------------------------------------------------------------------- Democratic Oregon Legislators' E-Mail Addresses (A List Subscriber Forwards A List) Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 20:21:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Terry Miller (pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org) To: pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org Subject: Fw: News from the Democratic Party of Oregon -- The Starr Report, September (fwd) Folks, Take a look. I believe we could work this into our next newsletter, n'est pas? TD ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 09:55:00 -0700 From: Roger Dodger (rogerdodger@triax.com) To: stanford@crrh.org, aal@InetArena.com, pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org Subject: Fw: News from the Democratic Party of Oregon -- The Starr Report, September To: All Activists Fm: Roger Dodger rogerdodger@hempseed.com Below is a list of Democratic Party candidates (unknown positions or locations) with email addresses, as forwarded to me by Marc Abrams. Below the names are the three questions asked of candidates by the Washington Hemp Education Network, and published by them in the Washington State Hemp Voter's Guide. We need to immediatly get these three questions out to the candidates of all parties in all Oregon races. We need to organize the answers into a readable format, and dissiminate the info to the voters. Paul could probably help with the printing since he has workable presses. I can help in any way needed. Please respond soonest. Roger Dodger -----Original Message----- From: Marc Abrams (marc6138@worldnet.att.net) To: Roger Dodger (rogerdodger@triax.com) Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 11:20 AM Subject: Re: News from the Democratic Party of Oregon -- The Starr Report, September Here's what I have from my address book. Sorry the format is chopped up, but it is the best I know hos to do technologically. The ones at the end are candidates not yet elected. Marc Abrams Avakian, Brad E-mail Address(es): marychar@teleport.com Beyer, Lee E-mail Address(es): LeeBeyer@aol.com Brown, Kate E-mail Address(es): brown.sen@state.or.us Burdick, Ginny E-mail Address(es): SenBurdick@aol.com Castillo, Susan E-mail Address(es): castillo@teleport.com Corcoran, Anthony A. E-mail Address(es): TonyCorcoran@compuserve.com Courtney, Peter E-mail Address(es): courtney.rep@state.or.us Dukes, Joan E-mail Address(es): dukes.sen@state.or.us Dwyer, Bill E-mail Address(es): bdwyer@darkwing.uoregon.edu Gordly, Avel E-mail Address(es): avgordly@orednet.org Leonard, Randy E-mail Address(es): leonard.sen@state.or.us Libbey, Ken E-mail Address(es): libbeyorsen@mindspring.com Retread96@mindspring.com Metzger, Rick E-mail Address(es): rm4senate@aol.com Shields, Frank E-mail Address(es): repshields@aol.com repshields@juno.com Trow, Cliff E-mail Address(es): trow.sen@state.or.us trowcj@proaxis.com Wilde, Thomas E-mail Address(es): twilde@concentric.net (Sen. Thomas Wilde) wilde.sen@state.or.us Yih, Mae E-mail Address(es): maeyih@proaxis.com Beck, Chris E-mail Address(es): MtHood1@aol.com Bowman, State Rep. Jo Ann E-mail Address(es): jbowman@teleport.com Carter, Margaret E-mail Address(es): carter4u@teleport.com Civiletti, Tom E-mail Address(es): tcivil@teleport.com (Tom Civiletti: Campaign) Company: DPO Campaign Corcoran, Anthony A. E-mail Address(es): TonyCorcoran@compuserve.com Courtney, Peter E-mail Address(es): courtney.rep@state.or.us Deckert, Ryan E-mail Address(es): Rdeckert@aracnet.com Devlin, Richard E-mail Address(es): devlin.rep@state.or.us devlin@aracnet.com Edwards, Randall E-mail Address(es): edwards.rep@state.or.us edwardsran@aol.com Eighmey, George E-mail Address(es): repgeorge@aol.com Fahey, Mike E-mail Address(es): fahey.rep@state.or.us Gardner, Dan E-mail Address(es): 71363.403@compuserve.com Hansen, Gary E-mail Address(es): GDHansen@teleport.com ghansen@co.multnomah.or.us Jenson, Bob E-mail Address(es): jenson.rep@state.or.us Johnston, Bryan E-mail Address(es): johnstob@willamette.edu Josi, Tim E-mail Address(es): repjosi@oregoncoast.com Kafoury, Deborah E-mail Address(es): dkafoury@teleport.com Lehman, Mike E-mail Address(es): mlehman888@aol.com Merkley, Jeff E-mail Address(es): jmerkley@aol.com Piercy, Kitty E-mail Address(es): RepPiercy@aol.com Personal Information: Fax: 541-334-6727 Prozanski, Floyd E-mail Address(es): floydp@efn.org floydp@darkwing.uoregon.edu (Legislative) Rasmussen, Anitra E-mail Address(es): RepAnitra@compuserve.com Rosenbaum, Diane E-mail Address(es): drosenb@teleport.com Ross, Barbara E-mail Address(es): repbross@aol.com Schrader, Kurt E-mail Address(es): thrivers@teleport.com Shields, Frank E-mail Address(es): repshields@aol.com repshields@juno.com Sowa, Larry E-mail Address(es): sowadvm@teleport.com Taylor, Jackie E-mail Address(es): RepJT@aol.com Thompson, Terry E-mail Address(es): thompson@newportnet.com Uherbelau, Judy E-mail Address(es): repjudyu@aol.com Rick Metzger; Ken Libbey; Tim Josi; Terry Thompson; State Rep. Jo Ann Bowman; Ryan Deckert; Richard Devlin; Randall Edwards; Peter Courtney; Mike Lehman; Mike Fahey; Margaret Carter; Larry Sowa; Kurt Schrader; Kitty Piercy; Judy Uherbelau; Jeff Merkley; Jackie Taylor; George Eighmey; Gary Hansen; Frank Shields; Floyd Prozanski; Diane Rosenbaum; Deborah Kafoury; Dan Gardner; Chris Beck; Bryan Johnston; Bob Jenson; Barbara Ross; Anthony A. Corcoran; Anitra Rasmussen; Tom Civiletti; Thomas Wilde; Susan Castillo; Randy Leonard; Mae Yih; Kate Brown; Joan Dukes; Ginny Burdick; Cliff Trow; Bill Dwyer; Avel Gordly; Lee Beyer; Brad Avakian; pzastrow@linkport.com; ElectElli@aol.com; LON5X5@aol.com; sunspicer@aol.com; corchero@juno.com; admking@jb.com; hain4house@hotmail.com; peoplekind@email.msn.com; Vickie Walker; lonergan@gervais.com; danwd37@dnc.net; dave@sherm.com; rstucky@orednet.org; dpalmat@aol.com; jgnehm@willamette.edu; fnelson@linfield.edu; alhlaw@aol.com; kathy.lowe@mcione.com; rs4sr@aol.com; landauer@coho.net; ehopson@oregoncoast.com -----Original Message----- From: Roger Dodger (rogerdodger@triax.com) To: Marc Abrams (marc6138@worldnet.att.net) Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 10:02 AM Subject: Re: News from the Democratic Party of Oregon -- The Starr Report, September > This witch hunt needs to end. > >You are right, Mark. This Witch Hunt must end now, before it ignites another >Civil War. > >Please have all of your candidates for whatever position answer the >following three simple questions. The answers will be tabulated and >published in a voters informational handbook to be distributed before >election time. Send the results to me via email, and I will forward the >results to the proper people. Or, please send me a list of all democratic >party candidates for all positions, including their email addresses (if >any), and I will forward the questions to them myself. Thank you in >advance. > >Answer all three questions with YES, NO, or UNDECIDED. > >1. Do you support allowing Oregon farmers to grow low-THC >(non-psychoactive) hemp for industrial use? > >2. Do you support allowing the therapeutic use of medical marijuana? > >3. Do you support the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use by >adults? > >Charles Stembridge >Eagle Creek, OR
