------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana Supporters Learn From California - The Measure's Authors Don't Want Oregon To Endure Legal Battles (Salem 'Statesman Journal' Article About Oregon Medical Marijuana Ballot Initiative Filed By Oregonians For Medical Rights) Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 10:31:59 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: alive@pacifier.com (Arthur Livermore) To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: Medical Marijuana Supporters Learn From California MEDICAL MARIJUANA SUPPORTERS LEARN FROM CALIFORNIA The measures author's don't want Oregon to endure legal battles The Statesman Journal Salem, Oregon 3-4-98 by David Kravets Statesman Journal Backers of an effort to legalize marijuana for medicinal uses are hoping to create an Oregon law that would avoid the kind of havoc produced by the nation's only medicinal-use law in California. Their goal: to write a November ballot measure that is palatable to both voters and law enforcement. Backers think they have that ironed out and submitted the proposal Tuesday to Oregon's secretary of state. Americans for Medical Rights is backing medical marijuana ballot proposals in a number of states, including the District of Columbia, Maine, Alaska, Nevada, Florida, and Oregon. The group has learned to include such provisions as outlawing public use and limiting the amount a patient can cultivate and possess. But there's one question they purposefully don't answer: How do you allow the legal use of marijuana without also making it legal to sell the drug? "The California law is short and to the point and a statement of principle and left a lot of questions unanswered," Said Dave Fratello, spokesman for Americans for Medical Rights. The group based in Santa Monica, Calif., pushed for passage of California's Proposition 215 in 1996. The problems came about when cannabis clubs began to flourish in California. How patients get marijuana is at the forefront of legal disputes threatening the nationwide drive toward legalized medicinal us of it. San Francisco District Attorney Terrance Hallinan promised voters in 1996 that Proposition 215 would not legalize the sale of. Yet as many as 25 so-called cannabis clubs have flourished in the Golden State, and the government is beginning to crack down on them. "We want to send a clear message that distribution is a violation," said Gregory King, a justice department spokesman. A hearing is set next month in federal court on whether six northern California clubs can operate, and the California Supreme Court ruled against the clubs last week. Another point of confusion is whether doctors can recommend marijuana to patients. After Proposition 215 passed, federal regulators threatened to revoke the prescription-writing authority of any doctor who recommended marijuana. Doctors filed a class action suit and last April won a preliminary injunction against the federal sanctions, but the case is pending. "The argument that is being made by the cannabis clubs is that they are serving a legitimate need created by the passage of the new law," said Mitchell Disney, Ventura County Calif., prosecutor suing in state court to close a club. "Unfortunately for them, the case law that is developing around Proposition 215 says sales of marijuana remains illegal and that Proposition 215 is strictly a grow-your-own statute." And the federal government is "investigating" whether to move against the growing of marijuana for medicinal uses, King said. Sponsors of Oregon's measure meanwhile, assure voters that the proposal does not endorse marijuana selling. The proposal, which they say is certain to qualify for the November ballot after 73,000 signatures are collected, leaves it to the patient to grow or to somehow acquire marijuana through other means such as receiving it as a gift from a friend who is legally growing it. "The questions is where they get the seeds or where they get the cuttings or the marijuana is still up to the patient," said Rick Bayer, a Lake Oswego doctor who helped draft the initiative. If passed, Oregon's law would allow qualified patients to grow no more than seven plants at a time, and if they are growing marijuana, they can possess no more than 3 ounces of smokable marijuana. Patients not growing can possess one ounce. Fratello said the group purposely omitted language about how patients acquire the seeds to harvest marijuana or how noncultivating patients acquire the marijuana. He said it was left out because voters might not approve of the legalized sale of marijuana. Neither would the government, he said. "Marijuana is available anyway. The one thing you can do with this law is protect people no matter how they get it. We did contemplate supply. If we did put it in, the whole thing could be thrown out," Fratello said. While marijuana clubs emerged in the 1980's to provide reliable, nonstreet sources of marijuana to the sick, they operated underground or with tacit approval from authorities. Since California's Proposition 215 made no mention of them, their legal status is now in dispute. "Is this law going to create cannabis clubs in Oregon?" Fratello said. "No. The law doesn't create them. But there's nothing in it to stop them from forming." While Oregon's police chiefs dispute the benefits of marijuana on the sick, they said the measure paves the way toward the legalization of marijuana. "Legalizing marijuana for medical reasons is the first step toward the legalization of marijuana," said Darin Campbell, spokesman for the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police. Campbell added that the local authorities would not allow cannabis clubs like those in California to operate in Oregon. But sick people are smoking marijuana, regardless of litigation and drive toward medicinal marijuana. Stormy Ray, an eastern Oregon woman suffering from multiple sclerosis, is backing the effort to legalize medicinal use of marijuana in Oregon. "Medical marijuana may be the only medicine that can give me a fighting chance," the grandmother of four said. Gov. John Kitzhaber, an emergency room physician, said he supports medicinal use of marijuana. But Kitzhaber is unsure whether he supports the proposed legislation. Other doctors are not so sure of its benefits and the Oregon Medical Association has not yet taken a position. And for now, the Oregon Department of Justice is not offering an opinion on the proposal.
------------------------------------------------------------------- An Imperfect Poster Boy ('Willamette Week' Suggests Portland NORML Is Uncomfortable About Standing Up For Target Of Warrantless Break-In By Marijuana Task Force Who Killed One Cop, Wounded Two Others Before Dying In Police Custody - With Clarification)NewsBuzz Willamette Week Portland, Oregon March 4, 1998 http://www.wweek.com/ letters to editor: mzusman@wweek.com AN IMPERFECT POSTER BOY Shortly after the news broke that alleged cop-killer Steven Dons had committed suicide last week, the e-mails were launched.The first, a "YELLOW ALERT," arrived at Willamette Week at 11:21 am on Feb. 25, saying "FREEDOM FIGHTERS SHOULD PREPARE FOR ACTION NOW." The second, which showed up two hours later, demanded an independent investigation into Dons' death, adding ominously, "Dead men tell no lies, or truth." Both e-mails were from Floyd Landrath, secretary of the Portland chapter of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. From the start, Dons' Jan. 27 shootout with police created a dilemma for local marijuana advocates and cop critics (two groups with considerable overlap). On the one hand, the shooting highlighted controversial police tactics used against suspected marijuana growers ("Sniff and Grab," WW, Feb. 11, 1998). On the other hand, as the only suspect in a police officer's death, Dons wasn't exactly a sympathetic figure. When Dons, who was partially paralyzed, wound up dead in the jail hospital, it added another twist. He had become a victim of the War on Drugs, and Landrath was ready to mobilize like-minded dissidents in a time of crisis. The gathering, however, had more the tone of a klatch of PTA moms than a covey of freedom fighters. The meeting started with a disclosure that there was only one copy of the agenda and that a recent fund-raising event netted about $100 and registered four new voters. The topic of Dons' death was broached. "Is it suicide, or is it homicide?" Landrath asked the group. "I remember on Jan. 27th, 28th, a lot of people said, just in conversation, he won't make it to trial. I had that feeling too." "Everyone is a suspect," someone else intoned. Shasta Hatter wondered how "someone who's paralyzed can commit suicide." That sentiment, however, faded as group members stuffed envelopes for a mass mailing that would go out later that week. "We don't want to be perceived as being in the corner of Dons," said Landrath. Hatter was even more blunt. "Let's be honest," she said. "How many people care that he's dead?" Landrath got the group to agree to a candlelight vigil Friday for jailed marijuana activist Terry Miller. New signs, reflecting the recent events, could be made. One sign already asked, "Suicide?" Group members' reaction to that sign, however, was tepid at best. The vigil was canceled. On Monday, another e-mail arrived. Its subject: "DUMP THE MARIJUANA THUG FORCE (MTF)." It promised a speakout on Friday, March 6, across from the downtown Justice Center. - Paul Albert *** [Portland NORML webmaster Phil Smith comments from San Francisco - ] The link from the article above to Portland NORML's home page is verbatim, at least as far as the online version of 'Willamette Week' goes. A couple of the other links added here show that Floyd Landrath issued the bulletins referred to by 'Willamette Week' under the name of his American Antiprohibition League rather than as Secretary of Portland NORML. Since 'Willamette Week' has linked to this site while misrepresenting its contents, a clarification seems appropriate. As anyone knows who has followed the Dons case via the Portland NORML daily news archive, the issue isn't Dons at all. The issue is whether members of the Marijuana Task Force lied when they said they smelled marijuana being burned in Dons' fireplace in an attempt to destroy evidence. That was their legal justification for breaking down Dons' door without a warrant. Does the factual evidence support the police or did they lie? If there was indeed burned marijuana found in Dons' fireplace, it is probably no longer of consequence to him or anyone else. But if there was not any burned marijuana found in Dons' fireplace, the ramifications may be quite serious for more than a few people who survive him. Let 'Willamette Week' report the facts, if it can remember the primary function of a real newspaper. Only when the facts are made known can Portlanders know what to make of the Dons case. With "An Imperfect Poster Boy," 'Willamette Week' is at best trying to make fun of the confusion its own incompetence has helped sow. Even if the facts support the testimony of police to a judge that marijuana was being burned in Dons' fireplace, there remains a real scandal in the inability of mass media in Portland, including 'Willamette Week,' to answer an obvious question that has probably occurred to every sentient adult who has followed the Dons case so far. Only the facts will ever allow anyone to view the case in its proper perspective - as has always been true with other facets of America's tragically absurd war on some drug users. Finally, it should be noted the Terry Miller referred to in "An Imperfect Poster Boy' is the director of Portland NORML and a medical marijuana patient whose physician endorses his use of cannabis. Terry is not just a "marijuana activist," he is a medical marijuana activist fighting for his and others' right to the best health he can achieve. He is also in jail because police lied about smelling growing marijuana while standing at his front door. The people of Portland and Oregon have put this decorated Vietnam Vet and husband with a little girl and pregnant wife in work release for four months for doing what his doctor says is good for him, without even giving him his day in court to try to persuade a jury of his peers that his cultivation of cannabis was justified under Oregon's "Choice of Evils" statute. Possibly these facts were omitted from "An Imperfect Poster Boy" because Judge Ellen F. Rosenblum, the wife of the publisher of 'Willamette Week,' is the same judge who ruled that medical marijuana patients such as Terry Miller are not entitled to invoke Oregon's "Choice of Evils" statute. Willamette Week' may not want its readers to know how literally it is in bed with the law enforcement community, but its readers may not otherwise be able to understand why the once alternative weekly has been completely muzzled as a potential critic of police misconduct and the war on some drug users.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Get Broader Leeway In Searches ('Associated Press' Notes US Supreme Court Uses 1994 Case Of Search For Escaped Prisoner That Led To Warrant And No-Knock Entry Of Another Man's Home In Boring, Oregon) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 14:52:40 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: Wire: Police Get Broader Leeway In Searches Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Source: Associated Press Pubdate: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 POLICE GET BROADER LEEWAY IN SEARCHES WASHINGTON (AP) -- Police with search warrants do not need extra justification to enter a home without knocking first even if the entry results in property damage, the Supreme Court ruled today. The unanimous ruling allows prosecutors to use as evidence weapons seized from an Oregon man's home after police broke a window while making a no-knock entry. The high court previously has ruled that police with search warrants can enter someone's home without knocking if they have a ``reasonable suspicion'' that knocking and announcing themselves would be dangerous or harm the investigation. ``Whether such a reasonable suspicion exists depends in no way on whether police must destroy property in order to enter,'' Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote for the court. However, Rehnquist said such entries still are governed by the Constitution's Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches. ``Excessive or unnecessary destruction of property in the course of a search may violate the Fourth Amendment, even though the entry itself is lawful,'' the chief justice wrote. But the court upheld the 1994 search of Hernan Ramirez's home in Boring, Ore. Police came to his home on a tip that an escaped inmate may have been there. Officials said the inmate struck a guard, stole a vehicle and threatened to kill police officers and others. The 45 officers arrived early in the morning and announced over a loudspeaker that they had a search warrant. Without waiting for a response, one officer broke a garage window and began waving a gun through the window. Ramirez said he and his wife thought they were being burglarized. He got a gun and fired it into the ceiling, but surrendered when he realized the window was broken by police. The escaped inmate was not found, but police got a new search warrant and seized two guns. Ramirez was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. A federal judge ruled the search unlawful, saying officers' knowledge of the escaped inmate's violent past justified entering Ramirez's home without knocking, but only if they could do it without damaging his property. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling, but the Supreme Court disagreed. The police officers' conduct in breaking into Ramirez's home was ``clearly reasonable,'' the chief justice said. ``The police here broke a single window in (Ramirez's) garage'' because they wanted to keep the house's occupants from grabbing weapons that an informant had said were inside, Rehnquist wrote. The case is U.S. vs. Ramirez, 96-1469.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Protest And Letter Writing Alert (Bulletin From Rapid Response Team At Drug Reform Coordination Network About Protest Rally Opposing Federal Lawsuit Against Six Northern California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Noon Tuesday, March 24, At Federal Building In San Francisco, Plus All The Information You Need To Ask California Legislators To Support SB 1887 And SB 535 And To Oppose SB 2113) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 20:41:27 -0500 To: drcnet@drcnet.org From: David Borden borden@intr.net Subject: CALIFORNIA: Protest and Letter Writing Alert (3/4/98) *** Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) Rapid Response Team *** Please copy and distribute 3/4/98 *** (To be removed from this list, mailto:drcnet@drcnet.org with your request. Please specify whether you are asking to be removed from DRCNet entirely, or only from the California distribution.) [PROTEST IN SAN FRANCISCO 3/24 -- SEE BELOW] Republican Drug warrior Richard Rainey, state Senator from Walnut Creek, has introduced a bill, SB 2113, which would sharply restrict the medical use of marijuana. Because it would modify Prop. 215, it would have to go to the voters as a ballot measure if passed, requiring major investments in time and money to ensure its defeat. Meanwhile, on the positive side, Sen. John Vasconcellos (D- Santa Clara) has introduced SB 1887, establishing a Medical Marijuana Distribution Task Force to research and make recommendations for a medical marijuana distribution system, and SB 535, creating a medical marijuana research program. Vasconcellos has also called for a statewide summit on safe, responsible distribution of medical marijuana, and has invited Gov. Pete Wilson, Cal. Attorney General Dan Lungren and U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno to participate. Please contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose SB 2113, to support SB 1887 and SB 535, and to support Sen. Vasconcellos' call for a statewide medical marijuana distribution summit. Remind them that more Californians voted for Prop. 215 than Bill Clinton. Please write to your state Senator and Assemblymember. You can find out your Senator's phone number by calling (916) 445-4251, and your Assemblymember's phone number, by calling (916) 445-3614. You can look up your Senators' number directly at http://www.sen.ca.gov/www/leginfo/finger.html or view a list at http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/sen-addresses.html on the California Senate web site. For the assembly, visit http://ais3.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset9.htm to get their phone numbers or send them e-mail through http://ais3.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset7.htm on the California Assembly web site. Or, you can write to any legislator at the following addresses: [Your Assemblymember] [Your Senator] State Capitol State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 94249-0001 In addition to contacting your own legislators, please also contact the members of the State Senate Public Safety Committee: Sen. John Vasconcellos, chair, Sen. Richard Rainey, Sen. Diane Watson (LA), Sen. Quentin Kopp (SF), Sen. John Burton (SF), Sen. Bruce MacPherson (Santa Cruz), Sen. Richard Polanco (LA), and Sen. Adam Schiff (Burbank). RALLY & PROTEST, OPPOSING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT's LAWSUIT TO CLOSE DOWN SIX LEADING CALIFORNIA MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES. MARCH 24, 12:00-1:00 PM, FEDERAL BUILDING, 450 GOLDEN GATE AVE., SAN FRANCISCO. Tax deductible donations to provide legal defense, education and assistance for medical marijuana patients and caregivers can be made to NORML Foundation -- MMPCF, c/o California NORML, 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco, CA 94114. For further information on all the above topics, contact Dale Gieringer, (415) 563-5858, canorml@igc.apc.org, http://www.norml.org/canorml/. (Please send copies of your letters to DRCNet at the address below, via fax at (202) 293-8344, or via e-mail at drcnet@drcnet.org.) *** DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be sent to 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or made by credit card at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html on the web. *** DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet DRCNet *** JOIN/MAKE A DONATION http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html DRUG POLICY LIBRARY http://www.druglibrary.org/ REFORMER'S CALENDAR http://www.drcnet.org/calendar.html SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html DRCNet HOME PAGE http://www.drcnet.org/ STOP THE DRUG WAR SITE http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Teen Survives First Brush With 'Zero Tolerance' Policy ('Orange County Register' Notes Orange County Superior Court Judge Has Allowed An 18-Year-Old Student To Stay At Corona Del Mar High School Until A March 17 Court Hearing On Whether His Due Process Rights Were Violated After He Was Suspended When Cannabis Traces May Or May Not Have Been Found In His Glove Box In Transit From School) Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 17:13:13 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US CA: Teen Survives First Brush With 'zero-Tolerance' Policy Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 Source:Orange County Register Section:News,page, 1 Contact:(letters@link.freedom.com) Author:Dennis Love and Stuart Pfeifer-Orange County Register TEEN SURVIVES FIRST BRUSH WITH 'ZERO-TOLERANCE' POLICY EDUCATION: A judge allows the 18-year-old to remain in school until his March 17 hearing. A Corona del Mar High School senior has won the latest round in a fight against his school's "zero tolerance" drug policy, but educators say the hard-nosed, increasingly popular philosophy probably is here to stay. Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert E. Thomas ordered the Newport-Mesa Unified School District on Tuesday to allow Ryan Huntsman to stay enrolled at Corona del Mar until a March 17 court hearing to determine whether the district acted properly when the student was suspended and ordered transferred to another school. Huntsman was an aspiring college student, a three-year golf team letterman and a member of the school's yearbook staff when a Newport Beach police officer caught him off campus last month with trace amounts of a substance purported to be marijuana. Huntsman was only cited for playing his car stereo too loudly, but police sent a copy of the report to school officials. The Newport-Mesa Unified School District decided without a hearing to suspend the 18-year-old for five days and forcibly transfer him to a different school in accordance with its zero-tolerance drug policy. Huntsman took the district to court after he was prevented from presenting evidence of a blood screen showing he had not ingested marijuana. David Shores, an Irvine lawyer representing Huntsman, said the district acted irresponsibly when it relied on the police report. No test have been conducted to confirm whether the substance found was marijuana residue. The issue is not the zero-tolerance policy, but whether the district provided Huntsman due process before acting, Shores said. Zero-tolerance school policies regarding weapons and drugs seem to be prospering in these times, despite such instances where parents argue their children are unduly victimized by the rules. School officials say the philosophy - which calls for automatic expulsion, suspension or transfer when students commit specified offenses - has sharply reduced campus crime as well as incidents of drug and alcohol abuse at events such as school proms. "Most people are happy with the system except those parents whose kids get caught doing something wrong," said Ron Wenkart, general counsel for the Orange County Department of Education, which hears about 10 appeals each year from students penalized under zero-tolerance policies. The Huntsman controversy started at about 1:10 p.m. Feb. 18, when a Newport Beach police officer stopped Huntsman's car on Vista del Oro and found a marijuana pipe and a plastic bag allegedly containing trace amounts of the drug in his glove box. Huntsman had completed his classes for the day and stopped by his mother's office and the office of a college counselor at the time he was stopped. The bag and suspected marijuana, he said, belonged to a friend. Huntsman gave school officials conflicting reports of his destination at the time he was stopped. He provided a written statement that he was driving home and a verbal statement that he was going to school to work on the yearbook. In either case, the district contends, Huntsman violated a strict policy against possessing drugs while traveling to or from school or a school function. He was ordered transferred to Newport Harbor High School, three months short of his graduation. Zero-tolerance policies are not a perfect solution, Newport-Mesa Interim Superintendent Bob Francy said Tuesday. "But I think most high school principals will tell you that student activities in this district no longer are plagued with drug and alcohol problems." Francy said that in contrast to earlier eras, "Kids come sober to the dances. Alcohol and drugs tend not to be an issue, and most of us feel that is attributable to zero tolerance." Some administrators pointed to a recent national study that showed a drop in crime on school campuses as further evidence that zero-tolerance policies are effective. State law stipulates that certain offenses by students carry a punishment of mandatory expulsion: Brandishing a gun or knife, the sale of controlled substances, and sexual assault or sexual battery. The state "recommends' expulsion for another list of offenses: Causing serious physical injury to another person except in self-defense, possession of any knife, explosive or other dangerous object, unlawful possession of any controlled substance, robbery, extortion, and assault on a school employee. Most other offenses fall under individual school district zero-tolerance policies. As in Huntsman's case, most school district in Orange County require that students be suspended and then transferred to another school within the district when violations occur. Wenkart said most Orange County districts have an appeals process that begins with a three-member panel at the school level. A student then can take his case to the assistant superintendent, then to the superintendent, and then to the county level. At that stage, Wenkart said, the arbitrators do not revisit the merits of the case but simply ensure that proper procedures were followed. He said that lower-level decisions rarely are overturned. But on Tuesday, Huntsman nodded his head and grinned after Thomas announced his decision. He plans to attend classes this morning. "It would have been really awkward, just things like prom, grad night, classes," Huntsman said of the prospect of suddenly transferring to another high school. "I didn't like the way they handled everything," he said. "I'm happy with the decision. I'm going to be happy attending Corona again." John Hayashida, an attorney for the district, argued that Huntsman would not be harmed by attending Newport Harbor High School while the decision on his transfer was pending in court. In a motion opposing the proposed order reinstating Huntsman, Hayashida enclosed a copy of the district's drug policy, which is posted in each classroom. It states that any student possessing, using, buying or selling drugs or alcohol on campus, to and from school, or any school function will be transferred on a first offense. The second offense mandates expulsion from the district. "I'm disappointed in the decision," Hayashida said after the judge's temporary order. "I think it's important the board policies be adhered to." Huntsman told police and school officials that the bag and pipe belonged to a friend. He declined to answer questions about the marijuana pipe, the bag or his drug use after the court hearing Tuesday.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Hotspot ('Palo Alto Weekly' Sends A Reporter Out On Saturday Night Patrol With The Police Of East Palo Alto, California) Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 10:53:04 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: US CA: Operation Hotspot To: DrugSense News Service Organization: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family Source: Palo Alto Weekly (California) Author: Vicky Anning Contact: paweekly@netcom.com Pubdate: 4 Mar 1998 Website: http://www.service.com/PAW/ OPERATION HOTSPOT A Saturday Night on Patrol with the East Palo Alto Police Next to the seven shotguns in Sgt. Tom Alipio's office hangs a large Harley Davidson calendar inscribed with the words "Busy Night, Big City." As Sgt. Alipio huddles with his officers in the East Palo Alto Police Department one Saturday night in January, his tattooed arms broader than most people's thighs, he rattles off the names of drug hot spots that his officers should patrol that night: Sacramento Street, Buchanan Court, the 2000 block of Clarke Avenue, East O'Keefe Street and East Bayshore Road. It's going to be a busy night. Up to six East Palo Alto police officers have been working overtime two nights each week since December in the city's most troublesome drug-dealing areas. In a city of just 2.5 square miles, police have identified 18 so-called hot spots. Police Chief Wes Bowling unveiled the plan--dubbed Operation Hotspot--at a City Council study session Jan. 15, and told council members that in its six weeks of operation the team had made 15 felony arrests, seized several guns, and confiscated a large supply of street drugs, including 2.6 pounds of heroin with a street value of about $500,000, which police displayed at a press conference the following day. The special operation plan was put together at the end of October, Bowling told reporters. Originally, it was slated to continue for just 60 days, but Bowling said this Monday that the operation will now run at least through April. Operation Hotspot was launched in response to an alarming increase in open drug dealing in East Palo Alto in the fall of 1997, and an increasing level of drug-related violence. The violence culminated in 15 murders last year, including nine people who died in a suspected arson fire at one house on Fordham Street in April. That tally is the city's highest since it was labeled "the murder capital of the United States" in 1992. That year there were 42 murders in a city of just under 24,000 residents. In 1998, there have already been three murders in the city, two of them apparently drug-related. Sgt. Alipio, who heads the operation, explained that his goal is to put pressure on known drug-dealing areas by stopping the dealers and buyers from loitering on the streets. Issuing search warrants for specific houses and going after the big fish come further down the line, he said. "The target is to keep the streets clear," he said. "We don't want anybody hanging out. We want to put pressure on the hot spots." On March 1, the San Mateo County Sheriff's office launched an antinarcotics sweep in East Palo Alto, according to spokesman Lt. Larry Boss. This will target street activity, while the county's Narcotics Task Force carries out undercover work to infiltrate organized crime, he said. Bowling