Lobby These Oregon Legislators to Reform the Marijuana Laws
1997-1998 Session
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Oregon Legislative Assembly leadership: http://www.state.or.us/agencies.ns/15500/index.html
Oregon state representatives' interim addresses and phone numbers: gopher://gopher.leg.state.or.us:70/00/whoswho.dir/housglnc.txt
Oregon state senators' interim addresses and phone numbers: gopher://gopher.leg.state.or.us:70/00/whoswho.dir/senglanc.txt
Oregon State Senators and Representatives:
Brady Adams
Senate President
District 25
Oregon Legislature
S203 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1600
Email: Brady.Adams@state.or.us
Republican, Grants Pass
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Oregon Senate Majority Office
223 State Capitol
Salem, OR, 97310
Caucus Administrator
Ranee Niedermeyer
(503) 986-1950
Caucus Services Director
Melissa Williams
(503) 986-1950
Legislative Assistant
Jennifer Adams
(503) 986-1725
Office Manager
Daire Pipkin
(503) 986-1950
Senior Research Assistant
Richard Rogers
(503) 986-1952
Caucus Assistant
Troy Nichols
(503) 986-1955
Ron Adams
Representative, District 27
Oregon Legislature
H479 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1427
Email: Rwadams@delphi.com
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Republican, West Linn
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Ray Baum
Lee Beyer
Brenda Brecke
Tom Brian
Kate Brown
Neil Bryant
Stan Bunn
Margaret Carter
Ron Cease
Bev Clarno
Chief of Staff
Special Assistant
Email: Randy.Hilderbrand@state.or.us
Tony Corcoran
Peter Courtney
House Democratic Office
Caucus Administrator
Legislative Assistant
Media Director
Operations Coordinator
Policy Director
Gene Derfler
Joan Dukes
Bill Dwyer
George Eighmey
Michael Fahey
Bill Fisher
Shirley Gold
Avel Gordly
Jerry Grisham
Jeannette Hamby
Lenn Hannon
Tom Hartung
Cedric Hayden
Bryan Johnston
Rod Johnson
Eldon Johnson
Denny Jones
Tim Josi
Bill Kennemer
Bob Kintigh
Mike Lehman
Randy Leonard
Leslie Lewis
John Lim
Jane Lokan
Dennis Luke
Lynn Lundquist
House Majority Office
H295 State Capitol
Majority Leader
Chief of Staff
Policy Director
Member Services Coordinator
Kevin Mannix
Bill Markham
Robert W. Boyer
John Meek
Randy Miller
Patti Milne
John Minnis
Bob Montgomery
Lisa Naito
Chuck Norris
Carolyn Oakley
Del Parks
Paul Phillips
Kitty Piercy
Floyd Prozanski
Eileen Qutub
Anitra Rasmussen
Bob Repine
Lonnie Roberts
Barbara Ross
John Schoon
Marylin Linfoot Shannon
Gail Shibley
Frank Shields
Gordon H. Smith
Lynn Snodgrass
Susan M. Castillo
Larry Sowa
Dick Springer
Charles Starr
Ken Strobeck
Shirley Stull
Veral Tarno
Jackie Taylor
Terry Thompson
Bob Tiernan
Gene Timms
Cliff Trow
Oregon Senate Democratic Leadership Office
Caucus Administrator
Legislative Assistant
Administrative Secretary
Research Director
Judith Uherbelau
Liz VanLeeuwen
Greg Walden
John Watt
Larry Wells
Jim Welsh
Republican, Elmira
Cynthia Wooten
Sharon Wylie
Mae Yih
The Oregon Legislature Gopher Server: gopher://gopher.leg.state.or.us/
Here's a short list of Oregon legislators with public email addresses:
Senator Brady Adams
Still not easy enough? OK. Copy and paste these addresses into the "cc" or "bcc" section of your email software ("blind carbon copies" - so each legislator will receive your message without the other addresses appearing):
Brady.Adams@state.or.us, Rwadams@delphi.com, lbeyer@darkwing.uoregon.edu, kbleg@aol.com, carter4u@teleport.com, Randy.Hilderbrand@state.or.us, repcourt@aol.com, derfler@legislator.org, bdwyer@efn.org, repgeorge@aol.com, gordlya@portals.pdx.edu, senhamby@teleport.com, hartung@teleport.com, rephayden@aol.com, repjosi@oregoncoast.com, mlehman888@aol.com, lukebuil@transport.com, Lynn.Lundquist@state.or.us, RepPiercy@aol.com, floydp@darkwing.uoregon.edu, eileen_qutub@rpb.com, repbross@aol.com, shannon@teleport.com, repshields@aol.com, Gordon.H.Smith@state.or.us, isndgrss@teleport.com, sorenson@efn.org, sowadvm@teleport.com, Dick.S.Springer@state.or.us, repstarr@teleport.com, Strobeck6@aol.com, repjt@aol.com, Cliff.Trow@state.or.us, repjudyu@aol.com, repjwatt@wave.net, repwells30@aol.com, repwelsh@aol.com, rwooten@efn.org
Some Compuserve messages may be returned without the sender being able to identify the intended recipient. Until Portland NORML can figure out the best way to avoid complications, it's suggested you email these legislators individually:
This URL: http://www.pantless.com/~pdxnorml/legislators.html
Ken Baker
Senator, District 14
Oregon Legislature
S319 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1714
Republican, Clackamas
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 58
Oregon Legislature
H385 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1400
Republican, LaGrande
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 42
Oregon Legislature
H486 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1442