------------------------------------------------------------------- Poll Shows Some Voters Not Clear On I-200 Intent (An 'Associated Press' Preview Of November Ballot Measures Facing Voters In Washington State Notes Initiative 692, Regarding Medical Marijuana, Is Favored By 62 Percent) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-Hemp Talk" (hemp-talk@hemp.net) Subject: HT: WA Initiatives Polling Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 19:28:49 -0700 Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Poll shows some voters not clear on I-200 intent The Associated Press 09/14/98 4:49 PM Eastern SEATTLE (AP) -- Half the voters surveyed in a new statewide poll say they support affirmative action, but 53 percent also told pollsters they support a measure that would essentially end it at the state and local levels. "It's clear that some voters don't know exactly what this initiative is going to do," said Del Ali, senior vice president of Mason-Dixon Political/ Media Research in Columbia, Md., which conducted the poll on Initiative 200 for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Seattle television station KOMO seven weeks before the Nov. 3 general election. "These are diametrically different positions," Ali said. Two other initiatives -- to allow medical use of marijuana and raise the minimum wage -- drew strong support. Voter positions on a measure to outlaw late-term abortions were less clear. The survey of 812 voters has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points. The measures do not appear on Tuesday's primary ballot. Voters will not decide them until November. I-200 asks whether voters want to bar the state from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to anyone on the basis of race or gender in state contracting, hiring, or public education. When read the ballot language, which does not mention affirmative action specifically, 53 percent of respondents said they would vote for it, 34 percent said they would vote against it and 13 percent were undecided. Opponents have long argued that the ballot language is misleading, though a Superior Court judge ruled last year that it clearly reflects the measure's intent. Kelly Evans, leader of the NO! 200 campaign, said the poll shows that voters educated about the true nature of I-200 would defeat it. "We need to clearly demonstrate this is about effectively eliminating affirmative action and closing the doors of opportunity," she said. It's not the first time the issue -- and the confusion -- has come up. In 1996, 55 percent of California voters approved Proposition 209, which is nearly identical to I-200, though exit polls found that 28 percent of that majority supported affirmative action. In Houston last year, voters were specifically asked whether they wanted to "end the use of affirmative action for women and minorities" in the city. Fifty-five percent said they did not. But a judge threw out the election results, saying the ballot language did not reflect the original petitions, which used language similar to that used here and in California. Still, the Mason-Dixon poll found most Washington residents would like some changes in affirmative-action programs. Just 33 percent support them as they are. About 35 percent wanted affirmative action eliminated, some sharing retired air-traffic controller John Cook's view that "affirmative action is a policy that was needed in the past to end discrimination but is no longer needed." Cook says he believes white heterosexual males suffer discrimination under current policy. "I think it was good in the `60s, because it very quickly brought women and blacks and Asians in, but it has outlived its usefulness," he said. About 9 percent said affirmative-action programs should be increased, while 21 percent felt they should be cut back. "The majority of people do not want to abolish affirmative action entirely," Ali observed. "If the opposition can make the argument that this will wipe out affirmative action completely, they win." I-200 campaign chairman John Carlson expressed surprise that "we are still up by 20 points. But given the intensity of this issue we would be foolish to take victory for granted." The poll also revealed differences in support along racial lines. About 55 percent of white voters support it, to 37 percent of minority voters. Here are survey results on the other measures: --Initiative 692, which would allow people who are dying or suffering from a debilitating illness to grow and smoke marijuana if it is prescribed by a physician, was favored by 62 percent of respondents. --About 68 percent supported Initiative 688, which would boost the state minimum wage of $4.90 an hour to $5.70 next year, $6.50 in 2000 and then at the annual rate of inflation after that. --Initiative 694, which would make late-term abortions illegal, was opposed by 49 percent of those interviewed and supported by 37 percent, with 14 percent undecided. Campaigns on both sides of that issue said they believe their contest is closer than the survey suggests. Blair Butterworth, who leads the campaign against the measure, said I-694 is drafted in a way that could limit surgical abortions at all stages of pregnancy. Chad Minnick, I-694 campaign manager, said the initiative is not about abortion, but about terminating a fetus that has reached the birth canal. While backed by conservative Christian groups that have fought against abortion rights in the past, the measure "is carefully written to avoid taking away a woman's right to abortion," he said. It already is a crime under state law to terminate a viable fetus, except to save the life or health of the mother, Butterworth noted.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana, Higher Wage Favored But There's Opposition To Abortion Initiative (A Lengthier 'Seattle Post-Intelligencer' Version) Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:48:15 -0700 (PDT) From: bc616@scn.org (Darral Good) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: POLLS favor I-692! Reply-To: bc616@scn.org Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net MEDICAL MARIJUANA, HIGHER WAGE FAVORED BUT THERE'S OPPOSITION TO ABORTION INITIATIVE Final Edition Seattle Post - Intelligencer Seattle, Wash. Sep 14, 1998 Authors: ED PENHALE P-I Reporter Pagination: A1 Abstract: Washington initiatives to allow medical use of marijuana and raise the minimum wage have strong statewide support, but a new poll shows that voters are rejecting a measure that would outlaw late-term abortions. With the vote on the Nov. 3 ballot measures seven weeks away, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer-KOMO News 4 poll shows that the minimum wage and medical marijuana initiatives are likely winners, while the outlook on the late-term abortion measure is less clear because a large number of voters remain undecided. Copyright SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Sep 14, 1998 Full Text: Seattle Post-Intelligencer KOMO News: Initatives poll Washington initiatives to allow medical use of marijuana and raise the minimum wage have strong statewide support, but a new poll shows that voters are rejecting a measure that would outlaw late-term abortions. With the vote on the Nov. 3 ballot measures seven weeks away, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer-KOMO News 4 poll shows that the minimum wage and medical marijuana initiatives are likely winners, while the outlook on the late-term abortion measure is less clear because a large number of voters remain undecided. Initiative 692, which would allow people who are dying or suffering from a debilitating illness to grow and smoke marijuana if it is prescribed by a physician, was favored by 62 percent of respondents. Initiative 688, which would boost the state minimum wage of $4.90 an hour to $5.70 next year, $6.50 in 2000 and then at the annual rate of inflation after that, drew even wider support - 68 percent said they would vote "yes." The measure that would make late-term abortions illegal was opposed by 49 percent of those interviewed and supported by 37 percent, with 14 percent undecided. The survey of 812 voters statewide was conducted by Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research and has a margin of error of 3.5 percent. As the November election nears, the outcomes forecast for the three initiatives by the poll are not likely to change, said Del Ali, senior vice president of the Mason-Dixon polling firm. Campaigns on both sides of I-694, the proposed ban on a seldom-used late-term abortion procedure, said they believe their contest is closer than the 12 percent spread that the survey numbers suggest. "That is so far off from the polling we've done," Chad Minnick, campaign manager for the pro-694 effort, said about the Mason-Dixon results. "Our polling showed it closer," added Blair Butterworth, leading the campaign drive against the initiative. Butterworth said that I-694 is drafted in a way that could limit surgical abortions at all stages of pregnancy. Minnick said the initiative is not about abortion, but has to do with terminating a fetus that has reached the birth canal. "If the election is about choice and voters think this ballot measure will take away choice, then it goes down in a defeat even greater than this," said Butterworth, referring to the poll results. "If