------------------------------------------------------------------- Oregon Liquor Store Agents And Contractor Group's Board Of Directors Votes 14-5 To Support Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (Paul Stanford, A Chief Petitioner For OCTA, Says Directors Have Appointed Team To Implement Support) From: "D. Paul Stanford"Reply-To: "stanford@crrh.org" To: "'Restore Hemp!'" Subject: Oregon liquor store agents/contractor's group supports OCTA Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 15:26:56 -0800 Organization: CRRH Encoding: 34 TEXT First it should be noted that the Oregon state liquor store system is comprised of three distinct groups. First is a seven member panel appointed by the governor that decides specific issues and resolves conflicts regarding licensing decisions. Second are the state employees who manage the state licensing system, enforce state liquor laws, and manage the wholesale distribution of distilled alcohol products to their agents/contractor's stores. Last are the store agents/contractors who manage the retail sale of distilled alcohol products through their stores and deliveries to bars in their geographical area for 8 percent of the sale price. This morning, 2/8/98, the Oregon liquor store agents/contractors group's board of directors voted to support OCTA by 14 to 5. Their group has appointed a team to implement their support. They voted 14 to 1 to authorize their team to conclude all necessary arrangements with us to put OCTA on the ballot this year and, in case we don't win this year, to file the petition for circulation for the ballot in the year 2000. The members that have been appointed to the liquor store agents' team are all strongly supportive of OCTA. Details of their support will be finalized soon. More as it develops. Yours truly, D. Paul Stanford Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp CRRH P.O. Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone: (503) 235-4606 Fax: (503) 235-0120 Web: http://www.crrh.org/
------------------------------------------------------------------- Portland Police Allowed Rage To Guide Judgment (Letter To Editor Of Salem 'Statesman Journal' Regarding Fatality Precipitated By Warrantless Break-In By Portland Marijuana Task Force Condones Police Rage, Just Doesn't Want Naked Bleeding Victim 'Trussed On The Police Van Like Slaughter') Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 02:33:55 -0800 From: Paul FreedomOrganization: Oregon State Patriots To: Cannabis Patriots , "libnw@circuit.com" Subject: CanPat> 2-Letters-MARIJUANA SHOOTING! Sender: owner-cannabis-patriots-l@teleport.com Letter to the editor The Statesman Journal Salem, Oregon February 8, 1998 PORTLAND POLICE ALLOWED RAGE TO GUIDE JUDGMENT I am grateful to the Portland police who recently risked their lives. I am angry at the criminal suspect. I condone the officer's rage, evidenced in the photograph showing the arrest of Steven Douglas Dons. Feelings are natural. It is what we do with them that counts, and so I address the issue of rage. I object to the exhibition of Dons naked and trussed on the police van like slaughter. When we treat criminal suspects as a trashable object, we become what we hate. Reveling in violence degrades us. Other things are equally destructive. As we Americans pay money to movie, TV and magazine industries that show violence; as we balance the budget by excessively taxing the poor; and we remain silent, we are also directly accountable for criminal activity. We destroy our nation. We forget our true nature. Next time let us avoid barbarianism. Susan K. Rupp Albany, Oregon
------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief Moose Says Portland Remains Safe City (Interview In 'The Oregonian' With Portland Police Chief In Wake Of Fatal Marijuana Task Force Warrantless Break-In Alludes To Similar 1979 Raid Moose Was Involved In That Caused Death Of Officer David Crowther) Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 00:09:09 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US OR: Chief Moose Says Portland Remains Safe City Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Sandee Burbank Pubdate: Sunday, 8 Feb 1998 Source: The Oregonian Author: Michele Parente of The Oregonian staff Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ CHIEF MOOSE SAYS PORTLAND REMAINS SAFE CITY In an interview, the city's top policeman speaks at length about how Colleen Waibel's death has affected him and his bureau These are tumultuous times for Portland Police Chief Charles Moose. On Jan. 27, Officer Colleen Waibel, 44, became the second Portland police officer killed in the line of duty in six months. In the hours and days after Waibel's shooting, Moose exhibited a wide range of emotions, from lashing out at the media to mournful reflection at Waibel's funeral. In an hourlong interview last week with The Oregonian's Michele Parente, a relaxed and sometimes somber Moose spoke openly about the effects of the shooting on him and the Portland Police Bureau. Q: How is morale on the force right now, after the shooting? How do you think they're coping? A: I think everybody's coping really well. People have drawn together, but at the same hand there is the debriefing that will help people through it but will also help us identify those people that may still be having trouble. Q: What's the debriefing? A: Well, we're just getting together with people and kind of talking through the whole incident and their level of involvement, and continuing to offer coping mechanisms and strategies. Q: Do you think coming so soon after Officer (Thomas L.) Jeffries that it was harder this time around? A:I was surprised how much harder it was. I think there was perhaps a thought that we'd had 18 years (without a shooting death before Jeffries) and so in some way maybe we let our guard down and assumed it'd be another 18 years. Mentally, I'm sure, it's difficult to prepare for anything like this, but I would say that we probably were unprepared, and so in that sense it hurt, I think, a lot more. Q: Do you think now the officers will try to be prepared, and do you thinkit'll affect how they behave on the job, will it make them more timid or more aggressive? A: The preparation for death, I don't know if you can ever mentally prepare. I feel very confident that their character, their training, will carry them through. It's not a matter that anyone involved in this situation used bad tactics or bad procedures, and so it's not that we've got to make some big correction curve, and then everyone's going to be better. Q: How does the force recover from this? What is the next step beyond the debriefing, is there going to be anything that you can do for moral guidance, or anything that the employee assistance program can do to help? A: As an organization, in some ways the best thing is that we continue to work and continue to stay busy. But certainly, individually, certain people are having more trouble than others, and so the employee assistance, their sergeants, their commanding officers, their family members, will continue to work with those individuals. And the thing we want to ernphasize is that there's really no time frame; we're very leery of people that are having a tough time, of rushing them back or rushing them into situations. ... There is no formula for people, and for some people it may not hit them until six months from now. ... We also know that when people are involved in things in the future, we do have a cumulative effect going on now. Q: Are the streets of Portland more dangerous now than they were when you were on the streets as an officer? A: I'm afraid they are. Certainly the type of weapons that are out there have changed dramatically. There are more people and for whatever reason, seems like again maybe it's the deinstitutionalization of our mental health system, or perhaps it's just the fast-paced world that we live in today, there seem to be more people that are feeling isolated and feeling like somehow violence is a resort to either getting them attention or solving whatever personal problems they may be having. It just seems like that all has escalated, not only in Portland but I think throughout the nation. But the thing I want to emphasize is that, we've noticed this increase in violence in the domestic violence stuff that we've seen, in the gruesomeness of, I think, some of the homicides that we've seen, the fact that so many more people are willing to just shoot another community member, be it over a gang issue, or be it in the commission of a robbery. Q: Isn't it very disconcerting when the level and the rate of violent crime is going down? If you're putting it in the context of Portland as a whole being safer, and yet there are these people who seem more wanton in their crimes. That's a contradiction. A: Yes, but at the same hand we have a lot more information today about certain violent incidents, so maybe the overall number of violent incidents are down, but the description, the information about them occuring, there's a lot more reporting, there's a lot more access. Q: It's magnified? A: That's just because we're in the information age. I don't think there is sensationalism, I just think that there is a lot more different ways to get information today than ever before. And so we tend to, I think, look at those situations from many different angles, and it's tough to get away from them. ... So I think, yes, the overall numbers are down, but when something does happen, you're really inundated. And so maybe it kind of makes you feel like it must really be worse than ever. Q: Can you reassure the community that the city is still safe? A: Well certainly the raw numbers are down. I think that people should feel safe, but it has to be more of a personal thing. Are you moving about the city, do you feel good about that? And the reports we get are that, yes, people do. But again I'd like to see a further drop in the violence, in the aggravated assaults especially. So I think that it's not a panic cry, it's not a, 'We're under siege,' but I think we have a lot more work to do in terms of getting along with each other, in terms of working through some of our conflict on a lower level, without moving immediately to violence to resolve the conflict. ... Certainly this shooting was very sensational, it's very close to home, and it really hurt. But I'm leery that we overreact as a community. And I don't think we will. Q: Speaking of ouerreacting, much has been made about the local TV news coverage. Let's talk about that. The bureau seems incensed over not just TV coverage but the media in general. Why? Are we making your job harder? A: I guess I want to make sure that it's looked at in the right way. I don't think that the organization is incensed. I do want to stress that for several months now I've heard concern coming from the command center. Usually I don't participate at the command center during an incident. On this occasion I was out there, and I was able to witness and observe several things firsthand. It brought to light that there was trouble doing their job. But it's highly important for us not to shut down communication. We'll always need the media. We need to get information to the public about crimes and to show people how to protect themselves, to help us gather information to help us solve a crime. So there's more room for cooperation rather than disengagement. Q: If you could rewrite the gun laws, what would you allow, what would you ban? A: I think I would go beyond that and say that if I could rewrite history, then America's history would not have the love affair that we have with guns. All guns are dangerous. But certainly, the approach of banning certain assault weapons is good, but at the same hand there are quite a few already out there, so...if we never made another one, the police would still have to confront all the ones that are out there. So we really can't put everything in laws. ... There's nothing you can put on the books that protects Portland police officers on the streets. Q: You sound defeated. A: I wouldn't say defeated, maybe realistic. Yes, laws are needed, but I'm more interested in technology, for protection. Q: Technology? Can you explain that or give me an example? A: Well, for example, the Department of Defense has created a technology that allows you to detect if members of a group have a metal alloy on their person. An officer could see who, how many, had a weapon. Or say during a traffic stop you could detect if there was a gun in a vehicle. Some ask, 'Don't we always presume there is a weapon in a vehicle?' and yes, we do. But this would allow protection since the officer would know for sure. Q: That sounds straight out of "Star Wars." A: No, that's reality. But we don't even know if the Department of Defense would release that technology. Or even if it could be used. There's a right to privacy, and would we be constitutionally allowed to use it? But that's where I would want to put the focus. Protection. The laws are good, but it's not just banning guns but laws that make control reasonable and rational. There's no reason we can't do thumb checks for long guns, not just handguns. That kind of thinking is antiquated. It goes back to the notion of common defense, the right to protect ourselves. What does common defense mean today? At some point we would have tanks and airplanes issued to us by the government so we could protect ourselves from the Russians. Q: Can you talk about your philosophy in enforcing marijuana laws? Should marijuana be treated just like any other drug? A: Possession of marijuana is against the law. As police officers, our job is to enforce the laws as they exist. If society changes those laws, then we will follow what we're directed to do. But we're not going to overlook any drug or any substance that is at this point illegal. Q: There's a perception that the police bureau, in the past, treated marijuana dealers more casually because they might have been considered less violent than, say, heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine dealers. Is that true, and if so, is that going to change now, in light of Steven Dons? A: I think the only thing I can say is that I was