said Monday that the sheriff's team and Operation Hotspot will operate on alternating nights, so that the city's drug locations will be patrolled three or four nights a week. A Palo Alto Weekly reporter and photographer rode along with one of East Palo Alto's police officers, John Norden, one Saturday night in January--just before the floods hit the city--to witness Operation Hotspot for ourselves. That night, the six-man patrol team made eight arrests for violations ranging from possession of rock cocaine to parole violations. The night before, the same team netted four felony arrests and two misdemeanors and identified several gang members, Sgt. Alipio said. This is a chronicle of Saturday night's events: 6 p.m. Sgt. Alipio gathers the team--himself and three other officers--to discuss tactics and locations for the night's patrol. Each officer is to patrol the five or six hot spots identified that night by Sgt. Alipio based on citizens' complaints and his own observations. The officers will only meet if they radio one another for help. Two more officers will join the team as the night wears on. 7 p.m. Sgt. Alipio and his team don combat gear and bulletproof vests, black baseball caps and matching black jackets with POLICE printed in bright yellow on the arms and back so that they can identify one another. As we climb into Officer Norden's patrol car, he tells us that he was shot at as he drove along the 500 block of Sacramento Street just a few days earlier. I ask nervously whether there are any bulletproof vests left over for photographer Joe Melena and me. Norden says no. There is only one vest assigned for each officer. The best thing we can do if we're shot at, he explains, is duck down so that the metal of the car protects us from flying bullets. Before we leave the relative safety of the police department parking lot, Norden explains to us matter-of-factly that there is no shotgun in this particular patrol car. "If I get out of the car and get my head blown away," he says, "the best thing you can do is hit reverse and get out of there." I wonder to myself what I would do if there WAS a shotgun in the car and Norden was blown away. I've never used a gun in my life. I let Joe sit in the front seat, next to Norden. Usually, Norden has a different companion in the car: an 85-pound Alsatian dog named Niko, who can sniff out drugs and apprehend fleeing suspects. As we drive off, Norden tells us that he has already worked 47 hours overtime in the past two weeks. "That's voluntary," he says. "I wasn't ordered." Norden is committed to ridding the streets of East Palo Alto of crack dealers. "It's gonna be nice again," he says. "I've been working these streets for eight years. It's the only place I've ever worked. . . . There's a lot of good folks out there. There's just a few people screwing things up. And we're going to clean them up, I guarantee it." Pedestrians blink as Norden shines his spotlight into their faces as they walk along the street ahead of him. We drive west along University Avenue and cross Highway 101. As we drive along East O'Keefe Street, Norden describes to us the gang friction that plagues East Palo Alto. The two main gangs, he says, are two Mexican gangs called the Nortenos (from the north of Mexico) and the Surenos (from the south of Mexico). The Nortenos wear red, he said, and the Surenos wear blue. He points out a teenager in a baggy red jacket walking along the street. Just wearing those clothes can be enough to get him shot, Norden said. Another sign of gang members, he says, is tattoos on the hand showing three dots or four dots. Three is the Nortenos' number, and four is used by the Surenos. Some gang members have tattoos all over their body, Norden says. He pulls up at 355 E. O'Keefe St. to show us gang graffiti scrawled all over the walls of the apartment block. There is a no-loitering policy at these apartments because they became a known gathering place for gangs, Norden says. He and Sgt. Alipio stop and search several men on the stairs. One of the men speaks little English, but he repeatedly pulls out a large, framed photograph of his smiling sweetheart from his jacket, as an indication of his innocence, I suppose. "Most of the folks here are poor Hispanics working two jobs and waiting for citizenship," says Norden. "They're scared. They're afraid to say anything because they're afraid of getting killed. . . . They don't call us often enough because they don't trust us. They don't even trust banks." Norden says that there used to be as many as 50 people hanging out on the steps of the apartment complex, but it's a lot better now. "It was bad six to eight months ago," he says. "It was like a cat-and-mouse game. We were chasing them but not getting anywhere. That's when we got the extra overtime. "Now they're afraid to be out here," he says. "We've been nailing these areas real good." According to Norden, the majority of gang members are from out of town, mainly from Redwood City or Mountain View. 7:30 p.m. Three teenagers walking along Clarke Avenue are our next stop. The street is around the corner from Buchanan Court, a known drug hot spot where residents allegedly hear gunfire regularly. The three suspects smile amiably as Norden checks their driver's licenses and another officer takes Polaroid pictures of each one of them for police records. "We're ID'ing everyone we find loitering," says Norden. "We're getting so many complaints off Buchanan Court," says Sgt. Jeff Justus, one of the four officers at the scene. "One lady called us eight times last night. Now we can use the photos (to identify people.) It's just another tool we can use." Norden says the teenagers know him because he's stopped them several times already. He even got a card from one of their families, he says. This time he sends them on their way with a pep talk. "The bottom line is it's gotta stop," he says of the gunfire. "I know, man," says one of the teenagers. "I don't like it either." 8 p.m. Two patrol cars are already pulled over with lights flashing as we draw up outside East Side Market and Liquor Store on the corner of Clarke Avenue and Bay Road, a notorious drug-dealing spot. A car has been pulled over for a traffic violation. As police officers question the driver, they smell marijuana. They find a joint on the dashboard. On searching the car, officers find a tool for removing tags from clothes inside a backpack and a handful of tags ripped from clothing. The driver of the car--Dia Kareem Baily of Jasmine Way in East Palo Alto--is arrested for possession of marijuana and burglary tools. The passenger of the car becomes hysterical as her friend is handcuffed. "Leave him alone," she wails. Baily, who told police he is unemployed, is taken to the police department for further questioning. His car is towed. 8:30 p.m. At the corner of Euclid Avenue and East Bayshore Road, a man and a woman are swigging vodka outside One-Stop Market. An ID check on the man shows that he is on active probation. In his pockets, Norden finds a crack pipe and other paraphernalia. Anthony William Scott, 38, of Hibiscus Court in East Palo Alto is arrested for possession of narcotics paraphernalia and for an outstanding felony arrest warrant. He is taken to the police department for booking. His companion, known to police as "Gangster Pam" is released. 9 p.m. Back at the station, suspects are being questioned and booked. Sgt. Alipio tests several suspects to find out whether they are under the influence of drugs by shining light into their eyes and testing their pulses. He is pleased with the night's activities so far. "I love it when the plan comes together," he says. So far the night has netted two felony arrests and one misdemeanor arrest, he says. "We'll have more than that by night's end," he promises. While we are at the station, another arrest is made outside the One-Stop Market where Scott was picked up. In the security of police headquarters, news of each arrest elicits a thumbs-up and smiles from the officers present. 10 p.m. There are reports of gunshots at Jack Farrell Park on Fordham Street. As we drive past the park, Joe says wistfully that he used to photograph Little League in that park years ago. Norden shines his spotlights into the park so that it is floodlit like a ballpark for a night game. There is no sign of activity. 10:25 p.m. Sgt. Alipio radios for help. He has just chased a group of six suspected drug dealers from the corner of Laurel Avenue and Alberni Street into some back yards, he says. He heard them hopping over fences, he tells us as we drive up. Five patrol cars, including sheriff's deputies, seal off the area and wait to flush the suspects out. Norden, Joe and I wait on Laurel Avenue. Suddenly, a man emerges from the bushes 20 feet away and runs down Laurel Avenue.As police give chase, a second suspect emerges from the bushes and runs for it too. Before Joe and I can catch up with them, the two suspects are laid down on the street and handcuffed. Four of the six suspects are caught. One of the suspects was only 16, Norden says. "I'm really glad you guys are here," says one Laurel Avenue resident, who tells Norden that the suspects have been hiding out in his yard in the past. "They even tried to shoot at my dogs," he says. 11 p.m. A fight outside Bell Street recreation center is reported; it's possibly gang-related. We sail down University Avenue with lights flashing and sirens blaring, sending cars scurrying in our wake. Within two minutes of the call, seven patrol cars screech to a halt outside the recreation center, much to the bemusement of the startled party-goers. It turns out the report was a hoax. Sgt. Alipio tells officers that things are starting to heat up. They meet in the parking lot of McDonald's to discuss tactics without using radio space. 11:20 p.m. As Norden turns from University Avenue onto Weeks Street, the spotlight on the front of his car falls on a man urinating against a telephone pole by the side of Hi and Bye liquor store. In a brief moment of light relief, Norden tells the man that he won't write him a ticket because the punishment for his offense is the loud laughter of the man's friends, who have watched the whole scene unfold from the other side of the street. Norden leaves the scene chuckling as the friends crack jokes about "assaulting a telephone pole" and "concealed weapons." 11:35 p.m. Three teenage occupants of a white car illegally parked at the corner of Laurel Avenue and Alberni Street are searched. They are waiting for a friend, they tell police. Sgt. Bob Cole looks around nervously as we stand in the street. "Right here, we often get bottles on the head," he tells me. Norden tells us that in 1992, Alberni Street was "like Main Street USA" at 3 a.m. "It's nothing now," he says. 11:55 p.m. Norden pulls over a smart white Neon Dodge on University Avenue, after he sees the car pulling out of Sacramento Street, a well-known drug-dealing location. He stops and searches the two passengers, a man from Sunnyvale and a woman from San Jose. "Did you buy drugs from Sacramento Street?" he asks the man. The man tells Norden that he was looking for a friend who lives in East Palo Alto. "Don't play me for an idiot," says Norden. "Why did you pick Sacramento Street of all the streets in our city to look for your friend?" Norden asks for permission to search the car, then sifts through the fibers of the front seat with his flashlight. He finds tiny crystals of what appears to be crack cocaine and a plastic wrapper on the front seats of the car. Most of it is on the woman's seat. 12:05 p.m. Norden reads the Miranda rights to Debbie Stokes of San Jose, who denies that the cocaine is hers, but she admits that she and her companion bought $60 worth of rock cocaine from two dealers in Sacramento Street. She is arrested for possession of crack cocaine. "It's his car and his stuff," she tells Norden. "He gave it to me. We was just riding around looking for some more." 12:10 p.m. The male suspect, Phillip Palacio of Sunnyvale, who is sweating profusely by now, is read his Miranda rights and arrested for possession of crack cocaine. He insists that the cocaine belongs to his passenger. He is later found to be under the influence of a controlled substance, Norden says. 12:45 p.m. As Norden wraps up the interview with the suspects and waits for a tow truck to arrive on the corner of University Avenue outside the Drew Health Center Pharmacy, it starts to rain. Shots are reportedly heard from the Bell Street party that we visited earlier. Alipio orders his officers to move in and close the party down. Suddenly, we see two men running west along University Avenue toward us. They disappear into a restaurant. Then, three police cars scream to a halt outside an auto supply store close by. Moments later, the two suspects are down on the ground with handcuffs on. Two police officers stand over them with guns pointed. Joe and I catch up with the officers just as they are bundling the suspects into the car. We decide we've had enough activity for one night. But the police keep on going. Weekend nights are their busiest time. 1 a.m. Back at the station, Sgt. Alipio gives us the latest tally of arrests: six felonies and one misdemeanor. It's been a busy night. "We've been hooking and booking all night," says Sgt. Alipio with a proud smile.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trial Of Frank Turney (List Subscriber Forwards Update On Prosecution Of Alaskan Jury Rights Activist Charged With Jury Tampering)Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 09:36:35 -0700 (MST) From: Jury Rights ProjectTo: Jury Rights Project Subject: The trial of Frank Turney (Alaska) -- Forwarded message -- Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 22:00:34 -0900 From: Charles Rollins Jr (chuck@mosquitonet.com) To: 104413.3573@compuserve.com Subject: The trial of Frank Turney (Alaska) An update: I attended Frank Turney's Trail, and I am confused as ever. Today they (the state) brought in two of the jurors to testify, and I can't see where the state has a case. One juror I am guessing the main one witness's said yes he did call the 1-800-tel-jury number But Frank had nothing to do with him calling. he had heard about nullification years prior to his time he served on a jury. The second heard Frank say, for more information call 1-800-tel-jury. This comment wasn't really something said directly to the jurors. I thought jury tampering was when someone tries to influence the outcome of a trail, and far as I can tell they have no proof Frank tried to do that. Well I plan on being back in the court I will give you further updates when I can. See ya Charles Rollins Jr *** Re-distributed by the: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Web page: (http://www.lrt.org/jrp.homepage.htm) To be added to or removed from the JRP mailing list, send email with the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the title.