------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Sting Nabs Small-Store Owners ('The Oregonian' Notes A Three-Month Sting Operation Involving 50 Portland Police Led To The Arrest Of The Owners Of Just About Every Mom And Pop Store In Portland's Old Town - Seven Of The 27 Stores Investigated Allegedly Bought Stolen Cigarettes And Other Shoplifted Goods From 'Drug' Addicts) The Oregonian letters to editor: letters@news.oregonian.com 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Web: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Police sting nabs small-store owners * After a three-month investigation, detectives accuse seven stores in Portland of selling stolen goods Wednesday, July 8 1998 By Dionne D. Peeples of The Oregonian staff Portland police Tuesday arrested a clerk and 10 small-store owners on accusations of buying stolen small-ticket items such as aspirin, film and cigarettes that had been taken from larger stores. After a three-month investigation that included an undercover sting, a Multnomah County grand jury issued 141 indictments against 11 people on July 1 for first-degree attempted theft by receiving and first-degree conspiracy to commit theft by receiving, said Cmdr. Bob Kauffman of Central Precinct. Police investigated 27 stores and found seven that allegedly accepted goods stolen from stores such as Safeway and Costco. Those seven stores were: Dr. Bill's Learning Center, 350 W. Burnside St.; 3 Brothers' Market, 638 E. Burnside St.; Old Town Grocery, 100 N.W. Third Ave.; Payless Market, 18 N.W. Third Ave; Addy's Market, 221 W. Burnside St.; Junior's Grocery, 1026 S.W. Taylor St.; and Banzai Bento, 211 S.W. Sixth Ave. No one at the stores could be reached for comment Tuesday night. The investigation began in April after police received complaints from larger stores about thefts. Police said they found stolen items on drug addicts and determined they came from the larger stores, Kauffman said. The addicts told police they stole the items, then sold them to the smaller stores, Kauffman said. He said a carton of cigarettes might net $25 or more. About 50 Portland police officers participated in an undercover sting, but Kauffman would not elaborate. He said store owners and employees knew they were buying stolen merchandise. "There's no doubt that they knew exactly what they were doing," he said. Kauffman could not say how much money the bigger stores lost, but Safeway spokeswoman Bridget Flanagan said individual Safeway stores can lose an estimated $100,000 each year to shoplifting. "There's a cost of doing business, whether it's Nordstrom, Costco or a Safeway," Flanagan said. "If we can stop the cycle in any way, shape or form, we must." The thefts have contributed to the increase in commercial burglaries from last year, Kauffman said. From January to June 1997, Portland had 1,326 commercial burglaries. In that same time this year, Portland has had 1,544 commercial burglaries, said Detective Sgt. Cheryl Kanzler, a spokeswoman for the Portland Police Bureau. Dionne D. Peeples covers crime issues for The Oregonian Crime, Justice and Public Safety Team. She can be reached by phone at 221-8269, by e-mail at dionnepeeples@news.oregonian.com or by mail at 1320 S.W. Broadway, Portland, Ore. 97201.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Nine Out Of Ten Young Voters . . . Don't (An Article In 'Willamette Week' Of Interest To Reformers Working To Change The Law Discusses The Low Voter Turnout Among Young People In Portland And Oregon - Without Mentioning How The War On Some Drug Users And The Media's Need To Manufacture Consensus For It Precludes Their Participation) Willamette Week: http://wweek.com/ 822 SW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Tel. (503) 243-2122 Fax (503) 243-1115 Letters to the Editor: Mark Zusman - mzusman@wweek.com Web: http://www.wweek.com/ Note: Willamette Week welcomes letters to the editor via mail, e-mail or fax. Letters must be signed by the author and include the author's street address and phone number for verification. Preference will be given to letters of 250 words or less. July 8, 1998 Nine out of ten young voters . . . Don't * Forget burning the flag. Young people today don't even bother to vote. A new study suggests that young Portlanders are six times less likely than senior citizens to cast ballots. Is it any wonder that politicians slash education funding while defending Social Security? BY BOB YOUNG byoung@wweek.com Listening to Justin Kerr, you might think this was the year that young people would turn on to politics. Two years ago, Kerr, 29, wouldn't have thought of voting. Politics was a joke: Special interests gave money. Legislation followed. One man couldn't fight the future. But then he saw his roommate's friend, Erik Sten, running for City Council. He looked at the Voters' Pamphlet. It clicked. "I realized how many ballot measures would change the constitution," says Kerr, a bartender and free-lance writer. Politics started to seem more relevant. "I became fascinated with the process," he says. So fascinated that he started his own "punk politics" radio talk show, called "Bring It On," which airs every Saturday afternoon on KXYQ 1010 AM (The Voice). Two weeks ago the topic was the Oregon Supreme Court's decision to limit victims' rights.Kerr and his co-host, Jessica Talisman, 24, were more irreverent the week before in discussing politicians such as Molly Bordonaro. "We talked about Molly in a bikini," he says. "That's a big topic." So is the governor's mustache. "It's what makes him hot," says Talisman. After hearing Kerr and Talisman, you might believe young adults were finding both gravity and fun in politics. Looking at this May's primary ballot you could see the evidence. In some parts of Portland, residents could vote for Bordonaro, a 29-year-old congressional candidate, Sten, a 30-year-old city commissioner, and Chris Beck, a 35-year-old state representative--all of whom went on to win. In all, 11 Gen-Xers ran for office in the metro area. Nine were victorious. It's not just Portland; it's happening all over the country, says author Michele Mitchell, 27, a former Capitol Hill staffer and public radio commentator. Mitchell's new book, A New Kind of Party Animal, claims that young Americans are "tearing up the political landscape" and "bringing about a fundamental change in American politics." But when state officials sifted through the numbers, they found something different. On May 19 young people in the tri-county area just shrugged and uttered a collective "whatever." Nine out of 10 didn't even bother to vote. Election experts, such as Secretary of State Phil Keisling, found the numbers stunning. "We have more college-educated, affluent voters than ever today. Turnout should be at a record high," says Keisling. "But there has been a sea change in our civic life and these numbers underscore it." The consequences of this shift are real. By sitting out elections, the 18-to-34-year-olds are turning over decision-making to a non-representative cross section of the population. Not surprisingly, their economic welfare is declining, while that of senior citizens--who do vote--is improving, leaving officials like Keisling to wonder why young adults would want to "unilaterally disarm themselves" in political combat. To gain some insight, Willamette Week surveyed 100 young people about why they didn't vote. The reasons they gave were as predictable as they were disheartening: They aren't paying attention; they're ignorant of how politics affect their lives; they're too cynical to give a damn. We also found, however, that young people aren't the only ones to blame: Candidates don't encourage voting; political consultants don't encourage voting; and parties don't encourage voting--despite record levels of campaign spending. "I hope these stats light a fire under all of us," says Keisling. "I hope they're a real wake-up call." Considering the overall record-low turnout of 35 percent in the May election, it's tempting to assume few people in any age group voted. But that's not true--there were startling differences between age groups: 65 percent of the registered senior voters in Portland's metro area did cast ballots. We know this because the May 19 election turnout was dissected in unprecedented fashion by staff members who work for Keisling and Sten. The analysts collected results from Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties and broke them down by age. The data showed that voting habits varied little among the three counties--regardless of party loyalties. For instance, young Democrats far outnumber young Republicans in Multnomah County, while the opposite is true in Clackamas County. Yet turnout among 18-to-34-year-olds in both counties was dismal: Only 13 percent of those registered voters in Multnomah participated in the May election, while the figure was 11 percent in Clackamas County. When turnout for the total 18-34 population was calculated, the numbers were even more grim: Only 9 percent voted in the May election. It's no secret that young people don't vote as frequently as senior citizens. Turnout for 18-to-34-year-olds in the 1994 and 1996 Oregon primary elections hovered around 9 percent, according to Labels & Lists, a Bellevue, Wash., firm that specializes in providing demographic data to marketers and political strategists. "Young people's turnout has gone down steadily since 1972," adds Curtis Gans, director of the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate in Washington, D.C. But it's the size of the gap between young and old voters in May's election that's disconcerting to election watchers. "Now we have the clearest documentation of how big a difference there is in participation between age groups," says Portland pollster Adam Davis. "And it's not a pretty picture." Not even a horde of young politicians could produce a healthy turnout--a fact that surprised some of the candidates. "It's depressing," says Sten, 30. "If you asked me several years ago if a bunch of young candidates would get more young people to vote, I would have said 'absolutely.' But the evidence says otherwise. The two don't seem to be linked." Why should young people care? What's in it for them? "The truth," says Davis, "is that we'd live in a different kind of place if young people were participating." The most striking support for this idea is found in data about the declining economic welfare of young Americans--a downward mobility that's occurring despite a stampeding stock market, soaring real-estate values and low unemployment. * Entry-level wages for male high-school graduates fell 28 percent between 1973 and 1995; for female high-school graduates, 19 percent. * Median income for families headed by someone under age 25 fell 28 percent during the same time, to $18,756--a drop that was mirrored in a sharp decline in home ownership among young Americans. * The poverty rate among American children rose 37 percent between 1970 and 1995. Now consider what happened to older Americans. "Between 1970 and 1995, thanks to progressive public policy, poverty among Americans over the age of 65 was reduced by more than 50 percent," New Yorker reporter William Finnegan writes in his new book, Cold New World. "[T]here is no doubt," Finnegan adds, "about who, generationally speaking, has paid for it." Social Security benefits are untouchable, he says, because senior citizens are so politically active. At the same time, senior citizens--by backing property tax initiatives--have avoided paying more for schools. In Oregon, apathy among younger voters has helped pass tax-limiting initiatives such as measures 5 and 47, says Portland pollster Tim Hibbitts. "The most resistance to tax increases of any kind come from people 55 and older," says the pollster. The result: less money for schools. Between 1991 and 1997, state funding for higher education fell by 18 percent. In-state tuition at the University of Oregon increased 80 percent during the same time, from $1,965 in 1990-91 to $3,540 in 1996-97. The budget for Portland Public Schools in 1991 was $352 million. Last year it was $331 million. If the Portland schools budget had continued to grow at its pre-Measure 5 rate, schools would have had approximately $496 million last year. Disparities in public spending aren't the only consequence of young adults' apathy. Keisling notes that the FICA payroll tax is the single largest tax paid by most younger citizens. "Yet it's not even discussed when tax cuts are debated in Congress," he says. "Voting is directly related to influence," adds Dan Lavey, a 32-year-old Republican consultant and former advisor to U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith. "When you look at the amount of federal spending on people over 55 versus under 35, it's ridiculous. If young people voted, politicians would have to be more responsive to their concerns. Young people don't get involved at their own peril." Young Oregonians seem to recognize that they're committing a form of political suicide. With the help of pollster Davis, WW devised a questionnaire concerning the voting habits and political attitudes of young adults. To find a cross-section of 18-to-34-year-olds, we fanned out to warehouses, construction sites, Pioneer Courthouse Square, office towers, restaurants, coffee shops, temp agencies and college campuses. After surveying 100 young people who said they did not vote, we found some puzzling results ("Survey Says," page 22). Clearly, young non-voters think voting is a worthy priority: 75 percent said voting was important, 82 percent said they should vote, and 66 percent said it was likely they would vote. Yet none of them did in May. Most of the respondents also said they were unhappy with government. Only 16 percent said candidates and elected officials were addressing issues most important to them. Just 20 percent said federal, state and local governments were heading in the right direction. Yet they didn't vote. Why not? If it's important and they're dissatisfied, then what's the problem? Many say they were too busy or they forgot. "I got very wrapped up in my job," says Deborah Sherris, 30, an administrative specialist who works for the state. "I know that voting makes a difference. I just wasn't dealing with the outside world." Others didn't see any real choices on the ballot because they thought politicians were selfish, corrupt or too similar. "Obviously, as a citizen you should vote," says radio talk-show host Talisman, who is also a student and a horse trainer. "But corporations run everything. We do not live in a true democracy." To these people, voting seems--at best--to be nibbling at the margins. And for the ambitious and impatient, that's simply not enough. People who study elections agree that there's no single reason for the low turnout among young voters. "The roots of the problem are deep in our political, educational and media culture," says Gans, the Washington, D.C., analyst. In fact, the roots run too deep for many young people to see. They came of voting age at a time, Gans explains, "when values shifted toward greater self-interest and against government; when the quality of education declined; when they were increasingly likely to be children of non-voting parents; when people could watch cable TV for days and days without seeing news or public-affairs programs." Politicians--even the young ones like Sten and Bordonaro--have contributed to the problem by not doing much, if anything, to encourage their peers to vote. Sten admits he's guilty. It all comes down to cold, hard numbers, he says. When he first ran for City Council two years ago, he explains, he thought he could win by getting a few thousand young Portlanders to vote. Then he learned just how infrequently young people did vote and how unlikely he was to ride their coattails to victory. So he changed strategy and started focusing his time, energy and money on more frequent voters. "You have to concentrate your message," he says. "If I spent all my time on those who wouldn't vote I'd lose." But don't generational leaders like Sten have an obligation to increase turnout? Sten's reply echoes the sense of futility felt by other young non-voters. "I don't know how to do it," he says. Besides, he thinks he can help fellow Gen-Xers in another way--by helping them get elected. "I put a higher premium on helping other candidates," he says. Lavey, who works as a consultant for Bordonaro, voices similar frustrations about trying to get young people interested in her congressional campaign. "I've somewhat given up on my friends and peers," Lavey says. "I've presented plenty of opportunities over the years for them to get involved in campaigns. I'm not sure I've succeeded [even] once or twice to get friends to come to events or rallies." At least Lavey and Sten tried. Other strategists purposefully neglect young potential voters. Author Mitchell points out that as an outsider, Bill Clinton cultivated the youth vote in his 1992 campaign--doing everything from playing sax on Arsenio Hall to talking about his underwear on MTV. But as 1996 approached, Mitchell says, the incumbent viewed young voters as too volatile and, instead, courted senior citizens with his defense of Medicare. Similar decisions are made in local races. Look at the May primary in Oregon's 1st Congressional District, says Lavey. "Ask any of the candidates where they put their ad dollars," he says. "They all were aimed at [TV] programs that were speaking to a 35-and-older demographic. If you have a choice between running an ad during Matlock or Melrose Place, it's a no-brainer." In a larger context, both political parties also deserve blame, taking money supposedly earmarked for boosting voter turnout and using it instead to aid individual candidates ("Rogue of the Week," page 13). With such disincentives at work, the communication gap between potential voters and candidates becomes self-perpetuating, says Maureen Kirk, 33, executive director of OSPIRG. If young voters believe no one is talking to them, they feel alienated. By sitting out the election, they only increase the chances that candidates won't contact them in the future. The psychological distance they feel from politics only grows. "As a result," Kirk says, "you see a vicious cycle." Gen-X activists are catching on. After seeing the latest turnout numbers, young politicians such as Sten are now acknowledging the problem. "It is something that I and other candidates need to work on," he says. "We need to regroup. I know X-PAC is working on some ideas." Armed with the latest data, X-PAC--the Portland-based group that calls itself an "action committee for the next political generation"--is launching an anti-apathy program that kicks off with voter drives at some of this summer's biggest local concerts. Then X-PAC