Email: lbeyer@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Also listed: leebeyer@aol.com
Web page: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~lbeyer/
Democrat, Springfield
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 24
Oregon Legislature
S311 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1724
Democrat, Bandon
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
(Replaced Bill Bradbury in April 1995 after Bradbury resigned to direct the regional salmon recovery agency.)
Representative, District 9
Oregon Legislature
H470 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1409
Republican, Tigard
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 13
Oregon Legislature
H288 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1707
Fax: (503) 986-1972
Email: kbleg@aol.com
Democrat, Portland
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Vice-Chair, House Judiciary Committee
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 27
Oregon Legislature
S218 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1727
Republican, Bend
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 2
Oregon Legislature
S317 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1702
Republican, Newberg
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Chuck Carpenter
Representative, District 7
Oregon Legislature
H493 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1407
Fax: (503) 986-1577
Republican, Portland
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 18
Oregon Legislature
H478 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1418
Email: carter4u@teleport.com
Web page: http://portals.pdx.edu/~carterm/
Democrat, Portland
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 10
Oregon Legislature
S306 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1710
Democrat, Portland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Speaker of the House
Representative, District 55
Oregon Legislature
mailing address:
269 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1200
Republican, Bend
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Randy Hilderbrand
Tel. (503) 986-1200
Phyllis Shoemaker
Tel. (503) 986-1208
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 44
Oregon Legislature
365 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1444
Email: 76342.2743@compuserve.com
Democrat, Cottage Grove
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
House Democratic Leader
State Reprentative, District 33
Oregon Legislature
H395 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1900
Email: repcourt@aol.com
Also: peter.c.courtney@state.or.us
Democrat, Salem
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
H395 State Capitol
Salem, OR, 97310
Linda Gilbert
Tel. (503) 986-1903
Margie Courtney
Tel. (503) 986-1906
Michael Kesten
Tel. (503) 986-1904
Sandy Allen
Tel. (503) 986-1910
Pat Egan
Tel. (503) 986-1905
Senator, District 16
Oregon Legislature
S204 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1716
Web page: http://www.legislator.org/~derfler/index.html
Email: derfler@legislator.org
Republican, Salem
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 1
Oregon Legislature
S318 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1701
Democrat, Svensen
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 21
Oregon Legislature
S310 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1721
Email: bdwyer@efn.org
Democrat, Springfield
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 14
Oregon Legislature
H371 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1414
Email: RepGeorge@aol.com
Web page: http://www.portals.pdx.edu/~eighmey/
Democrat, Portland
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 17
Oregon Legislature
364 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1417
Democrat, Portland
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 45
Oregon Legislature
H276 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1445
Republican, Roseburg
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 7
Oregon Legislature
S316 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1707
Last recorded email address: sigold@teleport.com (Invalid)
Democrat, Portland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 19
Oregon Legislature
H279 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1419
Email: gordlya@portals.pdx.edu
Web page: http://portals.pdx.edu/~gordlya/
Democrat, Portland
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 23
Oregon Legislature
H285 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1423
Republican, Beavercreek
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 5
Oregon Legislature
S312 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1705
Email: senhamby@teleport.com
Web page: http://www.teleport.com/~senhamby/
Republican, Hillsboro
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 26
