------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijuana Initiatives Growing Like Weeds - This Initiative Season, Oregonians Might Decide To Inhale ('The Sunday Oregonian' Summarizes Five State Voter Initiatives That May Be On The November Ballot, Interjecting Quotes By Documented Liar Darin Campbell, Spokesman For Oregon Chiefs Of Police, Even Though It Violates Spirit Of State Version Of Hatch Act Prohibiting Public Employees From Influencing Elections) From: "D. Paul Stanford" (stanford@crrh.org) To: "'Restore Hemp!'" (octa99@crrh.org) Subject: Oregonian article on 5 marijuana-related initiatives and a referendum Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 13:10:25 -0800 Organization: CRRHSender: owner-hemp@efn.org Title: "Marijuana initiatives growing like weeds" Source: "The Oregonian"; Portland, OR; page B2 Date: Sunday, March 22, 1998 Author: Gail Kinsey Hill [sender's note: article has sidebar included before the main article text, and two photos/mug shots, one of Paul Loney, attorney of OCTA, the other of Rick Bayer, M.D. of AMR.] MARIJUANA AND THE BALLOT In the months ahead, Oregon voters might be asked to sign as many as five initiative petitions involving marijuana, and they already face one referendum on the subject in the Nov. 3 election. REFERENDUM This measure was approved by the 1997 Legislature but hasn't gone into effect because it was sent to the ballot through the referendum process: RECRIMINALIZATION: Asks voters whether they want to make possession of less than an ounce of marijuana a Class C misdemeanor, with a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine, and allow a six-month suspension of driving privileges of first-time offenders who don't complete diversion. Chief petitioners: Michael E. Rose and Todd D. Olson, Portland. INITIATIVES Constitutional amendments need 97,681 approved signatures to qualify for the ballot; statutory proposals need 73,261. The secretary of state has approved these petitions for circulation: STATE-CONTROLLED SALES: Would permit the sale of marijuana to adults through state liquor stores and replace marijuana laws except DUII. Would have the OLCC license marijuana cultivation by qualified people, buy the crop, and sell it at cost to pharmacies and medical researchers and for profit to qualified adults. Statutory. Chief petitioners: Paul Loney and Douglas P. Stanford, Portland (campaign will pay people to gather signatures). ADULT POSSESSION: Would allow the state to regulate but not prohibit adult possession and cultivation of controlled substances. Would require repeal of criminal laws inconsistent with the measure. Would release some inmates or parolees for conduct made legal by the measure. Constitutional amendment. Chief petitioners: Floyd F. Landrath, Portland; Arthur H. Livermore Sr., Arch Cape (will not pay people to gather signatures). PRIVATE USE: Would permit people 21 and older to manufacture, possess and consume cannabis, including marijuana, in private. Would not affect laws prohibiting delivery of marijuana. Constitutional amendment. Chief petitioner: Carla B. Newbree, Eugene (will not pay people to gather signatures). PROPOSALS These proposals have not been approved: PRESCRIPTIONS: Would make it legal for medical practitioners to prescribe or provide any herbs, seed-bearing plants and marijuana. Constitutional amendment. Chief petitioner: Stephen M. Sedlacko, Eugene (will not pay petitioners). MEDICAL USE: Would allow limited exceptions to laws that prohibit engaging or assisting in medical use of marijuana. Would require that use be necessary to mitigate symptoms or effects of debilitating medical conditions. Statutory. Chief petitioner: Richard Bayer, Portland (will pay people to gather signatures) [Main Story] This initiative season, Oregonians might decide to inhale. They certainly will have the opportunity. Petitioners will be pushing as many as five marijuana-related initiatives in the coming months. Three are in circulation. Two more are on the way. Not in recent history - if ever - has Oregon seen such a potluck of marijuana measures. And not since 1986 has a marijuana initiative qualified for the ballot. "There are a lot of people in the nation who think Oregon is a hot spot as far as legalization is concerned," said Darin Campbell, a spokesman for the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, which opposes loosening of drug laws. The association has set up a campaign committee, Oregonians Against Dangerous Drugs, to battle the initiatives. Sponsors of the initiatives are optimistic about qualifying their proposals for the Nov. 3 ballot. Signatures must be submitted to the secretary of state by July 2. Why the effervescence? Sponsors say people have become less patient with ineffective drug laws and more understanding of marijuana's possible benefits. "I think the public is becoming more aware," said Floyd Landrath, a Portland resident who is the director of the American Anti-Prohibition League. "They're paying more attention to drug-related issues." Landrath is the chief petitioner of what might be the most sweeping of the initiatives. His proposal would amend the state constitution to allow adults to possess and cultivate controlled substances. The measure would apply to drugs such as heroin and cocaine, not just marijuana. "We want to reform all drug laws," Landrath said. "We don't believe prohibition works. The marijuana movement is only a half-step." Two years ago, Landrath worked on an initiative that dealt exclusively with marijuana. The proposal, sponsored by Portland political activist D. Paul Stanford, would have allowed the sale of marijuana through state liquor stores. Stanford has been trying since the mid-1980s to put a marijuana initiative on the ballot. He was the petition coordinator of the 1986 measure that would have allowed adults to grow and possess marijuana for personal use. It was overwhelmingly defeated. Since 1992, Stanford has been pushing the liquor-store version, a statutory, not constitutional change. He claims he has gathered 20,000 of the 73,261 signatures needed. Stanford said that as more people try marijuana, more understand the need for reform. "They realize that to keep it illegal just isn't logical," he said. Initiatives aren't Stanford's only political venue. A Democrat, he is running for the Oregon House seat being vacated by Rep. George Eighmey, D-Portland. Stanford plans to pay people to gather signatures, an increasingly common enterprise. Landrath said he will rely on volunteers. "We're going to plug away as best we can," he said. "We don't have a lot of financial resources to drop." Neither does Stephen Sedlacko, a driving force behind two other marijuana-related initiatives. He is the sponsor of one that would make it legal for doctors to prescribe marijuana and other seed-bearing plants, and he is the petition coordinator for one that would allow the private use of marijuana. "For us, it's a question of individual choice," said Sedlacko, who lives in Eugene. Perhaps the initiative most likely to reach the ballot is one not in circulation. Filed March 3 by Portland doctor Rick Bayer, it would allow patients with certain illnesses, such as glaucoma, cancer and AIDS, to use marijuana with a doctor's approval. Bayer is allied with Americans for Medical Rights, the Santa Monica, Calif., group that backed the medical marijuana initiative approved by California voters in 1996. The group, which counts international financier George Soros among its benefactors, has promised the Oregon campaign money and expertise, Bayer said. "I'm really not for the legalization of marijuana," Bayer said. "I'm for prescriptive access to marijuana." Bayer said he doesn't approve of the more expansive initiatives, such as the one that would allow sales in liquor stores. "I really don't want to see marijuana to become the next Budweiser." Campbell said a survey by the police chiefs association found that among drug-related proposals filed, the medical marijuana initiative is most likely to make the ballot. "We'll do everything we can to kill it" if it qualifies for the ballot, he said. Oregonians Against Dangerous Drugs will raise money to promote a referendum to increase penalties for possession of marijuana. The 1997 Legislature passed the so-called "recriminalization" bill, but opponents gathered enough signatures to put it on the ballot. Campbell wants the referendum to pass but wants even more to stamp out the marijuana initiatives. If one passes, "it sets back on our agenda for tougher drug laws," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Of State Police On Highways Down Drastically ('Associated Press' Bears Witness To How Oregon's Policy Of Focusing Its Law Enforcement Budget On Building Prisons And Enforcing Illegal-Drug Laws Has Paradoxically Reduced Services And Increased The Risks To Public Safety - The Number Of Drunken Driving Citations Is Down By 63 Percent) From: "W.H.E.N."To: "-Hemp Talk" Subject: HT: Number of state police on highways down drastically Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 14:25:43 -0800 Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Who'd want to be on traffic patrol when there's meth labs to bust? Bob_O *** Number of state police on highways down drastically The Associated Press 03/22/98 4:02 PM Eastern SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- As the saying goes, drive like hell. You'll get there. These days, because of drastically reduced numbers of state police on patrol, the odds are pretty good that you won't be caught. During the past two decades the number of speeding tickets has dropped by 69 percent and the number of drunken driving citations by 63 percent. Reckless driving citations are down 37 percent. On a given day, only a half dozen state troopers are on Interstate-5 from Portland to Ashland. Along some stretches of Oregon's 17,000 miles of highway, it could take hours for a trooper to respond to an emergency. State budget cuts have reduced the ranks of patrolling troopers from 539 two decades ago to 332 today. At the same time, the number of vehicles on Oregon's highways has grown by 1.3 million since 1980 and the number of Oregon licensed drivers and miles traveled has increased by a third in that time. Oregon State Police say the problems are such that it will take $42.4 million during the next two years to fix them. That's the amount state police say they'll probably seek from the 1999 Legislature. It would increase the patrolling ranks by 256 -- a 77 percent jump. "The environment we've created by a lack of enforcement has led people to take to the next step of recklessness," said State Police Maj. Lee Erickson. Diana Rouser of Salem knows what it's like not to have enough protection on Oregon's highways. Her car rolled to a stop on the side of the freeway during rush hour last November. With no trooper in sight, Rouser was relieved when a white van suddenly pulled up. But her relief quickly turned to terror. Her rescuers were hoodlums looking to rape her. She got away after poking the two in the eyes. They sped off, knocking her unconscious when they slammed her head to the pavement. Hours after regaining consciousness, the 35-year-old paralegal said a trooper came to her assistance along one of the state's busiest stretches of highway near Tigard. Now she carries a cellular phone. It's the sharp decline in arrests of intoxicated drivers that most concerns Jeanne Canfield, chairwoman of Oregon's Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Oregon was the first state to lower the blood-alcohol driving limit to .08 percent and is considering reducing it more. Canfield wonders whether the state should enforce the law it now has before making it stricter. "Oregon has a lot of good drunk driving laws already in place that need to be enforced," she said. "You know what's happening out there: abusive drivers and just a total disregard for safety out there is what the effect is on the safety of our citizens," State Police Superintendent LeRon Howland said. "We can show that statistically. Or you can go out there and drive and live it, every day." Oregon's 1995 highway fatality rate was 21 percent higher than Washington's and 33 percent higher the following year. The state of Washington has twice as many troopers than Oregon. Oregon's troopers have never recovered from sharp budget cuts made in 1980 after voters shut off their gas tax revenue, Howland said. That has left troopers to compete for general funds with schools, social programs and other needs. Leslie Carlson, a spokesman for Gov. John Kitzhaber, said the Legislature squashed the governor's proposed transportation package last year, which in addition to funding roads and highways would have financed 100 new troopers. "Certainly, the governor is aware there is a serious need for more troopers on the roads," Carlson said. Senate President Brady Adams, R-Grants Pass, agreed. But if lawmakers increase the state police budget, they'll have to cut elsewhere. "I think there is an issue of the adequacy of staffing on the state police," Adams said. "Assuming it is inadequate, then the argument is, how do you pay for it?"
