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NORML project Action Item Ideas, Tools and other Resources.  

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To record and publish ideas and related items from concept to actual.  To allow the establishment of frameworks and ability to substantiate them thru generations.   “Always forward” progress, no re-inventing wheels!

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  Ideas and Resources Ideas and Resources
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  1. the NORML Idea dB. Screen and Lists of Ideas with supporting info. Available to activists, groups or public to utilize and have feedback and input. Actual -v- Estimated timelines and costs/benefits. New ideas and Ideas that have proven to not be practical, etc. Some Categories:


    1. Arts and Entertainment.

                                                              i.      Art;

1.      Draw, paint, graphics artists, logo designers (inventory people & objects)

2.      Index of Librarys of Images. Finished products and works in progress.

3.      Gallerys & Shows; art work about the case, art used in the cause; to project History, Info, Messages, etc.

4.      Crafts; fairs and “cottage industry”s for producing promotional material; lighters, magnetz

5.      Ideas and Resources (!) for producing T-shirts, hats and whatever. Do it yourself (few at a time) or biz who can mass produce.

                                                             ii.      Music; events and such.

                                                            iii.      Film; festivals.

                                                           iv.      Theatre and Improv;


    1. Events, Rallys, Letter to the Editor campaigns. Promoting and Producing.
    2. News and Media; Journalists, Writers, Newshawks, Editors; (visual) Photo and Video; T.V. Crews and (audio) Radio.
    3. Literature; book (and tape!) promotions, give-outs, signings & readings.
    4. Legal
    5. Legislative



  1. Such as the NORML NewsLetter project. See: http://pdxnorml.org/news/NL


  1. And the Resource Global Inventory & dB (ToolShed) project - by Function and Region; Orgs and People, Links and Documentation, Events, etc.


    1. For example; for the NorthWest American region;

                                                               i.      Alaska NORML aff/s, People, NLC, other.

                                                             ii.      W. Canada

                                                            iii.      Washington

                                                           iv.      Oregon

                                                             v.      Idaho

                                                           vi.      Montana

                                                          vii.      N. California

                                                        viii.      N. Nevada


    1. We want to . . .

                                                               i.      Inventory; research and list; Outreach and Assessment, organizing of known resources and surveying of potential.

                                                             ii.      Contact and Issue management; asset, functional and resource information.

                                                            iii.      List Action Ideas and Items; form special focus groups as necessary.

                                                           iv.      Establish email lists and other line-of-communication tools in support of . . .

                                                             v.      Meet Ups, Meetings, Town Halls and Conferences.



  1. the NORML Affiliates ToolShed. Part (“Aff” view) of the Resource dB, Action items and tools for NORML people, groups and those who wanna be or just plain think like ‘em. Variants on the theme:


    1. NORML Special Forces (focus groups). Look at alternative types of Affiliation, lines of communication for Networking and resulting Action - like the NLC. Vets For NORML, NORML Women, Musicians and other Artists of NORML Mindset, etc. Set up tools - email lists, web pages, etc. - and otherwise support as need/desire arises.


    1. Library (INFO) index. List NORML Library and others along with any other sources of information. Logo and other image (dB) used by Affiliates. How To, Tips and Tricks, etc.


  1. NORML online Art Gallery. Logos and ‘Toons; including those looking for Text.


  1. NORML “Legal” (view of) Resource dB. NLC members, info, documents and more. Specific legal tools, policy and procedures. Para-legals and defending yourself, others; FIJA, ACLU, etc.


  1. and more! What’s Yours? >>

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