mr. Bowman began what he would later tell people was a sideline as a DEA contractor. A former personal assistant, Ramon Robertson, recalls Mr. Bowman's saying that the agency had given him "a sweetheart deal" because he was too disabled to be a DEA agent. He told his wife, "We'll never have to worry about money again." He filed incorporation papers in Virginia for Bowman Enterprises, saying the company would be involved in debt collection, academic services, landscaping, real estate and debentures. On DEA forms requesting permission to moonlight, he also mentioned snow-plowing. Mrs. Bowman was named assistant chairman, his daughter Alison president, and the three other children vice presidents. All of them now say they knew little about the company, and they state in court filings that they believed it was legitimate. Bowman Enterprises certainly had trappings of legitimacy. It had an insurance plan. Calendars, calculators, pens and a brother-in-law's racing car were festooned with its name. Mr. Bowman even paid taxes on company profits. Mrs. Bowman tells people she repeatedly asked her husband to explain the business, but he refused. She says she asked him if he was doing anything illegal and he said no. Mrs. Bowman's lawyer said in court that she figured, "'Oh great, we're doing well,' and didn't investigate any further." Mr. Bowman told friends that he provided money for covert operations overseas and even helped free hostages. He spoke mysteriously of bosses who wanted things done but didn't want to know details. Harvey Volzer, Mr. Bowman's lawyer, filed a sealed document in court claiming CIA authorization for his actions, people familiar with it say. Mr. Bowman's purported contact was a longtime friend who worked in the CIA's personnel office until 1993 and died in 1996. DEA officials say Mr. Bowman had nothing to do with covert operations. On Nov. 15, 1990, an application form was filed at the Rosslyn, Va., post office to open a box in the name of the "Finance Liaison Group." It was signed "CEO David S. Bowman." Eight days later, he opened a bank account titled "Finance Liaison Group-Bowman Enterprises" and asked for checks bearing only the latter part of the name. On Dec. 7, 1990, the DEA started sending checks to the postal box. Mr. Bowman's assistants -- some DEA-employed, some from Bowman Enterprises -- deposited the checks. Aides found this curious, but they trusted Mr. Bowman. "I put him on a pedestal," says Mr. Robertson, now a policeman. "It was ludicrous the way he spent money, but I was never suspicious." Another former assistant, Bradley Kennerly, felt sure that DEA employees couldn't also be DEA contractors. But "I figured I'm being paid to perform services, not to ask questions," he recalls. No Red Flags The DEA acknowledges that Mr. Bowman's handling of its funds violated the agency's own safeguards. Ordinarily, such disbursements require the involvement of multiple officials. But in Mr. Bowman's case, he alone decided how much money the account needed, verified services rendered and authorized payments. On Mr. Bowman's watch, the agency's State Department reimbursement account grew 66% to $10 million in six years. During the same time, Mr. Bowman was sending more and more of those DEA funds to his company -- up to $1.9 million in 1996. Investigators say Mr. Bowman would file a standard agency form requesting that the Finance Liaison Group be paid for undefined "support services" provided to particular DEA posts around the globe. The vouchers often lacked signatures, authorization codes or other backup -- but no one questioned him closely. When he was pressed, court records say, he suggested to an accounting supervisor "that the payments were for CIA-related services." Nor did the payments raise a red flag when the DEA reconciled the books each quarter. DEA officials now speculate that Mr. Bowman's disability may have shielded him from closer scrutiny. While on the job, he was viewed by colleagues with a mixture of pity and admiration. Though he sometimes came off as furtive about his DEA role, he also was seen as competent and well-liked, bringing doughnuts on Fridays and fruitcakes at Christmas. He often sported a pin he was given for working on a task force that won an award from Vice President Gore's reinventing government initiative. (His panel had developed cost-effective ways of paying for those "support services.") He also was the "go-to guy" for overseas agents needing guidance through the bureaucracy back at headquarters, says a former colleague. "How could you not trust a guy like that?" says Mr. Duke, his supervisor. "To my eternal shame, I didn't look deeper into this clown when I got there because I knew he was weird -- but not dishonest." (Mr. Duke's bosses didn't want him to discuss specifics.) Spending Sprees As the money poured in, the Bowmans' lifestyle was transformed. Raised in rural poverty, Mrs. Bowman led the way. She bought an $8,000 Rolex for her 50th birthday in 1991 and quit her Pentagon secretarial job in early 1992. She became the best customer at Shaw's Jewelers at the local mall, salespeople say. Her diamond ankle bracelet cost $11,000, tanzanite pendant and earrings twice that. She stocked up on gifts for friends and relatives. "I'll take all of them," she once said, eyeing 50 bracelets on sale. Mrs. Bowman paid for cosmetic surgery for herself, two daughters and a sister. Victoria's Secret charges topped $500 a visit. She spent nearly $140,000 on gold pieces, proof sets and commemorative coins. She acquired so many limited-edition prints and animation cels that she displayed them on rotation at the house. Mr. Bowman also indulged. At Shaw's, he spied a pendant, considered the $500 price tag on the chain and decided to buy it. But he had seen only the chain's price; the pendant cost nearly $18,000. No matter; Mr. Bowman pulled out his credit card. He also became more security-conscious. He bought a state-of-the-art home-security system and had utility wires buried, lest bad guys sever them. The house has an elaborate multi-line phone-and-intercom system connecting almost every room -- bathrooms, attic and garage included. Mr. Bowman was generous to relatives and friends. He also donated countless hours of his bookkeeping time to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the local Boy Scouts and the Westover Baptist Church. But "if he stole money, he didn't give it to the church," says former pastor Chester Smith. As for all of that newfound wealth, Mr. Smith says, "My wife and I used to discuss that frequently: How in the world did the Bowmans have that much money?" Bowman Enterprises employed his children's friends as personal assistants to care for him. The company paid his children, too, when they took care of him. He sometimes chastised them for not putting in for every minute on the ledger by the front door. The parents were strict, insisting on respect, manners and honesty. But the children got practically whatever they wanted. "We were spoiled, but we weren't spoiled brats," says Ms. Dunn. "We earned what we got. We put up with a lot. We cared for Dad so much, and Dad thought the only way he could pay us back was to provide for us." "I was brought up dealing with things that a normal child doesn't have to deal with," says Jennifer Bowman. "When I was 10 years old, I was at home taking care of a 46-year-old 'trach' patient. I never said, 'I'll take care of you if you'll buy me a car.' As a reward for doing such a good job, you get things." The children say they got new cars routinely, as did spouses. Over the years, David Jr. received three Mustangs, an Explorer and two motorcycles. He customized one Mustang with racing parts for $12,000 and with a 20-speaker, stereo-TV-video system for $6,000. Everybody got cellular phones, beepers and generous use of credit cards. Alison and Robert Waters racked up $36,000 in charges in the summer of 1996, when they married and then honeymooned in Britain. College tuition was covered, too. Mr. Bowman kept the children near his Arlington home by providing them around $375,000 for down payments, mortgage bills and other housing expenses. Christmas was especially festive. Aides once procured 250 fruitcakes and a car load of honey-baked hams for gifts. They spent thousands on White House Christmas ornaments, and rented a cherry picker to hang lights on their house. A New Auditor Arrives The end began shortly before Christmas 1996. A new DEA auditor, Diane Webster, walked into Mr. Bowman's office with a sheaf of payment requests. She was doing an audit under a law that requires vendors to be paid quickly, and she happened to pick some of the Finance Liaison Group documents. "Mr. Bowman, I need to talk to you about these. There's nothing on here. Do you have any backup?" she asked. He replied: "It's a very sensitive issue; I'll have to get back to you." Then, according to a witness to the conversation, he tried to play down the matter by noting she had only a handful of vouchers. "There's 60 more on my desk," Ms. Webster replied. Mr. Duke demanded substantiation, so Mr. Bowman told his family to help reconstruct some missing files. They began faxing vaguely worded letters to DEA offices around the globe asking for verification of services rendered. According to court files, Mr. Bowman also tricked a State Department official into signing a fabricated authorization form, telling him it was a duplicate he needed for his files. Finally, Mr. Bowman wrote his boss a memo: "I trust that this information will alleviate your concern." It didn't. Mr. Duke couldn't find anybody who knew of the Finance Liaison Group. Then DEA Inspector Harry Spence found a copy of the application for the postal box. Agents raided Mr. Bowman's office that weekend. The family reacted quickly. Mrs. Bowman stored jewelry and coins at her sister's home, family members say. Mr. Bowman said "everything would be taken. If anything is yours, you might want to take it," recalls Jennifer Bowman. David Jr. says his father told him it would be "a good idea" to empty bank accounts. Evidence disappeared, including a "Finance Liaison Group -- For Deposit Only" stamp. David Jr.'s wife, Kim, says Alison told her to throw it away; Alison says she doesn't recall what she told Kim. Mr. Bowman retired from the DEA. The good life over, relatives bought groceries until his $3,000-a-month retirement kicked in. Ms. Dunn pawned her Rolex. The other children got jobs. One night, "all four of us got together with Dad," Jennifer Bowman recalls. "We said, "We love you regardless, [but] we want you to tell the truth." But he's afraid if he told all, that we'd be assassinated. He won't let us take the bird out of the house because if somebody tries to put gas in the house, the bird would die first." Seizing the Assets Prosecutors sought to temporarily seize the family's major assets -- a move that U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema allowed after finding "a substantial probability" of Mr. Bowman's guilt. Three homes went on the market; two have sold. Proceeds went to an escrow account. Another judge later allowed the family to use some of the money to pay debts. That angered the Justice Department and the DEA. "It is unfair for the government to be again paying the Bowmans' bills," government attorney James Pavlock argued in court. On March 10, a year after the raid on his office, Mr. Bowman was indicted on 74 counts of money laundering, mail fraud and theft. The government also has filed forfeiture claims for up to $2.3 million in cash and property. No one else was charged, and the indictment doesn't accuse Mr. Bowman of conspiring with anyone else. DEA Administrator Thomas