------------------------------------------------------------------- CRRH Web Site Wins Awards And Accolades (Paul Stanford Of The Campaign For The Restoration And Regulation Of Hemp Says The Redesigned Web Site For The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act Has Received Web Design Awards From Project Cool Sighting And Four Other Groups) Sender: crrh@crrh.org Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 03:05:27 -0700 To: restore@crrh.org From: "D. Paul Stanford" (stanford@crrh.org) Subject: CRRH web site wins awards and accolades I am pleased to announce that our Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp web site http://www.crrh.org has just received one of the most influential web awards, the "Project Cool Sighting." Project Cool is recognized and linked to prominently by many of the key "portals" on the Internet's world wide web, such as Yahoo, Netscape, Microsoft and others. To see the Project Cool listing of http://www.crrh.org as "Today's Sighting, July 27th", point your web browser to: http://www.projectcool.com/sightings/. Project Cool is an international web design standard that other key volume web sites watch and follow, and "project cool sightings" regularly receive several tens of thousands of new hits in a day. This will help our cause gain further notice, recognition and credibility, and deliver our message to an ever-widening audience. We have also just, over the past two days, won 4 other awards and recognition for our ground breaking web site design and content. "The Webmasters Award" was also just bestowed upon CRRH's web site (http://www.marketme.com/awards/archive/recent.html) as has the "1998 Superior Site Award" from the "Fortress of Solitude" web site (http://www.jacksonville.net/~tomspeer/superior.html) and the "CP Award" (http://members.viperlink.net/cas/winners.asp). One of the ones that I am happiest about is the "Good People's Choice Award" from http://youonline.net/. This award notice arrived Sunday night with this introduction, "Congratulations! We have visited your web site and find it to be of good, moral and ethical content." Since a small yet influential group of drug warriors so often tends to attempt to castigate our movement with unsubstantiated misrepresentations of lack of morals and ethics, I was glad to see this one and will display it on our web site's credits page. All of these awards are made based solely upon merit. We are proud to share these positive developments with you. If you haven't taken a look at our award winning web site redesign, please do so. We expect that our web site will continue to garner further awards and recognition. CRRH will strive to live up to this world class standard in all of our endeavors. If you can, please make a donation on our web site or through the mail to help further our work. Our innovative work, though well represented by our web site's design and content, extends to political legislation and action too. As many of you know, CRRH has developed a legislative model to legally regulate the sale of cannabis to adults that can be upheld in federal court and meet international treaty mandates, and we are trying to implement this through the initiative petition process. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Yours truly, D. Paul Stanford *** We are working to regulate and tax adult marijuana sales, allow doctors to prescribe cannabis and allow the unregulated production of industrial hemp! Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp CRRH P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone:(503) 235-4606 Fax:(503) 235-0120 Web: http://www.crrh.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Money For Medical Marijuana Measure Comes From Outside Oregon (Rather Than Focus On The Seriously Ill Patients Throughout Oregon Who Need Measure 67, The Medical Marijuana Initiative Sponsored By Oregonians For Medical Rights, 'The Associated Press' Reflects Characteristic Oregonian Xenophobia In Focusing On Where The Campaign's Money Is Coming From, Ignoring The Oregon Roots Of One Major Donor) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:06:29 -0700 To: dpfor@drugsense.org From: "D. Paul Stanford" (stanford@crrh.org) Subject: DPFOR: AP Wire: Money for medical marijuana measure comes from outside Oregon Sender: owner-dpfor@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfor@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Money for medical marijuana measure comes from outside Oregon The Associated Press 07/27/98 5:35 AM Eastern SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- The campaign behind a ballot measure that would legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes was funded entirely by sources outside Oregon, according to state finance reports. Measure 67 is the first initiative to qualify for the ballot without in-state funding since 1984, when a Georgia lottery ticket-making company funded the measure that authorized the Oregon Lottery, the Statesman Journal reported. "We can deplore it. But it doesn't seem to make a difference," said David Buchanan, executive director of the political watchdog group Oregon Common Cause. The Oregon Supreme Court has overturned most attempts to limit campaign financing, Buchanan said. Common Cause has not taken a stand on the marijuana measure, but Buchanan had this advice for anyone who wants to drum up opposition: "They should say that this is an outsider initiative. This isn't an Oregon initiative." The group Americans for Medical Rights, based in Santa Monica, Calif., doesn't deny that it is trying to intervene in Oregon's initiative process. "We are involved in a national effort. There's no question about that," spokesman Dave Fratello said. Because of the group's financing, Oregon and Alaska are certain to vote on the issue in November. Colorado and Washington state also are expected to vote on similar measures this fall, but elections officials have not certified the measures in those states. Legal wrangling is stalling the initiative from appearing before Nevada and Maine voters. The group's goal, Fratello said, is to benefit society. "This is an effort to help patients in several individual states and to pressure the federal government," he said. Fratello's group is largely funded by three men who persuaded Californians to approve marijuana for medical purposes two years ago. The three are billionaire philanthropist George Soros of New York, insurance mogul Peter Lewis of Cleveland, and John Sperling, founder and president of the University of Phoenix, who lives in Arizona. Dr. Rick Bayer, a Lake Oswego physician and the chief signature-gatherer of Oregon's initiative, said none of the three has anything to gain financially. "It's different from a corporation trying to garner profit," he said. "You know what matters to me is whether the contributors believe in the cause or whether they are trying to achieve financial gain." The medical rights group donated $140,000 to Oregon's cause and $1 million combined for its efforts nationwide. About $90,000 in debt is outstanding to pay for signature gatherers in Oregon. Bayer and others pointed out that an in-state fund-raising drive has begun and a local group, Oregonians for Medical Rights, has been formed. But no major public figures in Oregon have rallied behind the cause. "From the law enforcement perspective, I believe marijuana is a gateway drug," said Walt Myers, Salem's police chief. "I believe legalizing marijuana in any manner that would make it more available for drug abuse is risky."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Gossip ('New York Post' Columnist Liz Smith Describes The Legal Problems Besetting Los Angeles Author And Medical Marijuana Patient, Activist And Defendant Peter McWilliams) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 11:08:34 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NY: Column: Gossip Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: New York Post Contact: letters@nypost.com Website: http://nypostonline.com/ Pubdate: Monday July 27, 1998 Author: Liz Smith GOSSIP "MOST PEOPLE are willing to cooperate with both the absolute and arbitrary laws of government into which they were born, providing (a) the majority of people follow them, and (b) those agreements are fair: that they somehow make sense ... We will make personal allowances for others, knowing that others are making personal allowances for us. For those who don't choose to obey this fundamental agreement, there are police, courts and jails. When the laws are irrational, however, people are less likely to sacrifice in order to obey them." So writes the prolific Peter McWilliams in his great book "Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do." (He has written such best-sellers as "DO IT! Let's Get Off Our But's" and "Love 101.") McWilliams, who has AIDS and cancer, is a strong proponent of marijuana to relieve pain and nausea. He recently was arrested in Los Angeles on a charge of intent to distribute marijuana. Peter is electric with indignation that those who are suffering but who find legitimate relief in marijuana are subject to such prosecution.