they think this is about medical procedures, the election becomes a toss-up." Butterworth said proponents of the measure will try to focus voters' attention on a medical procedure in which the head of a fetus that is not viable must be "shrunk" by physicians in order to remove the fetus. By proposing to make it a felony to perform a late-term abortion, except to prevent a pregnant woman's death, backers of the initiative inaccurately convey the image of viable fetuses being terminated at birth, Butterworth said. It already is a crime under state law to terminate a viable fetus, except to save the life or health of the mother, Butterworth said. Minnick said that the measure, which is backed by conservative Christian groups that have fought against abortion rights in the past,"is carefully written to avoid taking away a woman's right to abortion." Out of 26,138 abortions performed in Washington state in 1996, the most recent year for which data is available, only three abortions were performed on women more than 26 weeks pregnant, according to the state Health Department. And none of the three late-term abortions involved viable fetuses or the abortion procedure the I-694 backers are targeting, Butterworth said. In their response to the measure that would permit medical use of marijuana, voters are offering a lot more support than they did last year for Initiative 685. Last year's initiative was a far broader drug legalization measure and it was soundly defeated. Tim Killian, manager of the campaign to pass this year's medical marijuana measure, I-692, which is much more tightly focused than last year's effort, said he is not surprised that it has widespread support. "We listened to the people's response to 685," Killian said. "And the people told us this (I-692) is what they wanted us to bring back to them." Lt. Gov. Brad Owen, leading opponent of the measure, conceded the initiative will pass because opponents who characterize it as drug legalization can't raise the money needed to compete with backers of the measure. Campaigns for I-692 and nearly identical measures in four other states are bankrolled by the California-based Americans for Medical Rights. That group primarily is supported by billionaire financier George Soros; John Sperling, founder of the for-profit University of Phoenix; and Peter Lewis, chief executive officer of Ohio-based Progressive Insurance. The wealthy businessmen have contributed nearly all of the $392,000 raised by the pro-692 campaign so far. "We don't even have enough money to organize the opposition," Owen said. The measure with the strongest backing, according to the poll, is the labor-backed minimum wage initiative. David Groves, spokesman for the Washington State Labor Council, said the high level of support for the wage increase was expected. Labor has raised $248,600 for the initiative campaign, according to state public disclosure reports. "We expected the numbers to be very favorable right now, but we also anticipate the industries that pay these (minimum) wages are going to spend a lot of money opposing this measure," Groves said. But Russ Goodman, of the Washington State Restaurant Association, and Don Brunell, president of the Association of Washington Business - both of which oppose the initiative - said they don't know of any plan to mount a well-financed opposition campaign. Still, Groves said strong business opposition is likely because the Washington initiative, if passed, would set a precedent. It would make the state the first in the country to have automatic annual increases in the minimum wage that are tied to yearly inflation rates. P-I reporter Ed Penhale can be reached at 360-943-3990 or edpenhale@seattle-pi.com Initiative 688 -- Shall the state minimum wage be increased from $4.90 to $5.70 in 1999 and to $6.50 in 2000 and afterward be adjusted for inflation? Yes 68% No 24% Undecided 8% Initiative 692 -- Shall medical use of marijuana for certain terminal or debilitating conditions be permitted, and physicians authorized to advise patients about medical use of marijuana? Yes 62% No 28% Undecided 10% -- Men Yes 64% No 29% Undecided 7% -- Women Yes 60% No 27% Undecided 13% Initiative 694 -- Shall the termination of a fetus' life during the process of birth be a felony crime except to prevent the pregnant woman's death? Yes 37% No 49% Undecided 14% -- Men Yes 41% No 47% Undecided 12% -- Women Yes 33% No 51% Undecided 16% Margin of error plus or minus 3.5%. The poll This poll was conducted Tuesday and Wednesday by Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research Inc. A total of 812 registered voters selected to reflect voter registration by county were interviewed by telephone, and all said they regularly vote in statewide elections. The poll questioned voters on a range of issues that will be on the Nov. 3 ballot, measures that will determine state law on affirmative action, medical use of marijuana, late-term abortions and minimum wage. Charts; Caption: (1) Initiative 688, Initiative 692, Initiative 694 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Longtime Pot-Smoker Seeks To Be Governor (A Feature Article In 'The Sacramento Bee' About Medical Marijuana Patient Steve Kubby, The Libertarian Party Candidate For California Governor) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 09:49:19 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Longtime Pot-Smoker Seeks to be Governor Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Arthur Sobey (asobey@ncfcomm.com) Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 Author: Dan Bernstein LONGTIME POT-SMOKER SEEKS TO BE GOVERNOR * Libertarian candidate trying to shake up race He is against the death penalty and for the legalization of marijuana, which he smokes every day for health reasons. He is against any form of gun control, even if that means allowing people to walk the streets with military-style assault weapons. And he wants to phase out California's income tax, thereby cutting state government spending in half within four years. He is Steve Kubby, the Libertarian candidate for governor. An author, magazine publisher and outdoorsman who brims with self-confidence, Kubby played a key role in the successful 1996 campaign for Proposition 215, which legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. Now, Kubby hopes to shake up the governor's race, saying that the major party candidates, Republican Dan Lungren and Democrat Gray Davis, agree on almost every issue and offer stale solutions to the state's problems. "I think voters are spoiling for a real fight and they haven't got that yet," said Kubby, a 51-year-old Tahoe City resident. "The debates have been like watching Tweedledee and Tweedledum. You haven't had the loyal opposition up there." Like all minor-party candidates, Kubby is struggling to attract media attention. But he is also doing a few novel things to distinguish himself from the rest of the field. For example, half of his ballot pamphlet statement is written in Spanish, a not-so-subtle effort to woo Latino voters. The statement concludes with a bang: "Kubby opposes such governmental agencies as the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), which terrorize the citizenry; government welfare agencies, which destroy people's independence; and the war on drugs, which disproportionately punishes Hispanics." Kubby, who has written two books on his political views and publishes Alpine World, an on-line recreation magazine, said he joined the gubernatorial race because the Libertarian Party of California asked him to run. He said the only office he previously sought was membership on the board of the Northstar ski resort. He served from 1986 to 1988. A Libertarian Party official confirmed that Kubby was recruited, even though he has been a dues-paying party member for only a few years. "He seems to have a good head on his shoulders," said Mark Hinkle, chairman of the Libertarian Party of California. "He communicates well, and is firmly grounded in Libertarian principles." Kubby said many of his political views stem from his experience with the medical use of marijuana during the past two decades. That experience began in 1975, when Kubby was diagnosed with cancer of the adrenal glands. After two major operations to remove tumors in his abdomen, he