------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Dope With Dignity (Two Letters To The Editor Of 'Willamette Week' Respond To The Newspaper's Article About The Campaign For The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act) Willamette Week 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com Web: http://www.wweek.com/ Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less. originally published August 26, 1998 WAR BY DESIGN It's the dog days of summer, the doldrums, and of course, time for Willamette Week to put a pot leaf on the cover ["Dope with Dignity," Aug. 12, 1998]. Always an eye-catcher, that. The story behind the leaf is a rather limited, yet sincere analysis of Ballot Measure 67, otherwise known as "The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act" (OMMA). The Antiprohibition League supports M67 and urges everyone to vote yes on it. In fact, we and other groups have already registered and informed thousands of voters not only about M67, but also about our opposition to Measure 57 (marijuana recrim) and Measure 61 (property crimes mandatory minimums). Our collective goal is to register 100,000 antiprohibition voters in time for this November's election. The League's contribution to this effort, limited as it may be, is all volunteer as usual. Please remember this last point when M67 detractors try to tell you it has no grass-roots support. Defeating M57 and M61 and passing M67 are important League priorities right now, yet they should be kept in perspective to the bigger drug-policy disaster. Our government--at all levels--is waging an insane and duplicitous "war" which cost us over $17 billion a year at the federal level alone. Yet, according to Richard L. Harris, director of Hooper Detox, which is the largest public treatment provider in town, we don't even have enough slots in Portland to handle 10 percent of the heroin-addict population seeking help at any given time. Some of them, as we recently saw, reach the end of their rope...around their necks hanging from a bridge. But most hardcore addicts (a minority of all users) just go on committing petty crimes, going in and out of jail, buying and selling dope to an ever younger clientele. All at the expense of our collective security and freedom today, while ensuring yet another generation will propagate America's "drug problem" well into the next millennium. Ironic that the only groups who benefit are the drug cops and the drug cartels. I suggest that is more by design than accident. Floyd Ferris Landrath, Director American Antiprohibition League *** SMOKE THIS, SHERIFF I cannot recall being angrier during the eight years I've been battling cancer than I was when I read Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Noelle's quote in your article on the efforts to legalize marijuana for medical use ["Dope with Dignity," WW, Aug. 12, 1998]: "If I'm a cancer patient and I convinced myself a bourbon and cigar would make me feel better, it would." What a callous, horrible thing to say. The man is clearly an idiot, but that is no excuse to be completely without compassion for the millions of people who suffer from the many forms of this terrible disease. No, Sheriff Dan, bourbon and cigar smoke only help if you're a politician with your head up your ass. Many of the drugs I'm given to deal with the pain and nausea of this disease and its treatments are far more addictive and potentially dangerous than marijuana. If safe and legal pot was made available, I, and many others, would be grateful for the option. Steve Sandoz Southwest Upper Drive
------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Be Fooled By Marijuana Smoke Screen (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Headlight-Herald' In Tillamook, Oregon, Publicizes An Anti-Medical-Marijuana Video At The Local Public Utility District Building, While Spreading Easily Disproved Falsehoods In An Attempt To Sway Voters Against The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act And Drum Up Support For Measure 57, The Recrim Referendum)Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 08:49:41 -0700 To: dpfor@drugsense.org From: Arthur Livermore (alive@pacifier.com) Subject: DPFOR: The LTE "Don't be fooled by marijuana smoke screen" Cc: editor@mapinc.org Sender: owner-dpfor@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfor@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Source: Headlight-Herald P.O. Box 444 1908 Second Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Website: http://www.orcoastnews.com/headlight/ Headlight@orcoastnews.com (503) 842-7535 (503) 842-8842 fax Publisher: Linda Shaffer Pubdate: August 26, 1998 Two videos opposing legalization of marijuana will be presented at 7 p.m. on Sept. 1 at Tillamook P.U.D. The videos are entitled "The Case Against the Legalization of Drugs" and "Medical Marijuana: A Smoke Screen". The presentation is sponsored by the Republican Central Committee for Tillamook County. The public is invited to attend. On Nov. 3, voters will be asked to consider two ballot measures regarding marijuana use. Ballot Measure 57, if approved, would reduce the charge for possession of a limited amount of marijuana to a class-C misdemeanor. Ballot Measure 67, if approved, would legalize medical use of marijuana. Mollala Police Chief Ron Elkins spoke regarding marijuana at the Aug. 1 Republican State Convention in Portland. Chief Elkins confirmed that Oregon has been targeted as a pilot state by those who wish to legalize all drugs. Elkins urged strongly against legalization. He presented personal testimony of heartbreaking drug use by his own brothers, as well as statistical evidence regarding legalization. Alaska, which made it legal to grow marijuana, saw greatly increased usage. It recently re-criminalized growth of marijuana and is seeing a reduction in usage. Elkins declared that leaders in the drug legalization push intend to show television ads with people "whining" about pain to engineer emotional acceptance of medical use of marijuana. To date there is no reliable medical research to confirm benefits from marijuana. The plant contains 482 dangerous chemicals, and has five times the carcinogens of regular tobacco. Promoters of marijuana argue that it is helpful for AIDS victims, but it is actually an immune system suppressant. Chief Elkins further stated that 80 percent of all people arrested for crime in Oregon test positive for drugs, usually marijuana. Voters are urged to arm themselves with facts before voting. Diane Waldron Bay City, Oregon
------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime And Justice - Black And Blue ('Willamette Week,' Aspiring To Be The Mouthpiece For Portland's Law Enforcement Community, Looks At Last Week's Standoff Between Protesters And Police - And Finds A Division Within Portland's African-American Community) Willamette Week 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com Web: http://www.wweek.com/ Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less. originally published August 26, 1998 photo by OSCAR JOHNSONCrime And Justice - Black & Blue * Last week's standoff between protesters and police reveals a division within Portland's African-American community. BY MAUREEN O'HAGAN AND OSCAR JOHNSON mohagan@wweek.com Anyone watching the late news last Monday saw a disturbing picture: police in riot helmets descending on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, firing beanbag "bullets" on protesters and, in one instance, macing a mother and taking a baby from her arms. By week's end, things had quietened down. At a Thursday press conference, protest leader Daniel Binns and Mayor Vera Katz hugged each other and talked about hammering out differences between police and citizens. Unresolved are tougher questions: How much police presence in African-American communities is too much? At what point does law enforcement become racism? At the center of the controversy is Binns. Known as "Geachy Dan" after a character in a Sidney Poitier movie, Binns has had his share of trouble with the law. Between 1985 and 1991 he was arrested 10 times for offenses ranging from assault to weapons possession. He was sentenced to 41 months in federal prison in 1991 for drug dealing. But since his prison release in 1992, his record has been clean, and Binns has won lots of friends and acquaintances. For the last four years he has been a popular youthbasketball coach at Matt Dishman Community Center. But Binns is best known for his fleet of ice-cream trucks that play rap music. Business has been good; he owns five personal vehicles, one of them a '69 Rolls Royce. He's also known for his parties. For the past four years, Binns has thrown himself a big birthday bash each August. This year he chose Sellwood Riverfront Park as the location. Binns had initially attempted to secure a park permit for the Aug. 16 event--which last year drew an estimated 2,000 young people--but decided against taking the official route when he learned the Parks Bureau required insurance and additional amenities for the large crowd. Binns planned the party anyway, much to the dismay of police, who closed the park to cars when they heard about the event. Although police action affected all groups in the park that day, officers were clearly targeting Binns, whose parties, they say, have a history of trouble. Police note that a young man who attended Binns' birthday party last year was shot in the face after an argument. They say they also confiscated two guns from a car at last year's party and two more guns from people who had left the party. Binns also attracted police attention because of a nightclub called the Mecca that he operated for a short time. In April, Odie Moffett was shot and killed after a disagreement at the Southeast Portland club. "For us it comes down to public safety," said Detective Sgt. Cheryl Kanzler. "Think about our liability if someone got killed." Binns said the shooting at the club had nothing to do with him. "Whatever altercation happened, it all started way before they got to the club," he told WW. As for the guns and shooting at last year's party, he said, they came from outsiders over whom he has no control; he couldn't turn people away from a public place. "I can sit here and say at my parties, 'I don't want no gang members there,' or 'I don't want no white people there,' but that's not me.... I was bringing everybody together, having a good time in a positive way." To Deputy District Attorney Eric Bergstrom, the excuse doesn't wash. "If you're having parties and people are dying, you need stop having parties," he said. After being turned away from Sellwood Riverfront Park, many partiers headed to Irving Park in Northeast Portland. As the gathering grew, police began arriving in numbers and handing out tickets for minor traffic infractions. Partiers reportedly threw rocks at the police as they were forced to leave the park. The next day, tensions were still high. Upset over the closing of Sellwood Riverfront Park and the tactics at Irving Park, Binns led a protest march down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, stopping in front of Chief Charles Moose's house. Over a bullhorn, Northeast Precinct Commander Derek Foxworth told the crowd to disperse. Disobeying the instructions, a group of 15 to 20 protesters continued southbound on MLK, walking toward six officers and their patrol cars that were blocking the road. Another group of about 40 reportedly followed close behind. When the group was within 25 feet, Officer Ollen Brook ordered the protestors to stop, then fired four rounds from a beanbag shotgun, hitting one person. The group dispersed, then returned, prompting Officer William Balzer to fire another beanbag round. There were no serious injuries, but six people, including Binns, were arrested. On Tuesday, neighborhood leaders, police and Binns' supporters held what by all accounts was a successful meeting to iron out their differences. Still, the events of last week remain a hot topic. Opinions differ regarding the police actions at the two parks on Sunday. While some said it was appropriate, others thought it went too far. "Everything was fine until the police came," said DeeDee Bradley, a 20-year-old Dishman employee. "People are going to get upset just because the police are standing there and watching them." If there is one area of agreement, it centers on the Monday protest. Even police supporters interviewed by WW believe that the cops may have overreacted. Richard Brown, a longtime community activist, thinks that the situation escalated partly because of the overwhelming police presence. "It felt tense because you have all these police out there in riot gear," he said. Where opinions diverge is over the role racial tensions played. Two views become clear when considering the stepped-up traffic enforcement at Irving Park. Foxworth called the tactic "enhanced vehicle-safety enforcement," a response to citizen complaints (including a 911 call from state Rep. Margaret Carter) about traffic congestion that day. To young people, it was pure harassment. One young black man told WW he received seven tickets that day. He and other young African-American men said they've grown accustomed to being targeted by police for seemingly no reason. "Police see black males and think we're always up to no good," said 20-year-old Robert Donaldson III. Several protesters told WW that the cops' attitude toward young black men was evident in a police accusation, printed in The Oregonian, that Daniel Binns has gang ties. Police have hinted that Binns is currently engaging in criminal behavior, but they can point to no current evidence. Ora Hart, a Northeast Portland realtor, said she is tired of seeing young African-American men indiscriminately branded. "I need to feel like if my black grandson waves an officer down, it's not going to be automatically assumed, because of what he has on, that he's a gang member," she said. But other people in the community see things differently. While he thought police overreacted Monday, Jeff Gamble said he wasn't bothered by their actions on Sunday. Gamble, who was running a youth-basketball tournament in Irving Park that day, said he didn't see partiers doing anything out of line, but he believes police have the right to enforce laws. "Everything is not racism," he said. "There's a difference between right and wrong. If a guy drives by and he's got expired tags or he's playing his music real loud, police have a right to stop him." As someone who has been stopped by police for no apparent reason, Gamble said he can understand the complaints of young African-American men. "I'm supportive of my community," he said. "But I have to be supportive of the police department, too, because they're protecting my children." *** [untitled sidebars:] Binns' last birthday party, held at Dittler's Beach on the Columbia River, attracted so many people that traffic on Northeast Marine Drive slowed to a halt, preventing quick ambulance response to the shooting. One member of the Portland Police Bureau said officers "bend over backwards" to be sensitive to African Americans. But in some circles, he said, "everything is filtered through the race glasses." According to police reports, Daniel Binns led protestors to the home of Police Chief Charles Moose and chanted, "Where's the black fucking chief?" The beanbag shotguns, which the Portland Police Bureau has had for one year, have an impact that is harder than a major-league fastball. So far, they have been used on 21 people.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Patient Advocates Want Viagra Back On Oregon Health Plan List (According To 'The Associated Press,' A Group Of Men Who Say They Need Pfizer's New Drug For Impotence Plan To Argue Thursday Before The Oregon Health Services Commission That It Was Wrong To Reclassify Impotency As A Psychological Rather Than A Medical Condition And To Take It Off The List Of 574 Illnesses Covered By Oregon's State-Funded Health Insurance Plan For Poor People) Associated Press found at: http://www.oregonlive.com/ feedback (letters to the editor): feedback@thewire.ap.org Patient advocates want Viagra back on Oregon Health Plan list The Associated Press 8/26/98 7:50 PM By AMALIE YOUNG Associated Press Writer PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Patient advocates said Oregon Health Plan officials were "penny wise and pound foolish" when they decided to stop covering the impotency drug Viagra -- pushing the pills out of reach for low-income men. A group of men who say they need the drug plan to argue Thursday before the Oregon Health Services Commission that the panel was wrong to reclassify impotency as a psychological rather than a medical condition and take if off the list of 574 covered illnesses. They contend impotence is caused by such conditions as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cancer or spinal cord injury. "Impotence is anything but a laughing matter to men and their families," said Harold King, a 77-year-old prostate cancer patient who spoke at a news conference organized by the Oregon Campaign for Patient Rights. The group's chairman, Dr. Jim Davis, said impotence, if left untreated, can lead to depression and have a profound affect on relationships with spouses and children. Viagra, approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration in March, had been covered by the Oregon Health Plan until the decision was made in June to no longer pay for the $10 tablets. The change takes effect Oct. 1. Darren Coffman, director of the commission, said the change was merely a correction of a ranking error. "Unless there is some other information that would be a compelling reason to make a change, I am not sure that any change would be made," he said. The Legislature could override the commission's decision, but that is not likely, said Hersh Crawford, director of Oregon's Medicare program. Either way, the patient advocates say, the cost of covering Viagra is not the issue. Of the 340,000 people covered by the plan, only about 10 percent are men. "They are being penny wise and pound foolish," said Dr. James Hancey, who said covering Viagra would actually save money by preventing later treatment of depression caused by impotency. Two lawmakers backed state coverage of Viagra during Wednesday's news conference. State Sen. Jeannette Hamby of Hillsboro, a former nurse, said the Oregon Health Plan has always focused on improving the quality of life. "If it adds to their quality of life, then we've covered it." Added Rep. Frank Shields of Portland: "We're not just here advocating for young studs to have their fun -- we're talking about health." (c)1998 Oregon Live LLC Copyright 1997 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Viagra Death Toll Up To 69 By July (The Bend, Oregon, 'Bulletin' Cites US Food And Drug Administration Figures On Pfizer's New Drug For Impotence - The Real Toll Could Be As High As 123 Out Of More Than 3.6 Million Prescriptions For Viagra Dispensed Between Late March And July Of This Year) From: cwagoner@bendnet.com Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:52:37 -0700 (PDT) Subject: DPFOR: Viagra death toll up to 69 by July To: dpfor@drugsense.org Sender: owner-dpfor@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfor@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ This article appeared in the Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon on August 26th 1998, Page: A-3, Section: News Briefs. Viagra Death Toll Up To 69 by July WASHINTON- The Food and Drug Administration says 69 Americans taking the impotence pill Viagra died between late March and July, with 46 of these cases linked to cardiovascular incidents. In a summary issued this week, the FDA said it has actually received reports of 123 patients who died after getting a prescription for the drug. But of these reported incidents, 12 concerned foreign patients, 30 came from unvarifiable sources and 12 involved cases where it was unknown if the drug had been used. The FDA said more than 3.6 million prescriptions for Viagra were dispensed between late March and July of this year. Of the 69 confirmed deaths, the cause of death was unknown for 21 patients, two had strokes and 46 had cardiovascular events, including 17 cardiac arrests. The median age among those who died, based on ages provided for 55 of the patients, was 64.