involved in the drug raid when Officer (David Crowther) was killed (in 1979), and we changed and we improved our attack and our approach to doing warrants as a result of that very traumatic incident. So there's no doubt that we will look at this situation and make some adjustments and make some changes. I don't know if I can really articulate anything much greater than that because it's not exactly clear how we will change or what adjustments we wil1 make, but I know that they will occur. ... But I just want to emphasize it won't cause us to stop. The approaches, the knock-and-talk is a very useful tool. People in our community call every day about drug houses and concerns, and we still need to have a way to try to address those. Q: Let's talk more about the knock-and-talk. Some people say constitutinally you're doing the work first and worrying about the protections of people's rights later. What about that issue? What about the civil liberties of people who -- you don't have a warrant but you go in their home? A: Well, we have consent when we do that, and so we've done hundreds and hundreds, and people have had attorneys, and people have had their day in court, and it's been found constitutionally legal. So I think those people that are jumping on that wagon certainly see this as an opportunity where people are calling them and asking their opinion, whereas they didn't ask their opinion three years ago when we were doing knock-and-talks, four years ago when we were doing them, five years ago. Q: The talk about arming officers with some high-powered rifles, the budget proposal for $250,000 that went to Mayor Katz, in fact, on the day of the shooting. Is more firepower really the answer? A: I just want to emphasize that a big part of the rationale is that the weapon that we're proposing is a different weapon than the shotgun that is available today. And that the weapon that we're proposing is actually for an urban environment a safer weapon because you don't get the spray that you get when you use a shotgun. So the real goal is to recognize that it's 1998 now, we need to be rethinking what we're doing. And we need to recognize that probably in the past four or five years, there's been very little use of the shotgun. So we don't anticipate much change all of a sudden with a long rifle, that it will increase usage. Q: For those unfamiliar with guns, what do you mean by less spray? What's the difference in the weapon? A: At this point, from a tactical standpoint, we're not prepared to talk about that. First we have to have this approved by the mayor and the City Council. So at some point all of that information will come out. It's not a secret. But with the timing of the shooting, that's really kind of a separate, just like with the less lethal bean bag, we brought it to the community and showed it, so people would understand. We got the mayor to sign off, same with the City Council. There will be demonstrations. There's been a tendency for everybody to want to wrap this into the shooting. I guess we're just trying to say that this topic needs to slow down. Q: Going back to you. On a personal level, how does the shooting affect you? The other day the mayor said it's easier for her to show her emotions but that you need to keep it together more. A: Well, I'm certainly trying to deal with it. (PAUSE) But it makes me wish in some ways that I was out there on the street because then it'd be easier because you've got something to do. I think to me, doing something, staying busy, helps me get through problems, and part of the problem with being police chief is that I really don't always have that immediate something to do, and I've got to continue my work on the budget, work on the issues that are several years out. And it's kind of like, well, what's that got to do with taking the next bad guy off the street. So in that sense I just feel like, I go to the roll calls, and I talk to the officers, and I feel kind of useless. You just feel kind of empty. They know that I can say all of these things, and I'm encouraging them to stay strong and go out there. But then when they go and they get in their car, I'm not going to be there next to them so they've got to go out there by themselves. ... But I know that the stuff I'm work! ! ing on and my responsibility, what my job tasks are, still need to be done and still eventually they'll make a difference. Q: So how do you deal with it then, if you don't have the chance to be on the street but have to go through another budget cycle? A: Well that's the challenge, psychologically, not bite somebody's head off because I really want to be somewhere else or that I really get frustrated that no other bureau has members dying for the tity. But yet we have to ask for resources on an equal footing with all the other bureaus. And I don't want to dismiss that there are other things that need to be done to make a city work that are critical, but it is frustrating to go to a funeral and know that the other bureau managers aren't having people shot in the chest in the name of the city. But yet, we're subject to the same 'Prove that you need these resources. Prove that you need these weapons. Show me that they're going to be making you more efficient,' and we'll do all that. ... So you just need to marshal your resources and adjust, do the job, somehow just psychologically not get wrapped up in it. A: Well, I'm certainly trying to deal with it. (PAUSE) But it makes me wish in some ways that I was out there on the street because then it'd be easier because you've got something to do. I think to me, doing something, staying busy, helps me get through problems, and part of the problem with being police chief is that I really don't always have that immediate something to do, and I've got to continue my work on the budget, work on the issues that are several years out. And it's kind of like, well, what's that got to do with taking the next bad guy off the street. So in that sense I just feel like, I go to the roll calls, and I talk to the officers, and I feel kind of useless. You just feel kind of empty. They know that I can say all of these things, and I'm encouraging them to stay strong and go out there. But then when they go and they get in their car, I'm not going to be there next to them so they've got to go out there by themselves. ... But I know that the stuff I'm work! ! ing on and my responsibility, what my job tasks are, still need to be done and still eventually they'll make a difference. Q: So how do you deal with it then, if you don't have the chance to be on the street but have to go through another budget cycle? A: Well that's the challenge, psychologically, not bite somebody's head off because I really want to be somewhere else or that I really get frustrated that no other bureau has members dying for the city. But yet we have to ask for resources on an equal footing with all the other bureaus. And I don't want to dismiss that there are other things that need to be done to make a city work that are critical, but it is frustrating to go to a funeral and know that the other bureau managers aren't having people shot in the chest in the name of the city. But yet, we're subject to the same 'Prove that you need these resources. Prove that you need these weapons. Show me that they're going to be making you more efficient,' and we'll do all that. ... So you just need to marshal your resources and adjust, do the job, somehow just psychologically not get wrapped up in it. Q: Is some of the frustration toward the mayor that she's not able to get all these resources? She has to fight the City Council. A: Right. I have a lot of respect for that, so it's really not directed at the mayor. Plus the mayor has been an excellent advocate for the police bureau. I've had the good fortune of being up here as a deputy chief of being chief throughout her time in office, and sht's always been very concerned and an advocate. But it is a team that makes the decisions for the city. I'm in the process of reading a book called "A Prayer for the City" (about Philadelphia Mayor Edward Rendell), and my wife went last night to look for another copy because I wanted to give one to the mayor. She may already have it but ... it's just a reminder of how difficult her job is. I see her and we talk about police stuff, and police stuff and police stuff. I always need to remember that there's a zillion other people standing there, asking about a zillion other things. And so somehow, I have to remember, when she doesn't quite know exactly what I'm talking about in terms of the police bureau, there's only! ! so much capacity there for any one individual, so I really should respect that, and just thank her for the times that she does know exactly what I'm talking about or what the police needs may be. ... She's a damned good politician, and we would be hard-pressed as a bureau if she wasn't the mayor. Q: Has any of this made you reevaluate whether you want to stay as chief? Everybody wants to know if you're going to Houston (to work for former Multnomah County Sheriff Lee Brown). A: Right. Q: Or Washington, D.C. A: Well, you know, I'm just trying to stay employed. I certainly have had a lot of emotion, and I've had a rough time. And I think about the very rough time that Chief (Leonard G.) Cook has had down in Eugene ... but also know that goes with turf, I guess. I've got a loner badge and so the focus has to be on doing the best job with the job I've got. Q: So no plans to go to Houston. A: No. But if he calls (LAUGHS). Q: Is there anything more on the shooting that you want to say? A: I don't know if I did a clear enough job, but I really think Portland remains a safe community. And I think that police officers are safe in the sense that their training is excellent, and I want to emphasize that in none of these situations has anyone done anything wrong, it's just that, it's been a very unfortunate -- there was nothing wrong with that knock-and-talk.... And then secondly I think the same goes for the community. ... I know the people out there feel severely shaken that live in that neighborhood, but he (Dons) wasn't attacking the neighborhood, and so I think they need to keep that perspective about it. ... And in terms of community support, again it has been overwhelming and is much appreciated.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs Not A Problem? Think Again (Ignorant, Sensationalistic Bend, Oregon, 'Bulletin' Item On 18-Year-Old Poly-Drug Abuser Doesn't Give A Second Thought About Failure Of Prisons To Address Problem) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:56:12 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: US OR : Drugs Not A Problem? Think Again To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Curt Wagoner Source: The Bulletin, 1526 NW Hill St,.Bend,Oregon 97701 Author: Jeff Nielson Pubdate: Feb. 8 1998 Contact: bulletin@bendnet.com Fax: 541-385-5802 DRUGS NOT A PROBLEM? THINK AGAIN Result is always the same: trouble says 18 year old Lequita Twete is a survivor of drugs - so far. She has smoked pot. Snorted methamphetamine. Dropped acid. Shot up heroin. And she is barely 18 years old. "I've lost so much to addiction that it isn't funny," said Twete, an outgoing redhead with an easy laugh. On a recent crisp winter morning, she and several others in Deschutes County juvenile custody were working on a Habitat for Humanity duplex in northeast Bend. "If I could get a message across to kids in junior high or elementary school, it's that drugs are totally not cool." Think that drugs aren't a problem in idyllic Central Oregon? Think again. Although Twete's level of drug abuse still is rare, authorities say, she isn't the only one whose young life has been turned into a nightmare. "There are 11 year olds who are smoking pot, eating acid and doing crank (methamphetamine)," said Twete, who was born in Redmond and raised in Bend. "Drugs are a problem no matter where you go. You can find drugs anywhere." "Out there in the real world, it wouldn't surprise me that the age of kids being involved in drug use is dropping," said Don Minney, Deschutes County Juvenile Department facilities manager. Convicted twice of forging checks to obtain money for drugs, Twete soon is due to be released from juvenile custody. She'll still be on parole, however, and looking for a job and a place to live. Her mother, Diane Twete, has had enough of her daughter's lies, stealing and repeated attempts to break her addictions. Lequita won't be allowed to return home. "I've been dealing with this for four years and we're in the same place we were four years ago", said Diane Twete. "I support my daughter and I love her dearly, but she has a disease she'll be struggling with the rest of her life and she has to learn how to take care of herself. I'm not going to be part of the problem." For Lequita, the problem began in eighth grade when she first tried marijuana. She didn't get high the first time: " I did a Clinton. I didn't know how to inhale." But within a year, she was a regular marijuana smoker. She tried LSD, then methamphetamine. Previously a decent student, she couldn't keep up with high school work while high on drugs. "I never did it at school, but I went to school tweaked sometimes," Twete said. "I'd just say I was going to the counselor's office and I'd leave." Twete was a freshman when she first was convicted of forgery. She completed a diversion program for young offenders, but couldn't stay clean. Her parents finally sent her to Rimrock Trails, a residential drug and alcohol treatment center in Prineville. It didn't work. The first day she returned to Bend, Twete took the $20 she had earned doing odd jobs at Rimrock Trails and bought a "quarter" -1/4 ounce of methamphetamine. Her life then careened out of control. In the span of a couple of years she was on and off drugs, mostly on. She ran away to Washington state, where she was doing cocaine and heroin when police tracked her down and returned her to Bend. By the summer of 1996, she was a frequent intravenous drug user. She spent two more stints in treatment programs, but she was unable to break the addiction. Finally, after violating parole a year later, Twete was sent to the Hillcrest School juvenile corrections facility. She was released back to Deschutes County on Jan. 5. Twete has been clean since returning to Bend. She's lucky - she didn't contract any diseases such as AIDS while shooting up. But she knows she's at risk and running out of time. Now that she's 18, her next screw-up will land her in adult jails. "I'm doing OK but I'm nervous about returning to the same town," she said. " But all my friends are in prison."