Oregon Legislature
S303 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1726
Republican, Ashland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 3
Oregon Legislature
S212 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1703
Email: hartung@teleport.com (no longer valid, at least to us)
Republican, Beaverton
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Chair, Senate Education Committee
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 28
Oregon Legislature
H480 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1428
Email: rephayden@aol.com
Web page: http://www.cyberhighway.com/~tbg/hayden/hayden.html
Republican, Lyons
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 31
Oregon Legislature
H284 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1431
Email: 73652.1565@compuserve.com
Democrat, Salem
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 23
Oregon Legislature
S214 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1723
Republican, Roseburg
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 51
Oregon Legislature
H392 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1451
Republican, Central Point
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 60
Oregon Legislature
H380 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1460
Republican, Ontario
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 2
Oregon Legislature
H491 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1402
Email: repjosi@oregoncoast.com
Also listed: repjosi@aol.com (invalid)
Democrat, Bay City
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 12
Oregon Legislature
S206 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1712
Republican, Milwaukie
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 22
Oregon Legislature
S217 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1722
Republican, Springfield
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
1997 Chair, Agriculture and Natural Resources and Environment Committee
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 47
Oregon Legislature
H383 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1447
Email: mlehman888@aol.com
Democrat, Coos Bay
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 9
Oregon Legislature
S305 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1709
Democrat, Portland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 29
Oregon Legislature
H278 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1429
Republican, Newberg
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 11
Oregon Legislature
S205 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1711
Republican, Gresham
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 25
Oregon Legislature
H474 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1425
Republican, Milwaukie
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 54
Oregon Legislature
H287 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1454
Email: lukebuil@transport.com
Republican, Bend
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Chair, House Human Resources & Education Committee
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
House Majority Leader
Representative, District 59
Oregon Legislature
H385 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1459
Email: Lynn.Lundquist@state.or.us
Republican, Powell Butte
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Tel. (503) 986-1400
Salem, OR, 97310
Lynn Lundquist
Tel. (503) 986-1400
Daniel Jarman
Tel. (503) 986-1545
Marta Simons
Tel. (503) 986-1544
Christine Deboy
Tel. (503) 986-1355
Representative, District 32
Oregon Legislature
H378 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1432
Demoncrat, Salem
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 46
Oregon Legislature
H484 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1446
Republican, Riddle
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 8
Oregon Legislature
S309 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1708
Democrat, Portland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Interim address:
King Neighborhood Facility
4815 NE Seventh Ave.
Portland, OR 97211
Tel. (503) 280-5835
Fax: (503) 823-3150
Senator Boyer was nominated by the Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee and selected by the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners to serve the remainder of the term of Bill McCoy, who passed away in April 1996. Senator Boyer was sworn in to his new post May 30, 1996. He is the coordinator of the King Neighborhood Facility in Northeast Portland. Senator Boyer is a labor activist and past president of the Inland Boatmen's Union, a member of the Rainbow Coalition and the Coalition of Black Men. Senator Boyer's tenure apparently will be brief. The election for the District 8 seat on Nov. 5, 1996, will feature Democrat Thomas Wilde versus Republican Michael Fitz.
