------------------------------------------------------------------- More Money To Hire Portland's Finest (KOIN, Portland's CBS Affiliate, Says The Portland Police Bureau Just Launched A Big Enlistment Drive To Add 80 New Officers To The Force By Next February)KOIN Channel 6000 Portland, Oregon affiliate: CBS http://www.koin.com/ letters to editor: c6knews@koin.com More Money To Hire Portland's Finest PORTLAND, Posted 9:53 p.m. September 29, 1998 -- Brand new members of Portland's police might get an added incentive to join the force -- higher pay. KOIN 6 News reports the bureau just launched a big enlistment drive to add 80 new officers to the force by next February. City leaders and the bureau agree that larger starting salaries would help Portland compete with other police agencies trying to draw high quality candidates. "Everyone here has the possibility this new recruit will be someday their backup and they want this to be a person that is qualified, trained and capable of meeting the standards that we have come to expect from our people," police Chief Charles Moose tells KOIN. Right now, Portland has the lowest starting salary of any police agency in Oregon. The city has offered to boost starting wages by more than 20 percent, from $31,000 to $38,000, reports KOIN. But, according to KOIN, union leaders want any increase in entry level wages tied to pay hikes at the top of the police salary scale. That's where the union and the city disagree. Any Portland police pay raise requires a vote by the union rank and file and the city council. Compiled by Channel 6000 Staff
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Mental Health Workers On Alert After Third Inmate Hanging In A Month ('The Associated Press' Says The Average Suicide Rate In Oregon State Prisons Is Three Per Year - By Official Estimates, One Of Every 10 Prisoners Is Afflicted With A Severe Mental Illness And One Of Every Four Penitentiary Inmates Takes Psychiatric Medication) Associated Press found at: http://www.oregonlive.com/ feedback (letters to the editor): feedback@thewire.ap.org Prison mental health workers on alert after third inmate hanging in a month The Associated Press 9/29/98 4:45 PM SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- Mental health workers are on alert after the body of an inmate was found hanging from a bedsheet in a Pendleton prison cell in the third apparent suicide the state prison system has seen in the past month. Solomon Abernathy, 21, was found about 2:30 a.m. Monday in a disciplinary cell at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution. His death came one day after John Norris, 31, hanged himself with a bedsheet in a disciplinary cell at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem, officials said. The string of suicides started Aug. 30, when Stanley Reger, 50, hanged himself with a bedsheet in his general population cell at the Salem penitentiary. Three suicides in a year is about average in the Oregon prison system, so three in a month has prison officials concerned. "We're aware that suicides tend to occur in groupings," said Gary Field, the Corrections Department's administrator of mental health programs. "We have our mental health case managers and staff on a particular alert because once these start, they're sometimes hard to turn off," he said. Oregon's juvenile corrections system was rocked late last year and early this year when a series of hangings claimed the lives of four teen-age inmates at the Hillcrest Youth Correctional Facility in Salem. In response, the state's Legislative Emergency Board approved a $2 million package of suicide-prevention measures, including expanded mental health evaluations and counseling for juvenile offenders. The rash of suicides in the adult corrections system comes about two years after officials launched a new mental health treatment system, designed to detect and help increasing numbers of mentally ill inmates. By official estimates, one of every 10 prisoners is afflicted with a severe mental illness-- including schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness and psychosis resulting from drug abuse. One of every four penitentiary inmates takes psychiatric medication. Under the revamped treatment system, mental health case managers track inmates by visiting them in cells, hallways and prison recreation yards. One goal of the tracking system was to detect psychotic or suicidal inmates early. Field, who investigates every prison suicide, said he had no reason to link any of the three recent deaths. Norris had served 11 years in prison for multiple Lane County robbery convictions and for being a felon in possession of a weapon. His projected release date was 2012. He reportedly left a suicide note. Abernathy had been behind bars for less than a year. He was doing time for Multnomah County convictions on robbery, assault and failure to perform the duties of a driver. He also was not eligible for release until 2012. (c)1998 Oregon Live LLC Copyright 1997 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Constitutional Challenge To Confiscatory Regulation ('Seattle Times' Columnist Michelle Malkin Gives An Update On Oscar And Barbara McCoy's Battle To Save Oscar's II, Their 22-Year-Old Family Business, From Being Closed Under A 1988 Washington State Drug-Abatement Law - The Couple Was Stunned At How Seattle Police Set Up 18 Undercover Drug Buys Inside Oscar's II, Failed To Notify Them Of The Purchases Or Identify Any Of The Dealers, And Then Worked To Shut Them Down Instead Of Making Arrests)Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 08:34:19 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WA: OPED: A Constitutional Challenge To Confiscatory Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Smith Source: Seattle Times (WA) Contact: opinion@seatimes.com Website: http://www.seattletimes.com/ Pubdate: Tuesday, 29 September, 1998 Author: Michelle Malkin / Times staff columnist A CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE TO CONFISCATORY REGULATION CONTRARY to what the Seattle City Attorney's office has led some media and civic observers to believe, the continuing battle over Oscar's II restaurant is not just about a few rabble-rousers who have a personal beef with Mark Sidran. Sidran's ego is big. But what's at stake in Oscar and Barbara McCoy's battle to save their 22-year-old family business from government closure is far bigger. It's the vitality of the U.S. Constitution: Does our founding document remain a sturdy bulwark against abuses of individual liberty - or has it become a flimsy parchment barrier to public confiscation of private property? A recap of the McCoys' legal nightmare: Last November, the couple was sued by the city of Seattle under the 1988 state drug-abatement law. The measure was intended to make it easier to clear out crack houses and meth labs. In practice, however, the civil procedure has been used to bulldoze innocent businesses based on unsubstantiated testimony by drug addicts-turned-informants. This spring, King County Superior Court Judge Joseph Wesley ordered the