------------------------------------------------------------------- Marvin Chavez's Trial Date Decided (Orange County Correspondent Says The Former Director Of The Now-Defunct Orange County Cannabis Co-Op Begins His Jury Trial July 27th - David Herrick, Convicted For His Work With The Same Dispensary, To Be Sentenced June 26) From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 16:46:26 EDT Subject: Fwd: Update: Marvin's trial date decided. From: WBritt420@aol.com To: tperkins@freecannabis.org, FilmMakerZ@aol.com Subject: Fwd: Update: Marvin's trial date decided. Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 21:58:11 EDT From: WBritt420@aol.com Subject: Update: Marvin's trial date decided. Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 21:50:56 EDT May 12 1998 10:30 AM After sentencing a man to death for murder, Judge Robert Fitzgerald set Marvin's motions trial for July 10th at 9:00 AM in dept. 39 on the 10th floor, and set the jury trial date on July 27th in the same court in Orange County. Judge Fitzgerald is a retiring judge who has had previous cases dismissed because of his bizarre behavior and rulings. He is known for not allowing supporters and media (after a small number) into the courtroom. Over half the seats in the courtroom had tape barriers saying "do not sit" leaving about 15 seats. Marvin's condition is getting worse. He's still being denied any medication or the use of his back brace. Lawyer Robert Kennedy is submitting Marvin's medical records to the jail and a doctor has offered to testify on his behalf that Cannabis is his medicine and to deny it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. In the end it's up to Sheriff Brad Gates to decide and since he and Marvin aren't exactly best buddies don't hold that bong hit in too long waiting for him to allow Cannabis smoking in Orange County jail. At the motions hearing on the 10th the judge will decide the fate of the medical records. To help keep his spirits up, Marvin has been educating inmates on the benefits and rights to use medicinal Cannabis. We were sending him fliers and info packets to pass out, but now they only allow single copies of any incoming mail. He told me to thank everyone for writing and showing up at hearings and showing support at the rally at the federal bldg. . Bail is still set at $100,000.00 with slim to no chance of reduction. Dennis Peron has offered $25,000.00 and anyone who wishes to contribute should contact: Jack Shachter - (714) 298-9114 or Bill Britt (562) 709-8620 wbritt420@aol.com Please write Marvin and Dave if you can. Marvin Chavez Jr. No. 1809199 F32-5 Central Men's Jail I.R.C. 550 N. Flower St. Santa Ana, CA 92703 Dave Herrick No. 1750882 J-4-8 550 N. Flower St. Santa Ana, CA 92703 David Lee Herrick was convicted and is facing 2-3 years. Sentencing on the 26th of this month. It just seems incredible to me that Marvin and Dave sit in jail next to murders, robbers and rapists because they knew it was within their power to ease the pain and suffering of people who are disabled, sick and dying. Please write and call the Orange County Sheriff's dept. and city attorney's office to voice your opinions. How can we exercise our rights if we don't know what they are? Bill
------------------------------------------------------------------- Majority Rule (Letter To The Editor Of 'The Los Angeles Times' By A Japanese-American Woman Whose Relatives Were Interned In American Concentration Camps During World War II Takes A Dim View Of Majority Rule) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN"Subject: MN: US: CA PUB LTE: Majority Rule Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:13:29 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: June 12, 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Author: Lynne Aoki MAJORITY RULE Re "Propositions: Democracy Speaking," by James P. Pinkerton, June 4: My mother, both sets of my grandparents, all of my aunts and some of my uncles (those not in the U.S. Army) were incarcerated for a good part of World War II. All but my grandparents were U.S. citizens. I don't think that Roper and Field were around to take polls back then, but based on what I know and what was reported at the time, my guess is that the majority of Californians supported the internment of my relatives. So, don't remind me or my relatives, or the slaves, or blacks sitting at the back of the bus or women before they had the right to vote, about the majority speaking "loudly and clearly." All of us, at times, have heard the people's shrill call and have had to wait for calmer voices to prevail. LYNNE AOKI Garden Grove
------------------------------------------------------------------- Jury Activist Turney Faces 15 Years (Bulletin From The Jury Rights Project Seeks Your Letters Of Support For Frank Turney, Convicted On March 6 Of Three Counts Of Felony Jury Tampering For Distributing The Hotline Number Of The Fully-Informed Jury Association Outside A Fairbanks, Alaska, Courthouse In 1994) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:09:47 -0600 (MDT) From: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) To: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Subject: Jury Activist Turney Faces 15 Years Jury Rights Project Update on Frank Turney Trial in Alaska (6/12/1998) Request for Letters of Support Frank Turney was convicted on March 6, 1998 of three counts of felony jury tampering for distributing the hotline number for the Fully-Informed Jury Association (1-800-TEL-JURY) outside a Fairbanks, Alaska courthouse in 1994. Turney has been leafletting the Fairbanks courthouse since 1990, distributing FIJA brochures that contain quotes about jury rights from radicals like Thomas Jefferson ("I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution") and John Adams ("It is not only his right, but his duty...to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgement, and conscience, through in direct opposition to the direction of the court.") See http://www.fija.org/jphp.htm Frank should never have been prosecuted for exercising his first amendment rights and educating potential jurors about their rights. It is amazing that a jury would convict him of a crime, but that is indicative of the extent of jury intimidation that is practiced by prosecutors and judges in courtrooms nationwide. (Frank was represented by a public defender.) Frank is facing 15 years in prison. He is scheduled for sentencing on Thursday, July 2. Frank is asking concerned citizens to send letters of support prior to his sentencing to Nancy Allen, the person in charge of his pre-sentencing investigation and report. Ask Ms. Allen to be lenient on Frank and not recommend jail time. Emphasize that Frank is not a danger to community and should be allowed to keep his freedom to allow him to work on his appeal. Letters can be sent to his pre-sentencing investigator: Nancy Allen c/o Judge Donald Hopwood 315 Barnette St. #207 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Send copies to: Frank Turney Box 70392 Fairbanks, AK 99707 (907) 457-2333 Or can be emailed to Charles Rollins, Jr., a friend of Frank's who has Internet access. (chuck@mosquitonet.com) *** BACKGROUND: Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner http://www.newsminer.com/news/news.html Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Judge shelters jury in tampering trial It turns out that the jury sitting in judgment of juror rights advocate Frank Turney may not be so fully informed after all. The judge in Turney's jury-tampering case will not let the prosecution question jurors about the deliberation process from a 1994 trial that ended with a hung jury. Kodiak Superior Court Judge Donald Hopwood, temporarily assigned to Fairbanks, said he feared that Turney's current trial would evolve into a mini-retrial of an old case involving another defendant. Turney's trial on jury tampering charges concluded its second day of testimony Wednesday in Fairbanks Superior Court. Turney is accused of distributing the number of a juror rights hot line, 1-800-TEL-JURY, to jurors assigned to a criminal trial. *** March 7, 1998 Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner Turney convicted of jury tampering Juror rights advocate Frank Turney was brought down Friday by the very same system he cared so much for. A jury deliberated less than five hours before convicting Turney, 51, on three counts of jury tampering. Moments after hearing the decision, Turney thanked the jurors for their service and stood as they left the courtroom. "The only thing that I'm guilty of is telling the truth," Turney said. Turney distributed a juror rights hotline, 1-800-TEL-JURY, to three jurors involved in a 1994 criminal case back. The group encourages jurors to judge the law as well as the facts and vote with their conscience. The jury in that 1994 case deadlocked and Turney was indicted on three counts of jury tampering. The prosecution felt this message was intended to influence jurors, which affected the outcome. "We're not talking about education here," Assistant District Attorney Jay Hodges said. "Mr. Turney did not have to intend to influence the outcome of the decision in the case." "His intent was to influence a juror to think they can judge the law," Hodges said. Turney is scheduled to be sentenced on July 2 before Kodiak Superior Court Judge Donald Hopwood. Turney said his conviction will be appealed. Letters to the editor about Frank's case can be sent to: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner P.O. Box 70710 Fairbanks, AK 99707-0710 Email: letters@newsminer.com Fax: (907) 452-7917 Limit: 350 words Anchorage Daily News P.O. Box 149001 Anchorage, Alaska 99514-9001 Email: letters@pop.adn.com Fax:(907)258-2157 Juneau Empire 3100 Channel Dr Juneau AK 99801 Email: editor1@alaska.net Fax: (907)586-3028 Limit: 250 words *** Re-distributed by the: Jury Rights Project (jrights@levellers.org) Web page: (http://www.lrt.org/jrp.homepage.htm) To be added to or removed from the JRP mailing list, send email with the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the title.