------------------------------------------------------------------- The NORML Foundation Weekly Press Release (French Police Threaten To Prosecute British Company For Marketing Hemp Products; California Legislature Closes Without Deciding On Medical Marijuana Research Center; Judge Allows California Buyers' Clubs To Remain Open, Rejects Oakland Plan To Immunize Dispensary From Prosecution; Judge Finds City-Imposed Restrictions On Scheduled Marijuana Rally Unconstitutional) From: NORMLFNDTN@aol.com Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 17:59:16 EDT Subject: NORML WPR 9/3/98 (II) The NORML Foundation Weekly Press Release 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW Ste. 710 Washington, DC 20036 202-483-8751 (p) 202-483-0057 (f) www.norml.org foundation@norml.org September 3, 1998 *** French Police Threaten To Prosecute British Company For Marketing Hemp Products September 3, 1998, Paris, France: Body Shop International remains under investigation in France after law enforcement seized a line of beauty products containing hemp seed oil. Although police readily returned the items -- which included lip conditioner, hand oil, and body lotion -- the company could face charges of encouraging drug use, a Body Shop spokeswoman told Bloomberg News Wire Sunday. "I know the French have perfected the art of irony in the past, but right now I'd like to see them get a better grip on the future," Body Shop founder Anita Roddick said. She added that the hemp seed oil used in the products targeted by police came from France. The country is one of Europe's leading producers of hemp fiber and goods. A spokesman for The Body Shop denied charges that the products promoted marijuana use, and said that they emphasized the differences between the two plant species. A spokesman for the prosecutor's office in Aix-en-Province countered that advertisements for the products depicted the hemp leaf because of its associated with marijuana. The Body Shop launched their new hemp product line in France only two weeks ago after enjoying success in Britain and America. In Britain, the hemp accessories accounted for 5 percent of the company's total sales one month after they introduced the series. Although U.S. federal law allows for the sale and use of hemp-based products, local law enforcement have occasionally tried to seize hemp accessories by claiming they violate marijuana laws. In almost all cases, the police later returned the merchandise. For more information, please contact either Allen St. Pierre of The NORML Foundation @ (202) 483-8751 or Keith Stroup of NORML @ (202) 483-5500. *** California Legislature Closes Without Deciding On Medical Marijuana Research Center September 3, 1998, Sacramento, CA: Legislation to establish a Medical Marijuana Research Center at a campus of the University of California fell by the wayside Tuesday when the Senate adjourned prematurely. The bill, S.B. 535, sought to provide $1 million to fund an ongoing study on the medical value of whole smoked marijuana on seriously ill patients. "The Legislature's inaction ignores demands from the public and scientific community to conduct unbiased research on the efficacy and safety of medical marijuana," NORML Director R. Keith Stroup said. Introduced by Sen. John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara) in 1997, S.B. 535 enjoyed strong support from the medical and law enforcement communities. Backers of the proposal included the American Cancer Society, Attorney General Dan Lungren, the California Narcotics Association, the California Medical Association, and the California District Attorneys Association. The Senate previously passed the bill in 1997, but adjourned before approving amendments proposed by the Assembly. Reportedly, the bill enjoyed majority support from Assembly members. Robert Harris of Americans for Medical Rights said that he expects Vasconcellos to re-introduce similar legislation next year. "We will bring this up again," he said. "Stage three clinical trials have to be done." He said that he expects new legislation to have a higher likelihood of becoming law because both gubernatorial candidates support medical marijuana research trials. The California Legislature previously funded clinical patient trials on the medical benefits of whole smoked marijuana and THC capsules from 1980 to 1986. For more information, please contact either Paul Armentano NORML @ (202) 483-5500 or Robert Harris of American for Medical Rights (Sacramento office) @ (916) 449-6190. *** Judge Allows California Buyers' Clubs To Remain Open, Rejects Oakland Plan To Immunize Dispensary From Prosecution September 3, 1998, San Francisco, CA: U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer declined to issue an immediate order shutting down three cannabis buyers' clubs that continue to dispense marijuana to seriously ill patients in defiance of an April 16 injunction. He scheduled further hearings to take place September 28, and indicated that he may eventually allow a jury to determine whether individual patients have a right to the club's supply of medical marijuana. Santa Clara law professor Gerald Uelmen, one of the attorneys defending the clubs, said that the outcome of much of Monday's hearing was favorable. "We thought the hearing was positive in the sense that it denied the government's motion for summary judgment, and denied their request to [immediately close the remaining clubs,]" he said. "[The clubs] are still in operation and we are heading for a jury trial which is where we want to be." In a setback for medical marijuana proponents, Judge Breyer dismissed claims that designating staff members of the Oakland Buyers' Cooperative as city officials shielded the club from criminal and civil liability. Attorneys for the Oakland CBC explained that Section 885(d) of the Federal Controlled Substances Act provides that any officer of the city who is enforcing a local ordinance relating to controlled substances will be protected from criminal sanctions. "We're not dealing with a subversive effort to undercut the government's drug war," Uelmen argued in court. "This is a careful and good-faith effort to implement the will of the people, consistent with federal law." Breyer rejected the claim and stated that individuals are not legally enforcing a drug-related law when their "purpose is to violate federal law." Uelmen said they will appeal this ruling. For more information, please contact either Keith Stroup of NORML @ (202) 483-5500 or NORML Legal Committee member William Panzer, Esq. @ (510) 834-1892. *** Judge Finds City-Imposed Restrictions On Scheduled Marijuana Rally Unconstitutional September 3, 1998, Boston, MA: A Superior Court Judge ruled that free speech restrictions imposed on organizers of the annual "Boston Freedom Rally" by city officials are unconstitutional. William Downing, President of the NORML's Massachusetts state affiliate, praised the judge's decision to strike down the gag order. "The judge's decision restores freedom of expression and assembly on the Boston Common." Earlier this year, city officials reluctantly granted the organization permission to hold the event, but included a requirement that all speakers and performers discourage marijuana smoking and announce that police would enforce all state drug laws. This week, Judge Carol Ball determined that the city's stipulations for the speakers were "constitutionally impermissible," and also enjoined the city from enforcing many of the permit's other requirements. In past years, the "Freedom Rally" has drawn crowds approaching 100,000 people, making it the largest marijuana-reform event in the nation. This year's event will take place on October 3 at the Boston Commons. For more information, please contact either Bill Downing of Mass Cann NORML @ (781) 944-2266 or Allen St. Pierre of The NORML Foundation @ (202) 483-8751. - END -
