------------------------------------------------------------------- NORML Weekly News Release, January 8, 1998 (Smoke A Joint, Lose A Limb? Pending Mississippi Bill Threatens Dismemberment For Convicted Drug Violators; CASA Prison Study Reaffirms That Marijuana Plays No Role In Violent Crime; ACLU Argues For Change In Ballot Title For Upcoming Marijuana Measure; House Speaker Calls For Increased War On Drugs; Former NORML Head Launches On-Line Magazine) From: NORMLFNDTN (NORMLFNDTN@aol.com) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 12:56:15 EST Subject: NORML WPR 1/8/98 (I) Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) A NON-PROFIT LEGAL, RESEARCH, AND EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION THE NORML FOUNDATION 1001 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW SUITE 710 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 T 202-483-8751 o F 202-483-0057 E-MAIL NORMLFNDTN@AOL.COM Internet http://www.norml.org . . . a weekly service for the media on news items related to marijuana prohibition. January 8, 1998 "Smoke A Joint, Lose A Limb?" Pending Mississippi Bill Threatens Dismemberment For Convicted Drug Violators January 8, 1998, Jackson, MS: Persons found guilty of possessing marijuana in Mississippi could face the removal of a limb if proposed legislation becomes law. House Bill 196, introduced by Rep. Bobby Moak (R-Lincoln County), authorizes "The removal of a body part in lieu of other sentences imposed by the court for violations of the Controlled Substances Law." NORML Executive Director R. Keith Stroup called the measure "political posturing at its most extreme. "This is a truly barbaric proposal that shocks the conscience," he added. Moak told reporters that he introduced the legislation because he felt the state wasn't doing enough to combat drug use. Moak admits, however, that the measure has slim chances of passing. Provisions in the bill mandate that the convicted person and the court "must agree on which body part shall be removed." For more information, please contact either R. Keith Stroup or Paul Armentano of NORML @ (202) 483-5500. *** CASA Prison Study Reaffirms That Marijuana Plays No Role In Violent Crime January 8, 1998, New York, NY: Findings of a study conducted by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) conclude that marijuana alone plays no statistically significant role in influencing one to commit a violent crime. The three year study, entitled "Behind Bars" -- purports to be "the most comprehensive analysis ever undertaken of the relationship of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction to the character and size of America's prison population." Of the findings reported by CASA, less than one percent of both state and jail inmates were under the influence of marijuana alone when they committed a violent crime. More than one-quarter of jail inmates and 21 percent of state inmates were under the influence of alcohol alone when they committed a violent crime. The percentage of inmates who committed violent crimes solely under the influence of hard drugs such as crack cocaine and heroin stood between four and one percent. "These findings show that alcohol is the chief intoxicant in America that influences its users to commit violent crimes," announced Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of The NORML Foundation. "Not surprisingly, marijuana plays virtually no role in encouraging violence among its users." For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of The NORML Foundation @ (202) 483-8751. *** ACLU Argues For Change In Ballot Title For Upcoming Marijuana Measure January 8, 1998, Salem, OR: Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argued before the state Supreme Court on Tuesday that the title of an upcoming marijuana ballot measure is intentionally vague and confusing to voters. Attorneys urged the court to clarify the title by using more specific language. The ballot measure in question allows voters to reject or accept a 1997 law passed by the Legislature that increases the penalty for simple marijuana possession from a non-criminal "violation" to a class C misdemeanor crime. Gov. John Kitzhaber (D) signed the measure into law on July 2, 1997, but marijuana activists froze the legislation from taking effect by filing a successful referendum with the Secretary of State. Persons convicted under the pending law could face 30 days in jail, the loss of their driving privileges for six months, and have their property seized by law enforcement. At issue in Tuesday's oral arguments was whether the ballot title approved by the state attorney general's office was misleading to voters. It reads: "Makes possession of limited amount of marijuana [a] Class C Misdemeanor." ACLU Attorney Katherine McDowell said that the title must inform voters that passage of the measure enhances current marijuana penalties. "The average person reading this ballot title may not know whether this [bill] increases or decreases the penalty [for less than one ounce of marijuana,] she told the court. The Supreme Court did not indicate when it would issue a ruling. Voters will decide on the measure this November. For more information, please contact either Todd Olsen of Citizens for Sensible Law Enforcement @ (503) 239-0575 or R. Keith Stroup of NORML @ (202) 483-5500 *** House Speaker Calls For Increased "War On Drugs" January 8, 1998, Washington, D.C.: House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia) called on his fellow politicians to dramatically increase federal anti-drug efforts, at a January 5 speech to his constituents. "Just say, now, what does it take to seal off the border?" Gingrich asked. "What does it take to go after drug dealers? What does it take, frankly, to raise the cost for drug users?" The Speaker urged Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey to map a "World War II-style battle plan," to end drug use in America. Presently, state and federal agencies spend over $30 billion waging America's "War on Drugs." NORML estimates that between $7.5 and $10 billion is spent on marijuana enforcement alone. "Marijuana enforcement remains the cornerstone of America's 'War on Drugs,'" NORML Executive Director R. Keith Stroup said. "In other words, Gingrich's rhetoric is really a call to step up the assault on marijuana smokers." Currently, Gingrich is the sponsor of a federal bill (H.R. 41) that calls for the death penalty for individuals convicted of importing illicit drugs -- including marijuana -- into the United States. Although Gingrich claims that the bill would ordain the execution of only large drug traffickers, its language states that it applies to all offenses involving "100 usual dosage amounts" of an illicit drug. Relying on federal marijuana-weight estimates, NORML calculates that the death penalty could conceivably apply to anyone convicted of importing more than 50 grams of marijuana across U.S. borders. "Gingrich's rhetoric and actions are some of the most extreme attempts yet to demonize and excessively punish marijuana smokers," Stroup said. For more information, please contact either R. Keith Stroup or Paul Armentano of NORML @ (202) 483-5500. *** Former NORML Head Launches On-Line Magazine January 8, 1998, Fort Worth, TX: A new on-line journal examining marijuana prohibition is now available on the Internet at http://www.marijuananews.com. Former NORML National Director Richard Cowan is heading the project. Cowan calls his new site "a personal newsletter on the cannabis controversies." The site will feature daily updates on marijuana news and will strongly support NORML and other effective reform organizations, he said. MORE THAN 11 MILLION MARIJUANA ARRESTS SINCE 1965 ... ANOTHER EVERY 49 SECONDS!
------------------------------------------------------------------- Eighty Percent Of Crimes Are Drug-Related ('Reuters' Report On New CASA Study Downplays Its Emphasis On The Harm Associated With Alcohol Compared To Other Drugs) Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 19:46:48 -0500 To: DrugSense News ServiceFrom: Richard Lake Subject: MN: US: Wire: Eighty Percent Of Crimes Are Drug-Related Newshawk: Kevin Zeese Source: Reuters Pubdate: 8 Jan 1998 EIGHTY PERCENT OF CRIMES ARE DRUG-RELATED NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Results of a survey released Thursday show that 80% of all crimes and incarcerations in the US can be linked to drug and alcohol use. Joseph Califano, Jr., president of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University announced the results of the survey, entitled "Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population" at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. He noted that 1.4 million of the current 1.7 million prison population have a history of drug or alcohol abuse, committed crime under the influence, stole to get money to buy drugs, or violated drug or alcohol laws. In 1996, $30 billion was spent to incarcerate individuals with a history of substance abuse. Califano said that if such individuals were identified at the outset, assessed for treatment and training needs, and kept apart from "criminal incorrigibles," then these inmates might receive "the hand they need to become productive citizens and responsible parents.... The choice is ours as well as theirs." Califano remarked that if the current rate of incarceration continues, then 1 out of every 20 children born in 1997 will spend time in prison. This would include 1 out of every 11 men and 1 out of every 4 black men. "The case for change, revealed in the report, is urgent and overwhelming," Califano stated. "Reducing alcohol and drug abuse and addiction is the key to the next major reduction in crime, and the prison population represents an enormous missed opportunity." The CASA survey, which took three years to complete, also showed: -- the US prison population tripled between 1980 and 1996, going from 500,000 to 1.7 million. -- if the current trend continues, by the year 2000, the US will spend more than $100 million a day to incarcerate individuals with a history of substance abuse. -- the number one "substance abuse crime" in the country is drunk driving, which accounted for 1.4 million arrests in 1995. -- in the one-year period between 1995 and 1996, state corrections budgets jumped 28%. -- 81% of individuals who sell drugs test positive at the time of arrest. -- inmates who are substance abusers are the most likely to be reincarcerated. -- the incidence of AIDS is 17 times higher among inmates compared with the general population. -- alcohol is associated more often with violent crimes, including murder, rape, assault and spouse abuse, than any other drug. The report also found that 80% of the $38 billion spent in 1996 to build and operate prisons in the US was spent to house substance-involved criminals. The study authors estimate that in addition to usual incarceration costs, it would take $6,500 per year to treat an inmate for substance abuse and provide him/her with vocational training. But for every inmate that returns successfully to society, such programs would save $68,000 in reduced crime, prosecution, and incarceration costs and potential earnings in the first year after release. Even if only 10% of inmates who are substance abusers were treated, the economic benefit in the first year after release would be $8.6 billion, say the CASA researchers. "Failure to use the criminal justice system to get non-violent drug- and alcohol-abusing offenders into treatment and training is irrational public policy and a profligate use of public funds," said Califano in a statement. "...Releasing drug-addicted inmates without treatment helps maintain the market for illegal drugs and (supports) drug dealers."