------------------------------------------------------------------- Allow Medical Marijuana - Measure 67 (A Staff Editorial In The Eugene, Oregon, 'Register-Guard' Endorses The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, Saying Oregonians Should Understand That They Can Support Humane Medical Practices Without Undermining Efforts To Control Dangerous Drugs) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 19:05:41 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OR: Editorial: Allow Medical Marijuana: Measure 67 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Olafur Brentmar Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Source: Register-Guard, The (OR) Contact: rgletters@guardnet.com Website: http://www.registerguard.com/ ALLOW MEDICAL MARIJUANA: MEASURE 67 WOULDN'T LEGALIZE DRUG Physicians who prescribe morphine to relieve intense pain are not seen as promoting drug addiction, even though morphine is a terribly addictive drug. Yet a proposal to allow doctors to prescribe marijuana is criticized as promoting drug abuse, even though marijuana is far more benign than many widely accepted prescription drugs. Oregonians should understand that they can support humane medical practices without undermining efforts to control dangerous drugs. They should support Measure 67, the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. Measure 67 has the same aim as a similar initiative approved two years ago in California: to give patients suffering from cancer, glaucoma, AIDS and other diseases safe and legal access to a drug that many say is uniquely effective in controlling pain and nausea. Oregon's measure, however, improves on California's law in several important respects. Marijuana could be prescribed only by a patient's primary physician: There would be no shopping around for a pot-friendly doctor. The prescription would be presented to the Oregon Health Division, which would issue a card identifying the patient as being allowed to possess marijuana for medical purposes. California has no such registry, making it hard to differentiate legal from illegal marijuana use. Measure 67 also prohibits the sale of marijuana. The absence of such a prohibition in California's law has given rise to the notorious buyers' clubs at which access to medical marijuana is poorly controlled. Oregon's initiative would also prohibit the use of marijuana in public places or in public view. Measure 67 would not legalize marijuana any more than the widely accepted medical use of cocaine legalizes crack. Except for the addition of a carefully limited medical exemption, state laws against the possession and cultivation of marijuana would be unchanged. And marijuana would remain a Schedule 1 drug under federal law - a drug like LSD for which there are no approved medical uses. Morphine, cocaine and a long list of other heavy drugs are classified as Schedule 2 drugs, regarded as addictive but as having accepted medical uses. The conflict between Measure 67 and federal law would lead many Oregon physicians to refrain from prescribing marijuana. Attorney General Janet Reno has said that doctors who prescribe marijuana risk losing their prescription-writing privileges and could be denied reimbursement for treating Medicare and Medicaid patients. Approval of Measure 67 - and of similar measures in Alaska, Colorado and Washington - would pressure the federal government to alter its absolutist stance. Ideally, the federal government would simply reclassify marijuana as a Schedule 2 drug, eliminating the need for state laws such as Measure 67. The primary problem with Measure 67 arises from the question of supply. How could patients fill their prescriptions for marijuana? Many would continue getting it from the illegal sources they use now. But Measure 67 would allow patients registered with the state Health Division to grow up to three marijuana plants of their own. This would permit many patients to break their ties to the underground marijuana economy. As long as the federal government refuses to acknowledge the therapeutic uses of marijuana, however, many patients will continue to turn to illicit sources for marijuana or for fertile seeds. The therapeutic benefits are widely recognized. An editorial in the Jan. 30, 1997, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine said that "thousands" of patients have obtained "striking relief" from "nausea, vomiting or pain" by smoking marijuana. It is inhumane and unnecessary to let drug control policy stand in the way of medical access to this drug. Oregonians should add their weight to the campaign for federal reclassification of marijuana as a Schedule 2 drug by supporting Measure 67.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana IS Medicine (A List Subscriber Publicizes A Public Rally October 5 Beginning At Harborview Hospital In Seattle - And Prints The URL Where Flyers Can Be Downloaded And Printed Out) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 21:44:28 -0700 (PDT) From: turmoil (turmoil@hemp.net) Reply-To: turmoil (turmoil@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: Marijuana IS Medicine Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Monday Marches on the Move! Marijuana IS Medicine! Monday Oct 5th 6PM - Meet at Harborview Hospital - 9th and Jefferson (we will gather in the park area behind the hospital). Speakers will inlude State Senator Jeanne Kohl, Tim Killian, Dr. Francis Podrebarac, Dale Rogers, Joanna McKee, Dr. Dave Edwards, Magic Black-Ferguson, and MORE!! Posters are available online in PDF format - Please print out some and distribute them in your community!. You can find a 8.5 X 11 version at http://seattlemusicweb.com/protest/smmarijuana.pdf or a big 11 X 17 poster at http://seattlemusicweb.com/protest/smmarijuana.pdf There will be a final planning and sign making meeting Monday Sept 28th at about 6PM (We are talking Maui time here, please don't be afraid to show up late). The meeting is at the Queen Anne Library - 400 W. Garfield Street - Please come and help us make signs and get ready for a great and postive rally on Monday. We are also setting up a phone bank to make some press calls and calls to organizations and allies tuesday morning (sept 29th). If you would like to help out with that please email march@hemp.net and we can get you details. Please come to this Rally. Please tell your friends. Please print posters. We can change the law. Let's show up in large numbers and tell them that: MARIJUANA IS MEDICINE! To Victory! Tim Crowley PS: I would be most greatful if folks would forward this message to other like minded lists. I don't follow any of the larger national lists and they should see this as well. Thanks much! *** Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 03:55:26 -0700 (PDT) From: turmoil (turmoil@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: Street Speech Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net The Washington Chapter of the ACLU has a great booklet: STREET SPEECH Your Rights in Washington to Parade, Picket, and Leaflet - It's at http://www.aclu-wa.org/pubs/streetspeech/index.shtml Most of you probably know most of this, but it's nice to have it all in one place all consise and readable like that. Timmmy T. music@hemp.net Seattle Music Web turmoil@hemp.net http://seattlemusicweb.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana On Television! (A List Subscriber Says Monday Night's Episode Of 'LA Doctors' On CBS Will Involve A Doctor And His Patient Using Medical Marijuana) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: DPFCA: Fwd: Medical Marijuana on TV! Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 11:05:16 PDT Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ (forwarded message) From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 04:24:46 EDT Subject: Medical Marijuana on TV!! Hello everyone, Sorry for the late notice, but I only saw the ad tonight, but Monday night's episode of a brand new series called "LA Doctors" will feature a plot about a doctor and his patient using medical marijuana. It will air Monday night, Sept. 28th, at 9:00 pm, on CBS. I am not absolutely sure of the time, so check local listings. From the clip I saw, it appeared to be very PRO medical cannibus, even showing the doctor getting the pot for the patient and getting busted. (I think it was the doctor) The plot may be a little far fetched, the important thing is for this issue to be portrayed as a serious issue. We should get everyone to watch this show, and if they present this serious issue in a good light, then WRITE to CBS, AND the show's producer, praising their pro medicinal stance, or if we don't like their message, write condeming their presentation of our RIGHT TO MEDICINE...let's watch and see. Please tune in and WRITE... FilmMakerZ *** Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:37:40 -0700 (PDT) From: Robert Lunday (robert@hemp.net) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: Re: HT: Medical Marijuana on CBS Tonight... Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Hi Judith, Sorry, I just forwarded it when I got it. The show was OK. I'm not a fan of the show, so don't know much about the characters. A brief synopsis is 2 doctors went to buy pot for an AIDS patient and got busted by the cops. One doctor is making a big publicity deal out of it. In that respect I think it may turn out to be good. There will definatly be more episodes on this issue. In some conversations between the doctors they brought up prop 215 and wrote it off as being propogated by a bunch of potheads and so apparently not worth much. They talked about how the issue is being fought between the state and feds and therefore it was dangerous as doctors to get involved. In one discussion between the two docs, the one doctor that wanted to challenge the bust for it's publicity value was told by the other scared doctor that with forfieture law they could take your house, your car, etc, etc. and Publicity Doc (who owns that jag) said "They can take my car?", and it appeared based on that, decided to drop the whole thing for fear of his car being taken. Seemed a bit lame to me. At least the dialog seemed pretty lame. The fact that they are discussing these real problems in mainstream media is excellent! Robert Lunday --- Hemp.Net SysOp/Founder robert@hemp.net ---- http://www.hemp.net phone: 206.781.8307 ---- fax:206.784.2650
------------------------------------------------------------------- Lone Marijuana Plant Fires Up Debate Over Downtown Visalia ('The Fresno Bee' Says The Discovery Of A Weed Sprouting From A Planter On Main Street Has Led Downtown Merchants To Pitch In To Hire Security Guards) From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: (newsout@mapinc.org) Subject: MN: US CA: Lone Marijuana Plant Fires Up Debate Over Downtown Visalia Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 15:15:05 -0500 Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Source: Fresno Bee, The (CA) Contact: letters@fresnobee.com Website: http://www.fresnobee.com/ Pubdate: September 26, 1998 Author: Lewis Griswold LONE MARIJUANA PLANT FIRES UP DEBATE OVER DOWNTOWN VISALIA VISALIA - Officer Donna Skaggs didn't have to look far to find drugs in Visalia. They were growing right in front of her in a planter on Main Street. Skaggs, whose beat includes downtown Visalia, saw the three-or four-inch tall plant late Thursday afternoon in front of 114 W. Main St. and took action, said Visalia police Lt. Buddy Hale. "She pulled it up and destroyed it," Hale said. Only one plant was growing in the planter, which also holds marigolds and daisies, and the incident did not appear to be a case of marijuana cultivation, Hale said. The plant wasn't sent to a crime lab because "there aren't any suspects," Skaggs said. Skaggs asked people if they knew anything about the plant, but no one admitted knowing anything. The department has received complaints of marijuana smoking along Main Street, Skaggs said, but investigations have produced no arrests. There have been arrests for underage drinking. The Downtown Visalians Merchants Association brought the existence of the plant to Skaggs' attention, police said. Merchants on the block of West Main where the plant took root said they were not surprised by the find because it occurred in an area where teens hang out. "It was probably done as a practical joke," said Duane Evans, owner of Turtle Mountain Sports, whose store is near the planter. "I'm not appalled or anything like that. A lot of worse things have happened." "A bird could have dropped it," said Ray Ransberger, owner of the Picnic Sandwich Shop. "It's a non-issue with me." Actually, "it's a sign of downtown," Evans said, explaining that a lot of young people hang out at that particular location on Main Street, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. Evans