------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. No Strikes Again ('Willamette Week' In Portland Says Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber Will Vote No On Measure 57, The Initiative To Recriminalize Possession Of Less Than One Ounce Of Marijuana - The Former Emergency Room Physician And Democrat Says He'll Vote Against Measure 67, The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act)Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 12:22:38 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OR: Dr. No Strikes Again Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Phil Smith (pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org) Source: Willamette Week (OR) Contact: mzusman@wweek.com Website: http://www.wweek.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 Willamette Week 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com DR. NO STRIKES AGAIN Last week Gov. John Kitzhaber made headlines when he announced his opposition to Ballot Measure 64, a proposed ban on clearcuts that he said was too extreme and divisive. We asked the governor his stance on the other November measures. It turns out that Kitzhaber, who vetoed a record number of bills last session, is giving the thumbs down to all but two of the 11 ballot measures. With the possible exception of his opposition to measures 58 (which would give adoptees equal access to their birth certificates) and 66 (which would steer lottery money to parks), there are no real surprises. Here's how Kitzhaber will vote in November. MEASURE 57: Stops 1997 legislation that would recriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. No MEASURE 58: Gives adopted people age 21 and over who were born in Oregon access to their original birth certificates without consent from either birth parent. No (Kitzhaber aide Bob Applegate says he's not sure why his boss opposes the measure but he may fear it will make women less willing to give up their children for adoption.) MEASURE 59: Prohibits the state from helping groups collect political donations through union paycheck deductions. No MEASURE 60: Requires that all statewide elections are conducted by mail balloting only. Yes MEASURE 61: Sets minimum sentences for certain crimes and increases sentences for repeat offenders. No MEASURE 62: Strengthens contribution-disclosure regulations for ballot measures and protects public employee unions from using paycheck deductions as a legal means of fund-raising. No MEASURE 63: Requires two-thirds of voters to vote yes on future measures that would mandate a two-thirds voter turnout to pass tax and bond measures. Yes MEASURE 64: Stops clear-cutting and restricts the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides in logging. No MEASURE 65: Allows citizens to challenge rules created by state agencies by petitioning legislators. No MEASURE 66: Sets aside 15 percent of all lottery revenues for parks and wildlife habitat protection. No (The governor says ongoing expenses, such as parks maintenance, should come from the general fund, not the lottery.) MEASURE 67: Allows people with certain illnesses to cultivate and possess small amounts of marijuana if their doctors recommend it. No Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed 'No On 57' Rallies (Floyd Ferris Landrath Of The American Antiprohibition League In Portland Announces A Meeting Tuesday, September 8, To Plan A Demonstration In Opposition To Oregon Ballot Measure 57, Which Would Recriminalize Possession Of Less Than One Ounce Of Marijuana) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 22:14:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Anti-Prohibition Lg (aal@inetarena.com) To: cannabis-patriots-l@teleport.com Subject: Proposed 'No on 57' Rallies Sender: owner-cannabis-patriots-l@teleport.com Reply-To: cannabis-patriots-l@teleport.com Dear Activists and supporters, I'm suggesting we begin planning public gatherings of supporters for the purpose of showing our opposition to marijuana recrim. What do people in Portland think about a rally downtown on Friday, Oct. 30? There will be a meeting on Tuesday, Sept 8 in Portland to begin planning: 7 p.m. @ the Phantom (3125 SE Belmont, bus #15). Are those of you in Salem, Eugene, Medford, etc. interested in holding simultaneous events? Ideas, suggestions, volunteers, etc. welcome... I also need some more people to make phone calls from home. Please let me know if you'd like to help with that. Thank you. Floyd. 503-235-4524
------------------------------------------------------------------- Policing The Police (A Letter To The Editor Of 'Willamette Week' Says The Recent Portland Police Riot Against Protesters Condemning Police Harassment Is An Outrageous Example Of The Blatant Disregard That The Police Have For Citizens' Constitutional Rights, And A Sample Of The Virulent Racism Of The Police Department) Willamette Week 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com Web: http://www.wweek.com/ Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less. Sept. 2, 1998 POLICING THE POLICE The Portland Police riot against protesters condemning police harassment ["Black & Blue," WW, Aug. 26, 1998] is an outrageous example of the blatant disregard that the police have for citizens' constitutional right to assemble and a sample of the virulent racism of the police department. The more I learned about the incident, the more I shook my head in disbelief--firing on peaceful protesters, revoking a mother's custody rights, reinforcing racist stereotypes on gang-affiliation issues, shutting down a private event. Sounds like a reenactment of the civil-rights struggles in the South. It will take much more than hugs from the mayor to defend the rights of people against police brutality. The subsequent meeting following the police action last weekend did not deal with the real abuses that occurred and offered no solutions. I am impressed with and totally support the position held by Adrienne Weller, District 18 State Representative candidate, that we need a civilian police review board, independent of City Hall, to have some community control over the police. Weller believes that the police should be accountable to the community when their behavior is out of control and they wildly over-react to people exercising their constitutional rights. A civilian review board would provide the community with a means to penalize officers who abridge people's civil and human rights. I agree, especially when the right to assemble to protest unfair treatment is met with brutal force. Jordana Sardo Northeast 88th Avenue
------------------------------------------------------------------- Aid For Seriously Ill (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Seattle Times' Notes The Clinton Administration Is Still Stalling A Full Year After A National Institutes Of Health Group Recommended Policy Changes That Would Have Expedited Medical Marijuana Research - The Clinton Administration Will Be Hard-Pressed To Oppose Voter Initiatives In Six States This November - When The Drug Czar And Others Say That There Should First Be More Research, The Voters Will Say, 'Sorry, You Had Your Chance')Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 09:43:53 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: PUB LTE: Aid For Seriously Ill Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith and Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Seattle Times (WA) Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Author: Aaron Palmer AID FOR SERIOUSLY ILL Medical-marijuana research should be allowed to proceed The Clinton administration is still stalling a full year after the National Institutes of Health (NIH) expert group recommended policy changes that would have expedited medicinal-marijuana research. It is vital that this research be allowed to proceed in order for marijuana to be approved by the FDA as a prescription medicine as soon as possible: Tens of thousands of seriously ill people nationwide are already using marijuana for medicinal purposes - illegally. The federal penalties are up to one year in prison for possession of one joint and up to five years in prison for cultivation of one marijuana plant. People with AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis who are benefiting from medicinal marijuana must live in constant fear of being arrested and sent to prison. On Aug. 8, 1997, the NIH Ad Hoc Group of Experts released a report on its "Workshop on the Medical Utility of Marijuana," conducted on Feb. 19 and 20, 1997. The report urged the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to make it easier for researchers to obtain NIDA's supply of marijuana. NIDA has a monopoly on the legal supply of marijuana for research in the United States. It is now one year since the release of the NIH report, and NIDA still has not changed its unnecessarily restrictive policy. The Clinton administration will be hard-pressed to oppose the medicinal-marijuana voter initiatives in six states this November. When the drug czar and others say that there should first be more research, the voters will say, "Sorry, you had your chance." Aaron Palmer, Kent
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearing Record Upholds Firing Of Police Officer (A Staff Editorial In 'The Columbian' In Vancouver, Washington, Says A Vancouver Police Officer Whose Carelessness With A Flash-Bang Grenade Led To A 13-Year-Old Girl Losing Her Hand Deserved Being Fired)The Columbian 701 W. Eighth St. Vancouver WA 98666 Tel. (360) 694-2312 Or (360) 699-6000, Ext. 1560, to leave a recorded opinion From Portland: (503) 224-0654 Fax: (360) 699-6033 E-mail: editors@columbian.com Web: http://www.columbian.com/ In Our View Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1998 Hearing record upholds firing of police officer Vancouver city officials were justified in wanting to fire Officer Aaron Gibson after a police training incident last summer cost a 13-year-old girl her hand. A close reading of the arbitration hearing transcript -- all 1,428 pages -- suggests that Vancouver Police Chief Doug Maas was acting in the community's best interests when he decided Gibson needed to be removed from the force. The Vancouver Police Officers Guild, which is challenging Gibson's dismissal, views the evidence differently. The arbitrator, whose decision is expected in October, has access to far more information than is contained in the transcript and could decide that the city made a technical error in the firing. However, as Maas testified, if Gibson is reinstated, "it would be a giant step backwards" for the Vancouver Police Department and the community. Testimony at the hearing, conducted over several days in July, leads to several critical conclusions: * Gibson was at fault. Gibson had organized a training session for patrol officers -- not SWAT team members, as commonly but mistakenly believed -- at the abandoned Liberty Court Apartments on Aug. 1, 1997. Left behind after the session were several so-called distraction devices -- explosive charges intended to distract or surprise a suspect in a confrontation with police. Twelve days later, 13-year-old Lieshell Booth found the charges and detonated one. As Officer Steve Neal admitted in his testimony, "The common sense practice would be to check for explosives." Gibson failed to do so, thus violating VPD policies on public safety, care of police property and unbecoming conduct. He also violated the guidelines for use of the apartment, which required a fire truck and other safety precautions if explosives were used. None was present. * Blame was apportioned fairly. The guild has tried to portray Gibson as a scapegoat. In fact, as Maas and others made clear in their testimony, blame was assigned fairly, and all those at fault have paid a price. The girl, who broke into a building that was fenced off and clearly marked with "No Trespassing" signs, will spend the rest of her life without her right hand. The city administration, which did not have proper inventory and control procedures for dangerous weapons, was fined $4,500 by the state Department of Labor and Industries, and Maas was given a 5 percent pay cut. And the officers most directly responsible for leaving the explosives behind were disciplined. Gibson, who was in command, was fired, and Neal, who brought the devices to the training site, was given a 45-day suspension. Hours after Booth was injured, Gibson says he frantically called other officers who were at the training session to ask how many explosive devices had been brought to the apartments. Had Gibson simply asked that question on the day of the training, none of this would have happened. * Gibson's conduct was increasingly troublesome. The officer received above-average and superior marks in his first few evaluations after joining the department in 1992. But later evaluations showed a steady and alarming downhill slide. In a five-year period, Gibson was involved in four traffic accidents while on duty, each of increasing severity and all deemed to be his fault; he was given a one-day suspension for the last of those accidents. In addition, he received a written reprimand for failing to make a required court appearance; was stripped of his status as a field training officer in a vote, not of his supervisors, but mostly of his peers; and was deemed by his superiors on more than one occasion to be a prime candidate for "burnout." * Maas made the call. Despite efforts by the police officers guild to demonize City Manager Vernon Stoner -- an effort that culminated last winter in an ugly, name-calling session before the city council -- Maas made it clear in his testimony that he, the police chief, was the one who decided to discharge Gibson. Other city officials were consulted, and Stoner ultimately executed on the decision because Maas himself was being disciplined for his own culpability in the incident. In other words, the two main pillars of the guild's appeal -- that Gibson's punishment was disproportionate to his offense, and that the punishment was administered by the wrong person -- appear weak at best. Yes, Lieshell Booth was trespassing; yes, Maas as head of the police department failed to make sure that adequate procedures were in place. Both have paid the consequences. Aaron Gibson committed a serious breach of policy. He must pay the consequences, too. Anything less would sully the men and women of the Vancouver Police Department, the vast majority of whom have and deserve the public's trust. -- Michael Zuzel, for the editorial board
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Is A Non-Issue (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Herald' In Everett, Washington, Dismisses The Media-Generated Controversy Over Baseball Player Mark McGwire's Use Of Androstenedione) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 21:04:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: Drug Is A Non-Issue Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Herald, The (WA) Contact: letters@heraldnet.com Website: http://www.heraldnet.com/ Pubdate: Wednesday, 02 September, 1998 Author: LTE, MICHAEL A. WOOD, Arlington MARK MCGWIRE Drug is a non-issue Having listened to the debate over Mark McGwire's use of androstenedione, I can't help but wonder what all the fuss is about. How is his taking a legal substance any different than Sammy Sosa taking ginseng or any of the Mariners taking every vitamin they can lay their hands on? The fact is that he is breaking no laws and any long-term repercussions as a result of McGwire's use are something he will have to deal with when the time comes. The bottom line is people take things to improve their job performance, whether it be five cups of coffee in the morning or a two-pack-a-day habit to meet their need for nicotine. Until the league bans the drug, this should be a non-issue. As for the idea that McGwire is a poor role model compared to Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle, I wonder if drinking so much alcohol that you destroy your liver, thus requiring a transplant that could have gone to someone else qualifies as a "good" role model? When is the last time you saw McGwire's name in the paper due to spousal abuse or for drunk driving? Anyone who knows anything about McGwire knows he is a fine individual who donates part of his salary to a foundation for children in need and who, if memory serves, once refused to take more money because his performance the year before was less than satisfactory to him. They'd also know that as a rookie he hit 49 home runs and the increase in home runs has more to do with the lack of quality pitching in the league than any drug. Public figures as role models is a faulty notion, but given the choices out there, I'll take McGwire every time. MICHAEL A. WOOD Arlington
------------------------------------------------------------------- Treatment For Drug Addicts (Two Letters To The Editor Of 'The Los Angeles Times' Oppose The Imperialistic US Drug War) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:38:54 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: LAT: PUB LTEs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Treatment for Drug Addicts Mike Gray's description of a rational and effective approach to treat drug addiction would never be tolerated by the drug lords. (Commentary, Aug. 26). It would put their multibillion-dollar drug cartels out of business. They can't allow that to happen and would use all their power and money to prevent it. Perhaps this is why it seems to be political suicide to even mention that there might be more creative or unconventional ways to fight the drug problem. WILLIAM T. PARKER MD San Diego *** As a longtime resident of the United States, born in the United Kingdom, I was appalled at the article concerning a heroin addict in Liverpool, who had turned her life and that of her children around as the result of a program in which she was legally provided with an amount of heroin necessary to maintain a productive lifestyle. The woman had held down a job, got off welfare and was caring for her children. As the result, apparently, of pressure from the American Embassy, the program was closed down, and the subject of the article had returned to her previous self-destructive lifestyle. How dare the American government interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign nation? I am disgusted with the spinelessness of the British government for giving in to whatever coercion was applied, but even more am speechless with fury at the highhanded behavior of this country. So many Americans wonder why they are so unpopular in so many parts of the world. Our government would be far better served by attending to its own problems instead of attempting to impose its own failed solutions on others. GILLIAN SANDGROUND Canyon Country Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