------------------------------------------------------------------- War On Drugs Slammed At The Seattle Hempfest ('The Queen Anne/Magnolia News' In Seattle Covers Last Weekend's Festival At Myrtle Edwards Park) Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 15:10:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Vivian (viv@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: AROD: Local coverage of Seattle hempfest (fwd) Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 09:28:03 -0700 From: "kevin b. zeese" (kevzeese@laser.net) Reply-To: arodemo@drugsense.org To: ARO (aro@drugsense.org), ARO Demonstrations (arodemo@drugsense.org) Subject: AROD: Local coverage of Seattle hempfest Friends: In addition to the Seattle Post Intellegencer and local news shows the Seattle fest was covered in local community papers. Here is an article which shows that festivals can produce useful news. Kevin Article from Seattle's "Queen Anne/Magnolia News" of August 26th, 1998, front page and second page. *** War on Drugs slammed at the Seattle Hempfest by Russ Zabel Fewer people were actually smoking marijuana at this year's Seattle Hempfest in Myrtle Edwards Park than last year, according to Seattle Police Department spokeswoman Christie-Lynne Bonner. One felony and two misdemeanor arrests were made, 30 people smoking pot were identified and released, and 35 park-exclusion orders were issued, she said. "Overall, it was a pretty mellow event," Bonner added. But the political rhetoric was anything but mellow as festival organizer Vivian McPeak slammed existing marijuana laws from the main stage between sets featuring several local bands. "The current U.S. drug-law policies - commonly referred to as the War on Drugs - is a flagrant violation of basic human rights, sovereignty of the human body, and a national disgrace to the principles of free choice and human dignity," he said. Describing it as a mockery of justice, McPeak also said those convicted of drug offenses sometimes face stiffer penalties than murderers or rapists and later lose lifelong privileges of student aid and welfare rights. Warming up to the subject, McPeak also charged that excessive fines, jail sentences and forfeitures exclusively levied against drug offenders are unconstitutional and an unreasonable assault on the Bill of Rights. "In fact," he added, "forfeiture laws are so liberally applied as to constitute theft in many cases. Victimless crimes are punished by the destruction of entire families, and (by) the incarceration of decent, non-violent, and often productive human beings." The November Coalition, a Colville, Wash. based organization focusing on the plight of jailed drug offenders and their families, followed the same theme. November Coalition director Nora Callahan said the government tells people the drug war is being waged for the sake of the children. "The Drug War is a fraud," Callahan said on the Ralph Seeley Memorial Stage. Seeley, a cancer patient and attorney who died last spring, unsuccessfully sued Washington State over his right to smoke marijuana to alleviate the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. "There are 2.5 (two and a half) million children in this country with one or both parents in prison on drug charges." Callahan went on to say. She also said more drugs are crossing the borders into the United States than there were 30 years ago when the Drug War began. Callahan also pointed to several state initiatives that would legalize medical use of marijuana - including I-692 in Washington - as evidence public opinion is shifting about the issue. "It's time we stop the war," she added. Kevin Zeese, an East Coast attorney working with the November Coalition, said politicians are using drugs as a scapegoat. "Our kids are being robbed," he added. "Instead of the truth, we get DARE (Drug Awareness and Resistance Education)." Zeese also noted the numbers of people in jail for drug offenses has skyrocketed in the last several years. In Texas, he said for example, 25 prisons have been built recently while only one university was. "The U.S. is becoming the prison nation of the world," Zeese said. Other uses of hemp were promoted at the festival, as well. Hemp cookies, hemp clothing, hemp lollipops, and hemp soda pop were for sale, none of which contained the psychoactive ingredients of marijuana, the vendors said. Although none was available, Hempen Ale - which uses marijuana seeds in its ingredients - was one of the major sponsors of the Hempfest, and vice president of operations Steve Nordahl said the brewery supports industrial uses of hemp. As for medical or recreational use of marijuana, "We can't take any stand on that," he said. The Washington Hemp Education Network, which also had a booth at the festival, provides information about both industrial and medical uses of marijuana. David Edwards, a retired pathologist and doctor from Olympia staffing the booth, said he supports the medical use of marijuana. "I think it's barbaric that patients are being denied a safe and effective drug because of politics," he said of grass. Edwards also faulted the government for denying that marijuana has medical uses while, at the same time, blocking any scientific studies that would prove otherwise. A number of speakers at the Hempfest praised marijuana for it's medical effects, and they included McPeak, who had a firsthand account. His father - who was suffering from cancer - stayed with him for his final days, McPeak said. "My father showed up weighing 85 pounds at six foot tall looking like a skeleton, looking like Death," McPeak said, "The first three days, he couldn't hold down an egg, and I knew he was going to die that week. I made my dad marijuana brownies," he said to a roar of approval from the crowd. "I said, 'Dad, you're really skinny. This is not candy; this is medicine. Take one and see how it works." McPeak said he then went shopping and came back to find his father had eaten four big pieces. "You know what my father said to next?" McPeak asked the crowd. "He said, 'Take me to KFC.' " His father bought pasta, sauce, and some ice-cream that day, came home, ate a full serving and kept it down, McPeak said. "And he lived three months longer than the doctors said was possible." "I did it before, I'll do it again, and I encourage you to do it," McPeak said of providing marijuana to sick people. "I'm talking about easing suffering and saving life. Am I a criminal?" he asked the crowd. "Noooo," the crowd roared back. "It's time to change the laws," McPeak said. "This is disgusting," he said of current drug regulations. "It's a disgrace; it's a national atrocity."
------------------------------------------------------------------- An Evening With Joan Baez (The Famed Folk Singer Is Featured At An Intimate Dinner And Concert October 1 At The Silver Creek Valley Country Club To Benefit The Defense Fund Of Her Cousin, Peter Baez, The Co-Founder And Volunteer Director Of The Santa Clara County Medical Cannibas Center)Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:10:16 EDT Errors-To: jnr@insightweb.com Reply-To: friends@freecannabis.org Originator: friends@freecannabis.org Sender: friends@freecannabis.org From: Remembers@webtv.net (Genie Brittingham) To: Multiple recipients of list (friends@freecannabis.org) Subject: Fwd: PLEASE POST She Who Remembers http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7525 http://www.remembers.com Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:41:32 -0700 From: Peter Baez (klipsche@garlic.com) To: Genie Brittingham (remembers@webtv.net) Subject: PLEASE POST An Evening with Joan Baez..... On Thursday, October 1, 1998, world-renowned singer/songwriter JOAN BAEZ will be hosting a full course dinner and performing with members of her touring band at the Silver Creek Valley Country Club to benefit the Peter Baez Defense Fund. This very extraordinary event will begin at 6:00 pm with cocktails, wine and hors d'oeuvres, followed by dinner and a private performance which will conclude at approximately 11:00 pm. This is a unique opportunity to meet Joan and enjoy an unforgettable evening. This event is sponsored by the Lindesmith Center, a non-profit organization responsible for establishing the Peter Baez Defense Fund to assist in defraying the costs of Peter's legal defense in connection with charges recently brought against him. Peter Baez is the co-founder and volunteer director of the Santa Clara County Medical Cannibas Center, which served as the primary caregiver to provide medical marijuana to 265 clients and fellow sufferers from AIDS, cancer and other debilitating diseases in the San Jose, California area. The Center was shut down when the San Jose police raided the offices, and unlawfully seized all patient files, all computers and the bank account, forcing it out of business. Peter maintains his innocence of all charges and has requested a trial jury. He is being represented by Thomas Nolan of Palo Alto and Professor Gerald F. Uelmen of Santa Clara University School of Law. The required minimum donation to attend this very special event is $500 per person (tax-deductible). Space is limited to 150 guests, so please call (408) 238-0141 or (408) 248-0210 to obtain further information and to reserve your space now!
------------------------------------------------------------------- Update On Chavez (A Staff Editorial In 'The Orange County Register' Scoops The News Department In Confirming That Medical Marijuana Defendant Marvin Chavez Has Fired His Two Pro Bono Attorneys) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:19:57 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Editorial: Update On Chavez Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ UPDATE ON CHAVEZ The wheels of justice are grinding slowly in Marvin Chavez's case, in which he is accused of 10 counts of selling marijuana, but they are grinding. On Monday Judge Frank R.Fasel gave the founder of the Orange County Patients, Doctors, Nurses Support Group (which has worked to help patients with recommendations from their doctors get access to medical marijuana) permission to discharge his two attorneys, who have represented him on a volunteer basis. The case has been "trailed" until Friday, when it will be determined whether the Orange County Public Defenders office can represent Mr. Chavez or a private attorney will be appointed. Meanwhile, Mr. Chavez has recruited one attorney experienced in medical-marijuana cases to serve as an adviser and is seeking others. It is possible but probably unlikely that the involvement of new attorneys will spur Judge Fasel to revisit his decision not to allow the defense to bring up Prop. 215 (otherwise known as Health and Safety Code 11362.5), the November 1996 initiative whereby voters decided that sick people with a doctor's recommendation should have access to marijuana for medical purposes. If handled properly the Chavez case could furnish valuable guidelines for implementing Prop. 215, which has been done only spottily in California as a whole and not at all in Orange County. We'll keep an eye on developments.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Judge Hallucinates (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Orange County Register' Expresses Outrage Over Judge Frank F. Fasel's Decision Ruling Out Proposition 215 In The Defense Of Marvin Chavez - There Never Would Have Been An Orange County Patient, Doctor, Nurse, Support Group If It Hadn't Been For Proposition 215) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:23:06 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: PUB LTE: The Judge Hallucinates Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ THE JUDGE HALLUCINATES I am outraged by Judge Frank F.Fasel's ruling to disallow the use of Proposition 215 as a part of Marvin Chavez's defense ["The court and Prop. 215," Opinion, Aug. 17]. There would not even be an Orange County patient, doctor, nurse, support group if there was no Prop. 215. Chavez was trying to provide a service to sick and dying people who need cannabis to relieve their pain and suffering. Most people can obtain a prescription for medicine and go fill it at a local pharmacy. You can get a prescription filled with no problem for medications that if not taken properly could kill you. However, if you would rather use cannabis, a natural, organic flower that has never killed anyone, for treatment you can't get it! Well, unless, of course, you know how to grow it yourself and have a place to grow it. And even if you can grow it, you still have to wait a minimum of three months to get the medicine! You could be dead by then. Sharra Goen Anaheim
------------------------------------------------------------------- Retire The Idiot (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The San Francisco Bay Guardian' Urges California Voters Not To Elect As Governor The State's Current Attorney General, Dan Lungren, Nemesis Of Proposition 215) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 23:08:54 -0700 To: dpfca@drugsense.org From: R Givens (rgivens@sirius.com) Subject: DPFCA: PUB LTE: Retire the Idiot Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ Scored another bullseye in ABL (anybody but Lungren) campaign. Keep those cards and letters coming. I hear Danny is trailing by 12% so far. Let's see if we can't make that a 20% deficit by election day. Lungren is AGAINST a lot of things, but is not FOR anything. We can't afford to have this man in politics anymore. Let's make this his Waterloo. Write a couple of ABL letters to the California papers every week. R Givens *** Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: San Francisco Bay Guardian Contact: letters@sfbayguardian.com Website: http://www.sfbayguardian.com/ Since Proposition 215 passed, Dan Lungren has insisted that the voters didn't understand what we were doing and certainly didn't mean to really legalize medical marijuana. Since then Lungren has tried to invalidate the voters' will using the full opposition of the Attorney General's Office. Mr. Lungren seems to think that two years of unrelenting opposition to medical marijuana for his own personal reasons will somehow change the opinion of the electorate. That alone shows insufficient intelligence to govern the state. What an idiot. On Election Day, I'm going to be one of many millions of Californians who let Lungren know that we understood exactly what we meant by voting for Prop. 215 by sending this inane jackass into retirement! Redford Givens San Francisco
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Officers Get Raise; Other Workers Stymied ('The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune' Says One Day After California Governor Pete Wilson Vetoed Increases For Other State Workers, He And Negotiators For State Correctional Guards Agreed To A One-Year, 12 Percent Raise)Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 05:16:15 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Prison Officers Get Raise; Other Workers Stymied Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jo-D Harrison Source: San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune (CA) Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com Website: http://sanluisobispo.com/ Pubdate: 26 Aug 1998 Author: Dave Wilcox Telegram-Tribune Section: SLO County, page B-1 PRISON OFFICERS GET RAISE; OTHER WORKERS STYMIED SAN LUIS OBISPO -- State workers are smarting after negotiators for California's correctional officers agreed to a one-year, 12 percent raise, an increase that comes as other employee unions remain at loggerheads with Gov. Pete Wilson. What hurts isn't the pay hike package that still needs ratification by the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, according to union officials, but that the agreement came one day after Wilson vetoed increases for other state workers. "The contract the governor has given to the correctional officers is something that he never offered us in any shape or form," said Drew Mendelson, a spokesman in the California State Employees Association's Sacramento headquarters. Prison officers, like most other state workers, have gone without a pay raise since 1995. The CSEA represents 87,000 workers in nine of the state's 21 bargaining units. Under the deal, according to the Associated Press, the state would increase contributions to the pension plan of the state's 28,000 correctional officers by 2 percent. The agreement was reached Saturday, one day after the Republican governor vetoed funds for a 9 percent raise for other state employees from the state budget. Top pay for correctional officers would rise from $3,850 to $4,235 per month. Five percent of the raise would be retroactive to July 1, and the other half would take effect Oct. 1. Officers will work an extra eight hours a month, from 160 hours to 168, for the additional 5 percent increase. The extra hours will compensate officers for the time it takes them to walk to and from their stations each day, and for an additional 52 hours of mandatory training annually. Joe Creath, president of the association's chapter at the California Men's Colony, scoffed at calling the agreement a 12 percent raise. "I'd rather not work the extra two hours a week," he said. The agreement must be approved by the Legislature and by members of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association. News of the agreement comes only days after the state Legislature wrapped up hearings into alleged inmate abuse at Corcoran State Prison. The CSEA's Mendelson said it appears Wilson is rewarding the correctional officers association for years of political support. The union has given $667,000 in campaign contributions directly to the governor. Wilson's spokesman, Sean Walsh, told the Sacramento Bee the correctional officers "deserve the raise ... because they have the toughest beat in California." He called it "outrageous" to suggest that the correctional officers' union's sizable campaign contributions to Wilson influenced the agreement. Walsh, according to the Bee, accused leaders of state worker unions of not bargaining in good faith. "That's outrageous," said Jay Salter, an official in the union representing state hospital psychiatric technicians. But even Salter and other union officials who believe the agreement is political payback said the correctional officers deserve the raise. "A 12 percent pay increase for state correctional officers is probably about the right amount," Salter said. "It's appropriate for the dangerous work these guys are doing." But Salter, who lives in Atascadero, said psychiatric technicians are working in an equally dangerous environment, but aren't being compensated on an equal footing. "We certainly deserve an equivalent pay increase." Salter said the governor's office is unwilling to bend on demands for civil service reforms that would curtail protections for state workers. Norm Stone, a local CSEA representative who works as a supervising cook at CMC, said he doesn't "begrudge any (bargaining) unit getting what they can get for (its) membership." He said members of other unions who work at CMC generally aren't resentful of the correctional officers association's relative power in Sacramento. "There is a little animosity," he said. "But when we're inside, we're on the same team. These other issues are fodder for conversation." (c) San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune
------------------------------------------------------------------- Correction - Medical Marijuana Club Ban ('The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune' Notes Medical Marijuana Patients In California Can Grow Or Possess Pot After All) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:54:15 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Correction: Medical Marijuana Club Ban Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jo-D Harrison Source: San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune (CA) Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com Website: http://sanluisobispo.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Section: Correction, page B-2 CORRECTION A portion of an Aug. 21 article about a proposed ban on medical marijuana clubs in Atascadero was incorrect. The appeals courts have exempted a patient or patient's primary caregiver from prosecution when either of them possess or cultivate marijuana "only for the patient's personal medical purposes upon the written or oral recommendation or approval of a physician.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Teen Was An Innocent Prisoner Of Community's War On Crime ('Los Angeles Times' Columnist Dana Parsons Is Disturbed That An Innocent 19-Year-Old Man Was Removed From His Car And Spent The Night In Jail Because Police Drug Recognition Experts Incorrectly Deduced He Was Under The Influence - Lieutenant Tom Garner, Speaking For The Orange County Sheriff's Department, Said, 'It Happens') Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 16:13:51 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Teen Was An Innocent Prisoner Of Community's War On Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: 26 August 1998 Fax: 213-237-4712 Author: Dana Parsons, Times Columnist TEEN WAS AN INNOCENT PRISONER OF COMMUNITY'S WAR ON CRIME What happened to Brandon Guresky the night the cops pulled him over in Dana Point isn't the kind of story that makes the newspapers. Who cares if an innocent man spends 12 hours in jail? For those who think that's no big deal, it's probably because they've never had to do it. It would seem to follow, then, that cops who deprive an innocent person of freedom have committed a serious breach of trust. If so, why is this black-and-white picture turning to gray? About 12:30 a.m. on July 12, Guresky was driving on Golden Lantern when an Orange County sheriff's deputy pulled him over for driving with the parking lights on. Guresky, who lives in North Hollywood, explained he had been at a wedding and was driving his girlfriend's car, which was unfamiliar to him. While the deputy talked to him, Guresky seemed extremely nervous, with dilated pupils and profuse sweating, according to the deputy's report. Suspecting Guresky might be under the influence of drugs, the officer ordered him out of the car. A records search turned up nothing. The deputy found no drugs on Guresky or in the car. Guresky insisted that his behavior was induced by extreme nervousness at being pulled over.After conducting some standard roadside tests, the deputy concluded that Guresky was high. His pulse rate was about 115 beats a minute, and his pupils remained dilated. The deputy radioed for a departmental drug expert, who reached the same conclusion. They arrested Guresky and by late morning, he was in the County Jail, where he would remain until being released early that afternoon. The kicker: Guresky wasn't charged, because lab tests showed no indication of cocaine, amphetamines or opiates, for which the Sheriff's Department tests. In other words, Guresky's version of events apparently was true. He had gone to jail because he flunked some tests that are supposed to be a tip-off of illegal drugs. Then, no drugs turned up. Robert Jesinger is a lawyer and family friend who was at the wedding that Guresky had attended. "Perhaps they [deputies] are so jaded they can't believe any kid like Brandon could possibly be clean," Jesinger said. "They just can't believe it, so they throw him in the clink. That's quite frightening and upsetting." But isn't this the price we pay, I asked Jesinger, for vigilance in the anti-drug war? "Maybe this is the price," he said, "but where is the presumption of innocence?" I posed that to Lt. Tom Garner, speaking for the Sheriff's Department on the matter. "It's one of those things," Garner said, after confirming the details of Guresky's arrest and subsequent clearing on drug suspicions. "It's a judgment call in the field." I talked to a nurse who said a pulse rate of 115 isn't an automatic indicator of drug use. Nor are dilated pupils. The deputies, of course, used those factors as part of their overall equation. How solid is that judgment, I asked Garner, given the lab results? What can we say about someone wrongly sent to jail, even if only for the night? "I don't know what I can say," Garner said. "It happens." That may be the answer that scares me. And it scares me because it is the perfectly honest one. We all know we'd browbeat an officer who let someone go who they believed to be high. Even Guresky concedes the officers believed he was high. Guresky said the incident still bothers him. "Once they had me step out of the car, that's when I started to get very nervous," he told me this week. "I never had been in that situation before. To my knowledge, when they ask you to get out of the car, it's not good." He spent part of his night in jail "with 30 passed-out drunks and what appeared to be gang members. . . . I tried to lie down, relax, maybe even sleep the time away, but I couldn't even do that." Through it all, he said, Sheriff's Department personnel continually asked him what drugs he was on. I queried a deputy district attorney not involved in Guresky's case. Shouldn't we be outraged, I said, that an innocent man spent a night in jail, without stronger proof of being impaired? No, the deputy D.A. said. "Here's the thing: You have to put yourself in the officer's shoes. He's got a tough job. He stops someone, and he may see something that makes him think the guy is under the influence of something, and he may not be sure what. . . So he has a decision to make, and it's a very difficult one to make, unless you're there. Do I let him go and maybe he'll go down the street, go through a red light and maybe kill somebody? Or do I take him off the street?" I asked the prosecutor if he's troubled with the occasional jailing of innocent people. "I hope I don't sound too conservative, but if we're going to err, I hope we err on the side of taking [dangerous people] off the street. Maybe that's the price we have to pay for making the streets safe." Therein lies the dilemma. The proverbial one innocent man in the midst of 99 guilty ones. I feel like I should be outraged by Guresky's jailing, but I can't get all the way there. I don't take it lightly that a 19-year-old spent a night in jail. It's bad form that the Sheriff's Department hasn't apologized to him. But I'd feel like a phony for condemning the officers in the field. Maybe Guresky can take solace in knowing he was a prisoner in our war on crime. Maybe he'll feel better knowing he was that one guy out of a hundred. * * * Dana Parsons' column appears Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Readers may reach Parsons by calling (714) 966-7821 or by writing to him at the Times Orange County Edition, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or by e-mail to dana.parsons@latimes.com Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
------------------------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles Police Department Officer Arrested In Drug-Evidence Theft ('The Los Angeles Times' Elaborates On Yesterday's News About The Bust Of Officer Rafael Antonio Perez For Stealing Three Brick-Size Kilograms Of Cocaine) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: LAPD Officer Arrested in Drug-Evidence Theft Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:02:37 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Los Angeles Times Wednesday, August 26, 1998 LAPD Officer Arrested in Drug-Evidence Theft By MATT LAIT, Times Staff Writer A nine-year Los Angeles police veteran was arrested Tuesday morning on suspicion of stealing three brick-size kilograms of cocaine from a department property room. At a hastily held news conference, Chief Bernard C. Parks said the arrest of Officer Rafael Antonio Perez was a "sad and tragic" event that "tarnishes the badge" worn by every cop with the LAPD. Perez has been accused of masterminding and carrying out the brazen drug theft at Parker Center, the LAPD's headquarters. The 31-year-old officer assigned to the Rampart Division allegedly posed as another officer to check out the three packages of cocaine, weighing more than 6 pounds in total. Investigators believe that Perez worked with known drug dealers to distribute the cocaine on the streets. Two of the officer's suspected associates are in custody in connection with other drug charges. Their names were not immediately available. "Our assumption is that he sold the narcotics, but we cannot validate that," Parks said. No other LAPD officers have been implicated in the theft, but the investigation is continuing, the chief said. Perez, who is scheduled to be arraigned today, was booked on suspicion of cocaine theft, possession of cocaine for sale and forgery, police said. He was being held in lieu of $550,000 bail. If convicted of all charges, Perez faces a maximum sentence of eight years and four months in prison. Deputy Dist. Atty. Richard A. Rosenthal, who is prosecuting the case, declined to discuss the evidence against Perez. Winston Kevin McKesson, Perez's attorney, said his client "categorically and steadfastly denies all the allegations. . . . This is pretty much shattering him." McKesson said Perez, who is married and the father of a young daughter, "embodies the American dream" and "is a stellar officer." The officer's arrest follows a six-month internal investigation that until three weeks ago was highly secret. Earlier this month, officers throughout the department, particularly in Rampart, suspected that Perez was in trouble when he was "assigned to home" by his bosses. On Aug. 6, investigators served search warrants on Perez's LAPD locker, his car and home. Parks said no drugs were found during those searches. He said investigators were still reviewing documents and other possible evidence retrieved during the searches. On the same day detectives conducted the searches, they interviewed Perez, but he refused to cooperate, sources said. According to Parks, supervisors with the LAPD's property room discovered that the cocaine, which was secured in a department vault, was missing in March after various security measures were triggered, alerting the supervisors that the property had been checked out but not returned. LAPD officials immediately launched a massive audit to find the drugs and determine whether more than 3 kilograms of cocaine were missing. Auditors scoured the property room, accounting for more than 100,000 pieces of evidence. Police said the cocaine originally was booked into the LAPD as evidence after it was confiscated during an undercover narcotics operation. At that time, it sold for nearly $20,000 a kilogram. Police officials say the 3 kilograms could be resold in smaller quantities on the street for more than $800,000. According to authorities, Perez allegedly went to the property room and signed out the drugs under another officer's name, claiming to need it for court. Investigators have obtained writing samples from Perez, and one police source said the officer's handwriting is a "dead-bang" match with the signature used to check out the cocaine. Perez's arrest Tuesday stunned many LAPD officers. "He seemed to be a good guy," said one who knew him. "But if he's doing that stuff, he deserves to go down." Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Perez had been assigned to Rampart's anti-gang unit. He was working with a narcotics team at the time the drugs were taken. According to police sources, Perez is a close friend of David A. Mack, an LAPD officer who was arrested in December on suspicion of holding up a bank at gunpoint and stealing more than $700,000. Investigators, however, have not established any criminal link between the two, sources said. In May, City Controller Rick Tuttle released an audit of the LAPD's property rooms, concluding that there were internal weaknesses in supervision that jeopardized the success of criminal prosecutions and created an easy opportunity for abuse and theft. Parks said at his news conference Tuesday that he felt Tuttle's report contained inaccuracies and misunderstandings about the way the LAPD handles property. Moreover, Parks pointed out that the controller's audit did not discover the missing drugs. Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge Drops Drug Charge, Lashes Former US Attorney ('The San Francisco Examiner' Says US District Judge Justin Quackenbush Ruled Tuesday That Former US Attorney Michael Yamaguchi Had Engaged In 'Reckless Disregard' For The Constitutional Rights Of Alleged Oakland Cocaine Kingpin Anthony Flowers, And Dismissed The Most Severe Charge Against Flowers - Operating A Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Which Carried A Mandatory Minimum Sentence Of 20 Years In Prison) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:02:54 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Judge Drops Drug Charge, Lashes Former U.S. Attorney Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: San Francisco Examiner Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com Author: Seth Rosenfeld OF THE EXAMINER STAFF JUDGE DROPS DRUG CHARGE, LASHES FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY Says Prejudicial Comments Made To Press Tainted Jury In withering remarks from the bench, a federal judge dropped a major drug charge after concluding that the U.S. attorney's office in San Francisco made prejudicial comments about the infamous case to the press. U.S. District Judge Justin Quackenbush ruled Tuesday that former U.S. Attorney Michael Yamaguchi engaged in "reckless disregard" for the constitutional rights of alleged cocaine kingpin Anthony "Ant" Flowers. The senior judge said Yamaguchi violated both professional rules and his admonition not to discuss the 1996 prosecution. The former prosecutor, he said, had commented on the case and re-released an earlier press release on it, which, the judge said, was a shocking "parade of horribles." On that ground, Quackenbush dismissed the heaviest charge against Flowers: operating a "continuing criminal enterprise" - that is, supervising an illegal drug ring - that carried a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years in prison. The U.S. attorney's office declined to comment on the ruling, as did Yamaguchi's lawyer, Jerrold Ladar. Maureen Kallins, Flowers' lawyer, said the judge's action was "brave and honest . . . and hopefully a message will go out to prosecutors that they have to play by the rules." The ruling was the latest turn in a troubled case that has been cited as one of the reasons Yamaguchi did not receive a federal judgeship and resigned as U.S. attorney effective Monday. His successor, Robert S. Mueller III, appeared at the hearing. In taking what he said was unusual action, the senior judge, visiting from Seattle, exercised his supervisory powers over court conduct. He noted that in the first part of trial, he had instructed Yamaguchi to make no further public comment on the case. The prosecutor had told a reporter that though his office brought fewer cases than did other districts, they were more serious, and cited the Flowers case. At the end of part one in December 1996, Flowers was convicted of conspiracy to distribute more than 11 pounds of cocaine in Oakland. Four other men also were convicted. At this point - before the jury began part two of the trial, on the continuing criminal enterprise charge - Yamaguchi faxed to three reporters a summary of the verdict in phase one and a copy of a press release issued more than two years earlier when Flowers was first charged in the case. The release said a street gang run by Flowers was in "a bloody war" with rival drug gangs. But the judge found Tuesday that evidence of that had not been admitted at trial. And, Kallins said, "My client has never been charged with violence in his life." This - along with Yamaguchi's comment to a reporter that the crackdown on Flower's gang was partly responsible for a "big drop" in Oakland's homicide rate - tainted the jury, the judge said. A juror read one of the resulting news stories and phoned the judge, who then questioned the jurors and found that some had engaged in misconduct by reading or discussing news accounts. On that basis, he last year reversed the convictions from part one of the trial. The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals reinstated them, though further appeals by Flowers's lawyer are pending. On Tuesday the judge separately dismissed charges of running a criminal enterprise, money laundering and possessing illegal profits. And he criticized the U.S. attorney's office for not having admitted its errors earlier. 1998 San Francisco Examiner
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Czar Seeking Unity In Plan For Guarding Border ('The Dallas Morning News' Says General Barry McCaffrey Met With Border Officials In El Paso, Texas And New Mexico Tuesday To Begin Firming Up His Plan, Which Centers On The Creation Of A 'Border Czar' To Coordinate Efforts Along The Entire US-Mexico Border) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:54:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: U.S. Drug Czar Seeking Unity In Plan For Guarding Border Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com U.S. DRUG CZAR SEEKING UNITY IN PLAN FOR GUARDING BORDER EL PASO (AP) -- U.S. drug czar Barry McCaffrey met with border officials Tuesday to begin firming up his plan to create a more uniform, unified frontier against the international drug trade. McCaffrey traveled from this West Texas urban center, which has one of the state's busiest international bridges, to a barren New Mexico desert to discuss the needs of the federal agencies on the front line. He plans to use the information he gathers to refine his plan, which centers around the creation of a "border czar" to coordinate efforts along the entire U.S.-Mexico border. There is a need for someone who can "integrate all the infrastructure planning so that we end up with a common way of operating against a common threat," McCaffrey said. "Drug criminals work the 2,000-mile border and the (seas). They've got to get across someplace and if it's not good someplace they'll go someplace else where it is good." The border czar plan, to be presented to President Clinton this fall, is aimed at eliminating soft spots in the enforcement net and pushing traffickers away from current hot corridors such as the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez area. "We believe that within five years or so we can largely eliminate drug smuggling across the southwest border," McCaffrey said. "It will then move to the sea and other areas." The plan, as outlined Tuesday, focuses on four areas: establishing a border coordinator's office to create a unified policy; appointing coordinators at each of the nation's ports of entry to oversee drug policy and intelligence locally; ensuring agencies have adequate staffing; and providing technology that will help border officers. The border coordinator, who will likely be based in El Paso, will be the linchpin. He or she will be empowered to cut across the many jurisdictional lines and pull together the nearly two dozen agencies now charged with different aspects of enforcement. The different areas include drug interdiction, processing of cargo, stopping illegal immigration and facilitating legal immigration. "I don't think the guy ought to operationally control the border -- directing people to move from one spot to another -- but should do policy planning," McCaffrey said. Though the proposal raises questions about some agencies losing some of their jealously guarded autonomy, McCaffrey said he had already seen support among different organizations, including Customs and the Border Patrol. "The problem will be that every one of these seven departments of the (federal) government has its own congressional committee, its own laws, its own budget," he said. "So how do we put together a concept that they will find attractive?" U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, a former Border Patrol official and an enthusiastic supporter of McCaffrey's idea, agreed that getting the government to accept the idea will be the hardest part. "I think that's going to be one of the main challenges that we're going to face," said Reyes, D-El Paso, who briefly joined McCaffrey's tour. "I know the main challenge is being able to create a mandate to do it. Once it's mandated, it will be done." Critics questioned the need for such a move, however. "Why does the drug czar need to hire someone else to do his job? How many sub-czars are needed to win the war against drugs?" asked U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, who chairs the House immigration subcommittee. "The administration should confront drug smugglers with more Border Patrol agents, not an election-year public relations campaign."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Czar Meets With Border Officials ('The Associated Press' Version) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Drug czar meets with border officials Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:13:54 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Drug czar meets with border officials McCaffrey refining proposal for efforts against trafficking 08/26/98 Associated Press EL PASO - U.S. drug czar Barry McCaffrey met with border officials Tuesday to begin firming up his plan to create a more uniform, unified frontier against the international drug trade. Mr. McCaffrey traveled from this West Texas urban center, which has one of the state's busiest international bridges, to barren New Mexico desert to discuss the needs of the federal agencies on the front line. He said he plans to use the information he gathers to refine his plan, which centers on the creation of a border czar to coordinate efforts along the entire U.S.