------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrants Not Needed For Drug Dog Searches ('The Associated Press' Says The Oregon Supreme Court Reversed A 1997 Decision By The Oregon Court Of Appeals, Ruling That A Drug-Sniffing Dog Outside A Storage Unit Didn't Require A Search Warrant Because The Dog Was In A Public Space, If Not The Marijuana Found In A Storage Locker In Brookings Rented By Desmond Smith) Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 19:09:02 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US OR: Wire: Warrants Not Needed For Drug Dog Searches Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: Associated Press Author: Charles E. Beggs WARRANTS NOT NEEDED FOR DRUG DOG SEARCHES SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- The Oregon Supreme Court, reversing a lower court, says a drug dog's sniffing outside a storage unit didn't require a search warrant. Friday's ruling overturned a 1997 decision by the Oregon Court of Appeals that had cast doubt on use of dogs to gain evidence in drug cases. The appeals court had held 6-4 that police needed warrants in many cases to use the dogs. The Supreme Court unanimously overruled the appeal court, saying dog sniffing for drugs generally doesn't infringe on privacy rights. "The use of a dog to sniff property in this manner is not a search for constitutional purposes," the Supreme Court said. Police use of drug-sniffing dogs is in some legal doubt because of an Oregon Court of Appeals decision that police need to get search warrants to employ the canines in most cases. The case involves marijuana found in a storage locker in Brookings rented by Desmond Smith. An informant told Brookings police that Smith stored harvested marijuana in the rented locker. A police narcotics detection dog in 1993 indicated by sniffing that drugs were kept in Smith's locker. Police then obtained a search warrant and found marijuana in the locker. But the appeals court said because the warrant was not obtained before the dog-sniffing operation took place, the operation violated the Oregon Constitution's protection against unreasonable search and seizure. The Supreme Court said a search "commonly involves some form of invasion into private space." The case involved using a dog to "detect the presence of a particular odor caused by the presence of odor molecules in the air outside a clearly defined, private space," the court said in an opinion by Justice Michael Gillette. "At least when they are conducted in a public place, dog sniffs are not searches" and thus don't require warrants, Gillette said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Is As Plentiful As The Beer At 11th Fest ('The Oregonian' Shows Its Support For Portland's Dominant Drug Culture And Double Standards In Journalism As It Emphasizes The Positive Aspects Of An Alcohol Festival In Waterfront Park) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 11:04:39 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US OR: Sun is as Plentiful as the Beer at 11th Fest Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Source: Oregonian, The Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Author: John Foyston of The Oregonian staff Newshawk comment: note the allusion to Frederick's Hempen Ale being consumed by naughty parents. SUN IS AS PLENTIFUL AS THE BEER AT 11TH FEST Thousands at the annual event in Waterfront Park enjoy perfect drinking weather Ben Franklin said beer was proof that God loves us. Franklin might've interpreted the weather for this weekend's 11th annual Oregon Brewers Festival as proof that he's partial to a good beer festival, too. As soon as the gates opened Friday at noon, the clouds that had threatened all morning began to dissipate. By 1 p.m., the sky was a brilliant blue, and gentle breezes wafted off the Willamette through the tables and the large tents set up in Tom McCall Waterfront Park. It was perfect beer-drinking weather, said Mike Rasmussen of the Oregon Brew Crew: Cool enough while people were setting up tents, displays, restaurant booths and the six refrigerated trailers that each held a dozen kegs from breweries across the country. But warm enough to encourage some beer-drinking in the afternoon with the promise of a glorious evening on the river as the sun dipped low. Portland appeared to agree with Rasmussen's estimate: By 2 p.m., pedestrian traffic was on the rise, and the noise level in the two big pavilions suggested that at least a couple thousand Portlanders had found pursuits more salutary than returning to the office for the afternoon. "This is already busier at 2 p.m. Friday than any festival I remember," said Jerry Fechter, who brews beer at the Old Lompoc in Northwest Portland. "And what was last year's attendance, 92,000? If this keeps up, I'll bet they break the 100,000 mark for the weekend." With temperatures predicted in the 90s for Saturday and Sunday, it's entirely possible that a cold beer will sound perfect to a good portion of the population. People will find lots of that at the festival. This year, organizers have bought kegs from breweries as diverse as Smuttynose Brewing in Portsmouth, N.H., and Kona Brewing in Hawaii. Local breweries are well-represented from the biggest -- Widmer -- to some of those fascinating littler guys such as Umpqua, Mt. Hood and Hair of the Dog. The festival bought more of the out-of-state beers this year -- 15 kegs each instead of 10 -- to avoid the late-afternoon shortages that have plagued the festival's favorite beers in the past. Organizers will tap just six kegs of each beer Friday and Saturday and save the remaining three kegs for Sunday. It's no surprise that people can find lots of good beer at the festival, but some of the other things they'll find will be a pleasant surprise. "This really is the best outdoor festival in the country," said Tom Dalldorf, who publishes the California-based Celebrator Beer News. "The Oktoberfest in Munich is bigger and longer, but only the five breweries that have a lock on the festival are represented." Dalldorf also praised the event's atmosphere. "Because people pay for each taste, unlike festivals that charge a high admission and don't charge for beer, there's none of that frenzy as people try to drink up their money's worth." Tracy Dana, who was sitting with her partner, Fechter, and their 9-month-old daughter, Gabrielle Fechter, said, "We were just commenting on how many strollers we see." The adults sipped Frederick's Hempen Ale while Gabrielle occasionally took a pull at her bottle of lemonade. "I don't feel at all uncomfortable bringing my daughter to this festival. I might feel different on Saturday evening, but it seems to be a fine place for kids." Well, you do have to choose your spot. Moments later a security guard told the couple they couldn't be in the pavilion with a child. "Oh, well," Dana said. "We'll just move out under the trees . . . but I guess this is the first time that Gabrielle's been eighty-sixed from anyplace."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Antelope Valley Man Indicted In Huge Pot Ring (The Antelope Valley Press' In Palmdale, California, Says David Richards Of Lancaster Has Been Indicted And Arrested As Part Of The Alleged Marijuana Cultivation Conspiracy Including Medical Marijuana Patient/Activists Todd McCormick And Peter McWilliams) Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 16:51:38 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: AV Man Indicted In Huge Pot Ring Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, CA) Contact: letters@avpress.com Website: http://www.avpress.com/ Pubdate: July 25, 1998 Author: KEVIN McKEEHAN Valley Press Staff Writer AV MAN INDICTED IN HUGE POT RING LOS ANGELES - A Lancaster man has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles along with eight other men who allegedly operated a massive marijuanagrowing organization, which cultivated and shipped thousands of cloned marijuana plants across Southern California. David Richards, who resided on the 43700 block of Birchtree Avenue, was arrested Thursday, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Richards and his eight alleged co-conspirators are charged with conspiracy to grow marijuana, possessing the drug with the intent