hopes to get volunteers from Wieden & Kennedy--the Portland agency that crafts ads for Nike and Miller beer--to help create a pro-vote, go-vote message to be used in radio spots, posters, flyers and even a 'zine version of a Voters' Pamphlet. "We want young people to realize there's no reason we can't be more politically powerful than senior citizens," says Sam Chase, chairman of X-PAC's elections committee. "After all, there are more of us and we're going to be around longer." Mitchell maintains that the young activists in X-PAC, like young candidates around the country, are at the leading edge of a nascent movement that will transform American politics. County Commission candidate Serena Cruz may offer concrete proof. Although Cruz, 30, did target the mailing of her campaign literature to frequent voters in her Northeast Portland district, her phone bankers called thousands of young people in the hope they could be rousted from their complacency. Cruz suspects those calls helped her pull off an upset and finish ahead of four older candidates with more name recognition. "We got feedback from people saying...they were glad they got a call, and they were going to vote." There are other signs that young people will vote in greater numbers in the November general election, when as many as 11 initiatives--on issues such as clear-cutting, medical marijuana and state parks--will crowd that ballot. In 1994, the last general election that didn't feature a presidential race, 32 percent of Oregonians 18 to 34 years old voted. Still, radio host Kerr is not so optimistic. "Ours is a generation of such contradictions," he says. "We have this tendency to complain about what's wrong and how we're powerless, yet we never seek to empower ourselves politically. "I'm the biggest sinner," Kerr adds. While he and his co-host, Talisman, were busy talking politics in late May, they both neglected to vote. "I voted the year before," says Talisman. "But it didn't accomplish a damn thing." --Matthias Fripp, Nigel Jaquiss, Maureen O'Hagan and Karl Horeis contributed to this story. Originally published: Willamette Week - July 8, 1998 LEAD STORY SIDEBAR: Survey Says 100 young people who didn't vote and 20 who did. BY BOB YOUNG The truth is out there: Young voters are more likely to watch X-Files than are non-voters. That's just one difference between voters and non-voters, as revealed in a recent survey by WW of 100 young people who didn't vote and 20 who did. Other differences: Voters appeared more optimistic. They seemed more likely to believe that federal and local governments were heading in the right direction. They tended to earn more money than non-voters ($13,600 in average salary compared with $12,550). Yet young voters and non-voters shared almost identical political priorities. Both groups identified the same four key issues in the same order of importance. Education and the environment topped their lists, followed by poverty and population growth. On the subject of government spending, both groups stressed that more money should to go schools (66 percent supported the idea). More spending on environmental (17 percent) and anti-poverty programs (14 percent) came in a distant second and third. Voters and non-voters agreed that government should spend less on the military (44 percent) and on bureaucracies and government salaries (27 percent); to a lesser degree they called for reduced spending on the penal system and law enforcement, particularly pertaining to drug offenses (9 percent). Our survey also showed that young people think corporations and special interests exert too much influence on politicians, who tend to be more interested in re-election than solving problems. It was clear, however, that few young people are doing anything about their frustrations--although they recognize that things can only get if worse if they don't vote. Some of the young people we interviewed explain, in their own words, this apparent paradox. Their comments are highlighted below. --BY Young People Speak "I'm poor, my family's poor and the system only takes away money we don't have.... They are all rich and don't know what it's like to survive each day." --Cristal Hayes, 18, unemployed "I didn't know or care about the election. Most [politicians] are older and don't care about my age group. They're just looking at stupid stuff like teen smoking and not important issues." --Korey Hatfield, 18, student Candidates are not addressing the most important issues because "they're too self-serving." --Paula Kreps, 31, bookseller Anh Phan, a 22-year-old campaign worker and journalism student, says "politicians aren't even talking about issues [such as health care, tuition costs and the environment] that bear a whiff of interest to Gen-Xers." "[There were] no viable choices. We need better diversity of potential candidates.... Money, politics, corporations, NOT community, environmental or public health interests, dominate." --Drew Torrente, 23, food cart operator "I lack faith in our leaders," says 23-year-old bike messenger J.J. Sweeney. "I don't think they are solving real problems, only small ones. "Should you vote? "I suppose. But isn't it already decided?" --Lara Dalling, 23, waitress Brad Denig, a 22-year-old bartender, worked for Ralph Nader's 1996 presidential campaign but sat out this year's primary. He says, "Corporate funding of politics is a disaster for democracy." What would happen if everyone stopped voting? "It's too scary to think about." --Tracy Davis, 31, sales/service
------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland OKs Lax Medical Pot Law ('The San Francisco Examiner' Notes The Oakland City Council Tuesday Established California's Most Permissive Medical Marijuana Guidelines, Allowing Patients With A Physician's Recommendation To Possess Up To One And A Quarter Pounds And Grow 48 Plants Indoors Without Fear Of Arrest)Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 17:13:24 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Oakland Oks Lax Medical Pot Law Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Author: Eric Brazil of The Examiner staff OAKLAND OKS LAX MEDICAL POT LAW Would let patients possess 1-1/4 pounds Unanimously and without discussion, the Oakland City Council established on Tuesday the state's most permissive medical marijuana guidelines. Henceforth, medical marijuana users in Oakland may hold a stash of 1-1/4 pounds - equivalent to 30 outdoor flowering plants or 48 indoor plants - without fear of arrest. For the time being. What appears to be the definitive test case for California's medical marijuana law - enacted in 1996 as Proposition 215 - is brewing in federal court in San Francisco. Among the defendants is the Cannabis Buyers Cooperative of Oakland, which helped develop the guidelines. Those guidelines, developed by a committee of police, patients, physicians and Oakland's legal staff as well as the buyers cooperative, far exceed the limit set by Attorney General Dan Lungren. As far as Lungren is concerned, the limit is two plants or an ounce of marijuana which, by his calculations, is equivalent to a 30-day supply. Lungren could not be reached Wednesday for comment on the Oakland law. Jeff Jones, executive director of the 1,700-member Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, said the council's passage of the guidelines vetted by its Public Health and Safety Committee kept the city "on the leading edge of this issue." Jones noted that Oakland modeled its guidelines after those of an ongoing federal experiment, the Compassionate Investigative New Drug Program. That program rations medical marijuana users to half a pound a month or about 10 cigarettes per day. Just eight patients are currently participating in the federal program, Jones said. The guidelines are "already being implemented by the police department, which is working with us to make sure these medical patients aren't being harassed," Jones said. "Police don't want to arrest patients who are legitimately using marijuana," and are able to provide documentary proof that they are, Jones said. But under the guidelines "somebody possessing marijuana for sale or for personal use that's not medical will be cited and arrested." Oakland's Cannabis Buyers Cooperative has taken a much different, non-confrontational approach to winning approval for the possession and use of medical marijuana than its San Francisco counterpart. That organization, called the Cannabis Healing Center in its last incarnation, folded in May after a year of fractious encounters with Lungren. Under founder and chief spokesman Dennis Peron, the organization seemed to go out of its way to thumb its nose at the law. Superior Court Judge William Cahill ruled the center at 1444 Market St. a public nuisance, and it was padlocked on May 25. 1998 San Francisco Examiner Page A 7
------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland Allows Medical Pot Users To Keep Three-Month Supply ('The Associated Press' Version In 'The Sacramento Bee') Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 01:35:14 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Oakland Allows Medical Pot Users to Keep Three-Month Supply Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 OAKLAND ALLOWS MEDICAL POT USERS TO KEEP THREE-MONTH SUPPLY OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- The City Council says medical pot users may keep 1 1/2 pounds of marijuana on hand, defying a limit set by state Attorney General Dan Lungren. The policy, approved unanimously on Tuesday, is believed to be the state's most liberal and permissive since implementation of Proposition 215, the medical marijuana initiative approved by voters in 1996. Lungren has set a limit of two plants, or 1 ounce of marijuana, for a 30-day supply. Under the Oakland measure, pot users will be allowed to collect a three-month supply, which amounts to 30 outdoor flowering plants, four dozen indoor flowering plants or 1 1/2 pounds of bulk marijuana. That policy is based on U.S. Food and Drug Administration tests of medicinal marijuana, which allot a half-pound of pot a month or about 10 cigarettes a day, according to a committee of police, city staffers, physicians and patients that developed the Oakland proposal. Police will be asked to honor the policy, but users will be ordered to forfeit their pot supply if they can't provide a doctor's note within two days. The city has one of the state's largest pot emporiums, the Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, with about 1,700 members. Despite the state initiative, the federal government says possession of marijuana, whatever the purpose, is against the law. Copyright The Associated Press Copyright The Sacramento Bee
------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland Lets Patients Keep Marijuana ('Reuters' Version) Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 08:20:54 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Wire: Oakland Lets Patients Keep Marijuana Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Source: Reuters OAKLAND LETS PATIENTS KEEP MARIJUANA OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Marijuana advocates praised the city council in Oakland Wednesday after it approved one of most liberal medical marijuana measures in the country by allowing patients to keep 1-1/2 pounds of the drug for ``personal use.'' ``This a landmark move,'' said Jeff Jones, head of the Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Club. Oakland is across the bay from San Francisco. ``Oakland is the first city in the country to adopt guidelines which will allow medical patients to possess and cultivate the medicine they need.'' The Oakland City Council late Tuesday approved a policy directing police not to target individuals or confiscate their marijuana if it falls within guidelines set by the city. Those guidelines, the broadest set down since California voters in 1996 approved a state law allowing medical use of marijuana, say patients with a valid doctor's prescription may keep 30 outdoor marijuana plants, 48 indoor plants or 1.5 pounds of bulk marijuana. Oakland officials say the amounts were intended to allow patients a three month supply of marijuana and were established on the basis of U.S. Food and Drug Administration tests on the drug that ration users to ten marijuana cigarettes per day. California Attorney General Dan Lungren, a staunch opponent of medical marijuana, has set his own guidelines for permissible amounts of the drug -- two plants or one ounce , an amount he says should be enough for 30 days. Lungren spokesman Matt Ross said Wednesday that these guidelines should be sufficient. ``We just hope that law enforcement would do the right thing when stopping an individual with a pound and a half of marijuana,'' he said. Oakland's move came as the federal government continued its legal drive to close down marijuana ``clubs'' that have sought to act as supply centers for the drug after the 1996 state law passed. Government lawyers, saying the clubs violate federal laws forbidding the distribution of dangerous drugs, filed a motion with a U.S. District Court judge in San Francisco Tuesday asking for authority to send U.S. Marshals to close four northern California medical marijuana clubs. The federal government also filed motions demanding the clubs demonstrate why they should not be held in contempt of a preliminary injunction that ordered them to cease operations -- an order the clubs have so far ignored. Hearings on the contempt motions will be held Aug. 14.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Residents Say Drugs Persist At Dolores Park ('The San Francisco Chronicle' Says San Francisco Police Have Beefed Up Patrols At Dolores Park, Prosecutors Have Stiffened Penalties And Nearby Residents Have Formed Neighborhood Watch Groups, But Nothing Has Kept Marijuana Sellers And Buyers From Returning To The More Secluded, Tree-Shrouded Areas Of The 13-Acre Park In The Mission District)Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 01:17:08 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Residents Say Drugs Persist at Dolores Park Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Author: Yumi Wilson, Chronicle Staff Writer RESIDENTS SAY DRUGS PERSIST AT DOLORES PARK San Francisco police have beefed up patrols at Dolores Park. Prosecutors have stiffened penalties. And residents have formed neighborhood watch groups. But nothing, most local residents agree, has kept drug dealers from returning to the more secluded, tree-shrouded areas of the 13- acre park in the Mission District. ``Dealers in the western two acres of the park . . . have marked the sidewalks, bridge and retaining walls with their identities,'' Donald Bird, co-creator of Friends of Dolores Park, said yesterday. ``We have found brass knuckles, knives, screwdrivers, razor blades, claw hammers, metal spikes, sharp hardwood sticks and bullet slugs. Recently, we've seen them with slingshots.'' Even folks in Peoria found out a while back how easy it is to buy pot in the park, thanks to a reference in Garry Trudeau's ``Doonesbury'' comic strip. ``It breaks my heart to read in `Doonesbury' that we have national recognition as the place to buy pot,'' said executive director Raquel Medina of the Mission Economic Development Association, which plans to open a cafe in the park next year. Medina was among more than a dozen speakers at a special hearing at the Supervisors' Parks and Recreation Committee yesterday urging for more financial, political and police help to make Dolores Park a safer place. Supervisor Gavin Newsom called for the meeting after one resident said a drug dealer threatened him with a knife. Though many ideas were tossed out, Newsom agreed that the best ways to try to drive the druggies from the park would be by increasing police patrols to 12 hours a day and forcing dealers arrested in the park to stay away in the future. Mission Station police Captain Greg Suhr acknowledged that 12-hour patrols would help, but he said it would require overtime, and that could be expensive. Police now pass through the park at least a dozen times a day and make more than 100 arrests a month. Residents say police are doing a better job, but they add that the criminals hide in the more shadowy areas of the park. ``Mission police are doing an excellent job of addressing the situation,'' Bird said. ``But as great as these efforts have been, the dealing, harassment, threats and violence continue.'' Joel Robinson, director of the Recreation and Park Department, acknowledged that some of the more secluded areas in the park make it easy for dealers to hide. But he believes that good landscaping can solve some of the problem. ``As we speak, crews are pruning the trees and removing the underbrush all the way down to 19th Street,'' Robinson said. ``It is being completely opened up.'' Another solution, Suhr suggested, is to penalize anyone -- not just the dealer -- who is caught in the park with even the slightest amount of marijuana. ``There would be a straight-up, voluntary fine for any possession of marijuana, except medicinal marijuana,'' Suhr said. ``Right now, there's no downside to having less than an ounce of marijuana. That needs to change.'' Dolores Park, once a Jewish cemetery, was sold to San Francisco in 1905 for nearly $300,000, according to historical accounts compiled by the Neighborhood Parks Council. For a time, the land was used to house 50,000 people left homeless by the 1906 earthquake. Since then, the park has become an urban haven for dog owners, tennis players and families. Dolores Park has also become a popular spot for buying and selling drugs, mainly marijuana. In 1993, the lack of funding for greater police presence prompted some residents to form their own vigilante- style street patrol. A recent increase in funding has allowed police to beef up patrols, but the drug dealers and buyers keep coming back. One resident said she intends to ask Mayor Willie Brown to intervene. ``Frankly, it's the only way to get the drug dealers to stay out,'' she said. 1998 San Francisco Chronicle Page A15