-Mexico border. There is a need for someone who can "integrate all the infrastructure planning so that we end up with a common way of operating against a common threat," Mr. McCaffrey said. "Drug criminals work the 2,000-mile border and the . . . [seas]. They've got to get across someplace, and if it's not good someplace, they'll go someplace else where it is good." The border czar plan, to be presented to President Clinton this fall, is aimed at eliminating soft spots in the enforcement net and pushing traffickers away from current hot corridors such as the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez area. "We believe that within five years or so we can largely eliminate drug smuggling across the southwest border," Mr. McCaffrey said. "It will then move to the sea and other areas." The plan, as outlined Tuesday, focuses on four areas: establishing a border coordinator's office to create a unified policy; appointing coordinators at each of the nation's ports of entry to oversee drug policy and intelligence locally; ensuring that agencies have adequate staffing; and providing technology that will help border officers. The border coordinator, who will probably be based in El Paso, will be the linchpin. He or she will be empowered to cut across the many jurisdictional lines and pull together the nearly two dozen agencies charged with different aspects of enforcement. Those different areas include drug interdiction, processing of cargo, stopping illegal immigration and facilitating legal immigration. "I don't think the guy ought to operationally control the border - directing people to move from one spot to another - but should do policy planning," Mr. McCaffrey said. Though the proposal raises questions about some agencies losing part of their jealously guarded autonomy, Mr. McCaffrey said he had already seen support among different organizations, including the U.S. Customs Service and the Border Patrol. "The problem will be that every one of these seven departments of the [federal] government has its own congressional committee, its own laws, its own budget," he said. "So how do we put together a concept that they will find attractive?" U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, a former Border Patrol official and an enthusiastic supporter of Mr. McCaffrey's idea, agreed that getting the government to accept the idea will be the hardest part. "I think that's going to be one of the main challenges that we're going to face," said Mr. Reyes, D-El Paso, who briefly joined Mr. McCaffrey's tour. "I know the main challenge is being able to create a mandate to do it. Once it's mandated, it will be done." Critics questioned the need for a border coordinator, however. "Why does the drug czar need to hire someone else to do his job? How many sub-czars are needed to win the war against drugs?," said U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, chairman of the House immigration subcommittee. "The administration should confront drug smugglers with more Border Patrol agents, not an election-year public relations campaign."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Texas Executes Man For 1988 Murders ('The Associated Press' Says Reputed Marijuana Smuggler Genaro Ruiz Camacho Was Executed By Injection In Huntsville, Texas, Wednesday For Murdering A Man Who Unwittingly Stumbled Into A Kidnap Plot That Also Left A Woman And Her 3-Year-Old Son Dead) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Texas Executes pot smuggler for 1988 Murders Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:26:13 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Texas Executes Man for 1988 Murders HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP)--A reputed marijuana smuggler was executed by injection Wednesday for the murder of a man who unwittingly stumbled into a kidnap plot that also left a woman and her 3-year-old son dead. The three slayings in 1988 were among at least five that authorities linked to Genaro Ruiz Camacho, 43, who police said ran a drug ring that brought marijuana from Mexico and who used killings to keep people in line. ``He was such a vicious murderer he scared off his own people,'' Sue Korioth, an assistant district attorney in Dallas, said. Camacho was condemned for the May 1988 shooting of David Wilburn, 25, who stopped by the home of a neighbor soon after Camacho and his gang members had arrived there to collect a heroin debt. Wilburn was ordered to the floor and shot immediately in the head. The neighbor escaped, but a woman at the house, Evellyn Banks, 31, and her 3-year-old son, Andre, were abducted. The mother and child were shot three days later. Camacho had seemed cheerful while greeting witnesses he invited to watch him die. He called two daughters and a former wife by name and repeatedly said he loved them. ``I'll be with you,'' he said. ``I'll be waiting for you in heaven. I love you all.'' Camacho was the 12th convicted killer to be executed this year in Texas. Last year, a record 37 executions were carried out.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study Questions DARE Program ('The Houston Chronicle' Says An Independent Report By University Of Houston Social Sciences Professor Bruce Gay, Released Wednesday, Found Houston's $3.7 Million-A-Year DARE Program May Not Be Working In Steering Youngsters From Substance Abuse) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: TX Study questions DARE program Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:00:05 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net 9:23 PM 8/26/1998 Study questions DARE program It's `only marginally successful' in steering youth from drug abuse By JULIE MASON Copyright 1998 Houston Chronicle An independent report released Wednesday found Houston's $3.7 million-a-year DARE program "only marginally successful" in steering youngsters from substance abuse. The study, by University of Houston social sciences professor Bruce Gay, suggests the Drug Abuse Resistance Education curriculum in local schools may not be working. "There is very little compelling evidence to suggest that the primary goal of the DARE program is being reached at a statistically significant level," Gay concludes. The results track other U.S. studies that have similarly questioned the effectiveness of DARE, an anti-drug and anti-alcohol program started in Los Angeles in 1983 and currently taught in an estimated 10,000 cities worldwide. About 27,000 fifth-graders and 24,000 seventh-graders participate in DARE programs in Houston. The Houston Police Department's DARE program costs $3.7 million a year to operate, including $3.3 million to pay the administrative cost of salaries and benefits for the 63 involved officers. Earlier this year, Mayor Lee Brown rebuffed highly skeptical City Council members who sought to cut the DARE funding in the city budget. Councilman Ray Driscoll, who led the attempt to reduce DARE funding by 50 percent, said Wednesday the UH report vindicates his sentiments about the program's effectiveness. "I would like to see at least half of that money go to assessing other programs -- because there are other programs out there that work," Driscoll said. "Regardless of what the powers that be are saying, this program looks like it's not working." Brown and Police Chief C.O. Bradford said they remain strongly behind DARE, with Bradford saying he will use the study's results to fine-tune the program to better serve children. "Marginally successful doesn't mean woefully a failure to me," Bradford said. "I'm pleased with the report in that it does not indicate the program is a failure." Brown noted the study found that four of DARE's 12 objectives were being achieved through the program. "DARE does work," said Brown, former national drug policy adviser to President Clinton. "We are going to work toward finding better ways to make DARE more effective." The study is based on an analysis of 1,771 surveys distributed at 23 schools in the Houston Independent School District. The ethnic breakdown was 54.6 percent Hispanic, 21 percent black, 18 percent Anglo and 6.5 percent other. Survey-takers compared students' attitudes and opinions before and after participating in DARE, with those of youngsters who did not participate in DARE. The report noted, however that DARE's primary objective -- "to prevent or reduce drug abuse and violence among children and youth" -- may start off with a major obstacle in the form of early drug use among kids. Among students surveyed prior to participating in the DARE program -- generally, fifth-graders -- 15 percent had tried drugs, 18 percent had tried tobacco and 32 percent had tried alcohol. When survey-takers returned at the conclusion of the DARE program in May to measure responses again, they found that drug usage was up 29 percent, tobacco usage up 34 percent and alcohol increased 4 percent. "While it is true that, even before participating in the DARE program, a significant number of children were already experimenting with controlled substances, some habitually," the report notes, "the DARE program was unable to encourage its own participants, while in the program, to prevent or reduce drug abuse." Councilman Carroll Robinson, calling such "marginal success" insufficient, questioned what DARE is providing the city for the money. "I think there is going to be some support on council to look at the level of funding," Robinson said. "It's good to rally kids, but if you want to solve problems, you have to get beyond the rally and the rah-rah." The report notes using police officers as DARE instructors did not have a consistently positive effect on students in the program. Prior to DARE, 22 percent of students in the schools offering DARE said they thought officers were "mean." After taking part in DARE, 26.7 percent of students said officers are "mean." But, the report noted, in the control group of students not participating in DARE, 48 percent said they thought police were mean during the first round of surveys, while 33 percent said so in follow-up surveys. "This type of response was unpredicted and makes the issue more, rather than less, ambiguous," Gay noted. The report did find some areas where DARE is effective. The four objectives where DARE made a positive difference include changing beliefs about drug use, learning ways to say no, managing stress and making decisions about risky behaviors. Less successful were: Considering consequences, understanding the effects of drugs, building self-esteem, learning assertiveness, nonviolent ways to deal with anger, handling media influences, positive alternatives and resisting gangs. Bradford said one strong possibility is starting DARE education in the fourth grade, rather than fifth, and targeting specific schools for DARE curriculum. "Perhaps the children most at risk are not being helped early enough," he said, adding "some need it more than others." Councilman Rob Todd, who stopped short of withdrawing his longtime support of DARE, questioned the survey's methodology, noting that Houston has many other school districts not included in the report. "I don't think that anyone has said DARE is perfect," Todd said. "I do think the city needs to craft some approach to fight the drug problem in this city, particularly when it comes to kids."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumberland County Jail Medical Staff Defend HIV Drug Policy (An Excerpt From A 'Boston Globe' Article Says AIDS Patient David McNally Is Suing Jail Officials In Maine For Denying Him Anti-HIV Medications - The Opinion Of Jail Personnel Caught Practicing Medicine Without A License Is Described As 'Complete Nonsense' By McNally's Doctor) Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 05:38:47 EDT Errors-To: jnr@insightweb.com Reply-To: friends@freecannabis.org Originator: friends@freecannabis.org Sender: friends@freecannabis.org From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (friends@freecannabis.org) Subject: forwards including friends From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Save Address Block Sender Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 14:55:54 EDT Subject: PWA suing jail for denying him anti-HIV medications Here's an interesting excerpt about someone who is suing because he was denied his medications in jail: "Cumberland County Jail Medical Staff Defend HIV Drug Policy" Boston Globe Online (08/26/98) In Maine, Cumberland County Jail medical personnel suggest that David McNally, a former inmate, may have been denied anti-HIV drug treatment because he had missed some doses prior to his imprisonment. McNally is suing the jail's medical department--specifically, Prison Health Services, a Tennessee-based organization hired by the jail--claiming that they withheld medication for three days while he was imprisoned. In a statement to county commissioners, medical officials assert that the continuation of treatment after interruption in HIV patients could increase subject risks. McNally's physician, Dr. Owen Pickus, said, "They're suggesting in some obtuse fashion that starting the treatment back would do some kind of harm. That's complete nonsense."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Parolees Given Surprise Drug Test ('The Associated Press' Notes Surprise Urine Tests Administered By The Rhode Island Department Of Corrections Will Result In 28 Of 78 Parolees Going Back To Prison - The Idea Was To Save Money By Complying With Federal Requirements For Crime Fighting Grants, But The News Service Doesn't Mention The Final Estimated Loss In State Revenue, Nor That The New Prisoners Will Be Classified As Parole Violators Rather Than Drug Offenders) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: RI Parolees given surprise drug test Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:21:21 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Parolees given surprise drug test Associated Press, 08/26/98 07:58 CRANSTON, R.I. (AP) - The letters from the Department of Corrections told 78 parolees to report to the prison for a special program. The 74 people who showed up probably didn't have urinating in a cup in mind. As part of a crackdown on drug use by parolees, the state has instituted its first comprehensive testing of parolees to meet federal requirements for crime fighting grants. The state faced the possibility of losing grants if it failed to enact a drug testing program for its 611 parolees. In the tests Tuesday night, 24 people failed. Those who refused to attend also faced arrest. It appeared many of the parolees did not expect to face a drug test. One man brought a lunch, another some pornographic magazines. A woman who brought her baby was told she could go home. Those whose urine samples failed the test were detained pending a hearing before the Parole Board.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Decline Is Seen In Legal Help For City's Poor ('The New York Times' Says That Three Years After New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's Administration Instituted Changes It Said Would Improve Legal Services For The Poor And Save Money For Taxpayers, An Eight-Member Committee Appointed By The Appellate Division Of The State Supreme Court Has Released A Report, Unidentified By The Newspaper, That Concludes The Quality Of Legal Help For Indigent Defendants In Manhattan Is Actually Getting Worse) From: MLetwin@aol.com Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 16:14:04 EDT Subject: Giuliani Attack on Indigent Defense Representation Decline Is Seen in Legal Help for City's Poor By DAVID ROHDE The New York Times Aug. 26, 1998 NEW YORK -- Three years after Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's administration instituted changes it said would improve legal services for the poor and save money for taxpayers, a court-appointed panel has concluded that the quality of legal help for indigent defendants in Manhattan is actually getting worse. The report said two factors have combined to overwhelm the system: a record increase in the number of people arrested in Manhattan under the city's crackdown on quality-of-life crimes and a decrease in the Legal Aid Society's budget. The study said services provided in Manhattan by Legal Aid, the nonprofit group that handles roughly 60 percent of indigent defendants in the borough, failed to meet minimum standards for good representation, and it urged changes in the system. The report found that Legal Aid lawyers in Manhattan were overworked, handling an average of 650 cases each in the 1997 fiscal year. Legal Aid lawyers frequently did not show up in court, the report said, and indigent clients sometimes spent all day waiting in a courtroom -- or jail cell -- only to have a substitute Legal Aid lawyer arrive and postpone, or mishandle, the hearing. In the wake of a 1994 strike by Legal Aid lawyers, the Giuliani administration set out to break what it called Legal Aid's monopoly and invited other nonprofit groups to bid for contracts to represent the city's poor as court-appointed lawyers. Over the last two years, city officials have taken funds away from Legal Aid and awarded them to a half-dozen new groups that won contracts to represent about 30 percent of the indigent clients across the city. The new groups each agreed to represent a set number of clients, while Legal Aid agreed to handle the rest. But with a record number of court cases flowing into the system, Legal Aid has ended up handling the same number of cases it did in 1994 with a budget that is 30 percent smaller. Working conditions and morale are so poor at Legal Aid, the report said, that many of its best lawyers are moving to the new nonprofit groups. Michele Maxian, director of Legal Aid's criminal division, said the society was still providing quality legal services for the poor but that the new system would not work without more financing. "An infinite number of cases for a finite amount of money is not working for us," she said. "We and the city need to look at how we do our contract." But Steven Fishner, Giuliani's criminal justice coordinator, said the new system was working. The problem, he said, is a lack of efficiency and a need for better management at Legal Aid. "We think the system is functioning very well," he said. "Competition is a good thing. It will make the Legal Aid Society into a better organization." The authors of the report, an eight-member committee appointed by the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court, emphasized that the problems the panel found involved defendants facing misdemeanor charges and that clients facing more serious charges like murder were being well represented by Legal Aid lawyers. They also said that in the Bronx, the other borough studied, Legal Aid was providing adequate services for all of its clients. City and court officials noted that the report was advisory and said the city faced little threat in the short term of being forced to modify its new system. The most likely source of a confrontation, they said, would be a class action suit in federal court by Legal Aid clients contending that the system effectively deprives them of their right to a court-appointed lawyer, but no such suit has yet been filed. The report said that along with its contract with Legal Aid, the city pays New York Defender Services $4.5 million a year to handle 12,500 cases; the Bronx Defenders, $3.6 million to handle 10,000 cases, and the Center for Appellate Litigation, $1.4 million to handle 200 appeals. Legal Aid Society spokeswoman Pat Bath said the group signed a new contract this summer that commits it to handling all clients not covered by other nonprofit organizations across the city until 2000. But each year the group renegotiates its budget, which has shrunk from $79.3 million in fiscal 1994 to $52 million in fiscal 1999. Defense lawyers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Legal Aid officials were divided over whether the society should limit the number of clients it takes on in order to improve service. If it set a limit, the society would be relinquishing its role as the city's primary provider of court-appointed lawyers, they said. Defense lawyers have long asserted that the new system was an attempt by Giuliani, a former prosecutor, to eliminate Legal Aid and weaken the political power of court-appointed lawyers by dividing them among several nonprofit groups. But Fishner said the administration's goal was to strengthen both the system and Legal Aid. He said competitive bidding was already making Legal Aid a more dynamic organization and praised the group for management changes it has already made. But he said the group needed to do more. Fishner said Legal Aid spends more per case than other nonprofit groups, a claim that Ms. Maxian of Legal Aid disputed. Klaus Eppler, the lawyer who headed the court-appointed committee, declined to comment on the bulk of the report but said a permanent staff should be set up to monitor the new system. "It's important that we keep our eye on the ultimate goal," he said, "which is that every defendant not just have some minimal representation, but quality, professional representation." Wednesday, August 26, 1998 Copyright 1998 The New York Times