to distribute and distributing it. In the nine-count indictment handed down by the grand jury Friday, authorities allege Richards received thousands of dollars to help oversee a large marijuana farm in West Los Angeles. Furthermore, it is alleged that Los Angeles resident Peter McWilliams, who authorities say wanted to be the "Bill Gates of medical marijuana," funded most of the yearlong operation. The men utilized several homes throughout the county, including a $2,500-a-year house in Littlerock, which was promptly turned into a marijuana growing site. Homes, which were in reality farms, were also maintained in Bel Air, Pacific Palisades, Winnetka and Chino. According to the indictment, thousands of dollars worth of lamps, lights, mixers and shifters poured into the Littlerock home, the exact location of which was unavailable Friday. The operation began in December 1996 with an infusion of money from McWilliams, which was funneled through his Los Angeles self-help publishing company, Prelude Press. From those funds, McWilliams' men, including Richards, allegedly purchased tons of equipment and marijuana seeds. McWilliams, the indictment stated, wanted to be the sole supplier of pot for the Los Angeles Cannabis Club. The operation came to a screeching halt with several arrests a year after it got under way. Indicted along with Richards and McWilliams were Bel Air resident Todd McCormick, 25, Hollywood resident Kirill Dyjine, 33, Manhattan Beach resident Christopher Carrington, 32, Van Nuys resident Gregg Collier, 25, and Malibu resident Andrew Scott Hass, 34, who allegedly did much of the work at the farm in Littlerock. Richards is scheduled to be arraigned in federal court Monday. Two men who were indicted but still at-large are Los Angeles residents Aleksandra Evangulidi, 24, and Renee Boje. 1998 Antelope Valley Press, Palmdale, California, USA (805) 273-2700
------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposition 215 Disallowed In Pot Trial ('The Orange County Register' Says Santa Ana Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzergald Ruled Friday That Orange County Cannabis Co-Op Founder Marvin Chavez Cannot Use The California Compassionate Use Act Of 1996 As A Defence In His Upcoming Traffickng Trial, And Upheld The Prosecutor's Subpoena For Former Co-Op Members' Medical Records) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:47:59 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Prop.215 Disallowed In Pot Trial Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Black Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: Jeff Collins-OCR PROP.215 DISALLOWED IN POT TRIAL Courts: A judge says prosecutors can subpoena Cannabis Co-Op patients' medical records. A Santa Ana judge ruled Friday that Orange County Cannabis Co-Op founder Marvin Chavez cannot use Prop. 215 as a defence in his upcoming pot-peddling trial, Chavez's defence attorney said. And Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzergald also upheld a prosecutor's request for proof that people who obtained pot for alleged ailments were actually ill, defence attorney Jon Alexander said. The "medical marijuana" initiative allows people to use and grow marijuana for medical purposes if they get their doctor's approval. The prosecution contends that Proposition 215 did not allow anyone to sell marijuana. Deputy District Attorney Carl Armbrust subpoenaed the medical records of about 50 of Chavez's co-op clients. The prosecution wants to examine client medical records to find out how many had a doctor's authorization, said Alexander, who argued unsuccessfully that the subpoenas violated the patient-doctor privilege. Fitzgerald also granted Armbrust's motion to block a Prop.215 defence at Chavez's trial, scheduled to begin Aug.3. Alexander said. Chavez, 41 contended that he gave marijuana to patients who made voluntary "donations." Alexander said he plans to appeal both rulings.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Case Is Put On Hold ('The Press-Telegram' Version Does A Good Job Noting The Prejudicial Conduct Of Santa Ana Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzergald) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 03:07:59 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Pot Case Is Put On Hold Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Pubdate: Sat, 25 July 1998 Source: Press-Telegram (CA) Contact: speakout@ptconnect.infi.net Website: http://www.ptconnect.com/ Author: Joe Segura, Staff Writer POT CASE IS PUT ON HOLD Prop 215: DA office has 3 days to review 200 medical records. SANTA ANA -- An Orange County Superior Court judge granted a prosecutor's motion Friday to review some 200 medical records of people using medicinal marijuana under Prop. 215, and barred the use of the 1996 measure from an activist's defense on felony drug-sale charges. Lawyers for Garden Grove resident Marvin Chavez said Judge Robert R. Fitzgerald's ruling was expected and said they plan to file an appeal next week with the 4th District Court of Appeal. Chavez and his attorneys, Robert Kennedy of Long Beach and Jon Alexander of Orange County, said they were stunned by the judge's off-the-cuff remarks about marijuana during the proceedings. "There are some Thai-sticks in the back, if anybody wants them," Fitzgerald cracked about a potent form of marijuana, a few minutes before the Chavez hearing. And as the Chavez case was being called, Fitzgerald said, "Why don't we do the dope case?" There was an audible gasp in the courtroom, and one person muffled a booing reaction. Kennedy said the comments were insulting to Chavez and about 10 people who are members of his Orange County Patient-Doctor-Nurse Support Group. "That was outrageous, to make comments in jest about people who have very serious illnesses, including cancer and AIDS," he said after the court hearing. Chavez was arrested in April after allegedly selling marijuana to an undercover officer posing as a caregiver for a terminally ill uncle. In Friday's hearing, the prosecutor pushed to ban any reference to Prop. 215, known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Fitzgerald allowed the defense 72 hours to file its appeal before allowing the prosecutor to issue the subpoenas on the medical records. Deputy District Attorney Carl Armbrust, head of the Narcotics Enforcement Team, said Chavez was simply attempting to hide behind Prop. 215, and that the medicinal marijuana measure does not allow for the sale of the substance. The donation that the support group normally recommends for the medicinal marijuana is tantamount to a sale, he said. Armbrust said he estimates that Chavez and the support group make between $2,000 and $10,000 a week in sales. "This is a very sophisticated marijuana sale operation," he added. Kennedy said the merits of the case, including Chavez's activities under Prop. 215, should be decided by a jury. Fitzgerald allowed the defense 72 hours to file the appeal before allowing the prosecutor to issue the subpoenas on the medical records.