------------------------------------------------------------------- Campaign Notebook - Lockyer Campaign's Focus Is Going To Pot (The Sacramento Bee suggests Democrat Bill Lockyer's attempt to be elected as California Attorney General, the seat currently held by Dan Lungren, will be countered by Republican supporters of Dave Stirling challenging Lockyer to admit he smoked marijuana at some point during his years in the legislature.) Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 06:35:36 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Campaign Notebook: Lockyer Campaign's Focus Is Going To Pot Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Copyright: 1998 The Sacramento Bee Pubdate: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 CAMPAIGN NOTEBOOK: LOCKYER CAMPAIGN'S FOCUS IS GOING TO POT Bill Lockyer gave his political opponents something to put in their pipes last week when he was asked by a caller on a Sacramento radio show whether he had ever smoked marijuana while serving in the Legislature. Lockyer, a Democratic state senator running for attorney general, refused to answer the caller's question, saying he did not think it was "appropriate to get into those things." That prompted demands by the California Republican Party and the California Narcotic Officers Association that Lockyer respond directly to the question. Both groups are backing Lockyer's opponent, Republican Dave Stirling. "I do not use drugs," Lockyer told The Bee. "I do not condone the use of drugs, and if I'm attorney general, I'll use the powers of the office to curb drug abuse in California." Pressed on whether he had ever smoked marijuana since he began serving in the Legislature in 1973, Lockyer repeated the same response - using only the present and future tenses. Asked whether he thought the subject was relevant, Lockyer said, "I think the campaign for serious office should focus on serious issues. It has been up until now."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Rx? (The Denver Post does a relatively fair job representing the views of those for and against medical marijuana in a lengthy collection of articles inspired by Amendment 19, the Colorado ballot measure that was recently ruled invalid by Secretary of State Vikki Buckley. Supporters vow to place another initiative on the ballot during the next election cycle.) Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 13:07:48 -0700 (MST) From: Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis (cohip@levellers.org) To: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project" (cohip@levellers.org) Subject: Denver Post (10/25): Marijuana Rx? Denver Post Sunday, October 25, 1998 Marijuana Rx? http://www.denverpost.com/life/med1025.htm By Bill Briggs Denver Post Staff Writer Oct. 25 - The first gifts arrived during Darla Whitney's darkest hour - when the chemotherapy left her so sick, she was praying to God for a fatal heart attack. The tiny packages came from friends at work, handed to her husband, Scott, as he headed home to his cancer-stricken wife. They were wrapped in pretty paper. They had "Get well Darla" notes. They were stuffed with marijuana. "I never solicited it. I never asked for it. But I smoked it. And in maybe 15 minutes, I started feeling OK," says Whitney, 43 and the very picture of a suburban mom, with a house in Highlands Ranch and son who was a national debating champ. "It let me eat. It took my mind off my ordeal. It relaxed me enough to let my chemotherapy do its job." A cancer-fighting ritual was born. On Thursday afternoons, two hours after a chemo drip left her throat sore, her ears ringing and her stomach queasy, Whitney would sit in her home, light a joint and inhale some of that gift- wrapped grass. Over the summer, her frail body slowly rallied. But in beating breast cancer she says she was forced to break the law. "If we can help ourselves by taking marijuana to feel good and to quit throwing up, then why not?" Whitney says. "Then we might get cured." She has since lent her voice to a fast-growing movement, one that wants to legalize marijuana for medical use in Colorado. Led by another cancer survivor, Martin Chilcutt, and fueled by California cash, a group called Coloradans for Medical Rights pushed pot onto the Nov. 3 ballot with Amendment 19. Ultimately, Secretary of State Vikki Buckley ruled that backers hadn't collected enough valid signatures. As this story went to press last week, the measure remained on the ballot but any votes it garners won't count. Yet the fight for medical marijuana will roll on, Chilcutt vows. Ill people will continue to smoke it. An underground network of Colorado growers will continue to supply it to patients. And some doctors will continue to quietly suggest it - legal or not. "We need to stop making criminals out of sick people," says Chilcutt, a soft-spoken Korean War veteran who smoked marijuana while undergoing treatments for prostate cancer four years ago. "There are patients who are using it in their fights to stay alive, to survive. "I will start over next year, and we will have it back on the ballot . . . (Our opponents) have lost their war on drugs and they've begun a war on patients. They think sick people are vulnerable. Well, I'm strong and some of the patients are strong and we're going to win." Marijuana's key ingredient, THC, already is prescribed in pill form under the brand name Marinol. Some local doctors say the drug helps block nausea and pump up sagging appetites as effectively as smokable pot. But a number of patients who have tried Marinol complain that is leaves them feeling "drugged" or "anxious." Like few other hot-button issues, medical marijuana has jumped the tracks of partisan politics, turning doctor against doctor and cop against cop. The American Academy of Family Physicians is for it. The American Medical Association is against it. Denver City Councilman Ed Thomas, a 22-year police veteran, supports the use of marijuana for patients in chronic pain. Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan raised $18,000 to defeat Amendment 19. Some conservative Christians say it's a fine idea. That aligns them - on this issue - with many gay activists. There's often no rhyme or reason as to who backs medical marijuana, though Chilcutt says many advocates have seen someone close ravaged by a terminal disease. "I have lost four really close friends to cancer in the last five years," says Chilcutt, who set up his spartan campaign headquarters in a Capitol Hill mansion. There, barren, white walls surround four desks, one copy machine, one computer and a knee-high filing cabinet. Classical music plays in the background as Chilcutt, a retired psychology professor, explains why marijuana is good medicine. First, he says, it helps people being treated for cancer or AIDS beat back the nausea often triggered by their medicine. It also helps people with AIDS put on weight by sparking their appetite. And it eases the interocular pressure of glaucoma. For people with epilepsy, it can help prevent seizures. For folks with multiple sclerosis, it can quiet the spasticity in their muscles, Chilcutt claims. Many of those assertions are based on testimonials from real people in Amendment 19's own camp. Yet the same benefits also were praised in a 1996 report by the American Public Health Association, which has urged Congress to make marijuana a legal, ready remedy. "Marijuana has been used medicinally for centuries, and . . . cannabis products were widely prescribed by physicians in the United States until 1937," says the American Journal of Public Health. In that year the Marijuana Tax Act outlawed the plant despite disagreement from the American Medical Association. Standing hard against the pro-pot pack are a cadre of local police groups, the Colorado District Attorneys Council and the state board of education, which charge that medical marijuana supporters are blowing smoke. "Nowhere in the modern history of medicine have we taken a weed and burned it and inhaled it and called it a medicine," says Arapahoe County Sheriff Sullivan. He heads an anti-Amendment 19 group called CALM (Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana), which sums up Chilcutt's initiative as a "very bad idea." "It sends the wrong message to our young people that marijuana is helpful," Sullivan says. Pot smoking among high school seniors is on the rise, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. More than 50 percent of seniors say they have tried it, compared with 33 percent in 1992. Some experts have blamed, in part, the debate over medical marijuana, complaining that the dialogue over its potential benefits may have eroded the carefully crafted "Just Say No" campaign of the 1980s. Even worse, marijuana "is not a harmless drug" because it contains carcinogens, decreases memory and hurts the immune system, contends a CALM brochure. And most important, Sullivan says, the stuff is illegal. Marijuana is classified by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule I controlled substance beside heroin and LSD. By placing it in that group, the government deemed pot without therapeutic value and unsafe for medical use. One of Sullivan's political allies is the Colorado Medical Society, which argues that any medical practice must be backed by solid, reproducible research and not by the prevailing political winds. Dr. Christopher Unrein, who practices geriatrics in Aurora and speaks for the Colorado Medical Association, points out two crucial problems with doctors who knowingly allow their patients to use pot. One, physicians can never know how potent the marijuana might be. Two, they can't give the patient any supervision or monitor the effects because it is illegal. "There's no one responsible to make sure it's the right thing and that it's working," Unrein says. But the real issue behind medical marijuana is politics, pure and simple, argue Unrein and Sullivan. They claim that what Chilcutt and his supporters secretly want is for pot to be permissible for anyone in Colorado, that they are simply using medicine as a back door to full legalization. "It's a fantastic Fifth Avenue marketing tool - pull on the heartstrings of the sick and dying," Sullivan says. "If legalizing marijuana is the issue," Unrein adds, "don't cloak it in medical purposes." Just look at the wealthy people who paid for Amendment 19, say its opponents. According to campaign documents on file at the secretary of state's office, Coloradans for Medical Rights received 99 percent of its funding - $156,200 - from a group called Americans for Medical Rights, based in Santa Monica, Calif. Chilcutt identified the big money men in AMR as billionaire financier George Soros, auto insurance magnate Peter Lewis and John Sperling, president of the Apollo Group, a holding company that controls for-profit universities and job-training centers. Before the Colorado initiative, that trio pumped $1.2 million into a similar California measure - Proposition 215. It passed in 1996 and allowed Californians to grow and smoke pot for "any illness for which marijuana provides relief," including chronic pain and arthritis. A doctor's oral recommendation is required. Over the past 20 years, 36 states have passed some form of legislation recognizing marijuana's alleged medical value. And AMR's cash