------------------------------------------------------------------- Defense Attorneys 'Decided To Go For The Hail Mary Pass' ('The Roanoke Times' In Virginia Describes The Jury Acquittal Of O'Neil Henry, Busted On Interstate 81 In Wythe County While Driving A Truck Loaded With Just Under A Ton Of Marijuana That Prohibition Agents Valued At $6.5 Million, The Largest Highway Seizure Of Pot In State History) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 12:00:05 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US VA: Defense Attorneys 'Decided to go for the Hail Mary Pass' Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Roanoke Times (VA) Contact: karent@roanoke.com Website: http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/index.html Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: Mike Hudson - The Roanoke Times DEFENSE ATTORNEYS 'DECIDED TO GO FOR THE HAIL MARY PASS' Man caught with trailer load of pot found not guilty The defendant claimed he never got out of the cab when the second load -- the pot -- was put on the truck. Defense attorneys David Boone and Michael Morchower have done enough drug cases to know this one sounded like a loser. In March -- on a Friday the 13th no less -- their client had been caught on Interstate 81 in Wythe County driving a tractor trailer loaded with just under a ton of marijuana. State police estimated its street value at $6.5 million, and called it the largest highway seizure of pot in Virginia history. What's more, a drug agent maintained that the truck's driver, a Jamaican immigrant who now lives in New York, had admitted knowing that the plastic-wrapped bundles of marijuana had been stuffed in the back of the truck alongside a load of mangos from Texas. "We felt we were doomed," Boone said. Boone and Morchower, both Richmond attorneys, told their client that juries almost always believe police officers, and they rarely turn loose a defendant when huge amounts of drugs are involved. If he pleaded guilty, he could get as little as six years in prison. If he went to trial and lost, he was looking at 12 to 14 years. "Ninety-nine percent of my clients would have folded," Boone says. "I would have folded." But O'Neil Henry wouldn't give in. He swore he didn't know about the pot in back of the truck. He wanted to take his case to a jury. On Monday in U.S. District Court in Roanoke, Boone said, he and Morchower "decided to go for the Hail Mary pass" -- they argued that the state trooper had changed his story about Henry's "confession." On Monday evening, after less than three hours behind closed doors, the jurors announced their verdict: Not guilty. Assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony Giorno said he doubts that defense attorneys' efforts to attack the state police agent's testimony was the "make-or-break issue" in the case. At least one juror, Lloyd A. Young of Roanoke, agreed. "I don't think that made any difference. They pick on them poor police officers -- like they're the ones on trial." Young said he simply believed Henry's testimony that he never got out of the cab when his tractor trailer's second load -- apparently the shipment of pot -- was put on the truck. "It was a crazy trial," Young said. "I just don't think there was enough evidence to convict him." A co-defendant, fellow New Yorker Dennis A. McCarthy, 35, is scheduled for trial today. Henry, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, didn't have a criminal record before he was arrested this past spring in Wythe County. He has driven a delivery truck for the New York Times for the past seven years, and says he occasionally picked up extra money as a long-distance driving partner with McCarthy. He said he and McCarthy took on a three-quarters' load of mangos in Texas along the Mexican border and then filled the rest of the trailer with a second load arranged by a man that McCarthy talked to at a truck stop farther north. Henry claimed in court that he stayed in the cab while the second cargo was loaded. With the doors open, he said, he couldn't see what it was, and McCarthy never told him. Just before noon March 13, Henry was behind the wheel and McCarthy was in the sleeper when State Police Sgt. H.F. Wray spotted an illegal blue light bulb on the back of their cab. He pulled them over, ran a license check and found that both of their driver's licenses had been suspended for failing to pay fines. Wray asked if he could search the truck. He said both agreed. By then, Special Agent Andrew Metro had arrived. Wray opened the back of the trailer and saw stacks of black clothing bags. He drew his gun and ordered the truckers down on the ground, and Metro handcuffed them. Wray opened one bag and found bales wrapped in plastic. He slit one open and found marijuana inside. Metro said in a police report that when he questioned Henry about 45 minutes later, Henry told him: "I'm not sure where we were when we picked up the marijuana. I wasn't paying attention to where." Boone says he told Henry last week that the case looked bad for him, but Henry told him: "I'll trust in God." On Friday, Boone and Morchower got a fax from Giorno. The prosecutor said he had been going over the evidence with Metro, and Metro had informed him of a new piece of information: "I was advised by Agent Metro that when Mr. Henry was lying on the ground ... after marijuana was found, he made a spontaneous statement that, 'This was my first time, I knew we shouldn't have done it.'" Boone said he and Morchower were perplexed that this seemingly damning statement had not been included in previous police reports, or passed on to the prosecutor until the Friday before the trial. But on the witness stand, Metro said that Giorno's fax was inaccurate: Henry hadn't just blurted it out -- he had made the statement only after Metro began questioning the two men as they lay on ground. This was an important point, because Henry hadn't yet been read his rights. And, Metro testified, Giorno didn't have the wording of the statement right either -- Henry had actually said "We should not have done it. I needed the money." Metro said it was all just a misunderstanding between him and Giorno. Giorno said in an interview later that he takes full blame for any confusion: "I don't believe that Andy Metro was attempting to mislead me or anyone else." When Henry's turn to testify came, he claimed he hadn't said anything to Metro while he was on the ground. And he said his later statement about "when we picked up the marijuana" had been based on what the officers had told him -- that there was pot in the truck. At 8:15 p.m. Monday, the jury indicated it had a decision. Henry was sobbing -- Boone says his tears were splashing onto the defense table -- as he waited for the verdict. Then Henry's brush with the law, which had begun on a Friday the 13th, was over. Outside the courtroom, he turned to Boone and told his lawyer: The jury had acquitted him on his 37th birthday.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Success Is Unacceptable If It's Not Our Way ('The Los Angeles Times' Prints An Excerpt From Mike Gray's Book, 'Drug Crazy,' Describing A Successful Heroin Maintenance Program In Liverpool, England, Shut Down By The Narco-Imperialistic United States After It Was Publicized On America's '60 Minutes') Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:06:11 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Success Is Unacceptable If It's Not Our Way Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Author: Mike Gary SUCCESS IS UNACCEPTABLE IF IT'S NOT OUR WAY Drugs: A U.K. clinic helping heroin addicts live decent lives is closed after U.S. enforcers object to its unorthodox approach. Maureen was a 19-year-old Irish redhead when she married a rich kid from Manchester who gave her three children and introduced her to heroin. A few years later he decided to run off with a younger woman, so he left Maureen with the kids, no money and a serious heroin habit. For the next several years, she moved the kids from one bed-and-breakfast to another, supporting herself with prostitution and shoplifting, all the time frantically chasing the dragon. Like most addicts, she tried to kick the habit repeatedly without success. Finally the authorities were breathing down her neck and she knew she was about to lose her children. Desperate, a friend steered her to a clinic in suburban Liverpool, where her life was instantly transformed. John Marks, a bearded Welsh psychiatrist who ran the clinic, examined her and determined that she was indeed a heroin addict. So he wrote her a prescription for heroin and told her to come back in a week. Almost unbelieving, she took the slip of paper to the pharmacist up the street and he filled it without batting an eye. As she stood at the counter staring at the small round container of pure heroin, an odd sensation washed over her. The auger of panic that had been twisting her gut every waking moment for a decade was spinning down. For the first time in memory, she had a tiny bit of brain space that wasn't focused on how to get the next fix. It began to dawn on her that it no longer made any difference whether she could get the cash or whether her dealer would show up or whether the stuff was any good or whether cops would beat her to it. As she slipped the package into her purse, she caught a glimpse of herself in the glass and for the first time in 10 years she stopped to take a serious look. She was stunned. Then she glanced down at her children, and she said, "Oh, my God." In an instant, the morality that had been instilled in her as a child came flooding back: "I felt so disgusted." Over the next weeks and months, her dose was stabilized at a point that allowed her to function without suffering withdrawal, and within a year her life had been completely turned around. She had a job, her kids were in school, and she was talking about going back to college. The paper John Marks handed her almost nonchalantly turned out to be a passport out of hell. Unfortunately, the Liverpool clinic--one of the last of the old British heroin maintenance programs--was featured on a CBS "60 Minutes" broadcast and U.S. drug enforcers went into convulsions. The success of the clinic--a 90% drop in the local crime rate, zero cases of AIDS, moving people off welfare rolls into productive jobs--flew in the face of American drug war orthodoxy. Marks was warned by friends in the Home Office that the U.S. Embassy was exerting tremendous pressure to shut him down, and in the end they were successful. The 450 patients Marks had been serving were kicked into the street and told to find a detox program where they could learn to give up their evil ways. "Two years later," said Marks, "25 of the addicts were dead." And what of Maureen, the heroin user with three children who planned to go to college? "I saw Maureen the other day," said Marks. "She was desperate, back to criminality; a lot of her friends are back in prison. She's on the streets. She saw me in passing and asked if I could take her back on. Her doctor tried to refer her to me, but the Health Authority refused to defray the costs." And so the state, in its righteous determination to set everything straight, has managed to teach Maureen and her children a lesson. It's one they won't soon forget. Mike Gray Is the Author of "Drug Crazy: How We Got Into This Mess and How We Can Get Out" (Random House, 1998), From Which This Is Excerpted. Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
------------------------------------------------------------------- Just Say No, Mac ('Toronto Star' Sports Reporter Randy Starkman Says Mark McGwire, The St. Louis Cardinal Pursuing Baseball's Home-Run Record While Using Androstenedione To Enhance His Performance, Is A Pharmaceutically Enhanced Marvel Who Should Not Be Measured Against Roger Maris)Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:31:16 -0400 To: mattalk@islandnet.com From: Dave Haans (haans@chass.utoronto.ca) Subject: TorStar: Just say no, Mac Newshawk: Dave Haans Source: The Toronto Star (Canada) Pubdate: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 Page: C1 Website: http://www.thestar.com Contact: lettertoed@thestar.com Opinion Just say no, Mac McGwire is cheating with substance-aided assault on 61 homers By Randy Starkman Toronto Star Sports Reporter Mark McGwire is a pharmaceutically enhanced marvel whose home run heroics should not be measured against those of Roger Maris. That's evident to anybody prepared to look at the situation honestly - which doesn't apply to anyone involved in Major League Baseball. The bottom line is that McGwire is using an artificial aid in his pursuit of Maris' mark. That makes comparisons between the two unfair to Maris. McGwire has admitted to regular use of the substance androstenedione for more than a year. Androstenedione is not banned in baseball, but is outlawed by the International Olympic Committee, the National Football League and the NCAA, all of which classify it is an anabolic steroid. Whether androstenedione should be categorized as an anabolic steroid is a matter of great debate in the scientific community, but one fact is not - androstenedione converts to testosterone in the body. Elevated testosterone levels help an athlete train harder and recover more quickly. This, in turn, enables an athlete to build more muscle and increase his power. The scientists and doctors argue about the efficacy of androstenedione, but they rarely understand the effects of these substances like the athletes who are ingesting them. McGwire obviously believes it works. Otherwise why would he be taking it for more than a year? And are we to believe it's just coincidence that he's been on target for Maris' record of 61 homers the past two seasons at the same time he discovered this strength-building drug? Is it also mere coincidence that fellow androstenedione user and former teammate Jose Canseco is enjoying a rebirth this season with the Blue Jays after having started to use the stuff six months ago? McGwire said it's reduced the number of injuries he incurs in a baseball season. Undoubtedly, it also helps combat the fatigue of a long season - and a pressure-filled record chase. Bet Maris could have used something like that when he was chasing Babe Ruth. One need only look at the physiology of Maris and McGwire to understand we're not talking about apples and apples here. We're talking apples and watermelons. According to Total Baseball, Maris was 6 feet tall and 197 pounds, while McGwire is 6-foot-5 and 250 pounds. Maris was no imposing physical specimen, while McGwire looks as if he could bench press an ocean liner. It's not just a matter of better nutrition through the years, although the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. lists androstenedione as a ``nutritional supplement.'' But androstenedione is the same substance used with great success by the East Germans. These guys knew a thing or two about performance-enhancing drugs and usually had a lot of research to back them up. Let's face it. Physically, Mark McGwire is a monster. The Dr. Frankensteins, in this instance, are the sporting mores of the time. He has been created, in a sense, by all of us. This is a societal issue as much as it's a sports issue. Pro sports has not been held up to any ethical standard, particularly when it comes to performance-enhancing drugs. That's why every pro sport has a laughable drug policy. They've never had to worry about it. There's been little to no scrutiny by the media or the public. And now look what happens when there is some scrutiny. Everyone in baseball wants to shoot the messenger - the Associated Press reporter who looked into McGwire's locker and wrote about what he saw. Supercilious St. Louis manager Tony LaRussa whines that AP should be banned from the locker room. They're missing the point - or rather trying to deflect attention away from it. The issue is whether what McGwire's doing is right. Sure, it's not against baseball's rules. But then baseball really doesn't have any rules that have any teeth when it comes to performance-enhancing drugs. What really must be examined is the culture that is being created in sport. Athletes should not be expected to fulfil the job of role model - that's a parent's responsibility - but what goes on at the top level in a sport does filter down. Kids watch these pro athletes. Many want to emulate them. In McGwire's case, one of the main messages youth will get is that bigger is better. Many will look at McGwire and figure that if androstenedione does the trick for him, then that must be the way to go. Where does it stop? NFL linemen are typically 300-pounds plus these days. Hockey players are outgrowing the rink. Smaller, skilled players such as Paul Kariya are facing extinction. Size is becoming such a factor in sports. How many times do you hear about an athlete who has to ``bulk up'' in the off-season in order to compete. We'd have to be naive to think that androstenedione is being used exclusively in baseball. So many of these athletes from different sports go to similar strength trainers, all of whom are aware of everything that's on the market. If McGwire's a big fan of this stuff, you can bet there are a lot of pro athletes similarly enamored. So what route is a youngster who wants to compete for a job in pro sports going to take? If Joe Blow is earning big bucks as an enforcer in the NHL and using substances like androstendione to add brawn, then that puts the new kid on the block who has to go toe-to-toe with him in a difficult position. And the thing about the NHL, Major League Baseball and the NBA is those athletes don't have to stick to such substances as androstenedione. It's probably pretty benign compared to what some athletes are using. John Kordic fueled his NHL career with steroids. Because they're not tested, these players can just go ahead and use the granddaddy of anabolics - straight testosterone. One has to wonder whether there's some correlation between the use of these drugs and what seems to be a rising incidence of violence away from the sporting arenas among athletes. The drugs are known to increase aggressiveness. It's one of the reasons NFLers value them so much. Then there's the question of future health risks. No published research has been done on androstenedione. The way the Food and Drug Administration is set up, androstenedione doesn't come under any regulations in the U.S. There is no requirement for research before such a product hits the market and it is not subject to any food labelling laws. McGwire says he trusts the people who supply his ``nutritional supplements'' and he's sure they're not harmful. But he doesn't know that for sure. No one does. The jury is also still out on another popular muscle-building supplement, creatine, which is being hailed by many as a legal, safe alternative to steroids and is used widely by high-performance athletes - including McGwire. Creatine is not as controversial as androstenedione and not banned by the IOC because it does not convert to testosterone. The Association of Professional Team Physicians, made up of 120 team doctors across sport, has recommended that androstenedione be taken off the over-the-counter market and banned in all competitive sports. They consider it to be an anabolic steroid. Dr. William Straw, team doctor with the San Franciscio Giants and a member of the association, said he's even more concerned about the potential effects on youth than he is on pro ballplayers. ``Unfortunately, every little kid who sees Mark McGwire and sees this will think this must be good and they're going to want to get to their local health food store to get it,'' said Straw. ``They're going to want to be like Mark. For young people to take anabolic steroids is even more serious.'' The people who run this country's anti-doping program, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, say that the people who run professional sport have to decide if they're in the sports business or the entertainment business. And that if they're in the sport business, they'd better get serious about the drug issue. They've got a point. Because when you look at what McGwire and Canseco and others are doing, you have to wonder if it makes them that much different from the artificially pumped-up pro wrestlers. In some ways, the only difference seems to be the costumes. We seem to be heading more and more down the path of American Gladiators. Looking at pictures of American shot putter Randy Barnes in USA Today and the one of McGwire in The Star yesterday, one couldn't help but notice McGwire's awesome arms were of similar shape to the big pipes on Barnes. Yet use of androstenedione has Barnes facing a lifetime ban from his sport. He tested positive for the substance recently, his second positive drug test. Two strikes and you're out in Olympic sport. The Barnes parallel is a good one. Barnes and others of his ilk have over the years created an environment where it's believed you have to use drugs to win medals in the throwing events in track and field. Canada has two brilliant young talents in Jason Tunks (discus) and Brad Snyder (shot put). They're left to wonder whether they have any chance of making it on sheer talent and hard work alone. They shouldn't have to be asking themselves that question, but more and more athletes in more and more sports will face the dilemma unless the current crisis is faced. In the meantime, the merits of McGwire's quest for home run history should continue to be debated. When pressed on the issue this past weekend, McGwire insisted: ``Everything I've done is natural.'' Of course, that all depends on your definition of natural. ``The word natural is a misused term in that it seems to imply wholesomeness and that it's good for you,'' said Dr. Straw. ``It (androstenedione) is natural in that you could find it in nature. But arsenic is also natural. And it's a poison. There are a lot of things that are natural that aren't good for you.'' Nor good for sport.
