------------------------------------------------------------------- Dump The Marijuana Thug Force (American Antiprohibition League Sponsors Rally And Demonstration In Portland 4 PM Friday, March 6, To Protest Marijuana Task Force) Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 03:31:12 -0800 (PST) From: Anti-Prohibition Lg (aal@inetarena.com) To: Mayor Vera Katz (mayorkatz@ci.portland.or.us) cc: Portland Police (police@teleport.com) Subject: CanPat - DUMP THE Marijuana Thug Force Sender: owner-cannabis-patriots-l@teleport.com The AMERICAN ANTIPROHIBITION LEAGUE Sponsors of the OREGON DRUGS CONTROL AMENDMENT http://ns2.calyx.net/~odca Drug War, or Drug Peace? 3125 SE BELMONT STREET PORTLAND OREGON 97214 503-235-4524 fax:503-234-1330 Email:AAL@InetArena.com As of: Monday, March 2, 1998 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ANTIPROHIBITION LEAGUE, PORTLAND N.O.R.M.L., & PDXs newspaper CALL FOR A 1ST AMENDMENT GATHERING TO NON-VIOLENTLY EXPRESS OUR OUTRAGE AGAINST THE MARIJUANA THUG FORCE (MTF) (otherwise known as the Marijuana Task Force) WE DEMAND AN END TO: 'KNOCK & TALK!' & WARRANTLESS/UNSAFE SEARCHES IGNORING CITIZEN & OFFICER SAFETY STEALING FAMILY HOMES/SAVINGS SCARING INNOCENT CHILDREN TAKING MEDICINE FROM THE SICK AND DYING PLEASE STOP THE VIOLENCE * RE-EXAMINE POLICE PRIORITIES ADULT MARIJUANA PROHIBITION HAS GONE TOO FAR! POT COPS OUT OF CONTROL! COME SHOW YOUR SUPPORT & SIGN A PETITION THAT DEMANDS MAYOR KATZ IMMEDIATELY DISBAND THESE ROGUE COPS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 * RAIN OR SHINE * AT 4:00P.M. GATHER AT PARK BLOCK DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE DOWNTOWN JUSTICE CENTER (between S.W. 3rd and 4th, Taylor and Main streets) BRING SIGNS, DRUMS, INCENSE, COSTUME, STAY COOL, LOVE ONE ANOTHER SPEAK-OUT STARTS AT 4:30 AND ENDS AT 6:00P.M. MTF VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILIES ARE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO SPEAK Call 235-4524 for more info. VOLUNTEERS WELCOME AND NEEDED!
------------------------------------------------------------------- Planned Intake Center Reshapes Prisons (While 'The Oregonian' Admits Oregon's Prison System Is Focused Primarily On Punishment, It Characteristically Fails To Mention How State's Exploding Prison Budget Has Crippled Funding For Education, Or How Much Worse Things Will Get As Oregon's Prison Population Is Expected To Grow From 7,950 To 15,000 Within Next Decade, Requiring As Many As Seven New Prisons By 2007) The Oregonian oregonlive.com letters to editor - letters@news.oregonian.com March 2, 1998 Planned intake center reshapes prisons More extensive evaluations at the Wilsonville site should help the corrections department blend work and punishment for every state inmate By Dana Tims of The Oregonian staff OREGON CITY - Two guards in gun-metal gray jumpsuits and polished black boots get the word first. The Blue Bird is on its way in. They walk quickly, shoulder to shoulder, down a long, fluorescent-bathed hallway toward the inmate entrance. A half-dozen guards in dark-blue uniforms round out the welcoming committee at the Oregon Correctional Intake Center. A blue-and-white bus, with the manufacturer's "Blue Bird" emblazoned in silver letters across the front, quickly disgorges the two dozen newest initiates to the state's burgeoning prison population. As the chained prisoners in white jumpsuits walk awkwardly toward the cluster of guards, they also are approaching an intake system that is itself about to undergo a serious reshaping. Although obscured by the roar of opposition to a women's prison in Wilsonville, the statewide intake center envisioned for the former Dammasch State Hospital represents a gateway to what prison officials say is the future of Oregon's work-oriented penal system. The center will constitute one-third of the entire $151 million project at Dammasch. It will cover more than 110,000 square feet and account for 432 beds of the center's total of 1,112. It will be almost twice as large as the state's cramped Oregon City intake center that it will replace. "It used to be so easy," said Larry Daniels, intake center manager. "All the older guys went to the state penitentiary, the younger guys went to the Oregon State Correctional Institution, and the women went to the women's prison." Oregon prison administrators have hustled furiously for four years to comply with ballot measures calling for longer prison sentences and requirements that inmates log the same 40-hour work weeks that most voters do. Taken together, the initiatives have swelled the state's inmate population to record numbers and created a more diverse, and therefore more difficult to manage, mix of prisoners. Not only are administrators overseeing an unprecedented building boom, but they also are pushed by mandates to provide enough training and education to allow inmates to hold jobs. They also have to kindle the private-public partnerships capable of producing enough work for the state's 7,950 men and women prisoners, while at the same time avoiding competition with private businesses in the same field. Now, with a much larger and more complex inmate intake center preparing for construction at Wilsonville, prison officials are putting the final touches on a plan they say will better blend work into a system that has focused primarily on punishment. In the end, they predict, the revamped system will better serve not only inmates but the taxpayers who finance their stay and the communities that will, sooner or later, become home for ex-cons. "This is not so much an altruistic approach as it is a practical one," said Dave Cook, corrections department director. "If what we do doesn't translate into more success for inmates once they are released, the citizens haven't benefited from the investment they've made, and we haven't done a very good job." Prison officials say the in-depth psychological and vocational evaluations at the new center will play a pivotal role in meeting public demands that convicts must work. "If there's one thing we've learned over the years, it's that `one-size-fits-all' does not work," said Larry Herring, who administers program support services for the state Department of Corrections. "We think we've got something here that will." Experts praise plan What Measures 11 and 17 did not address were the stumbling blocks that caused a sizable number of inmates to end up jailed in the first place - deficiencies involving education, mental health, antisocial behavior, and drug and alcohol dependencies. None of those mattered much a decade ago, when the notion of prison as a place where rehabilitation could take place had largely faded from the legal lexicon. The state's new plan for prisoners already has drawn solid reviews from national prison experts. If it is implemented correctly, those experts say, it could result in a 40 percent drop in the state's recidivism rate, placing Oregon near the top in reducing the number of felonies committed within a three-year period after an inmate's release from prison. "I think that for many states, what is happening in Oregon will make it a leader in this field," said Thomas O'Connor, director of the Center for Social Research in Washington, D.C. "The intake center is just the beginning of the process, but it is perhaps the most important single step." Inmates evaluated The intake process now takes from nine to 15 days. During that time, inmates funneled into the state system from Oregon's 36 counties undergo medical and physical evaluations, receive individual counseling and take a series of written tests designed to measure both educational background and antisocial behaviors. Their contact with the outside world is limited to collect telephone calls. Visitors are not allowed. Prisoners get only two things to read: the Bible and The Oregonian. There is no television or recreation yard available. "The things we are asking them to do here are some of the things they detest most in life, such as taking tests," Daniels said. "We want them to be as focused as possible." Now, only men are evaluated. Women will be included in the process