------------------------------------------------------------------- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act Update (Shop Notes From Bruce House On Petition Sheets, Pledges) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 04:20:17 -0600 (CST) From: wbruceh@ix.netcom.com (William A.B. House) Subject: OCTA on the move, e-mail list information To: hemp@efn.org Hello all you sundry freedom fighters! I've been working on a single-issue laser-like Initiative to End Cannabis Prohibition of Industrial, Medical, Recreational Use and Personal Cultivation. I will be posting OCTA UPDATES to the OCTA99 e-mail list, to avoid duplicating posts. To receive the OCTA 99 e-mail list, e-mail stanford@crrh.org with your request. We have accomplished a 1,200 piece mailout, which I received my test piece Monday, and will be following it up with phone calls for signature pledges and donation solicitations. If each person would fill out ONE SHEET - that's 15 signatures - by January 1st, we would have 15,000 more signatures and be up over 33,000 by then! If we repeated that each month, we would be on the ballot by the deadline July 2nd. Not only that, we have a 10,000 name mailing list we PLAN on mailing petitions to and following up with phone calls + we are getting calls every week, we just mailed 7 more petition and donation request packages out Monday. If all of those people would fill out just ONE SHEET - 15 signatures - OCTA would be ballot-qualified in a MONTH! Please, help us to get OCTA on the ballot - we have bulk-mail rates and free long distance calling on Friday's but we do need donations. We need everyone to pledge at least on petition sheet a month - at least of course - and we will do our best logistically by mailing out these 10,000 people AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! More people, less work per person! (another 1,500 piece mailout is planned within the next two weeks - all we need is $100 more dollars to cover the cost of that!). Following these mailouts up with phone calls for signature pledges and donation solicitations is the key. If you would like to donate to the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp, you can do so by the Web via Credit Card: SEE: http://www.crrh.org Or by mailing donations to: Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp CRRH P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone: (503) 235-4606 Fax: (503) 235-0120 Web: http://www.crrh.org/ We need your help to put this important issue on the ballot in Oregon! November 3, 1998 ballot question on the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, drafted by the Oregon Attorney General's office: "Yes" vote permits state-licensed cultivation, sale of marijuana for medical purposes and to adults. ..and remember: I will be posting OCTA UPDATES to the OCTA99 E-Mail list, to avoid duplicating posts. To receive the OCTA 99 e-mail list, e-mail stanford@crrh.org with your request. Any signature pledges or other questions about OCTA 99? Reply to this message ( to me), Peace, Bruce House
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study Queries Mandatory Sentences ('Boston Globe' Says 100-Page Study Of Massachusetts Prisoners, Released Yesterday, Was Written By William N. Brownsberger, Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General Specializing In Narcotics And Research Fellow In Drug Policy At Harvard Medical School - Recommends Alternative Sanctions Such As Intensive Probation, Treatment-Oriented Drug Courts For Nonviolent Offenders) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 15:27:35 EST From: Dave Fratello (104730.1000@compuserve.com) To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: Bos Globe/Mandatory min. study The Boston Globe Tuesday, November 25, 1997, p. B02 Study queries mandatory sentences By Zachary R. Dowdy Globe Staff A study of Massachusetts prisoners that links poverty, race, and crime may recharge the ongoing debate over whether drug dealers and users with no history of violence should receive mandatory sentences at a time when prisons are overcrowded. Rather than prison terms, the study recommends alternative sanctions such as intensive probation and treatment-oriented drug courts for nonviolent offenders. The 100-page study, released yesterday, was written by William N. Brownsberger, a state assistant attorney general specializing in narcotics who is also a research fellow in drug policy at Harvard Medical School. Prison beds occupied by petty dealers and users serving long prison terms as a result of drug laws enacted during a more violent era should be reserved for violent criminals, who pose a more immediate danger to society, the study suggests. The study recommends that policy makers reconsider whether public-safety concerns outweigh the high costs and disproportionate impact that mandatory