------------------------------------------------------------------- McGwire's Spiked Swing Raises Health Questions ('The Chicago Tribune' Tries The Fear-Mongering Approach To Baseball Star Mark McGwire's Use Of Androstenedione) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:57:05 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: McGwire's Spiked Swing Raises Health Questions Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Steve YoungSource: Chicago Tribune (IL) Contact: tribletter@aol.com Website: http://www.chicago.tribune.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: Rick Morrissey and Bruce Japsen Section: Sec. 1, p. 1 McGWIRE'S SPIKED SWING RAISES HEALTH QUESTIONS Eleven weeks ago, or 24 home runs ago in Mark McGwire time, General Nutrition Centers sent an internal memo to the managers of its 3,700 stores nationwide. The message was brief and direct: Don't sell androstenedione, an over-the-counter nutritional supplement. Even though no definitive studies had shown any dangerous side effects from androstenedione, GNC was increasingly concerned about a product that was purported to raise testosterone levels and thus enhance physical performance. Its own review of scientific literature had raised questions. "The decision was made on the lack of suitable short- and long-term research demonstrating the safety of the product at various intake levels and concern about the potential impact of product abuse," GNC said in a June 9 memo obtained by the Tribune. "It was concluded that up through this time, the use of androstenedione without risk of adverse events cannot be demonstrated." The memo, confirmed by company officials, only adds to the debate surrounding McGwire, the St. Louis Cardinals' star who along with the Cubs' Sammy Sosa is pursuing Roger Maris' single-season home run record. McGwire has acknowledged that he regularly takes androstenedione, a substance that when taken orally is broken down by the body into testosterone, the male sex hormone. Producers of the supplement say it enhances energy and, in tandem with exercise, encourages muscle growth. Critics say the supplement is too new to understand fully and could have harmful side effects. The voices are loud on both sides. "I think potentially it is dangerous," said Dr. Gary Wadler, who has written extensively on performance-enhancing drugs. "I think it's different from other dietary supplements for a specific reason: It's a steroid hormone that is converted in the body into testosterone." "If somebody like a Mark McGwire is taking 100 milligrams a day, I don't expect him to have any untoward side effects," said Dr. Robert Goldman, the chief medical officer of the International Medical Commission. In the meantime, McGwire might want to consider something else about androstenedione. It doesn't work very well, if at all. At least that's the conclusion of Tim Ziegenfuss and Lonnie Lowery, who are among a handful of researchers examining androstenedione. They recently found that the substance increases blood testosterone levels about 15 percent, which they say is statistically irrelevant. "I wouldn't take this androstenedione any further in our research than what I've taken it," said Ziegenfuss, an associate professor of exercise medicine at Eastern Michigan University. "I don't think it would benefit performance right now at the dose we studied--100 milligrams." If anything, Ziegenfuss said, McGwire is taking the wrong compound. The more potent pick is androstenediol, the next generation of androstenedione and one that raises blood testosterone levels about 45 percent, he said. That, too, is sold over the counter. "If he's taking androstenedione, he made a bad choice," Ziegenfuss said. "He's not talking to the right person." Surely when Abner Doubleday worked to popularize baseball in the mid-19th Century, he couldn't have foreseen the day when a player would be accused of considering a medicine cabinet as standard equipment. But that's what McGwire is faced with as he goes after Maris' record of 61 home runs. McGwire had 53 as of Tuesday, but his road might have grown a bit rougher with the accusation that chemicals are helping his ride. Already in its short life in the United States, androstenedione has had a troubled existence. Critics say it's a drug. The federal government says androstenedione is closer to a food and therefore doesn't need to be regulated. The International Olympic Committee, the NFL and the NCAA have banned it. Major League Baseball has not. The question is, what exactly is it? The substance was introduced in the United States in the summer of 1996 by Patrick Arnold, a chemist from Seymour, Ill., near Champaign. Arnold had noticed that a German patent on the supplement didn't cover it being taken orally, so he began manufacturing it here. He recently became partners with MetRx, one of the leading health and nutrition supplement companies in the country. MetRx has combined androstenedione and androstenediol into one product. Androstenedione raises the level of testosterone for about an hour after ingestion. Raising the testosterone level can raise aggressiveness and help during weight training. In essence, it is tricking the body into making more testosterone, although in some men it produces an even bigger trick: It produces estrogen, the female sex hormone. "Its use is not really as an anabolic agent," said Arnold, 32. "Its use is more of a pick-me-up, a short-term stimulator of testosterone to perhaps heighten concentration and aggressiveness prior to an event. With that usage, we suspect there are little adverse effects, since you're only having a small increase in testosterone for a very short period of time. That's generally how most people use the stuff." But athletes and especially bodybuilders often believe that more is better, that if 100 milligrams is called for, 300 would be three times better. And critics especially are concerned about young athletes taking a substance with such a brief history simply because McGwire does. "Steroids all have one unique quality: The side effects don't show when you're taking it," Wadler said. "They show up months, years and decades later. . . . Example: People who take testosterone years later after abusing steroids wound up with liver tumors, cholesterol problems, cardiovascular problems, malignancies. The list goes on. "Here's a substance that's in that same category, but people who are taking it are under the belief that it's some innocuous substance. There is no safety requirement because there are no claims being made that it's a drug. However, the body is smarter than the FDA. The body recognizes that it's a steroid hormone and converts it." Androstenedione retails for between $25 and $40 for a bottle of 60 capsules, depending on the potency. Despite GNC's ban, it is available in the Chicago area. Sherwyn's Health Food Shops sells it, pointing to medical journals that say androstenedione hasn't been proved to cause serious health risks. "Peer review journals and biochemists have been very conclusive," said Peter Maldonado, vitamin department manager at Sherwyn's. "It is not a drug and doesn't prove to have the same health risks as anabolic steroids to include liver toxicity." Whether androstenedione is a benign muscle enhancer or a dormant hazard remains to be seen. Whether it works is also up for debate. In the end, one expert says, any benefit gained from androstenedione may lie in what consumers think they will get from it. "I am reminded of that old Latin business term, `placebo,' which means, `I shall please,' " said Dr. Alan Rogol, of the Bethesda, Md.-based Endocrine Society. "There's no proof anywhere that it is effective improving athletic performance. (But) if you think it's going to help you, it may." Ziegenfuss' data will be presented at a conference in Finland in November, well after the home run chase is over. He and his partner are planning to study the long-term effects of androstenedione on the body. Some wonder if it won't come too late for McGwire and others who use it. "Unfortunately, as is normal, athletes are, I'm certain, abusing this substance and taking tons of it, and we just don't know what the effects are at this point," Ziegenfuss said. Meanwhile, the producers of androstenedione aren't complaining about the McGwire debate. Business is good. Asked whether it helps when organizations such as the NFL or IOC ban a substance, Arnold said: "Yes, I'd imagine it does. Even if the substance really has no efficacy, people will want to check it out."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Supplement Boom Is Real, Not Showing Any Signs Of Abating ('The Chicago Tribune' Says Androstenedione, The Testosterone Producing Pill Taken By St. Louis Cardinals Slugger Mark McGwire, Is Just A Tiny Fraction Of The Burgeoning Market Ushered In By The Dietary Supplement Health And Education Act Of 1994) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:53:24 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Natural Supplement Boom Is Real, Not Showing Any Signs Of Abating Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Steve Young (theyoungfamily@worldnet.att.net) Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Contact: tribletter@aol.com Website: http://www.chicago.tribune.com/ Author: Bruce Japsen Section: Front Page NATURAL SUPPLEMENT BOOM IS REAL, NOT SHOWING ANY SIGNS OF ABATING Whether they're called natural supplements, herbal vitamins or what some on Wall Street know as "neutraceuticals," they're part of an industry generating, by some estimates, $8 billion in annual sales. From products like Melatonin, which helps induce sleep and is known to prevent jet lag, to zinc tablets promoted to alleviate common cold symptoms, these dietary supplements are more than just a passing fad, industry analysts say. The sports nutrition segment of the supplement industry is estimated at more than $1 billion. "Gatorade was one of the more popular and first functional foods introduced into the sports world, and look at it now," said William Wong, an equity analyst with Salomon Smith Barney in New York. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 largely is responsible for ushering in this new wave of products that include vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids. Androstenedione, the testosterone-producing pill taken by St. Louis Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire, is just a tiny fraction of the burgeoning market that falls under the act, which doesn't restrict the sale of dietary supplements or require a physician's prescription to purchase these products. Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Olympian Labs, one of about eight known manufacturers of Androstenedione, wouldn't comment when contacted Tuesday. The four-year-old law set up regulatory standards for the supplements separate from the Food and Drug Administration, according to the Congressional Research Service in Washington. The law leaves the industry largely unregulated when compared with pharmaceutical manufacturers. Although Congress has had opportunities to amend the law, the most recent landmark health legislation--the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996--didn't mention regulation of supplements or health food stores, the Congressional Research Service said. Those who sell the products say there's little need for regulation because "they are natural," said Peter Maldonado, Vitamin Department Manager at Sherwyn's Health Food Shops Inc. in Chicago. "Drugs are not naturally occurring in nature like (supplements) are." Most supplements simply carry the label acknowledging that they have not been evaluated by the FDA. The label goes on to say: "This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." The consumer demand for these products is the primary driver behind the decision by Sherwyn's to expand after operating just one store for the last 25 years. Maldonado said a "superstore" at an undisclosed Chicago location will open "very soon." "We're here to complement the body's natural ability to strengthen its immunity and longevity," Maldonado said. As consumers become more health-conscious, the dietary-supplement market is expected to grow even more. "People know they have the ability to correct disease and prevent illness," Maldonado said. "People don't always have to go to a doctor for an upset stomach when they can take some ginger. Every year, this business is becoming more monumental."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug May Combat Severe Social Shyness (A 'Newsday' Article In 'The Seattle Times' Notes Research Published In This Week's 'Journal Of The American Medical Association' About Clinical Tests Funded By SmithKline Beecham Of Its Drug, Paroxetine, Or Paxil, Suggested The Antidepressant May Be Helpful To People With Severe Social Anxiety) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Drug to overcome shyness Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:16:38 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Copyright (c) 1998 The Seattle Times Company Posted at 06:22 a.m. PDT; Wednesday, August 26, 1998 Drug may combat severe social shyness by Jamie Talan Newsday A widely used type of antidepressant also seems to help people with severe social anxiety, a new study finds. For these people, standing in line at the supermarket, going to the bank or even striking up a conversation with a co-worker is painful. A new study comparing SmithKline Beecham's drug, paroxetine (Paxil), to a placebo offers hope that such people can feel more comfortable in social interactions. The fact that the medicine worked so well - 55 percent of those on the medicine improved substantially compared to 24 percent of those on the placebo - also suggests that extreme shyness could be biological. Dr. Murray Stein, lead author of the study, directs the anxiety and traumatic-stress program at the University of California, San Diego. Thirteen centers participated in the study, which was funded by SmithKline Beecham. The results appear in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association. Stein and his colleagues tested the drug on half of the 187 people enrolled in the study. Each of the patients was diagnosed with generalized social phobia. All reported that they have lived with debilitating symptoms since they were teen-agers or even younger. About half the group, Stein said, believe they have always been inhibited. Stein estimates that one in every 13 people falls victim to social phobias, which lead them to avoid social situations entirely. Many patients have said they chose careers in which they could work in isolation. Others said they had turned down promotions because they would have to interact with people. At the end of the 12-week study, more than half the people on the medicine showed marked improvement on anxiety scores, compared to one-quarter of those on placebo medicines. Stein said this difference was impressive, especially for a psychiatric drug. The drug, a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor, regulates the brain chemical serotonin. The fact that it has proved effective suggests that the brain chemical may be involved in pathological shyness.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor In Colombia More Like A Fugitive ('The Houston Chronicle' Says That With Rebels, Paramilitaries And The Army All Fighting For Power In Colombia's Remote Towns And Villages, Nestor Hernandez And Other Mayors Have Found Themselves In A Crossfire) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:52:25 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Colombia: Mayor in Colombia More Like a Fugitive Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: John Otis MAYOR IN COLOMBIA MORE LIKE A FUGITIVE He fears for his life from left and right PUERTO ASIS, Colombia -- Just hours after Nestor Hernandez was sworn in as mayor of this jungle town in southern Colombia, he was abducted by leftist guerrillas, dragged across the border to Ecuador and tied to a tree. That was his comeuppance for defying a rebel order banning newly elected municipal officials from taking office last January. The guerrillas released Hernandez after 11 days, but his troubles were just beginning. In February, he earned the wrath of the Colombian army when he accused officers of collaborating with right-wing paramilitary death squads. A few days later, two grenades exploded in front of his house. "I represent a very high risk of danger," said Hernandez, who took refuge in a friend's apartment after the attack. "No one wants to rent to me. No one wants to be my neighbor." With rebels, paramilitaries and the army all fighting for power in Colombia's remote towns and villages, Hernandez and other mayors have found themselves in the line of fire. In the past three years, 29 mayors have been assassinated, mainly by rebels. Hundreds of town council members have also been killed, kidnapped or threatened, and many have been forced to resign. In the run-up to nationwide municipal elections last October, nearly 40 candidates were shot dead. "To be a mayor here, you have to really love your community," said Gilberto Toro, executive director of the Colombian Federation of Municipalities. Hernandez, 40, says he took the mayoral job with hopes of ending the violence and bringing jobs to Puerto Asis. But he acts more like a desperate fugitive than a city hall power broker. During a recent interview, he wiped the sweat from his face and kept an eye on the street in front of his friend's apartment in case any strangers came calling. He spends half of his $1,500 monthly salary on bodyguards. To fool would-be assassins, he rents a variety of cars and pickups and constantly sends his driver on decoy trips. "I never go to social events," he said. "The bodyguards scare people." For all his determination, Hernandez lacks a real mandate to carry on his mayoral duties. Due to guerrilla threats, nearly all of Puerto Asis' 17,000 eligible voters stayed home during last October's election. Hernandez won with 102 votes. The loser received 55. "It was horrible," Hernandez said of the election. "The guerrillas were everywhere. People who voted risked their lives." Hernandez first learned about political struggle as a university student in Poland. He earned a scholarship to study oceanography in the Baltic port city of Gdansk -- the birthplace of the Solidarity labor union, which led the protests against Poland's Communist government in the 1980s. With a degree and a Polish wife, Hernandez returned to Colombia in 1987. But the only jobs in oceanography were in the navy, which rejected Hernandez because he had studied in the former Eastern bloc. Even today, people call him "the Pole." To make ends meet, Hernandez sold fertilizer and pesticides in Puerto Asis, 335 miles southwest of the capital of Bogota in the impoverished state of Putumayo. The region's main cash crop is coca, the raw material for cocaine. Hernandez advised farmers how to use the chemicals to grow more coca leaves. "If I sold the product, I had to prove to them that it worked," he explained. Later, when Hernandez turned to politics, he developed a more critical view of the drug trade. "None of the profits stay here in the region. What stays are the problems," he said. Puerto Asis' reputation as a regional cocaine center attracted the country's largest guerrilla organization -- the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known by its Spanish initials, FARC. The rebels have financed their 34-year war against the state, in part, by taxing coca farmers and providing protection to drug dealers. The FARC and the smaller National Liberation Army, or ELN, are a dominating power in about 200 of Colombia's 1,074 municipalities, according to Camilo Echandia, an adviser to the Colombian government's peace commission. In these zones, the guerrillas often dictate how city revenues should be spent; they decide who will be hired for municipal jobs. In Puerto Asis, local politics became even more complex with the arrival of the paramilitaries, who are trying to dislodge the rebels. In January and February, paramilitaries killed 38 suspected guerrilla supporters. "They had a list of people and just began killing," said Diego Orozco, the local director of a government program that funds alternative crop projects for coca growers. With the body count rising, Hernandez traveled to Bogota to denounce the killings before the interior minister and the national media. Citing eyewitness accounts from Puerto Asis residents, Hernandez accused the army of providing helicopter support for the paramilitaries. Top army commanders sued Hernandez for slander. But the eyewitnesses, many of whom feared for their lives, would not agree to testify in court. Hernandez was forced to publicly retract his statements. Back in Puerto Asis, someone tossed two grenades at Hernandez's house, seriously injuring a night watchman. Some observers suspect that Hernandez agreed to speak out against the paramilitaries when he was in guerrilla custody. But Hernandez denies that he cut any deals. He insists that his survival strategy involves denouncing human rights abuses on all sides and focusing national and international attention on his predicament. "If they kill me, it would have a huge political cost," he says. "That is my own security." John Otis is a free-lance journalist based in Bogota.