for the first time in Wilsonville. When the Blue Bird buses roll into the new intake center, inmates will be looking at a stay of between 30 and 45 days. During that time, they will receive intensive evaluations designed to help administrators decide which institution the inmate's skills will be most suited for. One person might have a knack for the computer-assisted design program at the Snake River Correctional Institution in Ontario. Another may thrive making Prison Blues, a jeans-manufacturing operation now run for the state by a private company at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution in Pendleton. A third might fit in at the Oregon State Penitentiary's wood design shop in Salem, which makes eye-popping art selling for thousands of dollars. Upon leaving Wilsonville, inmates carry a plan that will follow them through their entire sentence. It will contain specific goals addressing continuing education and job-training requirements, as well as any treatment for mental health and drug and alcohol problems. The plan includes incentives for good behavior and reaching goals that can pay off in the form of increased canteen privileges and other benefits. Indications are that the plan works, the Department of Corrections' Herring said. Disciplinary reports have been cut by 35 percent at various institutions where the incentives have been used in pilot projects. "What people need to keep in mind is that no one is feeling sorry for inmates or feeling that we owe them anything," Herring said. "This is strictly about good business. We're using their labor to get the highest possible return while they are incarcerated and training them to help guarantee they don't victimize more people once they are released." Some Wilsonville residents continue to oppose the prison and, usually as an afterthought, the intake center. They call it a ruinous use of land that they wanted for an "urban village" of homes, shops, businesses and schools among Dammasch's tree-lined campus setting. Several locals have vowed to fight the prison in court. So far, they have lost every round - most recently on Friday, when the corrections department turned down Wilsonville's nomination of a 130-acre alternative site. Some of the center's staunchest opponents, however, agree that the geography that has made Wilsonville the hub of the state's warehousing and transportation business - its location at the vortex of Interstate 5 and Interstate 205 - makes the area ideally suited to warehouse prisoners and to receive and ship them around the state. "It's really the specific location that we don't like," Wilsonville Mayor Charlotte Lehan said. "This is just a bad land-use decision." According to state projections, the intake center will continue to increase in importance as the prison building boom makes the Department of Corrections by far the fastest-growing state agency. The department forecasts that Oregon's prison population will top 15,000 within a decade. Accommodating those inmates will mean building as many as seven new prisons by 2007. In the end, each and every bed will be filled by someone who, whether they wanted to or not, caught a ride on a Blue Bird bound for intake. Dana Tims covers growth and Wilsonville for The Oregonian's MetroSouthwest news bureau. He can be reached by phone at 294-5973, by e-mail at danatims@news.oregonian.com, by fax at 968-6061, or by mail at 15495 S.W. Sequoia Parkway, Portland, Ore. 97224.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Olympic Snowboarders Arrested On Marijuana Charges ('Associated Press' Says Two Olympic Snowboarders, Michael Kildevaeld Of Denmark's Snowboarding Team, And Canadian Brett Tippie Were Arrested With 2 Grams Of Cannabis And A Pipe Saturday After Being Stopped For Speeding On US 395 Near Topaz Lake, Nevada - Hood River, Oregon, Snowboarder Anton David Pogue Was Asleep And Released) Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 15:00:41 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US NV: Wire: Olympic Snowboarders Arrested On Marijuana Charges Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: David.Hadorn@vuw.ac.nz (David Hadorn) Source: Associated Press Pubdate: 2 Mar 1998 OLYMPIC SNOWBOARDERS ARRESTED ON MARIJUANA CHARGES MINDEN, Nevada (AP) -- Two Olympic snowboarders are due in court Wednesday on marijuana-related charges. Michael Kildevaeld, a member of Denmark's snowboarding team, and Canadian Brett Tippie were arrested Saturday after a sheriff's deputy stopped their car for speeding on U.S. 395 near Topaz Lake. American snowboarder Anton David Pogue, of Hood River, Ore., was asleep in the vehicle at the time it was stopped. He was released. Deputies said they smelled marijuana smoke while speaking to Kildevaeld, who was driving. A drug sniffing dog found about two grams of what was believed to be marijuana and a pipe inside the car. Sheriff's Sgt. Lance Modispacher said Kildevaeld, 31, admitted the substance belonged to him. Kildevaeld has been charged with felony marijuana possession and misdemeanor charges of possession of drug paraphernalia and driving under the influence. His bail was set at $7,000. Tippie, 29, was charged with being under the influence of marijuana. His bail was set at $5,000. A preliminary hearing in Douglas County Justice Court was scheduled Wednesday. Modispacher said the three were traveling from a snowboarding event to Big Bear Ski Resort in Southern California. The arrests mark the second marijuana-related controversy in the sport of snowboarding. Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati was temporarily stripped of his Olympic goal medal at Nagano, Japan, when a drug test revealed traces of marijuana in his system. However, an appeals panel reinstated the medal. Rebagliati said traces of the drug in his test came from inhaling second-hand smoke at a party.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Eleven Students Arrested For Drug Dealing At University Of Arkansas At Fayetteville ('Chronicle Of Higher Education Daily News' Says Chancellor John White Authorized Six-Week Investigation In Which Undercover Police Moved Into Dormitories And Posed As Students After Unspecified Evidence Pointed To Increased 'Drug Dealing' - University Nets Six Ounces Of Marijuana, Six Marijuana Plants, A Quarter Ounce Of Psilocybin Mushrooms, $1,603 In Cash, Two Jeep Cherokees And A Lot Of Students Who Will Probably Never Send A Dime To Their Alma Mater In The Future No Matter What) Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 17:33:39 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US AR: 11 Students Arrested for Drug Dealing at U. of Arkansas at Fayetteville Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein Family Pubdate: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 Source: Chronicle of Higher Education Daily News Author: Jeffrey Selingo Contact: editor@chronicle.com Website: http://chronicle.com 11 STUDENTS ARRESTED FOR DRUG DEALING AT U. OF ARKANSAS AT FAYETTEVILLE A six-week undercover investigation into drug dealing at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville led to the arrests last week of 14 people, 11 of them students. The arrests came after two young police officers from a state drug task force moved into dormitories and posed as students. The university police asked the drug task force for help after finding that drug dealing had increased in three dormitories last semester. John White, the university's chancellor, approved the undercover operation, said Julie Kegley, a spokeswoman for the institution. Seven of the students arrested on Wednesday night live off the campus. All of the students, who range in age from 18 to 22, will face university disciplinary action, Ms. Kegley said on Sunday. The charges included possession, manufacturing, and delivery of marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms. Five students were arrested on suspicion of possessing firearms in addition to the drug charges. Police also seized six ounces of marijuana, six marijuana plants, a quarter of an ounce of psilocybin mushrooms, $1,603 in cash, and two Jeep Cherokee vehicles.