McCoys' soul food restaurant on 2051 E. Madison shut for one year. Such a "temporary" closure is a permanent death knell for any small business. The couple was stunned at how the city had set up 18 undercover drug buys inside Oscar's II, failed to notify them of the purchases or identify any of the dealers, and then worked to shut them down instead of making arrests. They were devastated that their life's work could be stripped away - despite never being accused, suspected of or charged with any criminal wrongdoing. Judge Wesley abated the business while also concluding that the McCoys "have not in any sense permitted the existence of the nuisance in the sense of having allowed it, furthered it or condoned it." A sheaf of letters from the Seattle Police Department praised the McCoys' crime-fighting efforts. Why were they not allowed to confront the confidential informants who provided hearsay evidence against them? Facing loss of their lease and a total taking of their premises - including use of the kitchen for catering to support themselves - the McCoys filed an appeal challenging the law's constitutionality. In mid-July, the state Court of Appeals granted an emergency stay of the abatement. Nearly 200 neighborhood activists and patrons then marched in support of Oscar's and other Sidran targets. State Sen. Pam Roach (R-Auburn), chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, held a hearing in Seattle to examine the law's potential abuse. King County Councilman Larry Gossett spoke with passion and moral authority on behalf of the McCoys. Republicans, Libertarians and Democrats crowded the hearing room to recommend legislative reform of Sidran's favorite statutory weapon. Seattle Mayor Paul Schell and Police Chief Norm Stamper, champions of effective community policing, didn't bother to attend. Sidran could not produce a single resident in the McCoys' neighborhood to support the abatement. Despite his claim that Oscar's II is a "menace," Sidran's office has twice sought costly delays in abatement proceedings - for vacations. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington voted unanimously to file an amicus brief for the McCoys. Last week, Roach reiterated her pledge to push for legislative review of the abatement law. Eddie Rye of the National Black Chamber of Commerce lodged a civil-rights complaint against the Seattle Police Department with the U.S. Department of Justice, which recently opened an investigation. And two weeks ago, the McCoys' young lawyer, David Osgood, filed a powerful opening brief in the first-ever challenge to the decade-old drug-abatement statute. "If the City wants to fight the war on drugs in this fashion," Osgood argues, "let it pay for its casualties." Of course, the city should have effective tools to combat narcotics activity. But Osgood is right: "As an exercise of police power, this law goes too far." Much as the martyr-posing Sidran would like to believe otherwise, this is not personal. It's constitutional. The Fifth Amendment says: "No person . . . shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation". The 207-year-old "takings clause" was inserted to prevent government from grabbing people's assets in the name of the common good. Yet, under the drug-abatement statute, Osgood notes, "the state not only denies a landowner of all economically viable use of his or her land, it makes the landowner pay for the deprivation." Takings cases are often cast as right-wing crusades. Well-heeled developers such as David Lucas, whose suit against confiscatory environmental regulation in South Carolina was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1992, garner national headlines. The plight of small family businesses like Oscar's, by contrast, have largely been ignored. One possible reason posed by Osgood is that abated victims in Washington "may have been disadvantaged by a lack of resources to pursue appeal." The McCoys refinanced their home mortgage and are up to their ears in debt. Oscar's II is open, but hanging by a thread. Neither their innocence nor their parchment rights have yet protected them from economic and emotional wreckage by government. The Founding Fathers, who so greatly feared such abuse, must be turning in their graves. Michelle Malkin's column appears Tuesday on editorial pages of The Times. Her e-mail address is: malkin1@ix.netcom.com.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Deputy District Attorney Is 'Amazed' (A Letter To The Editor Of 'The Orange County Register' Listing Groups Who Oppose Medical Marijuana, From Carl Armbrust, The Man Prosecuting Marvin Chavez - Plus A List Of Similar Groups Who Support Medical Marijuana) From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 18:32:20 EDT To: DRCNet Medical Marijuana Forum (medmj@drcnet.org) Subject: Re: FW: US CA: LTE: Medicinal Marijuana Use Reply-To: medmj@drcnet.org Sender: owner-medmj@drcnet.org Orange County Deputy DA Carl Armbrust, who is prosecuting Marvin Chavez, and who prosecuted Dave Herrick, for medicinal marijuana, has written a letter to the editor in the Orange County Register (September 29) in response to an editoral the Register printed opposing the passage of House Joint Resolution 117 (September 17). Marvin's trial is coming up and jury selection could begin as soon as his next hearing on October 19, it is important for our views to be printed in the paper to counter this propaganda. Write the Orange County Register at: letters@link.freedom.com I have included the original Register editorial and Armbrust's letter. In his letter, Armbrust cites organizations which oppose medicinal marijuana in an attempt to lend credibility to his belief that marijuana is not medicine. After his letter, I have included a list of medical organizations, newspapers, and people who support medicinal marijuana so you can list some of those in a letter if you'd like. Original Orange County Register Editorial: URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n811.a05.html Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: 17 Sep 1998 A NONSENSE RESOLUTION [Follow the link. Snipped to avoid duplication - ed.] *** Armbrust's Response: URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98.n849.a12.html Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: 29 Sep 98 Author: Carl W. Armbrust, deputy district attorney for Orange CountyDEP. DIST. ATTORNEY IS 'AMAZED' I continue to be amazed that the relatively small handful of people who want to smoke pot seem to have more credibility with your editors concerning the medicinal value of marijuana than the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the National Eye Institute, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S.Congress, etc, etc. None of the above agencies agree with your premise that smoking marijuana is an effective medicine["A nonsense resolution, "Opinion, Sept.17]. The latest scientific evidence, according to the president's Office of National Drug Control Policy, demonstrates that smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs and learning and interferes with memory, perception