sentences have on minority offenders. The study cites statistics showing that two-thirds of all men sentenced to state prison from July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1996 under mandatory drug sentencing laws had never been convicted of a violent crime. The report, ''Profile of Anti-Drug Law Enforcement in Urban Poverty Areas in Massachusetts,'' also says that half of all prisoners sentenced for drug offenses had never been charged with a violent crime. Blacks and Latinos account for 85 percent of those drug-related commitments, with Latinos making up nearly 55 percent. Although Brownsberger said he did not set out to demonstrate racism in the criminal justice system, he did find that minority offenders were sent to prison more often than white offenders. However, Brad Bailey, executive director of the Governor's Alliance Against Drugs, disagreed with the study's conclusions, saying that, in his view, the very act of dealing drugs is violence against the community and should be punished like other violent crimes. ''If you're of the perspective that I am, that people who sell drugs are committing crimes of violence and contributing to the level of violence in their communities, then you have to disagree with the recommendations of the study,'' Bailey said. A supporter of mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses, Bailey said drug courts and alternative sentences are not appropriate for major drug dealers. Their turf wars escalated the war on drugs and prompted states and the federal government to set mandatory minimum sentences. Janet Y. Johnson, site coordinator for the Dimock Community Health Center who works at Dorchester Drug Court, countered Bailey's view, saying mandatory minimums don't capture suppliers, or kingpins, but too often crack down on mere pawns in drug distribution. The strong links the study finds between race, money, and crime place the report in line with studies by the US Sentencing Commission, Federal Judicial Center, and Sentencing Project on the legacy of mandatory drug sentencing. Among the study's most stark revelations is that Latinos are sent to state prison for drug offenses at a rate 81 times that of whites also convicted of drug crimes, and blacks at a rate 39 times that of whites. Drugs have had a profound effect on the criminal justice system; about 20 percent of state prisoners are serving terms for drug dealing. Those figures are consistent with a national American Bar Association report, ''The State of Criminal Justice,'' which shows that whites constitute 75 percent of drug users but 62 percent of drug arrests. That report said blacks make up 15 percent of drug users and a third of arrests. Furthermore, a person who lives in a neighborhood designated by the federal government as an ''extreme poverty'' area, or having some 40 percent of its population below the poverty line, is 19 times more likely to be incarcerated for a drug offense than someone who lives in a non-poverty area, said the study. Boston, Springfield, and Lawrence hold the largest clusters of poverty, the report said. But Holyoke, 47 percent of whose population of 18,000 people is poor, had an incarceration rate of 608 males over 16 years old for each 100,000 residents, the highest of the 11 cities with the largest poverty clusters. Chief Justice Robert Mulligan, who chairs the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission, said the study makes a strong case for adoption of flexible sentencing guidelines, which the commission released last spring and which may be implemented early next year. ''I was shocked at how this study documents the impact these laws are having on minority communities,'' Mulligan said, adding that he regrets that he has imposed heavy sentences on minor players in the drug trade, such as accomplices and lookouts for dealers or buyers. ''The impact there has been devastating.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study Casts Doubt On Harsh Drug Sentences ('New York Times' Version Notes Nearly Half Of Drug Offenders Sentenced To Long Mandatory Minimum Terms In Massachusetts State Prisons Had No Record Of Violent Crime - Study Of 1,175 Inmates Found 82.9 Percent Of Drug Offenders Were Black Or Hispanic, Though They Make Up Just Over 9 Percent Of State's Population) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 15:27:43 EST From: Dave Fratello <104730.1000@compuserve.com> To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: NYT/Mandatory sentences-possession offenders The New York Times Tuesday, November 25, 1997 Study Casts Doubt on Harsh Drug Sentences By CAREY GOLDBERG BOSTON -- Among drug offenders sentenced to long, mandatory terms in Massachusetts state prisons, nearly half have no record of violent crime, according to a study of the state's prison population released Monday. "Mandatory sentencing