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Viagra Is A Boon For Business, Say Brothel Workers (According To A Knight Ridder News Service Item In 'The San Jose Mercury News,' Prostitutes At Two Legal Bordellos Near Carson City, Nevada, Say Pfizer's New Drug For Impotence Has A Lot Of Old Men Hobbling Through Their Front Doors On Canes And Wheelchairs 24 Hours A Day) Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 21:07:01 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NV: Viagra Is A Boon For Business, Say Brothel Workers Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Website: http://www.sjmercury.com/ Author: April Adamson, Knight Ridder News Service VIAGRA IS A BOON FOR BUSINESS, SAY BROTHEL WORKERS CARSON CITY, Nev. -- Stricken with diabetes or heart conditions, maneuvering canes and wheelchairs, they hobble through the front doors 24 hours a day. In most cases they are 66 to 96, and are widowed, lonely or unsatisfied sexually. At a couple of Nevada's legal brothels, dozens of steamed-up seniors are using Viagra to put the sex back into sexagenarian, the prostitutes say. Prostitutes at two brothels near Carson City, Nev., are saying they've seen a boom in business thanks to Viagra, the little blue impotence pill. These hookers say many of their clients have renewed their prowess with the pill. For $500 or more, born-again oldsters are flocking to the brothels for pricey sessions of passion amid theme rooms and cigar bars. ``It really has done a lot for them physically, mentally and emotionally,'' said ``Lief,'' a 38-year-old prostitute at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch near Carson City, one of about 30 brothels in the state. ``They are paying more, staying longer. It totally has changed their self-esteem,'' Lief said. At the Bunny Ranch one day this week, most of the two dozen prostitutes were still getting their beauty sleep at noon. ``It was a long night last night,'' boasted brothel manager Suzette Gwin. ``But this is the best thing since prostitution was legalized in 1970.'' Gwin attributes an increase in this month's profits to Viagra. ``On a daily basis, there's been a big increase,'' Gwin said. ``I go by dollar amounts . . . and there's been a 20 to 30 percent increase.'' One repeat customer, who is 73, has been on Viagra for three weeks. With so much stamina, the septuagenarian had to extend his session. Another customer at the Bunny Ranch is in his 80s. He has diabetes and had to take a drug injection before visits to the ranch. No more, said Lief. Now she can barely keep up with him. At Miss Kitty's Guest Ranch, ``Katie'' caters only to sexy seniors, many who swear by Viagra. ``I specialize in older men,'' said Katie, 47, a longtime prostitute at the Moundhouse brothel. ``A lot of them are just now starting to find out about it. It's really the in thing now.'' Despite the prostitutes' testimonials, George Flint, head of the Nevada Brothel Association, denies that Viagra has created new demand. ``That is complete and unmitigated nonsense,'' said Flint, who says he represents state brothels as a lobbyist and media representative. ``I'm not telling you there haven't been a few. . . . But to say it is associated with a boom or possible impact. . .'' The long-term impact may become apparent soon. ``A lot of my customers got their Social Security checks on the 3rd of June,'' Katie said. ``Check back with me later this month and I'll let you know.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Court Tosses Pot Conviction Because Police Had No Warrant ('The Wisconsin State Journal' Says The Second District Court Of Appeals On Wednesday Threw Out The Conviction And Four-Year Sentence Against Jeffry Paterson Of Burlington, Wisconsin, For Growing Marijuana And Possessing Pipe Bombs, Saying Police Violated The Fourth Amendment In Entering His Home Without A Warrant And No Good Reason To Search) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:05:13 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US WI: Court Tosses Pot Conviction Because Police Had No Warrant Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Wisconsin State Journal (WI) Contact: wsjopine@statejournal.madison.com Website: http://www.madison.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Address: Editor, Wisconsin State Journal, POB 8058, Madison, WI 53708 Author: Cary Segall Wisconsin State Journal COURT TOSSES POT CONVICTION BECAUSE POLICE HAD NO WARRANT Jeffry Paterson's neighbor thought something was fishy when he saw lights going on and off successively in upstairs rooms of Paterson's rural home, so he tried unsuccessfully to telephone Paterson and then called police. Three town of Burlington officers quickly arrived to find nothing amiss on the November evening in 1996. There were lights on, a pickup in the open garage and no signs of a break-in. But, after another phone call wasn't answered, the police entered the house anyway. Chief Michael Mehring and an officer opened an unlocked door, walked in and. said, "Is anyone home? This is the Police Department" When they got no response, they decided to search and had looked through three rooms before they spotted marijuana plants hanging on strings, and then a 9-year-old girl at the top of the stairs. About 15 minutes later, the girl's mom, Angela Pischke, arrived and told police that her boyfriend, Paterson, was hunting nearby. Paterson, 40, was convicted of growing marijuana and possessing pipe bombs and sentenced to four years in prison. But the 2nd District Court of Appeals on Wednesday threw out the convictions, saying police violated the Fourth Amendment in entering the home without a warrant and no good reason to search. The court rejected the argument of Assistant Attorney General Leonard Martin, who said police were just doing their job in check-ing out a possible burglary. The court, in overruling Racine County Circuit Judge Gerald Ptacek, said lights going on and off and an unanswered phone at 5:30 p.m. aren't signs of criminal activity. "A more reasonable deduction is that a person legitimately on the premises was simply moving from room to room," Judge Neal Nettesheim wrote for the court'. "A person legitimately in the residence may be preoccupied or otherwise simply choose to not answer a call," he added, "Or, if a child is home alone, the child may have been instructed to not answer the telephone. "In short, the information provided by the neighbor did not present an overly worrisome situation."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Unity In Drug War ('The Orange County Register' Gives A Two-Sentence Summary Of The United Nations Special Session To Expand The Global War On Some Drug Users) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 01:13:58 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US GE: CA: Unity In Drug War Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk:John W.Black Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ UNITY IN DRUG WAR The United Nations urged members to begin work on key elements of a U.N. plan for combating drugs, including cutting demand by 50 percent and reducing supplies over the next 10 years. The goals were contained in a plan adopted Wednesday at the conclusion of the drug summit.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug War - UN Should Take Lead In Fighting This Scourge (Staff Editorial In 'The Dallas Morning News' Supports The United Nations Expanding The Global War On Some Drug Users) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 09:30:03 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UN GE: Editorial: Drug War Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 DRUG WAR U.N. should take lead in fighting this scourge Ambitious is the word to use in describing the global anti-drug strategy crafted by former anti-Mafia crusader Pino Arlacchi. Because the plan by the current head of the U.N. anti-drug agency is so sweeping - promising as it does massive reductions in the worldwide availability of cocaine and heroin - it virtually sets itself up for skepticism. But instead of carping at such a vision, the nations of the world should eagerly second Mr. Arlacchi's overriding message: the need to reduce demand and supply at the same time. Fortunately, the approach generally dovetails with the views of another influential player in the fight, President Clinton. In a speech Monday, he used the occasion of the U.N. General Assembly's first session in a decade dedicated exclusively to drug-related issues, to warn that merely pointing fingers helps no one. Cooperation can indeed work wonders in the context of an approach that centers on education and treatment, as well as interdiction, crop eradication and crop substitution. In this regard, Mr. Clinton has promised to request more than $17 billion in drug fighting money from Congress in the next fiscal year, with $6 billion to be set aside for reducing demand. But the U.N. proposal to extend infrastructure aid to producer countries such as Afghanistan and Burma for phasing out the cultivation of opium and coca leaf should remain a nonstarter as long as such nations continue to violate human rights. The fallout from noncooperation can be found in the ongoing spat between President Clinton and President Ernesto Zedillo over Operation Casablanca. The U.S. law enforcement sting last month netted 26 Mexican banker-money launderers, but was deeply resented by the Zedillo government because U.S. officials kept Mexico in the dark. Yet just as Mexico's frustration is understandable, so are the concerns of U.S. officials who feared for the lives of U.S. drug agents on both sides of the border. That hardly means that greater cooperation is unachievable. To the contrary, precisely because the goal is in everyone's best interests, the world must continue to strive diligently for it.