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs Use Often Starts At Home (Bend, Oregon, 'Bulletin' Article Says 'The Single Most Common Element In Adolescent Drug Use Is Parental Use,' But Doesn't Ask, So Why Did All Those Baby Boomers Try 'Drugs'?) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 07:19:31 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: US OR: Drugs Use often Starts At Home To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Curt Wagoner Source: The Bulletin, 1526 NW Hill St,Bend,Oregon 97701 Author: Greg Bolt and Jeff Nielson Pubdate: Feb. 8 1998 Contact: bulletin@bendnet.com Fax: 541-385-5802 DRUGS USE OFTEN STARTS AT HOME Born to a heroin-addicted mother, Sarah Doe began her life on a course aimed straight at dependency. It didn't take her long to get there. She started smoking pot on her 10th birthday, when her older brother got her high for her first time. Her first drink came when she was 12, methamphetamine at 13. Soon she was injecting heroin into her teenage veins. Both Sarah (not her real name) and her brother were both born with fetal alcohol syndrome. They were adopted when Sarah was 6, but it was to late to stop their runaway course toward drug abuse. "I took drugs to make my problems go away," Sarah, now 17, said during an interview at the Deschutes County Juvenile Detention Center. " And I had a lot of problems with my family." Not too many kids in Central Oregon find themselves on the kind of runaway train that Sarah rode into addiction, but plenty are on the same track going the same direction. At home, their lives might be only a little better than Sarah's or a lot better, but one thing is almost certain: Somewhere along the line they got a clue from their parents or siblings or a trusted adult that tobacco, alcohol or drugs were okay. Parents don't have to be heroin addicts to set the stage for drug abuse by their children, experts say. In fact, something as seemingly innocent as smoking or having one to many drinks in the evening can lead a child to make a bad choice about alcohol or drugs. It could be an older brother or sister or uncle who thought it would be fun to get the kid brother high. It could be a teacher who looked the other way at a kid who came to class with booze on his breath. Whatever it was, the message was the same. It said it's okay to put things in your body that aren't good for you. And the people who try to get teenagers off the addiction track say it's often the biggest reason kids step aboard. "The single most common element in adolescent drug use is parental use. Not peer pressure. Parental use," says Roger Kryzanek, director of alcohol and drug programs for Deschutes County. " Kids use because mom and dad use." But they also use because mom and dad don't care. That's particularly noticeable among children of baby boom parents, who sometimes have a too-tolerant attitude about drinking and smoking, Kryzanek says. By the same token, having parents or close adults that make it crystal clear that using any drug is not acceptable is perhaps the most effective deterrent to teenage drug abuse. "If a kid has a close relationship with an adult and there's a clear understanding of what that adult's values are, he's not going to want to risk that relationship by making choices that violate those values," says Jackie Matlick, a prevention specialist at Rogue Recovery in Madras. That isn't to say that peer pressure doesn't push kids onto the drug abuse tracks. Children today swim in a culture that too often minimizes, if not glamorizes, drug use, and the choices they must make are far different that what earlier generations faced. Sherry Pressler, who works with first-time offenders as director of the Bend Police Department's YES program, says the middle school years are when youngsters are most vulnerable. It's a time when children are dropped into a new, stressful social mix before they've had a chance to learn the social skills to deal with it. "It's a stage where kids are just kind of flailing about," Pressler says." The biggest fear they have in that group is walking down the hall alone. That's worse than death to an eighth grader." Too often, drugs are seen as a way to bridge that social gap and gain acceptance. "I would put peer pressure as a major factor in what moves kids in one direction or another," says Deschutes County Sheriff's Deputy Dennis Porter, the school resource officer in La Pine. Sometimes drugs represent escape rather than acceptance. The stress of trying to fit in at school can fuel depression and a sense of hopelessness, and a child with little hope for the future has little reason to refuse drugs that offer the illusion of escape from the darkness. "For some kids, graduation goals or life on their own is so far down the pipe they can't see it," Pressler says "I've talked to kids who just say ,'I can't see being around when I'm 25,' and that's so sad.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardly A Day Goes By That Doesn't Find Jesse X Stoned (Ignorant, Sensationalistic Article In Bend, Oregon, 'Bulletin' About 17-Year-Old Chronic Cannabis Smoker Fails To Consider Possibility He Self-Medicates For Life-Threatening Disease Such As Depression, Or, In Which Case, What Might Be Better For Him - Specialized Medical Exam And Maybe Pharmaceutical Drugs, Or Prison? In Addition, Article Quotes Survey Statistics Suggesting Youths In Central Oregon Use Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs At Above-Average Rates) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:12:12 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: US OR: Hardly A Day Goes By That Doesn't Find Jesse X Stoned To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Curt Wagoner Source: The Bulletin, 1526 NW Hill St, Bend, Oregon 97701 Author: Greg Bolt and Jeff Nielson Pubdate: Feb. 8 1998 Contact: bulletin@bendnet.com Fax: 541-385-5802 HARDLY A DAY GOES BY THAT DOESN'T FIND JESSE X STONED. He's 17 years old and only a senior at Bend High School. He's been smoking pot for years, a habit that hasn't escaped his mother's notice. The fact that she doesn't approve hasn't stopped him, though. He and his friends pile in a car and find an isolated spot to light up. If he's at home, he'll smoke a bowl in the bathroom with the fan going. During his junior year he'd even get stoned before heading to school. His grades took a dive, not surprisingly, and he cut back when he finally realized pot was standing between him and graduation. "Last year I was smokimg at school and messed up," he says. Jesse, who asked that his name not be used, now plans to quit smoking dope this summer. He wants to enlist in the U.S. Coast Gaurd after graduation and knows there'll be a drug test. But until then, he's still buying pot at school. "I could find it and be back in twenty minutes," he says from the Bend High parking lot one recent afternoon. " It's just a matter of finding the right person." Dozens of interviews by the Bulletin with teachers, administrators, students and police reveal what some have long known and others find hard to believe: Despite zero-tolerance policies, drugs and alcohol are almost as easy to find as soda pop at every high school in Central Oregon and no harder to get than cigarettes in middle schools. Although suspensions and expulsions for drug possession or distribution still are rare, students say it's not at all unusual for drugs to be sold openly on campus or for some kids to show up at school buzzed on pot or liquor. "If you knew the right people, it was easy," one 17 year-old says about finding pot when she was a student at Pilot Butte Middle School. " You just had to know the right people. I could always tell who had it." The girl, interviewed at the Deschutes County Juvenile Detention Center, says she started smoking pot when she was 10, drinking when she was 12 and snorting lines of methamphetamine by her last year in middle school. She was injecting heroin by her freshman year at Mountain View. The girl, whose name is being withheld because of her age, said drugs of all sorts were used at parties with high school classmates and said they were freely bought and used at school. "They'd snort lines in the bathroom; they'd smoke pot outside," she says from a locked-off hallway in the cramped detention center. Back in detention for passing bad checks, she says she kicked drugs and has been clean for more than two years. The marks that drugs and booze leave on the region's young people can be as plain as the graffiti along railroad tracks or as subtle as the faint needle marks on a young boy's arm. But the problem rises into clear view in the hard, black and white numbers. In a 1996 study compiled by the state Department of Human Resources, more than half of Deschutes County's 11th graders said they had used alcohol within the past 30 days, a number that is 23% higher than the statewide average. Among the same group of children, the use of tobacco, marijuana and LSD also were above the state averages. It's the same story with alcohol and marijuana use among Deschutes County eighth graders. Marijuana use among those students is 16% higher than the statewide average and almost 8% higher for alcohol. For those in the business of treating children who abuse drugs, being on the wrong side of so many statewide averages adds up to big trouble. "That is not good," says Roger Kryzanek, director of alcohol and drug programs for Deschutes County Human Services Department. " To me, this is the most concerning bit of data we have." "What it says to me is we've got big-city problems. We've got the same kinds of problems you would expect to find in larger urban communities." That's not news to area police, who have been fighting a rising tide of illegal drugs for more than 10 years. And even though police often see only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to drug use among youngsters, they know there's no such thing as a drug-free school. "Any kid who's been in school from middle school to high school has been exposed to it. They have seen it. They have seen it used. They've seen people buying and selling it," says Dennis Porter, a Deschutes County sheriff's deputy who is the school resource officer in La Pine. Peter Miller, principal of the 139 student alternative Marshall High School in Bend and former principal of the much larger Bend High School, was blunt: " For a principal to say a school drug-free is a lie." And what drugs are Central Oregon teens using? Again. the numbers paint a billboard size picture: It's alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, in that order, with a small but rising number using methamphetamine. "Alcohol is the drug of choice, for kids as well as adults." says Sherry Pressler, director of the Youth Enforcement Services program run by the Bend City Police Department. " What kids tell me is they do more drinking on a casual basis or at parties than other drugs." "Tobacco, widely considered a gateway to harder drugs, is close behind alcohol. Thirty percent of 11th graders identified themselves as smokers in the state's survey and another 17% said they chew tobacco. One of the biggest problems with teen smoking is getting adults to take it seriously, says Kryzanek. But treatment providers say the link between tobacco and other drugs, especially marijuana, couldn't be clearer. "I think it is clearly a gateway drug," Kryzanek says of tobacco. " If we can reduce it, we know from studies we can seriously reduce latter drug use". It's no coincidence, experts say, that the percentage of young people who smoke marijuana is nearly as high as the percentage who smoke cigarettes. A far more dangerous threat to teens is the growing use of methamphetamine, a powerful " upper " that's growing in popularity because it is relatively cheap- $25 buys enough to stay high for 24 hours- and easy to find. Police and juvenile authorities believe more teens are being drawn to the drug, sending more into treatment to break meth addictions along with more serious health and mental after-affects. "When I first got here in 1985, we saw most of our problems with pot," says Brad Mondoy, director of the Jefferson County Juvenile Department. "Now we're seeing methamphetamine creating a lot of different problems. We're finding it hard to repair some of the damage they've done to themselves."