laws are wasting prison resources on nonviolent, low-level offenders and reducing resources available to lock up violent offenders," said William Brownsberger, the study's principal investigator and an assistant attorney general, who conducted the study at Harvard Medical School while he was on leave. Drug-policy experts say the study will add valuable facts to the growing debate around the United States over the efficacy of tough minimum sentences for drug crimes. "We have to respond to drug dealing forcibly, and incarceration is often an appropriate response," said Brownsberger, "but today we are going too far." The study of 1,175 inmates in the Massachusetts prison system also found that 82.9 percent of the drug offenders were black or Hispanic, though they make up just over 9 percent of the state's population. The data are likely to be used by some who contend that the sentences put away dangerous criminals who belong in jail. But when researchers looked closely at the criminal records of a sample of 151 inmates, Brownsberger said, they found that nearly half had never been charged with a violent crime in Massachusetts, only one-third had ever been convicted of a violent crime and only one in 12 had been convicted of a serious violent crime like assault with intent to kill. The study "is quite important because it's state-specific, and it's quantitative, and in particular, it's grounded in data," said Jonathan Caulkins, a drug-policy researcher at Carnegie-Mellon University. Caulkins was the principal researcher on a Rand Corp. study released in May that also harshly criticized mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses, which became popular during the crack-related crime scares of the 1980s. The study argued that incarceration is so expensive -- about $20,000 to $30,000 a year for each inmate -- that it would be far more cost-efficient to shift the emphasis to old-fashioned enforcement techniques and traditional prison sentences, or to spend more money on drug abuse and prevention. Researchers say mandatory drug sentences are seen as a major cause of prison overcrowding, budget overruns and, in some cases, simple injustice -- as when a nonviolent drug offender ends up serving more time than someone convicted of manslaughter or armed robbery. The Massachusetts Sentencing Commission, a panel of judges, prosecutors and other criminal-justice experts, has recommended that judges be allowed to depart from mandatory sentences when a defendant does not have a serious criminal record. The state Legislature is expected to take up its plan next year and it is expected to be hotly debated.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Dealer Gets 20 Years ('San Jose Mercury News' Notes Supporters Of 21-Year-Old Man Who Sold Methamphetamine To Junior High School Girls In Los Gatos, California, Say Sentence Was Excessive, Politically Motivated) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:44:53 EST From: David BordenTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: ARTICLE: Drug dealer gets 20 years *** Forwarded from Kai Price, who is currently on the road. I've met the San Mateo County DA quoted here, Jim Fox. He is the guy who prosecuted Joey Tranchina (DRCNet board member) for handing out needles. (The jury nullified.) I think Joey told me that they were actually debate partners in high school. The most interesting thing may be how much sympathy some of the members of the community expressed for a man who had just been convicted of selling drugs to children -- even some of the parents of those same children. It may reflect the changing demographics of the area -- a burgeoning Hispanic population that is rapidly overtaking the white population, perhaps has already overtaken it. Another case of a white justice system throwing away the key on a non-white, against the sentiments of that individual's community. (Not that I approve of selling drugs to minors either.) *** DRUG DEALER GETS 20 YEARS Harsh term: Judge says it was justified; critics say politics played role. San Jose Mercury News Tuesday, November 25, 1997 By Tracey Kaplan Mercury News Staff Writer opinion@sjmercury.com A 21-year-old man who sold methamphetamine to junior high school girls in Los Gatos burst into tears Monday as he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, a lengthy term that his angry supporters charged was politically motivated. In imposing the tough sentence, Superior Court Judge Lawrence F. Terry noted that Anthony A. Garcia was a twice-convicted felon who "exploited" girls as young as 13, some of whom relied on "crank" to lose weight. "It is clear this defendant has by his conduct . . . exploited young people for his own purpose . . . and done very poorly while on probation," said Terry, noting that three of Garcia's Los Gatos High School customers had been buying drugs