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge Shelters Jury In Tampering Trial ('The Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner' Covers The Second Day Of Testimony In The Trial Of Alaskan Jury-Rights Activist Frank Turney)Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:09:47 -0600 (MDT) From: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) To: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Subject: Jury Activist Turney Faces 15 Years Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner http://www.newsminer.com/news/news.html Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Judge shelters jury in tampering trial It turns out that the jury sitting in judgment of juror rights advocate Frank Turney may not be so fully informed after all. The judge in Turney's jury-tampering case will not let the prosecution question jurors about the deliberation process from a 1994 trial that ended with a hung jury. Kodiak Superior Court Judge Donald Hopwood, temporarily assigned to Fairbanks, said he feared that Turney's current trial would evolve into a mini-retrial of an old case involving another defendant. Turney's trial on jury tampering charges concluded its second day of testimony Wednesday in Fairbanks Superior Court. Turney is accused of distributing the number of a juror rights hot line, 1-800-TEL-JURY, to jurors assigned to a criminal trial. *** Letters to the editor about Frank's case can be sent to: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner P.O. Box 70710 Fairbanks, AK 99707-0710 Email: letters@newsminer.com Fax: (907) 452-7917 Limit: 350 words Anchorage Daily News P.O. Box 149001 Anchorage, Alaska 99514-9001 Email: letters@pop.adn.com Fax:(907)258-2157 Juneau Empire 3100 Channel Dr Juneau AK 99801 Email: editor1@alaska.net Fax: (907)586-3028 Limit: 250 words *** Re-distributed by the: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Web page: (http://www.lrt.org/jrp.homepage.htm) To be added to or removed from the JRP mailing list, send email with the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the title.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Idea (Staff Editorial In 'The Houston Chronicle' Opposes The Clinton Administration's Endorsement This Week Of A National Standard On Blood-Alcohol Levels For Drunk Drivers As A Federalized Solution To A State Problem) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:04:05 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US TX: Editorial: Bad Idea Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Art Smart Source: Houston Chronicle Page: 22A Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 BAD IDEA Let states, not power-drunk Clinton, handle DWI Is there no end to the problems this president is going to solve? Not to hear him tell it, with an almost daily stream of pronouncements emanating from the White House for months now. It may be interesting as a political exercise in attempting to set policy by focus group and broad public appeal. But as good government it falls somewhat short. The latest Bill Clinton-to-the-rescue scheme is his endorsement this week of a national standard on blood-alcohol levels for drunk drivers. The cause may be a good one, but the solution -- a federalized one -- to what is essentially a state problem is yet another proposed expansion for a government that is already too big for its sizable britches. Let the states hang onto their jurisdiction in this matter, and let the president use his bully pulpit all he wants to encourage them. However, using the threat of withholding federal highway funds, which come from the states and their citizens to begin with, is just bad and intrusive policy that goes against the grain of constitutional authority and is an intrusion on states' rights and citizens' taxes. Perhaps the president was a little intoxicated when he declared not so long ago that the era of big government is over. Or perhaps he's drunk with big-government power now. But federalizing yet another problem is a costly and misguided effort that should not be. Put a cork in it, Mr. President.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Court Doesn't Buy Couple's Defense ('Topeka Capital-Journal' Says The Kansas Court Of Appeals Has Ruled That A Rastafarian Couple Who Sought To Defend Their Cultivation Of Marijuana Under The Religious Freedom Act Don't Have The Same Legal Standing As Native Americans Who Legally Use Peyote) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:23:33 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US KS: Court Doesn't Buy Couple's Defense Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Source: Topeka Capital-Journal Author: Steve Fry, The Capital-journal Contact: letters@cjnetworks.com Website: http://cjonline.com/ COURT DOESN'T BUY COUPLE'S DEFENSE A Topeka couple convicted of felony cultivation of marijuana despite their claim the drug was part of their Rastafarian faith don't have the same legal standing as an Indian church whose members legally use peyote, the Kansas Court of Appeals has ruled. The court Friday upheld the 1996 convictions in Shawnee County District Court of Joe McBride and Connie McBride. The ruling was the first in which the question of whether one religious group can be exempted from a drug law while another can't has surfaced on appeal in Kansas. The McBrides were charged with growing 86 marijuana plants, which would have yielded 6.5 pounds of the drug, in a garden at their home, 2921 S.E. 10th, a Topeka Housing Authority apartment at Pine Ridge. The Drug Enforcement Administration adopted a regulation in 1971 allowing the Native American Church to use peyote in its ceremonies. But the McBrides don't have the legal standing the NAC has for three reasons, the court of appeals ruled: - Peyote is consumed by NAC members only at specific and infrequent religious ceremonies while Rastafarians may consume marijuana "in any quantity at any time." Joe McBride testified his religion has no limits on how much marijuana he smokes or when he smokes it. That makes regulating marijuana for religious use "nearly impossible because of widespread and uncontrolled usage," the court of appeals wrote. - Rastafarian use of marijuana contrasts starkly to practices of NAC use of peyote, in which ceremonies are elaborate and lengthy. NAC congregants are issued membership cards, and the federal Drug Enforcement Administration has established and administers a licensing system for peyote dealers in Texas. - Peyote isn't used at the same rate as marijuana. According to DEA statistics cited in the court of appeals opinion, the amount of peyote seized and analyzed by the DEA between 1980 and 1987 was 19.4 pounds vs. more than 15.3 million pounds of marijuana during the same time frame. "While these statistics are somewhat dated, they do support the fact that marijuana abuse is a far greater social and economic problem than peyote," the court of appeals opinion said. Kansas law grants a peyote exemption to NAC members to bring Kansas law into line with federal law, the court of appeals said, noting "federal Native American law is different." Since the early 19th century, the U.S. Supreme Court precedent has treated Native Americans as having a unique and dependent setting in the federal system. "Modern courts have interpreted the unique obligations owed to Native Americans as exempting laws passed pursuant to the trust responsibility from the strictures of traditional equal protection analysis," the court of appeals wrote. During the Shawnee County District Court case, Judge Eric Rosen had granted a prosecution motion to block the McBrides from presenting testimony saying the Rastafarian religion was a defense to the marijuana cultivation charge. When the case was submitted to Rosen on Sept. 9, 1996, based on a set of facts agreed to by defense and prosecution lawyers, Rosen convicted the pair of one count each of cultivation of marijuana and failure to pay the Kansas drug dealer tax. Rosen placed the couple on probation, but warned them that smoking marijuana as a religious sacrament of the Rastafarian faith could get them in trouble because a probation condition prohibits consumption of drugs. Copyright 1998 The Topeka Capital-Journal
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mom Turns In Video Showing Teen-Agers Buying, Smoking Marijuana ('Associated Press' Item Suggests Some Parents Do Indeed Support Prohibition - New Hampshire Mom Sets Police On Her Own Daughter, Other Teens, After Her Prescription Drugs Get Swiped) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 23:14:05 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US NH: Wire: Mom Turns In Video Showing Teen-agers Buying, Smoking Marijuana Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: W.H.E.N. http://www.mapinc.org/lists/hempnet.htm Source: Associated Press Pubdate: Wednesday, 4 March 1998 MOM TURNS IN VIDEO SHOWING TEEN-AGERS BUYING, SMOKING MARIJUANA MILFORD, N.H. (AP) - A mother gave police a videotape she found in her home that shows her own daughter and other teen-agers buying, selling and smoking marijuana. One teen was charged, and more arrests are expected. The tape was turned in by Diane Hohen, who said she returned from a trip out of town and found that cash and prescription drugs had been stolen from her home while her daughter, Kelly, was entertaining friends. ``This is Jimmy with drugs,'' a narrator says at one point as the tape shows 17-year-old James Ramsey with bags of marijuana and a scale, according to police. Ramsey was charged with possessing and selling marijuana, criminal threatening and witness tampering. Police said Ramsey threatened to kill the Hohens after Kelly told him the video had gone to police.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrong-Door Raid Victim Threatens Suit ('United Press International' Notes New York City Police Wouldn't Announce Themselves Before Firing 24 Rounds, Breaking Down Man's Door, Inflicting Customary Violence And Indignities Reserved For Suspected Drug Offenders) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 13:48:56 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US NY: Wrong-Door Raid Victim Threatens Suit Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: James Hammett Source: United Press International Pubdate: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 WRONG-DOOR RAID VICTIM THREATENS SUIT NEW YORK, March 3 (UPI) -- A New York City man who had his apartment shot up and his door broken down by police who got the wrong address for a drug raid is threatening a lawsuit. Ellis Elliott told reporters today that he was with his girlfriend in his Bronx apartment last Friday when someone outside started trying to knock down the door. Elliott said he grabbed his gun and demanded to know who it was before he even had a chance to put on some clothes. He said: ``I thought it was a robbery. I'm saying 'Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?' and no one is answering.'' He said his reaction was to fire one shot into the top of the door frame, to scare off whoever it was. The officers shot back, firing 24 rounds at the apartment. No one was hurt. When police came piling in, he said he did not resist and tried to explain his innocence. He said police hauled him naked out of the apartment, insulted him, and handcuffed him on the floor. Eventually someone gave him some women's clothing before police took him to central booking. He said, ``They threw me down like a piece of toilet paper.'' The police department has offered to pay for the damage done by the shooting and subsequent ransacking of the apartment by police. Elliott says that's not enough. His lawyer is promising to file a multi-million dollar lawsuit in a few weeks. Police initially charged Elliott with attempted murder, but the charge was lowered to misdemeanor possession of a weapon. A spokesman said such incidents are rare, and police would take proper steps if officers mistreated Elliott. Lt. Stephen Biegel said: ``The department is vigorously investigating this matter, and will comment upon the conclusion of our investigation. In over 45,000 warrants executed last year, we went to the wrong apartment 10 times.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Bronx Man Recounts Abuse By Police In Mistaken Raid ('New York Times' Version) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 19:59:00 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: Bronx Man Recounts Abuse By Police In Mistaken Raid Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: "Dick Evans" Source: New York Times (NY) Author: Kit R. Roane Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 BRONX MAN RECOUNTS ABUSE BY POLICE IN MISTAKEN RAID NEW YORK -- Sitting amid shards of glass in his bullet-ridden apartment, a Bronx man whose home was mistakenly raided by the police accused officers Tuesday of kicking and beating him and using a racial epithet as they shouted, "Where are the drugs?" The police said they could not comment on the allegations because the man, Ellis Elliott, was preparing to sue the city over Friday's raid, in which officers mistakenly burst into the apartment looking for a drug dealer. Deputy Inspector Michael Collins, a spokesman for the Police Department, would say only, "There is a vigorous investigation ongoing relative to this matter." Elliott made the accusations at a news conference at his apartment Tuesday in which his lawyer, Joseph Kelner, produced a picture that he said was taken after the incident and showed Elliott with a cut on his forehead. Kelner offered no other evidence of the alleged beating, saying his client had only just been examined by doctors. A police investigator who spoke on condition of anonymity said there was no evidence of injury to Elliott in the police report that was filed in the case. Elliott, 44, gave his account of the raid Tuesday pointing out the bullet holes -- 26 in one count -- that lined the front hall of his ransacked apartment. "I was afraid for my life," Elliott said Tuesday, intermittently smoking and hyperventilating into a crushed paper bag. "You could just hear the bullets tearing through stuff. They wanted to make sure that whatever was here was going to get it." As Elliott tells it, several men went to his home at 8 a.m. Friday and began to bang on the metal front door of his fourth-floor apartment as he slept. Fearful that the men might be robbers, he jumped out of bed naked, pulled an unlicensed .25-caliber revolver from his night stand and yelled at the men to move away from the door. When they did not and the door began to open a crack, Elliot said he fired a single shot from his gun into the top of it. The police then returned fire. Only after they strafed both sides of his vestibule, nicked a bureau in the dining room and shot a hole through a little earring box resting on the living room table did they stop, he said. Elliott added that the men identified themselves as officers only at that point and ordered him to approach the door. After one of his hands was cuffed, he said, the officers used it to drag him out into the hallway. "They kicked me and beat me and kept asking me, 'Where are the drugs, where are the drugs?' The only way they would address me was 'nigger,' " he said. "Then they dragged me through there like a piece of toilet tissue." The police investigator said one of the nine arresting officers was black, three were Hispanic and the rest were white. Elliott, who now faces charges that he illegally possessed a firearm, was then finally clothed, though only in a woman's blouse and slacks that officers took from the apartment. They belonged to his girlfriend, Mary Barnes, who had left earlier in the morning for her job at the post office. It was unclear why they had not given him his own clothing. Saying they were the same clothes he wore in jail until his release on Sunday, Elliott added: "I was lucky I wasn't raped on the way home." According to the police, narcotics officers receiving information from an undercover informant misidentified Elliott's apartment at 930 Sheridan Avenue as one holding drugs and guns. The police said on Monday that Elliott would be reimbursed for any damages. The Police Department conducted more than 45,000 such raids last year with only 10 resulting in the wrong apartment's being stormed, according to Marilyn Mode, a police spokeswoman. She said the department did not keep records on how many of those raids actually produced the drugs being sought or how many resulted in suits against the city, like the one promised by Elliott.
