"Who denounced you?" said Winston. "It was my little daughter," said Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. "She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying and nipped off to the patrols the very next day." -- George Orwell (from 1984)
"When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already...'"
-- Adolf Hitler *
Washington (AP) - Many school children still turn to drugs between the fifth and eighth grades despite billions of federal dollars that have been spent on drug education since 1987, the Education Department said Monday. "A report commissioned by the department said "effects were small" even in the programs that appeared to curb drug use. Despite the negative results, the department wants more money in 1998, with tighter standards for who gets it. The report suggested that schools will need to spend more time and money on drug prevention than the $10 in federal, state, and local funds now being spent per pupil. The department also said that schools don't carefully choose their programs. For instance, the report found better results at schools where students took part in programs other than DARE, which operates in about 70 percent of school districts. DARE, relies on police officers and other law enforcement officials who visit fifth-grade classrooms for 17 hours each year. The program receives federal money through school districts. "What we really want to do is to begin to get school districts to examine what they're doing," said Bill Modzeleski, director of the Education Department's Safe and Drug Free School program.
Fact: D.A.R.E. founder Daryl Gates once advised the U.S. Senate about the 'casual user' and what you do with the whole group. "The casual user ought to be taken out and shot, because he or she has no reason for using drugs." Gates later emphasized that he was "not being facetious" and declared marijuana users to be guilty of treason. Let's move to an educational program created by minds less full of hate.
Drug Abuse Resistance Education is not about keeping kids off drugs. D.A.R.E. is about law enforcement and political indoctrination in schools. Our state education system has many effective education programs to teach kids about drugs by using professionals in the field. D.A.R.E. officers only receive two weeks of drug education compared to the four year college degrees professional drug educators receive. D.A.R.E. officers are professionals in the field of law enforcement, not in teaching drug education. Because of this, children are often subject to mistruths, outright falsehoods, and intolerant, ignorant attitudes concerning addiction and drug users. DARE exaggerations and outright lies foster mistrust and cynicism among our students, and set them up for dangerous mistakes in their drug choices.
Parents, the traditional villains of psychological polemics, take a terrific drubbing in the D.A.R.E. program, which has traded the quaint notion of in loco parentis for a more contemporary philosophy of parentis locos. In the animated short In the Land of Decisions and Choices, which is routinely shown in D.A.R.E. classrooms, the parental role model is represented exactly twice: by a semisenile grandfather sitting around in his bathrobe spouting inanities through a haze of cigarette smoke, and by an obese drunken father, passed out on a sofa, a beer can perched on his belly, a lit joint dangling from his gaping mouth. In the film, which follows four youngsters as they wander through an eerie world of hag-faced smokers, drooling drunks, and babbling potheads, the only trustworthy figure in the landscape is the wily "D.A.R.E. dog." And though the program counsels pacific methods of conflict resolution, the druggies in the D.A.R.E. video are ultimately destroyed in an orgy of righteous violence.
The movie perfectly represents D.A.R.E.'s view of authority figures other than the police. In the D.A.R.E. universe, the fragile self-esteem of children is constantly in danger of buckling under the pressures of a drug-drenched media, menacing peers, and craven parents. The only answer: survival training in D.A.R.E.'s Eight Ways to Say No.
More than 22,000 community-oriented law enforcement officers from 7,000 communities throughout the country have taught the "core curriculum" to more than 25 million elementary school students. In 1995 alone, it is expected 5.5 million children, representing 250,000 classrooms will receive the core curriculum. An additional 20 million students will be influenced by D.A.R.E. D.A.R.E. is taught by law enforcement officers in 19 countries and is being implemented in Department of Defense Dependent Schools worldwide. **
The Drug Abuse Resistance Education logo -- "D.A.R.E. To Keep Kids Off Drugs" -- is on bumper stickers, T-shirts, golf tees, caps, pens, pencils, even Kentucky Fried Chicken boxes. (Also summarily confiscated cars, trucks, vans, planes and boats!) Police, taxpayers, businesses and forfeiture victims are said to give 700 million a year.
Glenn Levant, the DARE executive director, states that DARE consumes some $750,000,000 per year.
News reports have estimated that from $700 million to $750 million are spent on DARE each year, based on Dennis Cauchon's (USA TODAY) interviews with DARE America director Glenn Levant.But the IRS returns filed by DARE America in 1993 and 1994 showed estimates of only $200 to $230 million per year, most of it in volunteer time and effort rather than money. A mere $5.5 million was actually spent by DARE America itself in 1994, up from less than $1.1 million in 1992. Since there is no centralized accounting of all local DARE funds, there is really no way to know exactly what is spent on DARE nationwide. But we do know that it is still growing fast.
It's also a favorite of dozens of members of Congress. It is important to realize that every dollar spent on DARE is a dollar not available for a useful, educationally sound drug education program in schools.
The overwhelming preponderance of federal "Drug-Free Schools" money goes into the DARE program.
Check out our listing of DARE resources for more information.
DARE resources on and off the WWW
But . . . who gets all this money?
The story of James Trimble, DARE cop
DARE quotes culled from the WWW
Confiscated cars, trucks, planes etc that DARE cops are now tooling around town in
Friends of DARE.ORG - bet you thought we didn't have any!
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* Adolf Hitler, speaking about the schools and their indoctrination of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth Corps). Quoted in William Shirer. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. Page 249.