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug, Alcohol Abuse Helps Triple Prison Population ('Associated Press' On Unnamed 281-Page CASA Report - 1.4 Million Americans With 2 Million Children Incarcerated For Alcohol, Other Drugs - 1 Million Just In State Prisons) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:26:36 -0800 Subject: MN: US: Drug, Alcohol Abuse Helps Triple Prison Population Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein FamilySource: Associated Press Pubdate: Thursday, 8 Jan 1998 Author: Darlene Superville DRUG, ALCOHOL ABUSE HELPS TRIPLE PRISON POPULATION WASHINGTON -- Eighty percent of the adults in U.S. prisons are locked up because of criminal activity linked to drug and alcohol abuse, says a report from a group pressing for more spending on prison drug treatment programs. The report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse urged governments, particularly the states, to spend more money to help those 1.4 million inmates kick their habits before they are returned to society. In addition, the report said prisoners need other services such as job training, health care and religious instruction. ``The most troublesome aspect of these grim statistics is that the country is doing so little about them,'' Joseph Califano, president of the Columbia University-based center, told a news conference. ``We are talking about an incredibly insane (prison) system that doesn't make that kind of investment.'' At the same gathering, President Clinton's top drug adviser said the government has begun to spend more on treatment as it focused its efforts on keeping the nation's teens and children from turning to drugs. But Barry McCaffrey, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the federal government alone can't be the solution. ``This is a law-enforcement no-brainer to move toward treatment,'' he said. The retired Army general said federal spending on treatment programs grew from $1 billion to $3 billion in the last five years and that government is experimenting with new programs. The 281-page drugs report said the tripling of America's prison population, from 500,000 in 1980 to 1.7 million in 1996, was due mainly to criminal acts influenced by drugs and-or alcohol. Most of the inmates, more than 1 million, are housed in state prisons. Of the 1.7 million total, 1.4 million adult men and women were incarcerated for behavior influenced by alcohol or narcotics. Among the 1.4 million are parents of more than 2 million children, the report said. Charles Hynes, the district attorney for Brooklyn, N.Y., said a program allowing drug offenders to seek residential treatment instead of imprisonment had helped 325 people since it began in 1990. More than two-thirds are still employed and paying taxes instead of collecting welfare, he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Army Troops, Construction Crews Ready Anti-Drug Effort On Border (US Military Is Moving Construction Equipment And More Than 500 Soldiers To San Antonio, Texas) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:36:53 -0800 Subject: MN: US TX: Army Troops, Construction Crews Ready Anti-Drug Effort on Border Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Art SmartSource: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/ ARMY TROOPS, CONSTRUCTION CREWS READY ANTI-DRUG EFFORT ON BORDER SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- In its first major move along the U.S.-Mexico border since a Marine shot and killed a teen-ager, the military is bringing in construction equipment and more than 500 soldiers for anti-drug operations. The project will begin in about two weeks near Laredo and Carrizo Springs, the San Antonio Express-News reported Wednesday. Army construction crews will build or improve more than 240 miles of roads, build a dozen helicopter landing pads, build a refueling site for helicopters and generally make it easier for the U.S. Border Patrol to reach remote areas along the Rio Grande. Targets of the operation are drug smugglers and illegal immigrants and the bandits who prey on them. "They know it's safe to be in there. They have cover, and it's tough for us to get in there," said Luis Barker, chief of the Border Patrol sector in Laredo. The Army is sending 380 soldiers and 150 vehicles, including trucks, bulldozers and graders, to Laredo from Fort Lewis, Wash. An additional 180 solders and 70 vehicles are heading from Fort Hood to Carrizo Springs. Reaction to the project is mixed among the area residents. Gene Allen of Carrizo Springs, owner of the 5,000-acre Stone Ranch where one of the helicopter landing pads is to be built, welcomes the effort. "The main thing is they fight drug traffickers. That's what I'm concerned about," he said. But a Laredo Community College professor opposes the plan, saying road-building proposals will damage the Rio Grande's ecology and destroy a recently improved campus nature trail. Biology Professor Jim Earhart wants students to "jump out of the bushes" in protest when the bulldozers show up to clear a road through a newly established nature trail fronting the river. "At least it would call attention to them screwing up what we've had down here and our plan for an educational site," Earhart said. The Border Patrol contends the military projects won't harm the environment. The controversy is the latest for the Pentagon in its anti-drug efforts. The Pentagon suspended the use of armed military personnel on anti-drug patrols along the border after a Marine fatally shot Esequiel Hernandez Jr., 18, a high school student who was tending his family's goats in Redford in the Big Bend area last May. The patrols have not resumed, but the Pentagon has given the go- ahead for the joint Army-Border Patrol projects, which are to begin Jan. 19 and should conclude by April. Another mission set for later this month involves Marine Corps reservists improving more than 80 miles of border-area roads in Presidio County in West Texas, not far from where Hernandez was killed. Maureen Bossch, spokeswoman for the military's Joint Task Force Six, which coordinates joint law enforcement-military operations, stressed the troops will be unarmed. "They're not going to be carrying weapons," she said. "They're going down there to do engineering and construction. This is great training for them and what they would need to do in case of world events." Timothy Dunn, an El Paso-based author of a book on militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border, said the road-building projects follow a perilous path. "It's building the relationship between military and law enforcement, which is dangerous for a democratic society," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Lungren's Put-Down Of GOP Rival Dennis Peron Fails Test (Letter To Editor Of 'San Francisco Examiner' Says Lungren Abandons Republican Principles With Threat To Close California Cannabis Dispensaries) Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 23:24:34 -0600 From: "Frank S. World"To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: PUB LTE: Lungren's Put-down Of Gop Rival Dennis Peron Fails Test Source: San Francisco Examiner Contact: letters@examiner.com Pubdate: Jan. 8, 1998 Website: http://www.examiner.com Attorney General Dan Lungren makes fun of Dennis Peron running for governor as a Republican, saying Peron "has smoked more marijuana than even I thought." The truth is Lungren is abandoning Republican principles with his threat to close once again the cannabis buyers clubs. Marijuana is a product. Peron and the buyers clubs are meeting a market demand. Lungren is using the power of the state to prevent an industry from developing and to keep California capitalists from developing a product that is in high demand. What kind of a Republican would do that? Peron is running against Lungren in the June Republican primary. Anyone can cross over [party lines] to vote for him. Lungren feels threatened, and so lashes out with invective and innuendo. Lungren needs to take another look at the potential in the marijuana business. The entire region of Northern California would boom if the state allowed its residents to develop this cash crop that is in high demand all over the world. We have the Wine Country in Napa / Sonoma. Why can't we have the Marijuana Country in Humboldt / Mendocino? I thought Republicans believed in capitalism. To twist Lungren's own invective back on him: He must be drinking too much liquor. He's not alert enough to see a thriving industry that would bring the equivalent of a gold rush to a depressed region in his own state. He's reacting with resentment against his own delusion that people using medical marijuana are just "getting stoned" like hippies 20 years ago - just the way alcoholics hold onto old resentments. Peron is the real Republican running in the June primary for governor. Lungren wants to call out a militia-like police force to keep sick people from getting their medicine at Peron's club. Sounds more like a Nazi - or at least a Communist - than a Republican. Kay Ebeling San Francisco
------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammiano To Host Medical Pot Meeting (City/County Supervisor And Harvey Milk Democratic Club Sponsor A San Francisco 'Town Hall' Meeting January 24 On Status Of 11362.5, With Police Chief Fred Lau And District Attorney Terence Hallinan) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:26:54 -0800 Subject: MN: US CA: Ammiano to Host Medical Pot Meeting Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Richard Lake rlake@mapinc.org Source: San Francisco Examiner (California) Contact: letters@examiner.com Pubdate: Thur, 8 Jan 1998 San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano and the Harvey Milk Democratic Club will host a town hall meeting Jan. 24 on the medicinal use of marijuana in San Francisco and the status of voter-approved Proposition 215. Police Chief Fred Lau and District Attorney Terence Hallinan have agreed to attend and will address questions concerning the implementation of Prop. 215, the state initiative allowing the restricted use of pot for medical purposes, Ammiano said. The meeting is set for 6 to 8 p.m. at the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, 4235 19th St., in the Castro District.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheriff Pulls Deputies From Narcotics Detail (San Luis Obispo Sheriff Relocates Three Deputies On County's 'Narcotic' Task Force Pending Outcome Of California Department Of Justice Investigation) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:23:46 -0800 Subject: MN: US CA: Sheriff Pulls Deputies From Narcotics Detail Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Jo-D Harrison Source: San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune Contact: slott@slnt01.sanluisobispo.com Pubdate: Thursday, January 8, 1998 Website: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/ Page: B-1, SLO County Section Author: Danna Dykstra, Telegram-Tribune SHERIFF PULLS DEPUTIES FROM NARCOTICS DETAIL Department of Justice probe county NTF triggers move of 3 officers SAN LUIS OBISPO -- Sheriff Ed Williams has relocated the three deputies assigned to the countywide Narcotic Task Force, pending the outcome of a state Department of Justice investigation. "There is a personnel issue that arose out of the NTF, and that issue is being handled by the state Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement," Williams said during an interview last week. "There is an internal investigation within the NTF, and while that is going on, those deputies assigned to the task force are working out of our detective bureau." Williams said the deputies are conducting investigations independent of the NTF, although they are in contact with task force members to ensure they do not overlap investigations. The task force has continued to work cases throughout the state investigation. Williams, citing confidentiality laws, declined to name the target of the probe or the circumstances surrounding it. He said his deputies are no longer reporting to NTF Cmdr. Craig Wright, a state Department of Justice employee assigned in 1994 to head the 10-member task force in San Luis Obispo County. The deputies have not worked out of the NTF office since late September. Wright was not available for comment. An employee at the NTF office said Wednesday Wright was out of the office and "would not be returning from the holidays" until Jan. 13 or 14. A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on whether Wright is the target of the probe. "We can't go in to personnel matters," said Mike Van Winkle. Jim Gardiner, the chief of the San Luis Obispo Police Department and chairman of the NTF governing board, also declined to comment on any aspect of the investigation. He said the board is working toward returning the deputies to the task force. The multi-agency task force was created to target the county's major drug cases. It is comprised of officers from various law enforcement agencies. The only cities that do not participate are Pismo Beach and Morro Bay. The NTF governing board, which votes and oversees task force matters, includes police chiefs from some participating cities, Sheriff Williams, District Attorney Barry LaBarbera and Dick Flood of the state Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement. Williams worked on the formation of the task force and has been on the NTF board of governors since its inception in 1981. He said he has always supported the multi-agency concept in battling the county's drug problems, but the circumstances surrounding the probe were of enough concern he decided to temporarily pull his people until the matter is resolved. "I just put a third person in (the task force) six months ago; my opinion relative to the concept has not changed a bit," Williams said. "I still feel very strongly that the drug problem requires a countywide effort. (Agencies working independently) is not the most efficient way of doing business."