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Meeting At Oakland City Hall 7 PM Tuesday, July 28 (A Bay Area Medical Marijuana Activist Urges You To Show Support Tomorrow Night For The Final Approval Of The City's Ordinance Designating The Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative As An Agent Of The City) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: IMPORTANT meeting at Oakland City Hall 7pm 7-28-98 Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 10:48:34 PDT On Tuesday July 28, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in Full City Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall, the Oakland City Council will give final approval on an ordinance setting up a city agency to dispense medical cannabis in the City of Oakland. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AT THIS MEETING. This ordinance would allow the Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Cooperative to operate as a city agency if designated by the city manager. This is the most important meeting with the City of Oakland this summer, please show your support. We would like to show the City Council that there is a lot of support for this issue. We strongly urge your attendance at this meeting. Thank you for the support we have received from everyone that has attended meetings or rallies in the past. We will prevail in this fight to allow medical patients to rightfully obtain and use medical cannabis safely in the City of Oakland. City Hall is located at One City Hall Plaza, the cross street is 14th street. See you there. Ralph
------------------------------------------------------------------- Legalization Would Be The Wrong Direction (An Op-Ed In 'The Los Angeles Times' Opposing Harm Reduction, By The US Drug Czar, General Barry McCaffrey, Shows Again How The US Media Will Not Say A Word When He Cites False Statistics And Other Misinformation) From: David Mickenberg (dmickenberg@sorosny.org) To: TLC_ACTIVIST (TLCACT@snake-eyes.soros.org) Subject: Los Angeles Times: Barry McCaffrey op-ed 7/27; Letters to the Editor information Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 13:14:19 -0400 Sender: owner-tlc-activist@server.soros.org Letters to the Editor can be sent to: Fax 213-237-7968 Email: op-ed@latimes.com Los Angeles Times Times Mirror Square Los Angeles, CA 90053 *Note: The full and accurate quote from the June 1990 issue of Issues in Science and Technology, referenced in McCaffrey's article, reads: "Personally, when I talk about legalization, I mean three things: The first is to make drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin legal--under fairly restricted conditions, but not as restricted as today." *** Los Angeles Times COMMENTARY Monday, July 27, 1998 PERSPECTIVE ON DRUGS Legalization Would Be the Wrong Direction Hiding just beneath the theory of harm reduction is a whole other agenda in dealing with substance abuse. By BARRY R. MCCAFFREY The so-called harm-reduction approach to drugs confuses people with terminology. All drug policies claim to reduce harm. No reasonable person advocates a position consciously designed to be harmful. The real question is which policies actually decrease harm and increase good. The approach advocated by people who say they favor harm reduction would in fact harm Americans. The theory behind what they call harm reduction is that illegal drugs cannot be controlled by law enforcement, education and other methods; therefore, proponents say, harm should be reduced by needle exchange, decriminalization of drugs, heroin maintenance and other measures. But the real intent of many harm reduction advocates is the legalization of drugs, which would be a mistake. Lest anyone question whether harm reductionists favor drug legalization, let me quote some articles written by supporters of this position. Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Lindesmith Center, a Manhattan-based drug research institute, wrote in American Heritage (March, 1993): "Should we legalize drugs? History answers 'yes.' " In Issues in Science and Technology (June, 1990), Nadelmann aligns his own opinion with history's supposed verdict: "Personally, when I talk about legalization, I mean three things: The first is to make drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin legal." With regard to labels, Nadelmann wrote: "I much prefer the term 'decriminalization' or 'normalization.' " People who advocate legalization can call themselves anything they like, but deceptive terms should not obscure a position so that it can't be debated coherently. Changing the name of a plan doesn't constitute a new solution or alter the nature of the problem. The plain fact is that drug abuse wrecks lives. It is criminal that more money is spent on illegal drugs than on art or higher education, that crack babies are born addicted and in pain and that thousands of adolescents lose their health and future to drugs. Addictive drugs were criminalized because they are harmful; they are not harmful because they were criminalized. The more a product is available and legitimized, the greater will be its use. If drugs were legalized in the U.S., the cost to the individual and society would grow astronomically. In the Netherlands when coffee shops started selling marijuana in small quantities, use of this drug doubled between 1984 and 1992. A 1997 study by Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter from the University of Maryland notes that the percentage of Dutch 18-year-olds who tried pot rose from 15% to 34% from 1984 to 1992, a time when the numbers weren't climbing in other European nations. By contrast, in 1992 teenage use of marijuana in the United States was estimated at 10.6%. Many advocates of harm reduction consider drug use a part of the human condition that will always be with us. While we agree that murder, pedophilia and child prostitution can never be eliminated entirely, no one is arguing that we legalize these activities. Some measures proposed by activist harm reductionists, like heroin maintenance, veer toward the absurd. The Lindesmith Center convened a meeting in June to discuss a multicity heroin maintenance study, and a test program for heroin maintenance may be launched in Baltimore. Arnold Trebach argues for heroin maintenance in his book "Legalize It? Debating American Drug Policy": "Under the legalization plan I propose here, addicts . . . would be able to purchase the heroin and needles they need at reasonable prices from a nonmedical drugstore." Why would anyone choose to maintain addicts on heroin as opposed to oral methadone, which eliminates the injection route associated with HIV and other diseases? Research from the National Institute for Drug Abuse shows that untreated addicts die at a rate seven to eight times higher than similar patients in methadone-based treatment programs. Dr. Avram Goldstein, in his book "Addiction: From Biology to Drug Policy," explains that when individuals switch from heroin to methadone, general health improves and abnormalities of body systems (such as the hormones) normalize. Unlike heroin maintenance, methadone maintenance has no adverse effects on cognitive or psychomotor function, performance of skilled tasks or memory, he said. This research indicates that the choice of heroin maintenance over methadone maintenance doesn't even meet the criteria of harm reduction that advocates claim to apply. Treatment must differ significantly from the disease it seeks to cure. Otherwise, the solution resembles the circular reasoning spoofed in Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince" by the character who drinks because he has a terrible problem, namely, that he is a drunk. Just as alcohol is no help for alcoholism, heroin is no cure for heroin addiction. As a society, we are successfully addressing drug use and its consequences. In the past 20 years, drug use in the United States decreased by half and casual cocaine use by 70%. Drug-related murders and spending on drugs decreased by more than 30% as the illegal drug market shrunk. Still, we are faced with many challenges, including educating a new generation of children who may have little experience with the negative