------------------------------------------------------------------- DrugSense Focus Alert Number 56 - Oklahoma Or Bust (DrugSense Asks Reform Advocates To Write A Letter To 'The Daily Oklahoman' Responding To Misinformed Letter By Mark D. Woodward, Public Information Officer For Oklahoma Bureau Of Narcotics And Dangerous Drugs Control) Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 11:23:11 -0800 To: mgreer@mapinc.org From: Mark GreerSubject: DrugSense FOCUS Alert #56 Oklahoma or Bust DrugSense FOCUS Alert #56 Oklahoma or Bust WRITE A LETTER - HELP CHANGE THE WORLD A published letter can have a value of hundreds or thousands of dollars for reform and can effect millions of readers. It is a great (perhaps the best) way for a reform minded person to spend their time. Send ideas or comments to MGreer@mapinc.org *** OKLAHOMA - The Drug War Dark Ages This looks like GREAT FOCUS material! This Oklahoma Narcotics "public information officer" is worse than mistaken, he seems to be out & out dishonest. Responses from MDs & PHDs can really put the lie to this narcs "health & safety" justification of prohibition. It's Oklahoma that sentenced Will Foster to 93 years for his medicinal cannabis use. We have had little in the way of LTEs published on this an we now have an email address for a major OK paper. *** PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF YOUR LETTER Please post your letters to the MAPTalk list if you are subscribed, or return a copy to me at this address by simply hitting REPLY to this FOCUS Alert or emailing to MGreer@mapinc.org THREE REASONS WHY THIS IS _VERY_ IMPORTANT 1) This is how we track and measure our success and impress potential funders. 2) Your letter will be posted - It will help motivate others to follow suit. 3) You efforts provide an example - giving others ideas on what to write about. *** EDITORIAL HELP Forward your rough draft to mapedit@mapinc.org for editorial review if you wish some editorial help (Strongly suggested if you use MAP or any reform org name in your letter). If you would rather write to your local paper on this topic please do so but still send us a copy. Remember: Your name, address, city, and *phone number* are required by most publications in order to publish your letter. Only your name and city will be printed. Pen names may be used if you prefer. "IT'S NOT WHAT OTHERS DO IT'S WHAT YOU DO." *** CONTACT INFO Daily Oklohoman EMAIL:pathfind@ionet.net Or you can write your LTE and then go on line and paste it into the window at: http://www.oklahoman.com/?ed-writeus Or you can fax the Oklahoman at: FAX 405.475.3988 Whatever you do "Just DO it." Even a few words like "Woodward's completely out to lunch and misinformed on drug policy" is better than nothing. *** THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE Newshawk: Michael A. Clem, OK NORML Source: The Oklahoman Pubdate: 24 Feb 1998 Contact form: http://www.oklahoman.com/?ed-writeus FAX: 405.475.3988 Website: http://www.oklahoman.com/ DRUG WAR A MATTER OF HEALTH To The Editor: Michael A. Clem (''Your Views,'' Feb. 18) rants about the money he believes is being foolishly spent fighting drugs in this country. Mr. Clem, this is not a money issue. It is about health and safety and those whose lives are being torn apart because of drugs. At what point do we stop spending money because it's too expensive to protect children and adults? Clem suggests that the ''War on Drugs'' hasn't worked. He mentioned the 3.6 million chronic drug users in this country. That's less than 3 percent of the population. Thus, 97 percent of this country is staying clear of drugs. Furthermore, drug use in the United States dropped for 12 straight years (1980 to 1992) because of the policing, treatment and education strategies of the drug war. As for decriminalizing drug offenses, Clem should look at other countries that have tried this. Legalization has been a monumental failure; these countries are now strengthening their laws due to increased crime and record addiction rates. Don't be fooled into thinking that legalizing drugs will do anything but add fuel to the inferno. Look what happened when alcohol was legalized. Lifting the ban on prohibition did little to solve alcohol-related accidents, addiction rates and numerous other problems associated with what is currently the most abused drug in the U.S. Mark D. Woodward Public Information Officer Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics And Dangerous Drugs Control *** Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. *** SAMPLE LETTER Dear Editor; Mark Woodward in "DRUG WAR A MATTER OF HEALTH" (Letters to the editor 2/28) is billed as a Public Information Officer, a less appropriate title, given his inaccurate portrayal of the facts, is difficult to imagine. Woodward claims "97 percent of this country is staying clear of drugs." According to Department of Justice statistics as much as 33% of the American public has tried an illicit drug at least once. Why doesn't Woodward know this? Woodward also states "(The drug war) is about health and safety and those whose lives are being torn apart because of drugs." Poppycock! It's about further enlargement of the largest prison industrial complex in the free world. You don't put people in jail if you are worried about their health. This country has more people incarcerated than any other nation in the world. Nearly half of these prisoners are clogging up the system as a result of convictions for non violent drug crimes yet teen drug use is on the increase. When do we realize that our drug policies have failed miserably? Finally Woodward claims that drug policy reform in other nations "has been a monumental failure." This is another complete fabrication. In the Netherlands, the only country that has begun sensible drug policy reform, hard drug use dropped dramatically after turning drug policy over to the health sector where it belongs. I notice that of the few people still around that will argue on behalf of the war on drugs, nearly all pulling down fat salaries that are reliant on the continuation of our nonsensical, failed, and expensive drug policies. If our tax dollars must go to such individuals can't we at least demand accuracy and an honest presentation of the facts? If the public wants to really learn the truth on the debacle we call the drug war they should start on the Internet at sites like http://www.mapinc.org where some regard for facts, science, logic, and reason is demonstrated. (CONTACT INFO and PHONE #) *** Mark Greer Media Awareness Project (MAP) inc. d/b/a DrugSense MGreer@mapinc.org http://www.DrugSense.org/ http://www.mapinc.org
------------------------------------------------------------------- New Drug On Campus - Ritalin (Sensationalistic Piece Of Fear-Mongering In Albany, New York, 'Times Union' Alleges The Hyperactivity Medication Has Emerged As A 'Study Drug' And A High Among Local College Students, But Admits It's Difficult To Quantify The Extent Of The Usage And That There Is 'Little Evidence' Of 'Widespread Abuse') Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 21:45:12 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US NY: New Drug On Campus: Ritalin Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Walter Wouk Pubdate: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 Source: Times Union (Albany, NY) Contact: tuletters@timesunion.com Fax: 518-454-5628 Author: Mike Hurewitz, Staff Writer NEW DRUG ON CAMPUS: RITALIN Hyperactivity Medication Emerges As A "Study Drug'' And A High Among Local College Students Ritalin, a drug commonly prescribed to treat hyperactivity in young children, is now appearing at college, where it is being abused as both a "study drug'' and a way to get high. The drug's increasing availability among youngsters may be driving its appearance on campuses, experts say. The amount of Ritalin being prescribed in the United States increased sixfold in the first half of the decade, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. "It's probably easier for someone to prod a friend for Ritalin than to go out on the street and buy amphetamines,'' said Dr. Eric Heiligenstein of the University of Wisconsin, an authority on the subject. Experts caution it is difficult to quantify the extent of the usage and they see little evidence of widespread abuse. Nonetheless, one in every four of the nearly two dozen students interviewed on some local campuses recently said they had either experimented with the drug or knew someone who had. The students asked