said he was told in 1976 that he had only six months to live. During that period, he said, friends gave him some marijuana to cheer him up. To his surprise, he said, it stabilized his blood pressure and heart rate. Today, Kubby's cancer is in remission. Although doctors have been unable to explain a connection between marijuana and control of the disease, Kubby said he is convinced that smoking marijuana regularly has kept him alive. "This medicine moderates my blood pressure and allows me to pursue an active lifestyle," he said. "When I go off this medicine, the symptoms of my disease return." Since he began using marijuana, Kubby said, he has lived in constant fear that his home would be raided by police, and he would be arrested and sent to prison. It has never happened, but Kubby said he resents that the government has the ability to prosecute him for trying to stay healthy. "I have had to spend 23 years as a well-respected member of the community, knowing that at any time police could kick down my door and take my child away," he said. "It has sensitized me to what minorities have to deal with on a daily basis. "We've got to grow up and realize that drugs are here to stay, and it is better to deal with them the same way we deal with alcohol -- by regulating them instead of trying to prohibit them." Kubby said the United States should emulate England and Switzerland. The crime rates in those countries dropped, he said, after their governments decided to provide heroin addicts with the drugs they craved. Kubby's criticism of the U.S. government's "war on drugs" figures prominently in two books he has written: the Politics of Consciousness, published in 1994, and Why Marijuana Should be Legal, published in 1996. Kubby said his central belief that people should be allowed to do anything they want as long as it does not harm others extends to possessing weapons. "Every year, more and more guns are seized, and more laws are passed against ownership of guns," he said. "But communities that have gun control are more likely to have burglaries and crime. . . . These feel-good laws end up entrapping law-abiding citizens and they get hurt." Asked if he would be willing to allow people to carry assault weapons in public as long as they don't fire them, Kubby paused for a moment, and then answered "yes." But he added that juveniles should not have that right. Although he believes in tough sentences for violent criminals, Kubby said he opposes the death penalty -- at least in the hands of the government. He noted that both Lungren and Davis have touted their strong support for the death penalty. But he claimed they are "wimps because the death penalty they call for hardly ever gets instituted and has no deterrent value." "The death penalty is appropriate when someone breaks into your house and tries to rape your wife," Kubby said. "I'd like to see citizens empowered to use lethal force to defend themselves." Kubby also is a strong believer in vouchers for public school students, saying that market forces will improve teacher performance and rid schools of drugs and violence. "A centrally-planned, government-run school system like we have here is more appropriate for Russia or North Korea." Among his goals is to phase out the state's income tax, which generates about $27 billion a year, or half of the state's general fund budget. Kubby said he could still balance the budget by eliminating all state "prevention programs" and clearing most non-violent criminals out of prisons. Despite running a full-time campaign, Kubby is realistic about his political prospects, saying he would be "thrilled" to get 5 percent of the vote on Nov. 3. Hinkle, the party chairman, said he would be pleased if Kubby gets at least 2 percent, which would exceed the 1.7 percent received by Richard Rider, the 1994 Libertarian candidate for governor.
------------------------------------------------------------------- LAPD Chief Bernard Parks' Daughter In Trouble For Drugs (An MSNBC Newscast By KNBC Says The 37-Year-Old Daughter Of Los Angeles' Police Chief, A Civilian Employee Of The Police Department, Was In A Las Vegas Courtroom Monday To Be Apprised Of Charges That She Drove A Car Used In The Alleged Sale Of 20 Grams Of Cocaine To Undercover Officers Last June) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: LAPD Chief Bernard Parks' daughter in trouble for drugs Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 18:04:49 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Source: MSNBC Home: http://www.msnbc.com http://www.msnbc.com/local/KNBC/14775.asp Writer: No byline Newshawk: ccross@november.org LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 - Police Chief Bernard Parks' daughter was in a Las Vegas courtroom Monday to be apprised of charges that she drove a car used in the alleged sale of 20 grams of cocaine to undercover officers last June. Michelle Parks, 37, will be arraigned Sept. 29 on allegations that she conspired to sell cocaine and trafficked in cocaine, said Barbara Schell of the Clark County District Attorney's Office. A Las Vegas police spokesperson said the LAPD civilian employee came to court voluntarily and was released on her own recognizance. Las Vegas police detained Parks Aug. 11, but wasn't charged, according to broadcast reports. The Clark County District Attorney's Office received the case that same day, and before that a warrant had been reportedly issued for her arrest. But the warrant was quashed for some reason. Cmdr. Dave Kalish of the Los Angeles Police Department said Parks, a clerk/typist who had worked for the department about 18 months, is on medical leave. Kalish declined further comment "as a matter of policy," saying the case is being investigated by another police agency. An internal and routine LAPD investigation reportedly also is under way. Parks, who was present at her father's City Hall coming out ceremony after he was selected chief to succeed Willie Williams, would face firing from the LAPD if convicted, under the agency's "zero tolerance" drug rule.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Guarding The Truth About State Prison ('The San Jose Mercury News' Notes Campaign Discussions About The California Gubernatorial Race Are Skirting The Issue Of Brutality By Guards At Corcoran State Prison And Dan Lungren's Inability To Prosecute Anyone For It - Even As '60 Minutes' Is Planning A Piece About The 43 Inmates Who Were Wounded There And Seven Who Were Killed Between 1989 And 1995) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 05:56:45 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Guarding The Truth About State Prison Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus/Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 GUARDING THE TRUTH ABOUT STATE PRISON While everyone's interest is focused on Washington these days, one of the simmering issues that may soon come to the fore in California's election is the brutality of the psion guards at Corcoran State Prison. We're told "60 Minutes" is planning a piece on Corcoran, where 43 inmates were wounded and seven were killed by officers from 1989 to 1995. The political dimensions of this touch on attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Dan Lungren, whose office did a limited investigation of Corcoran that produced no criminal charges. Two months ago, the Los Angeles Times did an exhaustive piece concluding that probes by Lungren and Gov. Pete Wilson's administration had "whitewashed" allegations of brutality at the central California prison. Some cases were hair-raising indeed. The Times reported Corcoran guards had put a 120-pound inmate into the same cell as a 230-pound inmate "enforcer" known as the "Booty Bandit," who raped him repeatedly. The assaulted inmate's sin: He had kicked a female guard. A federal grand jury has since indicted eight officers on charges of setting up inmate fights. It's still inclear how much attention "60 Minutes" will devote to the attorney general's investigation. But we understand there is concern in the Lungren camp that the CBS piece by veteran reporter Mike Wallace could be negative. Our sources and the Times piece suggest that Lungren's office and corrections investigators did have reports of the "Booty Bandit" incident and were unable to make the case. Lungren, meanwhile, has defended his probe, calling the criticism "a bunch of crap" and saying he didn't want to interfere with a federal investigation taking place at the same time. "There was a thorough and complete investigation, and the legislative hearings bear that out," said Department of Justice communications director Rob Stutzman.