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Legalization Support Bill Stalls (The 'Press-Telegram' Says California Senate Bill 1887, Which Would Fulfill Proposition 215's Mandate That State Authorities Find A Way To Provide Medical Marijuana To Authorized Patients, Has Passed The Senate, But Is Bogged Down In The Assembly's Health Committee) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 03:12:56 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Pot Legalization Support Bill Stalls Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Pubdate: Sat, 25 July 1998 Source: Press-Telegram (CA) Contact: speakout@ptconnect.infi.net. Website: http://www.ptconnect.com/ Author: Joe Segura, Staff Writer POT LEGALIZATION SUPPORT BILL STALLS SACRAMENTO - State Sen. John Vasconellos, D-Santa Clara, has authored a bill, SB 1887, to put teeth into Prop. 215, the ballot measure that was described as legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana in California. The Vasconellos measure has passed the Senate, but it's bogged down in the state Assembly's Health Committee. State Assemblyman Scott Baugh, R- Huntington Beach, the vice chairman of the committee, recently voted against it. Among other things, the bill gives local communities the power to adopt zoning areas where cannabis co-ops can be established. It also would mandate that every medically eligible person be given access to marijuana, even if they cannot afford to purchase it. It would limit distribution to weekly supplies, while also requiring photo identification cards. Medical records would be kept confidential, but authorities could inspect program centers without notice. Authorities would be allowed to determine whether patients receiving marijuana had a physician's authorization. Vasconellos said he expects eventual passage of SB 1887, but he also expects Gov. Pete Wilson to veto it. The Clinton Administration, he said, is his biggest headache. "It's absolutely insane, hysterical and embarrassing," Vasconellos said. "The frustration level is very high, because we're fighting an uphill battle against a federal government that's gone mad." However, the pro-Prop. 215 legislators continue to seek federal cooperation for what they consider a health issue. The Clinton Administration has put more restrictions on marijuana than on morphine or cocaine, Vasconellos said. Marijuana, according to the federal government, is classified as a dangerous drug with no medical use. However, the concern in Sacramento prompted 25 state legislators to recently petition Clinton to reconsider his administration's policy. "Mr. President, we can't ignore this issue," the letter stated. "It won't go away -- so long as human beings believe they have the right to attend to their own illness, as their doctor recommends, rather than as government dictates."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Veteran Probation Officer Sentenced ('The Antelope Valley Press' Says Christopher Bryon Truitt Of Lancaster, California, A Six-Year Veteran Of The County Probation Department Who Bragged About His Drug Connections To Undercover Sheriff's Deputies During A Massive Sting Operation, Was Sentenced Thursday To 16 Months In State Prison For Selling Marijuana And Cloned Cell Phones) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 11:34:27 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Veteran Probation Officer Sentenced Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Antelope Valley Press Contact: editor@avpress.com Website: http://www.avpress.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Author: Kevin McKeehan - Valley Press Staff Writer VETERAN PROBATION OFFICER SENTENCED LANCASTER - A six-year veteran of the county Probation Department who bragged about his drug connections to undercover sheriff's deputies during a massive sting operation was sentenced Thursday to 16 months in state prison for selling marijuana and cloned cell phones. Christopher Bryon Truitt's March 31 arrest was part of the sheriff's Men In Black sting operation, during which deputies ran a phony pawn shop in Lancaster, buying all sorts of stolen goods and drugs. He later pleaded no contest to possession of marijuana with intent to sell and to cloning a cell phone, after being slapped with a variety of criminal counts. Truitt then, according to prosecutors, angled to avoid time in prison or jail. Yet prosecutors said the evidence, which included a videotape of Truitt selling deputies a block of pot, was too overwhelming and the crimes too serious not to send Truitt to prison. Now, it seems Truitt is in a rush to get to state prison. Truitt has vowed to surrender to corrections authorities at the state prison in Wasco in August, avoiding spending any time in the Los Angeles County jail. Truitt will remain free until that time. "He's going straight to prison," Deputy District Attorney Kelly Cromer said. If he does not surrender to authorities in August, Cromer said Truitt, when caught, would be forced to serve a two-year prison stint rather than 16 months. "That way he has something hanging over his head," Cromer said. Truitt's transformation from a probation officer who worked with troubled teens to a convicted felon with troubles himself took only half a year. According to court documents, Truitt and his girlfriend contacted the undercover deputies in January and asked them if they were interested in buying cell phones. A few days later, Truitt and his girlfriend, who also worked at the Challenger Youth Center, approached the dingy pawn shop on Lancaster Boulevard with two sacks full of cell phones. The deputies offered the couple $250 for everything they had. "I was thinking $300," Truitt replied. "You're two batteries short," a deputy said. "Give us $300," Truitt's girlfriend responded, "and I'll go get you two batteries." The deputies relented and paid the couple $300 for approximately $3,500 worth of cellular phone equipment. But Truitt, the probation officer, never knew or seemed to suspect that he was looking directly at fellow law enforcement officers. He promised them he would not only bring more phones but also bring phones he intended to have "hit," or cloned - an illegal process involving the altering of the phone's electronic serial number. He soon returned to the store, bringing with him video game systems that he said a "connection" obtained for him. But as he made the transaction, another deputy was making a drug buy. "I got a buddy," Truitt said. "Whatever you need - weed . . . I can just ask him - ounce, half ounce, pound. I know for a fact, like, half a pound - $250; two ounces - $80; pound - $500 to $525. Right now." Later that day, Truitt returned to the storefront with half a pound of marijuana molded into a brick.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Criminal Problems - Civil Solutions ('The San Jose Mercury News' Says San Jose's Attempt To Have 47 Suspected Gang Members Barred From A Wide Range Of Conduct In A Central Neighborhood Has Renewed Debate Over The Nationwide Trend Of Using Public-Nuisance Laws To Address Criminal Problems) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:45:17 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Criminal Problems -- Civil Solutions Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus/Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ CRIMINAL PROBLEMS -- CIVIL SOLUTIONS San Jose's effort to curb gangs is part of controversial trend San Jose's third attempt to combat gang violence through public-nuisance laws is the latest in an increasing trend: governments using unconventional civil remedies for criminal problems. Generally, experts agree that applying civil tools to public safety problems can accomplish what standard policing often cannot. They add that authorities have been using them more often in recent years because of that success. But even as San Jose attempts to have 47 suspected gang members barred from a wide range of conduct in a central San Jose neighborhood near Almaden Avenue and Vine Street, the city's effort has also renewed debate over similar tactics. On one side are city attorneys, prosecutors and others who believe the criminal justice system sometimes does not allow for creative solutions to problems such as drugs, prostitution and violence. ``Criminal prosecution doesn't always accomplish what needs to be done,'' Karyn Sinunu, an assistant Santa Clara County district attorney, said Friday. On the other side are critics who argue such methods can mean governments will strip suspects of their constitutional rights, become more tempted to act corruptly and target innocent people. ``There is a grave danger in dealing with problems that are basically criminal in nature through civil legal tools,'' said John Crew, a lawyer with the Northern California branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. ``Often the choice to pursue the civil legal process is an end run around the basic constitutional protections offered in criminal proceedings.'' The standard way for governments to deal with illegal activity, of course, continues to be police forces that deter crime through patrols and investigations. Arrested suspects can be prosecuted in a criminal justice system that comes with an array of guarantees. Among them are the right to an attorney, freedom from self-incrimination, the presumption of innocence and an extensive set of due process protections. Defendants in serious cases can demand a jury trial, and can only be