from him since their days in middle school. But defense attorney Harry Robertson blamed prosecutors for the sentence, saying they requested that Garcia spend 23 years in prison for two politically motivated reasons: The uncle of one of the victims is a captain in the Los Gatos police force, and Garcia had the audacity to sell his wares in the largely white, upper-class community of Los Gatos. The sentence is longer than that served by some rapists and even some killers, Robertson said, adding he will appeal. Garcia faced a maximum of 50 years in prison. He could be paroled in nine years. "He's getting a different standard of justice because the young girls buying drugs were from a privileged community," Robertson said. "If this had happened in East San Jose or East Palo Alto -- where this kind of stuff goes on every day -- he wouldn't have been treated this way." But the San Mateo County district attorney, with jurisdiction over East Palo Alto, disagreed. "We also would have thrown the book at him," said Jim Fox. "We can because the state legislature has recognized that furnishing drugs to minors or involving minors in the sale of drugs is worthy of harsher punishment." Garcia was arrested last November after an undercover investigation revealed that he had been selling drug to school children for more than three years. He was sentenced on nine felony counts of furnishing methamphetamine to minors, one felony count of possession of methamphetamine and one misdemeanor count of driving with a suspended license. Deputy District Attorney Jay Boyarsky admitted the sentence was harsh. "Yes, it's unusually long for a drug case, but it's an outrageous case that calls for a severe penalty," he said. The defendant's father, Gary Garcia, insisted that the local police took a strong personal interest in the case. He said he moved to Los Gatos from San Jose hoping to shield his sons from drug influences only to find the youth community just as drug-riddled. "The police more or less look the other way there, until this particular case when the niece of a cop is involved," Gary Garcia said. But Los Gatos detective Tim Morgan, the chief investigator in the case, said the department's ardor in pursuing the case. "Tony was the major supplier of methamphetamine at Los Gatos High School," Morgan said. "I don't care who he was selling to -- we would have gone after him with the same vigor if it was anyone's daughter." Garcia had served seven months in jail and been put on two years probation after being convicted in 1995 of possession of methamphetamine and selling marijuana to minors at Los Gatos High School. By Garcia's own admission, he continued to sell drugs at the high school while on probation. Because neither of Garcia's previous convictions are considered "strikes" under California's "three strikes, you're out" law, Garcia's sentence was not automatic. To qualify as a strike, a previous conviction must be a "serious" or "violent" crime, and a third strike can result in mandatory sentences of 25 years to life. Terry also went out of his way in court Monday to say that he was not motivated by political considerations, including by a letter from Los Gatos Police Chief Larry Todd, who asked that Garcia be sent away for 38 years. "I don't need to know what the police chief is thinking," Terry said. "It suggests this is some sort of political process. My decision must not be made by political pressure." The judge listened to more than five hours of testimony over a two-day period from four victims, now in their late teens; parents; a psychologist, who noted Garcia lost his mother at an early age; and a drug treatment counselor. The defense had requested that the judge hear the case because, as head of the drug court for Santa Clara Superior Court, Terry is considered sympathetic to the problems addicts face and is sometimes amenable to putting them into residential treatment programs. But while the judge commended Garcia for kicking drugs since he was jailed more than a year ago, he sided with Boyarsky, who likened Garcia to "a lion who selects the youngest and weakest gazelle in the herd" by preying on young girls and argued that he needed to pay for his crimes. As the judge announced his decision and Garcia broke into loud sobs, the faces of parents and some of Garcia's victims turned ashen. Four young women, including a high school girl who testified that Garcia recruited her as a dealer, and two of their parents, had prevailed upon the judge for leniency. "I'm surprised," said one parent who had asked the court to sentence Garcia to a short prison term so that he could learn his lesson. "My heart goes out to the young man."