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Carter McLemore Update (A Letter From The Wife Of The Former Lawyer And Texas Medical Marijuana Prisoner Says His Motion For Sentence Reduction Was Finally Granted, Meaning He'll Be Released To House Arrest At Christmas, Or Outright Next June) From: Freemac@aol.com Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:27:45 EDT To: DRCNet Medical Marijuana Forum (medmj@drcnet.org) Subject: Alan Carter McLemore Update 9-14-98 Reply-To: medmj@drcnet.org Sender: owner-medmj@drcnet.org Alan Carter McLemore - Update 9-14-98 Alan's motion for sentence reduction was finally granted by the federal judge, after a year of waiting. He will be eligible for either a halfway house or home release with a monitoring device attached to his body, on December 25, 1998. If this is not granted, he will be released on June 23, 1999. We probably won't know until November which option the almighty "they" will choose for him.... Thanks for all the kindness and words of support and encouragement we have and continue to receive. Maggi and Alan Maggi Carter McLemore P.O. Box 5073 Beaumont TX 77726 Alan Carter McLemore 05204-078 LOW P.O.Box 26020 Beaumont TX 77720 Maggi Carter McLemore *** Related items at this site: Reward Deficiency Syndrome In 'American Scientist' (7/4/96 - An explanation of McLemore's depression-related illness) Alan Carter-McLemore Update (11/25/97 - Federal Prison Authorities Withhold Marinol Prescription, Endangering Life Of Disbarred Texas Lawyer, Medical Marijuana Patient Busted For Cultivation) Update On Alan Carter-McLemore (1/16/98 - Texas Medical-Marijuana Prisoner Still Denied Legal Prescription For Marinol) Update On Alan Carter-McLemore (1/5/98 - US Bureau Of Prisons Withholds Marinol From Starving Texas Medical-Marijuana Prisoner)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax On Illegal Drugs In Jeopardy (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The Augusta Chronicle' Says A South Carolina Law Requiring Sellers Of Illegal Drugs Such As Marijuana To Pay Taxes May Be Nullified By A North Carolina Lawsuit Challenging A Similar Law) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 05:56:45 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US SC: Tax On Illegal Drugs In Jeopardy Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: The Augusta Chronicle (GA) Contact: letters@augustachronicle.com Website: http://www.augustachronicle.com/ Pubdate: Sep. 14 at 10:17 PM Author: Associated Press TAX ON ILLEGAL DRUGS IN JEOPARDY GREENVILLE, S.C. -- A South Carolina law requiring dealers to pay taxes on illegal drugs like marijuana may be in jeopardy because of a North Carolina lawsuit challenging a similar law, state officials say. The law requires brightly colored tax stamps affixed to every gram of illicit drugs sold. South Carolina has sold about 300 stamps in the past five years, mostly to collectors. The similar law in North Carolina has been overturned by a federal appeals court and goes before the U.S. Supreme Court next month, which worries South Carolina regulators. ``Our law is based on the North Carolina law in some detail,'' said Danny Brazell, a South Carolina Revenue Department spokesman. ``It could certainly affect us if the courts rule against North Carolina.'' South Carolina is not alone in closely watching the case. The other states with the tax are: Alabama, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana and Nebraska. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out the North Carolina drug stamp law, saying its primary thrust was as a criminal penalty, not a revenue-raising tax. The tax levies could submit drug dealers to a second round of punishment for a single crime, or double jeopardy, the court said. The federal panel cited the high fines for violating the law, nearly eight times the street value of the drugs. North Carolina collects about $5 million annually, with nearly 75 percent of that going to the local police agencies making the arrests. South Carolina has collected less than $100,000 of the $7.5 million assessed in 130 cases since the law went into effect in 1993. The stamps range from $3.50 for a gram of marijuana to $2,000 for 50 doses of a controlled substance, such as LSD. The Revenue Department has just one person overseeing the program, which makes it hard to track drug seizures and make cases statewide, Mr. Brazell said. State officials also say local police are not inclined to enforce the tax law because their emphasis is on keeping the money they make from drug forfeitures that helps pay for anti-drug programs and for bulletproof vests, helicopters and other police equipment, [as]The Greenville News[xs] reported Monday. Greenville lawyer Chip Price, who previously challenged North Carolina's law, said the South Carolina law has been used more for show than as an enforcement mechanism. ``It was created by the Legislature simply as another get tough on crime stance,'' he said. University of South Carolina drug expert Andrew Chishom also questioned whether the law can make a difference unless it is used against more than just street-level pushers. ``How beneficial can it be unless it is used against the people who are the big dealers, who make a good livelihood off selling drugs,'' he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- First Ever Medicinal Marijuana Vote To Be On Tuesday - Finally (A Bulletin From The Marijuana Policy Project In Washington, DC, Says The US House Of Representatives Will Vote Tuesday On House Resolution 372, Now House Joint Resolution 117, The Anti-Medical Marijuana Vow Of Ignorance - Please Call Or Fax Your Representative Tuesday Morning) Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:49:21 -0400 From: Marijuana Policy Project (MPP@MPP.ORG) Organization: Marijuana Policy Project Reply-To: MPP@MPP.ORG Sender: owner-mppupdates@igc.apc.org Subject: First ever medicinal marijuana vote to be on Tuesday -- finally! To: MPPupdates@igc.org URGENT ALERT House Joint Resolution 117, the anti-medicinal marijuana resolution, will be brought up for a vote on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, September 15. Whether or not you previously asked your U.S. representative to vote against House Resolution 372 -- which is identical to House Joint Resolution 117 -- please call or fax him or her on TUESDAY MORNING to tell him or her to vote "NO." (House Joint Resolution 117 declares that "Congress is unequivocally opposed to legalizing marijuana for medicinal use." While this resolution would not create any new laws, it is intended to send a message to the states that they should not change their medicinal marijuana laws like California did in 1996.) Most of you can and should keep your calls brief: Please ask whomever answers the phone to tell his or her boss to vote "NO" on House Joint Resolution 117. Doctors, patients, and others with a compelling personal story to tell: Please ask for the staff member who deals with medicinal marijuana and explain why it is so important to you that he or she tell his or her boss to vote "NO" on House Joint Resolution 117. PLEASE MAKE YOUR CALLS ON TUESDAY MORNING. Wednesday, it will be too late. Some reasons that your U.S. representative should vote "NO" on House Joint Resolution 117: House Joint Resolution 117 declares that "Congress is unequivocally opposed to legalizing marijuana for medicinal use." If your U.S. representative votes for this resolution, that would mean that he or she wants to keep the laws as they are, which is that seriously ill people risk being arrested and sent to prison for using medicinal marijuana. House Joint Resolution 117 is wrong because there is substantial clinical evidence that marijuana has legitimate medical uses. Indeed, marijuana's primary active ingredient, THC, is available by prescription to treat cancer chemotherapy and AIDS wasting syndrome. House Joint Resolution 117 is an inappropriate attempt by Congress to intimidate