found guilty if evidence proves it beyond a reasonable doubt. By contrast, the civil system does not carry the same level of constitutional safeguards and has a lower burden of proof. Many cases are decided by judges, who critics say may be more likely to side with the government than with defendants. Attacking the cause But supporters say they can use the flexibility of the civil system to prevent problems before they occur, to address a widespread pattern of criminality and to attack the cause of crime rather than the effects. Moreover, some legal experts stress that because the cases are civil, they do not require or deserve the same protections as criminal cases. If a member of the public gets sued, one asked rhetorically, should they get a public defender? For instance, authorities have used public-nuisance laws to stem the source of criminal problems. That's what San Jose is trying to do in this most recent case. The city attorney's office has identified 47 people who allegedly belong to four gangs and have turned the neighborhood near downtown known as Almaden/Vine into a battleground. In sealed court papers filed July 10, the city is asking a judge to prevent those 47 people from engaging in a wide range of legal and illegal behavior while in the area. Examples of the conduct attorneys want blocked include carrying beepers, making loud noises or helping people flee police. Their application for a gang-abatement injunction is scheduled to go before a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge Friday. It is similar to two others the city successfully obtained in recent years in the Rocksprings and Appian Lane areas. Both have helped dramatically lower crime in those neighborhoods, the city says. Efforts elsewhere Gang-abatement injunctions are most popular in Southern California; Los Angeles, San Fernando, Inglewood, Burbank, Long Beach, Pasadena and Norwalk have all used them. Salinas is seeking one to root out a gang problem in a five-block neighborhood. And Deputy City Attorney Trish Aljoe said even as hearings continue in the case, the measure has had a dramatic effect there. ``The police told us it was like a ghost town,'' she said. ``Even though it wasn't officially granted yet, the gang members knew about it and were abiding by it.'' But that type of approach is not confined to fighting gangs. It also allowed San Jose to close Charlie's Liquors, a store that downtown residents said caused innumerable problems by freely selling alcohol. In February, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office used the same method to shut down a Mountain View massage parlor. Among the other prominent civil tools governments have at their disposal are asset-forfeiture laws. Those allow governments to confiscate property that either enabled a crime or represents its profits. In Oakland, for example, police are seizing the cars of people suspected of seeking drugs or prostitutes. Attempts to reach the Oakland city attorney's office Friday were unsuccessful. The ACLU has filed suit because of that program, saying it has cast too broad a net and denies due process. Crew contended that in some forfeiture cases owners get their cars seized when they were not responsible for the alleged misconduct. Although civil laws have been used as an alternative way to battle crime for years, they have become enormously more popular in the 1990s. That trend is the result of several factors, according to experts. One source is frustration with the workings of a cumbersome and overcrowded criminal justice system. If someone violates a judge's order in a civil case, that person can be thrown into jail instantly for contempt of court -- a much simpler process than prosecuting a repeat offender in the criminal system. ``The assessment on the part of the police is if you just do it one by one, defendant by defendant, you're incarcerating those individuals,'' said Robert Pugsley, a professor at the Southwestern University School of Law. ``But there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of others.'' He said that with court orders, authorities can uproot problems in a single attempt. But while civil approaches are being used more frequently, Pugsley said they are unlikely to become commonplace because they are so labor-intensive to obtain. Customized solutions Another factor is the rise of community policing. That philosophy holds that officers should work with residents and other agencies to solve problems because they can't do it alone. A third is the attempt to develop customized solutions to complex problems. But none of those reasons satisfies critics. Crew said there is a misperception that the criminal justice system is flawed when old-fashioned police work really is enough to protect public safety. Civil approaches would ``criminalize otherwise normal behavior when these people aren't doing anything criminal,'' said Steven Rease, a deputy Monterey County public defender representing 12 juveniles in the injunction case in Salinas. ``You're conceding, as far as we're concerned, that these people haven't committed a crime.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- 300 Pounds Of Marijuana Seized Near Border Crossing ('The Associated Press' Says US Border Patrol Agents Interdicted Six Duffel Bags Containing 300 Pounds Of Marijuana And Arrested One Man Near The Northeastern Washington Town Of Metaline Falls In The Biggest Marijuana Bust In Pend Oreille County History) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen - Olympia" (when@olywa.net) To: "-Hemp Talk" (hemp-talk@hemp.net) Subject: HT: 300 pounds of marijuana seized near border crossing Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 08:10:26 -0700 Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net 300 pounds of marijuana seized near border crossing The Associated Press 7/25/98 7:28 PM Eastern METALINE FALLS, Wash. (AP) -- Authorities intercepted six duffel bags containing 300 pounds of marijuana and arrested one man near this northeastern Washington town. Three men walking near the U.S.-Canadian border station here dropped three 4-foot-long bags after being spotted Thursday by U.S. Border Patrol agents. The three other bags were found later in the woods near Crescent Lake, in the same general area where the first three bags were dropped. One man was arrested. The two others got away. The arrested man identified himself as Jeffrey Scott Dermott, 22, of Sicamous, British Columbia, said Pend Oreille County deputy prosecutor Tony Koures. But authorities were unsure of his identity because no driver's license records could be found for that name, Sheriff Doug Malby said. Bail was set at $50,000 in a preliminary appearance Friday. The man was being held in the county jail for investigation of felony possession of marijuana with intent to deliver. Each of the bags contained about 50 pounds of high-grade marijuana packed in plastic bags, Malby said. He estimated the marijuana's street value at $500,000, making it the largest marijuana bust in county history.
