"We" are the Librarians of the OpdxNwol and whatever volunteer help
that can be recruited thru means such as CLaRINet.
We are simply a group
of volunteer activists dedicated to preserving this resource. This
site is an internationally utilized and just generally valuable thing,
folks - IOHO (In Our Humble
Opinions) and, so, we keep it going. >>
Some comments
about this site, Statement from the librarian/spokesperson. <<
We are united in the common belief in the right to responsible
adult cultivation & use of cannabis. We believe that the people
in your community who grow for their own use (for a recognized medical
purpose or otherwise!) are not harmful. That many are, in fact, making
irreplaceable contributions to your neighborhood & society in general.
We are here because we believe cannabis prohibition is a harmful
waste and excuse for abuse. The war on SOME of the "pot-heads" costs
us all not only in monetary and in irrecoverable human terms but in the
loss of industrial & medical benefits as well.
We volunteer and labor, through this site, to end this war on
the common people. We want to redirect our government away
from pork-barreled boondoggles and toward pursuing
& protecting against real, true criminal threats to society.
To find out just how we plan to go about all this
- Read on. You should be able to find out about
all kinds of stuff - including
goals, objectives
& strategies. Thanx for browsing this far. Get
active! Together, we shall outgrow this prohibition!
Click here to see more about this site,
including >> NOTEs about all the Plans (TaskList) & Resources (ToolShed!)
we know about (tell us about yours!), some Actions YOU can take (How to
HELP, with groups or by yourself {the Jeff & Tracy clubs!}), ORGs,
EVENTs (CALendar), and more! >> see our Site Map. << Other sites,
other issues! Connecting people in the NorthWest area (and beyond!) >>
network with NORML (and like minded) Organizations (hemp clubs!) around
the world! >> Community! >> ALL activist groups & individuals may apply!
>> other Environmental (besides Hempsters), other Medical (your right to
the truth), and other Liberty-oriented people, like >> CopWatch! <<
(just what ARE your rights?!) We want to pool resources on finding Legal
Help and Guidance on Legislation!