------------------------------------------------------------------- New Drugged Driving Legislation (Letter To The Editor By Carl Olsen Of Iowa NORML Explains Why A Bill Expected To Become Law In Iowa That Supposedly Targets 'Drugged' Drivers Will Come Down Hardest On Marijuana Users - And Will Cost Taxpayers Much More Than Anyone Let On During The Meager Legislative Debate) Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 23:17:08 -0500 To: iowanorml@commonlink.com From: "Carl E. Olsen"Subject: New drugged-driving legislation Iowa NORML Post Office Box 4091 • Des Moines, Iowa 50333 • 515-262-6957 INTERNET: http://www.commonlink.com/~olsen/NORML/ E-mail: iowanorml@commonlink.com April 12, 1998 Dear Editor, A new drugged-driving law was passed by the Iowa House on March 31 by a vote of 96-3 and by the Iowa Senate on April 6 by a vote of 44-2. The legislators must have congratulated themselves with a stiff drink as a reward for their hard work. Perhaps they even had a stiff drink before voting on this bill, as there was almost no debate in the House and none in the Senate. Actually, this bill is much more than a drugged-driving bill. It doubles the current penalties for second offense possession of illegal substances, and multiplies them by a factor of four for third and subsequent offenses. That means that people who now face a six month jail term in Iowa for simple possession of small amounts of marijuana will now face up to two years in prison for third and subsequent offenses. Are the tax payers ready to pay the bill? No one asked them. The legislators just assumed that Iowa taxpayers would be happy to pay any expense to win the war on drugs. The war on drug users has replaced the cold war as a favorite passtime. Iowa Governor Branstad will undoubtedly sign this monster into law this week. However, before he has the chance to turn Iowa into a police state, the American public should at least be aware of what this law contains. This new law allows a police officer to stop any driver and ask for a urine sample, as long as the police officer has a "reasonable suspicion" that the person is operating under the influence of an illegal substance. So much for the Fourth Amendment. The new law also allows metabolites of controlled substances to be used as evidence of impairment. Since metabolites of marijuana remain in the body for up to 30 days after use, this new law will, for the first time in the history of the United States, allow metabolites of marijuana to be used as evidence of a crime. I don't know how many people smoke marijuana, but the government estimates that between 10 and 20 million Americans use it at least once each month. That means that at least one out of every 20 drivers is going to test positive for metabolites of marijuana at any given time. That could get extremely expensive, as all these people get drunken-driving convictions and end up being sent to Iowa prisons. Iowa is already facing a critical shortage of prison space. Are the Iowa taxpayers ready to pay the bill? They better get ready, because Governor Branstad is going to stick it to them, and then he's going to take a stiff drink to celebrate. He's not running for re-election, so he won't have to stick around and clean up the mess. The text of this bill can be found at: http://www.legis.state.ia.us/GA/77GA/Legislation/SF/02300/SF02391/Current.html Sincerely, Carl E. Olsen 1116 E. Seneca Ave., #3 Des Moines, Iowa 50316 515-262-6957
------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth Becomes The First Casualty In Marijuana War (Letter To Editor Of 'Times Union' In Albany, New York, From Walter F. Wouk, President Of NORML, Corrects Misrepresentations Of Fact By The DEA, Whose Agenda 'Doesn't Include Providing Accurate Information Regarding Marijuana') Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 23:14:36 -0400 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US NY: PUB LTE: Truth Becomes The First Casualty In Marijuana War Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Walter Wouk Source: Times Union (Albany, NY) Contact: tuletters@timesunion.com Website: http://www.timesunion.