------------------------------------------------------------------- What It Takes To Get Assistance (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune' From A Mother Who Needs Public Assistance But Doesn't Have A Drug Problem Shows California And The United States Are Spending So Much Money On Prohibition And Its Collateral Casualties That Other Vital Government Services Are Disappearing) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:53:24 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: LTE: What It Takes To Get Assistance Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jo-D Harrison Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: SLO County Telegram-Tribune Section: Letters to the editor, page B-7 Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com Website: http://sanluisobispo.com/ Author: F. Arias WHAT IT TAKES TO GET ASSISTANCE To the editor: I have recently met with financial difficulties and asked our society for help. What kind of country do we live in when you either have to be in a drug/alcohol program, come from an abusive relationship or be homeless to get emergency housing assistance? I am a mother who has three children, who works and receives child support. This puts me at the bottom of the emergency list. I don't do drugs, have an alcohol problem, come from an abusive relationship or am homeless, YET! What am I doing wrong? Maybe I should do drugs, start drinking and go into an abusive relationship. Will I get help then? Come on, people, what is wrong with this picture? No wonder our country is so messed up. Where are we headed? Something needs to change. F. Arias Paso Robles
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Reward For The Prison Guards' Union? ('Sacramento Bee' Columnist John Jacobs In 'The San Diego Union Tribune' Says The One-Year, 12 Percent Pay Raise California Governor Pete Wilson Gave Last Week To His Political Allies In The State Prison Guard Union Has The Earmarks Of One Of The Sleaziest Quid Pro Quos Seen In Years) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 21:04:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: A Reward For The Prison Guards' Union? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Tom Murlowski (tomm@biospherical.com) Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Contact: letters@uniontrib.com Website: http://www.uniontrib.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Author: John Jacobs, THE SACRAMENTO BEE A REWARD FOR THE PRISON GUARDS' UNION? Gov. Pete Wilson and Don Novey, president of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, are too shrewd and too careful to ever leave behind any trail of improper conduct. But the one-year, 12 percent pay raise Wilson gave Novey's union last week sure has the earmarks of one of the sleaziest quid pro quos the state Capitol has seen in years. The correctional officers' union has long been a major financial backer of Wilson. When he badly needed a huge sum of cash to finance his final week of TV ads in his 1990 race for governor against Dianne Feinstein, CCPOA was there with a half-million dollars. The union has given him other money along the way, up to $1.5 million, as well as help financing other candidates the governor wanted to win. No one would ever be so crass or inept as to link campaign contributions with a pay raise so enormous that it leaves no other money on the table for hundreds of thousands of other state workers who have gone without a raise for nearly four years. Such explicit linkage would be illegal. But there has been enough wink-wink, nudge-nudge activity here to employ a troupe of mimes. You might think the message Wilson wants other state workers to receive is that the way to such a whopping pay raise is twofold: First, pay huge sums to the governor's campaign committees; and second, then be the subject of explosive legislative hearings into serious allegations that your members at Corcoran State Prison beat and arranged rapes of inmates, set up gladiator-style fights among inmates, shot and killed inmates and then imposed a code of silence to impede investigating authorities. Novey is smart. He butters his bread on both sides. His union has also lavishly backed Democrats. Which explains why it is no surprise that the bill approving this outrageous pay raise sailed through both houses of the Legislature last week. Democratic leaders may well be counting on the CCPOA's wad to help finance their legislative elections in the fall. But it is Wilson who stiffed all the other unions. "The question has to come up: Do you have to pay Wilson to get an agreement?" said Dennis Trujillo, spokesman for three state employee groups representing attorneys, scientists and engineers. "Do you give Wilson $1.5 million in order to get $175 million in this agreement? The administration says it got 'pay for performance' and civil service reform. But the groups without an agreement say they have not been offered this. It isn't pay for performance. It's smoke and mirrors." Rick Tullis, a deputy state attorney general and 25-year civil litigator with the state, added: "Wilson has an almost pathological dislike of public employees. We don't even know why he hates us so much, but he despises us. He wants us to change all the civil service rules. We can't do that. And it's all a sham anyway, because he gave a 12 percent raise to the prison guards and didn't get any reform." After seven years on the job, correctional officers now get $3,834 a month, $46,000 a year before the raise, without overtime. And there's lot of overtime. The Department of Corrections has grown so fast in recent years that some guards make sergeant within three years, in which case their pay goes up another 10 percent. To qualify for the job, they need a high school diploma and six weeks' training. And until a recent change in policy, it used to be they were even allowed one felony. By contrast, a first-year assistant professor at the University of California, who needs a Ph.D. from a prestigious university and brilliant recommendations, makes $41,200. That's for one of the most sought-after jobs in the academic world. David Gilb, chief negotiator for the Department of Personnel Affairs, conceded that 7 percent of the raise for prison guards is not subject to Wilson's "pay for performance" standards. But 5 percent is, he said. For that 5 percent, there is an "expansion of the work week," including one hour a week additional training and one hour a week for "pre-watch work activities," which Gilb said was more than just walking from the car to the job and back, as critics alleged. "CCPOA was willing to bargain with us and give us reasonable counterproposals," Gilb said. "The other unions were not." Among the tradeoffs in bargaining, he said, was that CCPOA was willing to allow random drug testing and limits on overtime reduced from 96 hours a month to 80 hours a month, which some guards in some facilities were working. In other words, some guards have been earning $3,348 a month in overtime in addition to their $3,834 a month regular pay. Over a year, that would exceed $86,000. "I have never seen anything that has made people angrier," Tullis said of the 12 percent pay raise. "This is about as bald as I've ever seen," agreed John Hein, chief lobbyist for the California Teachers Association, which is not affected by these pay raises, but which is a longtime Wilson adversary. "This one really stretches credulity." JACOBS can be reached via e-mail at jjacobs@sacbee.com Copyright 1998 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study Finds Drop In Tobacco Sales To Minors (According To 'The Associated Press,' California Health Officials Said Wednesday That Illegal Sales Of Tobacco Products To Minors Dropped By Nearly 40 Percent Since Last Year) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 08:16:56 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: WIRE: Study Finds Drop In Tobacco Sales To Minors Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus/Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: (AP) STUDY FINDS DROP IN TOBACCO SALES TO MINORS SACRAMENTO (AP) -- Illegal sales of tobacco products to minors in California dropped by nearly 40 percent since last year, state health officials said Wednesday. ``This year's dramatic reduction in the number of illegal sales of tobacco products is encouraging news in our battle to reduce youth access to tobacco,'' health director Kim Belshe said in a news release. Stores with illegal tobacco sales totaled 13.1 percent in this year's survey, conducted by the state Department of Health Services. That figure was down from 21.7 percent in 1997. The survey found rates of 29.3 percent in 1996 and 37 percent in 1995. In the survey of 443 stores statewide, youths 15 or 16 years of age -- accompanied by an adult -- attempted to purchase tobacco products over the counter. Teens were most likely to obtain tobacco in discount stores, restaurants and donut shops, which had a 26.1 percent illegal sales rate, Belshe said. Supermarkets were the toughest place for minors to buy cigarettes, selling cigarettes to minors 5.1 percent of the time, the study found. The 1997 survey also found that: -- Liquor stores saw illegal sales decline sharply, from 20.4 percent in 1997 to 11.6 percent this year. -- Gas stations also saw a sharp decline in sales, from 12.1 percent sales rate, down from 27 percent in 1997. -- Drug stores had an illegal sales rate of 11.1 percent. Owners of stores caught selling tobacco to minors during the state sting are fined between $200 and $300 for their first offense.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Jury Probe May Take Longer Than Expected ('The Houston Chronicle' Says A Grand Jury May Take More Than Just Two To Three Weeks To Investigate The Killing Of Pedro Oregon Navarro, An Innocent Man Shot 12 Times From The Rear By Prohibition Agents In Houston, Texas, Who Broke Down His Door Without A Warrant)Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:04:41 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: Grand Jury Probe May Take Longer Than Expected Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Author: Steve Brewer GRAND JURY PROBE MAY TAKE LONGER THAN EXPECTED The grand jury investigation into Pedro Oregon Navarro's death at the hands of Houston police might take longer than the two or three weeks prosecutors initially estimated. By the end of today, grand jurors will have heard three days of testimony and much more information must be presented. The panel meets only on Mondays and Wednesdays and will not meet Monday because it's Labor Day, said Harris County District Attorney John B. Holmes Jr. There's also a scheduling conflict on one other day with panel members who want to hear all the testimony. Prosecutors are also hoping to track down more witnesses in the case, Holmes said. "There's no reason to hurry just to get through with it," Holmes said. "You don't want to rush them. They're not going to do anything until they have heard from every witness. These people have some pieces to a puzzle and they need to see all the pieces." On Monday, grand jurors heard from members of Oregon's family who were in the apartment the night he died. The panel is expected to hear more from them today and it's unlikely the officers involved in the shooting will testify until the end of the inquiry. Oregon, 22, died July 12 in a hail of bullets fired by six police officers who were following a tip from an informant that drugs were being sold in his home. A shot fired by one officer hit another officer in his bullet-resistant vest and knocked him to the floor, police said. The officers, who are now on paid suspensions, apparently thought the shot had been fired by Oregon and they opened fire. They fired about 30 rounds, and 12 of them hit Oregon. Nine struck him in the back, one in the back of the head, one in back of the shoulder and one in the back of the hand. No drugs were found in the apartment and Oregon had not fired a gun at police, though one was found in the apartment. Oregon, who had no criminal record, also had no traces of drugs or alcohol in his system.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Tests For Aldermen Dies For Lack Of A Second ('The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette' Says City Council Members In Fayetteville, Arkansas, On Tuesday Rejected Proposed Drug Tests For Themselves, Saying It Would Be An Invasion Of Privacy And An Example Of Government Intrusion) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 21:04:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US AR: Drug Tests For Aldermen Dies For Lack Of A Second Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR) Contact: news@arkdg.com Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Author: LAURA KELLAMS Arkansas Democrat-Gazette DRUG TESTS FOR ALDERMEN DIES FOR LACK OF A SECOND FAYETTEVILLE -- City Council members on Tuesday rejected proposed drug tests for themselves, saying it would be an invasion of privacy and an example of government intrusion. "When I brought this up, I thought, 'Well, this is a no-brainer,' " Alderman Trent Trumbo told fellow council members. He was wrong. Trumbo's motion to approve the resolution, which called for aldermen to submit voluntarily to the tests, died for lack of a second. Alderman Kit Williams said the resolution "curtails liberty" and as a former U.S. Army officer, he is offended by it. "I view this resolution as dangerous political grandstanding, an invasion of the privacy of every alderman," he said. However, Williams said he will take his own drug test to prove that he is not against the proposal because he is on drugs. "I believe I must prove that even someone with nothing to hide can still strenuously object to this resolution," he said. Alderman Donna Pettus said at first she thought the resolution was no big deal, but then felt insulted the more she thought about it. She said she, too, has nothing to hide. "I don't even know what a marijuana cigarette tastes like," Pettus said. Alderman Cyrus Young said he walked into the meeting thinking he would vote for the resolution but changed his mind. Drug testing does not get to the heart of the issue, he said, which is drug abuse. "Things like this really don't address the problem," Young said. The city randomly tests 198 employees for drugs and will soon raise that number to 443. Ben Mayes, the city's administrative services director, said employees who are tested have "safety sensitive" jobs, such as those with the police and fire departments. Those who drive commercial vehicles for the city also are tested, as required by federal law. Trumbo said he thought the council would set a good example for other employees with the policy. He pointed out that students in the Fayetteville Public Schools are randomly tested for drugs if they want to participate in extracurricular activities. But Williams said he doesn't support that idea, either. "Random drug tests are very similar to the general searches by the British authority that sparked our revolution," Williams said. It's fine to drug test people when there is just cause, but not randomly, he said. "Liberty and the Bill of Rights protect us all, not just those with something to hide."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Clive Officials Hire Lawyer (According To 'The Des Moines Register,' An Iowa State Patrol Report Released Tuesday Says A State Trooper Attending A July Going-Away Party For The City Of Clive's Departing Fire Chief Saw Three People Smoking What He Believed To Be Marijuana - Attorney Fred Dorr Said Tuesday That He Represents Clive City Council Member John Schiefer And Planning And Zoning Commissioner Dave Ennen In Connection With A City Investigation) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 09:43:29 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US IA: Two Clive Officials Hire Lawyer Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Carl Olsen Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 98 Source: Des Moines Register (IA) Contact: letters@news.dmreg.com Fax: (515) 286-2511 Website: http://www.dmregister.com/ Author: Estela Villanueva TWO CLIVE OFFICIALS HIRE LAWYER Trooper Suspected Pot At Fire Chief's Party A state trooper attending a July going-away party for Clive's departing fire chief saw three people smoking what he believed to be marijuana, according to a summary of an Iowa State Patrol report released Tuesday. Clive police and city officials confirmed earlier this week that they were investigating an allegation that a small, silver marijuana pipe was discovered at the event which was attended by at least two city officials and some volunteer firefighters. City Manager Dennis Henderson, though, had said he had no indication that drugs were found. Tuesday, Henderson said he had not read the full state patrol report but that the drug allegations were not mentioned during a conversation he had with the state trooper, D.L. Knutson. Attorney Fred Dorr said Tuesday that he represents a Clive City Council member and a planning and zoning commissioner in connection with a city investigation. Dorr said he represents Councilman John Schiefer and commissioner Dave Ennen, both of whom are volunteer firefighters. Schiefer, who said Monday he attended the party, was out of town Tuesday and could not be reached for comment. Ennen, who hosted the party at his house, did not return phone calls Tuesday. "Right now the situation is under investigation, so I've advised them to cooperate with the investigation," Dorr said. The summary report released Tuesday states that Trooper Knutson attended the party July 26 at 1613 N.W. 102nd St. There, he "observed three subjects he believed to be smoking marijuana." He then "left the party and made a police report that was forwarded to the Clive police department," the report says. Clive police continue to investigate the case, according to the report. The report does not list the individuals' names. Henderson said Knutson has told him that he didn't feel he had enough information for criminal charges. The city manager declined to provide details, saying it involves a personnel matter. He would not confirm whether Schiefer or Ennen is involved. Henderson said he did not expect to get a copy of the state patrol report, but he said that should not change his personnel investigation because he has interviewed others who attended the party. Reporter Estela Villanueva can be reached at (515) 284-8360 or villanuevae@news.dmreg.