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Weed,' The Movie, Gets Northwest Premiere February 20 In Seattle (Documentary By Doug Wolens Filmed At 8th Annual Cannabis Cup In Amsterdam) Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 04:02:49 -0800 (PST) From: pcehthns@scn.org (SCN User) To: hemp-talk@hemp.net Subject: HT: NW premier of movie 'Weed' (Seattle) Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net "WEED" the movie A documentary by Doug Wolens will be making its Northwest premier at the Varsity Theatre February 20th through 26th, 4329 University Way N.E, Seattle. Ticket info call Varsity Theatre 206-632-3131 http://www.radzone.org/weed/ The movie was filmed at the 8th Annual Cannabis Cup Ceremonies in Amsterdam. Opening film "Pressure Drop" (http://www.pressuredrop.com). Their promo: "The 8th Annual Cannabis Cup & Hemp Expo, a haven for tokers of every stripe - Patagonia clad slacker, chic urban business woman, blunt toking homeboys, and refried hippies." "great buzzy interviews" -Village Voice "A vicarious stoner's vacation" -Variety
------------------------------------------------------------------- Editorial - Worshipping In The Cult Of Irresponsibility ('Financial Times' Diatribe, On The Occasion Of Chris Farley's Death, Against 'Immoral' Actors Using Illegal Drugs) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) Subject: Editorial: Worshipping in the cult of irresponsibility Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 10:29:50 -0800 Resent-From: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Source: Financial Post Contact: letters@finpost.com Pubdate: January 8, 1998 Author: By Michael Coren -- Financial Post WORSHIPPING IN THE CULT OF IRRESPONSIBILITY HOLLYWOOD'S BAD BOYS ARE ALWAYS FORGIVEN UNTIL THE NEXT TIME I am truly sorry the U.S. comic actor Chris Farley is dead. What I think of his abilities or lack thereof is irrelevant. The fact is the former star of television's Saturday Night Live left this world after only 33 years. He was, it seems, a man with a good heart. Not, however, a heart good enough to sustain the consistent drug abuse, alcohol abuse and self-abuse to which the 296-pound young man submitted his body. Once again, I am sorry for his death. But more has to be said. Farley died from similar causes as his hero, John Belushi, did 15 years earlier. Both men indulged themselves in immoral and illegal activities. For the same reason, actors Christian Slater and Robert Downey Jr. have recently been sent to jail. What is so significant is that all four of these men, and several more in similar situations, have loyal followings and are able to influence hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. LOWERED SCREEN COMEDY Belushi, who to me irretrievably lowered the level of screen comedy, is worshipped not just by members of the public but by other performers. They revere not only his alleged genius but -- this is important -- also his lifestyle. What was once considered decadent and pathetic is now often admired as rebellious and constructive. Farley's fate was a direct product of his having no anchor in truth. Articles have already appeared and books are apparently already being written, however, that portray him as the lonely clown searching for acceptance, a fine individual merely misunderstood. The public is to blame for his demise. His peers are to blame for his demise. Everybody is to blame for his demise, except Farley himself. Reality has been turned on its head. Farley was an extremely wealthy man who could afford to squander thousands of dollars on cocaine, morphine and other drugs, thus funding the pushers who fuel the misery of the U.S. underclass. He should have known better. He could afford to know better. He committed suicide by his excesses and his lack of ethical fibre. One can be sorry for his passing without passing over his sorry lack of self-control. On the day Farley died, 35,000 other people died of starvation-related diseases. Just a few miles from his luxury home, children witnessed drive-by murders on the street. These genuine victims are unknown to us, anonymous to a North American public growing numb and dumb on a diet of sitcoms and contrived news that lionizes the likes of Farley, Belushi, Slater and Downey and ignores or even degrades those who lead a more upright and responsible life or make wrong decisions out of desperation. Downey is in prison for crimes that might have given a less well-known person a great deal more time behind bars. This admittedly talented actor has a penchant for pronouncing on political matters but not, apparently, on that major issue of the war against drugs. But just like his fellow celebrities who break the law, Downey is not treated like other criminals and is given special treatment either in a small jail or in isolation from the general population in a larger prison. The talk in the trade newspapers is that Downey and Slater are being offered big-budget movies and that a proposal for a television movie about the life and times of Chris Farley is making the rounds of Hollywood and New York. No surprises there. These privileged performers are thought by some to be martyrs and by others to be brilliant young men who simply made a tiny mistake. Final contrition and absolution may well come for Slater and Downey if and when they appear on chat shows to say how wrong they were and how sorry they are. They will smile, the audience will cheer and the host will put on a concerned, compassionate look and shake their hands. The bad boys will nod their heads, grimace with perfect teeth and all will be well with the world. Until the next time. We have developed a cult of irresponsibility and we have to ask ourselves if we are followers, worshippers or even high priests. I prefer to think of myself as a heretic. But then there really should no longer be any other choice.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Conflict Of Interest Between Doctors And Pharmaceutical Companies Proven By 'New England Journal Of Medicine' Report Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 12:02:53 -0400 (AST) Sender: Chris DonaldTo: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: NEJM: Pharm co./doctor conflict of interest proven by study The New England Journal of Medicine - January 8, 1998 - Volume 338, Number 2 SPECIAL ARTICLE Conflict of Interest in the Debate over Calcium-Channel Antagonists Henry Thomas Stelfox, Grace Chua, Keith O'Rourke, Allan S. Detsky Abstract Background. Physicians' financial relationships with the pharmaceutical industry are controversial because such relationships may pose a conflict of interest. It is unknown to what extent industry support of medical education and research influences the opinions and behavior of clinicians and researchers. The recent debate over the safety of calcium-channel antagonists provided an opportunity to examine the effect of financial conflicts of interest. Methods. We searched the English-language medical literature published from March 1995 through September 1996 for articles examining the controversy about the safety of calcium-channel antagonists. Articles were reviewed and classified as being supportive, neutral, or critical with respect to the use of calcium-channel antagonists. The authors of the articles were asked about their financial relationships with both manufacturers of calcium-channel antagonists and manufacturers of competing products (i.e., beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, and nitrates). We examined the authors' published positions on the safety of calcium-channel antagonists according to their financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. Results. Authors who supported the use of calcium-channel antagonists were significantly more likely than neutral or critical authors to have financial relationships with manufacturers of calcium-channel antagonists (96 percent, vs. 60 percent and 37 percent, respectively; P<0.001). Supportive authors were also more likely than neutral or critical authors to have financial relationships with any pharmaceutical manufacturer, irrespective of the product (100 percent, vs. 67 percent and 43 percent, respectively; P<0.001). Conclusions. Our results demonstrate a strong association between authors' published positions on the safety of calcium-channel antagonists and their financial relationships with pharmaceutical manufacturers. The medical profession needs to develop a more effective policy on conflict of interest. We support complete disclosure of relationships with pharmaceutical manufacturers for clinicians and researchers who write articles examining pharmaceutical products. (N Engl J Med 1998;338:101-6.) Source Information From the Departments of Medicine (H.T.S., G.C., A.S.D.), Health Administration (K.O., A.S.D.), and Public Health Sciences (K.O.), University of Toronto; the Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital (A.S.D.); and the Department of Medicine, Toronto Hospital (A.S.D.) -- all in Toronto. Address reprint requests to Dr. Detsky at Mount Sinai Hospital, Rm. 427, 600 University Ave., Toronto, ON M5G 1X5, Canada. The full text of Special Articles is not included in the Journal On-line. However, you can order the [5]complete article. Copyright (c)1998 by the Massachusetts Medical Society *** Halifax Daily News {letterstoeditor@hfxnews.southam.ca} WORLD BRIEFS Thursday, January 8, 1998 Study shows medical conflict of interest BOSTON (Reuters) - University of Toronto researchers found virtually all the doctors who defended a class of drugs widely used to treat heart disease have hidden links to the makers of the drugs, the New England Journal of Medicine reported today. The Journal said a team of researchers found almost all the doctors who rushed to defend the safety of calcium channel blockers in 1995 had financial links to the drug companies that make them. The authors of the new study, led by Dr. Henry Thomas Stelfox of the University of Toronto, tried to gauge the involvement of industry-supported doctors in the calcium-channel controversy by identifying articles published between March 10, 1995, and Sept. 30, 1996, and categorizing them as supportive of the medicines, critical of them, or neutral. Then they sent surveys to the authors of the 70 articles asking about their financial links to drug companies in general and calcium channel blocker-makers in particular. They discovered "96 per cent of the supportive authors had financial relationships with manufacturers of calcium-channel antagonists, as compared with 60 per cent of the neutral authors and 37 per cent of the critical authors."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Close 'Drug Factory' (Undercover Police In Paterson, NJ, Chase Suspect Who Gets Away, But Find 'Upscale Drug Factory' With Cocaine And Heroin Said To Be Worth $60,000 On Street) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 16:09:13 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US NJ: Police Close 'Drug Factory' Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Bergen Record Contact: editor@bergen.com Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 http://www.bergen.com Author: Timothy D. May, Staff Writer POLICE CLOSE 'DRUG FACTORY' PATERSON -- Undercover police who chased a suspected drug dealer into a Pennington Street apartment found "an upscale drug factory," stocked with $60,000 worth of cocaine and heroin, cutting agents, and other drug paraphernalia, police said Wednesday. Although the man that police Task Force officers had pursued from Pennington Street and 17th Avenue ultimately escaped, police arrested three other men and seized hundreds of small plastic bags and envelopes containing powdered heroin and cocaine, authorities said. "I want people to understand that if you buy drugs in Paterson, we're going to see you," said acting Police Chief Lawrence Spagnola. "This is just the beginning. Our Task Force officers and narcotics detectives are aggressively hitting all known drug areas." Arrested were Wilfredo Reyes, 19, Raphael Ortiz, 23, and Gerlando Todaro, 34, police said. The three men, all of whom face drug possession and distribution charges, remained in the Paterson lockup Wednesday afternoon. Their bail status could not be determined. Inside police headquarters Wednesday, the drugs and paraphernalia seized in the bust early Tuesday filled three medium-sized brown paper bags. Each bag was stapled shut and included a list of its contents. One list read: "6 plastic baggies of white powder;" "243 glassine envelopes of white powder;" "103 small plastic baggies containing white powder." Another read: "Boxes of small plastic baggies;" "Rubber bands;" "Knife with residue;" "Razor blades;" "Playing cards; "Stamp pads." Field tests revealed the white powder was heroin and cocaine, police said. The razors, cards, and knife allegedly were used to divide the cache of drugs into small amounts, police said. Before being packaged in envelopes and baggies, the powder was weighed on a digital scale -- which police also found in the apartment. The stamp pads were used to label the bags and envelopes. The bust occurred after Task Force officers Louis DeLucca and Robert