------------------------------------------------------------------- Hemp "eats" Chernobyl waste, offers hope for Hanford (An article in the Central Oregon Green Pages, in Bend, says that Consolidated Growers and Processors, Phytotech, and the Bast Institute in the Ukraine began to plant industrial hemp near Chernobyl in 1998 in order to remove contaminants from the soil. The Bast Institute has a genetic bank including 400 varieties of hemp. "Hemp is proving to be one of the best phyto-remediative plants we have been able to find," said Slavik Dushenkov, a research scienst with Phytotech. Test results have been promising and full scale trials are planned in the Chernobyl region in the spring of 1999.) From: cwagoner@bendnet.com Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 19:17:11 -0800 (PST) Subject: DPFOR: Hemp eats Chernobyl waste, offers hope for Hanford To: editor@mapinc.org, DPFOR@drugsense.org Sender: owner-dpfor@drugsense.org Reply-To: dpfor@drugsense.org Organization: DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/ Newshawk: Curt Wagoner (cwagoner@bendnet.com) Source: Central Oregon Green Pages (cogp@empnet.com) Mail: 557 NE Quimby, Bend, Oregon 97701 Website: www.copg.empnet.com Pubdate: Winter 1998-99 Author: Elaine Charkowski Section: Enlightened Living Page:22 Newshawk note: Central Oregon Green Pages is a community service, quarterly magazine whose purpose is to encourage ecological and holistic lifestyle,business and consumer choices through education. Circulation: 10,000 *** Hemp "eats" Chernobyl waste, offers hope for Hanford An explosion at a nuclear reactor on April 26th, 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine created the world's worst nuclear disaster - so far. The blast heavily contaminated agricultural lands in a 30 km radius around the reactor. The few people still living there must monitor their food and water for radiation. However the combination of a new technology (phytoremediation) and an old crop (industrial hemp) may offer the Ukraine a way to decontaminate it's radioactive soil. In 1998, Consolidated Growers and Processors (CGP), Phytotech, and the Ukraine's Institute of Bast Crops began what may be one of the most important projects in history - the planting of industrial hemp for the removal of contaminants in the soil near Chernobyl. CGP is an ecologically-minded multinational corporation which finances the growing and processing of sustainable industrial crops such as flax, kenaf, and industrial hemp. CGP operates in North America, Europe and the Ukraine. Phytotech (see webpage: www.phytotech.com/index.html) specializes in phytoremediation, the general term for using phyto (plants) to remediate (clean up) polluted sites. Phytoremediation can be used to remove radioactive elements from soil and water at former weapons producing facilaties. It can also be used to clean up metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and toxins leaching from landfills. Plants break down or degrade organic pollutants and stabilize metal contaminants by acting as filters or traps. Phytotech is conducting feild trials to improve the phytoextraction of lead, uranium, cesium-137, and strontium-90 from soils and also from water. Founded in 1931, the Institute of Bast Crops is now the leading research institution in the Ukraine working on seed-breeding, seed-growing, cultivating, harvesting and processing hemp and flax. The Bast Institute has a genetic bank including 400 varieties of hemp from various regions of the world. "Hemp is proving to be one of the best phyto-remediative plants we have been able to find, " said Slavik Dushenkov, a research scienst with Phytotech. Test results have been promising and CGP, Phytotech and the Bast Institute plan full scale trials in the Chernobyl region in the spring of 1999. Industrial hemp is not a drug. Unlike its cousin marijuana, industrial hemp has only trace amounts of THC - the chemical that produces the high. In 1973, the Department of the Interior and Department of Health and Agriculture of the former USSR issued an ultimatim to the Institute of Bast Crops - either create non-psychoactive varities of hemp or stop cultivating hemp. So, scientists at the institute created an industrial hemp plant containing only minute traces of THC. Modern testing in Canada confirmed the low THC content of the Bast Institute's hemp. New technologies in hemp harvesting and processing are also being developed at the Institute whose library contains more than 55,000 volumes mainly on hemp-growing and flax-growing. Chernobyl may seem distant, but the EPA estimates that there are more than 30,000 sites requiring hazardous waste treatment throughout the U.S. including Hanford and Three Mile Island. Phytoremediation with industrial hemp could be used at many of these sites. Unfortunantly, the U.S. government refuses to legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp and clings to the obsolete myth that it is a drug. (www.congrowpro.com) *** Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 21:12:13 -0800 From: byoung@pacifier.com (byoung) Subject: Tainted tumbleweeds concern Hanford (Re: HT: Hemp eats Chernobyl waste, offers hope for Hanford) Cc: hemp-talk@hemp.net Here is a recent article from the Tri-City Herald, Dec 27, 1998. They're talking about disposal costs and/or about using pesticides to prevent thistle growth and subsequent contamination from the get go. But that seems rash, considering that the lack of vegetation would make the topsoil loose. I suppose you could replace the thistle with one that wouldn't reach so far down (15 ft). I think hemp only reaches 6 to 8 feet. At any rate, I'm sure hemp fits in here somewhere. At least you could use hemp to kill the thistles instead of pesticides. Tainted tumbleweeds concern Hanford By John Stang Herald staff writer Think of them as a sour note from Hanford for the late singing cowboy Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers. I'll keep rollin' along. Deep in my heart is a song. Here on the range I belong. Driftin' along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds. Twwaaaannng! Klunk! They are tumbleweeds in central Hanford, out there sucking up contaminated ground water before tumbling about in the wind and scattering radioactivity here and there. And a November Department of Energy report notes that more radioactive tumbleweeds have been showing up. The numbers tell part of the tale: Eleven contaminated tumbleweeds were found in 1995, 19 in 1996, 39 in 1997, and 20 in the first six months of 1998. Hanford officials say the increase is mostly linked to increased efforts to find radioactive tumbleweeds and expanding the monitored areas from 8,786 acres in 1995 to 11,376 acres in 1998. Of Hanford's roughly 1,100 documented findings of contaminated vegetation in the past 50 years, more than 80 percent were tumbleweeds. Almost all the contaminated tumbleweeds bounce around central Hanford's 200 Area, where the ground underneath is crisscrossed by numerous plumes of radioactive contaminants. The weeds - more formally known as Russian thistle - have roots that can stretch 15 feet deep in search of water, which at Hanford is likely to be contaminated. Radioactive strontium 90 is common in tumbleweeds, which absorb the radionuclides into their tissue. The plants usually grow to 3 or 4 feet tall before they break off to scatter seeds as the wind blows them around. At Hanford, they also scatter bits and pieces of radioactive material. The radioactivity in each piece is slight, but the pieces are a symptom of an ongoing Hanford problem: controlling myriad ways that nature conspires to spread radioactivity. Add mice and various bugs to the list. They track through Hanford's contaminated nooks and crannies, then walk or fly off, spreading radioactivity. Those specks can be picked up on workers' shoes and tracked off-site. In September, that led to contaminated socks showing up in a worker's laundry hamper at home. In 1996, a contaminated mouse made it to the Tri-Cities Food Bank in north Richland. And this past fall, a couple dozen contaminated fruit flies scattered radioactive specks around the 