consequences of drug abuse, increasing access to treatment for 4 million addicted Americans and breaking the cycle of drugs and crime that has caused a massive increase in the number of people incarcerated. We need prevention programs, treatment and alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders. Drug legalization is not a viable policy alternative because excusing harmful practices only encourages them. At best, harm reduction is a half-way measure, a half-hearted approach that would accept defeat. Increasing help is better than decreasing harm. The "1998 National Drug Control Strategy"--a publication of the Office of National Drug Control Policy that presents a balanced mix of prevention, treatment, stiff law enforcement, interdiction and international cooperation--is a blueprint for reducing drug abuse and its consequences by half over the coming decade. With science as our guide and grass-roots organizations at the forefront, we will succeed in controlling this problem. Pretending that harmful activity will be reduced if we condone it under the law is foolhardy and irresponsible. Barry R. Mccaffrey Is Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories. You will not be charged to look for stories, only to retrieve one. David Mickenberg The Lindesmith Center (212) 548-0383 dmickenberg@sorosny.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP Focus Alert Number 74 - McCaffrey Applauded For Lying! (The Media Awareness Project Asks You To Write A Quick Letter Protesting The Refusal Of 'The San Diego Union Tribune' To Print The Facts Friday Regarding The US Drug Czar's Misrepresentations Of Dutch Drug Policies And Statistics) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 10:49:08 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: Focus Alert No. 74 McCaffrey applauded for lying! FOCUS Alert No. 74 San Diego Union Tribune Applauds McCaffery for Lying! Here's one for the record books. Drug Czar McCaffey goes to Europe, lies numerous times about the murder rates, drug use rates, and effectiveness of drug policy in the Netherlands and the San Diego Union Tribune applauds him and calls him a stand up guy! McCaffrey generated an international incident, was soundly criticized and corrected by Dutch officials for his faux pas and made a complete fool of himself in the eyes of most observers and media. Please write a letter to the Tribune. As far as we know they are the only newspaper in the nation to go so far as to try to put a positive spin on McCaffrey's ruinous trip. Below are two sample letters, the original article, contact info, and a fact sheet Everything you need to send off a good LTE. Please use them and help us nail this wild distortion of the truth. WRITE A LETTER TODAY- LIVE IN A FREER WORLD TOMORROW Just DO it! *** PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF YOUR LETTER OR TELL US WHAT YOU DID ( Letter, Phone, fax etc.) Please post your letters or report your action to the MAPTalk list if you are subscribed, or return a copy to this address by simply hitting REPLY to this FOCUS Alert and pasting your letter in or by E-mailing a copy directly to MGreer@mapinc.org *** CONTACT INFO Email your Letter to the Editor to: letters@uniontrib.com San Diego Union-Tribune (619) 299-3131 Fax (619) 293 1440 letters@uniontrib.com http:// www.uniontrib.com Doug Hope Managing Editor San Diego Union-Tribune 350 Camino de la Reina PO Box 191 San Diego CA 9211 "EXTRA CREDIT" Call The Tribune and ask for the senior editor Karin Winner and express your views that some semblance towards balance and reason on drug issues would indeed be a refreshing change from this paper. *** ORIGINAL ARTICLE US CA: America's Drug Warrior Newshawk: John Harper Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Pubdate: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 Contact: letters@uniontrib.com Website: http://www.uniontrib.com/ McCAFFREY COMMITS TRUTH DURING EUROPEAN TOUR Barry McCaffrey is a stand-up guy. If there were any doubts that the Clinton administration's drug czar was anything but, he dispelled them during his recent eight-day visit to Europe. The highlight of McCaffrey's trip was a stop in the Netherlands, where the retired army general got to judge for himself the merits of that nation's liberal drug policies. McCaffrey was unimpressed. He pronounced the Dutch government's heroin distribution program an "unmitigated disaster," not the least, he added, because the program consigns "part of the population to suffering endlessly from heroin." The drug czar also made known his dim view of Dutch coffeehouses, which sell marijuana and hashish to anyone over 18, even though they technically are not allowed to do so under Dutch law. "It is a legal hypocrisy that bothers many," McCaffrey understated. The Dutch government took umbrage with McCaffrey's frank criticisms. The Dutch Foreign Ministry called in the U.S. ambassador in protest. And the Dutch Ministry of Health questioned why McCaffrey had set foot on Dutch soil in the first place. But McCaffrey was guilty only of committing truth. The Dutch government's laissez-faire drug policies are, indeed, a disaster. This is borne out by the across-the-board increases in crime and drug-related deaths in the Netherlands since 1978. The frightening thing of it is that, in recent years, a startling number of prominent Americans -- from former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders to U.S. Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner to billionaire George Soros -- have publicly expressed the view that the United States should emulate the Netherlands by legalizing drug use. This kind of thinking -- whatever the motivation -- may have contributed to the rise in drug use in this country, particularly among younger Americans. Indeed, marijuana use among teen-agers has increased more than 100 percent. Teen-age use of cocaine, heroin and LSD is up 150 percent. Liberalizing America's drug policies, a la the Netherlands, would only make these disquieting statistics worse. And it is hard to see how having more junkies in this country amounts to good public policy, no matter what Elders, Posner, Soros and other advocates of drug legalization suggest. The best approach, the approach that happens to be favored by Gen. McCaffrey, is three-pronged: Maintain law enforcement's zero tolerance of illegal drug use, not the least to deter casual use. Coordinate with foreign governments to fight drug trafficking. Expand prevention programs to discourage nonusers from becoming users and expand drug treatment programs to help addicts beat their deadly habit. Ultimately, victory or defeat in the war on drugs will depend in part on leadership at the top. And, unfortunately, leadership has been sorely lacking in most of the men who have occupied the position of drug czar. But Gen. McCaffrey is different. He has proven his willingness to speak the truth, no matter the political fall-out. That's the mark of a real leader. *** To the San Diego Union Tribune editors, In response to your July 24 article "McCAFFREY COMMITS TRUTH DURING EUROPEAN TOUR" praising both General McCaffrey's truth and accuracy in his assessment of Dutch drug policy. General McCaffrey acknowledges it was incorrectly claimed that the Netherlands murder rate was "twice" the US rate, asserting "that's drugs." In fact, the Dutch rate is only one quarter of the US rate. Although McCaffrey was inaccurate in his data, he is truthful when he attributes the difference in the murder rates to "drugs." Drug prohibition and its many unintended consequences, to be specific. Ashley H Clements via the internet *** Dear Editor There are few papers in the country who could be so uninformed or purposely misleading as to call Drug Czar McCaffrey's trip to Holland a success. To insinuate that McCaffrey "committed truth" (SDUT 7/24) is not only wildly inaccurate but supports the General for getting his facts wrong. McCaffrey called Dutch drug policy an "unmitigated disaster" recently when in fact it was his trip that was the disaster. He began by inaccurately claiming that the Dutch murder rate exceeds that in the United States. In fact the US murder rate is 8.22 per 100,000. In Holland it is 1.8 per 100,000. Our incarceration rates are also far above Holland's yet McCaffrey seems unable to separate truth from fiction. In virtually every category the Dutch have shown that their policies are superior to ours. The nations Drug Czar was soundly criticized for his numerous inaccuracies by Dutch officials and for this paper to report otherwise not only flies in the face of facts but puts a complete reverse spin on what most papers accurately reported as at