Pleasant saw a man wearing a beige jacket and jeans walk up to a man sitting in a gray car near Pennington Street and 17th Avenue. The officers, believing they had witnessed a drug transaction, approached, but the man in the beige jacket fled north on Pennington, dashing through a yard, and escaping, according to a police report. The officers drove away, returning about 20 minutes later with four more officers. They spotted the suspect near an apartment building at 26 Pennington St. Again, the suspect fled -- this time running to a third-floor apartment. The officers pursued the man into a rear bedroom, where they discovered two other men lying on a thin mattress, the police report states. Atop a chest of drawers in the bedroom, police allegedly found a large quantity of suspected heroin and cocaine. Although the initial suspect fled through a window and down a fire escape, police stopped that chase to secure the narcotics and arrest the other men. As they searched the apartment, the police rousted a third man, found in another bedroom, the report states. In addition to the drugs, detectives seized a bottle of lactose (used for dilution), grinders, tape, glue, letter pads, and glass stirrers, police said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Addict Charged With Murder (Texas Police Say The Accused Is Addicted To Smoking Fly, A Mixture Of Marijuana And Embalming Fluid) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:41:57 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US TX: Addict Charged With Murder Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Art SmartSource: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 Website: http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/ Author: Lisa Teachey ADDICT CHARGED WITH MURDER Man held without bail in killing that followed sexual assault A capital murder charge was filed Wednesday against a 22-year-old drug addict who police say is the "dangerous predator" who recently killed two men, wounded another and assaulted three women. Franklin Dewayne Alix, 22, was held in Harris County Jail without bail. He is charged with killing Eric Bridgeford on Saturday after a sexual assault on Bridgeford's sister. Lt. Greg Neely, who headed the 10-man squad that solved the case, said more charges could be filed. Alix has been linked to another killing Sunday, a second sexual assault and nonfatal shooting in mid-December and robberies dating back to July. Detectives identified Alix in a July robbery and connected him to last weekend's rampage. On Tuesday, investigators traced him to a friend's apartment in the 6400 block of Bankside in southwest Houston. When officers arrived there about 3:55 p.m. to arrest Alix, he jumped from a second-story window and ran. Officers chased him to a residence in the 10800 block of Bob White and found him hiding under a picnic table. In Alix's pockets, officers found jewelry taken from Christopher Thomas, 34, who was robbed Sunday about 3 a.m. in the 5700 block of Thrush in southeast Houston as he sat in his car listening to music. Detectives said Alix shot Thomas and left him to die lying beside his car. Neely said "good basic police work" led to Alix's arrest. "We did a lot of research on existing cases we thought might be related" to the 24-hour crime spree in which Bridgeford and Thomas were killed, Neely said. Alix was identified by witnesses in some of the cases and located through the license plate number of a car used in a July robbery. Neely said Alix has confessed to both killings, the sexual assaults and robberies but has shown no remorse. "He has a drug habit ... and no means of support," Neely said. "He needed money. This was the only way he could support himself." Alix is addicted to smoking fly, a concoction of marijuana mixed with embalming fluid, Neely said. Alix lived with whatever friends would take him in. All but one of his victims were apparently chosen at random, Neely said. Alix may have known about Thomas' jewelry and habit of listening to his music in his car late at night because Alix once lived on Thrush. The search for Alix began Sunday after evidence at the scene of Thomas' killing was connected to the Bridgeford slaying 24 hours earlier. Police said Alix abducted Bridgeford's sister from the 6400 block of Creekbend in southwest Houston about 2 a.m. Saturday and raped her. Afterward, officers said, he returned to the woman's home and shot Bridgeford, 23, who walked in while Alix was robbing the home. Police said Alix drove Bridgeford's friend's Acura to the 6400 block of Dryad, where he forced a woman into the Acura's trunk and stole her Ford Ranger. He drove the Ranger to the 6200 block of Ludington, where he stole a Nissan Pulsar from a man he had tried to force into its trunk. About 24 hours later, Alix robbed and shot Thomas, police said. They believe Alix is the man who attacked a woman Dec. 19, also in the 6400 block of Dryad. Police said he kidnapped and sexually assaulted the woman before forcing her into her car's trunk. Then, they said, he drove around southwest Houston and committed several robberies, including one in which he shot a security guard in the head and stole his pistol. The guard is recovering. The woman in the Dec. 19 attack is suing the apartment complex where she lived with her mother, saying it negligently tied open a security gate.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Caller Calls Paper To Claim Drugs (Dumbass Of The Year, And It's Only January) Subj: WIRE: Dumbass of the Year (And it's only January) From: adbryan@onramp.net Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 07:15:49 -0600 (CST) This is a follow-up to a story that Frank World posted to mapnews. It served as my morning humor. Caller Calls Paper To Claim Drugs ASSOCIATED PRESS January 08, 1998 MIAMI (AP) -- A day after The Miami Herald reported boxes of drugs mysteriously delivered to its newsroom, a man called to claim the packages and the person who came for them was taken away by federal agents for questioning. No arrests were immediately made. Fifty-three pounds of cocaine and heroin were mailed to the Herald's business section in cartons bearing a Bogota return address and a man's name but no addressee's name. The editor who opened the package was not considered a suspect. On Wednesday, a Spanish-speaking man called the newspaper. "These are my packages. They're for me," he told a Herald employee. Pretending to check, the employee put the caller on hold and tried to reach a U.S. Customs agent. The agent didn't answer, and the caller hung up. When he called back, he was transferred to a Customs agent posing as a business section editor. The agent told the man he'd have to come get the boxes.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cincinnati Businessman Convicted Of Drug Charges In New Zealand (Successful President Of United Dairy Farmers Arrested With Wife, Three Kids, Cannabis, Cocaine, Enters Rehab, Escapes Usual Two-Year Term Citizens Get) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 16:20:17 -0800 From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US: Cincinnati Businessman Convicted of Drug Charges in New Zealand Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal Contact: ohio@akron.infi.net Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 Website: http://www.ohio.com/ CINCINNATI BUSINESSMAN CONVICTED OF DRUG CHARGES IN NEW ZEALAND CINCINNATI (AP) -- Robert Lindner Jr., head of a three-state chain of convenience stores, has taken a leave of absence from the company after being convicted of carrying cocaine and marijuana in New Zealand. Lindner, 48, president of United Dairy Farmers, pleaded guilty to bringing the drugs into New Zealand after being arrested Dec. 29 while on vacation. Lindner was fined $12,500 in New Zealand dollars (about $7,000 in U.S. currency) on Monday and deported from the South Pacific nation after admitting that he had a drug problem, the New Zealand Herald reported. Lindner has taken an indefinite leave of absence from UDF and entered a drug rehabilitation program, according to a news release issued Wednesday by his brother, Brad Lindner, executive vice president of UDF. ``We will fully support him and his family during this very difficult time,'' he said. Lindner is the oldest son of Robert D. Lindner Sr., one of the three Lindner brothers who built a business empire from the founding of UDF in 1940. He is the nephew of Carl H. Lindner, chairman of American Financial Group. Robert D. Lindner Sr. is owner of United Dairy Farmers Inc. Lindner was arrested at New Zealand's Auckland International Airport. Customs personnel using drug-sniffing dogs found 11 grams of cocaine in his luggage and eight grams of marijuana in his pockets, police said. Eleven grams of cocaine is a little less than a 1/2-ounce, worth about $1,000 on the streets in the United States, police said. In Ohio, possession of that amount of cocaine is a fourth-degree felony, punishable by six to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine. Lindner was jailed overnight, released on bond and still was able to spend time fishing at Huka Lodge before his final court appearance, the Herald reported. ``He was granted bail, which is a bit unusual,'' said Denise Mackay, an editor at the Herald. If Lindner had been a New Zealand citizen, he could have faced a penalty of at least two years in prison. High Court Justice Sian Elias fined Lindner after he admitted bringing the drugs from the United States for his personal use. Lindner's lawyer, David Jones, said in court that Lindner's drug use was ``related to a number of family and business circumstances,'' the Herald reported. Lindner had been vacationing in New Zealand and Australia with his wife and three children. United Dairy Farmers operates about 200 stores in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and has 3,000 employees.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Barczak Retires As County Clerk Of Circuit Court (Man Who Served Decade In Wisconsin Assembly Before Becoming A Milwaukee Court Official Retires Early After He's Charged With Buying 12 Grams Of Crack From An Informant) Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 23:36:41 -0600 From: "Frank S. World"Subject: MN: US WI: Barczak Retires As County Clerk Of Circuit Court Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Author: Jim Stingl, Journal Sentinel staff Contact: Fax: (414) 224-8280 Email: jsedit@onwis.com Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 Website: http://www.jsonline.com/ BARCZAK RETIRES AS COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Clerk of Circuit Court Gary Barczak, who is awaiting trial on drug charges, is retiring today, now that he's eligible for his pension. "He was in this morning and signed some retirement papers," Jac R. Amerell, the Milwaukee County's employee retirement manager, said Wednesday. Barczak has been off the job on paid leave since he was arrested Oct. 9. The complaint charges him with purchasing 12 grams of crack cocaine from a confidential informant cooperating with the Sheriff's Department. He was charged with a felony count of solicitation to commit a felony and misdemeanor charges of possession of crack and drug paraphernalia. Washington County District Attorney David Resheske is the special prosecutor on the case. By remaining on the payroll until Jan. 1 and attaining 15 years of service, Barczak qualifies for a pension of about $1,530 a month. That amount will be reduced to $1,320 because Barczak chose a 100% survivor option for his wife, Judy. If she survives him, she will get that same monthly amount until she dies. "He's taken a reduction now to provide a future benefit for his spouse," Amerell said. Barczak, 58, also will receive paid health insurance for the rest of his life. The county's Pension Board is expected to give final approval to Barczak's retirement at a meeting on Jan. 28. The benefits Barczak will receive could have been jeopardized if he had been removed from office through a felony conviction or by a majority vote of the county's circuit judges. Barczak's lawyer, Michael Steinle, said he is in no danger of losing these benefits. Steinle said he would submit Barczak's formal letter of resignation today to Circuit Judge Michael Skwierawski, the acting chief judge in the county. "This was a decision by Gary to leave his office and go into the private sector. It has nothing to do with the criminal case," meaning that it was not part of any plea bargain, Steinle said. "We're still set for trial. As the trial gets closer, I'm sure Resheske and I will talk" about the possibility of resolving the case short of trial, Steinle said. Resheske said Wednesday that Barczak's voluntary surrender of his job "is a factor I will consider" -- and consider favorably -- in any negotiations with Steinle. Asked for specifics about Barczak's plans, Steinle said: "He has a lot of options. That's all I can tell you. Right now he's focusing on his treatment. He's been released from in-patient treatment and he's continuing out-patient treatment at this time." The chief deputy clerk of courts, Jon Sanfilippo, has been handling Barczak's duties since October. Skwierawski said the job could be filled by someone selected by the circuit judges, or it could remain vacant until the election in the fall. The matter will be placed on the agenda of the judges' annual meeting later this month, he said. Barczak's trial is scheduled for Feb. 2 before Thomas S. Williams, a circuit judge brought in from Winnebago County. Barczak is free on $3,500 bail. If he is convicted as charged, the maximum sentence is six years and one month in prison plus a $15,500 fine. The criminal complaint against Barczak said he had known the informant for many years and had purchased cocaine from him other times. As deputies watched, Barczak met the informant in a West Allis parking lot and then the two drove to Barczak's home, also in West Allis. A search turned up cocaine and a crack pipe at the home and drugs in Barczak's car. The informant also claimed that at times he had provided a prostitute for Barczak along with the cocaine. And he claimed that Barczak had delivered cocaine to other people at a party, court documents say. Those same documents say Barczak admitted to deputies that he had been using cocaine for a few years and was smoking the more potent crack for about a year. Barczak, who has two grown daughters, served for a decade in the state Assembly before becoming clerk of courts in Milwaukee.