that their names not be revealed. Some of the use is recreational, the quest for a mind-bending experience, students said. "Hey, you are in an era where prescription medications are readily given out,'' said a senior at the University at Albany. "This is a psychotropic drug, and students are curious so they take it to see what will happen.'' Many of those familiar with Ritalin's use said it is readily available from friends for whom the drug has been prescribed. "I took it once,'' said a UAlbany sophomore who attended a party organized so everyone could experiment with the medication. "It was the worst drug I ever took,'' she said, explaining that she had previously experimented with Prozac, LSD, marijuana and cocaine. It left her feeling panicked and confused for nearly seven hours, she said. A UAlbany sophomore said his friend at Hudson Valley Community College crushes the pills and sniffs the drug through a hollow pen. "He uses it when he is playing video games and he's, like, so into it,'' he said. "He is concentrating super-hard.'' The drug's power to enhance the ability to focus in some people is the major reason for its popularity, students said. It is used on campus primarily as a study aid. "It's helped me unbelievably,'' said a senior art major at Skidmore College. "I can read three times as fast, and I can soak it in a lot quicker,'' the 21-year-old said. A 21-year-old economics major at Skidmore said he has known people who used Ritalin without a prescription since boarding school, "mostly to get focused in terms of study.'' Students have long used stimulants, most notably amphetamines or "uppers,'' as recreational and study drugs, said Heiligenstein, head of psychiatric services at the University of Wisconsin's health services . Ritalin, or methylphenidate, is a psycho-stimulant made by Ciba Pharmaceuticals and prescribed primarily to treat hyperactive children. It is "an amphetaminelike drug,'' a stimulant that paradoxically tends to increase the ability to concentrate and therefore decreases behavior problems in children, according to Barry Reiss, professor of pharmacy at the Albany College of Pharmacy. Abusing Ritalin is dangerous, experts say. Among its side effects are cardiac palpitations and sleeplessness. It has the potential to be addicting if it is not used properly, Reiss said. There is substantial controversy over even its prescribed use. Supporters call it a useful tool for handling behavioral problems in children, but critics say it is an over-prescribed and inappropriate substitute for good parenting. There is also growing medical acceptance of the notion that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can afflict adolescents and adults, who can also benefit from Ritalin treatment. Frank J. Doberman, clinical associate professor of pediatrics at Albany Medical College, described the disorder as "a chronic health condition'' in which roughly one-quarter of patients with the diagnosis may require medication in adult life. "Just because someone goes through puberty or goes to college, doesn't mean the disorder goes away,'' Heiligenstein The University of Wisconsin's health center writes Ritalin prescriptions for roughly 80 to 100 students a year, a number unchanged over the last five years, Heiligenstein said. None of the college health centers contacted in the Capital Region said they write such prescriptions. Students who take the medication generally do so through outside doctors. New York's regulations for dispensing the drug are among the most stringent in the nation, and have sharply limited black-market availability, according to state health officials. "We have not heard anything in New York about abuse by college kids,'' said health department spokeswoman Frances Tarlton. But Doberman said health professionals who prescribe Ritalin for students are aware of the risk that it will end up in the wrong hands. "Students from elementary school onward are aware of fellow students who take stimulant medication and they are aware of the effects of the medication,'' Doberman said. "At the college level, where you have students who understand that this may help them concentrate or study when they are fatigued, they will frequently seek out this medication,'' Doberman said. In dispensing the drug, the University of Wisconsin warns users that giving away the drug is a felony. But the senior art major at Skidmore who uses it as a study aid said he can always obtain Ritalin at little or no cost from friends who have a prescription. A business major at the college, who has a prescription but stopped taking the medicine because it upset his stomach, said, "People would ask me for it and I gave it away.'' Medical personnel at area colleges said Ritalin is barely on the radar screen when compared with alcohol and marijuana use. M. Dolores Cimini of UAlbany's counseling center said research on campus substance abuse found binge drinking to be the overwhelming problem, practiced by some 57 percent of students. Consistent with national results, the same survey also found marijuana to be the next most significant problem, used by roughly 20 percent of the students, according to Cimini, the center's coordinator for alcohol and drug prevention. Ritalin was lumped into a category of miscellaneous drugs whose usage was less than 1 percent. The survey was taken in 1990, before the explosion in Ritalin availability. And Heiligenstein cautioned that it is difficult to quantify the problem by traditional yardsticks. "We've gone and looked at emergency-room reports and police reports, which are the traditional ways of estimating abuse patterns in drugs, and it doesn't show up there,'' Heiligenstein said. The University of Wisconsin health center, he said, has only found two cases of Ritalin abuse in six years. But Heiligenstein, echoing accounts at school newspapers and on the Internet, said students consistently tell the story of a fad that started several years ago in the prep schools of New England and has spread to college campuses nationwide. Jeffrey Maloney, an addictions counselor at Siena College, said the issue of Ritalin abuse has never come up at the monthly meetings of college drug counselors from around the region, he said. "But during finals or midterms or crunch-time academics, it wouldn't surprise me that some kind of psycho-stimulant like Ritalin might be used,'' Maloney said. "It's not as prominent as pot,'' said a sophomore chemistry major at UAlbany. "I haven't had people come up and ask, 'Pssst, you wanna buy some Ritalin?' People shouldn't be making a big deal out of it -- but it is out there.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Of A Thousand Uses (Brief Item In 'Drug Topics' Says Atlantic Pharmaceuticals Is Currently Evaluating The Possible Benefits To Arthritis Sufferers From The Anti-Inflammatory Effects Of CT-3, A Nonpsychoactive Synthetic Cannabinoid) Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 13:36:31 -0800 (PST) From: bc616@scn.org (Darral Good) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: Art: plant of a thousand uses ( marijuana) Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net Source: Drug Topics, March 2, 1998 v142 n5 p32(1). Title: Plant of a thousand uses.(marijuana) Author: Elena Portyansky Subjects: Pharmaceutical industry - Product development Marijuana - Usage Companies: Atlantic Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Product development SIC code: 2834 Electronic Collection: A20409468 RN: A20409468 Full Text COPYRIGHT 1998 Medical Economics Publishing Already used by victims of cancer and AIDS and, of course, high-seekers, the infamous marijuana plant may be gaining one more set of customers--arthritis sufferers. Atlantic Pharmaceuticals is currently evaluating the potential anti-inflammatory effects of CT-3, a nonpsychoactive synthetic derivative of a metabolite of marijuana's active component, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In recent studies, the agent was found to reduce inflammation and prevent destruction of joint tissues.