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisoners Sew Lips Shut To Protest Ecuador's Justice System ('The Associated Press' Says A 51-Year-Old Woman Arrested For Drug Trafficking Became The 16th Prisoner In The Last Two Weeks To Sew Her Lips Shut At Ecuador's Guayaquil Prison) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Prisoners sew lips shut to protest Ecuador's justice system Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 19:05:45 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Prisoners sew lips shut to protest Ecuador's justice system Associated Press, 08/26/98 23:34 GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) - Without a sound, Fanny Mejia let a fellow inmate in an Ecuadorean prison sew her lips shut with a needle and thread Wednesday to protest the nation's judicial system. A few dots of blood emerged from her lips, which had been splashed with disinfectant but not anaesthetized. Television cameras filmed the event in Guayaquil's prison, but no doctors were present. Mejia, a 51-year-old Colombian woman arrested for drug trafficking, became the 16th prisoner in the last two weeks to sew her lips shut. The 10 men and six women are protesting what they say is the slow pace and unfairness of justice in Ecuador. Some 50 prisoners are on a hunger strike in Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest cities. They say they have spent more than a year in prison awaiting trial, and under Ecuadorean law they should be freed. Ecuador implemented constitutional reforms on Aug. 10. One change is that the courts have one year after a person's arrest to start a trial. After that, the prisoner must be released. More than half the inmates in Ecuador's prisons - about 5,600 of 9,500 - have served more than a year without being tried. Ecuador's courts are reviewing cases to decide who should go free, but only five inmates have been released so far. Human rights groups have long protested that Ecuador's justice system is too slow and that its prisons are badly overcrowded.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecstasy Users Get Mixed Message ('The West Australian' Says The National Drug And Alcohol Research Centre Will Soon Release New Safety Guidelines On How Much Fluid Intake Should Accompany Ecstasy Use) Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 15:39:35 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Australia: Ecstasy Users Get Mixed Message Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: kwr01@uow.edu.au (Ken Russell) Source: The West Australian Contact: FAX: +61 8 94823830 Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: Wendy Pryer ECSTASY USERS GET MIXED MESSAGE ECSTASY users will get new guidelines on how much they should drink to ward off deadly consequences of taking the drug because health experts are concerned they are getting mixed messages. A British study published in the Australian Doctor magazine this month warns ecstasy users not to drink too much while on the drug because it can result in low blood-sodium levels. That condition, known as hypnotraemia, can cause the brain to swell. But National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre researcher Paul Dillon confirmed yesterday that a survey of ecstasy users conducted by the New South Wales centre last year showed users had received mixed messages about fluid intake and were now ignoring advice. Previously, the advice had been that ecstasy users, who often danced for hours and sweated a lot, should drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration, but it was now known too many fluids were also dangerous. The centre will soon release new safety guidelines on ecstasy use. Mr Dillon said because people using ecstasy lost track of time, the advice would be to sip, not gulp, water after every 12 dance tracks, which took about an hour. It would also warn people to drink water and not drink iso-tonic or sports drinks, which could cause a dangerous jump in blood pressure. Alcohol was also out. Mr Dillon said he was concerned that many users of ecstasy believed the drug was harmless. Royal Perth Hospital emergency department consultant Tom Hitchcock said some ecstasy users who came to the hospital were either dehydrated, overhydrated or suffering from hyperthermia, which was when the body overheated. "If they take ecstasy and don't drink water they don't sweat, lose control of their temperature and can suffer severe harm from muscle meltdown," Dr Hitchcock said. The hospital treated ecstasy users on most Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights though the drug was rarely taken in isolation. Many of the problems were caused by a mixture of alcohol and ecstasy.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, Number 61 (A Weekly Summary Of Drug Policy News From The Media Awareness Project) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 12:57:50 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: DrugSense Weekly, August 26, 1998 No. 61 *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY In about 10 minutes a week you can stay aware and informed on drug policy developments worldwide. Consider investing another 10 minutes to write a letter to the editor using the email addresses provided in this publication. You CAN make a difference! *** DrugSense Weekly, August 26, 1998, No. 61 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org/ *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article Public Rallies Can Be A Positive Event for Reform by Kevin B. Zeese * Weekly News In Review Policy- U.S. Government Survey Shows Youth Drug Use On Rise Teens, Armed and Dangerous Junky Genes Editorial - The Mayor's Crusade Against Methadone Forfeiture- OPED - Asset Forfeiture Practices Are Poisoning the Body Politic Canada - Halifax Should Profit From Busts Medical Marijuana- Marijuana Initiatives Bloom Around West Opinion - Prop. 215 On Trial in the McWilliams Case Gravely Ill Cancer Patient Prosecuted For Growing Pot One Last Gasp: Oakland Tries A New Medicinal Marijuana Strategy Recreational Marijuana- $13 Million Of Pot Seized In Shasta County Pot Bust Worth At Least $20 Million Hemp- Pine Ridge Eyeing Hemp As Cash Crop OPED - Clearing The Air About Hemp International News- Drug Eradication Program Fails U.S. officials Deny Direct Colombia Aid In Colombia, Plan To Replace Coca Is Scorned Australia - OPED: Drug Clinics Might Be 'Necessary Evil' Australia - Huge Police Drugs Raid Took Months Of Planning * Hot Off The 'Net Mike Gray's Letter in the Wall Street Journal * DrugSense Tip Of The Week What You Can Do * Quote of the Week President Jimmy Carter * Fact of the Week Methadone Cost Effective *** FEATURE ARTICLE Public Rallies Can Be A Positive Event for Reform by Kevin B. Zeese, President, Common Sense for Drug Policy Along with several other reform activists I participated in the Seattle hempfest last weekend. It gave me confidence that these events can be successful political events that put out the right public image for the reform movement. This is a change in view for me as in the past many of these events resulted in images of public adolescent drug use and spokespersons shouting epithets that scared the public. I understand from the organizers of the event that this year's event was more politically focused -- with more speakers balancing the music. The news reports from the event did not show the classic "kid smoking pot" images instead they showed a healthy looking crowd acting responsibly. The message from the news reports was a political one with virtually no focus on public marijuana use. In signs at the entrance to the event the organizers made it clear that the festival was not a "drug war free zone" and that laws against controlled substances could be enforced by the Seattle police. (Last year there was aggressive enforcement. This year the police presence was minimal -- about the level you would expect for any event with 40,000 people attending.) There was very little marijuana smoke in the air. I was constantly in the crowd or behind stage and only smelled smoke 3-4 times throughout the day. From the stage Vivian McPeak, the organizer of the event said: "if you came to buy or sell pot or other drugs please go home, you're in the wrong place." He combined this with a message that the purpose of the gathering was the need for reform and it was well received. The crowd was also interested in the political message. When Nora Callahan and I spoke from the second stage (the organizers set up the Ralph Seeley Memorial Stage as well as the main stage. The Seeley stage was a smaller one and was a mix of music and politics) the crowd had walked away when the last act ended and before we were introduced. As Nora and I got talking the crowd began to come back and by the time our half hour was up we had a pretty full crowd in front of us. They were drawn into the political discussion. Another measure of interest in politics was the reaction of people to the Common Sense for Drug Policy newspaper. This was the first distribution of the paper so it was an experiment to see the public reaction. We (thanks to Nora Callahan of the November Coalition) had a crew of about ten people working in shifts throughout the day giving out the newspaper. We gave out about 15,000 copies. A search of the grounds afterward and the trash bins found that very few were left behind. People took them readily and kept them. When others organize public events I hope they will learn from this experience. Don't be afraid to emphasize the politics of the drug war and don't be afraid to urge people not to publicly use illegal drugs. People attending need to realize that stopping the drug war and stopping the destruction of lives that goes with the drug war is more important that publicly consuming marijuana. They need to realize the way they act in public will be monitored by our opposition and shown to the public by the media. These events can be successful ones for the achievement of our political goals if organizers work to make them political events with a carefully crafted message of calling for an end to the drug war. Kevin B. Zeese Common Sense for Drug Policy 3619 Tallwood Terrace Falls Church, VA 22041 703-354-5694 (phone) 703-354-5695 (fax) kevzeese@laser.net *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW COMMENT: After completing my first several weekly surveys of the drug news for this newsletter, the overwhelming impression I was left with is that the futility and destructiveness of current policy is already being eloquently documented by our media, week in and week out. All that's needed to gain that insight is to lay aside the false prism of the "evil drug" paradigm through which our news is expected to be viewed, and indeed- has usually been written. Articles are selected from the week's news; clusters of related stories are commented on, retaining headlines, links to sources, and a short excerpt which (hopefully) justify each COMMENT. The hope is two-fold: readers will be kept abreast of trends in the struggle between reform and prohibition and may also gain some fresh insights into the intellectual shortcomings and excesses of prohibition as policy. *** Policy *** COMMENT: The major policy news last week was probably the admission that teen drug use was up yet again. Notice how the bare-bones wire story invoked the usual cliches about marijuana, and rather than failure, drug warriors saw the numbers as justification for their new strategies. Reform was given no ink; the only quibble with official interpretation was from a hawk who worried if the budget would be big enough. Another youth survey confirmed that American teens stubbornly engage in the same kinds of risky behavior as their parents and grandparents did; the major difference is environmental: thanks to prohibition, the products of the illegal drug market are far more potent and easily available to today's kids than they were to us. Probably no scientific finding could more certainly indict current drug policy as both irrational and inhumane than conclusive evidence that liability to addiction is genetically mediated. Another bit of evidence in that direction was announced last week. One more indictment of policy- at least for those of us with a sense of irony- is the mayor's continued war on methadone. His federal critics, McCaffrey included, could never be expected to understand that in using his private moral conviction to overrule medical principle, Giuliani is simply imitating our national policy. *** U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY SHOWS YOUTH DRUG USE ON RISE WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Drug abuse among America's children is increasing, fueled by a continued rise in marijuana use, according to a government survey released Friday. [snip] "We have a serious marijuana problem among our young people,'' said Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala. ``This survey shows that our work in combating drug use must be focused on our young people." [snip] Shalala said the Clinton Administration would continue its push for adequate funding to prevent drug abuse in the nation. Last month, the president launched a five-year, $2 billion media campaign, including television ads designed to encourage parent-child discussions. U.S. Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey said the initial response from that effort has been overwhelming. "Phone calls from parents and children seeking information and help from national and local hot lines have increased 121 percent," McCaffrey said. [snip] Source: Reuters Pubdate: 21 Aug 1998 Author: Joanne Morrison URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n714.a12.html *** TEENS, ARMED AND DANGEROUS Blacks and Hispanics Found More Likely to Fight ATLANTA--Black and Hispanic high school students are more likely than their white counterparts to be a threat to others by carrying weapons or fighting, while whites are more likely to hurt themselves by driving after drinking alcohol, a government study found. The similarities among teenagers were equally stark: About one in three is involved in fights. Almost one of every five carries a weapon or drives after drinking. Almost one in 10 attempts suicide. [snip] "The lesson here is that too many youths continue to practice behaviors that put them at risk--for injury or death now and chronic disease later,'' said Laura Kann, a chief researcher for the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. [snip] Source: International Herald Tribune Contact: iht@iht.com Website: http://www.iht.