------------------------------------------------------------------- State Court Throws Out Crime Measure - The Ruling ('The Oregonian' Notes The Oregon Supreme Court Voided The State's New Voter-Approved 'Victim's Rights' Bill Tuesday Because It Violated The State's Constitutional Ban On Initiatives With More Than One Constitutional Amendment - However, Because The 1997 Legislature Passed Senate Bill 936, Which Enacted Most Of Measure 40 By Statute, Many Provisions May Remain In Effect) Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 12:54:21 -0400 To: DrugSense News Service (mapnews@mapinc.org) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US OR: State Court Throws Out Crime Measure: The Ruling Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Phil Smith (pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org) Source: The Oregonian Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Mail: 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Author: David R. Anderson, The Oregonian staffSTATE COURT THROWS OUT CRIME MEASURE: THE RULING Justices Say Measure 40 Has Too Many Amendments The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday used a narrow legal point to throw out Measure 40, a sweeping initiative backed by crime victims' groups. The court unanimously ruled that Measure 40, which voters approved in November 1996, violated the state constitution because it contained more than one constitutional amendment. The court did not address the constitutionality of specific provisions, which include allowing convictions in murder cases on an 11-1 jury vote and making it more difficult to exclude evidence. And because the 1997 Legislature passed a bill that enacted most of Measure 40 as state statute, many provisions could remain. It could take future rulings by the court on individual provisions to sort out their legality. The ruling is not expected to overturn many convictions. Both sides in the debate said the significance of the ruling is the effect on the initiative system. "The practice lately has been to draft an initiative that's a Christmas wish list for some special-interest group and put everything they possibly can into it that they can't get passed by the Legislature," said Thomas Christ, who argued the case for the American Civil Liberties Union. Opponents said the measure was not about crime victims' rights but about making it easier to convict defendants. Voters should be able to consider complex provisions separately, they said. But supporters of the measure said its single purpose was to make crime victims' rights equal to the rights of criminal defendants. They said the court used a technicality to make it more difficult to pass initiatives. "We're going to have juries deprived of hearing relevant evidence because those people in Salem want to keep that evidence from them based on their desire to enforce esoteric constitutional principles they've made up," said Norm Frink, a Multnomah County chief deputy district attorney. "I'm afraid the court has reached critical mass as far as politicizing itself." The ACLU, in a case that originated in Marion County, presented three arguments to the court. The court did not agree with the first two, that the initiative contained more than one subject or that it was such a substantial change to the constitution that it represented a revision, which must be referred to voters by the Legislature. Instead, in Chief Justice Wallace P. Carson Jr.'s 69-page opinion, the court used the multiple-amendment argument, which no lower court had used to strike down the measure. Measure not heavily used Both sides agree that few cases relied so heavily on the measure that they will have to be retried or thrown out. "I don't think there will be a lot because, from the beginning, prosecutors and judges had grave doubts about the validity of Measure 40 and, in a lot of cases, stayed away from it," said Paul Levy, a defense lawyer with Metropolitan Public Defenders in Portland. In Multnomah County, some drug cases could be overturned because evidence from searches might be ruled inadmissible, Frink said. Peter Cogswell, spokesman for Attorney General Hardy Myers, said the court's vote clearly kills two provisions of Senate Bill 936, which enacted the measure: The 11-1 convictions in murder cases and restrictions on pretrial release of defendants. However, no one has been convicted of murder in Oregon on an 11-1 vote, and many circuit courts rejected the pretrial custody section. Cogswell said many provisions will remain in effect, such as requiring district attorneys to consult victims about plea bargains, allowing evidence of previous arrests into trials and giving victims the right to restitution. But Levy said allowing evidence of previous arrests might be found unconstitutional. Other provisions, such as requiring jurors in criminal cases to be registered voters and giving prosecutors the right to demand a jury trial instead of a bench trial also might be unconstitutional. "There's still a lot of open questions and doubt what remains viable in (Senate Bill) 936, and it's going to be the subject of a lot of litigation," Levy said. Search law in question One other issue that must be resolved is how Thursday's ruling affects another law passed by the 1997 Legislature that gives police greater search powers, such as asking about drugs during stops for traffic violations. That law was passed with the assumption that Measure 40 amended the state constitution, Cogswell said. Steve Doell, a Measure 40 supporter and president of Crime Victims United, called the decision an "unprincipled exercise of raw political power" by the Supreme Court. "It's a sad day for people who have been victims of crimes," Doell said. Doell said his group has three options. The most attractive is to have a special session of the Legislature split the measure into two or three constitutional amendments and send them to voters in November. Doell said that if the issue is not taken up during a special session, he would ask the 1999 Legislature to send measures to voters. The least-attractive option is to start from scratch, refile the initiatives and collect signatures on new measures. That would mean voters might not see the measures until November 2000, Doell said. Even though many provisions are state law, supporters say it is important to make them part of the constitution to protect them from changes by lawmakers.
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Court Throws Out Crime Measure - The Process ('The Oregonian' Further Weighs The Import Of Thursday's Ruling By The Oregon Supreme Court Tossing Out The Measure 40 'Victim's Rights' Initiative) The Oregonian letters to editor: letters@news.oregonian.com 1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Web: http://www.oregonlive.com/ State court throws out crime measure: The process * The initiative system has a new interpretation Friday, June 26 1998 By Ashbel S. Green and Steve Suo of The Oregonian staff The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday raised the bar for amending the state constitution. In striking down Measure 40, a multifaceted anti-crime initiative, the court rolled out a new interpretation of the powers of the citizen initiative process. The message of the unanimous court was: When amending the constitution, keep it simple. "This is a very activist decision by the Supreme Court," said Jim Westwood, a Portland lawyer who ran third in the May 19 primary for an open seat on the court. "They seem to be taking the bit in their teeth and running. It's the court almost making new law." Critics of the 1996 initiative applauded the decision, while supporters decried it. Although it might take years to see the full effect, Thursday's ruling has had three immediate effects: • Victims' rights advocates called for the Legislature to send Measure 40 back to the ballot in a form that can pass Supreme Court scrutiny. That could happen as soon as next month. Gov. John Kitzhaber has called a special session for late July or early August to address the Wilsonville prison. The Measure 40 issue could be raised during that session. • Several multifaceted initiatives now circulating, including one involving gay rights and another involving elections and union dues, seem vulnerable to a new sort of legal attack if they make it to the Nov. 3 ballot and voters approve them. • Critics of the initiative system will intensify their calls for changes, from requiring pre-ballot review of proposals to upending Thursday's court ruling. "It absolutely reaffirms the fact that we should have the opportunity . . . to have a process that allows the best possible scrutiny of a proposed measure," said House Speaker Lynn Lundquist, R-Powell Butte, a critic of the system. The decision was not surprising simply because the court overturned a voter-approved initiative. It is the fifth time in the past three years that courts have declared initiatives unconstitutional. What's different is that the court did not address the substance of Measure 40, which expanded search-and-seizure laws, eliminated the requirement that a murder conviction be by unanimous verdict and made other changes that affect how criminal suspects are prosecuted. Instead, the court ruled that Measure 40 was at least two different constitutional amendments, and the Oregon Constitution prohibits packaging more than one amendment into a single citizen initiative. Reaching back to the Indiana constitutional convention, which was the basis for the Oregon Constitution, the court wrote: "The convention debates indicate that the purpose of the prohibition was to avoid voter confusion." What's more surprising about