------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Are We Paying Cops To Target Lawful Victims? ('Seattle Times' Columnist Michelle Malkin Gives An Interesting Update On How The War On Some Drug Users Is Devastating Businesses Owned By Innocent African-Americans In Seattle - The Same Law Enforcement Officials Who Blamed The McCoys For Attracting Illegal Drug Sellers To Their Two-Decades-Old Family Soul Food Restaurant And Dancing Venue Have Lured Suspects Into Other Businesses To Make Arrests, And Police Admit It's 'Not Uncommon' For Them To Hand Out Crack Cocaine To Informants As Rewards)Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:38:24 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WA: Column: Why are we paying cops to target lawful victims? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Seattle Times (WA) Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Pubdate: Tuesday 16 June 1998 Author: Michelle Malkin / Times staff columnist Our Newshawk writes: Ms. Malkin is a conservative who has a strong libertarian streak. The following article is on another "drug war" subject; however, on local TV, I have seen her strongly defend medicinal marijuana. One such instance was with, now deceased, cancer patient Ralph Seeley. *** WHY ARE WE PAYING COPS TO TARGET LAWFUL VICTIMS? OSCAR and Barbara McCoy are not alone. Dozens of small-business representatives, civil-rights leaders and grass-roots activists joined the McCoys last week at a public hearing to protest Seattle's stealthy crackdown on nightclub and tavern owners. During the contentious Seattle Human Rights Commission meeting, neighbors and friends implored the commission to look out for the constitutional rights of small-business owners. Free-market advocates and jazz artists criticized city regulations that result in fewer music venues. Socialists and Libertarians alike united against a proposed "added-activities license" ordinance that would put entertainment licensing decisions in the fickle hands of the Seattle Police Department. Black Vietnam vets told proudly of serving their country and fighting enemies abroad, only to return home to fight insurmountable enemies in City Hall who shut down their built-from-scratch businesses under the guise of the war on drugs. One grown man wept as he recounted real-life regulatory nightmares that echoed the McCoys' experience. But through nearly two hours of passionate testimony, City Attorney Mark Sidran sat stone-faced. Jaw-clenched. Dry-eyed. Unperturbed. The McCoys, you'll recall, are engaged in a David-and-Goliath legal battle with Sidran to keep their two-decades-old family soul food restaurant and dancing venue open. After the family worked successfully for years with individual cops and federal drug agents to combat crime in their Central District neighborhood, the city abruptly yanked law-enforcement resources from the area around Oscar's II on 2051 E. Madison Ave. In one of Sidran's most recent court missives blaming the McCoys for narcotics activity, he argued: "It's a pretty far stretch to think that drug dealers magically appeared inside Oscar's II to wait to sell drugs to random police informants." But across the street from the McCoys, another black-owned business was subjected to precisely the kind of extraordinary set-up Sidran derided in his legal brief. As reported in The Stranger and recounted on KIRO-AM's "Dave Ross Show" last week, two police officers teamed up with a local hustler in late January to lure a drug dealer into Deano's on 2030 E. Madison Ave. According to a police report, the undercover cops "rewarded" their informant with a piece of cocaine, a practice one official noted "is not uncommon." Cops dealing crack freebies. Just how common is this twisted public-private partnership? Police officials say such crack rebates are necessary to maintain police cover, but as Ross commented, the idea of "sworn police officers enabling somebody else to supply a drug habit is kind of creepy." The idea of subsidizing these elaborate stings - targeting lawful businesses, not criminal drug traffickers - is more than creepy. It's a gross misallocation of scarce public resources. Why are we paying cops to collaborate with criminals against law-abiding taxpayers? "I could understand if they were doing this to the bad guys," says Dean Falls, the black Vietnam vet who owns Deano's. "But I am the good guy." Sidran repeated his mantra, "this is not a race issue." But a heavily documented report submitted to the Human Rights Commission by club owner Chris Clifford provides troubling evidence of a racially discriminatory pattern of enforcement. Out of 15 clubs and taverns targeted by the city in the last seven years, 10 were owned or run by non-whites. Nine are now closed. Oscar's II is open but barely afloat after the city succeeded in getting the McCoys' state liquor license revoked. In sworn testimony cited by Clifford, a police captain could not recall a single club that catered to a primarily white clientele ever being similarly targeted for license revocation. The city relies on dubious causal links to justify killing off certain clubs instead of protecting them. For instance, minority businesses have been blamed for lost wallets, train station thefts and deaths, drive-bys, fights, gunfire and drunken-driving arrests well beyond the owners' sight or control. The Police Department also tallies 911 calls as a sign of a club's inability to control crime, even as the cops encourage club owners to call for help when they need it. Police spearhead a Byzantine administrative and civil-law process designed to cripple robust, legitimate, minority-owned businesses located on prime real estate coveted by out-of-state developers. Attendees at the Seattle Human Rights Commission meeting last week contended that if every establishment were subjected to these standards, no Bon Marche, Holiday Inn, public high school or sports arena in Seattle would be left standing. "We need procedures that anyone can meet, rather than an ever-changing, inconsistent process left to the whim of city officials," McCoys supporter Rachel Hawkridge told the panel. "Don't the police have enough laws to enforce without regulating another matter?" asked Seattle club-goer Tim Baker. "You all need to search your souls because there's something very wrong with this," warned Eddie Rye of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Eddie Rye and I have vastly different opinions on many issues involving race and preferential treatment. But we are on the same side of this human-rights battle because the victims of arbitrary police power are not asking for government favors, handouts or rigged outcomes. The McCoys are simply asking city leaders to protect and provide what Seattle liberals profess to cherish so deeply: equal treatment under the law. Michelle Malkin's column appears Tuesday on editorial pages of The Times. Her e-mail address is: malkin1@ix.netcom.com.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime In California Drops For The Fourth Straight Year ('The Associated Press' Says California Attorney General Dan Lungren Attributed The Decline To Passage Of The State's 'Three Strikes' Law In 1994, Even Though 85 Percent Of Those Sentenced Under The Law Had Been Convicted Most Recently Of A Non-Violent Offense, Mostly Involving Cannabis) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 11:40:19 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: ltneidow@voyager.net Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: ltneidow@voyager.net (Lee T. Neidow) To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: California Crime Reduced Crime in California drops for the fourth straight year SAN DIEGO (AP) - Crime in the nation's most populous state declined for the fourth year in a row - to levels that haven't been seen in 30 years, the attorney general said. California Attorney General Dan Lungren released figures Monday that showed that violent crime dropped 7.9 percent last year. Six overall categories of crime - including homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and vehicle theft - decreased 6.9 percent. ``I would just suggest that every one of us has a neighbor, a work colleague, a friend, a loved one or a family member who is not a victim of crime due to the fact that we've had nearly 800,000 less crimes committed in California in the last four years,'' Lungren said. Homicide dropped 13.3 percent; rape dropped 2.2 percent; robbery dropped 15 percent; aggravated assault dropped 4.2 percent, burglary dropped 5.8 percent and vehicle theft dropped 7.3 percent. California's violent crime rate fell a total 26.2 percent in the past four years, with nearly a 30 percent decrease in all categories. Lungren attributed the decline to passage of the state's ``three strikes'' law in 1994, mandating 25 years to life for those convicted of a third violent felony. *** Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 16:21:28 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: rose@sonic.net Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: rose@sonic.net (Rose Ann Fuhrman) To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: California Crime Reduced I just heard on the radio that San Francisco's crime rate was even lower in 1997 than the rest of the state. Gee, the year after passage of Prop. 215, SF, the Amsterdam of California, became a safer place to be. Lungren didn't mention anything about that or repeat his dire predictions with which he attempted to frighten voters into defeating 215. Papers who run the wire service article I saw in The [Santa Rosa] Press Democrat should be taken to task for running it. It's a one-sided piece of crap that is the equivalent of a free ad for the Lungren for Governor Campaign. Rose Ann
------------------------------------------------------------------- Advocates Of Medical Marijuana File Petition Signatures On Deadline (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The Las Vegas Sun' Notes Nevadans For Medical Rights Filed Signatures Tuesday For A Statewide Initiative On Medical Marijuana - The Big Concern For Backers Of The Petition Was Whether They'd Comply With The Law Requiring The Minimum Number Of Petition Signers To Include 10 Percent Of The Voters In At Least 13 Counties) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 22:11:32 -0400 To: medmj@drcnet.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NV: Advocates Of Medical Marijuana File Petition Signatures On Deadline Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV) Author: Brendan Riley, Associated Press Pubdate: 16 Jun 1998 Contact: letters@lasvegassun.com Website: http://www.lasvegassun.com/ ADVOCATES OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA FILE PETITION SIGNATURES ON DEADLINE CARSON CITY, Nev. - Advocates of a plan to authorize marijuana for medical treatment in Nevada met a Tuesday deadline for securing a spot on the November ballot. Petitions were handed to clerks in 13 of Nevada's 17 counties, the bare minimum under state law. Ballot status won't be known until the clerks check to see if the petitions have at least 46,764 signatures. Counties that didn't get the "Nevadans for Medical Rights" petitions included Carson City, Lincoln, Storey and Eureka, the secretary of state's office said. The proposal would have to win voter approval this November and again in November 2000 before it could take effect. The big concern for backers of the petition was whether they'd comply with the law that requires the minimum number of petition signers to include 10 percent of the voters in at least 13 counties. NMR spokesman Dan Hart of Las Vegas said the number of signatures wasn't the problem - but the geographical requirement presented a roadblock. NMR is part of the same group that launched a successful 1996 medical marijuana petition in California. But a big legal battle developed over distribution through "cannabis clubs." However, Hart has said the problems in California shouldn't happen here. "The way this is worded, once it is passed it will be policed appropriately," he added. And even though Nevada's laws against marijuana are much harsher than California's, Hart predicted the initiative would succeed because the state's voters are "fiercely protective of individual rights." Under the plan, marijuana could be used by anyone suffering from cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or from severe nausea caused by other "chronic or debilitating medical conditions." A person who wants to use marijuana would need a go-ahead from a doctor, and any use of the drug by a minor would have to be approved in writing both by a doctor and the minor's parents. A registry of patients authorized to use marijuana for medical purposes would be available to police if they needed to verify a claim of legal use. A final section says an insurer wouldn't have to reimburse a health care policyholder for the cost of buying marijuana, and an employer wouldn't have to make accommodations for pot-smoking by sick employees. Despite the careful wording, the Nevada Medical Association and some law enforcement groups have said they won't back the initiative petition. The 1,100-member NMA says it doesn't believe there have been enough scientific studies to show marijuana is a valuable tool in helping people with diseases such as cancer.