said that young people don't have enough to do, so they hang out downtown. He said the solution is to create alternatives, such as a skateboard park, that will attract young people. A committee has been working on establishing a skate park near downtown. To help patrol downtown, Visalia merchants have pitched in to hire security guards. The security guards are to be on the streets by mid-October. Growing marijuana even as a prank means "we have to make an atmosphere where people don't want to do something like that," Evans said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson Signs Youth-Informant Safeguard ('The Orange County Register' Says California Governor Pete Wilson, Spurred By The Killing Of Chad MacDonald, A 17-Year-Old Brea Police Informant, Signed A Bill Friday That Requires Police To Obtain A Judge's Approval Before Using Minors As Undercover Agents)Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 21:42:31 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: Wilson Signs Youth-Informant Safeguard Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Author: Stuart Pfeifer - OCR WILSON SIGNS YOUTH-INFORMANT SAFEGUARD Law Enforcement: Police will need to get a judge's OK before using minors undercover. Gov. Pete Wilson, spurred by the death of a teen-age Brea police informant, signed a bill Friday that requires police to obtain a judge's approval before using minors as undercover agents. Assemblyman Scott Baugh, R-Huntington Beach, drafted the bill in response to an Orange County Register story that detailed 17-year-old Chad MacDonald's informant work. MacDonald, hoping to avoid prosecution, agreed to do undercover work for Brea police after he was arrested for possessing a half-ounce of methamphetamine. He made one drug buy and gave police information about a drug lab they already knew about, according to Brea police. The former Esperanza High School student was beaten and strangled and his girlfriend raped and shot after the pair visited a Norwalk drug house in March. Brea police had removed MacDonald from their informant program several weeks earlier for buying drugs without their knowledge. At a hearing in Los Angeles, the girlfriend testified that the suspects strip-searched MacDonald while looking for a recording "wire" and accused him of working for the police. "Solving crimes is the responsibility of law-enforcement officials and other qualified adults, not of children," Wilson said in a news release. "...We must ensure their safety." Brea Police Chief Bill Lentini noted that MacDonald's mother signed a waiver allowing him to work as an informant, also required under the new law. MacDonald's mother, Cindy, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Brea police, alleging that they did not adequately protect her son and misled her on the dangers.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Down Mexico Way ('The Tulsa World' Says Mexican Ambassador Jesus Reyes Heroles Was In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Recently, Making A Compelling Case That America's War On Some Drugs Imperils 'Free Government' In Mexico) Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 19:23:36 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OK: Down Mexico Way Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Michael Pearson (oknorml@swbell.net) Source: Tulsa World (OK) Contact: tulsaworld@mail.webtek.com Website: http://www.tulsaworld.com Pubdate: 26 Sept. 1998 Author: World Editorial Writers DOWN MEXICO WAY Drugs hurt, NAFTA helps Americans who think the United States is the chief victim of drugs should talk to Mexican Ambassador Jesus Reyes Heroles. The drug trade threatens free government in Mexico, the ambassador declared in interviews and speeches in Tulsa. His argument is convincing. The United States provides a $50 billion-plus market for illegal drugs that is irresistible to drug traffickers operating in Mexico. The profits to drug cartels are so large that they can spend as much as the Mexican government in the drug war. The ambassador didn't say it, but his comments should make Americans think again about the monstrously expensive ($18 billion annually) war on drugs. It is a war that cannot be won by trying to stop the flow of drugs into the country. Somehow, the United States must cut the demand for illegal drugs. How? Well, stopping Americans from using drugs is a simple answer. And it is clear that spending money on education and prevention is the best course. In fact, however, most of the money in the drug war is spent on trying to stop the flow into the country. Another solution is legalization of drugs. There are problems with that, but decriminalizing drugs would have the immediate effect of driving down prices and taking away the profits for criminals. Heroles sees the problem in a much broader context. The long-term solution for drugs and the illegal immigration of Mexicans into the United States is to build the Mexican economy so that there will be jobs in Mexico. It is an obvious point, of course. One that Mexican and U.S. policy-makers have recognized for years. It is a view that has led to the creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement signed by the United States, Mexico, and Canada. And contrary to its detractors, Heroles says NAFTA is working. He cites a raft of statistics to show robust economic growth in Mexico. One of the unexpected results is that once Mexican firms begin to trade with their North American neighbors, they find it easier to trade with other countries. Therefore, trade with Asia and Europe is blossoming in Mexico. It is not rocket science to recognize the fundamental truth of Ambassador Heroles' message: The United States and Mexico are inextricably linked. It is in the interests of both countries to develop the economy of Mexico and to deal cooperatively with the problems that immigration of Mexicans to the United States bring to both countries.
------------------------------------------------------------------- State Law Lacks Herb Clause ('The Tulsa World' Describes The Trial To Begin Thursday Of George Singleton Of Vermont, A Rastafarian With Dreadlocks Who Was Busted By An Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper, Who Thought Singleton's Mullein And Rosemary Were Marijuana, Which Led To His Now Being Charged With Being Under The Influence Of An Intoxicating Substance) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 06:00:34 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US OK: State Law Lacks Herb Clause Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Michael Pearson (oknorml@swbell.net) Source: Tulsa World (OK) Contact: tulsaworld@mail.webtek.com Website: http://www.tulsaworld.com Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Author: Rik Espinosa World Staff Writer STATE LAW LACKS HERB CLAUSE Rastafarian set to be tried on 'drug' charges in Craig County. Possession of the herbs mullein and rosemary may mean that a Vermont man will serve time for being under the influence of an intoxicating substance in a case involving an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper in Craig County. The herbs were initially misidentified by the trooper as marijuana, George Singleton of Putney, Vt., said. He is charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicants and failure to display a current license tag. Both are misdemeanors. Craig County District Attorney Gene Haynes said a blood test that Singleton took for common narcotics such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine came up negative. In filing the charges, however, he said he is relying on OHP Trooper Alvin Lavender's account of the arrest. "It is an unusual case because of the fact that we don't have proof of any illegal substance. But . . . we're continuing to pursue it because we feel he was under some type of influence that rendered him a danger on the roadway," Haynes said. Singleton, who is a Rastafarian, said Thursday that he believes his looks dictated his initial traffic stop. He wears his hair in waistlong dreadlocks. He said he has been stopped before in other states because of his looks. "I fit all the drug (courier) profiles," he said. Singleton, 49, spent 25 days in the Craig County jail following his Feb. 27 traffic stop on the Will Rogers Turnpike because he could not come up with the $850 bail. He said that when he was pulled over by Lavender, he was first told that he had been speeding, then that he had been swerving in traffic lanes. However, he has never received a traffic ticket or been charged with any traffic offense other than the tag violation. Singleton initially was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance, but that charge was amended to being under the influence of an intoxicant when his blood test came back negative. "I was humiliatingly taken into the general hospital of Craig County with my arms handcuffed behind my back," he said. Singleton, who has a bachelor of science degree in biology from the University of Chicago and has studied herbology, said the only blood test that came back positive was for tuberculosis. He told the trooper that he uses the mullein and rosemary to make a tea to help with his illness, he said. Rosemary is "an evergreen herb of the mint family . . . used in perfumes, in cooking, etc.," and mullein is "any of the genus of tall plants of the figwort family, with spikes of yellow, lavender or white flowers," according to Webster's New World College Dictionary. Singleton said the late-model Volkswagen van he was driving had current registration but that the registration papers were being processed during his trip. Singleton is the executive director of the Hope LA/USA Project, which is an effort to teach biological gardening in urban settings. He teaches inner-city children the nutritional benefits of a healthy lifestyle, which include staying away from illegal drugs. "It's totally crazy," Singleton said about the case. "They should have just dropped it." A story about Singleton's arrest in the Brattleboro (Vt.) Reformer has generated several editorials and letters to the editor. An editorial by Doug Bruce said, "Oklahoma has one of those lovely, bust-the-Bill-of- Rights, `zero-tolerance' drug laws, and anyone can lose his or her freedom because of mere suspicion." Jim Austin wrote that Singleton "may have thought he had entered a time warp. He was back in the '30s where to be black was to be subjugated. Where to be black was a crime if the law was having a slow day. Oklahoma, where driving while black and having the temerity to question officials of the state would garner a stint in the county lockup." Singleton goes to trial Thursday. Rik Espinosa can be reached at 581-8313.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Man Chokes To Death On Bag Of Marijuana ('The Sun Herald' In Biloxi, Mississippi, Shows How Fear Of Marijuana Laws Can Be More Dangerous Than Marijuana Itself) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 09:47:03 +0930 From: Mark Eckermann (marke@newave.net.au) Subject: US MS: Man Chokes To Death On Bag Of Marijuana To: pot-news )pot-news@va.com.au) From: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 13:23:10 -0700 Size: 40 lines 1659 bytes Source: The Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) Contact: edit1@sunherald.infi.net Website: http://www.sunherald.com/ Pubdate: September 25, 1998 MAN CHOKES TO DEATH ON BAG OF MARIJUANA POPLARVILLE - A Louisiana motorist apparently choked to death Thursday morning when he swallowed a cellophane bag containing a quantity of marijuana, according to the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol. Fred L. Steinwinder, 51, of LaPlace, was discovered sleeping behind the wheel of his van, parked on the shoulder of Interstate 59 near Poplarville in Pearl River County about 7:30 a.m. Trooper Charles Smith was on routine patrol when he noticed the van on the side of the road. Then he discovered Steinwinder asleep behind the wheel, and smelled alcohol. After conducting a field sobriety test, Smith went to the rear of the van. When he returned he found Steinwinder was unconscious. "When the trooper walked around to the back of the vehicle," said Sgt. Joe Gazzo, MHP spokesman, "he apparently tried to swallow the drugs." When Smith found Steinwinder unconscious, he immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and discovered the plastic bag lodged in Steinwinder's throat. Smith was later joined by another motorist, and two nursing students, but Steinwinder could not be revived. He was pronounced dead at Crosby Memorial Hospital in Slidell, La. The cause of death will not be known pending an autopsy, Gazzo said. "It's tragic because he registered under the (DUI) limit," Gazzo said. "What he had was less than an ounce, and he would have gotten a ticket and sent on his way."