the decision is that in the past the court routinely has rejected similar procedural arguments. Specifically, the court has rebuffed claims that initiatives violated the "single-subject rule," which requires that initiatives address only one topic. Sponsor says it's "sad day" Steve Doell, president of Crime Victims United, which sponsored Measure 40, attacked the ruling. "It's a sad day for the voters of Oregon, who have had their will thwarted one more time," he said. Others applauded the decision, saying it is an improvement to the initiative system. "This is a huge development to protect the integrity of the initiative process in Oregon," said Dave Fidanque, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. The effect, legal experts say, will be that constitutional amendments that go before voters will be less sweeping than Measure 40. How narrowly the court intends its order to be interpreted won't be known until the future. In the meantime, Doell demanded the Legislature send Measure 40 back to voters in whatever way it takes to pass. If critics have their way, the Legislature also will address problems with the initiative system. More than 80 bills to change the initiative system were introduced during the 1997 session. Lundquist proposed an independent citizens' review panel to study initiatives' constitutionality before they reach the ballot. That bill failed, as did all other substantive changes proposed during the session. "Let's face it, it's 30-second sound bites that pass initiative proposals," Lundquist said. "Does this overcome all that? No. But it's a step in the right direction." Decision may spark challenges In the immediate future, Thursday's decision seems to invite legal challenges to proposed constitutional amendments circulating for the Nov. 3 ballot. Two multifaceted proposals include an initiative sponsored by the Oregon Citizens Alliance that would restrict gay rights and a union-sponsored proposal that would change campaign finance laws. "I think there will probably be a flurry of litigation with respect to any of the proposed amendments on these very grounds," said John DiLorenzo, a Republican lawyer who has successfully challenged initiatives. In response to the ruling Thursday, the Oregon attorney general's office said it is looking ahead to the 2000 election. Initiative sponsors would not be allowed to circulate petitions if the proposals violate the court's new single-amendment rule.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana Distribution Bill Stalls In Face Of Lungren's Opposition (Bulletin From California NORML Says State Senator John Vasconcellos' Bill To Allow Local Governments To Establish Medical Marijuana Distribution Programs, SB 1887, Fell Two Votes Shy Of Passage In The Assembly Health Committee Today, Certifying Its Failure) Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 10:38:26 -0800 To: dpfca@drugsense.org, aro@drugsense.org From: canorml@igc.apc.org (Dale Gieringer) Subject: DPFCA: Cal Med MJ Bill Stalls Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ Medical MJ Distribution Bill Stalls in Face of Lungren's Opposition SACRAMENTO, Jun 30, 1998: Sen. Vasconcellos' bill to allow local governments to establish medical marijuana distribution programs, SB 1887, fell two votes shy of passage in the Assembly Health Committee today. Sen. Vasconcellos argued that his bill was a response to the mandate of Proposition 215, which called on the government to "implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution to all patients in medical need." Dr. Jane Gurley of the San Francisco Department of Health testified in favor of SB 1887, saying that the city of San Francisco would like to establish a medical marijuana program of its own. However, SB 1887 was sharply attacked by John Gordonier of the Attorney General's office, who warned that it would legalize cannabis clubs, which he described as a "public nuisance" and "drug houses," citing a recent court decision against Dennis Peron's San Francisco Cultivator's Club. Gordonier attacked SB 1887 on three grounds: first, its reliance on local control by cities and counties, which he called "most unfortunate," in light of their tolerance of cannabis clubs. Secondly, Gordonier argued that SB 1887 violated federal law. Finally, he claimed that it was not what voters intended in passing Prop. 215. In a spirited attack, Assemblyman Edward Vincent (D), ex-mayor of Inglewood, called Gordonier's testimony "offensive" to city officials like himself. He drew laughs poking fun at prohibitionist testimony from the Committee on Moral Concerns, saying "These guys who are moral - they smoke marijuana, too." Voting on the bill followed party lines, but abstention by moderate Democrats left the "ayes" short of a majority. Although SB 1887 is eligible for reconsideration by the committee, its prospects for becoming law are dead given the certainty of a veto from Gov. Wilson. California NORML is still hopeful that Sen. Vasconcellos' other medical marijuana bill, SB 535, which would establish a research program, and which is supported by Attorney General Lungren, will be passed by the legislature. *** Dale Gieringer (415) 563-5858 // canorml@igc.apc.org 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114
------------------------------------------------------------------- Doonesbury (Garry Trudeau's Syndicated Cartoon Again Makes Fun Of Prohibitionist Hyperbole In The Medical Marijuana Debate)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Media Blitz Aims To Stem 'Monster' Meth Problem ('The San Diego Union Tribune' Says California Attorney General Dan Lungren Yesterday Announced A New $18.2 Million Federally Funded Anti-Methamphetamine Media Blitz, Including Television, Radio And Billboard Ads And A World Wide Web Site - The Grant Will Also Finance The Hiring Of 131 Narcotics Agents, Criminologists And Lab Technicians) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN" (mapnews@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: US: CA: Media Blitz Aims To Stem 'Monster' Meth Problem Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 07:09:03 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ NewsHawk: John Harper Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Contact: letters@uniontrib.com Website: http://www.uniontrib.com/ MEDIA BLITZ AIMS TO STEM 'MONSTER' METH PROBLEM SACRAMENTO - Attorney General Dan Lungren introduced a federally funded media campaign yesterday meant to stem the use of methamphetamine, a powerful stimulant he said has "spread like a cancer throughout this state." The campaign features television, radio and billboard ads discouraging meth use and a new World Wide Web site where users can find information on the drug known variously as "meth" and "crank." More than other illegal substances, meth presents a multitude of challenges for law enforcement, said Lungren, the Republican nominee for governor. Users become paranoid and violent; manufacturing the drug involves a brew of volatile chemicals; and those who "cook" meth often damage the environment by dumping those chemicals. "I don't know of any other drug that has all of these evil manifestations," Lungren said at the University of California Davis Medical Center. "California's methamphetamine problem is truly a multiheaded monster. The consequences of using the drug and the costs and danger associated with the aftermath of environmental hazards all need to be addressed," he said. To heighten public awareness of the drug, Lungren said, his office will tap an $18.2 million federal grant that it requested several months ago. Some $1.8 million will go toward a public education campaign. The grant financed the production of the ads, and the state will spend $900,000 of the federal money on placing the broadcast ads. The grant money will also finance the hiring of 131 narcotics agents, criminologists and lab technicians, Lungren said. The attorney general showed reporters two TV spots that were to begin airing yesterday. Two other spots are planned. One ad shows an inviting, lush forest tainted by a man who dumps meth byproducts. A boy is heard saying, "Hey, Dad, look at this!" as the camera shows a dead bunny. The other spot portrays a creepy world as seen through the eyes of a meth user. At the end, a young man pulls a gun on his own family. The campaign also includes 55 billboards that are to be rotated throughout the state. One, displayed at the news conference, reads, "Where meth goes, violence follows." All the signs direct the public to a Web site launched late Sunday that dispenses information on meth and other drugs. Last year, the state Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement raided 977 meth labs, more than triple the number from 1990. Local authorities seized an additional 713 labs in the state last year. Although other states are experiencing meth problems, the manufacture and use of the drug is worst in California, Lungren said. The problem is so bad here that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency recently labeled California "a source nation" for meth production and distribution, Lungren said. "Methamphetamine has been manufactured here . . . for decades. It is not something new. While once considered the poor man's cocaine, however, meth use and production has now spread like a cancer throughout this state," Lungren said. Meth is sold in powder or pill form and can be smoked, snorted, swallowed or injected. Methamphetamine typically costs $600 to $800 an ounce. Most people on the street buy the drug in quarter-gram or gram increments. A quarter-gram goes for about $20, said state Department of Justice spokesman Bill Maile.
