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The Oregon Medical Marijuana Coalition consists of groups around Oregon involved with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) who are joining together to help make it a success.
(1) A recent OMMC action was Medical Marijuana Day held Thurs., Apr. 26th in Salem, Oregon in the Capital rotunda and on the steps themselves.
Activities included:
About 100 patients and supporters joined us. If interested in helping, attending or advertising the next event please let us know as soon as possible.
For assistance with transportation, making appointments with your legislators or more information in general, contact OMMC spokesperson Sandee Burbank at: 541-298-1031 or email: sburbank@OregonVOS.net
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(2) Another action planned In support of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act
a Proposal to Meet Patient Needs
Facilitating the Requirements of Measure 67
Again Oregonians pioneer, this time the frontier is medical Marijuana with Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) serving now as the template for the nation. To better address the needs of Oregonians registered under OMMA we find it necessary to establish a permanent space to be used as a resource/education center.
Our vision for the facility includes:
Conference/Commons Area for
1) Accommodating large
group assemblies
2) Social events
3) Awards ceremonies
Peripheral Service Rooms
1) Patient/ doctor consultations
and OMMA intake
2) OMMA needs evaluation
3) Patient/Caregiver
4) Library and computer
Resource area
5) Non-public medication
room (cardholders only)
6) Juice and snack concession
7) Concession space for
medical devices and other merchandise
Multi-threaded Intent
In short, we need a space, which can accommodate many uses at once. We truly wish to become a full resource center to address the medical marijuana communitys needs of more information, assistance with the OMMA process, and social support for those often isolated by disability and or pain.
"Knowledge, time, and charity are the three great physicians."
From a Tiny Seed
We need start up funds. Ongoing revenue to support the centers overhead will come from workshop fees, snack bar and retail sales, and other special events.
Most important, in order to provide the quality that patients deserve, we need the commitment of those in the community that are more fortunate.
We appreciate your time in considering our needs and hope that you will find yourself able to assist us in our goals.
for more information or to help Contact:
Madeline Martinez
OMMA patient & advocate
Assistant Director PDX NORML
(503) 777-9088
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On Monday the US Supreme Court ruled 8-0 against the Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative and the Cooperative's attempts to help patients live with serious illnesses.
The Court, in an opinion written by Justice Clarence Thomas and joined by 4 other Justices, ruled: "medical necessity is not a defense to manufacturing and distributing marijuana." The majority ruled that Congress had the final word on the matter in the Controlled Substances Act.
A concurring opinion by Justice John Paul Stephens, joined by Justices David Souter and Ruth Ann Ginsburg, pointed out that the decision did not eliminate the defense for seriously ill patients who need marijuana as a medicine, but only in cases of distribution and cultivation.
"This decision shows that it is up to Congress to make the changes necessary to allow doctors and patients access to marijuana as medicine," said Sandee Burbank, Director of Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (and spokesperson for the OMMC).
According to Federal law, marijuana is not considered a medicine, even though the Institute of Medicine said last year that it DOES have medicinal uses. Health care professionals and patients also insist that marijuana is good medicine for many who are seriously ill.
Several states have passed laws allowing medical use. At the oral arguments before the Supreme Court, Acting Solicitor General Barbara Underwood told the Judges that their decision would not affect States' Laws regarding medical marijuana.
A federal bill has been introduced by Representative Barney Frank and co-signed by Oregon Representatives Peter Defazio and Earl Blumenaeur. HR-1344, the "States' Rights To Medical Marijuana Act," would re-schedule marijuana, allowing doctors to prescribe it for their patients.
An Oregon bill, HJM -31, introduced in the House, if passed would ask Congress to change the federal law by passing the "State's Rights to Medical Marijuana Act."
"The Supreme Court decision was based on a flawed federal law," noted Burbank. "Science tells us that marijuana is medicine, so we need to change that law that says it is not. The voice of the people is getting louder and it is time for Congress to unplug their ears and listen. Then they should reschedule marijuana so that doctors and nurses, not police and judges, can decide what is the best health care for a patient."
To contact Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, write to: MAMA, 2255 State Road, Mosier, OR 97040; phone 541-298-1031; fax 298-2842 or email: mama@mamas.org. You can also visit their website at: http://www.mamas.org
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OMMC - the Oregon Medical Marijuana Coalition
PDX-N.O.R.M.L. (Portland chapter,
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws),
(Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse),
Power, and many more groups & individuals.
Stay tuned for details.
Additional resources:
Click here: NORML Report on Marijuana Prohibition
Click here: www.norml.org/medical/index.shtml
to go to NORML's "Statement on
the Medical Use of Marijuana."
Click here: Recreational Use
Click here: http://www.norml.org/medical/documents.shtml
to go to NORML's
webpage "Medical Marijuana Documents Online" this page will link
you to
Endorsements, Articles on NORML's Web Site and Articles on Other
Web Sites.
Click here for the Institute of Medicine's report Marijuana and Medicine:
(1999) http://www.nap.edu/books/0309071550/html/
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