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Strip Search Grows From Zero Tolerance ('The Oregonian' Explains How War On Drugs And 'Zero Tolerance' School Policies It Has Promoted For Decades Have Eviscerated Fourth Amendment For Everyone - And Made Possible The Multiple Lawsuits Parents Are Planning Against McMinnville, Oregon, School District) Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 18:53:50 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US OR: Strip Search Grows From Zero Tolerance Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: chrisa@aracnet.com (Chris Andersen) Source: Oregonian, The Contact: letters@news.oregonian.com Website: http://www.oregonlive.com/ Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Author: Chastity Pratt STRIP SEARCH GROWS FROM ZERO TOLERANCE The McMinnville incident raises questions about student rights, but the Supreme Court has sided with schools responding to crime. McMINNVILLE -- Two women police employees sporting rubber gloves ordered the girls to shake out their bras and pull down their underwear in a locker room at Duniway Middle School. The women were searching for CDs and other items swiped in the latest of a string of thefts. Two girls asked to call their parents but were denied, and at least one girl initially refused to strip, the girls say. Some said they submitted to the search because they didn't think they had the right to say no. "I didn't want to argue," Ashley Church, 12, said. "I didn't know my rights -- nobody told me." The search 11 days ago involved about two dozen seventh- and eighthgrade girls. It raised similar concerns among students, parents, educators and police across Oregon. What right do school officials or police have to search students? Can a student under suspicion contact his or her parents? What's the difference among asking a question, examining a locker and, finally, asking a girl to drop her pants? And, if wrongly accused, what recourse do students have? Several cases involving school searches have come before courts nationwide during the past decade as schools try new, stricter procedures to deal with rising school crime. The answer, handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, is that strip searches in schools are legal. The issue keeps hitting the courts, experts say, because although the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees everyone, children included, protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, those rights are limited once a student enters a school. At least six parents of the McMinnville girls have notified the district that they intend to sue for violating the girls' rights. "I can understand zero tolerance for drugs and guns and violent behavior," said Ashley's father, Chris Church, who does not intend to sue. "Here we're talking petty theft. Where does that justify a strip search? What about these girlst rights?" The U.S. Supreme Court rulings on searches might come as a surprise to many: In 1985 and again in 1995, the court gave school administrators leeway -- more leeway than police -- to search everything from a students' pockets to their Fruit of the Looms to their urine. The court said that to protect children from being harmed or harming others, students' rights to privacy must be limited. However, school or police officials must have a good reason to search, and the search must occur within specific boundaries. In the landmark 1985 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on a case called New Jersey vs. T.L.O., the court ruled that schools may search students if there is a "reasonable" suspicion that students broke the law or school policy. Schools must be able to explain the reason behind the search. Schools must weigh the evidence the intrusiveness of the search process, the suspected crime, and the age and sex of the student to consider a search reasonable. Items Missing In the McMinnville search Jan. 29, several girls returning to the girl's locker room after gym class reported 10 items were missing. The thief got away with money, makeup, jewelry, compact discs and a disc player. Up to the day of the strip search, Duniway had 42 reported crimes this year, 16 of them thefts. There had been several arrests, according to the McMinnville police. Operating on the belief that the thief who stole from the locker room was probably someone in the class, the McMinnville policeman assigned to Duniway summoned two women employees from the police station to search the girls. The women, who are not officers also sifted through the girls' backpacks but found no stolen items. The CD player surfaced in an eighth-grade girls bathroom later that day. School officials, who were initially vague about the invasiveness of the search, said it was "police-led" and violated school district policies. McMinnville police at first denied there was a strip search but later confirmed the girls' accounts. The Oregon State Police launched an investigation Thursday of adults involved in the search, as well as the thefts that precipitated it. In school searches it makes a difference whether school officials or police take the lead because police searches require more evidence. Police must have probable cause, a stricter standard. A school administrator, for instance, can use hearsay as reason to search a student, but police cannot use hearsay alone. However, authorities do not need to meet either standard if they simply ask to search a student and the student consents, said John Burgess, an attorney for the Multnomah Educational Service District. Schoolwide searches, such as metal detector sweeps and drugsniffing dogs, are legal because the intrusions are mild compared with the danger that weapons and drugs pose. Locker searches are legal because lockers are district property. Generally, the federal courts have ruled that intrusive searches must be specific, not random. Terry McElligot, who teaches civics to eighth-graders in the Newberg School District, called the McMinnville search unfortunate. "What I teach my kids is that they have a right to appeal, due process and you have a right to petition and protest," she said. Since the 1985 Supreme Court ruling, several federal courts in states such as Alabama, New York and Michigan have held schools blameless in strip searches. Most of those cases involved drugs or weapons. Regardless of what crime a student may have committed, neither federal nor state law requires schools to contact a parent before searching. Districts may adopt policies that outlaw strip searches altogether or stipulate that parents must be called before a search. "Students rights are clearly eroding," said Jacqueline Stefkovich, a law school professor at Temple University. "The most intrusive search is a cavity search. The next level is a strip search." Until the 1990s, strip searches were rare, she said. Seven states, including Washington, have laws against strip searches in schools, she added. The McMinnville search marks the second time that an Oregon school has gained national attention for allegedly violating search and seizure laws. In 1991, a 12-year-old Vernonia student refused to take a urine drug test that the district had required for athletes. The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1995. The court ruled that the random drug test did not violate students' privacy rights. The court said that the test was justified because "this evil (drugs) is being visited not just upon individuals at large, but upon children for whom it has undertaken a special responsibility." Safety Concerns Rising youth violence in the late 1980s and early 1990s spilled over into schools, prompting a flurry of tough security policies in Oregon and across the country. In the 1995-96 school year, schools in 29 states and the District of Columbia expelled more than 6,000 students for carrying guns to school, federal statistics show. Oregon counted 2,195 expulsions, 428 for toting weapons, 143 of them guns. Fifteen districts, including Portland didn't report. Other expulsions im eluded 791 for behavior and 790 for alcohol and tobacco. "School officials have felt increased pressure to take whatever steps necessary to make their campuses safe, free of weapons, free of drugs and free of fear," said Ronald Stephens, executive director of the National School Safety Center in Thousand Oaks, Calif. At Marshall High School in Southeast Portland a teacher on hall duty greets anyone who walks through the front door. That practice began in 1995 after a 19-year-old intruder shot and wounded a student in the cafeteria. All Portland schools now require visitors to sign in at the front office and wear name tags, and most doors in the schools are kept locked. These policies emerged in 1992 after a 12-year-old student was abducted from the halls of Kellogg Middle School in Southeast Portland and raped in a nearby motel. Most school districts in Oregon now have a police presence, either through contract or informal agreements with local police departments. Districts across the country have tightened campus security and adopted zero-tolerance policies that mandate expulsion of any student caught with weapons or drugs. Schools also have won more authority in some states to expel unruly kids. In a national poll last March nine of 10 principals said such policies are essential for keeping schools safe. Some administrators, emboldened by their broader authority, are extending their reach to discipline students for off-campus offenses such as drug use, fistfights and sexual harassment. The public clearly wants stronger discipline, said Kathy Christie, spokeswoman for the information clearinghouse run by the Education Commission of the States in Denver. But tighter security has led to excesses, ranging from improper searches to unreasonable expulsions. "Everything is a balance," Christie said. "When things get out of whack, you tend to get a big public blow-up." Clear Policies Oregon administrators say balancing school order and student rights requires explicit policies that are clearly explained to students and parents. It also demands good judgment. The small Central Linn School District south of Albany twice has conducted random drug searches of students involved in sports this year. It has warned teen-agers it may bring drug-sniffing dogs to their lockers. It expelled a student caught with a gun in November. So far, these actions have not drawn a single complaint, says John H. Dallum, superintendent. "It is because we started with a public discussion ... centered on making our building a safe place to be," Dallum said. The Salem-Keizer School District trains administrators how to conduct searches, call in police only when they have probable cause and publish their search policies in student handbooks. "This helps eliminate all the miscommunication and mistrust," said Harold BurkeSivers, security coordinator. McMinnville residents say better communication among all involved adults could have made the strip search, which most districts bar, less divisive and could have kept the sleazy talk shows from calling. "If we take a radical view where we get to treating these kids like they're delinquents, we're going to lose all communication with our kids," said Jeff Ingebrand, whose sixth-grade daughter attends Duniway. "I guess we need to teach them what their rights and responsibilities are so they'll know when authority crosses the line." Question of Judgment Even with good policies, however administrators invite problems by using poor judgment. Administrative judgment repeatedly has been challenged in recent years about extreme decisions based on zero-tolerance policies. Last spring, Carol McMakin brought a lawyer to confront administrators after her son, Adam, 13, was expelled from Parkrose Middle School for sipping Scope mouthwash, which contains alcohol. Officials settled on a short suspension. Similar incidents have occurred in the past year across the country: An 8-year-old second-grader was suspended in Alexandria, La., for bringing her grandfather's 1-inch knife, used to clean his fingernails, to show and tell. A 13-year-old girl caught with Midol in Fairborn, Ohio, was suspended for nine days; the girl that gave her the Midol was suspended 14 days because distributing drugs is more serious than possession. Most administrators, though, are cautious about enforcing safety rules. Some schools call parents before they conduct a search. Most confine their searches to individuals, with the exception of schoolwide locker searches. Most make sure at least two adults are present when a student is searched. How far a district goes with using metal detectors, surveillance cameras and student searches, however depends on community will, says Ronald Stephens of the National School Safety Center. A public uproar, he said, "serves as a reality check for the community and how far it wants to go." McMinnville schools got their reality check 11 days ago. Chastity Pratt covers education for The Oregonian's MetroSouthwest news bureau. She can be reached by telephone at 294-5926, by fax at 968-6061 or by mail at 15495 S. W. Sequoia Parkway, Portland, Ore. 97224
------------------------------------------------------------------- Petition Drives Should Fail On Merit, Not On Snafus ('Kennebec Journal' Notes Some Signatures For Medical Marijuana Initiative Submitted By Mainers For Medical Rights Weren't Counted - But Says Even If They Were, Campaign Would Still 'Almost Certainly Lack' Enough Signatures) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 15:18:42 EST Originator: drctalk@drcnet.org Sender: drctalk@drcnet.org From: Dave Fratello <104730.1000@compuserve.com> To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: Kennebec Journal on medmj petitions Kennebec Journal Augusta, Maine Sunday, February 8, 1998 PETITION DRIVES SHOULD FAIL ON MERIT, NOT ON SNAFUS Petitioners hoping to initiate a statewide referendum on medical marijuana ought not to have their efforts canceled out by a bureaucratic snafu. That's the possibility facing Mainers for Medical Rights, a group that delivered 48,688 signatures to the secretary of state's office, about 2,400 names short of the number required to be filed by last Monday. That was the deadline for getting the issue on the ballot this fall. A spokesman said the group would have had enough signatures except that petitions submitted to the city of Portland 10 days before the state's filing deadline have still not been certified. To be sure, election officials in Portland and elsewhere are busy these days preparing for Tuesday's special referendum. But the medical marijuana petitioners shouldn't be punished because of the failure of overburdened municipal clerks to validate signatures in a timely manner. State election officials have indicated they will accept the delayed petitions once they are returned by Portland, but will have to seek an Attorney General's opinion on whether they can legally be included in the final count. Surely there is enough wiggle room in the law to permit that. It's hard to believe that the law would allow a good-faith popular initiative to be arbitrarily scuttled by government action -- or, in this case, inaction. As it is, the petitioners will have an uphill battle to qualify for a place on the November ballot even if the Portland petitions were to bring the number of signatures up to the 41,131 minimum required. Normally a pad of several thousand signatures is needed to offset the inevitable disqualification of signatures in the validation process conducted by the Secretary of State. Mainers for Medical Rights almost certainly lack such a pad, even if the Portland signatures are counted. So it doesn't look as though the pot proposal will appear on a referendum ballot this year. Still, if the petition drive must fail, it should be a failure of merit, not the result of unintended bureaucratic sabotage.