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Califano - Treat Drug Offenders And Help Break The Costly Cycle (Op-Ed In 'Houston Chronicle' By Joseph A. Califano, Jr., President Of National Center On Addiction And Substance Abuse At Columbia University In New York City, Former Secretary Of Health, Education And Welfare From 1977 To 1979, Says All Those People In Jails And Prisons Belong There, Now We Want You To Pay For 'Drug Treatment' For Them, Too - Savings Estimated Using Assumptions That Should Have Made Drug War Productive Long Ago) Subject: DND: US: OPED: Califano: Treat Drug Offenders and Help Break the Costly Cycle From: Art SmartDate: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 22:23:09 -0800 Newshawk: Art Smart Source: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 TREAT DRUG OFFENDERS AND HELP BREAK THE COSTLY CYCLE By JOSEPH A. CALIFANO JR. IT'S time to open -- in the nation's prisons -- a second front in the war on crime. For two decades we have been filling prisons with drug and alcohol abusers and addicts and, without treatment or training, returning them to society to resume the criminal activity spawned by their substance abuse. This is public policy crafted in the theater of the absurd. Individuals who commit serious offenses such as drug dealing and violent and property crimes belong in prison. But it is just as much in the interest of public safety to rehabilitate those who can be redeemed as it is to keep incorrigibles locked up. More than 1.7 million people are behind bars in America: 1.6 million in state prisons and local jails, 100,000 in federal prisons. Eighty percent - -- 1.4 million inmates -- either violated drug or alcohol laws, were high at the time of their offense, stole property to buy drugs, have histories of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction or share some mix of these characteristics. Among these 1.4 million inmates are the parents of 2.4 million children. Of these prisoners, 200,000 dealt drugs but don't use them. The remaining 1.2 million are drug and alcohol abusers and addicts. Some would have committed their crimes regardless of their substance abuse. But hundreds of thousands are individuals whose core problem is the abuse and addiction that prompted their criminal activity. They would be law-abiding, taxpaying citizens and responsible parents if they lived sober lives. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University estimates that for an additional $6,500 a year, an inmate could be given intensive treatment, education and job training. Upon release, each one who worked at the average wage of a high school graduate for a year would provide a return on investment of $68,800 in reduced criminal activity, savings on the costs of arrest, prosecution, incarceration and health care and benefit to the economy. If all 1.2 million inmates with drug and alcohol problems got such treatment and training (cost: $7.8 billion) and only 10 percent became sober, working citizens (benefits: $8.256 billion), the investment would pay for itself within a year of work. Each subsequent year would provide billions more in savings and economic benefits. The potential crime reduction is also big league. Expert estimates of crimes committed by the average drug addict range from 89 to 191 a year. At the conservative end, successfully treating and training just 10,000 drug addicts would eliminate 1 million crimes a year. After three years studying the relationship between prison inmates and substance abuse, I am convinced that the present system of prison and punishment only is insane public policy. Despite tougher sentencing laws, on average inmates are released in 18 months to four years. Even those convicted of such violent crimes as aggravated assault and robbery get out in three to four years. Releasing drug and alcohol addicts and abusers without treatment or training is tantamount to visiting criminals on society. Releasing drug addicts is a government price support program for the illegal drug market. Temporarily housing such prisoners without treating and training them is a profligate use of public funds and the greatest missed opportunity to cut crime further. One of every 144 Americans is behind bars, one of every 60 men, one of every 14 black men. If we don't deal with alcohol and drug abuse and revamp our system of crime and punishment, one of every 20 Americans born in 1997 will spend some time in jail, including one of every 11 men and one of every four black men. Politicians camouflage the failure of their costly punishment-only prison policy by snorting tough rhetoric. They talk and act as though the only people in prison are violent black crack addicts and incorrigible psychopaths like James Cagney in Public Enemy, as though treatment doesn't work and addiction is a moral failing that any individual can easily change. The first step toward sensible criminal justice policy is to face reality. Prisons are wall to wall with drug and alcohol addicts and abusers. Appropriate substance abuse treatment has a higher success rate than many long-shot cancer therapies. (It could certainly help 20 percent of this population: That's a quarter of a million criminals who could be turned into law-abiding citizens and good parents.) The common denominator among inmates is not race; it's drug and alcohol abuse. Though blacks are disproportionately represented in prison, essentially the same proportion (61 percent to 65 percent) of black, white and Hispanic inmates are regular drug users. Alcohol is more tightly linked with violent crime than crack cocaine: In state prisons, 21 percent of violent criminals were high on alcohol alone at the time of their offenses; only 3 percent were high on crack or cocaine alone. Each year the government builds more prisons and hires more prison guards. In effect, governors, presidents and legislators keep saying, "If all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, then give us more horses and give us more men." We need a revolution in the way we think about prisons, crime and punishment in America. Our political leaders should put some common sense behind their tough talk by opening a second front in the war on crime with a heavy investment in treatment and training for the drug and alcohol abusers they have crammed into our prisons. If they do, the nation's streets will be safer, and the cost of law enforcement will be lower. Califano, president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York City, was secretary of health, education and welfare from 1977 to 1979.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Re - Treat Drug Offenders And Help Break The Costly Cycle (Letter Sent To Editor Of 'Houston Chronicle' Rebuts Some Of Califano's Assumptions) Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:17:39 -0800 To: maptalk@mapinc.org, mattalk@islandnet.com From: Pat Dolan (pdolan@intergate.bc.ca) Subject: Sent LTE Re: Treat drug offenders and help break the costly cycle Sent LTE to: Source: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Website: http://www.chron.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 Re: Treat drug offenders and help break the costly cycle By Joseph A. Califano Jr. *** Dear Editor, Thank you for publishing the report on Mr. Califano's ideas on the education and treatment of non-violent drug offenders. I found it most informative, in the breach, unfortunately, rather than in the word, since it does raise some disturbing questions. He failed to say, for instance, why, if he was really concerned about "breaking the cycle," he chooses to break it AFTER it has begun. Why is it necessary to wreak havoc in the lives of otherwise law-abiding citizens by subjecting them to criminal sanctions before starting to treat them? Under the present law people who are very seriously or even terminally ill and need to purchase marihuana to alleviate their condition risk being prosecuted and jailed. This is inhumane and un-American. If Mr. Califano and the government consider them in need of treatment, is it not immoral to fail to offer them treatment? If, as Mr. Califano says, "filling prisons with drug and alcohol abusers and addicts and, without treatment or training, returning them to society" is "public policy crafted in the theater of the absurd," then why not stop the show before it begins? He seems to be able to recognize that law-abiding citizens do not ordinarily break the law unless under some abnormal stress such as that created by addiction. When that is shown to be the case, and where no violence is involved, it seems to me that is the time to offer medical assistance - not prison. According to a report in the current issue of the British medical journal The Lancet, between 1983 and 1993 the number of deaths from accidental poisoning by drugs and other medicines climbed from 851 to 2,098. Against that background, is it not immoral to incarcerate a person for smoking a weed that grows wild, and which