------------------------------------------------------------------- San Francisco Housing Investigation Broadens ('The San Francisco Chronicle' Says A California State Grand Jury Is Investigating Whether San Francisco Housing Authority Employees Are Using Federal Property As A Base For Drug Trafficking) Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:45:31 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: S.F. Housing Investigation Broadens Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: tjeffoc@sirius.com (Tom O'Connell) Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jul 1998 Author: Bill Wallace, Jaxon Vanderbeken, Chronicle Staff Writers S.F. HOUSING INVESTIGATION BROADENS State grand jury probes drug dealing at projects A state grand jury is investigating whether San Francisco Housing Authority employees are using federal property as a base for drug trafficking, authorities said yesterday. The investigation is the latest piece of bad news for Housing Authority Executive Director Ronnie Davis, who was appointed by Mayor Willie Brown in 1996 to fix long-standing problems at the agency. Davis himself is embroiled in a federal grand jury investigation of questionable financial dealings at the Cleveland housing authority, where he worked before coming to San Francisco. Sources close to the state grand jury investigation said the panel is probing a narcotics conspiracy that allegedly operated in the Hunters Point and Potrero Hill housing projects and elsewhere in the city. One employee under investigation helps coordinate maintenance work at the Hunters Point project, a law enforcement source said. The staff member is one of three Housing Authority workers suspected of participating in or assisting the drug trade and a target in the state and federal probe, the source said. The grand jury investigation grows out of an FBI probe called Operation Hardstone, which already has resulted in the convictions of 18 suspects in the Potrero Hill and Hunters Point projects. Ron Sonenshine, a spokesman for the Housing Authority, said agency officials had no information about the grand jury probe. The new inquiry does not appear to be directly related to two federal investigations involving the Housing Authority or Davis. One of those is a federal grand jury investigation into an unusual arrangement in which the head of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority in Ohio was able to use agency money to pay the mortgage on her condominium in suburban Washington, D.C. Davis was chief operations officer of the Cleveland agency at the time and received a letter authorizing the payments that bore the signatures of three agency directors. The three denied seeing the letter. Another inquiry is a federal civil rights investigation of Personal Protective Services of San Mateo, the private security service that Davis hired last year to guard four of the city's housing projects. Davis declined a request for an interview yesterday but responded to written questions. He denied that he was the target of the Cleveland grand jury probe and also denied involvement in any financial misconduct while he was at the agency. He said he has not been summoned before the federal grand jury in Ohio and has not been interviewed by investigators. An FBI agent in San Francisco has asked to talk to him about the Cleveland probe, but no interview has been scheduled yet, he said. Davis said he has not been contacted by investigators assigned to the civil rights investigation of Personal Protective Services and has no information about the probe. He said the company had been hired through normal agency procedures, and the Housing Authority is not reconsidering the contract in light of the investigation. OFFICIALS CLOSE RANKS Despite the growing number of agencies looking into alleged misconduct at the San Francisco Housing Authority, city officials closed ranks around Davis yesterday. Brown, who appointed Davis to run the agency a year after he engineered the ouster of the authority commission, said he is unimpressed by the fact that various agencies are looking into the Housing Authority or its director. ``Investigations are investigations,'' Brown said. ``Wait for the events to unfold and then write about them.'' The civil rights inquiry is being conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. attorney's office and the San Francisco Police Department and district attorney. It began after a Personal Protective Services guard allegedly clubbed an unarmed man who was already in police custody last year. The incident is one of five in which employees of the firm have been accused of violating the civil rights of citizens since starting patrols at the North Beach, Alemany, Valencia Gardens and West Side Courts projects. In three of the incidents, guards allegedly clubbed or manhandled victims. In one, guards are accused of planting drugs in a public housing tenant's mailbox in order to have her evicted. In another, a guard is accused of firing two shots at a moving automobile. By law, the guards are simply supposed to monitor the projects and report any crimes to police. They have no greater arrest power than any other citizen. They can carry guns and are allowed to fire in self-defense. LAWYER DECLINES COMMENT Alicia Rockwell, the lawyer who represents Personal Protective Services, declined to comment on the investigation and said she had advised the company's president, Stan Teets, not to talk to the press. The investigation began when Jahi Johnson, 25, was hit with a flashlight by one of the private guards after he was subdued by police April 10, 1997, at 15th and Valencia streets. According to a police report, guard Daniel Waymon Owens was present when two officers arrested Johnson for fighting. ``As I was holding Johnson, Owens came up and struck him in the lower head or neck area with a black metal flashlight two times,'' one of the officers wrote in the report. ``I told Owens to `back off' from Johnson, which he did.'' No charges were lodged as a result of the scuffle, but Johnson sued the company in San Francisco Superior Court asking unspecified damages. Court records and police reports describe four other incidents involving employees of Personal Protective Services: -- Guard Frank Tisdale fired two rounds at a fleeing motorist near the Alice Griffith projects on June 11, according to San Francisco police reports. Tisdale said the driver of vehicle, Ronnie Whittenberg, was under a court order to stay away from the project, but did not obey Tisdale's order to stop and tried to run him down. Whittenberg denied the guard's account. -- Guards Jose Villagomez and Marcelino Saldana are awaiting trial on charges of beating a man with a nightstick and an umbrella in a San Francisco convenience market February 20. Each has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Their alleged victim, Richard Brooks, said the guards started the fight by taunting him about wearing yellow and bumping him. The guards maintain that Brooks verbally abused them, spat in Saldana's face and began fighting when Saldana pushed him away. Both have pleaded not guilty. -- Guard Scott Wayne Willie is being sued by a woman named Willie Ann Townshend, who says Willie grabbed and stomped her, twisted her arm and placed her in handcuffs during a confrontation at Valencia Gardens on February 1. In a response filed in Superior Court, attorneys for Personal Protective Services deny Townshend's allegations. -- Guards Michael Escobar, Eric Eierman and Jerry Mogannom have been sued by a woman named Nea Porter, who says they planted drugs in her mailbox in April 1997 to force her eviction from Valencia Gardens. In papers filed by Personal Protective Services, the guards deny Porter's allegation. GUARDS WIN PRAISE Housing Authority officials said they are pleased with Personal Protective Services and believe the firm has played an important role in reducing crime in the projects. Sulu Palega, president of the Housing Authority's board of directors, said the misconduct allegations against the guards are being generated by people who are criminals themselves. ``The complaints I've gotten are from people who are dirty and who are involved in some of the unwanted activity that the guards were hired to stop,'' he said. Palega said some of the guards may have been overly aggressive, but he insisted that they have performed a public service. ``Maybe some of them are out of whack, but we need security guards who are able to protect people and ensure their safety,'' he said. ``The `Death Valley' thing (in the projects) is over. We are trying to put an end to that.'' Davis received a vote of confidence yesterday from three members of the Board of Supervisors. One of them, Supervisor Sue Bierman, said, ``He has done some really dramatic things for the people in public housing. . . . He has shown tremendous respect for people who live in public housing. I hope (the investigators) go slow on this.'' 1998 San Francisco Chronicle Page A1