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Reno Joins Crowd In Mourning Victim Of Border Shooting ('The Arizona Daily Star' Covers The Funeral Of The Prohibition Agent Allegedly Killed By Marijuana Smugglers Along The Arizona-Mexico Border - The Usual Suspects Are Being Rounded Up) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 13:11:03 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US AZ: Reno Joins Crowd In Mourning Victim Of Border Shooting Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Source: Arizona Daily Star Contact: letters@azstarnet.com Website: http://www.azstarnet.com/ Author: Tim Steller The Arizona Daily Star RENO JOINS CROWD IN MOURNING VICTIM OF BORDER SHOOTING Arizona Border Patrol agents got a chance yesterday to mourn Alexander Kirpnick, the fellow agent who was slain near Nogales on June 3. About 1,500 agents and others, including U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, gathered in Tucson Electric Park for a service in Kirpnick's memory. Officials also announced yesterday that a third suspect was arrested in Kirpnick's killing. Kirpnick was shot through the head in the early morning while trying to arrest a group of suspected marijuana smugglers outside Nogales. Mexican police arrested a 25-year-old man on Thursday, the same day they arrested Bernardo Velardez Lopez, said Steve McCraw, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI's Tucson office. McCraw would not name the third suspect, who remains in custody in Nogales, Sonora. Yesterday, officials pledged to prosecute all the suspects in the killing of Kirpnick, who immigrated to the United States from the Soviet Union in 1988. ``He represents what America means to us all,'' Reno said. Kirpnick ``came seeking freedom and gave his country that last measure of devotion. ``I am so proud of him, so proud of the Border Patrol and so proud of the people who work so hard for the principles he defended,'' she said. The third arrest in Kirpnick's killing leaves only one suspect free, McCraw said. The FBI believes only four marijuana smugglers were present when Kirpnick was killed. The Border Patrol initially reported five smugglers were present, along with Kirpnick's fellow agent. Manuel Gamez, 26, was arrested near the scene of the crime, about two miles north of the U.S.-Mexican border, on June 3. Velardez, 25, the suspected trigger man, was arrested Thursday in Nogales, Sonora, and sent to a jail in Mexico City. U.S. officials are pursuing the extradition of Velardez and the other suspect arrested Thursday, McCraw said. The presence of Reno and Doris Meissner, the commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, moved some of the agents. The Border Patrol is an agency of the INS, which is part of the Justice Department, headed by Reno. ``It does mean a whole lot for them to be here,'' said agent Daniel Hann, president of the National Border Patrol Council, Local 2544. ``It means they at least care.'' Chief Patrol Agent Ron Sanders presented Kirpnick's badge and credentials to Kirpnick's father and sister, who attended the memorial service. ``The Arizona desert will soon erase the many footprints that Border Patrol agent Kirpnick placed in the sand,'' Sanders said. ``However, the Border Patrol will hold on to the experiences that they've shared with agent Kirpnick. For they will be imprinted in our genes, and they will be passed on to future Border Patrol agents.'' Agents fired a 21-gun salute in Kirpnick's honor. Six helicopters flew over the baseball stadium in a ``missing man formation,'' one of them veering to the southwest as the others continued on southeast. Zhanna Kirpnick, the agent's 20-year-old sister, spoke a few words to the crowd and sent a message to her brother's survivors in the agency. ``To all of you who are out there every day, please be careful.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- US Border Guard Arrested In New York Drug Murder ('Reuters' Says A Border Patrol Agent Who Attended The Arizona Memorial Service For A Fellow Officer Who Was Allegedly Killed By Marijuana Smugglers Was Arrested Afterwards And Confessed To The Murder And Rip-Off Of A New York Cocaine Seller) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:05:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Scott DykstraReply-To: rumba2@earthlink.net Organization: Citizens Against the Drug War To: ntlist@fornits.com X-Loop: ntlist-Request@Fornits.com From: ntlist Subject: [ntlist] Border Guard Murdered Person 04:47 PM ET 06/16/98 U.S. border guard arrested in New York drug murder NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. Border Patrol agent was arrested in connection with the murder of a New York drug dealer after attending an Arizona memorial service for a fellow officer killed by a drug dealer, officials said Tuesday. Law enforcement sources said Hector Soto, 26, was taken into custody by city detectives Monday while still wearing his dress uniform and confessed to a February 1994 killing in New York. The memorial service in Tucson, Arizona, was attended by U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. ``I shot him. It was a five-key rip'' -- a rip-off of five kilograms, or 11 pounds, of cocaine -- Soto was quoted as telling the detectives when he was arrested in Nogales, Arizona. Soto allegedly handed his U.S. Border Patrol badge to a detective, saying, ``I can't wear this.'' Soto became a border guard in the southwestern state in 1996, with responsibilities that included blocking shipments of illicit drugs. Officials said he dropped out of St. John's University in New York and went into hiding after the 1994 murder. Detectives traced him after an informant gave his name to the federal Drug Enforcement Agency. According to a complaint filed in the Eastern District of New York, the New York murder was part of a plan to steal five kilograms of cocaine from Hernan Rodas, a dealer known as ``The Beast.'' Authorities alleged that Soto shot Rodas once in the head as he was seated in a car parked on a street in the New York borough of Queens. Law enforcement sources said Soto, fearing for his life, had saved it by contacting Colombian drug dealers through an intermediary, returning the stolen cocaine, worth millions of dollars, and handing over $20,000. The complaint also charges Soto with dealing drugs for three years before that. It says he regularly distributed cocaine in the East New York section of Brooklyn during the early 1990s. If convicted of all the charges against him, Soto could be imprisoned for life. REUTERS
------------------------------------------------------------------- Border Agent Faces Murder, Drug Charges ('Arizona Daily Star' Version) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 21:20:56 -0400 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US AZ: Border Agent Faces Murder, Drug Charges Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: The Arizona Daily Star Author: Tim Steller, The Arizona Daily Star Contact: letters@azstarnet.com Website: http://www.azstarnet.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 BORDER AGENT FACES MURDER, DRUG CHARGES A Nogales Border Patrol agent was arrested yesterday on suspicion of murder and cocaine trafficking before he became an agent. Drug Enforcement Administration agents took Hector L. Soto into custody yesterday afternoon at the DEA's Nogales office. Soto's arrest resulted from a months-long investigation of a large-scale cocaine-trafficking ring, said John Bryfonski, acting assistant special agent in charge of the DEA's Tucson office. Officials would not reveal Soto's role in that ring. Soto also is accused of the murder of Hernan Rodas in the New York City borough of Queens on Feb. 2, 1994. Soto, 26, became an agent about two years ago, said Ron Sanders, chief patrol agent in charge of the Border Patrol's Tucson Sector. In order to become an agent, Soto went through a criminal background check, which evidently turned up nothing, Sanders said. Soto apparently had not been charged with any crimes connected to the cocaine ring before yesterday, Sanders said. Soto's Border Patrol annual salary as of January was $26,075, according to Immigration and Naturalization Service documents. Under normal procedures, he would be suspended with pay after the charges become public, Sanders said. Soto will make an initial appearance today in U.S. District Court. Depending on the court documents that become public in the case, the Border Patrol could pursue Soto's termination before trial, Sanders said. Sanders found out about the arrest only a few hours after the memorial service for slain Border Patrol agent Alexander Kirpnick, who also was based in Nogales. (Related story on Page 1B.) Bryfonski said he regretted the coincidence. ``The last thing we wanted to have happen was for these two events to coincide with each other,'' he said. The arrest was planned before the killing occurred, and the timing was determined by other parts of the investigation, Bryfonski added. New York City police and the DEA's office there led the investigation of the cocaine trafficking ring. Soto is not the first Arizona Border Patrol agent to face drug-related charges. In May 1997, former Border Patrol agent Jorge Luis Mancha was convicted of importing cocaine and marijuana. Mancha used his position as an agent to help bring drugs across the border near Douglas. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marine Corps Report Clears Corporal In Shooting Death Of Texas Teen-Ager ('The Houston Chronicle' Says Marine Investigators Concluded In A Report Released Monday That It Was Perfectly Legal For One Of Their Own Camouflaged Anti-Drug Snipers To Kill High School Goatherd Esequiel Hernandez Jr. Near The Texas-Mexico Border Last Year) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:34:36 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TX: Marine Corps Report Clears Corporal in Shooting Death of Texas Teen-Ager Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Art SmartSource: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 MARINE CORPS REPORT CLEARS CORPORAL IN SHOOTING DEATH OF TEXAS TEEN-AGER EL PASO (AP) -- A serviceman acted within the law when he fatally shot a West Texas teen-ager while on a border drug patrol, Marine Corps investigators concluded in a report released Monday. The probe concluded that Cpl. Clemente Banuelos was protecting a fellow Marine when he killed Esequiel Hernandez Jr. in Redford, a rural Rio Grande community 200 miles southeast of El Paso, according to a statement released by the Corps. It called Hernandez's death tragic but noted it "was not the result of a criminal act." An investigative report recommended against punishment for Banuelos and the other Marines who were with him. The Marine investigation represents the fourth time the servicemen were cleared of wrongdoing in Hernandez's death. Bill Weinacht, an attorney for Hernandez's family, did not return a phone call seeking comment. A state and a federal grand jury each declined to indict Banuelos in the shooting. An investigation by Joint Task Force 6, an agency that coordinates anti-drug missions between the military and civilian police, also concluded the Marines acted within mission guidelines. Hernandez, 18, was killed May 20, 1997, after crossing paths with Banuelos and three other Marines conducting anti-drug surveillance on the Rio Grande at the request of the Border Patrol. According to the military, Hernandez, who was out tending goats, fired at the Marines twice and had raised his .22-caliber rifle a third time when Banuelos shot him once with an M-16. Hernandez's family disputes the military's story, saying the teen would never knowingly have shot at anyone and only carried the rifle to protect his livestock from wild dogs and occasionally shoot targets. The shooting prompted a national outcry by civil rights advocates and led to the suspension of armed military patrols on the border. Military officials say such operations may be discontinued altogether. Looking beyond the Hernandez shooting, the Marine Corps investigation also determined such missions received an unacceptable level of support from higher headquarters.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Militarize Border ('Waco Tribune-Herald' Columnist John Young Says Governor George W. Bush And Other Texans Should Join In The Outrage Of Arizona Governor Jane Hull Over An Amendment To The Defense Bill That Would Authorize Putting US Military Troops Along The Border With Mexico) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 03:22:25 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TX: Column: Don't Militarize Border Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John F. Wilson Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Source: Waco Tribune-Herald Contact: letters@mail.iamerica.net Author: John Young Note: John Young's column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. DON'T MILITARIZE BORDER Shortsighted plan would put national security at risk Arizona Gov. Jane Hull has every right to be outraged by an unwanted amendment to the defense bill that would authorize putting U.S. military troops along the border with Mexico. Gov. George W. Bush and other Texans should join in Gov. Hull's outrage at shortsighted solutions dictated from Washington that would make matters worse in the states that share a border with Mexico. Rep. James Traficant, D-Ohio, attached the plan to the $270 billion defense budget approved by the House last month. The bill will next be taken up by the Senate. Traficant would have a different view on this subject if he represented a state that shared an international border, daily commerce, family relationships and cultural roots with Mexico. In a letter to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Gov. Hull said the prospect of armed, uniformed soldiers patrolling the streets of border towns "creates a terrifying image that threatens our very nature as a peaceful nation." Like many Texas governors, Hull said she and other Arizona officials have worked for years to strengthen relationships with neighboring Mexican officials. "Permission to militarize the border is unnecessary and antagonistic to a country that is working to overcome the many challenges of a developing nation," Hull wrote to McCain. The idea of stationing U.S. troops along the 2,000-mile border with Mexico to prevent the entry of "terrorist, drug traffickers and illegal aliens" is opposed by Pentagon officials, U.S. military leaders, and Barry McCaffrey, America's drug czar, whose spokesman described the congressional plan as an affront to our relationship with Mexico. "We could line up every division we have in the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps put together, and you couldn't cover that border," he observed. Besides the fact that the idea is a diplomatic disaster, it is opposed by the military, the Border Patrol, by federal drug enforcement officials and by the officials and citizens of the border states -- not to mention that the idea wouldn't work unless the United States re-instituted the military draft, placed all U.S. military troops along the border and raised taxes to pay for it all. The Pentagon vigorously opposes the idea because it threatens the nation's readiness. Soldiers aren't trained to be civilian police and the plan would divert funding and manpower from the military's assigned mission. Texans and the citizens of New Mexico, Arizona and California want to stop "terrorists, drug traffickers and illegal aliens" as much as anyone. It's just that they are a little closer to the problem than pop-off politicians who seek election-year sound bites but haven't the foggiest idea what they are talking about. If Ohio's Rep. Traficant and his buddies in Congress want to do something useful, they can increase funding to the U.S. Border Patrol so it can hire more agents. In the long term, the best solution is for Congress to help strengthen the economies of the Latin American nations, build international bridges of trust and goodwill and do what is necessary to curb this nation's appalling appetite for illegal drugs.