least a blunder by McCaffrey. McCaffrey is far from a stand up guy. He completely ignores science, fact, truth, and reason when it suits his purpose to extend and support the "drug war" which amounts to the biggest national failure in our history. Mark Greer Executive Director DrugSense *** FACTS YOU CAN USE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 15, 1998 Contact: Paul Lewin, 703-354-5694 Drug Czar's Misstatements on Dutch Drug Policy Provoke Outrage from Dutch Officials, U.S. Drug Policy Experts Gen. Barry McCaffrey's Eight-Day EuropeanTour of Anti-Drug Programs Dodged by Protest over Inaccuracies WASHINGTON, D.C. - Calling the Dutch drug policy an "unmitigated disaster" and relying on erroneous statistics, White House Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey embarked on an eight-day European tour of anti-drug programs amid criticism from Dutch officials and U.S. drug policy reform groups who are urging him to stick with the truth, not false facts. "The fabrications the Drug Czar has put forward thus far are completely at odds with the fact-finding nature of his mission in Europe," said Kevin Zeese, President of Common Sense for Drug Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based public education and advocacy organization critical of the drug war. "We wouldn't let a general this fuzzy with the facts lead an army into battle. Yet we're allowing a general who has clearly lost his objectivity to determine sweeping policy that impacts millions of Americans. We urge McCaffrey to approach the remainder of his tour with a more open mind." At the center of the controversy are statements McCaffrey made at Monday, July 13 press conference in Stockholm. McCaffrey cited the murder rate in the Netherlands as double that in the United States, and blamed drugs as a major culprit. McCaffrey said the U.S. had 8.22 murders per 100,000 people in 1995 compared to 17.58 murders in the Netherlands. The Dutch government's Central Planning Bureau has disputed the claim, faulting McCaffrey for including attempted murders in his figures. Accurate data put the Dutch murder rate at 1.8 per 100,000. (see attached fact sheet) The Stockholm conference came on the heels of similar misstatements McCaffrey made on a July 9 CNN "Talkback Live" debate with Mike Gray, author of Drug Crazy, a critically acclaimed account of the failures of the drug war. McCaffrey called the Dutch drug policy an "unmitigated disaster" that has resulted in escalating drug use among the Netherlands' youth - a claim also at odds with the facts. In a June 25th radio interview on the "Marc Cooper Show" (Pacifica KPFK in Los Angeles), Jim McDonough, Counsel to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, also claimed that the murder rate in the Netherlands was higher than in the U.S. When asked by the Washington Times to respond to a Dutch official's refutation of the claim, McDonough responded, "Let's say she's right. What you're left with is that they are much more violent society and more inept [at murder], and that's nothing to brag about." "(McCaffrey's) statements show...that he is not coming totally unbiased," Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Birgitta Tazelaar told Reuters on July 14. "We hope his opinions will...come more into line with the facts." *** WRITE AWAY! *** Mark Greer Media Awareness Project (MAP) inc. d/b/a DrugSense MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.DrugSense.org/ http://www.mapinc.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- Carson City Man Files Suit After Arrest ('The Associated Press' Says John Longshore Of Nevada Was Initiatially 'Roughed Up' And Dosed With Pepper Spray By Cops Who Arrested Him On Charges Of Possessing Marijuana And Methamphetamine, But A Judge Suppressed The Evidence Due To Lack Of A Warrant And Now The Victim Is Suing) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:06:59 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NV: Wire: Carson City Man Files Suit After Arrest Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 Source: Associated Press CARSON CITY MAN FILES SUIT AFTER ARREST CARSON CITY -- A man who is accused of fighting with officers when they arrested him on a number of drug charges is suing them, claiming they violated his rights by roughing him up. In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Reno, John Longshore alleges the multijurisdictional task force violated his constitutional rights. It names Sheriffs Ron Pierini of Douglas County, Rod Banister of Carson City and Sid Smith of Lyon County. Longshore, 42, was arrested April 30, 1997, on charges of possession of marijuana and methamphetamine at his Carson City home, trafficking and battery on a peace officer. He claims the officers did not have a search warrant or probable cause to search the residence. When the officers asked permission to search the premises, he turned them down and was going back inside when one officer grabbed him by the arm and another splashed him with pepper spray, Longshore said. Longshore was taken to Carson City jail, where he was held in lieu of $50,000 bail. In December 1997, Carson City District Judge Michael Fondi ordered the evidence suppressed and Longshore released, according to the lawsuit.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug 'War' Misstates Government's Approach (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Denver Post' From Robert Housman, The Chief Policy Adviser For The US Office Of Strategic Planning, Defends The Lies Of The US Drug Czar, General Barry McCaffrey, Cited By 'Los Angeles Times' Columnist Robert Scheer - Plus Commentary From List Subscribers) From: GDaurer@AOL.COM Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 07:56:51 EDT To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: McC's Mouthpiece Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Here's a published response from the Office of Strategic Planning (is that part of the ONDCP?) that appeared in The Denver Post. It refers to a reprint (from the LA Times) of Robert Scheer's editorial. *** The Denver Post 7-27-98 Drug 'war' misstates government's approach In "The Drug War Can't Abide Honest Statistics" (July 23), Robert Scheer points fingers about inaccuracies but disregards the facts. We aren't waging a "war" on drugs. Federal efforts are more akin to fighting cancer -- via prevention and treatment. The largest percentage dollar increase has been in prevention: $256 million in this year's proposed budget. Treatment funds are up 33 percent over the past three years. (Law enforcement and interdiction reinforce -- don't drive -- our approach.) Scheer is wrong about the Dutch. Prevalence of marijuana use among Dutch adolescents is 30.2 percent: the U.S. prevalence is 10.6 percent. He also misstates how the Netherlands handle cocaine and amphetamines. Use and sale of the drugs there is criminal, not medical. Dutch drug seizures are up, and prison populations have more than doubled over the past 10 years. The Dutch also are combating drug production and distribution: much of the amphetamines and Ecstasy in Europe are produced in Holland. Marijuana in not benign; it is addictive and has long-term effects on the brain. Children using marijuana experience learning and socialization difficulties. A 12- to 17-year-old who uses marijuana is 85 times more likely to use cocaine than one who does not. A recent study of 182 fatal truck accidents revealed that 12.5 percent of the drivers had used marijuana -- the same percentage as alcohol. Educating children about the dangers of marijuana grows more difficult each time Mr. Scheer and others echo the false belief that marijuana is not dangerous. ROBERT HOUSMAN Chief Policy Adviser Office of Strategic Planning Washington, D.C. *** Date: 20 Jun 98 21:06:39 -500 From: Gary Metzendorf (dreaming@AVANA.NET) Subject: Re: McC's Mouthpiece To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org >We aren't waging a "war" on drugs. Federal efforts are more akin to fighting >cancer -- via prevention and treatment. The largest percentage dollar >increase has been in prevention: $256 million in this year's proposed budget. We don't fight cancer by putting the patients in jail. We don't fight cancer by taking people's cars and houses. We don't fight cancer by breaking into people's houses with no-knock warrants at 3 o'clock in the morning. We don't fight cancer by putting AIDS, glaucoma, and MS patients in jail. We don't fight cancer by threatening doctors with the lose of their license. We don't use retired Army generals to fight cancer, we use doctors. This is a war. >Treatment funds are up 33 percent over the past three years. (Law