------------------------------------------------------------------- At SFPD, 14 Guns Turn Up Missing (According To 'The San Francisco Examiner,' San Francisco Police Chief Fred Lau Said Monday The Department Is Trying To Account For 14 Handguns Lent To Officers While On Temporary Duty With The Narcotics Division) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN" (mapnews@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: US: CA: At SFPD, 14 Guns Turn Up Missing Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 07:11:04 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Author: Lance Williams AT SFPD, 14 GUNS TURN UP MISSING The San Francisco police lost 14 of their guns. Chief Fred Lau said Monday that the department is trying to account for 14 handguns lent in recent years to officers while on temporary duty with the narcotics division. The officers were given specialized firearms to use while working as undercover officers or on drug stakeouts, Lau said. But they apparently didn't return the weapons when they went back to their regular posts. According to a department-wide bulletin, the unaccounted-for guns include such small and nonstandard weaponry as two Smith & Wesson snub-nose .38-caliber revolvers, two Beretta automatic pistols, a French Manurhin revolver, and three Walther PPK automatic pistols, the handgun favored by the fictional British spy James Bond. The missing guns also include three Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolvers, the department's primary on-duty weapon. The bulletin, issued by Lau in May, warned officers that the guns would be listed in law-enforcement computers as stolen if they were not accounted for. Lau said that since he issued his bulletin on the guns, several had been found at the police firing range. To recover the rest, "we're going back to everybody who has been assigned to the narcotics unit," Lau said. "We're very confident we're going to find them all. "It's something we don't want to have happen again. We have issued tighter controls, and I have had discussions with the deputy chief in charge of investigations. "But we don't believe the guns are anywhere other than in the possession of police officers." Lou Reiter, a law enforcement consultant and retired deputy police chief in Los Angeles, says it's critically important for law-enforcement agencies to keep close tabs on their firearms. When police weapons are lost, public confidence in law enforcement can be shaken, he said -- especially if the guns wind up in the hands of criminals. "If you can't keep track of your weapons, which can cause death, people will say: How can we guarantee you're using all your other stuff in a reasonable manner?" Reiter said. "It would be real embarrassing if Joe Badguy comes up with one of these guns, and they're hot ticket commodities on the street." Reiter said the case of missing guns in San Francisco, as described to him by an Examiner reporter, was cause for concern. "Something's off there, in terms of losing that many weapons," he said. "You may have misconduct, or officers who have simply kept them." Lau said he learned of the missing guns after ordering an inventory of narcotics division equipment earlier this year when the new division commander, Capt. John Gleason, took over. In addition to the missing firearms, the inventory could not account for 18 small two-way radios, also used in undercover work. Like the guns, the radios had been assigned to officers on temporary duty in narcotics, but then the department lost track of them. Lau also issued a bulletin to track down the missing radios. All of them have been found, many in the department's communications division, he said. He said problems have arisen because the narcotics division uses so many officers from elsewhere in the department. "Sometimes we'll detail officers from district stations to come in (to the narcotics unit) for some operations," he said. "Often they can't use the standard firearms they are issued, so they are loaned specialized weapons, for undercover operations, for example. "I want to be very proactive on this, and adjust our procedures so that it doesn't happen again." John Crew, head of the American Civil Liberties Union's police practices project, said the missing guns suggested that procedures were too lax in the narcotics squad, which he said has long been known for "loosey-goosey" behavior. "This sets off alarms in terms of public safety, and sounds alarms about how careful they are on other issues," Crew said. 1998 San Francisco Examiner
------------------------------------------------------------------- Who Guards The Guards? (Staff Editorial In 'The Orange County Register' Discusses A New Report From The California Department Of Corrections About Brutality Against Prisoners At Corcoran State Prison, Noting The Report Concludes That Management At Corcoran 'Engaged In Selective Coverup Of Excessive Force,' And Says Charges That 'The Shroud Was Thrown Over This Investigation By Dan Lungren' Have A 'Certain Amount Of Plausibility') Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 19:29:49 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Editorial: Who Guards The Guards? Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ WHO GUARDS THE GUARDS? A new report from the California Department of Corrections about Corcoran State Prison in the San Joaquin Valley hardly instills confidence that allegations of sometimes shocking brutality by prison guards in California prisons were the product of fevered imaginations. Furthermore, the report concludes that management at Corcoran "engaged in selective coverup of excessive force." And what the CDC investigators uncovered at Corcoran might be only a fraction of the cases of excessive force there. At the request of Attorney General Dan Lungren, prison staff were not compelled to cooperate with the investigative effort, so 80 percent of the Corcoran staff did not cooperate. Rob Stutzman of the attorney general's office says this is because the Department of Justice is conducting its own investigation and that penal officers who are forced to cooperate with an internal investigation cannot have that information used against them in a subsequent criminal case. But the DOJ investigation has not resulted in criminal complaints at Corcoran, so charges by critics like Cory Weinstein of California Prison Focus in San Francisco that "the shroud was thrown over this investigation by Dan Lungren" have a certain amount of plausibility. After newspaper investigations, the Department of Corrections formed a task force in November 1996 to investigate Corcoran. It found at least 13 confirmed case of coverups of the use of excessive force in incidents ranging from staged fights between inmates to a guard slapping a prisoner in handcuffs to a threat by a guard to kill a prisoner to the setting up a rape of one inmate by another. In some instances, prison officers who were themselves the focus of accusations or who were "critical witnesses to alleged misconduct" carried out investigations themselves and found nothing that required discipline. The problem of "who shall guard the guards" has troubled political theorists since the time of the ancient Greeks. It is especially difficult in prisons, where the guards must sometimes control the behavior of violent people, some of whom believe they have nothing left to lose. But the difficulty of the task does not excuse the initiation of violence by those who are supposed to represent the forces of civilization. When authorities cover up such excesses, it compounds the degradation of civilized values. The CDC task force has performed a service in documenting misconduct and coverups at Corcoran. Allowing media reporters more access to prisoners would provide yet another check on prison guard misconduct, but the corrections department limited such access a couple of years ago. Despite complaints and hearings, that policy has not been changed. It should be.