------------------------------------------------------------------- MADD Takes On Clothing Catalog (An 'Associated Press' Article In The Illinois 'Daily Herald' Says The Group Mothers Against Drunk Driving Is Targeting Abercrombie & Fitch In New York And Its Latest Magazine-Catalog For Combining Hot Back-To-School Fashions With Drinking Games And Recipes For Hard-Core Cocktails Like The 'Woo-Woo' And The 'Brain Hemorrhage') Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 12:02:55 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: MADD Takes On Clothing Catalog Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Steve Young (theyoungfamily@worldnet.att.net) Source: Daily Herald (IL) Contact: fencepost@dailyherald.com Website: http://www.dailyherald.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Author: AP MADD TAKES ON CLOTHING CATALOG NEW YORK - Abercrombie & Fitch's latest magazine-catalog combines hot back-to-school fashions with drinking games and recipes for hard-core cocktails like the "Woo-Woo" and the "Brain Hemorrhage." Way uncool, says the head of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. She bashed the trendy clothier for encouraging bad behavior that many of its customers aren't even old enough to do. "This catalog is an abomination," MADD President Karolyn Nunnallee said Friday. "They are a company that is in a position to influence, and whether or not they are making a profit they have a responsibility and that responsibility is not to promote unsafe behavior." About a million copies of the catalog, touted as part magazine, was distributed about two weeks ago in the company's 165 stores and by subscription. The retailer admits it went too far in an A&F Quarterly story titled "Drinking 101." "In retrospect, the company feels that it should have initially provided balance in that story," said Lonnie Fogel, a company spokesman at its Reynoldsburg, Ohio, headquarters. The two-page story gives directions for "creative drinking" that students can substitute for the "standard beer binge," including drinks called "Woo-Woo" and the "Brain Hemorrhage." The catalog features photos of muscled, sometimes shirtless men with fresh-faced women - all in Abercrombie fashions. It also includes stories on travel, book and film reviews, advice for heading back to school and an article on campus streaking. Nunnallee wants Abercrombie to discontinue distribution of the 215-page catalog, issue a letter of apology to everyone who received it and devote at least one page in the next four issues to underage drinking and drinking and driving. For now, she'll have to settle for warning stickers affixed to catalogs not yet distributed and postcards to subscribers with the same message, which also appeared on the company's Web site. The stickers say, in part: "We don't want to lose anybody to thoughtlessness and stupidity. For some, part of college life includes partying and drinking - be smart and be responsible." Fogel said the catalog "aims to be a chronicler of the American college experience today" and that experience, at least for some, includes alcohol.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Court Quashes Police Practice ('The News And Observer' Says A North Carolina Court Of Appeals Panel In Raleigh Reversed A Marijuana Conviction, Ruling That Police Cannot Consciously Lie To Secure A Search Warrant) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:43:43 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NC: Court Quashes Police Practice Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: News & Observer (NC) Contact 1: http://www.news-observer.com/feedback/ Contact 2: forum@nando.com Author: Anne Saker Note: Anne Saker can be reached at 829-8955 or asaker@nando.com COURT QUASHES POLICE PRACTICE Reversing a marijuana conviction, a Court of Appeals panel rules that a police investigator cannot consciously lie to secure a search warrant. RALEIGH -- In a decision that some lawyers say will remind police to be more careful in seeking search warrants, the state Court of Appeals has thrown out a Raleigh man's drug conviction because a police detective lied to get a warrant for the man's house. Judge K. Edward Greene, writing for a unanimous three-judge panel, said that in asking for search warrants, police sometimes make statements they mistakenly believe are true. But they cannot knowingly lie in making their case to a magistrate, Greene wrote. The case does not break legal ground, but it does invalidate a once-common practice in the Raleigh Police Department: employing the vague term "using investigative means" to mean police picked up and went through a suspect's trash. "I'm delighted," said Raleigh lawyer Duncan McMillan, who appealed the case on behalf of Michael Severn. "We understood that this was a very frequent practice. This time, though, the police got caught in a lie." "It's a good day when the courts recognize that lying under oath is problematic," said Louis Bilionis, a criminal procedure expert at the law school of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Raleigh criminal defense lawyer Rick Gammon, once a Raleigh police officer, said the ruling instructs police that the truth cannot fall victim to the pressure to make arrests. "This is a good ruling because it requires the officer to be truthful in the affidavit, and it preserves the integrity of the affidavit and the search warrant," Gammon said. The detective in the case, R.A. McLeod, said Friday, "I'm not going say a thing about it. Not a word." Police Chief Mitch Brown and police attorney Dawn Bryant could not be reached for comment. Assistant Attorney General Elizabeth Parsons said no decision has been made about taking the case to the state Supreme Court. Barring a move to the high court, the Court of Appeals ruling Tuesday sends the case back to Wake County Superior Court. The case began in August 1996 when McLeod got a tip that Severn, then living on Ryegate Drive in Raleigh, was selling marijuana from his home. McLeod went to Ryegate Drive and picked up a full trash bag from a trash can just outside the house. Amid the trash, McLeod found a plastic straw with cocaine residue and two grams of marijuana seeds, stems and leaves. Police can take someone's trash as part of an investigation as long as they pick it up on the day and time of regular collection. McLeod then filed an affidavit asking a Wake County magistrate for a search warrant to go into Severn's house. Instead of saying that he made a trash pickup, he wrote under oath that he recovered "marijuana and cocaine from inside Severn's residence, using investigative means." The detective got the search warrant, and in Severn's house he found marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Severn was charged with possession. At a February 1997 hearing, McMillan, Severn's lawyer, asked Judge F. Gordon Battle to throw out the warrant. McLeod testified then that he had not gone inside the house himself to get the evidence on which to base the search warrant. He also said he wrote the term "using investigative means'' in his affidavit so Severn would not know that McLeod found the incriminating evidence in his trash. He said writing that term on search-warrant affidavits was a standard practice in the department's drugs and vice unit. But the Court of Appeals said McLeod crossed a fine line between unknowingly making a false statement and telling a lie. "It is true that every false statement in an affidavit is not necessarily made in bad faith," the court said. A person making a sworn statement "may be unaware that a statement is false and therefore include the statement in the affidavit based on a good-faith believe of its veracity." But McLeod, the court said, "admitted that he did not go inside of the residence; therefore, by stating in the affidavit that he had recovered evidence from within the residence, he knowingly made a false statement." The ruling also said the term "using investigative means" does not confer truthfulness on the affidavit, and it "further supports our holding that the affidavit was entered in bad faith." The court ruled that nothing else in the affidavit was good enough to persuade a magistrate to issue a search warrant, so the court threw out Severn's conviction. Christina Fanney, who prosecuted the case in Superior Court, said she thinks McLeod might have been in a hurry when writing the affidavit. "We've told officers: If you did a trash pickup, say you did a trash pickup," she said. In 1997, officers executed 396 search warrants on Wake County houses. A review Friday of 60 search warrants issued in 1998 found that a dozen bore the words "using investigative means." Four of those warrants reported that police obtained evidence in a trash pickup. Joining Greene in the decision were Judges Mark Martin and Patricia Timmons-Goodson.