continues to pay for ongoing state-level campaigns. While Soros has said he does not support decriminalizing narcotics, former Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano has dubbed him the "Daddy Warbucks of drug legalization." Ethan Nadelmann, who heads Soros' drug-policy institute, has been quoted as saying he hopes to "legalize the personal possession of drugs by adult Americans." Sperling, meanwhile, told Reader's Digest that he thinks physicians should be able to prescribe heroin, LSD and all drugs. But Chilcutt contends that his chief funders are concerned only with bringing chronically sick people some compassion and relief through pot. "Some (of those financial backers) had cancer and illnesses in their family and saw people use it first-hand," Chilcutt says. Legalizing drugs "isn't part of my battle," Chilcutt adds. His "narrowly worded" measure stopped cold at opening up marijuana for medical purposes. Had it been approved by Colorado voters, people with "debilitating medical conditions" like cancer, glaucoma and AIDS could have asked their doctors to authorize pot in their treatment. Qualifying patients would have been allowed to possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana or to cultivate six plants. They would have had to find and buy the pot themselves. And they would have received a confidential identification card from the state health department that they could flash to police officers to avoid arrest. "I've read it and signed a petition in favor of it, and I think it's actually quite conservative," says Dr. Charles Steinberg, head of the Beacon Clinic, Boulder's only HIV treatment center. "It sets a lot of limits. It (was) not going to open marijuana sales clubs in Downtown Denver like (similar measures) did in San Francisco . . . Forgive me, but it seems to be a no-brainer." A minority of Steinberg's AIDS patients have revealed to himthatthey are using marijuana to put on weight or quell the queasiness that often comes with the anti-HIV drugs known as protease cocktails. "They're not getting necessarily stoned," Steinberg says. "The dose of marijuana they require is pretty small, so they've learned how to do that so they're not out of it." With an array of similar success stories floating around, the National Nurses Society on Addictions recently decided to endorse medical marijuana. The 23-year-old group says it's time pot became a Schedule II drug so physicians can prescribe it. "If we have an opportunity to give a couple of hours of relief to people with cancer, with AIDS, with MS or chronic pain, what's not to like about that?" says Ed Thomas, perhaps medical marijuana's most surprising supporter. Now a city councilman, Thomas spent 15 years as a Denver street cop, busting people for pot possession and trying to do his part to rid the city of drugs. "It's a tough stance for a former policeman to take, but I think it's just a fair, honest, open way to deal with somebody's pain," Thomas says. "How about just a little decent compassion? . . . So when we have some self- righteous law-enforcement personnel who say, "By God, it's the law,' go let them stand in front of the bed of a dying family member and let them have the same position then." *** http://www.denverpost.com/life/med1025a.htm Ror Poliac, 42, Arapahoe County By Bill Briggs Denver Post Staff Writer Twice now, Arapahoe County sheriff's deputies have stopped Ror Poliac and found marijuana in his car. Twice they have handed him back his pot and let him go. A way with words? Just plain lucky? No, Poliac carries a note from his doctor for just such occasions. Poliac, who has chronic, progressive multiple sclerosis, is a living example of how a medical marijuana system might work in Colorado. His physician, he says, recognizes how pot quiets the spasticity in his leg muscles, boosts his appetite and helps him sleep through the buzz of the 30 prescription pills he has to take daily. The doctor's handwritten note indicates Poliac has his permission to smoke the marijuana. But because marijuana remains illegal in Colorado, the officers still could have busted Poliac for possession. For that reason, he doesn't flaunt his unofficial pot prescription. In fact, when he calls friends about buying marijuana, they use code words over the phone lines - phrases like "I'm going to the green house" or "Do you have any cans of green paint?" "It seems ludicrous to have to go to that extent for my medication," says Poliac, 42. For about 10 years, the MS has slowly stolen Poliac's ability to walk on beaches, to dance and to hike. He now uses a wheelchair. As his paralysis worsened, he found that a nightly dose of marijuana gave him the energy he needed to fight the illness. "Ten puffs and I'm fine," Poliac says. "They're always saying we shouldn't cut down all the rain forests because maybe some tree has the cure for cancer or AIDS . . . Well, this could be my plant in the Amazon. Who knows?" *** http://www.denverpost.com/life/med1025b.htm Jim Sargent, 43, Denver By Bill Briggs Denver Post Staff Writer Jim Sargent keeps two pints of liquid morphine on hand to quiet the constant pain in his right side. It's enough to numb his entire neighborhood. He also keeps a tiny stash of marijuana near his bed. It's barely enough to help him sleep. Guess which drug could get Sargent arrested? For more than three years, Sargent, 43, has been undergoing cancer treatment. It was diagnosed as non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but the disease spread to his liver. A robust engineer who once managed an office for a Fortune 500 company, Sargent was thrown into a cycle of chemotherapy and steroids. His wife