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Juror Smoked Pot with Defendants, Then Convicted Them (As A Result, At Least One Of The Two West Virginian Men Still In Prison Is Attempting To Put Aside The 1993 Verdict) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:33:44 EST From: "Doug Keenan" (dougkeenan@email.msn.com) To: Multiple recipients of list (drctalk@drcnet.org) Subject: High times in West Virginia Juror Smoked Pot with Defendants, Then Convicted Them 08-JAN-98 MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) A juror helped convict three defendants of drug charges one day after he smoked marijuana with them on a country road and discussed the possible outcome of their trial. Matthew Smith, 27, of Lost Creek, pleaded guilty to contempt of court Dec. 29 and is free awaiting a punishment left up to the judge, Assistant U.S. Attorney Sharon L. Potter said Wednesday. Smith's admission has raised questions about the three defendants convicted in the 1993 federal trial on marijuana-manufacturing charges. Timothy W. McCoy is serving 24 years in prison, Connie Sue Heater is serving 10 years, and Harvey B. John was released after completing a 25-month sentence. At least one of the two still in prison is attempting to attack the conviction based on Smith's misconduct, Potter said. Defense lawyers accused Smith of misconduct in their appeals but said they did not have testimony to support the claims, Potter said. Federal officials investigated and Smith was indicted last summer. Jurors in all criminal trials are admonished against contacting anyone involved in the cases they consider. But Potter said Smith spoke briefly to at least one defendant during the trial and again with a defendant who dropped a dollar bill in a parking lot. After closing arguments, Smith and the three left the courthouse in different cars and drove to a country road, where Smith discussed potential verdicts while the group smoked pot, Potter said. Jury deliberations began the next morning. There is no telephone listing for Smith in his hometown. His lawyer, Peter G. Zurbuch of Elkins, was out of the office today and did not return a call to his office. McCoy's lawyer at trial had no comment; Heater's lawyer did not return a call.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharp Unveils Wide-Ranging Anti-Crime Plan (Democratic Texas Candidate For Lieutenant Governor Wants Death Penalty For Drug Traffickers) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:45:26 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: US TX: Sharp Unveils Wide-Ranging Anti-Crime Plan Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Art SmartSource: Houston Chronicle Contact: viewpoints@chron.com Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 Website: http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/ Author: R.G. Ratcliffe SHARP UNVEILS WIDE-RANGING ANTI-CRIME PLAN AUSTIN -- Democratic lieutenant governor candidate John Sharp unveiled a wide-ranging anti-crime plan Wednesday that looked like it was partly tailored to appeal to voters in the North Texas Republican stronghold of Plano. Sharp's plan includes expanding the death penalty to drug traffickers and repeat child molesters. Plano recently has been rocked by reports that 11 teen-agers died in the Dallas suburb during 1997 due to heroin overdoses. Five years ago, a repeat sex offender snatched a 7-year-old girl out from under her parents' supervision in a Plano city park and strangled her. Sharp likened drug trafficking to cold-blooded murder. "This is not a crime of passion that you just woke up one morning and decided to do," Sharp said. "You made a deliberate decision that you're going to sell a lot of heroin and you're going to bring a lot of drugs into the state of Texas, and it's going to kill kids." Sharp so far in his campaign has tried to distance himself from his own Democratic Party by portraying himself as above partisan politics. He also has declined to endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate Garry Mauro. But by getting in the first lick on crime against GOP lieutenant governor candidate Rick Perry, Sharp was moving into traditional Republican territory in more ways than one. Democratic Gov. Ann Richards lost her 1994 re-election, many political consultants say, because Republican George W. Bush beat her on the crime issue in suburbs. Sharp said Texas should pass a law that ends retroactively a system called mandatory supervision. Mandatory supervision allows automatic parole for prison inmates whose time served and good time equals their sentence. Mauro has criticized Bush for not pushing such a law to keep his 1994 campaign promise to end mandatory supervision retroactively. Bush dropped his effort to do so last year, saying the U.S. Supreme Court would rule it to be unconstitutional. Sharp, the state comptroller, said he also wants to use prison inmates on public works projects across Texas. "The public would feel a lot better about what they're paying into the prison system if every driver who drove down I-35 saw a bunch of folks in orange jackets picking up trash on the side of the highway," Sharp said. "The people of the state of Texas expect something to be put back into the community, whether it's chain gangs or painting public schools," Sharp said. Sharp said almost half the state's prison inmates do not work full time. He said he would take away televisions and weight- lifting machines. Sharp's plan also included a proposal to keep sexual predators under state control after their prison sentence has been completed by having them transferred to a state psychiatric facility. Perry's campaign manager said much of Sharp's crime plan is stolen from proposals made by either Perry or Bush. "Many of the ideas announced today are so good they have already been proposed," said Perry manager Jim Arnold. Arnold noted that Sharp proposed using inmates to chop down cedars over the Edwards Aquifer to help solve San Antonio's water problems. He said Perry, as state agriculture commissioner, already has made arrangements with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to do that.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharp Proposes Anti-Crime Plan, GOP's Perry Says Ideas Echo His Own ('Dallas Morning News' Version) Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 00:14:48 -0600 From: "Frank S. World"Subject: MN: US TX: Sharp proposes anti-crime plan Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: adbryan@onramp.net Source: Dallas Morning News Author: By Terrence Stutz Contact: letterstoeditor@dallasnews.com Pubdate: Jan. 8, 1998 Website: http://www.dallasnews.com discussion forum: http://forums.dallasnews.com/dallas SHARP PROPOSES ANTI-CRIME PLAN GOP'S PERRY SAYS IDEAS ECHO HIS OWN AUSTIN - Democrat John Sharp proposed a criminal justice plan Wednesday that would keep violent sex offenders locked up indefinitely and expand the death penalty to major drug traffickers and repeat child molesters. Mr. Sharp, state comptroller and the only Democrat running for lieutenant governor, also called for putting more prison inmates to work and retroactive elimination of mandatory early release for state prisoners. "Making Texas safer must be our top priority," Mr. Sharp said at a news conference. "My criminal justice reform plan will help accomplish that." However, a prison spokesman said nearly 88 percent of the state's 141,000 inmates are already working on a daily basis. And the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that mandatory early release cannot be taken away retroactively. The Texas Legislature eliminated mandatory early release for future criminal cases in 1995. Mr. Sharp insisted that more prisoners could be put to work in Texas, possibly even in chain gangs. And he said the state should try to pass a law on mandatory early release that could be upheld in the courts. Other parts of his "zero tolerance" criminal justice plan would crack down on juvenile gangs and strengthen criminal penalties against those who assault teachers. Announcement of the proposals sparked an exchange between the Democrat's campaign and that of his Republican opponent, Rick Perry, who said Mr. Sharp's plan "echoes" his own crime reforms. Both candidates accused each other of voting for bills in the Legislature that allowed early release of large numbers of prison inmates. The measures were passed when the state was under a sweeping court order to end overcrowding in the prison system. Mr. Sharp served in the Senate and House, while Mr. Perry, now state agriculture commissioner, served in the House. "John Sharp's political rhetoric does not match his weak criminal justice record," said Perry campaign manager Jim Arnold. "Many of the ideas announced today are so good, they have already been proposed by state leaders like Rick Perry and Gov. [George W.] Bush. "John Sharp is once again following the Bill Clinton-Garry Mauro [Democratic nominee for governor] playbook. Take other people's ideas, claim them as your own, and don't give details" When Mr. Perry outlined a plan last month to crack down on drunk drivers, the Sharp campaign responded that he - not Mr. Perry - co-authored legislation to beef up the state's drunk-driving laws. During his news conference, Mr. Sharp accused Mr. Perry of ignoring public safety when he voted for a 1987 bill that allowed the early release of thousands of prisoners. "I will never put partisan politics above the safety of Texas families," the Democrat said, referring to Mr. Perry's explanation that he voted for the bill under pressure from party leaders. Mr. Arnold said Mr. Sharp, while a state lawmaker, voted for a bill to allow early release of some prison inmates in 1983 and against a 1981 bill requiring criminals to pay restitution to victims. A Sharp campaign spokesman said the 1983 bill allowed the early release of only a small number of nonviolent offenders. The plan unveiled by Mr. Sharp also calls for longer prison sentences for drug pushers and use of tents to house inmates when necessary. His campaign plans to purchase billboards around the state to promote the anti-crime initiative. Mr. Sharp's criminal-justice plan and Mr. Perry's drunk-driving proposal would have to be approved by the Legislature to become law. The lieutenant governor presides over the Senate and has a great deal of influence over legislation, but does not have a vote except to break ties. At his news conference, Mr. Sharp was asked about death row inmate Karla Faye Tucker, who is scheduled next month to become the first woman executed in Texas since the Civil War. "Here's one human being who put a 3-foot-long pickax 27 times into another human being and a jury said she was guilty. I would have a very difficult time overriding that jury's decision," he said. Ms. Tucker, 38, was convicted in the 1983 slaying of Jerry Lynn Dean, 27, at his Houston apartment. She is scheduled to be executed Feb. 3.