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- FBI Links Police, Alleged Criminal ('The Des Moines Register' Says An Investigation By The Federal Bureau Of Investigation Has Revealed Possible Links Between Des Moines-Area Police And A Million-Dollar Criminal Enterprise Allegedly Run By An East-Side Des Moines Bail Bondsman Charged With Drug Dealing And Firearms Violations) Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 21:51:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US IA: FBI Links Police, Alleged Criminal Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Carl Olsen Pubdate: Wed, 2 Jun 1998 Source: Des Moines Register (IA) Contact: letters@news.dmreg.com Fax: (515) 286-2511 Website: http://www.dmregister.com/ Author: Frank Santiago, Tom Alex Section: Front Page FBI LINKS POLICE, ALLEGED CRIMINAL A Man Charged With Drug Dealing Is Said To Have 'Extensive Contacts' In Law Enforcement. An FBI investigation revealed possible links between Des Moines-area police and a million-dollar criminal enterprise allegedly run by an east-side Des Moines bail bondsman who has been charged with drug dealing and firearms violations. In an 80-page affidavit detailing an undercover investigation of Robert L. Willson Sr., the FBI contended that Willson had "extensive contacts" in the law enforcement community, which the FBI did not identify specifically. "The names of several police officers have been intercepted by microphone surveillance, and a possibility exists that these law enforcement officers may be providing Willson with law enforcement information," William P. O'Keefe, an FBI special agent, wrote in the affidavit. The document also said a tape of an illegal drug deal that had been kept by the Polk County attorney's office, fell into Willson's hands. The disclosures surprised officials, who said Monday that they knew nothing of a relationship between Willson and police. "I have not talked to the FBI about the Willson case," said Des Moines Police Chief William Moulder. "If they are our officers they are talking about, and if it bears substance, those people will not be employed in law enforcement much longer." Moulder said he will obtain a copy of the document to study it. West Des Moines police also said they weren't aware of the allegations. Polk County Attorney John Sarcone said the information about Willson having a tape from his office was "news to me." "I don't know what tape they're talking about. People say things," Sarcone cautioned, "and that doesn't make it true." Dean Stowers, a Des Moines lawyer who represents Willson, said the document was false and "severely misleading." "He's a bondsman, and periodically people skip out," Stowers said of Willson. "He elicits the help of law enforcement" to find them. Stowers contended that the document, which is contained in one of six search warrants that led to a federal grand jury indictment of Willson, should have been kept under seal by the court. Willson, 49, owner of Freedom Bail Bonds, 1228 East 29th St., was indicted last week along with five others, including his son, Robert J. Willson Jr., 28. They were cited with a series of drug and weapons-related charges after several March raids by authorities on Willson's property. Willson pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. He was being held in jail without bond on Monday. The senior Willson also owns Willson Auto Body, which is next door to the bail bonds office, and a bar at 3800 Army Post Road, which has had several names, including The Edge. Stowers said of the tape, "They (the FBI) don't know what they're talking about. It's a reckless allegation." Stowers said in an interview with The Register, "I'm appalled that you got a copy of it. The reason that it should be under seal is that there are so many loosey-goosey allegations contained in it." He said West Des Moines police investigated Willson last year, and that case "was dumped." He alleged that West Des Moines police apparently walked over to the FBI offices, which are in West Des Moines, and gave them their files. Police have a history of raiding Willson's property as far back as 1981. Des Moines officers applied then for a search warrant of his home and business to look for shotguns, a handgun and a television set. Those items weren't found, but a large quantity of other items was taken. He was arrested on a theft charge, which was later dismissed. Willson, according to records, sued authorities, including police officers, alleging they had overreacted. The Iowa Supreme Court found that he was entitled to recover. Stowers said police have not forgotten the case. "He got the upper hand in court, and they have been trying to drop the hammer on him since." Using hidden tape recorders and video cameras, and several informants, the FBI and local law enforcement in 1997 tracked Willson. In the FBI affidavit, he was accused by an informant of coercing his bail bond customers to steal, as a sort of modern day Fagin, the Charles Dickens character in "Oliver Twist" who employed boys as thieves. At Willson's Freedom Bail Bonds, the FBI contended, Willson showed an informant a handgun in a bag and said, "Now go out and rob that guy and get me some money you owe me for the bonds." An informant said of Willson's customers, "These individuals do not complain to authorities because: 1) they do not want their bonds pulled by Willson Sr., and 2) they are afraid of personal retribution by Willson Sr., or members of his organization." The FBI said they were told by the same informant that "prostitution and narcotics sales are a regular occurrence at The Edge Bar." Another informant told of fencing "chain saws, air conditioners, car radios/disc players, camera equipment, televisions" with Willson in his office at the body shop. The FBI said that Willson routinely paid between 30 cents and 50 cents on the dollar for stolen property or property obtained by writing bad or forged checks. Other allegations contained in the FBI document: * An "associate" recruited an informant to steal garbage bags from various Des Moines banks for $100 per bag. The trash was used to identify bank account numbers and names for a particular bank and bank accounts. Deposit slips were then written onto those accounts. A deposit slip for, say, $5,000, would request $200 in cash, which the thief pocketed. * An informant said the enterprise made $5,000 a day legally from the bail bond business, the bar, and body shop, plus $20,000 a day illegally. * On March 2, 1998, the FBI said, a man went to the bail bonds office to say he had stolen "at least three John Deere lawn tractors with mowers from an unidentified implement company." Reporter Frank Santiago can be reached at (515) 284-8528 or santiagof@news.dmreg.com Reporter Tom Alex can be reached at (515) 284-8088 or alext@news.dmreg.com PLACES OF BUSINESS Robert L. Willson Sr. owns three Des Moines businesses: The Edge, top photo, a bar at 3800 Army Post Road; Willson Auto Body, center, on East 29th Street in Des Moines; and Freedom Bail Bonds, located at 1218 E. 29th St., next door to Willson Auto Body. Register Special Report In an affidavit, The FBI states: Names of police officers were caught on surveillance tapes. Evidence from county attorney's office wound up in the wrong hands. Informants were recruited to steal garbage from banks, enabling thefts from accounts.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer Indicted In Drug Case ('The Philadelphia Inquirer' Says Philadelphia Police Officer Peter W. Henry Has Been Indicted On Charges Related To Laundering Money For A Marijuana Ring) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Officer indicted in drug case Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 19:46:42 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Philadelphia Inquirer Pubdate: 9/2/98 Officer indicted in drug case Peter Henry had a lucrative second job laundering money for a drug ring, according to a grand jury. Officer Peter W. Henry is accused of aiding a marijuana ring. By Joseph A. Slobodzian INQUIRER STAFF WRITER Though he had worked only as a city police officer, Peter Henry drove a Mercedes-Benz and deposited large sums of cash -- once as much as $16,000 -- in his personal account at the Philadelphia Police and Fire Federal Credit Union. Thriftiness, federal prosecutors say, had nothing to do with it. According to a federal grand jury indictment unsealed yesterday, Henry, 35, of Wynnefield Heights, was moonlighting as a money launderer for Corbin Thomas, an alleged West Philadelphia marijuana trafficker who fled to Jamaica late in 1995, a month after the murder of his estranged wife, Hope Smith Thomas, 29. Named with Henry in the 33-count indictment yesterday were Thomas, 35, and his nephew, Winston "Titos" Thomas, 34. Corbin Thomas was described as the head of a drug ring that made more than $1 million from 1990 through 1995 selling thousands of pounds of marijuana. Police once suspected Thomas' nephew, also known as Michael McPherson, of having been the man in the "wolf man" mask who shot Hope Thomas to death on Nov. 14, 1995, after accosting her and her daughter, Danielle, 7, outside their Cedarbrook home. Corbin Thomas was questioned about the murder, but neither he nor his nephew was ever charged. Yesterday's indictment does not mention that crime. It deals solely with Corbin Thomas' alleged West Philadelphia-based marijuana ring. Speaking at a Center City news conference with District Attorney Lynne M. Abraham and Police Commissioner John F. Timoney, U.S. Attorney Michael R. Stiles described Thomas' gang as an "exceptionally large-scale, violent marijuana-distribution ring." Stiles said that the ring bought the marijuana in bulk in Southern California and that it was flown to Philadelphia -- 85 pounds at a time -- inside the luggage of female couriers, many of them allegedly recruited by Henry. Henry, who served in West Philadelphia's 16th Police District until police officials learned of the federal probe last year, surrendered to the U.S. Marshals Service yesterday morning. Timoney said he would move to fire him within 30 days. "This is not just embarrassing but pretty disturbing," the commissioner said. Henry entered a plea of not guilty to conspiracy and money-laundering charges during a brief appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter B. Scuderi. Scuderi freed Henry after he posted 10 percent of $200,000 bail. Henry's attorney, Joel I. Fishbein, declined comment. Also indicted were Henry's half-brother, Richard Davis, 27, and cousin, Livingston Hall, 27, both of Philadelphia. The indictment alleges that the men bought and resold marijuana from Thomas' organization. Both men were arrested without incident and ordered held pending a formal bail hearing next Wednesday. They were awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to marijuana-conspiracy charges two years ago involving a different West Philadelphia drug ring. Stiles said Corbin and Winston Thomas are believed to be hiding in Jamaica, as are three associates also indicted yesterday: Gary S. Gordon, 29, of New York City, described as Corbin Thomas' "right-hand man" in the marijuana ring; Ruel N. Laidlaw, 32, of West Philadelphia, described as a a Thomas "enforcer"; and Patricia Frydlewicz, 30, a West Philadelphia woman who allegedly smuggled marijuana from California for Thomas and helped recruit other women as couriers. Stiles said that arrest warrants had been issued for the five fugitives and that Jamaican authorities had agreed to extradite them when they are located. According to the indictment, the friendship between Corbin Thomas and Henry went back at least to the early 1990s and grew strong enough that Henry chose Thomas to be the best man at his wedding in 1995. In addition to recruiting couriers, Henry informed Thomas and others about police activities and coordinated legal counsel for arrested ring members, the indictment says. Mostly, Henry laundered proceeds from marijuana sales by depositing large quantities of cash in his account at the police credit union, withdrawing varying amounts and using the money to buy automobiles to be used by Thomas and others, according to the indictment. Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert K. Reed said Thomas also laundered money by performing more than $200,000 in renovations to his house in the 7900 block of Fayette Street and by building a house in his native Jamaica,
------------------------------------------------------------------- City Police Say Panel Withheld Findings Against 108 Officers ('The New York Times' Says More Than 100 Cases Of Police Brutality And Misconduct From 1993 Through 1995 Were Deemed Credible By The Civilian Complaint Review Board, But The Independent Agency That Monitors New York City Police Never Forwarded Its Decisions To The Department So It Could Discipline The Officers) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: NYC Police Say Panel Withheld Findings Against 108 Officers Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 19:22:53 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net September 2, 1998 The New York Times City Police Say Panel Withheld Findings Against 108 Officers By MICHAEL COOPER NEW YORK -- Raising new questions about New York City's ability to root out police brutality and misconduct, officials acknowledged Tuesday that more than 100 cases of police misconduct were deemed credible by the independent agency that monitors the police but were never forwarded to the Police Department so it could discipline the officers. The failure of the agency, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, to forward the cases -- all between 1993 and 1995 -- means that the 18-month statute of limitations for disciplining the officers has now passed, making it unlikely that any will be punished. The full extent of the problem and its causes were not yet clear Tuesday, but officials at the Police Department and the review board said it appeared that 87 complaints of police misconduct involving 108 police officers were investigated by the review board and found to be substantiated but were never sent on to the department, which has the sole authority to discipline its officers. The revelation that 108 officers found to have committed misconduct were never disciplined set off new rounds of criticism of the already beleaguered review board, caused review board officials to blame their predecessors and led some board members to complain that they were not apprised of the situation for months. The problem was first reported Tuesday in The Daily News. While the review board has been beset with problems since it was formed in 1993 -- most recently last December, when the board announced that a clerical error had led it to undercount civilian complaints and obscure a sharp increase in the complaints between the Abner Louima case in August 1997 and the mayoral election last November -- critics said that its failure to forward the 87 cases was among its most serious lapses. The figure is statistically significant to a review board that substantiates fewer than 300 cases a year, officials said. Norman Siegel, the executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said: "In the five-year history of the independent Civilian Complaint Review Board, this looms as the most serious ineffectiveness and potentially should result in the dismissals of the senior staff and a change in the makeup of the board, depending on who knew what when. Eighty-seven people have had their rights violated." The issue surfaced the day after Mel Barkan resigned as chairman of the review board and was replaced by Frank Wohl. Barkan said in an interview that his resignation was for professional reasons and had nothing to do with the mislaid cases. Both the Police Department and the review board claimed credit for uncovering the problem. Marilyn Mode, the department's deputy commissioner for public information, said the police discovered the problem in the fall of 1997 when, in the wake of the Francis Livoti case, the department began monitoring officers with numerous substantiated civilian complaints against them for using excessive force. When the department looked up individual officers in the review board's computers, Ms. Mode said, they found that a number of officers had been cited for substantiated complaints that were never forwarded to the department. Ms. Mode said that the police told the review board about the problem at a meeting Dec. 16 and in a letter Dec. 31. Barkan said the problem was discovered by the review board at the same time that its executive director, Gene Lopez, began an audit to try to clear up statistical discrepancies that came to light as the board tried to prepare a report examining how many cases were substantiated each year. The fact that board officials knew of the problem for nearly eight months without telling the public or even all the members of the board disturbed some of the members. "Why were we only told of it within days of Barkan's leaving?" asked William Kuntz, a board member who will serve on a panel to investigate the issue. "They run this place on a need-to-know basis." Barkan defended his handling of the case, saying: "I think it was addressed appropriately, first by the staff, then by a committee, then to the whole board and now to a panel," he said. "This is for matters that were not properly handled between 1993 and 1995. I wasn't there in those years. To the degree that it was a mess in those years, we were trying to clean this up." Kuntz said that the review board should have acted more quickly. "If they discovered some cases back in December of '97, they should have been sent on right away," he said. "The notion that I was sitting and deciding cases and that somebody wasn't handing them over to the Police Department is a total outrage. What are we supposed to do, lick the envelopes?"