------------------------------------------------------------------- ACLU Of Louisiana Sues Over 'Clean Urine Loyalty Oath' (The 'ACLU News' Account Of Wednesday's Lawsuit Filed By The Louisiana Chapter Of The American Civil Liberties Union Challenging The Constitutionality Of A 1997 State Law That Requires Random Drug Testing Of Elected Officials) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 19:50:33 -0400 (EDT) From: theHEMPEROR@webtv.net (JR Irvin) To: NTList@Fornits.com Subject: [ntlist] "Clean Urine Loyalty Oath" Reply-To: ntlist@Fornits.com *** 09-26-98 ACLU Newsfeed -- ACLU News Direct to YOU! *** ACLU of Louisiana Sues Over "Clean Urine Loyalty Oath" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, September 23, 1998 NEW ORLEANS -- Saying that urine test "loyalty oaths" for elected officials are blatantly unconstitutional, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana today filed a federal class-action lawsuit on behalf of Philip O'Neill, a local Justice of the Peace, and some 4,000 other officials. Under the terms of Louisiana's Act 1303, O'Neill and other elected officials would be forced to comply with the random drug testing scheme by providing urine for inspection by the state, under penalty of censure or a fine up to $10,000 or both. The act, sponsored by Reps. Clo Fontenot and Woody Jenkins of Baton Rouge, passed overwhelmingly in the State House and Senate and was signed by Governor Foster earlier this year. Joe Cook, Executive Director of the ACLU of Louisiana, said the requirement violates the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment constitutional protections of freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom from self-incrimination, and right to equal protection and due process, as well as privacy protections under Section 5 in the State's Declaration of Rights. "This kind of law has no place in a free and democratic society," Cook said. "Our elected officials should not have to prove their patriotism or allegiance by submitting to a urine test." Cook said the "clean urine loyalty oath," also chills individuals' right to run for re-election or to seek any other elective office within the state and, and establishes a de facto politically correct litmus test as a basis for serving in an elective office. Such a requirement, he said, constitutes a content-based restriction on free expression prohibited by the First Amendment. In a 1997 case directly related to the current lawsuit Chandler v. Miller, the U.S. Supreme Court held that Georgia's requirement that candidates for state office pass a drug test did not fit within the closely guarded category of suspicionless searches. While recognizing the state's commitment to the so-called "war on drugs," the Court said that subjecting public officials or candidates to such a search is unreasonable because Georgia asserts no evidence of a drug problem among the state's elected officials. Such officials, the Court said, typically do not perform high-risk, safety-sensitive tasks, and the urine test did not immediately aid interdiction efforts. The need revealed, in short, was symbolic, not "special" as that term's meaning comes from case law. Because public safety is not genuinely in jeopardy from drug-using candidates, the drug test "diminishes personal privacy for a symbol's sake" shielded by the Fourth Amendment. And in a 1995 Supreme Court case involving drug testing of student athletes, Vernonia School District v. Acton, the Court upheld the test but cautioned against the assumption that suspicionless drug testing could readily pass constitutional muster in other contexts. Cook said Louisiana's Act 1303 promotes no special need of the state to justify an intrusion into the privacy interests of public officials. Those subject to the "clean urine loyalty oath" are not usually employed in "safety-sensitive" positions, he noted. "We must put a stop this Orwellian nonsense now, before one publicly elected official has to stand in line and pee for the state beginning on January 1, 1999," he said. "Some people argue that if you don't use drugs, you have nothing to hide," Cook added. "But as former Supreme Court Justice Brandeis said, the 'right to be left alone is the most comprehensive of rights and right most valued by civilized (people).'" The ACLU's lawsuit was filed today in United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, Judge Ginger Berrigan presiding. Sam Dalton, a long-time ACLU cooperating attorney, will represent Mr. O'Neill, who is a Justice of the Peace for the Second District in Jefferson Parish. Named as defendants, in their official capacity and individually, are Governor Mike Foster; Louisiana State Board of Ethics members Chairman Robert Roland, Vice-Chairman Dr. Robert Bareikis, E.L. Guidry, Dr. Virgil Orr, Revius Ortique, Jr., T.O. Perry, Jr., Robert L. Sawyer, Nathan J. Thornton, Jr., Edwin O. Ware, III, Carole Cotton Winn; David W. Hood, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals; and, Mark C. Drennen, Commissioner of Administration.
------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIHC Annual Meeting In DC (A Press Release From The North American Industrial Hemp Council Publicizes Its Annual Membership Conference And Program Schedule November 5-7 In Washington, DC) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: DPFCA: Subject: NAIHC Annual Meeting in DC Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 12:07:16 PDT Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ Subject: NAIHC Annual Meeting in DC Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 14:14:28 -0400 From: Joe Hickey (agfuture@kih.net) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE North American Industrial Hemp Council Annual Membership Meeting and Conference to be Held November 5-7 in Washington DC. This third annual membership business meeting and conference of the North American Industrial Hemp Council (NAIHC) is your opportunity to learn more about annual industrial fiber crops and to interact with agricultural and industrial experts.The conference is November 5 - 7, 1998 at the Crowne Plaza in Washington, DC. We will exchange ideas, discuss opportunities, and explore the economic potential of industrial hemp for farmers and industry. The conference will allow farmers, researchers, industry, environmentalists, and public policy makers to form educational networks to advance industrial hemp as a renewable agricultural crop. Conference location and accommodations: Call by October 21 to reserve and receive the special conference blocked room rate at the Crowne Plaza. Mention NAIHC when you call. You are responsible for making your own lodging arrangements. Crowne Plaza, 800-227-6963 or 202-682-0111, 14th and K Street NW Washington, DC 20005, $110.18 per night. Travel A special discounted airfare to the annual meeting and conference in Washington DC, November 4-8, 1998, has been arranged through Burkhalter Travel in Madison, Wisconsin. Call Kimberly at 800-556-9286 extension 233, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Central Daylight Savings Time. Identify yourself as a NAIHC attendee. Kimberly, a full-service sales and travel counselor, will confirm and ticket desired travel arrangements. Burkhalter has negotiated with United Airlines to offer discounted fares to Washington DC, including Washington Dulles, Reagan National, and Baltimore Washington Airports. You will be eligible for discounts ranging from 5%-10% off of applicable flights. They are valid from any city in the United States or Canada serviced by United Airlines. Burkhalter guarantees the lowest applicable fares on any carrier at the time of reservations and ticketing, if United is not available or not preferred. Call Kimberly for full details and reservations. Conference registration fees: NAIHC Member $100 Non-Member $150 Exhibitors $300 (includes 1 pass & 8 foot skirted table/space is limited). Fees includes: Thursday - reception, Friday - lunch, reception, dinner, Saturday - lunch Additional information (WEB: www.naihc.org), contact: Theresa, email: conference@naihc.org, Tel: 608-224-5137, Fax: 608-224-5111 Schedule Thursday, November 5 12:00 Noon NAIHC Trade show exhibits (set-up) 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. NAIHC Annual Membership Business Meeting 5:30 - 7 p.m. Trade show exhibits and hemp appetizers Friday, November 6 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Trade show exhibits 7:30 a.m. Registration Moderator: Rep. Cynthia Thielen, Hawaii 8:30 a .m. Welcome 8:40 a.m. Importance of Hemp to Agriculture and Update on Canada"s 1998 Success Lorna Milne, Canadian Federal Senator 9:10 a.m. European Update Stuart Carpenter, United Kingdom 9:40 a.m. Agriculture Diversification/State Initiative, Rep. David Monson, North Dakota 10:10 a.m. Break Moderator: Geofrey Kime, Hempline, Inc.,Canada 10:25 a.m. Economic Impact of Industrial Hemp in Kentucky, Dr. Eric Thompson, University of Kentucky 10:50 a.m. Reintroduction of Industrial Hemp in North America, Edward "Ned" Daly, III, Resource Conservation Alliance, Washington, DC, Andy Kerr, The Larch Company, Oregon, Jeffrey Gain, Blue Ridge Company, Illinois 11:50 a.m. Lunch Moderator: Andrew Graves, President, Fayette County Farm Bureau & Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association, Leafland Farms 1:10 p.m. Farming Hemp Low THC Hemp Production - Stan Blade, New Crops Development, Alberta, Canada 1:50 p.m. A Growers Cooperative/Market Development, Francios Desanlis, La Chanvriere de l'Aube 2:30 p.m. Break Moderator: Curtis Koster, Malcolm Associates, New Jersey 2:50 p.m. Industrial Applications Automotive Applications - Jean Laprise, Kenex, Ltd., Ontario, Canada, Carpet Applications - Dr. Raymond Berard, Interface Research Corporation, Georgia, Utilizing Hemp on an Industrial Scale - Wm., "Bill" Miller, Miller Consulting Group, Mississippi 3:40 p.m. Hemp Processing, Mill Technology - Gero Leson, Leson Environmental Consulting, California 4:10 p.m. Hemp and Marijuana Distinguishing Between the Two Plants Dr. Paul Mahlberg, University of Indiana, Myths and Realities - Dr. David West 4:50 - 7:00 p.m. Trade show exhibits and reception 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Banquet Dinner - with hemp specialty foods Introduction: Erwin "Bud" Sholts, Wisconsin Speaker: Al Charr, Manitoba, Canada, "Hemp Development in Manitoba" Saturday, November 7 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Trade show exhibits 8:00 a.m. Registration Moderator: Kenneth Friedman, Attorney at Law, Washington 8:30 a.m. Paper Industry Utilization Paper Industry Perspective - Curtis Koster, Malcolm Associates, New Jersey Whole Stock Pulping for Paper - Medwick Byrd, Jr., State University, North Carolina 9:30 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. Rural Development and Sustainability Economic Development - Dr. David Morris, Institute for Local Self Reliance, Minnesota; Bio-Fuels and Energy - William Holmberg; Sustainable New-Wealth Industries International, Virginia Processing Infrastructure - Dr. Robert Armstrong; Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization (AARC) Corporation, Washington, DC, Moderator: John Roulac, HEMPTECH, California 11:00 a.m. Hempseed & Oil Hempseed Processing - Jean M. Laprise, Kenex, Ltd., Ontario, Canada; Hempola, From the Farm to the Retail Shelf - Greg Herriott, Hempola, Ontario, Canada; Market Opportunity - Ruth Shamai, R&D Hemp, Ontario, Canada 12:15 p.m. Lunch Moderator: Mrs. Gale M. Glenn, Kentucky Gov. Task Force on Hemp & Related Fibers 1:30 p.m. Marketing of Textiles Hugh McKee, Hemphabrics, Inc., New Jersey 1:50 p.m. Marketing Hemp Products - Food & Consumer Hemp Products - Anita Roddick, The Body Shop International DLC, West Sussex, UK; Hemp Foods - Richard Rose, The Hemp Corporation, California; Beverages - Marjorie McGinnis, Frederick Brewing Company, Maryland 2:50 p.m. Petition Status/Future Challenge Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate, Washington, DC 3:15 p.m. Conference Wrap-Up and Feedback Bud Sholts, Wisconsin Andy Kerr, Oregon 3:30 p.m. Adjourn NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HEMP COUNCIL (NAIHC) ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND CONFERENCE, NOVEMBER 5-7, 1998 Registration Form: Name Company/Farm Name Address City State/Province ZIP Country Telephone - - Fax - - Email Make checks payable to: NAIHC Conference registration fee* Mail to: PO Box 259329 $100 Member $ Madison, WI 53725 9329 $150 on-member $____________ $300 Exhibitor $ _____ Return this form and payment to NAIHC (FEIN # 39-1844357) by Friday, October 23, 1998. No receipt will be sent. *Add an extra $25 per person for late registrations after October 23.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Department Seeks FDA Regulatory Control Of Tobacco ('The Associated Press' Says The Department Has Asked A Federal Appeals Court In Richmond, Virginia, To Reverse The Decision Last Month By A Three-Judge Panel Of The Fourth US Circuit Court Of Appeals That The Food And Drug Administration Has No Authority To Regulate Tobacco) From: "W.H.E.N. - Bob Owen" (when@olywa.net) To: "-News" (when@hemp.net) Subject: Justice Dept seeks FDA control of tobacco Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 16:07:33 -0700 Sender: owner-when@hemp.net Source: Oregon Live Pubdate: 09/26/98 Online: http://flash.oregonlive.com Writer: The Associated Press NewJunkie: ccross@november.org Justice Department seeks FDA regulatory control of tobacco RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- The Justice Department has asked a federal appeals court to reverse its decision that the Food and Drug Administration has no authority to regulate tobacco A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that Congress did not give jurisdiction over tobacco products to the FDA. The ruling overturned an April 1997 decision by a federal judge who said the FDA could regulate nicotine as a drug and crack down on minors' access to cigarettes The latest decision was a sharp setback to the Clinton administration in its effort to curb teen smoking. On Friday, the Justice Department said the panel mistakenly applied the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, arguing that Congress defined "drugs" broadly without specifying any particular kinds "Courts should pay deference to an agency's interpretation of the statute that Congress has directed it to administer," the agency said in court papers seeking reconsideration of the ruling The FDA regulations, announced in 1996, require stores to demand photo identification from young cigarette purchasers and restrict cigarette vending machines to bars and other places off-limits to minors The regulations remain in effect during court appeals.