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents Ignoring Marijuana Problem, Research Shows ('St. Paul Pioneer Press' Documents That Some 'Doctors' In Minnesota Don't Know The Difference Between Propaganda And Peer-Reviewed Research) Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 20:40:21 -0500 Subject: US MN: Parents Ignoring Marijuana Problem, Research Shows Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Dave WestSource: Saint Paul Pioneer Press Author: Matt Peiken, Staff Writer Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 Contact: Reader Advocate: Nancy Conner nconner@pioneerplanet.infi.net Mail: 345 Cedar St. St. Paul, MN 55101 LTE FAX: 612-228-5564 Website: http://www.pioneerplanet.com/ PARENTS IGNORING MARIJUANA PROBLEM, RESEARCH SHOWS St. Paul comedian Dwight York talks about marijuana causing short-term memory loss, then repeats the joke five minutes later. But if adults knew about the long-term effects, researchers say, they wouldn't be so blase about the possibility that their teen-age children are smoking pot. In an age when teens can get their hands on coke, crank, crack, smack, cigarettes, LSD, ecstasy and God-knows-what in a bottle, research shows more young people are turning to marijuana. On top of that, more are doing so at a younger age. Parental indifference is among the reasons, experts say, adding that many believe marijuana, in comparison to other drugs, is "soft." Researchers say adults are ignoring the cancers, reproductive disorders, addictions and other serious health problems tied to marijuana. "Drugs go through fads, like fashion, but marijuana has never really left us," says Dr. Susan Dalterio, a life scientist with the University of Texas, San Antonio. Dalterio, who has studied the trends and effects of marijuana use for 15 years, talks about regional and national research, along with associated concerns, from 7 to 9 tonight at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Plymouth. Among the findings she will address: Between 1992 and 1995, monthly marijuana use in the Twin Cities rose from 4 percent to 14.5 percent among ninth-graders and from 10 percent to 18.5 percent among high school seniors participating in the annual Minnesota Student Survey. "Other drugs are more acutely dangerous, but that doesn't mean marijuana can't hurt you," Dalterio says. "People think if something doesn't kill you, it's not so bad. But marijuana works in a very different time frame than drugs like cocaine and crack. The effects are more subtle, but they can be very serious and permanent." Along with short-term loss of memory and concentration, Dalterio says, marijuana weakens the immunity and respiratory systems and can damage the reproductive systems in men and women. "And anyone who tells you pot isn't addicting has been smoking it for years and years," Dalterio says, explaining that regular marijuana smokers are fixed on releases of doparnine, a chemical in the brain that works as an anti-depressant. The chemical, also released naturally during short bursts of excitement, flows at unnatural levels when people regularly smoke marijuana. So when people stop smoking altogether, they often feel depressed. They don't connect it to the cutoff of dopamine; they only know they felt better when they were high, Dalterio says, so they start smoking pot again. Compared to cigarettes, she adds, marijuana has more of the hydrocarbons leading to cancers of the lungs, bladder and elsewhere. And because marijuana is grown and sold without quality controls, it contains fungal spores and other potentially harmful bacteria, Dalterio says. "People think that because it grows in nature, it's safe. But there are lots of mushrooms and poisonous wildflowers you shouldn't take into your system," Dalterio says. "And the idea of smoking marijuana as a medication, at this point, is a big mistake. You wouldn't take aspirin or any other medication if it were produced under the same conditions." The prognosis for teens today is worse than it was for those who started smoking marijuana 20 years ago, researchers say, citing more potent plants and the trend of smoking "blunts"- pot rolled into cleaned-out and resealed cigar wraps. As it is, in 1996, more Minnesota teens were accepted into treatment centers for marijuana addiction .(11 percent) than for cocaine (14.5:percent). Of those in for marijuana, more than one third were younger than 18. Carol Falkowski, an epidemiologist and senior research analyst with ?Iden Foundation in Celit?? Minn., is particularly alarmed more kids are starting to take pot before entering high school. Falkowski cites her own informal survey of students in the Minneapolis public schools who said that, at between $3 and $5 for a joint, it was easier to get their hands on pot than on alcohol. "Twenty years ago, hippies weren't saying 'Hey, let's get my fifth-grade sister loaded,'" she says. "But now kids are getting into it when they're not old enough to have the emotional and psychological skills to (handle) mind-altering substances."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Can A DEA Agent Spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? (Pharmacist's Letter To Editor Of 'Rocky Mountain News' Ridicules DEA Agents Who Admit Celebrating Busts With 'Stiff Drinks')
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 01:18:35 -0700 (MST) From: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project"X-Sender: cohip@saturn.eagle-access.net To: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project" Subject: Can a DEA agent spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Letter to the Editor Rocky Mountain News, January 8, 1998 400 W. Colfax Denver, CO 80204 Phone: (303) 892-5000 Fax: (303) 892-5499 Email: letters@denver-rmn.com Web: http://www.denver-rmn.com Shouldn't drug agents concentrate their efforts on all mind-altering drugs? The Dec. 25 headline said "God's troops on front lines in war on drugs." The article told how federal DEA agents rationalize their daily practice of lies and deceptions with "their stringent sense of right and wrong." The punchline of this bad joke was about one of the agents getting his first score and stopping to brag about it to his wife before joining his buddies to celebrate with "raw jokes, high-fives, and stiff drinks." That's right, drug agents busting citizens for using drugs and then abusing drugs themselves. Can a DEA agent spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Readers may wish to consider which is more dangerous: people using deadly drugs such as tobacco or alcohol (which are more deadly than cocaine or heroin), or true believers enforcing hypocritical drug laws and violating your inalienable right of liberty? Since tobacco (a Schedule I drug), alcohol (Schedule II), and coffee and tea (Schedule V) meet the definitions of controlled substances, since they are all mind-altering, physically-addicting drugs, will the DEA immediately demand that Congress and state legislatures regulate these drugs as controlled substances? Will any DEA agent uphold his oath of office and actually guarantee citizens the equal protection of the law by ensuring that all drugs are subject to the drug laws and not just most of them? If these DEA agents are really "Peace Officers for Christ," won't this be the highest priority for them in their professional and personal lives? Tom Barrus Registered Pharmacist and President of the American Federation for Legal Consistency Golden, Colo.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prohibition Doesn't Work (Letter To Editor Of 'Boulder Weekly' Deflates WOD Assumptions - 'When A Trafficker Goes Down, The Market Doesn't Even Blink Because People Are Literally Killing And Dying To Get Into The Drug Trade') Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:38:40 -0800 Subject: MN: US: PUB LTE: Prohibition Doesn't Work Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: "Colo. Hemp Init. Project"Source: Boulder Weekly Contact: bweditor@tesser.com Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK Prohibition never equals regulation for real control at any point in the spectrum. As one moves farther and farther toward attempting a "drug-free society," the oversight necessary for regulation diminishes proportionally until there is virtually no beneficial control. When an activity is made so illegal that any participation in the trade mandates prison terms, virtually all control over the market is lost because outlaws who defy Draconian prohibition laws don't obey orders from the government. Harsh sentences after the fact hardly add up to regulation. Putting hundreds of thousands of people in prison for violating prohibition laws is an admission of the failure of the policy, not a sign of success. Filling our prisons with drug offenders proves that drug prohibition is not working and never will work. In the real world, drug prohibition abdicates market control to criminals and corrupted officials. Prohibition laws control, suppress and regulate very little, unless you think chasing street-level dealers from one neighborhood to another accomplishes something. Prohibition has not succeeded in attaining any of its original goals. Zero tolerance is a joke, and drug use is out of government control because prohibition doesn't work. The fundamental concept of prohibiting a substance with a market demand is fatally flawed. Immediately, the price of the banned item skyrockets, making it incredibly profitable for outlaws to deal in the contraband commodity. With fortunes to be made, jailing users and dealers is an exercise in futility because a replacement appears before the judge slams down the gavel or the undertaker shovels the last spade full of dirt over their bodies. When a narco-trafficker goes down, the market doesn't even blink because people are literally killing and dying to get into the drug trade. It should be obvious that the laws and prisons are not working. The solution to most of our "drug problems" is to legalize drugs for adult use and license the dealers and manufacturers. Legalization won't eliminate drugs, but it will eliminate all the problems associated with an illegal black market. A licensing scheme similar to that used for alcohol would put the criminals out of business overnight. Bootleggers couldn't compete in the legal alcohol market after repeal, and neither will the drug cartels be able to compete against licensed drug dealers regulated by the state. With legalization, drug use by children could be reduced considerably because licensed dealers won't risk their businesses selling to minors. With prohibition, children are totally vulnerable to drugs because black market dealers have nothing to lose by selling to all comers. A legal market restricted to adults would greatly reduce drug use among the young, exactly the same way repeal stopped the epidemic of children's drinking that went on during alcohol prohibition. The prohibitionists get excited by the word "legalization," but it really means returning some measure of control and regulation to society. It's time to abandon drug prohibition and regulate the drug market. Redford Givens/ San Francisco, Calif.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Look At Methadone Maintenance (Op-Ed Writer Says San Francisco Supervisor Gavin Newsom Is Right To Call For Changing Federal Regulations To Allow Private Physicians To Prescribe Methadone To Heroin Addicts) Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:10:14 EST From: "Tom O'Connell"To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: OP-ED SF CHRONICLE San Francisco Chronicle http://www.sfgate.com Thursday, January 8, 1998 Page A23 OPEN FORUM -- Another Look at Methadone Maintenance Marsha Rosenbaum LAST WEEK, Supervisor Gavin Newsom called for changing federal regulations to endorse private physicans' prescribing of methadone to heroin addicts. Newsom is right for many reasons. Endorsing private physician prescription and pharmacy dispensation would allow patients stabilized on methadone to leave the clinic setting, thus freeing up slots for addicts closer to the street who may need more supervision initially. Treatment by private physicians would be cheaper, and would allow patients to lead more normal lives. Citing increased overdose deaths and long waiting lists for treatment, Newsom wants to `start looking at the problem as a medical one.` It's about time. Today, less than 20 percent of the nation's heroin addicts are enrolled in methadone maintenance, largely because programs are mired in red tape and regulations, or are inaccessible because of cost or location. In the late 1960s, after working with heroin addicts, Drs. Vincent Dole and Marie Nyswander argued that addiction was a physiological disease. Methadone, it was found, could lessen the physical craving for heroin, and its daily use would enable a patient to stop using heroin and become a productive member of society. According to Dr. Robert Newman of Beth Israel Hospital in New York, the media heralded methadone as a ``Cinderella drug'' that could be economically applied to hundreds of thousands of addicts, and, in short order, solve the narcotics problem.