List of Internet D.A.R.E. Resources
"US Rejects unfavorable D.A.R.E. study"
"Studies Find Drug Program Not Effective" - USA Today, October 11, 1993
"City of Oakland Eliminates D.A.R.E. By Unanimous Vote" - By Chris Conrad, August 1, 1995
"DARE to question?" - The Chapel Hill Herald, Friday, October 15, 1993, FORUM.
"D.A.R.E. Scare: Turning Children Into Informants?" - The Washington Post 1/29/94
"Study Assails School-Based Drug Programs" - Los Angeles Times Oct. 21, 1995
"The Dark Side of D.A.R.E." - by Pastor Jaymes Douglass Fyr
"How Effective is Drug Abuse Resistance Education? A Meta-Analysis of Project DARE Outcome Evaluations" - From the American Journal Of Public Health
"Review Of Existing Dare Evaluations" - Prepared by: Thomas T. Walsh, Research and Statistics Administrator - South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
The Full text of the Research Triangle Institute report on D.A.R.E. (long)
"School board member suggests that police approach is an ineffective one" - By Shari Kaplan, Los Gatos Weekly-Times March 13, 1996.
"A Different Look At D.A.R.E." - from the Drug Reform Coordination Network Topics in Depth series
"Drug Prevention Placebo: How D.A.R.E. Wastes Time, Money, and Police" - Elliot, Jeff.Reason Mar. 1995: 14-21.
Double DARE: Countering the Lies from D.A.R.E.
"Programming Fascism - The Drug War On Our Children"
"This is your brain on D.A.R.E." - Joe Palcsak wrote this article after his child participated in the D.A.R.E. program. He was especially offended by the mandatory exclusion of parents from the D.A.R.E. sessions.
"An Evaluation of D.A.R.E." - Reducing The Risk of Drug Involvement Among Early Adolescents: An Evaluation of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)
Students and Educators Evaluate California School-Based Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco, Education (DATE) Programs. - Prepared for the California State Department of Education, March 1995, by: Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)
NO JOKING MATTER: Spoof on D.A.R.E. draws ire from cops, prosecution by D.A. LA Weekly, November 17 1995
Steps citizens have taken and are taking.
"A Small School Looks Critically at DARE and Other Drug Education Curricula"
"Girl Blows Whistle On Mom - 12-year-old shows cops pot stash" Boston Herald, March 30th, 1994
A group opposed to DARE, but not yet on the web:
Parents Against D.A.R.E.
1805 Crestmore Place
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Phone - (303) 493-2290
They describe their network as a 'national support group' for people who oppose the tactics and misinformation D.A.R.E. puts out to kids. Their original challenge was based on a law called the "Hatch Act" which requires that schools have parents "Opt In" to ANY psychological programs being presented to students. Since D.A.R.E. even represents itself as a psychological program there is no argument that parents should be ASKED before D.A.R.E. materials can be presented to their kids. This is not an "Opt Out" situation. This is a "Opt IN" situation. The kids should not be exposed to D.A.R.E. unless the parents make an effort to enroll them in it! If Parents Against D.A.R.E. is correct about this and your school district did not ask you before forcing your child to endure the D.A.R.E. program then they are in violation of the Hatch Act! So you should be able to get this changed REALLY easily by approaching the school district with this information. If you have more information about this, please e-mail it to jnr@insightweb.com
Please feel free to link to this page, or to redistribute this information (as long as you are not making a profit).
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This URL: http://www.pdxnorml.org/dare_resources.html