enforcement >and interdiction reinforce -- don't drive -- our approach.) $1 increased by 33 cents is a 33 percent increase, using percentages without the underlying numbers they are composed of is both disengenous and dishonest. >Scheer is wrong about the Dutch. Prevalence of marijuana use among Dutch >adolescents is 30.2 percent: the U.S. prevalence is 10.6 percent. He also >misstates how the Netherlands handle cocaine and amphetamines. Both of these numbers are subject to interpretation, but the U.S. number is the result of a phone poll. How many people would be likely to indict themselves for a felony? So few, this poll really only measures stupidity. >Use and sale of the drugs there is criminal, not medical. Dutch drug seizures >are up, and prison populations have more than doubled over the past 10 years. >The Dutch also are combating drug production and distribution: much of the >amphetamines and Ecstasy in Europe are produced in Holland. Conjecture, please state the source of your fact that much of the production of amphetamines and ecstasy are of Dutch origin. >Marijuana in not benign; it is addictive define addictive. Marijuana is NOT addictive in the classical sense, or most of the known medical sense. Perhaps you have a new definition of addiction and in this new definition (new speak) marijuana is addictive. I'll bet love is addictive in this model as well. >and has long-term effects on the >brain. Most everything has long-term effects on the brain. This is not necessarily a "bad" thing. >Children using marijuana experience learning and socialization >difficulties. Children NOT using marijuana experience learning and socialization difficulties, Where is the proof Marijuana, is exclusively to blame for this? Besides no one is arguing, that children should use marijuana, it is the Federal government's prohibition of Adult usage of marijuana that has led to the extensive unregulated black-market which supplies children and adults alike. Dealers have no license to lose, it doesn't matter to them who they sell it to. As long as prohibition exists children will be MORE likely to use marijuana, not LESS. > A recent study of 182 fatal truck >accidents revealed that 12.5 percent of the drivers had used marijuana -- the >same percentage as alcohol. Ambigous, please quote the study. Gary Metzendorf informed Voter Somewhere in America *** X-Organisation: Faculty of Environmental Sciences University of Amsterdam Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 NL-1018 VZ Amsterdam X-Fax: +31 20 525 5822 X-Sender: arjansas@pop.frw.uva.nl Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:36:28 +0200 To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) From: Arjan Sas (A.Sas@FRW.UVA.NL) Subject: Re: McC's Mouthpiece Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org At 10:32 -0400 30-07-1998, Tim Sheridan wrote: >> Scheer is wrong about the Dutch. Prevalence of marijuana use among Dutch >> adolescents is 30.2 percent: the U.S. prevalence is 10.6 percent. He also >> misstates how the Netherlands handle cocaine and amphetamines. >> ROBERT HOUSMAN >> Chief Policy Adviser >> Office of Strategic Planning >> Washington, D.C. > >One point to consider.. >"Prevalance" is a meaningless term as it is used here. >It does not say whether the Dutch use "more" pot or are more likely to >try it in small amounts. But more important: the so-called Dutch figure of 30.2 percent is in fact the lifetime prevalence of cannabis use in *AMSTERDAM* in 1994 for the age group 16-19 years. Source: Paul Sandwijk, Peter Cohen, Sako Musterd and Marieke Langemeijer (1995), Licit and illicit drug use in Amsterdam: Report of a household survey in 1994 on the prevalence of drug use among the population of 12 years and over, Amsterdam: CEDRO, p. 55. Of course it's not fair to compare the prevelance data of the cultural capital city of one country with national prevalence data of another country. Stanton Peele and I already pointed this out last week at: http://www.peele.net/mccaffrey/ National prevalence data for the Netherlands are not yet available. However, national prevalence figures will be much lower than the figures for Amsterdam. See: http://www.frw.uva.nl/cedro/press/drugs19en.html Tim is right if he says that lifetime prevalence does not say much about the amounts of cannabis consumed. Perhaps a better figure would be the last month prevalence. The last month prevalence of cannabis in Amsterdam in 1994 for the age group 16-19 is 13.2 percent. The last month prevalence of cannabis in Utrecht in 1996 for the age group 16-19 is 7.1 percent. Lifetime prevalence in Utrecht for the same group was 32.1 percent. The last month prevalence of cannabis in Tilburg in 1996 for the age group 16-19 is 5.4 percent. Lifetime prevalence in Tilburg for the same group was 25.6 percent. Source for the Utrecht and Tilburg data: Marieke Langemeijer, Roelf-Jan van Til, & Peter Cohen (1998), Het gebruik van legale en illegale drugs in Utrecht en Tilburg. Amsterdam: CEDRO, p. 60. I have not been able to verify the US prevalence data that were mentioned in the press lately. On July 15, the Washington Times reported it to be 9.1 percent, and now Robert Housman suddenly mentions a 10.7 percent figure. Does anyone know the source of these figures? My guess is that they mistook last month prevalence for lifetime prevalence. A figure that I think can be compared with the 30.2 ltp figure for Amsterdam (albeit that we still compare the data of one city to national U.S. data) is the ltp of cannabis use for twelth graders in 1994 from the Monitoring the Future study, which is 38.2 percent. Source: Monitoring the future study, University of Michigan. Online: http://www.isr.umich.edu/src/mtf/pr97t01a.html Arjan Sas Arjan Sas - Researcher / Website Administrator CEDRO - Centre for Drug Research, University of Amsterdam Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, 1018 VZ Amsterdam, Netherlands phone: +31 20 5254061 - fax: +31 20 5254317 http://www.frw.uva.nl/cedro/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomaston Teen Wins Challenge To Expulsion For Off-Campus Pot ('The Associated Press' Says The Connecticut Supreme Court Ruled Monday That The Thomaston School Board Should Not Have Expelled A Student For Possession Of Marijuana Off School Grounds) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:11:51 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CT: Wire: Thomaston Teen Wins Challenge To Expulsion For Off-Campus Pot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 Source: Associated Press THOMASTON TEEN WINS CHALLENGE TO EXPULSION FOR OFF-CAMPUS POT HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - The Thomaston School Board should not have expelled a student for possession of marijuana off school grounds, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Monday. The landmark decision also gives guidance on how future cases should be handled. The high court said a student can only be expelled for an off-campus action that "markedly interrupts or severely impedes the day-to-day operation of a school," and not merely because the student's action violated school policy. The court also ruled in the case of Kyle Packer that public education is a basic right that cannot be taken away from a student without due process. The court said the school district did not give adequate warning that a student could be expelled for such an incident. "We do not mean to pin any medals on the plaintiff or condone his destructive conduct in any way," Chief Justice Robert J. Callahan wrote for the court. "Moreover, we recognize that he is probably a thorn in the side of the administration and that his conduct poses an all too familiar, and difficult, problem for school administrators. "The school expulsion statute, as applied to these set of facts, however, is simply too vague to be constitutionally enforceable," Callahan said. Packer's lawyer, William A. Conti of Torrington, said the ruling was "a terrific victory for Kyle and a terrific victory for students everywhere." "A war on drugs does not have to be a war on the Constitution. People have rights. An education is guaranteed in the Constitution," Conti said. Packer was a 17-year-old senior at Thomaston High School in September when he was charged with possession of marijuana. The arrest came off school grounds and after school hours. A Connecticut State Police trooper stopped Packer's car in Morris because Packer was not wearing a seat belt. The trooper saw a marijuana cigarette in the car's ashtray, and a search of the car turned up two ounces of marijuana in the trunk. The school's student handbook included an anti-drug policy and stated that