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Serviceman Cleared In Teen's Death ('San Jose Mercury News' Version) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 20:42:28 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TX: Serviceman Cleared In Teen's Death Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein FamilySource: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 SERVICEMAN CLEARED IN TEEN'S DEATH EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- A serviceman who killed a teenager during a border drug patrol has been cleared of wrongdoing by the Marine Corps. A report released Monday concluded Cpl. Clemente Banuelos was protecting a fellow Marine when he shot Esequiel Hernandez Jr. in May 1997 in Redford, a rural Rio Grande community 200 miles southeast of El Paso. According to the military, the 18-year-old Hernandez, who was out herding his goats, fired at the Marines twice and raised his .22-caliber rifle a third time when Banuelos shot him once with an M-16. Hernandez's family disputes the military's account. A state and a federal grand jury each declined to indict Banuelos in the shooting. An investigation by Joint Task Force 6, an agency that coordinates anti-drug missions between the military and civilian police, concluded the Marines acted within mission guidelines. The shooting led to the suspension of armed military patrols on the border. Military officials say such operations may be discontinued altogether.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Bush Replaces Drug Task Force (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The Dallas Morning News' Says Texas Governor George W. Bush Has Formed The West Texas Narcotics Enforcement Task Force To Replace The Embattled Permian Basin Drug Task Force, Which He Shut Down After Allegations Of Financial Impropriety) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:12:12 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TX: Bush Replaces Drug Task Force Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Author: Associated Press BUSH REPLACES DRUG TASK FORCE Former team under investigation on allegations of financial impropriety MIDLAND - Gov. George W. Bush has formed the West Texas Narcotics Enforcement Task Force to replace the embattled Permian Basin Drug Task Force, which he shut down after allegations of financial impropriety. The members of the defunct Permian Basin task force are under investigation by the FBI, the Texas attorney general's office and the Texas Rangers. Officials at the investigating agencies have declined to comment on the specific allegations against the task force. The Texas Department of Public Safety will lead the new task force, which will be composed of sheriffs and police from several area counties. "I appreciate the willingness of the DPS to quickly step in and help during this time of transition," Mr. Bush said in a weekend news release. "This task force will help area law enforcement fight illegal drugs." Permian Basin Task Force Cmdr. Tom Finley denied any wrongdoing on the part of his agency and told the Midland Reporter-Telegram that the task force was the victim of "a lot of infighting in law enforcement itself." "It's a sad day for law enforcement when it comes down to this," Cmdr. Finley said. Mr. Bush's decision also angered members of the task force board, who last week asked the governor to consider naming an interim director for the task force. "We are not going to let DPS run a local task force," Jeff Davis County Sheriff Steve Bailey told the Odessa American. "I guarantee this thing is not through. I hope everyone will show Mr. Bush our disapproval of this thing in writing," Sheriff Bailey said. "I'm sure going to, nose-to-nose, if I can get to him." The task force was formed about 10 years ago to serve 15 West Texas counties. It's funded with a grant from the Criminal Justice Division of the governor's office and a matching grant from Ector County. Ector County District Attorney John Smith said the investigation was prompted 18 months ago by a letter from Yoakum County District Attorney Richard Clark. The letter contained allegations by a former task force member, Mr. Smith said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada Enlightened On Issue Of Hemp (Op-Ed In The St. Paul, Minnesota, 'Pioneer Press' By David Morris, Vice Chair Of The North American Industrial Hemp Council, Laments The Fact That Health Canada Is Letting Farmers Grow Hemp, While In The United States, The DEA Is Holding Hearings On Spraying Herbicide On Feral Hemp Left Over From World War II) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 09:23:13 -0500 From: davewestReply-To: davewest@pressenter.com To: davewest@pressenter.com Subject: Morris6/16: "Canada enlightened on issue of-hemp" SOURCE: St. Paul Pioneer Press, Opinion, 7A PUBDATE: 6/16/98 AUTHOR: David Morris (dmorris@ilsr.org) (Dr. Morris is VP of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, St. Paul, and Vice Chair of the North American Industrial Hemp Council) Canada enlightened on issue of-hemp In May, a few miles across the border from Buffalo, 50 Canadian farmers began planting 2,000 acres of industrial hemp, the first commercial hemp crop in that country in 60 years. That same month, south of the border, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) held hearings on its proposal to spray lethal chemicals from planes to eradicate any remaining hemp plants growing wild in this country. Two countries, two radically different attitudes toward the world's most interesting and controversial crop. Why the difference? Because Canada's hemp policy is overseen by Health Canada, an agency with no vested interest in keeping hemp illegal. In the United States, hemp falls under the jurisdiction of the DEA, which receives more than $16 billion to fight drugs and finds it in its self-interest to demonize hemp, a cousin of marijuana. Indeed, the DEA receives a reported $500 million a year simply to wipe out wild hemp plants. Thus in this country, the policy toward cannabis is both rigid and absolute. In Canada, the goverument's approach has been much more flexible and sophisticated. After a most intensive examination, Canada concluded that although hemp and marijuana are both members of the cannabis family, they are distinct types. One can get you high. One cannot. The agronomic and biochemical differences are well-described by Dr. David West, who received his doctorate in plant breeding from the University of Minnesota, in his recent report, "Hemp and Marijuana: Myths and Realities" (available on the web at www.naihc.org). Canada's reintroduction of hemp began in 1994, when it granted permission to tobacco farmer Joe Strobel to grow a test plot of 10 acres near Tillsonburg, Ontario. The small plot elicited widespread public attention. To inform the public, Canada's department of agriculture issued a remarkable four-page bulletin on hemp, to this day perhaps the single most concise agricultural discussion on that crop. In 1995 the Canadian government issued permits for more than 100acres of test plot in five provinces. This allowed police authorities to become comfortable with hemp, allowed farmers to test different varieties in different soils and climates, and allowed sufficient material to be grown for industries to conduct product testing. In 1996, Canada's Parliament altered its Controlled Substance and Abuse Act to allow for the commercial planting of hemp. This year, even though many of the permits were issued very late in the growing season, Canadian farmers will still plant as many as 5,000 acres of hemp. Canadian farmers and businesses hope that in the future the permitting process will be streamlined and conducted by the agriculture ministry. Meanwhile, south of the border, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has yet to issue a report on hemp and refuses to even attend conferences on the crop. The head of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, General Barry McCaffrey continues to insist -without offering any scientific evidence -- that hemp is a narcotic and little demand exists for the crop. The same month that Canadian farmers began planting hemp, farmers in Kentucky and New Hampshire filed separate lawsuits asking the courts to stop the DEA's ferocious assault on this crop. Meanwhile, the .DEA continues to destroy millions of wild hemp plants, a process that plant breeders like Dr. West decry because they contain the remaining germplasm from the 30-year hemp breeding program conducted by the USDA at the beginning of this century. Meanwhile, the demand for hemp continues to outpace supply. For Calvin Klein, hemp may provide the fiber of choice for fashion designers. For Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, which launched its own hemp line in May, hemp may provide the oil of choice for the cosmetics industry. Hemp beer, first introduced in North American in 1997, has already garnered prizes at craft beer festivals and demand is soaring. Canada's minister of agriculture wants to make Canada the agricultural and industrial center for a reenergize North American hemp industry. Canadians are bemused by our government's head-in-the sand attitude. For Canadians, this is the best of all possible worlds. Canadian farmers get to grow hemp. Canadian industries get to process and manufacture it into hundreds of final products. And all Americans get to do is buy the raw material or the final products. Perfect for them. Not so perfect for us. This is what happens when four-star generals make agricultural policy.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Minnesota Candidate Is Pro Legalization (A List Subscriber Publicizes The Gubernatorial Campaign Of Jesse Ventura Of The Reform Party, Said To Have A Real Chance For Victory) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 15:33:36 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: Rgbakan@aol.com Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From:To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Fwd: HT: MINNESOTA: Candidate is Pro Legalization (fwd) ATTENTION MINNESOTA your vote counts this NOVEMBER In November of 1998 your vote for governor counts more than ever. We have a candidate that is "PRO LEGALIZATION" who has a real chance for victory. Polls indicate that for Name recognition he is in a tie for first place with Hubert Humphrey III ( a democratic candidate and likely winner of the sept democratic primary ) and ahead of current St Paul Mayor Norm Coleman ( a Republican party candidate and likely winner of the sept republican primary ). Jesse "The Body" Ventura is running as the endorsed Reform Party candidate for Governor of the State of Minnesota. Minnesota votes heavily for Reform Party Candidates. In Jesse's election for Mayor of Brooklyn Park MN 10x as many people voted as did in the previous mayoral election, with most of the votes going to him. It is interesting to note that Jesse won against a long term incumbent mayor and against both the Democrate and Republican parties (Reform Pary did not exist at the time.) who joined forces in an attempt to defeat Jesse. Jesse has frequently voiced his opposition to the War on Drugs and is most vocal about the Medical, Industrial and Personal Use of Marijuana being a Medical, Economic and Personal issue. He has expressed his displeasure with the current situation and would like to see a change. In the past the Minnesota Legislature has passed many bills dealing with decriminalization of Cannabis. Most of which have been vetoed by the Governor. With Jesse as governor when resonable Drug Law reforms are made by the legislature we can expect him to sign them into law. BIOGRAPHY: Jesse was born and raised on the South Side of Minneapolis. Jesse is a former Navy Seal, former professional wrestler, former wrestling commentator, former commentator for NFL teams Tampa Bay Buckaneers and Minnesota Vikings, former Mayor of the Fifth Largest city in Minnesota. Jesse has also been a movie actor in such movies as "Bat Man", "Running Man", "Preditor", and many others. He has also appeared in an episode of the X-Files (Jose Chung) where he played one of the "Men In Black". Jesse is currently working as am AM radio talk show host for KFAN in Minneapolis. You can find more info and even hear him over the net at www.kfan.com PASS THE WORD TO YOUR FRIENDS, WE MUST HAVE A COMPLETE VOTER TURNOUT IN NOVEMBER 1998 Want more information check the following web