------------------------------------------------------------------- Four Mayors Ask Clinton To Stop Suit Against Marijuana Clubs ('New York Times' Version Of Last Week's News Notes A White House Spokesman, Barry Toiv, Said The Lawsuit Against Six Northern California Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Would Move Ahead As Planned) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:12:58 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US CA: NYT: Four Mayors Ask Clinton to Stop Suit Against Marijuana Clubs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Dick Evans Pubdate: 22 Mar 1998 Source: The New York Times Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Editors note: Our newshawk writes: 'This is old news, but it's good to see it in the NYT!' Yes, and now our letter writers have another target. We want the stories, even if they have appeared before. FOUR MAYORS ASK CLINTON TO STOP SUIT AGAINST MARIJUANA CLUBS SAN FRANCISCO, March 21 -- The mayors of four California cities have written to President Clinton, urging him to halt a federal lawsuit that threatens to close clubs that distribute marijuana for medical use. The letters follow an announcement last week by the San Francisco district attorney that if the clubs close, city officials might distribute marijuana to patients who say they need it. Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco wrote to Clinton: "At stake is the well-being of 11,000 California residents who depend on the dispensaries to help them battle the debilitating effects of AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses. If the centers are shut down, many of these individuals will be compelled to search back alleys and street corners for their medicine." The letters were sent to forestall a federal court hearing scheduled in San Francisco this week in a government suit against six marijuana buyers' clubs in northern California. Brown called on the president to drop the suit and impose a moratorium on enforcing drug laws that "interfere with the daily operation of the dispensaries." Mayors Elihu Harris of Oakland, Steve Martin of West Hollywood and Celia Scott of Santa Cruz sent the president similar messages. A White House spokesman, Barry Toiv, said the suit would move ahead as planned. "The civil suits by the Justice Department were a measured step designed to make sure that everybody understands that distribution of marijuana is still a violation of federal law," Toiv said. Federal authorities have locked horns with state and local officials over marijuana since 1996, when California voters approved Proposition 215, an initiative to legalize cultivation and distribution of the drug for seriously ill patients. In January, the Justice Department sued six clubs, in San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz and Ukiah, contending that they had violated the federal Controlled Substances Act. The six cases were combined into one suit, scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday. "Until marijuana's medical value is proven and a mechanism is developed for its safe production and distribution, marijuana cannot be legally sold or distributed in California or anywhere else in the United States," said Gregory King, a spokesman for the Justice Department.
------------------------------------------------------------------- San Francisco To Defend Medical Pot Clubs ('Sacramento Bee' Version Notes A Rally In Support Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Is Set For Tuesday Morning Outside The Federal Courthouse In San Francisco) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 10:40:46 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US CA: S.F. to Defend Medical Pot Clubs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Chris ClaySource: Sacramento Bee (CA) Contact: opinion@sacbee.com Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Author: John Lyons, Bee Correspondent S.F. SET TO DEFEND MEDICAL POT CLUBS SAN FRANCISCO -- With government lawyers arriving from Washington this week to shut down Northern California's medical marijuana clubs, this often irreverent bay-side city has mustered all its political weight to make sure the ill can still get pot. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and the mayors of four other California cities sent letters to the White House on March 18, asking the Clinton administration to "respect local government's expertise" when it comes to marijuana and the seriously ill. City District Attorney Terence Hallinan filed friend-of-the-court papers two days earlier threatening that the city might use its own workers to distribute marijuana if the federal government closed the clubs, the main outlet for the drug since it was legalized for medical use under Proposition 215, a voter initiative passed in 1996. "We're saying, 'Hey, this is not your business,' " Hallinan said in a telephone interview. "San Francisco has been dealing with this for years." Five years before Proposition 215, the city passed an initiative supporting the distribution of marijuana to the sick. Proponents of the plant say it helps AIDS and chemotherapy patients maintain their weight by fighting nausea and increasing appetite. On Tuesday, U.S. Department of Justice lawyers will ask a federal judge in San Francisco for an injunction closing six Northern California marijuana clubs that were shut as part of a civil suit filed in federal court Jan. 9. Despite Proposition 215, all possession of marijuana is still against federal law. The clubs -- two in San Francisco and one each in Oakland, Santa Cruz, Ukiah and Marin County -- represent about 80 percent of the medical pot distributed in the state. Marijuana activists see Tuesday's hearing as a major test for the new law, and have dubbed the case "United States vs. Medical Marijuana." The case is also the first attempt by Washington to regain its footing since drug czar Barry McCaffrey threatened in 1996 to impose sanctions on doctors who recommended marijuana to their patients. That plan backfired when a federal judge said it violated the First Amendment and enjoined drug officials from taking any action against doctors. "If it wasn't such a political issue, I'd say the federal government has finally found an effective strategy," said Michael Vitiello, a professor at McGeorge School of Law who has written about Proposition 215. "The legal issues aren't that difficult, but the political side is very interesting." Justice Department lawyers will clearly have the law on their side, Vitiello said. Federal law always trumps state law. But popular support for giving the seriously ill access to marijuana could force the federal government into some form of compromise on the issue. Proposition 215 passed by about 56 percent of California voters. The mayors of West Hollywood, Oakland, Santa Cruz and San Francisco said in their March 18 letter writing campaign that closing the clubs completely could endanger the public health of their cities. "If the centers are shut down, many of these individuals will be compelled to search back alleys and street corners for their medicine," the mayors wrote. "This will not only endanger their lives, but place an unnecessary burden on our local police departments." With a tradition of progressive politics and active gay community, San Francisco has earned a reputation for innovation and controversy on AIDS-related issues. City leaders have openly rebuked efforts by state Attorney General Dan Lungren to shut down medical marijuana outlets. In 1992, San Francisco went against state law to endorse clean needle exchange programs to stem the spread of the HIV virus by intravenous drug users. "San Francisco has always been a little ahead," Hallinan said. "I don't think there's a person in this city who doesn't know someone who has been affected by AIDS." Leaders from San Francisco and other cities are expected to attend a rally in support of the marijuana outlets set for Tuesday morning outside the federal courthouse.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Marijuana Battle Heats Up (NBC News Version) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 21:45:10 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US; NBC: Medical Marijuana Battle Heats Up Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: March 22, 1998 Source: NBC NEWS Author: Dan Lothian, NBC News Correspondent Contact: World@MSNBC.com Website: http://www.msnbc.com/ MEDICAL MARIJUANA BATTLE HEATS UP U.S. Seeks To Shut Down 6 Distribution Clubs In California LOS ANGESLES, March 22 -- The U.S. government will go to court this week in California to attempt to shut down centers for the distribution of marijuana for medical purposes. Such distribution was made legal in the state by the passage of Proposition 215. IT MAY BE illegal under federal law, but in the state of California marijuana as medicine is just what the voters ordered when they approved Proposition 215 back in 1996. The goal of the measure was to ease the pain of patients suffering from serious illnesses like AIDS and cancer. "I don't abuse medication so I don't abuse marijuana. I use it only when when I need it," said David Sanders, a member of the Oakland Cannabis Cooperative. Clubs and co-ops across the state like the one in Oakland openly supply marijuana. "A lot of patients that we serve don't have access to this medicine in any other means," said Jeff Jones, the executive director of the Oakland co-op. But now the federal government is suing to have six of the distribution clubs shut down, and that has pitted two high-profile law enforcers against each other. In San Francisco, District Attorney Terence Hallinan is a staunch defender of Proposition 215. "we've learned to live with it," he told NBC News. "It hasn't been a problem for the city of San Francisco." In Sacramento state Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Dan Lungren is an outspoken critic. "Two-fifteen has a very limited application," Lungren says. He believes distribution centers for marijuana are not protected by the law. While most centers like the Oakland co-op are low key, dispensing drugs like a clinic, the state's largest operation in San Francisco is not. The Cannabis Cultivator's Club looks and feels much more like a club - and that's what's making it controversial. The club's director, Dennis Peron, vows they will not be shut down. "They can come bring in the tanks here and I won't give up." The showdown over medical marijuana comes to a federal courtroom later this week. Hallinan has said he will find a way to help patients in need no matter what the court decides.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Homegrown' In Hollywood (An Excellent 'San Francisco Chronicle' Review Of The New Movie 'Homegrown' By Its Screenwriter, Jonah Raskin, Focuses On Marijuana Prohibition And The Film Industry - You Can Show All The Violence You Want, But Wave A Joint Around And The Industry's Self-Appointed Censors Go Ballistic) Subj: US CA: OPED: 'Homegrown' in Hollywood From: "Frank S. World"Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 11:38:42 -0800 Newshawk: "Frank S. World" Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Contact: letters@examiner.com Website: http://www.examiner.