and judgement. Smoked marijuana contains cancer-causing compounds and has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents. Marijuana-related visits to hospital emergency rooms have tripled since 1990.Of course, it is well known that marijuana is also associated with gateway behavior leading to more extensive drug use. The Congress did the right thing. In the words of the office of National drug Control policy, "Medicine must be based on science rather than ideology." Carl W. Armbrust Santa Ana *** Medical Groups Supporting Medicinal Marijuana: *California Nurses Association *California Nurses Alliance *American Academy of Family Physicians *American Public Health Association *National Nurses Society on Addictions *San Francisco Medical Society *Los Angeles County AIDS Commission *Kaiser Permanente *California Medical Association *Coalition for Cancer Survivorship *National Academy of Sciences *American Society of Clinical Oncology Survey *Cannabis Therapeutic Research Program *AIDS Project Los Angeles *Federation of American Scientists *New York State Nurses Association *Virginia Nurses Association *The Lancet Republicans Supporting Medicinal Marijuana (Since Orange County is very Republican): *Jim Anderson, City of Fairfax Chief of Police** *Senator Robert Beverly* *Congressman Brian Bilbray *Richard Brookhiser, Senior Editor, National Review** *Pat Buchanan *William F. Buckley, Jr.** *Congressman Tom Campbell* *Chico State University College Republicans** *Assemblyman Mickey Conroy* *Senator William Craven* *Assemblyman Jim Cuneen* *Jim Davis, Republican Assembly candidate, 27th District *Gil Ferguson, former Assemblyman* *Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate, Economist** *Congressman Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House *Judge James P. Gray, Orange County Superior Court** *Log Cabin Republicans of California** *Senator Ken Maddy* *Assemblyman Bruce McPherson* *Chris Norby, Mayor of Fullerton** *Justin Raimondo, Republican Congressional candidate, 8th District** *Assemblyman Richard Rainey* *Riverside Community College Republicans** *Laurance Rockefeller** *Assemblyman James Rogan* *George Schultz, former U.S. Secretary of State** *Brian Sloan, Trustee, West Valley/Mission Community College Board** *Ron Unz, Republican activist, former candidate for Governor** *Massachusetts Governor William Weld *Paul Woodruff, former Assemblyman *These legislators voted for SB1529 which contained similar provisions as Proposition 215. **These are on record as supporting Proposition 215 Other Endorsers of medical marijuana: *DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young *Former San Jose Police Chief Joseph McNamara *Orange County Register *Ventura County Star-Free Press *USA Today *Contra Costa Times *Oakland Tribune *San Jose Mercury News *San Francisco Examiner *Santa Rosa Press Democrat *United Methodist Church *Older Women's League of California *Congress of California Seniors *California Legislative Council for Older Americans *The New Republic *San Francisco Chronicle *San Jose Mercury News *Rogan's Vote Helps Advance Medical Marijuana Bill *Washington State Senate
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Deputy District Attorney Is 'Amazed' (Two Letters Sent To The Editor Of 'The Orange County Register' Illuminate Orange County Prosecutor Carl Armbrust's Errors In Reasoning About Medical Marijuana) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: Fwd: The Armbrust Propaganda Machine Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 18:48:38 PDT From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 17:41:07 EDT Subject: The Armbrust Propaganda Machine Here are a couple of letters that have gone out to the Orange County Register (letters@link.freedom.com) regarding Carl Armbrust's letter, with Armbrust's letter at the end. Feel free to use them as guidelines if you haven't written one yet. Remember to include a name, city, and phone number so they can confirm the letter if they decide to print it. *** Dear Editor: In his September 29 letter, Deputy District Attorney Carl Armbrust presents inaccuracies and opinions as facts. Is this a thinly veiled attempt to repair his public image in light of his prosecution of medicinal marijuana patients Marvin Chavez and Dave Herrick? Patients like Chavez and Herrick are disabled and terminally ill people whose doctors have recommended marijuana as an effective medicine when nothing else has worked, not "people who want to smoke pot." Though Armbrust claims the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society oppose smoking marijuana as an effective medicine, both actually support unimpeded research into the medicinal qualities of marijuana (Wright, K. E. & Lewin, P. M., Drug War Facts, 1998). The American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Public Health Association, the California Medical Association, the California Nurses Association, the Lymphoma Foundation of America, the Multiple Sclerosis California Action Network, the National Association of People with AIDS, Kaiser Permanente, the New England Journal of Medicine, the National Association of Attorneys General, etc, have all endorsed medical access to marijuana (Wright, K. E. & Lewin, P. M., Drug War Facts, 1998). Unlike the 100,000 people who die each year from prescription medications, marijuana has never been known to cause a single fatality (Shafer, Raymond P., et al, Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, 1972). In fact, there are over 90 published reports and studies that have shown marijuana has medical efficacy (Common Sense for Drug Policy, Compendium of Reports, Research and Articles Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana, Vol. I & Vol. II, 1997). Armbrust states as fact that "it is well known that marijuana is also associated with gateway behavior leading to more extensive drug use." But a National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse study showed that there is no proof that a causal relationship exists between marijuana and other drugs (Merrill, J.C. & Fox, K.S., Cigarettes, Alcohol, Marijuana: Gateways to Illicit Drug Use, 1994). A World Health Organization study showed that the theory that marijuana use by adolescents leads to heroin use is the least likely of all hypotheses (Hall, W., Room, R. & Bondy, S., WHO Project on Health Implications of Cannabis Use: A Comparative Appraisal of the Health and Psychological Consequences of Alcohol, Cannabis, Nicotine and Opiate Use, 1995). Medical treatment belongs between doctors and patients, not politicians or police and patients. In my words, "Your war against disabled people must be based on science rather than your ideology." *** Dear Editor: Dept. DA Carl Armbrust cites (without references) that marijuana related ER visits have tripled in the last eight years, but fails to mention the 100,000 people that die every year from so-called "safe" man-made chemical prescriptions. But "patient overdoses on marijuana" has yet to make the news. He states marijuana effects "memory, perception and judgment," but