------------------------------------------------------------------- Training For The Worst At US Prisons (An 'Oregonian' Article About SORTs, Special Operations Response Teams, Whose Purported Mission Is To Quell US Federal Prison Riots - But 'SORTs Were On Patrol During The Los Angeles Riots, And SORTs Are There To Back Up Teams In Other States When A Riot Gets Too Much For The Home Team To Handle') The Oregonian letters to editor: letters@news.oregonian.com 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Web: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Training for the worst at U.S. prisons * Special Operations Response Teams from seven federal lockups go through their paces in fields near McMinnville Thursday, September 3 1998 By Inara Verzemnieks of The Oregonian staff McMINNVILLE -- As the afternoon sun beats down, 14 men in black Kevlar riot helmets and black bulletproof vests, black pants and black boots march stony-faced and sweating through the fields of the McMinnville Police Department's firing range. They are running riot drills, practicing for the worst, training far away from the inmates who fall under their daily watch. They are members of Special Operations Response Teams from seven federal correctional institutions, participating in a week's worth of crisis management training. What this means is that for the past four days, seven 14-member teams from Arizona, California and Oregon have been at the range in McMinnville and at the federal prison in Sheridan, running through a litany of drills designed to test their skills, build teamwork and, ultimately, prepare them for the most horrific situations inmates could produce. At the McMinnville range on Wednesday, SORT members from Sheridan, Safford, Phoenix and Tucson in Arizona and Dublin, Terminal Island and Lompoc in California practiced riot formation drills, moving like dark, unstoppable walls through dry, dusty fields, firing gas canisters and palming batons in unison. They tested their stamina with timed obstacle courses that demanded they hurdle sawhorses, wriggle through culverts and clear hay bales. Then they tested their accuracy firing 9 mm pistols, submachine guns and 12-gauge shotguns from various distances. Got a prison disturbance you can't handle? A difficult prisoner you need to get out of his cell? A hostage you need to rescue? A Hannibal Lector-lookalike who has to be moved? Within the federal correctional system, you call the SORT team. SORTs were on patrol during the Los Angeles riots. SORTs are there to back up teams in other states when a riot gets too much for the home team to handle. This is why there are these yearly drills, says Paul Bise, a Western regional trainer and team leader at Lompoc's Intensive Confinement Center. This way SORT teams can meet and practice and synchronize their efforts before a crisis erupts -- when they can't afford to make mistakes. "We do this so that if we had a major disturbance, and it was so big that the teams assigned to that area couldn't handle it, SORTS can be called in from all over, and we'd all be on the same page," Bise said. Part of that means evaluations. Each shot, each step, each exercise the teams took this week was being evaluated. It's a way for officials to gauge the teams, Bise says -- to see which are ready to be deployed for which assignments, and also a way to identify which skills the teams need to work on. Positions on SORTs aren't easily earned. It's a special assignment, done in addition to regular prison duties. Anyone interested has to try out for a spot on his or her prison's team. There are physical fitness tests and a psychological exam. And then there are days of training and testing. Waiting in line with other members of his team for his turn at the obstacle course at the McMinnville Police Department range is Arron Anderson, a Portland native who is now a corrections officer with the federal institution in Tuscon. He says the best part of the week is seeing all the other team members. "A lot of these guys we only see once a year," he says. (Except for ones who work at Lompoc and Phoenix -- the Tuscon SORT team's been called in to back them up, Anderson recalls.) He's next in line now, ready for his signal to run the obstacle course, his submachine gun dangling at his side. He's been through the training three times now. He toes the line. "I'm taking a vacation when this is all over," he says, and gets laughs from the rest of the guys, who are waiting in the heat behind him.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marion OKs Joint Sheriff, Corrections Board ('The Oregonian' Notes Marion County, Oregon, Has Reorganized Its Sheriff's Department And Corrections Department) The Oregonian letters to editor: letters@news.oregonian.com 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Web: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Marion OKs joint sheriff, corrections board * The Law Enforcement Services Board will oversee both county branches, giving each the ability to make policy Thursday, September 3 1998 By Cheryl Martinis Oregonian Correspondant SALEM -- Marion County commissioners and Sheriff Raul Ramirez gave final approval Wednesday to a merger of sheriff and corrections departments and creation of a new board to oversee both. The arrangement is unusual in Oregon because the new Law Enforcement Services board -- made up of the elected sheriff and the three elected county commissioners -- will set policy. Traditionally, commissioners haven't had a role in setting sheriff's office policy, though they have overseen corrections. Officials expect to eliminate some administrative duplication with the merger, possibly freeing up money for programs. Also, the merged department might make it easier to try new approaches to policing, Commissioner Mary Pearmine and Ramirez said. Those approaches might pair sheriff's deputies with parole/probation officers to investigate a drug house or use deputies who already are in the neighborhood to check on the status of a parolee. Many of the new board's duties, such as setting a budget for the combined law enforcement office and negotiating labor contracts, already involved shared decision-making between the sheriff and county commissioners. A written agreement specifies that the sheriff and commissioners decide issues by "consensus" rather than a majority vote. If they cannot agree, whoever has the legal authority to make the decision will do so. That means commissioners would have the final say on corrections issues and the sheriff on policing issues. "I'm very excited about it," Ramirez said. He also said it will allow the county to make the best use of its people and money and provide "seamless" law enforcement. Ramirez will appoint the undersheriff who will oversee corrections' operations as well as continue to appoint an undersheriff for policing duties. The first undersheriff overseeing corrections is Billy Wasson, the county's former corrections department director who helped design the merged department. He plans to retire May 1 after 32 years with the county. "When else do you have the chance to reorganize yourself right out of a job?" he said. Oregon counties have adopted a variety of organizational strategies when it comes to deciding whether to place the jail/corrections programs inside or outside the sheriff's office and where to put parole and probation operations. Pearmine said the county's combined law enforcement department is possible when commissioners and the sheriff both worry more about what's best for the public rather than "whether this is in my territory or your territory."