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Time For A Change (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Fresno Bee' Says The Newspaper's 'Surrender' Headline Over A Column About The Open Letter Opposing The Global Drug War, Signed By 500 World Leaders, Was Inappropriate - 'Any Military Person Will Tell You That In A War When A Strategy Or Tactic Makes The Enemy Stronger, Better Equipped And More Able To Resist, That It Is Time To Change That Strategy Or Tactic - This Is Not Surrender') Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 21:09:03 -0400 To: DrugSense News Service (mapnews@mapinc.org) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: PUB LTE: Time For A Change Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Stinkys' Pubdate: Tue, 30 June 1998 Source: Fresno Bee, The Contact: letters@fresnobee.com Website: http://www.fresnobee.com/ Author: Larry Johnson TIME FOR A CHANGE As I opened my June 28 Bee, the Vision section dropped out, and to my surprise there was a column which stated that the "war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself." Could it be that after years of failure at every step, people are finally beginning to realize the truth of that statement? Sadly, this article runs under the headline "Surrender," which is blatantly wrong. Any military person will tell you that in a war when a strategy or tactic makes the enemy stronger, better equipped and more able to resist, that it is time to change that strategy or tactic. This is not "surrender"; this is just plain smart. It is time to decriminalize all currently illegal drugs, empty our prisons of nonviolent drug offenders and let our police get back to the basics of law enforcement. As scary as that might seem, when one considers the years of terror perpetuated by drug prohibition, the billions of wasted public funds and the millions of lives ruined by enforcement of a failed policy, there is no other reasonable course of action. Larry Johnson Clovis
------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill To Allow Smoking In Bars Is Killed ('The San Jose Mercury News' Notes California's Unique Prohibition On Tobacco Use In Bars Was Saved Monday By An 8-8 Vote Along Party Lines In The California Assembly's Local Government Committee) Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:43:40 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US CA: Bill To Allow Smoking In Bars Is Killed Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family (mmfamily@ix.netcom.com) Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Author: Hallye Jordan Mercury News Sacramento Bureau BILL TO ALLOW SMOKING IN BARS IS KILLED Assembly Committee Rejects Plan SACRAMENTO -- Yet another attempt to allow smokers back into California bars was snuffed out Monday, but tavern employees who want to light up in a smoking-designated break room won a small victory from the same legislative committee. A bill introduced by Sen. William ``Pete'' Knight, R-Palmdale, would have allowed bars to be designated as smoking establishments if employees consent to work in a smoky environment, or if adequate ventilation systems are installed to accommodate non-smoking workers. The bill (SB 1513) was killed on an 8-8 vote, largely divided along party lines, by the Assembly Local Government Committee. Democrats lined up on the side of labor, which opposed the bill, while Republicans said the free-market system should allow business owners to decide whether to allow smoking. Only two Democrats sided with Republicans, while another Democrat abstained from voting. Michael Hambrick, senior vice president of the National Smokers Alliance, an organization of 300,000 California smokers and bar owners that is heavily financed by three tobacco companies, said the group will continue to push for an exemption to California's stringent, 6-month-old bar smoking ban. More than 20 tavern owners lined up in support of the bill, telling members revenues were down more than 60 percent in some cases, prompting layoffs of bartenders, waiters and waitresses. The tavern owners ``are telling (lawmakers) to get out of their ivory towers, get in the real world, put their butts on the bar stool and feel our economic pain,'' Hambrick said. But labor groups and medical and health associations said their surveys show that most Californians support the smoking ban. They point to state tax records that show revenues in small bars and restaurants actually rose 1 percent in January, the first month of the ban, compared with the same month last year. ``What this bill does is gut the protections of (the state law) that all employees of this state deserve: protections from being exposed to carcinogens that cause lung cancer and heart disease,'' said Tom Rankin of the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. Knight's measure would have allowed employers to pay an annual $50 fee and apply for a Class I smoking lounge permit from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The permit requires all employees to consent to working in an establishment that allows smoking. If workers don't agree, a bar owner could pay $100 a year and apply for a Class II permit, but would also have to install an air ventilation system approved by the State Building Standards Commission. With either permit, bar owners would have to post signs indicating smoking is allowed and accommodate employees who do not want to work in smoking sections. Employers who coerce workers into working in areas against their will would face a maximum $7,000 fine per violation. Knight's bill represents the fourth attempt this legislative session to try to overturn the smoking ban in California bars, taverns and cardrooms. Two bills that sought to exempt bars from the law for another three years died in the Senate. The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee killed another bill written by the labor committee chairman, Dick Floyd, D-Carson, that would have exempted bars until the federal government adopted ventilation standards. On Monday, the local government committee approved a bill by Senate Republican Leader Ross Johnson of Irvine that would give employees in bars, taverns and cardrooms a chance to light up on their breaks without having to step outside. Under the California Smoke-Free Workplace Act of 1994, employers may designate break rooms for smoking if proper exhaust systems are in place, and if employees are not required to work in or walk through the smoking area while performing their tasks. Labor groups said Johnson's bill was unnecessary, but supporters said there was confusion over whether the law covered drinking establishments, which were exempted from the original smoking ban until Jan. 1.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Push For Medical Use Of Pot In Jeopardy ('The Las Vegas Sun' Says Nevadans For Medical Rights Appear To Be A Few Hundred Signatures Shy In Nye County - The Verification Process Must Be Completed By July 7) Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:51:02 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NV: Push For Medical Use of Pot in Jeopardy Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV) Contact: letters@lasvegassun.com Website: http://www.lasvegassun.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Author: Cy Ryan - Sun Capitol Bureau PUSH FOR MEDICAL USE OF POT IN JEOPARDY CARSON CITY -- The future of an initiative petition to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes is in doubt. The initiative appears to have failed to qualify because of deficiencies in the number of signatures in Nye County. Secretary of State Dean Heller, however, said the issue of whether there were enough signers on the Nye County petitions must still be sorted out. Nye County Clerk Arte Robb, whose office sampled 1,228 signatures to see if they were registered voters, said Monday 607 of them were valid. The requirement for Nye County is 926 voters. Robb said the more than 600 signatures were found to be ineligible for a number of reasons such as the signers were not registered voters, signatures were illegible and the persons circulating the petition were not registered voters. Heller said he understands that Robb disqualified a number of petitions because the individuals circulating them were not registered voters or lived in another county. He said, however, that Robb does not have the authority to knock out all the signatures on those petitions and there may be several hundred that were found not to be eligible by Robb. Only a judge can rule that these signatures are invalid, Heller said. He said he may have to order a recount in Nye County. As a sidelight, Robb said that two women who were