and interfere with legitimate, constitutionally protected state policies. "Perhaps Representative ____ opposes medicinal marijuana except for a few special cases where a terminally ill patient is not responding to any conventional therapies. If that is what Representative _____ believes, then he/she is not 'unequivocally opposed' to medicinal marijuana. Therefore, he/she should vote 'no' on House Joint Resolution 117." *** To find out the name of your U.S. representative (on the Web): First, find out your ZIP+4 ... http://www.usps.gov/ncsc/lookups/lookup_zip+4.html Then, use it to get the name of your U.S. representative ... http://www.house.gov/zip/ZIP2Rep.html TO CALL: To call your U.S. representative's office, please call the congressional switchboard operator at 202-225-3121. The operator will ask you for your zip code if you do not know who your U.S. representative is. TO FAX: To fax your U.S. representative, please call your U.S. representative's office for his or her fax number. TO E-MAIL: Please DO NOT e-mail your U.S. representative unless you have already called or faxed. Chances are, by the time you receive a generic reply to your e-mail, the vote will have already taken place. *** HOW TO SUPPORT THE MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT: To support MPP's work and receive the quarterly newsletter, "Marijuana Policy Report," please send $25.00 annual membership dues to: Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, D.C. 20013 http://www.mpp.org/membrshp.html 202-232-0442 FAX
------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Medical Use Vote In Congress (A Similar Bulletin From Keith Stroup Of NORML, Issued Earlier In The Day) From: RKSTROUP@aol.com Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:51:37 EDT To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Anti-medical use vote in Congress Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Friends: The anti-medical use of marijuana resolution (formerly know as H.Res. 372) in the House of Representatives, now know as H.J.Res.117, is on the calendar for debate and a floor vote either late Tuesday, or more probably Wednesday morning. If you have not previously contacted your House member to urge opposition to this resolution, please do now. Those who need help identifying their member of Congress, or who would like to send a free fax opposing this measure, can do so from the NORML web site (www.norml.org). Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, is a supporter of the medical use of marijuana and was initially planning to manage the time allotted to the opponents of this measure. Because he is currently dealing with the Star report, it is unclear whether he or someone else will now coordinate the opposition. There is likely little we can do to stop the Republicans from adopting this ill-advised and ignorant resolution, but we do hope to present the best arguments for permitting the medical use of marijuana from those members of Congress who are on our side. I'll post additional information regarding this upcoming vote as it becomes available. Keith Stroup NORML
------------------------------------------------------------------- DARE To Hold Postmark Design Contest For Children Ages 8 To 12 (A PRNewswire Release From DARE America Indicates The Privately Owned, Police-Administered Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program Will Unveil A Winning Design At The White House On April 9, After Which It Will Appear On Millions Of Pieces Of Mail) From: GDaurer@aol.com Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 00:59:59 EDT To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: 32 cent D.A.R.E.? Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- D.A.R.E. America announced plans today for a national Postmark Design Contest to promote drug-free, violence- free lifestyles among America's youth. Joining forces with the United States Postal Service, D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the leading worldwide drug and violence prevention education program, is inviting school children ages 8 to 12 to create a pictorial postmark that reflects their commitment to and understanding of D.A.R.E. and its goals. The winning design will be unveiled at the White House on April 9, at the annual National D.A.R.E. Day celebration, and will appear on millions of pieces of mail next Spring. "We are delighted that the United States Postal Service has agreed to support D.A.R.E. in its effort to encourage America's youth to resist drugs and violence," said Glenn Levant, President and Founding Director of D.A.R.E. America. "The Postmark Design Contest will support our in-school education program by helping to deliver D.A.R.E.'s positive messages in a new and interesting way to millions of school children. Additionally, when the winning design is delivered across the nation, it will reinforce D.A.R.E.'s message of resisting drugs and violence." More than 200 inner-city school children at Hoover Street Elementary School in Los Angeles joined D.A.R.E. America and the United States Postal Service in announcing the contest. As part of the celebration, each student signed their name to a giant billboard pledging to be "drug free and proud of it." "We are pleased to cooperate with D.A.R.E. America on the National Postmark Design Contest," said Azeezaly Jaffer, Executive Director of Stamp Services, U.S. Postal Service. "By lending our support to this program we can continue our efforts to reach out to local communities." The D.A.R.E. Postmark Design Contest will launch in schools across the country in October of this year, with entries accepted through February 1999. Contest rules and materials will be distributed to millions of school children throughout the United States and will be available at the official D.A.R.E. website (www.dare-america.com). The winning design will be selected from eleven regional finalists by a panel of judges including celebrities, artists and Postal Service officials. The student who creates the winning design will be a featured guest at the annual National D.A.R.E. Day celebration at the White House in Washington, D.C. For more information about the contest, call Ralph Lochridge at D.A.R.E. America at 1-800-223-D.A.R.E. SOURCE D.A.R.E. America CO: D.A.R.E. America; United States Postal Service ST: California IN: EDU SU: 09/14/98 21:00 EDT http://www.prnewswire.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Shattered Lives' - New Book Offer From DRCNet (The Drug Reform Coordination Network Publicizes A New Book Publicizing The Needless Suffering Of Drug War Prisoners - Join DRCNet And Get It A Discount) Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 22:26:23 -0400 To: drc-natl@drcnet.org From: DRCNet (drcnet@drcnet.org) Subject: SHATTERED LIVES: New Book Offer from DRCNet Sender: owner-drc-natl@drcnet.org 9/14/98 Dear friends: As of this writing, over 180 of our readers have contacted Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, asking him to sign the state parole board's unanimous recommendation that Will Foster be set free. Thank you! If you haven't yet acted on Foster's behalf, please take a few moments to do so this week. (The alert, with contact info, is archived online at http://www.drcnet.org/rapid/1998/9-10.html. Foster and his family are only a few of the thousands upon thousands whose lives have been disrupted by America's drug war. We are proud to announce that our new book offer for members, available now, is "Shattered Lives: Portraits From America's Drug War," a beautifully produced glossy volume, detailing case after case of needless drug war tragedy. We are offering Shattered Lives to all new and renewing members who donate $35 or more to DRCNet for a one year membership, and we are also selling copies standalone without membership. Shattered Lives, authored by long-time activists Mikki Norris, Chris Conrad and Virginia Resner, grew out of the Human Rights and the Drug War exhibit, first unveiled as "Atrocities of the Drug War" in June 1995. I first saw the exhibit at the Drug Policy Foundation's ninth annual conference that year. Though it was almost three years ago, I still vividly remember walking through aisle after aisle of suffering and injustice, each panel a gripping indictment of a nation's conscience