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Slip Of Tongue Leads To Marijuana Arrest (Cautionary Tale In 'Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' About Man In Greenfield, Wisconsin, Overheard By Police Dispatcher Talking To Someone Else As He Called For Car Help) Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 19:16:38 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US WI: Slip Of Tongue Leads To Marijuana Arrest Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: "Frank S. World" Pubdate: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Author: Linda Spice of the Journal Sentinel staff Contact: jsedit@onwis.com Fax: (414) 224-8280 Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ SLIP OF TONGUE LEADS TO MARIJUANA ARREST A Greenfield man probably wishes he had locked his lips instead of his car after an Elm Grove police dispatcher overheard him say he hoped officers coming to assist him would not notice his marijuana pipe. Police officers who responded to help the man get back into his locked car, parked at Bakers Square, 15300 W. Blue Mound Road, Sunday found not only the pipe but two small bags of marijuana. They arrested the man, Mark D. Cichon, 18, and gave him a municipal citation alleging possession of marijuana, according to police Capt. Gus Moulas. Cichon is scheduled to appear in Elm Grove Municipal Court March 11. If convicted, he could be subject to a forfeiture of $160. When attempting to reach Cichon at home, a woman who answered the phone and identified herself as Cichon's mother said her son was at work and that she did not know about the ticket. According to police: The dispatcher sent two officers to the parking lot at Bakers Square, where the Cichon was waiting for their help to get back into his 1997 Saturn about 10 a.m. Sunday. While many police departments have stopped helping motorists open locked car doors, Elm Grove officers still offer the service, Moulas said. Police usually send one officer in such cases, but the dispatcher sent two after hearing the man say to someone: "The bowl is sitting right there. I've got to keep my fingers crossed -- hopefully they won't see it," according to Moulas. Cichon was alone when officers arrived, so Moulas was uncertain to whom he had been talking. Officers, who quickly opened the car door, said they noticed a brass pot pipe between the car seats. Although the driver attempted to get in his car quickly, an officer confronted him about the pipe, which police said he nervously admitted belonged to him. Police said the man told them he kept his marijuana in a cigarette box. They found two plastic bags containing 0.7 grams and 3.3 grams of marijuana. He also had cigarette papers in his wallet, police said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Three-Strikes Law Helps Rid Society Of Foul-Ball Criminals (Los Angeles County Prosecutor Writers Letter To Editor Of 'Orange County Register' Omitting Fact That 85 Percent Of California's 'Three-Strikes' Lifers Were Sentenced After Being Convicted Of Marijuana Possession While Already Incarcerated) Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:28:41 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US CA: OPED: Three-Strikes Law Helps Rid Society of Foul-Ball Criminals Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: John W.Black Source: Orange County Register Contact: letters@link.freedom.com Pubdate: Sun, 8 Feb, 1998 Author: Richard Chrystie - Mr. Christie, a resident of orange, has spent more than 30 years as a deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County. THREE-STRIKES LAW HELPS RID SOCIETY OF FOUL-BALL CRIMINALS This is in response to the Jan. 29 Orange Grove column by attorney Doug Kieso, in which he argues against putting criminals in prison and bemoans the longer sentences now being imposed. Kieso argues it is not cost-effective to do so and a poor use of tax money. But a close reading of his column reveals that the real reason for his opposition is that he feels sorry for criminals. He suggests that "we should consider the pain and suffering of people in prison as a cost to society." And he asks, "If we dehumanize and gave their pain and suffering a zero value, what kind of society are we?" With these views, it is not surprising that Kieso is identified as the chairman of the Orange County Chapter of Families to Amend California's Three-Strikes. Let me give you my view from my perspective as a deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County. Criminals choose to commit crimes. They often commit many crimes before they are caught and successfully prosecuted. If they receive a long prison sentence, it is because they have committed a serious crime, or many crimes or have many prior convictions for serious or violent crimes. And, contrary to Kieso's view, society does not dehumanize criminals by putting them in prison. They have dehumanized themselves by their own repeated criminality. Also, the three-strikes law does work. It works by keeping the serious offender behind bars where he cannot commit new crimes against the public. Prior to the three-strikes law and other recent statutes imposing greater penalties for serious and violent crimes and gun use, we were recycling the same criminals. They would commit a crime, be convicted, do two or three years in prison and then be paroled and be back on the street committing new crimes - where the cycle would repeat. But now, with three strikes and other laws increasing penalties and reducing good-time and work-time credits in prison, serious offenders are spending significantly longer terms in prison. The recycling of defendants has slowed considerably, which, in my view, is the main reason crime rates are declining and the work load of the criminal courts is diminishing. Moreover, the knowledge of the imposition of more severe penalties has discouraged at least some criminally inclined persons from committing crimes. They are not all mad dogs who are unconcerned about the possible penalties for their crimes. Many will now think twice about committing an offense, particularly if they have prior convictions. I sympathize with the families of criminals. It must be tough to see a loved one put away in prison for many years. But face the facts: The fault lies with the criminal, not with the law. And I have a greater sympathy for the victims of criminals, who did not choose to become victims and often suffer much greater burdens than merely serving time in prison. Remember this. It is easy to avoid prison. Just don't commit a crime.
------------------------------------------------------------------- NBA Is Troubled By Marijuana Use (Or The Owners Are, Anyway, According To 'Los Angeles Times,' Which Notes They Have Formally Proposed To Players' Union, National Basketball Players Association, That Marijuana Be Placed On League's List Of Banned Substances And That Players Be Tested For It - Union Representatives From 29 Teams To Discuss League's Proposal For First Time As A Group This Weekend In New York) Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 20:27:00 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: Olafur BrentmarSubject: MN: US: NBA Is Troubled by Marijuana Use Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: February 8, 1998 Source: Los Angeles Times Contact: letters@latimes.com Author: Bill Brubaker, Washington Post Fax: 213-237-4712 NBA IS TROUBLED BY MARIJUANA USE Pro basketball: The league has formally proposed to the players' union that the drug be placed on its list of banned substances along with cocaine and heroin As an NBA all-star in the 1960s and 1970s, Washington Wizards General Manager Wes Unseld said he watched players smoke marijuana and, as a consequence, "act weird." How weird? "It's like the old joke that goes: A guy's watching a football game with 60,000 people. He sees the team get into the huddle and he swears that they're talking about him," Unseld said. "You know, that kind of stuff." Marijuana was not a concern of the league's back then. But a generation later, as the NBA has grown into a global, star-powered industry with an average annual player salary of $2.2 million and marketing offices from Melbourne to Mexico City, the issue of marijuana use has attracted the attention of league executives. Since last summer four high-profile NBA players have been involved in marijuana-related criminal cases. The latest involves one of the most popular players on Unseld's team: Forward Chris Webber, 24, who recently, after being stopped by police on suspicion of speeding, was charged with three misdemeanors, including possession of marijuana. "I suspect it's a problem in the league," NBA deputy commissioner Russ Granik said in a recent interview, after Webber was arrested. But Granik said he has no evidence to support his suspicions of marijuana abuse in the 390-player league. "If I did I wouldn't tell you," he said from his office above New York's Fifth Avenue. "But I don't have any facts and figures." The NBA has formally proposed to the players' union, the National Basketball Players Association, that marijuana be placed on the league's list of banned substances along with cocaine and heroin and that players be tested for marijuana use. The NBA is the only one of the four major sports leagues that does not list marijuana as a prohibited substance. "I'm sure the fan would like to know that players on the court are not playing under the influence of any drugs," Granik said. As for testing players, "We've made it plain to the union . . . we would be perfectly willing to have the league office and club (employees) tested on a similar basis as long as it didn't violate state laws," Granik said. Under the NBA's drug agreement, jointly negotiated by the league and union, players can be disciplined for using or selling cocaine or heroin. Only rookies are subject to mandatory testing for illegal drug use, and sanctions range from mandatory treatment for first-time offenders to expulsion from the league. Marijuana users can be disciplined by the NBA commissioner, David Stern, but only if their use resulted in a criminal conviction. This weekend in New York during the NBA All-Star break, union representatives from the 29 teams are scheduled to discuss the league's proposal for the first time as a group. "It's an issue that we intend to spend a great deal of time on at our meeting," said Billy Hunter, the union's executive director. "What I hope to do is get a consensus from the players as to what they think our policy should be with regard to marijuana usage." Hunter contends, however, that few, if any, NBA players are using marijuana. "This is a problem only in the sense that it seems to get so much notoriety and media attention," said Hunter a former U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California. The notoriety comes largely from criminal cases over the past year involving the four players-- Philadelphia's Allen Iverson, Toronto's Marcus Camby, Portland's Isaiah Rider and Washington's Webber--and from a New York Times story last October that asserted that 60% to 70% of all NBA players smoke marijuana and drink excessively. The Times said its story was based on conversations with more than two dozen players, former players, agents and basketball executives. "If they tested for pot, there would be no league," former Phoenix Suns guard Richard Dumas, who was banned from the league for drug and alcohol use, was quoted as saying. "Weed is something guys grow up doing, and there's no reason for them to stop." None of the six current NBA players quoted in the story said they used marijuana themselves or named players who did. "When you say, 'What's the percentage (of players who use marijuana)?' all I know is that four people have been apprehended," Hunter said last week. "There's a tendency to want to (lump) guys together and say: "Well, if two or three are smoking then more of them must be.' " Hunter added, "I think there's a tendency to say that because a lot of these guys dress in the idiom or style that young kids, at least minority kids, dress that we've now got a . . . gang-related association." Iverson, the 1996-97 NBA rookie of the year, pleaded no contest last year to a concealed weapon charge, and a marijuana possession charge was dropped. Rider pleaded no contest to a marijuana possession charge, and Camby avoided prosecution on a possession charge by agreeing to do community service. Webber was stopped recently while driving his 1998 Lincoln Navigator sport utility vehicle in Prince George's County, Md. He eventually was charged with second-degree assault, resisting arrest and marijuana possession. The butt of a marijuana cigarette and other marijuana residue was found in his vehicle, according to the charging documents. The NBA's drug policy is a subject some players don't want to touch. Recently, before a Washington-Portland game at MCI Center, four Wizards players, including Webber, declined to discuss any aspect of the program. "I'm not talking about anything that involves that," said Juwan Howard, the Wizards' union representative. "I play basketball," forward Tracy Murray said. "I'm only going to answer questions about basketball." In the opposing team's dressing room, Portland's Rider said, when asked about the drug policy: "I don't want to talk about nothing like that. Nothing. Interview's over, man." But Golden State Warriors guard Muggsy Bogues said in a telephone interview last week, "Marijuana is a drug, and it doesn't belong in the profession . . . . If it starts to become an issue, it needs to be addressed. It becomes a stigma (on the league), its image and identity." NBA and union executives are mightily concerned about the league's image. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the NBA's image was damaged by a series of cocaine-related arrests, the league and union agreed something had to be done. The result was a drug program--much like the one in effect now--that at the time was widely considered the toughest and most comprehensive in sports. In 1996, during negotiations for the latest collective bargaining agreement, the league unsuccessfully tried to update the drug policy. The league and union agreed instead to "use their respective best efforts" to negotiate a new drug agreement before the start of the 1997-98 season. Last January, the NBA sent the union a 40-page proposal that included adding marijuana to the list of banned substances. The proposal "doesn't emphasize punishment like our current drug program," Granik said. Hunter said he has not responded to the proposal because it is largely punitive. He said it calls for a five-game suspension for first-time offenses involving marijuana, six months for a second offense and a lifetime ban for any player who distributes marijuana. "For the most part, our players are pretty exemplary," Hunter said. "But for whatever reason a pretty graphic picture has been drawn that gives the impression that everybody in the league is smoking marijuana." Hunter said he is confident there is limited marijuana use because players have denied using the drug in conversations with union employees. "We have what's called a player programs unit," he said. "We employ six former NBA players, retired vets who are assigned to the 29 teams. They visit those teams with a couple of drug experts and put on programs about use, the consequences, etc. And in the course of doing that they also conduct surveys to try to determine who, if anybody, is using marijuana." Asked how these surveys are conducted, Hunter said the six union employees, "just ask" players if they use marijuana. "Based on our efforts, I guess what we've come up with is: The guys that got apprehended (for) smoking marijuana is the extent of the numbers (of players who use marijuana). Everybody else is denying usage."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Reservation Disturbed By Teen Suicides ('Associated Press' Story In 'San Jose Mercury News,' About Native American Community Near McLaughlin, South Dakota, Blames Five Deaths, Dozens Of Attempts On Alcohol, Boredom) McLAUGHLIN, S.D. Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:35:34 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US SD: Reservation Disturbed By Teen Suicides Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein FamilySource: San Jose Mercury News Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Pubdate: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 Author: Philip Brasher of the Associated Press RESERVATION DISTURBED BY TEEN SUICIDES 5 deaths, dozens of attempts blamed on alcohol, boredom McLAUGHLIN, S.D. ROBERT Jaycob Jensen was first. The lanky 17-year-old Sioux Indian, who had been drinking heavily and having run-ins with police all summer, slipped into his family's dank basement Aug. 30. Toward the corner, past the rusted-out furnace and broken sewer line, he threaded a braided leather belt over a board nailed between floor beams, buckled it around his neck and hanged himself. On Nov. 16, in the same basement, with the same type of belt, Robert's 16-year-old cousin and best friend, Charles Gerry, hanged himself from a pipe. Three other Indian youths on the Standing Rock Reservation have taken their lives since then -- the latest was buried Jan. 24. In the five months since Robert's death, 43 reservation boys and girls have attempted suicide, some more than once. Counselors are keeping tabs on 150 teenagers considered at risk. The hellish epidemic, they say, is brought on by a lethal mix of alcohol, drugs, poverty, boredom and wholesale family breakdown. ``There's so much pain here,'' says Faith Taken Alive, whose 14-year-old daughter, Dani Black Fox, attempted suicide with a friend in October. ``You wonder where it came from and why it hit at once.'' McLaughlin, population 799, is the biggest town on the 2.3 million-acre reservation. For the most part, its Indian and white residents live separate lives. They report to separate court systems and separate police forces. They even keep separate time: Whites observe Mountain Time, while Indians keep to Central Time because tribal headquarters, across the border in Fort Yates, N.D., falls within the Central Zone. With its big, gray grain elevator jutting from the rolling prairie, McLaughlin from a distance looks like hundreds of other Midwestern farm towns. But there was trouble even before the suicides. Burglaries have become common, as have fights, vandalism and petty theft, residents say. Jude's Jack and Jill grocery was burglarized so many times the owners finally covered the storefront with steel grating. Three of four Indian adults have no jobs, and half the students at the tribal school in Fort Yates drop out before 10th grade. Alcohol is easy to get. Even teens say panhandlers will readily buy them booze for a tip of a dollar or two. MANY of the dropouts wind up roaming with loose-knit gangs that commonly brawl with others, but the tribe has only two detention cells for juveniles and just one probation officer to track up to 60 cases at a time. The troubled youths, says Robert Preuss, local director of mental health programs for the Indian Health Service, wind up doing ``what they want, when they want.'' The despair isn't new, and it isn't isolated to one Indian reservation. But at Standing Rock, this fresh turmoil is churning up new efforts to halt the self-destruction. The nation's top-ranking Indian official has challenged the tribe to become a model for other reservations by taking needed drastic steps, including banning alcohol and institutionalizing alcoholics. If they do that, vows Kevin Gover, the Interior Department's new assistant secretary for Indian affairs, the Clinton administration will supply the money for social services and law enforcement now sorely lacking. That would be a start. Robert Jensen was active in traditional Sioux rituals, including the Sun Dance and sweat-lodge ceremonies, and he loved to box. But the boxing club disbanded and he was kicked out of school last year after a fistfight with a classmate. He started drinking heavily, his family says, and was constantly getting arrested for fighting. He talked about suicide with friends, says Dani Black Fox. ``He used to always ask whether we would go to his funeral if he died. I didn't take him seriously at first. I thought he was just kidding.'' Exactly two months after Robert's death, Dani's sister found Dani and a friend trying to hang themselves. DANI denies the stories going around that some teens had signed suicide pacts. She says most of the youths who have tried to kill themselves, including herself, were simply drunk. ``We do need something to do,'' she says. ``All anybody ever talks about at school is drinking.'' Besides booze, she says, teens find marijuana ``pretty easy to get,'' and for a cheap rush, kids take turns choking each other with their hands or rubber bands to induce brief blackouts. Rocky White Mountain, a local pastor, says he once sat for hours with a gun in his mouth after a business went bad in 1985. He believes suicide is a way troubled Indian youth try to get attention in a society where ``everything is basically out of control.'' The Indian Health Service in Washington, D.C., gets reports of suicide epidemics like the one plaguing Standing Rock at least once or twice a year. Gover, who became assistant interior secretary in November, is making clear that curbing suicides, crime and alcoholism is a priority. ``There is nothing more significant going on in your community than this crisis,'' Gover, a member of the Pawnee tribe and a recovering alcoholic, told Standing Rock leaders recently. Tribal leaders are compiling a wish list of youth programs to submit for government funding. And in McLaughlin, non-Indians are leading a drive to raise money to convert a boarded-up movie theater into a restaurant, weight room and playhouse. Teens would work at the restaurant and learn how to run a business, says Judene Maxon, who owns the Jack and Jill store with her husband. The parking lot could be used as a hockey rink in the winter and basketball courts in the summer. The county already has promised to waive property taxes. ``It wasn't in vain,'' pastor White Mountain says of the suicides. ``God, I believe, is working some good out of it. There is a lot of focus on the youth.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Activists Fear HIV Will Go Underground ('Calgary Herald' Says After Alberta's Capital Health Region In Edmonton Made HIV A Reportable Disease January 15, An Official With AIDS Calgary Fears Those Who Have HIV May Go Underground Rather Than Reveal Identities Of Previous Sexual Partners Or Those With Whom They've Shared Needles) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 11:28:02 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: Canada: Activists Fear HIV Will Go Underground Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Calgary Herald Contact: letters@theherald.southam.ca Website: http://www.calgaryherald.com/ Pubdate: Sun 08 Feb 1998 Section: News A1 / FRONT Authors: Eva Ferguson and David Heyman, Calgary Herald ACTIVISTS FEAR HIV WILL GO UNDERGROUND Albertans who fear they have HIV may go underground with the introduction of a policy that asks infected people to identify themselves and those with whom they had sex or shared needles, says an official with AIDS Calgary. ``If people know this is the policy they won't go out and get tested,'' said executive director Dan Holinda. ``Names will be identified . . . the system will no longer be confidential. . .'' Alberta is contemplating an amendment to the Public Health Act, which would make HIV reportable provincewide, said Garth Norris of Alberta Health. The Capital Health Region in Edmonton made HIV a reportable disease Jan. 15. The decision was made after health officials discovered ``a rather disturbing number of new infections,'' said Bryce Larke, an AIDS expert with Alberta Health. AIDS Calgary's Holinda said the system encourages dishonesty. Victims may not name all those involved for fear of retribution, or they may choose to name and embarrass people they haven't even had contact with, because of feelings of anger or resentment. ``People are really going to be afraid . . . We're looking at big trouble here.'' As of Jan. 15, names of those infected in Edmonton will be placed on a private list and victims are then asked to reveal the identity of previous sexual partners, or those with whom they've shared needles. Those infected are given two options: they can contact previous sexual partners and needle sharers themselves, or they can allow the medical authorities to do it. In all cases, the name of the person with HIV remains a secret, says Larke. Currently only Quebec, Alberta, B.C. and the Yukon Territory do not require reporting of new HIV cases. But Dr. Brent Friesen, Calgary's medical officer of health, said the measure isn't necessary to combat the AIDS virus in Calgary, especially among intravenous drug users. Instead, expanding needle exchange programs and improving education about the dangers of sharing needles are better ways of combatting the disease. But Holinda is adamant that Calgary hasn't done nearly enough to prevent AIDS, particularly among youth. ``We're not having any success in reaching young people . . . or giving them the skills they need in negotiation -- negotiating abstinence and safe sex.'' But Larke argues several other diseases are also reportable under Alberta's Public Health Act such as tuberculosis and full-blown AIDS. And medical advances mean fewer people are progressing from HIV to AIDS, making it harder to track the spread of the disease, says Larke. That's why tracking HIV infection is becoming more important, says Sandor Demeter, deputy Medical Officer of Health for the Capital Health Region. Previously, the CHR could only log positive tests, not numbers of people infected. In 1997, there were 217 newly reported HIV infections in Alberta, up from 178 the previous year, but many of those could be duplicate tests, said Larke.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects Of Cannabis Decriminalization In The Australian Capital Territory On University Students' Patterns Of Use (List Subscriber Posts Abstract Of 1997 Study From 'Journal Of Drug Issues' Showing 1992 Cannabis Decriminalization In ACT Did Not Lead To Increased Use - Another Subscriber Posts URL For Complete Version) Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 20:26:45 -0800 (PST) From: Uzondu JibuikeTo: mattalk@islandnet.com Subject: Article on Australian MJ Decrim (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 17:29:35 -0500 From: John Halpern (jhalpern@warren.med.harvard.edu) Subject: MAPS: article on Australian MJ Decrim John H. Halpern, MD Research Fellow in Psychiatry Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center Harvard Medical School TITLE: Effects of cannabis decriminalization in the Australian capital territory on university students' patterns of use (Article, English) AUTHOR: McGeorge, J; Aitken, CK SOURCE: JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES 27 (4). 1997. p.785-793 J DRUG ISSUES INC, TALLAHASSEE KEYWORDS + : PERCEPTUAL DETERRENCE; SOCIAL-CONTROL ABSTRACT: Prohibition has been the fundamental tenet of drug policy in most countries throughout much of this century, despite mounting evidence of its ineffectiveness in reducing production, trafficking and consumption. Proposals for policies that favor relaxation of criminal penalties for drug use are frequently defeated with the argument that decriminalization will lead to increased use. However, this effect has not been observed in the few countries and states which have decriminalized cannabis. The most recent instance of cannabis decriminalization occurred in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 1992. To evaluate the effect of decriminalization on cannabis use in the ACT, a sample of students at the Australian National University were surveyed to determine their patterns of use before and since enactment of the legislation. A control group was recruited from students at the University of Melbourne. Patterns of cannabis use were found to be very stable over time, with no significant changes discernible for either sample. AUTHOR ADDRESS: J McGeorge, Convenience Advertising Australing Pty Ltd, Level 1,409 King St, W Melbourne 3003, Australia *** Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 15:14:25 +0000 From: shug (shug@shuggie.demon.co.uk) Subject: Re: MAPS: article on Australian MJ Decrim If anyone wants, it [the full article] is online at http://www.shug.co.uk/research/decrim.htm [snip] >TITLE: Effects of cannabis decriminalization in the Australian >capital territory on university students' patterns of use >(Article, English) >AUTHOR: McGeorge, J; Aitken, CK >SOURCE: JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES 27 (4). 1997. p.785-793 J DRUG >ISSUES INC, TALLAHASSEE Shug Media Library - a collection of major news stories and newsletters from ADCA, CORA, DRCnet, NORML and OGD http://www.shug.co.uk/news/index.htm Research Library - all sorts of interesting pieces, much of which is not available elsewhere on the net http://www.shug.co.uk/research/index.htm