------------------------------------------------------------------- No Charges In Candy Bar Shooting ('United Press International' Notes New York City Grand Jury Has Ruled It's Now OK For US Marshals On Drug Stakeouts To Shoot Innocent Black Teenagers Carrying Three Musketeers Candy Bars In Aluminized Silver Wrappers) Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 18:00:34 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: James HammettTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: No charges in candy bar shooting Organization: Copyright 1998 by United Press International (via ClariNet) Date: Wed Mar 04 16:13:51 CST 1998 Location: New York City, New York, New Jersey Note: (UPI Focus) NEW YORK, March 4 (UPI) -- A grand jury has decided not to file charges against a white U.S marshal on a drug stakeout who shot a black New York City teenager who was carrying a silver-wrapped Three Musketeers candy bar. Queens District Attorney Richard Brown says William Cannon and his partner did nothing criminal when they mistook the candy bar for a semi- automatic pistol and shot high school student Andre Burgess in the leg. On Nov. 6, 1997, Cannon, a U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service agent, and his partner were staking out a fugitive on 138th Street in the Laurelton section of Queens. Seventeen-year-old Burgess was on his way to a friend's house after stopping at a convenience store to buy two candy bars when he approached Cannon's unmarked car shortly after 7 p.m. The federal marshals thought the foil-wrapped food was a weapon, so the partners jumped out of the car, identified themselves as police officers and yelled to the Springfield Gardens teenager to put up his hands. According to Brown, Burgess turned to agents with the candy bar in his hand and Cannon shot him in the left thigh. The victim was taken to Jamaica Hospital and released several days later. The local prosecutor calls Cannon's conduct ``a terrible mistake that could have had even more tragic consequences.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Drug Statistics (According To Government Statistics Cited By Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, Nationwide, Alcohol Is Involved In 50 Percent Of All Traffic Fatalities, 50 Percent Of All Spousal Abuse, 49 Percent Of All Murders, 68 Percent Of All Manslaughter Charges, 20 Percent To 35 Percent Of All Suicides, 62 Percent Of All Assaults, 52 Percent Of All Rapes, And 38 Percent Of All Child Abuse Fatalities) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 01:06:17 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Phillizy (Phillizy@aol.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: Real Drug Statistics * FACT: Nation-wide, alcohol is involved in 50% of all traffic fatalities, 50% of all spousal abuse, 49% of all murders, 68% of all manslaughter charges, 20%-35% of all suicides, 62% of all assaults, 52% of all rapes, and 38% of all child abuse fatalities. Source: (Fatal Accident Reporting System, FBI Crime Report, National Center for Health Statistics, Pennsylvania Department of Health, U.S. Surgeon General's Workshop on Drunk Driving). Lizy *** Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:37:39 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Phillizy (Phillizy@aol.com) To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: Re: Real Drug Statistics In a message dated 98-03-05 18:09:18 EST, drford wrote: >Lizy's alcohol statistics on traffic fatalities, spousal abuse, >manslaughter charges, suicides, etc. is EXCELLENT rebuttal material for >those people who say "We don't need ANOTHER drug legalized." Actually, a logical interpretation of these statistics indicates a gross error in our prohibition priorities. If we legalized every drug known to man, except alcohol and nicotine, we'd end up several hundred thousand fatalities ahead of the game. But, body counts aren't prioritized in the drug wars, are they? >Does anyone have the source dates? These data were taken from the web site of the PA Liquor Control Board with no date noted; nevertheless, as the web site is updated on a regular basis, the statistics should be considered a contemporaneity. Lizy [Go to http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/index.htm - ed.]
------------------------------------------------------------------- Ex-Drug Czar Of Mexico Gets 13-Year Prison Term ('Orange County Register' Notes Mexico's Former Top Drug Warrior, General Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, Has Been Convicted Of Weapons Crimes But Still Faces Charges For Drug Trafficking, Abuse Of Power And Other Violations) Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 17:13:13 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: Mexico: Ex-Drug Czar Of Mexico Gets 13-Year Prison Term Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk:John W.Black Source: Orange County Register (CA) Section:news,page 3 Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Pubdate: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 EX-DRUG CZAR OF MEXICO GETS 13-YEAR PRISON TERM Mexico's former top drug fighter was sentenced Tuesday to 13 years in prison on federal weapons charges. Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo also was fined more than $35,000. He is still being tried on drug trafficking, abuse of power and other charges. Judge Armando Baez Espinoza found Gutierrez Rebollo guilty of illegally transporting more than 40 firearms from the state of Guadalajara to Mexico City when he took over as the nation's top drug enforcer, the Attorney General's Office said. An aide was sentenced to 13 years for helping him.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico's Ex-Drug Czar Sentenced To Jail (Longer 'Orange County Register' Version Says Gutierrez Rebollo Was Indeed Sentenced For Abuse Of Authority - Still Charged With Being On Payroll Of Mexico's Alleged Top Cocaine Smuggler) Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 17:13:13 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: Mexico's Ex-Drug Czar Sentenced To Jail Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 Source:Orange County Register Section: news,page, 14 Contact: letters@link.freedom.com MEXICO'S EX-DRUG CZAR SENTENCED TO JAIL MEXICO CITY-Mexico's former drug czar was sentenced Tuesday to more than 13 years in prison for abuse of authority and weapons violations. It was the first sentence handed down against Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, who was arrested in February 1997 and charged with being on the payroll of Mexico's top cocaine smuggler. Those charges are still pending. Judge Armando Baez Espinoza sentenced Gutierrez Rebollo to 13 years, nine months and three days in prison, according to Jose Manuel Alvarez, personal secretary to Deputy Attorney secretary to Deputy Attorney General Alfonso Navarrete Prida. Navarrete Prida is over-seeing the prosecution of Gutierrez Rebollo. The general is being held at the maximum-security Almoloya prison in Toluca, 35 miles west of Mexico City. The army became suspicious when he moved from a modest house to a luxurious apartment in the posh Bosque de las Lomas area of Mexico City. Prosecutors say the apartment was provided by Amado Carillo Fuentes, then Mexico's top drug smuggler. Gutierrez Rebollo's arrest endangered Mexico's certification by the United States as an ally in the fight against drug smuggling in 1996, but the United States ended up certifying Mexico. Mexico was certified again last week with relatively little controversy.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico's Ex-Drug Czar Sentenced ('Houston Chronicle' Version) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:04:05 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: Mexico: Mexico's Ex-Drug Czar Sentenced Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Art Smart Source: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 MEXICO'S EX-DRUG CZAR SENTENCED U.S. senators, meanwhile, criticize nation's fight against narcotics MEXICO CITY -- A Mexican court sentenced the former head of the country's anti-drug program to 13 years and nine months in jail Tuesday, even as U.S. senators moved to punish Mexico for its performance in fighting narcotics trafficking. The separate actions in Mexico and Washington, D.C., raised the specter of last year's ugly fight between the neighbors, which nearly resulted in the United States' No. 3 trading partner being stripped of its status as a U.S. ally in the fight against drugs. That dispute broke out after Mexico's anti-drug czar, Gen. Jose de Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, was arrested on charges of aiding a drug cartel. On Tuesday, a district judge in Mexico announced that the general had been convicted of illegal possession and transportation of arms, as well as abuse of authority. Gutierrez Rebollo promptly appealed. The general still faces trial on drug-trafficking allegations, which could result in a longer sentence. Gutierrez Rebollo, a well-regarded military commander of the Guadalajara area, had been in the military for 42 years when he was appointed drug czar. Mexican authorities have called the criminal proceedings against Gutierrez Rebollo evidence of their commitment to weed out drug corruption. He is the highest-ranking Mexican official to be tried on narcotics-corruption charges, and one of the few senior members of the military -- a near sacrosanct institution here -- to face a criminal trial. But the U.S. Senate on Tuesday challenged anew Mexico's commitment to fighting drugs. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Sen. Paul Coverdell, R-Ga., introduced a resolution that would withdraw President Clinton's recent certification of Mexico as a full partner in fighting drugs. The move seemed sure to reignite last year's showdown between the U.S. Congress and the administration over the annual report card on various countries' cooperation with American anti-narcotics actions. Feinstein complained that "gaping holes" in Mexico's anti-drug efforts "badly undermine the effort to keep the scourge of drugs off our streets." The senators called for waiving the economic sanctions that accompany the so-called decertification of a country. But they did say they would be willing to impose the sanctions if that's what it takes to remove what they called an undeserved stamp of approval. Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., plans to introduce similar legislation in the House today. Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday, Feinstein said: "There has been no demonstrable action on any -- I repeat, any -- of the benchmarks outlined by Congress" last year to judge Mexico's performance. Among the key areas she named: dismantling the drug cartels; strengthening the relationship between the two countries' law enforcement officials; extraditing Mexican criminals for prosecution in the United States; implementing money-laundering laws; ousting corrupt Mexican officials; and eradicating illegal drug crops. But a White House official who spoke on condition of anonymity disagreed with Feinstein's conclusions. He said Mexico "set a record" for eradicating drug crops last year, increased seizures of cocaine heading for the United States by 47 percent, and doubled the number of extraditions of criminals to 27. In addition, the country "tore down and began to completely rebuild" its anti-drug police force, the source said. Copyright 1998 Houston Chronicle News Services
------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrest Prompts Call For Snowboarding Rules (Toronto's 'Globe and Mail' Quotes Canada's Top Snowboarding Official, Michael Wood, Administrative Director Of The Canadian Snowboarding Federation, Saying He Is 'Shocked' To Learn A Danish Olympian And A Former Canadian National Team Member Had Been Arrested With Two Grams Of Marijuana While Driving Through Nevada) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 21:29:04 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: Canada: Arrest Prompts Call For Snowboarding Rules Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Carey Ker Pubdate: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 Source: Globe and Mail Page: S1 (Sports) Contact: letters@globeandmail.ca Author: James Christie, Sports Reporter Website: http://www.globeandmail.ca/ ARREST PROMPTS CALL FOR SNOWBOARDING RULES Regulations Against Marijuana Demanded After Danish And Canadian Riders Charged With Possession Canada's top snowboarding official is calling for strong regulations and sanctions regarding marijuana use in the sport following a drug bust of two athletes as they drove away from a World Cup event in Nevada on the weekend. Michael Wood, administrative director of the Canadian Snowboarding Federation, said he was "shocked and frustrated" to learn two riders -- a Danish Olympian and a former Canadian national team member -- had been arrested on marijuana-related charges. Michael Kildevaeld, 31, who was 15th for Denmark in giant slalom at the Nagano Olympics, faces charges of marijuana possession and driving under the influence and Brett Tippie, 29, of Kamloops, B.C., was charged with being under the influence. They were traveling from a snowboarding event at Lake Tahoe to Big Bear Ski Resort in Southern California when a sheriff's deputy stopped their car for speeding near Topaz Lake, Nev. The deputy smelled marijuana smoke and a drug sniffing dog found about two grams of what is believed to be marijuana and a pipe inside the car. Sheriff's Sergeant Lance Modispacher