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 TRUTH BECOMES THE FIRST CASUALTY IN MARIJUANA WAR Terry O'Neill's letter, "Effective illegal-drug policy must include prevention,'' (Times Union April 2) contains misleading statistics regarding the increase in teenage marijuana use. According to the 1997 Monitoring The Future Study, considered the best early warning system for drug use among youth, marijuana use among eighth-, 10th- and 12th-graders is down 41 percent from its peak in 1978. Mr. O'Neill's mistake was relying upon information taken from the Drug Enforcement Administration Web page. The DEA has its own agenda -- and it doesn't include providing accurate information regarding marijuana. For example, the DEA claims, "There are over 10,000 scientific studies that prove marijuana is a harmful addictive drug.'' According to Beverly Urbanek, research associate of the University of Mississippi Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the "10,000 studies'' claim is simply not true. The institute maintains a 12,000-citation bibliography on the marijuana literature. Ms. Urbanek explained, "Many of the studies cited in the bibliography are clinical, but the total number also includes papers on the chemistry and botany of the cannabis plant, cultivation, epidemiological surveys, legal aspects, eradication studies, detection, storage, economic aspects and a whole spectrum of others that do not mention positive or negative effects.'' "However, we have never broken down that figure into positive/negative papers, and I would not even venture a guess as to what that number would be. You cannot provide a list of 10,000 negative studies,'' she said. When the government declared war on marijuana, truth was the first casualty. WALTER F. WOUK President National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Howes Cave
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug War Has Led To Prisons Built As Profit (Letter To Editor Of Lexington, Kentucky, 'Herald Leader' Says Current Policy Is Forcing Our Nation Into A Prison-Dependent Society, With An Economy Based More And More On Prison Building And Staffing) Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 13:04:20 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US KY: PUB LTE: Drug War Has Led To Prisons Built As Profit Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: C.S. Ford Pubdate: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 Source:Lexington Herald Leader (KY) Contact:hledit@lex.infi.net Website: http://www.kentuckyconnect.com/ Author: Melodi Cornett DRUG WAR HAS LED TO PRISONS BUILT AS PROFIT Jefferson George's March 4 article, "Counties see inmates as a source of income," brought home the practice of warehousing humans as a means of profit. Current policy is forcing our nation into a prison-dependent society, with an economy based more and more on prison building and staffing. The availability of big profits in the prison industry, combined with corruption in law enforcement and government, is jeopardizing our future as a free nation. Violent criminals are not the ones filling our jails and prisons beyond capacity. The drastic increase since the early 1980s is not because of a huge increase in violent crimes. The overcrowded jails and prisons nationwide are the result of the "war." This nation's "War on Drugs" is a war against the people. There are currently more people per capita incarcerated than at any other time in history. The United States imprisons more of its citizens than any other country in the world. Rights that have been protected since our nation's beginning are being thrown out in the name of the war. Prohibition creates huge organized crime rings and the violence that accompanies them. Keeping certain drugs illegal and controlled by the black market ensures big profits. The availability of easy money attracts the poor and uneducated, ensuring a steady stream of drug offenders. Is the fear of drugs worth losing our freedom over? Is that what we want for our children? This war is going to destroy our nation if we don't stop the madness.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Kids' Drug Use Underestimated ('Associated Press' Briefly Publicizes A Survey By The Partnership For A Drug-Free America Showing That Baby Boomer Parents Don't Always Know When Their Children Have Used Marijuana) Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 23:55:40 -0400 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: Wire: Poll: Kids' Drug Use Underestimated Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Silkhart Source: Associated Press Pubdate: April 12, 1998 POLL: KIDS' DRUG USE UNDERESTIMATED NEW YORK (AP) - A study by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America says Baby Boomer parents are convinced that increasing marijuana use among young people doesn't apply to their children. The poll found 21 percent of parents surveyed thought their teen may have experimented with marijuana, while 44 percent of teens said they actually had. The study also revealed that while 33 percent thought their kids viewed marijuana as harmful, among teens, only 18 percent felt that smoking marijuana was risky. Copyright 1998 Associated Press.