twisted upside down in our government's cruel and pointless war against its own citizenry. Leafing through Shattered Lives this month, I am again reminded of the reasons we are working, and of the urgency our cause demands: every day, hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives are systematically and undeservedly disrupted, as a matter of official government drug war policy. Though Shattered Lives is a gallery you can flip through and browse and sample, it is also an educational work, providing hard facts on issues such as mandatory minimum sentences, conspiracy laws, prison growth, asset forfeiture, bad drug raids, privacy violations, medical marijuana, drug war militarization, eradication programs, harm reduction, drug education and more. You can read it cover to cover, or you can place it on your coffee table and use it to draw guests into discussion of these important issues, or you can donate your copy or a second copy to your local library. You can get a taste of what's in Shattered Lives by visiting the Human Rights and the Drug War web site at http://www.hr95.org. In addition to getting your own copy of this important new book, your donation of membership dues will play an important role in helping DRCNet grow and wage the fight for change. Our major donors have been very generous this year; but to truly be politically strong, we need thousands of members both writing letters and contributing financial support. So far this year, members have donated over $22,000 to DRCNet. Help us grow by helping us bring the total to $40,000 by year's end! If you have never donated before, your support is especially valuable, because it will increase our total number of dues-paying members -- an important measure that we are reporting to our major donors on a monthly basis. Your support will have the further effect of demonstrating to our donors and potential donors that our online readers really do care, giving them confidence to invest in the organization, to help us grow our rapid response team from the 6,700 we have today, to 67,000 and then to 100,000, a powerful, organized force for positive change in drug policy. But it starts here, and it starts with you -- we need your help to make it happen. Please join DRCNet today. You can join DRCNet, and order your complimentary copy of Shattered Lives, or purchase a copy without joining, through our online registration form. Set your browser to https://www.drcnet.org/cgi-shl/drcreg.cgi if you wish to pay by credit card and want your form to be encrypted and protected while it travels across the Internet. (If your browser doesn't handle SSL encryption, then point it to http://www.drcnet.org/cgi-shl/drcreg.cgi -- in this case we recommend you don't use a credit card, but print your form out and mail it in with a check.) Or just send your generous donation of $35 or more to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036; or call or fax your credit card donation in to (202) 293-8340 (phone) or (202) 293-8344 (fax). Please note that dues and contributions to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. If you wish to make an additional donation beyond basic membership dues, and do want a tax deduction, you can donate by check to the DRCNet Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. (Make sure to write out "DRCNet Foundation" on the check, or your contribution will go to the Drug Reform Coordination Network and won't be deductible.) Please address correspondence relating to your book order to our new Membership Coordinator, Kris Lotlikar: lotlikar@drcnet.org. Kris will be managing the book shipments and will make sure your copy gets out to you ASAP as soon as we've received your donation. Whether you choose to donate or buy Shattered Lives at this time, thank you for being a part of DRCNet. Together we are pointing the way to a better world. Sincerely, David Borden Executive Director
------------------------------------------------------------------- Three More Bodies Found In Juarez ('The San Antonio Express-News' Says The Bodies - One Of A Wealthy Rancher - Were Found Stuffed In The Trunk Of A Car In The Border Town Of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, In What Police Said Friday Were Drug-Related Killings, Bringing The City's Toll For The Week To Seven) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 19:06:04 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Mexicco: 3 More Bodies Found In Juarez Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: San Antonio Express-News (TX) Contact: letters@express-news.net Website: http://www.expressnews.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 Author: Jodi Bizar, Special to the Express-News 3 MORE BODIES FOUND IN JUAREZ CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico -- The bodies of three men -- one a wealthy rancher -- were found stuffed in the trunk of a car in what police here said Friday were drug-related killings. Their deaths brought to seven the number of people in this border city who have died this week in drug-related killings. "They have the signature of a drug-related execution," Jorge Lopez Molinar, a Chihuahua state prosecutor, said. The bodies were found late Thursday, but Lopez said: "They appear to have been dead about 24 hours by the time we found them." He identified one the victims as David Daniel Ramirez Rodriguez, owner of several ranches. The three appeared to have been strangled, Lopez continued. They were wrapped in dark-colored sheets, with plastic bags around their heads, and their mouths were sealed with duct tape, he said. They were found in the trunk of a car reported stolen in El Paso, just across the Rio Grande from this city. The car was in a parking lot, and police searched it after neighbors complained about smelling something rancid coming from it. At least 50 people have been killed in drug-related violence since July 1997 -- when Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who headed a drug cartel based here, died in Mexico City while undergoing plastic surgery to change his appearance. Carrillo's death touched off a struggle over who would control his empire and battles over unpaid debts. Police made another grisly discovery Monday when the bodies of four businessmen from Chihuahua City were found in the trunk of another abandoned car on the outskirts of town. The men, all telecommunications experts, had been hired to help police here develop a system to eavesdrop on suspected narcotics traffickers. However, other details of their deaths were not made public. Arturo Chavez Chavez, state attorney general, said he has asked the FBI and the El Paso Intelligence Center, a multi-agency organization that collects and distributes information on drug trafficking, to help solve the deaths of the four communications experts.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Rising Star In Mexico Cocaine Trade Killed - Report ('Reuters' Says Rafael Munoz Talavera, Described By The US Drug Enforcement Administration As An Emerging Drug Kingpin, Was Gunned Down Thursday In Ciudad Juarez And Found Stuffed In An Armored Pick-Up Truck) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 19:21:35 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Mexico: Rising Star In Mexico Cocaine Trade Killed - Report Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: isenberd@DynCorp.com (Isenberg, David) Pubdate: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 Source: Reuters RISING STAR IN MEXICO COCAINE TRADE KILLED - REPORT MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A man allegedly trying to become the godfather of the Mexican drugs trade was gunned down Thursday in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez, state news agency Notimex reported Friday. Rafael Munoz Talavera, described by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as an emerging drug kingpin, was found stuffed in an armored pick-up truck in a suburb of the city, which has been hit hard by drug violence recently, the news agency said. Hugo Chavez, a spokesman for the state attorney general's office in northern Chihuahua state, said residents in the Juarez suburb of El Colegio reported an abandoned vehicle with a body slumped inside early Thursday to police. Juarez lies across the border from El Paso, Texas.