Constantine blamed his agency for the mess: "Had many of the managers and personnel responsible for processing or supervising Bowman's accounts exercised proper care and adherence to protocols, Bowman's scheme would not have been successful." The DEA is weighing whether to discipline numerous employees. Ms. Dunn, along with Mr. Bowman's last DEA aide, nephew Scott Blizzard, were suspended last September, with pay. Prosecutors wanted to plea bargain with Mr. Bowman so he would forfeit assets without a fight. But the negotiations went nowhere when DEA's Mr. Constantine demanded significant prison time as part of any deal. Mr. Bowman's lawyer is seeking to have his client declared unfit for trial, now set for Sept. 14. Mr. Bowman was hospitalized on Tuesday. When at home, he spends his days in the family room, tethered to a ventilator, bloated and overweight. He gets one drug for pain, another for depression. He's usually asleep or groggy. His speech is labored but coherent. A casket that he commissioned -- made by his best friend from specially selected Wyoming pine -- sits in the living room. Niece Jennifer Blizzard likes to plop down on his bed and toss grapes into his mouth, as she did at his 58th birthday party recently. Later, Mrs. Bowman disconnected the breathing device, and nephew Scott manually pumped air into his lungs while Alison cleaned his tracheotomy. Mrs. Bowman tested his blood-sugar level with a finger prick and declared him fit for a bit of wine. Someone brought out a straw and a "Bowman Enterprises" wine glass. Some of Mr. Bowman's family and friends are sure he is an innocent dupe being prosecuted to cover up who-knows-what. As for David Jr., he refuses to believe his father is guilty, but he also doesn't buy the cloak-and-dagger stuff. "I'm not sure what's right," he says. "If he did this, then everything I grew up with was a lie. He helped me memorize the Boy Scout oath."
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Harm Reduction' Strategy Won't Work ('The Bulletin' In Bend, Oregon, Prints The Boilerplate Op-Ed By The US Drug Czar, General Barry McCaffrey)Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 23:48:31 -0700 From: owner-maptalk-digest@mapinc.org (Maptalk-Digest) To: maptalk-digest@mapinc.org Subject: Maptalk-Digest V98 #308 Reply-To: maptalk@mapinc.org Sender: owner-maptalk-digest@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/ Subj: Harm reduction strategy won't work From: cwagoner@bendnet.com Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 23:58:42 -0700 (PDT) Newshawk: Curt Wagoner (cwagoner@bendnet.com) Pubdate: 7-31-98 Source: The Bulletin (bulletin@bendbulletin.com) Page: A-6 "HARM REDUCTION" STRATEGY WON"T WORK By Barry R. McCaffrey The so called harm-reduction approach to drugs confuses people with terminology. All drug policies claim to reduce harm. No resonable person advocates a posistion consciously designed to be harmful. The real question is which policies actually decrease harm and increase good. The approach advocated by people who say they favor harm reduction would in fact harm Americans. The theory behind what they call harm reduction is that illegal drugs cannot be controlled by law enforcement, education and other methods; therefore, proponents say, harm should be reduced by needle exchange, decriminalization of drugs, heroin maintenance and other measures. But the real intent of many harm-reduction advocates is the legalization of drugs, which would be a mistake. Lest anyone question whether harm reductionist favor drug legalization, let me quote some articles written by supporters of this position. Ethan Nadelman, director of the Lindesmith Center, a Manhattan based drug research institute, wrote in American Heritage ( March 1993 ): " Should we legalize drugs? History answer 'yes'." In issues in Science and Technology ( June 1990 ) , Nadelman aligns his own opinion with history's supposed verdict: " Personally, when talking about legalization, I mean three things: The first is to make drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin legal." With regards to lables, Nadelman wrote: " I much prefer the term ' decriminalization ' or ' normanalization '." People who advocate legalization can call themselves anything they like, but deceptive terms should not obscure a position so that it can be debated coherently. Changing the name of a plan doesn't constitute a new solution or alter the nature of the proplem. The plain fact is that drug abuse wrecks lives. It is criminal that more money is spent on illegal drugs than on art or higher education, that crack babies are born addicted and in pain and that thousands of adolescents lose ther health and future to drugs, Addictive drugs were criminalized because they are harmful; they are not harmful because they were criminalized. The more a product is available and legitimized, the greater will be its use. If drugs were legalized in the United States, the cost to the individual and society would grow astronomically. In the Netherlands when coffee shops started selling marijuana in small quanties, use of this drug doubled between 1984 and 1992. A 1992 study by Robert MacCoun and Peter Rueter from the Univerisity of Maryland notes that the percentage of Dutch 18-year-olds who tried pot rose from 15 percent to 34 percent from 1984 to 1992, a time when the numbers weren't climbing in other European nations. By contrast, in 1992 teen-age use of marijuana in the United States was estimated at 10.6 percent. Many advocates of harm reduction consider drug use part of the human condition that will always be with us. While we agree that murder, pedophilia and child prostitution can never be eliminated entirely, no one is arguing that we legalize these activities. Some measures proposed by activists, like herion maintenance, veer toward the absurd. The Lindesmith Center convened a meeting in June to discuss a multicity herion maintenance study, and a test program for heroin maintenance may be launched in Baltimore. Arnold Trebach argues for heroin maintenance in his book " Legalize It? Debating American Drug Policy " : " Under the legalization plan I propose here, addicts...would be able to purchase the heroin and needles they need at reasonable prices from a nonmedical drugstore." Why would anyone chose to maintain addicts on heroin as opposed to oral methadone, which eliminates the injection route associated with HIV and other diseases? Research from the National Institute for Drug Abuse shows that untreated addicts die at a rate seven to eight times higher than similar patients in methadone-based programs. Dr Arvin Goldstien, in his book " Addiction: From Biology to Drug Policy," explains that when individuals switch from herion to methadone, general health improves and abnormalities of body systems ( such as hormones ) normalize. Unlike heroin maintenance, methadone maintenance has no adverse effects on cognitive or psycomotor function, performance of skilled tasks or memory, he said. This research indicates that the choice of heroin maintenance over methadone maintenance doesn't even meet the criteria of harm reduction that advocates claim to apply. Treatment must differ significantly from the disease it seeks to cure. Otherwise, the solution resembles the ciricular reasoning spoofed in Saint-Exupery's " The Little Prince " by the character who drinks because he has a terrible problem, namely, that he is a drunk. Just as alcoholism, heroin is no cure for heroin addiction. As a society, we are successfully addressing drug use and its consequences. In the past twenty years, drug use in the United States decreased by half and casual cocaine use by 70 percent. Drug-related murders and spending on drugs decreased by more than thirty percent as the illeagal drug market shrunk. Still, we are faced with the many challenges, including educating a new generation of children who may have little experience with the negative consequences of drug abuse, increasing access to treatment for 4 million addicted Americans and breaking the cycle of drugs and crime that has caused a massive increase in the number of people incarcerated. We need prevention programs, treatment and alternatives to incarceration for non-violent drug offenders. Drug legalzation is not a viable policy alternative because excusing harmful practices only encourages them. At best, harm reduction is a halfway measure, a halfhearted approach that would accept defeat. Increasing help is better than decreasing harm. The " 1998 National Drug Control Strategy "- a publication of the Office of National Drug Control Policy that presents a balanced mix of prevention, treatment, stiff law enforcement, interdiction and international cooperation- is a blueprint for reducing drug abuse and its consequences by half over the coming decade. With science as our guide and grass-roots organizationa at the forefront, we will succeed in controlling this problem. Pretending that harmful activity will be reduced if we condone it under the law is foolhardy and irresponsible.
------------------------------------------------------------------- A 'War' On Drugs, But Only A Murmur On Booze ('The San Francisco Examiner' Notes After Football Star Don Rogers And College Basketball Sensation Len Bias Died Within A Week Of Each Other From Cocaine Overdoses In 1986, Congress Drastically Increased Penalties For Crack Cocaine And Other Drugs, But In The Wake Of Seven Publicized College Binge-Drinking Deaths Last Year, The Demogogues Were Silent - Here's Some Interesting Statistics About Alcohol And Kids That Illustrate The Commonly Held Double Standards About Alcohol And 'Drugs') Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:32:18 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: A "War" On Drugs, But Only A Murmur On Booze Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: San Francisco Examiner Page: A 23 Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com Author: Hilary Abramson Note: Examiner contributor Hilary Abramson, a San Francisco journalist, writes for publications of the Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. A "WAR" ON DRUGS, BUT ONLY A MURMUR ON BOOZE AFTER football star Don Rogers and college basketball sensation Len Bias died within a week of each other a decade ago from cocaine overdoses, the president of the United States declared "war" on illegal drugs. Then Congress OK'd an unprecedented taxpayer-funded social marketing advertising campaign to discourage minors from using pot, smack, crack and other illegal drugs through a $1 billion, five-year media blitz commanded by a retired general, drug czar Barry McCaffrey. In contrast, in the wake of seven publicized college binge-drinking deaths last year, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala didn't declare war on booze. Instead, she asked the governing board of college athletics to adopt voluntary restrictions on college alcohol advertising. To public health advocates, it's just politics as usual. Alcohol industry political action committees have already given members of Congress $1 million in the past (off-election) year. It is hardly a surprise that alcohol will receive mere public service announcement status in the illegal drug media campaign, although alcohol is more dangerous and costly to society than illegal drugs: * Every day, on average, 11,318 American young people (12 to 20 years of age) try alcohol for the first time, 6,488 try marijuana for the first time, 2,786 try cocaine for the first time and 386 try heroin for the first time. * Alcohol is a factor in three leading causes of death for 15 to 24 year olds. Two to three times as many teenagers and young adults die in alcohol-related traffic crashes as do from illegal drugs. * While 2 percent of high school students used heroin last year, 31 percent of 12th graders admitted to having been intoxicated one or more times in the month before the annual University of Michigan "Monitoring the Future" study. Binge drinking (consuming five or more drinks in a row) was reported by 31.3 percent of high school seniors, 25.1 percent of 10th graders, and 14.5 percent of eighth graders. * Illegal drugs kill about 14,000 people a year at an annual cost to taxpayers of about $70 billion. Three-quarters of the expense is related to crime and law enforcement; one-quarter is health-related. Alcohol kills about 100,000 people annually at a cost to taxpayers of about $99 billion a year. Eighty percent of this cost is health-related. Nearly 2,000 Americans were killed by teenage drunken drivers last year. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America is the advertising agency group that originally took Big Tobacco and Big Booze money and failed to produce one ad to discourage children from smoking or drinking. It is McCaffrey's partner in producing free ads scheduled for prime-time television. Campaign architects contend they have negotiated with stations to broadcast public service announcements against underage drinking. But bets are off on how many will appear in prime time with the showbiz production quality of the illegal drug ads. If Congress had to fund this experiment, it should have centered on kids' first drug of choice - alcohol - and been based in research. Demonizing the illegal drugs and glamorizing the legal drug is wasting taxpayer money. What good do a few public service announcements do when shown against a backdrop of beer ads celebrating the wonders of alcohol? In one year, the beer industry spends three times more on TV advertising than McCaffrey has to spend on all media. Social marketing can work, but research shows that a media campaign should tie in with community-based activities. This one doesn't (and the federal government has cut its support of local prevention work). At the core of the drug-war campaign are parents talking to kids about drugs. That may feel good, but research doesn't support it as a successful prevention strategy. Last January, McCaffrey kicked off the test phase of the campaign in Denver by saying, "The most dangerous person in the United States is a 12-year-old smoking marijuana." It hardly helps to learn from a recent Adweek interview that he is basing this taxpayer gamble on his "gut feeling" that advertising works - because it worked for the Army.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Efforts To Stem Drugs Are A Bust (A Staff Editorial In 'The Surrey/North Delta Leader' Calls For Reform In British Columbia, Elaborating On Vancouver Police Chief Bruce Chambers' Statement This Week That 'We Cannot Pretend To Be Winning Anymore - We're Not Even Having Decent Skirmishes') Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 17:34:45 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Canada: Efforts To Stem Drugs Are A Bust Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Randy Caine Pubdate: Fri, 31 July 1998 Source: Surrey/North Delta Leader Contact: newsroom@surreyleader.com EFFORTS TO STEM DRUGS ARE A BUST The War On Drugs Is Lost. Finally, law enforcement officers are admitting what medical professionals, social workers and much of the public has known for years. This week, Vancouver Police Chief Bruce Chambers gave the media this remarkable quote: "We cannot pretend to be winning anymore - we're not even having decent skirmishes." BC spends close to $80 million a year in drug enforcement. It is money flushed into the same gutter in which drug addicts wallow. Compared to the value of the provincial drug trade, which is larger than some small countries' entire economy, the annual investment in related enforcement is probably worth less than a day or two of drug trading in BC. While marijuana - the province's leading cash crop - is exported out by the tonne, heroin and cocaine is imported in, in some cases pound for pound. The Port of Vancouver is North America's leading entry point of heroin. Despite improved technology and increasingly sophisticated interdiction methods, drug enforcement efforts are hopelessly overwhelmed by sheer volume, literally measured by tonnage. The so-called deterrance of criminal penalties - even the stiffest of prison terms - are clearly ineffective upon those in the drug trade. The lure of mind-boggling profits is simply too strong, the chances of being caught too slight. It's a matter of basic economics. Supply is meeting market demand. The demand is massive and insatiable The impact on the rest of society is mammoth. Police estimate 80 per cent of residential and commercial break-ins, thefts and robberies are committed by drug addicts or drug abusers financing their grossly expensive habits. The material costs in terms of stolen property replacement, damage repair, hefty insurance premiums and law enforcement response runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The tremendous emotional and personal cost paid by the victims of these crimes is unmeasurable. And we haven't yet touched on related health care costs, which have been estimated at $100 million annually, just for the treatment of addicts. Provincial health officer Dr. John Millar estimates there are 15,000 drug addicts in BC. This year, the Vancouver region is headed for a record number of drug-related fatalities - about 400. Usually, each one of those deaths require responses by police, ambulance crews and occasionally hospital emergency room attention. And then there's the monster cost of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, largely fueled by the sharing of dirty needles by injection drug abusers. As politically distasteful as it may be, it's time to decriminalize some drugs such as marijuana, and instead, invest the resources and money wasted in enforcement efforts into education and rehabilitation. Combined with enhanced heroin treatment programs and other expanded services for drug addicts, this approach has potential to turn the tide. Let's face it, under traditional anti-drug strategies, we're drowning in dope.
------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Kitts Drug Boss Threatens To Kill Americans (According To Cable News Network, The US State Department Said Thursday That Charles Miller, Who Is Wanted In Florida For Cocaine Smuggling, Has Threatened To Murder At Random American Veterinary Students On The Caribbean Island If The US Government Attempts To Extradite Him) Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 13:43:03 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Wire: St. Kitts Drug Boss Threatens to Kill Americans Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Mike Gogulski (syadasti@cat.net) Source: CNN Interactive Contact: cnn.feedback@cnn.com Website: http://cnn.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 ST. KITTS DRUG BOSS THREATENS TO KILL AMERICANS WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A suspected narcotics trafficker has threatened to "murder at random" American veterinary students on the island of St. Kitts if the U.S. government attempts to extradite him, the State Department said Thursday. Following up on a warning issued by the State Department, U.S. officials were to meet again on Friday with Americans on the Caribbean nation, which comprises the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. The threats by 37-year-old Charles Miller, wanted in Florida for cocaine smuggling, prompted an implicit warning that American authorities are prepared to go after the man if he harms U.S. citizens. "Anyone who is considering carrying out such threats should bear in mind the U.S. government's determination to bring to justice anyone who commits acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens anywhere in the world," State Department spokesman James Rubin said Thursday. Miller is described in published reports as a millionaire who drives a bulletproof BMW. For years he has eluded authorities on St. Kitts, an island in the eastern Caribbean not far from the U.S. Virgin Islands. No evacuation order There are hundreds of Americans on St. Kitts, including about 250 American students and 50 U.S. faculty at Ross Veterinary University. U.S. consular and security officials met with students and other members of the American community Wednesday. Another meeting is planned for Friday. Contingency plans have been made to get Americans off the island on the five or six daily commercial flights, Rubin said, adding that charter flights might also be used. The State Department has not yet advised U.S. citizens to leave St. Kitts, Rubin said, but it is "alerting them to the danger so they are aware of what the problems are, what the risks are and what the specific information we have is." 'Credible threat' Miller has "made a threat that, if he is extradited, he will kill Americans," Rubin said. "And based on our experience and knowledge of this individual, we believe the threat is sufficiently specific and credible to justify alerting the American citizens on the island." Colombian traffickers have been making increased use of Caribbean islands as transit points for U.S.-bound cocaine. U.S. officials say corruption is a problem on many islands, St. Kitts included. A recent article in Newsweek magazine said Miller openly helped finance the campaign of St. Kitts Prime Minister Denzil Douglas three years ago. Douglas denies having any links to Miller. Rubin said U.S. officials have Douglas' commitment to do everything possible to protect American citizens. "We urged St. Kitts security forces to increase their readiness and to be on alert, and have asked the government to bring in Caribbean regional police from nearby islands," he said. Another Grenada? Fifteen years ago, the Reagan administration was worried about the fate of American medical students in Grenada after a hard-line Marxist regime assumed power there. President Reagan sent 20,000 U.S. troops to the island and deposed the government. No American students were harmed. A U.S. official acknowledged there are some parallels between Grenada and St. Kitts but said a major difference is that, unlike Grenada, the United States is able to work with the St. Kitts government. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Alleged Drug Lord Threatens Americans ('The Los Angeles Times' Version) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:02:28 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US/St. Kitts: Alleged Drug Lord Threatens Americans Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: 31 Jul 1998 Author: NORMAN KEMPSTER, Times Staff Writer ALLEGED DRUG LORD THREATENS AMERICANS Crime: Washington warns that henchmen of Caribbean narcotics figure may begin random killings if he is extradited to U.S. WASHINGTON--A former U.S. government informant who dropped out of the federal witness protection program and allegedly became a Caribbean drug lord has threatened to order the random slayings of Americans on the tiny island of St. Kitts if Washington succeeds in an effort to extradite him, the Clinton administration said Thursday. "We consider the threat to be real, and we want to let the American citizens there know what the dangers are," State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said. He said the department learned that the fugitive threatened to have Americans studying at Ross Veterinary University in St. Kitts killed. Rubin said the threat was made by Charles "Little Nut" Miller, a St. Kitts businessman who has been indicted in south Florida on drug-trafficking charges. U.S. prosecutors, who used Miller as a star witness in an unrelated drug case, have been trying to extradite him from St. Kitts since 1996. Rubin did not disclose how officials learned of the threat. Sources in the Caribbean said the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration alerted Washington to the threat. Federal court records in Florida show that the St. Kitts native is a former political enforcer in Jamaica who--as a witness for the prosecution--helped the U.S. Justice Department send two Miami gang members to prison for life. As a federally protected witness, he changed his name from Cecil Connor to Charles Miller. Now, the administration alleges that Miller, behind the facade of a soft-drink and chicken business, has turned the nation of St. Kitts and Nevis into a major transshipment point for South American cocaine bound for the U.S. Washington has been trying for two years to bring him to the U.S. for trial. Rubin said State Department security personnel have visited the Ross Veterinary University campus to warn students and faculty members of Miller's threat. He said there are about 250 American students and 50 American faculty members at the university. According to Rubin, Miller said the slayings, presumably to be carried out by his henchmen, would begin only if he was extradited. But Rubin said the administration decided to issue the warning now, even though he acknowledged that "extradition is not imminent." Rubin said the U.S. government is unable to provide personal security to students, faculty and other Americans on the island. But he said the administration determined that the threat is credible enough to require warning the Americans. Although Miller, 37, has admitted a variety of crimes both in court testimony and in recent interviews, he has denied shipping drugs to the United States. In an extradition hearing in August 1996, Miller's lawyers argued that the United States was a bully that considered its laws to be more important than the statutes of St. Kitts and Nevis. A St. Kitts magistrate ruled against extradition; the decision now is on appeal. In St. Kitts, Miller has also been cleared of charges of drug dealing, jury-tampering and 1994 charges of killing the son of a former deputy prime minister. In 1989, Connor, as Miller was then known, admitted in court that he worked for what he called "the underworld section" of Jamaica's Labor Party. Later, he said, he came to the United States, becoming a member of a Jamaican drug gang. Times staff writer Mark Fineman in Miami contributed to this story. Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
------------------------------------------------------------------- Alleged Drug Chieftan Threatens To Kill Americans ('The Associated Press' Version In The New Bedford, Massachusetts, 'Standard-Times') Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 01:35:33 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: U.S.-St. Kitts: Alleged Drug Chieftan Threatens To Kill Americans Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: Standard-Times (MA) Contact: YourView@S-T.com Website: http://www.s-t.com/ Author: George Gedda, Associated Press writer ALLEGED DRUG CHIEFTAN THREATENS TO KILL AMERICANS WASHINGTON -- A St. Kitts drug trafficker known as "Little Nut" is threatening to randomly kill American veterinary students there if the United States succeeds in extraditing him for trial, the State Department said yesterday. The threats by 37-year-old Charles Miller, wanted in Florida for cocaine smuggling, prompted an implicit warning that American authorities are prepared to go after the man if he harms U.S. citizens. "Anyone who is considering carrying out such threats should bear in mind the U.S. government's determination to bring to justice anyone who commits acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens anywhere in the world," said State Department spokesman James P. Rubin. Miller, described in published reports as a millionaire who drives a bulletproof BMW, has eluded St. Kitts authorities for years. There are about 250 American students and 50 U.S. faculty at Ross Veterinary University on the island in the eastern Caribbean, not far from the U.S. Virgin Islands. U.S. consular and security officials met with students and other members of the American community Wednesday. Another meeting is planned for today. Miller has "made a threat that, if he is extradited, he will kill Americans," Rubin said. "And based on our experience and knowledge of this individual, we believe the threat is sufficiently specific and credible to justify alerting the American citizens on the island." Colombian traffickers have been making increased use of Caribbean islands as transit points for U.S.-bound cocaine. U.S. officials say corruption is a problem on many islands, St. Kitts included. A recent article in Newsweek magazine said Miller openly helped finance the campaign of St. Kitts Prime Minister Denzil Douglas three years ago. Douglas denies having any links to Miller. Rubin said U.S. officials have Douglas's commitment to do all possible to protect American citizens.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Dealer Threatens Americans ('The Miami Herald' Version) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Drug dealer threatens Americans Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:46:11 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Published Friday, July 31, 1998, in the Miami Herald Drug dealer threatens Americans St. Kitts criminal resists extradition By CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS Herald Staff Writer WASHINGTON -- A drug trafficker has threatened to randomly kill U.S. veterinary students in the Caribbean island of St. Kitts if he is apprehended for extradition to the United States, the State Department said Thursday. Charles "Little Nut" Miller, an admitted cocaine trafficker who took part in the 1984 murder of five people in a Miami crack house, warned that students at Ross Veterinary University would be at risk if his extradition advances, State Department spokesman James Rubin said. "We consider the information credible and take the threat very seriously," Rubin said. "It has been communicated to the university, the faculty and the students, so that they may take those precautions they deem appropriate." U.S. officials have also urged Americans traveling to St. Kitts to take precautions along with the 250 Ross students and 50 faculty members. Miller describes himself as a legitimate businessman, but U.S. officials say he is actually Cecil Connor, a Jamaican-born armed robber, who broke out of prison in Jamaica and fled to the United States. He took up with a group of cocaine traffickers known as the Shower Posse -- so named for the spray of bullets it used against victims. Arrested in 1985, he won himself a coveted slot in the U.S. federal witness protection program when he offered to testify against other Posse members. He resurfaced in St. Kitts in 1991 with his new name and became one of three traffickers sought by the United States for extradition in 1996. Miller enjoys apparent impunity on an island in the center of a growing transshipment route for as much as 40 percent of the drugs entering the United States, law enforcement officials say. A decision on his extradition is not imminent, but a judge last week ordered a review of a previous ruling that found Miller could not be extradited. U.S. officials said Miller is unpredictable. "It's hard to tag anybody as psychotic without being a psychiatrist," one senior U.S. diplomat said. "But his behavior is bizarre." Even with the warning, the diplomat said it will be difficult to protect the American students, because they live off-campus all over the island. U.S. officials are consulting with St. Kitts authorities.
------------------------------------------------------------------- One Death A Week In Police Custody (Britain's 'Independent' Says A New Report From The Home Office Shows 47 Per Cent Of The Deaths Of Black People In Custody Occurred When A Police Officer Was Present, While Only Seven Per Cent Of Deaths Of White Detainees Were Linked To Police Actions - 34 Per Cent Of Deaths Were A Result Of Deliberate Self Harm, 29 Per Cent Were Due To The Detainee's Previous Medical Condition, 'Drug' Abuse Was A Factor In Nine Per Cent Of Deaths, Alcohol In 19 Per Cent, And Police Actions Were A Factor In Six Per Cent Of Cases) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN" (mapnews@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: UK: One Death A Week In Police Custody Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 20:44:25 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Source: Independent, The (UK) Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ Author: Ian Burrell ONE DEATH A WEEK IN POLICE CUSTODY People are dying in police custody at the rate of more than one a week, the Home Office revealed yesterday. It confirmed that 380 people had died after being arrested by the police in the space of six years. Among the alarming findings in the government research was the fact that 47 per cent of the deaths of black people in custody occurred when a police officer was present. Only seven per cent of deaths of white detainees were linked to police actions. The report, released by Home Office minister Alun Michael, found that people in Metropolitan Police custody were seven times more likely to die than those arrested by other forces in England and Wales. Its release coincided with a decision by the Appeal Court yesterday not to hold a new inquest into the death of Wayne Douglas, which sparked race riots in Brixton, London, in 1995. Lord Woolf, Master of the Rolls, said he believed the verdict of accidental death would remain the same. The Douglas family said it had been "denied justice". The Home Office report comes five years after the death of Joy Gardner, who died after being bound and gagged with 13ft of sticking tape, by police officers who were attempting to deport her as an illegal immigrant. Yesterday, as Mrs Gardner's mother handed in a submission to the inquiry into the death of black teenager Stephen Lawrence, it emerged that orange paint had been daubed over the memorial headstone at her grave in Enfield, north London. The Gardner and Douglas cases were among 277 deaths in custody between January 1990 and December 1996 studied for the Home Office report, called Deaths in Police Custody: Learning the Lessons. It found that 34 per cent of deaths were as a result of "deliberate self harm" and 29 per cent were due to the detainee's previous medical condition. Drug abuse was a factor in nine per cent of deaths and alcohol in 19 per cent. Police actions were a factor in six per cent of cases. Of those who died, 92 per cent were men, 87 per cent were white and 72 per cent were unemployed. Three-quarters were aged between 20 and 49 and four out of five lived in the police force area where they died. The study uncovered a number of ethnically-related differences in the deaths. Of the black people who died in custody, 71 per cent had been restrained on arrest compared to 26 per cent of the whites who died. The black people who died were more likely to have been recorded as being violent and were more likely to have taken drugs, according to the reports compiled by police investigating officers. Mr Michael said: "I hope the study will help inform the debate and re-inforce the message that officers should exercise care when restraining someone who acts violently, or who they suspect might have taken drugs, whatever their ethnicity." The study called for officers to be given improved medical training after finding that on numerous occasions serious head injuries were interpreted as drunkenness. Some of those who died were found to have illegal drugs or medication in their possession, having not been properly searched. Closed circuit television is of only limited value in tackling the problem, and 23 deaths occurred despite the presence of cameras in the cells. The researchers also called on forces to consider setting up detoxification centres, which can put drunken detainees under low level medical supervision. Only a handful of such centres exist in Britain.