has been described by Judge John McCart, in a recent judgment (Aug. 14, 1997, London, Ontario) as "not addictive, is not to be considered as a "gateway" drug or as a cause of amotivational syndrome, and is comparatively harmless when compared with the hard drugs, including alcohol and tobacco." The consensus of the evidence on which he based that judgment was contained in seven of the most comprehensive reports currently available on the effects of marihuana use and abuse, and might be best summed up in the words of the Canadian Government LeDain Commission Report, (1972) which stated: "From the point of view of lethal toxicity, cannabis must be considered one of the safest drugs in either medical or non-medical use today." Now we have the new scandal of no less a body than the WHO suppressing part of a report which said pretty much the same thing. Mr. Editor, do you not think it odd that we don't hear about these things from Mr. Califano? Has he missed out somehow? Or is he in league with the WHO and other zealous defenders of Prohibition whose "drug treatment and education programs" seem strangely not to include telling the public the simple truth about drugs? Perhaps someone will help me paraphrase a line from Shakespeare: "The truth, dear Brutus, is in the breach: it's blowin' in the wind." Yours etc., Pat Dolan
------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico's Drug Problem ('New York Times' Staff Editorial Says Mexico Shouldn't Be Certified As Fully Cooperating With US War On Some Drugs)Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 16:04:00 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US: NYT: Editorial: Mexico's Drug Problem Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Kevin Zeese Source: New York Times (NY) Contact: letters@nytimes.com Website: http://www.nytimes.com/ Pubdate: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 MEXICO'S DRUG PROBLEM The Clinton administration does no favor to Mexico or its own credibility by certifying that Mexico is "fully cooperating" in the fight against drug trafficking. Compounding the damage, the White House drug policy director Barry McCaffrey, fatuously claims that Mexican cooperation is "absolutely superlative." A more truthful assessment can be found in the Drug Enforcement Administration's confidential evaluation, described by Tim Golden in Friday's New York Times. The DEA concludes that "the government of Mexico has not accomplished its counter-narcotics goals or succeeded in cooperation with the United States government." Mexican trafficking has increased, the DEA notes, and the corruption of its enforcement agencies "continues unabated." Though Washington finds it diplomatically inconvenient to acknowledge, Mexico has a chronic problem with drug traffickers who always seem able to secure the political influence they need to avoid arrest and prosecution. This drug corruption greases the flow of narcotics into the United States. Mexico's drug networks span the border, supplying cocaine, heroin and marijuana to American users. Mexico must face up honestly to its drug corruption problem as it tries to create a more democratic and accountable political system. The most flagrant abuses come from corrupt military and police officials who take payoffs to protect one set of traffickers at the expense of their rivals. President Ernesto Zedillo's government has made efforts to reform drug enforcement, but with little visible result. Mr. Zedillo has not moved aggressively enough to clean up civilian police agencies and has relied too heavily on military officials, exposing them to the same temptations that led the civilians astray. A more vigorous cleanup might force a showdown with corrupt elements of Mr. Zedillo's Institutional Revolutionary Party, which would benefit Mexican democracy. Meanwhile, it is misleading for Washington to assert that Mexico is fully cooperating. The law mandates penalties, including reductions in foreign aid and limits on international lending, for countries found to be insufficiently cooperative. But these penalties can be waived in the interest of national security. That should have been done with Mexico. Certification is a clumsy tool for encouraging better narcotics enforcement abroad. The annual review process, now required by law, forces Washington into difficult choices between papering over problems or offending otherwise friendly countries. It should be eliminated. But as long as certification remains on the books, the administration has a duty to report truthfully to Congress and the American people. It has failed to do so in the case of Mexico.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Brokers Put On Notice Over Laundering ('International Herald Tribune' Version Of 'New York Times' Article Says US Treasury Department Will Propose Rules In Next Three Months Requiring Securities Brokers To Report Evidence Of Possible Money Laundering, As Banks Must Do) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 09:59:00 +0000 To: press@drugtext.nl, kiril@student.umass.edu From: Peter WebsterSubject: ART: Brokers Put on Notice Over Laundering International Herald Tribune March 2, 1998 contact:iht@iht.com Brokers Put on Notice Over Laundering Bloomberg News WASHINGTON --- The U.S. Treasury Department will propose rules requiring securities brokers to report evidence of possible money laundering, as banks now must do Treasury and Securities and Exchange Commission officials said. The proposal, to be issued in the next three months, comes as criminal prosecutors are stepping up their investigations of securities fraud. At least two brokers were charged with money laundering following an FBI sting in October 1996 that led to the arrest of 45 stock promoters, company officers and brokers. Catherine McGuire, chief counsel of the SEC's market-regulation division, said the proposal would increase the responsibility of broker-dealers to report suspicious activity involving the possible concealment of funds. "Brokers need to know this is coming down the pike," Ms. McGuire said Saturday at the "SEC Speaks" conference in Washington. The proposal is being developed by Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, one of the department's five law-enforcement bureaus, a Treasury spokeswoman said. It will be issued for comment for 90 days, and Treasury officials will review the responses before deciding whether to adopt the rule. Money laundering occurs when illegal proceeds are concealed, often through banking or currency transactions. A broker who defrauds investors might seek to mask the source of this illicit activity by cycling the investors' money through a foreign broker, said Henry Klehm, a senior SEC enforcement official in New York. Illegal drug proceeds can laundered through investments made with'a brokerage, he said. The Securities Industry Association, which represents 800 of the largest U.S. brokerages, has been working with Treasury officials on the proposal. *** The drugtext press list. News on substance use related issues, drugs and drug policy webmaster@drugtext.nl
------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeoman's `Erroneous Hysteria' Doesn't Help Marijuana Debate (And Four More Letters To Editor Of 'Lethbridge Herald' In Alberta, All Debunking Erroneous Statements By Prohibitionist Columnist) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: PUB: LTEs Lethbridge Herald Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 08:53:22 -0800 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Lethbridge Herald (Alta.) Contact: editor@lis.ab.ca. Pubdate: March 02, 1998 Note: In order of appearance *** Here's what it says at the top of the Opinion page: When Tom Yeoman, one the Herald's Community Comment writers, expressed his desire to see marijuana kept illegal in Canada in last Thursday's edition, he may not have expected the extent of the backlash. It came in a blizzard of e-mail from Boston to Victoria. Following are excerpts from those letters which we present as: Reefer Madness... *** Yeoman's `erroneous hysteria' doesn't help marijuana debate Tom Yeoman has not done his homework. I had hoped that his reefer-madness myths had been put to rest in 1997 when Ontario Justice John McCart ruled, ``Consumption of marijuana is relatively harmless compared to the so-called hard drugs including tobacco and alcohol. There exists no hard evidence demonstrating any irreversible organic or mental damage from the consumption of marijuana. Cannabis is not an addictive