------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor defends medical marijuana - Richard Bayer defines Measure 67 as a health-care rights issue (The Statesman Journal, in Salem, Oregon, asks some relatively good questions and gets some good answers from the chief petitioner for the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. In response to a question about whether some people might get marijuana who don't really need it, Dr. Bayer notes pain specialists report that less than 1 percent of all addictions occur as a result of receiving pain medication. So even if a person were able to fool a doctor, it would be very rare for such patients to became dependent, and the risk is certainly outweighed by the benefits.) From: "Rick Bayer" (ricbayer@teleport.com) To: "Dpfor@Drugsense. Org" (dpfor@drugsense.org) Subject: Salem Statesman Journal, 10/29/98 Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:57:33 -0800 Salem (Oregon) Statesman Journal 10/29/98 Doctor defends medical marijuana Richard Bayer defines Measure 67 as a health-care rights issue. Statesman Journal Dr. Richard Bayer is a Portland physician and chief proponent of Measure 67, which would legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes if approved next week. Bayer spoke this week at the Statesman Journal/Oregon Public Broadcasting newsmaker breakfast. Excerpts follow: Question: Most drugs and medications are in a pill or a liquid that's swallowed in a prescribed dosage. Marijuana is very different in that you smoke it. Why aren't there better alternatives that can be administered in a more controlled way? Answer: The only way to get cannabidiol (a derivative of cannabis that is effective for certain conditions) is to use marijuana. With cancer and chemotherapy, we're talking about people vomiting and retching. And if they only have one choice of cannabinoid, and that's a pill, they can vomit it up. It makes a lot more sense to have alternative forms available such as marijuana that can be inhaled. I agree that under the best circumstances, they'd be available in patches and sprinkles and tablets and injections and all the other methods. But at this time the major question about Measure 67 is that people are using it as medicine. Should these people be arrested? Those who vote yes on 67 feel that dying and suffering patients should not be. Q: The White House Drug Policy Office states its position this week that it's dangerous to let a bunch of voters dictate what is and what is not medicine. How would you respond to this? A: Well, I'm very concerned that we have a four-general general who insists on coming into the exam room and interfering in the relationship between doctors and patients. I suspect that the voters wish to have their medical decisions determined by them and their doctors. All the standard methods have been tried legislation wise. Now it's time to take it to the people, which is what democracy is all about. Q: Why is it such a partisan issue? I mean, it's medicine after all isn't it? A: Health care should not be a partisan issue. None of us is free from health problems whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or something else. Q: The first condition that can be treated with medical marijuana under the bill is cachexia, generally know as wasting disease. But it's also a very broad word, - "I feel bad today". And opponents have said that this is the loophole that could lead people smoking lots of marijuana when they don't really need it. A: I think you've given a perfect example of the hyperbole of the slippery slope. I never have talked to a doctor who doesn't know what cachexia is, and considering that the doctor is the one who is going to be writing down that it may help, I don't think there's going to be any problem with that. It is a wasting syndrome. You can see it in AIDS, you can see it in cancer, you can see it in conditions that are long-term illnesses. Q: Still, you don't think that more people will get marijuana than really need it? A: That's really hard to say. Certainly, patients do come in with some bogus claims for other medications, but pain specialists report that less than 1 percent of all addictions occur as a result of pain medication being given to people. So if that does happen, it would be very rare. It would certainly be outweighed by the benefit, and it's certainly not unique to marijuana because doctors can also prescribe morphine and cocaine and methamphetamine. Q: This measure presents some interesting issues for law enforcement agencies. For example, you can't buy it or sell it but you can grow it. How does a law enforcement agent figure out if they are growing it for medicinal purposes or not? A: As far as cultivation goes, this was a really difficult issue for us, and we debated whether to place this in at all. The problem is that we patients who are very sick. We felt that sending people into the back alleys to get marijuana from a drug dealer was inhumane. But we also put the permit I.D. card in there to let law enforcement know who is physician-approved. And of course there are the other safeguards - the limitations on the cultivation, the personal use amounts, and no use in public place or in public view, and no driving, and so on. We put those in to try to protect public safety. Q: Typically when people give money, they expect something in return. What do the three wealthy individuals from outside Oregon, who are bankrolling this campaign, get out of this by passing a law in Oregon and a handful of other states? A: I think they get a lot of satisfaction. You could ask me why I am doing this. I'm not making any money off of this; I'm actually losing money because I rent an office in Portland. So the fact of the matter is, a lot of us get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that we're helping patients. Q: Of course, there is another marijuana measure on the ballot this November. Measure 57 would increase penalties for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. I'm wondering if both of these measures together will be confusing to voters. And taken together, will they be a referendum on marijuana, on drug policy, on medical rights? A: I am concerned about the possibility that there is maybe some confusion between 'No on 57' and 'Yes on 67'. I mean, I would have to admit that. The 'No on 57' came about as a result of House Bill 3643 that was passed last year, and I should note that Rep. George Eighmey tried to amend it with medical marijuana effort. He said if you're going to recriminalize marijuana, let's at least make an exception for patients. Because the House and Senate voted this down, obviously I'm very opposed to Measure 57. As for what this means, it will depend on whom you talk to. To me, I look at this as a medical rights issue. I feel that it started a long time ago, but some could say that Measure 16 (assisted suicide) was medical rights. The intractable pain law, which our Legislature passed in 1995, is medical rights. So I would like to think that there is a revolution in the health care system where patients are actually going to be heard from.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Backers Of Medical-Marijuana Initiative Roll Out TV Ads (The Seattle Times says backers of Initiative 692 in Washington state have unveiled a $220,000 television campaign in the last week before the election. Opponents have raised only about $12,000, but benefit from a well-funded national anti-drug campaign orchestrated by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy - even though the White House is not supposed to spend its public-education budget influencing the outcome of elections.) Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 05:06:06 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: Backers Of Medical-Marijuana Initiative Roll Out TV Ads Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Pubdate: Thursday, 29 October, 1998 Source: Seattle Times (WA) Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Copyright: 1998 The Seattle Times Company Author: David Schaefer BACKERS OF MEDICAL-MARIJUANA INITIATIVE ROLL OUT TV ADS Backers of Initiative 692 - which would legalize medical uses of marijuana in Washington state - have unveiled a $220,000 statewide television campaign in the last week before the election. And although opponents have raised only about $12,000, they are not unarmed as voters decide on the issue for the second time in two years. Although there is only a small local group opposing Initiative 692 - including King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng and state Lt. Gov. Brad Owen - it is the beneficiary of a well-funded national anti-drug campaign operated out of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The deputy director of the drug-control office, Donald Vereen, is scheduled to appear at a news conference with local officials tomorrow to argue against using marijuana as medicine. Initiative 692 would legalize the use of marijuana by patients suffering from a number of ailments. They include nausea associated with chemotherapy, complications from AIDS, muscle spasms connected to multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and certain kinds of intractable pain. The use would have to be on the recommendation of a doctor, and the ballot measure would not authorize the sale of marijuana, just the possession for medical use. Unlike Initiative 685, which failed at the polls a year ago, this year's initiative would apply only to marijuana and not to other drugs. The local sponsor is Rob Killian, a physician who has recommended marijuana for hospice patients, among others. His brother, Tim, is the campaign manager. Rob Killian also was the leader of last year's measure. But behind the state initiative is a national battle over drug policy. Medical marijuana initiatives are also on the ballot in Alaska, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado and the District of Columbia. Arizona, which legalized the medical use of a broad array of drugs in a 1996 election, is voting on the same issue again this year because of opposition in the state Legislature. With the exception of Arizona and D.C., the campaigns largely are funded by three wealthy backers: billionaire George Soros of New York, an internationally known financier; John Sperling, of Arizona, the millionaire founder of the University of Phoenix; and Peter Lewis, an Ohio insurance executive. The three also were the main supporters of Initiative 685 in Washington state last year. With the money flowing through a California-based organization, Americans for Medical Rights, they have contributed most of the $775,000 spent in the state. Contributions from the group include $330,000 in Colorado, $130,000 in Alaska, $230,000 in Nevada and $295,000 in Oregon. Newspaper polls show the issue ahead in all five Western states, with 60 percent majorities in four of the states, and with a narrow lead in Nevada. Dave Fratello, spokesman for Americans for Medical Rights, said its private polling shows similar numbers. But countering the financiers is a concerted public-education effort from the White House drug czar. Although the White House is not supposed to spend its public-education budget influencing the outcome of elections, Vereen, the deputy director of the drug-control office, is appearing this week in four of the Western states with marijuana measures on the ballot. Vereen and his boss, drug czar Barry McCaffrey, held a news conference in Washington, D.C., earlier this week to voice their opposition to medical use of marijuana. And their Internet Web site has an extensive listing arguing that marijuana is an unproven medical technique that hasn't received full scientific testing.