students may be expelled for off-campus actions. State law allows students to be expelled for off-campus activities that "are seriously disruptive of the educational process." The school board decided to expel Packer for a semester and bar him from extracurricular activities for the rest of the school year. The board argued that Packer's actions met the criteria for expulsion because his brother and a former student who had been involved with distributing drugs in the past were present at the time of the arrest. Teachers had also asked for a response to Packer's arrest, school leaders said in justifying the expulsion. Packer appealed to Litchfield Superior Court and won a temporary injunction that allowed him to return to school while the case made its way through the courts. Litchfield Judge Walter M. Pickett ruled the state law about off-campus expulsions was unconstitutionally vague. The Thomaston School Board then appealed to the state's highest court. The justices found that the law was clear enough, but said that it was applied to Packer's case in an unconstitutional manner. Specifically, the court ruled the law does not give school boards the power to define "seriously disruptive of the educational process." Rather, schools should follow the Legislature's definition of the term. By researching legislative history, the Supreme Court said expulsions could be ordered for such disruptive conduct as a telephoned bomb threat, or threatening to harm a teacher or student while off-campus. Thomaston School Superintendent George Counter said school leaders tried to make their decisions based on the best interests of the 450 students in grades 7 through 12. "What might be seriously disruptive in Thomaston might not be seriously disruptive in Bridgeport or Hartford," Counter said. Leaders of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, which had sided with the Thomaston school board in the case, had not yet reviewed the ruling and could not comment on it. Association Executive Director Robert Rader, however, expressed concern about any action to limit local school boards' authority to expel students, especially in cases involving violence and safety. "Any change of law diminishing the authority of school boards in questions of this area is cause for concern," Rader said. Packer graduated this spring and plans to attend the University of Connecticut in the fall, said his mother, Jane Packer. He was sentenced to 16 hours of community service for the criminal charges. "My husband and I did not do this because we did not think Kyle did anything wrong," Mrs. Packer said. "We just thought that what the school board did was way out of line." A lawyer for the school board did not respond to a request for comment.
------------------------------------------------------------------- NSW Fails The Drug Test (According To 'The Sydney Morning Herald,' A Report To Be Released August 10, 'Drugs, Money And Government,' By The Alcohol And Other Drugs Council Of Australia, Or ADCA, Says The State Of New South Wales Has The Country's Worst Drug Problem, Is Doing The Least To Combat It, And Has Even Cut Back On Per Capita Spending) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:47:20 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Australia: Nsw Fails The Drug Test Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Ken Russell Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Contact: letters@smh.com.au Website: http://www.smh.com.au/ Pubdate: 27 Jul 1998 Author: Marion Downey, Health Writer NSW FAILS THE DRUG TEST NSW, the State with the worst drug problem, is doing the least to combat it, a damning new report has found. The NSW Government does not know the extent of the problem, has no clear strategy, and is cutting back on spending, says the report, which ranks the State last in prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol problems. NSW was one of only two governments to have cut back on per capita spending and was now ranked in the bottom three for spending through health department drugs strategy programs. The Herald has obtained details of the report - Drugs, Money and Government, by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA), representing non-government drug and alcohol agencies. It surveyed 200 leading experts in the field and covered alcohol, tobacco, inhalants and illicit drugs. Heroin especially is ravaging many young lives in NSW and, as the Herald reported recently, is fuelling a billion-dollar national crime wave. The report, which is to be released on August 10, reveals that NSW has fallen from a middle-ranking government to the lowest in the survey, which measures performance in 10 areas, including: * Provision of appropriate treatment services. * Prevention and education. * Strategy. * Professional development. * Giving priority to alcohol and drug issues. * Identifying the extent of the drug problem. The report also reveals that while NSW was one of only two governments to cut spending on drug and alcohol programs for 1996-97, other governments increased spending. The survey dealt only with spending through health and drug authorities aimed specifically at reducing drug problems and not spending on related issues such as police, courts and hospital admissions. The president of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation, Dr Alex Wodak, said the findings were shameful. "The density of the illicit drug problem in Sydney is far greater than in other cities and we undoubtedly have more illicit drug-users in NSW than in any other State. "We still have the epicentre of the HIV epidemic in NSW. We not only have a responsibility to keep this under control through our programs with injecting drug-users - we have a national responsibility and there are huge social and economic consequences of failing to do so." One of the authors of the report, Mr David Crosbie, chief executive officer of the ADCA, said the report would show that NSW had performed extremely poorly. "There is a lot of frustration in NSW that the Government is not committed to doing anything that is other than marginal," he said. The ADCA president, Professor Ian Webster, said the report reflected the concerns of people working in the field, many of whom felt under siege. "There is a dichotomy between the demand for services and the aggressive community backlash to treatment programs. People working in the methadone programs feel their efforts are being vilified." The head of the Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies in NSW, Mr Peter Connie, said there was no underlying commitment to a clear spending strategy in the State. "We have a lot of people working very hard," he said. "The lack of government support in this State is quite difficult to understand. "If we had a person a day dying for any other health reason we would throw whatever resources we had at the problem." The NSW Department of Health declined to comment before the report's publication.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis - Telephone Vote Results (An Unscientific But Impressive Poll By The BBC's Healthcheck Program Finds 96 Percent Of 42,000 British Callers Favor Legalising Medical Marijuana) From: Phillizy@AOL.COM Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:45:03 EDT To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: BBC Poll: Legalize Medical Cannabis Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org On July 7,27,98, the BBC Healthcheck program conducted an online telephone poll on the subject of medical marijuana. 42,000 viewers responded to the poll. 96% said marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. 4% said it should remain illegal The story and the phone poll stats are at this website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/stories/cannabis.shtml Lizy *** CANNABIS Healthcheck 27.07.98TELEPHONE VOTE RESULTS Healthcheck conducted a telephone poll during the programme: We received 42,000 calls: 96% said Yes, cannabis should be legalised for medical purposes. 