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaites Accuses Foe, Hit By Own Mud ('The Arizona Republic' Describes An Amusing Case Of A Typical Drug Warrior, Democratic State Senator John Kaites, Who Publicized The Arrest For Marijuana Possession Long Ago Of His Republican Opponent For Attorney General, Tom McGovern - But McGovern Was Exonerated And Wednesday Signed An Affidavit Saying He Had Never Used An Illegal Substance, And Challenged Kaites To Do The Same, Whereupon Kaites Had To Admit He Had Smoked Marijuana In High School After First Denying Ever Breaking Any Law) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 08:28:46 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US AZ: Kaites Accuses Foe, Hit By Own Mud Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Source: Arizona Republic (AZ) Contact: Opinions@pni.com Website: http://www.azcentral.com/news/ Author: Mike McCloy KAITES ACCUSES FOE, HIT BY OWN MUD Behind In Polls, He Turns Foe's 'Record' Into Issue Sen. John Kaites was behind in the polls. And he had only enough money in his campaign for attorney general to buy TV ads in the final week before next Tuesday's primary election. So he hauled out a bucket of mud and threw it. Only by the end of Wednesday, the mud had splattered on him. Kaites accused his Republican opponent Tom McGovern of being a criminal, pointing to a 15-year-old incident in which McGovern was arrested with a BB pistol in the trunk and marijuana residue in an ashtray of his brother's car. The charges were dropped. McGovern crashed the news conference Wednesday and declared, "It is a lie." He then joined Attorney General Grant Woods in signing an affidavit saying neither McGovern nor Woods had ever used an illegal substance, and they challenged Kaites to do the same. Kaites refused to sign the statement and told reporters that he had not broken any law "that I know of." When Kaites was called later, campaign spokeswoman Kim Harris told The Arizona Republic, "He tried marijuana in high school, did not like it, and that's the end of the story." The stunning exchange climaxed weeks of intensive campaigning between the two that has grown from sarcastic remarks and hit-piece mailings to charges of lies and now ugly theater. McGovern acknowledged that he had been arrested in New Jersey in 1983 with a BB pistol in the trunk and marijuana residue in an ashtray of his brother's car. "Though I was charged, all of this was dismissed," McGovern said. Copies of the arrest record were given to the news media in February as Kaites launched his campaign for attorney general, but it was not a major issue in the campaign until Tuesday night. That is when a Channel 8 (KAET) poll showed McGovern leading Kaites by 12 points, or 32 percent to 20 percent, with 48 percent of likely Republican voters undecided. And that is when Kaites switched from TV commercials on major Valley stations about his background as a prosecutor to a spot depicting jailhouse bars closing on McGovern's bearded face. "Tom has a record - not as a prosecutor, but as a criminal," the commercials say. At a news conference Kaites called Wednesday afternoon, Kaites declared, "Everything in that advertisement is true," even though he acknowledged that no charges had been been filed in the case. Police in Sea Isle, N.J., where the incident occurred, forwarded their complaints to the county prosecutor, who dismissed them. "Mr. McGovern was arrested," Kaites said. "He was said by the police to have been in possession of marijuana and in possession of a gun. Those are crimes. You don't necessarily have to be convicted to have committed a crime." Janet Napolitano, a former U.S. attorney and the only Democrat running for attorney general, said that explanation does not square with the requirement for proof beyond a reasonable doubt, which is used for a conviction in federal and state courts. "It's the same standard as when you watched Perry Mason as a kid," she said. But it apparently was lost in the heat of the GOP primary, she said, adding, "The last time I saw a fight this bad, Mike Tyson was spitting a piece of an ear." Spending more than $250,000 apiece, Kaites and McGovern have appeared jointly more than 50 times over the past six months. Competition between the two lawyers evolved into sarcasm, with McGovern sneeringly referring to Kaites as "Buster Bad-ass" for posturing as a criminal prosecutor after serving only 27 months in that capacity. They have trashed each other with mailed "hit pieces" over the past two weeks. McGovern has accused Kaites of opposing adult trials for violent juveniles, even though Kaites has been a leading proponent of that change in the criminal justice system. Kaites' mailer to Republicans compared McGovern to President Clinton, listing a half-dozen "lies" - including McGovern's claims to have prosecuted as many criminal cases as Kaites has, and having a caseload that included two executions of death row inmates. Both candidates have agreed issues such as public protection from violent criminals, civil rights and a massive state lawsuit against the tobacco industry are major. But, with advice from former Gov. Fife Symington's aides Chuck Coughlin and Wes Gullett, Kaites chose McGovern's old arrest record for the focus of his final foray on TV. Asked why he used an issue that emerged more than six months ago, Kaites said, "All I had was enough money to buy TV in the last 10 days before the election." He insisted that "character does matter." "The truth does matter, that's why we're running this ad." He accused McGovern of relating "a different version" of the arrest incident each time he was asked about it. However, the differences Kaites listed mostly are between McGovern's comments and those of the police and details in coverage by Valley newspapers and radio stations. McGovern said he told Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Woods about the arrest when he announced, but he did not tell the voters because, "Maybe there was a glimmer of hope that my opponent was not as calculating as he proved to be." Arpaio joined Woods at McGovern's news conference. The sheriff and the retiring attorney general said McGovern had told them about the arrest before it was revealed to the news media. "It was really nothing," Arpaio said. "When you see some of these commercials, it's sickening. "The people are smart. The people out there can read through all this garbage."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaites Calls Primary Foe A Criminal, Admits Smoking Pot ('The Arizona Daily Star' Version) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 19:26:45 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US AZ: Kaites Calls Primary Foe A Criminal, Admits Smoking Pot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Arizona Daily Star (AZ) Contact: letters@azstarnet.com Website: http://www.azstarnet.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services KAITES CALLS PRIMARY FOE A CRIMINAL, ADMITS SMOKING POT PHOENIX - Attorney general hopeful John Kaites insists his opponent's arrest 15 years ago makes him a criminal - even though prosecutors dropped the charges. At a news conference yesterday, Kaites defended a new TV commercial which states that Tom McGovern ``has a record, not as a prosecutor but as a criminal.'' It includes footage of McGovern that has been doctored to show him behind bars with a beard. McGovern, who set up his own news conference near Kaites' around the same time, acknowledged the 1983 New Jersey arrest on weapon and drug charges. He pointed out that the case was dismissed, and said prosecutors believed he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. But McGovern, while lashing out at Kaites for slinging mud, then signed an affidavit saying he has never smoked marijuana. Attorney General Grant Woods, who backs McGovern, also signed the affidavit - even as he said the issue of someone smoking marijuana is irrelevant to the question of who should be his successor. McGovern placed the affidavit under Kaites' nose. Kaites smiled and walked away. Kaites, while attacking McGovern for his arrest record, dodged several questions of whether he ever broke any laws, demanding a specific list of crimes to which he could respond. Finally, asked if he ever violated any provision of Title 13 - Arizona's criminal code - Kaites responded, ``not that I'm aware of.'' His answer, while true, was misleading: His press aide, Kim Harris, later admitted Kaites, while in high school in Pennsylvania, tried marijuana ``once,'' adding that ``he didn't like it.'' That is similar to what happened with Bill Clinton, when asked about his own background, responding that he never violated the laws of this country. Clinton later admitted he smoked marijuana overseas. The TV commercial attacking McGovern began running as the campaign enters its last week and Kaites finds himself trailing 20 percent to 32 percent. Kaites admitted yesterday the polls played a role, pointing out that nearly half of all Republicans have not yet made up their minds for whom to vote. ``They have a right to know a history of Tom McGovern,'' he said. McGovern was charged with possession of a weapon after police, investigating a bar fight in which McGovern was not involved, found a pellet gun in his trunk. The drug charge stems from marijuana residue found in the ashtray of the vehicle he was driving, a car McGovern said belonged to his brother. Prosecutors subsequently dismissed the charges. Despite that, Kaites said McGovern is still a criminal - just not a convicted criminal. The arrest, he said, is as pertinent to Tuesday's election as ``if O.J. Simpson were standing before you running for attorney general, even though he has been acquitted.'' Under intense questioning, Kaites said the arrest is not what is relevant ``but how that person comes clean when discussing the arrest itself.'' McGovern conceded he never thought it necessary or appropriate to disclose the arrest when he declared his candidacy last year. A Phoenix-area newspaper wrote about his arrest in February. McGovern's lead comes despite the fact that, as of mid-August - the latest report available - Kaites had spent nearly $293,000 vs. about $222,000 by McGovern. The primary winner will face former U.S. Attorney Janet Napolitano, who is unopposed in the Democratic primary.