------------------------------------------------------------------- I-692 - Medical Marijuana - Agent Of Terror Or Compassion? (The Statesman-Examiner, in Colville, Washington, does a pro-and-con article about Initiative 692, the medical marijuana ballot measure, with Nora Callahan of the November Coalition featured on the pro side and a rather ignorant addiction specialist, Dr. Susan Garcia-Swain of Seattle on the con side parroting such baseless drug warrior propaganda.as the claim that "sex organs have a tendency to atrophy with the use of marijuana.") Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 17:28:13 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: MMJ: I-692: Medical Marijuana - Agent Of Terror Or Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Tom Murlowski http://www.november.org/ Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: Statesman - Examiner (Colville, WA) Contact: ccowbroughse@plix.com Author: Lorraine Marie I-692: MEDICAL MARIJUANA - AGENT OF TERROR OR COMPASSION? Drugs like morphine are legal for pain relief, and medical marijuana will also become an option someday if voters pass Initiative 692 this November. The initiative allows' physicians to advise patients about using medical marijuana for terminal or debilitating conditions. Those opposing I-692 claim marijuana is addictive, lacks medical research, and therefore is not a compassionate way to address pain. They also say that an American Medical Association report finds marijuana to have "very limited or no effectiveness" in treating ailments related to chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, glaucoma or other afflictions. That stance, according to November Coalition Director Nora Callahan, of Colville, has a number of problems. The Coalition is a fast-growing national organization engaged in educating the public about drug policy reform. As a Coalition speaker who tours the United States, Callahan has met with people who have effectively used marijuana for things like the reduction of AIDS symptoms, and she says it is "already known" that marijuana can be and has been used for glaucoma, epilepsy, MS and a variety of ailments, and was also used back in Colonial Times. "We are now learning that medical marijuana may even be beneficial for stroke patients," Callahan says. She has found it instructive to `trace how marijuana developed a "bad boy' image. Industrial hemp (for clothing and paper) was grown by Colonists and through WWII. After WWII, on the heels of the "Hemp for Victory" campaign, the paper and cotton industries felt threatened. With media influence (a major owner and purchaser of paper) Callahan says a "Reefer Madness" documentary portrayed marijuana as more dangerous than heroin. 'The Congressional hearings that outlawed marijuana used no testimony from experts," Callahan points out. More recently, she adds, the government has not allowed any significant funding to determine finally just how addictive marijuana is, or whether addiction is related more to an individual's addictive tendencies. Political hesitancy appears to be declining. Callahan says numerous organizations now endorse medical access to marijuana, including the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Kaiser Permanente, The New England Journal of Medicine, the American Bar Assoc. and the British Medical Assoc. As well, The Drug Enforcement Administration's Chief Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, made a significant ruling in 1988 that Callahan offers: "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known...It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance." Since 1978 Callahan says 35 states passed legislation admitting marijuana's health value, and over 90 published reports and studies show that "marijuana has medical efficacy." "Research rats don't suffer withdrawal from marijuana and don't go back for more like they do with cocaine or heroin," she has learned. "It appears that the main worry of 692 opponents is that legalization will come next. But we've legalized morphine for medical use, and that has not triggered instant addiction for those who have used it medicinally, such as to relieve the agonizing pain that accompanies cancer treatment." Opponents of medical marijuana say it is hazardous in the way tobacco is, since it can be smoked. "Medical marijuana can be eaten for relief," Callahan says, "but for those who have a difficult time keeping food down, smoking is the preferred treatment." "What I find disturbing is that Congress--with no medical background, and law enforcement, with none--is dictating to doctors what they think is best for patients. These people have no training compared to doctors' 12 years. "We need compassion before politics." There are already a wide variety of pain-relieving options on the market, negating the need for medical marijuana, 692 opponents argue. But, "what works for one person may not work for another," Callahan points out. "We need more options." "It still angers me to think how my father was forced to suffer before he died of bladder cancer. He used to throw up his dentures. That mortified him. Medical marijuana would have eased his suffering considerably." How would it be determined what dose would have been good for her father? Callahan says that is a decision that should he relegated to one's' doctor, not to lawmakers, and that is one reason why the initiative does not make a dosage recommendation. Dr. Susan Garcia-Swain is a Seattle area specialist who has treated addictions for the last 15 years. She has a number of concerns about I-692, such as the effect on the immune system, and the hazards of the smoke. Marijuana depresses the immune system, the doctor says, which should be strongly considered in patients, such as those with AIDS, who are experiencing compromised immune responses. As to marijuana smoke, Garcia-Swain claims there are 500 to 600 chemicals in marijuana, and one joint is equivalent to three-fourths to one pack of cigarettes. The risk is further extended, she believes, since it is typical for marijuana smokers to hold the smoke "deeper and longer." Callahan disagrees with Garcia-Swain's statement, and says there have been no tar studies that support her. A third concern for the West Coast doctor is marijuana's affect on the reproductive system. She says the sex organs have a tendency to atrophy with the use of marijuana. In speaking to the addictiveness of marijuana, Dr. Garcia-Smith admits there is a lot of confusion. Unfortunately, she says, people have a misguided image of addiction as "you try it once and you arc hopelessly hooked." But in reality, she says, addiction has three phases: increased tolerance; an increased desire to use the substance, and continued use despite negative consequences. Another factor contributing to addictiveness is an individual's personality, she noted. Her own health concerns aside, Dr. Garcia-Swain suggests that I-692 might have been better presented if it had been rewritten. For example, she said hashish oil (higher in THC) taken on the tongue may be more desirable and safer than smoking marijuana. She also believes it would be better to have dosages standardized for record-keeping purposes, which would aid in identifying abuse of the substance. As the initiative stands, Dr. Garcia-Swain says doctors would be vulnerable to malpractice by saying marijuana can be used for pain relief, but, "you go find your own and be careful." In her own experience as a doctor, Garcia-Swain says she has had patients come to her with tales of using marijuana for pain relief, only to find the pain had worsened. "Marijuana is a hallucinogen," she said. "How it affects a person depends on their personality. There are antidotes for heroin if difficulties arise when it is used for pain relief, but there are no antidotes for marijuana." Callahan says that with the approval of I-692 critic's distribution and dosage concerns will become a moot point. "The federal government will not allow the medical use of marijuana," she says. "But 692 will work toward making it pharmaceutically available, and we will see progress toward offering pain relief for those unable to find it in other drugs."
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Will Really Go To Pot (Another misinformed drug warrior gets an insipid letter to the editor published in The Herald, in Everett, Washington, opposing Initiative 692, the medical marijuana ballot measure.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 14:37:21 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: MMJ: LTE: State Will Really Go To Pot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Herald, The (WA) Contact: letters@heraldnet.com Website: http://www.heraldnet.com/ Copyright: 1998 The Daily Herald Co. Pubdate: Thurs, 29 Oct 1998 Author: Don Johnson, Lake Stevens Initiative 692 STATE WILL REALLY GO TO POT Initiative 692 appears to be a plan that national pot promoters are trying to pull off. No doctor is going to "recommend" a drug. If they think it is the best medication for you, they will write a prescription. On the other hand, they may recommend that you wash your hands after going to the toilet, but they will not write a prescription. Marijuana is a plant; therefore, like any plant, the chemical content will vary with where it was grown and what has fallen or been sprayed on it. Thus, a physician wouldn't know how much drug the patient would be getting, nor the other chemicals in the plant. So, he or she will prescribe a drug - a known entity. Marinol, apparently, is the trade name for a chemical in marijuana that has been shown, under FDA regulations, to be safe and efficacious for the purpose for which it is labeled. Marinol, I uderstand, is so "touchy" that some physicians will give the first couple of doses either in their office or in the hospital, where they can observe the patient. Finally, I don't understand how the state expects to overturn -or duck around-federal law. Marijuana, I believe, is a controlled substance under federal authorities. The state attorney general will have to show the federal government that the stuff is not a burden on interstate commerce, in which case the U.S. has no jurisdiction. Washington will then have to come up with its own regulatory budget - called taxes. If Initiative 692 passes, Washington state will really go to pot. Don Johnson, Lake Stevens
------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative - good news (California NORML forwards a message saying US district judge Charles Breyer has agreed tomorrow to order US marshals to return co-op officials' office keys and to allow them to resume all activities except for distributing medicine.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 23:01:53 -0800 To: dpfca@drugsense.org From: canorml@igc.apc.org (Dale Gieringer) Subject: DPFCA: Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative-- good news Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ >From: "Dick Evans" (emr@javanet.com) >To: (aro@drugsense.org) >Subject: ARO: Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative-- good news >Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 23:51:16 -0500 >Sender: owner-aro@drugsense.org >Reply-To: "Dick Evans" (emr@javanet.com) >Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ > >I just learned that today (10/29/98) U.S. District Court Judge Breyer >granted the OCCB's motion to re-enter the club premises, upon the club's >promise to follow the terms of the injunction dated May 14, 1998, *with >respect to the premises at 1755 Broadway* and declared that he will sign an >order "first thing in the morning" (Friday Oct. 30) requiring the U. S. >Marshall to turn the keys back over. The order is to be strictly limited to >the premises at 1755 Broadway. All activities can resume, except for >distribution (which presumably can move elsewhere). >Dick *** Dale Gieringer (415) 563-5858 // canorml@igc.apc.org 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114