4% said No, Cannabis should remain illegal. What do you think? Cannabis is said to have strong medicinal powers and many GPs want to prescribe it - but it is illegal in Britain. Cannabis can be smoked, drunk in tea or eaten. It is a natural plant which contains hundreds of chemicals, including sixty called cannabinoids.It is some of these cannabinoids that are claimed to have medicinal benefits. Dr Nathanson of the British Medical Association says that cannabinoids may help people with muscle spasm, as in multiple sclerosis and spinal injury, pain relief and nausea and vomiting especially after taking anti-cancer drugs. Andrew Coldwell has had multiple Sclerosis for eighteen years. He suffers from the eye disease glaucoma, and arthritis. He has tried almost every prescribed drug available to help combat the symptoms but, he says, none have worked well enough and many have produced serious side-effects. He tried cannabis and says it alleviates the symptoms of his MS and so he has had to resort to buying drugs from criminals. He wants doctors to be able to prescribe cannabis. In California the law has recently been changed to allow doctors to sanction the legal purchase of cannabis for medicinal purposes. People can visit the Los Angeles Cannabis Buyers Club and get up to an ounce a week if they have a letter of recommendation from their doctor. In Britain, medicinal users, like Colin Davies, are taken to court. He admitted to possession of eighteen cannabis plants. He says he was growing the plants for his health, while using cannabis he could reduce the amounts of codeine and paracetamol he needed to control the chronic pain he suffers from a spinal injury. He was able to prove to the jury that the side-effects from cannabis were less harmful than those from the conventional pain-killers and he was aqutitted. Professor Ungerleider, of the University of California Medical Center, has been researching the medicinal uses of cannabis for the past twenty years. His work is amongst a growing body of evidence that cannabis is good for your health. Crucially, it has been found that some cannabinoids stimulate receptors in the brain which control parts of the body's immune and nervous systems. However, Dr Tierney, a GP, says that cannabis should not be used in any way. He says if you smoke it, it can cause coronary heart disease, lung disease and cancer. It can cause anxiety and he thinks we should look to other products instead of researching into illegal drugs. Dr Nathanson of the BMA says that research into cannabis will help produce pure drugs with known side effects and known positive effects. It will make sure the drug is administered in tablet form, or as a nasal inhalation, thus avoiding the cancer-causing agents from smoking. The Government has just granted a licence for cannabis to be grown for research purposes and the House of Lords will debate the whole subject this week. For those who believe that cannabis can ease their suffering, a change in the law can't come soon enough. They say the research could take years and they want cannabis to be legally prescribed now. 800 302 The results of our telephone poll will be added here before midday tomorrow - Tuesday 28th July.
------------------------------------------------------------------- EPO - A Powerful, Dangerous Drug (A 'New York Times' Article In 'The International Herald-Tribune' Says EPO, The Synthetic Hormone Erythropoietin, Which Stimulates The Production Of Red Blood Cells, Is At The Epicenter Of A Widening Drug Scandal In The Tour De France) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 13:27:58 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: France: IHT: Epo: A Powerful, Dangerous Drug Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Sender: webmaster@mapinc.org Newshawk: Peter Webster Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 Source: International Herald-Tribune Contact: iht@iht.com Website: http://www.iht.com/ Author: Jere Longman, New York Times Service EPO: A POWERFUL, DANGEROUS DRUG Epicenter of Scandal Stimulates Production of Red Blood Cells For patients suffering from anemia caused by kidney disease, use of the synthetic hormone erythropoietin, or EPO, can be a lifesaver because it stimulates the production of red blood cells. For endurance athletes, the increased oxygen-carrying capacity provided by EPO has made it an alluring, performance-enhancing drug although it is banned and can leave athletes at risk of strokes, heart attacks and even death. EPO is at the epicenter of a widening drug scandal in the Tour de France. It is thought to be widely used in cycling, distance running and Nordic skiing by world-class athletes. But the drug goes largely undetected because scientists have yet to develop a reliable test to differentiate naturally occurring EPO from the genetically engineered version of the hormone. "And we're probably not really very close," said Dr. Don Catlin, who runs the Olympic drug testing labomtory at the Univasity of California at Los Angeles and who is a member of the International Olympic Committee's medical commission. "It's a terrible problem," he said. The synthetic version of EPO was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989 for patients with specific diseases, according tothe U.S. Olympic Committee's drug education handbook. But it has been available in Europe since 1987 and has concerned Olympic officials since the 1988 Winter Games in Calgary, Alberta. Evidence of the use of EPO as a performance-enhancing drug has been most visible and ominous in cycling, where approximately two dozen deaths have been linked anecdotally to the drug since the late 1980s. EPO is a glycoprotein, or proteincarbohydrate compound, which is produced by the kidneys and circulates through-the bloodstream, stimulating the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, which in turn carry oxygen to the muscles. The drug is synthetically produced for use by patients with kidney disease, AIDS and cancer, according to the Olympic Committee handbook. Endutance athletes inject EPO to increase the number of red blood cells thus providing themselves with greater aerobic capacity. The use of EPO is the evolution of another procedure, called blood doping or blood packing. Blood doping involved an athlete removing a portion of his blood, allowing his body to replenish its redblood cell supply, then intravenously restoring the removed blood to increase his oxygen-carrying ability. Both procedures are banned because they give athletes unfair competitive advantages, and both carry health risks. The danger with EPO is that an excessive number of red cells thickens the blood, especially with the dehydration that results from strenuous exercise, making it more difficult for the heart to Dump blood through the body. This ieaves athletes atrisk of clotting, strokes and heart attacks, Dr. Catlin said. "If you give a kidney patient EPO, it remarkably improves the quality of their life," he said. "But it's a two-edged sword, and the edges are very sharp. " Over the last four years, federations for sports like cycling, speed skating, biathlon and cross-country skiing have begun using programs to measure athletes' red blood cells. In cycling, for instance, those athletes who have a hematocrit, or percentage of red blood cells in whole blood, above 50 percent, are suspended for two weeks. Seven riders have been caught this year and about a dozen last year. These programs are not referred to as doping tests but as health-protection initiatives. Those caught are not branded as cheaters or banned for long periods. Controversy has erupted on sevemI fronts. In speed skating, for instance, the tests have been voluntary instead of mandatory. Doctors in Italy and Norway are working on tests that would detect synthetic use of EPO. Last January Dr. Francesco Conconi of Ferrara, Italy, reported that encouraging steps had been made in isolating synthetic EPO from naturally occurring EPO in urine samples. However, research on a reliable test for EPO lags behind research to detect synthetic human growth hormone, another banned substance used by athletes for its steroid-like qualities. SAMARANCH WOULD SLASH LIST The list of banned doping products must be slashed, and substances that do not damage an athlete's health should not be prohibited, Juan Antonio Samaranch, the head of the International Olympic Committee, said Sunday, The Associated Press reported from Madrid. Speaking about the scandal involving the Tour de France, Mr. Samaranch told El Mundo that he has been asking for an "exact definition" of doping "for years." "Doping is everything that, firstly, is harmful to an athlete's health and, secondly, artificially augments his performance," Mr. Samaranch said. "If it's just the second case, for me that's notdoping," he said. "If it's the first case, it is."