Representative, District 5
Oregon Legislature
H475 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1405
Email: 75572.3036@compuserve.com
Republican, Hillsboro
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 13
Oregon Legislature
S211 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1713
Republican, West Linn
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Chair, Oregon GOP
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 38
Oregon Legislature
H283 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1438
Republican, Woodburn
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 20
Oregon Legislature
H374 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1420
Republican, Troutdale
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 56
Oregon Legislature
H381 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1456
Republican, Cascade Locks
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 15
Oregon Legislature
H488 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1415
Fax: (503) 986-1574
Democrat, Portland
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
House Judiciary Committee member
Interim address:
3505 SE Ankeny St.
Portland, OR 97214
Tel. (503) 239-4347
Representative, District 57
Oregon Legislature
H277 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1457
Republican, Hermiston
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 36
Oregon Legislature
H495 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1436
Republican, Albany
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 53
Oregon Legislature
H280 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1453
Republican, Klamath Falls
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Chair, House Judiciary Committee
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 4
Oregon Legislature
S209 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1704
Republican, Tigard
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 39
Oregon Legislature
369 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1439
Email: RepPiercy@aol.com
Web page: http://www.efn.org/~kpiercy/
Democrat, Eugene
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 40
Oregon Legislature
H471 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1440
Email: floydp@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Web page: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~floydp/index.html
Democrat, Eugene
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
House Judiciary Committee member
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Representative, District 8
Oregon Legislature
H373 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1408
Email: eileen_qutub@rpb.com
Republican, Beaverton
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 11
Oregon Legislature
367 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1411
Email: 73300.3204@compuserve.com
Web page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/repanitra/
Democrat, Portland
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Interim address:
3844 SW Jerald Way
Portland, OR 97221
Tel. (503) 223-2374
Fax: (503) 497-1040
Representative, District 49
Oregon Legislature
H496 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1449
Republican, Grants Pass
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 21
Oregon Legislature
H481 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1421
Democrat, Portland
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 35
Oregon Legislature
366 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1435
Email: repbross@aol.com
Democrat, Corvallis
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 34
Oregon Legislature
H389 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1434
Republican, Rickreall
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Senator, District 15
Oregon Legislature
S215 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1715
Email: shannon@teleport.com
Republican, Clearlake
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 12
Oregon Legislature
H386 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1412
Last known email: gshibley@aol.com (invalid)
Email for 1996 Portland City Council race: gail4pdx@aol.com (Invalid)
Democrat, Portland
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Interim address:
P.O. Box 6805
Portland, OR 97228
Voice/fax: (503) 245-9601
Representative, District 16
Oregon Legislature
H487 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1416
Email: repshields@aol.com
Web page: http://www.portals.pdx.edu/~shields
Democrat, Portland
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Interim address:
10932 SE Salmon St.
Portland, OR 97216
Tel. (503) 252-5956
Senate President
Senator, District 29
Oregon Legislature
S233 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Senate President
Tel. (503) 986-1600
Tel. (503) 986-1729
Administrative Secretary Ginney Ehlen (503) 986-1600
Chief of Staff Dan Lavey (503) 986-1600
Director of Legislation Annette Price (503) 986-1600
Director of Operations Lori Hardwick (503) 986-1600
Legislative Assistant Justin Burns (503) 986-1729
Special Assistant Sharyl LaFleur (503) 986-1600
Tel. (503) 986-1729
Email: SenSmith@teleport.com (Invalid)
Republican, Pendleton
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Senate President
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Interim address
5285 SW Meadows Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Representative, District 10
Oregon Legislature
H473 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1410
Last recorded email: isndgrss@teleport.com (Invalid, at least to us)
Republican, Boring
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 20
Oregon Legislature
State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1720
Email: sorenson@efn.org
Democrat, Eugene
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 26
Oregon Legislature
H293 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1426
Email: sowadvm@teleport.com
Web page: http://www.teleport.com/~sowadvm/
Democrat, Oregon City
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 6
Oregon Legislature
S323 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1700
Last know address for email: Dick.S.Springer@state.or.us (no longer valid, at least to us)
Democrat, Portland
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 3
Oregon Legislature
H388 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1403
Email: repstarr@teleport.com
Republican, Hillsboro
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 6
Oregon Legislature
H472 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1406
Email: Strobeck6@aol.com
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 17
Oregon Legislature
S210 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1717
Fax: (503) 986-1981
Republican, Keizer
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Interim address:
Oregon Legislative Assembly
Capitol Building
Salem, OR 97310
Home telephone: (503) 393-7001
Fax: (503) 986-1981
Representative, District 48
Oregon Legislature
H286 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1448
Fax: (503) 986-1970
Republican, Coquille
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
House Judiciary Committee member
Representative, District 1
Oregon Legislature
H485 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1401
Email: repjt@aol.com
Democrat, Astoria
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
(Rep. Taylor replaced Tony Federici, D-St. Helens, after Federici died in early 1995.