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DARE Program To Be Reviewed For Changes (According To 'The Houston Chronicle,' Houston Police Chief CO Bradford Said Wednesday That Houston's $3.7 Million DARE Program, Called 'Only Marginally Successful' In A Recent Report, Would Not Be Taught At Local Schools Again In Its Present Form) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 20:41:04 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: DARE Program To Be Reviewed For Changes Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: S.K. BARDWELL DARE PROGRAM TO BE REVIEWED FOR CHANGES Copyright 1998 Houston Chronicle Houston's $3.7 million DARE program, called "only marginally successful" in a recent report, will not be instituted at area schools again in its present form, Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford said Wednesday. Bradford met with his command staff to discuss the program Tuesday, the first time since release of a critical independent study conducted by the University of Houston-Downtown sciences Professor Bruce Gay. The study, released last week, suggested the Drug Abuse Resistance Education curriculum taught in public schools by police officers may not work. DARE, aimed at fighting drug and alcohol abuse, was begun in Los Angeles in 1983 and is taught in about 10,000 cities worldwide. About 27,000 Houston fifth-graders and 24,000 seventh-graders participate in DARE programs here. The Houston study is only the latest of several questioning the effectiveness of the program in U.S. cities. Bradford said he and his command staff do not question the results or the methodology of Gay's study. The study concluded, in part, "There is very little compelling evidence to suggest that the primary goal of the DARE program is being reached at a statistically significant level." Among students surveyed prior to participating in the DARE program -- generally, fifth-graders -- 15 percent had tried drugs, 18 percent had tried tobacco and 32 percent had tried alcohol. When survey-takers returned at the conclusion of the DARE program in May to measure responses again, they found that drug usage was up 29 percent, tobacco usage up 34 percent and alcohol increased 4 percent. During the coming months, Bradford said he and the HPD command staff will study ways to modify the DARE program to increase its effectiveness. In their study, Bradford said he plans to solicit the opinions of the 63 HPD DARE officers as well as school officials, teachers, parents and students. Bradford noted the modifications also will be made with the cooperation of DARE America, which provides the curriculum. The chief said possible changes could include offering the program to children at an earlier age, reducing the number of objectives of the program from the current 12, or changing it from a citywide program to one more focused on problem areas. "I am committed to making changes in the program," Bradford said Wednesday. Noting the program now under way for this school year will proceed, Bradford added, "I have no desire to implement the program another time, without changes."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Harvest Brings Out The Authorities ('The Cleveland Plain Dealer' Describes The Expensive Annual Effort To Eradicate Marijuana Planted In Corn Fields In Ohio, Which Ranks Among The Top 10 States In Marijuana Growth) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 16:07:55 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OH: Marijuana Harvest Brings Out The Authorities Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Source: Cleveland Live News Flash (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Contact: news@cleveland.com Website: http://www.cleveland.com/ MARIJUANA HARVEST BRINGS OUT THE AUTHORITIES Helicopters are a sure sign of a fall harvest in Ohio, which ranks among the top 10 states in marijuana growth. Law enforcement officers take to the air to search cornfields for the tall, green plants that stand out and above the yellow ears of corn and tassels. "Everyone talks about the war on drugs and the Colombian drug cartel, but if we can't do anything about the drugs in our own back yard, how are we going to do anything about drugs in Colombia?" said Ted Almay, head of Ohio's Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. Last year, state and local authorities confiscated 74,000 plants -- about 35 tons of marijuana. Growers are most prevalent in southeast Ohio. The plants often are found in cornfields but also have been cultivated in state parks and soybean fields. Tomas Salazar of the Sandusky Valley National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in Port Clinton says taxpayer money could be better spent elsewhere. "They make a big noise about a small field to assure us that they are working, but for what they get, it's a large amount of money wasted," he said. The Drug Enforcement Agency sets an average street value per plant of $1,000. That means Ohio officers stopped millions of dollars in marijuana from making it to the streets last year alone, Almay said. An average of 100 criminal cases are prosecuted each year, but most growers don't go to jail. The number of arrests is probably the fewest of all drug enforcement cases, said Defiance County Sheriff David Westrick, coordinator of the Multi-Area Narcotics Task Force. "It requires staking out the area and catching people in the act of cultivating. It's very labor-intensive, and the person might not come back for a week," he said. Although authorities search by air from mid-May to late October, the plants are easiest to see during the harvest season. "The plants are at their tallest now, and if you put them in the middle of a cornfield, they are very, very easy to spot by air," Westrick said. However, growers generally plant the marijuana in several fields instead of one site, making it more difficult to zero in on the plants, Almay said. The owner of the field often doesn't know the plants are there. "What will happen in cornfields is that these guys will go 15 or 20 rows in and rip out the corn," Almay said. "When the farmer goes to harvest, he'll just find these big holes."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Chief Pushes Needle Exchange (According To 'The Standard-Times,' Massachusetts State Public Health Commissioner Dr. Howard H. Koh Said Yesterday He Would Welcome Any Opportunity To Resurrect Plans For A Needle-Exchange Program In New Bedford - The Idea Has Too Much Scientific Merit To Ignore) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 19:26:45 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US MA: Health Chief Pushes Needle Exchange Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Standard-Times (MA) Contact: YourView@S-T.com Website: http://www.s-t.com/ Pubdate: Thursday, 03 September, 1998 Author: Rachel G. Thomas, Standard-Times staff writer HEALTH CHIEF PUSHES NEEDLE EXCHANGE DARTMOUTH -- State Public Health Commissioner Dr. Howard H. Koh said yesterday he would welcome any opportunity to resurrect plans for a needle-exchange program for New Bedford. During a press conference yesterday at the Bristol County House of Correction, Dr. Koh said the idea had too much scientific merit to ignore. "This is more than an exchange of hardware," said Dr. Koh, who accepted the state post a year ago. "It is a chance to get to people who are hard to reach." Four communities in Massachusetts already have needle-exchange programs: Provincetown, Boston, Cambridge and Northampton. A fifth, Springfield, soon