substance. There have been no recorded deaths from the consumption of marijuana. There is no evidence that marijuana causes amotivational syndrome.'' Besides, Yeoman's erroneous hysteria is irrelevant to his defence of criminalizing non-violent cannabis users. Even if cannabis were as dangerous as tobacco, (where are the bodies?), it would make even less sense to abdicate cannabis distribution, (and profits), to the unregulated black market. Contrary to popular belief, prohibition is at the bottom; not the top of the regulatory scale. We have more control over corn flakes than we do the so-called controlled drugs and substances. For the sake of discussion, let us overlook our over-burdened courts, prisons and police forces and temporarily accept that Tom Yeoman knows something that Justice McCart, The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine and every major study on the subject inexplicably missed. Which of the following dangerous substance distribution systems makes the most sense? The Tom Yeoman System: We remove all taxes and tariffs from the substance. We remove all forms of regulation, quality control and labelling. We make the substance worth its weight in gold. We hire anyone of any age from any walk of life, criminal background and level of education to distribute the substance. We sell the substance 24 hours a day to anyone of any age anywhere, including school grounds. We pay our distributors on commission to encourage aggressive market expansion. We stock our distributors with more addictive products in case they temporarily run out of our substance. We arm our distributors so they can defend their extremely valuable products and protect their market share. The Le Dain Commission System: We tax the substance, directing the revenues proportional to the popularity of the substance, toward education and research toward making the substance safer. We regulate quality, labelling and advertising. We hire licensed, trained, background checked, salary paid distributors. We prohibit sales to minors. MATTHEW M. ELROD Victoria *** A few citations to the contrary Tom Yeoman claims that ``the legalization movement has only a psycho-spiritual and intellectual desert that it calls peace. Its strength is emphatically not forensic.'' Since Mr. Yeoman didn't bother to provide citations, and since I don't accept his claim of omnipotence when it comes to drug issues, I'll tell you what I know, and cite them. ``The smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health.'' The Lancet, Volume 346, Number 8985, Nov. 11, 1995. ``Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.'' U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young, Docket No. 86-22, Sept. 6, 1988. ``The costs to a significant number of individuals, the majority of whom are young people, and to society generally, of a policy of prohibition of simple possession are not justified by the potential for harm of cannabis and the additional influence which such a policy is likely to have upon perception of harm, demand and availability. We, therefore, recommend the repeal of the prohibition against the simple possession of cannabis.'' from The Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, 1972 (The LeDain Commission) This intellectual desert obviously covers some vast territory. TIMOTHY J. MEEHAN Toronto *** Claims little more than diatribe I just read Tom Yeoman's diatribe on marijuana that you printed. He makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims. I'd like you to explain how you could print his material without even checking its accuracy. Take this statement: ``We know we know that tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana's psychoactive property, impairs brain functions. Loss of memory, loss of motivation and ambition, loss of present and future best efforts. And look what it does to critical thinking!'' There are several government-funded reports which refute each one of his hysterical claims including the La Guardia Commission, the Shafer Commission, as well as the Canadian Le Dain report. Several articles appearing in last month's Newscientist magazine (superbly researched and referenced) expose the facts and dispel the myths surrounding marijuana. Yet you print Yeoman's column without so much as a disclaimer to warn the reader that the author is expressing his opinion and has not provided any references to substantiate what he's saying. Some of his other statements totally contradict accepted medical facts, such as ``smoking up constricts the blood supply to the optic nerve''. Marijuana is a known vasodilator. When under the influence of marijuana, patients experience increased blood flow. I consider your publication to be worthless since reading Yeoman's article; if you'd print that, how can I believe anything else you print? DAVID SOUL Boston, Mass. *** Harmful? So is nicotine FOOTNOTE: Editor: FOOTNOTE: So what if marijuana is harmful? So is nicotine and rat poison and we are free to purchase those products. In any event, by what twisted argument can anyone believe that the state has the right to prohibit its citizens from ingesting any damn substance they feel like ingesting? What's next, pound cake prohibition? There is no effective marijuana law in Canada. Anyone who wants it can obtain it. The law is a total joke, enforced by a joke government and a joke Prime Minister. And let us not forget that prohibition always was, and always will be, a failure. Did (Tom) Yeoman learn nothing from the failure of alcohol prohibition? Hard to believe that Yeoman has the gall to invoke the name of a great freedom fighter, George Orwell, in his defence of that brutal state-sanctioned, prison-filling pogrom we call drug prohibition. It's all about freedom, no doubt a frightening prospect to a sanctimonious windbag. ALAN RANDELL Victoria *** Innuendo mixed with mere myth ``Is marijuana use less harmful than alcohol or tobacco consumption?'' Tom Yeoman poses this scientifically settled question at the beginning of his column, but he never answers the query directly. Instead he rehashes myth and innuendo. I suspect I know why. As much as he hates marijuana, the answer to the question runs counter to the premise of his column. Of course marijuana use is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco consumption, especially if one defines harmful as increased risk of addiction and death. Tobacco and alcohol addict millions and kill hundreds of thousands of people. Marijuana kills no one and it is not physically addicting. For Yeoman's notion of the righteousness of marijuana prohibition to be true, marijuana use would have to be more harmful than death itself. Maybe Yeoman truly believes this. STEPHEN YOUNG Roselle,Ill.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Alcohol Still Top Problem Drug ('Irish Independent' Cites Official Figures Indicating Admissions To Psychiatric Hospitals In Ireland For Drug Dependence Have Doubled In Five Years, But Nearly Ten Times As Many Are Still Being Treated For Alcoholic Disorders, And Deaths Directly Related To Alcohol Dependence Increased More Than 300 Percent From 1990 To 1996) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 23:20:43 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: Ireland: Alcohol Still Top Problem Drug Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Monday, 2 March 1998 Author: Eilish O'Regan, Health Correspondent Source: The Irish Independent Contact: independent.letters@independent.ie ALCOHOL STILL TOP PROBLEM DRUG Admission to psychiatric hospitals for drug dependence have doubled in five years - but nearly ten times as many are still being treated for alcoholic disorders, according to official figures. The figures show while just 277 people were admitted to psychiatric hospital for drug dependence in 1991, this jumped to 514 in 1994 and 565 in 1996. In contrast the numbers of people with alcoholic disorders who were admitted for treatment in 1991 reached 6,592 and fell to 5,435 in 1996 - but remains the largest abuse problem facing health authorities. A survey of deaths directly related to alcohol dependence also showed a big increase from 15 in 1990 to 54 in 1996. Deaths directly related to drug dependence also rose from 4 in 1990 to 36 in 1996. Experts say the first sign of alcohol dependence is using alcohol for relief from stress, anxiety and anger. Other signs include suffering from hangovers, getting drunk often even when you don't intend to, and being unsuccessful in trying to give up or drink less.