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pointing The Finger (Zealous 'New York Times' Prohibitionist AM Rosenthal Says The Well-Laid Plans Of United Nations Drug Warriors Were Upset Last Week By 'Americans Who Devote Their Careers And Foundation Grants' To 'Legalizing' Drugs, Who 'Had Mobilized Their Network Of Web Sites') Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 20:51:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Ben (ben@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: Don't get too mad! Pointing the Finger by A. M. Rosenthal Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net This is an opinion piece by A. M. Rosenthal that was printed in the New York Times. He loves using words such as "legalizer" and other demonized phrases. He's quite the close-minded, no-other-solution-advocating moron. Send your intelligent letters to letters@nytimes.com. Ben Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Source: New York Times (NY) Author: A. M. Rosenthal Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 POINTING THE FINGER The three-day meeting on fighting drugs was one of the more useful United Nations conferences in decades. It was well led by Pino Arlacchi, the Italian Mafia-buster, drew chiefs of state and narcotics specialists from every part of the world, and wound up with a plan to eliminate the growing of illegal heroin and cocaine in 10 years -- certainly difficult but certainly doable. So, months before the opening Monday, a campaign to attack the conference was planned. It was worked out by Americans who devote their careers and foundation grants not to struggling against narcotics but legalizing them under one camouflage or another. Before the first gavel, they were ready with advertisements writing off the conference, had rounded up American and European signatures denouncing the war against drugs as a failure, and had mobilized their network of web sites. They convinced one or two convincible journalists that people opposed to the anti-drug effort had been banned from talking at meetings of specialists and organizations. That's strange, because at the very first forum I attended there were as many legalizers as drug fighters making statements and asking questions. The propaganda was professionally crafted. Hundreds of well-known people and wannabes signed an opening-day two-page advertisement in The Times. It had no proposals except for a "dialogue," which already has gone on a half-century. The word "legalization" was not used. Legalizers and their financial quartermasters know Americans are 87 percent against legalization. So now they use camouflage phrases like "harm reduction" -- permitting drug abuse without penalty, the first step toward de facto legalization. One signer told me that she did indeed favor legalization but that in such campaigns you just don't use words that will upset the public. I have more respect for her, somewhat, than for prominent ad-signers who deny drug legalization is the goal. And for signers who, God help us, do not even know the real goal, here's a statement by Dr. Ethan Nadelmann, now George Soros' chief narcotics specialist and field commander, in 1993 when he still spoke, unforked, about legalization: "It's nice to think that in another 5 or 10 years . . . the right to possess and consume drugs may be as powerfully and as widely understood as the other rights of Americans are." Plain enough? The conference is finished, legalizers are not. Hours after publication of this column, masses of denunciatory E-mail letters to the editor will arrive at The Times. Judging by the past, the web-site chiefs will announce gleefully that virtually all the letters The Times printed supported them, and how much that publicity would have cost if they had to pay for it. Anti-drug letters will arrive too late. Now, I have a problem. Knowing that Americans are so against legalization and the multiplication of addiction, crime and destroyed souls it will create, I ask myself why I write about legalizers at all. They live by publicity, which can mean more millions from Mr. Soros and a few other backers. But the legalization minority includes many intellectuals, academics, journalists and others with access to lecture rooms, print and TV. So consistently do they spread their falsehood that the drug war has failed that even some Americans who want to fight drugs believe there's no use trying. America still suffers agonizingly from illegal drugs, but as President Clinton told the U.N., overall U.S. drug use has dropped 49 percent since 1979, cocaine use has dropped 70 percent since 1985, crime usually related to drugs has decreased five years in a row. Yet the anti-drug movement has never rallied to tell Americans about the legalizers, identities and techniques. Washington and the U.N, including Mr. Arlacci, have even softened their language -- such as not using the phrase "drug war" anymore. Washington's big new anti-drug ad campaign will be useful, but not very, unless it not only urges parents to talk to children, but parents to talk to other parents, about the legalizers, in or out of camouflage. Surely it is time for the President to dissect America's legalizers and publicly point the finger at them. If he is too delicate, or politically fearful, the rest of us will have to do the job of denying them acceptability or cover; it's worth the space.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Pointing The Finger (Letter Sent To The Editor Of 'The New York Times' Tries To Correct AM Rosenthal's Misinformation) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:14:05 -0400 From: Carey Ker (carey.ker@utoronto.ca) Subject: Sent: Pointing the finger (NYTimes) To: mattalk@islandnet.com Delivery-Receipt-To: Carey Ker (carey.ker@utoronto.ca) To the editor, Re: POINTING THE FINGER, A. M. Rosenthal, Fri, 12 Jun 1998 I am personally tired of the polemic, invective detritus that spews forth from the likes of A.M. Rosenthal. His glib assertion that the "harm reduction" drug campaign is in reality a dark sinister propaganda machine comes off as gross fear-mongering. This demeans the motives of all the people that dedicate their time and energy (mostly volunteered) to working for a better society. It's not the drugs, silly. It's about people taking back control of their lives from the nanny/Hilter state; it's about families torn asunder because of totalitarian drug laws; it's about restricting access to drugs through controlled distribution for the sake of our children. Mr. Rosenthal can rant and rail to his heart's content but the proof is in the pudding. As any teenager or drug legalizer can testify -- the current regime of prohibition insures the ubiquitous availability of drugs. What kind of society does Mr. Rosenthal propose we live in considering the fact that our governments can't even keep drugs out of the most secure prisons? Carey Ker
------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncivil War About The Drug War At 'The New York Times' (Best-Selling Author Peter McWilliams Dissects Recent Editorial Emanations From One Of The Nation's Most Influential Newspapers, Noting Prohibitionary Zealot AM Rosenthal Now Considers His Own Editorial Board To Be 'Legalizers') From: "Peter McWilliams" (peter@mcwilliams.com) Subject: UnCivil War about the Drug War at the New York Times Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 14:21:07 +0100 >From Peter McWilliams... No sooner had my earlier open letter to America's media cleared the fax machines ("The New York Times Now Opposes the War on Drugs. And You?"), along comes a doozy of a column from A. E. Rosenthal. Here is my column about his column you are welcome to share with your readers or use as source material for your own story: UnCivil War about the Drug War at the New York Times In a dramatic editorial epiphany, the New York Times on Tuesday, June 9, 1998, published its new view that the War on Drugs has failed. More dramatically, on June 12, 1998, in a New York Times OpEd column, the man who ran the New York Times with an iron fist for 16 years, A. E. Rosenthal, accused the Times Editorial Board of being drug "legalizers" spreading "falsehood" and intent on "the multiplication of addiction, crime and destroyed souls." It all began on Tuesday, June 9, 1998, with a Times editorial entitled Cheerleaders Against Drugs. Couched in criticism of the United Nation's new 10-year-plan aimed at "a drug-free world," the editorial neatly dismantles the 84-year-old United States drug policy as well. After all, the "new" UN drug policy is merely ancient US drug policy after a