said Kildevaeld admitted the substance belonged to him. A preliminary hearing is scheduled in Douglas County Justice Court today. "No matter what we do as a federation, it ultimately has to come down to the individuals because all we can do is lead the horse to water. We can't force it to drink," said Wood. "We definitely have to have sanctions and policies in place to deal with this." He was particularly troubled that a Canadian should be involved in a marijuana charge so soon after an Olympic doping test for cannabis almost cost Ross Rebagliati of Whistler, B.C., an Olympic gold medal. Tippie finished 31st at the snowboarding world championships in Italy a year ago. "Tippie hasn't worked with us in a year and a half. He was at the Olympic trials but wasn't on the national team. But it's not a good thing for the sport of snowboarding to be associated with drugs," Wood said. "It's frustrating when the majority of athletes are trying hard, doing it on their own accord and staying away from drugs and alcohol . . . but then they get associated with this." Snowboarders have been stereotyped as the pot-powered, non-conformists of ski sport." "It's a hybrid event that imports the skills of skateboarding and surfing onto a snowy mountainside. It also imports the respective anti-establishment counter-cultures. Board riders call themselves by the punkish term "shredders" and some feel they are targeted by various authorities on and off the slopes. When news of the drug bust hit the airwaves yesterday, a young man phoned Toronto's FAN radio identifying himself as a Canadian national snowboarding team member who also had been at Lake Tahoe. He said he'd been pulled over for driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit in Iowa by police, "but when I told them I was a snowboarder, they tore the car apart. They found nothing, but you have to be careful out there." Currently, Canadian snowboarding has no policy to discipline or suspend athletes for marijuana use. The use of the substance as a recreational drug by athletes is apparently acknowledged by the International Ski Federation, which has established a threshold level for doping infractions. Rebagliati admitted using marijuana, but not since April, 1997. He blamed the traces of drug found in his test on inhaling second-hand smoke at a party. Kildevaeld was the snowboarder who told Danish reporters at the Olympics that marijuana was part of the snowboarding scene. While he said he used the drug himself, he labelled some Canadian riders as pot users who "go down the hill stoned." Kildevaeld's bail was set at $7,000, Tippie's at $5,000. "It's frustrating, because I felt what happened with Ross had opened everyone's eyes that this is a problem," Wood said. "It definitely hurts snowboarding again." The sport of snowboarding, while a full medal event at Nagano, had provisional status. Olympic officials aren't obliged to make it a core sport in Salt Lake City in 2002. "But I believe the whole snowboarding experience was positive at Nagano," Wood said, not believing the sport to be in danger. "Even with the Ross issue, it was positive because it opened our eyes to a problem we didn't realize was there. Now we know what we're up against and can make changes to prevent it from happening in the future."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Arrest Prompts Call For Snowboarding Rules (Letter Sent To Editor Of Toronto's 'Globe and Mail' Finds Hypocrisy In Snowboarding Official's Comments) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:10:44 -0500 From: Carey Ker (carey.ker@utoronto.ca) Subject: Sent: Arrest prompts call for snowboarding rules To: mattalk@islandnet.com Priority: Normal Delivery-Receipt-To: Carey Ker (carey.ker@utoronto.ca) To the editors: Re: Arrest prompts call for snowboarding rules, James Christie, March 04, 1998, Page S1 Michael Wood, the administrative director of the Canadian Snowboarding Federation, sanctimoniously intones that it is not "a good thing for the sport of snowboarding to be associated with drugs." Let us hope then that a certain brewery that goes to great lengths to associate itself with snowboarding will be the first to incur the wrath of Michael Woods. While sanctions against cannabis usage are certainly debatable, hypocrisy should not be an option. Sincerely, Carey Ker
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Arrest Prompts Call For Snowboarding Rules (Another Letter Sent To Editor Of 'Globe And Mail') Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 20:29:41 -0800 To: mattalk@islandnet.com From: Pat DolanSubject: Re: Arrest prompts call for snowboarding rules SENT LTE to Source: Globe and Mail, Page S1 (Sports) Pubdate: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 Contact: letters@globeandmail.ca Author: James Christie Website: http://www.globeandmail.ca/ ................ Dear Editor, Thank you for the excellent report on the above by James Christie. I couldn't help wondering what on earth Mr. Wood is so exercised about. If it turned out that the two snowboarders had drunk a few beers but were under the permissible limits when tested, would he have given the incident a second thought? And yet every single scientific study that I have seen - including the one scandalously suppressed recently by the INCB, agrees that, as Judge John McCart put it, marihuana is "comparatively harmless when compared with the hard drugs, including alcohol and tobacco; is not to be regarded as addictive or a "gateway" drug and, (as Ross Rebagliati so brilliantly demonstrated), does not cause the "amotivational syndrome." So why the tizzy? Is it just because it is "illegal"? Dr. John P. Morgan said in the 1994 Report on Marihuana Use and Abuse that it is "the most benign substance in medical or non-medical use today." Isn't it time the law was changed? How much longer are countless thousands of Canadians to be condemned to suffer because self-righteous moralists like Mr. Wood are determined to defend the war on (some) drugs? How much longer are we to be condemned, like our Afro-American brethren of yesteryear, to sit "in the back of the bus"? Pat Dolan
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - 'Comical' Pot Grower Fined (Letter To Editor Of Ontario's 'Bracebridge Examiner' Whole Judicial System Is 'Comical' When People Are Fined $300 For Growing 91 Cannabis Plants Or Catching One Too Many Fish, But The Fine For Assaulting A Police Officer While Drunk Is $200) From: "laurie gibson"To: "Matt Elrod" Subject: LTE: 'Comical' pot grower fined Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:43:01 -0500 Pubdate: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Source: Bracebridge Examiner, page A4 Contact: Edward Britton, Publisher Phone: 1-705-645-8771 Fax: 1-705-645-1718 Letters to Editor: Dear Sir: In response to your court news this past week in the paper, I think the whole judicial system is "comical." To fine a man $300.00, the same amount for having one fish over the required limit caught, as they did another man for growing 91 marijuana plants for "personal use" is a joke. The only deterrent the court has issued to "Joe Public" is that its better to be a bad marijuana gardener than to catch one extra fish for dinner. And for that matter, why not throw in an assault on a peace officer when you're drunk --that will only cost you $200.00 in fines. Name withheld upon request Bracebridge Ont. Muskoka.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - 'Comical' Pot Grower Fined (Another Letter To Editor Of 'Bracebridge Examiner' Says The Unsuccessfulness Of An Illegal Act Should Not Be The Issue - If The Next Marijuana Farmer Who Is Caught Is Not An Amateur, But Has Only 50 Plants, How Will The Court Balance Out 91 Unsuccessful Plants Against 50 Successful Ones?) From: "laurie gibson"To: "Matt Elrod" Subject: LTE 'Comical' pot grower fined Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 00:43:55 -0500 Pubdate: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Source: Bracebridge Examiner, page A4 Contact: Edward Britton, Publisher Phone: 1-705-645-8771 Fax: 1-705-645-1718 Letters to Editor: Dear Editor: Peter Heath is a respected lawyer and a man that I respectfully disagree with his attitude regarding the botched attempt of an individual growing a controlled substance as reported in the article, "Comical pot grower fined," which appeared in the February 25, 1998, page A3, edition of your newspaper. In the article the tone of the court sounded like one of light-hearted banter regarding the illegal act of growing a controlled substance. I was concerned by what I perceived as a cavalier attitude toward the law. Let us say that the next marijuana farmer who is caught is not an amateur, but has only 50 plants. How will the court balance out 91 unsuccessful plants against 50 successful ones? We have laws that our police force work very hard to uphold, laws which we all try to abide by. There are people who believe that marijuana should be legalized, but until the law is changed then the growing of just one plant should be enough to prosecute an individual. Intent is intent. The unsuccessfulness of an illegal act should not be the issue. Diana McAnsh Bracebridge, Ont. District of Muskoka
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisons Plan To Sterilise Needles For Drug Users (Britain's 'Times' Says Joyce Quin, Prisons Minister, Is Considering A Pilot Scheme In Which Sterilising Equipment Would Be Used On Prison Wings To Cut The Risk Of Spreading Disease - Need For Cleaning Equipment To Be Made Available In Jails Is Highlighted Today In A Report By Sir David Ramsbotham, Chief Inspector Of Prisons, Who Found Up To 30 Prisoners Sharing One Syringe And Needle At Erlestoke House Prison, Near Devizes, Wiltshire) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 21:29:04 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: UK: Prisons Plan To Sterilise Needles For Drug Users Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Source: Times The (UK) Author: Richard Ford, Home Correspondent Contact: letters@the-times.co.uk Website: http://www.the-times.co.uk/ Pubdate: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 PRISONS PLAN TO STERILISE NEEDLES FOR DRUG USERS PRISONS are planning to introduce a "clean needle" scheme to prevent the spread of hepatitis and HIV among drug-taking inmates. Joyce Quin, the Prisons Minister, is considering a pilot scheme in which sterilising equipment would be used on prison wings to cut the risk of spreading disease. Doctors are already permitted to prescribe condoms to inmates, to reduce the danger of infection among them. The need for cleaning equipment to be made available in jails is highlighted today in a report by Sir David Ramsbotham, the Chief Inspector of Prisons. He found that up to 30 prisoners were sharing one syringe and needle at Erlestoke House prison, near Devizes, Wiltshire. Sir David calls for urgent action by the Prison Service to address the problem. "There is a clear need for the Prison Service to reconsider the availability of cleaning equipment for needles to encourage harm reduction," he writes. The Chief Inspector says that clear guidance is needed about the issue of sterilising equipment to those at high risk from sharing needles. The proposal put to ministers would involve issuing a tablet containing disinfectant which prisoners could use to clean equipment. About 18 months ago tablets were withdrawn when it was discovered that there was a safety danger when inmates collected large numbers and burnt them to produce chlorine gas. In his report on Erlestoke House, Sir David says that substance abuse at the jail was a major problem. Evidence indicated that the use of injectable drugs was increasing. "Received intelligence showed very considerable sharing of injecting equipment, with up to 30 people sharing one syringe and needle," he says. "This was substantiated by the sizeable numbers of patients found to be infected with hepatitis C." Sir David outlines the difficulties facing prison officers who attempt to curb heroin abuse in the jail. "Unless prisoners are discovered in the act, this is an extremely difficult issue to tackle. Needles are almost always very carefully hidden, and destroyed when no longer required." He says that prisoners told his inspection team that drugs were brought into the jail by inmates working outside the prison or were thrown over the fence and collected in the grounds. Prisoners told Sir David that it was only the desperate who had drugs smuggled into them during visits from friends and family. In 1996, Ann Widdecombe, then Prisons Minister, became the first minister to admit publicly that medical officers in the Prison Service were permitted to dispense condoms.