quit her job to care for him. Today, Sargent is past the chemo, and chances are he'll live a long time. That doesn't mean getting through the day is easy. Red-hot pain flares from his side, from the place doctors performed a biopsy in his liver last year. "It's like somebody took a claw hammer to me." The prescriptionmorphine, he says, just isn't enough - even at 350 milligrams a day. It's the pot that gives Sargent the rest he needs. "The biggest fight is to stay mentally stable enough to want to get up the next day to do it again," Sargent says. "If there's something out there that gives me that edge . . . nobody has the right to take that away." Before bed each night, Sargent puffs the marijuana from a pipe then packs himself in pillows and tries not to move. While his morphine supply can be refilled with a call to the doctor, his illegal pile of pot is dwindling, and "the people I get it from" just moved out of state, Sargent says. "Which means," Sargent adds, "I'll have to increase my (prescription) drug doses, which I'm not into doing. Morphine really affects me, it affects the way you think. "I'm stretching (the marijuana) out. There's enough to last another week and then I will be completely out. That has me a little concerned." *** http://www.denverpost.com/life/med1025c.htm Darla Whitney, 43, Highlands Ranch By Bill Briggs Denver Post Staff Writer One of the loudest arguments against medical marijuana is that it sends the wrong message to young people. But Tim Whitney is one young guy who was glad to hear that his mom was smoking pot - not because it gave him license to toke up, too, but because it gave her a fighting chance. "If it keeps you alive," Tim told her earlier this year, "do anything it takes." Darla Whitney, 43, was into her first rounds of chemotherapy last February when friends began sending her unsolicited "little gifts" - packages of marijuana. The legal drug that she was taking to fight breast cancer left her weak and queasy. A few puffs, she says, restored her appetite and renewed her spunk. Whitney's doctor approved and then she got that endorsement from her college-age son, a guy who doesn't drink or smoke. "I had no fears whatsoever that he would think, 'Oh, Mom is smoking marijuana so that means I can.'" She finished chemotherapy in July. An exam 10 days ago found her to be in good health with little chance of a recurrence. And while Whitney isn't smoking marijuana now, she backed Amendment 19 which sought to legalize medical marijuana. "It needs to be available to anybody," says Whitney, a Highlands Ranch resident. "Some of the women I had chemotherapy with were a lot older and may not have had an opportunity like I did. "They don't know who to ask. But they need to be able to get some without feeling guilty to help them through this." *** Denver Post 1560 Broadway Denver, CO 80202 Phone: (303) 820-1010 Fax: (303) 820-1369 Email: letters@denverpost.com Web: http://www.denverpost.com *** Re-distributed by: Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis P.O. Box 729 Nederland, CO 80466 Phone: (303) 448-5640 Email: cohip@levellers.org Web: http://www.levellers.org/cannabis.html
------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 opponents of drug laws defy stereotype (Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow interviews Suzanne Wills and Rodney Pirtle of the Drug Policy Forum of Texas, who make a persuasive argument that the war on some drugs is causing more harm than illegal drugs themselves.) From: adbryan@ONRAMP.NET Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 07:41:32 -0600 (CST) Subject: SUPER ART: 2 opponents of drug laws defy stereotype To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Cc: editor@mapinc.org Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org There aren't enough superlatives in the dictionary to describe this column by Steve Blow. Rod and Suzy should win some type of award. This has to be the biggest breakthrough ever for the Dallas Morning News and a local drug policy reform chapter. I'm still all tingly. PLEASE -- EVERYONE send at least a short note to the DMN and to columnist Steve Blow -- sblow@dallasnews.com Let them know we REALLY APPRECIATE this. 10-25-98 Dallas Morning News http://www.dallasnews.com letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com 2 opponents of drug laws defy stereotype Take a moment to picture a drug-reform activist in your mind. Now erase that hippie-dippy image and let me introduce you to a couple of folks. Suzanne Wills is an SMU graduate and a CPA. She has three children and five grandchildren. Rodney Pirtle is a retired Highland Park school administrator, a bigwig in Rotary and a former college basketball coach. He, too, has three grown children and five grandchildren. Ms. Wills is 54. Mr Pirtle is 64. And both firmly believe that most of our drug laws ought to be thrown out. As Ms. Wills puts it, "The laws are more dangerous than the drugs." I'll confess that I haven't pondered this issue much. But I talked with Mr. Pirtle and Ms. Wills over breakfast the other morning, and they gave me lots to think about. Lessons of Prohibition Most of us have no trouble looking at the Prohibi- tion era of the 1920s and '30s and seeing it as a dismal failure. People still drank alcohol, and a vicious crime underworld flourished to provide it. "The phenomenon of Al Capone could not have happened without Prohibition," Mr. Pirtle said. It's also easy to look around today and see that the prohibition of drugs has created an even more vicious underworld to supply them. And yet . . . . It's awfully hard for some of us to take that next leap - to say that the answer to our