carrying additional petitions to the clerk's office in Tonopah were stopped in Esmeralda County by law enforcement officers and missed the 5 p.m. deadline June 16 for filing. Because they were late, they were not allowed to file the petitions which Robb said amounted to only an additional 90 signatures. Nevada law requires 46,764 signatures of registered voters statewide to place an initiative on the November ballot. And while the marijuana group exceeded that by collecting 74,466 signatures, the law also requires that 10 percent of the voters must sign in 13 of the 17 counties. Backers of the medical marijuana initiative collected signatures in 13 of the 17 counties, the bare minimum. Therefore, if they fail to qualify in one county, the whole petition is lost. The proposed constitutional amendment would allow a patient, upon the advice of his physician to use marijuana for the treatment or alleviation of cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, persistent nausea, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and "other disorders characterized by muscular spasticity; or other conditions approved pursuant to law for such treatment." Dan Hart, the group's spokesman, declined comment Monday saying he wanted to study the figures before making a statement. As county clerks continue to verify petition signatures, five counties -- Clark, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon and Pershing -- already have reported they have received the required number of valid signatures to place the issue on the November ballot. The clerks must complete the verification process by July 7.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Disturbance Creates A Wake-Up Call (A Staff Editorial In The Madison, Wisconsin, 'Capital Times' Suggests A Protest Sunday Night By Hundreds Of Inmates At Fox Lake Correctional Institution Was In Response To The Latest Moves By The State Department Of Corrections To Transfer More Wisconsin Prisoners Out Of State) Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 23:39:43 -0400 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Editorial: Prison Disturbance Creates A Wake-Up Call Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: June 30, 1998 Source: The Capital Times (Madison, WI) Contact: tctvoice@madison.com Website: http://www.madison.com/ Section: Editorial PRISON DISTURBANCE CREATES A WAKE-UP CALL The troubles at the Fox Lake Correctional Institution in recent days should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed recent developments in Wisconsin correctional policy. The latest moves by the state Department of Corrections to transfer Wisconsin inmates out of state represent the worst sort of stop-gap policy-making and it is no wonder that the prisoners whose lives will be most affected by those moves would react negatively. This may not justify the decision Sunday night of several hundred angry prisoners at Fox Lake to refuse to report for an evening head count. But it does explain their action. As many as 300 inmates joined in the protest against the state's expanding use of transfers. As crowding in Wisconsin prisons has reached a critical stage, the transfers have become an integral part of state corrections policy. But they are not good policy. The transfer scheme has already placed roughly 1,400 inmates in jails in Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas, and those numbers are slated to increase dramatically in the months ahead. Wisconsin officials acknowledge that there is widespread anxiety among prisoners regarding the transfers, and for good reason. The moves place Wisconsin inmates in jails in states that are notorious for their substandard conditions and their lack of adequate rehabilitation programs. They also place inmates far from families and friends whose support is vital to ensuring they can successfully return to their communities. Worst of all, the transfers appear to have taken on a political character. Among the Fox Lake inmates slated for transfer to Tennessee soon is Adrian Lomax, who has exposed a number of flaws in the state corrections system. Wisconsinites need not sympathize with Lomax or other inmates to recognize that the transfer policy is wrong-minded. If pursued, it will cost taxpayers dearly in the form of failed rehabilitation, an increase in repeat offenses, expensive lawsuits and, as Sunday's developments illustrated, tensions within the prison
------------------------------------------------------------------- Defense Begins Case, Calls On 'Dateline NBC' Associate Producer ('The Bangor Daily News' Peers A Light Into The Murky Reliability Of Urine Testing In An Update On The Lawsuit Brought By Truck Driver Peter Kennedy Against The National Broadcasting Corporation, Which Announced In 1995 That Kennedy Was Fired As A Result Of Two Positive Drug Tests) Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 23:32:39 -0400 To: DrugSense News Service (mapnews@mapinc.org) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US ME: Defense Begins Case, Calls On 'Dateline NBC' Associate Producer Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 Source: The Bangor Daily News Contact: bdnmail@bangornews.infi.net Website: http://www.bangornews.com/ Author: Nancy Garland of the NEWS Staff DEFENSE BEGINS CASE, CALLS ON 'DATELINE NBC' ASSOCIATE PRODUCER BANGOR - The laboratory that analyzed the first urine sample given by trucker Peter Kennedy in September 1994 lost its certification about six months later and eventually closed, according to testimony presented Monday in a controversial defamation trial taking place in Bangor federal court. The Acculab facility in Wisconsin was decertified by the National Institute of Drug Administration because, among other factors, it was producing too many false-positive results on random drug tests, according to a toxicologist who testified during the eighth day of the trial. The reporting of the drug test by "Dateline NBC" is a crucial element in the suit brought by Kennedy, his boss, Ray Veilleux, and Veilleux's wife, Kelly, against the National Broadcasting Co., correspondent Fred Francis and independent producer Alan Handel for defamation, invasion of privacy and negligent infliction of emotional distress. The shows, which aired April 19, 1995, and April 26, 1995, prominently featured Kennedy in a cross-country trucking trip, violating federal regulations along the way. A report from Acculab concluded that Kennedy's urine tested positive for the presence of marijuana, amphetamine and methamphetamine. The test results were taken from a random drug test ordered while Kennedy was on the cross-country trucking trip - with "Dateline NBC" staff in tow. Questions about the accuracy of the drug test and the laboratory that performed it were disclosed during the final phase of the plaintiff's case presented Monday. The defense launched its case in the late morning, calling a "Dateline NBC" associate producer and a trucking executive to the stand. The trial is expected to last into next week. In the broadcast, it was announced that Kennedy was fired as a result of two positive drug tests. Toxicologist Brian Pape of New Hampshire said that the drug test results on Kennedy's urine were not reliable. In addition to problems with the first laboratory, another laboratory, this one in California, used the same sample to perform a second test on Kennedy's urine. The second test registered positive for the same drugs as the first test, but Pape said the sample could have been contaminated by the time it reached the California laboratory. It was Kennedy who requested the second drug test in 1994. He admitted to using marijuana a few days before a cross-country trip in September and October of that year but denied using amphetamines. A lab director at the second laboratory testified by deposition that Kennedy's urine sample was not frozen when it was sent there from Wisconsin. A frozen urine specimen "preserves the integrity of the sample" and "retards the breakdown" of any drugs in the sample, according to James Callies of Quest Diagnostics. Callies is director of the substance abuse testing laboratory at the firm called Attest. Even though the urine sample was not frozen, it tested positive for marijuana, methamphetamine and amphetamine, acording to Callies. Any driver who tests positive for drugs is automatically fired, according to the president and chief executive officer of a Florida firm that had umbrella responsibility for Kennedy and his boss at the time of the drug test. Testifying for the defense, Carroll