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Author: Jonah Raskin "HOMEGROWN" IN HOLLYWOOD Reefer Madness vs. the Studio System When it comes to controversy, Hollywood usually runs scared. I've known that for almost as long as I've been going to the movies. That began in the late 1940s, around the time of the blacklist and the Hollywood Ten. My father, who was a Communist, a lawyer and didn't like stool pigeons, explained that if you were a screenwriter like Dalton Trumbo or a director like Jules Dassin and you tackled sensitive subjects like anti-Semitism, homosexuality or political corruption, you usually didn't last very long in the movie industry. Not that much has changed in the past half century. I found that out first hand when I went to Hollywood in 1980 and tried to sell the idea of a picture about marijuana growers and dealers in Northern California. Cheech and Chong's zany comedy "Up in Smoke" had come out in 1978, and though I found it very funny, I envisioned a more serious take on the subject, and characters who weren't complete buffoons. After all, I knew potheads who were judges, lawyers, doctors, and school superintendents and they seemed perfectly capable of keeping their heads out of the smoke when they needed to. I'd also spent a couple of years poking around the pot scene in Sonoma, Mendocino and Humboldt Counties, and I'd written about it for newspapers and magazines, including The Examiner's California Living. What I saw, and mostly tried to convey to readers was a story of hypocrisy. Main Street businesses and Main Street merchants - bankers, real estate agents, car dealers - were feeding on an illegal, underground economy at the same time they insisted that there was no big-time marijuana in their neck of the woods. They were law-abiding citizens. If it did exist, they'd be the first to root it out. What I found in Hollywood was a slice from the same hypocrisy pie. At Warner Brothers, at Columbia and in the comfortable mansions of maverick producers - some of them former '60s radicals who had made pictures about the counterculture - I met genuine potheads - grown men and women who not only loved to smoke dope and to get high, but who thought that pot was a sacrament. At least to these folks, the dope dealer might as well have been a messenger from God. Almost every night, these screenwriters, directors, actors and producers would roll a joint or two - or three - and get stoned. The next day, they'd be back at work making movies. Without naming names, some of them were nominated for Academy Awards, and others won awards for best actor and best director. Marijuana was an essential part of their lives - along with gourmet food and fine wine - but they weren't going to risk their reputations by making a movie about it. Moreover, they insisted that no one would finance a marijuana movie. It was the 1980s, and few Hollywood filmmakers wanted to tangle with Nancy Reagan and her "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign. Even if my movie could be made, there would no end of protest from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the industry's own self-policing agency, and from every church group in the country. It just wasn't worth it - or so I was told. I was about to give up and go back home to Sonoma County. Then I met Stephen Gyllenhaal, a young director who didn't smoke dope, hadn't cut his eye teeth in the drug culture of the '60s and '70s, and wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between Mexican weed and California sinsemilla if I had blown the smoke in his face. Since then, Gyllenhaal has directed "Paris Trout," "Losing Isaiah," "Waterland," and "A Dangerous Woman," but in the early 1980s he was looking for a script that would help him climb to the top. By the time I met Gyllenhaal, I'd been around the block a few times. I realized that if I wanted to make a marijuana picture I'd have to think the way Hollywood thinks, and not like a crusading journalist who wanted to out everybody who smoked a joint or laundered a pot dollar. So I came up with a 45-second high concept sales pitch. The movie, I explained, would be a remake of John Huston's 1948 classic "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre," which stars Humphrey Bogart as Fred C. Dobbs, the desperate American drifter, and Alfonso Bedoya as the stereotype of the Mexican bandit in the big hat who spits out the immortal lines: "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges." In my picture, there would be marijuana fever, not gold fever, hippie farmers, not gringo prospectors. There would be pot thieves disguised as cops. At the end, the marijuana would be confiscated and burned by the sheriff, and the wind would blow the smoke back to the mountains where the marijuana had been cultivated. There would be something for everybody, and everyone would be satisfied - even the Motion Picture Association of America - because the picture would not show the marijuana growers getting away with their crime. Granted, they wouldn't go to jail, but they wouldn't get rich either, and getting rich through crime is ostensibly something Hollywood tries not to celebrate, though there have been some notable exceptions, especially Coppola's "Godfather" trilogy. As everyone connected with the movie business knows, directors usually don't buy ideas. They buy screenplays and treatments of possible stories, but Gyllenhaal bought my idea - probably because it was so tidy - for a small piece of change, and the promise that I'd receive story credit. With the help of Nick Kazan, the son of the legendary director Elia Kazan - who was ostracized by the Hollywood Left for naming names in the '50s - we came up with a polished screenplay. But the project went nowhere fast. Then in 1996, California voters approved medical marijuana, and marijuana buyers clubs opened their doors for business all over the Bay Area. Suddenly, the world of marijuana once again seemed like an intriguing for a movie. We found financial backers, assembled a cast and shot the picture quickly, quietly and without violating any drug laws. I spent nearly a week in Santa Cruz, where the outdoor scenes were filmed and learned a lot about how movies are made. Some of the dialogue was changed even as we were filming. What was written down on paper was sometimes stilted, while the improvised dialogue usually sounded a lot more realistic and relaxed. Almost everyone in the cast approached me, and asked whether I had made up the story and characters, or whether the movie was based on real people and real incidents. That was a tough one to answer. Whenever possible, I shrugged my shoulders ambiguously and left them to wonder about the truth of the movie we were making. I developed an appreciation for the art of acting, especially by "Sling Blade's" Billy Bob Thornton, who plays an intense pot dealer named Jack. On camera, Thornton was a totally different person than he was off. He walked and talked with a swagger, and sometimes exuded a more menacing personality. And when he wasn't acting, he'd also keep us entertained with hilarious imitations of stars he had worked with, including Burt Reynolds. When I was invited to be in the last scenes, I jumped at the opportunity. If you watch the final minutes of the picture closely, you'll see me. I don't have any speaking lines, but I wear sunglasses and a Miami Hurricane's cap, and think I do a good job as a very stoned spectator. This month, 18 years after I first went to Hollywood to pitch the idea for it, "Homegrown" is finally coming to movie screens, courtesy of Columbia/Tri-Star Pictures. My original idea is still there, and so are a few of the big scenes I had in mind, and when the credits roll my name is up there in big letters, along with Billy Bob Thornton's, and such big box office stars as Ted Danson, Jamie Lee Curtis, John Lithgow and Jon Bon Jovi, all of whom make cameo appearances as marijuana growers and dealers. There are also major differences from my original approach. There's a "Girl," of course; in a Hollywood picture there has to be a "Girl." In "Homegrown," her name is Lucy. She's a feisty, feminist drug dealer, and she's played by Kelly Lynch, who co-starred in "Drugstore Cowboy." The picture has sex and betrayal, and a marijuana kingpin named Malcolm, who is killed off in the opening scenes of the picture. And then there are Mafia guys with names like Gianni who seem to have wandered onto the set of "Homegrown" from an old gangster picture. There's recycled cliches from half a dozen movies, including Antonioni's "The Passenger," in which Jack Nicholson takes on the identity of a dead man. There are scenes of a marijuana plantation the imitation plants cost $1,500 each - and actors smoking something that looks like marijuana, scenes that don't make the MPAA happy, but that the teenage sons and daughters of '60s hippies will no doubt think are cool. (Some of the imitation plants were "liberated" from the set. Abbie Hoffman lives.) What I've learned from my 18-year love/hate relationship with the project probably won't shock anyone, though it still makes me shake my head. Hollywood people can be greedy, as greedy as pot farmers and dealers. Hollywood can be crass, commercial and cowardly, too. Getting the MPAA to approve the trailer for the picture was pure hell. Apparently you can show all the violence you want, but wave a joint around and the industry's self-appointed censors go ballistic. Along with everyone else who worked on the picture, I'm supposed to get a percentage of the box office receipts, but somehow I doubt I'll ever see the money, whether the picture is successful or not. My students at Sonoma State University will be impressed, but then anyone remotely associated with Hollywood impresses them. Most of them smoke pot - or so they tell me privately - and they'll probably conclude that a movie that shows pot smoking somehow or other condones behavior that the college authorities, their parents, and folks with badges disapprove of. In a way then, I suppose that "Homegrown" has a subversive message. What the picture has taught me is that to make a movie that deals with a controversial subject like marijuana, you have to fight for it every inch of the way. In case you've still forgotten, marijuana is still illegal; doctors don't prescribe it for fear of prosecution by the federal government and many of the marijuana buyers' clubs have been closed down for violating the law. "Homegrown" is an exception. Indeed, Hollywood rarely makes movies about illegal activities unless it makes it absolutely clear that it disapproves of them. Prohibition, and speakeasies and bootleggers didn't make it to the screen in a big way until the Volstead Act had been repealed. Only in the 1930s did it become fashionable to romanticize gangsters, and even then there had to be a final scene in which the tough guy with the machine gun, often played by Paul Muni or George Raft, confessed his crimes and asked for forgiveness. "Homegrown" neither condemns nor condones marijuana. It's ambiguous on the subject. I suppose that's progress of a sort for Hollywood, and maybe worth the price of admission. If you were a card-carrying member of the counterculture and grew a plant or two in your backyard, you might want to check it out for the sake of nostalgia. Then, again, if you love black-and-white classics, you might want to rent "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" once again, and watch Bogart go insane with gold fever, and listen to Alfonso Bedoya as he tilts his hat and cries out, "Badges." My father, the lawyer and the Communist, who grew and smoked his own marijuana after he retired from the bar, would probably say I sold out. Maybe so, dad. But if you want to make a Hollywood movie, you play by Hollywood's rules or you don't play at all. Despite all the difficulties, I'd do it all over again. In fact, I'm already working on my next picture. Just maybe it'll be out, 18 years from now. Jonah Raskin teaches film at Sonoma State University, where he is the chair of the Communication Studies Department. He is the author of For the Hell of It: The Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman. 1998 San Francisco Examiner Page MAG 20