` Methadone maintenance was and still is defined as a medical solution to addiction, analogous to daily insulin for diabetics. The Nixon administration adopted maintenance treatment as part of its arsenal in the war on crime and drugs. Federally funded researchers produced mounds of data showing that addicts on methadone maintenance treatment were able, some for the first time, to begin living without hard street drug use and criminal pursuits. Methadone maintenance treatment worked, and the number of patients on it increased rapidly in the early 1970s. With methadone's growth, however, came calls to control its distribution. Regulations stipulated that methadone, a synthetic narcotic, could be dispensed only in licensed clinics on specific days and hours; the rules also mandated random supervised urine testing and counseling. Patients found that complying with the program often did not facilitate -- but instead interfered -- with work, school, and family responsibilities. In the 1980s, scientists determined that shared IV needles help spread the AIDS virus. Nonetheless, addicts' access to oral methadone, which can eliminate the need to use needles, was diminished even further during that decade. Rea gan's fiscal austerity (toward the poor) meant a 30 percent decline in funding for maintenance programs between 1976 and 1987. ``Treatment on demand'' became anything but a reality, particularly for those who could not afford to pay clinic fees in excess of $300 per month. Just when it is needed most as a treatment to help prevent AIDS, methadone has become almost fully de-medicalized and inaccessible. Intravenous drug use has now surpassed unsafe gay sex as the leading cause of new cases of HIV disease. Study after study continues to show that methadone maintenance, because it enables addicts to stop using needles, effectively reduces drug related death, disease and crime. Newsom was wise to call for expanding methadone treatment through increased medicalization. That is, after all, where it has succeeded.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Reunites To Keep E. Palo Alto Streets Clean (Supposedly, The Same Tactics Of Harassing Suspicious Young People Put A Lid On Drug Sales In 1993 - With Help From Police In East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, The California Highway Patrol, And The Sheriff's Office) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:43:08 -0800 Subject: MN: US CA: Group Reunites to Keep E. Palo Alto Streets Clean Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Marcus-Mermelstein FamilySource: San Jose Mercury News Contact: letters@sjmercury.com Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 Author: Sue Hutchinson, SHutchison@sjmercury.com GROUP REUNITES TO KEEP E. PALO ALTO STREETS CLEAN East P.A. group reunites against drugs, gangs IF EVERYTHING goes according to schedule, Dennis Scherzer and a half-dozen of his East Palo Alto neighbors will be patrolling the area around Crystal's Dinette on Clarke Avenue today. At the neighbors' meeting this week, the 6 a.m. stakeout was listed as Number 5 on the agenda: ``Disrupt Crystal's Dinette drug meeting.'' It was a couple of items down from Item 3c: ``Report re. drug addict nightclub.'' Scherzer said that's a pretty typical agenda for the group's weekly meeting. They call themselves Turn Around East Palo Alto, and they don't go in for a lot of polite bureaucratic language like, ``Address increasing narcotics trade on Bay and Clarke Streets.'' They want drug dealers out of their neighborhoods, and they're way past being tactful about it. If you remember what East Palo Alto was like back in the bad old days of '91 and '92, you probably heard about a lot of crime-watch and community groups with names like Turn Around East Palo Alto. That's when lugubrious TV promo announcers were touting upcoming ``special reports'' on East Palo Alto's sky-high homicide rate: ``The little city they're calling Murder Capital USA.'' I used to talk to Scherzer a lot back then and get reports from the front. He stood in the street taking license plate numbers of drivers who'd come over the Dumbarton Bridge to score drugs in his neighborhood. He was sick and tired of trying to raise a family in a place where people turned up the TV to drown out the sound of gunshots. Then came the crackdown. East Palo Alto joined forces with Palo Alto, Menlo Park the CHP and the sheriff and got enough cops on the streets to finally put a lid on the drug dealing and gang banging. By 1993, the bullet-riddled bodies of young men were no longer arriving at Jones Mortuary on a monthly basis. The neighbors had won. And a lot of the crime-watch groups disbanded or lay dormant. But over the past year the gunfire-nights began to return. Some neighbors began complaining again about being caught in the middle of gang turf feuds. Meanwhile, a recent civil grand jury report recommended disbanding the police department because it's underfunded and badly managed. It began to seem like the bad old days might return. That's why Scherzer and his neighbors resuscitated Turn Around East Palo Alto a year ago. They aren't about to let the junkies take over again. So they put on white hats and stand vigil on street corners and back lots where drug dealers do business. They take camcorders and write down license plate numbers and report back to the cops. Scherzer's been at it so long his white hat is covered with stickers. The stickers are part of the national ``Turn Around America'' program that was started in Philadelphia. They're like Boy Scout merit badges. One sticker has a drawing of a foot and a donkey. ``That's a `kick-ass' sticker. You get it if you scare drug dealers away on your vigil,'' Scherzer said. Another sticker has the head of dog on it. ``You get that one if a drug dealer calls you `bitch,' '' Scherzer said. ``And you get these with the bird on them if a drug dealer flips you the bird.'' There are dog and bird stickers in two rows all the way around the brim of Scherzer's white hat. ``The idea is when your hat is dirty, your streets are clean,'' he said. He looked at the dog stickers and laughed. I asked him if he was scared to keep showing up in his white hat every week. ``Frankly,'' he said, ``I'm scared about what will happen if we don't show up.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakland Firm Admits Tobacco Plot (DNA Plant Technology Plans Guilty Plea To Single Misdemeanor Count Of Conspiring To Export Without A Permit High- Nicotine 'Fumo Louco' Tobacco Seeds, Illegal To Grow In The United States) Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:10:29 EST From: "Tom O'Connell"To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Lead Article SF Chronicle Tom O'Connell writes: There are many interesting facets to this story, starting with the fact that cigarettes rich in nicotine are the equivalent of joints rich in THC. The user needs less for the desired effect, thus reducing exposure to (harmful) vegetable combustion by-products. On another level, the fact that they were smuggling shows that the right law can turn "law-abiding" business men into "criminals." Finally, if we succeed in outlawing cigarette manufacturers, as some clearly want to do, we'll face 40 million or so addicted fellow-citizens with the cruel choice of kicking their addiction or buying on a criminal market. *** San Francisco Chronicle Thursday, January 8, 1998 Page A1 PAGE ONE -- Oakland Firm Admits Tobacco Plot High-nicotine research for big cigarette-maker Carl T. Hall, Chronicle Staff Writer An Oakland biotechnology company agreed to plead guilty yesterday to conspiring with a major cigarettemaker to jack up the nicotine content of tobacco plants. The criminal case -- the first to stem from a continuing federal fraud investigation of the tobacco industry -- casts new doubts on a proposed nationwide settlement of tobacco-related lawsuits. DNA Plant Technology Corp. admitted to having worked for nine years on the secret research project, starting in 1983, at the behest of an unnamed ``U.S. tobacco company.'' The manufacturer was widely but unofficially identified yesterday as Brown & Williamson, maker of Viceroy, Kools and other top- selling brands. Opponents of Big Tobacco confidently predicted indictments soon against some name-brand cigarette companies. ``The Justice Department didn't go to all this trouble just to nab DNA Plant Technology,'' said Richard Daynard, a professor at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston and chairman of the anti-cigarette-industry Tobacco Products Liability Project. ``They are after bigger fish, and I think they are close to catching them.'' DNA Plant Technology plans to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor count of conspiring to export tobacco seeds without a permit. The company faces a maximum fine of $200,000 or double any profits received. Although the final chapters have yet to be revealed, the case has all the earmarks of a high-tech corporate crime thriller, complete with code names, exotic locales and elaborate smuggling routines, according to interviews and documents filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. Puff Daddies: What do you think about the Tobacco Industry? The research project tried to harness the tools of biotechnology, such as gene-splicing and advanced plant breeding, to produce commercial high-nicotine varieties of tobacco. This would allow a manufacturer to precisely manipulate nicotine levels -- perhaps keeping it high enough to maintain smokers' addictions even in so-called ``light'' brands containing less cancer-causing tar. DNA Plant Technology's role involved research focused on a designer tobacco plant, code named ``Y-1,'' whose leaves yielded 6 percent nicotine, twice the normal level. It is illegal to grow high-nicotine plants in the United States. Company executives were until now best known for their improved varieties of snack-size carrots, sweet peppers and cherry tomatoes, and a genetically engineered tomato called ``Endless Summer.'' SMUGGLED TOBACCO SEEDS Yesterday, DNA Plant Technology executives were portrayed as having spent most of the past decade boarding airplanes carrying secret stashes of designer tobacco seeds. The seeds, which executives referred to in memos as ``special material'' bound for ``winter trials'' abroad, were smuggled to various locales known for long growing seasons and had less risk of being detected by competitors and government authorities. In Brazil, farmers working for a subsidiary of the U.S. cigarettemaker surreptitiously used the seeds to raise what they called ``fumo louco'' -- high-nicotine ``crazy tobacco.'' Nicotine's addictive properties are well-established among health researchers and recently became the basis of new federal rules that treat cigarettes as a drug subject to regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. But the industry challenges those assumptions and has been battling the rules in court. CORPORATE DECEIT The federal investigation of the tobacco industry was prompted by leaked documents and whistle- blower testimony before Congress that suggested a decades-long pattern of corporate deceit about the hazards of cigarettes and what tobacco executives knew to be true vs. what they said in public. Federal prosecutors would not say whether further criminal charges are imminent. Brown & Williamson, a unit of the British conglomerate B.A.T. Industries, declined to comment. The tobacco unit, based in Lexington, Ky., ranks as the third-largest U.S. cigarette manufacturer. The Justice Department referred to the company only as an ``unindicted co-conspirator'' in documents filed in connection with DNA Plant Technology, citing the continuing investigation. SHAKY SETTLEMENT Most tobacco observers focused on the case's potential impact on the controversial tobacco settlement, which would relieve the industry of certain legal risks in exchange for a cash payment and other concessions. Prospects for the settlement were considered shaky even before yesterday's news. Although White House officials expressed confidence that the deal would go through, noted anti-smoking crusader Stan Glantz said all bets are off if the big cigarettemakers start turning up in criminal court, too. ``It's going to be a lot harder now for congresspeople to vote with the tobacco industry on this,'' the University of California at San Francisco researcher said yesterday, portraying the proposed settlement as ``a complete sellout.''
------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Compares Boot Camp To Gang Recruitment Centre (Ontario Considers 'Beefing Up' Its Juvenile Justice System) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Official compares boot camp to gang recruitment centre Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 10:16:14 -0800 Source: London Free Press (Ontario) Contact: editor@lfpress.com CREDIT: By Jeff Harder -- Sun Media Queen's Park Bureau January 8, 1998 OFFICIAL COMPARES BOOT CAMP TO GANG RECRUITMENT CENTRE WINNIPEG -- Boot camps can be nothing but recruitment centres for violent youth gangs, the Ontario crime commission was warned Wednesday. A 30-year veteran of the Aggasiz Youth Centre, Manitoba's version of boot camp for young offenders, said inmates spend their sentences signing up new members for gangs that specialize in selling drugs, robbing stores and running prostitutes. "Up to 58 per cent of our (110-inmate) population are gang members already," said the official, who asked not to be named. "They recruit here. The pressure is strong when 10 out of 15 kids in a room are in a gang. It's hard to resist." Ontario's three crime commissioners toured the 44-acre Portage la Prairie prison Wednesday. Jim Brown, London South's Bob Wood and Gerry Martiniuk are examining youth crime initiatives with an eye to beefing up Ontario's justice system. Ontario's only boot camp, called Project Turnaround, opened last year near Midland. Two inmates escaped the night before Solicitor General Bob Runciman was to open the facility. The Aggasiz Youth Centre had 30 breakouts last year despite being surrounded by a 12-foot chain-link fence.