problem is making drugs easier to get, not harder. Mr. Pirtle sympathizes there, too. "It is not a simple question." Ms. Wills and Mr. Pirtle said they do not use drugs. Nor have drugs been a problem in their families. Their passion, they said, comes from frustration in watching billions of dollars spent and countless lives lost in a drug war that is never won. They say most of the horror associated with drugs stems from the drug trade, not drug use: Gang wars. Bribery. Police corruption. Soaring prison populations. Black-market pricing. Theft and prostitution to pay those prices. Ms. Wills and Mr. Pirtle belong to the Drug Policy Forum of Texas (214-827-1514), a group "seeking better solutions to the drug problem." But they don't like the word "legalization." "People think it means you want to put drug-vending machines in the high schools," Mr. Pirtle said. They don't favor that. They do, however, think drugs should be legal but controlled -- much as alcohol is today. But what about kids? Drug sales to kids would still be illegal, of course. And a profitable, well-regulated legal market for drugs would dry up risky, unprofit- able sales to minors, they believe. "Kids in Plano will tell you that right now it's easier for them to buy heroin than it is to buy beer," Mr. Pirtle said. A European example Drug policy in Holland comes closest to what the reformers favor here. Marijuana is legal there, and addiction to harder drugs is generally treated as a medical problem, not a criminal one. And for what it's worth, marijuana use among teens is slightly lower there, the heroin addiction rate is less than half or ours, and the murder rate is 15 percent of ours, according to Dutch figures. We will never eradicate the supply of drugs, Mr. Pirtle said. "They can't even stop drugs inside prisons. That ought to tell us something." Only individuals can choose not to use drugs -- or to use safer ones. And honest, straightforward information is the key, the reformers say. "Reefer madness" made a mockery of drug education for my generation. And credibility has been a hard thing to win back. One thing is for sure: Our national hysteria over drugs only makes them more attractive for many teens. "Forbidden fruit," Mr. Pirtle said. As I say, it's hard to know what to think. But clearly, we need to be doing more thinking. Mr. Pirtle said drug reform author Mike Gray recently spoke to the Plano Rotary Club. He began by asking how many think we're winning the war on drugs. Then he asked how many think we can win the war with current policy. "Not a single hand was raised," Mr. Pirtle said. Some drug war.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Schools re-evaluate DARE program designed to warn students about drugs (The Associated Press suggests the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program and its police instructors are getting kicked out of schools in Massachusetts right and left. "With Massachusetts so outcome-based and accountability oriented, other school districts are going to have to look at" DARE. "I think we did the right thing for the kids," says Diane Delli Carpini, chairman of the Lunenburg School Committee.) From: "Bob Owen@W.H.E.N." (when@olywa.net) To: "_Drug Policy --" (when@hemp.net) Subject: MA Schools re-evaluate DARE program designed to warn students about drugs Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:13:17 -0800 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Schools re-evaluate DARE program designed to warn students about drugs Associated Press, 10/25/98 22:10 WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - Supporters say the DARE program is a valuable asset in the fight to educate kids about drugs and alcohol. But in July, the city of Lunenburg dropped its DARE curriculum - and a number of central Massachusetts communities have followed suit. Continued drug use among children despite DARE's presence in thousands of schools has many communities abandoning or re-evaluating the publicly funded Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The city of Harvard dropped its DARE program in August. Shrewsbury school officials have hired a consultant to study DARE's efficacy. And the Barre-based Quabbin Regional School District is considering downgrading DARE to an extracurricular program. ``I think it's certainly legitimate to keep an eye on it,'' Diane Delli Carpini, chairman of the Lunenburg School Committee, told the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester. ``With Massachusetts so outcome-based and accountability oriented, other school districts are going to have to look at (DARE). I think we did the right thing for the kids.'' Cities in other parts of the country, including Houston, Milwaukee, Oakland, Calif., and Fayetteville, N.C., dropped the program after studies cast doubts on its success rate. DARE was founded by the Los Angeles police department in the 1980s. Under the program, police officers visit elementary school classrooms to explain the dangers of drugs. In recent years, DARE has expanded to include lessons on such topics as violence, cigarette smoking and date rape. About 240,000 youths across Massachusetts are now enrolled in DARE programs, many of which are funded by the state. In the last two years, the state has given communities $4.3 million in DARE grants. Even as many communities discuss scaling back on their DARE programs, some believe the program should be expanded to middle and high schools. ``We continue to feel it's a good program,'' said Lt. Michael L. Vaca, commander of the Worcester police department's community service unit. ``We've had a lot of positive results and positive feedback.'' Worcester has nine full-time DARE officers, having added two recently. Vaca said the program has helped form positive relationships between officers and youths, and has led police to cases of sexual abuse and drug use by parents. However, he acknowledged a long-standing study to track its DARE graduates to see whether they stay out of trouble has yet to be implemented. *** When away, you can STOP and RESTART W.H.E.N.'s news clippings by sending an e-mail to majordomo@hemp.net. Ignore the Subject: line. In the body put "unsubscribe when" to STOP. To RESTART, put "subscribe when" in the e-mail instead (No quotation marks.)