------------------------------------------------------------------- Colorado Therapeutic Cannabis Act Of 1998, Title And Summary (Text Of Ballot Title And Summary For Medical Marijuana Initiative Sponsored By Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis - Plus URL For Complete Text Of Initiative) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 00:44:09 -0700 (MST) From: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project"To: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project" Subject: Title & Summary: Colo. Therapeutic Cannabis Act Colorado Therapeutic Cannabis Act of 1998 Title and Summary Sponsored by: Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis P.O. Box 729 Nederland, CO 80466 Vmail: (303) 784-5632 Email: cohip@levellers.org Web: http://www.levellers.org/cannabis.html Signature deadline: July 31, 1998 Needed: 55,000 valid signatures Donations to pay for signature gathering are encouraged. Ballot title, submission clause and summary approved by the Title Board on March 4, 1998. The Title Board ruled unanimously that the initiative complies with Colorado's single subject requirement. For full text of the initiative, see: http://www.levellers.org/ctca.htm The summary prepared by the Board is as follows: This measure amends the Colorado Constitution by the addition of a new article XXVIII titled "Compassionate Therapeutic Cannabis". The measure identifies the purposes of the new article, including authorizing the compassionate therapeutic use of cannabis by a patient under advice from his or her physician. The measure defines certain terms, such as "cannabis", "hemp" and "medical conditions" for which therapeutic cannabis may be used. The measure directs the general assembly to amend statutes and regulations by replacing the terms "marihuana", "marijuana", and "marihuana concentrate" with the terms "cannabis", "cannabis concentrate", or "hemp". The measure specifies that if the general assembly fails to act by May 15, 2000, any statutes that use the term "marihuana", "marijuana", or "marihuana concentrate" shall be rendered void. Until such time, the measure establishes an exception to the state's criminal laws for patients who engage in therapeutic cannabis use, for primary caregivers who acquire, cultivate, possess, transport, or distribute therapeutic cannabis for the purpose of supplying patients with an adequate supply of therapeutic cannabis, and for persons who cultivate or process hemp for industrial purposes. The measure sets forth certain declarations of policy, including allowing the therapeutic use of cannabis and treating hemp either equally or less restrictively than commercially produced cereal and fiber crops under state law. The measure establishes immunity from prosecution for persons who reasonably believe that their actions conform to the provisions of the new article. It further creates an affirmative defense for persons charged with the violation of a state law relating to marihuana, marijuana, marihuana concentrate, cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or hemp. The measure ensures that a defendant shall be entitled to a trial by jury in all trials in which an affirmative defense is raised. The measure establishes an exception from arrest, prosecution, or denial of right or privilege of or penalty against a physician for providing an opinion or written recommendation to a patient advising the use of therapeutic cannabis to treat a medical condition. The measure establishes an exception to arrest, prosecution, or denial of right or privilege of or penalty against a patient to engage in the therapeutic use of cannabis in conformity with the new article. The measure authorizes a patient to designate, in writing, as many as four people as primary caregivers with significant responsibility for managing the well-being of the patient. The measure allows a primary caregiver to acquire, cultivate, possess, transport, or distribute an adequate supply of therapeutic cannabis for use by patients and establishes an exception from arrest, prosecution, penalty, or denial of right or privilege for such action by a primary caregiver. The measure makes it unlawful for a person intentionally and willfully to misrepresent his or her status as a patient or primary caregiver. The measure establishes the Colorado therapeutic cannabis commission and defines the commission's membership. The measure sets forth the duties of the therapeutic cannabis commission, including the duty to issue licenses for the operation of therapeutic cannabis dispensaries, the duty to make recommendations to the general assembly concerning the enforcement of the new article, the duty to promulgate rules concerning certain matters such as the therapeutic use of cannabis by patients who are less than eighteen years of age, and the duty to report annually to the governor and the general assembly concerning the degree of compliance with the new article by certain entities and concerning recommendations for statutory changes, research programs, and funding levels. The measure allows the therapeutic cannabis commission to make recommendations to the governor concerning persons to be considered for a pardon or reprieve who were convicted prior to the enactment of the new article for nonviolent offenses relating to the use of cannabis as a medicine. The measure directs the therapeutic cannabis commission to establish discussions between federal government agencies, state government agencies, and other interested parties to establish a cohesive transition where conflict of law may exist. The measure provides the therapeutic cannabis commission with the power to issue subpoenas, hold hearings, compel testimony, and hire experts. The measure also authorizes the therapeutic cannabis commission to assess reasonable licensing fees for the operation of therapeutic cannabis dispensaries. The measure identifies the duties of the attorney general, the governor, the general assembly, state governmental agencies and agents, and state executive officers with respect to the implementation and enforcement of the new article. The measure makes it the duty of a state executive officer who is unable to separate his or her personal beliefs from the implementation of the new article to resign his or her office. The measure directs the general assembly to provide adequate funding levels to the therapeutic cannabis commission to accomplish the goals of the new article. The measure includes provisions for severability, liberal construction, and self-execution of the new article.. The measure requires the governor, upon passage, to inform the President and Congress of the United States of America of the passage of the measure and to urge the repeal of the federal prohibition against therapeutic cannabis and the enactment of laws similar to or less restrictive than the new article. The measure identifies an effective date. The Office of State Planning and Budgeting estimates that costs for this measure would be $91,400 in cash funds, consisting of the costs of providing legal and administrative support to the general assembly, governor, and the Colorado therapeutic cannabis commission. These funds ultimately would be provided from cash fees paid by therapeutic cannabis dispensaries. The Department of Local Affairs has determined that there would be no direct fiscal impact on local governments resulting from the enactment of this measure. *** Ballot title and submission clause: SHALL THERE BE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION CONCERNING THE USE OF THE PLANT CANNABIS SATIVA, AND, IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, ALLOWING THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS USE BY A PATIENT UNDER THE ADVICE OF A PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OF MEDICAL CONDITIONS; ESTABLISHING AN EXCEPTION TO CRIMINAL LAWS FOR PHYSICIANS WHO PROVIDE AN OPINION OR RECOMMENDATION TO A PATIENT ADVISING THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF CANNABIS TO TREAT A MEDICAL CONDITION; ESTABLISHING AN EXCEPTION TO THE CRIMINAL LAWS FOR THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF CANNABIS BY A PATIENT; AUTHORIZING A PATIENT TO DESIGNATE IN WRITING UP TO FOUR PRIMARY CAREGIVERS WHO MAY ACQUIRE, CULTIVATE, POSSESS, TRANSPORT, OR DISTRIBUTE AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS FOR USE BY PATIENTS; ESTABLISHING AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE TO CRIMES RELATED TO MARIHUANA, CANNABIS, OR HEMP IF THE PERSON'S ACTIONS CONFORM TO THE INTENT OR PROVISIONS OF THE MEASURE; DIRECTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO AMEND STATUTES AND REGULATIONS BY REPLACING THE TERMS "MARIHUANA" AND "MARIJUANA" WITH THE TERMS "CANNABIS", "CANNABIS CONCENTRATE", OR "HEMP"; PROVIDING FOR STATUTES USING THE TERMS "MARIHUANA" OR "MARIJUANA" TO BE RENDERED VOID IF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FAILS TO ACT BY A DATE CERTAIN; UNTIL THE STATUTES ARE CHANGED, CREATING AN EXCEPTION TO THE STATE'S CRIMINAL STATUTES FOR PERSONS WHO ENGAGE IN THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS USE, FOR PRIMARY CAREGIVERS WHO ACQUIRE, CULTIVATE, POSSESS, TRANSPORT, OR DISTRIBUTE THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLYING PATIENTS WITH AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS, AND FOR PERSONS WHO CULTIVATE OR PROCESS HEMP FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES IF SUCH ACTIONS ARE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE MEASURE; ESTABLISHING IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION FOR OFFENSES RELATING TO THE USE OF CANNABIS SATIVA IN THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH A PERSON HAD A REASONABLE BELIEF THAT HIS OR HER ACTIONS CONFORMED TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE MEASURE; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL WHEN AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE IS RAISED; ESTABLISHING THE COLORADO THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS COMMISSION FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUING LICENSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS DISPENSARIES, PROMULGATING RULES CONCERNING THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF CANNABIS BY MINORS, AND REPORTING TO THE GOVERNOR AND THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONCERNING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STATUTORY CHANGES AND THE DEGREE OF COMPLIANCE BY CERTAIN ENTITIES; AUTHORIZING THE COLORADO THERAPEUTIC CANNABIS COMMISSION TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE GOVERNOR CONCERNING PERSONS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR PARDON OR REPRIEVE WHO WERE CONVICTED OF NONVIOLENT OFFENSES RELATING TO THE USE OF CANNABIS AS A MEDICINE; IDENTIFYING THE DUTIES OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE GOVERNOR, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND AGENTS, AND STATE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS WITH RESPECT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE MEASURE? *** Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis P.O. Box 729 Nederland, CO 80466 Phone: (303) 784-5632 Email: cohip@levellers.org Web: http://www.levellers.org/cannabis.html