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Former Official Pleads Guilty ('The Associated Press' Says Former Mecklenburg County Elections Director Bill Culp Has Pleaded Guilty To Bribery And Corruption Charges In Charlotte, South Carolina, Blaming Marijuana Use That He Says Began When He Was A Serviceman In Vietnam) Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 19:06:52 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US SC: Wire: Former Official Pleads Guilty Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: Associated Press FORMER OFFICIAL PLEADS GUILTY Marijuana use blamed for role in bribery and corruption CHARLOTTE -- Former Mecklenburg County Elections Director Bill Culp has pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges and blamed marijuana use that he says began when he was a serviceman in Vietnam. Culp, 54, who was the county elections director for 28 years until his retirement in February, pleaded guilty Thursday at his first appearance in U.S. District Court to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, public corruption and mail fraud. He was freed on $100,000 bond and agreed to undergo counseling for his marijuana use. If a federal judge accepts the plea agreement in Culp's case, he will serve 30 months in federal prison and must pay full restitution. The pleas by Culp on Thursday and by two other men earlier this week culminated an investigation by the FBI and a federal grand jury that began early this year and led to the men's indictments. A voting machine salesman and repairman admitted earlier this week that they gave Culp more than $134,000 since 1990 in bribes and kickbacks as rewards for county business. Ed O'Day, 63, of Columbia, S.C., and Gene Barnes, 64, of Stuarts Draft, Va., entered guilty pleas Tuesday. They and Culp will be sentenced later this summer, the U.S. Attorney's Office said. Culp pleaded guilty to accepting 122 bribes from O'Day and Barnes and to three counts of mail fraud stemming from his operation of the Mecklenburg Elections Tabulation Service, which provided news organizations with unofficial election night results. He allegedly double-billed the county and news outlets, pocketing $21,131 between December 1994, and January 1998. O'Day is president of United American Election Supply Co. and was also an independent sales representative for MicroVote of Indianapolis. He sold Mecklenburg County more than $6 million in voting machines since 1994. Barnes, who serviced the county's voting machines for more than 30 years, raised his prices so Culp could get a kickback of $25 per machine repaired, authorities alleged.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The General McCaffrey Scientific Fool Award (The Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site Announces A New Award It Will Bestow On Appropriate Drug Warriors, Starting With The US Drug Czar, For Such Misstatements During His Recent European Tour As His Claim That '30.2 Percent Of Dutch Youths Say They Have Tried Marijuana, Versus 9.1 Percent In The United States') Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 12:41:28 +0000 To: press@drugtext.nl, drctalk@drcnet.org, maptalk@mapinc.org From: Peter Webster (vignes@monaco.mc) Subject: The General McCaffrey Scientific Fool Award The Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site presents: The General McCaffrey Scientific Fool Award http://www.peele.net/mccaffrey/ Recently, U.S. Drug Czar General Barry McCaffrey announced that the United States had 8.22 murders per 100,000 people in 1995 compared to 17.58 in the Netherlands, which proved, he said, that Dutch drug policy is a disaster. He was wrong - again. McCaffrey carelessly compared the U.S. murder rate to the Dutch attempted murder rate. The actual Dutch murder rate is (as the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics emphasized the next day in a special press release) 1.8 per 100,000 people, less than a fourth that in the U.S.! When McCaffrey's office was confronted with this fact, his spokesman James McDonough replied: "Let's say [they are] right. What you are left with is that they are a much more violent society and more inept [at murder], and that's not much to brag about." The erroneous Dutch and American murder rates were contained in McCaffrey's European trip briefing book. The drug czar's book contained similar misinformation about drug use: for example, "30.2 percent of Dutch youths say they have tried marijuana, vs. 9.1 percent in the United States." This figure represent lifetime use for the 16-19 years age group of the Amsterdam population in 1994, but only current (past month) use by the American group - obviously a ridiculous and unfair comparison! The comparable lifetime prevalence ("ever used") figure to the 30.2 percent for the Amsterdam population for American youths is 38.2 percent in 1994.* In the U.S., this figure for 1997 was 49.6 percent! Clinton's Drug Czar deserves an award for scientific malfeasance. SPAWS will periodically present the General McCaffrey Scientific Fool Award to an outstanding perpetrator of scientific tomfoolery or fraud in the drug and alcohol area. The first recipient is - of course - the general himself. * Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use for twelfth graders in 1994. Source: Monitoring the future study, University of Michigan. Online: http://www.isr.umich.edu/src/mtf/pr97t01a.html, accessed on July 23, 1998. *** This message was issued on the Stanton Peele Mailing List. To join this low volume read-only list, send e-mail to webmaster@sas.nl and in the subject field say only "SUBSCRIBE PEELE". To leave this list send a message to the same address saying "UNSUBSCRIBE PEELE". The Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site - http://www.peele.net/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot-Pouri Gathers At Cannabis Carnival (A Superficial 'Canadian Press' Article In 'The Ketchener-Waterloo Record' Recounts This Weekend's Gathering In Kitchener, Ontario) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: Pot-pouri Gathers At Cannabis Carnival Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 09:44:09 -0700 Lines: 52 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Ketchener-Waterloo Record Contact: recordletters@southam.ca Pubdate: July 25, 1998 Pot-pouri Gathers At Cannabis Carnival KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) - A "cannabis carnival" this weekend brought together a motley crew of those seriously committed to changing Canada's marijuana laws and those who came because it was something fun to do for a few hours. The carnival, billed as the first for this southern Ontario city, gathered about 125 mainly young people who passed around marijuana joints- some openly, some discreetly. There was only one arrest. A 20-year-old man was charged with possession of a narcotic when police initially thought he might have been selling marijuana to some teenagers but concluded they couldn't prove it. About half a dozen Waterloo regional police watched the action Saturday, intervening only to make the arrest and to warn two members of the Church of the Universe, Walter Tucker and Michael Baldasaro, when they lit up and passed around a joint. The colorful duo, who believe marijuana is a sacrament, both exhorted the gathering to do what they could to vote out politicians who don't support repeal of marijuana laws. Baldasaro is one of 15 men who have said they will run for the federal Tory leadership. Tucker evoked a roar of laughter when he pointed to Baldasaro, saying it was encouraging to see him running for office because "I know he has inhaled." Speakers generally assailed the current laws prohibiting marijuana use and called for their repeal, or at the very least, modification to make it unconditionally available for medicinal use. The afternoon got off to a noisy beginning when Erika Kubassek, known in the area for expressing her views on morality on issues such as women walking around topless, began confronting the marijuana devotees using a bullhorn. Police stood close by just in case any members of the crowd around Kubassek did more than jeer, taunt and outshout her as she was trying to persuade them they were treading the wrong paths. (Kitchener-Waterloo Record) c The Canadian Press, 1998