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Democratic nominee for DC Mayor Declares Support for Initiative 59 (A representative of the campaign for a medical marijuana ballot measure in the District of Columbia says Anthony Williams has adopted the same position as virtually every other candidate or incumbent. Includes a list of DC groups and VIPs who endorse the initiative.) Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 01:47:11 -0700 (MST) From: ammo (ammo@levellers.org) To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: DC I59 Endorsements Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Protect the Patients! Yes on 59 409 H Street NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone (202) 547-9404 Fax (202) 547-9458 Email: dcsign59@aol.com Web: www.actupdc.org October 12, 1998 For immediate release Contact Wayne Turner at (202) 547-9404 or pgr. (202) 217-5636 Williams declares support for Initiative 59! Washington, DC -- Anthony Williams, the Democratic nominee for Mayor of the nation's capital, publicly declared his support for DC's Initiative 59, during a candidate's forum hosted by WOL Radio (1450 AM). Williams, who signed the petitions to place I-59 on the ballot, joins his rivals in the DC mayoral race, Republican Carol Schwartz, and Statehood Party nominee John Gloster, in supporting I-59. Initiative 59 proposes to protect patients with serious or terminal illnesses, such as persons diagnosed with AIDS or cancer, when they are instructed by their doctors to use medical marijuana to ease their suffering, including nausea, vomiting, and deadly AIDS wasting syndrome. Local activists gathered over 32,000 petition signatures, in order to place Initiative 59 before District voters. The Board of Elections and Ethics officially certified Initiaitve 59 for the November 3 ballot three weeks ago. "So many families in DC have been hit by cancer and AIDS" states Anise Jenkins, who collected over 5000 signatures for Initiative 59. "People would come up and thank me for working so hard to protect the patients. It really is a labor of love." DC's top elected officials, including Mayor Marion Barry, Council Chair Linda Cropp, have expressed support for Initiative 59, which is organized entirely by local health care advocates. "Whitman-Walker Clinic supports the valid medical use of marijuana, under a physicians' supervision, to help alleviate AIDS wasting syndrome and nausea associated with treatment regimens." The Clinic is hanging large banners from its buildings in Northwest DC, as well as the Max Robinson Center in Anacostia, urging residents to "Vote Yes on 59." "It's senseless that patients who are sick and dying face the threat of arrest for simply following their doctor's instructions." States Wayne Turner, who took over the Yes on 59 Campaign after the death of his longtime partner, Steve Michael, who died from AIDS wasting syndrome its complications, in May. "I promised Steve to keep working on the Initiative, for the thousands of families out there going through the same thing. It's terrible to watch the suffering of someone you love." With the election just three weeks away, the all-volunteer effort run on a shoestring budget is working tirelessly distributing fliers and hanging 'Yes on 59' signs. To volunteer with Yes on 59, call (202) 547-9404, and to make a much needed contribution, please send checks to Yes on 59 @ 409 H Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 ONGOING LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS ENDORSING INITIATIVE 59 (JOIN THE TEAM! PLEASE SEND YOUR INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANIZATION'S STATEMENT OF SUPPORT TO YES ON 59 @ 409 H ST. NE, WASHINGTON, DC 20002, FAX (202) 547-9458, OR E-MAIL DCSIGN59@AOL.COM) WHITMAN WALKER CLINIC D.C. COALITION FOR NURSING HOME REFORM NATIONAL BLACK POLICE ASSOCIATION MAYOR MARION BARRY ANTHONY WILLIAMS, DEMOCRATIC MAYORAL NOMINEE CAROL SCHWARTZ, REPUBLICAN MAYORAL NOMINEE JOHN GLOSTER, STATEHOOD PARTY MAYORAL NOMINEE LINDA CROPP, DEMOCRAT, DC COUNCIL CHAIR DAVID CATANIA, REPUBLICAN, AT-LARGE DC COUNCIL MEMBER JACK EVANS, WARD 2 DEMOCRAT, CHAIR OF DC COUNCIL JUDICIARY COMMITTEE KEVIN CHAVOUS, WARD 7 DEMOCRAT, CHAIR OF DC COUNCIL EDUCATION COMMITTEE SANDY ALLEN, WARD 8 DEMOCRAT, CHAIR OF DC COUNCIL HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE HILDA MASON, STATEHOOD PARTY, AT-LARGE DC COUNCIL MEMBER FLORENCE PENDLETON, DEMOCRAT, DC SHADOW SENATOR PAUL STRAUSS, DEMOCRAT, DC SHADOW SENATOR SABRINA SOJOURNER, DEMOCRATIC US SHADOW REPRESENTATIVE PHIL MENDELSOHN, AT LARGE DEMOCRAT, DC COUNCIL NOMINEE MARK THOMPSON, UMOJA, AT-LARGE DC COUNCIL NOMINEE MALIK SHABAZZ, INDEPENDENT AT-LARGE DC COUNCIL NOMINEE SANDRA SEEGARS, INDEPENDENT AT-LARGE DC COUNCIL NOMINEE JIM GRAHAM, DEMOCRATIC WARD ONE NOMINEE SCOTT MCLARTY, GREEN PARTY WARD ONE NOMINEE PAT KIDD, STATEHOOD PARTY CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATE NOMINEE JOE ROMANO, STATEHOOD PARTY DC COUNCIL CHAIR NOMINEE AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION (D.C.) WHITMAN WALKER CLINIC D.C. COALITION FOR NURSING HOME REFORM WARD 6 DEMOCRATS STATEHOOD PARTY OF DC GREEN PARTY OF DC UMOJA PARTY GAY AND LESBIAN ACTIVIST ALLIANCE CENTER ON JUVENILE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ARCHBISHOP GEORGE AUGUSTUS STALLINGS, AFRICAN AMERICAN CATHOLIC CONGREGATION HIV COMMUNITY COALITION