sites. http://www.visi.com/~coffee/JESSE/ http://www.jesseventura.com/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Appeals Court Tosses Out Drug Tax-Stamp Conviction ('The Associated Press' Says The Third District Court Of Appeals Has Ruled That A 1997 Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision That Wisconsin's 1990 Tax-Stamp Law Is Unconstitutional Should Be Applied Retroactively) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 03:11:09 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Wire: Appeals Court Tosses Out Drug Tax-Stamp Conviction Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Source: Associated Press APPEALS COURT TOSSES OUT DRUG TAX-STAMP CONVICTION MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Anyone convicted of violating an old state law that required drug dealers to buy tax stamps is entitled to have the convictions overturned, an appeals court ruled Tuesday. The 3rd District Court of Appeals said that a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision that the law is unconstitutional should be applied retroactively. The 1990 law required dealers of cocaine, marijuana, LSD, or hallucinogenic mushrooms to buy stamps from the state Department of Revenue and display them on their drugs. Dealers convicted of breaking the law could be imprisoned for five years and fined $10, 000 for each violation. The high court ruled in January 1997 that the law violated a drug dealer' s right against self-incrimination because it allowed authorities to use the stamp evidence in prosecuting people for drug dealing. The Legislature has since passed a modified version of the law. The appeals court ruled in the case of Paul R. Benzel, 27, who was convicted in 1995 of violating the stamp law, possessing marijuana with the intent to deliver and being a felon with a firearm. Benzel argued that his conviction for violating the stamp law should be thrown out because of the high court decision. Outagamie County Circuit Judge Joseph Troy rejected Benzel' s argument, but the appeals court said he was right. "We conclude that retroactive application of (the high court decision) is required because failure to do so leads to the untenable result that a person stands convicted for conduct which has been held constitutionally immune from punishment, " Judge Thomas Cane wrote for the court. Copyright 1998 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Thompson OKs End To Parole ('The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' Says Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson Put An End To Parole Throughout The State Monday By Signing What The Newspaper Claims Is A Politically Popular Truth-In-Sentencing Bill, Even Though The State, With 10,000 Prison Beds, Already Has To Export Some Of Its 16,139 Inmates - Thompson Also Signed Into Law The So-Called 'Chemical Castration' Bill) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 08:33:21 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Thompson OKs End To Parole Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Fax: (414) 224-8280 Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ Author: Richard P. Jones of the Journal Sentinel staff THOMPSON OKS END TO PAROLE 3,000 New Beds Urged To Handle Increase In Prisoners MADISON - With the stroke of his pen Monday, Gov. Tommy Thompson put an end to parole in Wisconsin by signing the politically popular truth-in-sentencing bill into law. What happens next is an open question, but one criminologist said the state should brace itself for a boom in the already-soaring inmate population. "It's going to mean increased costs and increased prisons," said Walter Dickey, a University of Wisconsin-Madison law professor and former state corrections chief. "Contrary to what an awful lot of people say, we're going to realize a boom in prisoners in the short run." In fact, the ink on Thompson's signature was barely dry when Rep. Scott Walker (R-Wauwatosa) called for 3,000 more prison beds to house state prisoners. When the Legislature begins work in January on the next budget, Walker said, more funding should be approved to send 3,000 additional inmates to private prisons out of state. "Planning ahead for the next budget and getting these beds approved means that we'd have the foresight to avoid a prison space crisis in the year 2000," Walker said. Wisconsin has 16,139 inmates and a prison system built to hold just more than 10,000 prisoners. The state has avoided a crisis by renting county jail cells in Texas and federal prison bunks in Minnesota. More recently, offenders have been shipped to a private prison in Tennessee. Thompson signed the bill in Appleton, saying the law rights the scales of justice for law-abiding citizens. "The people of this state can take comfort in knowing that when a judge sentences a criminal to 10 years in prison, he will serve the entire 10 years, not one day less," Thompson said. Thompson also signed into law the so-called "chemical castration" bill. The measure allows treatment of certain sex offenders with drugs, such as Lupron or Depo Provera, to render them impotent. A court could order such treatment as a condition of an offender's release from prison. The truth-in-sentencing legislation, which both houses of the Legislature approved overwhelmingly, means no parole for anyone committing a felony on or after its effective date of Dec. 31, 1999. Felons as of that date would serve their entire prison sentences behind bars. Opponents argued that truth in sentencing would boost the state corrections budget by $300 million. Thompson and other proponents described the parole system as a sham and argued that a net savings would result if criminals were kept behind bars, unable to commit new crimes. Early in the debate, Thompson and Corrections Secretary Michael Sullivan said it was impossible to estimate the cost of the proposal because they had no way of predicting how judges would react to the law. Judges now add years to sentences, knowing that criminals can get out early on parole, Thompson and Sullivan maintained. If judges know parole is no longer possible, they might give shorter sentences. But that has not happened in Illinois, which enacted truth in sentencing three years ago. Only in rare cases have judges imposed lesser sentences, according to a recent preliminary report from that state's truth-in-sentencing commission. "That's the experience in most places," Dickey said, adding that he expected Wisconsin judges to continue sentencing as they have. He added: "I've talked to so many judges in the past six months, and their basic attitude is virtually all the same: 'Why should we be the courageous ones? Nobody else is. So why should we lower our sentences and take the heat?' I think you'll see very slight modifications in sentences, but I think in the run of cases -- probably not." Wisconsin's inmate population will surge within a year or two of the law's effective date, Dickey said. Currently, 58% of all new prisoners have sentences of four years or less. With parole, they are out in two years or less. "I expect them to be getting the same sentences, and they're going to do the full sentence," Dickey said. "So if they start doing the full sentence, you're going to see in two, three, four years, that bulge of what were parole releases." The new law will: Set a sentencing structure consisting of a prison term and extended supervision. A felon would serve the entire prison term ordered by a judge. Once the prison term is served, the offender would be released under supervision for a period matching at least 25% of the prison term. Increase the maximum sentences for violent offenses other than murder. Instead of 40 years, a Class B felon could be sentenced to up to 60 years. End time off for good behavior. Inmates who obey prison rules will go free on their release date, no sooner, and sentences will be extended for unruly inmates. Provide for a commission to study the criminal code with a goal of making the punishment fit the crime. The commission faces an April 30, 1999, deadline for recommendations on overhauling the code. The Legislature then could act on the recommendations. Failure to act would not stop truth in sentencing from taking effect. Encourage additional funding for prevention of child abuse and neglect, equal to 1% of the entire budget for the Department of Corrections during the next two years. Under the current system, most inmates become eligible for discretionary parole after serving a quarter of their sentences. If they are denied discretionary parole, they are automatically released when they serve two-thirds of their sentences, their so-called "mandatory release" dates. The new law ends discretionary parole and mandatory release but does not abolish the Parole Commission. The parole system would continue for those already imprisoned and those convicted of offenses committed before Dec. 31, 1999.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Ironies (Letter To The Editor Of 'The Detroit News' Responds To Michigan Governor John Engler's Refusal To Let Human Rights Inspectors From The United Nations Tour Michigan's Prisons For Women) Subj: Prison Ironies From: Pat Dolan (pdolan@intergate.bc.ca) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:45:17 -0700 Source: Detroit News Pubdate: July 16 Section: Home Page Contact: letters@detnews.com Website: www.detnews.com PubDate: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 Prison Ironies Gov. John Engler has told a human rights inspector from the United Nations that he is not welcome to tour Michigan's prisons for women Put aside the issue of whether the United Nations has any sovereignty over Michigan. Such a tour, on the basis of the information available, would be little more than a propaganda ploy for both the Justice Department and the brutal dictatorships that make up much of the UN. There is more than one level of irony in inspections and lawsuits targeted at Michigan correctional institutions by the United Nations and the U.S. Justice Department. The UN, after all, has presided ineffectually over assorted genocides in Africa and the Balkans in recent years. And the Clinton Justice Department either precipitated or was directly responsible for the slaughter of innocent women and children both at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Yet these agencies now presume to dictate to Michigan on human rights. At another level, decisions by federal courts and agencies going back nearly two decades are responsible for female guards in Michigan's male prisons and male guards in female prisons. It is the presence of male guards in Michigan's female prisons that is the cause both of a federal lawsuit and complaints by a Pistons New-York-based human rights organization. A Justice Department lawsuit filed in March of last year contends that female inmates at the state's Coldwater and Plymouth institutions for women are subject to sexual harassment and denial of access to appropriate physical and mental health care. The Corrections Department has denied the allegations, and the suit is in the discovery process before Detroit Federal Judge John Corbett O'Meara. An earlier Justice Department lawsuit on the same topic was dismissed for vagueness in 1995 by a different federal judge. In 1996, Human Rights Watch charged that female inmates in a number of U.S. prisons, including those in Michigan, were subject to abuse and violations of their privacy, primarily by male guards. The New York-based agency went on to note that the United States is one of the few countries in the world to have male prison guards in female facilities. This was not always so. But beginning in about 1980, a series of lawsuits and federal agency decisions concluded that female prison guards were denied equal opportunities for advancement by being barred from male prisons. A corollary was that male guards could be assigned to female prisons. As a result, there are about 1,200 female guards out of a guard force of some 8,000 - and guards are distributed proportionally at male and female prisons. Says a Corrections Department spokesman, "the department's policy is that a corrections office is a corrections officer, regardless of gender." No one wants to see prisoners, male or female, abused. But it is up to the Justice Department to prove its case. And the department ought to be somewhat chastened that what federal agencies have pushed for many years as a "progressive" policy - gender neutrality in the assignment of prison guards - is now decried as a human rights violation. Copyright 1998, The Detroit News Pat Dolan 503-Pendrell St. Vancouver BC V6E 3N4 604-689-4342