200 Area. Then contaminated trash showed up in the Richland landfill, and the city temporarily closed the landfill to Hanford. Trash was hauled back to Hanford, while new procedures were hammered out between Hanford and the city. So Atomic Age tumbleweeds are taken seriously at Hanford. In fact, the November DOE report calculated Fluor's seven-company team spent $1.68 million in fiscal 1998 to control vegetation like tumbleweeds and various critters ranging from mice to bugs. The report said that figure includes some unnecessarily high overhead costs that could be reduced if the program was better coordinated within Fluor's team and with another prime contractor, Bechtel Hanford Inc. Bechtel spent another $451,000 on herbicide spraying in 1998, the report said. Efforts to improve planning and coordination are under way, said Fluor and DynCorp Tri-Cities Services officials. The November report was prompted by a pair of employee complaints that the tumbleweeds were not being tackled in a timely manner. So Hanford workers are now systematically surveying Hanford, including checking tumbleweeds. "There might be 50 tumbleweeds, and we'll find one with some radioactivity," said Greg Perkins, Fluor Daniel Hanford's director of radiation protection. Contaminated tumbleweeds are stuffed into bags, then crushed and buried in central Hanford's low-level waste trenches. But such cleanup is expensive. Strict radioactivity handling requirements bump up the costs of gathering and burying contaminated tumbleweeds - which can run $27,000 to $160,000 per acre, depending on the degree of infestation. The November report also stressed preventing the tumbleweeds from sucking up contaminants in the first place. That means spraying herbicides to stop the growth of tumbleweeds - for about $343 per acre. Perkins explained the work isn't as simple as it sounds. "You can't go out and blanket an area with spray. Certain (rare and sensitive) plants have to be protected, and you can't arbitrarily kill those off," he said. Contaminated areas also have to be checked and sprayed repeatedly because roaming tumbleweeds - each capable of spreading 200,000 seeds - repopulate themselves very fast, said Tom Harper, Fluor Daniel Hanford's director of infrastructure. *** hemp-talk - hemp-talk@hemp.net is a discussion/information list about hemp politics in Washington State. To unsubscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@hemp.net with the text "unsubscribe hemp-talk". For more details see http://www.hemp.net/lists.html *** Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 11:17:36 -0800 To: cwagoner@bendnet.com, cogp@empnet.com, info@phytotech.com, info@congrowpro.com, hemp-talk@hemp.net From: Richard Rose (richard@rella.com) Subject: Re: HT: Hemp eats Chernobyl waste, offers hope for Hanford Sender: owner-hemp-talk@hemp.net The way hemp does this is by concentrating the heavy metals in the seeds. Therefore, whomever is doing this must have a solid, credible and public policy for disposing of the seeds in a manner which eliminates the possibility of introducing them into commerce for food consumption, either by people or animals. Do they? If not, the danger is that customers will refuse to buy Ukrainian seed, driving down their price to the point that some unscrupulous person won't be able to resist the temptation, and buys them, changing the 'country of origin' statement and resells them as edible hempseed for a hefty profit. This is why we test our hempseed (HempNut) for heavy metals, and recommend others do as well. One just never knows... Richard Rose, Chief Hemp Nut HempNut, Incorporated Makers of the HempNut family of foods. richard@TheHempNut.com Hemp is Hope, not Dope.
------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Madness Not to Investigate Pot's Medical Use (Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer looks forward to the inauguration of California's new attorney general, Bill Lockyer, who wants to fulfill Proposition 215's mandate. The limited use of medically prescribed marijuana is a rare opportunity to gain reliable evidence on the social and medical effects of pot, instead of the reefer-madness hysteria that has always marked the many wars on drugs going back to six decades ago - when marijuana was legal without any disastrous social consequence.) Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 11:32:08 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US CA: OPED: It's Madness Not to Investigate Pot's Medical Use Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Pubdate: 3 Jan. 1999 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Fax: 213-237-4712 Forum: http://www.latimes.com/HOME/DISCUSS/ Copyright: 1999 Los Angeles Times. Author: Robert Scheer (rscheer@aol.com), Zuade Kaufman contributed to this column. IT'S MADNESS NOT TO INVESTIGATE POT'S MEDICAL USE Hung over from all that New Year's revelry and once again promising yourself to abstain? Hah! Maybe you should have tried pot instead of booze, Just kidding! This is not a marijuana commercial, although it would be good to counter those smug advertising council ads pimping the drug war. Particularly after going through a weekend of football games in which beer is presented to young people as the indispensable ticket to the good life. Or after visiting many of the livelier dubs for young people on the Westside where smoking is now so widespread, you can hardly breathe, Funny how some laws just don't get enforced. Alcohol kills 100,000 a year, tobacco 400,000, and it there is hard evidence of the deadliness of marijuana. particularly if eaten in a brownie rather than smoked, the federal government has yet to come up with it. But don't do pot. Marijuana is still a major target of opportunity in the $11 billion war on drugs, and those warriors don't kid around. They can mess you up real good, since they have the right to seize property and in other ways violate due process with an abandon not permitted in the war on violent crimes. More than half a million people are arrested for marijuana possession each year, don't try it. Just look at the Gestapo-like tactics employed against those locally and throughout the state who have attempted to exercise their fight to relieve the pain of serious illness with marijuana prescribed by a physician - a right one had presumed was guaranteed by the passage of Proposition 215. I get plaintive e-mail all the time from people on the Westside with AIDS and other serious illnesses who have found marijuana helpful but are now afraid to buy it. There are also plenty of comments from physicians who believe marijuana would be helpful to their patients, but who are intimidated by federal and state threats to punish them if they prescribe it. Bill Clinton's Justice Department, acting in unity with California Attorney General Dan Lungren, managed to thwart the will of the voters by harassing distributors of medical marijuana here and throughout the state. The drug war has always been driven by an unholy alliance of just-jail-them reactionaries and do-gooder social activists who are convinced they alone know what's best for us. Fortunately, they are about to be challenged by California's new Attorney General Bill Lockyer, who bravely admitted during the campaign that he voted for Proposition 215. He has said since that he wants to cooperate with local officials to make it work. That means cooperating with local communities if they have different approaches," he told the San Francisco Examiner, adding "San Francisco would be different than Kern County." I hope the politicians around here will identify more with San Francisco's positive approach to medical marijuana than with Kern County's. if not, it's up to you to put their feet to the fire. Lockyer is operating out of a base of sympathy for those in pain derived from his experiences with his mother and sister, both of whom died from leukemia. But he is also acting out of vast experience in government, including heading the state Senate as president pro tempore. Lockyer knows that the limited medical use of marijuana will provide us with much-needed data vital to shaping a sound drug policy. The