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Carter-McLemore Update (Federal Prison Authorities Withhold Marinol Prescription, Endangering Life Of Disbarred Texas Lawyer, Medical Marijuana Patient Busted For Cultivation) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 13:23:46 EST From: Freemac@aol.com To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: Alan Carter-McLemore - 11-25-97 Update Alan Carter-McLemore - 11-25-97 Update Alan remains incarcerated at the federal medical facility in Rochester, Minnesota. The Bureau of Prisons continues to withhold his prescription Marinol. Alan continues to suffer the symptoms of his lifelong brain chemistry disorder, severe clinical Depression. His eating disorder is life threatening and his mood fluctuations and migraines are extreme. The doctors in Rochester have tried every medication available to them for prescription and would prescribe Marinol if they could. Direct orders from Washington D.C. prevent this, despite private and jail medical records indicating Marinol works for Alan when all other drugs fail. The various medications tried either exacerbate his condition, do nothing for his illness or produce intolerable side effects. The Bureau of Prisons has 2 excuses for not allowing the Marinol. The first is that the FDA has only approved the drug for wasting syndrome in AIDS patients and nausea in cancer patients and would have to be written "off-label". The second is that it is not on the BOP formulary. The doctors have already given him other drugs that have been prescribed "off-label" and were not on the formulary. He is attempting to control some of the pain of his disease by alternately fasting (his normal state) and gorging (brought on by medication) and taking 2 medications, Buproprion and Sinemet. Neither is adequate for his condition. The Sinemet is a dopamine drug and helps somewhat but is used for Parkinson's Disease and produces Parkinson's-like symptoms in Alan, along with vision problems, hallucinations and headaches. The doctors in Rochester can do no more for him and have recommended he be redesignated to the new federal facility in Beaumont, Texas, 15 minutes from where I live. Instead the Bureau of Prisons has gone against the recommendations of their own doctors at their best medical facility and redesignated him back to Fort Worth, several hours away from me and his immediate family. The facility at Fort Worth is called a medical facility but this where Alan dropped twice to 120 lbs. before their eyes and their medical staff was quite inadequate to say the least. Alan's reaction to the news was to break out in hives. At least if he is in the Beaumont facility, we can talk on the phone and visit without the exorbitant costs of prison-controlled long-distance telephones and travel expenses. Alan is serving 6 1/2 years for growing his own medicine. At age 44, he lost his license to practice law for at least 10 years after leaving prison, lost all his property to asset forfeiture, and lost his civil rights to incarceration. He is now losing his health specifically because the government is withholding his prescription medicine, a human rights violation by international treaties. How much more does he have to suffer for growing a forbidden plant? This is the cost of the drug war. Thanks for your concern. For now, please write Alan % me. Maggi Carter-McLemore Box 5073 Beaumont TX 77726 Freemac@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cop Charged With Stealing Cocaine ('Associated Press' Item In Bergen County, New Jersey, 'Record,' Says 17-Year Veteran Of Atlantic City Police Department Is Accused Of Stealing Cocaine From Evidence Drawer In City Hall) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 11:18:39 EST From: adbryan@onramp.net To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: ART: Cop charged with stealing cocaine From The Record (Bergen County, N.J.), Tuesday, November 25, 1997 http://www.bergen.com email form--http://www.bergen.com/cgi-bin/feedback Cop charged with stealing cocaine The Associated Press ATLANTIC CITY -- For the second time in a week, a police official was charged here with official misconduct. Detective Joseph D. Russell, a 17-year veteran of the department assigned to its stakeout unit, is accused of stealing cocaine from a desk drawer in City Hall, Atlantic County Prosecutor Jeffrey Blitz said Monday. Russell, 39, of Hamilton Township, is accused of removing a half-gram of cocaine from a drawer, where it had been left packaged and marked as evidence in a criminal case, Blitz said. Russell did not have the authority to touch the evidence, Blitz said. He was arrested Sunday at City Hall. It will be up to a grand jury to decide whether Russell should face drug charges, Blitz said. Official misconduct is a second-degree charge. If convicted, Russell could receive 10 years in prison. He will be arraigned Dec. 19. Last week, the civilian supervisor of the Police Department's towing lot was accused of pocketing more than $16,000 in fees collected from motorists. Michael Friel, 59, of Atlantic City is charged with official misconduct. He is a 15-year veteran of the department. Asked if prosecutors were targeting the Police Department, Blitz said no.