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tour Goes On As Riders Close Ranks ('The International Herald-Tribune' Says The 147 Remaining Bicyclists In The Tour De France Continued Sunday To Roll Toward Their Rendezvous With The Alps Sunday After Two Officials Of The TVM Team From The Netherlands Were Jailed In Connection With The Seizure Of A Team Car Carrying Illegal Performance-Enhancing Drugs) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 13:51:45 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: France: IHT: Tour Goes On as Riders Close Ranks Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Peter Webster Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 Source: International Herald-Tribune Contact: iht@iht.com Website: http://www.iht.com/ Author: Samuel Abt, International Herald Tribune TOUR GOES ON AS RIDERS CLOSE RANKS GRENOBLE, France---What doping scandal? After agreeing with bicycle-racing authorities to discuss the sport's pharmacological problems in the fall and deciding not to talk now about anything but the athletic aspect of the Tour de France, the 147 remaining riders continued Sunday to roll toward their rendezvous with the Alps. If teams had psychologists instead of sports doctors they would say the race is in denial. Unmentioned by anybody on two wheels is the fact that two jailed officials of the TVM team from the Netherlands are due to be transferred Monday to the French city of Reims for questioning about the police seizure in March of a team car carrying illegal performance-enhancing drugs. If the officials implicate the team Tour officials have said, it will be expelled. Nevertheless, the riders have closed ranks. "It's a bike race and we're here to do the bike race and that's all I'll talk about," said a rider in a typical comment. He declined to be identified. Frankie Andreu, an American rider with the U.S. Postal Service team, explained: "I understand the drug story is part of the Tour but it's been more than a week. It's time the drug story stops and the Tour de France gets going." Andreu, who has completed all six of his previous Tours, said he was impressed with at least three of the overall leaders a day before the race entered the Alps for three testing stages. Of Jan Ullrich, the German leader of Telekom, the wearer of the leader's yellow jersey and the defending champion, Andreu said, "He looks strong. Me looks good, maybe not as good as last year, but he's going to be hard to beat." Bobby Julich, the American leader of the Cofidis team who ranks second overall, also drew praise from Andreu, his tearnmate last year at Cofidis and at Motorola for two years before that. "Bobby looks great," he said. "He's just waiting for the Alps to try to do something. Like Ullrich, he looks very comfortable." Marco Pantani, the Italian leader of Mercatone Uno, fourth ranked and the acknowledged king of the mountains, drew Andreu's praise, although he tempered it by noting that Pantani is not the time-trial rider that Ullrich and Julich are. A long race against the clock on Saturday, a day before the three-week race ends, may decide the result. "He's incredible," Andreu said. "I donit know about the time trial, but I think he can take some time back in the mountains to make a difference." All the leaders retained their positions Sunday as a six-man breakaway by low-ranked riders at Kilometer 56 of 186.5 (116 miles) was allowed to roll away over a big climb and then into Grenoble the doorstep to the Alps. The winner was Stuart O'Grady, an Australian with Gan and the wearer of the yellow jersey for three days a week ago. He had sunk to 91st, more than 58 minutes behind Ullrich. He was timed in 4 hours 30 minutes 53 seconds, a speed of 41 kilometers per hour in this 14th stage of the 85th Tour. The first six finished 10:05 ahead of the pack and O'Grady rose to 78th place. The weather continued to be hot and muggy but the route passed through wonderful countryside, including fields of lavender scenting the air below the Vercors plateau. If only Cezanne had moved his easel about 100 kilometers northeast of his beloved Provence near the start of Sunday's stage in Valreas. Anyway, second in the sprint before he was set back to sixth for interference was Giuseppe Calcaterra, an Italian with Saeco. The new second-place finisher was Orlando Rodrigues, a Portuguese with Banesto. Leon Van Bon, a Dutchman with Rabobank was third. For the second successive day, U.S. Postal Service had a rider in the breakaway. But again, the mailmen's hopes were marked "Return to Sender." Peter Meinert-Nielsen, a Dane, was strong, as his teammate, Marty Jemison, an American, had been Saturday. But like Jemison, Meinert-Nielsen came up short in the dash to the line, finishing fifth until he was elevated to fourth. Andreu dreams of being the Postal Service rider in a break that gets away. "I'm trying to win something or do something," he said. "In the mountains the same guys win, in the mass sprints the same guys win, so the other days are the ones you really have to concentrate on. It's difficult. "Making that break takes a bit of luck and a bit of form," he said. "You can join 20 attacks and sometimes it's the 21st that goes. You've got to gamble and time it right. You go, go, go, go and sometimes it happens." Not for the next three days, however. Andreu is strong and smart but no climber.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Olympics Boss Wants Drug Rules Relaxed ('The Calgary Herald' Says Olympic Chief Juan Samaranch, Speaking To The Spanish Daily Newspaper, 'El Mundo,' Reignited The Controversy Over Drugs In Sport Sunday By Calling For A Distinction Between Drugs That Enhance Performance And Those That Harm Users' Health) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Olympics boss wants drug rules relaxed Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 09:00:54 -0700 Lines: 75 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Calgary Herald Contact: letters@theherald.southam.ca Pubdate: Mon 27 Jul 1998 Section: News A1 / FRONT Olympics boss wants drug rules relaxed Olympic chief Juan Samaranch reignited the controversy over drugs in sport Sunday by calling for restrictions to be eased. Speaking to the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo, the Olympic movement's top figure demanded a radical overhaul of doping control with athletes being allowed to use ``harmless'' performance-enhancing drugs. Samaranch, calling the drug scandal plaguing the Tour de France cycling competition a ``tough blow . . . for all sports,'' wants a more precise list of which drugs athletes cannot use. ``The ones to blame are not the athletes but those around them,'' the International Olympic Committee president said. ``Doping demands an exact definition . . . and I have been asking for it for years.'' Samaranch said that while the IOC would not consider legalizing doping, ``the actual list of (banned) products must be reduced drastically.'' He did not specify which drugs should be stricken from the list. Samaranch said: ``Doping at the moment is every product that first can damage the health of a sportsman and secondly artificially improves his performance. ``If it only produces the latter which improves the performance but does not affect the health then that, for me, is not doping. If it does damage the health, then it is.'' British Olympic Association chief executive Simon Clegg said this distinction between ``harmful'' and merely ``performance-enhancing'' drugs is a dangerous path to tread for athletes and administrators. Samaranch said he did not endorse blood tests, instead of urine samples, as a means of combatting drug use. Samaranch said that while the Tour de France drug scandal was embarrassing, he was encouraged by the bigger picture. ``For example, in the World Cup there were more than 60 games and nearly 300 doping controls carried out, but not one player tested positive,'' he said. The Festina cycling team, long ranked one of the world's best, was expelled from the Tour after the team's director admitted the team had supplied banned substances to improve performance. Last week it was reported that customs officials found the banned drug EPO in a car of officials from the Dutch team TVM in March. At the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati was stripped temporarily of his gold medal after testing positive for marijuana, considered a banned substance but not a performance-enhancing drug. Rebagliati later appealed the ruling and won back the gold. Samaranch denied the IOC was in a position to impose a change, saying the co-operation of all sports was required. He pointed to the drug scandal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics in which Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his 100-metre gold medal as the key moment in the doping fight. ``And since then we have seen that we are not alone in the struggle,'' he said. ``We have been joined by federations and sports groups of all sorts and, as the Tour showed, even by governments.'' -------------------------------------------------------------------
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