Product  This page still under construction. Please email us with the necessary info.
Contacts   Send Ad text and Graphic and/or example to:
  Sign up as a Pdx NORML BIZ member. You get;  Ad space on all our media (newsletter, web, flyers, banners and posters) when we publicize about and at events!
Enter your contact information and as much data about the bizness as applies. Fill in any miscellaneous info in the Notes field at the end. Then just submit! Later we'll add the functionality to upload your graphics and get you online automatically. Don't have a web site? We can help! Contact us for the many benefits of association with Pdx NORML as a BIZ member.
Product Information; what do you sell? Describe Object or Service.
  Line of Biz, Product Line/s, Specialties. 
    ... list Other 
  Which media are you interested in?
Newsletter.  Let us know if there is specific text you'd like  Website.  Let us know your site to link to   or let us help to set one up for you  Events.  From full size banners to hand outs & flyers.  Let us know if you'd care to vend
Contact Information
Company Name  
Street address, City, State/Province and Zip/Postal Code, Country (if non-US) Addr1: , addr line 2 (if nec.): 
City: , St/Prov: , Zip: 
Location, Mailing (if diff from Locn), Other (Reas, Addr) if diff than Locn or Mail'g.
Owner/s, Manager/s, User/s  Title: , First: , & Last name:  (Conx - who to contact) along with Contact Points (Communications - below)
Comm - voice (for each Conx) - Home, Work, Fax, cell, pgr, other;  Phone (work) Home Phone Fax (work) Cell# Other:   this info is to be considered confidential and shall never be given out without the expressed, explicit approval of the client.
Comm - dig; E-mail(s) primary eMail , 2nd   
Comm - website(s)   (if not entered above or you have more than one)
  NOTEs  any misc. info.

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