so do alcohol, Prozac, and Vicodin. Morphine, heroin, and cocaine are being prescribed by doctors, why not marijuana? Aspirin is derived from trees, marijuana is a plant. Perhaps the pharmaceutical companies that lobby congress have figured out they would be cut out as the middle man if this homegrown medicine were legal? Perhaps Mr. Armbrust should visit a hospice and see first hand how AIDS patients are vomiting every "safe" medicine given to them, then see how smoking a joint can allow them to eat. I have. Or talk to the arthritis patient, after Advil and Tylenol has given them ulcers, and witness how marijuana allows them to walk. I have. It is sad to see a doctor that is scared to discuss medical marijuana, and would rather prescribe highly addictive drugs like Codeine, than a natural herb that has been used for thousands of years. Armbrust states, "Medicine must be based on science rather than ideology," but there ARE medical reports stating the benefits of cannabis. He just failed to mention them. The California voters said, "Medicine must be based on a patient's needs." Isn't the DA supposed to uphold the laws we vote for? It is easy to point fingers, Mr. Armbrust, when you're not crippled by arthritis. As the old adage goes, "try walking a mile in MY shoes," or more accurately... "try hobbling a few feet in MY orthopedic corrective shoes."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Budget Points To Need For Alternatives (A Staff Editorial In 'The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' Comments On The Fact That The Number Of Wisconsin Prison Inmates Is Expected To Rise By Half In Three Years, But The Corrections Agency Proposes To Boost Its Next Two-Year Budget By Only A Fourth - With 3,000 Prisoners Already Housed Out Of State, The Plan To Send As Many As An Additional 4,500 Inmates Out Of State Is Alarming) Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 17:50:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US WI: OPED: Prison Budget Points To Need For Alternatives Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ PRISON BUDGET POINTS TO NEED FOR ALTERNATIVES The arithmetic makes some sense. The number of state prison inmates is expected to rise by half in three years, so the corrections agency proposes to boost its next two-year budget by a fourth. But even if the Department of Corrections gets all the money it is seeking, don't expect to see the light at the end of the prison-crowding tunnel. The $281 million increase won't suffice to solve the present crowding problem plus head off future congestion, stemming from a continued acceleration in the number of offenders sent to prison and in the length of their sentences. What's more, the new law ending parole promises to step up that acceleration. So at the present rate, expect huge jumps in the prison budget for many bienniums to come. But must things continue at the present rate? We think not. The heavy cost of incarceration ought to lead the state to explore 1) protecting the public and 2) punishing lawbreakers in more cost-effective ways. Beyond a scintilla of a doubt, violent criminals must stew in prison. But surely the state does not rely as much as it could on alternatives to prison for non-violent offenders. Such options include restitution, community service and house arrest. What's more, the state makes too little effort inside and outside prison to rehabilitate offenders. Even though they are serving more time now than previously, most will return to the community whence they came -- often still illiterate or drug-addicted or devoid of work skills. If for no other reason than the community's safety, state policy ought to aim for returning inmates to society better equipped to stay straight than when they were imprisoned. Also, the huge cost of incarceration ought to underscore the urgency of investing in children to keep them off the criminal track in the first place. Social misfits disproportionately come from the ranks of poor, abused or neglected children. As for the present budget proposal, the plan to send as many as an additional 4,500 inmates to cells out of state is alarming. Out-of-state cells are OK as a stopgap -- which has justified the state's current rental of 3,000 such cells. But more than doubling that number is worrisome, because rehabilitation, as inadequate as it is in Wisconsin, is even less adequate for inmates housed out of state. The programs are skimpier and inmates lack the ready support of their families -- which can help rehabilitation. All in all, the prison budget proposal should prompt state officials to search for smarter ways to punish lawbreakers and protect society.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana Class Action Lawsuit (A Press Release About The Federal Lawsuit Challenging The Constitutionality Of The Prohibition On Therapeutic Cannabis, Filed By Philadelphia Public Interest Attorney Lawrence Elliott Hirsch, Includes A URL To The Complete Text Of The 128-Page Brief)Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 11:40:28 -0500 From: Arthur Sobey (asobey@ncfcomm.com) Reply-To: asobey@ncfcomm.com To: Larry Hirsch (actionclass@fairlaw.org) Subject: MEDICAL MARIJUANA CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT MEDICAL MARIJUANA CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 29, 1998 Late in the afternoon of July 3, 1998, an incendiary device was planted in the federal courthouse in Philadelphia. Concealed in a "Petition of the People to the Government to Redress Grievances," it went unnoticed because the federal system was on holiday that Friday before the official Independence Day. Therefore it was the perfect setup for the perpetrators to ignite the fuse to destroy Federal control, regulation and criminalization of marijuana without any fanfare whatsoever. The bomb is packaged neatly in a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Docket No. 98-3439 entitled "The People's Class Action for Freedom from Government Prohibition of Therapeutic Cannabis." Bulky at 128 pages; more than 100 pages are the detailed pleadings of 166 named petitioners from nearly every state in the country who purport to represent and typify more than 97 million Americans who "are potential beneficiaries of the unique healing powers and qualities of therapeutic cannabis." Comprehensively addressing every historical, cultural, political, scientific, medical, legal and constitutional issue, the complaint seeks a judicial declaration that the federal marijuana laws and policies be stricken down as unconstitutional and their enforcement enjoined. Government bureaucrats have been silent about this event so far. The lawsuit is accessible on the Internet at: http://www.fairlaw.org *** Arthur R Sobey Communications Director asobey@ncfcomm.com THE ACTION CLASS FOR FREEDOM OF THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS Lawrence Elliott Hirsch 1735 Market Street Suite A-414 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215 496 9530 Fax 215 496 9532 actionclass@fairlaw.org http://www.fairlaw.org/coverpage.html "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." - Voltaire