------------------------------------------------------------------- Lungren's 'gestapo' tactics - Spying on doctors, trashing the medical pot initiative (The Sacramento News and Review shows how California Attorney General Dan Lungren, the Republican candidate for governor, has essentially led the assault against the medical marijuana initiative that voters approved in November 1996.) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: Fwd: Sacramento Article Against Lungren/Patient Robert Ames Arrested Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 03:14:35 PST Subject: Sacramento Article Against Lungren/Patient Robert Ames Arrested To: ralphkat@hotmail.com (ralph sherrow) Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 02:47:36 -0800 (PST) Cc: bob@rush.com From: bob@rush.com (Bob Ames) Here's an article from the 10/29/1998 "Election '98" edition of the Sacramento News & Review: *** Large picture of what appear to be two conservative tie-wearing patients examining marijuana plants. "Ryan Landers shows off his homegrown crop as Robert Ames, medical marijuana patient, looks on." By Michael Pulley (michaelp@newsreview.com) Photo by Larry Dalton. Large Headline: Lungren's 'gestapo' tactics Spying on doctors, trashing the medical pot initiative When it comes to Proposition 215 and the medical marijuana issue, there's a stark contrast between California's gubernatorial candidates. Lt. Gov. Gray Davis has promised not to challenge the statewide ballot initiative that legalized the growing and smoking of pot for patients with recommendations from physicians. Davis also would allow medical marijuana clubs to operate. On the other hand, his opponent, state Attorney General Dan Lungren, has essentially led the assault against the initiative that voters approved in November 1996. In fact, some medical marijuana activists have accused Lungren of violating the state's own constitution by aiding and abetting the Clinton administration, which has claimed that Prop. 215 is superseded by the federal laws against marijuana. Pot patients say that Lungren's policies have influenced local law enforcement agencies' arrests and raids of bona fide medical marijuana patients. Those arrests have been increasing in frequency in recent weeks, especially in the Sacramento area, where a number of patients have been busted and had their medicine seized. The patients blame it all on Lungren and often talk about his "gestapo" tactics. One physician is calling Lungren's guidelines on Porp. 215 for local law enforcement the Attorney General's "template of terror." Lungren signaled his stance on Prop. 215 when he raided the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club during the height of the 215 campaign. The raid made Lungren a national figure after he was ridiculed by Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau. "It's so important to me that Lungren not be in office because he's hurting the citizens of our state," said Ryan Landers, a well-known medical marijuana activist in Sacramento. "He's hurting patients and families." Landers himself was arrested by Sacramento City Police for smoking pot on the K Street Mall. That arrest led the Sacramento City Council to recently propose an ordinance banning the smoking of medical pot in public places. Other medical marijuana patients have suffered fates worse than Landers'. Robert Ames, a medical marijuana patient who was growing his own plants at his home in Rio Linda, was raided and arrested by Sacramento City Police on October 12. He showed cops his medical recommendation for marijuana from Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a Berkeley physician and medical pot activist, but narcs arrested him anyway and confiscated his 33 plants. They charged him with illegal cultivation of marijuana. "I do feel as a medical marijuana patient that the voters very clearly stated that I'm permitted to use medical marijuana," said Ames. "I feel very strongly that the attorney general is sworn to uphold all the laws of California, not just the ones he agrees with." Matt Ross, a Lungren spokesman, disagreed with the allegations that Lungren has not been upholding Prop. 215. Ross noted that Lungren supported a bill funding additional medical marijuana studies sponsored be state Sen. John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara). Ross said arrests were justified because of Lungren's rule that medical marijuana patients should be allowed only two plants. That, Ross said, is based on experts' advise that two plants should provide more than enough marijuana for a patient's needs. But Ames and Landers said those guidelines are ludicrous and that many more plants are needed to insure most patients an adequate supply. Placer County cops cited Lungren's guidelines last month when they arrested a Loomis dentist and his wife who have both received recommendations for smoking pot from a conservative Concord physician. The physician, Dr. Alex Staleup, is a well-known consultant and teacher to state and federal narcotics officers. He recommended that Michael Baldwin, the Loomis dentist, and his wife, Georgia, smoke pot for relief from migraine headaches and other ailments. Narcs confiscated 146 plants, mostly seedlings, from the Baldwin's home and charged them with cultivation with intent to sell. "They tore the house apart," said Michael Baldwin. "Some of the items they took were Grateful Dead posters and a poster of a wizard. They also took a Peter Tosh CD. You know that kind of screams of the flavor of Nazi Germany's tactics. They ripped everything up. They cut our garden down. I had 146 plants. Fifty of them were not rooted, so they weren't even plants yet. The entire garden was stuffed into about three grocery bags by police." Baldwin said the Placer County cops have absolutely no evidence that he and his wife were intending to sell their marijuana to other individuals. A court transcript in the Baldwin case of a phone conversation between Staleup, the Baldwin's physician, and a Placer County detective reveals that the state narcs tried to get Staleup to lead the narcs' campaign against Prop. 215 in 1996, but the physician refused because he believes that smoking marijuana has medical uses for some patients. Mikuriya, the Berkeley physician who provided Ames his recommendation for smoking pot, said it's been one of the strategies of Lungren and the Clinton administration to try to harass and intimidate physicians who recommend marijuana to patients. Lungren's actions "have really destroyed the mutual trust of physicians and their patients over this issue," said Mikuriya, a physician who once served as the lead consultant to the National Institute of Mental Health's own medical marijuana research project in the 1960s and 1970s. Mikuriya said he decided to quit the establishment and become an activist after President Richard Nixon essentially canned the results of a six-year research project that showed that marijuana did have medical benefits. Much of the research for that project came from the U.S. government's own intelligence community, which had been studying marijuana for years for possible use in incapacitating enemy agents, according to Mikuriya. Mikuriya's support of the Prop. 215 campaign and his association with medical marijuana activist and Republican gubernatorial candidate Dennis Peron prompted the state Bureau of Narcotics, headed up by Lungren, to put Mikuriya under surveillance and conduct a secret investigation of him. Mikuriya provided the SN&R a copy of the bureau's six-page "investigation report" to document his allegation. The report, by Bureau of Narcotics Special Agent Keith Krampitz, concluded that the investigation "was unable to make any determination as to Mikuriya's status within the Cannabis Buyers' Club." "It is unknown at this time whether there is a direct connection between Mikuriya and the Cannabis Buyers' Club relative to the financial aspect," the report states. Mikuriya said Lungren's influence on local law enforcement's handling of medical marijuana cases was carried out through a series of 10 "updates" that his administration sent out to city police departments, sheriff's departments, prosecutors and judges during 1997. He refers to the updates and Lungren's "template of terror." The updates provided information on pending medical marijuana cases, with information on physicians such as Mikuriya who were recommending their patients smoke marijuana. The ultimate test of whether Lungren's attack on Prop. 215 is appropriate may be provided by the courts. Earlier this month, Peter McWilliams, a Southern California AIDS patient and medical marijuana user who was busted by federal and state authorities, filed suit, charging Lungren with four breaches of the California constitution. The constitution says an administrative agency has no power to declare a state statute unenforceable on the basis that its superseded by federal law unless an appellate court first makes that finding. No such ruling has occurred on Prop. 215.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Rally and court date - Marvin Chavez (A list subscriber invites you to attend the trial of the founder of the Orange County Patient-Doctor-Nurse Support Group. Meet at 7:30 am Monday, Nov. 11, to hand out FIJA flyers.)From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: Rally & court date; Marvin Chavez Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 12:37:44 PST Hi, boys & girls, Marvin Chavez from Orange County is going to trial on MMJ distibution charges Monday November 11th 1998. 8:30am. department #41 Santa Ana court house. Main & Civic Center Drive. Santa Ana, California. There will be a rally before-hand and passing out of FIJA flyers. Be there by 7:30am for Rally & flyer passing out. We need all the support you can give. This is Marvins life & freedom. Ralph