------------------------------------------------------------------- Norquist Launches Attack Against Drug 'Business' Study ('The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' Notes John Norquist, The Scientifically Illiterate Demagogue And Mayor Of Milwaukee, Criticized 'The Business Of Drug Dealing In Milwaukee,' A Report Prepared For The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute By A University Of Illinois-Chicago Assistant Professor, Reported Yesterday) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:28:46 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Norquist Launches Attack Against Drug 'Business' Study Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ Fax: (414) 224-8280 Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Author: Mike Nichols and Jack Norman of the Journal Sentinel staff NORQUIST LAUNCHES ATTACK AGAINST DRUG 'BUSINESS' STUDY Mayor calls report comparing drug dealers, entrepreneurs an insult Mayor John Norquist Monday blasted a report that compares drug dealers to innovative entrepreneurs, suggesting that the report's conclusions are the kind you'd expect from "drug-addled minds." "The Business of Drug Dealing in Milwaukee," a report prepared for the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute by a University of Illinois-Chicago assistant professor, is an "insult" to law-abiding Milwaukeeans, Norquist says. It also is a "celebration of criminality," according to Norquist, that was poorly researched and "overwhelmingly biased." The report, assembled by John Hagedorn, concluded that "much of what we call 'crime,' is actually work." And it states that "most drug entrepreneurs aren't particularly violent." The conclusions were based on surveys and interviews with drug dealers in two Milwaukee neighborhoods -- one largely Latino, the other mostly African-American -- that Hagedorn dubbed "Horatiotown and Algerville." Hagedorn's data were collected by former gang members who worked with him on previous research and who contacted friends and former associates in the neighborhoods and paid them for information, the report says. No tapes of interviews were made, no names were kept and no identifiers were left on the interview questionnaires. Norquist challenged both the conclusions and the methodology in a letter sent Monday to Michael Joyce, head of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, which helps fund the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. The "twisted preconception" that drug dealing is somehow a Horatio Alger story, Norquist said in the letter, makes the report "farcical. True Horatio Alder stories always conclude that hard work and virtue are rewarded. Drug dealing is never virtuous." When criminal informants are paid to gather information but virtually no records are kept, Norquist said, who can vouch for the data? "The conclusions reached by the author are what one would expect from drug-addled minds, not from an institution that purports to advance policy discussions," the letter says. Much of Norquist's letter to Joyce is a recitation of the evils and pitfalls of drugs, including lost lives, ruined families, cocaine babies and the spread of AIDS. Joyce said Monday that he had never heard of the report and was surprised to receive Norquist's letter. Institute President James Miller said that while his organization receives money from the Bradley Foundation, none of it was specifically funneled into Hagedorn's report. Miller says he doesn't necessarily agree with Hagedorn's recommendations and that "no one is saying that criminal activity is something that should be condoned," but he defends both the author and the methodology. "We knew from the beginning how he (Hagedorn) was going to do this," Miller said. "He spent an awful long time over the last several years and seven figures doing the research, so one presumes he is capable of doing it. This is not like we got somebody who was interning for the mayor to do it or someone just released from prison." Hagedorn himself responded to Norquist's criticisms by saying he expected to be called soft on crime. "We have different jobs," he said, speaking of the difference between researchers and politicians. Politicians often have "simple answers: if there's crime, let's eradicate it, jail them," Hagedorn said. "My job as a social scientist is more complicated than the simple answer." The methodology -- including using former gang members, paying drug dealers who participated and guaranteeing anonymity -- is "very, very standard," said Robert Bursik, editor of Criminology, a leading academic journal. Bursik, professor of criminology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, said in a phone interview that anonymity is required by federal privacy guidelines. "The purpose sometimes of doing research," Miller said, "is to cause debate, and I guess that's what we're doing."
------------------------------------------------------------------- PBS Transcript - Doing Time - NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (Public Broadcasting Service Story By Tom Bearden Looks At 'Truth In Sentencing' Legislation That Would Eliminate Parole For Georgia's 37,000 Prisoners) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 11:38:22 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US GA: PBS Transcript: Doing Time - NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein FamilySource: NewsHour (PBS) Contact: newshour@pbs.org Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 DOING TIME The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Transcript A "truth in sentencing law" in Georgia could eliminate parole for some offenders. Is this good for the prison system? Tom Bearden reports. TOM BEARDEN: There are over 37,000 people in prison in Georgia. SPOKESMAN: All right, gentlemen. Head and eyes straightforward. TOM BEARDEN: State courts hand down some of the toughest sentences in the country. You can get 20 years here for stealing a lawn mower. SPOKESMAN: You're here because you made a bad decision, gentlemen, and today is the day to start making the right kind of decision. TOM BEARDEN: Even so, some people want these inmates to stay in prison even longer than they do now. They want to abolish parole. Should parole be abolished? SPOKESMAN: Your voters will respect your opinion much better if you just vote yes, I want to abolish parole, or no, I don't. TOM BEARDEN: State Senator Sonny Perdue is one of them. He sponsored what he calls a "truth in sentencing" law during the last legislative session. SONNY PERDUE, State Senator: We think the people of Georgia want truth in sentencing when the judge says five years, that it means five years. TOM BEARDEN: Georgia now has what's called indeterminate sentencing. The judge sets a sentence within a range of years. For example, an offender might get five to ten years for burglary. Periodically, the state parole board reviews the case. If the board feels the offender has made sufficient progress toward rehabilitation, they can return that person to society under the supervision of the parole officer. SPOKESMAN: I don't really think it would serve any useful purpose for this man to go back to prison, and so I'm going to let him be released. And he's a free man. TOM BEARDEN: Perdue's bill would have asked voters to approve a constitutional amendment that would have replaced the current system with one that would mandate specific sentences for specific crimes. A number of gubernatorial candidates plan to campaign on the issue this fall. One, millionaire Republican businessman Guy Millner, is already running radio ads. GUY MILLNER, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate: As governor, I'll eliminate parole. Criminals will serve their entire sentence. COMMERCIAL SPOKESPERSON: Listen to Guy Millner. Do criminals need "tough love"? TOM BEARDEN: Millner says he believes in tough love when it comes to criminals. GUY MILLNER: I believe parole sends a wrong message. When you take a criminal and you give 'em a sentence of fifteen years and they only serve five, or you give 'em ten years and they only serve three or four, it sends a wrong message to victims' families, to the court, to the judge, to the community. I want that criminal, when they get a sense of 48 months, they serve all 48 months. TOM BEARDEN: Mario Paparozzi is the president of the American Parole & Probation Association, a lobbying group. He says an inmate who is granted parole is not being released early. MARIO PAPAROZZI, President, American Probation & Parole Association: We are misunderstanding this whole business about parole. And in our misunderstanding we are fueling the fires of public anger. They're not getting out early if we understand that we've all agreed to the punitive time frame as the first piece of the sentence. What folks need to understand is that the second half of the sentence is beyond the punitive portion. And if we abolish parole, all we're left with is the punitive portion. TOM BEARDEN: Paparozzi says the first half of the sentence is what the judge expects the criminal to serve. The latter portion is tagged on for two reasons: to provide a supervised transition period from prison to the streets and to keep an inmate in prison if he misbehaves. The man who runs this prison finds the prospect of having no tool other than punishment deeply troubling. Warden Marshall Camp operates the Clayton County Correctional Facility in Lovejoy, Georgia. It's a medium security prison with just over 200 inmates. The prisoners are bussed out each morning to do community service work, like restoring and painting recreational facilities for the town. Parole as an incentive. MARSHALL CAMP, Warden, Clayton Correctional Facility: We rely on parole to be the incentive for good behavior and for work motivation. This is an institution that's run with a minimum of staff. It has a work mission, and I don't think we'd be able to accomplish what we do now under the circumstances of not having any parole. TOM BEARDEN: Without parole, do you think a significant number of these people would refuse to work? MARSHALL CAMP: Already, there are some cases that come here that the parole board refuses to release any earlier than the time that their sentence expires, and they often decide and often tell me very honorably:" ain't workin' here no more if I ain't going to get parole." TOM BEARDEN: Inmates at the maximum security Diagnostic & Classification Center say they see the same attitude among fellow prisoners who aren't eligible for parole now. John Counts is doing twelve years for burglary and has served two years. He could get out on parole four years from now. JOHN COUNTS, Inmate, Diagnostic & Classification Prison: There's a lot of people with life without parole. They don't have anything to lose at all. They don't have anything to work towards. TOM BEARDEN: Do they follow the program? Do they behave? JOHN COUNTS: Most of them that I've seen don't. But I mean they're mad at everybody. TOM BEARDEN: So taking that hope away would make a difference? JOHN COUNTS: I think so, yes, sir. Abolishing parole: A "scary thought." TOM BEARDEN: Counts said abolishing parole is a scary thought. TOM BEARDEN: What scares you? JOHN COUNTS: Having to spend 12 years in here. I mean, I've already learned my lesson. I don't know what I'd be like after 12 years. TOM BEARDEN: How do you think you might be? JOHN COUNTS: I don't know. It's already affected me. I mean--you forget a lot of things out there. Like, I've lost touch with all of my friends. The only contact I have is from my family. SPOKESMAN: You all have to get your mind right, get your attitude right- Parole isn't the only motivation. TOM BEARDEN: But Counts' warden, Tony Turpin, is less concerned than Warden Camp. He says there are other methods than parole to motivate inmates. TONY TURPIN, Warden, Diagnostic & Classification Prison: We also work off of disincentives. You know, if guys aren't going to participate in the programs, then we will keep those people segregated. They will not have as many privileges as other people in the system. So it would work more for the disincentives, things such as visitation privileges, store privileges, those kinds of things would be affected. TOM BEARDEN: Critics of the parole system argue it's not often used as an incentive anyway, but, rather, a way to clear out crowded prisons. Parole board member Jim Wetherington says that is true to some extent. When Wetherington was the chief of police in Columbus, Georgia, he used to hate the fact that criminals were paroled. But now he says he understands it isn't just early release. Parole rewards good behavior and also keeps the prisons from overflowing. JIM WETHERINGTON, State Board of Pardons & Paroles: We try to keep violent offenders as long as we can, but because of the bed space problem that Georgia faces, some folks are going to have to be released. TOM BEARDEN: Abolishing parole has been tried before by 17 states since the 1970's. In several it had unintended consequences. In Connecticut, for example, the state was forced to release people early after parole was ended, because the prison populations had exploded. The average time served by offenders dropped to only 13 percent of the original sentence, because of a need to make room for new offenders. MARIO PAPAROZZI: In a parole system, people tend to do more time than in systems where it's an automatic truth in sentencing mandatory model. In an automatic release or a truth in sentencing state, everybody gets out on that day. Where there's a review by a board, not everybody gets out. Clearly, most of the people or half of the people stay in. TOM BEARDEN: In Connecticut, as well as in Colorado and Florida, prisons became so overcrowded after parole was abolished that the system was reinstated. In Georgia, prisons are at full capacity now. Wetherington says there'd be only one solution. "If you want folks to serve more time, give us more prisons " JIM WETHERINGTON: My position is--and I want to speak for me, not the board--but my position is if you want folks to serve more time, give us more prisons, and we'll let 'em serve more time. TOM BEARDEN: Any idea how much that might cost? JIM WETHERINGTON: Well, it's going to cost big bucks, obviously it is, when you start building prisons. TOM BEARDEN: Cost estimates vary wildly from one to twelve billion dollars. Those estimates don't impress Candidate Millner. GUY MILLNER: Think about the cost, if you will, of a human life, human pain, human suffering. I believe that you can do it cheaper than we're doing in our state today. People have a right to feel safe, and somehow or another we have this liberal influence in our country that says we can't afford to keep people in prison. I don't agree with that one bit. TOM BEARDEN: And State Senator Perdue says if his version of a bill to abolish parole were to pass, it wouldn't cause overcrowding, because it wouldn't apply to all crimes. SONNY PERDUE: I think that some people felt like that we wanted to totally abolish parole for all crimes. That was never the intention. The intention was to allow the people of Georgia to vote on a provision that would have abolished parole for certain crimes that would be defined by the general assembly. TOM BEARDEN: That's what North Carolina did recently. And Perdue says that so far it appears to be working. But Mike Light warns that abolishing parole for certain violent crimes will mean non-violent offenders will serve less time. Light is a spokesperson for the Georgia Department of Corrections. MIKE LIGHT, Department of Corrections: Voters will have to realize in some cases offenders will serve less in Georgia than they do already. Do they want to make that tradeoff? Yes, rapists, and murderers and pot offenders will be serving longer, will be there. But, again, the public has certain fears of property and drug offenders as well. Do they want them incarcerated longer, or do they want to make the tradeoff to keep that certain core group of bad offenders locked up longer? That's the question. Less time for crime? TOM BEARDEN: A fundamental part of the argument over parole is whether keeping people in prison longer prevents crime. Millner thinks there's no doubt about that. GUY MILLNER: The longer time the criminal serves in prison, the less time they're going to have on the street to commit a crime. I believe crime is down in this country over the last six years. And it's down because of the fact that the prison population is up. TOM BEARDEN: Paparozzi says that argument just doesn't hold water, that crime continued to soar back in the 70's and 80's in the states that eliminated parole. MARIO PAPAROZZI: It may prevent them from committing a particular crime on a particular day, because they will have been in custody. But the likelihood of committing a similar crime with a different victim at a later date will always be there. TOM BEARDEN: Even both political parties sense great public support for abolishing parole in Georgia, the two houses of the legislature couldn't agree on the wording of a final bill this session. They'll take up the issue again this fall, and most observers have little doubt that state voters will eventually get the chance to decide the issue at the ballot box.