------------------------------------------------------------------- States Eye Arizona Drug Policy ('The Tribune' Says Maricopa County Attorney Richard Romley, Who Championed Efforts Against Arizona's Proposition 200, Said He Has Received Dozens Of Calls From States Such As Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Nevada, Oregon And Washington, That Are Facing Similar Propositions In November) Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:55:11 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US AZ: States Eye Arizona Drug Policy Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: John W.Black Pubdate: 22 March 1998 Source: The Tribune (AZ) Contact: azforum@aol.com Author: Kris Axtman - The Tribune STATES EYE ARIZONA DRUG POLICY In Oregon, marijuana is sold at liquor stores. In Florida, drug dealers are not prosecuted. In Nevada, kids get high on heroin prescribed by a doctor. That could be the future if voters approve initiatives on November ballots in other states around the nation. Frightened lawmakers and law enforcement officials are turning to Arizona for help in fighting efforts to legalize marijuana and other illicit drugs for medicinal purposes. "They are going to have a real tough battle, there is no question at all," said Maricopa County Attorney Richard Romley, who championed efforts against Arizona's Proposition 200. That proposition, the first of its kind to pass, took effect in 1996 and allowed doctors to prescribe marijuana and other Schedule 1 drugs-such as heroin, PCP and LSD-to ill patients. Romley said he has received dozens of calls from states such as Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, that are facing similar propositions in November. "They've been interested in the Arizona experience. They want to know, not just how we approached it, but to give a bit of insight as to what is really occurring here," he said. "And since the passage of Proposition 200, I think we have a little bit more of a background of exactly what the true objective is." That objective, Romley believes, is the legalization of drugs - and, in speeches around the country, he is warning people to keep their eyes open. "Medical marijuana is what I would call the Trojan horse for legalizing all drugs," he said. "And it's an easy message to sell because Americans are very compassionate people. Who doesn't want to provide any medicine that will help he sick and the suffering?" Sam Vagenas, an Arizona campaign consultant for drug policy reform who worked for the state's effort, believes of the 10 states working on similar propositions, more than half will make it on the November ballot. "We are certainly helping to raise money and lend technical support to encourage these other efforts," he said. That worries cash-poor opponents in other states who fear a glut of costly ads. "In Arizona and California, no one had any money to go up against these ads." said Betty Sembler, founder of Florida's Save Our Society From Drugs. Some Arizonans counter that the drive had a legitimate purpose. Mesa resident Josh Burner, who is suffering with terminal throat cancer, claims marijuana helps him deal with his disease like no other drug. "I get so tired of people saying this is legalization of marijuana. It's no more legalization than anything else you need a prescription for," he said. Burner said he has a prescription for marijuana, but has nowhere to fill it. Federal law requires FDA approval of a drug before it can be prescribed - something none of the Schedule 1 drugs have yet been granted.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Addicted Spiritual Leaders Need Healing, Support And Forgiveness (Religion Columnist For 'Minneapolis Star-Tribune' Gives Advice On How To Deal With Spiritual Leaders Impaired By Use Of Alcohol Or Other Drugs, But Erroneously Asserts That Most Religious Traditions Forbid The Use Of Illegal Drugs) Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:29:46 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: Addicted Spiritual Leaders Need Healing, Support And Forgiveness Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Mike Gogulski Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune Contact: opinion@startribune.com Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Website: http://www.startribune.com/ Author: John A. MacDougall ADDICTED SPIRITUAL LEADERS NEED HEALING, SUPPORT AND FORGIVENESS When confronted with a chemically dependent spiritual leader, the congregation is often caught between the images of sin and disease. We say that alcoholism is a disease, but then we behave as if it were a moral failure, with shame, silence and secrecy. If the pastor, priest, rabbi or lay leader had cancer or heart disease, the congregation would be public with support and prayers. But if the spiritual leader has a drinking or drug use problem, we often are quiet. Some religious traditions forbid or discourage alcohol use, and most forbid the use of illegal drugs. Spiritual leaders are expected to set good examples in most areas, including morality and chemical health. This can lead to pressure to hide areas of wrongdoing or failure to meet norms about alcohol use. The belief that spiritual leaders are above alcoholism and drug addiction often leads congregations to unwittingly opt for health care plans that provide minimal coverage for chemical dependency. Many plans cover only outpatient care. It is quite difficult to break the addiction and start recovery while serving as a congregational leader. Addiction is a life-threatening disease; it can be treated best by allowing people time to begin the healing process. Chemically dependent spiritual leaders need to recover from addiction. They also need to be forgiven for the specific things they have done wrong during the course of their addiction. The Twelve Step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provide a mechanism for moving from shame to guilt, from guilt to responsibility, and from responsibility to forgiveness. Guilt, Not Shame In recovery, people admit their powerlessness over their addictions and their unmanageable lives. This is often a shameful time, as the shame of what they have done and the shame of what they have become floods over them. Shame isn't a good place to stay. Guilt is better. Guilt means "I made a mistake." Shame means "I am a mistake." Next, recovering people make a searching moral inventory of themselves and admit to God, themselves and another person the exact nature of their wrongs. This identifies what their guilt is. Recovering people take responsibility for their lives by becoming ready to have God remove their character defects and shortcomings. Then they make a list of the people they have harmed and make amends to them, unless those amends would make things worse. In making amends, they are bringing restoration and justice into their lives, and freedom results. At this point the congregation needs to bring the gift of forgiveness. When each person takes his or her own inventory, recognizes his or her defects, and makes amends, the congregation needs to have a gracious response. If we forgive too early, or in advance of change, we enable the disease to progress. If we don't forgive at all, we may not hurt the recovering person, but we impoverish ourselves by passing up the chance for reconciliation. Here's what a congregation can do to create a climate of recovery and forgiveness: Educate ourselves about the disease of chemical dependency so that it can be prevented or promptly identified and treated. Be our brothers' and sisters' keeper by gently confronting each other when alcohol or drug abuse is in its early stages. Intervene forcefully to move the chemically dependent person toward treatment. Provide financial support for treatment and moral support for recovery. Provide the time away from leadership duties for treatment and for ongoing participation in AA or NA. Forgive the conduct for which the recovering person has made amends. In this, we will bear one another's burdens and become a better fellowship. http://www.hazelden.org. -- John A. MacDougall is a doctor of ministry and the supervisor of Spiritual Care at Hazelden, a nonprofit organization based in Center City, Minn., that provides chemical dependency information, education and recovery services. More information on addiction and recovery is available through Hazelden's web site at To contact MacDougall, call 1-800-257-7800, ext. 4465.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Junior High Principal Charged With Marijuana Possession, Carrying A Gun ('Associated Press' Says Police Pulled Over The Truck Of The Cleveland, Texas, Man Because Of An Obstructed License Plate, But Then He Aroused More Suspicion When He Leaned Over And Appeared To Be Hiding Something Under The Front Seat) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 20:16:02 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US TX: Junior High Principal Charged With Marijuana Possession, Carrying A Gun Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Chris Clay Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Source: Associated Press JUNIOR HIGH PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH MARIJUANA POSSESSION, CARRYING A GUN CLEVELAND -- A junior high school principal has been suspended with pay after being charged with possession of marijuana and unlawfully carrying a pistol. Richard Kreiner, 47, of Cleveland, was released on $1,500 bail Friday after being jailed overnight by the Woodbranch Village Police Department on the drug and weapon charges. He was in his first year as principal of Cleveland Junior High School after having been a successful teacher in the Bryan school district. "He was suspended, pending review of the police reports. If the charges are true, they violate our code of ethics. We have a zero-tolerance policy here on such things," said Nancy Fuller, interim superintendent for the Cleveland Independent School District. She said Kreiner did not have a criminal history. Woodbranch Police Chief Stoney England said one of his officers pulled over Kreiner's truck on U.S. 59 Thursday because of an "obstructed license plate." He said Kreiner aroused suspicion when he leaned over and appeared to be hiding something under the front seat. The officer recovered a .357-caliber Magnum pistol, which Kreiner had no permit for, as well as 28 grams of marijuana from under the seat, England said. Kreiner, who has an unpublished telephone number, could not be reached for comment Saturday by The Associated Press.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Charge Gets Principal A Suspension ('Waco Tribune-Herald' Version) Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 22:09:52 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US TX: Drug Charge Gets Principal a Suspension Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: John F. Wilson john@november.org Source: Waco Tribune-Herald Contact: letters@mail.iamerica.net Pubdate: Mon, 22 Mar 1998 DRUG CHARGE GETS PRINCIPAL A SUSPENSION CLEVELAND, Texas -- (AP) A junior high school principal has been suspended with pay after being charged with possession of marijuana and unlawfully carrying a pistol. Richard Kreiner, 47, of Cleveland, was released on $1,500 bail Friday after being jailed overnight by the Woodbranch Village Police Department on the drug and weapons charges. He was in his first year as principal of Cleveland Junior High School after having been a successful teacher in the Bryan school district. "He was suspended, pending review of the police reports. If the charges are true, they violate our code of ethics. We have a zero-tolerance policy here on such things," said Nancy Fuller, interim superintendent for the Cleveland Independent School District. She said Kreiner did not have a criminal history. Woodbranch Police Chief Stoney England said one of his officers pulled over Kreiner's truck on U.S. 59 Thursday because of an "obstructed license plate." He said Kreiner aroused suspicion when he leaned over and appeared to be hiding something under the front seat. The officer recovered a .357-caliber Magnum pistol, which Kreiner had no permit for, as well as 28 grams of marijuana, England said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents Called Key To Fighting Drugs ('Dallas Morning News' Says Some Families Lack Parental Involvement) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 11:41:31 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US TX: Parents Called Key to Fighting Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Website: http://www.dallasnews.com Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Author: Brooks Egerton / The Dallas Morning News PARENTS CALLED KEY TO FIGHTING DRUGS Some say helping youths isn't that easy Mom and Dad went out of town for the weekend, leaving their barely teenage son home alone. He invited eight friends over for an all-night party, one loud enough to make neighbors call the police. "When I brought this to the parents' attention," says Plano Officer Susan Baumert, "the reaction was, 'How dare you! What were you doing in our house?' " Not exactly a typical response, the officer says, but disturbingly common all the same. She sees in it some of the underpinnings of Plano's drug crisis - an absence of supervision and a knee-jerk defensiveness that seemingly would rather save children from a juvenile record than save their lives. "A lot of what I see is parents who have looked the other way and made excuses their whole life," says Officer Baumert, who's usually stationed at Hendrick Middle School. "Many of them are in denial until it's too late." A few years ago, perhaps, it was harder to imagine the fatal consequences of such an attitude. But in the last 26 months, heroin has killed at least a dozen young people with Plano ties. This week, students accused of dealing a smorgasbord of drugs were arrested at their high schools. At Monday's news conference announcing those arrests, Police Chief Bruce Glasscock cited one of the most striking things that undercover officers had seen in the preceding months: a lack of parental involvement in some families. "Know where your kids are," he said. "It has to start at home." To those elsewhere in the trenches, such statements sound a bit like platitudes. "It's not easy to know what your kids are doing," says Dr. Doyle Dean, principal of Plano Senior High School. "It's hard to know how much freedom to give a child." Much easier, he says, is "to condemn someone you don't know." Across the street at Disciples Christian Church, which offers a Narcotics Anonymous meeting six days a week, Pastor Carl Zerweck utters similar cautions. He acknowledges that denial - by users, their relatives, the community at large - is fueling this epidemic: "That's why the problem is probably going to continue to get worse." But he also stresses that he sees plenty of addicts from good homes with good, caring parents. And he believes there are signs of hope, of a community-wide solution to the problem. "Addiction is a disease," Mr. Zerweck says. "When we put it in those terms, it's not as easy to moralize about it. "For some people, all it takes is one drink, one joint, one hit of chiva" - the capsulized heroin-sleeping pill mix implicated in several Plano deaths - "and they're a full-blown addict." The uncle of the latest victim, 17-year-old Natacha Campbell, tried to explain in a recent letter to The Dallas Morning News: "You think they are too smart to take heroin," wrote Michael Graham. "Think again. Remember when we were young and drunk? We may never have been tempted to do heroin because we envisioned a skid-row bum with syringes. "But what if a cool or good-looking guy came up to your unsuspecting daughter and offered her a capsule form of heroin? The fairly innocent victim is told that it is a new kind of drug that makes you feel great - 'Everyone's doing it, try it once!' " At that noisy, unchaperoned party to which she was summoned, Officer Baumert says she found no drugs - though she notes that it took 10 minutes to get inside the house, plenty of time for evidence to go swirling down the toilet. What remained for officers to do that night was reconnect the revelers - boys and girls, as young as 11 - with their parents. These adults, unlike the host's parents, were merely clueless; they had been hoodwinked by the old, "I'm staying over at so-and-so's" line. "They were embarrassed and flabbergasted that they had been so completely taken in," Officer Baumert says. Her simple counsel: "When your kids say they're going to spend the night someplace, you've got to call" to check it out. The officer reels off other horror stories, many starting not when she calls parents with news of a crime but merely with a heads-up. Stories that start like this: Did you know your 14-year-old daughter is having sex? Mom's response: "You interrupted my day to tell me that? I've got meetings." Later, she "came up here and screamed at me for 30 minutes." Another example: Your 12-year-old son is threatening to commit suicide. Response: "It's his life." Or I'm going to arrest your child for threatening to kill a teacher. Response: "We'll handle it at home - please don't file charges." Officer Baumert caps her quiet sermon with a lament that stereotyping has more often attached to the welfare mom: "Unfortunately, it takes no qualifications to have children." Danny Goldberg has hazy memories of an early encounter with Officer Baumert, back when he was a middle-school pup of 12 or 13. Back before he'd become a midlevel cocaine dealer, before a family car got torched, before he got stabbed, before he got busted, before mixing coke and speed nearly killed him. And before more friends than he can count died. Officer Baumert had an idea where the boy was headed and stopped by his house. The father, now deceased, "knew I had smoked pot but didn't think it was anything more," the son says. Wrong. Dad threatened to sue for harassment. "My kid's not like that," Mr. Goldberg recalls him saying. "Yes, he is," came the officer's reply. And "ever since then, she's been on my ass," Mr. Goldberg says. "She's a wonderful woman." Having survived to the ripe old age of 20, he says he's clean and sober, working on a tech-school degree, paying off his debts to society and determined to clear probation. Mr. Goldberg's advice to the parents of those arrested this week at Plano's high schools: "I wouldn't bail 'em out." For some of those caught, many of whom are in their late teens, it may be too late even for tough love to work. Officer Baumert says it may have been too late for a long time. "Many kids start experimenting when they're just hitting the teenage years," she says. "If you haven't laid the foundation by age 6. . . . " Time now for Officer Baumert to walk the walk: She and her husband, a fellow officer, have a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old. "I'm a working mother," she says. "I'd love to stay at home, but we can't afford it." Her assessment of parenthood: "It's the hardest job in the world."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Zero Tolerance's Negative Side ('Washington Post' Says A Resident Of Northwest Washington, DC, Who Pleaded For Eight Years For Police Patrols To Stop Drug Dealing Near His Home Ended Up With $150 In Traffic Tickets And A Higher Auto Insurance Rate After Police Responded With Zero Tolerance Patrols - Drug Dealing Continued Unabated However) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:11:28 -0400 (AST) Sender: Chris DonaldTo: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: US DC: WP: Zero Tolerance's Negative Side (fwd) Subj: US DC: WP: Zero Tolerance's Negative Side Source: Washington Post Author: Courtland Milloy Contact: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 ZERO TOLERANCE'S NEGATIVE SIDE For the past eight years, Gary Kettler has pleaded for more police patrols and city services for his neighborhood in Northwest Washington. He has wanted police to stop the drug dealing that goes on near his home in LeDroit Park, to say nothing of catching the people who mugged him recently. Kettler, 47, also hoped that police would apprehend whoever threw a brick through the window of his truck, although he knew that was wishful thinking. The least the city could do, he thought, was to haul away the abandoned automobiles that took up precious parking space on his block. Last week, police finally showed up with a law enforcement campaign called "Zero Tolerance." A traffic checkpoint was set up near Kettler's house. And when Kettler drove through with his wife and 18-month-old baby on Tuesday night, police fined both adults $50 apiece for not wearing seat belts. The next night, Kettler's wife, on an errand two blocks from home, absent-mindedly didn't fasten her seat belt. She was stopped by seven police officers and fined another $50. All told, the couple now faces a combined assessment of nine points on their driver's licenses, enough to raise their insurance premiums by several hundred dollars a year, plus $150 in fines. Meanwhile, the drug dealers continue to operate in LeDroit Park and the abandoned cars remain on their street. "This 'zero tolerance' is just a gimmick to bring in more revenue for the District," Kettler complained. "It has nothing to do with stopping crime or catching criminals." D.C. police acknowledge that such zero tolerance checkpoints have irritated some residents. But they argue that by stopping motorists on minor infractions, they frequently make arrests for more serious offenses. "Invariably, at each checkpoint, we catch criminals and recover guns and drugs," said Capt. Barry Malkin, whose 3rd District police station covers LeDroit Park. Kettler, though, is no criminal. Nor is his wife. He is a director at a Washington-based multinational engineering firm. She is an architect with a nonprofit housing corporation. Together, they are helping to revitalize one of the District's most historic neighborhoods, as well as contributing about $20,000 a year to the city's tax base. It is precisely such people that experts say the District needs to attract. A stronger middle-class presence is the key to improving public schools, the experts say, and it is believed that new businesses would also move into the city because of them. Couldn't police have used some discretion? A first-time warning, perhaps? It was, after all, a seat-belt infraction, not interstate transport of firearms and drugs, which are the real public safety concern of District residents. "How are you supposed to discriminate?" Capt. Malkin asked. "How do you give them a break and nobody else? Zero tolerance means zero tolerance." Kettler said that he could accept that if it were true. "My wife saw a young man with a gun beating up an old man, and we had to walk through a gang of people dealing drugs to report the assault to the 10 police officers who were standing on another corner handing out tickets for not wearing seat belts," Kettler said. "It may be zero tolerance for minor offenses, but it's business as usual for the serious stuff." Malkin said the workings of zero tolerance enforcement are more complicated than it appears. "You may see drug dealers on one corner and us on another, but a lot of them eventually get caught because of the omnipresence of police," he said. Malkin attributed the District's recently reported 22 percent drop in crime, in part, to the zero tolerance campaign, although he acknowledged that many checkpoints simply cause drug dealers to move from one neighborhood to another. Kettler said that what bothered him most about the zero tolerance campaign was a "fascist attitude" that some police officers displayed. "You find yourself surrounded by all of these police officers who are armed and geared up to hassle you," he said. "You are presumed guilty as they search to find anything to justify making the stop." Frustrated that eight years of asking city officials for better police protection had resulted only in his being caught not wearing a seat belt, Kettler admits he lost his temper. "You've got the wrong people," he recalled shouting at the police. "Why are you giving us tickets while people are standing all around us dealing drugs?" According to Kettler, one of the police officers replied, "If you don't like it, move back to the suburbs where you came from." (Kettler's wife had moved into the District from Takoma Park five years ago.) Kettler said yesterday that he and his wife have decided to heed the police officer's advice. They are putting their house up for sale and moving out. "If the District needs $150 so badly that it has to treat my family with contempt, then they can have it," Kettler said. "But we're taking our $20,000 in annual income taxes to the suburbs." (c) Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company