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - Cautions Increase As Police Change Tactics (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Continues Its Weekly Push For Reform By Noting 'Creeping Decriminalisation' Is Already Under Way - Number Of Possession Arrests Resulting Only In Cautions Increased From 4,000 In 1986 To More Than 40,000 In 1995) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:42:44 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign: Cautions Increase as Police Change Tactics To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Contact: Email: cannabis@independent.co.uk Mail: Independent on Sunday, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL England Editors note: The IoS Cannabis Campaign has web pages at http://www.independent.co.uk/sindypot/index.htm CAUTIONS INCREASE AS POLICE CHANGE TACTICS A policy of decriminalisation of cannabis is being quietly employed by police, according to a Labour MP. The claim has been prompted by figures which show that police are routinely cautioning people for the possession of cannabis. New figures released by the Home Office have revealed a dramatic increase in the numbers arrested and cautioned by the police for possession of cannabis. In 1986 only 4,000 of those arrested for possession were cautioned but by 1995 that figure had risen to more than 40,000. The statistics, which cover the 10-year period from 1986 to 1995 (the latest available) indicate how the police have changed tactics in response to the increasing number determined to defy the current drug laws. Supporters of decriminalisation believe the increase in cautions is evidence that the law against cannabis is unenforceable, a point made by the Independent on Sunday's campaign to decriminalise the drug. "These figures show that in practice we already have a form of creeping decriminalisation in action," said Paul Flynn, the Labour MP for Newport. Mr Flynn has been leading the campaign in Parliament to create cross-party support for reform of the l971 Misuse of Drugs Act. "It makes me angry to think of the massive waste of money and police man hours these statistics represent." The figures were "further proof, despite the bloodcurdling threats of politicians, that the current law is unenforceable,"said Mr Flynn. Home Office minister George Howarth released the new figures last week in a written response to questions from Mr Flynn. Police in England and Wales dealt with 14,500 individuals on basic possession offences in 1986: 10 years later that had shot up to more than 64,000.However, the number of people jailed for possession has stayed at around 900 a year. The data for England and Wales also show that the total prosecuted for unlawful possession of cannabis more than doubled from 11,493 in 1986 to 24,386 in 1995. Greg Poulter, deputy director of Release, the drugs advice charity, believes the court system would collapse if the 40,000 cautions became prosecutions. "Cautioning is not a light let-off. A caution is a serious matter as an individual," said Mr Poulter. He said the figures suggest police attitudes may be fact be hardening by using cautions rather than taking no action. In 1995, 930 were imprisoned for possession of cannabis and 1,700 for dealing. * This weekend more than half a million people in Britain will take some form of illicit drug. Today on LWT at 1.10pm, Jonathan Dimbleby chairs a televised debate on decriminalising cannabis. The speakers include Paul Flynn MP, Chief Superintendent Brian Mackenzie and Dr John Marks.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - Son's Friends Hijack Straw Visit To Demand Reform Of Cannabis Laws (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Says Classmates Of Home Secretary's Son Cautioned For Selling Cannabis Politely Oblige Him To Accept Petition Supporting Decriminalisation Of Cannabis During Visit To Sixth-Form Class) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 12:31:23 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign: Son's Friends Hijack Straw Visit To Demand Reform Of Cannabis Laws Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Contact: Email: cannabis@independent.co.uk Author: Graham Ball SON'S FRIENDS HIJACK STRAW VISIT TO DEMAND REFORM OF CANNABIS LAWS JACK STRAW may be relieved that his son William's brush with cannabis is safely in the past - but the issue still has the ability to surprise and embarrass him. Last week, in his role as chairman of the governors of Pimlico School, west London, where his son is studying for his A-levels, the Home Secretary prepared to address the sixth form on the subject of life as an MP. But William's fellow pupils had different ideas on what is still the big issue. In a remarkable show of solidarity for Mr Straw's son, the sixth-formers hijacked the agenda and forced him to accept a petition supporting the decriminalisation of cannabis. "We decided to make him aware of our views on cannabis", said the sixth former who handed the 10-page petition of more than 100 names to the nonplussed Home Secretary last Tuesday. "He seemed rather taken aback so I asked a few questions about why he refuses to change the law. After a bit he came out with the same old nonsense about the need for a great deal more research and possible hidden dangers", said the 17-year-old, who prefers to remain un-named. The crisply printed petition with the challenging headline "Stop turning young people into criminals" has now been forwarded to The Independent on Sunday for inclusion in our Decriminalise Cannabis Campaign list of supporters. One name however is conspicuous by its absence. "We decided not to embarrass William by asking him to sign. He had enough to put up with already and we did not mention him when tackling the Home Secretary on cannabis and the law," said another sixth former. "We believe," the petition reads, "that medical evidence suggests cannabis is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, which are legally available.Yet thousands of young people every year are turned into criminals by the pointless and unworkable ban on cannabis. Without in any way encouraging the use of cannabis, or indeed any drug, we call on the Home Secretary and the Government to bring the law into line with reality and legalise cannabis without delay." Prior to William Straw's encounter with the tabloid press and the sensational headlines that followed his arrest for passing on £10 worth of cannabis in a pub at Christmas, he had been regarded as something of a swot. The headmaster of the 1,300 pupil school, Philip Barnard, regarded William as one of his brightest students. He took maths A-level a year early and is just finishing his mocks for physics, politics and religious studies. But now it seems William's image has changed and he is regarded as rather cool. At Oxford University, too, where he is due to arrive next summer, "he has already acquired something of a cult status" said St Anne's classics student Russell Lynch. "Everyone here is pleased that the offer of a place was not withdrawn."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - Why Germany's Law Is An Ass On Grass (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Notes New German Law Against Sale Of Seeds 'Intended To Grow Marijuana For Illicit Consumption' Took Effect Monday - And Was Legally Circumvented Right Away) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:47:27 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign: Why Germany's Law Is An Ass On Grass To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Contact: Email: cannabis@independent.co.uk Mail: Independent on Sunday, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL England Editor's note: The IoS Cannabis Campaign has web pages at http://www.independent.co.uk/sindypot/index.htm WHY GERMANY'S LAW IS AN ASS ON GRASS There are a hundred different products for sale at Daniel Kruse's emporium in Dusseldorf's main shopping area, all made from one plant or dedicated to its myriad applications. He sells underwear, jeans, coats, boots, furniture, cookies, noodles, muesli, cosmetics and beverages - all made from hemp. Three years ago, Mr Kruse threw up a career as a foreign exchange dealer to devote his life to promoting the virtues of hemp. Now, on the eve of his 26th birthday, he is still enthusiastic about the product, but some aspects of the trade are beginning to give him a headache. One part of the plant he has never been never allowed to sell. Despite the suggestive labels on the face cream - "Joint" - or the generic "Cannabis" brand on the drink labels, no quantity of any of his wares can get the customers stoned. The best he can offer anyone aiming to get high are marijuana seeds and books on their cultivation. Last Monday, the seeds had to be removed from the shelves. Under a new law the sale of seeds "intended to grow marijuana for illicit consumption" is no longer allowed. After a drop in the Eighties, the weed is back in fashion in Germany. Mr Kruse runs one of a chain of 18 stores. There are about 450 shops supplying kits for growing marijuana. They now risk going out of business. But that's not what worries him most. "The real problem is that the kids are not coming to the shop any more," he says. "They will have to go to the dealers at the railway station, who also sell ecstasy and heroin. The government loses tax revenue, while the Mafia gets rich." There are an estimated 4.5 million cannabis users in Germany. Possession is illegal, but in many L"nder police are told to turn a blind eye to small quantities. Short of going to the dealers or driving to Holland, the most convenient way of obtaining the stuff was to grow one's own. Mr Kruse looks sad as he leafs through a Dutch catalogue. A packet of 10 seeds, to grow varieties such as "Holland Hop", "Buddha" and - for the connoisseur - "Skunk", used to cost between DM40 (£13) and DM80. But all is not lost, because German ingenuity has found a loophole. The new regulation bans the "sale" of the offending seeds. But can they be given away? Mr Kruse now sells CDs: rather expensive at DM40 as they only carry two reggae numbers, one called "Stoned". But the package contains 10 little seeds. "You reap as you sow," it says helpfully on the label. Mr Kruse is not sure he will get away with this scam, but the industry has high hopes of another product. Budgies and their owners prize marijuana seeds above all others. Mr Kruse's shop has always stocked sacksfull for bird-lovers, but he plans to start selling them by the gram next month.
------------------------------------------------------------------- What Do We Do Now? - The Drugs World War (Third Week Of Historical Essay In Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' About Cannabis Prohibition Provides Variety Of Interesting Insights, Such As That Britain Has Not Yet Gone Way Of America, Where Drug Enforcement/Treatment Complex Has Become So Hooked On Government Money That Anti-Drugs Crusade Has Become Vested Interest) Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:53:38 -0500 From: "R. Lake"Subject: MN: UK: OPED: What Do We Do Now? - The Drugs World War To: DrugSense News Service Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Author: Phillip Knightley Contact: sundayletters@independent.co.uk Mail: IoS, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL, England WHAT DO WE DO NOW? - THE DRUGS WORLD WAR While governments wage unwinnable war against drugs, ordinary people are facing the truth: the 'enemy' is already among us and, accepted if not yet acceptable, is here to stay. THE world war on drugs has been lost because everyone under-estimated the power of the profit motive on the supply side, and the attractions of drugs on the demand side. We have seen how all the law enforcement agencies in the world cannot impede a business where the mark-up can be as high as 22,000 per cent. At any given time some $5bn made from drugs is sloshing around the international monetary system. Inevitably, some of it filters into the world of legitimate finance. As a result, many businessmen who would be horrified to be accused of profiting from drugs nevertheless do so - becoming another casualty of the war. Take the City of London. Worried about all those billions trying to find a legitimate home, the Government has authorised the Bank of England, the British Bankers' Association, Customs and Excise, the Serious Fraud Office, Scotland Yard, the City of London Police, the Security Service and the Secret Intelligence Service - all liaising through the National Criminal Intelligence Service - to crack down on drugs money laundering. If you were wondering why you missed all those high-profile cases at the Old Bailey, where the drugs barons and the organisations which tried to wash their money in Britain were sent to jail for 10 years, then wonder no longer - because there haven't been any. The problem is that no one is willing to give a firm answer to the question: at what point does dirty money become clean? A City financial institution may suspect that a couple of million dollars it has just been asked to handle may not be clean - and the law obliges it to report such suspicions. But if it