------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Alert - Congress tries to suspend DC election (A bulletin from Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis urges you to write letters and make phone calls protesting the decision by Congress to quash democracy in the District of Columbia rather than tolerate a successful DC medical marijuana initiative.) Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 16:35:12 -0700 (MST) From: ammo (ammo@levellers.org) To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: ACTION ALERT: Congress tries to suspend D.C. election Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org Please copy and re-distribute this announcement. October 25, 1998 Initiative 59 NOT "Snuffed Out" Votes for Initiative 59 will be counted, but Congress bars certification of election results Let the people decide! Contact Wayne Turner or Anise Jenkins at (202) 547-9404 For more background information on this issue, see: http://www.levellers.org/dcstat.htm Washington, DC -- In the history of the Republic, Congress have never suspended an election. Even in wartime, this nation adheres to the democratic process and principles it promotes and defends throughout the world. Yet an amendment included on the FY 1999 D.C. budget prohibits the certification of election results conducted in the District of Columbia on a citizens' initiative which protects the sick and dying, Initiative 59. (see text of the Barr amendment to the DC Appropriations bill at http://www.levellers.org/dcbarr.htm) It took two signature drives, three lawsuits, and the death of the original sponsor Steve Michael, to place Initiative 59 before the voters of the District of Columbia. The Measure proposes to protect patients with serious and terminal illnesses, such persons with cancer, and advanced AIDS, when they are instructed by their doctors to use marijuana as a medication of last resort. The amendment, introduced by Republican Bob Barr (GA), reads: "Sec. 171. None of the funds contained in this act may be used to conduct any ballot initiative which seeks to legalize or otherwise reduce penalties associated with the possession, use, or distribution of any schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or any tetrahydrocannabinols derivative." According to the DC Board of Elections and Ethics, the Congressional amendment does have limited impact on the election. The ballots for Initiative 59 are already printed, and will be distributed to polling places on election day. District voters will have the opportunity to vote Yes on 59 on Tuesday, November 3. The votes will be automatically counted, and tabulated, by the Board. The total will be announced. The Board may be prohibited from officially certifying the results, a process which requires minimal staff work. The Board may also be prohibited from publishing the Initiative 59 legislative text, or from publishing the 'sample ballot' in a newspaper of record. The Yes on 59 Campaign is assembling a legal team, including attorneys from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU-Nation Capitol Area). "Congress has struck at the heart of Democracy. Too many people have sacrificed their lives fighting for the right to vote." states I-59 sponsor, activist Wayne Turner. "Let the people decide," states home rule activist Anise Jenkins. "We have no vote in Congress, our elected officials have been stripped of power, and now they're trying to stop an election. They're destroying democracy in the capitol of the United States of America. It's a disgrace! It's tyranny and we won't let this stand!" Protect the Patients! Yes on 59 409 H Street NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone (202) 547-9404 Fax (202) 547-9458 Email: dcsign59@aol.com Web: www.actupdc.org *** WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1) Contact the president and your representatives and senators and tell them you are appalled that they passed the DC appropriations bill with the Barr amendment that prohibits the election results of Initiative 59 from being certified. Tell them that what they are doing is worse than any foreign dictatorship that prevents fair and democratic elections. President Bill Clinton (202) 456-1111 U.S. House of Representatives (202) 225-3121 U.S. Senate (202) 224-3121 Directory of U.S. Senators: http://www.senate.gov/senator/membmail.html http://www.earthlaw.org/Activist/senatadd.htm Directory of U.S. Representatives: http://clerkweb.house.gov/mbrcmtee/mbrcmtee.htm http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ 2) Write a letter to the following newspapers: a) Washington Times 3600 New York Ave., NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Phone: (202) 636-3000 Fax: (202) 269-3419 Web: http://www.washtimes.com Feedback: letter@twtmail.com b) Washington Post The Post only accepts letters through their webform at: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Or by snail mail: Letters to the Editor Washington Post 1150 15th St. NW Washington, D.C. 20071 Read the Washington Post editorial on this issue: http://www.levellers.org/dcsnuff_wp.htm c) Since the Post and the Times are surely inundated with letters to the editor from locals this close to the election, send a copy of your letter regarding the DC election to your local papers: The email letter addresses for many newspapers may be found at: http://www.mapinc.org/resource/email.htm Just put the name of a newspaper in the Keyword(s) box, and do the search. 