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tour De France Field Takes Yet Another Hit (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune' Says The International Bicycle Race Continued Thursday Amid The Bucolic Surroundings Of Switzerland After Two More Teams Withdrew To Protest Police Behavior - Investigators For The First Time Prevented A Cyclist From Competing After Finding Unspecified 'Drugs' In His Possession) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN" (mapnews@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: Switzerland: Tour De France Field Takes Yet Another Hit Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 18:09:46 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jo-D Harrison Pubdate: Friday, July 31, 1998 Source: San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune (CA) Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com TOUR DE FRANCE FIELD TAKES YET ANOTHER HIT NEUCHATEL, Switzerland (AP) - After one of the most turbulent days in its history, the Tour de France lost two more teams Thursday in its growing drug scandal. Amid the bucolic surroundings of Switzerland, the athletes couldn't escape the news that the teams withdrew to protest police behavior. Also, investigators for the first time prevented a cyclist from competing after finding drugs in his possession. When the 18th stage was over, Tom Steels of Belgium had won, but the overall standings remained the same. Italy's Marco Pantani retained the yellow jersey, Bobby Julich of the United States was second, and last year's winner, Jan Ullrich of Germany, was third. Before Thursday's start, there was uncertainty as to whether the race would go on. Many riders, angered at the growing investigation, had threatened to pull out entirely. But in the end, 103 of them left the French Alpine town of Aix-les-Bains for a 135 1/2-mile ride through stunning countryside to Neuchatel. Shortly before midnight Wednesday, police in Chambery, France, near Aix-les-Bains, detained rider Rodolfo Massi of the Casino team. They found banned drugs in his room, said prosecutors in Lille, where the probe is centered. They also found drugs in a truck belonging to the Spanish ONCE team - one of five that had dropped out of the race in protest, the prosecutors said. Its doctor, Nicolas Terrados, was detained. And after a night in detention, Marc Madiot, director of the French team Francaise des Jeux, was released. Earlier, two Spanish teams, Kelme and Vitalcio, angrily quit the field, joining the other three Spanish teams, who quit Wednesday. A sixth team, Festina, was thrown out on July 17 after police found materials in a team masseur's car - sparking the current scandal. Of the 21 teams that started this year's Tour, only 15 remain. The remaining riders were trying to put the scandal behind them, and think ahead to Sunday's finale on the Champs-Elysees. "I'm just trying to get to Paris in one piece," Frankie Andreu of the U.S. Postal Service team said, "It's been hard mentally." Wednesday's 17th stage was one of the most chaotic in the Tour's history. After stopping twice, the pack coasted slowly to the finsih line, and the stage results were canceled. Riders threatened to give up entirely, but by Thursday, they seemed to realize the enormity of stopping the race in protest for the first time since its debut in 1903. "We were all afraid to give up after 20 days of racing," said Marco Pantani, the overall race leader. "I've made sacrafices to get the yellow jersey." Fans lining the route through eastern France made their sentiments clear. "Free Festina!" one banner said. Once the race crossed into Switzerland, with its pristine lakes, mountains, chalets and kids ringing cowbells, the banners were just as blunt. "It's hypocrisy!" one said. Swiss organizing official Jean Cavadini promised the riders a peaceful, raid-free night in Neuchatel. But he added: "I fear the celebration has been spoiled, ever since the first week." Swiss fans, though, were determined not to let that happen. Jeannette Etamba, 28, brought her 4-month-old son to drink in the scene at the finish line. "Doping is deceitful, but the scandal hasn't destroyed the atmosphere for us," she said minutes before the exhausted riders crossed the finish line. "We're going to cheer the riders." In the race, Steels edged Erik Zabel of Germany in a sprint finish for his thrid stage victory of the Tour. Stuart O'Grady of Australia was third.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Week Online With DRCNet, Issue Number 52 (The Drug Reform Coordination Network's Original News Summary For Activists) subscribe for FREE now! DRCNet needs your support! Join the more than a thousand dues-paying members and cast your vote for reform today! Use our secure form at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html to make a pledge or a credit card donation. You can also help us through the eyegive online fundraising program -- visit http://www.eyegive.com/html/ssi.cfm?CID=1060 to automatically select DRCNet as your recipient non-profit, or check out the eyegive home page for more information. BUMPER STICKERS ARE SENT TO ALL NEW MEMBERS! Check it out at http://www.drcnet.org/bumpersticker.gif. Help us by recruiting more e-mail subscribers too -- over 6,300 now, help us reach 7,000! (But please get their permission first, before signing them up.) Please note that donations to DRCNet are not tax-deductible. We are pleased to announce that the DRCNet Foundation, an affiliated non-profit corporation, has been awarded 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service. The DRCNet Foundation will gradually be taking over much of the educational work currently being carried out by the Drug Reform Coordination Network. Help us celebrate the inauguration of the DRCNet Foundation by making a tax-deductible contribution! Note that the Foundation is not yet set up to take credit cards, only checks or money orders. Donations by check, tax-deductible to the DRCNet Foundation, or non-deductible to the Drug Reform Coordination Network (to support our lobbying work), may be mailed to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.NJ NEP Workers' Conviction Upheld in Appeals Court 2.Oakland City Council Votes To Shield Local Cannabis Dispensary From Federal Prosecution Controversy Over Searches 3.D.O.J. Asks for Dismissal of Hemp Suit 4.Feds Indict Peter McWilliams, Todd McCormick and Others, Alleging Vast Conspiracy To Supply Medical Marijuana 5.Peaceful Prison Protest Earns Solitary Confinement 6.Action Request: The Tax Stamp Controversy 7.New Zealand Health Ministry: Pot Poses No Serious Risk 8.Newsbriefs 9.Link of the Week 10.A Campaign for Substance Awareness 11.Debating Points 12.Office of National Drug Control Policy Hard at Work 13.EDITORIAL: The Pompano Beach Twelve (visit last week's Week Online) or check out The Week Online archives 1. NJ NEP Workers' Conviction Upheld in Appeals Court Taylor West In a state with one of the highest rates of injection- related HIV transmission in the country, needle exchange operators Diana McCague and Thomas Scozzare were rebuffed on an appeal of their conviction for furnishing hypodermic syringes. By a vote of 3-0, the New Jersey Superior Court upheld the August 1997 decision of the New Brunswick Municipal Court that found McCague and Scozzare guilty of violating New Jersey Statute 2C:36-6, which forbids the possession, sale, or distribution of needles. The Appellate Division of the Superior Court was rigid in its rejection of the pair's arguments. In the official court opinion, it refused to acknowledge the possible public health benefits of the needle exchange run by the Chai Project, a non-profit corporation founded by McCague and dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV in the intravenous drug-using population. John Mackin, Community Liaison for the Project, said that the organization was "incredibly disappointed and infuriated" by the court's decision. "Not only are they taking away the livelihood of Ms. McCague and Mr. Scozzare," he stated, "but there was no recognition that what those two did was for the public good. We're out here trying to save lives, and they wouldn't even consider that." McCague and Scozzare's troubles with the court began 2 1/2 years ago (http://drcnet.org/rapid/1996/3-19-2.html), when an undercover officer from the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office visited a needle exchange operated by the Chai Project. McCague and Scozzare were manning the exchange site -- a van parked on a New Brunswick street -- at the time of the undercover officer's visit. When the two obliged the man's request for a "kit", an investigator from the New Brunswick Police Department arrested them and confiscated the syringes in the van. Following their trial and conviction the next year, McCague and Scozzare took their case to the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court with five basic arguments for overturning the verdict. The two claimed that 1) there is no harm or criminal intent in operating a bona fide needle exchange; 2) the doctrine of medical necessity, which exempts ordinarily illegal behavior if that behavior prevents an imminent medical danger, exonerates them from culpability; 3) the prohibition of needle exchange violates the exchange participants' fundamental right to life; 4) contradictory messages from the New Brunswick police regarding tolerance of the exchange interfered with due process (Police Chief Michael Beltranena was informed of the project in 1994 and made supportive comments about it that were published in a local newspaper); and 5) the de minimis statute, which protects citizens from absurd or trivial enforcement of the law, is applicable and should have prevented the case from going to trial originally. Judge Donald G. Collester, Jr., delivered the opinion of the appellate court, handed down on July 23, specifically addressing each of the five arguments. Because the law forbidding needle distribution contains no language stating that the violation must include criminal intent, the court opinion claimed that a defense based on the absence of criminal intent was not valid. Judge Collester quoted a 1957 court opinion which stated, "When... one deliberately and intentionally does an act in violation of a positive law... he cannot be excused on the basis that his animating desire was essentially praiseworthy." The court opinion also claimed that the argument of medical necessity was untenable. He stated that, because the specific purpose of New Jersey's needle legislation is to forbid the distribution of syringes for drug use, a needle exchange program is a pure law violation rather than something protected by the medical necessity clause. He also denied that the situation was one that would be covered by the medical necessity clause at all. "Defendants in this case," the opinion read, "were not confronted with a clear and imminent danger to themselves or others." The court refuted the claim that denying clean needles violated a constitutional right to life by saying that such a right "does not encompass the use of prohibited substances at a reduced health risk." Following Police Chief Beltranena's testimony that his supportive comments had represented only his personal opinion and not that of his department, the court disregarded the complaint about due process. "Whatever [Chief Beltranena's] prior statements," stated the opinion, "... defendants were not immune to enforcement of the law." The Appellate Court also sided with the original trial decision regarding the de minimis statute. Judge Collester quoted an opinion written on a similar case which stated, "There is nothing absurd about the application of N.J.S.A. 2C:36-6 to these defendants. Neither can their conduct be deemed trivial." The opinion closed with a statement ominous for those hoping to find a loophole for needle exchange in New Jersey's strict anti-paraphernalia laws. "[T]he zero tolerance for the distribution of drugs and drug paraphernalia established by the Comprehensive Drug Reform Act," it read, "leaves no room for the creation of exceptions by judicial decree. Any change... is solely for legislative consideration." Given Governor Christine Todd Whitman's steadfast and vehement opposition to any mention of needle exchange, legislative change is not an easy assignment. Currently, Diana McCague and Thomas Scozzare face the sentence imposed upon them by the municipal court: $705 each in fees and court costs, and the suspension of each person's driver's license for six months. Meanwhile, the futures of the Chai Project and of drug-related AIDS in New Jersey remain in doubt. 