------------------------------------------------------------------- McCaffrey Wants Methadone Handed Out In Doctor's Offices (A List Subscriber Relays A Radio Newscast From An Unspecified Station Indicating The White House Drug Czar Is Embracing A Harm Reduction Proposal) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 12:39:56 -0700 To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" (drctalk@drcnet.org) From: "D. Ludd" (amarugia@drizzle.com) Subject: McCaffrey wants methadone handed out in doctor's offices Cc: drctalk@drcnet.org Reply-To: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: owner-drctalk@drcnet.org on the radio i just heard that skunk Gen. McCaffrey say that methadone should be avb to addicts via their own personal physcians and not just through clinics and the treatment industry. Boy, he is desperately trying to keep the WoD afloat by beginning to adapt harm reduction. and wasn't he the skunk that not long ago said harm reduction is merely a front for us monstrous dp reformers? perhaps this would be something to approach the Gov Council on Substance Abuse? Get WA state in the vangaurd on this?
------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal Proposal Would Provide Methadone to More Drug Addicts ('The New York Times' Says General Barry R. McCaffrey Is Expected To Outline A Major Overhaul Of The Federal Strategy For Treating Heroin Addiction In A Speech Tuesday To A National Conference Of The American Methadone Treatment Association In Manhattan - Methadone Would Be Made Available To All Who Need It, And Private Physicians Would Be Allowed To Dispense It) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:40:16 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: NYT: Federal Proposal Would Provide Methadone to More Drug Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: kewright@erols.com and Ty Trippet Pubdate: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 Source: New York Times ( NY) Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Author: Christopher S. Wren FEDERAL PROPOSAL WOULD PROVIDE METHADONE TO MORE DRUG ADDICTS The White House's top drug official will announce Tuesday a policy to expand the availability of methadone to all those who need it, despite Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's criticism of the drug as simply exchanging one addiction for another. The official, Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, is expected to outline a major overhaul of Federal plans to treat heroin addiction in a speech Tuesday to a national conference of the American Methadone Treatment Association in Manhattan. The plans to be presented by General McCaffrey, which incorporate ideas from Government agencies and other specialists in substance abuse, recommend that for the first time, doctors be allowed to administer methadone to patients in the privacy of their offices. Methadone is now dispensed at special clinics, at times that may make it difficult for some recovering addicts to hold down jobs. The new policy would make methadone treatment available to any addict who requests and needs it. Methadone is used by 115,000 Americans addicted to heroin and other opiates. They account for a fraction of the country's estimated 810,000 opiate addicts, some of whom cannot find treatment giving them access to methadone. The policy is being announced at a time Mayor Giuliani has questioned the need for methadone treatment. The Mayor has said he wants to end government's role in providing the drug, a synthetic substance used to curb the craving for heroin. The Administration intends to redraft the Federal regulations governing methadone in December or January. Officials said they doubted that Congressional approval would be needed for the changes, and they foresaw no barriers at the Federal level. States have wide control over the availability of methadone, however. New York State is the country's largest methadone provider, and Connecticut has considered giving doctors a more central role in dispensing it. But eight states -- New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Idaho -- do not permit methadone clinics, forcing residents who need it to travel to other states. The hope is that a stronger endorsement of methadone's efficacy by the Federal Government will encourage states to set up or expand methadone programs. Among other changes, the Food and Drug Administration would turn over the regulation of methadone to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The plan also includes the creation of a comprehensive evaluation and accreditation system to assess methadone treatment at clinics, which vary widely in the quality and quantity of services. Mayor Giuliani has sharply criticized methadone treatment, describing the physical dependence it creates as tantamount to enslavement, and has attacked General McCaffrey for endorsing it. Yesterday, the Mayor fired a fresh broadside at the White House drug policy official. "I guess General McCaffrey has surrendered," Giuliani told reporters, "and essentially, what he'd like to do is deal with heroin addiction by making people addicted to methadone, which maybe even is a worse addiction." Medical experts have described methadone as the most effective treatment available for heroin addiction, saying that it has been studied more thoroughly than almost any other medication. A recent study by the National Academy of Sciences called methadone "more likely to work than any other therapy." Mark A. R. Kleiman, a professor of public policy at the University of California at Los Angeles, said in a telephone interview that the Federal changes announced yesterday sound very much like the recommendations made by the panel of specialists at the National Academy of Sciences. "Everybody in the field agreed that the panel got it right," Professor Kleiman said. "If what the panel said is going to be policy, I can only say, 'Hurray.' " Professor Kleiman added, "The devil's in the details, and I don't know the details. But breaking methadone free of the shackles of the methadone treatment system has to be the right thing to do." During a visit to a methadone treatment center in lower Manhattan yesterday, General McCaffrey once again declined to respond in like manner to Mayor Giuliani, calling him "a great mayor" who had made New York City a safer place to live. But in an implicit reference to the Mayor's criticism, General McCaffrey also cautioned against engaging in "shoot-from-the-lip policy analysis." He added, "You've got to be cautious about the reality of 40,000 people" in New York State who are enrolled in methadone maintenance programs. General McCaffrey listened to addicts with first-hand experience with methadone when he visited the Lower Eastside Service Center on East Broadway yesterday. The center provides comprehensive methadone and other drug treatment for 2,500 clients a year, said its president, Eileen Pencer. Mark Adorno, who has taken methadone for six years, told General McCaffrey: "It keeps me functional. I'm able to work and support