Date: Sun Nov 12, 1995 1:50 am CST From: Virginia McMillan EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414 MBX: TO: * David Beiter / MCI ID: 635-1762 Subject: Who Wants a Race War? C O N S E R V A T I V E C O N S E N S U S(tm) ***************************************************************** Events * Analysis * Forecasts * Commentary * Readers' Opinions ***************************************************************** I N T E L L I G E N C E ::: Editor's Desk B R I E F I N G ::: Distribution: World For Immediate Release Copyright 1995 by Conservative Consensus, ISSN 1074-245X. QUOTATION AND REPOSTING ARE ENCOURAGED, provided our name & address are credited. V1XIX54 WHO WANTS A RACE WAR? By Craige A. McMillan The idea of a race war in their country horrifies ordinary Americans. This is so because most Americans -- of all races -- are decent, hardworking people. While they often fail to live up to their values, they will tell pollsters that they broadly support their inherited Judeo-Christian values in their family life. They do not want their daughters to become promiscuous and have abortions. They want their sons to grow up and get married, and to love their children. In the main, large numbers of these Americans attend churches where they hear sermons that advocate the value of love and tolerance for one's neighbor, and support for governmental authority. How, then, can America be so deeply divided by the outcome of a tragic pair of murders in Los Angeles and the glitzy celebrity trial that followed? Media reports tell us that even before the OJ Simpson verdict three-quarters of Black Americans believed the former football great innocent, while three-quarters of white Americans were convinced of his guilt. Millions of television images, produced by egos and wallets the size of California, publicized an essentially private proceeding: Twelve individuals doing their best under difficult circumstances to determine the guilt or innocence of one man. Having endured this voyeurism for over a year, is America now to be rewarded with Blacks and whites killing one another in the streets because of their skin color? Possibly. For while the idea of a race war horrifies ordinary Americans, it does not horrify all Americans. The OJ Simpson trial has not divided Americans along the faultline of race. It has divided them by experience. Month after month, this newspaper has chronicled the payoffs, arrests, and prosecutions of local police, prosecutors, and US Justice Department attorneys. The bulk of these cases involve crimes against drug dealers: when police are involved, they frequently beat, rob, and sometimes kill the dealers who don't cooperate with them. Entire precincts in New York and other major cities are under investigation for such corruption. On 27 May 1994 this newspaper reported: "Perhaps ten of New York City's 75 police precincts will see massive arrests for corruption, according to William Bratton, police commissioner. A quarter of the 30th precinct's 190 police officers are expected to be arrested for robbing drug dealers, stealing and selling cocaine, and murder and assault. The Mollen Report identified 140 senior corruption cases either 'lost' or 'buried.'" In Chicago, Assistant US Attorney William R. Hogan achieved prosecutorial fame in the early 1990s by obtaining convictions against 53 El Rukn gang members. But, "By 1993 it emerged that informants and witnesses were on drugs and allowed to have sex in prosecutors' offices, a fact Mr. Hogan failed to mention to defense lawyers." The Justice Department has recommended that he be fired for "indiscretions." [CC 11 September 1995] It is a sad fact that large numbers of young Black men are involved in drug crimes, and therefore fall victim to such corruption when it enters a police or prosecutor's office. Corrupt officials target the powerless. This rising tide of corruption has taken its toll on Black jurors. Given their experience with the criminal justice system, should we really be surprised that large numbers of Blacks believed the defense claim that OJ Simpson was framed by corrupt cops? But if the OJ Simpson verdict doesn't reflect a racial divide in America, why portray it as if it did? Here are three possible answers. Network television viewership figures are in freefall, and executives are beginning to question who packed their parachutes. "The most recent ratings book shows NBC in first place with a 9.7 average. Ten years ago and NBC had a 17.5 average." [CC 3 July 1995] A former advertising executive recently told us, "Television ratings are a joke. Nobody inside the [advertising] industry believes them." Television news, however, excels at reporting live action. Millions of viewers were glued to the screen during the Gulf War and the Rodney King inspired Los Angeles riots. Millions followed the OJ Simpson trial. Now those viewers are gone. When viewers leave, so do advertisers. A race war would provide just the kind of senseless, yet graphic violence that television excels at reporting. Advertising revenues would skyrocket -- along with executive bonuses. New opportunities would open up within the reporting ranks. Walter Williams is fond of the phrase "poverty pimps," which he uses to describe white liberals and Black opportunists who have made a comfortable living for themselves by heading up organizations dedicated to telling Black Americans how bad they have it, and what an awful racist society America is. The Reverend Jesse Jackson, longtime self-appointed spokesman for the Black community, recently failed even to sway the limp-minded California Regents, who voted to end admission quotas at California colleges. Even the venerable NAACP is broke and in disarray over mismanagement. Surely a race war would have its silver lining, if it showed ordinary Black Americans where their allegiance should reside? But although television and self-appointed "leaders" have an interest in stirring the pot of racial discontent, it pales in comparison to the self-interest of politicians inhabiting our nation's capital. Vast sums of money are now plundered from taxpayers and fed to bureaucrats heading discredited social programs, who serve in an army of loyal, big-government voters. Hundreds of millions of dollars are extracted from industry in political contributions to "control regulations" and "provide access" to the process. Consumers foot the bill. These ill-gotten gains are then shoveled into the media coffers leading up to election time. The profits enrich executive bonuses and media personalities' pockets. The media-social-federal establishment has been shaken to its core by the 1994 shift in voter favor away from national power and toward state and local governance. Those who have adapted to a life of crime all share one characteristic: They come to depend upon its benefits. This is true for dirty cops, and it's true for dirty politicians. The realization that there is no safe haven, no reserved parking space at a comfortable lobbying or law firm while the electorate rearranges the deck chairs on the Titanic, may be the justification our ruling elite need to foment a race war in America. For too many powerful people, the loss of that power is a prospect beyond their comprehension. We as Americans must face facts: many in our nation's capital have peddled their influence for so long, and lived so lavishly off its sale, that they cannot be trusted to prevent a race war -- because it is in their benefit to preside over one. The glories of federal power could be restored. Emergency powers legislation could dispose of dissidents. And the lifeline of money and power would be restored. For many, the alternative -- a modest twenty or thirty thousand dollar per year job -- is unthinkable. The contempt of the ruling class for those they represent -- us and our way of life -- is worn as a badge of pride by the ruling elite. The response of Washington State Congressman Norm Dicks to this editor about the necessity of a $30,000 midnight pay raise during the Bush administration says it all. Upon pointing out to Congressman Dicks that his pay increase was more than many of his constituents salaries, he snapped, "I don't have to live like them to represent them." Surely the end justifies the means? ### ========================= WANT A COMPLIMENTARY SUBSCRIPTION? Don't miss the news that really matters! Send us an email at the address below. Put the words "SUBSCRIBE CC" as the subject. We'll enter a complimentary email subscription in your name! We'll also send you complete information about our efforts and organization. C.C. LIVE! The broadcast version of Conservative Consensus Journal is now available nationally! Should we be available on a radio station in your area? Drop us an email and we'll send you more info. 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