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Weekly, Number 36 (Summary Of Drug Policy News For Activists, Including Original Commentary And Articles Such As What History Teaches Us About Drug Prohibition, By Jerry Epstein) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 14:53:45 -0800 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark Greer (MGreer@mapinc.org) Subject: DrugSense Weekly March 4, 1998 #036 *** DRUGSENSE WEEKLY *** DrugSense Weekly March 4, 1998 #036 A DrugSense publication http://www.drugsense.org *** TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Feature Article What History Teaches Us About Drug Prohibition By Jerry Epstein * Weekly News In Review Heroin - Cops Seize 11 Pounds of Heroin Marijuana - Court Clears Way For Closure Of Marijuana Clubs San Francisco Judge Orders Co-Op to Stop Selling Pot California Marijuana Club Stands Firm Against Court Rulings U.S. National Drug Control Strategy - Gingrich: Ban Drug-Using Athletes Crime, Punishment and Treatment Prison Guards Indicted Inquiry Into Goatherd's Slaying Ends Tobacco War- Time to Grow Up About Tobacco International News - Mexican Soldiers Given U.S. Army Training as Narcotics-Busters Certification - Despite Objections, Clinton Administration Certifies Mexico as Drug-Fighting Partner Certifiably Wrong on Mexico Colombia Sees Victory in U.S. Backing for Anti-Drug Effort Canada: Hemp to Become Legal Crop * Hot Off The 'Net New York Times Comment Opportunity * Tip of the Week How YOU can Help DrugSense End the "War On Drugs" * DrugSense Quote Of The Week *** FEATURE ARTICLE *** What History Teaches Us About Drug Prohibition Jerry Epstein In 1936, August Vollmer, highly respected Berkeley, California police chief addressed the International Association of Chiefs of Police: "Drug addiction ... is not a police problem; it never has been and never can be solved by policemen. It is first and last a medical problem." Vollmer's own experience was different from ours- he'd lived during a period when drugs which are now illegal were popular tonics and important medicines, freely available from drug and grocery store shelves. Cocaine was in Coca-Cola and some 40 other soft drinks as well. Morphine and heroin were two of the three most popular medicines; more widely used than today. When addiction occurred, it was dealt with as a medical problem. The addiction level had stabilized at about 1.5% of the population (the same as 1979 and 1997)- despite recurrent media alarms over "epidemic" drug use. The impact of non-alcohol addiction on society before Prohibition was so small that few historians bother to mention it. As Edward Brecher noted in 1972, addicts weren't treated as much of a problem because in fact they weren't much of a problem. However, no historian fails to note the devastation wrought by Prohibition. starting in 1920. Prohibition was our first utopian quest for a "drug free" America, and the arch villain was alcohol. Then as now, alcoholics outnumbered heroin and cocaine addicts combined, by more than 5 to 1. Voters were told that one drink led to certain addiction and that alcohol was responsible for nearly all of the crime and most of the insanity in America. Doctors even suggested to alcoholics that they become addicted to morphine or heroin to stop their crazed and violent behavior. After passage of the 18th Amendment, reformers promised: "we will soon live in a world that knows not alcohol." America became swept up in Prohibition fervor- some people also wanted to prohibit the dreaded and ever dangerous hesitation waltz. Two 5 to 4 Supreme Court decisions in 1919 reinterpreted a 1914 tax act so that, in effect, heroin,[AND] cocaine were also prohibited. Prohibition allowed Vollmer and many others to see that the unintended consequences of a prohibition law were far worse than those of the prohibited substance. Repeal of the 18th Amendment followed when concerned mothers - initially led by Republican women in 1928- realized that children had easier access to alcohol and were using it at a shocking rate even as adult use was decreasing. Respect for the had law plummeted; the criminal justice system became swamped; violent crime and corruption exploded; petty thugs received a bonanza which spawned today's powerful criminal organizations. Prohibition was repealed, but heroin and cocaine prohibition remained as a criminal enterprise which also provided employment for the bureaucracy set up to enforce Prohibition. Over time, and with a hiatus for the Second World War, the son of Prohibition grew larger than the father - history has been allowed to repeat itself with a vengeance. This brief history suggests there are many lessons to be learned from careful analysis of the past. A commonly expressed fear is that change in drug policy will produce a "nation of zombies." History tells us that there is a real difference between drug use and addiction, and that a natural human abhorrence of addiction insulates most of us from that danger. There is also strong evidence that those who, for whatever reasons, are prone to addiction are not deterred by force any more than a potential suicide might be. It's clear that our current division of drugs into legal and illegal is arbitrary and no more contributes to solving drug problems than making all Fords illegal would solve traffic problems (in that analogy, marijuana might be a tricycle). Through the insight of observers like Vollmer along with the experience of Prohibition, and models ranging from heroin maintenance in Shreveport in the 1920s to modern experience in Switzerland and Holland, we have strong indications that much less damage might be done to a society willing to reach an accommodation with marijuana and to allow "hard" drug addicts to get their drugs from doctors instead of criminals. *** WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW *** Heroin *** Cops Seize 11 Pounds of Heroin COMMENT: While McCaffrey's claim of drug war "success" is based on questionable polls showing reduced numbers of users, the market grows bigger. Remember when 5 Kilos of heroin would have made the front page? This story also ran in the in the SF Chronicle where it was buried on page 25. Purity wasn't mentioned, but chances are it was 3 or 4 times that of an average mid Seventies seizure. COPS SEIZE 11 POUNDS OF HEROIN A San Jose man was arrested Thursday after officers found more than 11 pounds of heroin, worth an estimated $2 million on the street, hidden in his car, Monterey County authorities said. The discovery was made after Alejandro Torres Lara, 19, was stopped by the California Highway Patrol at Airport Boulevard and Highway 101 in Salinas for an alleged traffic violation. Lara gave officers permission to search his car, and packages were found hidden in the driver's door, authorities said. [snip] Source: San Jose Mercury News Pubdate: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n140.a05.html letters@sjmercury.com http://www.sjmercury.com/ *** Marijuana *** Court Clears Way For Closure Of Marijuana Clubs San Francisco Judge Orders Co-Op to Stop Selling Pot California Marijuana Club Stands Firm Against Court Rulings COMMENT: Late last year, Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial front-runner Dan Lungren, with the complicity of the appellate court, contrived to shut down buyers' clubs without actually overturning 215. On February 26, the California Supreme Court, exhibiting a passivity which has come to characterize their approach in recent years, declined to hear the case. As the week progressed, it quickly became apparent that the battle would focus on the intensely rancorous confrontation between Dan Lungren and Dennis Peron, founder and operator of the San Francisco CBC. The New York Times piece of March 1 provides an accurate update. COURT CLEARS WAY FOR CLOSURE OF MARIJUANA CLUBS SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The state Supreme Court cleared the way Wednesday for possible closure of all medical marijuana clubs in California, leaving intact a lower-court ruling that the clubs can't sell the drug despite a 1996 voter initiative. [snip] The appellate ruling is now binding on trial courts statewide. Associated Press Pubdate: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n133.a04.html SAN FRANCISCO JUDGE ORDERS CO-OP TO STOP SELLING POT Attorney general says medical marijuana club should be shut down. Founder vows to keep operating. SAN FRANCISCO--A Superior Court judge late Thursday ordered the Cannabis Cultivator's Co-op to stop selling, storing or giving away medical marijuana, but the defiant founder of the organization said he intends to stay in business. The brief decision by San Francisco Superior Court Judge David Garcia set up another showdown between Dennis Peron, the club's founder, and state Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren. [snip] Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: February 27, 1998 Author: Maria L. La Ganga, Mary Curtius, Times Staff Writers URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n138.a03.html CALIFORNIA MARIJUANA CLUB STANDS FIRM AGAINST COURT RULINGS By JAMES BROOKE SAN FRANCISCO -- The advertised price was $30 for an eighth of an ounce of "Five Star Mexican Gold," and dollar bills were exchanged at a brisk clip Friday for plastic bags of marijuana. But, in deference to a new court ruling barring the sale of the drug by clubs, a hastily erected sign over the marijuana bar read: "Remuneration Station." "We are not selling marijuana anymore," Cannabis Cultivators Club founder Dennis Peron said Friday,... [snip] Not so, retorts California Attorney General Dan Lungren, a Republican candidate for governor.... [snip] The animus between the two men reflects how little was solved by the referendum in November 1996, when 56 percent of voters approved the medical use of marijuana. [snip] Source: New York Times Pubdate: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n143.a06.html *** Tobacco Wars *** Time To Grow Up About Tobacco COMMENT: One of the things I love about the tobacco debate is that it provokes drug prohibitionists into saying revealing things that can be turned on their doctrine with a vengeance. Does any one have a formula for shocking them into realizing that these statements apply equally to "drugs?" THE WALL STREET JOURNAL FEBRUARY 25 1998 Time to Grow Up About Tobacco Business World By Holman W. Jenkins Jr. It has come to be accepted across the land that tobacco executives are evil and kept us in the dark about cigarettes. [snip] We've been here before. Our basic dilemma has been an unwillingness to decide between banning tobacco or saying that smokers smoke at their own risk. If Congress intends to do more than just raise taxes on smokers, it will have to wrestle with this dilemma. In legislating for the industry, it would also be legislating for the 45 million people who use its products. [snip] It is time for Congress to get serious. It is not going to outlaw tobacco. That would be a boon to organized crime. [snip] Source: Wall Street Journal Pubdate: Wednesday, 25 Feb 1998Author: Holman W. Jenkins Jr. Section: Business World Contact: editors@interactive.wsj.com Website: http://www.wsj.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n138.a10.html *** U.S. National Drug Control Strategy *** Gingrich: Ban Drug-Using Athletes Crime, Punishment and Treatment Prison Guards Indicted COMMENT: This melange has a common thread: all the articles are deviously linked. An increased emphasis on drug testing is tied to prisons, then a seque is made from prisons into a consideration of what my become a significant Dan Lungren vulnerability - a subject of interest to all concerned with medical marijuana or worried about who might soon inhabit the governor's mansion in California. The first is more of Newt's shoot from the lip. Of all possible venues, professional sports is the least likely arena where routine testing will take place, although the public is well aware that recreational drug use is fairly common among athletes. Forcing them to rat out their connection is typically Newtonian. Califano's Op-ed is a follow-up to strategy foreshadowed by the recent CASA "study." The intent seems to be to modernize traditional moralistic prohibition doctrine with a social responsibility/public health twist.The underlying premise; coerced treatment of prisoners is "efficient," is a perversion of Caulkins' original Rand analysis on which it relies. The goal in that study was to analyze treatment as an alternative to traditional law enforcement and mandatory minimums, not the coerced treatment of prohibition's expensive failures. Lungren's vulnerability is summed up in the Chronicle editorial: his office "investigated" (whitewashed) the shocking allegations at Corcoran. He seems to have antagonized the Chronicle as well. Bad move, Dan. *** GINGRICH: BAN DRUG-USING ATHLETES WASHINGTON--All sports leagues and associations should give a one-year suspension to any athlete testing positive for drugs and ban any athlete who does not disclose the source of his drugs, House Speaker Newt Gingrich is recommending. "It seems to me you have to bear a certain responsibility as a star," the Georgia Republican said at a news conference. He said he was asking for players to turn in drug dealers because "we have to make life very frightening for dealers." [snip] Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Pubdate: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n138.a04.html *** CRIME, PUNISHMENT AND TREATMENT JOSEPH A. CALIFANO IT'S time to open-in the nation's prisons-a second front in the war on crime. For two decades we have been filling prisons with drug and alcohol abusers and addicts and, without treatment or training, returning them to society to resume the criminal activity spawned by their substance abuse. This is public policy crafted in the theater of the absurd. [snip] The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University estimates that for an additional $6,500 a year, an inmate could be given intensive treatment, education and job training. Upon release, each one who worked at the average wage of a high school graduate for a year would provide a return on investment of $68,800 in reduced criminal activity, [snip] After three years studying the relationship between prison inmates and substance abuse, l am convinced that the present system of prison and punishment only is insane public policy. [snip] Source: San Mateo County Times (CA) Pubdate: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 Contact: feedback@smctimes.com Website: http://www.smctimes.