does so, it risks losing a valuable client. John Gibb, who specialises in writing about this area, says: "Which City institution would refuse to do business with a wealthy charitable foundation based in the Far East which is, on the surface, working to support persecuted nationals around the world? How far should that City institution investigate to discover whether the charitable foundation is a front for laundering the proceeds of drugs?" Gibb offers one example of how an American drugs baron could launder his money. He begins by flying to Moscow with suitcases containing a couple of million dollars. The Russian customs don't give a damn about dollars coming into the country. Theirs is a cash-based economy, and American dollars are the unofficial currency. There is an enormous demand for them. The drugs baron changes his dollars at a very favourable rate, then uses Russian underworld friends to buy a copper smelting plant in the Ukraine. If he needs more capital, he raises it from a hedge fund in the Bahamas, itself probably financed with drugs money. Copper ingots from the plant are then shipped to London as the property of an off-the-shelf British company the drugs baron has bought and which has an account with a high street bank. The ingots are stored in a warranted or bonded warehouse which issues him with a certificate of ownership. He then trades the metal on the London exchange. The profits are lily-white, ready to be invested in a perfectly legitimate business. There are two views on how much the City of London is knowingly involved in deals like this. Christopher Dickson, deputy director of the Serious Fraud Office, says that it is because of its reputation for honesty and integrity that criminals choose the City of London to sanitise their money. "If the City's reputation is damaged, the political and economic consequences will be appalling." But elsewhere in Europe, experts say that City institutions actually relish the flood of dirty money pouring in from places such as Russia. They say, further, that it may be safer in the long-term that drugs money is laundered and goes into legitimate financing, rather than moving unaccountably through the black economy. WHAT is it that makes drugs so attractive to so many people? As one whose drug is alcohol, I can only report on what some users of other recreational drugs have to say about their appeal. Here are some of them talking about Ecstasy: "I got a huge rush and the feeling of well-being went on for six hours, it doesn't stop when you leave the club. It's the whole thing of piling off to the 24-hour garage, buying milk and biscuits and going back to someone's flat to drink tea, smoke spliffs, listen to techno and waffle all night. It's one of the best memories of my friends at university. It's better than sex because you are in love with the whole world. I felt more intelligent, more attractive, freer with my emotions. I was eloquent, able to speak on any subject, recall information from my subconscience. It was brilliant." Or, as the columnist Charlotte Raven put it: "The kids who take Ecstasy are nicer, in general, than the ones who swill beer and pick fights. One of the things I liked most about the drug was the way it encouraged the user to enjoy the company of others without shagging them, stabbing them or singing loud songs in the street." But what about the dangers, the deaths, the ruined lives? It turns out that Ecstasy, after cannabis, is one of the safest of all drugs to take. Despite the hysterical outcry from the tabloids that followed the death of 18-year-old Leah Betts in 1995, Ecstasy is linked to only 0.0002 per cent of deaths in a year. Compared with tobacco, which kills 0.9 per cent, and alcohol, which kills 0.5 per cent, this is minuscule. As the Economist - hardly a raving, pro-drugs publication - has pointed out: "Flying on a civil airliner is one-and-a-half times as dangerous as dropping an 'e'." Heroin, however, does deserve its bad reputation. It is addictive and delivers such a powerful sensation that even those who have suffered from addiction to it and managed to beat it say that they will miss it for the rest of their lives. (One girl told me: "It's like an hour-long orgasm.") It is the most dangerous drug, and kills about 1.5 per cent of its users each year. Yet despite the documented risk, use of heroin has tripled since 1985. One reason has been social deprivation. Andrew O'Hagan, writing about Glasgow, says that heroin appeals to young folk who have no firm sense of the future, or of any day beyond the one they are inside. "To folk in this position, the effects were meaningful and comforting. Heroin was, in a way, more glamorous and less negotiable than anything that had come to their streets before." Glamorous? Heroin glamorous? Absolutely. Something has happened to make heroin suddenly fashionable, smart, chic and, above all, socially acceptable, both in Britain and the United States. The origins of this important change can be traced back to events in Cali, a busy industrial city in south-western Colombia, in 1990. COLOMBIA used to mean cocaine, the Medellin cartel and its boss, the late Pablo Escobar. But in Cali, a group of rival drugs barons, noting that the cocaine market was becoming too competitive, decided to switch to heroin. They concentrated on producing the best heroin in the world, so pure that when it first arrived in Britain three years ago, few could handle it and some 24 addicts died from overdosing in one week. It was the quality of the Colombian heroin that changed public perception of the drug. Because it is so pure, you do not have to inject it - you can smoke or snort it. Almost overnight, out went the image of "'dirty druggies" with their needles, track marks and Aids. Instead, wasted, pale-faced models are now described in serious newspapers as embodying "heroin chic". So when the British Government put out an anti-drugs poster featuring a painfully-thin, surly-faced young man above the headline "Heroin Screws You Up", it became a pin-up for thousands of teenage girls and had to be withdrawn. ONE REASON why the war against drugs has gone on so long is that many people have no interest in victory or defeat, only in the fight continuing. Ethan A. Nadelmann, director of the Lindesmith Center, a drugs policy research institute in New York, says that the American drug enforcement/treatment complex has become so hooked on government money that the anti-drugs crusade has become a vested interest. That has not yet happened in Britain, but it could. The Americans spend $17bn of public money on the anti-drugs war while, at the moment, Britain spends only £500m a year. But this is rising rapidly and it does not include our indirect contribution to the army of international civil servants involved in the war, those who run the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) or those who work for the International Narcotics Control Board. And then there are others with an interest in the war continuing - the prison builders, the drug-testing companies, the professional anti-drugs education programmes, the extra police and parole officers called up for the battle. Not to mention those who have been corrupted, like the five American police officers convicted last year of beating and robbing drug dealers they had encountered in the streets of New York. At their trial, angry and defiant, the officers said: "Everyone is doing well out of drugs except us. These guys were the enemy. Why should they get to keep all the money?" SINCE THE WAR on drugs has been lost, it is logical that we should be planning what to do next. There is no chance in the immediate future of such a discussion taking place in the United States. The Surgeon General, Jocelyn Elders, suggested it - and was quickly hounded out of office. But even if, in the end, the US pulls nations such as ours into line over our treaty obligations, there is no reason why we should not at least discuss more effective strategies against drugs. The Economist says such a discussion should start with the fundamental question: why are some drugs illegal in the first place? The standard answer is that illegal drugs are illegal because they are dangerous. We have seen that this is not always the case. Most young people know it is not so, which is why they do not trust official information on the subject. They know the danger varies widely from drug to drug, and many drugs are not dangerous at all - the Economist says that some drugs are not as dangerous as, for example, riding a motorbike. Well then, because they are addictive - if they do not kill you now, then long-term addiction may damage your health. This may be so, especially with heroin, but no more than for alcohol and tobacco. The Economist - not some wishy-washy, liberal publication - says: "if addictiveness is truly the criterion for a ban, then booze and cigarettes should be banned, not cannabis and ecstasy". How about the argument that drug-taking is not a matter for individual decision because it has social consequences? True enough, but not enough to justify the current list of illegal drugs. The Economist again: "The National Health Service has to cope with many accidents and diseases that are largely self-inflicted (not least from tobacco and alcohol). Those caused by illegal drugs are a small fraction of them." So, how about the suggestion that our kids would have stuck to legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol, if only drug pushers had not corrupted them? The few studies on this issue show that most first-time users are introduced to a drug not by a pusher, but by a relative or a friend. The music and club magazine Mixmag asked 4,000 young people how they first came to try Ecstasy. Only 2.9 per cent were persuaded by a dealer, while 85 per cent had been "pushed" by a friend. These friends would be horrified to be described as pushers. Lifeline, the Manchester drugs information agency, interviewed one group of students who were facing prosecution for dealing in drugs. Lifeline's manager, Alan Haughton, says: "They were really indignant about being prosecuted. They didn't consider themselves pushers and criminals. They thought that they were helping out their friends so that they didn't have to get involved with the criminal fraternity." NONE of the commonly-used arguments in support of the war on drugs stands up, and the list of serious, respectable people across the political spectrum and from both sides of the Atlantic who now accept that the war has been lost grows daily. If these realists were to persuade their governments to at least try a new approach, what might this be? Let us take the views of two ultra-conservative publications, the National Review in America, and the Economist in Britain. Both insist that they do not favour drugs. The National Review: "We deplore their use; we urge the stiffest feasible sentences against anyone convicted of selling a drug to a minor." The Economist: "It is possible that the world would be a better place if nobody took anything that could harm them." But both agree that the war on drugs has failed, and that there should be a movement towards legalisation. Ethan A. Nadelmann writes in the National Review: "The time has come to abandon the concept of a 'drug-free' society. We need to focus on learning to live with drugs in such a way that they do the least possible harm." The Economist suggests that there should be licensed sales outlets (a sort of drugs off-licence) initially for cannabis and Ecstasy, with minimum ages for purchase, just as there is now for alcohol and tobacco. The drugs would be supplied by licensed manufacturers to ensure the purity, and thus the safety, of the product. Driving under the influence of the drugs would carry the same stigma and sentence as driving under the influence of alcohol. If the experiment worked, it could be extended to other drugs. The Economist believes the benefits would be enormous. Police and customs would no longer waste time and money chasing users and traffickers. It would cut Britain's prison population by 10 per cent at a stroke. It would reduce crime and violence, forcing drugs barons out of business and end their often deadly battles over territory. It would save Britain £500m a year spent on enforcing anti-drugs laws. And if licensed drugs were taxed at the same rate as alcohol and tobacco - even though the price would drop dramatically - they would provide revenue of at least £1bn a year. The war against drugs is part of the last great authoritarian campaign of this century - the attempt to tell us what one can and cannot do to one's own body. The debate is raging over abortion and euthanasia, but not drugs. It cannot be too early to discuss what we should do when the crusaders against drugs finally admit defeat.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Campaign - Now Join Our March (Britain's 'Independent On Sunday' Will Sponsor A Public Demonstration Through Central London In Support Of Cannabis Decriminalisation On Saturday, March 28) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 12:36:05 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: UK: Cannabis Campaign: Now Join Our March Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Zosimos Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 Source: Independent on Sunday Contact: Email: cannabis@independent.co.uk Mail: Independent on Sunday, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL England Editors note: The IoS Cannabis Campaign has web pages at http://www.independent.co.uk/sindypot/index.htm NOW JOIN OUR MARCH It is time for cannabis campaigners to stand up and be counted. The Independent on Sunday is to organise a march through central London to allow our readers and other supporters of decriminalisation to demonstrate their commitment. We believe there is a growing number who want the law to change and that a mass display of support is a way for individuals to share in the campaign. The march, which will end with a rally, is due to take place on Saturday 28 March. More details will be published in the coming weeks. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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