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Testing Ruled Unlawful (A 'Candian Press' Story In 'The Toronto Star' Says The Canadian Federal Court Of Appeal Has Ruled That A Drug-Testing Policy Implemented By The Toronto Dominion Bank To Screen New Hires Is Discriminatory And Isn't Sufficiently Related To Job Performance) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 12:04:52 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Canada: Drug Testing Ruled Unlawful Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Dave Haans Source: Toronto Star (Canada) Contact: lettertoed@thestar.com Website: http://www.thestar.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 DRUG TESTING RULED UNLAWFUL TD Bank policy discriminatory, top court says in 2-1 vote OTTAWA (CP) - A drug-testing policy implemented by the Toronto Dominion Bank to screen new hires is discriminatory, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled. In the 2-1 decision, the court ruled the policy violates the Canadian Human Rights Act because it could discriminate against certain employees and because it isn't sufficiently related to job performance. The act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and defines disability to include those with a previous or existing dependence on a drug. ``A finding of a trace amount of drugs in one's system does not mean that the employee is unproductive or about to engage in a work-related crime,'' Justice J. A. McDonald wrote for the majority. He ruled that the test had the potential to discriminate against employees and was not sufficiently related to performance on the job. TD Bank received a copy of the 95-page judgment late Thursday, said spokesperson Kym Robertson. ``We're reviewing the decision and considering what our next step will be,'' she said, adding that, in light of the decision, the bank has suspended its drug-testing policy indef-initely. In 1990, the bank mandated that new or returning hires would have to undergo one-time testing for illegal drugs. ``It was always based on the principle that we're a bank and we handle people's money,'' Robertson said. ``We feel there is a trust implicit in that.'' Job offers were not rescinded for those who tested positive, she said. But the individuals would be required to take part in counselling. The bank does not keep statistics on how many drug tests have come back positive because the tests are confidential. ``We've had no negative reaction from employees on this policy,'' Robertson said. TD Bank has 60 days to decide whether to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada, she said. John Hucker, secretary-general of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which had pressed the case through the courts, welcomed the decision. ``There is little evidence that drugs are a problem in the banking sector.'' A commission statement quoted Hucker as adding that``drug testing will not necessarily tell an employer very much about actual job performance.'' The Canadian Civil Liberties Association launched a complaint against the policy with the human rights commission. With files from Reuters and The Star's Madhavi Acharya
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Evidence Goes Before MPs ('The Weekend Herald' Says A New Zealand Parliamentary Inquiry Into The Mental Health Effects Of Cannabis Will Begin Hearing Evidence This Week - The Government Has Ruled Out Any Move To Decriminalise Cannabis Until The Inquiry Is Carried Out) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 03:51:17 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: New Zealand: Cannabis Evidence Goes Before MPs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Pubdate: 25/26 July 1998 Source: Weekend Herald (Auckland) Contact: editor@herald.co.nz CANNABIS EVIDENCE GOES BEFORE MPs WELLINGTON - A parliamentary inquiry into the mental health effects of cannabis will begin hearing evidence from agencies and the public this week. The health select committee announced its inquiry in April amid calls for the drug to be decriminalised. This week the committee will hear evidence from the Ministry of Health, the Mental Health Commission and Drug policy Forum Trust. The inquiry will look at the effect of cannabis on people's development, the role of cannabis as a trigger for mental illness, the effects of cannabis on Maori mental health and the adequacy of services for those with drug-related mental illnesses. The Government has ruled out any move to decriminalise cannabis until the inquiry is carried out. The Associate Minister of Health, Roger Sowry, earlier this year dismissed a report from a group of doctors and professionals calling on the Government to legalise the drug and take control of the market. The report from the Drug Policy Forum Trust said such a move would protect public health and minimise cannabis abuse. Meanwhile, smoking cannabis would come into the same instant fine category as minor liquor offences under radical proposals being investigated by police and supported by the Minister of Justice, Doug Graham. Richard Arachnid, a Christchurch spokesman for the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, which wants the marijuana laws reformed, welcomed the moves as a step towards decriminalisation. The head of the police national bureau of investigations, Detective Inspector Harry Quinn, said the infringement notices would apply to about one gram of cannabis, enough for a cigarette. - NZPA
------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Dope (Britain's 'New Scientist' Is Surprisingly Uncritical Of A Study Involving 17 Subjects, Carried Out By Marinel Ammenheuser And Her Colleagues At The University Of Texas Medical Branch In Galveston, Supposedly Showing Marijuana Damages DNA As Much As Tobacco, Creating Potentially Fertile Ground For Cancers And Begging The Question Why We Don't Lock Up People For Smoking Cigarettes - The Fact That Pot Smokers Do Not Show A Higher Incidence Of Cancer Or Lung Disease Is Excused With The Ludicrous Assertion That Widespread Marijuana Use Is A Recent Phenomenon, Ignoring US Government Studies Of Lifelong Users In Costa Rica And Jamaica In The 1970s Which Found They Lived Longer - No Mention Of The Study's Methodological Flaws, Whether It Was Peer Reviewed, Its Funding By The Current Prohibitionists Running The US Government, Or That It Contradicts A Vast Body Of Other, More Credible Evidence) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 07:57:13 +1000 (EST) From: duffy@mail.enternet.com.au (Andrew Duffy) Subject: New Scientist (UK): BAD DOPE To: pot-news@va.com.au Reply-To: pot-news@va.com.au Errors-To: pot-news@va.com.au *** Pot News - Hemp SA's On-line News Service *** Newshawk: Peter Webster Source: New Scientist (UK) Contact: letters@newscientist.com Website: http://www.newscientist.com/ Pubdate: July 25, 1998 Author: Nell BoyceBAD DOPE MARIJUANA damages DNA as much as tobacco, creating potentially fertile ground for cancers, according to a study of mothers and their newborn infants. Marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic chemicals found in cigarette smoke, and people tend to hold marijuana smoke longer in their lungs. Epidemiologists have not yet linked marijuana to cancer, but this may be because cancers take decades to develop and widespread marijuana use is a recent phenomenon.Marinel Ammenheuser and her colleagues at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston set out to discover whether marijuana smoke directly damages DNA. Using blood and urine tests, the researchers identified 17 pregnant women who smoked marijuana but did not use tobacco, cocaine or heroin. The study also enrolled an equal number of women who used none of the drugs. The researchers collected blood from each woman and from 10 umbilical cords. They found that the frequency of mutations in the DNA was nearly three times as high in the marijuana smokers and their infants as in nonsmokers (Mutation Research, vol 403, p 55).Ammenheuser says that the increased mutation rate in marijuana users resembles that found in tobacco smokers. "It's only a hint that there may be trouble there, but it's scientifically plausible." "There's more and more evidence from our lab showing increased levels of mutations in lungs," says Michael Roth of the University of California's Los Angeles Medical Center. His group will publish a study next month in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showing that marijuana is associated with mutations known to be linked to lung cancer. He also has preliminary evidence suggesting that THC, the mood-altering ingredient in marijuana, may promote the carcinogenic effect. *** [Portland NORML comments - 'New Scientist' might have shown more objectivity if it had contrasted this supposed research with other recent research in Italy that found just the opposite.]
