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- contact Library services.
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is very important to us. You are the reason we are here, so EVERY
item will get a response, even if just an acknowledgement.
For TECHNICAL issues - compliments, complaints (report broken links!)
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services directly. Our group is committed to working as a team
to make this site an accurate, relevent tool for cannabis law reform.
Post your thots, leave a comment in the GuestBook.
We're just a bunch of regular people keeping up this website/library
on our own. If interested in official NORML activities, contact your
local Affiliate or National
organizations. For the latest list of Affiliates (and how to contact
them) or to contact NORML in general, write to them at:
1001 Connecticut Ave NW, #1010, Washington, DC, 20009
call them at (202) 483-5500 or visit their site at
The nearest local affiliate, Oregon NORML, can be reached on-line at
This site hosted and supported by MAPinc - the Media Awareness Project - and their parent organization DrugSense.
Our undying gratitude to them and their fine staffs in making this
site a valuable part of the Drug Reform Coordination Network Online