------------------------------------------------------------------- New Tack In War On Drugs (Australian State's $160,000 Scheme Will Send 'Mod Squads' Of Drug Counsellors Ages 16-22 To Rock Concerts, Nightclubs And Surfing Carnivals) Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 21:34:49 -0800 To: mapnews@mapinc.org From: jwjohnson@netmagic.net (Joel W. Johnson) Subject: MN: Australia: New Tack in War On Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: "Frank S. World"Source: The Australian News Network/Herald Sun Contact: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ Pubdate: Thursday, 08 Jan 1998 Website: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/state/4263661.htm Author: Michelle Coffey NEW TACK IN WAR ON DRUGS YOUTH festivals such as rock concerts, nightclubs and surfing carnivals will be the targets of the State Government's newest crackdown on drugs. The government will use 18 hand-picked recruits to spread the anti-drugs message at venues attracting large youth crowds in potentially drug-rich environments. The strategic switch to an "on-the-ground" approach will add a vital extra prong to the government's $100 million drugs program. Until now it has been spearheaded by adults. Health Minister Rob Knowles, himself a key figure in anti-drug advertisements, will today unveil the "mod squads" of drug counsellors aged between 16 and 22. "Young people do not differentiate between alcohol usage and a range of other drugs, and they see the concept of adults using alcohol while telling them not to touch other drugs as hypocritical," Mr Knowles told the Herald Sun yesterday. "If they've got people their own age, normal young kids who have been specially recruited and trained to provide information, they are much more likely to be receptive." The youths, recruited by the Centre for Adolescent Health and the Australian Drug Foundation, have been trained to discuss the risks associated with the use of alcohol, marijuana and other illegal substances. They will also give guidance on the safest way to use drugs. The strategy, to be launched today, will begin at the Homebake rock concert at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on Saturday. The youth drugs squad will have a booth operating at the concert, and will be handing out postcards with telephone numbers for hotlines and other referral centres. Other youth festivals they will attend in the next four months include Orientation Week at Melbourne University, the St Kilda street festival and the Bells Beach Easter surf carnival. The program has been launched over summer, when youths are on holidays and most likely to come into contact with drugs at festivals. The roving counsellors will be paid for their four months' work. The $160,000 scheme, the first of its kind in Australia, was a key recommendation of the Penington report. Mr Knowles said it would run until April, with the possibility of it being extended permanently depending on an independent review of its success. "We will see how the program goes over summer, when most young people are on holidays, and assess its effectiveness after that period," he said.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hard Laws Lead To Hard Drugs ('London Times' Columnist Responds To Tory Leader William Hague's Contention That He Saw Cannabis 'Wrecking The Lives' Of Fellow Undergraduates At Oxford With Her Own Account Of The Same Class) Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:09:14 EST From: adbryan@onramp.net To: Multiple recipients of listSubject: ART: UK: Hard laws lead to hard drugs >From the 1-8-98 London Times http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/ editor@sunday-times.co.uk Cannabis is no addictive life-wrecker, Mary Ann Sieghart says. But its illegality can draw young people into heroin use Mary Ann Sieghart: high-flyers dabble Hard laws lead to hard drugs It's official: cannabis wrecks lives. So says the Home Secretary. So says William Hague. And how does the Tory leader know? He saw the drug "wrecking the lives" of many of his fellow undergraduates at Oxford. It is the sort of assertion that you tend to accept - unless you know otherwise. I was at the same university as William Hague, in the same year, studying the same subject. Most of the people I knew at that time smoked cannabis. None of their lives has been wrecked by the drug. Indeed, every single one of those friends has since prospered. Several are now entrepreneurs, worth millions; there is a clutch of well-to-do barristers; an actor and a novelist who are both household names; several investment bankers, and more than a handful in the media. One or two are Tory MPs, but I won't mention their names. Most have children and lead enviably stable, professional lives. About half have grown out of smoking pot. A few still do so regularly; most of the rest do only when offered it, usually at weekends. I know of four who smoke joints every evening. But even they are extremely successful in their fields. Far from sapping their motivation, the drug acts as a relaxant after a hard day's work. I do not deny that cannabis has its casualties. So does alcohol. Any drug will do its worst to those who have addictive personalities. Some people can do nothing in moderation: if they drink they have to get blind drunk; if they smoke dope, they have to get wrecked. People who roll a joint in the morning and are stoned all day are as sad as those who wake up and pour themselves a brandy. But we do not ban alcohol because a small proportion of those who drink abuse it. The same logic should apply to cannabis. Those who are natural addicts will anyway shift from one drug to another. Heroin addicts who manage to give up know that they dare not touch a drink, for that drug may enslave them as surely as the previous one did. If cannabis casualties were denied access to pot, they would simply escape from the world via a different route. What wrecks their lives is their addictive natures. But do soft drugs lead to harder ones? At Oxford, there were indeed other drugs around: speed (to help students through essay crises), LSD, magic mushrooms, cocaine for the seriously rich. Some people took these experimentally and recreationally. I can't remember anyone having a serious "problem" with them, although one rather bluff rower had an acid trip that expanded his mind rather wider than it was used to being stretched. Until our third year, drug-taking seemed to be a pretty harmless occupation. It livened up people's evenings and weekends, but did not affect their work. Then one of the dealers started selling heroin. And suddenly a small group of otherwise lively, talented undergraduates fell under its spell. My brother and I, who had seen heroin destroy the lives of some London friends, became the most proselytising of preachers, trying to persuade others not to touch the stuff. We had only limited success. Heroin is the really dangerous drug. One boy I knew died of an overdose. All but one of the rest gave it up, and now lead perfectly successful lives. (Oddly enough, so does the junkie.) But it took a chunk out of their early adult years, and left scars that will never completely fade. This is the drug that undoubtedly wrecks lives. The only reason why some of my friends encountered it, though, was because they had to go to an underworld drug dealer in order to buy their relatively harmless cannabis. If anything acts as a gateway to dangerous drugs, it is the illegal status of pot. This illegality also has a distorting effect on the picture that most people have of drug-takers. They encounter only the casualties, the equivalent of alcoholics: those who smoke cannabis in moderation and lead unwrecked lives are reluctant to advertise the fact because the law has criminalised them. But, if Mr Hague had moved in different circles at Oxford, he would have discovered that "social" pot smokers, like social drinkers, are just normal, respectable and well-adjusted members of society - no different, indeed, from him.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence Supports Legalisation (Letter To The Editor Of Britain's 'Evening News' Responds To Home Secretary Jack Straw's Condition For Reform, That Evidence Must Show Cannabis Is Not Dangerous) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:19:46 -0800 Subject: MN: UK: PUB LTE: Evidence Supports Legalisation Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Source: Evening News, Norwich UK Contact : EveningNewsLetters@ecn.co.uk Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 EVIDENCE SUPPORTS LEGALISATION Sirs, So the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, is saying that if legalise cannabis campaigners can show that cannabis is not a dangerous drug then the Government may reconsider its stance on prohibition. Strangely enough though, the evidence has always been there. In 1968 the UK Royal Commission, the Wootton Report, concurring with other major reports on cannabis, said that cananbis ought not to be illegal and its use did not pose unacceptable risks. Since then other reports have concluded that cannabis is not addictive, does not lead to hard drug use, detrimentally effect memory or motor skills, and does not cause cancer. The British medical journal The Lancet (November 1995) said "The smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health." The US Drug Enforcement Agency's own investigative judge, Francis Young (1988), concluded that cannabis is safer than most common vegetables. The evidence has been there for some time, ignored by successive governments as they ignore the many acclaimed benefits of smoking cannabis to many people. Maybe the arrest of Jack Straw's son has achieved something after all. Maybe now people will wake up to the fact that this unjust and unworkable law may eventually lead to the arrest of their own sons and daughters, for using a safe plant in preference to dangerous intoxicants. Maybe 1998 will see the start of the most positive step this Government could make towards healing society - the legalisation of cannabis. Yours sincerely, Jack Girling Chairman CLCIA Norwich
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannabis Trials (MP's Letter To 'The Independent' Explains Chicken-And-Egg Obstacles To Use Of Marijuana As Medicine In Britain; Another Letter Evidences Use Of Marijuana To Lift Depression From Flu, In Spain) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:48:56 -0800 Subject: MN: UK: LTE: Cannabis Trials Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: Alan Randell Source: The Independent (UK) Contact: Letters@independent.co.uk Pubdate: January 8, 1998 Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/ CANNABIS TRIALS Sir: Dr Bill O'Neill of the British Medical Association predicts that cannabis derivatives will be available legally for medical use within a few years. ("Straw's challenge over cannabis drugs", 5 January). This would return us to the position before the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, when doctors were allowed to prescribe cannabis, most often in tincture form. On Saturday on BBC radio the Home Secretary said there was nothing to stop those who believe cannabis has therapeutic value from applying for a Home Office licence to test the drug. There are currently three licences allowing medical research with cannabis. However, to satisfy the Government of the efficacy of cannabis, large-scale trials are needed using a controlled dose of the drug, and this cannot be done without the involvement of the pharmaceutical companies, who have been reluctant to touch cannabis because it is in schedule 1 of the 1971 Act - a category of controlled drugs with allegedly no therapeutic value. We face a chicken-and-egg situation: the Government will not move cannabis from schedule 1 to schedule 2 (a prescribable drug with therapeutic value) until it can be shown to have a medical use. And this cannot be demonstrated to the Government's satisfaction without large-scale trials. After reviewing the evidence - much of it admittedly small-scale or anecdotal - the BMA recognises that cannabis may have therapeutic uses for people suffering from conditions such as multiple sclerosis. The Government should now facilitate the large-scale trials that are needed. Gordon Prentice MP (Pendle, Lab), House of Commons *** Sir: In the 1960s, when I was in bed with flu, four of my sixth-form pupils arrived to ask how I was. They put four large, beautifully rolled joints on my bedside table and wished me well. A day passed before I could face smoking anything, but when I did my depression eased at once, and in two days I was up. I shall always admire those boys for their daring altruism, and I am sure they are not nowadays marching their sons to the police station. Maurice Hill, Alicante, Spain
------------------------------------------------------------------- An Unjust Law On Cannabis (Letter To The Editor Of Britain's 'Evening News' Examines Absurdities In Cannabis Laws, Exemplified By The Arrest Of Home Secretary Jack Straw's Son) Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:21:40 -0800 Subject: MN: UK: PUB LTE: An Unjust Law on Cannabis Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: webbooks@paston.co.uk (CLCIA) Source: Evening News, Norwich UK Contact : EveningNewsLetters@ecn.co.uk Pubdate: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 AN UNJUST LAW ON CANNABIS Sirs, The recent arrest of a prominent British Cabinet Minister's son, a journalist from the Daily Mirror and another man, for small cannabis offences, illustrates the ineffectiveness and the injustice of the law which bans the plant. In the midst of a public house where considerable quantities of the dangerous and addictive legal drug alcohol are openly sold, a small amount of a plant product recently described as "remarkably safe" by Professor Lester Grinspoon of Harvard Medical School, yet illegal, was sold. Prosecution of this is surely the height of hypocrisy and nonsense. So the lad did what probably a few million other UK people do each day - pass a small amount of cannabis to someone who wants it. The fact that the Daily Mirror journalist asked the youth to get some cannabis as a basis for the story makes the journalist herself the only one of the three so far arrested upon whom any allegation of harm could possible be laid. The annoying thing is the cost, both economic and to police time - the costs of the phone calls, the interviews, legal consultations with solicitors, letters exchanged, forensic anaysis, court expenses etc - will all come out of the public pocket. To what end? Punishing someone for a crime without a victim. A fine example of continuing British justice! Now that the cannabis laws can be seen clearly for what they are, let's get rid of them and the concept that the Nanny State is more capable to decide what we can smoke or what we can eat. Then maybe 1998 will see the return of the missing 'feelgood factor' - the right to freedom of choice, lifestyle, religion, speech and, most importantly, information. Yours sincerely, Tina Smith CLCIA Norwich
------------------------------------------------------------------- Gardai To Consider Drugs Test Breathalyser (Irish Police Assume Cannabis Use By Drivers Must Be A Hazard, Consider Pot Breathalyser To End The Scourge)Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:24:41 -0800 Subject: MN: Ireland: Gardai to Consider Drugs Test Breathalyser Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Newshawk: ZosimosSource: The Examiner (Ireland) Contact: exam_letters@examiner.ie Pubdate: Thursday, 08 Jan 1998 Author: Brian Carroll GARDAI TO CONSIDER DRUG TEST BREATHALYSER Gardai are considering using a cannabis-sensitive breathalyser test to catch the growing number of people driving while high. The head of the Garda Traffic Policy Bureau, Chief Supt John O'Brien, said they are considering the latest research on drug-specific breathalysers, that would catch drivers who were under the influence of the soft drug here. There is a problem with people driving when they are on drugs, mostly cannabis, but in some cases ecstasy or cocaine. They can often avoid being caught even though they are a major accident risk, because gardai can only stop drivers if they are driving in a suspicious manner. All the latest research on drug-testing is being examined with a view to eventually introducing a dope-driving offence in Ireland. "People are driving while on cannabis. "That is happening but it would be impossible for us to quantify the level of the problem at the moment," Chief Supt O'Brien said. "At the moment there is no specific test for cannabis, cocaine or ecstasy use by a driver. "However, existing legislation allows the gardai to arrest someone whom they deem unfit to drive due to the consumption of an intoxicant. "An intoxicant can be either drugs or alcohol so if someone fails a breathalyser test but exhibits signs of drunkenness they could be arrested and subjected to a blood test for drugs," Supt O'Brien said. In practice this rarely happens, however, and gardai are anxious to introduce a specific breathalyser test for cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy. "There are a couple of tests around in other police forces that test for a variety of drugs but one of the faults with the equipment is that drugs are not generic. "Cannabis is different from cocaine which is different from ecstasy. So you would have to use several tests," Supt O'Brien said. "Most police forces that have drug testing provisions have quite a number of them and they are quite expensive. "The big problem is the test is not generic. People driving while on drugs goes on here but the problem comes in detecting them. "A lot of research is going on all around us into developing a new test at the moment and I would definitely see us as being part of that in the future," the head of the Traffic Policy Bureau added. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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