limited use of medically prescribed marijuana is a rare opportunity to gain reliable evidence on the social and medical effects of pot. Yes, facts, instead of the reefer-madness hysteria that has always marked each one of the many wars on drugs going back to six decades ago - when marijuana was legal in this country without any disastrous social consequence. Thanks to Proposition 215, new data was being collected by physicians around the state, and brave souls opened up distribution points including the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center in West Hollywood, directed by Scott Imler. After Lungren closed down the Oakland and San Francisco cannabis clubs, our local one was the biggest in California; but it was threatened by both state and federal officials. I trust Lockyer will be able to talk some sense into the Clinton Administration and get it to give a chance to this experiment with a more rational policy. I don't think the drug warriors want that data because it might demonstrate that marijuana should not be lumped in with harder drugs. They need to keep marijuana illegal in order to produce the hoary arrest figures supporting claims of a drug epidemic. As they say truth is the first casualty of war. The drug war has other casualties, and none is more obvious in Los Angeles than the gang violence that is often a fight over the spoils of the illegal drug trade. That's why state Sen. Tom Hayden, who has worked long and hard on stopping gang violence, hailed Lockyer's stance as "very good news, it's great." Hayden noted the dramatic decline of violence after the end of alcohol prohibition and added, "We have to re-examine the whole war on drugs with respect to its social cost in increased gang violence. Implementing Proposition 215 is a great place to begin." Of course it is, no matter what those strange bedfellows Clinton and Lungren think. I don't know why we spend so much time and money dealing with the propositions if they don't have the force of law. I don't even like it when the ones that I have columnized against pass and are all bottled up in the courts. Representatve government involves letting the voters take some risks with how we manage our affairs, to see if there is a better way And the medical marijuana initiative, now passed in similar form in six other states, was a modest challenge to a drug policy that is an obvious disaster. It's outrageous to ban a controlled experiment to see if those in deep pain might not be made more comfortable. My view is that any time someone is in that much pain, who are we to say they don't have the right to alleviate it by whatever means works for them? Pot doesn't work for me, never has and never will. Legal or not, it's not my kind of high. Makes my head feel as big as the room. But three years ago, when I showed up at the UCLA Medical Center to get my stomach cut open, I came fortified. When the doc asked if I had anything to drink in the previous 12 hours, I said, "Yeah, about a half-dozen vodka tonics. He said that was against the rules, hut I pointed out that the advice sheet had said clear liquids were permitted. Anyway I said it was the booze that let me allay my fear enough to show up for the surgery, and he agreed to proceed with what turned out to be a happy outcome. As was said, whatever gets you through the night. How dare we tell someone suffering from AIDS that they have no right to eat a marijuana brownie?
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana public meeting Jan. 11 at the Sebastopol Public Library (A list subscriber forwards a notice saying the meeting will feature a lesson on marijuana cultivation, an update on recent court hearings in Sonoma County, California, and the presentation of a resolution on medical marijuana for the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.) From: "ralph sherrow" (ralphkat@hotmail.com) To: ralphkat@hotmail.com Subject: Fwd: SAMM's upcoming meeting... Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 15:15:37 PST Need a ride from the bay area? Call me 510-733-5414 after 10 am Ralph *** From: "Doc Knapp" (docknapp@sonic.net) To: "Doc Knapp" (DocKnapp@sonic.net) Subject: SAMM's upcoming meeting... Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 21:08:21 -0800 Dear fellow supporters, Happy New Year to you all! MEDICAL MARIJUANA Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana, SAMM, invites you to a public meeting on medical marijuana: When: Monday January 11, 1999 WHERE: Sebastopol Public Library TIME: Meeting will be from 6:30 PM 8:00 PM The library is located in Sebastopol on the corner of Bodega Hwy. and High Street. Topics: Learn how to grow Medical Marijuana legally in Sonoma County Update on recent court hearings in Sonoma County and schedule for upcoming hearings Resolution on Medical Marijuana for the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana is dedicated of education, research, and networking related to the medical uses of marijuana, and the implementation of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, AKA, Prop 215. The attachment is in a flyer format, so please print it and distribute it to people who might be interested. Also, post it around if you can. Hope to see you there. Doc Knapp, SAMM Member *** [No flyer was attached to this email. - ed.]
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cultural Tide Gathers For A Puritan Revival (An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times by Kevin Phillips, the publisher of American Political Report and the author of a new book, "The Cousins' Wars: Religion, Politics and the Triumph of Anglo-america," ponders whether the end of the millennium could bring about a religious revival and a related neo-Puritanism in America. Without really explaining how one could tell the difference, Phillips notes the three principal civil wars in Britain and the United States have coincided with cultural conflict and a reawakened and remobilizing religion. Few questions are more important in America's millennial countdown than whether the current peacetime imitation of civil war is heading in a similar direction.) Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 11:58:54 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: LAT OPED: Cultural Tide Gathers For A Puritan Revival Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Jim Rosenfield Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Pubdate: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 Contact: letters@latimes.com Fax: 213-237-4712 Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Forum: http://www.latimes.com/HOME/DISCUSS/ Copyright: 1999 Los Angeles Times. Author: Kevin Phillips Note: Kevin Phillips, Publisher of American Political Report, Is Author of "The Politics of Rich and Poor." His New Book Is "The Cousins' Wars: Religion, Politics and the Triumph of Anglo-america." CULTURAL TIDE GATHERS FOR A PURITAN REVIVAL WASHINGTON--January 1999 is not just any old January. The Western world is now in a countdown to the millennium, a 12-month world watch already freighted with global economic jitters, the potential collapse of Russia, moral and political crusades and an eerie mix of technology and doomsday superstition. Americans, in particular, face the possibility that the continuing upheaval in Washington could bring about a religious revival and a related neo-Puritanism. The first-ever impeachment trial of an elected U.S. president, amid what is already described as a cultural civil war, could be leading toward a moral and ideological Gettysburg. Final decades of centuries are often psychologically convulsive. In the United States, the upheavals of the 1790s--the radicalism of Thomas Paine and the scoffing at religion so prominent in the French Revolution--led in the early 1800s to a great religious countertide called the Second Great Awakening. The fear is now growing in Manhattan, Martha's Vineyard and Malibu that President Bill Clinton may be the inadvertent provocateur of another such reversal. This is not so far-fetched. New centuries have historically arrived amid a feeling of unrest, but the millennial uncertainty is doubling or