------------------------------------------------------------------- A Citizen's Guide To Influencing The Administration (Excellent Tips On Making Letters And Phone Calls Effective, From 20/20 Vision Education Fund, A Resource For Grassroots Activists Across The Country) Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 14:47:57 EDT Errors-To: jnr@insightweb.com Reply-To: friends@freecannabis.org Originator: friends@freecannabis.org Sender: friends@freecannabis.org From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (friends@freecannabis.org) Subject: Fwd: A Citizen's Guide to Influencing the Administration Subject: Tips on Making Letters and Phone Calls Effective From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Save Address Block Sender Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:05:51 EDT Tips on Making Letters and Phone Calls Effective (from http://www.2020vision.org/) *** Writing letters and making phone calls are simple and effective ways to change policy. Policy makers do pay attention - and change their minds and votes - when even a moderate number of constituents contact them on a single issue within a short period of time. So it is vitally important to respond to issues in a timely manner. Our experience shows that if someone puts off her or his phone call or letter for more than two or three days, it's put off indefinitely. So please act immediately. Here are a few tips on how to make your actions have the greatest impact. When You Write: *** * The more personal your letter is, the more influence it has. Say what's on your mind and in your heart. Use your own words wherever possible, but don't think you have to write like an expert to have influence. * Hand write your letter if your handwriting is legible. Mass computer generated mail is getting so sophisticated that it often looks like it's done by an individual. Handwritten letters are now the only way that a congressional office knows that the letter really comes from an individual constituent. If you prefer to type a letter, make sure you sign it and then add a handwritten P.S. * It's best to be brief, clear and specific. Keep your letter to one page if possible. * State your opinion and your specific request within the first few sentences. * Ask the policy maker to state her or his position in a response letter. * Do not say you are writing on behalf of a group or organization. Messages from individuals are more effective. * Be courteous and reasonable. Show respect for the policy makers you contact, even when you disagree with them. * Include your address on your letter; an envelope can get lost. When You Call: *** When calling legislators, it is best to try to speak to their specific aide, such as the health, arms control, environmental aide, etc. If they are not available, leave your name, address and a clear message with the person who answers the phone. You might begin by saying, "I'm Jane Doe calling from Anytown, and I'd like to leave a message for Congressperson Smith." State what issue you are calling about and what you want your legislator to do. You can ask for a written response to your message. Don't be intimidated. You don't have to be an expert to tell policy makers the priorities you think they should pursue. Some Optional Enhancements: *** * Describe briefly how the policy or legislation in question affects you personally or affects people where you live. * Enclose an article that has bearing on the policy or legislation in question. * If you have any personal association with the policy maker, let her or him know. Nothing is more effective in getting a policy maker's attention than letting them know you've worked on her or his campaign. * Use your business or organization letterhead stationery if you have any. * Legislators have informed us that phone calls and letters carry equal weight. * In general, try to avoid sending letters by fax. Many congressional offices find a fax intrusive and prefer letters that arrive by mail. * Write or call a second time. Follow-up letters can have a much stronger impact on policy makers and their aides than the initial communication. Thank the legislator for taking a correct stand or ask questions about any unsatisfactory answers they have given you. *** From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:06:09 EDT Subject: A Citizen's Guide to Influencing the Administration Beating the Bureaucracy A Citizen's Guide to Influencing the Administration (from http://www.2020vision.org/) *** Congress may write the laws, but it is up to the Administration, the President and its agencies, to execute the policies that affect every citizen."- White House staff member Introduction *** 20/20 Vision Education Fund has produced a resource for grassroots activists across the country on how citizens can most effectively influence the Administration. The Administration, or Executive branch, is made up of federal agencies which include departments with Secretaries who sit on the President's cabinet, agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the White House offices. In preparation for this report, 20/20 Vision staff interviewed over 25 Administration employees to gain insight from their experience and observations. Staff met with representatives from the White House, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of State, and Department of the Interior. Sample questions included: * What happens to letters sent to the White House or other agencies? * Does the Administration pay attention to letters to the editor published in newspapers? * What number of letters or calls gets the Administration's attention? * Is it better as a citizen to affiliate yourself with a national organization? * Which actions are the most effective: phone calls, letters, editorials? * What is the role of members of Congress in influencing Administration officials? Citizen lobbyists have become skilled in lobbying Congress. Influencing the Administration, however, proves more difficult than influencing Congress. There are several inherent difficulties in targeting the administration on current issues. Some of the differences include: * Administration agencies are highly bureaucratic and complex. The Administration is comprised of a constantly changing set of actors, and Administration staff directories are subject to changes right after publication. Not only do positions change from Administration to Administration, but during a President's term, political appointees resign or are reassigned. Thus, it is much harder to identify the appropriate Administration officials to whom you should direct your actions. Often it is unclear who is actually making the decisions and who is involved in the decision making process. * In addition, each agency is a separate entity operating independently of each other. Much like an individual business enterprise, each agency has its own hierarchy and methods for getting work accomplished. We found the agencies to be so compartmentalized that employees often do not interact with colleagues down the hall or know what tasks each division is responsible for. Because of this, responses to citizen requests take much longer to process in an agency than within a congressional office. * Administration agencies have no true constituency. Unlike members of Congress, who are accountable to the citizens who elected them, agencies do not have a public constituency. As a staff member pointed out, the Secretary of Defense has a constituency of one, the President. Therefore, Administration staff are not under the same political pressure to respond to inquiries or appeals. * Administration agencies' tracking systems for letters and phone calls differ widely. Unlike Congress, where correspondence is tracked, tallied, and responded to, most agencies are not equipped to handle large volumes of mail or phone calls. Because of this, phone calls are often not returned and letters may not be answered. These factors make contacting and communicating with the Administration extremely challenging, but not impossible. Throughout our research we were repeatedly told that the Administration needs to hear from concerned citizens. "Tell citizens to keep writing. The Administration needs to hear what the public is saying," said an EPA staff member. This guide is designed to help citizens overcome the challenges and determine the most effective ways to communicate with and influence the Administration. Several common themes emerged from 20/20 Vision Education Fund interviews with different Administration employees. Although the agencies varied widely, all agreed that the most effective means for attracting the attention of the Administration are to: * Work with your members of Congress; * Take advantage of regional offices; * Use the media; and * Utilize channels unique to the Administration. *** The President must veto a bill within ten days after it is submitted and return it to Congress with a message stating his reasons. Congress may try to override his veto and enact the bill into law. The override of a veto requires a recorded vote with a two-thirds majority voting in both the House and Senate. Citizens can write to the President encouraging him to veto a piece of legislation that is coming to him for a signature. In addition, citizens can contact their member of Congress to vote for or against the override of a veto. * Executive Orders. This critical instrument of active presidential power is nowhere defined in the Constitution, but generally is construed as a directive that becomes law without prior congressional approval. Executive orders usually pertain specifically to government agencies and officials, but their effects often reach to the average citizen. For example, Lyndon Johnson in 1965 required firms that win federal government contracts to create programs for hiring more minorities, thus significantly affecting private sector employment practices. There are no specific constitutional procedures for issuing executive orders, but the text of all executive orders must be published in the Federal Register. An executive order addresses the Executive branch across the board, is long term (may carry over from one Administration to the next), and is public. For example, such executive orders have included: * requiring the federal government to use recycled paper, to convert 11,000 federal vehicles from gasoline to alternative fuels, and to utilize energy efficient computers. * promoting "environmental justice," aimed at controlling hazardous substances in communities regardless of race or economic circumstances. Proposed executive orders can originate from almost anywhere in the Executive branch. A few are composed directly in the White House, but most emanate from various agencies. Some orders, such as those affecting another nation, may be written at the explicit instruction of the President, but most are composed by career staff personnel in the agencies to implement federal regulations or propose new rules or procedures. Executive orders by nature exclude Congress from the process of decision making, often leaving the legislature to catch up after the fact. Citizens can contact the President and request an executive order to be produced. Another instrument, which usually deals with national security issues, is called a Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) and gives specific instructions to a limited number of agencies. Although classified, often the language of presidential directives gets leaked to the press prior to being officially approved and signed by the President. Citizens can write the Administration during the period when a PDD is being debated. For example, when the Administration reviewed its arms transfer policy, citizens wrote to the President to express an alternative position. "People on the ground writing letters provide a highly valuable tool for getting the word out to policy makers." - Department of the Interior staff member Keep in mind letters can be used as reinforcement to back up or determine an agency policy. For example, if an agency has not yet determined its internal position, stacks of citizen letters may be used to show public opinion or support and persuade department personnel to select the public stance exhibited in the letters. A Department of Energy staff member recalled, "When the department was undecided on its position, a stack of citizen letters helped the secretary reach a decision." When you write keep in mind: * Format. Unlike sending handwritten notes to Congress, letters should be typed (if possible), include full name, phone number and address, and a specific request or questions regarding the Administration's policy or position. Your message should be clear, focused, thoughtful, and concise. * Influential Author. A letter from an organization or well known individual carries more clout than a letter from an average citizen. Also, a letter from an unlikely supporter of a position will get noticed. For example, a letter from a retired army general in favor of reducing the military budget will get noticed, because this viewpoint is unexpected. * Give Praise. When the Administration has listened to citizen input or has taken a position that you agree with, let the Administration know. "When people write they are usually complaining about something. The President needs to get positive mail too to show support of his policies. People should write to support him as well as complain or comment," explained a White House staff member. * Raise New Issues. Write letters to the Administration in support of an issue and bring attention to something not currently being addressed. For example, citizens wrote to the Administration to highlight