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Real Dope (A letter to the editor of The Las Vegas Review-Journal drips sarcasm as it rebuts a recent op-ed opposing medical marijuana written by the White House drug czar, General Barry McCaffrey. "I'm sure that I can trust the general to tell me how to vote in a Nevada election. After all, my federal tax dollars are paying him handsomely to do it.") Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:10:54 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US NV: MMJ: PUB LTE: A Real Dope Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: paul_bischke@datacard.com (Paul Bischke) Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Contact: letters@lvrj.com Website: http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/ Copyright: Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1998 Pubdate: Thurs, 29 Oct 1998 Author: Bruce Allen, Tonopah [Nevada] US NV: PUB LTE: A REAL DOPE I, a poor dumb Nevadan, didn't know how to vote on Question 9, the state's medical marijuana initiative. Then the smart federal government came to the rescue. President Clinton's drug doyen, the so-called "drug czar," Barry McCaffrey told me the facts in the his Oct. 18 commentary, "Seeing through the haze of medical marijuana." Mr. McCaffrey told me, for example, that, "This amendment does not represent the grass-roots sentiments of Nevadans." The fact that he doesn't live within 1,000 miles of Nevada is irrelevant. Also some of his reasoning is a touch spotty. To take a few examples: -- He says that marijuana addles the brain and is the second leading cause of car crashes, after alcohol. He doesn't, though, want to outlaw alcohol. -- He suggests that instead of taking marijuana people should take pills that contain only its so-called "active ingredient;" to smoke marijuana instead, he says is like eating bread mold rather than taking penicillin. Using this reasoning, it certainly sounds as if I don't really have to eat food. I could take vitamins instead. -- He urges us to wait until there is more scientific evidence on marijuana. He fails to discuss, though, either the federal rules that hobble this research or the difficulty that truly impartial researchers have in getting federal funds. These lapses of reasoning aside, I'm sure that I can trust the general to tell me how to vote in a Nevada election. After all, my federal tax dollars are paying him handsomely to do it. Also, he works for President Clinton who is rather a marijuana expert himself. The First Pot Smoker knows, first hand, the dangers of smoking the stuff, if not of inhaling it. Bruce Allen Tonopah [Nevada]
------------------------------------------------------------------- Counties Won't Save Marijuana Votes (The Rocky Mountain News says advocates for medical marijuana patients and Amendment 19 struck out in Denver District Court on Wednesday. Judge Connie Peterson refused to order county election officials to preserve Colorado ballots for possible counting in the event of successful legal challenges to the secretary of state's decision to disqualify the initiative due to an alleged lack of valid signatures.) Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:43:54 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CO: Counties Won't Save Marijuana Votes Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis (cohip@levellers.org) Source: Rocky Mountain News Copyright: 1998 Denver Publishing Co. Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Contact: letters@denver-rmn.com Mail: 400 W. Colfax, Denver, CO 80204 Fax: (303) 892-5499 Website: http://www.denver-rmn.com/ Author: John Sanko, News Capitol Bureau COUNTIES WON'T SAVE MARIJUANA VOTES Ruling Stops Attempt To Preserve Ballots For Use After Appeals Medical marijuana supporters struck out in Denver District Court on Wednesday. Judge Connie Peterson refused to order county election officials to preserve votes on Amendment 19 on Tuesday's ballot. The proposal, which would allow people with debilitating diseases to use marijuana with a doctor's recommendation, already has been printed on election ballots. Despite a state Supreme Court ruling that the vote won't count, measure supporters want ballots to be saved in case their appeals succeed. That's what they asked Peterson to do. Wednesday's legal skirmish is the latest in a running court battle that started last summer when Secretary of State Vikki Buckley ruled that petitions contained insufficient voter signatures for the initiative to make the ballot. The Denver ruling disappointed Martin Chilcutt, a leader of Coloradans for Medical Rights who sat through the afternoon hearing. "I don't have any more money," Chilcutt said in the hallways outside Peterson's courtroom. He noted his side already has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in getting signatures and advertising. "Coloradans for Medical Rights is broke," Chilcutt said. "It appears that I'm not going to be funded any further. I don't know where I'm going to go or what I'm going to do." The latest ruling didn't disappoint Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan, who leads the opposition and sat through the hearing. He said it would be impossible to mount a viable campaign alerting voters to the dangers of the measure in the few days before the election. "I'm just baffled by the whole process that this has taken," Sullivan admitted. In refusing to issue an order, Peterson noted that attorneys for the issue already had made a similar request to the Colorado Supreme Court. The high court still has not issued a decision, but could do so today.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge Turns Back Pro-Pot Group (The Denver Post version) Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:20:27 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CO: MMJ: Judge Turns Back Pro-Pot Group Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis (cohip@levellers.org) Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: Denver Post (CO) Copyright: 1998 The Denver Post Contact: letters@denverpost.com Website: http://www.denverpost.com/ Author: Howard Pankratz JUDGE TURNS BACK PRO-POT GROUP Oct. 29 - Supporters of the medical marijuana initiative failed Wednesday in another 11th hour attempt to have votes for the controversial measure tallied. Judge Connie Peterson, ruling on a request identical to another the supporters currently have before the Colorado Supreme Court, refused to order the Secretary of State to tell the state's 63 county clerks to tally the votes cast for and against Amendment 19. "It is unfortunate Amendment 19 is in such a mess," said Peterson, who is chief judge of the Denver District Court. "Certainly confusion could have been avoided." But she said that she was denying the motion primarily because the Supreme Court has an identical motion before it and because the marijuana supporters have not shown "irreparable injury" would occur should the votes not be tallied. Peterson acknowledged that the supporters had shown injury in the form of time and money spent on the issue, but emphasized that they still may be able to have the issue voted on in two years by Colorado voters. If the measure isn't tallied this year, but a later review shows it should have been on the 1998 ballot, it will be on the ballot in the year 2000, said Peterson. And she added that the Supreme Court, which was first presented with the issue on Friday, may yet rule whether county clerks have to tally the votes. After Peterson's ruling, one of the biggest supporters of the initiative said that Coloradans for Medical Rights, which sponsored the amendment, is broke. Martin Chilcutt added that he foresees no infusion of money into its campaign before the Nov. 3 election. Legal wrangling has beset the initiative in recent months. And on Wednesday the Amendment 19 supporters went before Peterson claiming that Secretary of State Vikki Buckley incorrectly found on Oct. 16 that the supporters had not gathered enough valid petition signatures. Buckley made the finding after the Colorado Supreme Court ordered her to do a line-by-line analysis of the 88,815 signatures submitted to her by Coloradans for Medical Rights. In ordering Buckley to make the analysis, the court said that "if and only if" the analysis showed sufficient valid signatures could the Amendment 19 votes be tallied. But the marijuana supporters, claiming that Buckley failed to make an accurate count, told Peterson that their own analysis showed Buckley had invalidated 2,628 signatures that were, in fact, valid. As a result, said lawyer Mark Grueskin, there were 290 signatures more than constitutionally required to place the measure before voters.
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Corrections Officials Tally Inmate Dope Use (According to The Tulsa World, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections says nearly 6 percent of a random sampling of Oklahoma inmates tested positive for illegal drugs. The national average is 9.3 percent. Marijuana was the drug of choice. Of the 266 people on probation or parole who were tested in September, 55 were positive, or 20.68 percent. The newspaper fails to note that, according to the latest National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, only about 6 percent of the rest of the population uses illegal drugs, and fails to ask how prohibition can be enforced in a free society it can't be enforced in prisons.) Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 19:43:30 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OK: State Corrections Officials Tally Inmate Dope Use Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Michael Pearson (oknorml@swbell.net) Source: Tulsa World (OK) Contact: tulsaworld@mail.webtek.com Website: http://www.tulsaworld.com/ Copyright: 1998, World Publishing Co. Author: Barbara Hoberock World Capitol Bureau Pubdate: 29 Oct 1998 STATE CORRECTIONS OFFICIALS TALLY INMATE DOPE USE OKLAHOMA CITY -- Nearly 6 percent of a random sampling of Oklahoma inmates tested positive for drugs, the Department of Corrections reported. The department randomly tests 5 percent of the prisoner population each month, department spokesman Jerry Massie said. Of 2,140 offenders tested from July to September, 128, or 5.98 percent, tested positive. The national average is 9.3 percent. The results of the department's random drug-testing policy are expected to be released Thursday to the Board of Corrections at its meeting at the Ouachita Correctional Center in Hodgen. Some of the state's more secure institutions such as Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester, Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite and Mack Alford Correctional Center in Stringtown had positive drug tests that exceeded the state average. Oklahoma State Penitentiary, a maximum-security institution with medium- and minimum-security units, tested 200 inmates, of which 13 came out positive, representing 6.5 percent of the population. Of the 111 inmates tested at the medium-security Mack Alford Correctional Center, 11.71 percent tested positive. The facility has a minimum-security unit. It was unclear whether any of those testing positive were from that unit. Some work centers reported positive drug tests of more than 25 percent of the population. The Walters City Community Work Center tested three inmates, two of which came out positive. Seven of the 13 inmates at the Ardmore Community Correctional Center tested positive. For Oklahoma inmates, marijuana was the drug of choice. Inmates on probation and parole tested positive more often than those behind bars. Of the 266 probation and parolees tested in September, 55 were positive for drugs, which represents 20.68 percent. The department uses urine analysis to test for drugs. The drug testing practice allows the department to analyze how inmates get drugs, Massie said. Drugs get to inmates through the mail and by visitors, Massie said. "You can't disregard the fact that staff may bring it in," he said. "Anyone who goes into a facility from outside may be a source." In an effort to reduce drug use among inmates, the department can look at the inmate's visitors' list, work unit and housing unit in an effort to find out how the inmate got the drugs, Massie said. The department plans to expand its use of drug dogs at each prison, he said. Drug testing allows the department to target treatment dollars, he said, adding that most of the prison population has a history of drug abuse. Barbara Hoberock can be reached at (405) 528-2465.