------------------------------------------------------------------- The Netrovert - Information On Politics Easy To Get (Columnist For 'Northwest Florida News' Notes Drug Policy Reformers On The Internet Have Obliterated The Influence Of The Political Culture Of Sound Bites And Spin Doctors - Online, It's Very Difficult To Find Someone To Defend The Massively Destructive And Massively Expensive Social Experiment Known As The War On Drugs, And Impossible To Find Someone Who Can Defend It Ably - The Drug Warriors Have Nothing But Reefer Madness Propaganda To Support Their Position, And On The Internet, With Its Instantaneous Access To Scientific Materials, This Is An Overwhelming Disadvantage) Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 07:02:28 -0500 To: DrugSense News Service, mattalk@islandnet.com From: Richard Lake Subject: US: Column: The Netrovert - Information On Politics Easy To Get Newshawk: Ray Aldridge Source: The Northwest Florida Daily News Page: 4F Pubdate: 22 Mar 1998 Contact: http://www.nwfdailynews.com/today/feedback.html FAX: (904) 863-7834 Website: http://www.nwfdailynews.com/ Columnist: Ray Aldridge Note: Ray Aldridge is a novelist and Web designer who lives in Fort Walton Beach. You may e-mail him at raya@nwfdailynews.com. THE NETROVERT - INFORMATION ON POLITICS EASY TO GET The Internet is changing the face of American politics. The culture of sound bites and spin doctors that has dominated the electoral follies for generations is beginning to lose its influence. The Internet gives voters a new way to acquire political information, independent of the moneyed interests that have had such a corrupting influence on the process. Consider, for example, that on the Internet, the war on drugs was lost a long time ago. Online, it's very difficult to find someone to defend this massively destructive and massively expensive social experiment, and impossible to find someone who can defend it ably. The drug warriors have nothing but reefer madness propaganda to support their position, and on the Internet, with its instantaneous access to scientific materials, this is an overwhelming disadvantage. Polls conducted among Internet users show a huge majority want to end the war, and a lot of them have set up polished and professional Web sites dedicated to that purpose. One particularly good one is the Media Awareness Project (http://www.mapinc.org/), which collects and archives news on the war. A while back, for example, the site recorded a truly astonishing example of political stupidity on the part of Steve Forbes, the man who would be America's CEO. It seems that the good citizens of Washington, D.C., were entertaining a petition to permit the medical use of marijuana. Evidently Forbes saw this as a golden opportunity to establish his drug warrior credentials. He made the usual arguments, assuring us that allowing the sick and dying to smoke pot without fear of incarceration would lead inevitably to the collapse of civilization. That's all well and good, from a political viewpoint. Lots of voters believe the same thing. But then Forbes goofed. He claimed that "well-financed legalization forces" want to "make America safe for Colombian-style drug cartels." The drug lords' greatest fear is that we might end the war, and take away the countless untaxed billions they have come to expect as their due. That Steve Forbes is apparently ignorant of this basic economic fact does not argue well for his candidacy. If he doesn't understand that "legalizers" and drug lords are the bitterest of enemies, how will he ever grasp the more subtle aspects of statecraft? His opponents in the primaries will, unfortunately, never take him to task for his foolish remarks. In American politics, to criticize even the most obviously deranged drug war rhetoric is to leave yourself open to the charge that you're "soft on drugs." That accusation can be fatal to your career, and few politicians are brave when their career is at risk. But the Internet is slowly flooding America's political grassroots. It's becoming America's political memory, and it never forgets. Voters can now share their opinions directly with thousands of other voters, cheaply and efficiently. Some of them are going to be wondering if it's really such a good idea to elect a dullard to the highest office in the land, even if they like his political philosophy. (c) 1998 Northwest Florida Daily News
------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Intercept - Multiple Consequences Of Social Policy (Clifford Schaffer Has Posted On The World Wide Web The Noteworthy Report On Nixon's Attempt In 1969 To Interdict All Marijuana Crossing The Mexican Border - Use Of Cannabis Dropped But Use Of Other, More Dangerous And Addictive Drugs Increased) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:16:55 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: "Clifford Schaffer"To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Operation Intercept - Multiple Consequences of Social Policy For all those interested in the relationship between law enforcement and drug use rates, see "Operation Intercept - the Multiple Consequences of Social Policy", newly arrived in the Schaffer Library at http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/History/e1960/intercept/Default.htm It describes what happened to drug use when the Feds tried to stop all marijuana smuggling in 1969.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cocaine Eradication (Letter To Editor Of 'Austin American-Statesman' Notes That Most Americans Can't Keep Crab Grass Out Of Their Own Back Yards, Yet They Continue Funding A Glorified Weed-Pulling Program In A Tropical Jungle Approximately The Size Of The United States East Of The Rocky Mountains) Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:55:50 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US TX: PUB LTE: Cocaine Eradication Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Eric Traveno < http://www.november.org > Source: Austin American-Statesman Contact: letters@statesman.com Website: http://www.Austin360.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 COCAINE ERADICATION Futility strikes again in the form of certification for Mexico and waivers for Columbia's cocaine eradication efforts. Source eradication is pure folly; here's why: Using a mere 1/20 of 1 percent of the entire coca-growing region, 795 metric tons of cocaine are produced annually using primitive farming methods. The coca-growing region of South America is approximately the size of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. One hundred percent of the world's cocaine comes from South America. Most Americans can't keep crab grass out of their own back yards, and yet they continue funding a glorified weed-pulling program in a tropical jungle. The certification process begins with "certified idiots": utopian policy-makers in lock-step with warmongering drug cartels. Let's eradicate stupidity. Let's certify harm reduction and tolerance. John F. Wilson, Waco
------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Seeks Crop Status For Nonintoxicating Hemp ('New York Times' Version Of Last Week's News About A Coalition Of Agricultural, Commercial And Environmental Groups Pushing The Clinton Administration To Overturn The Prohibition On The Cultivation Of Industrial Hemp) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:20:49 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: NYT: Group Seeks Crop Status for Nonintoxicating Hemp Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Dick Evans Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Source: The New York Times Author: John H. Cushman Jr. Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ GROUP SEEKS CROP STATUS FOR NONINTOXICATING HEMP WASHINGTON -- A coalition of agricultural, commercial and environmental groups is pushing the Clinton administration to overturn the prohibition on cultivation of all cannabis strains so those that lack the intoxicating properties of marijuana can again be grown. Hemp has developed a reputation for being an earth-friendly crop with extensive uses in fiber products that draws high praise from some manufacturers. But officials at the White House drug office quickly dismissed that notion, branding it a subterfuge for legalization and noting that the idea of allowing hemp farms had already been studied and rejected. "Many of the people who are interested in hemp are interested solely as a means of legitimizing the production of marijuana for use," said David Des Roches, an official at the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Under the coalition's proposal, licensed farmers would be permitted to grow the crop and would have to use seeds genetically selected and federally certified not to produce significant amounts of the mind-altering compound that turned the species from a commonplace cash crop years ago into a banned one. They said they would petition the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Agriculture on Monday to write new regulations recognizing the difference between strains of the plant. But federal officials said that was unlikely to happen unless Congress first changed the drug laws. The group is taking pains to distance themselves from those who would legalize marijuana for medical or recreational use, saying their goal is to revive industrial-grade hemp as a major domestic crop. To that end they have chosen a carpet manufacturing official, a Republican legislator from Hawaii, and a senior biologist from Indiana University to speak for their cause. The coalition included representatives of the North American Industrial Hemp Council, which represents potential producers and consumers, and the Resource Conservation Alliance, an environmental group that favors alternatives to forest products. "The fiber is better than any other natural product for our commercial markets, even to include wool," said Ray Berard, senior vice president of technology at Interface Inc., a $1.2 billion carpet manufacturer. "I would like to be able to buy the material here in this country." The hemp advocates said the system they are proposing would accommodate law-enforcement concerns while allowing farmers to grow a crop that is harvested in dozens of countries, recently including Canada, Germany and Britain. Although marijuana and hemp are synonyms for the same plant species, the industrially useful strains have almost none of the psychoactive ingredient THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. The hemp plant, once widely cultivated in the United States, can be used for an array of commercial materials, like textiles, balms, paper, lumber, paints and oils. Typically grown without harmful chemicals, the plant is said to be environmentally benign, and its products, like industrial carpeting, are easily recycled and used in composts. Environmental advocates often see it as an alternative to conventional materials like wood pulp or cotton, or perhaps as a source of renewable energy. In recent years, a lively market for products made from hemp has emerged, from rough-hewn jeans and natural-tone knitwear to "Extra Strength Hemp Zap Vegan Analgesic Balm." But law-enforcement officials said that hemp's true cachet comes not from its earth-friendly image but from the perception that hemp products are hip, especially when they carry the readily recognized logo of the cannabis leaf.