------------------------------------------------------------------- Heroin Scandal Rocks London's Devout Jewish Community (Britain's 'Independent' Says London's Orthodox Jewish Community Has Been Shocked By A Series Of Arrests For Alleged Heroin Smuggling) Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 19:23:48 -0500 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: Heroin Scandal Rocks London's Devout Jewish Community Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Source: Independent, The (UK) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ Author: Paul Lashmar HEROIN SCANDAL ROCKS LONDON'S DEVOUT JEWISH COMMUNITY The Orthodox Jewish community has been shocked by a series of arrests of its members for alleged heroin smuggling. Police and Customs inquiries are centering on a drugs link between Israel, Antwerp and London. Evidence of the new drugs link follows: Two Jewish men are to appear British courts on heroin smuggling charges. The professional execution on an Antwerp street last week, of a Jewish jeweller and leading figure in the Russian Mafia. A Talmudic scholar accused in Tel Aviv this month of laundering drugs money through his bank account. The north London Orthodox community is remaining tight-lipped about the arrests although it is thought to be severely embarrassed. Several people in the community, who did not want to be named, said that the arrests were causing anger and deep concern. The involvement of Orthodox Jews in hard drugs has echoes of the recent case in New York State where the puritanical Amish sect was torn by the arrest of several younger members for drug dealing. The Orthodox and ultra-orthodox communities of Stamford Hill and Golders Green in north London have a reputation for being largely crime-free. While some members of the Orthodox community have been jailed in the past for large-scale VAT frauds and other white collar crime, it has never been associated with drugs or violent crime. The fact the arrests involve allegations of heroin has proved even more shocking. Police in several European countries began to suspect that the diamond area of Antwerp was becoming an international centre for drug smuggling two years ago when an Orthodox Jewish man from Antwerp was arrested at Ramsgate. Dror Hazenfratz, then 34, from Antwerp, was jailed for 11 years for trying to smuggle heroin. He was arrested by British Customs officers while travelling with his wife and child in the family Peugeot 405. Underneath the child seat in the back Customs officers found 15 kilos of heroin worth UKP750,000. Hazenfratz, who was born in Haifa and holds an Israeli passport as well as a Belgian identity card, appeared in Canterbury court wearing traditional dress and carrying the Talmud. He had made other one-day trips to England. Hazenfratz said he had been told to meet a Georgian Orthodox Jew at a north London hotel. The ultimate destination of the drugs was reputedly David Santini, a Glaswegian who, at the time, was Scotland's leading heroin dealer. In an unrelated raid, Santini was arrested while repacking a UKP1.1m consignment of heroin. He was jailed for 13 years. A senior officer in the case said: "He had massive connections with Britain's underworld and leads to European drug cartels." Following the arrest of Hazenfratz drugs officers began to suspect a new drugs route. The last stopping point for most drugs coming into Britain is the Netherlands, but European police forces are making it more difficult to use that country as a transshipment point. The collapse of Communism has also opened up new smuggling routes through Eastern Europe into London and Antwerp is ideally suited as a drugs centre. At the end of June British Customs arrested a 19-year-old man from Antwerp in Dover with 10 kilos of heroin allegedly concealed in his hire car. He is awaiting trial. Shortly before an older man had been arrested at Coquelles at the French entrance to the Channel Tunnel. British Customs allegedly found quantities of heroin and cocaine. The man was an American Orthodox Jew living in Stamford Hill. British drugs officers suspect they are seeing the beginning of a new drug operation involving Antwerp's Orthodox Jews and the Russian Mafia. The Orthodox community has been a major player in the diamond and precious metal market. Antwerp has the largest diamond centre in the world. Other centres of the diamond business are Tel Aviv and Hatton Garden, London. Antwerp's Orthodox community is close knitted but cosmopolitan with close links with similar communities in Israel, London, New York and Eastern Europe. It is an Askenazi community which originated mainly from East Europe. However, over the past two years the diamond business has taken a downturn for the small trader and the trade has moved mainly into the hands of big corporations such as DeBeers. In addition, last year, police made a series of raids of diamond businesses suspected of tax evasion and money laundering. According to one Customs source, smuggling diamonds from Antwerp to London's Hatton Garden has been on for many years. This expertise in smuggling has now been turned to a more sinister trade. The Russian Mafia has made Antwerp a centre of its operations and has been able to use the expertise of a community that has fallen on hard times. Last week, evidence of the violence associated with drug crime surfaced again in Antwerp. A Jewish trader in precious metals in the city, Rachmeil "Mike" Brandwain, also reputed to be a leading figure in the Russian Mafia, was shot dead. Underworld gossip has it that he had informed on another leading figure in the Russian Mafia who had been arrested in New York. In the 1980s Brandwain had sold gold that was smuggled into Britain for a VAT fraud being run in Hatton Garden. A Customs operation codenamed "Operation Fiddler" arrested a number of men in London. Brantwain was also suspected to be a cocaine dealer. Earlier this month in Tel Aviv, three British drugs officers were in court to see an Israeli man charged with laundering money from an international drugs ring. According to local police, the British officers were from MI6 - the remit of the overseas arm of British intelligence was extended to cover international drug smuggling. Israel Aron Albam, a 38-year-old Talmudic scholar, married with eight children, was released on a bail of 8m shekels (around UKP1.3m). The Tel Aviv court was told that British authorities had been involved with the seizure of two boatloads of drugs, the first in 1992 with two tonnes of cocaine and one tonne of cocaine. The shipments originated from Columbia and were heading for Holland. The second boat was seized in Portugal and a British citizen known only as "John" was arrested. He claimed that Albam had given him UKP48,000 to pay for the yacht. The court was told that a number of men are held by the British authorities in connection with the smuggling ring. Albam is an Askenazi of the large Vishmitz sect. Police inquiries revealed that Albam was on a Israeli government grant for poor scholars to study the Talmud at the Yeshiva (theology college). He had travelled to New York and London, apparently collecting money for charity. However, Israeli police found 400m shekels (UKP66m) in his bank account. The account was in the Israeli religious bank which is tax exempt. Albam admitted that he ran "a private bank" but claims that he did the laundering only for the charedim (the Orthodox). He has denied any connection with drugs dealings.
------------------------------------------------------------------- PC 'Appalled' ('The Evening News' In Norwich, England, Says A Sheringham Police Constable Is Upset That Only Seven Parents Turned Out For A 'Drug Awareness Evening' After More Than 750 Letters Were Sent Out To Parents Of Pupils At Sheringham High School) Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 11:13:21 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: PC 'Appalled' Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: Evening News (Norwich UK) Contact: EveningNewsLetters@ecn.co.uk PC 'APPALLED' POLICE in Sheringham have slammed apathetic parents after just seven turned up at a drug awareness evening at the high school. More than 750 letters were sent out to parents of Sheringham High School pupils inviting them to attend the information evening. PC Terry Phillips said he was "appalled" at the turnout which sent a negative message to children who may be tempted to abuse drugs and alcohol.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Drug Activists For Trial On Man's Killing ('The Irish Times' Says The Coalition Of Communities Against Drugs Issued A Statement Condemning The Decision To Have The Three Men Tried Before A Non-Jury Court For Stabbing A Heroin Addict To Death And Assaulting His Companion) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:35:05 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Ireland: Anti-Drug Activists For Trial On Man's Killing Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Pubdate: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 Source: Irish Times (Ireland) Contact: lettersed@irish-times.ie ANTI-DRUG ACTIVISTS FOR TRIAL ON MAN'S KILLING Three anti-drug activists charged with killing Mr Josie Dwyer (44), a heroin addict, have been returned for trial to the Special Criminal Court while nine others will appear before a jury in the Circuit Court. Mr Bernard Dempsey (30), of Marrowbone Lane, Dublin; Mr Stephen Carney (25), of Dolphin House, Rialto; and Mr Ronald Byrne (39), of Cremona Road, Ballyfermot, appeared in Dublin District Court accused of the manslaughter of Mr Dwyer who was suffering from AIDS. They are also accused of assaulting Mr Dwyer's companion, Mr Alan Byrne (25), and violent disorder at Basin Lane, off Thomas Street, on May 15th, 1996. Nine other men facing similar charges are: Mr Mark Cooke (24); Mr John Kenny (42); Mr Martin Glynn (39); Mr Hugh Byrne (31), all of Dolphin House, Rialto; Mr William Kenny (44), of St Anthony's Road, Rialto; Mr Mark Alfred (24), of Seagull House, Dublin; and Mr Christopher O'Shea (48); Mr John Fitzpatrick (35); and Mr Andrew Kelly (31), all from Fatima Mansions, Rialto. Mr Desmond Whelan (27), of Dolphin House, Rialto, who had also been charged was stabbed to death near his home on April 1st last year. Judge John Neilan remanded 11 of the men on independent bail of £34,000 each on condition they do not interfere with witnesses, but the court heard Mr Carney is currently being held in Portlaoise Prison on other charges. After the hearing the Coalition of Communities Against Drugs issued a statement condemning the decision to have the three men tried before a non-jury court. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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