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Court Throws Out Drugs Seized In Lyndon Search ('Associated Press' Item In 'Boston Globe' Says Judge Will Admit Some Evidence From Warrantless Search Of Student's Room At Lyndon State College In Vermont) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 11:18:26 EST From: adbryan@onramp.net To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: ART: Court throws out drugs seized in Lyndon search From the 11-25-97 Boston Globe http://www.boston.com/ letters@globe.com Court throws out drugs seized in Lyndon search Associated Press, 11/25/97 01:03 ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (AP) - Most of the evidence from a warrantless search of a student's room by Lyndon State College officials can't be used against the student, a judge has ruled. It would violate defendant Zachary Thomas' Fourth Amendment right against warrantless searches to allow evidence to be used against him that wasn't in plain view when searchers entered his dorm room, Judge Brian Burgess ruled. Burgess, sitting in Vermont District Court for Caledonia County, ruled that a ``bong,'' or water pipe, and other drug-related items that were in plain view when college officials entered Thomas' room could be introduced at trial. But he said that a search of drawers and closets in the room violated the defendant's reasonable expectation of privacy. Most of the 37 items of evidence affected by the judge's ruling were not in plain view and will not be admitted into evidence. Thomas has pleaded innocent to a charge of possession of marijuana. Deputy State's Attorney Alan Singer argued that all the evidence should be allowed in. He said Thomas knew that the college has a strict anti-drug policy and that Thomas had signed the ``terms and conditions'' for rooming at the college, which allowed such searches. The case began on April 13 when Kerrie Osborne, resident assistant at the Poland/Rogers dorm, went into rooms to clear out students for a fire alarm. She saw the bong and alerted other officials, who decided to search the room.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Will Foster On 'Inside Edition' 28th Of November (List Subscriber Says Network Television Show Will Publicize Case Of Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Patient Sentenced To 93 Years) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 15:42:56 EST From: "James R. Dawson"To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: WILL FOSTER ON INSIDE EDITION 28TH OF NOVEMBER Hi friends, Will Foster's long awaited interview with the television show Inside Edition is scheduled to be shown nationwide on the 28th of November, (the day after thanksgiving). They canceled the last show I announced, I have been assured that this time it will be shown as promised. Please check your local listings for time and stations. Thanks and happy gobble-gobble! James A Travesty of Justice...the Will Foster Story http://www.gnv.fdt.net/~jrdawson/willfoster.htm *** Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:57:40 EST From: DRCNet (manager@drcnet.org) To: Multiple recipients of list (drc-natl@drcnet.org) Subject: MEDIA ALERT: WILL FOSTER ON INSIDE EDITION To all DRCNet Readers: We try to keep our bulletins down to once a week, but occasionally if something is coming up quickly, or is particularly important, we will put out an extra bulletin to make sure you get the information in time. This is one of those bulletins. We've just learned that Will Foster, a medical marijuana patient sentenced to 93 years in prison by the state of Oklahoma, will be covered by the nationally syndicated program Inside Edition. The Foster story is set to be aired on Friday Nov. 28. (It will probably air on the following Monday in New York and Washington, DC because of scheduling conflicts.) TV stations are notorious for changing their programming schedule at the last minute, but it sounds like it is probably going to air this time. DRCNet has played a leading role in the Will Foster campaign, getting the word out about this travesty of justice and referring media to the Foster family and to experts. You can learn more about the case by reading DRCNet Associate Director Adam J. Smith's article in last May's issue of Reason Magazine, "Pot of Trouble", online at http://www.reasonmag.com/9705/col.smith.html. Also visit the Free Will Foster web site at http://www.gnv.fdt.net/~jrdawson/willfoster.htm, or our drug library search engine at http://search.druglibrary.org and search on "Will Foster" to find our back alerts and material on other sites. We will be keeping you updated with reports and actions alerts as the Free