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cultivating A Following ('The Montreal Gazette' Says The Bloc Pot, A Quebec Group Recognized As An Official Political Party By The Chief Electoral Officer In March, Is Set To Run At Least 11 Candidates In The Next Election) Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 14:56:10 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Cultivating A Following Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@mapinc.org) Source: Montreal Gazette (Canada) Contact: letters@thegazette.southam.ca Website: http://www.montrealgazette.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 14 Sep, 1998 Author: Paul Cherry CULTIVATING A FOLLOWING Legalized marijuana would boost tourist trade, new Bloc Pot contends If there is indeed the whiff of a provincial election in the air, the law-abiding among us might want to refrain from inhaling. The Bloc Pot, a provincial party that claims more than 200 members, yesterday outlined its plans to work for the legalization of marijuana. It was recognized as an official party by the chief electoral officer in March. The Bloc Pot's first goal is to decriminalize personal possession: the laws prohibiting marijuana possession would stand but provincial authorities would not enforce them. The party's platform considers holding 28 grams or lower as personal possession. The next step would be to have marijuana removed from the list of prohibited drugs under Canada's Criminal Code. Set to run at least 11 candidates in the next election, party president Marc St. Maurice said he has realistic aspirations. He cited the 1996 New Zealand election, in which the Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party - one party among 21 - garnered 1.8 per cent of the popular vote, as a significant step forward for the pro-marijuana movement. "I think we can do more than that, and it was that party's first experience. In by-elections, that number went up to 4 per cent," St. Maurice, 29, said after being elected president during the Bloc Pot's first general assembly. He said he's convinced a number of Quebecers are willing to set aside constitutional matters, the economy and the state of the health-care system, and vote for a party whose sole goal is to promote the legalization of marijuana. "There are people out there who won't mention it in surveys, because it's a taboo, but will vote for us," he said. St. Maurice said legalization for medicinal purposes is only one argument the party is making. The party contends gang violence would decrease if marijuana was not sold on the black market. It also suggests the province would generate additional tax revenues if marijuana is sold by authorized dealers, and that legalizing the drug would boost Quebec's tourist industry. In March, the Bloc Quebecois called for a full parliamentary debate on the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. This month, a man who police say grew up to $50,000 worth of marijuana was granted a discharge by a British Columbia judge who accepted his argument that he used the drug to battle glaucoma. In December, an Ontario judge ruled that Canada's pot laws unfairly denied a Toronto epileptic the right to an effective medication for his condition. Ottawa is appealing that decision. The Bloc Pot set out yesterday on a recruitment campaign to find candidates to run in each of the province's 125 ridings. "Whether an election is called now or next spring, we'll be ready," St. Maurice said. "I've traveled in many areas of the province and ... there's always a s--t disturber somewhere who might be interested in running for us." Premier Lucien Bouchard has until next September to call an election. St. Maurice said he has organized many pro-legalization demonstrations since being arrested for marijuana possession six years ago. He said the party's name is derived from the Bloc Quebecois because both are one-issue parties, but the Bloc Pot won't take sides on separatist-federalist issues.
------------------------------------------------------------------- International Olympic Committee - No Jail For Suspect Athletes ('The Los Angeles Times' Says The IOC Declared Its Opposition Monday To Athletes Being Jailed For Taking Banned Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Rejecting Last Month's Proposal By The Australian Olympic Committee That The Penalty For Possession, Manufacturing, Trafficking Or Use Of Steroids Or Other Banned Substances Should Be The Same As Those For Illicit Drugs) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 19:37:46 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: IOC: No Jail For Suspect Athletes Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: September 14, 1998 Author: Stephen Wilson, AP Sports Writer IOC: NO JAIL FOR SUSPECT ATHLETES SEOUL, South Korea--The International Olympic Committee declared its opposition Monday to the possibility of athletes being jailed for taking banned performance-enhancing drugs. The Australian Olympic Committee last month said the penalty for possession, manufacturing, trafficking and use of steroids and other banned substances should be the same as those for illicit narcotics. Under the proposal, anyone importing large amounts of performance-enhancers into Australia could be jailed for life. An athlete caught using doping substances could also face criminal charges. There has been speculation the proposal could raise the prospect of an athlete being put in prison for failing a drug test during the 2000 Sydney Games. But AOC president John Coates said Monday he never proposed that athletes should be jailed for a positive test, only if they were caught trafficking in large amounts of drugs. But the IOC executive board, which opened a four-day meeting Monday, apparently was under the impression that Australia was proposing jail terms for athletes caught using drugs. While drug traffickers should face criminal prosecution, athletes should be sanctioned by sports bodies, IOC leaders said. "There is quite a bit of consensus that jail should be reserved for the traffickers, dealers, suppliers and true criminals," IOC director general Francois Carrard said. "The athletes should be subjected to the sanctions of the world of sports." Carrard said the IOC would be put in a difficult position if athletes faced the possibility of jail sentences. "The IOC has to comply with the law in every country," he said. "If the prospect of having athletes threatened with spending time in jail becomes a full reality, this would create some discomforts." However, Carrard expressed confidence that some compromise will be reached and said there was no reason to speculate about moving the games out of Australia. "I cannot imagine the IOC moving the games out of Sydney," he said. "But I cannot imagine athletes in jail either. We are confident there will be very reasonable solutions for all the parties." Jacques Rogge, an executive board member from Belgium and head of the IOC's oversight panel for the Sydney Games, said Australia would face serious repercussions if it imposed jail terms on athletes. "Australia would isolate itself from the rest of the world of international sport," he said. "I doubt any big international competitions would be awarded to Australia in the future. "I understand the emotion, but we hope Australia would go along with what other countries are doing. We need governments to track down and imprison the dealers and traffickers. Let the sports movements take care of the athletes." IOC vice president Dick Pound of Canada said governments can help by listing steroids as controlled substances and prosecuting traffickers. But he said athletes caught using drugs should be limited to suspensions or fines by sporting bodies. "Athletes should not be jailed for non-criminal offenses," he said. Drugs was the main topic at Monday's executive board meeting as officials discussed preparations for a world anti-drug conference to be held at Lausanne, Switzerland, Feb. 2/4. The conference, which was called in the wake of the drug scandals which marred the Tour de France, will finalize plans for the creation of a special Olympic agency to coordinate drug-testing throughout the world. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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