------------------------------------------------------------------- Musicians, Actors And Activists Come Together For First Ever 'Spitfire Tour' (A List Subscriber Publicizes The National Tour Of College Campuses, Opening October 10, Featuring Marijuana Law Reform Activists Woody Harrelson And Todd McCormick, Together With Music Industry Celebrities Krist Novoselic Of Nirvana, Amy Ray Of Indigo Girls, Jello Biafra Of The Dead Kennedy, Exene Cervenka Of X, Veejay Kennedy Of MTV And More) From: "Todd McCormick" (todd@a-vision.com) To: "DRC LIST" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: MUSICIANS, ACTORS & ACTIVISTS COME TOGETHER Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 15:19:14 -0700 MUSICIANS, ACTORS & ACTIVISTS COME TOGETHER FOR FIRST EVER 'SPITFIRE TOUR' Speakers include Krist Novoselic (Nirvana), Woody Harrelson (Actor), Amy Ray (Indigo Girls), Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedy's), Exene Cervenka (X), Kennedy (MTV) & many more. The Spitfire Tour is the first ever package tour of musicians, actors, and activists speaking out on global affairs. The Spitfire Tour was co-concieved by human rights activist Zach De la Rocha (Rage Against The Machine). The Spitfire Tour, which will be moderated by free speech advocate Krist Novoselic (Nirvana/JAMPAC), will visit college campuses throughout October. Krist will be joined by a minimum of four other artists per date. The objective is to expose, enlighten and entertain, while instigating action. The Spitfire Tour will have an aggressive and entertaining format which will include music & video elements. Each artist will receive a minimum of 15 minutes to speak his or her mind, followed by a one hour group Q&A session with the audience. Venue capacities range from 2,000 - 12,000 per date, and tickets will be distributed through each college's campus activities department. Additionally, after the main event, each artist will partner with an invited activist to host their own private discussions in smaller 100-200 seat breakout rooms. Tickets to these intimate discussions will only be available through local charities & activist groups, thus promoting and empowering their efforts. Those not attending these discussions can tour the campus which will contain booths with local and national charities and political groups. The Spitfire Tour is sponsored in part by JAMPAC, Mother Jones, Deep E Co, Global Exchange, Rock The Vote, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, The National Commission for Democracy In Mexico, and Living Tree. The Spitfire Foundation recognizes the impact that these speakers have upon their audience. By personal connections and grass roots interaction, we believe that positive change can be made. For more information please visit Spitfire on the web ~ www.spitfiretour.com. DATES & SPEAKERS: (additional speakers are likely to be announced on all dates) October 1st, Clemson University, SC. Capacity: 10,000 1. Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) - Censorship 2. Kennedy (MTV) - Personal Responsibility 3. Woody Harrelson (Actor) - Hemp, Envronment & associated issues 4. Todd McCormick (Activist) - Medical Marijuana 5. Amy Ray (Indigo Girls) - Gay Rights, Tracey 6. Tracey Conaty (Activist) - Gay and Lesbian Rights October 18th, UC Berkeley, CA. Capacity: 2,000 1. Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) - Censorship 2. Kennedy (MTV) - Personal Responsibility 3. Woody Harrelson (Actor) - Hemp, Envronment & associated issues 4. Todd McCormick (Activist) - Medical Marijuana 5. Exene Cervenka (X) - Society's Toll On Mental Health October 26th, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN. Capacity: 1,500 1. Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) - Censorship 2. Woody Harrelson (Actor) - Hemp, Envronment & associated issues 3. Todd McCormick (Activist) - Medical Marijuana 4. Kennedy (MTV) - Personal Responsibility (more tba) October 27th, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Capacity: 12,000 1. Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) - Censorship 2. Kennedy (MTV) - Personal Responsibility 3. Woody Harrelson (Actor) - Hemp, Envronment & associated issues 4. Todd McCormick (Activist) - Medical Marijuana 5. Amy Ray (Indigo Girls) - Zapatistas 6. Cecilia Rodriguez (Activist) - Zapatistas
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Awareness Seen To Begin At Age 13 ('The Orange County Register' Version Of Yesterday's News About The Latest CASA Survey On Youth Drug Use Rates) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:53:55 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Drug Awareness Seen To Begin At Age 13 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ DRUG AWARENESS SEEN TO BEGIN AT AGE 13 Few 12-year-olds know how to buy marijuana or know someone who has used hard drugs. But that changes just one year later, according to a survey released Tuesday that suggests the transition from 12 to 13 is a critical time in the battle against teen drug use. Just as children are becoming more exposed to drugs, their parents are losing influence over their lives, argues the survey from Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. "America's children have been crying out for help, and not enough people are listening," said Joseph A. Califano Jr.' the center's president and a former secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the Carter administration. The survey also found that teens think the drug problem is considerably worse than their teachers and especially their principals do. For instance, 78 percent of teens say their schools are not drug free; just 18 percent of principals agree.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Survey - Drugs More Accessible At Age 13 (The 'USA Today' Version) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 12:49:26 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Survey: Drugs More Accessible At Age 13 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Source: USA Today (US) Contact: editor@usatoday.com Website: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nfront.htm Pubdate: 2 Sep 1998 SURVEY: DRUGS MORE ACCESSIBLE AT AGE 13 WASHINGTON - Few 12-year-olds know how to buy marijuana or know someone who has used hard drugs. But that changes just one year later, according to a survey released Tuesday that suggests the transition from 12 to 13 is a critical time in the battle against teen drug use. Just as children are becoming more exposed to drugs, their parents are losing influence over their lives, argues the survey from Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. "America's children have been crying out for help and not enough people are listening," said Joseph A. Califano Jr., the center's president and a former secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the Carter administration. The survey also found that teens think the drug problem is considerably worse than their teachers and especially their principals do. For instance, 78% of teens say their schools are not drug free; just 18% of principals agree. And while only 15% of high school principals say the school drug problem is getting worse, half of students and 41% of teachers think the same. "Principals make monkeys of themselves as they reveal their see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil posture," Califano said. The annual survey found that for the fourth consecutive year, teens said drugs were the most important problem they face. And the number of high school students who report that drugs are used, sold and kept at their schools continued to inch up, rising from 72% in 1996 to 78% this year. Overall, 41% of 17-year-olds said they had smoked marijuana, while 39% said they drank and 23% said they smoked in the previous 30 days. Among 12-year-olds, 9% reported drinking in the past month, while just 1% say they'd smoked recently and 2% reported using marijuana. The survey found those rates increased most sharply between ages 14 and 16, yet attitudes and exposure to drugs change earlier, with the most dramatic differences between ages 12 and 13. A 13-year-old is about three times as likely to know a teen who uses hard drugs and to know how to buy drugs. More than three times as many 13-year-olds say they wouldn't report a student they saw using drugs. "In no other year do teens' perceptions and attitudes shift so markedly," the center concluded. A 13-year-old is less afraid of getting caught using illegal drugs and relies less on parents - and more on friends - in making important decisions. Twice as many 13-year-olds have no adult at home after school. The survey also concluded: Teens who regularly attend religious services are much less likely to smoke cigarettes, use marijuana or hang out with people who drink and use drugs. Teens who have never smoked marijuana are more likely to always eat dinner with their parents and to rely on their parents' opinions. Pot smokers are more likely to hang out with friends after school and less likely to listen to music or do homework after school. Teens who use one substance are more likely to use another: Smokers are more likely to drink and use marijuana; pot users are more likely drink. The survey was conducted in May, June and July of 1,000 teen-agers, 824 teachers and 822 principals. The margin of error for teens was plus or minus 3 percentage points; for teachers and principals it was 3.5 percentage points. COPYRIGHT 1998 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Change In Drug Awareness Is Found From Age 12 To 13 ('The Boston Globe' Version) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:48:05 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US MA: Big Change In Drug Awareness Is Found From Age 12 To 13 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Source: Boston Globe Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Contact: Letters@globe.com Website: www.boston.com/globe BIG CHANGE IN DRUG AWARENESS IS FOUND FROM AGE 12 TO 13 Worsening Problem In Schools Cited Associated Press, 09/02/98 WASHINGTON - Just as young teenagers are becoming more exposed to drugs, their parents are losing influence over their lives, according to a new survey that suggests ages 12 and 13 are critical years in the fight against drug use. Few 12-year-olds know how to buy marijuana or know someone who has used hard drugs, but about three times as many do by age 13, according to the survey from Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. Joseph A. Califano Jr., the center's president, who was secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the Carter administration announced the study findings yesterday in Washington. The survey also found that teenagers say the drug problem is worse than their teachers and especially their principals do. For instance, 78 percent of teenagers say their schools are not drug free; just 18 percent of principals agree. And while only 15 percent of high school principals say the school drug problem is getting worse, half of students and 41 percent of teachers say it is. The annual survey found that for the fourth consecutive year, teenagers said drugs were the most important problem they face. And the percentage of high school students who report that drugs are used, sold, and kept at their schools continued to climb, rising to 78 percent this year from 72 percent in 1996. Among 12-year-olds, 9 percent reported drinking in the past month, while just 1 percent said they had smoked recently and 2 percent reported using marijuana. The survey found those rates increased most sharply between ages 14 and 16, yet attitudes and exposure to drugs change earlier, with the most dramatic differences between 12- and 13-year-olds. The telephone survey was conducted in May, June, and July with 1,000 teenagers, 824 teachers, and 822 principals. The margin of error for teenagers was plus or minus 3 percentage points; for teachers and principals it was 3.5 percentage points.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Children Surrounded By Drugs, Study Finds ('The Houston Chronicle' Version) Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 21:04:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Children Surrounded By Drugs, Study Finds Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Author: STEVE LASH, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau CHILDREN SURROUNDED BY DRUGS, STUDY FINDS Parents and educators in denial, official says WASHINGTON -- Increasing drug use among middle- and high-school students will continue unless parents, principals and teachers recognize the pervasiveness of drugs and become more involved with students, a leading anti-drug advocate said Tuesday. "When we send our children to middle and high school, we are tossing them into turbulent seas of illegal drugs, alcohol and nicotine," said Joseph A. Califano Jr., chairman of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York. "Basically, a drug-free school is an oxymoron in America." Califano released a national survey in which 430 of the 1,000 middle- and high-school students polled said that a 13-year-old can buy LSD, cocaine or heroin at school. Twenty-six percent said the drugs could be purchased within one day. The survey, conducted by The Luntz Research Cos. of Arlington, Va., between May and July, also revealed differing perceptions among students, administrators and teachers. While 78 percent of high school students reported drug use at their schools, 82 percent of their principals and 56 percent of their teachers said their schools are drug free. The survey polled 822 principals but did not specify how many of them were affiliated with high schools or middle schools. In addition, Luntz Research contacted 478 high-school and 345 middle-school teachers. "Starkly put, in 1990s America we have created for children at the moment of their entry into their first teen year ... a world where drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are widely available at school and from classmates," said Califano, who served as secretary of Health, Education and Welfare during the Carter administration. "It is a world where parents, teachers and principals are in such a state of denial about the risk of substance abuse these children face that they are not providing the support these children need." The study, funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, found that children whose parents spend time with them after school, at meals and in places of worship report the lowest incidents of drug use. Califano cited the finding in urging parents to "be less self-indulgent, more attentive to our children and more willing to talk to them" about drug abuse. The study, "Back to School 1998," is the fourth-annual survey the center has commissioned from Luntz Research. In each of the four years, a plurality of students between ages 12 and 17 reported drugs as the greatest problem they face, surpassing other social pressures. For the third straight year, the percentage of students reporting that drugs are used, sold and kept at school has risen, to 78 percent this year from 72 percent in 1996. "America's children have been crying out for help, and not enough people are listening," said Califano, who also served as Johnson's chief assistant for domestic affairs. "Parents, teachers and principals should not fear failure. What they should fear above all is the judgment of God and history if we, the most affluent people on earth, do not make the time and commitment to give our children the moral and social strength to cope with the world of illegal drugs, cigarettes and alcohol into which we thrust them as they enter their first teen year." The National Education Association, a teachers' organization, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals vehemently objected to the depiction of teachers and principals as being unaware of drug use in their schools. However, the groups hailed the survey for keeping the focus on the scourge of teen-age drug use and said parents and civic leaders, in addition to teachers and principals, must be vigilant in the fight against drugs. "It's only going to be solved by bringing all the people who influence kids together," said Jerald Newberry, executive director of the education association's health information network. Copyright 1998 Houston Chronicle