------------------------------------------------------------------- HPD Panel Is Reviewing Oregon Case (The Houston Chronicle says the Houston Police Department has completed its internal investigation into the shooting of Pedro Oregon Navarro, an innocent man shot to death by prohibition agents who broke into his house without a warrant. The Internal Affairs Division completed its investigation and turned its findings over to the department's Civilian Review Committee late Monday.) Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 05:04:16 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: HPD Panel Is Reviewing Oregon Case Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Copyright: 1998 Houston Chronicle Author: Matt Schwartz HPD PANEL IS REVIEWING OREGON CASE The Houston Police Department has completed its internal investigation into the shooting of Pedro Oregon Navarro, and a disciplinary committee is reviewing the findings, a department spokesman said Wednesday. The department's Administrative Discipline Committee is expected to turn any recommendations it makes over to Chief C.O. Bradford within days, HPD spokesman Robert Hurst said. "Then, either he signs off on their recommendations or he has the authority to change that to whatever degree he feels it needs to be, in his opinion," Hurst said. The Internal Affairs Division completed its investigation and turned its findings over to the department's Civilian Review Committee late Monday, he said. Mayor Lee Brown asked Bradford to expedite the department's investigation, which had been put on hold while a Harris County grand jury investigated the incident. The grand jury last week declined to indict all but one of the six officers involved in the fatal shooting July 12 at a southwest Houston apartment. The lone officer indicted, six-year Patrolman James Willis, was charged with misdemeanor trespassing. Oregon, 22, died after being shot 12 times -- nine of them in the back -- by officers who raided the apartment without search or arrest warrants, on a tip by an informant that drugs were being sold there. Oregon had a gun, which was found near his body, but it had not been fired. No drugs were found in the apartment. The grand jury's decision provoked outrage across Houston from citizens and elected officials alike and prompted several protests. Two Hispanic law groups and the League of United Latin American Citizens have called for a second grand jury investigation. Harris County District Attorney John B. Holmes Jr. said last week that he does not intend to present the case to another grand jury. He has maintained that the public has not heard all facts in the case. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the case, in response to requests from the mayor and the Mexican consulate in Houston.
------------------------------------------------------------------- After Rejecting Plea Bargain, 19-Year-Old Jumps To Death (The Associated Press says Derrick Smith, 19, was charged with possession of marijuana and a judge in Manhattan had just offered him three to six years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea.)US NY: Wire: After Rejecting Plea Bargain, 19-Year-Old Jumps To Death Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: Associated Press Copyright: 1998 Associated Press. Author: Donne De La Cruz AFTER REJECTING PLEA BARGAIN, 19-YEAR-OLD JUMPS TO DEATH NEW YORK (AP) -- A 19-year-old man apparently distraught over a prison sentence offered in exchange for his guilty plea in a drug case jumped through a courthouse window Thursday and fell 16 stories to his death. "I'm 19 years old, your honor. That is terrible. That's terrible," Derrick Smith told State Supreme Court Justice Budd Goodman, according to a court transcript. Smith was charged with possession of marijuana and had been offered three to six years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea. He had a history of drug convictions. After Smith rejected the offer at the Criminal Courts Building, Goodman set his trial for Nov. 25. As Smith was led from the courtroom into a secure area, he ran, jumped on a bench in front of the window and leaped to his death, falling on a Department of Correction bus before tumbling to the ground. He wasn't handcuffed at the time, said David Bookstaver, a spokesman for the Office of Court Administration. If a defendant is in a secured area and is not deemed a violent offender, he is not necessarily handcuffed, Bookstaver said. Only the court officers leading Smith back to the ground floor to board a Correction bus witnessed him jump through the window just minutes after noon, but spectators in the courtroom, including Smith's mother, heard the ruckus. Several people on grand jury duty on the ninth floor saw Smith falling through the air. "You heard a loud booming sound," said Kay Skinner, who was in the grand jury room listening to testimony when she saw Smith fall. Smith had been convicted three times over the last three years of selling marijuana.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk & Roll (A list subscriber forwards details about events scheduled Nov. 1-4 in Washington, DC, dedicated to ending the war on medical marijuana users. An itinerary and contact list provide more details about past and future highlights of the rolling protest traveling from Boston to the District of Columbia. Inspired by a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, who allegedly said, "While preparing for my debate with Mr. Douglas, I preferred to go into the woods nearby and sit on a stump with my harmonica and my pipe with my Indian hemp," the Lincoln Memorial Harmonica Convergence is featured at many events.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 11:28:42 EST Errors-To: jnr@insightweb.com Reply-To: friends@freecannabis.org Originator: friends@freecannabis.org Sender: friends@freecannabis.org From: "Richard J. Schimelfenig" (hempman@mindspring.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (friends@freecannabis.org) Subject: FW: Walk & Roll For those that have not been following, these are the last few days of the Walk and Roll for Medical Marijuana. Here's the itinerary and contact list. -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Thursday, October 29, 1998 9:56 AM To: Cc: editor@usatoday.com; today@nbc.com; mtp@nbc.com; washcp@aol.com; letter@twtmail.com; oped@csps.com Subject: Walk & Roll 3 Day Peace Vigil to End The Drug War on Medical Marijuana (The Drug War IS WWIII !) Washington, DC, November 1-4, 1998 24 hours Malcolm X Park, Noon, Nov.1-2nd 16th Street NW & W Street 48 hours Lafayette Park, Noon, Nov. 2-4th (The White House Peace Park) Walk & Roll Of Patients and Supporters of Legitimate Marijuana Medicine Arrives from Boston, October 3rd From New York City, October 17th Sunday, November 1, 1998 Arrives Malcolm X Park about 3:30PM (Walking from College Park 1PM, Pierce & 51st) 4:20PM Welcoming Ceremony Monday, November 2, 1998 Walk & Roll Rally 9-10AM Malcolm X Park 10AM Walk & Roll Marches on The White House 11AM W&R arrives in Lafayette Park for Rally to End the Drug War on Marijuana Tuesday, November 3, Election Day Noon W&R Rally in Lafayette Park Wednesday, November 4, 11AM Press Conference Lafayette Park: Noon, End Vigil Ceremony and Walk to the Surgeon General's Office *** Walk & Roll Good Medicine is Not a Crime! Sunday, November 8, 1998 From The White House To The Lincoln Memorial Lafayette Park 12-2PM Walk & Roll Rally 2-3 PM Walk & Roll to the Lincoln Memorial for a 4:20 PM Lincoln Memorial Ceremony Demonstration of American Values Bring your harmonica to remember Lincoln's relaxation preference of : "My harmonica with my pipe and my Indian hemp" The Lincoln Memorial Harmonica Convergence *** CEASE FIRE! Everyone Surrenders! Wednesday, November 11, 1998 Veteran's Day, White House Peace Park 80th Anniversary of Armistice Day 11AM, Peace Treaty Signing Ceremony Signing the Drug War Armistice (gathering signatures until sunset) 12PM, American Flag Retirement Ceremony Community Forum for America's Future Dana Beal, Jack Herer, David Crockett Williams To End all War, Start with the Drug War! Celebration to End the Drug War (The Drug War IS WWIII!) *** Medical Issue Legal Reformers WALK & ROLL for a National Hemp Reform Act Boston, October 3, 1998, Patients & Supporters of Medical Marijuana began W&R New York City, October 17, 1998, W&R main organizing office, 212-677-7180 Wilmington, Delaware, October 30, 1998, W&R webmaster, Richard, 302-791-0560 Baltimore, Maryland, October 31, 1998, Environmental Crisis Center, 410-235-7110 College Park, Maryland, November 1, 1998, www.members.tripod.com/~ez2bkind Washington, DC, November 2, 1998, David Crockett Williams, 202-887-5770 #2 9-10 A.M., Malcolm X Park, Walk & Roll joined by DC area supporters of I-59 Walk & Roll to White House Arrives at 11 A.M., Lafayette Peace Park Nov. 3, 1998, Election Day, White House Peace Park Vigil, Vote Yes on I-59 P.O.N. "Put On Notice" campaign to notify government representatives of The Truth H/C/M (Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana) Hemp flowers make the best medicine. Hemp stalks produce the best fibers. Hemp stalks produce better and at least four times more paper per acre than other plants. Hemp seeds are the best food for humans. Hemp produces about four times more bio-mass per acre for bio-fuels. A small fraction of American farmland grown in hemp can replace U.S. fossil fuels. Hemp was outlawed 1937, as marihuana, by a fraud on the American Congress & people. When hemp is relegalized, it may lower prison costs and populations by up to 40%. Hemp is the only plant with the capability and usefulness to stop global warming. Abraham (Lincoln): "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts" "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance within itself. It is a species of intemperance itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and it makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded". (December 12, 1840) "While preparing for my debate with Mr. Douglas, I preferred to go into the woods nearby and sit on a stump with my harmonica and my pipe with my Indian hemp." A front page (13A) article on October 7, 1998, USA Today, "Canadian hemp isn't going to pot", quotes David Des Roche (an aide to White House drug czar Barry McCaffrey who specializes in hemp) "Legalizing hemp sends the wrong message about marijuana. These poor farmers are being conned by the marijuana legalization groups. If hemp were a viable crop, we'd have a harder time putting forward our agenda [prohibition]. Thankfully it's not." The balance of the long article details the facts of how hemp has already become a viable crop in Canada in its first year of legal cultivation, 1998. Saskatchewan farmer Neil Strayer says even his dwarf hemp variety, planted late in the season, still performed well with only 70 days growing time, yielding him a profit twice that of barley. In a companion piece about modern day hemp information pioneer Jack Herer, USA Today says that a consensus has developed among farmers and agricultural experts that Herer is right about his most important point: Hemp is a valuable crop, long used for fiber and oil, that answers many of today's environmental concerns. *** Global