------------------------------------------------------------------- US Asked To Lift Hemp Ban ('Associated Press' Version In 'Detroit News') Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 20:39:36 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: U.S. Asked To Lift Hemp Ban Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: creator@hempbc.com Source: Detroit News (MI) Author: Curt Anderson, Associated Press Contact: letters@detnews.com Website: http://www.detnews.com/ Pubdate: Sunday, March 22, 1998 U.S. ASKED TO LIFT HEMP BAN Legalization May Hurt Efforts To Stamp Out Marijuana, Officials Say WASHINGTON -- Industrial hemp has 25,000 uses ranging from construction material to paper to clothing, but smoking it to get stoned is not among them. Yet proponents of hemp say it could give farmers a financial high. "There's an incredible opportunity," said Jeffrey Gain, a hemp proponent and former chief of the National Corn Growers Association. "There is too much emphasis on too few crops. We need to start adding crops." But right now, the federal government bans cultivation of industrial hemp and considers it a controlled substance, no different from its hallucinogenic cousin marijuana. Several groups, including the North American Industrial Hemp Council and the Resource Conservation Alliance, want to change that. They are preparing to petition the Drug Enforcement Administration to drop hemp from the controlled substance list. They want the Agriculture Department to set up a system of certifying hemp seeds and licensing farmers. "We're asking them to refine the definition of marijuana," said Ned Daly, director of the Resource Conservation Alliance, on Friday. "Hemp is not a drug and cannot be used as a drug." Hemp has a long history in the United States. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew it. The Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper. During World War II, the federal government mounted a "Hemp for Victory" growing campaign for many military uses, including ropes, tents and parachute cords. Some agricultural economists say farmers today could gross up to $500 an acre for hemp. Canada legalized it earlier this month after a 60-year ban, in part because of the income potential for farmers, and several U.S. states are promoting hemp research. Hemp and marijuana are varieties of the cannabis sativa plant. But hemp typically contains less than 1 percent of the active ingredient, THC, that makes pot smokers high. Marijuana plants contain 10 percent to 20 percent THC. "It's not psychoactive," said Paul Gordon Mahlberg, a biology professor at Indiana University. Still, the DEA and President Clinton's drug control policy director, Barry McCaffrey, say hemp's legalization could hinder efforts to stamp out marijuana. "A serious law enforcement concern is that a potential byproduct of legalizing hemp production would be de facto legalization of marijuana cultivation," McCaffrey's office said in a statement. "The seedlings are the same and in many instances the mature plants look the same." Supporters of ending the ban say that is just blowing smoke. They say hemp plants are far taller than marijuana, are grown much closer together and typically are not allowed to flower. The flowering produces the buds that marijuana growers covet. "The dope argument lacks any merit," said Hawaii state Rep. Cynthia Thielen, a Republican who says farmers in her state want hemp as an alternative to sugar and pineapples. "You can tell the difference. You're licensing farmers so you know where the crop is. If someone's growing that isn't licensed, bust them." The Agriculture Department, however, questions how profitable hemp might actually be: It is labor intensive and cheaper alternatives already exist for many of its uses. For instance, hemp linen costs $15 a square yard, compared with only $7.50 for flax linen. "Hemp production in the United States has no demonstrated economic value potential as a cash crop," the McCaffrey statement said. But proponents are undeterred, noting that Canadian farmers plan to plant 5,000 acres of hemp this spring and farmers in England and Germany have turned solid profits from it for years. Some of the more unusual uses for hemp include reinforcement in concrete, as a replacement for fiberglass in cars, in shoes and even as a cosmetic oil. Beyond the economic arguments, proponents say hemp is good for field rotations that help sustain soil and reduce harmful insects. "It's a legitimate crop with enormous economic and environmental potential," Gain said. Copyright 1998, The Detroit News
------------------------------------------------------------------- Probationers Surveyed On Drug Use ('Associated Press' Article To Be Partly Printed In Tomorrow's 'Boston Globe' Says The First National Survey Of Probationers, Conducted For The US Bureau Of Justice Statistics, Found That 46.8 Percent Of Probationers Had Used Alcohol Or Other Drugs At The Time Of Their Offense) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 20:03:14 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: Wire: Probationers Surveyed on Drug Use Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: ttrippet@mail.sorosny.org Source: Associated Press Author: Michael J. Sniffen Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 98 PROBATIONERS SURVEYED ON DRUG USE WASHINGTON (AP) - Almost half the men and women on probation in the United States were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they committed their crimes, the Justice Department said Sunday. The first national survey of probationers, conducted for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, found that 46.8 percent of probationers had used either alcohol, drugs or both at the time of their offense. This was lower than use among incarcerated criminals at the time of their offenses. Among jail inmates, 60 percent had used alcohol, drugs or both when they committed their crimes; among state prison inmates, the figure was 49 percent. Alcohol consumption was more prevalent than use of illegal drugs. Among probationers, 40 percent had consumed alcohol when they committed their crimes and 14 percent used drugs. Probationers who used alcohol along with drugs are counted in both the separate alcohol and drug percentages, which accounts for those two figures totaling more than the combined percentage. The number of probationers consuming alcohol at the time of their offense was comparable to that of jail inmates, 41 percent, but higher than that of state prisoners, 32 percent. But drug use by probationers during their crime was far below the figures for jail inmates, 32 percent, or state prisoners, 36 percent. The most commonly used drug was marijuana. Among all probationers, 67 percent said they had used marijuana or hashish at least once in their lives, 31 percent had used crack or other forms of cocaine, 25 percent had taken stimulants, 20 percent hallucinogens, 15 percent barbiturates and 8 percent heroin or other opiates. Among all probationers, 35 percent admitted they had at least once consumed as much as a fifth of a gallon of alcohol in one day. That's the equivalent of 20 drinks of liquor, three six-packs of beer or three bottles of wine. Slightly more than half of all probationers said they had been involved in a domestic dispute while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or both at some time in their lives. Sixty-four percent admitted driving a vehicle under the influence of either or both. According to the most recent data, there were nearly 3.2 million adults on probation as of Dec. 31, 1996 - double the 1.6 million adults incarcerated. Probation is used as a lesser penalty than imprisonment, for less serious crimes or criminals with no or few prior convictions. Very rarely does a sentence in such cases include prison time, followed by probation. Although 36.8 percent of the probationers were sentenced to some time behind bars, this was usually a very short period, said the bureau's policy analyst Christopher J. Mumola. The 31.2 percent of probationers also sentenced to jail served an average of three months. The 5.6 percent of probationers sentenced to prison served an average of 20 months. The overwhelming majority of criminals who receive prison sentences are released on parole, not on probation. Parolees were not included in the study, which was based on interviews in 1995 with a representative national sample of 2,000 active probationers. Copyright 1997 The Associated Press.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Protests At Prison Supplier Trade Shows (The November Coalition Publicizes New Direct Action Response To The War On Some Drug Users) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 20:37:43 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Bob RamseyTo: Multiple recipients of list Subject: FWD: Protests at prison supplier trade shows Article about a 1996 show, and schedule of trade shows are at bottom. Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:18:33 EST Reply-To: nora@november.org From: "dodi jones" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pot Activist Stays Free ('Sunday Province' In Vancouver, British Columbia, Says David Malmo-Levine, Convicted Of Marijuana Trafficking For Running The Harm Reduction Club Out Of His Basement, Testified During A Two-Day Sentencing Hearing That He Intends To Resume Operating The Club) Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 23:07:20 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: Canada: Pot Activist Stays Free Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Herb Source: Sunday Province ( Vancouver, B.C. ) Author: Andy Ivens, Staff Reporter Contact: provedpg@pacpress.southam.ca Website: http://www.vancouverprovince.com/ Pubdate: March 22,1998 POT ACTIVIST STAYS FREE Marijuana trafficker David Malmo-Levine has been given the opportunity to fight for a change in Canada's drug laws from outside a jail cell. B.C. Supreme Court Justice Victor Curtis sentenced the political activist to a year in jail for trafficking, to be served in the community. If he meets all the usual conditions as well as two special conditions - avoid possessing or trafficking in marijuana, and get a job - he should stay out of jail. During his two-day sentencing hearing, Malmo-Levine, 26, testified he intends to resume operating the Harm Reduction Club, an association for marijuana smokers. He said he didn't keep records, but estimated he sold $100,000 worth of the illegal herb in the five months before a Vancouver police raid Dec. 4, 1996, at the club in his east Vancouver basement. Police confiscated 316 grams of marijuana and some money. Malmo-Levine said he used his profits from selling marijuana to cover his living expenses and the costs of running the club. Throughout his three-week trial, he argued that Canada's law on marijuana is unconstitutional, and that the club helped rather than harmed people by selling them drugs under safe circumstances. Malmo-Levine also said most Canadians want marijuana decriminalized - something the LeDain commission recommended in 1971 - but MP's haven't shown the courage to do it. Defence counsel Peter Durovic said he will seek leave to appeal the conviction and he admires his client's courage in his struggle to change the law. " I just hope the law is changed soon so my children will never find themselves in Mr. Malmo-Levine's position," said Durovic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - The March Gains Momentum (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Continues Its Weekly Push For The Decriminalisation Of Marijuana With More Details On The March And Rally In London It's Sponsoring Next Saturday, March 28) Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 15:10:41 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign - The March Gains Momentum Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Martin Cooke Pubdate: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Author: Graham Ball Contact: Email: cannabis@independent.co.uk Mail: Independent on Sunday, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL England Editors note: The IoS Cannabis Campaign has web pages at http://www.independent.co.uk/sindypot/index.htm THE MARCH GAINS MOMENTUM London is set for its biggest pro-cannabis demonstration for 30 years. THE clock is counting down to the biggest pro-cannabis demonstration in Britain for 30 years. Next Saturday the Independent on Sunday's campaign to decriminalise cannabis takes to the streets of London. In addition to all those who have already signed our rolling petition and the thousands of other supporters who have pledged to back our march, we will be joined by a growing list of politicians, drug reformers and celebrities. Not surprisingly the newly politicised pop music business is eager to help. Chumbawamba, whose anti-New Labour rap and drenching of Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott caused a sensation at the Brit Awards last month, want to be there. Another leading band, Dodgy, is also committed to the campaign and hopes to take part in the march in between gigs. Other bands and performers scheduled to join in include Tricky, Divine Comedy, Paul Weller, Cast, Space, Primal Scream, Finley Quaye and Tom Robinson. News of the IoS initiative last week spread across the Atlantic with delegates from the pro-cannabis alliance groups "Cures Not Wars" in New York and "MassCan" in Boston both saying that they would be flying to London to take part. "We wish to endorse the action being taken in the UK and emphasise the growing strength of the international movement against prohibitionist drug policies," said Robert MacDonald of "Cures Not Wars". Whilst in London, Mr MacDonald and his co-campaigner from Boston, George Cewicz, plan to release details of their proposed "Million Marijuana march" due to take place in the US next year. It was also confirmed last week that Europe's "father" of non-violent political demonstrations, Marco Pannella, the founder of the Italian Radical Party, is to march and speak at the rally in Trafalgar Square. Mr Pannella, a close colleague of European Commissioner, Emma Bonnino, who also supports our campaign, has been battling for the abolition of criminal penalties for cannabis use for 25 years. He will be accompanied by supporters from Italy, France, and Belgium and by a group of MEPs including Gianfranco Dell'Alba and the leader of the Transnational Radical Party, Oliver Dupuis, who will also speak at the rally. Other speakers will include Howard Marks whose cannabis trading exploits once placed him top of the FBI's most wanted list, Paul Flynn the Labour MP leading the campaign to change the law in Parliament and Rosie Boycott, the editor who started the campaign in the IoS. THE ROUTE Campaigners should assemble in Hyde Park at mid-day, next Saturday, 28 March, at Reformers Tree. It is estimated that the march from the park to Trafalgar Square will take approximately one and a quarter hours and campaigners are requested, in the interests of safety, to abide by the instructions of our orange-clad march stewards. The Metropolitan Police will be in attendance and where criminal activity is detected, they are bound to deal with it. Coach parties are advised to set down in Park Lane (north bound) and pick up after the march on the Victoria Embankment. The rally should end at about 4pm. For more information about the 'Independent on Sunday' march please contact Debbie Ellis or Chris Brown on 0181-964 2692. AND NOW GET THE T-SHIRT THE best dressed marchers will want to wear one of our exclusive IoS cannabis campaign T-shirts. The 55 per cent hemp and 45 per cent cotton shirts carry our distinctive logo and are available in medium and large sizes (suppliers warn they are a big medium and large). The shirts cost £10. Cheques and postal orders (made payable to BDI) should be sent to the following address: BDI. PO BOX 1080 BRIGHTON, BN1 4DL (Tel: 01273-239770). ------------------------------------------------------------------- [End]
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