an upcoming international population conference asking for the Administration to become involved and make public its position. *** On Calls to the Administration *** Unlike calling your member of Congress, Administration offices are not all equipped to deal with large volumes of phone calls. Staff members pointed out that they tend to get "overwhelmed" by calls. Within the bureaucracy of each agency there is not an assigned receptionist to field citizen phone calls. "We just don't have the secretarial support to cover calls," reported a Department of Defense staff member. Furthermore, it is often difficult to find the right person to speak with in Administration agencies. Calls to senior officials are not likely to be returned, unless a well known individual calls. The vast majority of Administration staff recommended writing rather than calling to increase the chances that your inquiry receives attention and generates a response. "Calls from citizens won't be returned; messages are taken," explained a Department of Energy staff member. The general practice in all agencies is to take messages. The EPA was the only agency that recommended phone calls from citizens. If you only have time to call, ask a specific question (such as the deadline for comments to a public docket) rather than trying to influence Administration decisions and policy. Identifying who your letter or call should be directed to is an important step in the process. When interviewing Administration staff, we consistently heard four themes: * Consider Politics. Many times political strategists are the decision makers versus technical policy people. Political people especially influence the President's position. Such people include the President's senior advisors, strategists, and the Chief of Staff. Citizens should look to newspaper articles and weekend talk shows to determine who is making policy decisions and providing input to the Administration's policy initiatives. Technical people for the most part do not rely on citizen input. For example, many of the issues covered by the Department of Defense are technical and complex in nature. It is difficult for citizens to provide valued input or opinion, unless a citizen has specific issue expertise. * Cast the Net Broadly. When targeting the Administration, citizens should "cast the net broadly" within each agency, pointed out a Department of Energy staff member. In other words, hit the worker bee level as well as the top level of management. Send a letter with copies to employees at various levels of the hierarchy. This ensures that your inquiry will get noticed by someone. * Potential Allies. Citizens should attempt to select target(s) who might be swayed or who are undecided on an issue and need to be persuaded. Just like targeting potential "swing voters" in Congress on a particular piece of legislation, citizens should try to identify undecided decision makers. Read the paper to gather useful information such as position changes and who is influencing the President on a particular issue. * Double Impact. Citizens may want to write to the Secretary of an agency as well as to the President. As one EPA staff member said, "both is better." When doing so, a citizen should send separately addressed letters. What happens to letters you send to the President? *** "What's different about the Clinton Administration, is that they answer mail, unlike previous Administrations." - Volunteer, White House mailroom The White House told us that letters to the White House are sorted by topic, and are entered into a main computer. Answers have been previously formulated and approved by the President. However, if a letter details an unusual firsthand experience, that citizen will likely receive a personal answer. "The President receives between 40,000 to 60,000 letters per week," explained a staff member of the White House Office of Correspondence. Letter readers give the President 10-15 letters a week to read. Fifty percent of the letter readers in the White House are volunteers. If the White House receives form letters or campaign generated postcards, responses are not sent. If an individual writes several times on the same topic, he/she will receive only one response. Unlike Administration agencies, typed and handwritten letters addressed to the White House receive the same amount of attention. Citizens, if they are the leaders of a local organization or chapter of a national organization, should note their affiliated organization when addressing the President. Otherwise noting your organization is not recommended, as it will draw attention to the fact that your letter is part of an orchestrated letter writing campaign. Like Congress, the Administration may discount letters it believes are part of a manufactured campaign. However, it is effective for groups to band together when writing the President. Several may wish to write and sign a joint letter, thus showing broad support for the issue. The tracking of letters is very sophisticated at the White House. According to a Department of State staff member, when he attends meetings at the White House, "the staff members are aware of the number of letters they are receiving or not receiving on a particular issue." What happens when you e-mail the President? *** Communicating by Computer * Electronic Mail (e-mail) You can e-mail the President at: president@whitehouse.gov You can e-mail the Vice President at: vicepresident@whitehouse.gov * Visit the White House on-line You can also access the White House using the World Wide Web. This site provides a graphical interface and allows your to send e-mail to the White House. "Welcome to the White House: An Interactive Citizens' Handbook" can be visited at: http://www2.whitehouse.gov/ This Web site or "home page" offers citizens the opportunity to direct comments to the President or Vice President. By selecting the "comments" item on the World Wide Web home page, a screen entitled "speak out" appears. The citizen is asked questions, such as his/her e-mail address and if he/she is writing on behalf of an organization. In addition, a citizen can choose to indicate the purpose, general topic (such as environment or defense), and major subject of the message. According to the Director of Correspondence for the President, the President has received thousands of messages from people all over the world since coming on-line in 1993. A detailed report is provided to both the President and Vice President based on the number and type of e-mail messages received. To facilitate contact with either the President or Vice President, try to write short and concise messages, address only one issue per message, and send only one copy of your message. Shortly after you send your message, you will receive an electronic acknowledgment that the message was successfully accepted and is being forwarded to the White House. You will not receive an electronic response to your inquiry. However, if you supply your standard mailing address, a reply to your comment will be sent via the U.S. Postal Service. What happens to your phone calls to the President? *** "If you really want your opinion to get to the President, the White House comment line is an effective way to express your opinion." - White House staff member, Greetings Office The White House has a comment line available Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST (202/456-1111). The comment line begins with a survey of recent topical issues, such as healthcare or gun control. Callers are given a choice of responding to the survey or bypassing it and simply leaving a message or speaking to an operator. The comment line receives over 2,000 calls every day. The calls are tallied and a summary is given to the President daily. *** Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:45:34 -0400 To: dpfca@drugsense.org From: Richard Lake (rlake@mapinc.org) Subject: Re: DPFCA: Fwd: Tips on How to Use the Media Effectively Sender: owner-dpfca@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfca@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/dpfca/ At 11:59 AM 9/28/98 PDT, ralph sherrow wrote: > >From: FilmMakerZ@aol.com >Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:05:41 EDT >Subject: Tips on How to Use the Media Effectively [snip] Super tips! Thanks! A great many more can be found at: http://www.mapinc.org/3tips.htm And the links from the above page. After all, using the media is the reason the Media Awareness Project of DrugSense was started. Richard Lake Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest email: rlake@DrugSense.org http://www.DrugSense.org/drugnews/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Pose As Drug Dealers In Cocaine Sting ('The Vancouver Sun' Says Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers Took Advantage Of Controversial New Regulations Allowing Them To Break Drug Laws If They Are Investigating A Crime In Order To Carry Out A 'Reverse Sting' In Richmond, British Columbia, Where They Charged Three Men With Conspiracy To Traffic In Cocaine And Seized $1.2 Million In Cash) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 18:45:10 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Police Pose As Drug Dealers In Cocaine Sting Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Source: Vancouver Sun (Canada) Contact: sunletters@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouversun.com/ Author: Chad Skelton POLICE POSE AS DRUG DEALERS IN COCAINE STING In the largest case of its kind in Canada, RCMP officers working under controversial new regulations that allow police to pose as drug dealers charged three men with conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and seized $1.2 million in cash. Police described the men arrested Thursday night in Richmond as associates of a local motorcycle gang. On Friday police showed the media large stacks of seized $20, $50 and $100 bills. The "reverse sting" investigation -- in which undercover officers arranged a meeting in Richmond with suspects they had learned were in the market for 50 kilograms of cocaine -- was made possible by a change in police enforcement regulations by the federal justice department last year. That change effectively lets officers break drug laws if they are investigating a crime. RCMP spokesman Sergeant Russ Grabb was blunt in describing the impact of the new rules: "We have done reverse stings before, but they have been ruled illegal by the courts. . . . Police are now allowed to engage in what would otherwise be, technically, an unlawful act -- drug trafficking -- in order to collect evidence." As recently as this June, several charges were stayed against admitted marijuana dealer Frederick Creswell after B.C. Supreme Court Justice Mary Humphries ruled a money-laundering sting, in which RCMP officers operated a currency exchange, was an illegal act. The Crown is appealing the verdict. The police enforcement regulations, which came into force on May 15, 1997, specifically mention, in an attached analysis, that problems in previous court cases "accentuated the need for legislation to provide explicit authority for police to engage in conduct that might otherwise be illegal." John Conroy, the Abbotsford lawyer who represents Creswell, said the regulations give police wide latitude to engage in criminal activity. "They're exempted from all the [drug] offences. They can grow it, traffic it, cultivate it and produce it -- everything you can think of. . . . It frightens me." Grabb said "no cocaine was actually delivered to the suspects in this case" and that it is RCMP policy not to add drugs into the system. Sergeant Chuck Doucette of the force's drug awareness program, would only say that selling drugs is "something we would not do if we could avoid it." Because the new police powers fall under justice department regulations, not legislation, they were not debated in Parliament. A justice department librarian in Vancouver had trouble even finding a copy of them, noting press releases aren't usually sent out on these types of changes. "The bureaucrats in Ottawa brought forward the amendments," Conroy said. "I doubt very much that there was much public debate." For their part, police argue the new rules are an essential tool in the fight against drugs. "Historically, we've posed as drug purchasers," Grabb said, and dealers are the lowest rung in criminal organizations. The best way to destabilize criminal groups is to take out the leaders, he said. And while drug bosses leave the selling of small amounts of drugs to others, they take a more active interest in a million dollars' worth of cocaine. But while police say the new rules let them catch the big fish, Conroy argues it allows them to catch small fry, too. The new powers provide no restriction on how big the case needs to be, he said, so police could theoretically use the rules to entrap individuals buying drugs for recreational use. Grabb said the RCMP has no interest in targeting individuals. "Our mandate is to target high-level drug dealers and organized crime only." Another recent change to the Controlled Drug and Substances Act was legislation allowing police to seize the "proceeds of crime," such as the money and property of drug dealers, to put those proceeds into law enforcement funds. The money seized this week will not go into police coffers -- because every last bill is evidence of the crime itself -- until a judge rules what to do with it. The arrest was the result of a 10-month undercover operation that involved more than 40 officers. Those facing charges are: John Terzakis, 30, of Vancouver, Greg James Hinchcliffe, 33, of Ridge Meadows and Sidney Gordon Dallas, 40, of Surrey.