my family. Without it, I'd be sick." Gina Neveloff, who takes methadone to stave off the heroin addiction she acquired at 15, said, "For me, it puts some kind of sanity back in my life." But Scott Riley, who said he became addicted as a soldier in Vietnam, said methadone had not worked well for him and that he chose total abstinence, a more difficult alternative that Mayor Giuliani favors and that General McCaffrey also endorses. General McCaffrey, who was badly wounded in Vietnam, appeared moved by the stories he heard from the recovering addicts. "In the Army, we give big medals to people who are heroes, and that's what I think you are," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- US Expands Methadone Treatment ('The Associated Press' Version) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:44:46 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Wire: U.S. Expands Methadone Treatment Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense Source: Associated Press Pubdate: Tuesday, 29 Sep 1998 NEW YORK (AP) -- The White House's drug policy chief Tuesday proposed making methadone more readily available to drug addicts by allowing doctors for the first time to dispense the synthetic heroin substitute in their offices. Currently, methadone is available only at special clinics, making it difficult for some addicts to hold down jobs and receive their daily dose of the liquid narcotic. Some states bar methadone altogether. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the White House national drug policy director, said study after study has shown that methadone not only eliminates the misery of heroin addiction but also makes it possible for addicts to lead productive lives and stay out of trouble. ``Methadone treatment is simply not available for Americans in all parts of the country in a manner called for by rational drug policy. We've got to do better,'' McCaffrey told the American Methadone Treatment Association in New York. At the same time, McCaffrey announced no additional money for the policy and acknowledged that state and local governments must endorse the changes to make methadone more readily available. ``This is a local decision for city councils, county government and state legislatures,'' he said. McCaffrey's office set a goal of ``adequate methadone treatment capacity for all of America's opiate drug addicts.'' Eventually, McCaffrey said, individual doctors would be licensed to dispense methadone outside of clinics. The policy for the first time would also establish an accreditation process for methadone clinics and set standards for effective dosages, counseling and care. There are an estimated 810,000 chronic heroin users in the United States, but only about 115,000 are receiving methadone. At least five states have barred methadone altogether: Mississippi, Montana, South Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia. New York City has an estimated 32,000 addicts on methadone -- more than any other U.S. city -- but Mayor Rudolph Giuliani opposes its use, saying it simply swaps one addiction for another. He recently announced a plan to get methadone patients at city-run hospitals off methadone, despite warnings from some drug abuse experts that the addicts will wind up back on heroin. On Tuesday, Giuliani said: ``I think that morally, philosophically and practically it's a bad question for America to say, `Let's double the number of people on methadone.' Let's try to make America drug-free.'' McCaffrey refused to criticize Giuliani directly, saying only: ``We've got a problem based on ignorance. Methadone is the only, cheap, effective tool.'' About 900 clinics in the country dispense methadone, which was popularized some 30 years ago. It blunts the craving for heroin. Sheryl Massaro, a spokeswoman for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, said McCaffrey's policy was based on recommendations made by a panel of specialists at the National Academy of Sciences who called methadone ``more likely to work than any other therapy'' for heroin addiction. Dr. David C. Lewis, project director of the new Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy, composed of prominent doctors and public health leaders, said: ``Yes, McCaffrey's totally right on this one. Yes, medicine and science are behind McCaffrey on this one.'' Copyright 1998 Associated Press.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Government To Make Methadone More Available To Addicts (A Different 'Associated Press' Version) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-Hemp Talk" (hemp-talk@hemp.net) Subject: HT: Govt to make methadone more available to addicts Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:35:21 -0700 Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Government to make methadone more available to addicts The Associated Press 09/29/98 8:16 AM Eastern NEW YORK (AP) -- The White House plans to expand the availability of methadone treatment for drug addicts, The New York Times reported today. The administration's top drug official, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, was to announce an overhaul of policies geared toward combating heroin addiction during a speech today to the American Methadone Treatment Association in Manhattan. New programs would for the first time allow doctors to give methadone to addicts who visit their offices, the Times reported. Methadone, used by 115,000 Americans hooked on heroin and other opiates, currently is administered at special clinics and only at certain times, making it difficult for some addicts to receive treatment. The expansion of methadone treatment comes at a time when New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has questioned its effectiveness. He said the treatment merely swaps one addiction for another, and has announced a controversial plan aimed at getting methadone patients at city-run hospitals to wean themselves from the drug. The federal methadone regulations would be rewritten in December or January. The cost of the new program was not available. States have maintained wide control over the availability of methadone. Eight states -- New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Idaho -- do not permit methadone clinics, forcing addicts who need it to travel to other states. A recent study by the National Academy of Sciences called methadone, a synthetic substance used to curb the craving for heroine, "more likely to work than any other therapy."