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Congressmen Call For Drug-Free NBA (According To 'The New York Times,' Several Demagogic Congressmen, Including Speaker Of The House Newt Gingrich, Said They Plan To Send A Letter Today To NBA Commissioner David Stern And NBA Players Association Executive Director Billy Hunter, Calling On Them To Adopt A 'Zero Tolerance' - That Is, Anti-Marijuana - Drug Policy - Hunter Responded By Saying, 'If There Is A Marijuana Problem, It's One Reflective Of Society' - Indeed, The Latest Survey By The Partnership For A Drug Free America Suggests 48 Percent Of High School Juniors And Seniors Smoked Pot Last Year, Up From 29 Percent In 1993) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:29:57 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Wire: Congressmen Call for Drug-Free NBA Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: New York Times Wire Service Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Author: David Nielsen CONGRESSMEN CALL FOR DRUG-FREE NBA Several congressmen including Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) plan to send a letter today to NBA Commissioner David Stern and NBA Players Association Executive Director Billy Hunter calling on them to adopt a ``zero-tolerance'' drug policy. The letter, tied to the Speaker's Task Force for a Drug-Free America, will call for random testing for all illegal drugs and harsh penalties for violators. However, no new laws will be proposed. This effort is timed to the ongoing negotiations between the players union and the league over the drug policy and the collective bargaining agreement. The current drug policy, which expires June 30 unless the two sides approve a new agreement, has been criticized for being lenient on drug use, especially marijuana. The NBA is the only major sport that doesn't prohibit the use of marijuana, an illegal drug in all 50 states. The league, which weathered serious cocaine problems in the late '70s, has seen several of its prominent young stars ensnared in marijuana-related charges in recent months, including Chris Webber, Allen Iverson and Isaiah Rider. In addition, a New York Times survey last fall said 70 percent of NBA players abuse marijuana and alcohol. Hunter has disputed those findings saying, ``If there is a marijuana problem, it's one reflective of society.'' Indeed, the latest survey by the Partnership for a Drug Free America, showed 48 percent of high school juniors and seniors smoked pot last year, up from 29 percent in 1993. The NBA's 14-year-old drug policy does not include drug testing, with the exception of a rookie clause under which first-year players are tested for cocaine and heroin, but not marijuana. Players can be disciplined by the league for using marijuana only if they are criminally convicted of an offense. The league has proposed that first-time offenders of the marijuana policy would receive a five-game suspension. A second-time offender would be suspended for six months and a third infraction would result in a lifetime ban. Any player caught distributing the drug would be expelled from the league. Hunter has not been thrilled by this proposal, either. ``Our concern is that the league doesn't use marijuana as just another vehicle to constrain and control our players,'' he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Court To Review Right To Remain Silent ('The Chicago Tribune' Notes The War On Some Drugs Is Threatening A Basic Constitutional Right As The US Supreme Court Takes Up The Case Of A Pennsylvania Woman Serving A 10-Year Prison Term For Refusing To Tell A Judge How Much Cocaine She Might Have Distributed) Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:32:00 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Top Court to Review Right to Remain Silent Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Steve Young (theyoungfamily@worldnet.att.net) Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Contact: tribletter@aol.com Website: http://www.chicago.tribune.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 author: Glen Elsasser TOP COURT TO REVIEW RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review the case of a Pennsylvania woman, a recovered drug addict serving a 10-year prison term for refusing to tell a judge how much cocaine she might have distributed. "I am thankful to be alive today, (for) getting away from drugs," Amanda Mitchell told the judge at her 1996 sentencing. Mitchell added that she was so addicted to drugs that she could not have been involved in a large-scale operation to sell them. As a result of her refusal to say more, U.S. District Judge Edward Cahn relied on conflicting testimony about Mitchell's activities from members of an Allentown drug ring and gave her the mandatory minimum sentence. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia last year upheld the sentence. At issue in the case is a defendant's right to remain silent at sentencing without being penalized. Mitchell's lawyer, Steven Morley of Philadelphia, on Monday explained the issue raised by her appeal: "The significant thing here is that she invoked her 5th Amendment privilege for fear that her own testimony would make her look more culpable than she was and drive her sentence higher and higher." He stressed that Mitchell, a former factory worker in her mid-40s, "got involved with people in the conspiracy primarily as a user" and has no "reliable measure" of the drugs she might have handled in the few drug transactions she was involved in. According to Morley, Mitchell had no prior criminal record when she started using cocaine in the early 1990s. At one point, he said, she had to sell her furniture to maintain her habit. The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers had urged the court to hear Mitchell's appeal and to rule that a defendant can remain silent without penalty at sentencing. "A criminal defendant who has pleaded guilty retains the right to assert the 5th Amendment privilege against being compelled to be a witness against herself at sentencing," the association told the court. Furthermore, the association said, the increased sentence "was expressly predicated on drawing an adverse inference" from Mitchell's silence. The friend of the court brief cited Justice Department statistics showing that 90 percent of federal criminal defendants whose cases are not dismissed plead guilty as Mitchell did. "In the vast majority of federal cases, sentencing is the most important issue," the brief said. "Conduct for which the defendant has not been convicted can add years to her punishment in the most routine cases."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobacco Bill Fight Rages On (An 'Associated Press' Article In The Massachusetts 'Standard-Times' Says The Senate Wrestled Inconclusively Yesterday Over The McCain Tobacco Bill - Senator Jack Reed, The Democrat From Rhode Island, Won The First Vote On His Proposed Amendment To Cut Tax Breaks For Tobacco Companies The Government Claims Is Advertising To Children, But Slade Gorton, The Republican From Washington State, Said It Was Unconstitutional To Condition 'A Privilege Available To Everyone Else In The United States On Its Abandonment Of Its First Amendment Rights') Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:36:36 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Tobacco bill fight rages on Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Standard-Times (MA) Contact: YourView@S-T.com Website: http://www.s-t.com/ Pubdate: Tuesday 16 June 1998 Author: David Espo, Associated Press writer TOBACCO BILL FIGHT RAGES ON WASHINGTON -- The Senate wrestled inconclusively yesterday with a plan to cut tax breaks for tobacco companies that advertise to children as President Clinton and Majority Leader Trent Lott sparred at a distance over a bill to curtail teen-age smoking. In a sequence as muddled as the lengthy debate on the tobacco bill itself, lawmakers tentatively adopted the advertising proposal by Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., by voice vote after an attempt to kill it failed on a tie. Moments later, though, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., chief architect of the tobacco measure, served notice he will call for a revote, likely to occur today. The skirmishing came as Clinton sought to spur the GOP-controlled Senate to action and Lott suggested revising the measure to bring it more into line with the agreement that major tobacco companies reached with the state attorneys general to settle lawsuits. "Every day the Senate delays plays into the hands of the tobacco industry, which wants desperately to kill this bill," Clinton said at the White House as the Senate began its fourth week of debating the bill. Appearing before a group of presidential scholars, he added: "I don't see how any senator can now stand in the way of a bill that fights drugs, cuts taxes and protects people from a habit that kills." But Lott, R-Miss., offered a different assessment of the measure during his weekly news conference at the Capitol. "There are big problems in it," he said, adding that the measure has mushroomed in size far beyond what is necessary to attack teen smoking. Lott said he was holding out hope for a slimmed-down bill that was more in keeping with the settlement the tobacco companies reached with state attorneys general more than a year ago, including some sort of limits on lawsuit liability for Big Tobacco. Lott also spoke by telephone with White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles, but there was no indication whether they were exploring possible grounds for a compromise. On the Senate floor, Reed battled for passage of his amendment to deny tobacco companies regular tax deductions for advertising, promotion and marketing expenses unless they obey FDA rules designed to curb sales pitches to underage smokers. "If they market to kids, then they lose their tax deductions," he said. The Rhode Island Democrat brandished a direct mail advertising brochure that one cigarette maker has distributed to smokers touting the Kool brand. The company built a mailing list from attendees at a rock concert it had staged several months earlier, Reed said. In rebuttal, Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., said it was unconstitutional to condition "a privilege available to everyone else in the United States on its abandonment if its First Amendment rights ... We can and we should limit advertising of cigarettes," he said, but that can only be done "with the agreement of those who are asked to give up their rights to advertisement." The tobacco industry, which agreed to certain restrictions in a settlement with the states, has walked away from the Senate legislation, saying it is too onerous. The FDA issued regulations to limit cigarette advertising in 1996, but the implementation of some of them has been blocked pending the outcome of a court challenge.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton Urges Senate To End Delays And Pass Anti-Tobacco Measure ('Houston Chronicle' Version) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 03:29:24 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: Clinton Urges Senate To End Delays And Pass Anti-Tobacco Measure Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Carol Ann WellsPubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Author: Greg McDonald CLINTON URGES SENATE TO END DELAYS AND PASS ANTI-TOBACCO MEASURE WASHINGTON -- President Clinton urged the Senate on Monday to pass anti-tobacco legislation, declaring that "the delays must come to an end." "Every day the Senate delays plays into the hands of the tobacco industry, which wants desperately to kill this bill," Clinton said. "I don't see how any senator can now stand in the way of a bill that fights drugs, cuts taxes and protects people from a habit that kills," he added, referring to a number of amendments that have been added to the bill to make it more appealing to lawmakers. Clinton made the comments at a White House ceremony honoring presidential scholars as the Senate debate on a massive $516 billion tobacco measure moved into its fourth week. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., told reporters that he would allow debate to continue through this week, but warned that if a bill sponsored by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., or a compromise measure did not pass before the weekend it would be shelved to make room for consideration of various appropriations measures. Lott said he planned to meet with McCain and speak with administration officials to see if some scaled-back version of the tobacco legislation could be devised that would satisfy a majority of senators. "I think there's way too much money provided in this now beyond what's actually needed," Lott said, expressing his opposition to the McCain measure, which would raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes by $1.10. "If the goal is to discourage and have a campaign to stop teen-age smoking, and hopefully drug abuse, and to deal with, you know, some of the health-care problems caused by smoking . . . you can do those things for . . . a lot less than what's in this bill," Lott added. Lott said he believes that a final bill ought to resemble the agreement that tobacco companies reached with some state attorneys general more than a year ago that would limit lawsuit liabilities in return for the companies helping to fund anti-smoking programs. "This bill needs to be much smaller than this, probably at least $100 billion less than it is," Lott said. In his remarks at the White House, Clinton also criticized the tobacco industry advertising campaign aimed at killing the McCain bill. He said the companies are spending "millions and millions of dollars on an advertising campaign designed to convince the American people (that the tobacco legislation) is nothing more than a big government tax increase to create huge, big government bureaucracies." "It is absolutely false," Clinton said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Man Battling To Sell Pot As Medicine Found Guilty ('The Canadian Press' Notes Saskatchewan Multiple Sclerosis Patient Grant Krieger Was Convicted Tuesday In Calgary Of Possessing Marijuana For The Purpose Of Trafficking - Krieger Promised To Continue Selling Marijuana To The Terminally Ill - Sentencing August 17) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 02:50:04 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Canada: Wire: Man Battling To Sell Pot As Medicine Found Guilty Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Matt ElrodPubdate: Tuesday, 16 June, 1998 Source: Canadian Press MAN BATTLING TO SELL POT AS MEDICINE FOUND GUILTY CALGARY (CP) -- A Saskatchewan man crusading for marijuana to be legalized for medicinal uses was found guilty Tuesday of possession of the drug for the purpose of trafficking. But that won't stop Grant Krieger, 43, from defying the law. Minutes after the guilty verdict, Krieger promised to continue selling marijuana to the terminally ill. "I'm on a mission. Laws have to change," said Krieger, who says he smokes and eats marijuana to alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis. "Society is denying us the right to nurse ourselves back to a much better quality of health." Judge Robert Davie rejected Krieger's charter challenge to the trafficking charge. Canada's Controlled Drug and Substance Act protects public health and safety and doesn't exempt people who sell drugs even if they are in pain, Davie said. Defence lawyer Adriano Jovinelli unsuccessfully argued under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that the law interferes with his client's quality of life. Jovinelli said the guilty verdict came as no surprise. "It was anticipated, because the issue wasn't an individual's right to use marijuana, but rather, does someone have the right to give it to someone else who he believes needs it for medical purposes," Jovinelli said. "As the judge says, that's not protected under the charter." Krieger said he ultimately wants to take his case to the Supreme Court of Canada so that the issue is decided for all Canadians. The former sales representative was charged last June after lighting up a joint outside a Calgary courthouse in a show of support for a man who also uses the drug for medicinal purposes. Krieger also acknowledged giving the man marijuana. Krieger gained international attention in 1996 when he was arrested in Amsterdam for trying to transport a kilogram of marijuana back to Canada. He has yet to stand trial on charges related to that incident. Krieger, who's from the tiny community of Preeceville 230 kilometres northeast of Regina, wants a government distribution network for medicinal marijuana. "There's a lot of sick people in Canada that have no way of getting what they need for medicine," he said. "They can't go to a drugstore for it, can they?" Krieger will be sentenced Aug. 17. There is no minimum sentence for trafficking but the maximum is life in prison. "He's going to have to go to jail," said his daughter, Lindsay Krieger, 19. "He can't pay a fine. He cannot do fine option. There's no other choice." Krieger, who lives on a $750-a-month government pension, said he is broke. His electrical power was cut off in his cabin two weeks ago because he couldn't pay a $788 utility bill. Krieger said since he replaced his prescription drugs with marijuana in 1994, he no longer feels suicidal. He praised marijuana for enabling him to jog and rock climb. Krieger said the judge is trying to protect society as a whole at the cost of the terminally ill. "It's new ground. It's walking safe," he said. Krieger said his family is also paying a cost. He wants to live with his daughter, but fears she will be arrested if police find his drugs in their shared home. "It's busting up my family and a lot of other families," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Drug Arrangement Just Reeks Of Hypocrisy (Letter To The Editor Of 'The Toronto Star' Points Out That Last Week's United Nations Special Session To Expand The Drug War Was Simply Trying To Quash A Free Market, But When Activists Call Out For International Labour Standards, Human Rights Preservation, Or Global Environmental Treaties, The Same World Leaders Say Such Institutional Arrangements Contradict The Dictum Of Free Markets) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 11:34:55 -0400 To: mattalk@islandnet.com From: Dave HaansSubject: PUB LtE: TorStar: Global drug arrangement just reeks of hypocrisy Newshawk: Dave Haans Source: The Toronto Star Pubdate: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 Page: A21 Section: Letters Website: http://www.thestar.ca Contact: LetterToEd@thestar.ca Global drug arrangement just reeks of hypocrisy Re Global pact aims to end drug trade (June 9). Those who keep a watchful eye on international political matters will find much to ponder given the implications of the Global Drug Treaty. While it is commendable that leaders from more than 200 nations would put their differences aside in order to preserve "the future of families on every continent," the arrangement reeks of hypocrisy given the rhetoric of our modern times. When activists call out for international labour standards, human rights preservation, or global environmental treaties, we are told by our prominent leaders that these institutional arrangements contradict the dictum of free markets and, furthermore, are undesirable in an age of global economic flows and benevolent trade agreements. It's interesting how easily these same leaders can come together in the name of suffocating a part of the economy that they cannot control. Furthermore, the reasoning behind the agreement on narcotics is the same message that humanists have been preaching for years in the name of other causes. Do not sweatshops, income disparities and human rights abuses "erode the foundation of democracies, corrupt the integrity of market economies" as well? Is that not a "struggle for human freedom"? Marc Flynn Pickering
------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars At Fault Over Drugs, Say Police (Britain's 'Independent' Says Colin Phillips, Chairman Of The Association Of Chief Police Officers Drugs Committee And Chief Constable Of Cumbria, Yesterday Attacked Pop Stars And Fashion Models Who He Claimed 'Glamourise Drugs,' And Revealed His Role As An Upholder Of The Nanny State When He Said, 'Why Don't We Challenge The Lyrics And Music? Why Is Drugs, Sex And Rock 'N' Roll Something To Brag About, Something We Accept?') Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 01:02:41 -0500 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: Stars At Fault Over Drugs, Say Police Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Alan Randell Source: Independent, The (UK) Pubdate: 16 June 1998 Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ Author: Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent STARS AT FAULT OVER DRUGS, SAY POLICE A POLICE CHIEF yesterday attacked pop stars and fashion models who glamourise drugs, and called for celebrities who had conquered their addiction to make a stand. His outspoken comments will be supported later today by Sir George Martin, former producer of the Beatles and a prominent voice in the music industry. He is expected to tell the Association of Chief Police Officers' Summer Drugs Conference in Hinckley, Leicestershire, that record companies should not sign artists who promote drugs. Criticism of the music and fashion industries follows widely publicised comments by stars such as Noel Gallagher of Oasis - who said that taking drugs was "like having a cup of tea" - and controversy over the use of "heroin-chic" in fashion shoots. Colin Phillips, chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers Drugs Committee and Chief Constable of Cumbria, told the conference: "Why don't we challenge the lyrics and music? Why is drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll something to brag about, something we accept? "I challenge pop stars who kick drugs to stand up and say they are clean from drugs and keep drugs out of society." He added: "When you get pop stars saying 'it's just like a cup of tea' . why don't we challenge it? I think we invariably turn a blind eye to the problem." Of the rag-trade he said: "Why is the image of drugs being promoted in the fashion industry? Are drugs becoming a fashion accessory?" He was particularly critical of the use of "hollow-eyed" models who give the impression of being high on drugs. The case in defence of the fashion industry is expected today from Alexandra Shulman, editor of Vogue magazine. Mr Phillips is the latest police chief to speak against the so-called glamourisation of drugs. Keith Hellawell, the UK drugs "czar", has been highly critical of youth and cult figures for not providing a credible anti-drugs example. Dick Kellaway, chief investigations officer of Customs & Excise, told the conference that the latest intelligence revealed that British criminals were relocating and setting up drug distribution networks in Belgium and the Netherlands because they believed it was easier to operate abroad. He cited the example of Liverpool drugs dealer Curtis Warren who operated in the Netherlands, but who was jailed for 12 years recently by a Dutch court after being convicted of trafficking. He said: "There are more and more people going to Holland and Belgium . They believe it is more difficult to be arrested in a foreign country." He added that those countries were becoming an alternative to Spain's Costa del Sol for British criminals abroad. Dealers in the Netherlands and Belgium were distributing a range of drugs, including cannabis, heroin and cocaine, but synthetic substances such as ecstasy made up a large proportion of the market, he said. Easy access to European borders made trafficking easier. The worldwide scale of the drugs problem was illustrated by John Abbott, Director General of the National Criminal Intelligence Service, who said that research by Interpol predicted "explosive" growth in the international drugs market in the next few years.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Beatles Producer Challenges Industry On Drugs ('Reuters' Notes Sir George Martin, The Producer Of The 1960s Pop Band, Often Referred To As 'The Fifth Beatle,' On Tuesday Challenged Record Companies To Boycott Artists Who Take 'Drugs,' Even Though, Of Course, He'd Have A Lot Less Money If He'd Followed The Same Practice) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 03:09:12 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: Wire: Beatles Producer Challenges Industry On Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz Source: Reuters Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 BEATLES PRODUCER CHALLENGES INDUSTRY ON DRUGS LONDON, June 16 (Reuters) - Veteran record producer Sir George Martin, the man known as the Fifth Beatle, on Tuesday challenged record companies to boycott artists who take drugs. Martin, the guru behind most of The Beatles hit records, accused pop stars and the fashion industry of glamorising drug taking and putting young people at risk. ``I do hope that people recognise what the problems are and that they will make it very clear that they will not knowingly, wittingly, use people who are known to be drug abusers. ``I can hear some record company executives saying `you must be out of your mind. Do you want to ruin our business?' But they must ask themselves, is it the future of the youth of this country or their bottom line?,'' Martin told a conference of British police chiefs. Martin, 72, criticised Noel Gallagher, the brains behind British rock band Oasis of portraying drug use as normal. Gallagher, songwriter in one of Britain's most successful bands of the 1990s, said in a heavily criticised interview last year that taking drugs was ``like getting out of bed and having a cup of tea in the morning.'' But Martin, who is credited with translating some of the Beatles most adventurous musical ideas into practice, said he had always been disturbed by the amount of drug taking in the industry. Writing in a separate article for the Association of Chief Police Officers journal this week, he remembered taking a ``very under the weather'' John Lennon outside to get some fresh air only to realise he had taken LSD. ``They (The Beatles) knew I disapproved. I was a bit like a teacher at school,'' Martin wrote. Martin however scotched the widely-held belief that the Beatles song ``Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'' was a reference to LSD. He said it was inspired by a painting by Lennon's son Julian. Echoing a line in one of Lennon's most famous songs ``Imagine,'' Martin urged record companies to state publicly that they would not sign drug users. ``I may be a dreamer but where do we start? If I am asked what we can do, can anybody give me a better idea because I would like to hear it. ``If money is the root of it, if people are saying we will not do this because it is going to damage our revenue, because it is going to hurt our industry, then I would like them to say that publicly,'' Martin told the police conference. Record companies said they took the issue of drugs seriously but they showed little immediate sign of responding to Martin's challenge. ``I think record companies do seriously consider those matters because these are major investments that they are making,'' said John Deacon, director general of the British Phonographic Industry which represents major record companies. ``And I think if artists are taking drugs they would obviously very seriously consider not signing an artist,'' Deacon told BBC television.