trebling the usual angst. Just ask Clinton, Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin, Japanese bankers, Internet investors and U.S. senators about to sit as Clinton's jurors. Superstition is part of the mood: Look at the mania over the ultimate disaster movie, "Titanic," and the perverse commercial interest in Megiddo, the site in northern Israel where some believe Armageddon will take place. Then there's the Y2K fixation, that computers will crash--and possibly also jetliners and financial links--at the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31. The Y2K phobia, of course, is principally technological and economic, as is the lingering fear of a global financial crisis and the analogies to 1929. The latter was a convergence of global deflation, shrinking world trade and a bull-market orgy in new technology not unlike today's--though the bubble 70 years ago was in broadcasting and telephone stocks, not e-commerce. A Dutch bank, ING Barings, has even reminded us that British and Dutch stock markets plummeted in 1699 and 1799, and the Dow Jones industrial average slid in 1899. Political revolution, in turn, is not confined to the U.S. House of Representatives. Communist parties around the world have been gaining in power, muscling into new governing coalitions or even bringing down governments. Revenues are collapsing in the oil nations. Islam is on the march. This brings us to the resurgence of fundamentalism, which in the United States is already being labeled neo-Puritanism. The moral and legal issues the U.S. Senate will face when and if it tries Clinton are only one litmus test. Fundamentalist-type demands for simpler answers amid complexity are also visible in global politics (Communist gains), economics (trade nationalism) and culture (ethnic separatism and anti-immigration sentiment). The moral shift is international. While congressmen in Washington cringe at the scarlet "A," Pakistan is moving toward a code of Islamic justice in which rapists are executed within 24 hours. Even nonreligious China has drafted new laws to crack down on adultery. But in the English-speaking world, morality and religion have a long history of being intertwined. In Washington, vulnerable politicians who have called for Clinton's sex-related impeachment are falling like moral tenpins. Not only Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) is resigning. So is his briefly chosen successor, Rep. Bob Livingston (R-Ga.). Outed for adultery by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt, Livingston used his resignation statement to urge the president to do the same. With Hustler paying big money for women willing to tell all, congressmen are now starting to imitate medical doctors: Don't have a woman in your office without a) keeping the door open or b) having a nurse, or witness, present. Where sexually transmitted diseases didn't stall the sexual revolution, the Paula Corbin Jones and Monica S. Lewinsky ruckuses could. And there's also Jane Doe No. 5--the unidentified woman whose comments about an alleged Clinton sexual assault and coverup are part of the guarded material that some undecided representatives read before voting for impeachment on Dec. 19. If such a charge enters the Senate trial, the president's foes claim he could be facing new charges of obstruction of justice. Equally to the point, neo-Puritanism could take a major step forward. Current polls show Americans seem to prefer adultery, perjury and a rising stock market to any sort of neo-Puritan crusade. But will they feel this way in April or May, if the Dow has dropped by 30% and Senate trial revelations have Clinton's ratings on a similar curve? At the moment, few believe either is likely. Yet, a Puritan trend is easy enough to imagine. Such movements were recurring tides in the United States from the 17th through the 19th centuries. All three of the major English-speaking civil wars have been preceded by religious surges: The English Civil War of the 1640s followed the rise of Puritanism; the American Revolution followed the so-called First Great Awakening; and the U.S. Civil War followed the Second Great Awakening. Several historians have called them the three Puritanisms. By whatever label, this kind of religious politics has been powerful stuff. And it could be again for the millennium. Despite talk about the rise of fundamentalism and the emergence of the Christian Right since the 1970s, the last three decades have seen a far larger counterdevelopment. This is the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s and 1970s with Woodstock, the Vietnam War and "Oh! Calcutta!" and reached new highs in the 1990s with Flynt, Internet pornography and 1997's record sale or rental of 600 million adult videos. Religious leaders like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson clearly haven't been calling the shots in American culture. Liberals and centrists have--people who are more secular and generally not very religious and who, by two or three to one, now support Clinton and oppose impeachment. These polarizations of lifestyle, culture and conscience are central to the way U.S. politics since the 1960s has resembled an intermittent civil war. These tensions were evident from 1963 to 1974, then again in the late 1980s and, most recently, since 1994. The fight over Clinton's fate is a vital campaign for both cultural armies. If one set of moral, sexual, religious and legal views prevails in the U.S. Senate, the vote could produce a latter-day Gettysburg--the decade's potentially decisive confrontation between the "moralists" and the "permissives." Sophisticates can present anti-impeachment poll data to argue that America has a new anti-Puritan morality. Perhaps so. It has been well over a century since the last major American religious revival. Rightly or wrongly, the bulk of U.S. religious histories deal with the fundamentalist upsurges of the late 20th century as mere sideshows. The last of the great waves came in the 19th century, with the Second Great Awakening, or Third Puritanism. Few have identified any Third Awakening, or Fourth Puritanism. To predict a gathering amid the modernity of the 1990s would be to court mockery. On the other hand, the final decades of centuries tend to overpredict a moral laxity--the insurgent mood of revolutionary France and Europe in the 1790s, and then, in the 1890s, the fin de siecle decadence of Oscar Wilde's London. Chic thinking in the 1990s has been at least kindred: If not postmoral cosmopolitanism, at least an age in which traditional morality is displaced. In the United States of the 1790s, reaction against moral and political radicalism nurtured a traditionalist counterreaction, beginning in the small towns of New England, which grew into the Second Great Awakening. Through the 1850s, a related cultural warfare wracked U.S. politics with demands for prohibitions of liquor sales and unseemly amusements on the Sabbath. Missions and Bible societies proliferated. Puritanism even spread to cuisine, with the invention of the graham cracker and the organization in New England cities of Female Retrenchment Societies to defend women against tea, coffee, rich cake and pastry. One does not have to see cappuccino, chocolate eclairs and Sunday shopping in jeopardy to suspect the gathering of another religious or traditionalist countertide. The three principal civil wars in Britain and the United States have been great intersections of cultural conflict with a reawakened and remobilizing religion. Few questions are more important in America's millennial countdown than whether the current peacetime imitation of civil war is heading in a similar direction.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Agencies Cop A New Attitude On Hiring (The Sacramento Bee suggests police sound a different tune about the perils of illegal drugs when it comes to their own. Smoking marijuana or using hard drugs is no longer a reason for rejection by city police, sheriff's deputies, Highway Patrol officers or the FBI - as long as the applicant is honest about it and was not a "habitual drug user." Chief Deputy John Benbow of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department said, "It's not a quality issue, it's a recruitment issue." So many young adults have experimented with narcotics, he said, police administrators have been forced to soften their stance.) Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 18:51:50 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: Police Agencies Cop A New Attitude On Hiring Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Pubdate: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 Source: Sacramento Bee (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Sacramento Bee Contact: http://www.sacbee.com/about_us/sacbeemail.html Website: http://www.sacbee.com/ Forum: http://www.sacbee.com/voices/voices_forum.html Author: Steve Gibson POLICE AGENCIES COP A NEW ATTITUDE ON HIRING Take down the old sign: Drug users need not apply. It's the late '90s, time for a new attitude in law enforcement. Fifteen years ago it was virtually impossible to become a police officer if you had smoked marijuana or used hard drugs. Not today. Many of those now seeking jobs as city police, sheriff's deputies, Highway Patrol officers or FBI agents have used drugs. But it's no longer a reason for rejection -- as long as the applicant is honest about it and was not a habitual drug user. "Some find it very hard to swallow that we'd take people who used drugs," said Mike McCrystle, a retired FBI special agent who now teaches criminal investigation at California State University, Sacramento. But "this is a new time, a new place. You have to come to the party sooner or later." "We're dealing with . . . a whole different generation than we were 15 or 20 years ago," said John F. Langenour, a former police officer who now does background investigations for several Sacramento Valley police agencies. "It's a generational values thing." According to federal figures, about half of all Americans ages 18 to 34 have reported using drugs at some point in their lives. Applicants who have used felony drugs -- such as cocaine or heroin -- within the last 10 years usually are rejected by most agencies, Langenour said. Despite the change in hiring guidelines, new officers today "are just as good as they used to be," said Lt. Jim Cooper of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department. "Are they better? In some ways, perhaps. They might have more street smarts." What derails most candidates who have used drugs, Langenour said, "is lying about it. Ninety percent of those who fail, it's because they weren't honest in the application process." Two of three candidates for most law enforcement jobs either fail the written test or oral boards, law enforcement officials said. And of those remaining, half flunk the background investigations. "We look at everything, and I mean everything," including relationships with former in-laws and ex-employers, said Sgt. Tony Asano of the Sacramento Sheriff's Department. In addition to questions about prior drug use, academic records and credit histories are checked, Asano said. Candidates with felony convictions are automatically disqualified. Until a few years ago, the FBI refused to hire anyone who admitted to using illegal drugs, other than experimental use of marijuana. "It was difficult, because we had some talented applicants, very good people, not qualify due to recreational use of drugs," said Thomas P. Griffin Sr., a retired FBI special agent who helped screen prospective hires when he worked in the Sacramento office. "You definitely have to draw the line somewhere, but you can have a no-tolerance policy and hurt yourself," Griffin said. To keep up with the times, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh changed that policy in 1994, announcing new hiring guidelines. A booklet given to prospective agents now says: "The FBI does not condone any prior unlawful drug use by applicants ... (but) realizes ... some otherwise qualified applicants may have used drugs at some point in their past." According to the FBI, prospective special agents may have used marijuana a total of 15 times, but not during the past three years; or used hard drugs up to five times, but not during the past 10 years. "If you can pass that on the polygraph, fine. But if you've used 30, 40, 50 times, you're not going to pass the polygraph, so why go on," said Nancy Wedick, a special agent in the FBI field office in Sacramento. "Besides, you've lied on your application, which shows lack of candor." At the Sacramento Police Department, however, any hard drug use -- even on an experimental basis -- after the age of 18 automatically disqualifies an applicant, said Deputy Chief Albert Najera. "We have one of the most restrictive policies of any agency," Najera said. Najera said his department's hard line has resulted in the loss of some otherwise first-rate applicants -- "people we really wanted to hire." Chief Deputy John Benbow of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department said, "It's not a quality issue, it's a recruitment issue." So many young adults have experimented with narcotics, he said, police administrators have been forced to soften their stance. "It's become a necessity for most agencies," Benbow said. But Sacramento County Undersheriff Carol Daly said that applicants with prior drug use get scrutinized "really closely." "They better have everything else in order," she said. "They've got to be really good."
------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs Brought Velvets Together (According to World Entertainment News Network, Jon Cale says his and Lou Reed's fondness for heroin at first benefitted the Velvet Underground, the seminal 1960s New York rock group.) Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 19:25:40 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Wire: Drugs Brought Velvets Together Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: General Pulaski Pubdate: 3 Jan 1999 Source: World Entertainment News Network Copyright: 1999 The World Entertainment News Network. DRUGS BROUGHT VELVETS TOGETHER (JAN. 3) WENN - FOURTH - INTERNATIONAL MUSIC NEWS - DRUGS BROUGHT VELVETS TOGETHER -- LOU REED had to inject his VELVET UNDERGROUND bandmate JOHN CALE with heroin - because the musician was scared of needles. Cale says it was an intimate experience between the two of them, not least because he vomited. He adds, "Shortly after that, though, I started to feel a lot better because at first heroin makes you feel comfortable and friendly." And although he wouldn't recommend heroin to anyone, Cale says he and Reed benefitted from it at first. He says, "It was magic for two guys as uptight and distanced from their surroundings as Lou and I. "It opened up a channel between us and created the us-against-them attitude which would become a hallmark of our band." He adds, "The only things we had in common were drugs and an obsession with risk-taking. That was the raison d'etre for the Velvet Underground." (MA/WNS/VC)