------------------------------------------------------------------- New Concerns Raised About Health Effects Of Viagra ('Reuters' Says Several Letters Printed In Thursday's 'New England Journal Of Medicine' Suggest The Potential Health Dangers Of Pfizer's New Anti-Impotence Drug May Be More Extensive Than Warnings Indicate) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 16:07:55 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: WIRE: New Concerns Raised About Health Effects Of Viagra Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 14:18:17 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Reuters Author: Gene Emery NEW CONCERNS RAISED ABOUT HEALTH EFFECTS OF VIAGRA BOSTON (Reuters) - The potential health dangers of the anti-impotence drug Viagra, especially for men with heart problems, may be more extensive than warnings indicate, said researchers in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine. Letters published in the journal raised new red flags about Viagra for men with heart trouble and disclosed a possibly fatal lung complication. Another letter tracked bladder infections in women whose spouses said they used the drug. The popular prescription drug is already known to be hazardous to people with heart disease who take nitrate drugs, such as nitroglycerin tablets. But Dr. P.K. Shah of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles describes two men with heart disease and not taking nitroglycerin who experienced problems after taking Viagra. One man, 71, had received an implanted defibrillator that delivers a shock if the heart develops an abnormal rhythm. The man had not received a shock for six months. But after taking Viagra and having sex ``he received three shocks, each a few minutes apart.'' After the third shock, he decided to stop, said Shah. Tests later showed his heart rhythm had been dangerously disrupted. In the second case, a 52-year-old man whose heart had also been damaged by a heart attack, developed an abnormal heart rhythm after Viagra-assisted sex. His heart had to be ''shocked'' back to normal. Shah said caution should be exercised in prescribing sildenafil (the generic name for Viagra) to men with a history of abnormal heartbeats. Viagra researchers responded in a letter to the medical journal that the risk of heart problems rises by 2.5 times in the two hours following sexual activity. In clinical trials, the rate of chest pains was the same in men taking Viagra as those who took only a placebo. Officials with Pfizer declined to comment on the letters, and referred to the response from the Viagra researchers. In another letter, Ira Schwartz and Dr. David McCarthy of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine cite a recent study showing that 31 percent of men with heart disease do not get enough oxygen to their heart muscle during sex. Although 7 percent do not experience any chest pain, 24 percent do, and they might take - or be given - nitroglycerin to treat it. They suggest giving an exercise test to potential Viagra users with heart disease to help predict which men may be at risk. The combination of nitroglycerin and Viagra can cause a deadly drop in blood pressure, as the drug's manufacturer, Pfizer Inc. has warned. Another letter described an 82-year old man who developed a fatal lung problem after taking three Viagra tablets over a two-day period. The letter said that Viagra should be used with care in people who might be predisposed to lung bleeding. The Viagra research team said in their letter they were unaware of any similar lung problems among Viagra users. A letter from doctors at Newton General Hospital in Covington, Ga., reported bladder infections in 15 of 100 women whose spouses received Viagra. ``Men treated with sildenafil should be advised to tell their female sexual partners'' to drink plenty of water and empty their bladders immediately after sex to avoid an infection, they said. Last month, the Food and Drug Administration reported that it had identified at least 69 deaths in the United States that might be linked to Viagra. However, as in the cases cited in the New England Journal of Medicine, a direct cause-and-effect relationship has not been established. Twelve of the 69 men had taken nitroglycerin or some other nitrate medicine and 18 died during or immediately after sex. Most had some type of risk factor for heart disease. The FDA cautioned that ``an accumulation of adverse event reports does not necessarily indicate that the adverse event was caused by the drug.'' An underlying disease or some other factor might be responsible in these cases, the FDA said. During the first four months Viagra was on the market, more than 3.6 million prescriptions for the drug were filled.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Emery Direct Seeds Raided! (A List Subscriber Provides Details About The Latest Development In The Politically Motivated Vendetta By Officials In Vancouver, British Columbia, And Asks You To Write Letters To Vancouver Media And Public Officials On Emery's Behalf) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Marc Emery Direct Seeds Raided! Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 08:33:28 -0700 Lines: 110 MARC EMERY DIRECT MARIJUANA SEEDS RAIDED! By Dana Larsen Marc Emery Direct Seeds was raided today (Wednesday, September 2). At 5:15 pm, six Vancouver cops stormed the office, taking three employees to jail where they will spend the night. Marc Emery was not in the office, and he expected to have to turn himself in on Thursday morning. However, police called Marc at home to inform him that they will not be arresting him until Friday. They claim that this is because they need the time "for the warrant to go through". However, it is also a long weekend, and so Marc will likely stay in jail from Friday until Tuesday, four long nights. If they arrested him on Thursday he would only spend one night in jail. This raid on Marc Emery Seeds is clearly part of Mayor Philip Owen and Police Chief Bruce Chambers' personal vendetta against Marc Emery. Marc is already facing eight counts of selling marijuana seeds, from the January 1996 raid on Hemp BC. The trial date has been postponed and delayed countless times, and has been finally set for April, 1999. City authorities clearly want to drive Marc out of business without having to risk a trial by jury. City Hall has been intensifying their efforts against Hemp BC and Marc Emery in recent months. Hemp BC was raided on December 17, and then again on April 30, two months after Marc Emery had sold it to Sister Icee. City officials have also been slandering Hemp BC in the media. Even though Hemp BC has not sold marijuana seeds since Marc sold the store to Sister Icee back in March, Vancouver Police Media Liaison Anne Drennan recently told a local newspaper that Hemp BC sells both marijuana seeds and actual marijuana over the counter! Meanwhile, Mayor Owen recently told the New York Times that Hemp BC would "be toast by September". These concentrated attacks against Vancouver's marijuana advocates must be strongly opposed. Mayor Owen and Police Chief Chambers want to close Hemp BC and put Marc Emery in jail for a long time. They're having a hard time accomplishing their goals, but they have many resources at their command. If City Hall were to ever force Marc Emery out of business (fat chance!) then it would spell disaster for all other Marijuana Seed merchants in Vancouver and across Canada. Marc Emery is the vanguard of Canada's Marijuana Movement, and has almost single-handedly opened up the marijuana seed market in Canada. CONTACT THESE MEDIA: Please contact the following media and let them know what you think about the police raid on Marc Emery, and City Hall's attacks on Hemp BC: Vancouver Sun: sunletters@pacpress.southam.ca Vancouver Province: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca The Globe and Mail: letters@globeandmail.ca CONTACT THESE OFFICIALS: Send an email to Mayor Philip Owen telling him he should stop persecuting Marc Emery and Hemp BC: mayorandcouncil@city.vancouver.bc.ca. You can also call Mayor Owen at (604) 873-7621, or fax him at (604) 873-7685. Send an email to the Vancouver Police Department, telling them they are tools of a fascist anti-pot regime: police_chief@city.vancouver.bc.ca. You can also call Police Chief Bruce Chambers at (604) 717 2950, or fax him at (604) 665-3417. Send an email to BC Premier Glen Clark, asking him to support pot-people and put an end to raids on Marc Emery: glen_clark@bc.sympatico.ca. You can also give him a call at (604) 431-8119, or fax him at (604) 660-0279. STATEMENT FOR CUSTOMERS OF MARC EMERY SEEDS: DON'T PANIC! BUSINESS WILL CONTINUE AS USUAL Despite the raid, business at Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds will continue on as usual. We will be completely restocked within 2 days and will continue to fill all orders in a timely fashion. We do not keep any incriminating records of our customers, so there is no need for paranoia. However, some orders which had arrived in the office during the previous three days were in the office when it was raided. Although Vancouver Police have never gone after anyone because their address was found in our office, it does mean that we will not be able to fill those orders. We need your business now more than ever. We will continue to provide you with high-quality marijuana seeds for as long as we are able. If City Hall were to ever force Marc Emery out of business (fat chance!) then it would spell disaster for all other Marijuana Seeds Merchants in Vancouver and across Canada. Marc Emery is the vanguard of Canada's Marijuana Movement, and has almost single-handedly opened up the marijuana seed market in Canada. Please continue to support our business through this difficult time. We need you and you need us, so let's work together to bring marijuana to all people who need it, everywhere. Keep those orders coming, we will fill every single one of them! If you really love marijuana then just send us a donation. Like all raids, this one will be financially devastating, and we need all the help we can get. However, we won't let a little thing like a police raid stop us. This is the 10th time Marc Emery has been arrested in Vancouver, and the 8th time he will spend the night in jail for a marijuana-related offence. We don't like being raided, and we'll never get used to it, but we know how to survive, and we will. You can send Marc a message of support at: memery@cannabisculture.com Visit Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds at: http://www.cannabisculture.com/seeds/
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'I Need It To Live' - Police Bust AIDS Patient Whose Doctors Advised Pot Use ('The Ottawa Citizen' Says The Ottawa-Carleton Police Regional Drug Unit Charged Jean-Charles Pariseau With Marijuana Possession And Production Yesterday After Rousting Him, His Wife And 12-Year-Old At Home Just Before Midnight Monday - Mr. Pariseau's Case Received National Attention After His First Arrest, When A Group Of Doctors And Lawyers Filed A Ground-Breaking Application To The Federal Government In November 1997 Asking That He Be Allowed To Use Marijuana Because It Was Prolonging His Life) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 16:04:56 -0400 (EDT) To: mattalk@islandnet.com From: Michael Foster (crosstown@igs.net) Subject: Ottawa Cops Bust Medicinal User 'I need it to live' Police bust AIDs patient whose doctors advised pot use Jeremy Mercer The Ottawa Citizen Jean-Charles Pariseau's doctors say his use of marijuana is prolonging his life. A Vanier man with AIDS who smokes marijuana on the advice of his doctors was marched out of his house with his wife and 12-year-old son -- hands on their heads -- and arrested shortly before midnight Monday. The Ottawa-Carleton police regional drug unit charged Jean-Charles Pariseau with drug possession and production yesterday following the arrest. It is the second time in the past year that Mr. Pariseau, 31, has been charged with marijuana use and cultivation. "When they came for me, I said 'Oh no, not again,' " Mr. Pariseau said from his home yesterday. "I don't know why they bother me again. I only use it myself and I need it to live." Mr. Pariseau's case received national attention after his first arrest. In November 1997, a group of doctors and lawyers filed a ground-breaking application to the federal government asking that he be allowed to use marijuana because it was prolonging his life. Members of the drug unit, backed by the Ottawa-Carleton police tactical unit, telephoned Mr. Pariseau when they arrived at his St. Denis Street home in Vanier Monday night. They told him to leave the house with his wife, Sylvie, and their 12-year-old son with their hands on their heads in surrender. Mr. Pariseau was handcuffed and taken to the police station, where he was formally charged. He was allowed to go home shortly before 4 a.m. yesterday. "I don't know how much more I have to go through," Mr. Pariseau said as he gave a tour of the small backyard garden where he grew his marijuana. "Now I have to buy it from the street again. It's not what I like to do." Officers from the drug unit say they didn't realize who Mr. Pariseau was or his condition when they made the arrest, but they say they are now treating him with sympathy. "We have shown him quite a lot of compassion and will continue to do so," said Det. Loch Bisaillion. "But until the law changes, we have to enforce it as it is." Det. Bisaillion said police received an anonymous tip that the resident at 379 St. Denis St., Mr. Pariseau's house, was growing drugs. There was no evidence that Mr. Pariseau was selling the drugs, according to Det. Bisaillion. He said that once police were made aware of his condition, Mr. Pariseau was allowed to go home instead of spending the night in custody. Mr. Pariseau is to appear in Ottawa court Sept. 18 to face the latest drug charges. He goes to trial in Hull court on Oct. 14 on drug charges stemming from when he lived in Hull last year and the RCMP raided his apartment. Mr. Pariseau's marijuana odyssey began in 1996 when the AIDS virus, which he acquired from sharing needles in the early 1980s, began to take its toll on his body. The roughly 30 pills Mr. Pariseau was taking every day to fight the virus made him nauseous and destroyed his appetite. By October 1996, Mr. Pariseau, who at 5 foot 2 once weighed 115 pounds, had dropped to a gaunt 82 pounds. Doctors gave him three months to live. Desperate, Mr. Pariseau tried marijuana on the advice of a friend. He was astonished when he felt his nausea subside and his appetite return. When Mr. Pariseau told his physician, Dr. Don Kilby, about the effects of the marijuana, he was told to keep on smoking. The increased appetite meant Mr. Pariseau could take his medication, giving his treatment a chance of working, Dr. Kilby said at the time. With steady marijuana use, Mr. Pariseau's weight shot up to 125 pounds, where it remains today. Dr. Kilby is still Mr. Pariseau's doctor, but could not be reached for reaction yesterday because he was vacationing abroad. After getting the thumbs-up from his doctor in late 1996, Mr. Pariseau began growing marijuana in his own apartment so he wouldn't have to buy it from street dealers. Last October, he was raided by the RCMP and charged. When Mr. Pariseau's plight became known, Dr. Kilby, Dr. Michele Brill-Edwards, and Ottawa lawyers Eugene Oscapella and Glenn Gilmour, applied to Health Canada to allow him marijuana under a special drug access program. The program allows doctors to request immediate approval of drugs not authorized under the Food and Drug Act if the patient is in an emergency situation. That application was denied. With no legal access to marijuana, Mr. Pariseau moved to Vanier and began growing marijuana in his backyard so he could continue to smoke. That came to an end early yesterday morning when police raided his house. "What do I do now?" said Mr. Pariseau, who has yet to hire a lawyer. "I have to get marijuana someplace else. I have to keep smoking."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana User Avoids Jail Time ('The Peterborough Examiner' In Peterborough, Ontario, Says Multiple Sclerosis Patient David Jamieson Of Douro Township Was Fined $1,000 By A Provincial Court Tuesday For Cultivating 250 Marijuana Plants - After Reading A Letter From Jamieson's Doctor, The Contents Of Which Weren't Disclosed In Court, Judge LTG Collins Said, 'I See Why A Fine Rather Than Jail Term' Was Appropriate) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: Marijuana User Avoids Jail Time Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 07:35:37 -0700 Lines: 82 Newshawk: Dave Jamieson Source: Peterborough Examiner (Canada) Fax: (705) 743-4581 Pubdate: 02 Sep 1998 MARIJUANA USER AVOIDS JAIL TIME * MS sufferer claims smoking the drug helps him cope with disease A man who says marijuana helps him cope with multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms avoided going to jail for growing marijuana after the judge read a letter from the man's doctor. David Jamieson, 42, of Douro Township, was accompanied by his wife, Teena, as he slowly walked out of provincial court after being fined $1,000 Tuesday. He and his wife had been charged with producing marijuana and possession for the purpose of trafficking. After he pleaded guilty to the producing charge, the other charges were withdrawn by federal prosecutor Stephen Bazuk. After reading the doctor's letter- contents of which weren't disclosed in court - Judge L.T.G. Collins said "I see why a fine rather than jail term" was appropriate for Jamieson. Outside court, while steadying himself with his cane, Jamieson told The Examiner his general well-being and mood improved after smoking marijuana. Jamieson said marijuana alleviates muscle spasms and depression, improves his appetite and helps him sleep at night. "I have a better quality of life when I can sleep and my body isn't tense," he said. "the pills (he is precribed) don't work as well as marijuana." Jamieson said he will testify on the benefits he derives from marijuana at a high prfile trial in London, Ont., where a woman, Lynn Harichy, was charged with possessing marijuana cigarette on the police department steps in 1996. A London police spokeman told the Examiner that Harichy, who wants marijuana legized for medicinal purposes, stood outside police headquarters until she was charged. Her trial is Nov. 17. Jamieson said he was diagnosed with MS four and a half years ago but had smoked marijuana for several years prior to that. He said he began taking it for medicinial reasons after reading an article on its benefits for MS sufferers.The only difference is that now he uses a vaporizer, he said. Jamieson said he will continue taking marijuana for MS and his doctor has provided him with a letter so he can join a marijuana buyers' club. The Jamiesons said the club isn't a legal entity and members can be charged by police if caught with marijuana. Jamieson said he hasn't used the buyers' club yet, bet has been told its prices are the same as street prices for marijuana. He said he wanted to fight the charges he pleadied guilty to yesterday but couldn't afford the $10,000 to $15,000 cost of going to trial. Jamieson said that he was also fined $1,000.00 following a conviction for growing a small amount of marijuana in his house five or six years ago. Court heard police searched the Jamieson's Douro Township house after getting a tip that Jamieson was growing marijuana. Bazuk told court that police found a hydroponic growing operation with numerous seedling plants and some dried marijuana. He said that there was also evidence that marijuana was grown outside. When the Jamiesons were arrested the OPP said they seized 250 plants with potential street value of $50,000. Lawyer Russ Palin and Bazuk had reached a plea bargain agreement of $1,000. fine, which they suggested to Collins. While Bazuk told The Examiner most people convicted of producing marijuana go to jail, he said his decision on an appropriate penalty is based on the facts and what the prosecution can prove. Bazuk said he did not agree to the fine because of Jamieson's medical condition.