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Seizing Money (A Press Release From The Libertarian Party Headquarters In Washington, DC, Alerting You To A New Bill Before The Senate Judiciary Committee That Would Allow Police To Assume Anyone Traveling With More Than $10,000 In Cash In So-Called 'Drug Transit Areas' Is A Drug Dealer - And Confiscate All Their Money) Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 03:36:53 -0700 From: Paul Freedom (nepal@teleport.com) Organization: Oregon Libertarian Patriots To: Cannabis Patriots (Cannabis-Patriots-L@teleport.com) Subject: CanPat - [Fwd: Release: seizing money] Sender: owner-cannabis-patriots-l@smtp.teleport.com -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Release: seizing money Date: Tue, 29 Sep 98 15:07:19 PDT From: announce@lp.org Reply-To: libnw@circuit.com To: libnw@circuit.com (Multiple recipients of Liberty_NW) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- *** NEWS FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 *** For release: September 29, 1998 *** For additional information: George Getz, Press Secretary Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222 E-Mail: 76214.3676@Compuserve.com *** New bill will allow police to "steal cash" from travelers, warns Libertarian Party WASHINGTON, DC -- It may soon be a crime to get on a plane or drive down the highway in America with too much money, the Libertarian Party warned today. That's because a bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee would allow police to assume that anyone traveling with more than $10,000 in cash in so-called "drug transit areas" is a drug dealer -- and confiscate all their money. "Tourists and business travelers, take note: You may soon have to fear being mugged by your own government," warned Steve Dasbach, Libertarian Party national director. "Your government wants the power to label you a criminal and seize all your money with no proof that you've committed a crime. In other words, your government is about to give police a license to steal." The bill in question -- the Drug Currency Forfeitures Act -- is sponsored by Senators Max Cleland (D-GA) and Charles Grassley (R-IA). The senators say their bill is designed to "hit drug dealers where it hurts the most: In the wallet." The bill allows police to seize cash from any American traveling through a drug transit area -- defined as an airport, highway, or port of entry -- and would force citizens to go to court to try to get the money back. "Accusations without proof? Punishments without trials? Welcome to America in 1998," said Dasbach. "With this bill, two U.S. Senators want to gut the Constitution -- and strip away fundamental rights like the presumption of innocence and the right to carry money without having to explain your actions to the government." One of the most repugnant provisions of the bill, Dasbach said, is that people who want their money back will face a "rebuttable presumption" of guilt. In other words, they most prove they are innocent. "Senator Cleland complained that courts frequently throw out money-laundering cases for lack of evidence, so his innovative solution was to stop requiring evidence -- and simply allow police to steal your money," Dasbach said. "Instead of the government proving that you are guilty, you must prove that you are innocent." But why would anyone carry around $10,000 in cash, if they're not a drug dealer? "It's none of the government's business -- period," Dasbach said. "The idea that any American should have to explain to the police where their money came from is offensive, and the idea that the police can pocket your money if they don't like your answers is downright criminal." In previous well-documented cases, he noted, the government has seized money from a business traveler who had planned major cash purchases for his company, and from a foreign-born American who was bringing cash to relatives in another country. In both cases, the courts ruled that the seizure was improper, and the victims got most of their money back from the government. This bill would reverse those kinds of cases, Dasbach predicted, by essentially creating a new type of crime: Driving While Rich and Flying While Affluent -- all in the name of the War on Drugs. "What the Drug Currency Forfeitures Act really shows is that once again, the War on Drugs has become an all-purpose excuse for a War on Your Rights, such as the right to a fair trial and the right to get on an airplane or drive down the highway without having to explain yourself to a policeman," Dasbach said. "If Americans don't put a stop to this, the politicians will not only steal all our money -- they will also steal all our Constitutional rights." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBNhFZS9CSe1KnQG7RAQFoYAP9FWTe+KnZxM3QD0X9Ds7I3AgxpNWh3FL5 DRuXH4dzjg+WC/bVZen8eQV8C3ki+/EjHyv56x42W7cv3/PIXUqmoaO1F9a+3Snd cEfE9g264XqRkkxybJ+FCi5AEhnGDzlHnkFPzzYgAwjjsKR1D8LZbsMEys2FxIMH cQrBmpX9FNU= =vDqn -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- The Libertarian Party http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 voice: 202-333-0008 fax: 202-333-0072 For subscription changes, please mail to (announce-request@lp.org) with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line -- or use the WWW form.
------------------------------------------------------------------- High Court To Draw Line In Car Searches By Police (According To 'The Associated Press,' The US Supreme Court, Responding To A Case From Wyoming Involving Illegal Drugs, Said Today It Would Decide How Far Police Officers Can Go In Searching The Personal Belongings Of Motor Vehicle Passengers) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:38:02 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: WIRE: High Court To Draw Line In Car Searches By Police Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: hadorn@dnai.com (David Hadorn) Pubdate: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 Source: (AP) HIGH COURT TO DRAW LINE IN CAR SEARCHES BY POLICE WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said today it will decide how far police officers can go in searching the personal belongings of motor vehicle passengers. The justices agreed to review a Wyoming Supreme Court car-search decision the state's attorney general says is ``unworkable'' and ``illogical,'' and will confuse courts and law enforcement agencies. The state Supreme Court overturned a woman's drug conviction, ruling that police unlawfully searched her purse. A car driven by David Young was stopped for speeding on Interstate 25 in Natrona County, Wyo., in the early morning hours of July 23, 1995. After a Highway Patrol officer saw a hypodermic syringe in Young's pocket, Young said he had used it to take drugs. Two other officers asked the car's two female passengers to get out. One of them, Sandra Houghton, left her cloth purse on the car's back seat. Inside the bag, police found drug paraphernalia and liquid methamphetamine. Houghton was convicted on a felony drug charge, but challenged her conviction. The state Supreme Court threw out her conviction in April, ruling that police should not have searched through her purse. Even though the officers had ``probable cause'' to search the car for drugs Young may have had with him, they could not justify searching a passenger's personal belongings, the court said. In the appeal acted on today, state Attorney General William Hill and his staff argued that the state court's ruling repudiates a long line of rulings in which the nation's highest court gave police far greater leeway to search motor vehicles. The case is Wyoming vs. Houghton, 98-184.