is expected to adopt one. Dr. Koh said the state easily would support 10 needle-exchange programs. "I hope we can keep expanding," he said, adding many who oppose programs are acting based on "overwhelming fear, not rational discussion. "There is no evidence of increased drug use or of any crime near an exchange site. "We know (needle exchange) is helpful," Dr. Koh said. "That is the international consensus." Proponents often have said New Bedford's high incidence of drug use meant such a program might save lives and encourage addicts to consider treatment. At least 20 percent of addicts exchanging needles at state-regulated sites have entered treatment programs, said Andy Epstein, who works with the health services unit at the state AIDS bureau. Ms. Epstein added she did not know whether the addicts successfully completed treatment. State health department figures for 1997 revealed that 51 percent of the 832 reported cases of AIDS were transmitted by intravenous drug use. By comparison, nine percent of AIDS cases in 1997 were transmitted by heterosexual sexual contact. Figures for HIV infection are not available because they are not required to be reported, a state health spokesman said. Dr. Koh's predecessor, David Mulligan, also was a strong supporter of needle-exchange to prevent the spread of HIV. Mr. Mulligan spoke several times in New Bedford during the 1996 debate over starting such a program in the city. While the city council supported a program, voters in a referendum rejected it by a 2-1 margin, effectively killing the initiative.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Ding-Ding, Ice Cream, Hashish ('Reuters' Says Two 20-Year-Olds Busted For Selling Cannabis From Their Ice Cream Truck In Brooklyn, New York, To A Group Of Teenagers Aged 15 And 17 Face Eight And One-Third Years To 25 Years In Prison) From: baudmax@li.net Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 12:38:14 To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Ding-Ding, Ice Cream, Hashish Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Ding-Ding, Ice Cream, Hashish NEW YORK, Sept 3 (Reuters)- Maybe the ice cream truck's jingle should have been "White Rabbit." Some Brooklyn teenagers were allegedly feeding their heads as well as their stomachs from the local ice cream truck, until Brooklyn prosecutors indicted two Staten Island men and charged them with selling hashish and marijuana along with the usual Popsicles, fudge bars and other frozen treats. Alexy Zagrebin, 20, and James Lapointe, 20, owned the ice cream truck and were charged with selling the drugs to a group of teenagers aged 15 and 17, Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes' office said. The vendors were charged with 14 counts, including sale of a controlled substance in or near school grounds, and face a maximum term of eight and one-third years to 25 years in prison. Both men posted bail and were released pending arraignment in about two weeks. Police seized the truck, but the perishable ice cream was returned to Zagrebin's family, Hynes' office said. Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Perils Of Music Journalism ('The Dallas Morning News' Says A New York Reporter Who Interviewed Country Music Star Willie Nelson Before A Long Island Concert Last Week Said He Was Incapacitated By The Singer's Second-Hand Cannabis Smoke - Even Though Nelson's Performance Apparently Didn't Suffer) From: adbryan@ONRAMP.NET Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 08:45:56 -0500 (CDT) Subject: ART: The Perils of Music Journalism To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Cc: editor@mapinc.org Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org My HERO. 9-3-98 Dallas Morning News http://www.dallasnews.com letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com THE PERILS OF MUSIC JOURNALISM: A reporter who interviewed Willie Nelson before a gig in Long Island, N.Y., last week told the New York Post that he was so stoned afterward form breathing in secondhand smoke from "at least six joints" smoked by Mr. Nelson that he couldn't find his car. "When I left the bus my head was spinning....I was forced to get a hotel room in a Holiday Inn across the street." In a candid reply, a spokesman for the singer told the Post the incident was "possible."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Initiative 59 Wins In Court! (A List Subscriber Says The Washington, DC, Medical Marijuana Measure Sponsored By ACT-UP! Will Be On November's Ballot - DC Superior Court Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle Ruled Today That Thousands Of Signatures In Support Of DC's Initiative 59 Were Improperly Excluded By The DC Board Of Elections And Ethics)Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 09:56:14 -0400 To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) From: Paul Wolf (paulwolf@icdc.com) Subject: Initiative 59 Wins in Court! Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power ACT UP Washington, DC 409 H Street NE Washington, DC phone (202) 547-9404 fax (202) 547-9458 September 3, 1998 for immediate release contact: Wayne Turner (202) 547-9404 or Pgr. (202) 217-5636 INITIATIVE 59 WINS IN COURT! September 3, 1998 for immediate release Washington, DC - DC Superior Court Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle ruled today that thousands of signatures in support of DC's medical marijuana Initiative 59 were improperly excluded by the DC Board of Elections and Ethics, and ordered their inclusion in the Board's tabulations. Under the Court's ruling, the Board of Elections and Ethics must now tabulate and include over 4000 petition signatures it had previously set aside. Attorney Matt Watson, who with Alisa Wilkins are representing the Initiative 59 Campaign, comments, "The decision of the Court preserves one of the few electoral rights of citizens of the District of Columbia, to propose and vote on initiative measures. Judge Huvelle agreed that the Board of Elections and Ethics' decision would have 'silenced the voices of over 4,600 voters.'" Initiative 59, organized by the local AIDS advocacy group ACT UP Washington, proposes to protect seriously and terminally ill patients, such as persons with cancer and AIDS, if they are instructed by their doctors to use small amounts of marijuana to ease their suffering. Activists hailed the Court's decision as a victory for democracy in the District, "More importantly, there is hope for the thousands of sick and dying DC residents threatened with arrest and prosecution." states Initiative 59 sponsor Wayne Turner, who took over the campaign after his partner, Steve Michael, died from AIDS on May 25. At least 5% of (16,997) of the total number of DC registered voters must sign petitions in order to place an initiative on the ballot, including at least 5% in 5 of the District's 8 Wards. Over 32,000 petition signatures for I-59 were submitted by DC activists on July 6, in order to meet the deadline for the November election. However I-59 organizers learned that thousands of signatures had been rejected by staffers because the circulator had been living at a Women's Shelter during the time she gathered signatures, and not at her family home listed on her circulator's affidavit. After excluding thousands of signatures, DC government employees verified only 17,092. The Board of Elections and Ethics, while conceding that the measure qualified in five wards, and exceeded the 5% District-wide minimum, ruled on August 5 that the number of verified signatures was "statistically insufficient" to place Initiative 59 on the election ballot. On Wednesday, September 2, the Board conceded that errors were made during the Board's tabulation process when it invalidated the signature of Steve Michael, who had signed last February. Mayoral candidate Jeffery Gildenhorn, a strong supporter of Initiative 59, demanded that his signature, also discounted by Board staff, be included in the Board's tabulations. The Board declined to review the almost 700 additional signatures disputed by I-59 organizers, which should have been included in its own tabulation. "Before Steve went into the Intensive Care Unit, he made me promise one thing, and that was to save the initiative. Steve died, but his work didn't. Despite all the obstacles, Initiative 59 will be on the November ballot, and we will win protection for patients." addes Turner. contact I-59 HQ at (202) 547-9494.