------------------------------------------------------------------- £217 Million To Treat Drug Abuse (Britain's 'Guardian' Says The Labour Government, Concerned That Four Out Of Five Drug Abusers Who Need Treatment Fail To Get It, Unveiled Its Biggest Expansion Of Drug Treatment And Prevention Programmes Yesterday, Targeting Women And Teenagers) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 09:15:27 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: 217 Million To Treat Drug Abuse Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Author: Alan Travis £217 MILLION TO TREAT DRUG ABUSE Women and teenage drug abusers are to be targeted as part of the Government's biggest expansion of drug treatment and prevention programmes which were unveiled yesterday. Ministers are concerned that too many existing drug treatment services are aimed at "white, middle class, middle aged, opiate users", and that four out of five abusers who need treatment fail to get it. Many programmes have failed to recognise the rapid growth in drugs problems among women and teenagers. A Home Office report last month on how heroin was being rebranded and sold to a new generation of teenagers highlighted the lack of treatment aimed at young people. Drug treatment agencies last night warmly welcomed the announcement of £217 million of new money as part of a change in official tactics to mount a serious effort on drug prevention and treatment as well as pursuing prosecution and imprisonment. At present more than two-thirds of the official budget to tackle abuse is spent on prosecuting and imprisoning illegal drug users and traffickers. Jack Cunningham, who, as the Cabinet's "enforcer", is in charge of government policy on drugs, said yesterday there was strong evidence money spent on treatment cut crime as well as improving health. Official research showed that for every pound spent on treatment, more than three pounds are saved in the costs to victims of crime and to the criminal justice system. Mr Cunningham said that last year two-thirds of the £1.4 billion spent on countering drug misuse was spent on dealing with those sucked into the culture of drugs and crime, but much of the work was simply reacting and did not tackle the problems caused by specific drugs. The extra £217 million to be made available over the next three years includes £61 million for the introduction of drug treatment and testing orders giving courts the power to sentence addicted offenders, including alcoholics, to compulsory treatment; pilot schemes start next year. It also includes £72 million for voluntary testing in every jail and for treatment both inside jails and outside so released prisoners can complete courses. The Department of Health will receive £70.5 million to provide treatment, especially for young people at high risk of offending and homelessness and the social excluded. Treatment services will have to make themselves more accessible to women and ethnic minorities who have traditionally not used them.
------------------------------------------------------------------- More Readers' Views In The Drugs Debate (Three Letters To The Editor Of 'The Evening News' In Norwich, England, Say Cannabis Legalisation Would Solve More Problems Than Stiffer Sentences For Dealers) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:41:04 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: 3 PUB LTEs: More Readers' Views In The Drugs Debate Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Derek Williams via CLCIA Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Evening News (Norwich UK) Contact: EveningNewsLetters@ecn.co.uk Fax: ++44 (0)1603 219060 Post: Evening News, ECN, Prospect House, Rouen Road Norwich NR1 1RE, UK Web Site: http://www.ecn.co.uk Authors: Alun Buffry, Tim Hughes, Pete Henshall Cannabis: Legalisation Of It Would Solve More Problems Than Stiffer Sentences For Dealers, Say Readers Who Have Replied To A Call For Those Trafficking In The Drug To Be Be Jailed For Life. 1: James Sandham (EN Aug 20) classifies all non-prescription drugs together as harmful and wants suppliers jailed for life. Alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee and even colas are all addictive and can be dangerous drugs. Would he also throw away the keys on publicans and the supermarkets and the corner shops? Are we to ignore the experts in favour of some sort of "reefer madness" scaremongering and lock away cannabis dealers for life? There is already the possiblitiy of a life sentence for dealers in large quantities of hard drugs, yet the situation is worsening, even though many dealers are locked away for decades. Giving them an automatic life-means-life sentence will not deter them from the profits which the prohibition creates the opportunity for. Legalisation, with supply controlled according to the danger element, will immediately destroy the illegal market and everything that goes with it and enable the speedy recognition of addiction. Drug addiction needs to be treated as a matter of health, not of law. Alun Buffry Norwich *** 2. James Sanham (Aug 20th) claims "all drugs outside prescription drugs are harmful", but this cannot be true in the case of cannabis. It used to be prescribed by doctors but was then made illegal. Does Mr Sandham think that suddenly the nature of cannabis changed and it became harmful overnight? Any person with an ounce of reason could see this is untrue. They would also be able to see that, just like Hitler tried and failed to stamp out drug use of any kind, this type of attitude is only a couple of steps away from killing our own children because of our "morals". It is time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture with a rational view. Once this is done it should be clear to all that it is the total lack of control over drugs caused by prohibition, rather than the drugs themselves, that cause the problems Tim Hughes York *** 3. Mr Sandham's solution (Aug 20) is simple - lock up everyone who has anything to do with drugs and throw away the key. This would never work. The fact is that millions of people in the UK take drugs. There are so many different drugs available to people that there have to be honest guidleines put out so that people can choose and know the truth. Alcohol and tobacco, killing 30,000 and 110,000 respectively in the UK each year are the worst drugs in the UK in terms of death. At the other end of the scale no one has ever died from cannabis or mushrooms. Are all drugs the same? No, a distinction must be made between heroin and alcohol type drugs which can cause death, physical and mental disorders as well as having negative effects on theusers family and environment. Cannabis does not. Legalising drugs such as cannabis would mean that proper restrictions could be put in place, age limits could be introduced along with strict licensing that would mean anyone selling to under 18's would be in trouble with the law. isn't this what we all want? The current system encourages criminal activity, high drug profits and sale to anyone, even kids. Seventy years of prohibition have failed. When will Tony Blaire and the rest of society realise that prohibition is causing more harm than good? The sooner the better for all of us. Pete Henshall Trunch.
------------------------------------------------------------------- You Ask The Questions (Britain's Howard Marks, The Celebrated Former Marijuana Smuggler And Author Of 'Mr. Nice,' Answers Questions From Readers Of 'The Independent')Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 08:55:20 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: You Ask The Questions Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Alan Randell Source: Independent, The (UK) Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/stories/C0209827.html Pubdate: 2 September 1998 Author: Louise Evans YOU ASK THE QUESTIONS You ask the questions - Such as, Howard Marks: How can someone who's smoked as much dope as you remember things with any clarity? Howard Marks, 53, was born in Kenfig Hill, South Wales. In 1964, he went to Balliol College, Oxford, to read physics. After university, he carved out a career smuggling large quantities of marijuana and by the mid-Eighties, he was Britain's most wanted man. He had 43 aliases and ran 25 companies as drug-running front organisations. Eventually he was extradited from Spain to the US where he spent seven years in prison. Married with four children, he is the author of Mr Nice, his autobiography. Introduce yourself to a stranger who has never heard of you in one sentence. Rick McEwen, Brighton I'm a temporarily unemployed dope smuggler. Hash or weed? Jon Cox, Oxford I prefer the strongest hash to the strongest weed. These days, however, street weed is generally far stronger than street hash. What's your favourite type of marijuana? Simon Roberts, Shepherd's Bush Very strong skunk. Colombian Gold, Zero Zero, Afghani Black - which is your favourite tipple? Daniel Myers, Camden If we are referring to the best of each type offered, my favourite is Afghani Black. Would you ever consider writing fiction? If so, what would you write about? Rob Peel, Nottingham I have considered writing fiction but have no reason to believe I would be any good at it. I'm sure that if I did make any attempt, I would be too nervous to stray away from drug-smuggling plots. In your book you go into great detail about your drug-dealing, recounting dates, phone calls and locations exactly. How can someone who smoked as much dope as you did remember things with such clarity? Shay Parsons There are two main reasons: (1) Dope does not appear to adversely affect that part of my memory. (2) Under the United States Freedom of Information Act, I was able to obtain copies of all documentary and electronic evidence that the United States Drug Enforcement Administration had amassed against me. They amounted to several dozen boxes and contained detailed observation reports. Consequently, if I needed to know where I was and what I did on a particular date, I would consult the appropriate observation report. Do you find that you have to live "up" to the role of professional criminal? Alice Morgan Crime is no longer my profession, and when it was, I pretended it wasn't. So there's nothing to live up to. Does the naive adoration of your audiences affect you? Ditto All adoration does. Do you find yourself seduced by your own publicity? Ditto I am aware of that danger and do my best to avoid it. Do you feel concern about your association with and contributions to the coffers of organised crime and the IRA, when we know all too well the suffering they can inflict? Ditto Organised crime has penetrated everywhere, including most legitimate businesses. New York garbage collection, for example, is entirely Mafia-controlled. This is well known by the dustmen, but appears to present them with few ethical problems. It is no more surprising to find the Mafia participating in drug-dealing than dealing in any other commodity or service. Given the large profits engendered in the trade of illegal recreational drugs, one can expect their participation to be enthusiastic. Although I did smuggle hashish with someone who claimed to be an IRA man, the IRA officially denied that he was a member. I am utterly opposed to any activity which results in the slaughter of innocents. Nevertheless, I must admit I pay scant attention to which organisation an individual belongs. I make my agreements on an entirely one-to-one basis. How have you become so actively involved in the club scene, and what motivated you to do so? Which producers/DJs do you hold in high regard, and what album you reach for while "relaxing"? Paul Stewart There has always been considerable overlap of drugs and music. My book turned out to be popular with members of the dance culture. I like today's tunes. The rest followed naturally. I particularly like Tricky, Sid Shanti and Derek Delarge. At present, my relaxation is provided by Red Snapper's new album, Making Bones. How much hash do you smoke per day? Matt Myers Between 20 and 30 joints. When you met Iain Sinclair and Marc Atkins coming out of the M15 building opposite Millbank (while they were researching the book "Lights out for the Territory"), what had you been doing inside? Jon Cox Actually, it was MI6. I was not allowed further in than the foyer. How close do you think we are to the legislation of cannabis in the UK and how do you see the current explosion in drugs such as Viagra and the new slimming pill? David Hall, Maidenhead, Berks Not close. Viagra sales make the illegality of cannabis appear even more hypocritical and ridiculous than it has been so far. But hypocrisy is no bar to a politician's progress. Do you still have problems with the police? Susie Harris, Camberwell Not at all. Many of them, particularly senior ones, share my views. If you hadn't got into dope, what do you think you would have done instead? Ed Sinclair, Sheffield I would have become a teacher, a profession I greatly enjoyed. At the front of your book, you say you're considering a career in law. What area? Why law? William Crook, Epping Forest During my years in prison, I was a jailhouse lawyer. When I was released from prison, I thought I could use some of my experience to enable early release of prisoners. But that was before I was offered an advance to write a book. What's your worst memory of being in prison? Graham Garner, Epsom It changes, but is often the day I heard that my son Patrick had jumped off a roof and broken his legs. Do you feel that becoming an unofficial spokesperson for getting stoned has given you licence not to grow up? Jules Ferguson, Glasgow I have never objected to the process of growing up and have not consciously attempted to slow down my own progress in this regard. Accordingly, I have not sought such licence. I do, of course, accept that the age of today's average pot smoker is far less than it was. What's the most paranoid moment you've ever had while smoking dope? Anon I have never suffered from paranoia. How do you feel about your children experimenting with soft drugs? Have they read your book, and what do they think of your past? Clare Budd, Banbury I neither encourage nor discourage drug use. I know they are more likely to experiment than not, which is why I am against prohibition. My three oldest children have read my book. As much of my past is their past, it's a difficult question to answer. My children are aware of my strengths and my weaknesses. How would you rather spend the next 24 hours: tripping on acid, pissed on vodka, stoned, or all three? Steve Hunter, Wirral Obviously, all three. What's your all-time favourite album? Tina Currie, Edinburgh Blonde on Blonde, by Bob Dylan What are you doing right now and what can you see in front of you? Lizzie Forge, Colchester I'm in Edinburgh psyching myself up for my last performance at the Edinburgh Film Festival. I can see monuments. If you were invisible for one day, where would you go and what would you do? Pattie Lewis, Stoke Newington I would plant cannabis seeds everywhere.