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Caine Trial Delayed (A Brief Note From Randy Caine Indicates His Consitutional Challenge To Canadian Cannabis Prohibition Has Been Put Off Again, This Time Until November 10)From: "Randy Caine" (vcaine@uniserve.com) To: "Mattalk" (mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com) Subject: Caine Trial Delayed Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:42:56 -0700 Well Folks, The trial has been adjourned until Nov. 10 & 12. However, it would seem to have been in our best interests. John told me that the judge we would have had was clearly unfriendly to this matter. Although each delay is disappointing they have led to overall success. In Unity, Randy Caine vcaine@uniserve.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- City Offers $58,000 For Foundry If Pot-Smoking Pair Are Evicted ('The Kitchener Waterloo Record' In Ontario Says The City Of Cambridge Decided Monday Not Only To Forgo $900,000 In Back Taxes And Hydro Costs, But To Pay Owner John Long $58,000 On Top Of That In An Effort To Evict Reverends Michael Baldasaro And Walter Tucker, Those Bearded Maestros Of Marijuana And Founders Of The Self-Proclaimed Church Of The Universe)From: "Starr" (seedling@golden.net) To: "Church of the Universe" (iamm@iamm.com), "mattalk" (mattalk@islandnet.com) Subject: City offers $58,000 for foundry if pot-smoking pair are evicted Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:19:21 -0400 Date: Tuesday 29 September 1998 By: Joel Rubinoff Record staff Source:The Kitchener Waterloo Record recordletter@southam.ca CITY OFFERS $58,000 FOR FOUNDRY IF POT-SMOKING PAIR ARE EVICTED If Cambridge councillors have their way, the city's high priests of pot will soon be sent packing. Reverends Michael Baldasaro and Walter Tucker, that is - those bearded maestros of marijuana and founders of the self-proclaimed Church of the Universe. With Monday's decision to not only forgo $900,000 in back taxes and hydro costs owing on the property, but to pay owner John Long $58,000 on top of that, councillors hope to stem a public relations problem that threatens to run out of control. It is but the latest political attempt to stifle the church. Evicted from the old IMICO foundry in Guelph last January, Tucker and Baldasaro moved to Cambridge and set up camp at the abandoned Kanmet steel foundry on Margaret Street almost immediately. Long, a Cambridge businessman who bought both the IMICO and Kanmet properties in 1992 for $1 apiece, granted the church members ``sanctuary.'' But not for long. The duo's championing of pot as a religious sacrament sparked concern among politicians and some neighbours, who followed Guelph's lead and promptly began exploring options to run the pair out. ``The neighbours around there have major concerns about what's happening on the site,'' Cambridge Mayor Jane Brewer said after Monday's decision. And plans to oust the church members through a complicated and long-term tax registration process weren't cutting it, she added. ``This way we can get on and make decisions about what will happen on the site.'' But from his motorhome at the former foundry in the Preston area of Cambridge, Tucker says the church won't budge. ``It's not going to happen,'' said the 65-year-old pot disciple, unaware of the purchase until informed by a Record reporter after the council meeting. ``It's our home. How can they say we have to be out by the end of October? That's just stupid.'' He and Baldasaro have made renovations and are set to stay the winter, he said. And if the city wants them off the property, they'd better be prepared to cough up enough cash to help them relocate. ``If they want us to leave, they should maybe offer to help us by giving us some money _ the same as they're doing for Mr. Long,'' said Tucker, who noted that Long promised the church a two-year tenancy. ``If we hadn't come here, John would have got nothing for his property. If he wants us to leave, we'll have to take legal action to compensate us for the legal abrogation of his promise.'' If nothing else, he said, the duo should be compensated for the $300 to $400 in improvements they've made to the property, and for ``guarding'' it against vandals and arsonists. ``We've replaced windows and doorways and bought locks,'' Tucker said. ``A lock for a door costs $50.'' How much would it take for the Church to move on? ``I think $10,000 would be fine,'' he said. ``If the city gives us $5,000 and John gave us $5,000, that would be fine. Certainly, someone should compensate us for all the good we've done for this community.'' Long was unavailable for comment, but for its part the city said the Cheech and Chong of religious sects are not players in this deal. ``Our deal is with Mr. Long,'' said Brewer, noting it was hashed out, so to speak, at a series of closed door meetings over the past two weeks. ``We've not given Mr. Tucker any money and we won't be giving him any.'' What's more, she said, the city's deal with Long is contingent on the church's speedy departure from the premises. ``They will be off the site as of Oct. 31 or we won't take possession.'' While most councillors voted in favour of the purchase Monday night, Doug Craig and Ted Fairless did not. ``I think it's one of the worst decision's council's made this term,'' Craig said. ``Essentially, we're paying a gentleman who owes us $1 million _ and another half-million to clean up his property _ $58,000 to get off of it. And he's got worthless land because it's contaminated.'' But Brewer said the purchase should be put in perspective. ``It's a far cry from the price Mr. Long wanted,'' she says, citing the original $125,000 price-tag. ``And if we went for the tax registration (option) we wouldn't have got the taxes anyhow. They'd eventually have to be written off.'' Ironically, Cambridge officials hoped to avoid the trouble and expense encountered by Guelph. The church racked up $500,000 in back taxes and penalties at the abandonedfoundry before being evicted by the city last January. ``That cost the City of Guelph a great deal of money,'' said Brewer at the time. ``And I would hate to see that cost come down onto the taxpayers in Cambridge.'' (c) Copyright Kitchener-Waterloo Record 1998
------------------------------------------------------------------- Just Say No (A Brief Item In 'The Orange County Register' Says Mexico Has Once Again Rejected A Proposal To Let US Prohibition Agents Carry Firearms Within Its Borders) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 19:31:19 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Just Say No Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John Black (jwblack@earthlink.net) Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 JUST SAY NO U.S. anti-drug agents won't be allowed to carry guns in Mexico, said Foreign Secretary Rosario Green. Describing her talks with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Green said Sunday that Mexico won't yield to pressure from the U.S. Congress to change the policy. "It's a closed case," she said. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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