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n140.a09.html *** FEDERAL INDICTMENTS against eight Corcoran State Prison guards for staging gladiator fights among inmates should be just the beginning of a thorough investigation of the California Department of Corrections. The guards were indicted on Thursday ``despite intentional efforts on the part of correctional and other officials to stymie, delay and obstruct our inquiry,'' said the FBI, raising serious questions about official misconduct that must be answered. [snip] Clearly, other correctional officers knew of or were involved in the staged gladiator fights and killings besides the eight indicted guards. And who are the officials who tried to obstruct the investigation? Attorney General Dan Lungren, a law- and-order candidate for governor, conducted a 10-month investigation of violence at Corcoran and filed no criminal charges..... [snip] Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Pubdate: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n141.a01.html *** Inquiry Into Goatherd's Slaying Ends COMMENT: This was is the predictable "finding" in this tragedy. The only benefit seems to be that public outcry, generated by the killing itself, has, at least temporarily, cooled enthusiasm for an expanded domestic role in the drug war for US armed forces. Use of the military in this role hasn't been repudiated, nor has enthusiasm for their hemispheric use, or the training of foreign soldiers as drug warriors INQUIRY INTO GOATHERD'S SLAYING ENDS WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department has closed its civil rights investigation into the death of a Redford, Texas, teenager shot by a Marine during a Southwest border drug patrol, a congressman said Thursday. But Rep. Lamar S. Smith (R-Texas), who chairs the House immigration subcommittee, said he will open an inquiry of his own into the May 1997 death of 18-year-old Esequiel Hernandez Jr. Hernandez's family is pursuing a civil claim against the government. Smith said Justice Department officials told him earlier this week that they had wrapped up their civil rights investigation against Marine Cpl. Clemente Banuelos and would take no further action. [snip] Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Pubdate: Friday, February 27, 1998 URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n140.a08.html *** International News *** Mexican Soldiers Given U.S. Army Training as Narcotics-Busters COMMENT: In counterpoint to the death of an American citizen at the hands of a US Marine "drug patrol," this news is hardly surprising. Beyond that, the need to use the military in an anti-drug role because civilian police have become too corrupt is farcical. Sadly, it's not at all funny, particularly in light of an intensifying civil war in Chiapas. MEXICAN SOLDIERS GIVEN U.S. ARMY TRAINING AS NARCOTIC BUSTERS By Douglas Farah and Dana Priest Washington Post Fort Bragg, N.C. The U.S. Army is providing training to Mexican soldiers for the first time, creating an elite counter-narcotics unit that U.S. officials say has become the leading force in Mexico's fight against international drug trafficking. The program, started 18 months ago, includes training 1,067 Mexican officers a year at more than a dozen bases across the United States, according to U.S. officials. In addition, the CIA is giving extensive intelligence courses to a group of about 90 Mexican officers who will become part of the new counter-drug force,... [snip] Source: San Francisco Chronicle PubDate: 2/27/98 Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com *** Certification - *** Despite Objections, Clinton Administration Certifies Mexico as Drug-Fighting Partner NYT Editorial: Certifiably Wrong on Mexico Colombia Sees Victory in U.S. Backing for Anti-Drug Effort COMMENT: It's difficult to understand how anyone familiar with this story can keep a straight face when reading the latest official pronouncement. The New York Times had an interesting take on Mexico; they said, in essence, everyone knows it's a farce, but at least tell the truth. They also took a deserved swipe at McC for his relentless gushing praise of the Mexicans. The case for Colombia is no better than the one for Mexico, nevertheless their rating was upgraded to the point where they can now receive US aid- after all, what else counts? *** DESPITE OBJECTIONS, CLINTON ADMINISTRATION CERTIFIES MEXICO.. By Douglas Farah Washington Post Foreign Service Friday, February 27, 1998; Page A33 The Clinton administration decided yesterday to certify Mexico as a partner in combating international drug trafficking, over the objections of the Drug Enforcement Administration and other law enforcement agencies that argued that narcotics trafficking from Mexico is increasing and official corruption remains rampant. The decision came after a debate within the administration that peaked yesterday when officials advocating certification succeeded in removing strong criticism of Mexico from planned testimony before a Senate subcommittee by Thomas A. Constantine, director of the DEA, who opposed commending Mexico's anti-drug efforts. Opponents of certification within the administration cited a secret law enforcement intelligence memorandum on the situation in Mexico, prepared last month and obtained by The Washington Post, that paints a relentlessly pessimistic assessment of the country's counter-narcotics effort and dismisses many reported gains as superficial steps. [snip] Source: Washington Post Pubdate: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 Author: Douglas Farah, Washington Post Foreign Service Contact: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n142.a07.html *** CERTIFIABLY WRONG ON MEXICO The Clinton Administration does no favor to Mexico or its own credibility by certifying that Mexico is "fully cooperating" in the fight against drug trafficking. Compounding the damage, the White House Drug Policy Director, Barry McCaffrey, fatuously claims that Mexican cooperation is "absolutely superlative." [snip] Source: New York Times Pubdate: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n144.a03.html *** COLOMBIA SEES VICTORY IN U.S. BACKING FOR ANTI-DRUG EFFORT BOGOTA, Colombia -- Colombian officials on Thursday greeted Washington's conditional certification of their efforts to combat the flow of drugs into the United States as a victory for their beleaguered president, Ernesto Samper. Samper, blamed by many Colombians who saw decertification over the last two years as a personal rebuke to their president, used the waiver of drug sanctions on national security grounds to vindicate his longstanding criticism of the U.S. ratings, which are highly unpopular throughout Latin America. Colombia[snip] Source: New York Times Pubdate: Friday, 27 Feb 1998 Author: Diana Jean Schemo Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n139.a03.html *** CANADA: HEMP TO BECOME LEGAL CROP COMMENT: A significant development for the American hemp industry. Canada's relaxation of industrial hemp laws and its potential for a hemispheric hemp monopoly will put a lot of pressure on her American trading partners to follow suit. In the meantime, Canada will get a head start and will, once again, profit from American prohibition. 'I'm not on marijuana -- I'm just excited,' MP says Canadian farmers can plan to grow hemp this spring, thanks to a decision that comes a year earlier than expected -- but, as some see it, 60 years late. Federal Health Minister Allan Rock told the annual meeting of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture that, for the first time since the Second World War, cultivation of industrial hemp will be legal nationwide early next month. [snip] According to the Health Canada regulations still to be formally approved by Mr. Rock, industrial hemp must have less than 0.3 per cent THC, which means smoking a field of the stuff would give the users more of a headache than a high. "There will be minor adjustments (to the regulations) and those minor adjustments will be reflected in the final regulations," said Derek Kent, spokesman for the minister. [snip] "I am delighted that the matter is going ahead," said Senator Lorna Milne, the Liberal member who pushed the federal government to move more quickly with the regulations. "This is an opportunity for Canadian farmers, unmatched in this century. It is also proof of the effectiveness and worth of the Senate of Canada." The value of a Canadian hemp industry is difficult to quantify, but every year the United States imports $100 million (U.S.) of the crop annually. It's not legal to grow hemp in the U.S. but there also is pressure there for legalization. "There's been a lot of interest from Americans who right now are purchasing their hemp products from abroad -- mostly China -- and they'd love to be able to drive it down from Canada," said Ron Schnider, of West Hemp Enterprises Inc., a Vancouver-based firm that is helping B.C. and Alberta farmers get licences and obtain seeds. [snip] Source: Ottawa Citizen (Canada) Contact: letters@thecitizen.southam.ca Website: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 27 February 1998 Author: Dawn Walton, The Ottawa Citizen URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n138.a11.html *** HOT OFF THE 'NET New York Times Comment Opportunity The New York Times, with over a million circulation, is now featuring its third forum on drug policy. They write: "Here we go again. Surprisingly, the last two forums devoted to this topic leaned heavily towards legalization. But this attitude isn't reflected in the media or in public policy. Washington is beating the drums to step up the war on drugs. Our borders are militarized. Constitutional guarantees are eroding in favor of prosecutorial shortcuts. Violent crime, while decreasing in most large cities, is on the upswing in medium-sized cities as a result of warring drug gangs. Should we endeavor to imprison more of the population, or is there an alternative?" You can join the debate! If you have not registered with the NYT first go to: http://www.nytimes.com/subscribe/help/reghelp.html and register. It is free. Once you are registered you may join the forum by selecting Drug Policy under National Issues on this page: http://forums.nytimes.com/comment/ *** TIP OF THE WEEK How YOU can Help DrugSense End the "War On Drugs" Help, cooperation, and volunteerism is what we're about. If you have the abilities we need help in the following categories: 1) Letter writers. Read the DrugSense weekly and select an article that motivates you then write a letter to the editor using the email address usually provided with the article. Alternately write a letter of response to our weekly FOCUS Alert Subscribe to this by visiting http://www.drugsense.org/hurry.htm 2) NewsHawks. Find news articles on drug policy issues and either scan or copy them and forward them to editor@mapinc.org This can be done by monitoring any of hundreds of on-line newspapers or by scanning articles from you local paper or even by hand typing the article on items of extreme importance. 3) Recruiters. Visit newsgroups, email chat lists, and other sources for large groups of reform minded people and encourage them to visit our web pages, subscribe to our DrugSense Weekly newsletter and to *get involved.* 4) Fundraise. We are always short of funding. Either contribute or try to find others to do so. 5) Start a local reform group in your state or country. If you have 20 people or more who will help accomplish the above types of activities we will provide a free email list to coordinate your groups activities and provide guidance to get you started. We will also offer free web space, web support, and eventually even broadcast media opportunities to those qualified. *** QUOTE OF THE WEEK "Even if the task is big, don't let that stop you from beginning it -- just a part of it. Rosa Parks did a very simple thing by refusing to give up her seat on the bus. The task of ending discrimination and freeing the hearts and minds of the oppressed and oppressor was and is a daunting one, but courage and simple honesty are what it takes to begin. If the larger task does intimidate you, focus on it long enough only to prioritize the smaller pieces. Then take the job at the top of the list and begin it." -- Jim Downs , "The Book of Positive Qualities" *** DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. Editor: Tom O'Connell (tjeffoc@drugsense.org) Senior - Editor: Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org) We wish to thank all our contributors and Newshawks. NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. REMINDER: Please help us help reform. Send any news articles you find on any drug related issue to editor@mapinc.org PLEASE HELP: DrugSense provides this service at no charge BUT IT IS NOT FREE TO PRODUCE. We incur many costs in creating our many and varied services. If you are able to help by contributing to the DrugSense effort please Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your contribution to: The Media Awareness Project (MAP) Inc. d/b/a DrugSense PO Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 (800) 266 5759 MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.mapinc.org http://www.drugsense.org -------------------------------------------------------------------
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