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Last Days Of The War On Drugs (Occasional Toronto 'Globe And Mail' Columnist Gwynne Dyer Comments On The Recent London Symposium, 'Regulating Cannabis - Options For Control In The 21st Century,' And Other Reform Developments Around The World, Saying That As Far As The Technical And Philosophical Debate Is Concerned, The War Is Over; We Just Haven't Declared A Ceasefire On The Actual Battlefronts Yet - But That Is Coming Too) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 09:30:38 EDT From: Carey Ker (carey.ker@utoronto.ca) Subject: Canada: The last days of the war on drugs To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Source: The Globe and Mail, September 26, 1998, F4 Newshawk:carey.ker@utoronto.ca contact: letters@GlobeAndMail.ca Author: Gwynne Dyer The last days of the war on drugs At an international symposium on regulating cannabis held in London, there was the obligatory pony-tailed man conspicuously smoking a roach. But the besuited delegates completely ignored him. Which is what most of them propose doing at a policy level about the whole marijuana 'problem.' Saturday, September 26, 1998 GWYNNE DYER I noticed the ashtray winking up at me as soon as I sat down at the table. I was having dinner at an auberge at the far end of L'Ile d'Orleans, and it seemed to be saying: "This is Quebec, where we aren't afraid to live and we aren't afraid to die. You can have an after-dinner cigarette here if you want." I did want, as it happens. I started smoking at nine and quit in my late 30s, but after-dinner cigarettes were always the best, and very occasionally I do make an exception. So I got a pack of Players Light from the bar and lit one up -- and it hit me, as it always does, far harder than if I had just lit up a joint. Regular tobacco smokers don't know what they're missing, because regular use dulls the effect; most of the time, they're just feeding the addiction. But if your system is really clear of nicotine, the first two or three puffs don't just taste good; your vision sharpens, your whole body buzzes, and you're floating three or four inches off the ground. Then the whole effect clears within minutes of putting the cigarette out. If it wasn't so addictive, if addiction didn't ruin the effect - and if it didn't kill so many of its users - tobacco would be the ideal recreational drug. Marijuana (or cannabis, to be technical) is not addictive and it's not a health problem, but it has drawbacks too. Much the same ones as alcohol, in fact: The high lasts an inconveniently long time, and temporarily affects judgment in ways that make it incompatible with driving, for example. Marijuana doesn't have the same association with violent behaviour as alcohol, and it would be equally foolish and futile to try to ban it, but, like alcohol, it clearly needs to be regulated; no sales to under-18s, for example. Except that marijuana is illegal. Over the past three decades there have been more than a million drug arrests in Canada, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Canadians getting criminal records after conviction for possessing small amounts of cannabis. We assume that Canada, unlike, say, Arkansas, does not send people to jail just for cannabis possession, but last year an estimated 2,000 Canadians did go to jail for just that offence (though many of them were people unable to pay the fines that were originally imposed). Relax. This is not yet another article about how we ought to legalize banned drugs in order to cut the crime rate and save addicts' lives. I used to write pieces about that, but now I don't bother. As far as the technical and philosophical debate is concerned, the war is over; we just haven't declared a ceasefire on the actual battlefronts yet. But that is coming too. One sign that the "war on drugs" is nearing an end is the willingness of mainstream newspapers in Canada, Europe and even the United States to open their columns to informed advocates of legalization in ways that would have been unimaginable 10 years ago. (The most recent examples in The Globe and Mail were articles by then business columnist Terence Corcoran and by Eugene Oscapella and Diane Riley of the Canadian Centre for Drug Policy.) But the most convincing evidence for impending change is that experts in the field are now moving on from mere advocacy to discussing how drug use should be regulated after the war ends. Which brings us, in roundabout fashion, to the international symposium on Regulating Cannabis: Options for Control in the 21st Century, held at Regent's College in London on Sept. 5. In the coffee room there was the obligatory pony-tailed, middle-aged man conspicuously smoking a roach behind a table with leaflets on it -- but there was only one, and the besuited participants from 14 countries completely ignored him. Which is also what most of them propose doing at a policy level about the whole marijuana "problem." As Benedikt Fischer of the Drug Policy Research Group at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto put it: "It is a waste of energy at this point to go for formal political and legal reform." This was the central paradox at the symposium: Almost everybody present agreed that "depenalization," decriminalization, even de facto legalization of marijuana use was coming to many countries in practice, but almost none believed that it would be achieved through the usual means of changing bad laws. A lot of the people present were lawyers, and they clearly didn't like this. Most of them would prefer to deal with regulating hitherto banned drugs in the same rational, straightforward way that the U.S. ended alcohol prohibition in 1933: American lawmakers just passed the 21st Amendment to cancel the 18th Amendment, made new laws about where and when and to whom alcohol may be sold, and then taxed the hell out of it. It was an approach that accepted that lots of people would still suffer from alcohol abuse -- but at least they would no longer go blind or die from poisonously bad alcohol, and the criminal black market that thrived on prohibition would be closed down. As soon as the various panelists in London got into the nuts and bolts of post-prohibition policies for marijuana, however, they all had to acknowledge the same problem: In the course of this century, American anti-drug crusaders have exploited their country's growing clout to turn international law into an almost insuperable legal barrier to rational drug policy. It might make sense to legalize marijuana use, but you can't. As late as 1900, all the drugs that we are now called to fight a "drug war" against were perfectly legal. Everybody knows the story behind Coca-Cola's early success, but the use of barbiturates in modest quantities was equally acceptable on the other side of the Atlantic. Opium, sold freely in pharmacies in Britain, was the valium of the Victorian middle class. And the 1912 Hague Convention for the Suppression of Opium and Other Drugs, arising from a U.S. initiative three years before, was an unmitigated disaster for A.R. Clark's pharmacy in Braemar, Scotland, which had previously done a thriving business in supplying heroin, cocaine and other drugs to the Royal Family round the corner at Balmoral Castle. But the real war on drugs only got under way after the Second World War, when America's undisputed superpower status enabled it to impose its prohibitionist domestic policies on the rest of the world as well. The 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances (to ban new drugs that hadn't existed in 1961), and the 1988 UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (to close loopholes and criminalize even cannabis possession) constitute a towering wall of prohibition. The Single Conventions not only block the outright legalization of drugs, but also render most "harm-reduction" policies (maintenance doses of heroin and methadone, needle exchanges and safe injection rooms, decriminalization of possession and retail sale of small amounts of cannabis) of doubtful legality. Yet there is no hope of dismantling or substantially amending the Single Conventions until the United States is ready to end its "war on drugs," and it will almost certainly be the last to kick the habit. There are stirrings of revolt against prohibitionist policies even in the United States, things like the 1996 referendum in California that legalized the medical uses of marijuana (principally for pain relief in AIDS and cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis). Similar referenda will be held in November in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington D.C. But the federal government has fought back by raiding the "cannabis buyers' clubs" that have been set up to provide marijuana to patients too ill to grow it themselves. (The city of Oakland, California, in response, has tried to afford legal protection by designating some club members as "municipal officials.") Change will doubtless come to the U.S., but so many Americans -- bureaucrats, police, prison guards -- now make their living from the war on drugs that they constitute an institutional pressure group similar to (though less wealthy than) the celebrated military-industrial complex. This often results in active U.S. disinformation efforts like the suppression early this year of a key chapter in the World Health Organization's first report on cannabis in 15 years, which originally concluded that cannabis, compared to alcohol and tobacco, posed less of a threat to health. (The respected journal New Scientist published a leaked version of the report in February.) It is dangerous for even the most prominent and respected Americans to question the wisdom of the war on drugs: Former Secretary of State George Shultz was vilified and ridiculed, and Attorney-General M. Jocelyn Elders lost her job. So one must not expect early movement within the U.S. federal government on these issues, and until that happens there is not a snowball's chance in hell of changing the Single Conventions. So what is the rest of the world to do in the meantime? The answer, put bluntly, is to cheat. And the cheating is happening. All over Europe, and now in Canada, initiatives are being taken that get around rigid and immovable anti-drug laws under the guise of medical and public-health experiments, or simply turn a blind eye to actual practice while leaving the draconian anti-drug laws on the books. The oldest and best-known example is the Dutch "coffee shop" system. It began in 1976, when the Dutch government adopted a policy of separating the soft and hard drug markets by turning a blind eye to the emergence of "coffee shops" that openly sell retail quantities of cannabis and hash to their (over-18) customers. Dutch law still officially makes marijuana possession an offence (though not one subject to criminal penalties), but in fact there are now an estimated 1,500 of these "coffee shops" all over the country, some operated by municipalities. Nobody gets arrested, the government collects value-added tax (a GST, that is) on the sales, and the black market for marijuana has shrivelled up. In 1992-96, only 7.2 per cent of Dutch youths aged 12-15 had tried marijuana, compared to 13.5 per cent of Americans of the same age. For a long time the Dutch were virtually alone apart from Spain, which decriminalized private use of marijuana in 1983, but now they are being emulated all over the place. French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin has declared himself in favour of decriminalization, as have the Belgian government and the Luxembourg parliament. In April, the Italian government finally stated that it would act on the 1992 referendum in which Italians voted to decriminalize personal drug use. The German state of Schleswig-Holstein is planning a three-year pilot program to sell up to five grams of marijuana per day through pharmacies to over-16 participants in one big city, one small town and one rural area, with the idea of spreading the system state-wide if results are satisfactory; the council of health ministers from all of the country's states has approved the plan in principle. The Swiss have allowed 200 "hemp shops" to open in the past two years. They sell 12-gram bags of marijuana for 50 francs -- with printed instructions that it is to be mixed into bathwater or hung in clothes closets as an aromatic. In Australia, the Northern Territory, the state of South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory moved to on-the-spot fines for cannabis possession that involve no criminal record years ago, and this year the states of Victoria and Western Australia are adopting simple "caution" systems. And in Canada, where a recent poll found that a narrow majority of 51 per cent favour decriminalizing marijuana, the Vancouver police, until recently the Canadian leaders for marijuana busts (260 per 100,000 people, compared to 41 and 43 per 100,000 in Toronto and Montreal, respectively), have announced that they will only press charges for simple possession if there are no aggravating factors. Not surprisingly, there is a parallel movement in a number of countries toward the so-called British system of prescribing heroin for addicts who are not ready or able to quit. The Swiss have been running a pilot program with about 1,000 volunteers since 1994, with excellent results: Criminal offences by participants dropped by 60 per cent, their health improved enormously, the number in regular employment more than doubled, there were no deaths from overdoses, and no prescribed drugs were diverted to the black market. The Netherlands, Spain and Luxembourg are planning similar heroin-prescription programs, and the League of Cities in Germany has petitioned the federal government for leave to do the same, with support from the police chiefs in 10 of Germany's 12 biggest cities. A majority of Australia's state health ministers approved a heroin prescription trial last year, but were blocked by Prime Minister John Howard (who faces an election next month). Vancouver is considering a similar program, which would be a first in North America. "Filling prisons or hospital beds with substance abusers does not make any public policy sense," said police chief Bruce Chambers in a July press conference, while chief coroner Larry Campbell stated bluntly: "It's time someone stepped forward and said the war on drugs is lost. We cannot even pretend to be winning the war." No less an authority than Raymond Kendall, secretary-general of Interpol, said in 1994: "The prosecution of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens every year is both hypocritical and an affront to individual, civil and human rights . . . Drug use should no longer be a criminal offence." But given the power of the U.S. government and the international legal barriers it has erected, nobody is able to sign a separate peace in this war. What they are doing, instead, is deserting one by one. Gwynne Dyer, a Canadian-born writer based in London, is a regular contributor to Focus.