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Where Was All That Pot Going? (The Lexington Herald-Leader' Describes The Effort To Be Expended Trying To Find Out Who Put 2.5 Tons Of Marijuana In A Shipment Of T-Shirts From Jamaica To Kentucky, And Who Was Supposed To Receive It - Federal Prohibition Agents Said It Was The Largest Amount Of Processed Marijuana Ever Seized In Kentucky - Thanks To Prohibition, Kentucky-Grown Marijuana Is Now Superior To Jamaican) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:42:11 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US KY: Where Was All That Pot Going? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Lexington Herald-Leader (KY) Contact: hledit@lex.infi.net Website: http://www.kentuckyconnect.com/heraldleader/ Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Bill Estep; Herald-Leader Staff Writer WHERE WAS ALL THAT POT GOING? JAMESTOWN -- Underwear and marijuana make for a strange cargo. But somebody in a Jamaican port packed more than 2 1/2 tons of pot into a shipment of T-shirts bound for Kentucky -- and police are trying to figure out who was supposed to pick it up on this end. Workers at the Fruit of the Loom plant in Jamestown found the pot -- 5,200 pounds of it -- hidden in a truckload of T-shirts Tuesday. "I think the focal point will be who was it going to?" said Jamestown Police Chief Joey Hoover. Federal agents said it was the largest amount of processed marijuana -- pot ready for street sale -- ever seized in Kentucky. "We're all ecstatic that we found the dope," said Richard Sanders, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration office in Louisville. But much work remains to answer questions such as who ordered the pot, where it was headed and whether it was to be parceled out from Russell County or moved somewhere else, Sanders said. Paul Chambers, head of investigations for the U.S. Customs Service in Kentucky, said one "good possibility" is that someone at the Fruit of the Loom plant was part of the smuggling operation. However, it is also possible that someone was supposed to intercept the shipment before it reached the plant, but missed it, Chambers said. Sanders estimated the pot had a wholesale value of $7.5 million. There had been no arrests by late yesterday. The marijuana was packed inside a load of T-shirts in Kingston, Jamaica, then delivered by ship to Jacksonville, Fla., Sanders said. Fruit of the Loom makes fabric at the Jamestown plant, then ships it to Jamaica where lower-paid foreign workers sew it into T-shirts. The Jamestown plant then brings the shirts back to be distributed around the United States. The T-shirts and pot were in a 40-foot container that can be lifted whole off the ship and put on a tractor trailer. That means it may not have been opened before the contract delivery truck set out for Kentucky. The customs service got a tip about the load of marijuana and followed the truck from Florida to the Jamestown plant, where it arrived Monday, said Chambers, the customs agent. Federal agents would not discuss the source of the tip or what other information they got. Police had hoped to follow the truck to its destination to try to catch the major drug trafficker who arranged for the shipment. But when employees at Fruit of the Loom started unloading the truck Tuesday about 2 p.m. CDT, Customs and DEA agents moved in, assisted by local and state police. The pot was packed into a hollowed out spot in the middle of the trailer, so that the first third of the load was T-shirts, then pot surrounded by boxes, then more T-shirts, Hoover said. The pot was compressed into bricks, then wrapped in plastic and duct tape and smeared with grease to try to evade drug-sniffing dogs, said Lt. Shelby Lawson of the Kentucky State Police. Fruit of the Loom employees were unloading the boxes by hand when they found the pot. "We knew we were in something we weren't supposed to be in as soon as we saw it," said plant manager Don Cooper. Cooper said an employee told a supervisor and someone at the plant called police, but federal agents were already moving in. Police said Fruit of the Loom allowed a search of the plant and is cooperating with the investigation. However, the company could face sanctions if its import policies were not adequate to control smuggling, Chambers said. Fruit of the Loom spokesman Marett Cobb said the company has not had any similar incidents to his knowledge and that the company is cooperating with police. He refused to answer other questions, including whether the company will do its own investigation into possible smuggling by employees. The Jamestown plant is one of the Fruit of the Loom factories that have seen widespread layoffs as the company moved production overseas. There are about 750 employees in Jamestown, down from more than 3,000 in the early 1990s. Some police said it's unlikely that Russell County, with a population of 16,000, was the final destination for the pot -- at least not all of it. That would be a massive amount of marijuana even for Kentucky's largest cities, Hoover said. Kentucky is one of the leading domestic producers of marijuana, and has also become a significant way station in bringing in foreign pot -- mostly from Mexico -- and distributing it in the United States. Traffickers here sometimes mix cheaper, lower-quality foreign pot with the high quality Kentucky marijuana to boost supplies. Federal agents said they did not know whether that's what was going to happen with the pot seized in Jamestown. State police and National Guard troops burned the pot yesterday in London, where the agencies maintain a permanent site for that purpose. Pungent black smoke rolled into the air as officers cut open the bricks of pot and torched them with gasoline and flares. Lawson said the pile of pot was so large it would take until today to finish burning it.
------------------------------------------------------------------- FDA Accuses MS Drug Maker Of Making False Claims (According To 'Reuters,' The US Food And Drug Administration Has Said Teva Marion Partners, A Kansas City, Missouri-Based Company, Was Wrong To Claim Its Drug Copaxone, Generically Known As Glatiramer Acetate, Was Capable Of 'Slowing, Preventing Or Reversing . . . The Progression' Of Multiple Sclerosis, A Disease That Afflicts Three Million People Worldwide) Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 20:18:15 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: WIRE: FDA Accuses MS Drug Maker Of Making False Claims Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Source: Reuters Author: Leslie Gevirtz FDA ACCUSES MS DRUG MAKER OF MAKING FALSE CLAIMS BOSTON(Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration accused a pharmaceutical company of making false statements about its drug's powers in treating multiple sclerosis, a disease that afflicts three million people worldwide. The federal agency ordered Teva Marion Partners, a Kansas City, Missouri-based firm to immediately halt promoting its drug Copaxone, generically known as glatiramer acetate, as effective in ``slowing, preventing or reversing...the progression of MS.'' The FDA in a letter, obtained by Reuters on Thursday, said such claims were misleading. Phone calls to the company -- a joint venture of pharmaceutical giant Hoechst Marion Roussel, a unit of Germany's Hoechst AG , and the Israeli biotech firm Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. -- were not immediately returned. The FDA also charged that Teva Marion Partners' claims that its drug given by injection was ``safer, more tolerable or more effective than other therapies for MS are false or misleading.'' The National Multiple Sclerosis Society estimates that there are approximately three million people living with multiple sclerosis worldwide. The disease of the central nervous system generally attacks individuals between the ages of 20 and 40. Women develop multiple sclerosis at a rate almost double that of men. There are two other FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of MS: Avonex made by Cambridge, Mass.