Peace Now! Ending the American Drug War The Final Days Events WALK & ROLL 1998 Boston, October 3 New York, October 17 Washington, DC, November 1-11 The Walk & Roll campaign, endorsed by the United Nations 50th Anniversary Memorial Global Peace Walk Project to instill "Global Peace Now!" as a universal human resolve, is a combination of a Peace Caravan and the spiritual walking practice as inspired by that of the successful Salt Tax March of the spiritual/political revolution half century ago in India under the guidance and leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. The Peace March/Caravan of the Walk & Roll is by patients, supporters, and medical legal reformers to revise National Drug Policy in an intelligent and effective manner so as to immediately and very truthfully be able to declare a cease fire and an end to the United States' "War on Drugs". When, as now, suffering patients can greatly benefit by the use of certain parts of the hemp plant as the best and most effective medication for the therapeutic remedy of their symptoms of suffering, and when, as now, this medication is held to be "illegal" under the laws of any state, it becomes upon the responsible citizens of such states to appeal to their government for a comprehensive reform of its medicine prohibition laws relevant to this most valuable plant in human history whose widespread contemporary cultivation may be the only effective and legitimate method of reoxygenating the atmosphere in time to prevent the destruction of life on Earth in the coming generation. For consuming carbon dioxide to reverse the increase in greenhouse gases, hemp is the best plant bar none. In order to heal the atmosphere before it is too late, we must revive the US Department of Agriculture's 1941 Hemp for Victory emergency crash program to grow hemp everywhere possible. In this case, not to win WWII but, to win the common war of humanity against the ignorance, arrogance, and greed of its own mind which have life on Earth on the brink of destruction. We need a National Hemp Reform Act implemented immediately to relegalize and recommercialize hemp for its many many uses especially including medical, and industrial, energy (fuel), food, paper, chemical uses. Patients and supporters began their Walk & Roll from Boston on October 3rd on their way to Washington, DC, to appeal for drug policy reform to allow proper use of hemp/ cannabis/marijuana for proven legitimate medical purposes. For updates on Walk & Roll schedule and events, see the website at http://www.members.tripod.com/~ez2bkind, call New York main office 212-677-7180 Deleware W&R Coordinator and Webmaster is Richard Schimelphenig at 302-791-0560, or hempman@mindspring.com. Baltimore W&R Coordinator is Naron McCormick at the Environmental Crisis Center 410-235-7110, or naron1@prontomail.com. DC contact is David Crockett Williams, gear2000@lightspeed.net, voicemail and update messages at 202-887-5770, #2. Walk & Roll 1998 Schedule: Friday, October 30, Wilmington, Delaware: 9:30 to 10:30 AM Wilmington Park, come supporters join Walk & Roll Delaware Route to arrival at a Rally in Rodney Square from 11AM to 6PM featuring speakers, music, media, and harmonica convergence at 4:20PM. Base camp established at Greenbelt Park until November 15th. Saturday, October 31, (Hallowed Eve) Baltimore, Maryland: 10-11AM Clifton Park, join W&R for walk to City Hall for a Noon rally on City Hall steps (Holiday & Fayette). 2-4:20 PM Study Group on Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana convenes at Baltimore Public Library meeting room, session videotaped for public and goverment distribution. Evening W&R delegation attends various Univesity of Maryland and public Halloween (Hallowed-Evening) Celebrations. Harmonica Convergence at 4:20PM. Sunday, November 1, (All Saints Day) The Saints Come Marching In, College Park to Washington, DC, 1-4:20PM. Gathering with local walkers 11AM to 1PM near the corner of the Park on Pierce just west of 51st Street in College Park. Walk & Roll arrives in DC at Malcolm X Park for 4:20PM harmonica convergence gathering (near 16th Street NW at Euclid Street). Monday, November 2, Washington, DC, Rocks to Walk & Roll arrival Lafayette Park. 9-10AM Gathering & Ceremony at Malcolm X Park. 10-11AM Walk to White House. 11AM Walk & Roll Rally at The White House (in Lafayette Peace Park across the street). Begin 48 hour Election Day Vigil in Lafayette Park. Tuesday, November 3, Election Day, Emancipation from Economic Slavery, Washington Election Day Vigil in Lafayette Peace Park outside The White House. Information Center for individuals to Walk & Roll to their Congresspeople's Offices leaving at NOON to Put them On Notice about the importance of a National Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana Reform Act for the immediate relegalization and recommercialization of this plant for all of its good uses and commercial values to motivate its rapid widespread cultivation to try and heal the atmosphere before it is too late. "VOTE YES ON I-59" Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana in DC. Wednesday, November 4, White House Peace Park (Lafayette), 11AM Press Conference 48 hour Election Day Vigil Ends at Noon. Put On Notice campaign continues with appeals to the national media to take up this story through this approach to various government offices while inviting them to attend the National NORML Conference. NOON Walk & Roll to the Department of Health and Human Services at the Office of the Assistant Surgeon General and Assistant Director for Health, David Satcher, MD Phd 200 Independence Avenue SW, to offer information for his consideration at 1 PM. Thursday, November 5, White House Peace Park, Walk & Roll goes to The White House 10-11 AM Gathering in Lafayette Park. 11AM Walk & Roll marches to offices of the Director of the White House Office of Drug Policy Control (ODPC), the so-called US Drug Czar, General Barry McGaffrey, to see David Des Roche, ODPC hemp specialist, Friday, November 6, Walk & Roll 11AM to NIDA National Institute for Drug Abuse in Rockville, Maryland, to see Deputy Director Dick Milstein to offer him information for consideration in government reevaluation of national hemp/cannabis/marijuana policy. Saturday, November 7, Morning Vigil outside Constitution Hall, 18th & D Streets, NW, during the plenary keynote speech inside by His Holiness Dalai Lama opening the First International Conference on Tibetan Medicine, Revealing the Art of the Medicine Buddha, A Dialogue Between Traditional Tibetan Medicine and Western Medicine. 7 Nov. Baltimore City Hall, 4:20 PM Harmonica Convergence & Drum Circle: Begin Candlelight Vigil in memory of the deceased and the still suffering victims of the US War on Drugs, vigil continues dusk until dawn. Sunday, November 8, Walk & Roll Gathering in Lafayette Park for 2PM walk to the Lincoln Memorial for a 3-6PM Demonstration of American Values there, including a special harmonica convergence Lincoln Memorial Ceremony at 4:20PM. Remembering Abraham Lincoln and his way of relaxing before the Lincoln-Douglas debates with "my harmonica and my pipe with Indian hemp", quoted from Lincoln's letter to the Hoener Harmonica Company published in Jack Herer's 1986 edition of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes: Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy". Bring your harmonica, relax, reflect on Abraham Lincoln's relaxation medicine. Monday, November 9, 11AM Walk & Roll arrives at NIH National Institutes of Health in Maryland to see Director Harold Varmus. Tuesday, November 10, 11AM Walk & Roll goes to Offices of Food and Drug Administration in Rockville, Maryland Wednesday, November 11, Noon, Veterans Day, American Flag Retirement Ceremony in Lafayette Park as a demonstration of the proper way to burn an outworn US Flag in an official community flag retirement ceremony and model Forum for the Future of America featuring keynote address from Jack Herer, American military veteran, historian, author. Thursday, November 12 through Saturday 14Nov, National Conference of NORML, the National Association for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel (999 9th Street NW), beginning 9AM daily. Goal is to get maximum media coverage and perhaps attendance by key government drug policy makers. Conference includes world reknown speakers on all aspects of hemp/cannabis/marijuana uses, dedicated to complete legal reform. Preceding events are to gather maximum public, media, and governmental attention to the expert testimonies presented here for a National Hemp Reform Act. DC area events are also listed on the NORML website calendar of events along with other authoritative information and links (www.norml.org). For additional media connections and information see also www.mapinc.org.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The First Medical Marijuana Case (A letter to the editor of The Washington Post from John W. Karr, an attorney, says the newspaper's recent suggestion that the District of Columbia had never prosecuted a medical marijuana patient is wrong - he argued the first such case, United States v. Robert Randall, decided in 1976. It was also the first case in which a federal court recognized medical necessity as a legitimate defense to a marijuana possession charge.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:22:35 -0800 To: dpfor@drugsense.org From: Arthur Livermore (alive@pacifier.com) Subject: DPFOR: PUB LTE: The First Medical Marijuana Case Sender: owner-dpfor@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfor@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Source: Washington Post Contact: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Pubdate: October 29, 1998 THE FIRST MEDICAL MARIJUANA CASE Thursday, October 29, 1998; Page A26 In her Oct. 17 Metro story on the District ballot initiative to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Julie Makinen Bowles reported that District "court officials said they could not recall any case in which a defendant claimed a medical defense" to the crime of marijuana possession. In fact, as I can attest as the defense lawyer in the matter, the first case in which any U.S. court recognized medical necessity as a legitimate defense to a marijuana possession charge was decided on Nov. 24, 1976, by the late Judge James A. Washington Jr. of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. (The case was United States v. Robert Randall, and Judge Washington's written decision appeared in Vol. 104, p. 2,249 of the Daily Washington Law Reporter on Dec. 28, 1976.) In that case, Judge Washington found Mr. Randall not guilty of any crime because the evidence established that marijuana alleviated a medical condition for which there was no other effective palliative. In his decision, Judge Washington wrote that in those circumstances, "It is unlikely that . . . slight, speculative and undemonstrable harm" from medicinal marijuana use "could be considered more important than defendant's right" to preserve his health and that "permitting this limited use of marijuana" for medical purposes "will not endanger the general public in the way that heroin might." This District case became the catalyst for a national movement to legalize marijuana for medical use. It would be a fitting memorial to Judge Washington if on Election Day District voters finally ratified his courageous and compassionate decision made some two decades ago. JOHN W. KARR Washington (c) Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Or Medicine? Marijuana Faces Test At US Polls (A Reuters roundup on medical marijuana ballot measures facing voters around the United States makes the ridiculous claim that Proposition 215 has been wholly nullified by court closures of cannabis buyers clubs.) Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 19:28:00 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WIRE MMJ: Drug Or Medicine? Marijuana Faces Test At US Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Reuters Pubdate: 29 Oct 98 Copyright: 1998 Reuters Limited. Author: Andrew Quinn DRUG OR MEDICINE? MARIJUANA FACES TEST AT U.S. POLLS SAN FRANCISCO - Is marijuana a medicine for the desperately ill, or the "kindergarten of the drug industry" designed to hook people into a life of addiction and despair? These two opposing views of the cannabis plant will compete at the polls next week as voters in four states and the District of Columbia consider new state initiatives to allow the medical use of marijuana. For embattled marijuana boosters, the new proposals in Washington state, Oregon, Alaska and Nevada are a ray of hope in a landscape grown dark with litigation. A Casualty In The War On Drugs While California and Arizona led the nation in 1996 by passing their own state marijuana initiatives, both have been effectively quashed by federal suits aimed at keeping marijuana subject to national narcotics laws. "We're looking for a situation where science prevails," said Jim Gonzalez of the group Americans for Medical Rights, which is coordinating efforts to legalize medical marijuana use in the western states. "We are not saying that marijuana is the only solution to nausea, chemotherapy or wasting disease. But is a solution for a number of patients, and those patients should not be made into criminals." But critics say the medical marijuana movement promotes drug abuse and criminal behavior by ushering young people into what one judge has called "the kindergarten of the drug industry". "Those who would surrender the war on drugs surrender our children to addiction, surrender our neighborhoods to crime, and surrender our streets to violence," Gilbert Gallegos, president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said in one typical anti-marijuana broadside. The Clinton administration has been uncompromising in its opposition to medical marijuana. At a news conference this week, senior officials came out swinging, saying there was no official proof to back the contention that marijuana can help ease symptoms of AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases. "Smoked marijuana has not been tested (by the government)," Dr. Don Vereen, deputy director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy said. We Must Keep An Open Mind "We must keep an open mind about drugs with medical purposes, (but) before you vote, ask yourself: 'What other medicines do you smoke?' Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs and immune system." Barry McCaffrey, the administration's narcotics "czar", dismissed the pro-marijuana camp as representing the thin edge of a wedge aimed at weakening America's anti-drug resolve. "Let's have none of this malarkey (nonsense) on marijuana smoking by cunning groups working to legalize drugs," McCaffrey said. "American medicine is the best in the world for pain management." That claim rings false for pro-medical marijuana groups in California, which have fought a long and ultimately unsuccessful battle to implement Prop. 215, the 1996 state law which allowed seriously ill people to use marijuana when advised to do so by their doctor. $2 Million From Benefactors Under relentless federal assault in the courts, the marijuana supply clubs that sprang up to provide people with the drug have been forced to close. The last, in Oakland, shut its doors this month -- leaving its 2,000 "clients" will little option but to turn to street dealers for the drug. Now, the Santa Monica-based Americans for Medical Rights, which is funded in large part by three multimillionaire philanthropists, financier George Soros, insurance magnate Peter Lewis and educator-entrepreneur John Sperling, is spending more than $2 million in an effort to turn the tide back in favor of medical marijuana. Gonzalez said lessons from the 1996 ballots in California and Arizona had helped organizers to craft proposals that focus voter attention on the potential benefits of controlled marijuana use by the very sick. Unlike the earlier propositions, which critics said opened the door to the legalization of everything from heroin to LSD, this year's ballot measures are designed to minimize controversy and head off federal challenges. In Washington, Oregon and Alaska, the measures are seen as having a good chance of passage, while in Nevada it is more of a toss up, Gonzalez said. "This is a long term patient rights movement," Gonzalez said. "It is not a regional phenomenon. It is getting to be a national experience of patients. You can't just say that's a bunch of old hippies in California."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Slew Of Referenda Await USA's Voters (A USA Today roundup about some 235 voter initiatives on the ballot in various parts of the country says 24 states, primarily in the West, allow citizens to place issues directly before voters. This is the 100th anniversary of the citizen process - South Dakota was the first to approve the citizen referendum, in 1898, and Oregon was the first to use it, in 1904.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:11:04 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: USAT: MMJ: Slew Of Referenda Await USA 's Voters Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: kevzeese@laser.net Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: USA Today (US) Contact: editor@usatoday.com Website: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nfront.htm Copyright: 1998 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc. Author: DAVID JUDSON, Gannett News Service SLEW OF REFERENDA AWAIT USA'S VOTERS WASHINGTON - While voters decide Tuesday who will be making their laws in Congress, statehouses and governors' mansions, in 41 states and the District of Columbia they also will be making laws themselves. There are at least 235 exercises in direct democracy on state ballots this year, including bans on cockfighting; giving certain sick people the right to smoke pot to relieve their pain; permitting assisted suicide; and expanding the rights of gays. ''There is always a lot to watch and a lot of groups will be looking at the initiatives and referenda to determine strategy in 1999 and 2000,'' said Dane Waters, president of the nonpartisan Initiatives and Referendums Institute in Washington, which monitors ballot measures across the land. In all, 24 states, primarily in the West, allow citizens to place issues directly before voters by circulation of petition drives. Elsewhere, the state legislature must put measures on the ballot. Of this year's statewide measures, 60 were put there by citizens and the remainder are the product of state legislatures seeking voter ratification of their work, said Jennifer Drage, a researcher for the National Conference of State Legislatures. Waters noted that this is the 100th anniversary of the citizen process: South Dakota was the first to approve the citizen referendum in 1898; Oregon was the first to use it in 1904. Perhaps the most closely watched issue will be proposed bans on gay marriage in Hawaii and Alaska, seen as a potential barometer of tolerance and a guide to where the nation's mood is headed on the broader issues of homosexual rights. Those two initiatives were launched by conservative groups and are heavily financed by religious organizations, including the Mormon church. That may be a partial exception to the rule this year, though. While partisans of all hues rely from time to time on the initiative process, this year it is shaping up to be a tool of Democrats and liberals, said Waters. For example, while Washington state voters will consider a conservative-proposed ban on the issue of affirmative action and Coloradoans decide whether to halt so-called partial-birth abortions, many issues directly before voters derive from liberal activism. That is in part because a majority of state legislatures are controlled by conservatives, leaving liberals to push their issues directly, said Waters. Among the products of liberal grass-roots initiative, use of marijuana as a palliative by those suffering from disease will be on four state ballots. A high-profile issue two years ago when voters endorsed the notion in California and Arizona, the topic is now on ballots in Oregon, Nevada and Alaska. Also, Arizonans will revisit the topic, perhaps reversing their decision of 1996. Animal rights activists are newly discovering the ballot measure as a means to take political action. In issues closely watched as a measure of growing animal rights consciousness, Alaska voters will be asked to consider a ban on trapping wolves with snares; and Arizona and Missouri voters will weigh bans on cockfighting. California voters will consider barring the trapping of fur-bearing animals and human consumption or sale of horse meat. In addition, Ohio voters will consider a ban on hunting mourning doves. Many ballot measures deal with strictly local - and often non-partisan - taxation issues such as a measure for school funding in Colorado, one to finance high-tech research in Maine and one to finance cotton research in Alabama. In Michigan, the complex and emotional issue of physician-assisted suicide will be before voters. The lawyer for notorious death doctor Jack Kevorkian is a heavy underdog as the Democratic nominee for governor of Michigan. Voters in Colorado and South Dakota are being asked to consider measures that would curtail expansion of large corporate hog farms. Religion in on the ballot in Alabama, where voters are being asked to prohibit the ''burdening'' of the free exercise of religion. Interracial marriage even is on the ballot in South Carolina, where a house-cleaning item would square the wording of the state constitution with prevailing law.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Contest - Five Copies of "Drug Crazy" (The Drug Reform Coordination Network invites you to enter its online contest by Nov. 12 in order to win a copy of Mike Gray's recent book, possibly the best history of the Drug War ever written for a popular audience.) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 01:29:34 -0500 To: drc-natl@drcnet.org From: DRCNet (drcnet@drcnet.org) Subject: FREE CONTEST: Five Free Copies of Drug Crazy Sender: owner-drc-natl@drcnet.org DRCNET TO GIVE AWAY FIVE FREE COPIES OF "DRUG CRAZY" TO WINNERS OF ONLINE CONTEST -- ENTER BY NOVEMBER 12, 1998 TO BE ELIGIBLE If you've been reading DRCNet for more than a few weeks, you probably know about Mike Gray's book "Drug Crazy: How We Got Into This Mess And How We Can Get Out," released last summer by Random House, possibly the best book on the Drug War ever written for the popular audience. Gray, a member of DRCNet's Advisory Board, authored the hit movie "The China Syndrome," the award winning documentary "The Murder of Fred Hampton," and many other works. If you haven't picked up a copy of Drug Crazy yet, or you'd like another copy to give to a friend or donate to your local library, then you're invited to enter our free contest in which we will give away five free copies of this exciting book, personally autographed for you by the author, to you or to whomever you plan to give the book. To enter the free Drug Crazy raffle, visit our contest page at http://www.drcnet.org/contest/, fill out our reader survey and send your entry in by 11:59pm EST, Thursday, November 12th. Winners will be informed after November 18th and announced in The Week Online with DRCNet e-mail newsletter, and books will be signed by Mike and mailed to the winners shortly thereafter. More information about Drug Crazy is available online at http://www.drugcrazy.com, and in our update in The Week Online at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/062.html#drugcrazy. If you're not already receiving our weekly drug policy e- mail newsletter and action alerts, check out the latest headlines on our home page at http://www.drcnet.org and use our quick-signup form at http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html to subscribe. Thank you for participating in DRCNet's Free Drug Crazy Giveaway Contest. *** DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be sent to 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or made by credit card at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html. Donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. Deductible contributions supporting our educational work can be made by check to the DRCNet Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, same address. *** DRCNet *** JOIN/MAKE A DONATION http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html DRUG POLICY LIBRARY http://www.druglibrary.org/ REFORMER'S CALENDAR http://www.drcnet.org/calendar.html SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html DRCNet HOME PAGE http://www.drcnet.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot for medical use, gets support (The Kitchener-Waterloo Record, in Ontario, publicizes a benefit tonight at Yuk Yuks Comedy Club in Kitchener. The benefit for MUM, a local buyers' club, is called "Oh Cannabis" and features Alan Young, an Osgoode Hall law professor and courtroom cannabis crusader; Dr. Alexander Sumach, hemp lectuer and the head of Hemp Future Study Group; and an array of Canadian comics.) From: "Starr" (seedling@golden.net) To: "mattalk" (mattalk@islandnet.com), "FACTSS" (factss@familywatch.org) Subject: Pot for medical use, gets support Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 16:45:30 -0500 Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Record recordletters@southam.ca Date: October 29, 1998 Section: Local News POT FOR MEDICAL USE, GETS SUPPORT Potheads unite. A fundraiser to promote marijuana for medical use will be held tonight at 8:30 at Yuk Yuks Comedy Club in Kitchener. The show, called oh Cannabis, will feature appearances by Alan Young, an Osgoode Hall law professor and on of the recent cannabis court crusade; Dr. Alexander Sumach, hemp lectuer and the head of Hemp Future Study Group; and an array of Canadian comics. Proceeds will go to the Marijuana Used for Medicine (M.U.M.), run by local "pot humanitarian" Jeannette Tossounian, and the Medical Marijuana Defence Fund, to be administered by Young. Tickets cost $10 and are available at Shakedown Street at 276 King St. W. and Encore Records at 54 Queen St. S. in Kitchener or by contacting M.U.M. at 744-4721. Yuk Yuks is located at the Clarion Inn, 1333 Weber St. E.
------------------------------------------------------------------- MUM's the word (A letter to the editor of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record praises Marijuana Used for Medicine, the illicit local medical cannabis buyers' club.) From: "Starr" (seedling@golden.net) To: "mattalk" (mattalk@islandnet.com) Subject: MUM's the word Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 16:55:37 -0500 Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Record recordletters@southam.ca Date:October 29, 1998 Section: Letters to the editor MUM'S THE WORD I visited your fair city to Observe Oktoberfest and celebrate Thanksgiving. One story I heard repeated in many different contexts was the success of the Marijuana Used for Medicine (MUM) organization. Many people told me how well this pilot project is working. I applaud the progress of MUM and the proprietor, Jeannette Tossounian, and the good work dispensing cannabis medicine to registered medical patients without hassles. The MUM project has earned the goodwill and support of a large and diverse sector of Waterloo Region citizens who both value and appreciate the fruits of compassionate pioneering in their communities. MUM operates without government grants, which is admirable. Kitchener should be proud that MUM is in place in this community, willing and able to provide the medicine and information that Health Canada is not in the position to provide at this time. Alexander Sumach Hemp Futures Study Group
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Users Aim to Supply Pot to Ease Pain (The Guardian, in Britain, says more than 70 potential customers have made contact within a couple of days of the Medical Marijuana Co-operative's launch from a flat in Stockport, Greater Manchester.) Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 09:13:17 -0400 (AST) Sender: ai256@chebucto.ns.ca From: Chris Donald (ai256@chebucto.ns.ca) Subject: UK: Medical Marijuana Club Announced By Chronic Pain Patient Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Copyright: Guardian Media Group 1998 Author: David Ward DRUG USERS AIM TO SUPPLY POT TO EASE PAIN Cannabis users have set up a network to supply good-quality stocks of the drug to people seeking relief from the pain of crippling illnesses. More than 70 potential customers have made contact within a couple of days of the Medical Marijuana Co-operative's launch from a flat in Stockport, Greater Manchester. Colin Davies, the co-op's founder, and associates in Edinburgh and Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, are part of a growing movement agitating for cannabis to be legalised for medicinal use. Until that happens, they want their customers to be able to stock up without the worry of resorting to street dealers. The co-op will be run without profit by patients for patients. "Cannabis is being regularly used for pain relief by people who have never broken the law in their lives and have never even had a parking ticket," said Mr Davies. "We want a change in the law. If we don't get it, we will have to break the law, and we're going to let everyone know that we're breaking it." Mr Davies was acquitted by a jury in June of a charge of cultivating cannabis after police raided his home and found plants growing in his bedroom. He defended himself and provoked laughter when he asked if he could have his 18 plants back. He told the court he smoked up to four joints a day to secure relief from back pain after a fall at work in 1994. He now risks prosecution not just for possession but for supplying the drug, grown at a secret location in Britain, to co-op members. "I've decided to do this because of the amount of pain out there," he said. The co-op idea was born after calls from sympathisers and users after Mr Davies's acquittal. He made contact with the Cannabis Buyers' Club in Los Angeles and devised rules to ensure that the drug goes to those who need it most. "We require a letter of diagnosis from a doctor," said Mr Davies, who spends much of each day flat on his back to ease his own pain. "After verification, patients are asked to agree to a code of conduct. The drug must not be resold and must be used in private." The co-op has produced an identity card with a photograph and a leaf from the cannabis plant the patient uses. Mr Davies is so anxious for the operation to be seen to be respectable that he says he would offer to run it from a police station. "The majority of people who use cannabis for medical reasons use very little of it and only when the pain reaches a certain level. The law needs to be addressed so that patients and their carers are no longer subject to criminal prosecutions." A Greater Manchester police spokeswoman said: "It is the duty of the police to ensure that the laws concerning the supply and cultivation of drugs are upheld."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerosol Deodorant Kills Boy Obsessed With Smelling Nice (An Associated Press article in The Dallas Morning News says a 16-year-old boy in Manchester, England, died July 29 after months of repeatedly spraying his entire body with deodorant Jonathan Capewell had 10 times the lethal dosage of propane and butane in his blood when he suffered a fatal heart attack.) Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 16:05:18 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: Aerosol Deodorant Kills Boy Obsessed With Smelling Nice Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Pubdate: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 Source: 1 - Dallas Morning News (TX) 2 - Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: 1- letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: 1 - http://www.dallasnews.com/ Copyright: 1 - 1998 The Dallas Morning News Contact: 2 - viewpoints@chron.com Website: 2 - http://www.chron.com/ Copyright: 2 - 1998 Houston Chronicle Author: AP AEROSOL DEODORANT KILLS BOY OBSESSED WITH SMELLING NICE MANCHESTER, England (AP) -- A 16-year-old boy obsessed with smelling nice died after months of repeatedly spraying his entire body with deodorant, a coroner ruled Wednesday. Jonathan Capewell had 10 times the lethal dosage of propane and butane in his blood when he suffered a heart attack and died July 29, coroner Barrie Williams said. "His personal hygiene led him to use more than was normal in a confined space, which limits ventilation," said the coroner, who recorded the death as accidental. Jonathan's father, Keith Capewell, said his son would cover his entire body with deodorant at least twice a day. "When we told him he was using too much, he said he just wanted to smell good," Capewell said. "Even when we were in a room downstairs we couldn't just smell it, we could taste it," the father said. "You wouldn't have thought that could have been the cause for someone to die. What a price to pay for smelling nice." Sue Rogers of the British Aerosol Manufacturing Association said she had never heard of a similar incident. "It is extraordinarily unusual and terribly tragic," she said. "The aerosols have warnings about spraying in confined areas and well-ventilated places, but these are for flammability risks, not about accidental inhalation." The boy's mother, Louise, called for better warnings on deodorant cans."You just get up in the morning and spray it on, but who expects it to kill you?" she said. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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