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Firing Line' Talks Drugs (List Subscriber Reviews William F. Buckley's Public Broadcasting Service Talk Show Today, Featuring Ethan Nadelmann, Lynn Zimmer) Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 23:55:41 EDT Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: PhillizyTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Firing Line Talks Drugs Today, on his PBS TV Show "Firing Line" ... William F. Buckley hosted a discussion on legalizing drugs with guests Ethan Nadelmann of the Lindesmith Center and Lynn Zimmer, one of the authors of Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts: A Review Of The Scientific Evidence. While the discussion was wide ranging, covering the gamut of illegal drugs and a host of legal and societal issues, medical marijuana was the main topic of their commentary this afternoon. They all agreed that drug prohibition was more a matter of politics than rational government. They also agreed that medical marijuana would eventually prevail because a growing majority of voters could see through the propaganda to the efficacy of this drug in a host of medical situations. It was a great show. Chalk one up for the guys in the white hats. Lizy *** Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 15:15:43 EDT Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: "Don Raichle" To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: RE: Firing Line Talks Drugs For videocassette information: [quote:] FIRING LINE 2700 Cypress St. Columbia, S.C. 29205 803.799.3449
------------------------------------------------------------------- Late Drug Figure's Doctor Reportedly Gets US Protection ('Reuters' Article In 'Boston Globe' Cites 'Washington Post' Article Yesterday Said The United States Has Given Refuge To A Doctor, Pedro Rincon, Previously Thought Dead, Who Was Involved In The Plastic Surgery Operation On Mexican Drug Cartel Leader Amado Carrillo Fuentes In July 1997, That Led To His Death) Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 11:46:57 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: Mexico: Late Drug Figure's Doctor Reportedly Gets US Protection Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Dick Evans (Mass.) Source: Boston Globe (MA) Contact: letters@globe.com Website: http://www.boston.com/globe/ Pubdate: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 LATE DRUG FIGURE'S DOCTOR REPORTEDLY GETS US PROTECTION WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has given refuge to a doctor involved in a botched plastic surgery operation on a Mexican drug figure who died afterward, The Washington Post reported yesterday. Pedro Rincon and his family were clandestinely taken to the United States last November and put under the witness protection program, US officials told the newspaper. Amado Carrillo Fuentes - nicknamed ''The Lord of the Skies'' for his ability to move cocaine in retired jetliners - died following major plastic surgery in July 1997. Two other doctors involved in the operation were tortured and killed and their bodies stuffed into concrete-filled steel drums, the Post said. Rincon turned himself into Mexican police and asked for protection. The Mexican government offered to turn him over to US intelligence agencies, and Rincon accepted, the Post said. According to the newspaper, US sources familiar with Rincon's statements said he maintained that Carrillo's death was the result of medical failures and that Carrillo had hepatitis when they operated. Mexican officials say Carrillo's death was part of a plot by rival drug gangs or enemies within his organization, the Post said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- We're The Top In Pot ('Toronto Sun' Claims Canada Produces The Best Cannabis And Lots Of It, And Quotes Marc Emery Saying It's A $4 Billion Business In British Columbia And A $7- To $8-Billion Industry Throughout Canada - And 98 Percent Of What's Smuggled Across The United States Border Arrives At Its Destination) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: We're the top in pot Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:59:46 -0700 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Toronto Sun Contact: editor@sunpub.com Pubdate: Sunday, April 12, 1998 Author: CIRAN GANLEY, Toronto Sun WE'RE THE TOP IN POT Canada now a major exporter of marijuana Police examine an elaborate underground hydroponics marijuana lab just southeast of Hamilton. Canada has become a major pot exporter and shipments of top-quality weed are pouring over the U.S. border just like whiskey did in the 1920s. "You don't hear of boatloads or airplane shipments of weed coming into the country -- there's no need to import from Jamaica, or Mexico or Thailand anymore," said Det. Bryan Baxter of the Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police vice and drug squad. "Today pot is being exported from Canada -- particularly B.C. and Ontario -- instead of being imported. Really good product is being put out here," he said. Marc Emery of Vancouver, one of Canada's top champions of marijuana