crash-course at Berlitz. When the Times observed that the "militarized war on drugs...has torn apart societies and built up some of the world's most repressive armies;" that the "claims" made by those who follow the US/UN interdiction-first policy "get in the way of effective programs to reduce drug use;" and said a law-enforcement approach to drug use and addiction was "misdirected," "failed," "designed primarily to recycle unrealistic pledges and celebrate dubious programs," and is "unrealistic and harmful." The one nod the Times made to the current drug policy was a paragraph, one sentence long, that began with patriotic Drug War media pabulum, but ends with a devastating fact that can no longer be denied by rational human beings. "While there is a place for crop substitution, law enforcement, interdiction and other programs to cut drug supply, these steps rarely deliver promised results." In other words, the War on Drugs is lost. On June 12, three days after the Times editorial ran, former New York Times Executive Editor A. E. Rosenthal, now a New York Times columnist, attacked the Times Editorial Board, branding it a "legalizer." While Rosenthal never directly mentions the Times editorial, his repeated attacks on the ideas and language used in the editorial are unmistakable. The only way he could say he did not intend to attack the editorial is by not having read it. "I was so busy entertaining drug warrior heads of state on Tuesday," he might say, "I skipped reading the paper altogether." I called Rosenthal's office to find out. When I posed my query, I was told, "Mr. Rosenthal read Tuesday's editorial and said what he wanted to say in today's column." Rosenthal, then, is intentionally calling the Times Editorial Board a drug "legalizer," the worst name Rosenthal could possibly fling, every bit as evil to Rosenthal as "communist" was during his heyday. Legalizers, according to Rosenthal, bring with them "the multiplication of addiction, crime and destroyed souls." The Times Editorial Board is, in Rosenthal's view, demoralizing those decent Americans who, deep in their hearts, really want to fight drugs. "[T]he legalization minority includes many intellectuals, academics, journalists and others with access to lecture rooms, print and TV. So consistently do they spread their falsehood that the drug war has failed that even some Americans who want to fight drugs believe there's no use trying." Not only is the Times Editorial Board a "legalizer" in Rosenthal's mind, but a covert legalizer at that. The Times editorial offered only one alternative for the failed War on Drugs when it mentioned "some interesting new ideas such as harm reduction, which focuses on programs like needle exchanges and methadone that cut the damage drugs do." To its eternal peril, the Times mentioned the H-word and the R-word--harm reduction--two words not to be breathed near a drug hawk: "Legalizers...use camouflage phrases like 'harm reduction'--permitting drug abuse without penalty, the first step toward de facto legalization." In a rare and momentary forgiving mood, Rosenthal, Old Times Boy that he is, leaves a crack under the door for the Times Editorial Board to slither through. All the Times has to do to save itself from journalistic perdition is to say it was duped by those deceptive legalizers. Rosenthal claimed the legalizers had "convinced one or two convincible journalists that people opposed to the anti-drug effort had been banned from talking" at the U.N. And just who were those one or two convincible [read: gullible] journalists? Hint: the Times stated in its editorial, "The U.N. kept off the program virtually all the citizens' groups and experts who wanted to speak." The Times Editorial Board, then, could wash its hands of the whole thing by, in Rosenthal's phrase, "pointing fingers," saying it was all the fault of "one or two convincible journalists," and renew its pledge to fight this national crisis with "the rest of us." After all, it worked during the McCarthy witchhunts. If the Times Editorial Board refuses to name names and absolve itself from culpability, Rosenthal is ready to make a federal case out of it. "Surely it is time for the President to dissect America's legalizers and publicly point the finger at them," Rosenthal writes, practically begging for criticism of his paper by the White House. "If he is too delicate, or politically fearful, the rest of us will have to do the job of denying them acceptability or cover." But that's not all. Rosenthal would also like to see the Times attacked by the federal $2 billion anti-drug advertising campaign Clinton pointed to with pride during his U.N. address. "Washington's big new anti-drug ad campaign will be useful, but not very," Rosenthal warned darkly, "unless it not only urges parents to talk to children, but parents to talk to other parents, about the legalizers, in or out of camouflage." Rosenthal, then, is demanding ads, paid for with tax dollars, to slam the New York Times. Et Tu, Rosenthal? From a certain perspective, it's all rather sad. Rosenthal somehow thinks he is still in charge. All it takes is a "memo from the top" to straighten out those Editorial Board rascals, just like the old days. It's reminiscent of William Randolph Hearst's last years. Hearst could get an opinion column printed in any Hearst publication he chose, but he couldn't influence even Hearst employees to respect it. --Peter McWilliams peter@mcwilliams.com www.mcwilliams.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- Donohue, Like Pataki, Tried Pot ('The Associated Press' Says Republican New York Governor George Pataki's New Running Mate In His Re-Election Campaign, Former State Judge Mary Donohue, Smoked Cannabis At The College Of New Rochelle - He Consumed It Orally At Columbia Law School - No Word On Why They Now Endorse Sending Other People To Jail For Doing The Same Thing) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 01:13:59 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NY: Wire: Donohue, Like Pataki, Tried Pot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Source: Associated Press DONOHUE, LIKE PATAKI, TRIED POT ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Former state judge Mary Donohue, Gov. George Pataki's new running mate, confirmed Friday that she smoked marijuana as a college student. That means the two Republicans at the top of the GOP ticket this year have both tried pot. But while Donohue inhaled, Pataki has said he ingested it with a can of baked beans. ``She was a child of the 60's and she tried it,'' Donohue spokeswoman Eileen Long said. Donohue, a former Rensselaer County district attorney, told the New York Post that she tried pot during her days as a student at the College of New Rochelle. She graduated from there in 1968. ``I tried it, but didn't like it. I smoked it and probably inhaled. But I never got into it,'' the former state Supreme Court justice told the Post. Long said Donohue was kidding about ``probably'' inhaling. ``Of course, she inhaled,'' Long said. ``She smoked pot and she inhaled.'' While Pataki has admitted to trying pot during his days at Columbia Law School, he used a novel approach. Not being a smoker, Pataki said he and some friends mixed their marijuana in with a can of beans and ate it. Donohue, little known statewide, was plucked off the state trial court last month to become Pataki's running mate. Last year, the governor dumped current Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey Ross from his re-election plans, saying she wasn't a team player. McCaughey Ross switched to the Democratic Party in September and is seeking its nomination to challenge Pataki in November.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Heroin Maintenance Denounced By Officials ('The Baltimore Sun' Says A Proposal For A Research Trial In Which Doctors Would Provide Heroin To Some Baltimore Addicts Came Under Attack Yesterday From Elected Officials - Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke Said He Wanted 'To Make It Real Clear That This Administration Has No Intention Of Initiating A Heroin Maintenance Program,' Indicating Any Further Discussion About Heroin Maintenance Would Come Out Of John Hopkins University And Not Local Government) Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 08:42:34 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US MD: Heroin Maintenance Denounced By Officials Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Rob Ryan Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Source: Baltimore Sun (MD) Contact: letters@baltsun.com Website: http://www.sunspot.net/ Author: Scott Shane, Gerard Shields, and Thomas W. Waldron HEROIN MAINTENANCE DENOUNCED BY OFFICIALS Schmoke Pulls Back From Health Chief's Support For Study A proposal for a research trial in which doctors would provide heroin to some Baltimore addicts came under fierce attack yesterday from elected officials as a symbolic step in the wrong direction. "It doesn't make any sense," said Gov. Parris N. Glendening. "It sends totally the wrong signal." "Do we go from `Baltimore, the city that reads,' to `Baltimore, the city that nods'?" asked City Council President Lawrence A. Bell III, using the slang term for the sleepy euphoria of the heroin user. Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke reined in his health commissioner, who had expressed strong support for a trial of heroin maintenance, saying he wanted "to make it real clear that this administration has no intention of initiating a heroin maintenance program." Dr. Peter L. Beilenson, the health commissioner, had not proposed distributing heroin from city Health Department clinics or with city money, but he had urged John Hopkins University drug abuse experts to pursue an academic study. Schmoke said he does not want Beilenson to be "spokesman" for the idea. "Any further discussion about heroin maintenance and how it relates to the city of Baltimore will come out of the university community and not the local government," Schmoke said. The mayor received national attention about 10 years ago for advocating "decriminalization" of drug use, and he told The Sun in April he would consider having Baltimore participate in a multicity heroin maintenance experiment. But in that interview he also expressed concern that such a program could prove so controversial as to be counterproductive, and yesterday he appeared to reach that conclusion. "We've gotten such good support from the public [for a health care approach to drug abuse] that I don't want to lose that support because they feel we've gone in a direction they are not comfortable with," he said. But Dr. Alfred Sommer, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, said the criticism should not be permitted to stifle scientific inquiry. "It's discouraging to hear people say they're absolutely against this before they know anything about it," said Sommer. "That's not the way to advance public policy or to find ways to protect public health." Improved Health Sommer cited data from a Swiss study that tracked more than 1,000 addicts over three years. "What we've learned so far is that such programs can dramatically improve the health of those addicted to heroin," as well as reducing crime, increasing employment and moving some people into treatment or off drugs altogether, he said. Sommer said he wants Hopkins to help organize a conference to bring local and state public health officials together with drug treatment specialists and community leaders to discuss heroin maintenance. "Does it make sense in Baltimore? I have no idea," Sommer said. "It's going to take a lot of debate and discussion." Drug abuse experts, including some from Baltimore, gathered in New York over the weekend to hear about the Swiss experience with heroin maintenance and plans for similar experiments in Spain and the Netherlands. Several Hopkins drug abuse experts and Beilenson recently discussed joining with other cities to try offering heroin to a limited number of the hardest-core drug addicts who have not responded to treatment. Advocates of the concept say the war on drugs has failed and new approaches should be tried. Several hundred public figures, including Schmoke and Beilenson, signed a letter in the New York Times Monday declaring that "the global war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself." Reduced Crime Drug policy reform advocates say heroin addicts now steal to support their habits and spread AIDS by sharing needles. Administering injections of heroin in clinics to people already addicted would at least reduce theft and curb HIV transmission; it might lure otherwise unreachable drug abusers into counseling that eventually could get them off drugs, the advocates say. Baltimore City Councilman Norman A. Handy Sr., a minister from the southwest 6th District, was one of the few public officials to express such a view yesterday. "If we don't do [heroin maintenance], some other city will do it," Handy said. "And even if we don't do it, it should be discussed. Obviously, this war on drugs is a failure, and we need to fire all the generals." But many addiction experts say funding for traditional drug treatment falls far short of the demand, and heroin maintenance is a dubious distraction from proven remedies for drug abuse. "Even as a research proposal, I think it's a bad idea," said Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, the deputy state health secretary who oversees drug and alcohol treatment. "I think to translate the Swiss data to this very different culture is a very big jump." While the number of heroin addicts in Baltimore -- more than 34,000, according to state estimates -- dwarfs the number in suburban counties, the discussion of heroin maintenance comes at a time when the drug has made inroads into suburban and even rural high schools. Even pastoral Carroll County has had a number of highly publicized overdose deaths. Wrong Message At such a time, some officials fear any program that makes heroin available, however well-intentioned, could send a disastrous message to curious teen-agers. "It's much better to tell young people that heroin is bad," said Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who announced this week a plan to test juvenile arrestees for drug use. "This undermines that whole effort." The Rev. Melvin Baxter Tuggle II, president of Clergy United for the Renewal of East Baltimore, blasted the heroin maintenance idea, saying, "You don't fix the problem by giving the addicts drugs. It's genocide." He said he also opposes giving addicts methadone, a substitute addictive medication widely used to treat heroin addicts. A chastened Beilenson yesterday said his daughter had heard a radio disc jockey open a news report on the commissioner's support for heroin maintenance by declaring: "Come get your heroin." He said he regretted that some people incorrectly believed he was advocating a city-run program, but he still supports academic research on heroin maintenance. "We shouldn't close our eyes to any new initiative," Beilenson said. Citing a study that found more than half of Baltimore African-American males between the ages of 18 and 34 were involved in the criminal justice system, he added: "The war on drugs has criminalized a whole segment of the population. That's the great tragedy."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Spiralling Violence In Chiapas And Guerrero Could Degenerate Into Human Rights Disaster (A List Subscriber Posts Part Of A News Release From Amnesty International Noting The War On Some Drugs In Mexico Is Playing An Integral Part In Its Civil War) Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 10:05:46 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: alive@pacifier.com Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Arthur LivermoreTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: MEXICO: Spiralling violence could degenerate into human rights MEXICO: Spiralling violence in Chiapas and Guerrero could degenerate into human rights disaster http://www.amnesty.org/news/1998/24102998.htm Amnesty International - News Release AMR 41/29/98 12 June 1998 The escalating political violence over the past month in the States of Chiapas and Guerrero-which has left at least 18 dead and 79 detained in the past three days-could degenerate into a human rights catastrophe, Amnesty International warned today. "A disturbing pattern appears to be emerging, with the perpetrators of the massacres getting away with their crimes while the Mexican authorities are arbitrarily detaining peasants in areas considered to be opposed to the government," the organization said. [snip] "The army claimed initially that the shooting happened after a routine anti-narcotics patrol stumbled by accident upon a guerrilla meeting. This looks increasingly implausible as the full extent of the army presence emerges," Amnesty International said. "It is crucial that the authorities allow appropriate legal and medical professionals and human rights bodies to visit the site of the incident and to properly protect the evidence at the scene to avoid accusations of a cover-up." The human rights organization is reminding the government that anti-narcotic or anti-insurgent operations must be carried out with due respect for human rights and international standards. Such operations must not be used as a pretext for the indiscriminate detention of civilians. This only serve[s] to heighten tensions and increase the risks of further loss of lives. Amnesty International is calling on the Mexican government to take all necessary measures to guarantee the integrity and security of the civilian population, to insist that its security forces respect the international standards on the use of force and to investigate and bring to trial those agents of the state involved in human rights violations. Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom *** Arthur Livermore alive@pacifier.com 503-436-1882