------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO-Suppressed Report Online (URL Posted For Text Of World Health Organization Report 'Project On Health Implications Of Cannabis Use - A Comparative Appraisal Of The Health And Psychological Consequences Of Alcohol, Cannabis, Nicotine And Opiate Use, August 28, 1995' - Suppression Publicized In Media Reports Beginning February 18) Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 00:28:44 -0800 To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com From: Chris ClaySubject: WHO-suppressed report online The document that WHO (the UN's health organization) tried to suppress is now online: http://www.hempnation.com/library/recreational/who-index.html *** WHO Project on Health Implications of Cannabis Use: A Comparative Appraisal of the Health and Psychological Consequences of Alcohol, Cannabis, Nicotine and Opiate Use August 28, 1995 By Wayne Hall, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales and Robin Room and Susan Bondy, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto Contents I. OUR APPROACH II. THE PROBABLE HEALTH EFFECTS OF CANNABIS USE Acute Psychological and Health Consequences The Health Effects of Chronic Cannabis Use Psychological Effects of Chronic Cannabis Use III. A QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF THE HEALTH RISKS OF ALCOHOL, CANNABIS, NICOTINE AND OPIATE USE Acute Effects Chronic Effects IV. COMPARING THE MAGNITUDE OF RISKS Quantifying the Relative Risks of Adverse Health Effects of Cannabis Use Public Health Significance Some Direct Comparative Evidence on Consequences: What Users Report V. CONCLUSIONS & REFERENCES TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF RATINGS OF OVERALL EFFECT OF DRUG USE BY CURRENT USERS (PERCENT) TABLE 2:TYPES OF PROBLEMS REPORTED IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS BY CURRENT USERS AGE 18 TO 34 (ONTARIO 1992)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Colombia Farmers Stuck With Drugs - Funds To Switch Crops Unavailable ('New York Times' Says Last Year, Colombian Pilots Poisoned 40,000 Hectares Or 100,000 Acres Of Coca Crops, And Yet The Total Area Under Coca Cultivation Rose Nearly 20 Percent) Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 16:04:00 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: Colombia: Colombia Farmers Stuck With Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Kevin Zeese Source: International Herald Tribune Author: Diana Jean Schemo New York Times Service Contact: iht@iht.com Pubdate: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 COLOMBIA FARMERS STUCK WITH DRUGS Funds to Switch Crops Unavailable POPAYAN, Colombia - At first, nothing could have been easier for these struggling rural hamlets than getting into the drug business. Up and down the Valle del Cauca, these scattered villages climbed on the coca bandwagon early, enjoying a five-year joyride that is still referred to here as La Bonanza But as more and more farmers grew coca instead of food, prices for coca leaf dropped and the cost of the food they had to buy soared. Crop dusters financed by U.S. anti-drug efforts poisoned the harvest. And gradually, the problems that cocaine has fueled in urban ghettos---violence, shattered families and an addiction to easy money---reached back to the valley like a curse returning to its roots. As life unraveled, the coca growers learned that although Colombia was spending $1.1 billion a year fighting drug trafficking and Washington was pouring more than $100 million a year into Colombia's anti-narcotics police, hardly any of that money was available to help communities stop growing illegal crops. Washington's strategy in Colombia, where about 80 percent of the cocaine sold in the United States originates, never included the kind of highly effective programs in Bolivia and Peru that have helped peasants raise alternative crops. Indeed, while drug crops in Bolivia and Peru---where fumigation is banned---have continued to fall, the world's leading producer of coca last year was Colombia, where fumigation is Washington's weapon of choice. "It's ironic and disturbing that the one country where you have massive aerial eradication is the one where you ' ve got an increase in coca production,"- said Coletta Youngers, a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America, a nonprofit policy research organization. "There's something fundamentally wrong there." Alter two years of imposing sanctions on Colombia for failing to enforce drug laws, the Clinton administration announced Thursday that it would grant a waiver to Colombia this year as an acknowledgment of progress in destroying crops. But the results have not been encouraging. Last year, Colombian pilots poisoned 40,000 hectares (100,000 acres) of coca crops, and yet the total area under coca cultivation rose nearly 20 percent. While Washington formulates policies to reduce drug trafficking by poisoning crops, attacking bridges and blowing up labs, the strategy's limited successes are trumpeted widely. Less well known is the way the policy affects the peasants who took up illegal crops in a Faustian bargain to join the middle class. "They confuse us with the Cali or Medellin cartel," said Eider Gironza Marnian, a coca grower whose community is weighing the prospects of ending coca cultivation. "Maybe they think we're rich, too, but in reality, we're poor. And our children go hungry. " Under President Ernesto Samper, whose relations with Washington have been plagued with accusations that Cali drug dealers bankrolled his election, the Colombian government has tried to promote crop substitution with aid from the European Community and the United Nations. But the dearth of help from the United States has sown deep bitterness among Colombians. Indeed, U.S. officials at the Bank for Inter-American Development recently voted against a $90 million loan to increase crop substitution in Colombia, an automatic consequence of Washington's decertification of Colombia over the past two years in the fight against drug trafficking. At the same time, the U.S. anti-narcotics funding for Latin America's military and police more than tripled between 1996 and 1997, according to a a report by the Washington Office on Latin America. Still, the seizure of tens of thousands of tons of heroin and Cocaine Between 1988 and 1995 and the destruction of about 54,000 hectares of coca had "made little impact on the availability of illegal drugs in the United States," according to a 1997 report by the General Accounting Office.
------------------------------------------------------------------- European Union Gives Morocco $1 Million To Replace Cannabis Crops ('Reuters' Fails To Estimate How Much People In Northern Morocco Now Earn As Europe's Premier Supplier Of Cannabis, But EU Must Be Hoping For Some Sort Of 'Trickle Down' Effect) Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 17:19:38 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: EU: Wire: EU Gives Morocco $1 Million To Replace Cannabis Crops Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: GDaurer Source: Reuters Pubdate: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 EU GIVES MOROCCO $1 MILLION TO REPLACE CANNABIS CROPS RABAT, March 2 (Reuters) - The European Union donated Morocco 10 million dirhams ($1.0 million) to replace cannabis plantations with alternate crops, an E.U. statement said on Monday. ``Nearly 10 million dirhams were donated to Morocco for the development of its northern provinces to favour the introduction of new business in areas most affected by cannabis culture,'' the statement said. It said the project was part of the EU's efforts to stop drug trafficking and help develop Morocco's northern provinces by encouraging farmers to grow other crops. According to Moroccan officials, a total 60,000 hectares are cultivated with cannabis in the remote northern Rif area annually. ($1- 9.7 dirhams) -------------------------------------------------------------------
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