legalization, said there's a good reason we're now an exporting nation. HYDROPONICS "We have the best pot," said Emery, whose trials and tribulations with Vancouver officials are featured in Rolling Stone magazine's April 2 issue. "Pot is now one of Canada's primary agricultural products," said Emery, who was forced in January to sell his Cannabis Cafe and Hemp B.C. head shop to his employees, close down his Little Grow Shop and restrict his worldwide, mail-order seed sales on the Internet after city officials revoked his business licences. Emery says pot is a $4-billion business in B.C. and a $7- to $8-billion industry Canadawide. Most of it goes to the U.S. -- particularly Oregon, California and Washington states from B.C. suppliers, and to New York and other eastern states from Ontario suppliers. Emery says 98% of the exported weed -- moved in everything from backpacks to ships -- gets through. U.S. authorities have some 7,000 agents patrolling the 3,200-km Mexican border but only 300 covering the 8,850-km Canada-U.S. border. Emery says B.C.'s pot is the best in the world and Ontario's is just a cut below. Emery attributes that to B.C.'s long pot history -- going back to the American draft dodgers of the '60s -- and decades of experimentation. Another reason for Canada's reputation as a supplier of quality pot is the continuing development of hydroponic pot growing. "Hydroponic is the preferred way to grow pot today," said Det. Rick Chase of the Toronto Police's Central Command drug squad. Indoor hydroponic growing is a trend that began in the mid-'80s and has largely replaced outside "grows," as they say in the business. In a hydroponic operation, plants are fed nutrient-rich water and nurtured under artificial high-intensity lights. Instead of soil, various substances, such as porous spun or wool rock, are used to anchor plants and nutrients are taken from the water instead of soil. "You can have a large, lucrative setup in a relatively small area," said Chase. "In addition you get a better quality product -- it's all bud with no 'shake' (leaves and stems)." Another advantage of hydroponic is the fact growers can get three or four crops a year -- compared to only one crop grown outside, said Baxter of the Hamilton drug squad. It used to be you could only get about 60 grams of weed from a plant but with hydroponics you can get about half a kilo per plant, he said. And the THC content in today's marijuana is just "wild" (up to four times as much) as the smoke of yesteryear, Baxter said. THC is tetrahydrocannabinol, the major psychoactive agent in marijuana. Over the past decade indoor pot growers -- particularly in B.C. -- have developed strains of marijuana with a THC count of 10%-20% or more compared to the pot of the '60s and '70s, which averaged 5% or less. "There has been a dramatic increase in hydroponically-grown pot over the past several years," Baxter said. He said every year there are more and more hydroponic equipment stores popping up. "There's four now in Hamilton -- three years ago there weren't any." An estimated 95% of the people growing pot in Southern Ontario are growing it to sell it, said Toronto drug squad's Chase. "That's obvious just from the sheer amount they grow -- there's no way it's just for personal use because they couldn't smoke that much in a lifetime." A lot of growers are supplying bike gangs who take care of the distribution, he said. The majority of pot busts in the past five years in this area involved hydroponic operations. $5M A YEAR One of the larger busts in the Hamilton area involved a massive underground hydroponic operation on a farm producing $5 million worth of pot a year. The operation included surveillance cameras hidden in an elevated birdhouse. Chase said growers are using closets, basements and even renovating their homes with false walls in order to grow hydroponic pot. Others rent apartments or set up storefront businesses with rooms they can use to grow pot. "Indoor grows have jumped 500%-600% in the past few years -- it's very conducive to growing large amounts in the small areas and hi-tech, efficient equipment is easily and readily bought in hydroponic stores or hardware stores." Chase said even though hydroponic store owners are legitimate, a lot of the equipment they sell is used to grow pot, not vegetables and flowers. "We've found the bills from hydroponic stores after busts and when we approached the store owners they just played dumb," Chase said. "We have no affiliation with any contraband," said Homegrown Hydroponics owner Cindy Rea, whose family operates the largest hydroponic store chain in this area. "We have a huge clientele of legitimate growers and contrary to popular belief most people we deal with are home hobbyists who grow vegetables, flowers and herbs for their own use and pleasure." Rea