------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly OKs Limits On Teen Informants ('The Orange County Register' Says A Bill Was Passed Tuesday By The California Assembly That Would Prohibit Law Enforcement Agencies From Using Juvenile Informants Under Age 15 And Impose Other Restrictions - Though There Is Apparently Nothing In The Bill That Would Have Prevented The Death Of The 17-Year-Old Orange County Narc That Inspired The LegislationDate: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 10:18:11 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Assembly OK's Limits on Teen Informants Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Author: Mark Katches ASSEMBLY OK'S LIMITS ON TEEN INFORMANTS The measure, now headed to the Senate, follows the slaying of a Yorba Linda boy. Sacramento-A bill that would limit the use of teen-agers as police informants was approved Tuesday by the state Assembly, and the measure's author predicted it would meet with the same success in the Senate. The measure by Assemblyman Scott Baugh was prompted by the death of Chad MacDonald, 17, of Yorba Linda, who was killed in March after he agreed to act as a Brea Police Department informant to help arrest drug dealers. "I think it will fly out of the Senate with the same speed it flew out of the Assembly," said Baugh, R-Huntington Beach. "You just can't disagree with the policy here. We should not be putting kids in harm's way to fight our failed war on drugs." The bill would eliminate the use of teens as police informants if they are under the age of 15. Teens ages 15 to 17 could be used as informants only with the consent of their parents and a judge. The measure, Assembly Bill 2816, was approved without debate on a 62-1 vote. Its first stop in the Senate will likely be the Public Safety Committee. The bill will be helped in the Senate by the fact that Senate leader John Burton, D-San Francisco, supports limiting the use of teen informants, although he has not taken a position on the Baugh bill, Burton's spokesman Sandy Harrison said. "He would be in favor of restricting that activity," Harrison said. Gov. Pete Wilson has not said whether he will sign the bill. But Baugh said he has gotten no resistance from the Wilson administration.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange County Police Officials Back Bill (A Sidebar In 'The Orange County Register' Notes Cops In The Jurisdiction Where Chad MacDonald Was Coerced Into Becoming A Snitch Are Cool With The Proposed Legislation Limiting The Use Of Teen Drug Informants, Since It Implies Local Police Did Nothing Wrong) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:54:11 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: O.C. Police Officials Back Bill Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: Heather Lourie-OCR O.C. POLICE OFFICIALS BACK BILL Legislation: The measure to restrict the use of teen informants is called reasonable. A bill passed Tuesday by the Assembly that prohibits law enforcement agencies from using juvenile informants under age 15 and includes other restrictions got a thumbs-up from several Orange County police officials. "It sounds very prudent and very appropriate," said Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters. "This will set a new standard and will make sure no one goes outside those boundaries." The legislation was prompted by the torture-slaying of Chad MacDonald, 17, of Yorba Linda, whose body was found March 3 in a south Los Angeles alley. His family has said he spent the weeks before his death making undercover drug deals at the direction of the Brea Police Department. The teen informant bill was approved by a 62-1 vote, and now heads for the Senate, where passage is expected. The only no vote Tuesday was cast by Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith, R-Poway, who opposes the bill because it would take away a tool used by police. Under the bill, police could use teen informants ages 15-17 only with the consent of parents and a judge. Police said there was no previous law on using teen-agers undercover, and that most agencies rarely do so. "It is a reasonable thing," Huntington Beach police Lt. Jon Arnold said of the bill. "You normally check with parents for any number of things. It really doesn't restrict police ability to do what they need to do." He said he cannot recall his department ever using a juvenile. While several police officials praised the bill as proactive, others said the legislation could have some unintended consequences. Costa Mesa Lt. Ron Smith pointed out that drug dealers might begin to use 13- and 14-year-olds to execute deals because they would be assured, by law, that the teens would not be informants. "I just hope it is not (so) overly restrictive that the criminal element takes over," he said. Brea Police Chief Bill Lentini could not be reached for comment. Lloyd Charton, spokesman for the MacDonald family, said, "One of our goals has been accomplished. Chad would rest easier in his grave knowing other teens are safe."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Methadone Clinic Sues Antioch ('The San Francisco Chronicle' Says Bay Area Addiction Research And Treatment Filed Suit In US District Court In San Francisco On Monday Accusing The Antioch City Council Of Violating The 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act When It Imposed A Temporary Ban On Clinics Near Homes) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 13:51:47 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Methadone Clinic Sues Antioch Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Source: San Francisco Chronicle Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Author: Christopher Heredia, Chronicle Staff Writer METHADONE CLINIC SUES ANTIOCH City Council Had Said Site Is Too Near Homes For Comfort A clinic for heroin addicts has filed a federal class action lawsuit against Antioch, alleging that the City Council discriminated against its patients when it imposed a temporary ban on clinics near homes. Bay Area Addiction Research and Treatment filed suit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Monday, accusing Antioch of violating the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act. The clinic is asking the court to overturn the city's decision. The council imposed a 10- month moratorium on methadone clinics within 500 feet of homes after a packed public hearing on June 9. Neighbors complained that the proposed clinic would be too close to homes and to a public bus line used by schoolchildren. ``This is clearly discriminatory zoning against a class of disabled patients,'' said Amitai Schwartz, the plaintiffs' attorney in San Francisco. ``The neighborhood's fear of this clinic is completely unwarranted. It is typical of the stereotypes and stigmas disabled people -- including former drug abusers -- have to deal with.'' The suit alleges that a city planner initially approved the clinic's move into an office in the 3700 block of Sunset Lane. Residents caught word of the decision and flooded City Hall with complaints, prompting the council to rescind the approval and institute the moratorium. City Attorney Bill Galstan said the rights of Antioch residents outweigh those of the clinic's patients. He said city officials have offered the clinic more than a dozen alternative sites, several near bus lines. Galstan said the deputy planning director's April 15 letter, which indicated that a methadone clinic would be a permitted use for the office building, had no bearing on the case. He said state law allows cities to adopt moratoriums in the event of clashing uses. The clinic's motion for an injunction is expected to go before a judge in August. Schwartz said his clients' livelihoods depend on getting the proper methadone treatment. ``They are trying to receive medication and treatment so they can go on leading normal lives,'' Schwartz said. ``The image of the illegal drug user lurking in the dark, ripping off houses is not typical of the clientele this clinic is serving.'' Neighbors of the proposed clinic site hope the court will uphold the moratorium. ``We want it away from the children,'' Jennifer Karczewski said. 1998 San Francisco Chronicle Page A15
------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Housing Or Drug Bazaar? (A Staff Editorial In 'The San Francisco Examiner' Notes San Francisco Is The Only Large City To Have Had Its Application For Funding For Drug Prevention And Education Programs For Youngsters In Public Housing Rejected By The US Department Of Housing And Urban Development, A Development The Newspaper Says Should Force The City To Quit Ignoring A Long-Time Social Disaster) Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 10:03:17 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Editorial: Public Housing or Drug Bazaar? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 PUBLIC HOUSING OR DRUG BAZAAR? HUD rejects S.F. Housing Authority's bid for drug programs, forcing The City to quit ignoring a long-time social disaster WE WISH there were a way to halt the tendency of government officials, deep thinkers, politicians, concerned citizens and just about everyone else to (1) consider a serious social problem, (2) agree on a possible solution, (3) devise a program of some kind, (4) authorize expenditures of public funds, (5) appoint an administrator and (6) never give it another look. How else in an otherwise enlightened society in the final years of a Century of Progress can we explain our blindness, a contemptible failure to deal effectively with the long-term ruination of public housing turned into drug bazaars? Only by looking elsewhere - an understandable tendency that afflicts journalists as well as mayors - could anyone fail to notice that even an outsider with cash might wait up to 5 minutes at many a public housing project before buying a paper bag with illegal powders, pastes or herbal substances. That's true throughout America, but this week the focus is on San Francisco and its Housing Authority. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has granted in the past up to $1.6 million per year for drug prevention and education programs aimed at youngsters in The City's public housing. Instead, after an acidulous report by HUD investigators, San Francisco is the only large city to have its application firmly rejected. The reasons include "lack of ability to manage housing," "too much staff, too little (in the way of) programs," lack of endorsements from the chief of police and Mayor Brown, documentation described as "how not to prepare a grant application" and a fund request that included only two items - money to pay for Mayor Brown's TURF project, which employs at-risk youths as security guards in the projects, and funds for administration. HUD kept score: The Housing Authority request was given 46 points out of a possible 100. Perhaps we should be grateful. It got our attention. A drug market in public housing is a cancerous social catastrophe for all concerned, especially the children. It's time to end the blindness. It's time to demand accountability. It's time to tell our public servants that this is one problem that we can no longer pretend to file and forget. 1998 San Francisco Examiner Page A 16
------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration July 14 In Seattle In Support Of Oscar's II Restaurant (A Seattle List Subscriber Asks Your Help In Preventing The Loss Of A Family Business Due To The Way Seattle Has Enforced Washington State Drug Abatement Laws) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 20:53:27 -0700 (PDT) From: turmoil (turmoil@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: oscar's forwarded Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Oscar McCoy needs our help. On Tuesday, July 14th, there will be a march to demonstrate support for Oscar, followed by a State Senate Law & Justice Committee hearing on Seattle's implementation of state drug abatement laws. Oscar's restaurant on Madison Avenue has been targeted for closure by the Seattle City Attorney's office under these laws, after police themselves arranged drug buys there. His cause was the focus of a recent Liberty Supper Club meeting. For those of you who are not familiar with Oscar and how the city has been persecuting him, please go to http://pw2.netcom.com/~malkin1/liberty.html and read the second, third and fourth columns listed. You can get more information by going to http://www.seattletimes.com and searching for articles with keywords "Malkin" and "Oscar." Oscar and his wife, Barbara, are running out of money and running out of hope. This may be our last chance to show our support. People will begin gathering for the march at around 5:30 pm at Oscar's II, 2051E. Madison, just down the hill from Madison & 23rd. We will march to Seattle Central Community College for the hearing. The march and subsequent hearing will almost certainly attract media coverage, including television. This is a chance not only to express outrage at the way that Oscar has been treated, but also to express opposition to a new law being sought by City Attorney Mark Sidran that would make it even easier for the city of Seattle to shut down businesses such as Oscar's II. For more information or driving directions call Scott at 206-322-4180 before 7 PM any day. Apologies to LSC attendees: I forgot to get out the email notices for the June 25th meeting. It will be televised 7/27 at 8PM Channel 29. Two WA Supreme Court candidates are featured speakers for our upcoming meetings: 7/23 Kris Sundberg (tentative) and 8/27 Justice Richard Sanders (confirmed). Scott Semans, Secy WKCo LP music@hemp.net Seattle Music Web turmoil@hemp.net http://seattlemusicweb.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medicinal Marijuana Drive Awaits Decision ('The Las Vegas Review-Journal' Says That Despite A Tuesday Deadline, The Fate Of Nevada's Medical Marijuana Initiative Remains Uncertain - Secretary Of State Dean Heller Was Expected To Look At The Issue Today And Decide How To Proceed) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:44:38 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NV: Medicinal Marijuana Drive Awaits Decision Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal Contact: letters@lvrj.com Fax: 702-383-4676 Website: http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/ Author: Sean Whaley Donrey Capital Bureau MEDICINAL MARIJUANA DRIVE AWAITS DECISION CARSON CITY -- The fate of Nevada's initiative proposing to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes was uncertain Tuesday as questions over the required number of signatures in Lyon and Nye counties remained unresolved. The deadline was Tuesday for the clerks to report on the number of signatures collected in each of 13 counties. Secretary of State Dean Heller was expected today to look at the issue and decide how to proceed. A full count of all 1,391 signatures submitted to Lyon County officials is one way to answer questions there. Only 509 signatures were sampled by the county clerk. But Nye County is more problematic because more than 400 of the 1,233 signatures turned in by Americans for Medical Rights have not been counted due to a variety of errors, including the lack of addresses or dates by some who signed the petition. With that many signatures uncounted for those reasons, the group could not possibly meet the 926 signatures needed to qualify the initiative in Nye County. The petition must qualify in all 13 counties to be placed on the November ballot. Deputy Secretary of State Don Reis has questioned whether Nye County should have rejected the 400 signatures that did not include dates or that had other problems. Nye County Clerk Arte Robb said last week that some of the signatures rejected by her office were from registered voters. Based on the rejections in Nye County, only 607 signatures were found to be valid, more than 300 below the required number. In Lyon County, 509 signatures were counted, and 329 were found to be from registered voters. The results will likely result in a count of all 1,391 signatures to see if the minimum needed, 982, is reached. The group exceeded the required number of signatures in the 11 other counties where petitions were circulated.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabinoid Pain Studies (A Registered Nurse Cites Three Recent Scientific Research Reports Published In The Journal 'Pain') Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 00:30:56 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: krummb@unm.edu Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: bryan krumm (krummb@unm.edu) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: cannabinoid pain studies Carl and drctalkers, the journal "PAIN" has 3 recent articles about cannabinoid analgesia. They can accessed at www.halcyon.com/iasp Pain 75 (1998) 111-119 Pain 76 (1998) 189-199 Pain (76) 1-2 (1998) 3-8 These articles are not in layman's terms so I don't know if you would want to use them on your web site but they are very informative. Bryan Krumm RN New Mexicans for Compassionate Use *** Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 22:02:30 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: krummb@unm.edu Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: bryan krumm (krummb@unm.edu) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Re: PAIN articles on cannabinoids On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Tom Barrus wrote: > Bryan: > > I could not find the articles you mentioned at the URL in your > message posted to DRCTALK (www.halcyon.com/iasp). > > Will you please send me the information needed to access > these articles? > > Is it necessary to subscribe to the journal PAIN in order to view > these articles? > > Thanks, Tom Barrus Sorry, it's difficult to find the articles through this address. www.elsvier.nl:80/homepage/sah/pain/ will take you directly to Pain, go to Pain Online and search for cannabinoids and marijuana. Bryan *** Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 23:07:58 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: medmj@drcnet.org Originator: medmj@drcnet.org Sender: medmj@drcnet.org From: Michael (Miguet@November.org) To: Multiple recipients of list (medmj@drcnet.org) Subject: forward: cannabinoid pain studies At 12:30 AM 7/8/98 EDT, Bryan wrote: >Carl and drctalkers, the journal "PAIN" has 3 recent articles about >cannabiniod analgesia. They can accessed at http://www.elsevier.nl/cas/tree/store/pain/sub/1998/76/1-2/3640.pdf http://www.elsevier.nl/cas/tree/store/pain/sub/1998/75/1/3588.pdf http://www.elsevier.nl/cas/tree/store/pain/sub/1998/76/1-2/3632.pdf >Pain 75 (1998) 111-119 >Pain 76 (1998) 189-199 >Pain (76) 1-2 (1998) 3-8 >These articles are not in laymans terms so I don't know if you would want >to use them on your web site but they are very informative. > Bryan Krumm RN > New Mexicans for Compassionate Use *** Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 23:10:45 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: Miguet@November.org Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Michael (Miguet@November.org) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Re: cannabiniod pain studies One more URL. One more URL. Michael http://www.elsevier.nl/cas/tree/store/pain/sub/1998/76/1-2/3640.pdf