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 Author: The Associated Press URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n7106.a07.html *** JUNKY GENES SLIGHT genetic variations may make the difference between a person being unlikely to abuse heroin and being predisposed to it. Now researchers in Cincinnati are discovering how small changes in a gene could influence people's tendency to abuse opiates. [snip] Pubdate: Sat. 15 Aug 1998 Source: New Scientist (U.K.) Contact: letters@newscientist.com Website: http://www.newscientist.com/ Author: Nell Boyce URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n706.a04.html *** THE MAYOR'S CRUSADE AGAINST METHADONE Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's drive against methadone maintenance programs for heroin addicts ignores the most authoritative medical advice and could lead to more suffering among those struggling to control their addiction [snip] Mayor Giuliani considers abstinence the more morally acceptable approach to curing addiction. He argues that methadone should be used, if at all, for no more than a few months, and then only as part of an abstinence program. [snip] Source: New York Times Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n712.a10.html *** Forfeiture *** COMMENT: One of the more distressing evils of drug prohibition policy has been increasing use of extortion by police agencies under the rubric of "asset forfeiture." There is shockingly little recognition that when the owner of the seized property is "guilty" forfeiture is a device which gives public servants direct access to the tax-free profits of a criminal enterprise; when the owner is "innocent," it's risk-free stealing by the police. Molly Ivins' ringing denunciation of forfeiture appeared in many dailies around the nation and was long overdue. That a license to steal is attractive to all governments (especially those having to pay for a drug war), is evident from the next article- even our normally conservative and sensible Canadian neighbors are being seduced by it. *** ASSET FORFEITURE PRACTICES ARE POISONING THE BODY POLITIC AUSTIN - And in other news . . . The War on Drugs is ripping up the Constitution, endangering American liberty and encouraging law enforcement officers to act like bandits. The unpleasant ramifications of the War on Drugs are too numerous for one column, but the area of asset forfeiture deserves special consideration. [snip] Source: Austin Star-Telegram Contact: letters@star-telegram.com Author: Molly Ivins URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n713.a05.html *** HALIFAX SHOULD PROFIT FROM BUSTS - COUNCILLOR Province Urged To Share Proceeds-of-crime Account With Municipalities To Help Fund Policing If crime pays, Halifax Regional Municipality should get a share, says Albro Lake Councillor Clint Schofield. Schofield, a member of the city's police commission, said he wants the province to share its proceeds-of-crime account with municipalities, because they pay for law enforcement. [snip] Source: Halifax Daily News Contact: letterstoeditor@hfxnews.southam.ca Website: http://www.hfxnews.southam.ca/ Pubdate: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 Author: Brian Flinn - The Daily News URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n707.a11.html *** Medical Marijuana *** COMMENT: Medical marijuana is an issue which exposes the inhumanity and hypocrisy of doctrinaire prohibition, yet marijuana prohibition is deemed essential to maintaining the huge enforcement edifice which has grown up around policy, thus it can't be relaxed. Even though feds and state narcs have vitiated 215 in California, several new initiatives will be voted on in other states in November. Buckley's column in the OC Register was long overdue notice from the local press of McWilliams' savage treatment at federal hands; it coincided with his release on bail, 4 weeks older and 19 pounds lighter. Buckley also gave us a thoughtful evaluation of the ultimate Constitutional significance of the case. Meanwhile, the felony prosecution of a dying cancer patient in San Bernadino County is the latest obscenity; perhaps they are running out of distributors to prosecute and are now about to concentrate exclusively on patients. Another obscenity is the editorial smugness of the Sacramento Bee in sneering at Oakland's attempt to find a strategy to counter federal frustration of 215. Despite the Bee's uninformed conjecture, the feds might have trouble circumventing their own law. *** MARIJUANA INITIATIVES BLOOM AROUND WEST When Washington voters decide in November whether to legalize the use of marijuana for relief of cancer and other debilitating illnesses, they won't be alone. Voters in Oregon, Alaska, Nevada and, potentially, Colorado will cast ballots on nearly identical measures. [snip] Source: Seattle Times (WA) Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Pubdate: 20 Aug 98 Author: David Schaefer Seattle Times staff reporter URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n712.a08.html *** OPINION: PROP. 215 ON TRIAL IN THE MCWILLIAMS CASE The general mess created by our drug laws has reached a tropical low in Los Angeles, where the storm center gathers over the head of Peter McWilliams. Here is the political background: [snip] It will be a very interesting trial, and it is likely that many institutions will weigh in with amici curiae pleading their own judgments of law, conflicts, drugs and liberty. Meanwhile, one hopes that Peter McWilliams, something if a bird of paradise, is left alone to take proper care of himself. [snip] Pubdate: 8-16-98 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: William F.Buckley Jr URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n706.a01.html *** GRAVELY ILL CANCER PATIENT PROSECUTED FOR GROWING POT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Calif. - A cancer patient who may have only six months to live faces charges of growing marijuana. He and his doctor say his use was strictly medicinal. Timothy Weltz, 38, whose cancer is attacking his lymphatic system, is scheduled to face felony charges Tuesday in San Bernardino County Superior Court. [snip] Pubdate: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 Source: Arizona Daily Star Contact: letters@azstarnet.com Website: http://www.azstarnet.com/ Author: Riverside Press-Enterprise URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n720.a09.html *** ONE LAST GASP: OAKLAND TRIES A NEW MEDICINAL MARIJUANA STRATEGY Proposition 215, the seriously flawed medicinal marijuana initiative approved by voters in 1996, is down to one last legal thread in Oakland. The initiative attempted to amend state law to let seriously ill patients smoke marijuana and their "primary caregivers" furnish them with the otherwise illegal substance. But courts have ruled, and rightly so, that dispensaries known as buyers' clubs don't qualify as caregivers and therefore can't provide the pot. [snip] Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n719.a03.html *** Recreational Marijuana *** COMMENT: As if to emphasize that it's really all about money, two huge pot busts were announced last week in rural California counties. $13 MILLION OF POT SEIZED IN SHASTA COUNTY WHITMORE, Calif. (AP) - Authorities seized 5,000 marijuana plants valued at $13 million and arrested three men in the largest bust of the year in Shasta County. [snip] Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: 21 Aug 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n715.a04.html *** POT BUST WORTH AT LEAST $20 MILLION SAN ANDREAS - Calaveras County and state narcotics forces swooped down on a veritable Mother Lode of marijuana Friday, chopping and pulling more than 10,000 plants from a Sierra hillside plantation about three miles outside of San Andreas. [snip] Source: Modesto Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.modbee.com/man/help/contact.html Website: http://www.modbee.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 Author: Ron DeLacy, Bee staff writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n716.a01.html *** Hemp *** COMMENT: For sheer witlessness, it's difficult to top the federal ban on hemp agriculture, yet DEA lobbyists annually sally forth (at taxpayer expense) to convince legislators in rural states that not only is growing hemp bad agriculture, it's bad economics as well. Nevertheless, pressure to legalize hemp is building and should eventually prove irresistible. *** PINE RIDGE EYEING HEMP AS CASH CROP Some Reservation Officials Are Eager To Produce Commercial Products From Plant Related To Marijuana. PINE RIDGE - Some members of the Ogalala Sioux Tribe are moving forward with plans to cultivate hemp, even if they have to take the Drug Enforcement Administration to federal court. Hemp has grown in the wild for decades on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, despite the DEA's repeated attempts - spraying and dousing with chemicals, setting fields on fire - to wipe it out. Growing hemp, which is a cousin to marijuana, is illegal. [snip] Pubdate: August 14, 1998 Source: The Rapid City Journal (SD) Mail: 507 Main Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 Fax: (605) 394-8462 Author: Associated Press Writer Angela K. Brown URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n6499.a07.html *** CLEARING THE AIR ABOUT HEMP I was quite surprised to read the July 15 Marketplace piece, "This Hemp Beer Is Legal, But Its Ads Hint Otherwise." The article states, "Stalks of the hemp plant are used in rope; its leaves and flowers produce marijuana." This is simply not true. [snip] Recently, several Kentucky farmers filed a suit in federal court, challenging the U.S. government's current ban on growing hemp. Ironically, U.S. farmers can grow an addictive drug crop, tobacco, while growing hemp (a non drug crop) is banned due to a flawed federal policy. American farmers and manufacturers are thus hamstrung, while our foreign counterparts profit by supplying hemp to a growing marketplace. In the long run, market forces-not outdated policies-will prevail. [snip] Source: Wall Street Journal Contact: letter.editor@edit.wsj.com Website: http://www.wsj.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 Author: Erwin A. Sholts, Chrmn - North American Industrial Hemp Council Inc. URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n706.a08.html *** International News *** COMMENT: Colombia remains a major thorn in the administration's side; coca production has actually increased despite eradication efforts, and the Colombian army is overmatched against FARC guerrillas. That the solidly pro drug war Dallas morning News is embarrassing our government by reporting details of clandestine American involvement is at least ironic. The lack of enthusiasm for crop substitution isn't new. The fact is that the Government can't afford subsidies that would rival income from coca and they aren't a presence in the areas where growers are located. In Australia, a steady increase in heroin overdoses has not only rekindled demand For heroin maintenance trials, it has generated demand for injection rooms. While we are used to thinking about Australia as having a heroin problem, the big raid on a methamphetamine ring is a new wrinkle. *** DRUG ERADICATION PROGRAM FAILS BOGOTA - The aerial crop-spraying program favored by the United States to reduce Colombian cocaine and heroin production has failed, the new environment minister said in an interview published Sunday. "The cultivated areas have increased, which demonstrates that fumigation hasn't worked," Juan Mayr, a renowned conservationist, was quoted by Bogota's El Tiempo newspaper as saying. [snip] Source: Associated Press Pubdate: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 Author: Jared Kotler URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n712.a01.html *** U.S. OFFICIALS DENY DIRECT COLOMBIA AID BOGOTA - The U.S. State and Defense departments said Thursday that they do not provide direct support for counterinsurgency operations in Colombia and that neither employs mercenaries here. Their remarks followed a Dallas Morning News report Wednesday that discussed the damage done by repeated Colombian guerrilla offensives to government anti-drug efforts. The report, based on interviews with intelligence and anti-drug operatives in Colombia, said the Clinton administration had launched a multimillion-dollar covert program to help bolster the Colombian armed forces after a series of devastating defeats by the guerrillas. [snip] Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com Author: Tod Robberson URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n718.a07.html *** IN COLOMBIA, PLAN TO REPLACE COCA IS SCORNED SAN JOSE DEL GUAVIARE, Colombia - The optimism of a fresh start. The sweet talk of reconciliation. The promise of a respectable way to make a living instead of growing coca. Dagoberto P. has heard it all before. And this year, he is not buying. Dagoberto, who owns some 40 hectares planted with coca, remembered earlier proposals that went by the names of "alternative development" and "crop substitution" that never materialized. [snip] Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com Author: Tod Robberson URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n718.a07.html *** DRUG CLINICS MIGHT BE 'NECESSARY EVIL' Government run clinics for injecting heroin users have been placed squarely on Canberra's agenda. Some will deplore it and, others will praise it. But a growing number of people from across the health, law-enforcement and welfare sectors see it as a necessary evil. [snip] Source: Canberra Times (Australia) Contact: letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au Website: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/ Pubdate: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 Author: Peter Clack URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n701.a04.html *** HUGE POLICE DRUGS RAID TOOK MONTHS OF PLANNING A massive police operation early yesterday against a sophisticated amphetamine manufacturing ring was one of the largest police efforts in years and the culmination of months of investigation. More than 200 Victoria Police were involved in the operation, in which officers raided properties in three states. In Victoria, 32 houses and one business were raided as part of Operation Orbost, resulting in the seizure of large amounts of drugs, cash, firearms and stolen property. [snip] Source: Age, The (Australia) Contact: letters@theage.fairfax.com.au Website: http://www.theage.com.au/ Pubdate: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 Author: Brett Foley URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n718.a01.html *** HOT OFF THE 'NET *** MIKE GRAY Author of Drug Crazy had the following letter published in today's Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal Circ: 2 Million! Ad value about $12,000 Newshawk: Mark Greer Source: Wall Street Journal Pubdate: August 26, 1998 Contact: letter.editor@edit.wsj.com Website: http://www.wsj.com/ Related: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n651.a11.html A Sane Look at 'Drug Crazy' Dr. Salley Satel's critique of my book "Drug Crazy" (Leisure & Arts, Aug. 5) began with the mistaken premise that our antidrug laws were enacted in response to "a great wave of addiction in the U.S." at the turn of the century. It's not surprising that she's misinformed on this point since this is the conventional wisdom, but it turns out that's not the case. If Dr. Satel would consult her Yale colleague David Musto, the leading historian of that era, she would discover, as I did, that the national scourge of addiction is a totally self-inflicted wound. In 1900 there was no significant drug problem in the U.S. The typical addict was a middle-aged Southern white woman strung out on an opium-alcohol mix called laudanum, and the total number of addicts was probably less than a few tenths of 1% of the population. Says Mr. Musto, "There was a peak in addiction around 1900 and in the teens of this century this number began to decrease and reached a relatively small number (about 100,000) in the 1920s." In truth, both drugs and alcohol were in public disfavor at the turn of the century because the temperance movement had been so successful. But once moral suasion was replaced with police power, we were rewarded with an instant black market, the birth of organized crime, rampant corruption, and violence on a scale unimagined. After a decade of this, people got fed up with the gunplay, and alcohol prohibition sank of its own weight in 1933. Drug prohibition should have ended at the same time for the same reason, but there simply weren't enough drug users to form a political constituency. Instead, they became convenient scapegoats for any passing office seeker who needed to prove he was tough on crime. Addicts will continue to serve this function until we, too, tire of the gunplay, the spread of organized crime, the mushrooming prison population, the rampant corruption, and the steady erosion of the Constitution. Mike Gray Los Angeles *** TIP OF THE WEEK *** Help and volunteerism is what we're about. If you have the abilities and/or desire we need help in the following categories: 1) Letter writers. Read the DrugSense weekly and select an article that motivates you then write a letter using the email address usually provided with the article. Alternately write a letter of response to our weekly FOCUS Alert Subscribe to this by visiting http://www.drugsense.org/hurry.htm 2) NewsHawks. Find news articles on drug policy issues and either scan or copy them and forward them to editor@mapinc.org This can be done by monitoring any of hundreds of on-line newspapers or by scanning articles from you local paper. See: http://www.mapinc.org/hawk.htm 3) Recruiters. Visit newsgroups, email chat lists, and other sources for large groups of reform minded people and encourage them to visit our web pages, subscribe to our DrugSense Weekly newsletter and get involved. 4) Fundraise. We are always short of funding either contribute or try to find others to do so. 5) Start a local reform group in your state or country. If you have 20 people who will help do the above types of activities we will provide a free email list to coordinate your groups activities and provide guidance to get you started. *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK `Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself' - President Jimmy Carter *** FACT OF THE WEEK Methadone is cost effective. Methadone costs about $4,000 per year, while incarceration costs about $20,200 to $23,500 per year. Sources: Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, Vol. 1, pp. 151-52. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press (1990); Rosenbaum, M., Washburn, A., Knight, K., Kelley, M., & Irwin, J., "Treatment as Harm Reduction, Defunding as Harm Maximization: The Case of Methadone Maintenance," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 28: 241-249 (1996); Criminal Justice Institute, Inc., The Corrections Yearbook 1997, South Salem, NY: Criminal Justice Institute, Inc. (1997) [estimating cost of a day in jail on average to be $55.41 a day, or $20,237 a year, and the cost of prison to be on average to be about $64.49 a day, or $23,554 a year]. *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. News/COMMENTS-Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors and Newshawks. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Send any news articles you find on any drug related issue to editor@mapinc.org PLEASE HELP: DrugSense provides this service at no charge BUT IT IS NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. If you are able to help by contributing to the DrugSense effort please Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your contribution to: The Media Awareness Project (MAP) Inc. d/b/a DrugSense PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (800) 266 5759 MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.mapinc.org/ http://www.drugsense.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------
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