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico Stung In More Ways Than One (Writing About 'Operation Casablanca,' 'San Francisco Chronicle' Columnist Lewis Dolinsky Quotes Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, An Independent Mexican Legislator Whose Specialty Is Relations With North America, Saying, 'Mexico Has Permitted, Tolerated And At Times Cooperated With Undercover Operations That Violate Its Sovereignty,' And Will Again) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 17:20:37 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: Column: Mexico Stung in More Ways Than One Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: chronletters@sfgate.com Website: http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE - Lewis Dolinsky MEXICO STUNG IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE The Mexican public, opposition parties, even members of the ruling PRI are mad as hell about the U.S. sting operation against Mexican banks. But Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, an independent Mexican legislator whose specialty is relations with North America, says, ``Mexico has permitted, tolerated and at times cooperated with undercover operations that violate its sovereignty.'' And will again. The question in recent days is whether a casual mention in 1996 to the Mexican attorney general of a pending money-laundering sting constituted the disclosure (and approval) required under agreements between the two countries. But Aguilar Zinser, who has spent the year as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, says U.S. agents can get away with practically anything in Mexico as long as Mexican officials are given 15 minutes warning before Attorney General Janet Reno and Treasure Secretary Robert Rubin hold a self-congratulatory press conference. This time, the Mexicans weren't given that courtesy, and the United States made it obvious, in public, that it doesn't trust Mexican officials not to warn the bad guys (or not to be the bad guys). Consequently, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo has lashed out at the United States, and Foreign Secretary Rosario Green has threatened to prosecute U.S. agents. That is all posturing, says Aguilar Zinser. Mexico could easily retaliate by expelling U.S. agents. It hasn't, and it won't. Mexico needs a close relationship with the United States. Besides, it has no quarrel with U.S. policy -- just with U.S. insensitivity. Aguilar Zinser says to disregard what Zedillo says in public: The official summary of his private talk with Clinton shows that he spoke of the possibility of sovereignty having been violated. That was ``two steps back'' from what his foreign minister had been saying. The United States embarrassed Zedillo unnecessarily and at a bad time: He had authorized a $65 billion bailout for banks, including those indicted, by buying up bad loans at nearly face value. Until he pays, the government owes interest. He needs the Mexican Congress to pass a spending bill. Then, he has to go to U.S. banks and the U.S. Treasury for loans to help banks that have just been shown to be corrupt as well as incompetent. How could U.S. officials put a friend in such a lousy position? Aguilar Zinser thinks we were distracted because it was India-Pakistan week. In foreign policy, we often have a hard time chewing gum and walking at the same time. Maybe, we didn't think of a Mexican sting as foreign policy; maybe we thought of it as domestic policy. NOTHING SACRED A newspaper's circulation is down. The publisher wants to attract readers by providing more fun and games, fewer pages of hard news. The editor may resist, even resign. That happened at the Sun, the daily with the largest circulation in London, only in reverse. Editor Stuart Higgins quit because the bosses decided to make the Sun more serious, perhaps even junk the topless Page 3 Girl. Higgins, who left in tears, was described by his comrades as a great tabloid journalist, even if he didn't have the flamboyance of his predecessor (who, the Independent says, was known for getting down on all fours at parties and biting people's ankles). The drive to go upmarket had already hit the Mirror, the Sun's toughest competitor. Now the (smaller) Daily Star is reportedly banning tabloid cliche headline words (raunchy, Page 3 stunner, curvy, madcap, mega and lesbo). Something had to give at the Sun; in two years, circulation fell from 4 million to 3.7 million. That's still about twice as high as any American paper, and five times the circulation of the Times of London. AN AFRICAN HERO Fonio, nicknamed ``hungry rice,'' is known to be tasty and nutritious. Like other traditional African crops (finger millet, pearl millet, teff and sorghum), it was shunned by colonialists in favor of wheat and corn, which are more vulnerable to heat and drought and require better soil. But fonio also has problems: Once it is harvested, a village woman pounds, threshes and sifts for hours to separate one cup of usable grain from husks, and four gallons of water are required to produce 4 1/2 pounds (a family-size meal). Sanoussi Diakite, an engineer from Senegal, came to the rescue. He invented a relatively inexpensive, energy-efficient machine that, without water, produces 4 1/2 pounds of ready-to-cook food in six minutes. He tested prototypes in Senegal, Mali and Guinea and produced 10 more machines at Lycee Delafosse in Dakar, Senegal's capital, where he teaches. The rural council in Kolda, southeast Senegal, donated land for a factory. As seed money, Diakite is using a $50,000 Rolex award for enterprise. His potential market is 15 African nations where fonio is grown. His machine is a blow against hunger. He says it's also a blow against ``Afropessimism.'' NICE IDEA Proud as punch over India's nuclear tests, leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party reportedly planned to gather dust from test sites and take it to Hindu temples. But according to the Indian press, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee stopped them, pointing out that the dust might be radioactive. 1998 San Francisco Chronicle Page A12
------------------------------------------------------------------- Albright Urges Mexico To Drop Threat In Drug Sting ('The Los Angeles Times' Says That, Despite Her Public Defense Of The US Agents Who Carried Out 'Operation Casablanca' In Mexico, US Secretary Of State Madeleine Albright Has Been Highly Critical Behind The Scenes Of The Treasury Department's Handling Of The Matter) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN"Subject: MN: US: WA: Albright Urges Mexico To Drop Threat In Drug Sting Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:14:55 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: June 12, 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Author: Stanley Meisler ALBRIGHT URGES MEXICO TO DROP THREAT IN DRUG STING Diplomacy: Despite her defense of U.S. officials, behind scenes she is critical of Treasury Department. WASHINGTON--Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admonished Mexico on Thursday to refrain from carrying out its threat to indict U.S. undercover agents who delved into Mexican territory to catch Mexican bankers in the Operation Casablanca money-laundering sting. Despite her public defense of the U.S. agents, new evidence suggests that, behind the scenes, Albright has been highly critical of the Treasury Department handling of this matter. In a scathing letter to Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, published Thursday in the Congressional Record, Albright complained about his failure to notify her office and the Mexican government before his announcement of the sting three weeks ago. "We might have achieved more favorable results," Albright wrote Rubin, "if we had brought [Mexican] Atty. Gen. [Jorge] Madrazo [Cuellar] and a few others into our confidence a few days before the public announcement. "In this regard," she wrote, "I believe State should have been consulted. We would have been able to offer some advice that could have ameliorated the negative reaction." Her admonition to the Mexicans about the threatened prosecution of U.S. agents came at a news conference closing the annual meeting of the two nations' cabinets. "I do think that prosecution and extradition would be counterproductive," she told reporters. "We need to concentrate on the criminals. That is the point of this. We have to keep our mind on what it is we're trying to do together, which is to get those who are engaged in criminal activities that are damaging both our countries." Mexican Foreign Secretary Rosario Green, while agreeing that the governments should not dwell on past mistakes, insisted that the Mexican attorney general had no choice but to keep investigating whether U.S. agents broke Mexican law. Green noted, however, that Operation Casablanca will not push Mexico to rule out future U.S.-Mexican antidrug actions, so long as Mexican sovereignty and law are respected. "What we're trying to do right now with both attorneys general," she said, "is to discuss the principles according to which we can base joint operations." After a meeting in New York on Monday, President Clinton and President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico told U.S. Atty. Gen. Janet Reno and Madrazo to work out procedures for future operations. As a further aid to future cooperation, Albright said, she and Green had agreed to set up a direct phone line between their desks. Mexican officials were incensed that the U.S. agents participating in Casablanca operated on Mexican soil without Mexican authorization and lured Mexican bankers into a sting. Sting operations are regarded as illegal entrapment under Mexican law. But U.S. Treasury officials continue to express pride in the operation. In testimony before the House Banking Committee on Thursday, Undersecretary of the Treasury Raymond W. Kelly called Operation Casablanca "the largest drug money-laundering investigation in U.S. history." Describing it as a "significant step forward to curb money laundering," he said it had led to the arrest of 167 people, including 26 Mexican bankers, and netted $100 million in seizures. Albright's letter to Rubin was inserted in the Congressional Record by Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), who attacked Albright for complaining about the sting instead of praising it. The senator did not say how he had obtained the letter, dated May 22, which provides an unusual, public display of anger between members of Clinton's Cabinet.