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Policies Violate Rights (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Capital Times' In Wisconsin Says In View Of How Drug Prohibition Has Turned Out, President Clinton Lecturing Chinese Leaders About Human Rights Is Hypocritical) Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 17:43:07 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: PUB LTE: U.S. Drug Policies Violate Rights Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: The Capital Times (WI) Contact: tctvoice@madison.com Website: http://www.madison.com/ Pubdate: 8 Jul 1998 Section: Voice of The People Page 9A U.S. DRUG POLICIES VIOLATE RIGHTS Dear Editor: President Clinton's lecturing of Chinese leaders on human rights is nothing short of hypocritical. Current drug policies have made the United States a world leader in incarcerating its citizens. Our prisons are full, with more and more of our tax dollars going toward additional construction. Tens of thousands of drug war prisoners are serving long sentences for non-violent drug crimes, while rapists and murderers are set free. At the state level we find numerous atrocities such as Oklahoma's Will Foster, doing 93 years for growing a couple pot plants to ease his arthritis. If Clinton is sincere about human rights, he would stop the cruel and immoral persecution of medical marijuana patients and reform the failed drug policies that have caused so much harm to America and the world. Mr. Clinton should take a cue from Milton Friedman, George Schulz, Perez De Cuellar, and the other 500+ eminent signers of the recent letter to the United Nations special session on drugs concluding current drug policies are causing more harm than good, and calling for more humane solutions to drug problems. It's time to depoliticize what is essentially a health problem, and work to minimize the harmful effects, rather than making them worse. Only then can the U.S. point fingers at other nation's human rights records. Gary Storck (contact info)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Researcher Opens New Debate On Drug Crimes ('The Chicago Tribune' Recounts The Recent Study By University Of Illinois At Chicago Criminologist John Hagedorn, Casting Inner City Sellers Of Illegal Drugs As Entrepreneurs Who Operate Rationally, And Noting The Angry Response Of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mayor John Norquist) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 17:40:28 -0700 To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) From: Gerald Sutliff (gsutliff@dnai.com) Subject: Enterprise is enterprise Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Source: Chicago Tribune, July 8, 1998 (Liberal Opinion Weekly) Contact: chicago.tribune.com/go/zorn/ Newshawk: Jerry Sutliff Researcher Opens New Debate on Drug Crimes by Eric Zorn University of Illinois at Chicago criminologist John Hagedorn said he hoped his new study on drug dealing in the inner city would "force a debate" on the issue. Mayor John Norquist of Milwaukee, where Hagedorn conducted his field re-search, was glad to oblige. "The conclusions reached by the author are what one would expect from drug-addled minds," Norquist wrote in response. He called the 30-page report "farcical ... twisted ... an insult... a celebration of criminality." What tied hizzoner's knickers into a knot was Hagedorn's view of the ghetto drug trade as a well-ordered, operationally logical source of employment and entrepreneurial opportunity for those with few other options. Hagedorn's work refers to "drug businessmen (who) work long hours," says dealing "is in many ways an innovative... small-business venture" and concludes that "much of what we call 'crime' is actually work." With research help from former gang members, Hagedorn, 50, spent much of 1997 studying drugs as commerce in two low-income Milwaukee neighborhoods -one predominately black, one predominately Hispanic. What he found tended to belie the stereotype that drug-riddled neighborhoods know only anarchy. The "drug entrepreneurs," as Hagedorn calls many pushers, are simply part of a vast, informal economy that has taken the place of the jobs that have left the central city. Drugs as an industry support some 10 percent of the men aged 18 to 29 in these neighborhoods, according to Hagedorn, but the gross receipts from such enterprises are generally so modest--an average of $5,000 a month - that the analogy with conventional small business is appropriate. "Where other academics see a tangle of pathologies, I see rationality and very recognizable American values," Hagedorn said in an interview Friday. The drug dealers in low-income neighborhoods "have a strong work ethic and are trying to make a buck, get ahead and stay safe." Hagedorn's theory is that recent declines in violent crime have less to do with extra cops and longer prison sentences than with the stabilization of the drug marketplace. The sellers and runners "have worked out their relationships with suppliers, customers and rivals in an effort to coexist," he said. His report, "The Business of Drug Dealing in Milwaukee," is a continuation of his 1988 book "People and Folks," (updated and republished this month by Chicago's Lake View Press) which challenged the conventional view of gang members as simply predatory animals." Typical sentimental ivory-tower apologetics from an avowed leftist aca-demic? Those who thought so were surprised to see Hagedorn's offering this month sponsored and published by the conservative Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. But when you read beyond Hagedorn's provocative talking points on drug as business you find him rejecting such liberal solutions as government jobs programs and legalization of drugs. At the same time he rejects as futile the conservative idea that if society just locks up enough users and pushers it can win the war on drugs. Instead he proposes a "conservative but daring" approach that would include maintaining strong social disapproval of drug use, alternative sentencing for non-violent drug offenders and increased efforts to bring the private sector back into the neighbor-hoods it has largely abandoned. He said he didn't mean to sugarcoat the terrible toll that drug abuse has taken on these communities. Rather, he said, his intent was to show how the organization of the drug trade suggests such areas are ripe for the sorts of legitimate-business reinvestment that could lead to long-term improvements. "The drug problem is rooted in economics - not sin and evil - and so it needs an economic solution," said Hagedorn, sounding a theme he said he hopes will resonate across the political spectrum. James Miller, president of the conservative think-tank that funded the study, noted in a preface that he "may differ" with some of Hagedorn's recommendations. But he concluded with a sentiment with which even the angry mayor of Milwaukee must agree, "We are not likely to find solutions to difficult issues until we fully understand the dimensions of the problem."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cities Condone Police Brutality, Group Says ('The Orange County Register' Says A Study Issued Tuesday By Human Rights Watch Shows Police Departments In New York And Other Major US Cities Fail To Hold Officers Accountable For Abusive And Brutal Behavior, Much Of It Targeted At Minorities) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:51:42 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Cities Condone Police Brutality, Group Says Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ CITIES CONDONE POLICE BRUTALITY, GROUP SAYS Police departments in New York and other major U.S. cities fail to hold officers accountable for abusive and brutal behavior, much of it targeted at minorities, according to a new report on human-rights abuse. The study, issued Tuesday by Human Rights Watch, accuses local police agencies and the Justice Department of failing to come to terms with police brutality, calling it a "common human-rights abuse in the United States." In New York, the nations largest police department has traditionally been "unwilling to acknowledge shortcomings and instead dismisses any criticisms as unfounded or as merely 'anecdotal,'" the study says. It faults Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and his police commissioner for dismissing many allegations of police brutality as isolated criminal acts committed by rogue cops.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Officers Jailed In Marijuana Probe At Prison ('The Commercial Appeal' In Memphis, Tennessee, Says The Three Officers Stung At The Shelby County Correction Center Were Arrested Separately Tuesday And Charged With Trying To Bring Marijuana Inside - Their Price? $100 Each) Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 18:18:29 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TN: 3 officers jailed in marijuana probe at prison Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) Contact: letters@gomemphis.com Website: http://www.gomemphis.com/ Fax: 901-529-6445 Address: Box 334, Memphis, TN 38101 Pubdate: July, 8, 1998 Author: Bill Dries 3 OFFICERS JAILED IN MARIJUANA PROBE AT PRISON Three officers at the Shelby County Correction Center were arrested Tuesday and charged with trying to bring marijuana into the prison. The three officers were arrested in separate incidents. County Corrections Division Director Rob Sprecher said that, in each case, undercover officers with the Sheriff's Department's Narcotics Unit and the Correction Center arranged for the officers to bring marijuana into the prison in exchange for $100. When the officers agreed to the terms they were arrested, Sprecher said. "We didn't want to take the chance of losing the dope or actually having it smuggled into the institution," he said. Charged with possesion of a controlled substance with intent to deliver were: -- Charlie Frank, 22, a corrections officer since February. -- Grandison Taylor, 40, who became a corrections officer three years ago this month. -- Dwight Wilson, 32, a seven-year corrections officer. All three worked in various parts of the prison at different times, Sprecher said. In the sting operation, the undercover officers offered the guards $100 to deliver a package containing marijuana to a fictional inmate. Six other corrections officers and employees at the East Memphis center have been arrested on similar charges in the past year, he said. "We had some information about these employees, but we're constantly investigating rumors about the introduction of contraband and acting on it." In addition to the criminal charges, Sprecher said Frank, Taylor and Wilson will each face administrative hearings this month on charges they violated prison policies. To reach reporter Bill Dries, call 529-2643 or send E-mail to dries@gomemphis.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- Did The US Government Deal Cocaine? (Best-Selling Author Peter McWilliams Says A Six-Month Investigation By Forrest Sawyer To Be Featured Wednesday Night On ABC's 'Primetime Live' Will Document The Government's Role In Putting Billions Of Dollars Of Cocaine On America's Streets) From: "Peter McWilliams" (peter@mcwilliams.com) Subject: DPFCA: ABC's Primetime Live Wednesday: Did the U.S. Government Deal Cocaine? Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 00:32:59 +0100 Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ ABC's Primetime Live will be airing the following segment on Wednesday: Did the U.S. Government Deal Cocaine? Drug agents say they can't crack the big cases without dealing with informants. But when the snitch is calling the shots, who is getting the better deal? In a six-month investigation for ABCNEWS, Forrest Sawyer reports on Rodney Matthews, a pot smuggler turned informant, who became one of the biggest embarrassments in the history of the U.S. Customs Service. Sawyer offers an inside look into how the operation led to billions of dollars of cocaine being poured onto the streets of America, and in the process put our government smack in the middle of dealing drugs.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Doublecross - US Customs Embarrassed By Smuggling Informant (Transcript Of The ABC News 'Primetime' Feature With Forrest Sawyer, Documenting The Government's Role In Putting Billions Of Dollars Of Cocaine On America's Streets) Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 11:31:00 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Transcript: Doublecross: U.S. Customs Embarassed by Smuggling Informant Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Source: ABC News - Primetime Transcript: Produced by Federal Document Clearing House Contact: http://www.abcnews.com/onair/email.html Website: http://www.abcnews.com/ Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jul 1998 Note: This is an unedited, uncorrected transcript. DOUBLECROSS: U.S. CUSTOMS EMBARASSED BY SMUGGLING INFORMANT SAM DONALDSON, ABC NEWS - Last month, President Clinton called for cooperation among nations in the fight against drugs. But what if the people who are supposed to be keeping drugs out of the United States instead are putting the government smack in the middle of dealing drugs? Tonight, a six-month PrimeTime investigation reveals how agents of the US Customs Service turned a pot smuggler into a big-time cocaine kingpin and then turned a blind eye while he poured billions of dollars of cocaine onto the streets of America. Tonight, Forrest Sawyer talks to Rodney Matthews, a smuggler turned top informant who became one of the biggest embarrassments in US Customs history. FORREST SAWYER, ABC NEWS (VO) New Year's Eve, 1988. When Rodney Matthews touched down at his private airstrip in Damon, Texas, hauling a ton of pure cocaine, he wasn't working alone. RODNEY MATTHEWS Yes. By all means, I'm a drug smuggler. The government authorized me to smuggle. And the government paid me to smuggle. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Did you have the feeling that they knew how much cocaine could hit the streets? RODNEY MATTHEWS I'm sure they must have realized it. FORREST SAWYER And that would be how much? RODNEY MATTHEWS Tons. DICK CARDWELL, FORMER US CUSTOMS AGENT Have you ever seen a picture of 1,800 pounds of coke? That's a lot of dope. That seizure of 1,800 pounds of coke was a big seizure. And we got the guy that was doing the deal, Rodney Matthews. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Houston Customs agent Dick Cardwell had gotten wind of an unauthorized plane heading toward Matthews' airstrip. US Customs and Texas police set up a stakeout. When they saw a truck pulling out, they chased it down Rural Road 1462. RODNEY MATTHEWS The Texas highway patrolman pulled me over, asked me what was on the truck. I told him 700 kilos of cocaine. He got a little excited. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Trooper Billy Frank Teague Š BILLY FRANK TEAGUE, TEXAS STATE TROOPER He's trying to tell us that, "Hey, I'm one of you guys. I'm working with you." And at that point, I placed the shotgun at the back of his head and ordered him to be still so that we could handcuff him. RODNEY MATTHEWS And I'm trying to tell him, "Hey, this load is for you." BILLY FRANK TEAGUE And he's still trying to tell us, even after he's handcuffed, "Hey, I'm working for you guys. This is for y'all. I'm one of you." And we weren't buying it. FORREST SAWYER (VO) And neither was Dick Cardwell, who knew Matthews was working as an informant for the US Customs Service. But he was convinced Matthews had been running loads of cocaine behind the government's back. DICK CARDWELL I knew he was a smuggler. And I knew he was working outside of law enforcement. The problem was trying to catch him doing it. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Now Cardwell had proof. Matthews caught red-handed with the biggest load of cocaine in Texas history, a load that no government agency had approved. Matthews was going down, until, just as he was being booked, the order came to let him go. DICK CARDWELL We just caught this guy with 1,800 pounds of coke, and we're going to turn him loose. And he did. He walked out of the door, got into a yellow cab and went home. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Because of a deal that agents from your own agency had made? DICK CARDWELL They gave probably one of the best smugglers in the country, they gave him the keys to the-to the candy store. They gave him permission. FORREST SAWYER (VO) How Rodney Matthews became one of the biggest embarrassments in US Customs history, revealing that the government makes loose and sometimes illegal deals with informants, allowing tons of cocaine into the country-that story begins four years earlier, 40 miles and a world away from Houston. RODNEY MATTHEWS Fort Bend (ph) County, Mayberry, USA. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody knows everybody else's business. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Now, I would think everybody and his brother would know exactly what you were flying in. RODNEY MATTHEWS There was some suspicion. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Then 40 years old, Matthews had spent most of his adult life flying planeloads of marijuana into a little airstrip he had built in the middle of a cow pasture. He was making millions, until Valentine's Day, 1984, when Bob Nestoroff, a sergeant in the Texas Department of Public Safety, busted him with 600 pounds of pot. Matthews quickly made his first deal-his freedom in exchange for information. SGT BOB NESTOROFF, TEXAS STATE POLICE His usefulness to us was to go out and set up deals where we could seize loads. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Delivered you four cases? BOB NESTOROFF Yes, sir. FORREST SAWYER With a ribbon on them? BOB NESTOROFF That's correct. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Drug agents soon realized that Rodney Matthews was a natural snitch, who not only knew the smuggling business inside-out but was willing to take chances for them. Just when he could walk away a free man, US Customs agents in San Antonio asked him to start playing a bigger game. But to get to Matthews, they had to go through Bob Nestoroff. The Texas cop was the only handler Matthews trusted. BOB NESTOROFF Narcotics, Nestoroff. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) And Bob, if you got involved in a Customs investigation with your informant and it worked out, that would be good for you, right? BOB NESTOROFF That's correct, it would be. FORREST SAWYER Nice career move? BOB NESTOROFF Yes, sir. FORREST SAWYER (VO) And their target was legendary Texas smuggler Vic Stadter, chased for half a century by Customs agents who call him "the original cocaine cowboy." To this day, Stadter swears he's a smuggler all right-gold, whiskey, exotic animals, anything but drugs. (on camera) You just got through telling me that you're one of the best smugglers in the whole Š VIC STADTER, US CUSTOMS TARGET I am. I am. FORREST SAWYER You've never smuggled drugs in your life? VIC STADTER Never had anything to do with drugs in my life, and there's nobody knows it better than the US government and their damnable agents. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Agents convinced Stadter ran an international cocaine ring that helped build his 350-acre ranch out in Texas hill country. (on camera) We have talked to these guys. They appear to be sincere in their belief that you are in the drug smuggling business in a very big way. VIC STADTER Well, why don't they back it up? FORREST SAWYER That's what they were trying to do. VIC STADTER By getting a rat to set me up? RODNEY MATTHEWS I didn't know if this guy was about to blow up the White House or why there was so much interest. I did know that he had embarrassed them a few times. FORREST SAWYER Not that he was the biggest drug smuggler around, not that he was a danger to the community, just that he was embarrassing the agents? RODNEY MATTHEWS Right. That he had beat them and rubbed their face in it. FORREST SAWYER (VO) In 1986, US Customs agents decided to turn Matthews into a cocaine kingpin. To get close enough to catch Stadter red-handed with a load of coke, they allowed Matthews to do what no drug agent is permitted, break the law. RODNEY MATTHEWS And it was clear that smuggling cocaine in and letting it hit the street was part of that deal. And making money on the side was part of that deal. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Am I wrong? Did they just set you up in business? RODNEY MATTHEWS Yes, by all means. I made it very clear that I'm in this for the money. FORREST SAWYER (VO) And make money, he did. Suitcases full, with the government looking the other way. RODNEY MATTHEWS Over that period that I worked with the government, I'm sure $10 million passed through my hands-ranches, real estate, airplanes, at least a dozen airplanes. Some of them expensive airplanes. FORREST SAWYER (VO) And making money right along with Matthews, his longtime friend and partner, Jimmie Ellard (ph). JIMMIE ELLARD We've moved about $6 billion worth of drugs over a five-year period, about $6 billion. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Back in the spring of 1985, Matthews had recruited Jimmie Ellard as a pilot. Ellard was busted one month later. JIMMIE ELLARD I felt that Matthews was the only family I had at that time. One of us had a problem, the other one was there. That's the way it always was. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Out on bail, Ellard fled to Colombia. His friend Rodney said he would help set him up in business. RODNEY MATTHEWS So I gave him a couple of names and off he went. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) How did he do? RODNEY MATTHEWS Eventually, he-he did very well. He moved up. FORREST SAWYER How far? RODNEY MATTHEWS Right up to the top. FORREST SAWYER (VO) To the very top, becoming one of the biggest transporters for the man who was then the world's most powerful cocaine baron, Pablo Escobar. JIMMIE ELLARD Pablo Escobar was a billionaire. When we ended up in 1990, I was a multimillionaire. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Running flights and organizing others for Escobar, Ellard claims he was making up to $5 million a week. And Rodney Matthews? He and Ellard were busy building one of the biggest cocaine trafficking rings in the country. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER Second tower, roger. Make straight (inaudible) approach. FORREST SAWYER (VO) By 1988, their drug flights into Fort Lauderdale executive airport were so routine, they were calling themselves the "Federal Express of cocaine." (on camera) You figure as far as the government's concerned, that's just fine? RODNEY MATTHEWS Yes. FORREST SAWYER It sounds like nobody's running things. It's, you're off-well, you're off smuggling. RODNEY MATTHEWS Well, that's what I was supposed to be doing, off smuggling. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Three years, 50 flights in broad daylight, low and slow across the Gulf of Mexico. Never once intercepted. Never even fearing the radar planes put up to catch them. Rodney Matthews had Ellard and the Colombians convinced they could buy the radar planes' flight schedules from him. The asking price? Six million dollars. (on camera) What was the real value of what you were selling them? RODNEY MATTHEWS Zero. FORREST SAWYER Because? RODNEY MATTHEWS Because I didn't have any inside information. FORREST SAWYER (VO) It was all just one more Rodney Matthews double-cross. No information about the radar plane flights, he claims, no dirty agent, nothing but raw nerve and $6 million in his pocket. (on camera) And you were just gambling that those radar planes were not up? RODNEY MATTHEWS Right. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER We have a contact here. FORREST SAWYER You are not unaware of the Colombians' reputation-if you got caught, what would happen? RODNEY MATTHEWS Death-sometimes a slow death. DICK CARDWELL This guy walked a tight rope. I mean, he walked a tight rope not only with law enforcement. He walked a tight rope with the cartels as well. FORREST SAWYER And played them both against each other? DICK CARDWELL Oh, absolutely. And was making money on both ends of the fence. FORREST SAWYER Now, that's a hell of a game. DICK CARDWELL He was good. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Good at making money, but lousy at catching Vic Stadter. Three years after he started his Customs investigation, Rodney Matthews had turned up exactly nothing. (on camera) How close did Matthews get in his efforts to bust you? VIC STADTER He dated my secretary. And outside of that, the one time I met him, that was it. FORREST SAWYER Well, let me see if I got it straight. He brings in tons of cocaine Š VIC STADTER Yeah. FORREST SAWYER Š to get you, and it comes down to Š VIC STADTER Dating my secretary. Yep. FORREST SAWYER (VO) So what did US Customs agents decide to do next? Federal prosecutors say that instead of shutting him down, Customs turned Rodney Matthews completely loose, giving him "carte blanche" to break virtually every US drug law to nail Stadter. RODNEY MATTHEWS Well, it was like a 007 license. I didn't know the government did that. It was hard to resist. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) What could Rodney Matthews have done that would have been breaking the law with such license? BOB NESTOROFF Well, I seriously doubt they would condone murder. I sure hope they wouldn't. FORREST SAWYER But drug smuggling is fine? BOB NESTOROFF I believe so. That's correct. FORREST SAWYER That puts the United States government smack in the middle of dealing drugs. BOB NESTOROFF They're authorizing the man to do something that they're fighting. But the fact remains that they did it. SAM DONALDSON For Rodney Matthews, it was as good as it gets, but there would be one more double-cross still to come. ANNOUNCER In a moment, Matthews' most loyal ally turns against him, and federal agents run for cover. DICK CARDWELL We were looking at 20 years for doing our jobs-for taking dope off the street and for telling the truth. ANNOUNCER When PrimeTime continues. (Commercial Break) ANNOUNCER Did US Customs agents allow one of their own informants to flood drugs onto the streets? MARK CONRAD We got in bed with Rodney Matthews. ANNOUNCER The insider who says it's not an isolated case. MARK CONRAD It happens routinely in virtually every situation where you're dealing with informants. ANNOUNCER When PrimeTime continues, after this from our ABC stations. (Station Break) ANNOUNCER PrimeTime continues. From Washington, Sam Donaldson. SAM DONALDSON After Rodney Matthews had been caught red-handed with a ton of cocaine destined for the streets of Miami, New York and Philadelphia, it still looked like he'd played the informant game and won-until his deal with Customs came under fire. And as Forrest Sawyer learned, the agents who had cut Matthews loose started to feel the heat. FORREST SAWYER (VO) When Rodney Matthews walked away from the biggest bust in Texas history a free man, it didn't play too well in the local newspapers. (on camera) And there were a lot of people who were embarrassed? RODNEY MATTHEWS Very embarrassed. The idea that the United States Justice Department and US Customs would authorize cocaine to be smuggled into the United States. FORREST SAWYER (VO) And things got even worse when Matthews told Texas cop Bob Nestoroff that a week earlier, he had brought in yet another half ton of cocaine that did make it to the streets. (on camera) You figured he was just on the job? BOB NESTOROFF That's correct. FORREST SAWYER You mean flying in 1,800 pounds of cocaine that is going to hit the streets of America is part of his job? BOB NESTOROFF That's correct. If he was taking huge advantage of it, so be it. He still was doing what he was told he could do to get into the Stadter organization. FORREST SAWYER (VO) That was the central problem. No one had the authority to let Rodney Matthews break the law. And now, the deal they had given him was coming under fire, which sent the Customs agent who was supposed to be controlling Matthews running for cover. That agent was Tom Grieve. (on camera) Was he told he could do whatever was necessary to fly cocaine and bust Vic Stadter? TOM GRIEVE, FORMER US CUSTOMS AGENT No. FORREST SAWYER Was there anything said, anything that could have been in your wildest imagination misinterpreted to mean that Rodney Matthews could bring in a load and let it hit the streets? TOM GRIEVE No. Not hit the streets. No, no, no, no. No. See, that's-no, no. FORREST SAWYER Tom Grieve says that there was no carte blanche, nothing like carte blanche. MARK CONRAD, US CUSTOMS INTERNAL AFFAIRS Tom Grieve is simply a liar. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Mark Conrad runs internal affairs for Customs in Houston. A 27-year veteran, Conrad spoke to PrimeTime in New York over the objections of the Customs Service. MARK CONRAD We got in bed with Rodney Matthews and the importation of a humongous amount of narcotics coming into the United States. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) And the reason wasn't because they were dirty? MARK CONRAD No. The reason is there's a great deal of pressure on agents in the field to make cases, to make the big one. And the bigger, the better. FORREST SAWYER The customs agent involved, you, and the assistant US attorney overstepped their authority and offered too much, and once it became an embarrassment, what could you say except it didn't happen. "I don't care what those other guys say, it didn't happen"? TOM GRIEVE No. They did a-they did an investigation. They did an internal investigation, and it's totally unfounded. FORREST SAWYER Which is true. The Customs Service investigation did criticize Tom Grieve for a lack of control, but it found no evidence of wrongdoing. In fact, the 18-page report never even mentions the controversial words "carte blanche." The reason, Mark Conrad says there was a cover-up that continues to this day. MARK CONRAD We hide things. We cover them up. We don't-we're not honest at times within our own organization, and we're clearly not honest at times with the media. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) You know, I think a lot of American people are going to be shocked to hear that letting drugs hit the street is what we really do in the drug business. MARK CONRAD It would never be officially condoned. You'll never find any policy that approves of it, but it happens routinely in virtually every situation where you're dealing with informants. FORREST SAWYER (VO) In fact, more than a dozen agents and former drug enforcement officials told us that letting dope hit the streets is the cost of doing business, that while the Matthews case is extreme, it's just the tip of the iceberg. (on camera) Agents say, yes, they gave Rodney Matthews a long leash. They really did believe he was out there working for them to get you, a drug smuggler. VIC STADTER Well, how stupid can they be? When Matthews ain't working and making any money at anything and flying million-dollar airplanes, now how stupid can they be? FORREST SAWYER (VO) As for the Customs agent in charge of Rodney Matthews in 1988, Tom Grieve was fired two years later. Not because of the Matthews case, but because he had lied about the improper use of a government vehicle. And Rodney Matthews? His real problem wasn't in Texas anymore. It was in Florida. And it was named Jimmie Ellard. JIMMIE ELLARD One of the greatest shocks in my life is that day when I found out that Rodney Matthews had actually set me up. FORREST SAWYER (VO) In March 1990, Ellard was arrested in Vero Beach, Florida. Agents, who wanted Ellard to testify against his longtime partner, showed him an old government report that proved Matthews was double-crossing Ellard since their pot-smuggling days. JIMMIE ELLARD I read the report three different times, and I just kept reading it. And finally, the guy said, "Now, do you want to protect Matthews, or do you want to work with the government?" TERRY THOMPSON, ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY Hi. This is Terry Thompson. I just wanted to Š FORREST SAWYER (VO) The answer was easy. He accepted a deal from this man, assistant US Attorney Terry Thompson-plead guilty to hauling 28 tons of cocaine into the US and turn star witness against Matthews. (on camera) Is there a difference in kind between Rodney Matthews and Jimmie Ellard? Are they the same animal? TERRY THOMPSON They're the same beast. FORREST SAWYER (VO) With one very big difference. DIANE SAWYER (CLIP FROM ABC NEWSCAST) In Colombia today, an explosion onboard a Colombian jetliner. All 107 people onboard died. FORREST SAWYER (VO) In November 1989, Pablo Escobar blew up Avianca Flight 203, just so he could kill two informants. And it was Jimmie Ellard who earlier advised Escobar on how to destroy an airliner and everyone on it. (on camera) Ought you to make a deal with somebody like Jimmie Ellard? He's a bad guy. TERRY THOMPSON Jimmie Ellard is a necessary evil, unfortunately. FORREST SAWYER And is that right? Does that mean that the ends justified the means? TERRY THOMPSON He made things possible, prosecution-wise, that probably would not have been possible without him. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Ellard made it possible for Thompson to go after his biggest target of all-dirty agents. It was a deal that had been offered to Matthews himself when he was arrested in 1992, but he turned it down flat. RODNEY MATTHEWS On the way to the courthouse, the Customs internal affairs agents said, "Look, we know you're a smart guy. You don't have to go to jail. Just tell us about the dirty agents." FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Who were the agents they were after? RODNEY MATTHEWS Cardwell and Nestoroff. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Matthews refused to turn on agents he says were innocent. But Bob Nestoroff, the Texas cop, was accused of taking bribes anyway. And Jimmie Ellard named Dick Cardwell as the dirty agent who sold those radar plane schedules. DICK CARDWELL I couldn't believe it. It's just flat unbelievable. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) Would you ever imagine, in your wildest dreams, that the word of Jimmie Ellard could get an indictment against you? DICK CARDWELL He's lied, money laundered, smuggled tons of dope. Conspiracy to kill folks. Blow up airliners. I mean, he's a PR nightmare. Yet they signed up to him. FORREST SAWYER You don't think that any of the things that he told you might be lies? TERRY THOMPSON If you're asking me if someone is capable of smuggling 55,000 pounds of cocaine into the country and incapable of lying, no, I'm not going to say that. FORREST SAWYER (VO) In fact, Thompson couldn't make Ellard's claims of corruption stick, but he tried the two agents anyway for perjury. On September 13, 1996, after a five-week trial, it took a Houston jury only two hours to acquit them. They called the case a joke, but the careers of Dick Cardwell and Bob Nestoroff were destroyed. DICK CARDWELL We were looking at 20 years for doing our jobs-for taking dope off the street and for telling the truth. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) And you're in here for how long? RODNEY MATTHEWS Until deceased. FORREST SAWYER (VO) On December 14, 1993, Rodney Matthews was convicted of smuggling 28 tons of cocaine into the US He is now serving a life term in Leavenworth. VIC STADTER So who takes the fall? Matthews. You don't see none of these agents in jail. FORREST SAWYER (on camera) You say these agents should be put in jail? VIC STADTER Why certainly, they should. They're the thieves. BOB NESTOROFF Maybe he's right. FORREST SAWYER Maybe they are Š BOB NESTOROFF Maybe they are just as guilty. Maybe they are guilty of bringing the dope in because they authorized it. FORREST SAWYER This includes you. BOB NESTOROFF You bet. I'm partially responsible for it, and I accept that responsibility. FORREST SAWYER (VO) Even the judge who sentenced Rodney Matthews attacked the US Customs Service from the bench, saying its dealings with Matthews were "sick, symbiotic, manipulative and exploitive," an "embarrassment" for which the United States government should be ashamed of itself. (on camera) You know, there were a lot of losers in this case. DICK CARDWELL Oh, yeah. FORREST SAWYER Any winners? DICK CARDWELL All you have to look at is Jimmie Ellard. FORREST SAWYER The worse guy of all is the winner? DICK CARDWELL Absolutely. Look at it. The facts speak for themselves. FORREST SAWYER (VO) After pleading guilty to putting $6 billion of cocaine onto the streets and admitting his role in the Avianca bombing, Jimmie Ellard served only six years in prison. He was given his freedom on May 28, 1996. He still has millions of dollars made smuggling drugs. SAM DONALDSON The head of the US Customs Service declined our request for an interview. In a letter, he stated it is not Customs policy to allow illegal drugs to disappear and said they learned valuable lessons from the Matthews case. But public affairs officers at Customs were quick to tell us theirs is not the only agency to let cocaine hit the streets. A final note-Dick Cardwell resigned last year from the US Customs Service, saying he was disgusted with his agency's willingness to break the law to make their cases. And Rodney Matthews says he's fighting for his freedom from his prison cell in Leavenworth. copyright 1998 ABC News