------------------------------------------------------------------- TV Blamed For Fuelling Public Fear Of Crime (According To 'The Scotsman,' Police Chief Superintendent Malcolm Dickson Said Yesterday That A Survey Conducted By His Force Revealed That Supposedly Realistic Television Shows Such As 'NYPD Blue' And BBC 1's 'City Central' Led Almost Half Of Those Who Responded To Say They Felt Afraid At Night, Despite A General Fall In The Number Of Offences Actually Taking Place) Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:29:03 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: TV Blamed For Fuelling Public Fear Of Crime Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: shug@shug.co.uk Source: Scotsman (UK) Contact: Letters_ts@scotsman.com Website: http://www.scotsman.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Author: Andrew Walker TV BLAMED FOR FUELLING PUBLIC FEAR OF CRIME Study reveals many people are afraid in towns at night despite fall in offences REALISTIC police television dramas are fuelling public fear of crime despite a general fall in the number of offences actually taking place, a senior Scottish officer claimed yesterday. Chief Superintendent Malcolm Dickson spoke out as a survey conducted by his force revealed almost half of those who responded said they felt afraid in towns at night. Mr Dickson's claim that shows such as NYPD Blue were causing unnecessary concern were backed by academics, who said that crime documentary programmes were having the same effect. Mr Dickson, who is co-ordinating the Partners Survey for Lothian and Borders Police, said he was surprised by the result. He said a number of television shows created in Britain and America presented an unrealistic snapshot of crime levels, which the viewer often regarded as fact because of the apparent authenticity of the production. Mr Dickson said many people's perceptions of crime were formed from such entertainment even though the fictional crime rates were far removed from the situation facing the public. He added: "These fictional police programmes are at odds with reality. They have high production values but bear no resemblance to crime on the streets of Lothian and Borders. "We have a falling crime rate in the region, yet so far 49 per cent of the people in this survey said they are unsafe in town after dark. That is not a result I would have predicted." Shows such as Channel 4's NYPD Blue, based in New York, and BBC 1's City Central, set in a fictional town in the north of England, are huge hits with television viewers and aim to portray police work as realistically as possible. Mr Dickson refused to identify individual programmes but said most people's attitudes towards crime were shaped by television. He said: "We are not saying this is wrong, or that these shows should be taken off the air - that would be unrealistic of us - but we are up against them in our effort to show people the reality is different from what they see on television." Mr Dickson said people appear to be commenting on the fear of crime rather than crime itself. "Our aim is to make people face up to these misconceptions by getting information across to them about the real situation," he said. Mr Dickson said the number of people who said they were unsafe in towns after dark reflected the region as a whole and not just Edinburgh city centre. Professor David Smith, a criminologist from Edinburgh University, said that while he did not believe the number of police dramas had increased significantly over the past decade, a new type of show was highlighting crime. He said: "There has been a growth in shows promoted enthusiastically by the police themselves which feature reconstructions and appeals for information on specific crimes which has made people much more aware of crime." The force plans to use the results of the survey, one of the biggest of its kind carried out in Scotland with 7,000 questionnaires randomly issued to households, to shape its strategy over the next three years. Dr Peter Duff, a criminologist from Aberdeen University, said programmes such as Crimewatch gave people heightened perceptions of crime rates. "There is little doubt that crime rates have either been at a standstill or coming down in recent years but the public has an inaccurate perception they are living with a rising tide of crime and that is inaccurate." Clare Connelly, of Glasgow School of Law, said: "Unfortunately as a culture we seem to be entertained by the sensational and if you watch these kinds of programmes then your perception of crime is likely to be shaped to some degree by them." The survey, which will be completed in October, shows the public wants priority given to tackling muggings and street robbery, assaults and more foot patrols in key areas. Other areas where the public wants to see more action include drink-driving, drug dealing, carrying offensive weapons and housebreaking. Last month, Home Office figures showed Edinburgh had more homicides per head of population than London. A study found the capital had 2.4 cases of murder, infanticide or manslaughter per 100,000 inhabitants. But the authorities claimed a victory against crime when 30 people were caught carrying out criminal acts by CCTV cameras in the first month of operation. A total of 12 cameras were switched on by the City in View project which aims to make the city centre safer.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pregnant Smokers Pass Risks To Their Babies (According To 'The Orange County Register,' Swedish Scientists Said On Wednesday That Woman Who Smoke During Pregnancy Can Increase Their Babies' Risk Of Developing Attention Deficit Disorder And Learning Difficulties) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:49:14 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Pregnant Smokers Pass Risks To Their Babies Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ PREGNANT SMOKERS PASS RISKS TO THEIR BABIES Woman who smoke during pregnancy can increase their babies' risk of developing attention deficit disorder and learning difficulties, Swedish scientists said on Wednesday. Researchers have already shown that pregnant smokers can pass on cancer-causing substances to their unborn children. A study by doctors at Gotenburg University in Sweden has now linked the tobacco habit to neurological disorders in children. Attention deficit disorder causes hyperactivity and an inability to concentrate. Deficits in attention, motor control and perception- commonly referred to as DAMP - describe youngsters who have learning and motion problems but are not mentally retarded.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Iran Has 1.2 Million Drug Addicts - Official ('Reuters' Says 'The Daily Iran Newspaper' Quoted Mohammad Fallah, The Country's Top Official In Charge Of Fighting 'Drugs,' Who Also Suggested Education Was Preferable To The Current Policy Of Sentencing People To The Death Penalty)Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 08:09:55 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Iran: WIRE: Iran Has 1.2 Mln Drug Addicts - Official Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Eric Kennedy Pubdate: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 Source: Reuters IRAN HAS 1.2 MLN DRUG ADDICTS - OFFICIAL TEHRAN (Reuters) - There are some 1.2 million drug addicts among Iran's 60 million people, a senior official said in remarks published Wednesday. The daily Iran newspaper quoted Mohammad Fallah, the country's top official in charge of fighting drugs, as saying educating the youth would be far more efficient in fighting drugs than using force. Iran is a major transit route for opium and heroin headed to Europe from Afghanistan and Pakistan - the so-called "Golden Crescent." Iranian police killed seven armed drug smugglers in two separate clashes near the Afghan border in the last week, newspapers reported.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, Number 62 (A Weekly Summary Of Drug Policy News From The Media Awareness Project) Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 12:43:27 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: DrugSense Weekly, September 2,1998 No. 62 DRUGSENSE WEEKLY In about 10 minutes a week you can stay aware and informed on drug policy developments worldwide. Consider investing another 10 minutes to write a letter to the editor using the email addresses provided in this publication. You CAN make a difference! *** DrugSense Weekly, September 2,1998, No. 62 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article A modest Proposal - Humor By Mark Greer * Weekly News In Review Policy; Sporting Division- McGwire's Spiked Swing Raises Health Questions OPED: McGwire: Chemically Enhanced Hero? Ruth And McGwire: Different Times, Drugs Olympic Boss Calls For War On Drug Cheats Drug Policy; Prison Division- OK: Inmate Numbers Worry Officials CA: Prison Officers Get Raise; Other Workers Stymied Drug policy; Marijuana Division- OR: Student Survey Names Reed Top U.S. School In Academics CA: Cops Harvest Massive Bay Area Pot Farm PA: Lawyer Sues U.S. To Overturn Ban On Marijuana Drug Policy; Simple Fairness Division- Oakland Tenants Fight Feds' Policy International News- Mexico Rejects Conditions On U.S. Anti-Drug Borderlands Border Drug Plan Set To Be Unveiled France: Police Seize Body Shop Hemp Products GPs Give Prozac To Teenagers For Exam Nerves Mayor In Colombia More Like A Fugitive * Hot Off The 'Net Medical Marijuana Archives * DrugSense Tip Of The Week Help us grow * Quote of the Week US Supreme Court * Fact of the Week AIDS From dirty needles *** FEATURE ARTICLE EDITOR'S Note: We thought a little something on the lighter side might be a timely change of pace. Let us know what you think. A Modest Proposal - Humor By Mark Greer I have the solution to both the collapsing economy in Russia and our nation's out of control "drug problems." It's a simple thing really. Our nation wastes about $100 billion a year in completely useless federal, state and local enforcement, incarceration, and interdiction efforts on our "drug war" with the end result that any child with a few dollars and some curiosity can buy any drug they wish. So what's the point? Let's completely eliminate the waste of dollars, legalize drugs in the U.S. and buy Russia! Let's see if the Russian government will sell us the whole country including their nuclear arsenal to us for the same $100 billion a year for say the next 20 years. We'll put our own puppet government in place (which couldn't possibly do a worse job than the Russian government is doing already). We then retire all the old commies with a great pension plan and start paying the military and workers who are now nearly starving to death using the same $100 billion we used to waste on the drug war. Then in a real stroke of genius we can outlaw drugs in Russia make a fortune having American contractors build prisons, incarcerate half the population for selling drugs, and hire the other half as prison guards. Maybe we can even use the prisoners as slave labor make micro chips, designer jeans, or tennis shoes. To manage all this we send all the black clad goon squads that are currently kicking down the doors of our citizens over to Russia so they can kick down their doors. (the Russians are used to repression and suffering anyway) In this way we can completely destroy Russia which is on its way into oblivion anyway instead of destroying ourselves with an insane drug policy and the U.S. can go back to being a free country. We can quit being the largest prison building nation on the planet and our government can again begin using Russia instead of U.S. drug users as the enemy of choice. They seem to need to vilify someone so why not Russia like in the good old days? As a great bonus we will return to the complete lack of drug problems we enjoyed in this country before we made them illegal. Imagine the U.S. as a free country again, no drug war, and no threat from Russian nukes. What a concept! *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW *** Policy; Sporting Division *** COMMENT: Given earlier sports furors over recreational (Winter Olympics) and performance-enhancing (Tour de France and '96 Olympics) drug use it's hardly surprising that Mark McGwire's admission to using anabolic steroids while chasing the major league home run record would rekindle still-smoldering debates. The detailed Chicago Tribune article points out that it's an over the counter agent; technically legal for baseball, not, strictly speaking, a "drug" and of dubious benefit anyway. While NYT columnist Bob Herbert sermonized on the "role model" issue plaguing all professional athletes, Canadian sports writer Dave Perkins was inclined toward a more realistic view of McGwire's drug use. The most Draconian response was from the head of the Australian Olympic Committee; it might have earned praise from Anslinger himself, but it won't please IOC Chairman Samaranche who is already on record for more tolerance of performance-enhancing (but not recreational) drugs. Anyone claiming to be unconfused by all this can't expect to be taken seriously. *** McGWIRE'S SPIKED SWING RAISES HEALTH QUESTIONS Eleven weeks ago, or 24 home runs ago in Mark McGwire time, General Nutrition Centers sent an internal memo to the managers of its 3,700 stores nationwide. The message was brief and direct: Don't sell androstenedione, an over-the-counter nutritional supplement. Even though no definitive studies had shown any dangerous side effects from androstenedione, GNC was increasingly concerned about a product that was purported to raise testosterone levels and thus enhance physical performance. Its own review of scientific literature had raised questions. [snip] Already in its short life in the United States, androstenedione has had a troubled existence. Critics say it's a drug. The federal government says androstenedione is closer to a food and therefore doesn't need to be regulated. The International Olympic Committee, the NFL and the NCAA have banned it. Major League Baseball has not. The question is, what exactly is it? [snip] Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Contact: tribletter@aol.com Website: http://www.chicago.tribune.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: Rick Morrissey and Bruce Japsen Section: Sec. 1, p. 1 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n730.a05.html *** McGWIRE: CHEMICALLY ENHANCED HERO? Androstenedione is legal in the United States, and Mark McGwire, a remarkably muscular man who hits home runs for a living, has a right to use it. Whether it's a good idea to use it is another matter. [snip] ...Mark McGwire is operating safely within the boundaries of the law and the rules of his sport. But there are other considerations. Each new home run gives the nation a thrill. As he draws closer to Ruth's 60 and Maris' 61, each at-bat will likely be televised live to the nation. A lot of young people will be looking on, admiring their hero, trying to follow his example, trying their best to be like Mark. Source: Standard-Times (MA) Contact: YourView@S-T.com Website: http://www.s-t.com/ Author: Bob Herbert is a New York Times columnist URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n739.a03.html *** RUTH AND McGWIRE: DIFFERENT TIMES, DRUGS SO THE BIG slugger hit all those home runs while partaking of a potentially dangerous substance that is banned in some places, but not others? Imagine that. Why, what would Babe Ruth have done if alcohol hadn't been illegal in the United States for most of his career? Now, 60 or 70 years later, many people would laugh at the idea that Ruth used, even abused, a technically illegal product (booze, and often in vast quantities) while setting dozens of home run records. Pitchers probably wished he drank more. It is impossible to know what people will be saying about androstenedione in several decades. Who knows? They might be sprinkling it on kids' breakfast cereals in the middle of the next century. [snip] Pubdate: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 Source: Toronto Star (Canada) Contact: lettertoed@thestar.com Website: http://www.thestar.com/ Section: Sports Author: Dave Perkins, Sports Columnist URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n727.a09.html *** OLYMPIC BOSS CALLS FOR WAR ON DRUG CHEATS AUSTRALIA'S Olympic chief yesterday demanded drug-cheating athletes be jailed and their dealers in anabolic steroids face life sentences. John Coates, president of the Australian Olympic Committee, said suppliers of hard sports drugs should be subject to the same penalties as narcotics traffickers. [snip] Pubdate: Tue, 25 August 1998 Source: The Australian Contact: ausletr@matp.newsltd.com.au Website: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ Author: Nicole Jeffrey http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n727.a04.html *** Drug Policy; Prison Division *** COMMENT: It's still far too early to know how the worsening economic climate will affect America's runaway incarceration industry, but