2. Oakland City Council Votes To Shield Local Cannabis Dispensary From Federal Prosecution (Reprinted from the NORML Foundation, 7/30/98) The Oakland (California) City Council unanimously passed an ordinance Wednesday designed to protect the city's local medical marijuana dispensary from federal criminal and civil liability. The ordinance allows city officials to "designate" the Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative to distribute medical marijuana to seriously ill patients. The legislation attempts to provide immunity to the Cooperative against a federal lawsuit aimed at closing the dispensary. Supporters of the ordinance believe that Section 885(d) of the Controlled Substances Act immunizes local officials who enforce local drug laws from federal sanctions. "Because the ordinance relies on provisions of federal law, it may be replicated in cities throughout the country, not just in California or other states that may pass laws similar to Proposition 215," said attorney Robert Raich, who drafted the measure. Oakland is the first city to apply the Controlled Substances Act in this manner, Raich said. For more information, please contact either Dale Gieringer of California NORML at (415) 563-5858 or attorney Robert Raich at (510) 338-0700. (Visit NORML at http://www.norml.org, or California NORML at http://www.norml.org/canorml/. Dale Gieringer can also be reached at canorml@igc.org.) 3. Controversy Over Searches Kris Lotlikar The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled on July 24 that nighttime searches could only be conducted following compelling reasoning as to why the search could not be conducted during the day. Patrick Fitch, age 32, had his 2 1/2 to 5 year sentence, for possession of drugs with the intent to deliver, thrown out of court because of an illegitimate nighttime search. In a unanimous decision, the court found that the affidavit requesting the search warrant gave no rationale for conducting a nighttime search. "The privacy of citizens in their homes, secure from unreasonable nighttime intrusions is a right of vast importance," Judge John Gerrard wrote. "The affidavit contained no facts that would support an inference that contraband was being disposed of or hidden in such a manner that nighttime service was required." Six officers and one police dog showed up to Fitch's home, with a search warrant, on April 19 at 10:00 pm. The only one in the house at the time was Patrick Fitch's 61 year old mother. The police had no reason to believe that the accused was present at the residence at all, according to his lawyer, Adam Sipple. Another point of contention that was not addressed by the courts, because the case had already been thrown out, were Investigator Darwin Shaw's searches of the garbage outside of Fitch's home. Evidence found in the four searches of the garbage was used to obtain the warrant. Sipple told The Week Online, "We are pleased with the outcome, it recognizes the critical fact that those given the power to enforce the law are also required to act within its limitations." The Oregon Supreme Court overturned a previous Oregon Court of Appeals decision that the use of drug dogs to find drugs required a warrant. The Supreme Court unanimously decided that a dog sniffing for drugs does not infringe on a citizens right to privacy. The Supreme Court stated, "The use of a dog to sniff property in this manner is not a search for constitutional purposes." The pertaining case involved Desmond Smith's storage locker, which was indicated by a police dog for containing marijuana in 1993. The police decided to search the storage locker after an informant claimed that Smith stored harvested marijuana there. In this case the police were "using a dog to detect the presence of a particular odor caused by the presence of odor molecules in the air outside a clearly defined, private space," stated an opinion by Justice Michael Gillette. The New Jersey State Supreme Court ruled that police would need more than an informant tip to pull over and search a persons car. Five years ago, Joseph Zutic was arrested for possession of 13 grams of marijuana while returning from New York City to his home in New Jersey. The police had set up surveillance and pulled Zutic over after a "reliable informant" tipped them off to the fact that there would be marijuana in his car. The ruling stated that officers of the law would need more detailed information if they plan to legally conduct such searches. The Justices ruled that the marijuana found in his car could not be used as evidence. Matthew Priore explained the significance of this ruling to the Bergen Record, saying, "This is important because without it, you could basically just call in someone's name, give a general description, and the police can stop and search them. This requires much more specific information. It requires the police to do police investigations instead of just relying on the tip." 4. D.O.J. Asks for Dismissal of Hemp Suit Kris Lotlikar Last May, several Kentucky farmers banded together and filed suit against the United States government in an attempt to make industrial hemp a legal crop to grow in Kentucky. The U.S Department of Justice has asked for this suit to be thrown out of court in an effort to block the farmers progress. The Attorney General argues that even if federal law allowed the farming of hemp, state laws would still prohibit the growing of the plant. The Justice Department also stated that the growers cannot claim to have suffered from this law because those farmer were never allowed to grow hemp and were therefore not forced to change the way they do business. The Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association lawyer, Burl McCoy, told The Week Online that he is not at all surprised at the Justice Department taking this sort of action. McCoy, who is a former U.S assistant attorney and a former Major in the U.S Reserves, told The Week Online, "They have us in sort of a catch-22." Both the state and federal governments resort to the same excuse, stating that even if growing hemp were legalized under their respective jurisdiction, it would still be illegal under the others. Association president Andy Graves told the Lexington Herald- Leader, "The truth is, this is their way of avoiding the issues. These guys don't want to know the truth, and for them to make an argument that hemp is bad, hemp is wrong, and hemp is marijuana would be to admit that 27 other countries we recognize are wrong to allow it. They don't want to argue the case because there is no rational argument to put up." Many of the farmers in Kentucky, which is still largely a farming state, are trying to prepare for the future by embracing this new crop. McCoy stated to The Week Online, "Kentucky is still a grain state. However you may feel about tobacco, which is the largest cash crop in Kentucky, its demand is diminishing. Small farms are going to need a crop to fall back on in the future." Graves summed up his frustration in a comment to the Herald-Leader, "I don't like it. It offends me that my own government is acting like this." For more information, check out the Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Assoc. at http://www.hempgrowers.com, and our own pieces at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/048.html#ky-hemp and http://www.drcnet.org/wol/042.html#kentucky. 5. Feds Indict Peter McWilliams, Todd McCormick and Others, Alleging Vast Conspiracy To Supply Medical Marijuana (By Dick Cowan, reprinted from http://www.marijuananews.com) July 27, 1998, Los Angeles, CA: Writer-Publisher Peter McWilliams is being denied his AIDS medication while in Federal custody. McWilliams was arrested at his home at 6:00am, on July 23, by seven DEA agents for federal medical marijuana violations. McWilliams has not been given his AIDS medication since he was arrested. "At the Bail Hearing, the Prosecutor, Fernando Aenlle-Rocha, assured the judge I would receive my AIDS medication," said McWilliams on Sunday still in Federal Custody. "I have not." McWilliams was diagnosed with AIDS and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a result of the AIDS, in March, 1996. He has been taking the combination therapy of two anti-viral and one Protease Inhibitor since that time. Medical experts warn that noncompliance with the six-times-a-day treatment could lead to fatal mutations of the AIDS virus not treatable by the medicine. McWilliams will be arraigned on nine federal counts, all involving medical marijuana, on Monday, July 27th at 8:30am before Judge George King. "Of the three vital components of the combination therapy, I have never been given one of them," said McWilliams in a phone interview from the Federal Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles. "My doctor and every medical report I have read repeatedly stresses the importance of not missing so much as a single dose. I have taken my AIDS medication faithfully for 2 and 1/2 years. Now, there is a four day gap in that life-saving treatment." McWilliams has been a vocal advocate of medical marijuana, an outspoken critic of the federal policies jailing sick people for treating their illnesses, especially since the passage of California's Proposition 215 in 1996. "The Federal Government has arrested me to silence me," said McWilliams. "But must it attempt to murder me as well?" McWilliams has appeared on CNN, ABC News, TIME, CBS Radio Network, MSNBC, and dozens of other media advocating medical marijuana. He is the publisher of The Medical Marijuana Magazine online at http://www.marijuanamagazine.com. McWilliams intends to detail his lack of promised medical treatment to Judge King at his Monday arraignment. [Last-minute update: a judge has temporarily denied a request for reduced bail and house arrest for McWilliams, but has expressed concern about the denial of medication and will hopefully be issuing an order with regard to that. A legal defense fund has been established on McWilliam's behalf. We don't yet have the details, but you can get them by calling Lisa Sutherland at (310) 587-1469. Or get the information by subscribing to the DRC- EXTRA list for more frequent bulletins -- send e-mail to listproc@drcnet.org with the line "subscribe drc-extra your name". (Substitute your actual name or pseudonym where it says "your name".)] 