-based Biogen Inc. ; and Betaseron, made by Berlex Laboratories Inc., the U.S. pharmaceutical affiliate of German-based Schering AG . The FDA also demanded in its August 27 letter that Teva Marion Partners halt the distribution of all promotional materials with the false claims and submit a letter that the company would send to doctors and health care professionals alerting them to the alleged false statements. Once approved by the federal agency, the FDA said Teva should mail the letter and advertise its corrections in professional journals for the next 12 months.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Thieves Put Hemp Crop At Risk ('Monday Magazine' Says Farmers In Saanichton, On Vancouver Island, Want To Publicize That They Are Growing Legal Hemp So People Will Quit Stealing Their Non-Psychoactive Crop In An Attempt To Get High) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: Thieves Put Hemp Crop At Risk Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 17:19:37 -0700 Lines: 71 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Monday Magazine (Canada) Contact: letters@monday.com Website: http://www.monday.com/monday/index.htm Pubdate: 03 Sep 1998 Author: Ross Crockford Thieves Put Hemp Crop At Risk Jim Geiwitz wants everyone to know that farmers in Saanichton are growing cannabis. "We're kind of desperate to get the word out," he says. Desperate, because the plants aren't being grown for marijuana, but to produce hemp fibre and seeds - and people have been stealing the plants because they don't know the difference. Earlier this year Health Canada legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp, a hard-working strain of the cannabis plant that contains virtually no THC, the chemical that gives marijuana smokers their high. Now five experimental crops of hemp are growing on Vancouver Island, including two in Saanichton. Businesses are interested in buying these crops. According to Geiwitz, manager of the Pacific Islands Hemp Growers' Co-op, Thrifty Foods wants to use the nutritious hemp seeds in baked goods, and Fletcher Challenge has discussed converting part of its Crofton mill to process hemp fibre into paper. But the new industry is in danger. Geiwitz says police have arrested six thieves on the Saanichton farms recently - including two teenagers that were caught hauling away over 2,000 plants. "These thefts are going to make Ottawa nervous," worries Geiwitz, who fears that hemp will be recriminalized. Worse yet, he's afraid that people will sell the hemp flowers as expensive marijuana - they look identical but contain almost no THC - and then get beaten up in a drug deal gone bad. To combat the problem, Geiwitz and the hemp farmers have posted informational signs around the crops. They're also planning to tour local schools and set up a table at this weekend's Saanich Fall Fair, where they'll speak about the virtues of hemp. "It's got 25,000 commercial uses," says Geiwitz. "It really is a marvelous crop.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Dash High Hopes Of Youth (A Different Version In 'The Victoria Times Colonist') From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: Thieves Put Hemp Crop At Risk Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 17:19:37 -0700 Source: Victoria Times Colonist (Canada) Contact: timesc@interlink.bc.ca Pubdate: 08 Sep 1998 POLICE DASH HIGH HOPES OF YOUTH You can't get high from smoking it, but nevertheless five male youths are charged with possessing a controlled substance. Central Saanich police charged the five, ages 16 to 19, after an industrial hemp plantation was raided early Monday. Possession of the plants by anyone other than the licenced grower is illegal, say police. And under the Controlled Drug and Substances Act, the hemp is classed as marijuana. The raid was the latest in a series if thefts from hemp farms. The plants, which resemble marijuana, don't have the potent chemical required to give a smoker a high. But under the law, possession of hemp and marijuana carry the same penalties. The five are facing charges of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Doctors Oppose Legalizing Heroin ('The Province' In Vancouver, British Columbia, Says A Report From A Subcommittee Of The British Columbia Medical Association Rejects Proposals For A Heroin Maintenance Program And Instead Urges A Better-Funded, Better-Co-Ordinated Public Health Strategy) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:49:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: MDs Oppose Legalizing Heroin Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Herb Source: The Province (Vancouver, B.C.) Contact: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouverprovince.com/newsite/news-c.html Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 MDS OPPOSE LEGALIZING HEROIN B.C.'s doctors have come out against a proposal that heroin be legalized as a way to combat the province's drug-use epidemic. "There is no evidence to suggest prescribing heroin to addicts will work," says a report from a subcommittee of the B.C. Medical Association. It urges a better-funded, better-co-ordinated public health strategy. The report says the strategy should include detox centres, residential treatment programs, outpatient counselling, recovery homes, needle exchanges and methadone programs.
------------------------------------------------------------------- How Many Drug Warriors Does It Take? (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Edmonton Sun' Has Little Sympathy For A Prohibition Agent's Plea For More Money To Carry On A Lost Cause) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 20:43:24 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: CA: PUB LTE: How Many Drug Warriors Does It Take? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Edmonton Sun (Canada) Contact: sun.letters@ccinet.ab.ca Website: http://www.canoe.ca/EdmontonSun/ Pubdate: September 3, 1998 Note: parenthetical remarks by the Sun editor, headline by hawk HOW MANY DRUG WARRIORS DOES IT TAKE? Re: LOSING the war on drugs, Aug. 30. Jeremy Loome's description of a demoralized narcotics detective who believed the war on drugs would succeed if more money was put into the fight, sounded like a sad joke. Stated another way, the joke goes like this: Question: How many drug warriors does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: Nobody's quite sure, but they are going to need a lot more money and complete allegiance from the public to do the job right. Stephen Young (The war on drugs will not go away.)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Scam Lands Man In Jail For Four Months ('The London Free Press' In Ontario Says A London Man Who Claimed He Grew Marijuana To Raise Money To Fight A Paternity Suit Got Full Marks For A Novel Excuse Yesterday - And Four Months In Jail) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:47:21 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Pot Scam Lands Man in Jail for Four Months Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: London Free Press (Canada) Contact: letters@lfpress.com Website: http://www.canoe.ca/LondonFreePress/home.html Pubdate: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Don Murray, Free Press Court Reporter POT SCAM LANDS MAN IN JAIL FOR FOUR MONTHS A London man who claimed he grew marijuana to raise the money he needed to fight a paternity suit got full marks for a novel excuse yesterday -- and four months in jail. "It's the best excuse I've heard so far," Judge Ross Webster said as he sentenced Grant Donald Martin, 29. He said he also took into account Martin's guilty pleas and lack of a prior record in trimming back the Crown's request for a six-month term. Martin's woes began May 27 when police with a warrant raided his Grey Street residence. Federal prosecutor Dave Rowcliffe said beneath a trap door in the living room floor leading to the basement, officers found a large and sophisticated pot-growing operation located in several rooms. In addition to growth lights, fans, water pumps and other equipment, police found more than 200 plants, 104 grams of dried pot and 49 percodan pills. Rowcliffe said the maximum potential value of the plants was estimated at $216,000, a figure both Webster and defence lawyer Murray Neilson scoffed at. Charges against two co-accused were withdrawn after Martin pleaded guilty in Ontario Court, provincial division, to production of marijuana, trafficking and possession of the percodan. Neilson said Martin is a manager of an automotive business who needed money because he was falsely accused in a paternity suit. He said Martin spent about $4,000 on tests and lawyers fees and was absolved. Neilson said his client, who was evicted from the Grey Street house, was in the process of shutting down his pot farm when he was raided. He argued for a fine. Rowcliffe wanted jail, contending Martin may have just been moving the pot scheme somewhere else. Webster rejected a fine. If word got around the penalty would be cash "all it means is that they will crank up the (pot growing) system to pay the fine."