------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicotine's Grip Tighter For Blacks? ('The Orange County Register' Says Research At The University Of California In San Francisco And Elsewhere, Reported In Two Studies Published In Today's 'Journal Of The American Medical Association,' Indicates African Americans Appear To Absorb More Nicotine Per Cigarette Than Smokers Of Other Races) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:49:49 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Nicotine's Grip Tighter For Blacks? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: Brenda C.Coleman-The Associated Press NICOTINE'S GRIP TIGHTER FOR BLACKS? Health: Research Shows They Absorb More Of The Substance Per Cigarette. CHICAGO - Blacks appear to absorb more nicotine per cigarette than smokers of other races, a finding that could explain why they run a higher risk of lung cancer and have more trouble kicking the habit, according to research at the University of California, San Francisco, and elsewhere. Why blacks seem to get more nicotine from cigarettes isn't clear. Researchers said there is disagreement over whether it results from biological differences in the way blacks and whites process nicotine, differences in smoking habits between the races, or both. The findings are contained in two studies published in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. One study, led by Ralph S. Caraballo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, measured blood levels of a chemical called cotinine, a byproduct of the breakdown of nicotine in the body, in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adult smokers from 1988 to 1991. Cotinine was measured instead of nicotine because it stays in the body much longer, and scientists have developed a highly sensitive test for it. Black smokers had cotinine concentrations substantially higher at all levels of cigarette smoking than white smokers did, the researchers said. Previous research indicates black smokers are more likely to try quitting and have a lower success rate than white smokers. Also, black smokers run a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Higher nicotine absorption could help explain the lower quitting rate among blacks, the researchers said. Also, if blacks have higher cotinine levels because they inhale more deeply or smoke stronger cigarettes, they also would take in more cancer-causing substances such as tar.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Study - Blacks Absorb More Nicotine ('Washington Post' Version In 'The San Jose Mercury News') Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 14:53:52 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Study: Blacks Absorb More Nicotine Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Author: John Schwartz Washington Post STUDY: BLACKS ABSORB MORE NICOTINE Researchers' findings on smoking could help answer cancer, cessation questions Black smokers absorb more nicotine than do white or Latino smokers, a difference that could explain why blacks tend to suffer more from tobacco-related disease and have more trouble kicking the habit, researchers reported Tuesday. The new data emerges from two studies in today's edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, which constitute the broadest effort ever to understand racial differences in smoking. ``It's really important research,'' said Jack Henningfield, an expert on nicotine addiction at Johns Hopkins University. ``It raises a whole bunch of serious questions that need to be answered'' about the biology of smoking and proper cessation treatment. ``The bad news is, it's 1998 and we're just finding this out.'' African-American adults historically have smoked at higher rates than the general population, but in recent years they have smoked at about the same rates as other groups. More than 31 percent of black men smoke, compared with nearly 28 percent of white men; 22.7 percent of black women smoke, compared with 24.4 percent of white women. Since 1976, smoking rates among black teenagers have declined dramatically, but in recent years the rate has begun to climb again. The two new studies focus on bloodstream levels of cotinine, the most common chemical produced by the body from nicotine. In the first study, researchers at the federal Centers For Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta measured the amount of cotinine in the blood of 7,182 subjects, 2,136 of whom said they had smoked in the previous five days. ``For each level of cigarette smoking, the levels for African-Americans were substantially higher,'' said lead author Ralph Caraballo of the CDC. Black participants in the study had cotinine levels in their blood that were between 12 percent and 50 percent higher than those of white subjects, and 32 percent to 56 percent higher than those of Mexican-Americans. The researchers called the results ``intriguing'' because, they wrote, cessation experts say blacks ``are more likely to try to quit but have a lower success rate than white smokers.'' The higher levels of cotinine suggest that blacks absorb more nicotine from cigarettes than do whites, enhancing the pleasure of smoking. ``This may help explain the lower quitting success rate,'' the researchers wrote. African-Americans are at higher risk than whites of developing lung cancer and dying from it, the researchers noted. If the higher cotinine levels can be linked to higher absorption of other parts of cigarette smoke, including cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco, then ``they may help explain higher lung cancer deaths among black smokers compared with white smokers,'' the researchers wrote. The researchers compensated for the fact that blacks tend to smoke fewer cigarettes than do whites, though Caraballo said they could not take into account possible differences in the ways that people of different races smoke. Previous studies have shown that black smokers tend to take more smoke into their lungs or hold it in the lungs for a longer time. Caraballo noted that such studies have tried to account for the greater popularity of menthol cigarettes among blacks, and the possibility that the anesthetizing effect of menthol ``could allow you to smoke more deeply.'' But he said the structure of his study made such inquiries impossible. The second study found that blacks also keep cotinine in their bodies longer than whites do. Keeping nicotine in the body longer could enhance smoking's pleasurable effects. Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco studied 79 smokers and found that an African-American who smoked 12 to 15 cigarettes a day gets as much nicotine as whites who smoke a full pack of 20 cigarettes a day -- a difference that Henningfield calls ``small but real,'' with important implications for helping African-Americans quit smoking.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacks Absorb More Nicotine Than Others, Studies Say ('Associated Press' Version) Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 16:42:42 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Wire: Blacks Absorb More Nicotine Than Others, Studies Say Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Source: Associated Press BLACKS ABSORB MORE NICOTINE THAN OTHERS, STUDIES SAY Findings suggest greater vulnerability to addiction Chicago -- Black smokers absorb more nicotine per cigarette than people of other races, suggesting they may be more vulnerable to nicotine addiction, according to two new studies in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. The findings could explain why blacks have more trouble quitting smoking than people of other races and why they develop more lung cancer, said the authors of one study, led by Ralph S. Caraballo of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study measured blood levels of a chemical called cotinine, a byproduct of the breakdown of nicotine in the body, in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adult smokers from 1988 to 1991. Cotinine was measured instead of nicotine because it stays in the body much longer and scientists have developed a highly sensitive test for measuring it. "Black smokers had cotinine concentrations substantially higher at all levels of cigarette smoking than did white or Mexican-American smokers," the researchers said, after taking into account differences that could skew the results, such as age, sex, weight, number of other smokers in the home and smoke exposure at work. Previous research indicates that black smokers are more likely to try to quit smoking but have a lower success rate than white smokers and are at higher risk of developing and dying from lung cancer. In a related study, a separate team of researchers compared rates of metabolism -- the body's process of breaking down food to make energy or tissue -- and nicotine intake among 40 black and 39 white smokers. Cotinine blood levels per cigarette smoked were significantly higher in black smokers than in white smokers, according to the researchers, led by Eliseo J. Perez-Stable of the University of California-San Francisco. The researchers noted there were several possible explanations for the higher cotinine levels in blacks: Blacks may smoke differently than whites, inhaling more deeply even though they smoke fewer cigarettes a day. Blacks are far more likely to smoke menthol-flavored cigarettes than whites, which may cause them to inhale more deeply or may contribute to some differences in how the body takes in and clears nicotine. Blacks may have physical differences that cause them to metabolize the products of cigarette smoke differently.
------------------------------------------------------------------- British Columbia Uses Scanners To Keep Jails Drug Free ('Canadian Press' Says Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh Pledged Wednesday That Ion Scanners, Which Can Supposedly Detect Illegal Drugs With One Touch, Would Be Introduced Within The Next Week As Part Of A Package Of Measures To Enforce Prohibition In The Province's 19 Jails) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: B.C. uses scanners to keep jails drug free Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:23:47 -0700 Lines: 35 Newshawk: creator@drugsense.org Pubdate: July 8, 1998 Source: Canadian Press B.C. uses scanners to keep jails drug free VICTORIA (CP) -- A drug-detection device that works like an electronic dog will soon be sniffing around British Columbia's jails, Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh said Wednesday. Ion scanners, which can detect illegal drugs on people and property by one touch, will help keep drugs from entering jails, he said. Dosanjh said he wants to step up efforts keep illegal drugs out of B.C.'s jails. Bill Young, B.C. Corrections Branch spokesman, said two B.C. jails -- Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre in Victoria and Fraser Regional Correctional Centre in Maple Ridge -- will start using ion scanners within the next week. The devices are currently used by the RCMP's drug squad and Canada Customs, he said. B.C. has 19 jails, of which seven are categorized as maximum security facilities, Young said. Dosanjh said the government will provide the Corrections Branch with a third dog trained to detect drugs this fall. It will also enhance security measures to prevent drugs being passed to inmates by visitors, he said. The enhanced drug interception strategy was developed in response to a report prepared by former Vancouver police chief Bob Stewart. *** Reply-To: (raffib@lefca.com) From: "Rafcher" (raffib@lefca.com) To: (mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com) Subject: RE: Canada: B.C. uses scanners to keep jails drug free Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 13:01:24 -0300 Everyone: I don't have the time to respond to this bullshit. Ion Scanners have been in Ontario prisons for a long time and they HAVE NOT: 1. stopped drugs from entering into prison 2. stopped drug overdoses 3. stopped drug related violence Ion scanners do not indicate whether people have drugs on their possession. They don't even indicate whether a person has used drugs. What they can discover is whether a person has come into contact with drugs. For example, if I touched a door knob or anything that was touched by another drug user, some ionic particles will transfer onto my hand and be picked up by the scanner. I used to work with prisoners, setting off the scanner every time I visited them -- even when I hadn't touched drugs for months. Many parents, sisters, girl-friends of drug using prisoners are likely to come into contact with other drug users thus setting off the alarm. Once I found how the scanner worked, I consistently beat it by bleaching my ID cards and not handling them until I was requested to hand them over to the prison officer for scanning. These are the things these scanners HAVE DONE: 1. Many prisoners have been refused visits 2. Many prisoners have been denied conjugal visits 3. Many prisoners have been denied early release because their supports have triggered the alarm of ion scanners 4. Created a tense atmosphere between prisoners and keepers If anyone has the time to write a letter based on these facts, please feel free. Sincerely, Raffi
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Sting Nets Midway Workers ('The Calgary Sun' Notes The Bust Of Two Calgary Stampede Ride Operators For Selling Marijuana On The Job After The Drug Undercover Street Team Received A Complaint From A Mother On The Grounds) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:44:38 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Canada: Drug Sting Nets Midway Workers Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: Calgary Sun (Canada) Contact: callet@sunpub.com Website: http://www.canoe.ca/CalgarySun/ Author: IAN WILSON -- Calgary Sun DRUG STING NETS MIDWAY WORKERS Two Calgary Stampede midway ride operators have been charged with selling drugs on the job. The Drug Undercover Street Team, after receiving a complaint from a mother on the Grounds, set up a sting operation. "We received a complaint they were stoned and selling drugs to patrons," said Staff Sgt. John Middleton-Hope. The pair were charged with drug trafficking and possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. One is a 17-year-old Calgarian who can't be named under the Young Offenders Act. The other is Joshua Percy Morris, 22, of Manitoba. The bust was done with the co-operation of Conklin Shows. John Gallant, guest relations manager for Conklin Shows, said the two suspects, who were running the Bumper Boats ride, were immediately fired. "If these guys were doing something bad, or something the police wanted them for, we don't want them," said Gallant. A background check was not done on the duo because they were only working a 10-day period and weren't handling cash. Conklin has a policy of no alcohol or drug consumption on the job -- even if employees are taking prescribed medication which causes drowsiness, they will not be permitted to work. The case is part of a disturbing trend of crime at the Stampede, despite reduced attendance figures this year. City police, who have a detachment on the Grounds, have laid more charges in the first two days of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth than they did in a six-day period last year. Most charges involve public drunkenness, drug trafficking and assault. Stampede official Dan Sullivan said police have done an excellent job of ensuring the Grounds are safe. He said police watch "for individuals prone to criminal activity and they know who to watch for." Copyright (c) 1998, Canoe Limited Partnership.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Kennett Faces Backbench Drug Revolt ('The Australian' Says Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett Is Getting Increasing Resistance To His Liberalised Drug Laws, With Three MPs Publicly Denouncing The Plan) Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 01:06:33 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Australia: Kennett Faces Backbench Drug Revolt Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Ken Russell Source: The Australian Contact: ausletr@matp.newsltd.com.au Website: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Author: Michael Magazanik, Michael Bachelard and Chip Le Grand KENNETT FACES BACKBENCH DRUG REVOLT VICTORIAN Premier Jeff Kennett faces growing backbench resistance to his liberalised drug laws, with three MPs publicly denouncing the plan. Many other MPs are furious that Mr Kennett did not consult his party before announcing relaxed heroin and marijuana laws, and several yesterday vowed to confront the Premier at the next partyroom meeting. West Australian Premier Richard Court and NSW Premier Bob Carr strongly rejected the Victorian experiment that lets first-time heroin offenders off with a caution, with Mr Court also ruling out any softening of cannabis laws. Mr Court said his Government was not prepared to "go soft" on drugs. "The reason why the Government has been strongly opposed to the decriminalisation of marijuana is that we see it as a gateway drug," Mr Court said. "We are not going to move down a liberal path at a time when we have got so many people that are dying of the curse. There are laws and they must be complied with." The NSW Government would not even consider a caution system for heroin users, Mr Carr said. Asked if he would follow Mr Kennett's lead, he said: "Not on heroin, no." The cannabis scheme, however, was a "very sensible reform" and similar to one blocked by conservatives in the NSW upper house last year. A Queensland Government spokesman said Premier Peter Beattie would wait and see how the Victorian "experiment" worked, before making a decision. Denouncing the plan, Victorian government MPs Geoff Leigh, David Perrin and Inga Peulich said liberalised drug laws were not an effective way to tackle the problem. Mr Perrin also voiced concern on the government backbench that Mr Kennett had defied an overwhelming vote by MPs in 1996 against marijuana decriminalisation. "I am very concerned and very disturbed that this issue was not taken before the partyroom," he said. "It effectively sidesteps the partyroom. My colleagues have been raising that with me today and I will be raising it in the partyroom." Ms Peulich agreed, saying Liberal and National party MPs had agreed in 1996 there would be no relaxation of drug laws. "I am very disappointed this has been announced without input from the parliamentary party." But community groups and drug-law reform campaigners applauded the move. The vice-president of the Australian Drug-Law Reform Foundation, Peter Cleland, said he welcomed "anything that removes crime from the user". Federation of Community Legal Centres spokesman Louis Schetzer said the policy represented slow change in the right direction. "The argument that the criminal law is an appropriate response as a deterrent to drug-use is not born out by the massive increase in drug-related deaths and overdoses."