Will Foster campaign progresses. Things to know: Inside Edition airs at all different times in different places. In most locations it airs on major network affiliates, though it could also be on other local broadcast or cable stations. To find out when it airs in your area, you'll need to check your local listings. Also note that Inside Edition does not sell or provide videotapes or transcripts. Last but not least: JOIN DRCNET! We need your help to pay the bills, but more importantly, to show our funders that we are building paying membership and long-term financial stability. Our e-mail team has grown from 1,200 at the beginning of the year to 3,500, and is projected to go well over 4,000 by the end of the year. But so far only 540 people have paid membership dues. To contribute to DRCNet (or even just to tell us more about yourself), visit our secure registration form at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html (or https://secure.calyx.com/drcnet/drcreg2.cgi if that's not working). Or send your check by mail to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or phone or fax your credit card donation to (202) 293-8340 (voice) or 293-8344 (fax). Full membership dues are $25 annually, and additional contributions are gratefully accepted. To those of you who've already responded to our request for funds -- thank you! To those of you who can't afford to contribute financially, or haven't yet decided if you wish to contribute -- don't worry, we won't throw you off the list -- but please donate if you can! Sorry for the extra mail, but we needed to get the message out about the show in time for you to be able to watch it. If you wish to sign off this list or do a change of address, mailto:listproc@drcnet.org with the line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or mailto:drcnet@drcnet.org for assistance. To add your new address, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html on our web site. David Borden Executive Director
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Luck For Bride Caught In Drug Net ('The Australian' Says Heroin Sweep By 400 Law Officials Nets Little Except Musician With One Of Australia's Hottest Young Bands, Leonardo's Bride, Found Possessing Small Amount Of Cannabis) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 11:18:18 EST From: adbryan@onramp.net To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: ART: Pot luck for Bride caught in drug net From The Australian 11-25-97 http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ e-mail: gmunro@newscorp.com.au Pot luck for Bride caught in drug net By COLLEEN EGAN 25nov97 A HUGE West Australian drug operation involving 400 law officials found not a skerrick of heroin yesterday, but did manage to catch in its wide net one of Australia's hottest young bands, Leonardo's Bride. Members of the group, which has had two hit singles and is on the brink of international recording deals, were detained at Perth domestic airport yesterday on suspicion of drug possession. Guitarist Dean Manning, 33, was charged with possession of a small amount of cannabis while the rest of the group were released. They were unlucky enough to arrive in the west on the third day of a huge joint exercise by State and federal police, customs officers and the National Crime Authority. The customs dogs which sniffed out Leonardo's Bride - considered the brightest future talent for Mushroom Records, which declined to comment yesterday - were outside their usual jurisdiction of the international airport. The five-day "Operation Alliance" is using the combined skills and resources of the different agencies for spot-checks on all routes into the State through which heroin is carried. Along with musicians at the airport, the officers found amphetamines at truck stops, a bit of cannabis on the Indian-Pacific train and assorted small-time crimes at shipping ports along the coast. They even found a Sydney woman, who had been on the missing persons' list for two years, in Kununurra, near the Northern Territory border in the State's far north. The first operation of its kind in Australia is about intelligence-gathering, small-time drug busting and a big dose of public relations, the management team admits. "We haven't found any heroin yet but that's not what it's all about," Acting Assistant Commissioner Graeme Lienert said. "It's a pro-active strategy to let people know that if they traffic in drugs, they will be caught. "The intelligence on people moving around this big, wide country is being documented. In the new year, you'll see the real results." The management team was formed in response to a high number of heroin-related deaths in Western Australia in the past two years.