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Law Change In Offing ('The New Zealand Herald' Says Cannabis Could Be Decriminalised Or Even Legalised Under A Re-Think Of Drug Laws Proposed By The Country's New Minister Of Police, Clem Simich, Who Yesterday Compared The Law Against Smoking Cannabis To Alcohol Prohibition In The 1920s And Suggested It Was Time For A Change) Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 11:16:48 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: New Zealand: Cannabis Law Change In Offing Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: http://www.marijuananews.com/ Source: New Zealand Herald Pubdate: 3 Sept 1998 Contact: letters@herald.co.nz Website: http://www.herald.co.nz Author: Andrew Laxon, political reporter CANNABIS LAW CHANGE IN OFFING Minister Says New Ideas Needed Cannabis could be decriminalised or even legalised under a re-think of drug laws proposed by the new Minister of Police, Clem Simich. He yesterday compared the law against smoking cannabis to alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and suggested it was time for a change. "Its an issue I believe we need to look at. I don't think it serves too much purpose and the disadvantage is that it costs an enormous amount of police resources and time when there are other matters they could be dealing with. "My belief is it is not working today and we need to look at other ways of dealing with the problem. "It's like prohibition in the old days. This issue involves mostly young people. Generally when you're told not to do something, you do it." The former police officer, who supported decriminalisation as a backbencher, said he had an open mind on whether cannabis should be decriminalised - which would mean instant fines but no convictions - or legalised completely. However, he would wait for the report of Parliament's health select committee on the mental health effects of using the drug before taking the issue further. Mr Simich has support from the police, who told the committee last month that they were open-minded about decriminalisation. But he would face an uphill battle to force the change through the cabinet, where the Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley, the Minister of Health, Bill English, and the former Associate Minister of Health, Roger Sowry - now a "super minister" in charge of social issues - are understood to oppose any weakening of the law. New Zealand Associate Minister of Health Says, "We will not tolerate any form of drug-related harm." Reforming cannabis laws will also rank as a low priority for the new National Government, already struggling for day-to-day survival and to get its promised agenda through Parliament. But the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws welcomed Mr Simich's comments. A spokesperson, Chris Fowlie, said he knew Mr Simich favoured decriminalisation but it was significant to have him actively supporting it as Minister of Police. Mr Fowlie said he expected the select committee to make similar recommendations in its report by December, which would bring the country closer than ever to a law change. However, decriminalisation has been attacked by some Maori health officials who claim it could "destroy" the Maori race. Dr David Gilgen of the Raukura Hauora o Tainui Trust, a tribal health authority serving 40,000 Maori in South Auckland and Waikato, said last month that the police acceptance of decriminalisation meant they had lost their war against cannabis. In March the Drug Policy Forum Trust, a group of doctors and professionals, called on the Government to legalise the drug, while the Associate Minister of Health, Tuariki Delamere, said in June that politicians should not condemn young people for smoking cannabis when they occasionally openly abused alcohol. Copyright New Zealand Herald
------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents Hire Drug Spies ('The Herald Sun' Says Parents In Brisbane, Australia, Are Paying Private Detectives Up To $20,000 To Spy On Their Children And Find Out Whether They Are Using Drugs - The Detectives Are Also Using Private School Teenagers To Infiltrate Peer Groups) Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 11:31:58 +0930 From: Andrew Duffy (duffy@enternet.com.au) Subject: Australia: Parents Hire Drug Spies To: "pot-news@va.com.au" (pot-news@va.com.au) Pot News - Hemp SA's On-line News Service Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) and Ken Russell Source: Herald Sun (Australia) Contact: hseditor@ozemail.com.au Pubdate: Thur, 3 Sep 1998 Author: Ali Lawlor PARENTS HIRE DRUG SPIES BRISBANE parents are paying private detectives up to $20,000 to spy on their children and find out whether they are using drugs. The detectives are also using private school teenagers to infiltrate peer groups and track other students' drug habits. International Detection Service principal Keith Schafferius, an investigator for 29 years, said families were paying anywhere between $500 and $20,000 to find out about their children's drug habits. "The parents who come to us are at the end of their tether and can't get to first base with their child," Mr Schafferius said. "We deal more with affluent private school kids, usually from 14-17 years of age in grades 10 to 12 in Brisbane and the Gold Coast." Mr Schafferius said 16 and 17-year-olds from "sister or brother schools" volunteered to help investigate particular teenagers. "There are some pretty reputable kids who want to see an end to drugs," he said. "I've got a group of school kids who can become involved in investigations - it's the only way to infiltrate peer groups and they are happy to be involved." Mr Schafferius said drugs most used by private school students were marijuana, speed and ecstasy. Brisbane Juvenile Aid Bureau spokesman David Farley said police were unaware teenagers were being used for surveillance and found it hard to believe. "Without knowing what he's having the children do he's in a very grey area as to child exploitation, whether its voluntary or not," Acting Det Sgt Farley said. "If what is said is true he could be placing them in danger." Police media spokesman Brian Swift said people could lawfully work on crime prevention and detection but should not take the law into their own hands. "He would need to be sure that when the kids are getting involved they were making an informed decision," Mr Swift said. "Parents would also need to be warned of what their kids were doing and, if anything came of it, we would hope it would be passed on to the proper authority." Mr Schafferius said most parents he dealt with were in business and were too busy to spend time with their children. "They don't go to watch them play sport, they would rather give them a fistful of money," he said. "I think the main solution to the drug problem would be to educate parents to become more of a family unit." Families Association vice-president Patti Smith said she knew of families who hired detectives, but they were just a bandaid. "It's not a solution, the children who have these problems have had them for many years and they have gone undetected by selfish, self-absorbed parents," she said. "What do they do when the detective finds their kids are in trouble? They've lost them by then." *** HEMP SA Inc - Help End Marijuana Prohibition South Australia PO Box 1019 Kent Town South Australia 5071 Email: hempSA@va.com.au Website: http://www.hemp.on.net.au Check out our on-line news service - Pot News! To subscribe or unsubscribe to Pot News send blank email to: pot-news@va.com.au with subject "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" -------------------------------------------------------------------
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