Welcome to the CLaRINet About page


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Welcome to the About page for CLaRINet. 

  About Us ... 

CLaRINet is founded and operated by activsts based in the Oregon area.

Click here to make contact. Or go here to find out more about our plans.

  more About Us ... 

This is a grass roots organization dedicated to reforming laws governing cannabis. We focus on providing a medium for news to be broadcast by individuals and groups ignored by the main-stream media. We do research and store information, constantly working to provide better means of looking info up and using it. Along the way we want to establish lines of communication for the movement and share resources where possible.

This includes (someday!) providing web pages and other services; systems, applications (databases) and other technical help; and newsletter space along with access to our other media.

  About the Issue ... 
The Issue is one of personal privacy and responsibility.

It is about equal risk of arrest and treatment under the law, about reforming laws specifically written to subvert this basic American ideal.

This is about mean and greedy people using YOUR government to set up a politically and religiously driven boondoggle, including a publicly funded propaganda machine to justify it all.

The issue, for us, is about ending government waste and abuse.

other Organizations

Click here to go to the Voter Power home site.

  About   |   Contact   |   Action   |

Comments, questions and suggestions? E-mail the Webster To communicate ideas, changes or requests for further information about this section, or for compliments, complaints or to report broken links with the web site in general, you can eMail the Webster.  
You are visitor number   2715!   (since 8/11/2002)  Thanx for stopping by.  Tell your friends.  Tell your enemies!   This page ( /orgs/clarinet/about.html ) was last modified on:  Sunday, 11-Aug-2002 20:36:34 PDT

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