Fulmer of the Carroll Fulmer Group said he issued the order to fire Kennedy. Fulmer testified that his company bought out Ray Veilleux's company in 1992. At the time, Veilleux's company was called Transcoastal Corp. Fulmer said the company exhibited financial problems from the start. Veilleux also appeared to have problems doing business the way Fulmer officials wanted it done, leading to a separation of the businesses in 1994. Fulmer severed ties completely with Veilleux in 1995 but he denied the separation was because of the "Dateline NBC" broadcast. He said Veilleux called him after the broadcast and announced he was suing NBC. He sought Fulmer's support, the executive said. "He thought our breakdown of the company was the result of the show. I said 'it definitely was not,"' Fulmer testified. In other testimony Monday, an associate producer of "Dateline NBC" testified she was "in shock" to hear Ray Veilleux claim last week that she referred to a trucker-employee of his as a "[expletive] dopehead." Tracey Vail of Washington, D.C.. said she never referred to Kennedy that way. The first witness for the defense, Vail said she first heard the expletive-laden description of Kennedy last Friday in court. "I shook my head. I was in shock," said Vail, recalling her reaction to the testimony of Ray Veilleux. Vail's version of events before, during and after the filming of the "Dateline NBC" trucking series got under way after a midmorning break. Before her testimony, plaintiff's attorney Bill Robitzek rested his case. U.S. District Judge Morton Brody reserved a decision on a motion to dismiss the case.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Suspect Has Police Uniforms (United Press International Says Some Idiot Called Police In Baltimore, Maryland, To Report A Burglary And Police Arrested Him When They Found Marijuana In Plain View As Well As Weapons And Four Police Uniforms) Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 23:49:39 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US MD: WIRE: Drug Suspect Has Police Uniforms Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@hotmail.com) Source: UPI Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Note: Headline by Newshawk DRUG SUSPECT HAS POLICE UNIFORMS [Baltimore, MD] - What seemed like a fairly routine breaking and entering call last night turned into quite a surprise for Baltimore city cops. According to police, a man called 911 at about 9:30 p.m. to report a possible burglary. When officers arrived they found the caller at the door with a handgun. They asked the 46-year old man to put down the gun and he did. The officers then proceeded to check the house for an intruder and found a table with controlled substances on it in one room, marijuana and related paraphernalia in another room, some 25 handguns elsewhere and a basement shooting range. The officers also discovered 4 complete police uniforms. One was a Baltimore City uniform, another a county one. The man also possessed a county sheriff's outfit and a Maryland State Police uniform. The man was placed under arrest.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Officer Arrested ('Reuters' Says A Jailer At The Luther Luckett Correctional Complex In LaGrange, Kentucky, Has Resigned And Faces Misdemeanor Charges After Allegedly Agreeing To Buy Marijuana For An Inmate In A Sting Operation) Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 23:51:57 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US KY: WIRE: Prison Officer Arrested Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@hotmail.com) Source: Reuters Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 PRISON OFFICER ARRESTED (LAGRANGE, KY) -- A jailer at the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex in Oldham County faces misdemeanor charges after allegedly agreeing to buy marijuana for an inmate. State Police say 29-year-old Melissa Walters was arrested following a sting operation. Walters has resigned from her job.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Funeral For Helicopter Pilot ('Reuters' Update On The National Guard Pilot And US Forest Service Officer Who Died In A Crash On Holston Mountain In Sullivan County, Tennessee, Last Week, Trying To Eradicate Marijuana) Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 23:56:40 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US TN: WIRE: Funeral For Helicopter Pilot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Patrick Henry (resist_tyranny@hotmail.com) Source: Reuters Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 FUNERAL FOR HELICOPTER PILOT (NASHVILLE) -- The funeral for a National Guard pilot who died in a helicopter crash will be held tomorrow morning in Nashville. Visitation for Charles Harvey, of Franklin, will be held today from three-to-seven at Saint George's Episcopal Church. Harvey and a U-S Forest Service officer crashed on Holston Mountain in Sullivan County last week while on a marijuana mission. An investigation is underway into the cause of the crash, although officials believe Harvey was caught in a severe thunderstorm. The Army will have to airlift the helicopter's wreckage from the mountain because of the rough terrain.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Sues Writer For Sham Article ('The Associated Press' Says The Police Group DARE - Drug Abuse Resistance Education - Filed A $10 Million Libel Suit Monday In Los Angeles Federal Court Against Fired Journalist Stephen Glass For His Article In 'The New Republic') Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 23:53:14 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US: WIRE: GROUP SUES WRITER FOR SHAM ARTICLE Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: GDaurer@aol.com XSource: (AP) Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 Group Sues Writer For Sham Article LOS ANGELES (AP) - The national police anti-drug group D.A.R.E. is suing a former staff writer at The New Republic who admitted making up material in his articles, including at least one about D.A.R.E. In a $10 million libel suit filed Monday in Los Angeles federal court, the group Drug Abuse Resistance Education charges that Stephen Glass took ``free license to invent facts, people and scenarios, falsely describing them in detail'' in two articles he wrote about D.A.R.E. ``D.A.R.E. was one victim of many,'' the suit said, according to today's Los Angeles Times. ``There is absolutely no truth to Glass' statements regarding D.A.R.E. and Glass has admitted as such.'' Editors at The New Republic apologized earlier this month to readers after finding that Glass, 25, fabricated all or part of 27 of the 41 articles he wrote for the publication. It wasn't clear how much of the D.A.R.E. stories were made up. One, in The New Republic, accused D.A.R.E. of covering up the program's problems and intimidating people into not exposing them. The New Republic said some D.A.R.E. critics were pressured to soften their opinions, as Glass had written, but it acknowledged that Glass made up at least four people, the suit said. The other D.A.R.E. piece by Glass was a free-lance assignment for Rolling Stone. The lawsuit does not name The New Republic or Rolling Stone as defendants. Glass was fired last month after confessing he made up a story about computer hackers. The confession prompted a monthlong investigation by The New Republic. Glass cooperated with the investigation and apologized in letters to Charles Lane, the magazine's editor, and Martin Peretz, the owner and editor in chief. *** [Portland NORML notes - Stephen Glass's article in 'The New Republic,' titled, "Don't You D.A.R.E.," which appeared in the issue of March 3, 1997, is one of many articles about DARE included at this site. Rather than censor the article by removing it, Portland NORML has added a note about its inaccuracies but will continue to archive it for historical purposes at http://www.pdxnorml.org/NR_DARE_030397.html - ed.] *** Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 20:34:15 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: amr@lainet.com Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Dave Fratello (amr@lainet.