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Walls Are Crumbling (Translation Of An Article In 'Die Tageszeitung' Suggests The Wind Of Change Has Been Blowing Through Germany In Recent Months As Even Conservative Politicians Demand A Change In Drug Policy) Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 07:27:18 -0400 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Germany: The Walls Are Crumbling Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Susanne Schardt Pubdate: Tuesday, 16 June 1998 Source: Die Tageszeitung Authors: Manfred Kriener and Water Saller Contact: http://www.taz.de/~taz/etc/lesbrief.html Mail: taz, die tageszeitung., Postfach 610229, 10923 Berlin Website: http://www.taz.de/~taz/ Translation by: Susanne Schardt Editors note: Our newshawk is the executive director for European Cities on Drug Policy. Please check out their website at: http://www.oeko-net.de/ecdp/ THE WALLS ARE CRUMBLING Traditional drug policy has failed. I believe we change the trend by prescribing heroin." This is not a legalise-it-disciple or a member of the Green party speaking, it is the police chief of the city of Bielefeld, Horst Kruse. Along with police chiefs and high-ranking medical officials, even conservative politicians nowadays demand a change in drug policy. A stock-taking on the occasion of today's German action day on drug policy. "And it does move, after all. Drug policy in Germany is currently loosening itself from a concrete and heavy inflexibility that lasted decades. The ideological walls are not yet broken, but they begin to crumble everywhere. The confession of faith that drug addicts could be cured with the forces of police and justice loses more and more of its faithful. The opening and enlargement of methadone programmes, implementation of consumer rooms, the medically controlled giving of heroin - it is not the legalise-it-disciples, not only social democrats and Greens that demand this, but German police chiefs and CDU mayors, high-ranking medical functionaries, ministers of Justice, drug policy consultants of the Federal government, liberal, as well as conservative politicians. Especially with the Christian democrats a changing of paradigm is evident. A TAZ-poll revealed surprising sympathies in favour of drug policy reform in Helmut Kohl's party. Although, with the Federal elections coming up. Many of the parliamentarians do not wish to be outed as critics of the old strategy of repression. The chamber of physicians, however, is more offensive in promoting their new course. "You can always become smarter", Ingo Flenker, member of the chamber's board argued when asked for his reasons to change his view about heroin prescription. "We had to realise that the number of drug deaths has risen to 1,700 in 1996 - about time to think about enlarging the therapeutic measures." Flenker hopes for a change in view of Federal Health Minister Seehofer (CDU) in this matter, who is at least showing some readiness to "discuss" heroin trials - or for a change of political forces in September: "SPD and Greens have signaled a long time ago that they would welcome a change in drug policy." Apart from the rather spectacular change of mind of the chamber of physicians, the "Deutsche Haupstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren" (DHS) is drawing considerable attention. The drug policy consultants of the Federal government now also want to enlarge the spectrum of helping measures and want to try state programmes of drug prescription and injection under medical surveillance instead of prison sentences and forced detoxification. However, DHS speaker Huellinghorst remains careful. He is moving on thin ice - he sees the necessity of a drug policy reform, but he does not want to go too far astray from the official policy of the government - after all, the DHS is financed by Mr Seehofer. While Seehofer is at least open for discussion, Eduard Lintner (CSU), and drug coordinator of the federal government is the last to stand stiff in loyalty towards the old course of abstinence and repression. Although he definitely knows better, he still defames heroin prescription as a "legalisation" of hard drugs, that he would never tolerate. The Federal Health committee is to finally debate about consumer rooms and heroin prescription trials next week. If the contents of this issue was to be on the agenda instead of political party tactics and - discipline, the vote would be clearly in favour of drug policy reform. During their study visits to Zurich, even members of the CDU/CSU and the FDP party began to rethink their points of view when confronted with the convincing success of the Swiss trials. But the decision in Bonn about consumer rooms and "State heroin" falls into the hot phase of the federal election campaign. A vote in favour of a heroin trial could hardly be combined with the armchair populism and fishing for voters at the extreme right end of the scale that the Christian Union politicians pursue. Will the committee therefore try to gain time and sneak out of a political decision again? While election campaigners try to catch votes with law-and-order slogans, many high-ranking police and justice officials have turned to a more liberal drug policy. A good dozen of police chiefs from large German cities urge for a change with increasing force. These men at the front have long since understood: "Even if we had four times as many police officers, we would not be able to solve the problem. We would only increase the prices of street drugs and help the dealers make even higher profits", police chief Dierk-Henning Schnitzler of the city of Bonn states. The mayors of several German cities meanwhile take the demands of the police officials seriously. Frankfurt, Cologne, Karslruhe, and Hannover have applied for heroin trials following the Swiss model at the Federal government. Within the framework of a nation-wide action-day, drugs- and aids- helping services, self-help groups, and parents' organisations in many German cities will fight for drug policy reform: They all can feel the wind of change that has been blowing through the republic over the last months. "This is almost like a breaking of dams", was the interpretation of Richard Edgeton, the federal secretary of the Germany AIDS-Hilfe regarding the spirit flowing throughout the nation.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pray For Peace Foundation News (The June Newsletter Of The Interfaith Religious Organization 'Committed To The Legalization Of Sacred Natural Medicines For Spiritual Healing, For All People' - Includes An Item On The Group's New 'Organic Food For Our Kids Campaign' - 'Dare To Keep Kids Off Drugs - Use Herbs And Eat Organic Food') From: PFPFNews@aol.com Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 21:29:07 EDT Subject: June Newsletter *** Pray For Peace Foundation News June 1998 *** NATIONS DISCUSS DRUG POLICY UNITED NATIONS--As a result of the June 8, 9 and 10 drug summit, a hundred and fifty nations endorsed a plan to curb trafficking, reduce demand, improve judicial cooperation, combat money-laundering and reduce the supply of narcotics over the next ten years. Some private drug research foundations said the United Nations summit focused too heavily on law-enforcement programs that chisel away at human rights. Dr. Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Lindesmith Center, said, "Rather than producing the intended unity, the drug summit exposed deep divisions between drugwar zealots who advocate spending on a failed policy and the reformers who want new approaches." Pino Arlacchi, head of the U.N. Drug Control Office, told delegates: "We are not starting a new 'war on drugs.' " He offered an alternative analogy of "a doctor facing a deadly disease. Drugs quite simply kill people. And it is our responsibility to find the cure." *** Pray For Peace Foundation Campaign To offer a positive alternative for parents who wish to keep their children away from drugs, Pray For Peace Foundation has started the "Organic Food For Our Kids Campaign." We urge parents to spend a little extra and drive a little further to obtain organic foods for their families. Eating organic supports alternative grocery stores and organic farmers. It is the most effective way each of us can fight the trend toward genetic engineered, irradiated and chemically toxic foods. Training the next generation to "Think Organic" from birth will produce a healthier world in the twenty-first century. Good nutrition and natural herbs can heal childhood emotional disturbances such as depression and hyperactivity. Contact your naturopath or holistic health practitioner for alternatives to antidepressants and other dangerous drugs for children. Natural health care will reduce illegal drug use because children who care about what they put in their bodies will recognize the unhealthy nature of manufactured drugs like alcohol, commercial cigarettes, heroin, uppers, downers and cocaine. In the tradition of the Last Supper, Passover and the maha-offering at a Hindu temple, food can become a strong element in a family's overall spiritual practice. Parents who take part in the Organic Food For Our Kids Campaign show that they care about their children and the earth. We urge parents to make good organic food a spiritual focal point of their home. Guy Mount, Editor of Holy Smoke, endorses the PFPF campaign with this slogan: "DARE TO KEEP KIDS OFF DRUGS: USE HERBS AND EAT ORGANIC FOOD." *** ACLU'S AD CAMPAIGN The American Civil Liberties Union has been running ads in The New York Times to challenge the marijuana prohibition. The headline of one ad asks: "If You Had a Choice, What Would it Be, Marijuana or Martinis?" "Millions of Americans who are highly productive and stable clandestinely choose marijuana over martinis," the ad reads. "But while the government classifies both substances as drugs, mysteriously one is legal while the other is not. Why should that be so?" ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser said: "The criminal prohibition of marijuana represents an extraordinary degree of government intrusion. . . . The same people who are drinking martinis are pushing laws that would jail people who prefer a joint. Where's the morality in that?" Since 1937, the government has criminalized marijuana use on the grounds that it is a dangerous drug. But Glasser said this claim looks more ludicrous every year. Every independent commission appointed to look into this claim has found that marijuana is relatively benign. ACLU ads on various topics are scheduled to appear in The New York Times op-ed section once a month through December 1998. The ads refer web surfers to the ACLU's Freedom Network Website at http://www.aclu.org/forms/nytimesad051298.html Visitors can post messages to a bulletin board and access background information on the subject of that month's ad. *** Pray For Peace Foundation offers respects to Steve Michael, Act Up activist, who passed away. Jim Graham, executive director of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, described Michael as one of those "vanguard people" whose methods can be distasteful but who effectively "clear the land, pointing out problems and bringing drama to bear. That, in turn, makes it easier for others who come in their wake." Contact: http://www.actupdc.org *** Father-mother God, Hallowed be Thy name. Lead us to act with maturity and compassion and make our world as You would have it. Day by day give us what we need to live. And free us from our debt of guilt, as we free others from theirs. Teach us the goodness of Your kingdom, for Thine is the eternal spiritual home. *** PRAY FOR PEACE FOUNDATION est. 1995 http://www.steamboats.com/pfpf Pray For Peace Foundation was founded to spread awareness, education and devotion to the Great and Holy Mystery that is God. We accept all paths as true; all religions are but branches of the same tree. We promote interfaith dialogue and exchange programs to develop tolerance between religions. Pray For Peace Foundation is dedicated to nonviolence (vegetarian diet) and daily meditation. Pray For Peace members are committed to the legalization of sacred natural medicines for spiritual healing, for all people. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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