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheriff Rejects McLeish Sentence Criticism ('The Scotsman' Says Law Enforcement Officials Are Upset With Scottish Home Affairs Minister Henry McLeish Over His Suggestion That Courts Are Failing To Sentence Enough Criminals To Community Service Orders, When A Cannabis Offender Could Not Start A CSO In Edinburgh For Eight Weeks Because Of The Waiting List) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 11:18:46 EST From: adbryan@onramp.net To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: UK: Sheriff rejects McLeish sentence criticism 11-25-97 The Scotsman (Scotland) http://www.scotsman.com e-mail form: http://www.scotsman.com/cgi-bin/replyform.pl?newbanner Sheriff rejects McLeish sentence criticism JENNY BOOTH Home Affairs Correspondent A SHERIFF has criticised the Scottish home affairs minister Henry McLeish over suggestions that the courts are failing to sentence enough criminals to community service orders. Sheriff James Farrell said yesterday it was "strange" that the Government should say sheriffs were under-using the instrument, when a drugs offender could not start a CSO in Edinburgh for eight weeks because of the waiting list. Yesterday Sheriff Farrell said it was "very unsatisfactory" to be told by social workers that David Nicolson, 22, a drugs offender, could not begin his 160-hour community service order for up to eight weeks because of "current high demand". Nicolson pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis in his home at Broomview House, Sighthill Wynd, Edinburgh, on 17 July last year with intent to supply it to his girlfriend. "At a time when we are reading reports in newspapers of statements that the Government takes the view that community disposal is under-utilised, we look at this report and see that so far from being under-utilised, it would appear the courts are using it so much that the service is overwhelmed," said Sheriff Farrell. He implied the Government was to blame for underfunding the non-custodial sentences it was purporting to promote. "My understanding is that community service is entirely funded by central government," said Sheriff Farrell.It seems strange to say the courts are not using community service sufficiently, but community service says it is being used so much that, given the resources it has, it cannot meet the demand. The sheriff's outburst at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, reflecting general anger among sheriffs around Scotland, came on the same day that Mr McLeish met members of the Sheriffs' Association to discuss justice issues. Last week sheriffs threatened to boycott the meeting, which they had arranged, in protest at Mr McLeish's remarks on Tuesday. They went ahead with the meeting only after Mr McLeish wrote to The Scotsman on Friday to clarify his remarks. What Mr McLeish had said was that the proportion of people jailed by sheriffs had risen by a "dramatic" 40 per cent between 1990 and 1995, at considerable public cost but without cutting reoffending. "We need a wider debate on value for money, and alternatives to custody must form part of that debate," he said. As a backlash sprang up among sheriffs, Mr McLeish acted again on Friday to make it plain that he had not intended to direct sheriffs on how to sentence, but had simply called for a debate on sentencing issues. The president of the Sheriffs' Association, Sandy Wilkinson, replied by saying: "We are content to treat the matter as in the past." But individual sheriffs are clearly less prepared to allow oil to be poured on troubled waters. Duncan Macauley, head of operations at Edinburgh Council's social work department, clarified that the eight-week delay was because the Wester Hailes criminal justice area office, which would control Nicolson's CSO, was operating with only four staff, while one employee was off sick and another post was advertised. The office had a heavy workload, with 121 active cases at the moment. Across the Capital criminal justice social workers were working at full capacity with nearly 700 CSOs in progress, said Mr Macaulay - but it was only Wester Hailes that was suffering delays. We are trying to ensure we improve the position as soon as we can, said Mr Macaulay. A Scottish Office spokesman said last night that civil servants were not aware of any national problems with non-custodial sentences, although there might be local bottlenecks. In 1995-96 the Scottish courts imposed 12,213 community-based punishments: 5,725 community orders, 5,098 probation orders and 1,390 supervised attendance orders. In 1995, a total of 19,030 convicted offenders arrived at Scottish prisons, , according to prison service figures. more than 7,500 for defaulting on a fine. Funding of community-based sentences is to rise in 1997-98 to £33 million, from £31.5 million in 1996-97 and £28.8 million the year before. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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