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Win at all Costs': The Justice Department responds (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette prints a rebuttal from the US Justice Department regarding the newspaper's recent series documenting how federal prosecutors routinely violate the law.) Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 18:18:45 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: US: 'Win at all Costs': The Justice Department responds Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: DrugSense Source: (1) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA) (2) The Blade (OH) Pubdate: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 Contact: (1) letters@post-gazette.com Webform: (1) http://www.post-gazette.com/contact/letters.asp Website: (1) http://www.post-gazette.com/ Contact: (2) letters@theblade.com Website: (2) http://www.toledoblade.com/ Author: Eric Holder, Deputy Attorney General Note: Links to the entire "Win at all Costs" series may be found at: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98/n1158/a02.html 'WIN AT ALL COSTS': THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT RESPONDS An Unbalanced View, Myriad Errors - And Offensive For Suggesting That Misconduct Is Widespread Your recent 10-part series by Bill Moushey ("Win At All Costs," Nov. 22 to Dec. 13), criticizing the conduct of prosecutors, relies largely on the allegations of criminals and their defense attorneys. As a result, it wrongly concludes that federal prosecutors and agents "routinely" engage in misconduct. The series presents an unbalanced view; contains myriad factual errors; often neglects to report that the allegations have been rejected by the courts; and fails to acknowledge that, in the rare cases where misconduct has been found to have occurred, appropriate action has been taken. While there are too many factual errors in the series to discuss, here are just a few: - The series claims that a woman who testified against her brother for his part in a drug operation did not have her sentence reduced - even though her testimony put the brother away for life. In fact, prosecutors did seek a reduction, and the judge reduced her sentence by 10 years. - The series claims that "nothing was ever made public" about an internal Justice Department investigation into allegations of misconduct in a case involving a Chinese national. In fact, the Justice Department publicly released a 45-page summary of its investigation in 1996, finding that the prosecutor had engaged in professional misconduct. - The series implies that when an FBI agent stole heroin from an evidence room, he was not prosecuted and punished promptly. It asserts that, although the agent was arrested in 1994, he is still awaiting trial. In fact, the agent pleaded guilty within four months of his arrest and is now serving a 25-year sentence. In other instances, the series simply rehashes allegations made by defendants trying to get their convictions overturned - allegations that often are exaggerated or simply fabricated, and in many cases already have been rejected by the courts. But the series does not present the full story. Again, here are a few of the many examples: - The series claims that an appellate court reversed the conviction of a drug dealer in part because he had been "cajoled and entrapped" into committing the crime. And it states that the dealer is awaiting a new trial. However, the series never explains that the appellate court withdrew its earlier opinion and explicitly found there was no misconduct by the prosecutors. Nor does it mention that, following the appeal, the drug dealer pleaded guilty and admitted to the court that he had not been induced to commit the crime. - The series claims that prosecutors unfairly charged a man with perjury just because he had been acquitted on charges of cocaine trafficking. And it adds that the man has now been in prison for seven years but "has yet to be convicted of even one crime." In fact, the man was charged, not with perjury, but with obtaining and using false documents. And the series does not mention that the man jumped bond in the middle of his trial and, after being rearrested, pleaded guilty to the charges, as well as to charges of possessing a false U.S. passport. - The series implies that a convict testified falsely against a reputed mobster in a murder case just so he could get his sentence reduced. It also contends that the convict was fed information about the murder, which the convict now claims he knew nothing about. However, the series fails to note that the information the convict provided led not only to the discovery of the murder weapon, but to the fact that the weapon was registered to his own father. That is hardly the type of information that would have been provided by someone who knew nothing about the murder. - The series chastises prosecutors in a South Carolina public corruption case for allegedly engaging in misconduct. However, on Nov. 23, the appellate court completely exonerated the prosecutors, finding that the allegations rested on "innuendo," and were not supported by the facts. - The series focuses on a witness who, in one case, claimed he was a small player in a drug trafficking organization. In a later case, he claimed he was a big player. The series reports the government failed to inform the defense of the inconsistent statements or disclose the witness' criminal background. In fact, the prosecutors gave defense counsel the FBI's investigative reports detailing the inconsistent statements, and the defense counsel even cross-examined the witness at trial about it. Further, the prosecutor, himself, brought out the witness' criminal background at trial. - The series discusses a case against a defense attorney who was charged with drug violations. It claims that prosecutors failed to disclose that a witness, who supposedly handled the purchase of drug boats for the attorney, had told government agents that he did not even know the attorney. In fact, the witness never made such a statement and even testified at trial that he had known the attorney. Further, the other allegations in the series are a virtual verbatim recitation of the attorney's motion to dismiss - a motion that the court denied nearly two years ago, ruling it was "replete with . . . exaggerations." The series mistakenly reports that the motion has yet to be decided. - Certainly, not every prosecutor is perfect. As in any profession, there are a few individuals who may cross the line. And in some cases cited in the series, prosecutors did just that. But the series wrongly suggests that we do not punish prosecutors when misconduct is proven. In fact, in at least 20 of the cases discussed, the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) conducted investigations, and it took action in nearly half of those. In several other cases, investigations are pending. And in most of the remaining cases cited in the series, no one ever filed a complaint with OPR. Nonetheless, OPR will now review those cases. To top it off, in a number of instances, federal judges - not the Justice Department - found there was no wrongdoing. - Contrary to what the series implies, OPR is doing its job. And to ensure that it can oversee attorney conduct effectively, the attorney general has nearly quadrupled the size of the office in the last six years. In 1996 alone, it investigated more than 120 matters involving alleged prosecutorial misconduct, and substantiated the allegations in 15. Discipline has been taken in most of those cases. - More importantly, however, the isolated instances cited in the series fail to support the series' central thesis - that federal prosecutors and agents routinely violate the law without consequence. Although your reporter spent more than two years researching the series, he discusses fewer than 70 cases dating back more than 13 years. Readers might be interested to know, by comparison, that during the same period federal prosecutors brought approximately 500,000 criminal cases against approximately 750,000 defendants. Even if the facts were as the reporter assumes in each of the nearly 70 cases - and they are not - one could argue that refutes rather than supports his thesis. Indeed, the series seems to be most bothered not by prosecutors' misuse of law enforcement techniques, such as sting operations, the use of informants, plea bargaining, and stiff sentences for federal crimes, but by the fact that such techniques have been approved by Congress and the Supreme Court. They are effective tools in the war on crime and are not unethical. Indeed, prosecutors would be remiss not to use them in appropriate cases, in order to protect the public. Federal prosecutors work around the clock putting criminals behind bars. Their work has helped reduce the national crime rate for more than six years in a row. And they are among the most respected and trusted lawyers in the nation. It is indeed offensive when even one prosecutor engages in misconduct, but to suggest that such misconduct is characteristic of all prosecutors is offensive as well. Editors' note: The Justice Department was repeatedly given the opportunity to express its views on these and other cases before and during publication of the series. In every case cited here, the department refused.