------------------------------------------------------------------- US May Not Extradite Drug Agents ('The Los Angeles Times' Quotes Secretary Of State Albright Saying Thursday 'We Will Be As Cooperative As We Can, But I Do Think That Prosecution And Extradition Would Be Counterproductive') From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: "MN"Subject: MN: US: WA: U.S. May Not Extradite Drug Agents Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:16:25 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: June 12, 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Author: George Gedda U.S. MAY NOT EXTRADITE DRUG AGENTS WASHINGTON--The Clinton administration is signaling Mexico not to expect U.S. agents to be turned over for trial on possible infractions of Mexican law while mounting an anti-narcotics sting operation south of the border. Some U.S. lawmakers are praising the three-year Operation Casablanca for striking a severe blow at Mexican narcotrafficking rings. But Mexican officials have accused the United States of trampling on Mexican sovereignty with the operation, which was carried out without the permission or knowledge of Mexican authorities. Mexico also has warned that prosecution and extradition requests may be forthcoming. But Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Thursday there will be limits to U.S. cooperation. "We will be as cooperative as we can, but I do think that prosecution and extradition would be counterproductive," she said. She suggested the two countries look to the future. "We have to keep our mind on what it is we're trying to do together, which is to get those who are engaged in criminal activities that are damaging both countries," she said. Albright spoke at a news conference, standing beside Mexican Foreign Secretary Rosario Green, who seemed intent on easing cross-border tensions generated by the dispute. She said anti-drug operations should be carried out jointly and based on shared principles. As for Operation Casablanca, Green said only that the investigation "has to be pursued according to law." Her nonconfrontational approach contrasted with remarks by Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, who demanded Monday that the United States respect Mexican sovereignty. No nation, he said, should feel "entitled to violate another country's for the sake of enforcing its own." Much like Green, Albright sought to put a positive cast on the overall relationship. She said she was overwhelmed by the good will demonstrated by the two sides in grappling with an array of cross-border issues during two days of discussions. More than a dozen cabinet officials from each country participated in the State Department talks. Albright said she and Green agreed to install hot lines to permit instant communication. Some Republican lawmakers indicated Thursday they are not about to let Mexico off the hook with the claim that its sovereignty was violated by the sting. At a House Banking Committee hearing, Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., called Mexico a "money-laundering black hole" and said keeping its officials uninformed about the sting was necessary to protect U.S. Customs agents.
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Costly Sting In Mexico ('The New York Times' Says 'Operation Casablanca' Has Turned From A Law Enforcement Coup Into A Diplomatic Fiasco - Both Sides Agree That Mexico Never Gave The Approval That Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin Legally Needed To Proceed) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 01:53:13 -0400 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: US NY: Editorial: A Costly Sting in Mexico Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: emr@javanet.com (Dick Evans) Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ A COSTLY STING IN MEXICO In less than a month the Clinton Administration has shifted from boasting to backtracking about its big drug-money-laundering sting in Mexico. More than 150 suspected drug traffickers and their alleged banker confederates were arrested, but Washington, inexcusably, failed to obtain Mexico's approval for undercover operations carried out on Mexican soil. That failure has turned a law enforcement coup into a diplomatic fiasco, with the Administration now trying to repair the damage to drug enforcement efforts. The episode began when American customs agents began encountering large checks issued in dollars by Mexican banks -- ideal instruments for laundering drug profits. The Customs Service, which is part of the Treasury Department, ran a sting operation in the United States to collect more information. Then it notified mid-level Mexican officials and asked for permission to extend undercover operations to Mexico. American and Mexican accounts differ on how much detail Customs provided about its findings and its undercover plans. But both sides agree that Mexico never gave the approval that Treasury legally needed to proceed. That should have moved matters to a higher level of discussion between the two Governments. Mexico's Attorney General could have been approached directly, or President Ernesto Zedillo himself. Instead, American officials concluded that corrupt or incompetent Mexican officials were sitting on their request. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin allowed the sting to proceed without Mexican permission. Neither Secretary of State Madeleine Albright nor the White House drug czar, Barry McCaffrey, were informed of this unlawful and undiplomatic venture. Undercover activities are sometimes necessary in the fight against Mexican drug cartels, and many Mexican law enforcement officials are tied to the drug trade themselves. But Washington should not stage operations in Mexico without the approval of President Zedillo or one of his Cabinet ministers. Violating Mexican sovereignty is a sure prescription for undermining cooperation between the two Governments, without which there can be no hope of success in the fight against drugs
------------------------------------------------------------------- On St. Vincent, Marijuana Grows Into A Campaign Issue ('The Los Angeles Times' Says US And Western European Prohibition Agents Think St. Vincent And The Grenadines, A 30-Island Chain In The Caribbean, Have Become As Strategic In The Global War On Some Drug Users As It Remains Obscure To Much Of The Western World) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 10:51:24 -0500 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: ST. VINCENT: On St. Vincent, Marijuana Grows Into A Campaign Issue Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Pubdate: 12 June 1998 Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Fax: 213-237-4712 Author: Mark Fineman, Times Staff Writer POLITICS ON ST. VINCENT, MARIJUANA GROWS INTO A CAMPAIGN ISSUE CHATEAUBELAIR, St. Vincent--Lush marijuana fields covered the hillside above, and the sweet smell of ganja wafted through the crowd as one of this island nation's most popular politicians took center stage. Cheers echoed as candidate Ralph Gonsalves--an opposition leader, respected member of parliament and defense attorney to accused drug lords--appealed through the reggae beat of his campaign song: "Those in the hills! You have a friend in me! Rastafari!" The scene provided a backdrop to the growing concern among senior counter-narcotics officials in Washington and Western Europe who are watching closely as St. Vincent and the Grenadines prepares to vote Monday for the 15 elected members of parliament, including the prime minister. Those officials assert that in recent years, this 30-island chain has become as strategic in the global war on drugs as it remains obscure to much of the Western world that consumes those drugs. Better known in the tourism industry for the 29 Grenadine islands that attract millionaire yacht owners and rock stars--the winter homes of Mick Jagger and David Bowie are on Mustique--this nation has quietly become a major transshipment spot for South American cocaine, according to senior U.S. drug enforcement officials in Washington. They say bulk shipments are warehoused here en route to markets in the U.S. and Europe. A recent U.S. State Department's counter-narcotics report states that St. Vincent has also become one of the region's largest marijuana producers. However, even some U.S. officials attribute that partly to the United States' own trade policies. In the year since the Clinton administration won a World Trade Organization decision eliminating preferential European trade deals that had supported this region's vital banana industry, many banana farmers here have turned to marijuana for survival. As one opposition leader wryly observed: "Thanks to the Americans, ganja has become our most successful agricultural diversification project." Opposition leaders here allege that police and political corruption has fueled the narcotics trade--a charge the government denies. Yet Vincentian analysts fear that there will be little change in the drug trade if the opposition wins next week. In interviews this week, leaders of both major parties acknowledged that cocaine trafficking, rising addiction rates and marijuana production are important campaign issues. But several of them made a clear distinction. The leaders and independent political analysts say that the majority of voters supports a crackdown on the cocaine trade but that few endorse marijuana eradication. At a time of soaring unemployment, ballooning foreign debt and flagging tourism, clearly there are other issues. Prime Minister James F. Mitchell, one of the region's longest-serving leaders, tops the list. The opposition's theme in attacking his government on drugs, crime, corruption and cronyism is: "More than ready for the change." Mitchell staunchly defended his record--especially on drugs--in an interview this week. And he lashed out at Washington. The prime minister said he risked alienating St. Vincent's farmers by granting U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration helicopter crews permission to destroy marijuana fields, although he said they have done so only rarely. Mitchell was also among the first Caribbean leaders to sign a treaty allowing U.S. vessels to chase drug traffickers into island waters--a power Mitchell says U.S. law enforcement has also used infrequently. "I have reluctantly given up my sovereignty to the United States, and they refuse to exercise it," Mitchell said, adding that his nation lacks the resources to patrol against traffickers alone. The prime minister also attacked the opposition Unity Labor Party on the issue, singling out the party's Gonsalves, who is running for reelection to parliament, as the region's "No. 1 drug lawyer"--a role Gonsalves acknowledged but attributed to his professional duty as a trial lawyer. "How can I defend somebody on charges of murder or rape, which are far more serious offenses under the law, if I can't defend somebody on a drug charge?" he asked. Gonsalves and other opposition leaders insist that they will crack down hard on the drug trade. Copyright Los Angeles Times