6. Peaceful Prison Protest Earns Solitary Confinement Kris Lotlikar At least 150 prisoners formed a sit down protest at the Fox Lake Correctional Institution because of a department policy of moving inmates out of state. Bill Clausius, spokesman for the state Department of Corrections, admitted that the three-hour long sit-down was peaceful. In reaction to the demonstration, the prisoners who participated are being penalized with four months to a year of solitary confinement. Also, many of the protesters will get fewer visits and phone calls, less recreation time and allowed fewer possessions in their cells. There are varying reports on the number of inmates that took part in the sit down. DOC reports that there were 155 participants, but two prisoners who were present say there were several hundred. Many of the protesters were moved to four other state prisons and more than a dozen were moved out of state even after the demonstration. More than 1,500 Wisconsin inmates are being held in Texas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Oklahoma because of prison overcrowding. This practice has limited family interaction through visits, which some consider cruel and unusual punishment. Jody O'Kane, who took part in the event, wrote a letter to his family, excerpts of which appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal. "I spent 13 years being good, trying to do the right thing in prison, and now all of a sudden, as a reward for that, they want to send me to Tennessee somewhere. So what if I have to spend 20 years in prison. At least I can spend it in Wisconsin where I can see you and spend as much time with you on visits as I can. It is much better than going down there." Janet O'Kane, Jody's mother, whose ability o travel is limited by health problems, told the Journal about the protest. "They weren't violent at all. It was a peaceful sit-down just like in the 60's. Their whole point was to be heard, and so far they haven't been heard at all." 7. Action Request: The Tax Stamp Controversy Kris Lotlikar On June 6, 1994, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a state could not both prosecute a person for illegal sale/possession of a drug and also collect taxes on that drug. Peter Wilson felt this ruling would legitimize the sale of cannabis in Arizona if he paid the tax beforehand. He bought a $5,000 Arizona Cannabis and Controlled Substances Dealers License and pre-paid adhesive tax stamps. In 1995 Wilson was arrested for possession of marijuana. Justice of the Peace John Barclay failed to find probable cause that a crime had been committed, noting, "it would appear that... the legislature intended that it would be possible to legally possess marijuana (under title 42)." In 1996, when Proposition 200 was passed, allowing doctors to prescribe medical marijuana, Wilson was quoted on the front page of the Arizona Republic as willing to supply the marijuana needed by medical marijuana patients. After this event, Peter Wilson was again arrested for marijuana-related charges. In this trial, he was not allowed to tell jurors about his license or about the previous verdict by Justice Barclay; nor he was allowed to use religious arguments to prove innocence. He was found guilty by the jury on seven of the eight charges and faces jail time. On August 4, 1998, a judge will be sentencing Peter Wilson. Please write to the judge and ask that Peter Wilson be given no more than probation, and remember to be polite: Judge David Cole East Court Building, 5th Floor 201 W. Jefferson Phoenix, AZ 85003 8. New Zealand Health Ministry: Pot Poses No Serious Risk In a statement submitted to Parliament this Thursday, the New Zealand Ministry of Health told a select committee inquiry into the mental health effects of marijuana that, "Overall, the current public health risks of cannabis use are small to moderate in size, and are less than the public health risk of tobacco or alcohol use." While it noted that large amounts of marijuana caused acute temporary impairment to thinking, and that some forms of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, could be exacerbated by marijuana use, the statement also said that research shows that even long-term, heavy use of marijuana does not cause great damage to cognition, but that the vast majority of marijuana users in New Zealand use the drug only occasionally. The Ministry's statement largely squares with the conclusions of more than a dozen blue-ribbon reports commissioned by several governments over the past one hundred years, including the Commission of the Australian Government in 1977, the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse convened by U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972, and the Report by the Dutch Government in 1995. In an interview in the New Zealand Dominion, New Zealand Drug Policy Forum Trust director and DRCNet advisory board member Dr. David Hadorn said that the criminalization of marijuana causes more harm to the mental health of New Zealanders than the drug itself. "Creating a climate of criminality around cannabis use," he said, "insures that the relatively few people who develop problems are less likely to seek help. This sets off a spiral of alienation, marginalisation and anti-social behaviour, which too often can culminate in criminality, mental illness and violence." (A number of the reports cited have been re-published in DRCNet's Online Drug Policy Library; the are listed at http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/, Major Studies link. 9. Newsbriefs Medical marijuana initiatives are heading to the ballot this November in several states, including Alaska, Oregon, and Washington State. Notices on initiatives in Colorado, Nevada and Washington, DC are pending. An initiative in Maine is expected to be on the ballot in Nov. 1999. Petitioning is currently underway for a medical marijuana initiative in Florida (see http://www.medicalrights.org). Jeb Bush, the Republican candidate for governor of Florida, has drawn up a 19-page plan to escalate the War on Drugs. Part of Bush's plan is to deny scholarships to people who use drugs. "We're not going to reinvent the wheel, but we're going to do something revolutionary," Bush pledged to the Miami Herald. "There has to be a recognition that being a good citizen means remaining drug free," commented Bush, who confesses that he tried marijuana when he was 17. Lt. Governor Buddy MacKay criticized the withholding of scholarships as "very harsh treatment," according to MacKay spokesperson Robin Rorapaugh, who added that "Drug use, for children, is a problem, but taking away their tools for education and becoming better citizens does not solve it," and that MacKay "has never experimented with illegal drugs." Dallas, Texas schools are looking into voluntary drug testing for students. The drug test would be conducted only after parents request it. In the Dallas system, the school and the parents will receive copies of the results of the tests. Trustee Ron Price told the Dallas Morning News, "If you mail results to parents, they may never get to the parents' hands. If the school district has the information, they can assist the parents in helping the child." Drug-related crime is on the rise in Russia. Russia has experienced a 25% rise during the 1st half of 1998, compared to the same time last year. About 66,000 drug-related crimes were committed between January and June. The number of drug related HIV cases is also going up. More than two million people in Russia use drugs, a figure Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov expects to double by the year 2000. Two U.S pilots died in a plane crash while helping with Columbia's drug crop eradication efforts. The plane went down on Monday about 175 miles southwest of the capital, Bogota. The U.S pilots were part of a program to train Colombian pilots to fumigate drug crops. * In Arizona today, sponsors of Proposition 300, an initiative seeking to restore the state's medical marijuana law, are going to court to force the state Legislative Council to remove references to the medicalization of "heroin, LSD, and PCP" from its official description of the initiative, which is set to be published next week. Passage of Prop 300 would overturn HB 2518, a bill passed by state lawmakers in 1997 which gutted Proposition 200, the medical marijuana initiative that had passed by a 64-36% margin in a 1996 referendum. Prop 300's sponsors, who call themselves "The People Have Spoken," argue that the official description of Prop 200, which sought to legalize the medical use of marijuana and other Schedule One substances, made no such explicit references to hard drugs. Prop 300 lobbyist Jack LaSota told the Arizona Daily Star that the Legislative Council, like opponents of Prop. 200 in 1996, wants to emphasize heroin, LSD, and PCP because of all Schedule One substances they are the "those few most likely to inflame the senses of some voters." State legislators insist they are only trying to insure that voters understand that marijuana is not the only substance whose legality would be affected by Prop 300. A group of young children in Pompano Beach, Florida were apprehended Wednesday by police after they were caught playing "dope dealer," trading leaves for baggies of plastic "crack" and pseudo-marijuana. The children, who live in a neighborhood where real drug sales are common, ranged in age from 4 to 11. They received a lecture from the county sheriff's lieutenant, who later told the Miami Herald that the incident had ruined his day. "This is what they see every day," he said. 165 medical marijuana patients have joined forces with the Hirsch and Caplan Public Interest Law firm in Philadelphia to launch a class-action lawsuit to force the government's hand on medical marijuana. Attorney Lawrence Elliot Hirsch claims that his case will show that the federal government's ban on marijuana in 1937 violates the constitutional rights of patients. An alleged drug dealer on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts has vowed to randomly kill US citizens on the island if the extradition proceedings against him are successful. 37 year-old Charles Miller, known as "Little Nut," is wanted in Florida on charges of cocaine trafficking, and is reputed to have financed the election of the current Prime Minister there. More than 250 American citizens attend a veterinary college located on the island. 10. Link of the Week Last Sunday's episode of the comic strip Doonesbury dealt with the issue of under-treatment of chronic pain from the drug war, and announced to the baby boomer generation what they have in store in old age if the drug war continues in its current form. You can read it on the Sacramento Bee web site at http://www.sacbee.com/smile/comix/ -- follow the Doonesbury link, select July 26 and click. 