Interim address:
1324 Miller Lane
Astoria, OR 97103
Representative, District 4
Oregon Legislature
H384 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1404
Democrat, Newport
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 24
Oregon Legislature
H292 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1424
Republican, Lake Oswego
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
House Judiciary Committee member
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 30
Oregon Legislature
S219 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1730
Republican, Burns
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senate Democratic Leader
Senator, District 18
Oregon Legislature
S307 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1718
Tel. (503) 986-1700
Email: Cliff.Trow@state.or.us
Democrat, Corvallis
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
S323 State Capitol
Salem, OR, 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1700
DeLee Shoemaker
Tel. (503) 986-1073
Tim Markwell
Tel. (503) 986-1078
Carol Suzuki
Tel. (503) 986-1076
Todd Foster
Tel. (503) 986-1075
Karen Besserman
Tel. (503) 986-1012
Representative, District 52
Oregon Legislature
368 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1452
Email: repjudyu@aol.com
Web page: http://www.mind.net/democrat/judyu.htm
Democrat, Ashland
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 37
Oregon Legislature
H291 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1437
Republican, Halsey
House second floor fax: (503) 986-1598
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 28
Oregon Legislature
S216 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1728
Republican, Hood River
Senate second floor fax: (503) 986-1011
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 50
Oregon Legislature
H377 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1450
Email: repjwatt@wave.net
Republican, Medford
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Representative, District 30
Assistant House Majority Leader
Oregon Legislature
H372 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1430
Email: repwells30@aol.com
Republican, Jefferson
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Interim address:
3080 Jeff-Scio Drive SE
Jefferson, OR 97352
Tel. (503) 327-2469
Representative, District 43
Oregon Legislature
H382 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1443
Email: repwelsh@aol.com
Other email addresses on record:
dwelsh@ednet.osl.or.gov (Invalid)
dwelsh@ednet1.osl.or.gov (Invalid)
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Representative, District 41
Oregon Legislature
H492 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1441
Email: rwooten@efn.org
Democrat, Eugene
House fourth floor fax: (503) 986-1561
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Representative, District 22
Oregon Legislature
H393 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1422
Democrat, Gresham
House third floor fax: (503) 986-1130
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
Senator, District 19
Oregon Legislature
S302 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97310
Tel. (503) 986-1719
Democrat, Albany
Senate third floor fax: (503) 986-1987
Message line (when in session): (800) 332-2313
to the Who to Lobby gateway page.
Representative Ron Adams:
Representative Lee Beyer:
Representative Kate Brown:
Representative Margaret Carter:
Representative Bev Clarno:
Representative Tony Corcoran:
Representative Peter Courtney:
Senator Gene Derfler:
Senator Bill Dwyer:
Representative George Eighmey:
Representative Avel Gordly:
Senator Jeannette Hamby:
Senator Tom Hartung:
Representative Cedric Hayden:
Representative Bryan Johnston:
Representative Tim Josi:
Representative Mike Lehman:
Representative Dennis Luke:
Representative Lynn Lundquist:
Representative John Meek:
Representative Kitty Piercy:
Representative Floyd Prozanski:
Representative Eileen Qutub:
Representative Anitra Rasmussen:
Representative Barbara Ross:
Senator Marylin Shannon:
Representative Frank Shields:
Senator Gordon H. Smith
Representative Lynn Snodgrass
Senator Peter Sorenson
Representative Larry Sowa:
Senator Dick Springer:
Representative Charles Starr:
Representative Ken Strobeck:
Representative Jackie Taylor:
Senator Cliff Trow:
Representative Judy Uherbelau:
Representative John Watt:
Representative Larry Wells:
Representative Cynthia Wooten:
to the Who to Lobby gateway page.