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hemp Production Goes Into Rehabilitation ('The Ottawa Sun' Notes Recalcitrant Agriculture Officials Have Made It Difficult For Canadian Hemp Farmers To Expand Their Production This Year As Much As Hoped) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 06:51:48 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Canada: Hemp Production Goes Into Rehabilitation Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Pubdate: September 26, 1998 Source: Ottawa Sun (Canada) Contact: oped@sunpub.com Website: http://www.canoe.ca/OttawaSun/ Author: Tom Van Dusen HEMP PRODUCTION GOES INTO REHABILITATION KEMPTVILLE -- John Madill is a mild-mannered agronomist based at Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology who specializes in soybeans, forages, small fruits such as strawberries, and "oddball crops." Soft-spoken Madill might have been the last guy to anticipate that he'd ever be asked to undergo a criminal record check during the normal course of his agricultural duties. But that's exactly happened to Madill after he applied to Health Canada to become an official sampler for an oddball crop of long, tall plants with familiar-looking serrated leaves beginning to dot the countryside. That crop is hemp which, although fully authorized for industrial production earlier this year, is still treated with deep suspicion by skittish federal officials -- many of whom never wanted it legalized in the first place -- wary of its age-old association to kissing-cousin cannabis. Banned 60 years ago, hemp was only cleared for a return to the Canadian agricultural scene after months of badgering by the Senate and an intervention by Health Minister Allan Rock. Under duress, reluctant bureaucrats finally consented to prepare the necessary regulations. These servants of the people had stalled shamelessly for close to two years despite the fact parliamentarians had passed Bill C-8 permitting renewed cultivation of the once acclaimed Canadian crop. When the officials said they needed another year, the Senate and Rock heaved the book at them. But they still made it almost impossible to grow hemp this year. Not only were prospective hemp farmers required to demonstrate no criminal record, they were swamped by a mound of complex licensing paperwork at the eleventh hour when they should have been out planting. As of June 30 this year, Health Canada's Therapeutic Products Directorate had issued 262 licenses across the country to grow hemp for commercial and research purposes. That was about 100 licenses less than the number of applications received. In all, 2507 hectares were licensed for cultivation although the directorate has no way of knowing how many hectares actually went into production. Going by reports from various farm agencies, the complicated approval system resulted in many licensees failing to get a crop in the ground. Hemp was banned after authorities decided it was too difficult to differentiate between the branch of the family with psychoactive THC and the branch without it. Unfortunately, three generations of Canadians lost the benefits of THC-free hemp and the oil derived from its seed, a valuable renewable resource useful in manufacturing building materials, textiles, rope, carpet, soap, cosmetics, paint ... even automobile components. In placing so many restrictions on hemp's return to credibility, the current crop of bureaucrats is obviously having as much trouble as their forefathers in separating two branches of the same family tree. And just in case anyone missed the point it ain't going to be easy to grow hemp in this country, before legally selling a crop a farmer is required at his expense to have the THC content verified. A level higher than .3% and ... she's starting to smell like wacky tabaccy, boys! That's where John Madill comes in. At a $25 cost to himself, Madill underwent a cop check which ascertained -- just as he suspected -- that he has no criminal record. Madill's successful application made him the only person in Eastern Ontario authorized to sample and transport hemp. He is one of only a few such samplers in the province as hemp production takes a few hobbled steps back into the sunlight. Why did Madill swallow principle and go through the aggravation? "Because a grower called looking for the service and there was nobody else," he explained, adding Kemptville College felt it should get involved at this stage in case markets fall into place for hemp and it returns to some semblance of its glory days as premier crop. Following directions in a technical manual issued by the federal directorate, Madill will retrieve hemp samples when requested by a farmer and ship them off to federal laboratories in Toronto or Winnipeg where they're tested for THC. Each sample costs the producer $135 which includes a final report from Madill. So far, the agronomist said, he has only been charging mileage for his personal services. And so far, he's only been called into action twice, once for Marvelville's Jeff MacDougall whose organically grown hemp suffered from extensive moisture damage, and once for Pontiac County growers who planted 12 acres as a pilot project. In both cases, the sampler said, the hemp came in under the magic 0.3% THC. So, despite the worst efforts of the ever-vigilant federal bureaucracy -- which, to its credit, claims to be looking at ways of streamlining the application process -- hemp is still taking a bit of a foothold in its first year back from disgrace. And get this! While the new-age officials seem to be concerned that marijuana will somehow get mixed in with the hemp, Madill says pot can't be successfully planted in a hemp field because the amount of pollen produced by hemp negatively effects THC levels. The feds should put that in their pipe and smoke it! Copyright (c) 1998, Canoe Limited Partnership.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexican Drug Agents Held For 'Kidnapping' (A 'New York Times' Article In 'The International Herald-Tribune' Says Two Mexican Prohibition Agents Who Were Part Of An Anti-Drug Unit That Works Closely With US Officials Were Preparing To Buy A Ton Of Marijuana From Tijuana Traffickers As Part Of A Buy-And-Bust Operation When They Were Arrested By Baja California State Policemen Summoned By One Of The Traffickers) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 18:44:50 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US/Mexico: Mexican Drug Agents Held for 'Kidnapping' Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Peter Webster Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Source: International Herald Tribune Contact: iht@iht.com Website: http://www.iht.com/ Author: NYTimes MEXICAN DRUG AGENTS HELD FOR 'KIDNAPPING' TIJUANA, Mexico---In a new case raising friction between American and Mexican law enforcement officials, two Mexican drug enforcement agents are in jail here on kidnapping charges that appear to have been trumped up by corrupt police officers working with traffickers. The two Mexican agents, part of an anti-drug unit that works closely with U.S. officials, were preparing to buy a ton of marijuana from Tijuana traffickers as part of a buy-and-bust operation when they were arrested by Baja California state policemen who were summoned by one of the traffickers. The traffickers, a father and son, have made protection payments to the state police, according to sworn testimony and Mexican and American government documents in court files here. "The whole thing smells," said an American official farniliar with the case. Several U.S. officials portrayed the arrest as the latest example of how pervasive corruption frustrates attempts to work with Mexican law enforcement. The U.S. officials are particularly perplexed because several Mexican Federal Police took part alongside the state police in arresting men who are, technically, their own colleagues.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Massacre Survivor Gets Injunction (An 'Associated Press' Article In 'The Orange County Register' Says The Unconscious Fermin Castro, An Alleged Drug Trafficker Who Survived A Massacre Of His Extended Family In Ensenada, Has Received A Court Injunction To Keep Him From Being Taken Out Of The Hospital Where He Is Under Heavy Military Guard - The Order Also Protects Castro From Arrest By Federal, State Or City Police) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 20:01:27 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Mexico: Massacre Survivor Gets Injunction Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ MASSACRE SURVIVOR GETS INJUNCTION MEXICO CITY - An alleged drug trafficker who survived a massacre of his extended family has received a court injunction to keep him from being taken out of the hospital where he is under heavy military guard, newspapers reported Friday. The order also protects Fermin Castro from possible arrest by federal, state or city police. Police believe Castro was the target of the Sept. 17 attack, in which 18 children, women and men were gunned down at a ranch near Ensenada. Castro was shot in the head and remains in a coma at a Ensenada hospital. His sister, who asserts Castro is a rancher not a drug trafficker, requested the court injunction. The daily La Jornada newspaper reported Friday that a fourth person - a 17-year-old cousin of Castro's - survived the massacre by hiding in a mobile home at the ranch. Police previously had said there were three survivors: Castro, a pregnant teen-age girl who hid under a bed, and a boy who was wounded during the massacre. Copyright 1998 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Gangs Devastate Indian Villages In Baja ('The New York Times' Says Illegal Drug Traffickers Are Taking Advantage Of The Traditional Conflicts That Have Plagued Native Indian Communities In Baja Mexico, Leading To The Killings Last Week Of Two Entire Families From The Pai-Pai Ethnic Group, Along With A Household Of Neighbors, Who Were Dragged From Their Homes And Shot To Death In A Driveway In Ensenada) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 08:42:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Mexico: NYT: Drug Gangs Devastate Indian Villages In Baja Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Galasyn Source: New York Times (NY) Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: 26 Sep 1998 Author: Sam Dillon DRUG GANGS DEVASTATE INDIAN VILLAGES IN BAJA CALIFORNIA SANTA CATARINA, Mexico -- After five centuries of killing and pestilence that began with the Spanish conquest, only a few hundred of Baja California's indigenous people are left alive. And now they are being hunted down and killed by drug traffickers. The violence began two years ago when the leader of an indigenous village that resisted traffickers' efforts to take over communal lands for drug cultivation was gunned down, along with another Indian, in an ambush along a rural road. While some have resisted, other Indians have been seduced by the quick fortunes that can reward those who manage desert airstrips or offer other services to the drug cartels. And that has resulted in a string of killings in the Indian communities that cling to the arid hills 60 miles south of the California border. The violence took on horrifying new dimensions last week when two entire families of Indians from the Pai-Pai ethnic group, along with a household of neighbors, were dragged from their homes and shot to death in a driveway in Ensenada, a coastal city to which some Indians have migrated. It was Mexico's worst incident of drug-related bloodshed in memory. "We're not many Pai-Pai, and this has devastated our community," said Armando Gonzalez, the commissioner of communal lands in Santa Catarina, waving across the horizon of wooden huts and cactus that make up this desert hamlet where seven of the massacre victims were buried Sunday. "For us there's never been anything so calamitous." Few institutions or communities in Mexico are being spared the effects of the multibillion-dollar drug industry, and even the most remote indigenous communities are no exception. "The traffickers are taking advantage of the traditional conflicts that have plagued these communities, and that is undermining the fragile sense of cohesion that exists," said Everardo Garduno Ruiz, a graduate student at Arizona State University who wrote a book about Baja California's indigenous communities. The Jesuit missionaries who explored Baja California in the 16th century estimated the native population at 50,000. The Catholic Church persecuted the Pai-Pai and speakers of four other indigenous languages, labeling their traditional healers as pagans. The Indians resisted all efforts to transform them into sedentary farmers until the 1930s, when the government finally forced them onto communal lands. Today only about 1,000 Baja California natives are left, Garduno said. Until recently, tuberculosis, alcoholism and emigration were among the main causes of decline, but the disintegration quickened a decade ago when drug traffickers began to muscle in on the communities. San Isidoro, a Pai-Pai village 30 miles southeast of Santa Catarina, has nearly disappeared since 1987, when the government loosened restrictions