------------------------------------------------------------------- How Wealth Divides the World (The Washington Post notes several statistics from the United Nations' Human Development Report of 1998, including the world budget of $400 billion for "narcotic" drugs.) Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 07:57:43 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UN: WP: $400 Billion Spent On Narcotic Drugs Around The World Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: DrugSense Source: The Washington Post Copyright: 1999 The Washington Post Company Section: What on Earth? Page 16A Pubdate: Sat, 2 Dec 1998 Contact: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/edit/letters/letterform.htm Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Data From: United Nations Human Development Report Research: By Dita Smith -- The Washington Post Subject: line by MAP HOW WEALTH DIVIDES THE WORLD Here are some pretty amazing facts from the United Nations' Human Development Report of 1998: The world consumed more than $24 trillion in goods and services last year, six times the figure for 1975. Of the world's 6.8 billion people, 4.4 billion live in developing countries, the rest in rich industrial or transition countries. The 3 richest people in the world own assets that exceed the combined gross domestic products of the world's poorest 48 countries. Among the 4.4 billion people who live in developing countries, three-fifths have no access to basic sanitation; almost one-third are without safe drinking water; one-quarter lack adequate housing; one-fifth live beyond reach of modern health services; one-fifth of the children do not get as far as grade five in school and one-fifth are undernourished. Basic education for all would cost $6 billion a year -- $8 billion is spent annually for cosmetics in the United States alone. Installation of water and sanitation for all would cost $9 billion plus some annual costs -- $11 billion is spent annually on ice cream in Europe. Reproductive health services for all women would cost $12 billion a year -- $12 billion a year is spent on perfumes in Europe and the United States. Basic health care and nutrition would cost $13 billion; $17 billion a year is spent on pet food in Europe and the United States. $35 billion is spent on business entertainment in Japan; $50 billion on cigarettes in Europe; $105 billion on alcoholic drinks in Europe; $400 billion on narcotic drugs around the world; and $780 billion on the world's militaries.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Cops just don't get it, says medical-pot user (The Vancouver Province, in British Columbia, says Cheryl Eburne has a message for the senior RCMP officer who thinks marijuana shouldn't be available to people with debilitating illnesses. "I just feel these people should walk a mile in my boots before they comment," said Eburne, 50, a housewife who says cannabis helps her deal with severe arthritis and fibromyalgia.) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: Canada: Cops just don't get it, says medical-pot user Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 09:19:25 -0800 Lines: 65 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Vancouver Province (Canada) Contact: provletters@pacpress.southam.ca Pubdate: Sunday 3 January 1999 Author: John Colebourn, Staff Reporter The Province Cops just don't get it, says medical-pot user Cheryl Eburne has a message for the senior RCMP officer who thinks marijuana shouldn't be available to those who have debilitating illnesses. "I just feel these people should walk a mile in my boots before they comment," said Eburne, 50, a housewife who says smoking pot daily helps her deal with her severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. "They just don't understand people are chronically ill. We're doing it to help our health, not to get high." Eburne, a mother of two teens, says she tried everything to help her deal with the pain that began about six years ago. Because she has a condition that makes her sensitive to many types of medication, she says she was left with few options. Then she tried smoking marijuana last summer -- and since then, Eburne says she has been able to eat and sleep and leave the house on a daily basis. She now gets her marijuana from the Compassion Club, an operation on Commercial Drive in Vancouver that distributes "clean" high-grade organic pot at discount prices to people who have a doctor's note saying they are suffering from an illness. RCMP Insp. Richard Barszczewski said last week that the Mounties don't want to see marijuana distributed through operations like the Compassion Club. "The RCMP agrees there is an unquestioned need to express compassion for sufferers of debilitating illnesses, and to explore every option to provide them with relief from their pain," Barszczewski said. "But there is absolutely no medical evidence to support the suggestion marijuana has medicinal value," he added. "Quite the contrary, there is a comprehensive body of evidence [that] indicates marijuana is a potentially harmful substance [that] invites drug dependence." Since it moved to the Commercial Drive location about seven months ago, the Compassion Club has not been bothered by Vancouver police, said founder Hilary Black. About 700 people are members. Black said many suffer from AIDS, cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, nausea, and migraines. The provincial government has given the club charitable status and the club's lawyer is in negotiations with city hall regarding an occupancy permit. But Barszczewski, who heads the force's drug-awareness program in B.C., says the club is breaking the law and feels something should be done about it. "The circumstances under which marijuana is provided to consumers at smoking clubs fits the definition of trafficking," he insisted.
------------------------------------------------------------------- In U.S., public's leaning toward therapeutic use (A sidebar in the Vancouver Province notes voters in Washington state, Nevada and Alaska passed medical-marijuana laws in the Nov. 3 elections.) From: creator@islandnet.com (Matt Elrod) To: mattalk@listserv.islandnet.com Subject: US: MMJ: In U.S., public's leaning toward therapeutic use Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 09:21:02 -0800 Lines: 33 Newshawk: creator@mapinc.org Source: Vancouver Province (Canada) Contact: provletters@pacpress.southam.ca Pubdate: Sunday 3 January 1999 Author: John Colebourn, Staff Reporter The Province In U.S., public's leaning toward therapeutic use Across the border, voters have passed a direct challenge to federal drug laws on marijuana. In November, Initiative 692 passed easily in Washington state. Similar medical-marijuana initiatives in Nevada and Alaska were also passed during state elections. Dr. Rob Killian, sponsor of I-692, said he expects the initiative to pave the way for changes in federal drug policy. "Washington state residents didn't want patients to be criminalized any more," said Killian, a Seattle physician. The Washington state initiative gained momentum in the fall as poll after poll indicated residents there felt sick people should have the option of smoking pot if it eased their pain or provided other therapeutic benefits. The initiative does not legalize marijuana use in general, and recreational use would still be illegal. State lawmakers have said they intend to honour the vote and implement a law that will allow patients to use marijuana. In Canada, there is no indication that any similar legislative movement is afoot.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Still Struggle To Combat Cannabis Inflow (The Sunday Observer, in Sri Lanka, says local prohibition agents' efforts to stem the flow of ganja from the country's southern jungles are still proving unsuccessful. Sources say November to March is the season ganja is grown, but a careful examination of police actions and other preventive measures adopted so far points out police raids should be continuous without a break. A kilo of the dried leaves fetch around Rs.20,000 in Colombo.) Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 19:19:29 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: Sri Lanka: Police Still Struggle To Combat Cannabis Inflow Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: compassion23@geocities.com (Frank S. World) Author: Anton Nonis Source: Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka) Contact: webmgr@sri.lanka.net Website: http://www.lanka.net/ Pubdate: January 3, 1999 MASSIVE MISSION AHEAD POLICE STILL STRUGGLE TO COMBAT CANNABIS INFLOW To arrest the flow of ganja (cannabis sativa ), the popular local narcotic, from the jungles of the southern belt still proves unsuccessful. Police raids on jungles and the stop of ganja plantations, netting in suspects, but imprisonment of those responsible have not put a stop to this menace. It was revealed that the city continues to get in more or less a regular stock of the narcotic, despite tough actions to arrest the flow. A careful examination of police actions and other preventive measures adopted, so far points out that there had been a big flaw in the whole procedure. It is now clear that the raids should be continuous without a break. Southern Range Deputy Inspector General of Police Seneviratne Banda has drawn out plans to deal with the situation more tactfully. Superintendent of Police Upali Liyanage and the Hambantota ASP A.D.H Bandusena will be in charge. ASP Bandusena told the 'Sunday Observer' the new approach to tackle the problem would be of a 'non-stop' type vigil. "I think it will be a constructive way to eliminate the passage of ganja into the city," he said. In literary sense, the police approach may look too hard to put into practise. With limited manpower and saddled with other shortcomings, the police could be posed with a difficult and dangerous task in jungle terrain. The hand picked men from different police stations in the area will raid jungles on surprise raids. Thanamalwila, Suriyawewa, Tissamaharama, Udawalawe, Sevanagala and Lahugala are identified as some of the notorious areas for ganja cultivation. The cannabis plots, in several cases are far away from civilisation, thus making approach difficult. The extent of the cultivated land extend from one acre to several acres at places. Sources say November to March is the season ganja is grown. Police teams are advised to be extremely vigilant during raiding missions in the jungles. There have been several instances of trap guns set on the paths which leads to the plots. This, according to police, is another measure by the growers in discouraging intruders. A kilo of the dried leaves fetch around Rs.20,000 in Colombo and the price may vary. Investigations have also revealed that the modus operandi is to collect the cannabis for several days until a sizeable quantity is stockpiled. Here, Suriyawewa has been used as a transshipment base. Subsequently, transportation to Colombo takes place in bulk concealed in every possible form. These were revealed, when the Tissamaharama police nabbed a suspect while transporting cannabis to the Suriyawewa base.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 30,000 Addicted To Off-the-Shelf Drugs (Britain's Independent on Sunday admits there are no official statistics but uncritically passes along the estimate of David Grieve, the former cough-linctus addict who runs Over-Count, a self-help organisation for over-the-counter drug addicts. Two-thirds of Over-Count's 6,000 clients are women between the ages of 25 and 45. Mr Grieve believes they are prone to OTC drug addiction because they had to endure monthly period pains for which they sought out accessible remedies.) Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 17:53:52 -0800 From: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org (MAPNews) To: mapnews@mapinc.org Subject: MN: UK: 30,000 Addicted To Off-the-Shelf Drugs Sender: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Reply-To: owner-mapnews@mapinc.org Organization: Media Awareness Project http://www.mapinc.org/lists/ Newshawk: Martin Cooke (mjc1947@cyberclub.iol.ie) Source: Independent on Sunday (UK) Pubdate: Sunday, 3 Jan 1999 Contact: sundayletters@independent.co.uk Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/sindy/sindy.html Copyright: 1999 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd. Author: Julian Kossoff 30,000 ADDICTED TO OFF-THE-SHELF DRUGS A GROWING number of young people - especially women - are addicted to over-the-counter medicines which help them cope with the stresses of everyday life. More than 30,000 people in Britain are said to be hooked on drugs that contain opiates and stimulants which can be bought at high street chemists without a prescription. The typical addict is a woman in her twenties living in London who takes several bottles of cough medicine or large doses of painkillers to cope with everyday stresses. David Grieve, a former cough-linctus addict, runs Over-Count, a self-help organisation for over-the-counter (OTC) drug addicts. Mr Grieve survived a 10-bottle-a-day addiction to the cold remedy Phensydyl, and now campaigns for greater awareness of the dangers of all OTC drug addictions. There are no official statistics but Mr Grieve estimates there are 30,000 OTC drug addicts in the UK. "I can buy a dry-cough medicine from my chemist for UKP3," he said. "Half a bottle contains as much amphetamine as a UKP20 bag of speed bought from a dealer. But when we buy these products we're not told that. That's why people are getting addicted." Earlier this year the British Medical Association's landmark report recognising the medicinal benefits of cannabis included a chapter on OTC drug misuse. It concluded that a warning about the addictive qualities of certain OTC drugs, with information that they included opiates, sedatives and hallucinogens, should be displayed on the packaging. The senior medical experts and academics who compiled the report also recommended that more information on OTC drugs should be made available to GPs. According to Over-Count's annual survey, the most abused OTC brands are the painkillers Solpadeine and Syndol, followed by Feminax, which is used to ease period pains. London and Scotland top the OTC drug addicts regional league. Indeed, Lanarkshire Health Authority in Scotland recently organised the first UK conference on the problem. Two-thirds of Over-Count's 6,000 clients are women between the ages of 25 and 45. Mr Grieve believes they are prone to OTC drug addiction because they had to endure monthly period pains for which they sought out accessible remedies. Women got more of a "hit" from the drugs, he said. "Although women are generally smaller and have lower body weights, they're advised to take the same dosage as men. Because of this they end up with a greater proportion of a drug in their system." Kirsty Roberts' addiction to OTCs was typical. A 30-year-old mother of three from Nottinghamshire, she habitually suffered from chronic back pain. "I was reading a magazine when I saw an advertisement for a new drug called Paramol," she recalled. "It said it was the strongest painkiller available and that you no longer needed a prescription to buy it. I opted for it, and now I don't have to bother my doctor any more. I assumed that because I did not need a prescription they were safe." What Ms Roberts did not know was that Paramol contains dihydrocodeine, a morphine derivative. It was declassified as an OTC drug in 1995. "I found that as well as getting rid of my back pain I got a bit of a buzz. That made me feel really good so after a while every time I got the slightest twinge I'd have have another tablet. When I ran out or tried to go without the tablets, I would get the shakes, stomach cramps and would sweat profusely." At the peak of her addiction Ms Roberts was on 24 tablets a day, a potentially lethal dose since Paramol also contains paracetamol, which can cause irreparable liver damage. After more than two years she decided to quit and sought help from established drug clinics and projects. But they were used only to dealing with heroin and cocaine addicts, and could not help. Eventually a course of tranquillisers from her GP - and her own will-power - enabled her to quit. "People just don't realise what's in these tablets. What is needed is a warning on the packets. People should be better informed," she said. Regulation of all drugs on the market and decisions over the licensing of new ones are determined by a government-appointed quango, the Committee on the Safety of Medicines (CSM). The majority of CSM members have financial interests in pharmaceutical companies, leading many to question whether it really is a truly independent body. "In Britain a blanket of confidentiality has been thrown over the problem," said Maurice Frankel, director of the Freedom of Information Campaign. "It means that neither the Department of Health nor the pharmaceutical industry is under any obligation to satisfy consumer groups, expert medical opinion or public pressure." By contrast, the American public has full access to information on every new drug granted a licence. At the pharmacy counter they can read up on all the clinical studies that have been made on the particular drug they are being offered, and receive a detailed list of all the possible side-effects as part of the packaging. The Department of Health maintains that strict criteria are adhered to for OTC drugs. An increasing number of prescription drugs have been deregulated to reduce pressure on GPs, and before medicines are declassified they must meet certain strict criteria. "These include whether or not the product is safe for people to self-administer, and whether it has the potential to be addictive," a Department of Health spokeswoman said. "We have to weigh up the risks that the product carries against the benefits to the large majority of people who use them and in the correct way." -------------------------------------------------------------------
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