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: The Dope on Glass's DARE Articles Back when the Stephen Glass/New Republic scandal broke in May, many folks wondered how the alleged fabrications might affect Glass's articles on the D.A.R.E. program. (Glass wrote about DARE for The New Republic and Rolling Stone.) Like many of Glass's articles, it appears now that these DARE stories were based on a real phenomenon, but characters were created from thin air to make or prove key points that were otherwise difficult or impossible to nail down. DARE filed a lawsuit against Glass for defamation ($10 million, no less). Below is a triumphal series of announcements about Glass's fall from grace, and the lawsuit. All info courtesy of DARE's website... http://www.dare-america.org -- dave fratello *** MAGAZINE WRITER FIRED STEPHEN GLASS WROTE NEGATIVE, SLANTED AND FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT D.A.R.E. On May 11, 1998, the Washington Post reported that The New Republic magazine fired associate editor, Stephen Glass, "for fabricating characters and situations in several of his articles." According to the Washington Post, The New Republic editor Charles Lane said, "he dismissed Glass after confirming that Glass had written a recent article, which was a total fabrication." Lane called this latest piece by Glass, "a hoax." Lane told the Washington Post, "that he determined to a moral certainty that the entire article was made up." When confronted by editor Lane, "Glass also acknowledged problems or embellishments in some of his earlier articles." It should be noted that Stephen Glass made false, malicious and wild unsubstantiated accusations concerning the D.A.R.E. program in two major magazines. Some reporters who failed to confirm facts and examine sources have repeated information from these articles. UPDATE: June 30, 1998 In the June 29, 1998, issue of The New Republic is a full accounting of the investigation into the articles written by Stephen Glass. Concerning the article on the D.A.R.E. program, Glass "fabricated some of the persons who purportedly had negative experiences with D.A.R.E." These included "James, a television news producer" and "Daniel, a young protestor at an Illinois college." Also nonexistent were an "NBC employee" and a "Justice Department official." The New Republic gave no excuses; however, they did offer their "deepest apologies to all concerned." UPDATE: July 1, 1998 D.A.R.E. FILES LIBEL SUIT AGAINST MAGAZINE JOURNALIST Los Angeles, CA (June 30, 1998) - D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), filed a $10 million libel suit against journalist Stephen Glass, who is accused of falsifying over two dozen articles in various magazines. In the lawsuit, D.A.R.E. claims its reputation was maligned by articles that Glass wrote for New Republic and Rolling Stone, which D.A.R.E. charges "aided, abetted and assisted" in these fabrications "for sensationalism and to sell copy." In 1997 the New Republic ran a piece written by Glass entitled "Don't You D.A.R.E." which claimed the organization encouraged kids to turn in their parents for suspected drug use. The article included a reference to a ten-year-old boy who supposedly was pressured by officials at the D.A.R.E. chapter in Douglasville, Georgia - a city where, the lawsuit charged, there was no D.A.R.E. program. Similarly, in a 1998 article for Rolling Stone, entitled "Truth or D.A.R.E.," Glass accused D.A.R.E. of trying to "silence critics, suppress scientific research and punish nonbelievers." According to the article, D.A.R.E. officials accused an Illinois college professor critical of the organization as a campus drug dealer. The lawsuit maintained that the named professor "is an entirely fictitious character." "Glass had taken free license to invent facts, people and scenarios, falsely describing them in detail, " according to the suit. "D.A.R.E. was one victim of many. There is absolutely no truth to Glass' statements regarding D.A.R.E. and Glass has admitted as much." When the scandal first broke in May, 1998, New Republic fired Glass and discovered in a review of his work that 27 of his 41 articles for the publication were entirely or partially made up. The lawsuit is the first libel action filed against Glass since his fabrications first came to light.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DARE Funding To Continue Despite Proven Ineffectiveness - Clinton Administration Continues To Ignore The Science, DPF Charges (News Release From The Drug Policy Foundation) Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 15:32:21 EDT Reply-To: dpnews@dpf.org From: Drug Policy News Service (dpf-mod@dpf.org) To: Multiple recipients of list (dpnews@dpf.org) Subject: Press Release: DPF Denounces Continued DARE Funding DRUG POLICY FOUNDATION NEWS RELEASE Contact: Rob Stewart, Scott Ehlers, or Alexander Robinson (202) 537-5005 For Release: June 30, 1998 DARE Funding to Continue Despite Proven Ineffectiveness Clinton Administration Continues to Ignore the Science, DPF Charges WASHINGTON, D.C. - On July 1, the new Department of Education "Principles of Effectiveness" for drug prevention programs will go into effect. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program will be eligible for federal funding, according to Bill Modzeleski, director of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program. The Drug Policy Foundation disagrees with that decision because research has consistently shown DARE to be ineffective in reducing drug use. "Science should dictate our nation's drug policies and how we spend our limited prevention resources. If the scientific community says, 'DARE doesn't work,' then its federal subsidy should end on July 1," said H. Alexander Robinson, DPF's public policy director. The new "Principles of Effectiveness" will require Safe and Drug-Free School grants "to support research-based drug and violence prevention programs for youth," according to the June 1 Federal Register. "What is the point in creating 'Principles of Effectiveness' for federal drug prevention grants if the government continues to fund ineffective programs?" asked Rob Stewart, DPF's communications director. "We must do all we can to identify sound programs that prevent adolescent drug use and reduce the harms associated with drugs," Stewart said. The most recent study showing DARE's ineffectiveness was conducted by Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His six-year study of 1,798 students found that "DARE had no long-term effects on a wide range of drug use measures." Prof. Rosenbaum told NBC News: "Kids in the suburbs who Š participated in DARE actually had significantly higher levels of drug use than suburban kids who did not get the DARE program." The National Institute on Drug Abuse does not endorse DARE either. In its March 1997 publication, "Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide," NIDA recommended 10 programs shown to be effective in reducing drug use. DARE was not mentioned. "If the National Institute on Drug Abuse doesn't trust DARE, neither should the American people," Robinson noted. But according to Modzeleski, DARE can continue receiving federal funding because the new "Principles of Effectiveness" only require programs to demonstrate a "promise of effectiveness." But published research indicates that DARE cannot fulfill this promise. In addition to Rosenbaum's study, articles published in such prestigious journals as American Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine have found fault with DARE's methods. "If programs that receive a failing grade are still eligible for funding, the 'Principles of Effectiveness' simply represent lip service to science, which has typified the Clinton administration's approach to drug policy," Stewart concluded. *** Contact Information: Bill Modzeleski Safe and Drug Free Schools Program U.S. Department of Education tel: (202) 260-3954 email: bill_modzeleski@ed.gov Prof. Dennis Rosenbaum Department of Criminal Justice University of Illinois, Chicago tel: (312) 996-5290 Established in 1986, the Drug Policy Foundation is a private nonprofit with over 18,000 supporters who favor a range of reasoned and compassionate alternatives to current policies. *** This press release was brought to you by the Drug Policy News Service, a service of the Drug Policy Foundation. To sign up for the Drug Policy News Service, send email to listproc@dpf.org with the following in the message: subscribe dpnews (Firstname Lastname). [Replace "(" with "<" and ")" with ">" - ed.] *** THE DRUG POLICY FOUNDATION "Creating reasoned and compassionate drug policies" 4455 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite B-500 Washington, DC 20008-2328 USA Tel: (202) 537-5005 * Fax: (202) 537-3007 dpf@dpf.org http://www.dpf.org http://www.drugpolicy.org -------------------------------------------------------------------
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