and her sister Shelley opened Homegrown in 1985 and have since grown to 23 stores in the Golden Triangle. "We do not promote marijuana growth in any way and we never have," Shelley Rea said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - Competition Winner (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Continues Its Weekly Push For The Reform Of Marijuana Laws By Featuring The Winning Essay From A Contest It Sponsored For Students) Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 11:39:01 -0700 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign - Competition winner Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: "(Zosimos) Martin Cooke"Source: Independent, The (UK) Contact: letters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ Pubdate: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 Note: comment email: cannabis@independent.co.uk CANNABIS CAMPAIGN - COMPETITION WINNER We challenged Britain's students to come up with an original contribution to the decriminalise cannabis debate. The competition, arranged jointly with the internet magazine, 'studentUK' , drew hundreds of lively responses. The winning entry, published here, was written by Tim Samuels of St Andrews University who takes the top prize of holiday flights worth £600 with the German airline, Lufthansa. *** YOU wouldn't expect a Home Secretary to be deeply troubled by a rise in the price of cannabis. After all, the current incumbent could move to allay any resultant family disquiet by slipping his son a few more pennies in pocket-money. However, the rising cost is not in marijuana's street value, but in the price being borne by a criminal justice system that has witnessed a ninefold increase over the last decade in the number of cautions issued for possession of the drug. The latest figures (for 1995) reveal that more than 40,000 cautions were made for basic unlawful possession - that is, possession without intent to supply. The Audit Office estimates that a caution costs in the region of £1,200 - a startling figure made more comprehensible by the fact that each caution involves a minimum of three police officers and associated administration. It hardly requires Carol Vorderman to do the sums: it's costing around £48m a year to caution people for personal possession of cannabis. Actual prosecutions for possession, and the whole spectre of dealing, aren't even part of this conundrum. But is this £48m money well spent? Should decriminalisation of cannabis just happen to remove the illegality of personal possession, what could Jack Straw, let loose with £48m, fill his shopping trolley with? Feeling altruistic, he may hand the money over to David Blunkett, who could buy five shiny new secondary schools and seven primary schools - serving 6,000 children in all. A whip-round for another two million quid, and he could get Frank Dobson a district general hospital. Or if he was suffering from short-term memory loss - maybe William had made pudding - Jack might forget his past as a paid-up member of parliamentary Labour CND and lend George Robertson the cash to procure four Trident missiles (warheads not included). Should he want to keep the money for the Home Office, he could use the #48m to put 2,826 bobbies on the beat. Or maybe, as a treat for the staff, he could buy every police officer a 32-year subscription to Freemasonry Today. Straw - of which he could purchase 72 million bales - might splash out closer to home on a personal passion. The moolah would acquire the current Blackburn Rovers squad - a snip at £21.5m - and leave enough change to bring Shearer, Le Saux and Berg back to Ewood Park. Move over, Walker, there would truly be a new "Uncle Jack" in town. If none of these appealed, he could always take advantage of the decriminalised status of cannabis: £48m could get Jack 16 tonnes of hashish, about 32 cubic metres in dimension, which funnily enough would fit snugly into The Body centrepiece of the Millennium Dome. Now there's a cautionary tale.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Lockerbie - Alternate Scenario (URL Posted For Review By Paul Foot From 'The London Review Of Books' About The Lockerbie, Scotland, PanAm Jumbo Jet Disaster And Its Origins In A CIA 'Controlled Drug Buy' Program) Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:14:26 +0000 To: press@drugtext.nl From: Peter WebsterSubject: Lockerbie Alternate Scenario A book review by Paul Foot from The London Review of Books about the Lockerbie PanAm disaster and its origins in a CIA "controlled drug buy" program is now in The Drug Library at the URL: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/media/lockerbie.htm Peter Webster email: vignes@monaco.mc -------------------------------------------------------------------
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