since it's basically a publicly funded entitlement program which produces nothing of tangible value, it's a good bet that hard times will work against it. Prison inmates spend a variable length of time in local jails before sentencing; some jail residents never make it all the way to prison. At any one time nearly 1/3 of those incarcerated in the US are in jails of various sorts. The Tulsa story is typical and underscores how demand for these facilities is becoming a financial burden on their communities. Another measure of the political weight of the prison system is seen in California. In 1992, the correctional officers' union (whose membership is now greater than the entire 1970s PRISONER population) contributed a still-record $425,000 to Pete Wilson's campaign. Their reward came last week when, at his behest, they received a generous pay raise while other state employees were being stiffed. *** INMATE NUMBERS WORRY OFFICIALS The Tulsa Jail's inmate population could exceed federally imposed limits, officials warn. The Tulsa Jail had its highest ever monthly average number of inmates last month, provoking concern among jail authority members Friday. If the trend for July continues through the rest of the year, Tulsa County sheriff's officials warned, the inmate population could break records and exceed federally imposed limits at the lockup. [snip] So, without triggering this ACA pressure valve, there are effectively 1,476 beds available at the new jail. But officials don't want to come anywhere near that total until after the turn of the century. That's why the budget for Corrections Corporation of America to run the new jail is only for 1,100 inmates. [snip] Source: Tulsa World (OK) Contact: tulsaworld@mail.webtek.com Website: http://www.tulsaworld.com Pubdate: 29 Aug 1998 Author: Tim Hoover World Staff Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n743.a12.html *** CA: PRISON OFFICERS GET RAISE; OTHER WORKERS STYMIED SAN LUIS OBISPO - State workers are smarting after negotiators for California's correctional officers agreed to a one-year, 12 percent raise, an increase that comes as other employee unions remain at loggerheads with Gov. Pete Wilson. What hurts isn't the pay hike package that still needs ratification by the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, according to union officials, but that the agreement came one day after Wilson vetoed increases for other state workers. [snip] Source: San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune (CA) Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com Website: http://sanluisobispo.com/ Pubdate: 26 Aug 1998 Author: Dave Wilcox Telegram-Tribune Section: SLO County, page B-1 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n737.a02.html *** Drug Policy; Marijuana division *** COMMENT: Warriors like to claim that pot use and intellect are incompatible; that view was rejected emphatically by college students themselves in a survey reported by the Oregonian. While too early to be called a trend, the largest pot farms found recently have been in the Bay Area, not in the Emerald Triangle. Initiatives are one way to effect change; another is by class-action lawsuit. One aimed squarely at medical marijuana was filed weeks ago and was finally discussed in some detail in a Philadelphia Inquirer article which should be read in its entirety by all with a serious interest in the subject. The complaint itself has been posted on the web at: http://www.legalize-usa.org/class%5Faction/suit.htm. *** STUDENT SURVEY NAMES REED TOP U.S.SCHOOL IN ACADEMICS No thanks to divine intervention, Reed College was named the country's top academic school for undergraduates this year by The Princeton Review. The private liberal arts college in Southeast Portland got top marks for academics and professor quality - and for least religious students - in a national survey of 56,000 students conducted by the company. Reed, known as an intellectually intense school that produces many future Ph.Ds, also placed third in the survey's "reefer madness" category for marijuana use - a testament, perhaps, to its famously laissez-faire lifestyle. [snip] Source: Oregonian, The Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Pubdate: 25 Aug 1998 Author: Romel Hernandez of The Oregonian staff URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n729.a07.html *** COPS HARVEST MASSIVE BAY AREA POT FARM 19 million potential joints cut down Authorities seized more than 21,000 marijuana plants with a street value of $84 million this week in Santa Clara County in one of the largest finds of its kind in state history. "It's the largest (outdoor) seizure that the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting program has ever been involved in," said Gil Van Attenhoven, operations commander for CAMP, which was created in 1983 and involves state, local and federal authorities. [snip] Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 Author: Eve Mitchell URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n743.a04.html *** LAWYER SUES U.S. TO OVERTURN BAN ON MARIJUANA Cited in the suit, which seeks to allow medicinal use, are personal stories like the one of a Philadelphia AIDS patient and activist. It's been said that nothing is so powerful as an idea whose time has come, and lawyer Lawrence Elliott Hirsch may be right: That now is the hour to sue to legalize the medical use of marijuana. [snip] Smelling the winds of change, Hirsch said he decided that the time was right to use the weapon of a federal class-action lawsuit to end the government's 61-year-old ban on the herb aficionados prefer to call by its Latin name, cannabis. "This has to be the hottest issue since communism," said Hirsch, 59, in a recent interview. Hirsch's lawsuit, filed last month in U.S. District Court, lives up to his description as being a "grass-roots effort." Most of the lawsuit's 128 pages are taken up with the life stories of 164 plaintiffs who contend they have found significant health benefits to smoking marijuana. [snip] Hirsch could be right. But it's the judicial answer that scares a lot of others in the marijuana legalization movement. "Of course I'm concerned about making bad law," said Keith Stroup, a lawyer and executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the Washington-based group that has campaigned to legalize cannabis since 1970. Stroup said he and NORML lawyers were to obtain a copy of Hirsch's lawsuit and would consider whether to support it, either as a "friend of the court" or by providing expert witnesses if the case gets to trial. "We're not in disagreement with [ Hirsch's ] goals," Stroup said. [snip] Pubdate: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 Source: Philadelphia Inquirer (PA) Contact: Inquirer.Opinion@phillynews.com Website: http://www.phillynews.com/ Author: Joseph A. Slobodzian INQUIRER STAFF WRITER URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n722.a01.html *** Drug Policy; Simple Fairness Division *** COMMENT: A diabolical aspect of federal drug policy has been the extreme lengths to which it goes to inflict collateral penalties on hapless individual citizens for drug violations. One of the worst is a rule allowing expulsion of the innocent from public housing for drug violations by a family member or even a guest. The report of successful resistance to this policy is a genuine bright spot in the news. Yes, it's the same federal judge who has shown a modicum of sympathy for, but not much courage on, the issue of medical marijuana. *** OAKLAND TENANTS FIGHT FEDS' POLICY OAKLAND - Herman Walker is in the eye of the storm swirling around public housing. A former minister, he is 75, partially paralyzed in his left arm, and suffers from severe arthritis. He lives alone in public housing for seniors on Harrison Street. To continue living independently, he hired a caretaker to help him bathe, dress and cook. [snip] That's why the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has appealed the judge's preliminary order barring evictions of Walker and others until their cases are resolved. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer has indicated in preliminary rulings that he thinks it may be unconstitutional to evict people from public housing for crimes they knew nothing about. [snip] Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 Author: Emelyn Cruz Lat of the EXAMINER STAFF URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n729.a01.html *** International News *** COMMENT: "Cognitive dissonance" is a near perfect description of the dialogue between drug hawks DeWine and McCollum on the one hand, and Mexican spokesman Suarez, on the other, as reported in an AP wire story. Mexico is also the focus of a well written, detailed consideration of the impact of NAFTA, globalization and the drug war on the US-Mexican border. This piece, from the San Jose MN, deserves to be read in its entirety. The woes described in the SJMN article are sure to be added to by implementation of McCzar's new plan. Although details haven't yet been archived in DrugNews, they should be in the next edition. Expect his"defend our borders at all costs" bunker mentality to prevail over common sense. On a lighter note, the comment of Ms. Roddick on the logic of Gallic law enforcement is too good not to repeat. The London Times article on increasing prescription of antidepressants for young people speaks for the desperation of our modern era nearly as eloquently as the story by John Otis speaks for the mess our drug policy has helped create in Colombia. *** MEXICO REJECTS CONDITIONS ON U.S. ANTI-DRUG MEXICO CITY -- Concerned by U.S. attempts to guide Mexican anti-drug efforts, officials here are again rejecting calls to let American agents carry arms in Mexico. [snip] "The government of Mexico has repeatedly and emphatically indicated that it will not grant such permission," said secretariat spokesman Oscar Ramirez Suarez in a news release. The statement came in response to a proposal by two Republican lawmakers, Sen. Mike DeWine of Ohio and Rep. Bill McCollum of Florida, which would offer new helicopters for Mexico if the country allows U.S. agents to carry weapons here. The proposal is part of their "Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act of 1998," which also urges that all U.S. law enforcement officials working across the border be granted diplomatic immunity. [snip] Pubdate: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 Source: AP Author: John Rice URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n741.a09.html *** BORDERLANDS Pressure from U.S., Mexican leaders to grapple with globalization, drugs and immigration is transforming forever a 150-year-old way of life CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - Once a dusty no-man's land caught in the past, today's U.S.-Mexico border is undergoing its biggest transformation, leaping into the global economy and leaving behind a centuries-old ``anything goes'' way of life. From the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, the powerful forces of economic globalization, the explosion of lawlessness spawned by brutal drug lords and the constant meddling by Washington and Mexico City are tearing at the fabric of the 2,000-mile border. [snip] Pubdate: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Author: Alfredo Corchado and Laurence Iliff URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n748.a07.html *** BORDER DRUG PLAN SET TO BE UNVEILED McCaffrey to make call for regional czar to supervise efforts at ports and crossings WASHINGTON - Drug czar Barry McCaffrey will propose changes in the nation's strategy to stem narcotics trafficking, including naming a federal official to coordinate efforts at all 24 ports-of-entry on the U.S.-Mexico border. McCaffrey is set to unveil the plan today in El Paso, where he begins a two-day tour of local facilities and meets with federal, state and local authorities involved in the drug war. Earlier this month, McCaffrey, a retired four-star Army general, called for a presidential nominee to become a Southwest border czar to coordinate law enforcement activities from Texas to California. [snip] Source: San Antonio News-Express Contact: letters@express-news.net Website: http://www.expressnews.com/ Pubdate: 25 Aug 1998 Author: Gary Martin Express-News Washington Bureau URL:http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n726.a04.html *** POLICE SEIZE BODY SHOP HEMP PRODUCTS FRENCH police seized lip conditioner, hand oil and elbow grease containing hemp seed oil from a Body Shop store - because they claim the products encourage drug use. Body Shop founder Anita Roddick yesterday said she was "amazed" by the action of gendarmes who entered her shop in Aix-en-Provence and took products from the Hemp range, as well as promotional material. [snip] "I know the French perfected the art of irony in the past, but right now I'd like to see them get a better grip on the future." [snip] Source: Scotsman (UK) Contact: Letters_ts@scotsman.com Website: http://www.scotsman.com/ Pubdate: 28 Aug 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n737.a07.html *** GPS GIVE PROZAC TO TEENAGERS FOR EXAM NERVES FAMILY doctors are increasingly prescribing antidepressants such as Prozac to teenagers to help them to cope with anxiety during school examinations, according to psychiatrists and mental health groups. Helen Kay of the Mental Health Foundation said: "There is a great increase in anxiety among young people generally, and exam time is a particularly stressful period. We are aware that doctors are now prescribing antidepressants like Prozac to teenagers to help them to cope. [snip] Pubdate: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 Source: Times, The (UK) Contact: letters@the-times.co.uk Website: http://www.the-times.co.uk/ Author: Joanna Bale URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n722.a03.html *** MAYOR IN COLOMBIA MORE LIKE A FUGITIVE He fears for his life from left and right PUERTO ASIS, Colombia - Just hours after Nestor Hernandez was sworn in as mayor of this jungle town in southern Colombia, he was abducted by leftist guerrillas, dragged across the border to Ecuador and tied to a tree. [snip] In the past three years, 29 mayors have been assassinated, mainly by rebels. Hundreds of town council members have also been killed, kidnapped or threatened, and many have been forced to resign. In the run-up to nationwide municipal elections last October, nearly 40 candidates were shot dead. "To be a mayor here, you have to really love your community," said Gilberto Toro, executive director of the Colombian Federation of Municipalities. [snip] Source: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 Author: John Otis URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n738.a03.html *** HOT OFF THE 'NET "The Medical Marijuana Archives" Alpine World Magazine has just restored its popular, but politically controversial "Medical Marijuana Archives." The new version has been edited to provide a more objective perspective. There are tons of photos, news reports, editorials and every cartoon we could find--including all the Doonesbury cartoons. Also included: --JAMA: Federal Foolishness and Marijuana --Reefer Meanness --Law Enforcement's Guidelines on Prop. 215 --Understanding Your Rights Under Prop. 215 The new Medical Marijuana Archives are available now at: http://www.alpworld.com/HEALTH *** TIP OF THE WEEK HELP US GROW! You can help build the DrugSense network that collects, responds to, and archives drug news worldwide. Simply forward this Newsletter to a few friends or direct them to our web page at: http://www.drugsense.org We are constantly trying to improve our news gathering and response capabilities The news archive at http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/ can also answer nearly any drug policy question and greatly aid in research efforts. So tell your friends and don't forget to forward drug policy news articles to editor@mapinc.org *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error. -U.S. Supreme Court, American Communications v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442 *** FACT OF THE WEEEK "To date, nearly 40% of the 652,000 cases of AIDS reported in the United States have been linked to injection drug use. And more than 75% of babies diagnosed with HIV/AIDS were infected as a direct or indirect result of injection drug use by a parent." Source: Press release from Department of Health and Human Services, (1998, April 20). *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. News and COMMENTS Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors and Newshawks. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Send any news articles you find on any drug related issue to editor@mapinc.org PLEASE HELP WITH A TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION: DrugSense provides this service at no charge BUT IT IS NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. 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