3) Make a donation to the campaign: Yes on 59 Campaign 409 H Street N.E. - Suite #1 Washington, D.C. 20002-4335 4) VOTE on NOVEMBER 3 AGAINST REPUBLICANS!!! It is the Republican Congress that is trying to ban the election process and silence the voice of the People in the District of Columbia. Let's send a resounding message to Congress that this abuse of democracy will not be tolerated. Oust a Republican on Nov. 3!!! *** From the Media Awareness Project: ADDITIONAL INFO to help you in your letter writing efforts 3 Tips for Letter Writers http://www.mapinc.org/3tips.htm Letter Writers Style Guide http://www.mapinc.org/style.htm Send a copy of your letter to the Yes on 59 Campaign and the Media Awareness Project, who issued an action alert (#85) on this issue: (dcsign59@aol.com) (mgreer@mapinc.org) *** For more information, to make a donation, or to volunteer for the campaign contact: Yes on 59 Campaign Wayne Turner 409 H Street N.E. - Suite #1 Washington, D.C. 20002-4335 Phone: (202) 547-9404 Fax: (202) 547-9448 http://www.actupdc.org http://www.levellers.org/dcstat.htm *** For more information about the struggle for Home Rule in DC, see: http://emporium.turnpike.net/P/ProRev/freedc.htm http://emporium.turnpike.net/P/ProRev/dckill.htm *** Distributed by: Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis P.O. Box 729 Nederland, CO 80466 Phone: (303) 448-5640 Email: cohip@levellers.org Web: http://www.levellers.org/cannabis.html To get on our mailing list, send an email with the word SUBSCRIBE in the title. *** This document is available online at: http://www.levellers.org/dcbarr_pr.htm
------------------------------------------------------------------- DC's Trojan Horse Initiative (An op-ed in The Washington Post by Robert Maginnis of the Family Research Council trots out tired old drug warrior misinformation in an attempt to dissuade District of Columbia voters from endorsing Initiative 59, the medical marijuana ballot measure.) Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:22:43 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US DC: OPED: MMJ: DC's Trojan Horse Initiative Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Paul Lewin Source: Washington Post (DC) Contact: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Copyright: 1998 The Washington Post Company Pubdate: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 Author: Robert Maginnis, a senior policy advisor at the Family Research Council DC'S TROJAN HORSE INITIATIVE The medical marijuana initiative on the District's Nov. 3 ballot embraces bad medicine, would encourage drug use among teenagers and is a red herring for legalizing marijuana. It should be rejected. This proposal, known as Initiative 59, is more radical than pro-drug laws passed by referendum in 1996 in California and Arizona. It would allow the use of pot as medicine for almost any illness upon the oral or written recommendation of a licensed physician from anywhere. Patients would be permitted access to "sufficient" quantities of marijuana to sustain their treatment and to appoint as many as four "best friend[s]" to act as "caregiver[s]" to obtain pot for them. While proponents of Initiative 59 say that sick people need marijuana as medicine, effective and superior medicines are available for each condition that pot allegedly alleviates. Synthetic THC, the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, has been approved by the FDA as an anti-nausea treatment for chemotherapy patients and as an appetite stimulant for patients with AIDS. Unlike crude marijuana, however, synthetic THC is a stable, well-defined, pure substance available in quantified dosage form. Other legal drugs can enhance the appetites of AIDS patients and provide relief for pain and muscle spasms and for glaucoma. A 1997 poll conducted by the Family Research Council found that 55 percent of Americans are less likely to support marijuana as medicine when they learn that legal and superior therapies are available. Meanwhile, government surveys show that marijuana use among adolescents is skyrocketing. According to a Family Research Council's poll, most teenagers believe that medical legalization would encourage drug use. Since 1981, the District has had a medical pot law. The proposed law would radically broaden the old statute to permit possession, use, cultivation and distribution of marijuana and would legalize cannabis buyers' clubs. Virginia's decades-old statute allows doctors to prescribe marijuana but does not permit either its legal possession or cultivation. Maryland has no medical pot law. Drug use in the District is already high, but adding legal pot stores would no doubt make our nation's capital a center for illicit drug users from the mid-Atlantic region - including teenagers and felons. D.C. voters should listen to experience. In February 1997, 85 percent of Arizona voters polled told the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America that their successful drug legalizing proposition should be changed. They felt deceived by a campaign that used misleading and heart-wrenching anecdotes of seriously ill people to sell marijuana's alleged therapeutic benefit. It's time for leadership. Public health officials who stamped out Joe Camel must now join hands with District parents to expose Initiative 59 for what it really is: bad medicine and a Trojan horse for the legalization of marijuana. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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