on the sale of communal properties and traffickers and their representatives began to buy the Pai-Pai's lands. Many of San Isidoro's Pai-Pai have moved into the nearby town of Valle de Trinidad. Nonetheless, in 1996 San Isidoro still had Marcelino Murillo Alvarez, a Pai speaker, as its community land commissioner. After the army found marijuana plantations around the village that year, Murillo told the authorities that he was willing to sign a document swearing that he and other Pai-Pai were uninvolved in the drug cultivation, Murillo's brother Federico said in an interview. Weeks later, on May 29, 1996, gunmen blocked Marcelino's car and shot him to death along with a passenger, Federico said. On May 18 of this year, there was a killing near Valle de Trinidad. Ramon Valenzuela, the president of the vigilance council of another, smaller group of indigenous people known as the Kiliwa, was gunned down along a farm road. A Valle de Trinidad police official, Roberto Gonzalez, said none of the murders had been solved. "The Valle de Trinidad has turned into a valley of death," Federico Murillo said. The killings of the Indians near Trinidad have attracted renewed attention since the drug-related massacre of 18 men, women and children on Sept. 17 near Ensenada. Police said after that crime that the target had been Fermin Castro, 38, a Pai-Pai from Santa Catarina who was shot during the attack and is in a coma. He grew wealthy in the last decade, ostensibly as the owner of a rodeo production company. Police said Castro had headed a small trafficking organization. The Ensenada killings have also caused people in Santa Catarina to rethink their views on another spectacular killing last year. To the horror of spectators at a rodeo in May 1997 that Castro produced near Santa Catarina, a gunman on horseback galloped up to Eufemio Sandoval, the Pai-Pai Indian who worked for Castro as the rodeo announcer, shot Sandoval to death at point-blank range, rode off to a waiting jeep and escaped into the desert. People here originally viewed Sandoval's killing as part of a longtime family vendetta. But two people said they now believed that it had been related to Castro's narcotics activities. Scores of Pai-Pai attended two memorial services, one last Saturday in El Sauzal, the Ensenada suburb where the Sept. 17 massacre took place, and the other on Sunday in Santa Catarina's cemetery. There, five of the seven dead were children aged 6 to 13. But no one spoke. "I guess nobody could find the words to express their feelings about this," said Cruz Lopez Ochurte, a villager. *** [ed. note - Another version of this story indicates it was published by 'The Orange County Register'] Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 10:28:01 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Mexico: Drug Gangs Devastate Indian Villages In Baja Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: John W.Black Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Website: http://www.ocregister.com/ Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 DRUG GANGS DEVASTATE INDIAN VILLAGES IN BAJA The Ensenada slayings last week of two families from the Pai-Pai ethnic group is the latest example. SANTA CATARINA, Mexico - After five centuries of killing and pestilence that began with the Spanish conquest, only a few hundred of Baja California's indigenous people are left alive. And now they are being hunted down and killed by drug traffickers. [snip]
------------------------------------------------------------------- Easing The Agony (The Version In Britain's 'New Scientist' Of Wednesday's News About Ian Meng And Colleagues At The University Of California At San Francisco Medical Center Finding A Way To Demonstrate The Analgesic Qualities Of Cannabinoids) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 11:36:51 +0000 To: editor@mapinc.org From: Peter Webster (vignes@monaco.mc) Subject: New Scientist: Easing the agony Newshawk: Peter Webster Source: New Scientist (U.K.) Contact: letters@newscientist.com Website: http://www.newscientist.com/ Pubdate: Sept 26, 1998 Author: Jonathan Knight EASING THE AGONY Marijuana does more than merely make you stoned PEOPLE who smoke cannabis believe that it eases pain, but its analgesic powers have been little studied. Now researchers in the US have found that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, targets the same pain centres in the brain as morphine. The ability of marijuana to soothe has been hard to fathom from animal studies. Scientists often test the power of painkillers by timing how long it takes a drugged rat to flick its tail away from a hot lamp, but since cannabis slows down motor neurons, rats given cannabis may just be too high to react quickly. To tease apart these two neural pathways, Ian Meng and his colleagues at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco analysed THC's effect on a specific pain centre in the brain, the rostral ventromedial medulla or RVM. The RVM can amplify or block pain signals travelling from the spinal cord to the brain, and opioids such as morphine activate painblocking cells in the RVM. The researchers took rats and inserted a tube through their skulls and into the RVM. After recovering from the surgery, the rats received an intravenous injection of a THC-like substance. As expected, they were much slower to flick their tails away from a hot lamp. Meng then showed that he could restore the rats' heat sensitivity by shutting down the RVM with a neural inhibitor injected through the skull tube (Nature, vol 395, p 381). To prove that inactivating the RVM did not just restore motor coordination, Meng placed drugged rats on a "rotor rod" which rotates under their feet like a log in a river. "Give them a cannabis drug and they just fall right off," he says. They continued to do so even after the RVM was inactivated. "This is very important work," says Daniele Piomelli, a neurologist at the University of California's Irvine campus. "If medical scientists start to look with greater interest at cannabis as a result, that's a major achievement."
------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 Officers Accused As CID Inuiry Continues (Britain's 'Telegraph' Says 286 Individual Allegations Are Being Investigated Against 39 Detectives In A Middlesbrough Squad Credited With Cutting Crime Through 'Zero Tolerance' Policing - But Then Says Crime In Middlesbrough Has Gone Up Since The 'Zero Tolerance' Policing Began, With Burglaries Having Increased 36 Per Cent From Last Year) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:10:25 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: 39 Officers Accused As CID Inuiry Continues Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Source: Telegraph, The (UK) Contact: et.letters@telegraph.co.uk Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Author: Paul Stokes 39 OFFICERS ACCUSED AS CID INQUIRY CONTINUES A TOTAL of 286 individual allegations are being investigated against 39 detectives in a squad credited with cutting crime through "zero tolerance" policing. The scale of Operation Lancet, set up a year ago to investigate Middlesbrough CID, was disclosed by the Police Complaints Authority. Last year, the department attracted praise from Tony Blair and Jack Straw, the Home Secretary, and Michael Howard, his Conservative predecessor. Its high profile owed much to the publicity offensive of Det Supt Ray Mallon, who pledged to resign his post as head of the department if he failed to cut crime by a fifth in 18 months. His zero tolerance approach, used successfully in America, involved targeting house burglaries and anti-social crimes and brought stark results in reducing offences. In the event, Supt Mallon's pledge was never fully tested because of his suspension last December as part of the Lancet inquiry. He is one of seven Middlesbrough detectives currently suspended and has been accused of leaking information and "alleged activity that could be construed as criminal", all of which he vehemently denies. Yesterday, the Police Complaints Authority said that 11 files concerning the alleged misuse of drugs by detectives have now been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether officers should be charged. The files are understood to relate to five detective constables. It is not known to which officers they refer but Det Supt Mallon is not believed to be one of them. A further 32 files covering drugs-related issues will be sent to the CPS. Lancet is also investigating other claims, including that suspects were beaten up by detectives and that payments to informants were not conducted properly. Tony Williams, a member of the Police Complaints Authority said: "There are 45 police officers and staff working on the inquiry. They are investigating 286 allegations which have been made against 39 officers." The authority was criticised earlier this year when a costly inquiry into the Humberside force ended without any charges being brought. That inquiry into allegations of child abuse led to 20 officers being investigated over six years at a cost to the public of UKP4 million. Lancet has also attracted criticism with its cost already thought to be in excess of UKP1 million at a time when the Cleveland force involved is having to make savings, including not replacing officers who leave. Crime in Middlesbrough has also gone up since Lancet began, with burglaries up 36 per cent on last year. Supt Mallon said: "My position remains the same as it did when I was suspended. I have not committed any offence. Ten months on I am still waiting for Lancet to interview me on the matters for which I was suspended, allegations I strenuously deny. Following consultation with my solicitor, Mike Hymanson, I can confirm that no allegations in relation to drugs have been levelled against me and neither of us has received information that a file of any kind concerning me has been sent to the CPS." One of the operation's critics, Bob Pitt, a Middlesbrough councillor and former police authority member, said: "I believe this inquiry has lost its way. It is undermining the morale of the police and public confidence in the force of law and order."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Courts Pilot Scheme Needs Proper Funding (The Irish 'Examiner' Says The Labour Party, Democratic Left, And Drug Treatment Professionals Have Welcomed The Irish Government's Decision To Set Up US-Style Drug Courts, But Stress The Need To Commit Sufficient Funds - To Deal With Non-Violent Convicts And Those Guilty Of Non-Serious Offences By Way Of Drug Treatment Rather Than Jail Terms, Supporters Asked For Funding For Participants' Counselling, Career Guidance And Medical Care, Promising The Funding Would Would 'Pay For Itself Because Of The High Costs Of Drug Addiction To Society')Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:10:34 -0700 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Ireland: Drug Courts Pilot Scheme Needs Proper Funding Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Source: Examiner, The (Ireland) Contact: exam_letters@examiner.ie Pubdate: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 Author: Denis Lehane DRUG COURTS PILOT SCHEME NEEDS PROPER FUNDING THE Labour Party, Democratic Left and drug treatment bodies have welcomed the Government's decision to set up a drug courts' pilot project, but have stressed the need to commit sufficient funds for the scheme. Justice and Law Reform Minister John O'Donoghue, yesterday, announced a pilot scheme of drug courts, based on the US system, following the recommendations of a working group on a courts commission chaired by Supreme Court Justice Mrs Susan Denham. The key element in the scheme would be to deal with non-violent convicts and those guilty of non-serious offences by way of drug treatment rather than sentencing them to jail terms. As part of the scheme, if those on the drug treatment schemes were to lapse, the option of a jail sentence would still remain. Announcing the scheme, Mr O'Donoghue said: "Today's announcement marks a major policy initiative in the criminal justice system. It is the beginning of a fundamental realignment of the response of the criminal justice system to those involved in less serious drug related offences. The Labour Party's spokesman on Justice, Pat Upton, in welcoming the initiative, said there was an absolute need to establish such a system of dealing with drug addicts in Ireland. "I would urge the Minister for Justice to fund this pilot court to the maximum to ensure that all aspects of rehabilitation for drug addicts are provided, including counselling, career guidance as well as medical care." Democratic Left spokesperson Liz McManus also welcomed the decision, but called for sufficient funds to make it work. "The commitment of the additional resources required to make the drug courts a success will be costly, but in the long-run it will pay dividends as we are already facing a huge social and economic cost for drug abuse and its associated crime problem," he said. Chief executive of the Coolmine Therapeutic Community in Dublin Jim Comberton said that many judges were already doing their best to deal with drug addicts by way of sending them to treatment centres like his. "This proposal will give the option of sending a chap to prison or into recovery. It gives the chap the chance to make a choice at the point of high motivation," he said. "It is a lot more humane, based on problem solving and trying to address the problems rather than just sending them to prison." Assistant director of the Rutland Centre in Dublin Roland Anderson said that the Minister's announcement was good news and that the investment of money into the scheme would pay for itself because of the high costs of drug addiction to society. "We would welcome any initiative where people would have the possibility of treatment rather than punishment," he said. "The Government appears to have got the balance right, where everyone who needs treatment would get treatment." -------------------------------------------------------------------
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