11. A Campaign for Substance Awareness An organization in New York State, the Orange County Citizens for Substance Awareness (OCCSA), has gone on a crusade seeking disclosure of honest information on the serious health-related risks of various drugs. The group's call is prompted by a study which reveals that 575 people in Orange County die annually from drugs and that almost all such deaths are caused by tobacco and alcohol. "If our goal is to protect public health, we need the disclosure of accurate information about the documented risks associated with all dangerous substances. Hundreds of people are dying each year in this county due to drug use, but the public is not being made aware of the risks associated with the use of common-accepted drugs," said Michael H. Sussman, an attorney and spokesperson for the group. An OCCSA survey in early 1995 revealed that most Orange County residents believed, mistakenly, that the bulk of drug-related deaths stemmed from abuse of illegal drugs, when in fact, fewer than 1% of drug-related deaths were related to the illegal drugs. According to federal date, there were 578 drug-related deaths in 1992, 455 tobacco- related, 120 alcohol-related, two related to cocaine, one related to opiates, and none from marijuana. In 1994, OCCSA mounted a public education campaign featuring a billboard in Chester, NY, listing these numbers. Recently, however, according to OCCSA, the billboard owner took the OCCSA advertisement down, without explanation and in violation of the rental contract. For further information, contact Michael H. Sussman at (914) 294-3991. Take a look at OCCSA's billboard at http://www.drcnet.org/images/occsa.jpg. 12. Debating Points The OCCSA billboard illustrates how badly skewed current policies toward substances are, in light of the actual harm caused by the different substances. The legal drugs alcohol and tobacco have an enormously greater medical impact on society than all of the illegal drugs combined, and alcohol plays the principal role in substance-related violence and other criminal activity. A common response made to this point by prohibitionists (and other unconvinced citizens) is to call that a reason to keep the illegal drugs illegal -- do we want to have such huge problems with those drugs too, as we have with the legal drugs? While this argument doesn't answer to the disparate resources applied in, say, drug education vs. tobacco and alcohol education, it does evoke the fear of a "nation of addicts" that stands in the way of drug policy reform. There are at two fundamental flaws to their argument. First, they are comparing certain drugs that are legal, with _other_ drugs that are illegal. Different drugs have different effects, different use patterns, different sociological associations and different interactions with policies. One needs to look at legal alcohol vs. prohibited alcohol, for example, or legal opiates before 1914 vs. a war on heroin today, or Dutch marijuana coffeeshops vs. marijuana arrests every 49 seconds in the U.S., to make a valid comparison. Not that the analysis stops there -- one needs to also look at differences between times, countries, cultures, circumstances, etc. But at least we then have the beginning of a reasonable comparison. Secondly, the argument entirely omits the fact that drugs, both legal and illegal, do not exist in isolation from one another. Alcohol use patterns are not independent from marijuana use patterns are not independent from use of other drugs. For example, increasing marijuana use may be associated with decreasing use of alcohol, or vice-versa. While it is conceivable that experimentation with or even longer-term usage of the currently illegal substances could increase following legalization, it is not at all clear that overall intoxication from all substances combined would increase -- especially given the fact that the illegal drugs currently are widely available despite prohibition, and can be purchased by high school and junior high school students at school, from other students. The argument that use of and harm from the currently illegal drugs would skyrocket to the level of use and harm of the currently legal drugs, implies that legality is the defining factor determining their level of use -- that is, all legal drugs are going to be used at approximately the same rate or order of magnitude. But the same type of reasoning should then imply that all illegal drugs would be used at the same level as well. We know, however, that different illegal drugs are not all used at the same rate. Marijuana is enormously more popular than heroin, cocaine, LSD and methamphetamine combined. It's not that marijuana is legal where the other drugs aren't, and it's not that the marijuana laws go unenforced. (Remember, one arrest every 49 seconds.) Fewer people use heroin or cocaine, because heroin and cocaine are scary and are widely understood to be dangerous. There's simply no basis for the belief that scary drugs like heroin or cocaine, at least in their current, highly intense forms, would ever be as widely used even as marijuana, let alone alcohol. 13. Office of National Drug Control Policy Hard at Work Those of you who missed the legalization debate last week at Intellectual Capital, can access the archive at http://www.intellectualcapital.com/issues/98/0723/.) There are discussion forums following both Charles Blanchard's and Nadine Strossen's articles, as well as following the online poll. The debate was especially rousing, thanks to the participation of Blanchard, ONDCP's chief counsel, and ONDCP staffer Rob Housman. Two weeks ago, DRCNet summarized ONDCP chief Barry McCaffrey's visit to Europe in which he made a spectacle of himself by promulgating extreme, verifiably false data about the Netherlands in the international media. Most notably, McCaffrey claimed, during a speech in Sweden, that the homicide rate in the Netherlands is double the homicide rate in the United States. It turned out that McCaffrey's number was off by a factor of ten, and that the homicide rate in the U.S. is 4 1/2 times that of the Dutch. (See http://www.drcnet.org/wol/050.html#footinmouth.) The performance of ONDCP staff on intellectualcapital.com was little better. For example, Rob Housman wrote on page 3_c that "... if you look at 1992, U.S. youth drug use is way below Dutch (10.6 versus 30.2 percent prevalence). So where are your facts?" A week earlier, a DRCNet representative attended Barry McCaffrey's press conference at the National Press Club and picked up one of ONDCP's press packets, which included several colored charts. One of the charts explains the origins of Housman's numbers: the U.S. numbers are for ages 12-17 while the Dutch numbers are for ages 16-19. It is obvious that 16-19 year olds, half of whom are legal adults (at least by U.S. standards), are going to use marijuana more frequently than 12-17 year olds, half of whom are under 15. In no way is this a valid comparison between the two countries. (We've scanned the ONDCP graph and have posted it online at http://www.drcnet.org/graphs/ondcp1.html.) Housman also wrote, "how do you know about Netherlands use? They have not released full youth drug use stats since 1992 -- wonder why? So how can you compare?" We're not sure what he means by "full stats", but there certainly are adequate statistics available for as recently as 1997, with which to make a legitimate comparison. For example, a publication of the Netherlands Institute of Health and Addiction reports that past-month and lifetime prevalence of marijuana use among Dutch 12-18 year olds are 11 and 21 percent respectively. The corresponding U.S. rates, from the University of Michigan Monitoring the Future Study, are 18 and 38 percent -- the opposite of what Housman and ONDCP claimed on the net and to the media. (Much more such data is available from the Common Sense for Drug Policy "Drug War Factbook", at http://www.drugsense.org/factbook.htm.) When the defenders of current drug policies have to constantly resort to the most misleading tactics to make their case, what does this suggest about the policies? (Note: staff of the ONDCP are known to be monitoring this list as well as DRCNet's discussion lists. We invite them to submit a response to this piece, but forewarn that we are likely to print a response to their response.) 14. EDITORIAL: The Pompano Beach Twelve In Pompano Beach, Florida this week, a dozen kids ranging in age from four to eleven were brought to the attention of local law enforcement for playing a pretend game that they call "dope dealer." The game, it seems, is simple, with youngsters trading leaves, which represent money, for plastic baggies containing pretend "drugs." "We play dope dealer all the time," a seven year-old later said, "And tag." Even the worst excesses of the drug war are justified, again and again, as vital, lest we "send the wrong message to our children." Perversely, however, the drug war and the black market that it creates not only puts the drugs and the drug trade within easy reach of our kids, but also creates a culture of prohibition that inundates their lives. For the twelve kids from Pompano Beach, the drug trade is no abstraction. Two homes on their block stand boarded as ex- crack houses. One can be sure that a large number of the older teens in their neighborhood, and certainly those who drive nice cars and wear expensive jewelry--in other words, the obvious role models--are involved to one degree or another in "the business." And the culture of prohibition does not stop at the outer edges of crack-infested neighborhoods. For it is from these communities, poor urban as well as suburban areas, that America's youth culture originates. Rap music that reinforces the "Us vs. Them" nature of relations with the police, the baggy pants and homemade tattoos apropos of prison life, and the cultivated fear that passes for respect on the streets have all found their way into the youth mainstream. The fact is that the music, clothes and language of America's youth all have their origins in the ghetto -- just ask any marketing executive for Nike or Sony Records -- and the experiences of the kids from those communities are dominated by prohibition and its attendant economies. Children, all children, internalize what they see around them. This might come as a surprise to politicians who think that kids take their cues from whether or not the President inhaled or how many mandatory minimum sentencing bills are passed, but it's true. Prohibition creates markets, which create entrepreneurs, who accumulate wealth, and they do so in open defiance of both the laws of the land and those whom we pay to enforce them. And despite the best intentions of those who want nothing more than to save the children by making prohibition work, the kids, large numbers of them anyway, will always be more heavily influenced by the actions and lifestyles of their direct elders--their siblings and cousins and neighbors -- than they will be by the admonitions of well-meaning adults. Today, in Pompano Beach, Florida, and doubtless in communities across the nation, kids between the ages of four and eleven are playing "dope dealer." They are, as kids will do, absorbing the culture that they are exposed to. They are, it is safe to assume, not unlike their grandparents or great-grandparents, who probably played at being Al Capone or one of the other Prohibition-era gangsters. What is surprising is that we as a society insist upon fueling this destructive culture in the face of overwhelming evidence that prohibition is doomed to fail. Our leaders tell us over and over again that they are sending a message to our children, and they are right. But the message is one of lawlessness and conflict and the normalization of violence. It is a message that is reinforced every time that we reaffirm our commitment to prosecuting a failed drug war. It is the message of the culture of prohibition, and it has come through loud and clear. Just ask the Pompano Beach twelve. Adam J. Smith Associate Director If you like what you see here and want to get these bulletins by e-mail, please fill out our quick signup form at http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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