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis To Be Given Clinical Trials (Britain's 'Guardian' Says GW Pharmaceuticals, A Pioneering Biotechnology Company, Has Been Granted Two Licences From The Home Office To Build A High Security Greenhouse For Cultivating Cannabis Plants And Carrying Out The First Large-Scale Clinical Trials Of The Drug In Britain) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 02:24:50 EDT Errors-To: manager@drcnet.org Reply-To: aal@inetarena.com Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Anti-Prohibition LgTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Brit clinical trials for cannabis (fwd) Cannabis to be given clinical trials By Owen Bowcott The Guardian (London) Friday June 12, 1998 A pioneering biotechnology company has been granted two Home Office licences to build a high security greenhouse for cultivating cannabis plants and carry out the first large-scale clinical trials of the drug. The decision signals government recognition of the growing volume of research into medical uses of cannabis as a pain reliever, appetite stimulant and anti-nausea treatment. The banned Schedule 1 substance is also known to help sufferers of the eye disease, glaucoma. GW Pharmaceuticals, established by Geoffrey Guy, has spent £4 million leasing the greenhouse which it will fill with specialist strains of Cannabis sativa bought from a Dutch horticultural firm. The seeds have not yet been planted. The site is surrounded by a high, razor-wire perimeter fence, CCTV cameras and under 24-hour guard. Its location, somewhere in the south-east of England, is - so far - a well-kept secret. Dr Guy, who also set up Ethical Holdings plc and the biotechnology company Phytopharm Ltd, specialises in developing herbal treatments for chronic conditions such as asthma, eczema and hormone replacement therapies. His companies have previously investigated exploiting African herbs for the treatment of diabetes, and spider venom from Russia for curing nervous disorders. Cannabis has already been used in limited clinical trials in Britain. A handful of licences are in force. Both the Laboratory of the Government Chemist and the University of London are permitted to grow their own plants. But Dr Guy claimed his programme, which will cost £10 million over a decade, would give Britain a leading role in research. Several US states allow doctors to prescribe the drug, but they face being struck off. In Italy, patients can grow up to six plants. "We are going to be producing pharmaceutical grade extracts of cannabis to carry out clinical trials," explained Dr Guy. "As many as 2,000 patients may be involved." The first tests will be with those suffering muscle spasms due to multiple sclerosis, and patients with severe spine injuries. "Pain relief can be more easily assessed in a shorter-term clinical programme," Dr Guy said. "Cannabis is not a panacea but there is such a wealth of medical possibilities that it needs to be explored." Although patients will not be smoking cannabis, Dr Guy believes the active cannabinoid acids are most easily delivered through inhalation. "As we get more experienced in dose-delivery, perhaps we will use oral tablets. "The support the Home Office and Department of Health have given is indicative . . . of the fact that the Government welcomes proper clinical research into this drug." Until now the problem for medical researchers has been the lack of standardised cannabis extracts which can be chemically assessed. Earlier this year, the Home Office minister, Lord Williams, said: "If and when the benefits of cannabis-based medicine are scientifically-demonstrated . . . the Government would be willing to propose an amendment to the misuse of drugs legislation to allow the prescription of such a medicine." Hemp plants, which have a far lower concentration of the psychoactive cannabis constituent THC, are increasingly being grown by farmers to produce rope and specialist papers. More than 100 licences have been issued or renewed this year for 12 varieties of EU-approved hemp. Special Branch was consulted before Dr Guy's project was given the go-ahead. In the UK, cannabis still accounts for 85 per cent of drug arrests, and there are estimated to be 500,000 illegal cannabis plants being grown. The number of police cautions for possession of cannabis grew 10-fold to 40,391 in the decade to 1995. A 1996 survey revealed that 8.3 million adults between the ages of 16 and 59 had admitted using cannabis.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Company Growing Cannabis (Version In Britain's 'Daily Telegraph') Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 16:09:25 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: Medical Company Growing Cannabis Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Source: Daily Telegraph (UK) Contact: dtletters@telegraph.co.uk Website: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Author: Sean O'Neill MEDICAL COMPANY GROWING CANNABIS A secret cannabis farm has been established with the support of the Government to investigate the medicinal uses of the illegal drug. Thousands of cannabis plants are being grown in large glasshouses, with humidity, light and temperature controls, at an undisclosed location in south-east England. The 10 million pound project is being carried out behind tall fences, amid tight security. GW Pharmaceuticals, the first company licensed by the Government to cultivate and possess large quanities of cannabis, has been advised on security by the Home Office and Special Branch. Dr Geoffrey Guy, who founded the company, hopes his research will lead to the production of a cannabis inhaler that would offer pain relief from multiple sclerosis, nerve damage and spinal injuries. Any pharmaceutical product emerging from the project would only be available on prescription. Dr Guy, 43, said: "There is a considerable body of evidence to suggest that cannabis may have a number of medicinal uses." These include the relief of pain in a number of conditions, an appetite stimulent for AIDS sufferers and preventing nausea for chemotherapy patients. "But there have been very few systematic reseach programmes or controlled clinical trial," he said. "This is the first step towards being able to produce pharmaceutical grade materials which can be used in clinical tests to establish the facts." Dr Guy said he expected the Home Office would amend the Misuse of Drugs Act if he developed a suitable product.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Country - In A Quiet Corner Of England, An Unlikely New Crop Emerges (Version In Britain's 'Daily Express') Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 16:16:17 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Country Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Source: Daily Express, UK Contact : Daily Express, Ludgate House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TS Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 Author: Helene Feger, Health Correspondent CANNABIS COUNTRY In a quiet corner of England, an unlikely new crop emerges. Behind a fence of electrified razor-wire, monitored by TV and patrolled by guards, a top-secret farm is about to produce a crop of cannabis. And it will all be perfectly legal. Instead of being smoked for pleasure, the crop will be harvested to relieve pain. Ministers, the Government's Chief Medical Officer, and the Britsih Medical Association have all given their support for research into the medical properties of the drug. GW Pharmaceuticals is the first research company in the country to be granted licences to carry out research and development at the 4 million pound greenhouse in the South East. Its founder, Dr Geoffrey Guy, said he intends to find out the best form of treatment - apart from smoking - and identify the illnesses it could treat safely and effectively. "There is evidence that cannabis may have a number of medicinal uses," he said. "The relief of pain and spasticity in multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders such as paraplegia and neuralgia, as an appetite stimulant in treating AIDS patients, for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and in the eye disease glaucoma. "But there have been very few research programmes or controlled clinical trials. Our aim will be to establish the medical facts." The Home Office has said it might be willing to change the law to allow prescribing of cannabis-based medicines if it can be proved they benefit patients. Cannabis is currently classed as a drug with no therapeutic value. If it became licensed its use could be restricted, but not banned in the same way as morphine or oher controlled substances. Dr Guy, 43, has been in the pharmaceutical industry since he left London University 20 years ago and is investing a large sum of his own money into the farm. He first suggested the idea of researching the drug's medicinal properties to the last Tory Governemnt and recalled: "That was four years ago and they gave us a pretty frosty reception."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Justified Despair Of Users (Letter To The Editor Of Britain's 'Evening News' Says It's Not Surprising Some People See A Link Between The Jews And Others Persecuted By The Nazis And Those Who Wish To Use Cannabis For Physical And Mental Health, Who Are Persecuted, Imprisoned And Ostracized) Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 16:14:36 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) Subject: MN: UK: PUB LTE: Justified Despair of Users Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Source: Evening News (Norwich UK) Contact: EveningNewsLetters@ecn.co.uk Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 JUSTIFIED DESPAIR OF USERS It is true that your columns are regularly used to give readers a balanced opinion on the issue of the legalisation of cannabis (Opinion, June 4) and I congratulate you for it. It is, indeed, a "legitimate campaign". I admire the sensitivity of Mr Jack Girling of the CLCIA who cancelled the wreath-laying ceremony so as not to offend the feelings of war veterans. But we in turn should remember the justified despair of those who wish to use cannabis /marijuana for physical and mental health and well-being, who are persecuted, imprisoned and ostracized for their beliefs and lifestyle. Is it any wonder that a 'link' is made between these people and the people that Hitler and the Nazis wanted to have removed from society, the Jews, the gypsies, disabled and those of different religious and spiritual beliefs. Ann Clarke Mount Pleasant Norwich -------------------------------------------------------------------
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