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Abusers Helped By Intensive Therapy (An Uncritical And Scientifically Illiterate Article In 'The Sydney Morning Herald' Says Australia's First Controlled Trial On Treating Marijuana Dependence Involved A Study Of 100 Long-Term Users Conducted By The National Drug And Alcohol Research Centre, Which Concluded That Heavy Cannabis Users May Require Intensive Brainwashing In Order To Stay Off The Drug - No Mention Is Made Of Whether The Treatment Was Coerced, Or How Many Of The Subjects May Have Been Using Cannabis Medically For Psychological Disorders, Even Though After Cessation, 'Many Exhibited Symptoms Of Depression') Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 16:58:22 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Australia: Cannabis Abusers Helped By Intensive Therapy Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Ken Russell Pubdate: Wed 8 July, 1998 Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Contact: letters@smh.fairfax.com.au Website: http://www.smh.com.au/ Author: Australian Associated Press CANNABIS ABUSERS HELPED BY INTENSIVE THERAPY Heavy cannabis users may require intensive psychotherapy in order to stay off the drug, a clinical trial shows. Australia's first controlled trial on treating marijuana dependence showed that users undergoing a 16-week counselling course had a much better quit rate than those given brief assistance. The study of 100 long-term cannabis users conducted by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre contrasted intensive individual counselling with a guided self-help program. Clinical psychologist Dr Brin Grenyer told a Winter School in the Sun addictions conference in Brisbane yesterday that the users who received most intervention had significantly better mental health and stayed off the drug for longer. Dr Grenyer, from the University of Wollongong, said the study participants smoked an average eight "cones" a day and some consumed up to 50 a day. The mainly male group, who included executives, managers, administrative workers and skilled and semi-skilled manual workers, had used cannabis daily for at least five years but had no history of alcohol or other drug abuse. "We are talking about people for whom cannabis was an integral part of their lives - some of them literally did not get out of bed in the morning until they had smoked cannabis," Dr Grenyer said. Of those who received four months of counselling, 80 per cent quit and of those, 50 per cent remained abstinent a year later. But among those who received only a one-off therapy session and a quit manual, only 10 to 20 per cent managed to give up completely and many exhibited symptoms of depression. "The results surprised us because there is some prior evidence that brief interventions can be just as effective as more intensive ones for people with a variety of addictive disorders," he said. "But we actually found that those who were very dependent on cannabis really needed more intensive help." Dr Grenyer said the study showed that although giving up cannabis was not as hard as many addicts feared, counselling may be required to help them deal with underlying issues such as depression and anxiety which led them to relapse. However the self-help approach would be cost-effective for less heavy users who wanted to give up, he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- £10M North Drug Haul's Route Traced (The Aberdeen, Scotland, 'Press And Journal' Describes A Cannabis-Smuggling Group Involved In Germany, Morocco, Britain And France, Uncovered After Police In Hamburg, Germany, Popped Two Teens For Selling A Small Amount Of The Drug) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:44:38 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: UKP10m North Drug Haul's Route Traced Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: jmpetrie@wintermute.co.uk Pubdate: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 Source: Press & Journal (UK) Contact: editor@pj.ajl.co.uk Website: http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/ Author: Donald Wilson UKP 10M NORTH DRUG HAUL'S ROUTE TRACED THE arrest of two teenagers in Germany set off a chain of events which led to a 10million ukp drugs haul on a boat at Wick harbour, a court was told. A German court has heard how the two youngsters were arrested in Hamburg for selling a small amount of the drug. They told Police they had stolen the drugs from a house in the city, which police then raided. Officers were amazed to find a stash of more than 500lb of Moroccan cannabis. The Officers also found documents which showed the owner of the 250,000 ukp yacht Karin Further inquiries by police and customs in Germany linked the 45ft ketch Karin to alleged drug-smuggling runs from Morocco to Germany dating back to 1993, which had previously gone undetected. The German authorities tipped off British Customs officers, who used one of their high-speed cutters to find the Karin and then trail her up the West coast of Britain. The ketch was arrested off Shetland last September and escorted first to Lerwick and then to Wick. A search by customs officers and police revealed hidden drugs with a street value of ukp 10 million. Now Uwe Wolfgang, 38, of Oldenburg, Germany, the former owner of the Karin, has been sentenced to 3-1/2 years in jail at the County Court in Flensburg, Germany. He admitted allowing his vessel to be used for illegal drug runs in 1993 and 1994. Documents found by police clearly showed him to be the Karin's previous owner. Neither he nor the present owner were on the boat when she was apprehended on September 20 last year. Christian Mense, 42, of St Pauli, Hamburg, and Lutz Wellenkamp, 37, a German citizen living in France, were arrested and have been extradited to Germany, as the boat was boarded in International waters. The case involving the two men and the current owner of the yacht, which is still at Wick Harbour, is pending.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Substance May Save Brain Cells ('The South China Evening Post' In Hong Kong Relates Last Week's News About The US National Institute For Mental Health Finding A Component Of Marijuana That Might Be Useful In Preventing Brain Damage Due To Strokes, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease And Even Heart Attacks) Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 17:03:39 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: China: US: Marijuana Substance May Save Brain Cells Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 Source: South China Evening Post (Hong Kong) Contact: scmpmaster@postnet.scmp.com Website: http://www.scmp.com/ MARIJUANA SUBSTANCE MAY SAVE BRAIN CELLS AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE In Washington A substance found in marijuana may help prevent brain cell death, say researchers. The team at the US Government's National Institutes of Health said they had found that cannabidiol, "a non-psychoactive, naturally occurring substance found in the marijuana plant, is a potent anti-oxidant which can prevent brain cell death". As an anti-oxidant, cannabidiol might hold promise for preventing brain damage in strokes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and even heart attacks, the researchers said in a report of their findings published on Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The substance does not cause the "high" associated with marijuana smoking, said Aidan Hampson, the study's main author. "Cannabidiol is a desirable candidate for a side effect-free therapeutic agent," Mr Hampson said. "It does not produce euphoria." The substance protected cultured rat brain cells against damage, outperforming standard preventative medicines such as vitamins C and E, and the potent anti-oxidant BHT. Preliminary results from studies using cannabidiol in live animal models of stroke "are looking promising", Mr Hampson said. The substance passes readily from the blood into the brain and has been tested in humans over several weeks and at high doses, "with no apparent side effects reported".
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, Number 54 (Summary Of Drug Policy News For Activists) Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 14:25:13 -0700 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: DrugSense Weekly, July 8 ,1998 No. 54 *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY *** DrugSense Weekly, July 8 ,1998, No. 54 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org/ *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article Prison Labor: The American Way? by Anthony Wareham edited by Pam Widener * Weekly News In Review Drug Policy & The Media - Gary Webb Interview by San Francisco Bay Guardian Media Blitz Aims To Stem 'Monster' Meth Problem OPED: Viagra Online Group Sues Writer for Sham Article President's Column: The National War On Drugs: Build Clinics, Not Courts & Prisons- National Assn. Of Police Organizations Files Amicus Curiae Brief To U.S. Supreme Court Rules Out Promises of Leniency Was Prison Probe a Whitewash? Editorial: Prison Disturbance Creates a Wake-Up Call Marijuana & Hemp- Hurds Could Be Kentucky Product Evil Weed No More: Hemp Plants Are Ideal For Creating Beauty Products Prosecutors Want Marijuana Co-Op Patient Records Cannabis 'Is Stroke Hope' International News- Ireland: Victory Claimed in Battle With Drug Barons Nigeria: Booming Trade In Cut-Price Drugs Adds To Nigeria's Woes Panama: A New Base For A Lost War? Sweden GE: OPED: 'No One Demands Cocaine in The Grocery Store' * Hot Off The 'Net http://www.sheeple.com/ * DrugSense Tip Of The Week Form a Powerful Reform Group in Your State or Locality * Quote of the Week J.S. Mill *** FEATURE ARTICLE EDITORS NOTE: The On-line version of this article contains a great deal of additional information cites and related articles at: http://www.sheeple.com/herd/chinatime.html Prison Labor: The American Way? by Anthony Wareham edited by Pam Widener Its Chinatime again and our elected officials are pontificating and proselytizing about human rights and "basic freedoms" as only they know how. It seems the Chinese still stubbornly refuse to follow our egalitarian lead. Of course they don't yet have 1.3 million citizens in jail, nor do they spend $35 billion a year on nuclear weapons but no doubt they will when they get democracy right. They're improving though, or so we're told; improving so much that we're apparently obligated to reward "them" with billion dollar business partnerships, and, a chance to roll red carpet over bloodstains on Tienenman square. You may recall from recent years one of the main reasons given why China ought not receive most favored nation status among other goodies was their ongoing use of prison labor to produce goods they then sell on various markets. The situation was considered both "slavery" and - even worse - an "unfair trade practice." But, judging by the deafening silence that now surrounds the issue, you could be forgiven for inferring this was one of the "areas of improvement" Clinton has spoken so proudly of during his current escape to China. You would be wrong. China uses prison labor as always. What has changed is the realization by U.S. officials that we're doing the exact same thing here. Yes folks, were talking MADE IN THE USA . . . by convicts. In exchange for literally pennies a day, Federal prisoners (20% of the total U.S. prison population) produce more than $1.35 billion dollars worth of goods each year for UNICOR, a Federal Bureau of Prisons "company." U.S. prison labor revenues are estimated to reach $9B by the year 2000. With their pissant paychecks prisoners can purchase medical care, commissary items, and make restitution where ordered. And with what's left over they can prepare a nest egg with which to begin their new lives upon emancipation (so they won't have to return to crime to support families). The over 6000 items produced by prisoners include furniture, electronics, vehicle components, clothing, textiles, toner cartridges, eye ware, gloves, brooms, envelopes and draperies. All are available through UNICOR's bizarre electronic catalogue. Prison labor profiteers and advocates (one hesitates to call them organizers) mysteriously circumvented trade union opposition in the 1950's by asserting that these goods would only be sold to government agencies and thus workers need not be concerned - a delightful non sequitur since who would manufacture the goods if not for prisoners? $1.35 billion a year sounds like more than a few U.S. jobs to me. *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW *** Drug Policy & The Media - *** COMMENT: Concerted attacks by the Washington Post, LA Times, and New York Times on Gary Webb's 1996 expose of mid-Eighties connections between the CIA, Contras, and LA street dealers had the effect of discrediting the story, produced from Webbs's editor a strange mea culpa, and eventually led Webb to resign from the Mercury- News to write a book. The full story of both the events in question and their equally strange reportage may never be known, but CIA denials are totally unconvincing and all the involved newspapers have lost credibility. As if to confirm the Hollywood adage about sequels, "Meth, Son of Crack" is not scaring the public nearly as much as the original crack scare of the Eighties. Given its perception - on the cusp between a "fun" drug and a valid therapeutic agent - it was only a question of time before a black market for Viagra appeared. That it surfaced on the Internet shouldn't surprise us, of all people. Even D.A.R.E. can be smeared. It appears that all their recent bad press was not deserved. This newsletter arranges the news to point out drug war lunacy, but we have never found it necessary to make anything up. Of all the articles published this past week, the last may be the most important. When the president of a conservative national medical organization makes a case for a change in drug policy, it's significant. The column deals specifically only with addiction and methadone maintenance as examples, but it strongly infers the entire policy is wrong. *** GARY WEBB INTERVIEW BY SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN In August 1996, San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance" series documented how the CIA helped Nicaragua's contras sell crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles. The contras used the drug money to finance their war against Nicaragua's leftist government. To most readers, the credibility of Webb's investigation was beyond dispute. The articles spurred congressional hearings and reports from departments such as the federal customs Office corroborating Webb's allegations, even though many government agencies tried to withhold information from investigators. The northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists named Webb journalist of the year for the "Dark Alliance" series. [snip] Source: San Francisco Bay Guardian Contact: letters@sfbay.com Website: http://www.sfbg.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n527.a01.html *** MEDIA BLITZ AIMS TO STEM 'MONSTER' METH PROBLEM SACRAMENTO -- Attorney General Dan Lungren introduced a federally funded media campaign yesterday meant to stem the use of methamphetamine, a powerful stimulant he said has "spread like a cancer throughout this state." The campaign features television, radio and billboard ads discouraging meth use and a new World Wide Web site where users can find information on the drug known variously as "meth" and "crank." [snip] Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Source: San Diego Union Tribune ( CA) Contact: letters@uniontrib.com Website: http://www.uniontrib.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n515.a09.html *** VIAGRA ONLINE THANKFUL AS many men may be by the easy availability of Viagra over the Internet, federal and state officials should waste no time in cracking down on companies that sell the drug without requiring traditional prescriptions. Chronicle science writer Carl T. Hall reported that one of the companies peddling the exceedingly popular anti-impotence pill as well as other prescription medicines on the Internet required only a short, customer-completed ``medical history'' form. [snip] Source: San Francisco Chronicle ( CA) Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Pubdate: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n518.a07.html *** GROUP SUES WRITER FOR SHAM ARTICLE LOS ANGELES (AP) - The national police anti-drug group D.A.R.E. is suing a former staff writer at The New Republic who admitted making up material in his articles, including at least one about D.A.R.E. [snip] Editors at The New Republic apologized earlier this month to readers after finding that Glass, 25, fabricated all or part of 27 of the 41 articles he wrote for the publication. It wasn't clear how much of the D.A.R.E. stories were made up. One, in The New Republic, accused D.A.R.E. of covering up the program's problems and intimidating people into not exposing them. The New Republic said some D.A.R.E. critics were pressured to soften their opinions, as Glass had written, but it acknowledged that Glass made up at least four people, the suit said. [snip] Source: (AP) Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n511.a05.html *** THE NATIONAL WAR ON DRUGS: BUILD CLINICS, NOT PRISONS Current thinking about how to treat drug addiction is in a state of rapid flux. The basis of this revolution is the gradual accretion of knowledge about the pathophysiology, treatment and social consequences of drug addiction. All of this information is coming together into a coherent view that points toward needed changes in public policy. [snip] Source: ACP Observer Publisher: The American College of Physicians Pubdate: June, 1998 Section: President's Column Columnist: Harold C. Sox, FACP Contact: edd@mail.acponline.org Website: http://www.acponline.org/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n528.a01.html *** Courts & Prisons *** COMMENT: Typically, cops always want more latitude to search; lately, the Supreme Court has been giving way the store to law enforcement- especially if it's a drug case; this doesn't look too good for the Constitution. In a case is almost certain to go the way to the SC, this decision severely limiting immunity in return for testimony will take away a major drug war prosecutorial technique if allowed to stand. The Corcoran story is very ugly and the major California dailies have the facts. This could be one of several serious problems for Lungren in November A plausible scenario which could lead to an urgent rethinking of policy in many states is the concurrence of a prison riot over conditions and a fiscal crisis precipitated by an unaffordable corrections budget. *** NATIONAL ASSN. OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS FILES AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF TO U.S. SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, June 29 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today, the National Association of Police Organizations, Inc. (NAPO), representing more than 4,000 police unions and associations and over 220,000 sworn law enforcement officers from across the nation, submitted a legal brief in support of law enforcement officers in the case of Patrick Knowles v. State of Iowa, a Fourth Amendment vehicular search and seizure case. This case directly bears on the authority of law enforcement officers to protect themselves and the public by conducting a search for weapons, whenever they stop a motor vehicle for a traffic violation and issue a citation instead of making an arrest (assuming there is authority to do both). [snip] Source: U.S. Newswire Pubdate: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n508.a09.html *** COURT RULES OUT PROMISES OF LENIENCY Law enforcement: The appellate judges say prosecutor's offers of reduced sentences are a violation of federal law. Denver-In a decision that could hamstring prosecutors, a federal appeals court ruled that it is illegal for the government to promise leniency to witnesses in exchange for testimony. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a 3-0 ruling Wednesday that the practice amounts to buying testimony. The court said its decision will not "drastically alter" the government's practices, but lawyers disagreed. [snip] Pubdate: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 Source: Orange County Register ( CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: The Associated Press URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n522.a03.html *** WAS PRISON PROBE A WHITEWASH? CORCORAN, Kings County - For seven years, California turned a blind eye to the deadliest prison in America, where 50 inmates were wounded or shot dead by guards. Gov. Wilson and the man who wants to succeed him, Attorney General Dan Lungren, finally examined Corcoran State Prison last year. The result was a whitewash - a pair of investigations that never probed a single fatal or serious shooting, the Los Angeles Times has found. [snip] Source: San Francisco Examiner ( CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: 4 July 1998 Authors: Mark Arax And Mark Gladstone, Los Angeles Times URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n527.a06.html *** PRISON DISTURBANCE CREATES A WAKE-UP CALL The troubles at the Fox Lake Correctional Institution in recent days should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed recent developments in Wisconsin correctional policy. The latest moves by the state Department of Corrections to transfer Wisconsin inmates out of state represent the worst sort of stop-gap policy-making and it is no wonder that the prisoners whose lives will be most affected by those moves would react negatively. This may not justify the decision Sunday night of several hundred angry prisoners at Fox Lake to refuse to report for an evening head count. But it does explain their action. As many as 300 inmates joined in the protest against the state's expanding use of transfers. As crowding in Wisconsin prisons has reached a critical stage, the transfers have become an integral part of state corrections policy. [snip] Pubdate: June 30, 1998 Source: The Capital Times (Madison, WI) Contact: tctvoice@madison.com Website: http://www.madison.com/ Section: Editorial URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n524.a08.html *** Hemp & Marijuana *** COMMENT: Just when you thought you had a handle on all the non-psychoactive uses of the marvelous hemp plant, along come a few more. Ever since the backfire of McCzar's attempt to thwart 215 by intimidating physicians, local law enforcement- just as hostile to medical pot- has been pushing felony cases against selected buyers' club operators and also harassing patients, as reported here. Sadly, they've had short term success. However California voters, who thought they were freeing patients from the criminal market, may not look kindly on what's transpired. More bad news for McCzar and Alan Leshner, NIDA spinmeister: another potential therapeutic benefit of cannabis. It will be interesting to hear what they come up with. *** HURDS COULD BE KENTUCKY PRODUCT Animal bedding is an example of a market for a hemp product that Kentucky might have a unique advantage in, according to the Economic Impact of Industrial Hemp in Kentucky, which was released yesterday. Hemp hurds, from the woody, pulpy middle of the stalk, are often just a byproduct of processing the plant. When the hemp fibers are removed from the plant, 68 percent of the plant -- the hurd -- is left. In England and France, which together grow more than 35,000 acres of hemp, hurds are primarily used for animal bedding. Because of Central Kentucky's proximity to the thoroughbred horse industry, hemp grown and processed here would have a ready-made market, the study suggests. [snip] Source: Lexington Herald-Leader ( KY) Contact: hledit@lex.infi.net Website: http://www.kentuckyconnect.com/heraldleader/ Pubdate: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 Author: Janet Patton, Herald-Leader Business Writer URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n520.a05.html *** EVIL WEED NO MORE: HEMP PLANTS ARE IDEAL FOR CREATING BEAUTY PRODUCTS Here's the dope: The hemp plant, also known as cannabis sativa or marijuana, is one of the best moisturizers around. The evil weed is, in fact, jam-packed with essential fatty acids and amino acids, making it an ideal ingredient for beauty fare ranging from soaps to face creams, shampoo, healing salves and even lip balm. [snip] Pubdate: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle ( TX) Section: 3F Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Author: Alev Aktar, W magazine URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n521.a06.html *** PROSECUTORS WANT MARIJUANA CO-OP PATIENT RECORDS LONG BEACH, Calif. ( AP) -- A medical marijuana co-op will resist Orange County prosecutors' efforts to obtain health records of hundreds of people who use the drug for pain, a defense attorney said. "It's a fishing expedition," said Long Beach attorney Robert L. Kennedy, one of two lawyers representing the Orange County Cannabis Co-op. Its founder, Marvin Chavez, and a volunteer worker, David Herrick, have been charged with felony marijuana sales. Kennedy said he would ask a judge to quash subpoena requests for members' medical records at a July 10 hearing in Santa Ana. The co-op has about 200 members. [snip] Pubdate: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 Source: Sacramento Bee Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n516.a02.html *** CANNABIS "IS STROKE HOPE' Extracts of the marijuana plant could one day be routinely used to prevent brain damage after stroke, according to United States government scientists. A team led by the British-born biologist Aidan Hampson, at the US National Institute for Mental Health, in Maryland, has discovered that two active components of cannabis - compounds called THC and cannabidiol - will each act to prevent damage to brain tissue placed in laboratory dishes. The experiments, to be reported next week in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveal an unexpected potential use for a drug known for centuries to have valuable medical properties. The discovery is likely to increase pressure to make marijuana and its derivatives more widely available for use on prescription. [snip] Pubdate: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Author: Tim Radford, Science Editor URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n522.a02.html *** International News *** COMMENT: Perhaps because their drug market is a relatively recent phenomenon, Irish press reports on the drug war often contain a naïve enthusiasm reminding one of the US in the Seventies. It will take them a few years to learn that one "big player's" arrest is merely another's business opportunity. The cited volume of drug trafficking in Nigeria may surprise some readers as much as It surprised me. Given its endemic corruption, Nigeria is a ideal venue for a flourishing iIlegal market. Domestically, negotiations with Panama over continued American military presence in the region will depend a lot on the status of the drug war as policy and also on the credibility of interdiction as a viable strategy. Nations in the region must knows it's a war the US has no realistic intention of "winning," but it's also a dandy excuse for a military presence. A follow up on last week's Swedish article seemed in order, especially since the small, embattled group of activists deftly used their scolding by authorities as a vehicle for having the Lindesmith letter to Kofi Annan published in Swedish newspapers for the first time. *** VICTORY CLAIMED IN BATTLE WITH DRUG BARONS MANY ``big players'' have been driven out of business by the Criminal Assets Bureau which has effectively targeted drug barons, according to the Government. Justice and crime is one area where the Government claims that many of its pre-election promises have been met in its first year in office. [snip] Source: Irish Independent Contact: independent.letters@independent.ie Website: http://www.independent.ie/ Pubdate: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 Author: Gene McKenna -Political Staff URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n514.a02.html *** BOOMING TRADE IN CUT-PRICE DRUGS ADDS TO NIGERIA'S WOES HANGING in wooden cages suspended from the ceiling, dancers dressed in belt-length skirts performed high-speed hip jiggles that would have snapped the spines of lesser mortals. A young prostitute fired up a joint coated with cannabis oil, inhaled deeply and sat back to enjoy the heady mix of sex 'n' drugs 'n' rock 'n' roll at Nigeria's most famous nightclub - The Shrine. [snip] In Nigeria, the transshipment point for 40-60 per cent of the world's heroin, and at least a third of all cocaine consumed in Europe, oblivion comes cheap. The discount prices for drugs have caused an explosion of abuse that threatens to undermine the social fabric of a nation already staggering under the weight of decades of military rule, corruption and unemployment. [snip] Pubdate: 29 June 1998 Source: The Times ( UK) Author: Sam Kiley in Lagos Contact: letters@the-times.co.uk Website: http://www.the-times.co.uk/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n525.a06.html *** "NO ONE DEMANDS COCAINE IN THE GROCERY STORE" The Swedes who signed the New York Times drug war proclamation answer Social Minister Margot Wallstrom: "Specify your accusations of drug liberalism". Social Minister Margot Wallstrom demanded in her DN guest editorial 21/6 that the twelve Swedes who signed a proclamation on narcotics policy submitted to the UN Secretary General should "Come forwards and explain more clearly what it is they are really after". [snip] The proclamation has not yet been seen by Swedish newspaper readers, although those who signed it have been characterized in the media as ignorant, deceived, ambiguous, cowardly and more. In order to clarify what we have said and not said, we here cite the letter. [snip] "We believe that the global war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself." Pubdate: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 11: 07:44 +0100 Source: Dagens Nyheter Contact: dnet@dn.se Website: http://www.dn.se/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n516.a05.html Authors: PETER CURMAN, HANNS von HOFER, assistant professor; LEIFLENKE, PhD; INGEMAR REXED, judge; JERZY SARNECKI, professor; SUNE SUNESSON, professor; HENRIK THAM, professor; PER OLE TRCASKMAN, professor Translation: Olafur Brentmar and John Yates *** HOT OFF THE 'NET *** "We The Sheeple" As mentioned in this weeks feature article "We The Sheeple" is a powerful web site on prison, forfeiture and related issues. It has a collection of cases sorted by category that most will find chilling indeed. Check out http://www.sheeple.com/ *** TIP OF THE WEEK *** Form a Powerful Reform Group in Your State or Locality DrugSense is looking for leaders to help form state based email activist groups. We will provide free email lists, web page support and guidance so that your group can be effective at taking action in your state to bring about reform. All that's required is a good faith effort to collect the email addresses of about 20 (recommended starting number) reform minded individuals in a given geographical area. DrugSense will help train the group in NewsHawking letter writing and other methods of local activism that can make a big difference in a short time. Anyone interested in forming such a group or requiring more information please contact Mark Greer at MGreer@mapinc.org *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK *** `If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind' - J.S. Mill - *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. News/COMMENTS-Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior-Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors and Newshawks. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Send any news articles you find on any drug related issue to editor@mapinc.org PLEASE HELP: DrugSense provides this service at no charge BUT IT IS NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. If you are able to help by contributing to the DrugSense effort please Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your contribution to: The Media Awareness Project (MAP) Inc. d/b/a DrugSense PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (800) 266 5759 MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.mapinc.org http://www.drugsense.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pray For Peace Foundation News, July 1998 (The June Newsletter Of The Interfaith Religious Organization 'Committed To The Legalization Of Sacred Natural Medicines For Spiritual Healing, For All People') From: PFPFNews@aol.com Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 13:35:30 EDT Subject: July Newsletter *** Pray For Peace Foundation News July 1998 *** PFPF News is an on-line monthly newsletter mailed free to hempsters and others who have antiprohibition-related web sites. We are adding another twenty-five webmasters' names to this mailing. Please tell us if you wish to cancel the subscription. Pray for Peace: End the War on Drugs. *** Medical Marijuana News The Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences include findings that cannabidiol (pronounced ca-na-bi-DIE-all), a marijuana chemical, may protect brain cells during a stroke. The researcher who is testing the drug, Aiden Hampson of the National Institute of Mental Health, found that in a test tube, cannabidiol proved to be a potent antioxidant that protected animal brain cells exposed to the toxic neurochemical that is produced during a stroke. Hampson said that until now, scientists considered cannabidiol an inactive ingredient. Another marijuana chemical, THC, is already available as an oral pharmaceutical, Marinol, often prescribed to fight cancer-related nausea and AIDS-related wasting syndrome. *** Link Swap Please help Pray for Peace Foundation generate positive energy through prayer and affirmation. Link to Pray For Peace (http://www.bhakti.com/pfpf). Or, consider linking to our Steamboat Party (http://www.steamboats.com/420). Every link counts! If you're receiving this bulletin, it means you're listed on our (evolving) link page. Please check it out and email any corrections, additions, suggestions to: pfpfnews@aol.com. When we get our new browser, we will stop by your site again to look for banners (which many of you offer). Or, send us your banner now to be posted at the PFPF site. Please include h. x w. & url. *** L.A. Times Front Page Headline, July 4, 1998: Camping Out for the Right to Assemble Culture: 20,000 Rainbow Family members celebrate freedom in national forest. Government calls fest illegal. The Rainbow Family held it's twenty-seventh Gathering last week in Carnero Lake, Arizona, near the border of New Mexico. The Times article mentioned every possible controversy, from garbage removal to struggles with the U.S. Forest Service, but did so with a sense of humor. The lead paragraph said: "Don't be misled by the dope smoking, the incessant drumming, the incense haze and the twirling dancers. This is nothing less than a Constitutional Convention, a referendum on the right to assemble." So the next time you see a dread-locked hippie, remember: he could be a reincarnation of an American Revolutionary soldier, or even Thomas Jefferson. Offer due respect. To honor the Rainbow Family, we offer the following new affirmation: DEADHEADS, HIPPIES and RAINBOW FAMILY We tolerate and celebrate Americas who follow an alternative religious path. *** Hollywood Another recent article in the Times reported that the L.A. County Human Relations Commission identified several neighborhoods in the county as "hate crime clusters," including Hollywood. The article said that hate crime statistics rose in Southern California last year, and they attributed that to "growing tension," especially where "change is greatest." As a city, Los Angeles is the most diverse religious gathering in the world, and the most multi-cultural. Yes, change is happening, but it's all for the good. Living in Los Angeles means that you can have Buddhist, Hindu and Persian friends. It's a place where white businessmen, Orthodox Jews, punk rockers, movie stars and Chinese grandmas live in harmony. Rainbow family, Mexican shamans and Rastas are all welcome here. California has historically been a vanguard state, and so it is on the cutting edge with race and creed today. Hate crime is a serious problem. Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center (http://www.splcenter.org/), for an accounting of hate crimes across the country. Plus, visit the Hollywood affirmation page at PFPF: http://www.bhakti.com/pfpf/affirmations.html *** PRAY FOR PEACE FOUNDATION est. 1995 Pray For Peace Foundation was founded to spread awareness, education and devotion to the Great and Holy Mystery that is God. We accept all paths as true; all religions are but branches of the same tree. We promote interfaith dialogue and exchange programs to develop tolerance between religions. Pray For Peace Foundation is dedicated to nonviolence (vegetarian diet) and daily meditation. Pray For Peace members are committed to the legalization of sacred natural medicines for spiritual healing, for all people. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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